Logcat: ev_ruby-4.0.0-iaceo

From EVLogcat Uploader, 11 Years ago, written in logcat, viewed 1'270 times.
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  1. ------ SYSTEM LOG (logcat threadtime -d *:v) ------
  2. --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
  3. I/ActivityManager(  563): Force stopping com.google.android.apps.books appid=10029 user=0: pkg changed
  4. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2559:com.google.android.apps.books/u0a29 (adj 1): stop com.google.android.apps.books
  5. W/ActivityManager(  563): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.apps.books/.service.SyncService in 5000ms
  6. I/ActivityManager(  563):   Force stopping service ServiceRecord{41ec87d8 u0 com.google.android.apps.books/.service.SyncService}
  7. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  8. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  9. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  10. I/ActivityManager(  563): Force stopping com.google.earth appid=10067 user=0: pkg changed
  11. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  12. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  13. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.videos for service com.google.android.videos/.store.SyncService: pid=2650 uid=10080 gids={50080, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002}
  14. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.gms.ui for broadcast com.google.android.gms/.auth.authzen.GcmReceiverService$Receiver: pid=2663 uid=10017 gids={50017, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 2001, 3006, 3007}
  15. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  16. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  17. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed) for /storage/usbdisk
  18. W/MountService(  563): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  19. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  20. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  21. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.chrome.TOS_ACKED in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  22. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x89be45)
  23. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45)
  24. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  25. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  26. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  27. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  28. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  29. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  30. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  31. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  32. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  33. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  34. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  35. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  36. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  37. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  38. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  39. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  40. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  41. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.chrome.PRERENDER_URL in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  42. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  43. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  44. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  45. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  46. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  47. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  48. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  49. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  50. W/BackupManagerService(  563): dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=10005
  51. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel for broadcast com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/com.google.android.apps.wallet.services.maintenance.OnBootOrUpgradeReceiver: pid=2698 uid=10023 gids={50023, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  52. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.camera2 for broadcast com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.DisableCameraReceiver: pid=2719 uid=10030 gids={50030, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  53. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 1853:com.google.android.setupwizard/u0a21 (adj 15): empty #17
  54. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  55. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  56. I/ActivityManager(  563): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{420dc6a8 u0 com.android.providers.media/.MediaScannerService}
  57. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver for broadcast com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver: pid=2743 uid=10031 gids={50031}
  58. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 1865:com.android.provision/u0a57 (adj 15): empty #17
  59. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.browser for content provider com.android.browser/.provider.BrowserProvider2: pid=2754 uid=10027 gids={50027, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  60. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  61. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  62. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.youtube for service com.google.android.youtube/.app.remote.YouTubeTvRouteProviderService: pid=2775 uid=10081 gids={50081, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  63. W/NativeCrashListener(  563): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 2611
  64. I/BootReceiver(  563): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_05 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  65. I/Vold    ( 2791): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  66. D/Vold    ( 2791): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  67. D/Vold    ( 2791): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  68. D/Vold    ( 2791): Volume usbdisk state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  69. E/VoldConnector(  563): got -1 reading with start = 0
  70. E/VoldConnector(  563): closing stream for vold
  71. E/VoldConnector(  563): Communications error: java.io.IOException: Connection refused
  72. E/VoldConnector(  563): Error in NativeDaemonConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused
  73. D/Vold    ( 2791): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  74. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  75. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  76. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  77. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  78. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  79. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  80. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  81. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  82. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  83. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  84. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  85. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  86. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  87. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  88. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  89. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  90. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  91. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 18, PARTN 18
  92. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 19, PARTN 19
  93. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 20, PARTN 20
  94. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 21, PARTN 21
  95. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 22, PARTN 22
  96. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 23, PARTN 23
  97. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 24, PARTN 24
  98. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 25, PARTN 25
  99. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 26, PARTN 26
  100. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 27, PARTN 27
  101. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 28, PARTN 28
  102. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 29, PARTN 29
  103. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 30, PARTN 30
  104. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 31, PARTN 31
  105. D/Vold    ( 2791): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  106. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 32, PARTN 32
  107. W/Vold    ( 2791): Duplicate state (1)
  108. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 33, PARTN 33
  109. E/DirectVolume( 2791): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  110. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 34, PARTN 34
  111. E/DirectVolume( 2791): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  112. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 35, PARTN 35
  113. E/DirectVolume( 2791): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  114. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 36, PARTN 36
  115. E/DirectVolume( 2791): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  116. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 37, PARTN 37
  117. E/DirectVolume( 2791): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  118. D/Vold    ( 2791): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  119. D/DirectVolume( 2791): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1
  120. D/Vold    ( 2791): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  121. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.deskclock for broadcast com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver: pid=2799 uid=10033 gids={50033, 1028}
  122. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  123. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  124. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  125. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  126. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed) for /storage/usbdisk
  127. W/MountService(  563): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  128. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  129. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  130. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.chrome.TOS_ACKED in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  131. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x89be45)
  132. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45)
  133. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  134. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  135. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  136. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  137. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  138. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  139. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  140. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  141. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  142. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  143. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  144. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  145. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  146. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  147. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  148. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  149. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  150. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.chrome.PRERENDER_URL in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  151. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  152. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  153. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  154. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  155. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  156. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  157. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  158. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  159. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2325:com.google.android.music:main/u0a75 (adj 15): empty #17
  160. W/BackupManagerService(  563): dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=10033
  161. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.evervolv.updater for broadcast com.evervolv.updater/.receivers.BootReceiver: pid=2829 uid=10037 gids={50037, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001}
  162. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 1341:com.android.gallery3d/u0a41 (adj 15): empty #17
  163. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService for service com.evervolv.updater/.services.UpdateManifestService: pid=2844 uid=10037 gids={50037, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001}
  164. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.gallery3d for broadcast com.android.gallery3d/com.android.camera.DisableCameraReceiver: pid=2857 uid=10041 gids={50041, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  165. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.calendar for broadcast com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=2875 uid=10044 gids={50044, 3003}
  166. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 1485:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  167. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.exchange for service com.android.exchange/.service.EmailSyncAdapterService: pid=2893 uid=10039 gids={50039, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  168. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2384:com.android.dialer/u0a4 (adj 15): empty #17
  169. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 1813:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a1 (adj 15): empty #17
  170. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 786:android.process.acore/u0a2 (adj 15): empty #17
  171. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=2914 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  172. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget for broadcast com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/.miniwidget.MiniWidgetProvider: pid=2956 uid=10064 gids={50064, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  173. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  174. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  175. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2482:com.android.mms/u0a8 (adj 15): empty #17
  176. D/CountryDetector(  563): No listener is left
  177. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.gm for broadcast com.google.android.gm/.GoogleMailDeviceStartupReceiver: pid=2975 uid=10065 gids={50065, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  178. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2519:com.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a10 (adj 15): empty #17
  179. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 1139:com.android.voicedialer/u0a14 (adj 15): empty #17
  180. D/ActivityThread( 2975): Loading provider com.android.gmail.ui: com.google.android.gm.provider.GmailProvider
  181. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.MailIntentReceiver
  182. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  183. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.talk for broadcast com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.service.BootReceiver: pid=3008 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002}
  184. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=3016 uid=10002 gids={50002, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  185. I/WindowManager(  563): Screenshot Window{41d8ddb0 u0 com.evervolv.toolbox/com.evervolv.toolbox.Toolbox} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21020 minLayer=21020 maxLayer=21020
  186. E/ActivityThread( 2425): Activity com.evervolv.toolbox.Toolbox has leaked IntentReceiver com.evervolv.toolbox.fragments.BugReport$1@41a0d1d0 that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()?
  187. E/ActivityThread( 2425): android.app.IntentReceiverLeaked: Activity com.evervolv.toolbox.Toolbox has leaked IntentReceiver com.evervolv.toolbox.fragments.BugReport$1@41a0d1d0 that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()?
  188. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:805)
  189. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.LoadedApk.getReceiverDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:606)
  190. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiverInternal(ContextImpl.java:1455)
  191. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1435)
  192. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(ContextWrapper.java:474)
  193. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at com.evervolv.toolbox.fragments.BugReport.onStart(BugReport.java:112)
  194. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.Fragment.performStart(Fragment.java:1724)
  195. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(FragmentManager.java:918)
  196. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(FragmentManager.java:1062)
  197. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.BackStackRecord.run(BackStackRecord.java:684)
  198. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.execPendingActions(FragmentManager.java:1447)
  199. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl$1.run(FragmentManager.java:443)
  200. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  201. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  202. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  203. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5029)
  204. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  205. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
  206. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:782)
  207. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:598)
  208. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  209. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.mail.action.BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED } U=0: not found
  210. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.mail.action.BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED } U=0: not found
  211. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.mail.action.BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED } U=0: not found
  212. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  213. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.music:main for broadcast com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver: pid=3078 uid=10075 gids={50075, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  214. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2404:com.android.bluetooth/1002 (adj 15): empty #17
  215. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver
  216. I/ActivityManager(  563): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox} from pid 882
  217. I/WindowManager(  563): Screenshot Window{41a97368 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21015 minLayer=21015 maxLayer=21015
  218. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  219. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.voicedialer for broadcast com.android.voicedialer/.VoiceDialerReceiver: pid=3125 uid=10014 gids={50014, 3002}
  220. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.vending for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.PackageMonitorReceiver$RegisteredReceiver: pid=3140 uid=10020 gids={50020, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  221. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 1300:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a19 (adj 15): empty #17
  222. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008): FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #2
  223. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008): Process: com.google.android.talk, PID: 3008
  224. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008): java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occured while executing doInBackground()
  225. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at android.os.AsyncTask$3.done(AsyncTask.java:300)
  226. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.finishCompletion(FutureTask.java:355)
  227. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException(FutureTask.java:222)
  228. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:242)
  229. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$1.run(AsyncTask.java:231)
  230. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112)
  231. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587)
  232. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
  233. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  234. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at com.google.android.apps.babel.util.o.a(SourceFile:80)
  235. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelRingtonePreference.yD(SourceFile:71)
  236. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.EsApplication.fK(SourceFile:87)
  237. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.cf.doInBackground(SourceFile:582)
  238. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:288)
  239. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
  240. E/AndroidRuntime( 3008):        ... 4 more
  241. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.widget.consumption.NowPlayingWidgetProvider
  242. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  243. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2663:com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a17 (adj 15): empty #17
  244. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$CorporaChangedReceiver
  245. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  246. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  247. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2698:com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/u0a23 (adj 15): empty #17
  248. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  249. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  250. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  251. W/InputMethodManagerService(  563): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41eea238 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42094358
  252. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  253. I/ActivityManager(  563): Process com.google.android.talk (pid 3008) has died.
  254. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  255. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.defcontainer for service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService: pid=3204 uid=10003 gids={50003, 1028, 1015, 1023, 2001, 1035}
  256. I/ActivityManager(  563): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{4209b2c8 u0 com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.InitAlarmsService}
  257. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  258. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.mms for broadcast com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver: pid=3223 uid=10008 gids={50008, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  259. D/CountryDetector(  563): The first listener is added
  260. W/ActivityManager(  563): No content provider found for permission revoke: file:///data/data/com.android.providers.downloads/cache/downloadfile.apk
  261. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.setupwizard for broadcast com.google.android.setupwizard/.MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver: pid=3264 uid=10021 gids={50021, 3003}
  262. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel for broadcast com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/com.google.android.apps.wallet.util.WalletNetworkAccessReceiver: pid=3279 uid=10023 gids={50023, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  263. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2719:com.android.camera2/u0a30 (adj 15): empty #17
  264. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2743:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/u0a31 (adj 15): empty #17
  265. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.apps.docs for service com.google.android.apps.docs/.sync.syncadapter.DocsSyncAdapterService: pid=3306 uid=10055 gids={50055, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  266. E/NativeDaemonConnector.ResponseQueue(  563): Timeout waiting for response
  267. E/VoldConnector(  563): timed-out waiting for response to 17 volume mkdirs /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/files/
  268. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2829:com.evervolv.updater/u0a37 (adj 15): empty #17
  269. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  270. D/ConnectivityService(  563): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  271. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for broadcast com.google.android.partnersetup/.GservicesChangedReceiver: pid=3338 uid=10019 gids={50019, 3003}
  272. D/ConnectivityService(  563): Done.
  273. D/ConnectivityService(  563): Setting timer for 720seconds
  274. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.GservicesChangedReceiver
  275. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  276. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  277. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2844:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a37 (adj 15): empty #17
  278. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  279. W/InputMethodManagerService(  563): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41986098 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42094358
  280. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2893:com.android.exchange/u0a39 (adj 15): empty #17
  281. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  282. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.WifiWidgetProvider: pid=3384 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  283. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  284. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2956:com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/u0a64 (adj 15): empty #17
  285. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  286. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  287. D/ConnectivityService(  563): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=0, condition=100, published condition=0
  288. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  289. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.music:ui for service com.google.android.music/.tutorial.SignupStatus$SignupCheckService: pid=3408 uid=10075 gids={50075, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  290. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.AccountsBroadcastReceiver
  291. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  292. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  293. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzPingBroadcastReceiver
  294. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  295. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.gms.ui for broadcast com.google.android.gms/.auth.authzen.GcmReceiverService$Receiver: pid=3458 uid=10017 gids={50017, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 2001, 3006, 3007}
  296. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.auth.authzen.GcmReceiverService$Receiver
  297. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  298. D/ConnectivityService(  563): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=0, condition=100, published condition=100
  299. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/com.google.android.apps.wallet.services.maintenance.LoginAccountsChangedReceiver
  300. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  301. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  302. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  303. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2368:com.android.email/u0a38 (adj 15): empty #17
  304. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.apps.books for service com.google.android.apps.books/.service.SyncService: pid=3491 uid=10029 gids={50029, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  305. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  306. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2799:com.android.deskclock/u0a33 (adj 15): empty #17
  307. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  308. W/InputMethodManagerService(  563): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41969738 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42094358
  309. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2875:com.google.android.calendar/u0a44 (adj 15): empty #17
  310. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  311. W/NativeCrashListener(  563): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 2791
  312. E/VoldConnector(  563): got -1 reading with start = 0
  313. E/VoldConnector(  563): closing stream for vold
  314. I/BootReceiver(  563): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_06 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  315. I/Vold    ( 3528): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  316. D/Vold    ( 3528): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  317. D/Vold    ( 3528): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  318. D/Vold    ( 3528): Volume usbdisk state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  319. E/VoldConnector(  563): Communications error: java.io.IOException: Connection refused
  320. E/VoldConnector(  563): Error in NativeDaemonConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused
  321. D/Vold    ( 3528): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  322. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  323. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  324. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  325. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  326. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  327. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  328. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  329. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  330. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  331. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  332. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  333. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  334. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  335. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  336. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  337. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  338. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  339. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 18, PARTN 18
  340. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 19, PARTN 19
  341. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 20, PARTN 20
  342. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 21, PARTN 21
  343. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 22, PARTN 22
  344. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 23, PARTN 23
  345. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 24, PARTN 24
  346. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 25, PARTN 25
  347. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 26, PARTN 26
  348. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 27, PARTN 27
  349. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 28, PARTN 28
  350. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 29, PARTN 29
  351. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 30, PARTN 30
  352. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 31, PARTN 31
  353. D/Vold    ( 3528): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  354. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 32, PARTN 32
  355. W/Vold    ( 3528): Duplicate state (1)
  356. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 33, PARTN 33
  357. E/DirectVolume( 3528): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  358. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 34, PARTN 34
  359. E/DirectVolume( 3528): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  360. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 35, PARTN 35
  361. E/DirectVolume( 3528): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  362. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 36, PARTN 36
  363. E/DirectVolume( 3528): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  364. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 37, PARTN 37
  365. E/DirectVolume( 3528): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  366. D/Vold    ( 3528): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  367. D/DirectVolume( 3528): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1
  368. D/Vold    ( 3528): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  369. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2914:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a1 (adj 15): empty #17
  370. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2975:com.google.android.gm/u0a65 (adj 15): empty #17
  371. E/NativeDaemonConnector.ResponseQueue(  563): Timeout waiting for response
  372. E/VoldConnector(  563): timed-out waiting for response to 20 volume mkdirs /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/files/
  373. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  374. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  375. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  376. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed) for /storage/usbdisk
  377. W/MountService(  563): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  378. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  379. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  380. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.chrome.TOS_ACKED in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  381. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x89be45)
  382. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45)
  383. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  384. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  385. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  386. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  387. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  388. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  389. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  390. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  391. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  392. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  393. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  394. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  395. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  396. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  397. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  398. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  399. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  400. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.chrome.PRERENDER_URL in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  401. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  402. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  403. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  404. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  405. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  406. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  407. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  408. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  409. E/NativeDaemonConnector.ResponseQueue(  563): Timeout waiting for response
  410. E/VoldConnector(  563): timed-out waiting for response to 23 volume mkdirs /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.android.browser/files/
  411. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  412. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754): Process: com.android.browser, PID: 2754
  413. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider com.android.browser.provider.SnapshotProvider: java.lang.NullPointerException
  414. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.app.ActivityThread.installProvider(ActivityThread.java:4805)
  415. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.app.ActivityThread.installContentProviders(ActivityThread.java:4397)
  416. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4337)
  417. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1400(ActivityThread.java:142)
  418. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1464)
  419. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  420. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  421. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5029)
  422. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  423. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
  424. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:782)
  425. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:598)
  426. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  427. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  428. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1467)
  429. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1415)
  430. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.os.storage.IMountService$Stub$Proxy.mkdirs(IMountService.java:750)
  431. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.app.ContextImpl.ensureDirsExistOrFilter(ContextImpl.java:2185)
  432. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.app.ContextImpl.getExternalFilesDirs(ContextImpl.java:881)
  433. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.app.ContextImpl.getExternalFilesDir(ContextImpl.java:864)
  434. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.content.ContextWrapper.getExternalFilesDir(ContextWrapper.java:210)
  435. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at com.android.browser.provider.SnapshotProvider.getOldDatabasePath(SnapshotProvider.java:116)
  436. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at com.android.browser.provider.SnapshotProvider.migrateToDataFolder(SnapshotProvider.java:123)
  437. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at com.android.browser.provider.SnapshotProvider.onCreate(SnapshotProvider.java:137)
  438. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.content.ContentProvider.attachInfo(ContentProvider.java:1589)
  439. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.content.ContentProvider.attachInfo(ContentProvider.java:1560)
  440. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        at android.app.ActivityThread.installProvider(ActivityThread.java:4802)
  441. E/AndroidRuntime( 2754):        ... 12 more
  442. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.email for broadcast com.android.email/.service.EmailBroadcastReceiver: pid=3554 uid=10038 gids={50038, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  443. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.exchange for broadcast com.android.exchange/.ExchangeBroadcastReceiver: pid=3572 uid=10039 gids={50039, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  444. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  445. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.calendar for broadcast com.google.android.calendar/com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar.CalendarSyncAdapterBroadcastReceiver: pid=3591 uid=10044 gids={50044, 3003}
  446. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3223:com.android.mms/u0a8 (adj 15): empty #17
  447. D/CountryDetector(  563): No listener is left
  448. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=3609 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  449. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.gm for broadcast com.google.android.gm/.AccountsChangedReceiver: pid=3623 uid=10065 gids={50065, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  450. D/ActivityThread( 3623): Loading provider com.android.gmail.ui: com.google.android.gm.provider.GmailProvider
  451. I/ActivityManager(  563): Process com.android.browser (pid 2754) has died.
  452. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.browser for restart com.android.browser: pid=3643 uid=10027 gids={50027, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  453. W/InputMethodManagerService(  563): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4192ab38 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42094358
  454. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.AccountsChangedReceiver
  455. W/NativeCrashListener(  563): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 3528
  456. I/BootReceiver(  563): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_07 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  457. E/VoldConnector(  563): got -1 reading with start = 0
  458. E/VoldConnector(  563): closing stream for vold
  459. E/VoldConnector(  563): Communications error: java.io.IOException: Connection refused
  460. E/VoldConnector(  563): Error in NativeDaemonConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused
  461. I/Vold    ( 3667): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  462. D/Vold    ( 3667): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  463. D/Vold    ( 3667): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  464. D/Vold    ( 3667): Volume usbdisk state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  465. D/Vold    ( 3667): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  466. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  467. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  468. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  469. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  470. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  471. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  472. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  473. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  474. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  475. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  476. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  477. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  478. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  479. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  480. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  481. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  482. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  483. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  484. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 18, PARTN 18
  485. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 19, PARTN 19
  486. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 20, PARTN 20
  487. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 21, PARTN 21
  488. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 22, PARTN 22
  489. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 23, PARTN 23
  490. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 24, PARTN 24
  491. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 25, PARTN 25
  492. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 26, PARTN 26
  493. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 27, PARTN 27
  494. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 28, PARTN 28
  495. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 29, PARTN 29
  496. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 30, PARTN 30
  497. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 31, PARTN 31
  498. D/Vold    ( 3667): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  499. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 32, PARTN 32
  500. W/Vold    ( 3667): Duplicate state (1)
  501. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 33, PARTN 33
  502. E/DirectVolume( 3667): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  503. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 34, PARTN 34
  504. E/DirectVolume( 3667): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  505. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 35, PARTN 35
  506. E/DirectVolume( 3667): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  507. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 36, PARTN 36
  508. E/DirectVolume( 3667): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  509. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 37, PARTN 37
  510. E/DirectVolume( 3667): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  511. D/Vold    ( 3667): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  512. D/DirectVolume( 3667): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1
  513. D/Vold    ( 3667): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  514. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.talk for broadcast com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.service.AccountsChangedReceiver: pid=3671 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002}
  515. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2627:com.google.android.ears/u0a66 (adj 15): empty #17
  516. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3264:com.google.android.setupwizard/u0a21 (adj 15): empty #17
  517. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.videos/.accounts.AccountsChangedService$AccountsChangedReceiver
  518. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  519. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.youtube/com.google.android.apps.youtube.core.async.UserAuthorizer$AccountsChangedReceiver
  520. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  521. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.keep/.notification.AlertReceiver
  522. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  523. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  524. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.musicfx for broadcast com.android.musicfx/.ControlPanelReceiver: pid=3710 uid=10009 gids={50009, 3003, 3002}
  525. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3125:com.android.voicedialer/u0a14 (adj 15): empty #17
  526. W/BroadcastQueue(  563): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.gsf.settings.GoogleLocationSettings.UPDATE_LOCATION_SETTINGS flg=0x10 } from com.google.android.setupwizard (pid=1071, uid=10021) is not exported from uid 10017 due to receiver com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ExternalChangeReceiver
  527. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.voicedialer for broadcast com.android.voicedialer/.VoiceDialerReceiver: pid=3728 uid=10014 gids={50014, 3002}
  528. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  529. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2857:com.android.gallery3d/u0a41 (adj 15): empty #17
  530. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3408:com.google.android.music:ui/u0a75 (adj 15): empty #17
  531. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.gallery3d for broadcast com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor: pid=3744 uid=10041 gids={50041, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  532. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3338:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a19 (adj 15): empty #17
  533. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  534. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  535. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3458:com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a17 (adj 15): empty #17
  536. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  537. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  538. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.widget.consumption.NowPlayingWidgetProvider
  539. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  540. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.mms for broadcast com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver: pid=3771 uid=10008 gids={50008, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  541. D/CountryDetector(  563): The first listener is added
  542. I/ActivityManager(  563): START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from pid 642
  543. I/WindowManager(  563): Screenshot Window{41d10bb8 u0 com.evervolv.toolbox/com.evervolv.toolbox.Toolbox} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21020 minLayer=21020 maxLayer=21020
  544. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.setupwizard for broadcast com.google.android.setupwizard/.MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver: pid=3802 uid=10021 gids={50021, 3003}
  545. E/ActivityThread( 2425): Activity com.evervolv.toolbox.Toolbox has leaked IntentReceiver com.evervolv.toolbox.fragments.BugReport$1@41a75a70 that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()?
  546. E/ActivityThread( 2425): android.app.IntentReceiverLeaked: Activity com.evervolv.toolbox.Toolbox has leaked IntentReceiver com.evervolv.toolbox.fragments.BugReport$1@41a75a70 that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()?
  547. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:805)
  548. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.LoadedApk.getReceiverDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:606)
  549. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiverInternal(ContextImpl.java:1455)
  550. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1435)
  551. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(ContextWrapper.java:474)
  552. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at com.evervolv.toolbox.fragments.BugReport.onStart(BugReport.java:112)
  553. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.Fragment.performStart(Fragment.java:1724)
  554. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(FragmentManager.java:918)
  555. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(FragmentManager.java:1062)
  556. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.BackStackRecord.run(BackStackRecord.java:684)
  557. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.execPendingActions(FragmentManager.java:1447)
  558. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl$1.run(FragmentManager.java:443)
  559. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  560. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  561. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  562. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5029)
  563. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  564. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
  565. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:782)
  566. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:598)
  567. E/ActivityThread( 2425):        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  568. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.sidekick.widget.PredictiveCardsWidgetProvider
  569. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.apps.magazines for service com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.service.MagazinesUserContentService: pid=3830 uid=10072 gids={50072, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  570. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3554:com.android.email/u0a38 (adj 15): empty #17
  571. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  572. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$CorporaChangedReceiver
  573. D/ConnectivityService(  563): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=0, condition=100, published condition=100
  574. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  575. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  576. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  577. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  578. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$CorporaChangedReceiver
  579. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  580. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  581. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed) for /storage/usbdisk
  582. W/MountService(  563): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  583. W/NativeCrashListener(  563): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 3667
  584. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  585. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  586. I/BootReceiver(  563): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_08 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  587. E/VoldConnector(  563): Communications error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
  588. E/VoldConnector(  563): closing stream for vold
  589. E/VoldConnector(  563): Error in NativeDaemonConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
  590. I/Vold    ( 3883): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  591. D/Vold    ( 3883): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  592. D/Vold    ( 3883): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  593. D/Vold    ( 3883): Volume usbdisk state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  594. D/Vold    ( 3883): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  595. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  596. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  597. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  598. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  599. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  600. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  601. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  602. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  603. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  604. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  605. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  606. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  607. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  608. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  609. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  610. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  611. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  612. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 18, PARTN 18
  613. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 19, PARTN 19
  614. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 20, PARTN 20
  615. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 21, PARTN 21
  616. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 22, PARTN 22
  617. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 23, PARTN 23
  618. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 24, PARTN 24
  619. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 25, PARTN 25
  620. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 26, PARTN 26
  621. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 27, PARTN 27
  622. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 28, PARTN 28
  623. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 29, PARTN 29
  624. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 30, PARTN 30
  625. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 31, PARTN 31
  626. D/Vold    ( 3883): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  627. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 32, PARTN 32
  628. W/Vold    ( 3883): Duplicate state (1)
  629. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 33, PARTN 33
  630. E/DirectVolume( 3883): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  631. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 34, PARTN 34
  632. E/DirectVolume( 3883): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  633. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 35, PARTN 35
  634. E/DirectVolume( 3883): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  635. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 36, PARTN 36
  636. E/DirectVolume( 3883): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  637. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 37, PARTN 37
  638. E/DirectVolume( 3883): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  639. D/Vold    ( 3883): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  640. D/DirectVolume( 3883): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1
  641. D/Vold    ( 3883): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  642. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  643. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$CorporaChangedReceiver
  644. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  645. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  646. I/ActivityManager(  563): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 882
  647. I/WindowManager(  563): Screenshot Window{41a97368 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21015 minLayer=21015 maxLayer=21015
  648. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  649. W/ContextImpl(  882): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 com.android.settings.applications.ManageApplications.onCreate:863 android.app.Fragment.performCreate:1678 android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState:859
  650. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.vending/com.google.android.gcm.GCMBroadcastReceiver
  651. D/RPC     (  563): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 213, xdr 0x13e2be0) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
  652. D/RPC     (  563): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 213)
  653. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  654. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.email for broadcast com.android.email/.provider.WidgetProvider: pid=3901 uid=10038 gids={50038, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  655. W/BackupManagerService(  563): dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=1001
  656. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3572:com.android.exchange/u0a39 (adj 15): empty #17
  657. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3306:com.google.android.apps.docs/u0a55 (adj 15): empty #17
  658. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.leanback.AutoCacheSchedulingService$EnablingReceiver
  659. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  660. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  661. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  662. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiver
  663. D/RPC     (  563): 3000008c:00050000 waiting for XDR input buffer to be consumed.
  664. D/RPC     (  563): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 214, xdr 0x13e2be0) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
  665. D/RPC     (  563): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 214)
  666. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  667. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  668. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  669. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  670. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  671. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.app.receiver.SystemBroadcastReceiver
  672. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  673. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  674. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  675. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  676. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  677. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  678. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  679. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  680. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  681. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.app.receiver.SystemBroadcastReceiver
  682. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  683. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  684. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  685. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  686. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  687. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  688. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  689. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  690. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed) for /storage/usbdisk
  691. W/MountService(  563): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  692. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  693. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  694. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.chrome.TOS_ACKED in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  695. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x89be45)
  696. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45)
  697. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  698. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  699. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  700. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  701. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  702. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  703. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  704. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  705. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  706. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  707. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  708. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  709. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  710. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  711. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  712. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  713. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  714. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.chrome.PRERENDER_URL in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  715. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  716. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  717. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  718. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  719. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  720. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  721. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  722. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  723. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  724. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  725. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  726. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  727. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3623:com.google.android.gm/u0a65 (adj 15): empty #17
  728. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  729. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  730. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  731. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  732. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.app.receiver.SystemBroadcastReceiver
  733. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  734. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  735. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  736. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.deskclock for broadcast com.android.deskclock/com.android.alarmclock.DigitalAppWidgetProvider: pid=3980 uid=10033 gids={50033, 1028}
  737. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.app.receiver.SystemBroadcastReceiver
  738. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  739. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  740. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  741. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  742. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  743. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.app.receiver.SystemBroadcastReceiver
  744. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  745. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  746. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  747. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  748. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  749. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  750. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  751. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  752. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  753. I/ActivityManager(  563): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{41f6d228 u0 com.android.providers.calendar/.EmptyService}
  754. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver
  755. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  756. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.gm for broadcast com.google.android.gm/.MailIntentReceiver: pid=4014 uid=10065 gids={50065, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  757. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  758. D/ActivityThread( 4014): Loading provider com.android.gmail.ui: com.google.android.gm.provider.GmailProvider
  759. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  760. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  761. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.ConsumptionAppDataChangedReceiver
  762. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  763. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.realtimechat.MessagesAvailableReceiver
  764. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  765. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  766. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  767. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  768. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  769. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  770. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  771. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  772. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  773. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  774. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  775. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3384:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  776. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  777. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  778. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  779. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  780. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  781. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  782. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.ConsumptionAppDataChangedReceiver
  783. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  784. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.realtimechat.RealTimeChatService$AlarmReceiver
  785. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  786. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.ConsumptionAppDataChangedReceiver
  787. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  788. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.playlog.uploader.UploaderAlarmReceiver
  789. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  790. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.leanback.AutoCacheSchedulingService$EnablingReceiver
  791. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  792. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiver
  793. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  794. W/BroadcastQueue(  563): Failure [background] sending broadcast result of Intent { act=com.evervolv.toolbox.action.DUMPLOGCAT_FINISHED flg=0x10 (has extras) }
  795. W/BroadcastQueue(  563): android.os.DeadObjectException
  796. W/BroadcastQueue(  563):        at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
  797. W/BroadcastQueue(  563):        at android.content.IIntentReceiver$Stub$Proxy.performReceive(IIntentReceiver.java:124)
  798. W/BroadcastQueue(  563):        at com.android.server.am.BroadcastQueue.performReceiveLocked(BroadcastQueue.java:422)
  799. W/BroadcastQueue(  563):        at com.android.server.am.BroadcastQueue.processNextBroadcast(BroadcastQueue.java:655)
  800. W/BroadcastQueue(  563):        at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.finishReceiver(ActivityManagerService.java:13585)
  801. W/BroadcastQueue(  563):        at android.app.ActivityManagerNative.onTransact(ActivityManagerNative.java:383)
  802. W/BroadcastQueue(  563):        at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:2054)
  803. W/BroadcastQueue(  563):        at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  804. W/BroadcastQueue(  563):        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  805. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.apps.docs for broadcast com.google.android.apps.docs/.receivers.AppPackageAddRemoveReceiver: pid=4073 uid=10055 gids={50055, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  806. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.ears for service com.google.android.ears/.heard.EarsSyncAdapterService: pid=4086 uid=10066 gids={50066, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  807. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  808. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  809. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  810. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3710:com.android.musicfx/u0a9 (adj 15): empty #17
  811. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for broadcast com.google.android.partnersetup/.GservicesChangedReceiver: pid=4107 uid=10019 gids={50019, 3003}
  812. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2425:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  813. I/WindowState(  563): WIN DEATH: Window{4190c488 u0 Toast EXITING}
  814. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.GservicesChangedReceiver
  815. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  816. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  817. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.analytics.GServicesChangedReceiver
  818. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  819. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  820. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.vending/.MarketWidgetProvider
  821. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  822. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  823. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  824. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3279:com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/u0a23 (adj 15): empty #17
  825. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.GservicesChangedReceiver
  826. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  827. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  828. W/ActivityManager(  563): No content provider found for permission revoke: file:///data/data/com.android.providers.downloads/cache/downloadfile.apk
  829. I/PackageManager(  563): Copying native libraries to /data/app-lib/vmdl213819300
  830. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  831. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.realtimechat.RequestWriter$NetworkStateReceiver
  832. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  833. I/SystemUpdateService(  856): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  834. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  835. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.download.MusicCommunicator
  836. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  837. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.leanback.AutoCacheSchedulingService$EnablingReceiver
  838. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  839. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.keep/.notification.AlertReceiver
  840. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  841. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.app.receiver.SystemBroadcastReceiver
  842. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  843. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3901:com.android.email/u0a38 (adj 15): empty #17
  844. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  845. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  846. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  847. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  848. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.app.receiver.SystemBroadcastReceiver
  849. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  850. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  851. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  852. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  853. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  854. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.app.receiver.SystemBroadcastReceiver
  855. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  856. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  857. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  858. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  859. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  860. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  861. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  862. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  863. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.download.MusicCommunicator
  864. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  865. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.leanback.AutoCacheSchedulingService$EnablingReceiver
  866. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  867. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.email for broadcast com.android.email/.provider.WidgetProvider: pid=4196 uid=10038 gids={50038, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  868. D/ActivityThread( 4196): Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
  869. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3591:com.google.android.calendar/u0a44 (adj 15): empty #17
  870. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.musicfx for broadcast com.android.musicfx/.ControlPanelReceiver: pid=4216 uid=10009 gids={50009, 3003, 3002}
  871. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.calendar for broadcast com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.widget.CalendarAppWidgetProvider: pid=4232 uid=10044 gids={50044, 3003}
  872. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3980:com.android.deskclock/u0a33 (adj 15): empty #17
  873. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.ConsumptionAppDataChangedReceiver
  874. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  875. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  876. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  877. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 4086:com.google.android.ears/u0a66 (adj 15): empty #17
  878. I/ActivityManager(  563): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 882
  879. I/WindowManager(  563): Screenshot Window{41b238b8 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21020 minLayer=21020 maxLayer=21020
  880. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.download.MusicCommunicator
  881. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  882. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$CorporaChangedReceiver
  883. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  884. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  885. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  886. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  887. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  888. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$CorporaChangedReceiver
  889. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  890. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  891. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  892. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  893. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  894. W/InputMethodManagerService(  563): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41af07a0 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42585ab0
  895. E/NativeDaemonConnector.ResponseQueue(  563): Timeout waiting for response
  896. E/VoldConnector(  563): timed-out waiting for response to 26 volume mkdirs /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.books/files/
  897. W/NativeCrashListener(  563): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 3883
  898. E/VoldConnector(  563): got -1 reading with start = 0
  899. E/VoldConnector(  563): closing stream for vold
  900. E/VoldConnector(  563): Communications error: java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
  901. I/BootReceiver(  563): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_09 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  902. E/VoldConnector(  563): Error in NativeDaemonConnector: java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
  903. I/Vold    ( 4279): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  904. D/Vold    ( 4279): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  905. D/Vold    ( 4279): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  906. D/Vold    ( 4279): Volume usbdisk state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  907. D/Vold    ( 4279): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  908. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  909. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  910. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  911. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  912. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  913. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  914. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  915. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  916. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  917. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  918. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  919. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  920. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  921. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  922. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  923. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  924. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  925. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 18, PARTN 18
  926. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 19, PARTN 19
  927. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 20, PARTN 20
  928. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 21, PARTN 21
  929. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 22, PARTN 22
  930. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 23, PARTN 23
  931. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 24, PARTN 24
  932. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 25, PARTN 25
  933. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 26, PARTN 26
  934. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 27, PARTN 27
  935. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 28, PARTN 28
  936. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 29, PARTN 29
  937. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 30, PARTN 30
  938. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 31, PARTN 31
  939. D/Vold    ( 4279): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  940. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 32, PARTN 32
  941. W/Vold    ( 4279): Duplicate state (1)
  942. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 33, PARTN 33
  943. E/DirectVolume( 4279): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  944. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 34, PARTN 34
  945. E/DirectVolume( 4279): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  946. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 35, PARTN 35
  947. E/DirectVolume( 4279): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  948. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 36, PARTN 36
  949. E/DirectVolume( 4279): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  950. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 37, PARTN 37
  951. E/DirectVolume( 4279): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  952. D/Vold    ( 4279): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  953. D/DirectVolume( 4279): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1
  954. D/Vold    ( 4279): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  955. I/ActivityManager(  563): Force stopping com.android.browser appid=10027 user=0: pkg changed
  956. W/InputMethodManagerService(  563): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@42258528 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42585ab0
  957. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3643:com.android.browser/u0a27 (adj 0): stop com.android.browser
  958. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 856:com.google.process.gapps/u0a17 (adj 0): depends on provider com.android.browser/.provider.BrowserProvider2 in dying proc ??
  959. W/ActivityManager(  563): Unable to launch app com.android.browser/10027 for provider com.android.browser: launching app became null
  960. W/ActivityManager(  563): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.syncadapters.bookmarks/.BookmarksSyncAdapterService in 5000ms
  961. W/ActivityManager(  563): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService in 14999ms
  962. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.process.gapps for broadcast com.google.android.gms/.app.receiver.SystemBroadcastReceiver: pid=4292 uid=10017 gids={50017, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 2001, 3006, 3007}
  963. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$CorporaChangedReceiver
  964. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  965. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  966. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  967. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  968. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  969. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.init.InitializeGmsReceiver
  970. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  971. I/ActivityManager(  563): Force stopping com.android.browser appid=10027 user=0: from pid 882
  972. D/ConnectivityService(  563): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=0, condition=100, published condition=100
  973. W/InputMethodManagerService(  563): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@42172c28 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42585ab0
  974. I/ActivityManager(  563): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{41fc03a0 u0 com.google.android.music/.download.artwork.ArtDownloadService}
  975. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  976. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  977. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed) for /storage/usbdisk
  978. W/MountService(  563): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  979. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  980. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  981. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.chrome.TOS_ACKED in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  982. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x89be45)
  983. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45)
  984. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  985. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  986. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  987. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  988. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  989. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  990. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  991. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  992. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  993. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  994. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  995. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  996. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  997. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  998. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  999. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1000. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1001. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.chrome.PRERENDER_URL in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1002. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  1003. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  1004. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  1005. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  1006. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  1007. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  1008. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  1009. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  1010. I/WindowManager(  563): Screenshot Window{423123f0 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21025 minLayer=21025 maxLayer=21025
  1011. I/WindowManager(  563): Screenshot Window{41b238b8 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21020 minLayer=21020 maxLayer=21020
  1012. I/ActivityManager(  563): Force stopping com.android.chrome appid=10083 user=-1: update pkg
  1013. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  1014. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  1015. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x89be45)
  1016. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45)
  1017. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1018. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1019. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  1020. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  1021. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1022. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1023. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1024. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  1025. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1026. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1027. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1028. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1029. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1030. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1031. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1032. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1033. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1034. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  1035. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  1036. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  1037. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  1038. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  1039. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  1040. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  1041. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  1042. W/PackageManager(  563): Empty queue
  1043. D/BackupManagerService(  563): Received broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.android.chrome flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
  1044. V/BackupManagerService(  563): addPackageParticipantsLocked: #1
  1045. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for broadcast com.evervolv.toolbox/.superuser.PackageChangeReceiver: pid=4341 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1046. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.tmobile.thememanager for broadcast com.tmobile.thememanager/.receiver.ThemePackageReceiver: pid=4355 uid=1300 gids={41300, 1300}
  1047. W/PackageManager(  563): Empty queue
  1048. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.app.receiver.SystemBroadcastReceiver
  1049. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1050. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$CorporaChangedReceiver
  1051. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1052. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  1053. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1054. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  1055. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1056. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3802:com.google.android.setupwizard/u0a21 (adj 15): empty #17
  1057. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.android.chrome for service com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.sync.ChromeBrowserSyncAdapterService: pid=4382 uid=10083 gids={50083, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1058. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 2597:com.google.android.keep/u0a45 (adj 15): empty #17
  1059. I/WindowManager(  563): Screenshot Window{41a97368 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21015 minLayer=21015 maxLayer=21015
  1060. I/WindowManager(  563): Screenshot Window{41a97368 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21015 minLayer=21015 maxLayer=21015
  1061. I/ActivityManager(  563): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL} from pid 563
  1062. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3609:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a1 (adj 15): empty #17
  1063. E/ActivityThread( 4292): Failed to find provider info for com.android.browser
  1064. W/ViewRootImpl(  563): Dropping event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_POWER, scanCode=116, metaState=0, flags=0x8, repeatCount=3, eventTime=462923, downTime=462321, deviceId=0, source=0x101 }
  1065. W/ViewRootImpl(  563): Dropping event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_POWER, scanCode=116, metaState=0, flags=0x8, repeatCount=4, eventTime=462973, downTime=462321, deviceId=0, source=0x101 }
  1066. W/InputMethodManagerService(  563): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41cf85d8 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41a965f8
  1067. W/AppOps  (  563): Writing app ops before shutdown...
  1068. I/UsageStats(  563): Writing usage stats before shutdown...
  1069. W/BatteryStats(  563): Writing battery stats before shutdown...
  1070. E/NativeDaemonConnector.ResponseQueue(  563): Timeout waiting for response
  1071. E/VoldConnector(  563): timed-out waiting for response to 29 volume mkdirs /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.android.browser/files/
  1072. W/ProcessStatsService(  563): Writing process stats before shutdown...
  1073. I/ProcessStatsService(  563): Prepared write state in 24ms
  1074. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1075. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1076. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: setDetailed state, old =CONNECTED and new state=DISCONNECTED
  1077. D/ConnectivityService(  563): ConnectivityChange for mobile: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
  1078. D/ConnectivityService(  563): tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=0
  1079. D/ConnectivityService(  563): Attempting to switch to wifi
  1080. D/ConnectivityService(  563): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
  1081. D/ConnectivityService(  563): resetConnections(rmnet_sdio0, 3)
  1082. D/Nat464Xlat(  563): requiresClat: netType=0, hasIPv4Address=true
  1083. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1084. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1085. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  1086. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1087. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1088. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1089. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1090. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1091. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1092. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1093. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1094. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1095. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1096. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1097. D/ConnectivityService(  563): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  1098. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1099. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1100. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1101. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1102. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1103. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1104. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1105. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1106. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1107. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1108. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1109. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1110. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1111. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1112. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1113. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1114. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1115. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  563): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1116. I/ActivityManager(  563): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  1117. I/ActivityManager(  563): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1118. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 3671:com.google.android.talk/u0a70 (adj 15): empty #17
  1119. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.setupwizard for broadcast com.google.android.setupwizard/.MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver: pid=4469 uid=10021 gids={50021, 3003}
  1120. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel for broadcast com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/com.google.android.apps.wallet.util.WalletNetworkAccessReceiver: pid=4484 uid=10023 gids={50023, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1121. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 4196:com.android.email/u0a38 (adj 15): empty #17
  1122. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 4014:com.google.android.gm/u0a65 (adj 15): empty #17
  1123. E/NativeDaemonConnector.ResponseQueue(  563): Timeout waiting for response
  1124. E/VoldConnector(  563): timed-out waiting for response to 35 volume mkdirs /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/cache/
  1125. E/NativeDaemonConnector.ResponseQueue(  563): Timeout waiting for response
  1126. E/VoldConnector(  563): timed-out waiting for response to 36 asec list
  1127. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  1128. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  1129. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x89be45)
  1130. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45)
  1131. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1132. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1133. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  1134. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  1135. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1136. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1137. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1138. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  1139. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1140. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1141. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1142. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1143. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1144. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1145. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1146. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1147. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1148. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  1149. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  1150. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  1151. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  1152. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  1153. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  1154. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  1155. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  1156. W/NativeCrashListener(  563): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 4279
  1157. I/Vold    ( 4502): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  1158. D/Vold    ( 4502): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  1159. D/Vold    ( 4502): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  1160. D/Vold    ( 4502): Volume usbdisk state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  1161. E/VoldConnector(  563): got -1 reading with start = 0
  1162. E/VoldConnector(  563): closing stream for vold
  1163. E/VoldConnector(  563): Communications error: java.io.IOException: Connection refused
  1164. E/VoldConnector(  563): Error in NativeDaemonConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused
  1165. D/Vold    ( 4502): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  1166. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  1167. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  1168. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  1169. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  1170. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  1171. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  1172. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  1173. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  1174. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  1175. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  1176. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  1177. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  1178. I/BootReceiver(  563): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_00 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  1179. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  1180. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  1181. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  1182. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  1183. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  1184. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 18, PARTN 18
  1185. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 19, PARTN 19
  1186. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 20, PARTN 20
  1187. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 21, PARTN 21
  1188. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 22, PARTN 22
  1189. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 23, PARTN 23
  1190. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 24, PARTN 24
  1191. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 25, PARTN 25
  1192. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 26, PARTN 26
  1193. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 27, PARTN 27
  1194. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 28, PARTN 28
  1195. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 29, PARTN 29
  1196. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 30, PARTN 30
  1197. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 31, PARTN 31
  1198. D/Vold    ( 4502): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  1199. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 32, PARTN 32
  1200. W/Vold    ( 4502): Duplicate state (1)
  1201. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 33, PARTN 33
  1202. E/DirectVolume( 4502): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  1203. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 34, PARTN 34
  1204. E/DirectVolume( 4502): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  1205. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 35, PARTN 35
  1206. E/DirectVolume( 4502): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  1207. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 36, PARTN 36
  1208. E/DirectVolume( 4502): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  1209. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 37, PARTN 37
  1210. E/DirectVolume( 4502): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  1211. D/Vold    ( 4502): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  1212. D/DirectVolume( 4502): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1
  1213. D/Vold    ( 4502): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  1214. I/ActivityManager(  563): START u0 {flg=0x10008004 cmp=com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.activity.CrashReportActivity (has extras)} from pid -1
  1215. I/ActivityManager(  563): Start proc com.google.android.apps.magazines:feedback for activity com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.activity.CrashReportActivity: pid=4506 uid=10072 gids={50072, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1216. I/ActivityManager(  563): Process com.google.android.apps.magazines (pid 3830) has died.
  1217. I/ActivityManager(  563): Killing 4232:com.google.android.calendar/u0a44 (adj 15): empty #17
  1218. W/WindowManager(  563): Rebuild removed 4 windows but added 3
  1219. W/WindowManager(  563): java.lang.RuntimeException: here
  1220. W/WindowManager(  563):         at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.rebuildAppWindowListLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8024)
  1221. W/WindowManager(  563):         at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.rebuildAppWindowListLocked(WindowManagerService.java:7960)
  1222. W/WindowManager(  563):         at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.handleAnimatingStoppedAndTransitionLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8699)
  1223. W/WindowManager(  563):         at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedInner(WindowManagerService.java:9222)
  1224. W/WindowManager(  563):         at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedLoop(WindowManagerService.java:8176)
  1225. W/WindowManager(  563):         at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8118)
  1226. W/WindowManager(  563):         at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.access$400(WindowManagerService.java:159)
  1227. W/WindowManager(  563):         at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$H.handleMessage(WindowManagerService.java:7178)
  1228. W/WindowManager(  563):         at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  1229. W/WindowManager(  563):         at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  1230. W/WindowManager(  563):         at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  1231. W/WindowManager(  563): This window was lost: Window{41c30d90 u0 com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.activity.CrashReportActivity}
  1232. W/WindowManager(  563): mDisplayId=0 mSession=Session{41d17e08 4506:u0a10072} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@41cc0740
  1233. W/WindowManager(  563): mOwnerUid=10072 mShowToOwnerOnly=true package=com.google.android.apps.magazines appop=NONE
  1234. W/WindowManager(  563): mAttrs=WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(wrapxwrap) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#1820002 pfl=0x8 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302a2}
  1235. W/WindowManager(  563): Requested w=513 h=190 mLayoutSeq=530
  1236. W/WindowManager(  563): mBaseLayer=21000 mSubLayer=0 mAnimLayer=21015+1000=21015 mLastLayer=22015
  1237. W/WindowManager(  563): mToken=AppWindowToken{41fd9078 token=Token{41dd1398 ActivityRecord{41a997e0 u0 com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.activity.CrashReportActivity t10}}}
  1238. W/WindowManager(  563): mRootToken=AppWindowToken{41fd9078 token=Token{41dd1398 ActivityRecord{41a997e0 u0 com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.activity.CrashReportActivity t10}}}
  1239. W/WindowManager(  563): mAppToken=AppWindowToken{41fd9078 token=Token{41dd1398 ActivityRecord{41a997e0 u0 com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.activity.CrashReportActivity t10}}}
  1240. W/WindowManager(  563): mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
  1241. W/WindowManager(  563): mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
  1242. W/WindowManager(  563): mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
  1243. W/WindowManager(  563): mConfiguration={1.0 310mcc260mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.6 themeResource=null}
  1244. W/WindowManager(  563): mHasSurface=true mShownFrame=[38.7,411.59998][551.7,601.6] isReadyForDisplay()=false
  1245. W/WindowManager(  563): mFrame=[13,404][526,594] last=[13,404][526,594]
  1246. W/WindowManager(  563): mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][513,190] last=[0,0][513,190]
  1247. W/WindowManager(  563): Frames: containing=[0,38][540,960] parent=[0,38][540,960]
  1248. W/WindowManager(  563):     display=[0,38][540,960] overscan=[0,38][540,960]
  1249. W/WindowManager(  563):     content=[13,404][526,594] visible=[13,404][526,594]
  1250. W/WindowManager(  563):     decor=[0,38][540,960]
  1251. W/WindowManager(  563): Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
  1252. W/WindowManager(  563): Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
  1253. W/WindowManager(  563): WindowStateAnimator{41f765d8 com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.activity.CrashReportActivity}:
  1254. W/WindowManager(  563):   mSurface=Surface(name=com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.activity.CrashReportActivity)
  1255. W/WindowManager(  563):   mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=true
  1256. W/WindowManager(  563):   Surface: shown=false layer=22015 alpha=0.0 rect=(38.7,411.59998) 513.0 x 190.0
  1257. W/WindowManager(  563):   mShownAlpha=0.875 mAlpha=1.0 mLastAlpha=0.0
  1258. W/WindowManager(  563):   mGlobalScale=1.0 mDsDx=0.9 mDtDx=0.0 mDsDy=0.0 mDtDy=0.9
  1259. W/WindowManager(  563): mExiting=false mRemoveOnExit=false mDestroying=true mRemoved=false
  1260. W/WindowManager(  563): Current app token list:
  1261. V/WindowManager(  563):   Display 0
  1262. V/WindowManager(  563):   #2: Token{4203a648 ActivityRecord{419ecfb8 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL t5}}
  1263. V/WindowManager(  563):   #1: Token{4201a620 ActivityRecord{419a97f8 u0 com.android.settings/.Settings t9}}
  1264. V/WindowManager(  563):   #0: Token{41ccd298 ActivityRecord{41f6ad18 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.velvet.ui.VelvetActivity t6}}
  1265. W/WindowManager(  563): Final window list:
  1266. V/WindowManager(  563):   #0: Window{419b2728 u0 StatusBar}
  1267. V/WindowManager(  563):   #1: Window{41ccea40 u0 Hot reboot phone}
  1268. V/WindowManager(  563):   #2: Window{41901860 u0 KeyguardScrim}
  1269. V/WindowManager(  563):   #3: Window{41f25f80 u0 InputMethod}
  1270. V/WindowManager(  563):   #4: Window{41a84f28 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL}
  1271. V/WindowManager(  563):   #5: Window{41a97368 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings}
  1272. V/WindowManager(  563):   #6: Window{41a89080 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.velvet.ui.VelvetActivity}
  1273. V/WindowManager(  563):   #7: Window{41a30dc0 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
  1274. D/RPC     (  563): 3000008c:00050000 waiting for XDR input buffer to be consumed.
  1275. D/RPC     (  563): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 237, xdr 0x13e2be0) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
  1276. D/RPC     (  563): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 237)
  1277. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  1278. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  1279. W/MountService(  563): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed) for /storage/usbdisk
  1280. W/MountService(  563): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  1281. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  1282. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  1283. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x89be45)
  1284. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45)
  1285. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1286. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1287. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  1288. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  1289. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1290. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1291. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1292. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  1293. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1294. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1295. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1296. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1297. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1298. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1299. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1300. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1301. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1302. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  1303. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  1304. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  1305. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  1306. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  1307. W/PackageManager(  563): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  1308. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  1309. W/PackageManager(  563): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  1310. W/LocationBasedCountryDetector(  563): Exception occurs when getting country from location
  1311. I/MountService(  563): Shutting down
  1312. E/AndroidRuntime(  563): *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: PowerManagerService.crash()
  1313. E/AndroidRuntime(  563): java.lang.RuntimeException: Crashed by Hot Reboot
  1314. E/AndroidRuntime(  563):        at com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService$3.run(PowerManagerService.java:2031)
  1315. E/ActivityThread( 1031): Failed to find provider info for media
  1316. E/ActivityThread( 1031): Failed to find provider info for media
  1317. E/ActivityThread( 1031): Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices
  1318. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031): FATAL EXCEPTION: ImageLoader
  1319. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031): Process: com.google.android.apps.plus, PID: 1031
  1320. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031): java.lang.RuntimeException: Package manager has died
  1321. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:224)
  1322. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil.n(Unknown Source)
  1323. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(Unknown Source)
  1324. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at cgc.a(PG:97)
  1325. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at edc.i(PG:545)
  1326. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at ecq.b(PG:574)
  1327. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at edc.b(PG:669)
  1328. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at eds.handleMessage(PG:294)
  1329. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98)
  1330. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  1331. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  1332. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at eds.run(PG:275)
  1333. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031): Caused by: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1334. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
  1335. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.content.pm.IPackageManager$Stub$Proxy.getApplicationInfo(IPackageManager.java:1709)
  1336. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:219)
  1337. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        ... 11 more
  1338. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031): Error reporting crash
  1339. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031): android.os.DeadObjectException
  1340. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
  1341. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.app.ActivityManagerProxy.handleApplicationCrash(ActivityManagerNative.java:3703)
  1342. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException(RuntimeInit.java:84)
  1343. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at dsg.run(PG:171)
  1344. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  1345. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  1346. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  1347. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5029)
  1348. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  1349. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
  1350. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:782)
  1351. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:598)
  1352. E/AndroidRuntime( 1031):        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  1353. I/SystemServer( 4814): Entered the Android system server!
  1354. I/SystemServer( 4814): Waiting for installd to be ready.
  1355. I/Installer( 4814): connecting...
  1356. I/SystemServer( 4814): Power Manager
  1357. I/SystemServer( 4814): Activity Manager
  1358. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Memory class: 64
  1359. I/IntentFirewall( 4814): Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
  1360. I/SystemServer( 4814): Display Manager
  1361. I/SystemServer( 4814): Telephony Registry
  1362. I/DisplayManagerService( 4814): Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": 540 x 960, -1.0E9 fps, density 240, 258.79245 x 256.67368 dpi, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  1363. I/SystemServer( 4814): Scheduling Policy
  1364. I/SystemServer( 4814): Package Manager
  1365. D/SELinuxMMAC( 4814): Couldn't find install policy /data/security/mac_permissions.xml
  1366. D/SELinuxMMAC( 4814): Using install policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml
  1367. W/PackageManager( 4814): Running ENG build: no pre-dexopt!
  1368. W/PackageParser( 4814): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #375
  1369. W/PackageParser( 4814): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Dialer.apk Binary XML file line #161
  1370. W/PackageParser( 4814): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/SetupWizard.apk Binary XML file line #117
  1371. W/PackageParser( 4814): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #210
  1372. W/PackageParser( 4814): Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #243
  1373. W/PackageParser( 4814): Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #246
  1374. W/PackageParser( 4814): Unknown element under <manifest>: supports-gl-texture at /system/app/GoogleEarth.apk Binary XML file line #19
  1375. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unable to update from com.android.music to com.google.android.music: old package still exists
  1376. I/PackageManager( 4814): Time to scan packages: 2.886 seconds
  1377. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  1378. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  1379. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x9be45)
  1380. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)
  1381. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1382. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1383. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bc45)
  1384. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  1385. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1386. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1387. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1388. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  1389. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1390. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1391. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1392. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1393. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1394. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1395. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1396. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1397. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1398. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be65)
  1399. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  1400. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  1401. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  1402. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x400abe45)
  1403. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  1404. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45)
  1405. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40083e45)
  1406. I/SystemServer( 4814): Entropy Mixer
  1407. I/EntropyMixer( 4814): Writing entropy...
  1408. I/SystemServer( 4814): User Service
  1409. I/SystemServer( 4814): Account Manager
  1410. I/SystemServer( 4814): Content Manager
  1411. I/SystemServer( 4814): System Content Providers
  1412. I/SystemServer( 4814): Lights Service
  1413. I/SystemServer( 4814): Battery Service
  1414. I/SystemServer( 4814): Vibrator Service
  1415. I/SystemServer( 4814): Consumer IR Service
  1416. I/SystemServer( 4814): Alarm Manager
  1417. I/SystemServer( 4814): Init Watchdog
  1418. I/SystemServer( 4814): Input Manager
  1419. I/InputManager( 4814): Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false
  1420. I/SystemServer( 4814): Window Manager
  1421. I/WindowManager( 4814): No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
  1422. I/WindowManager( 4814): No keyguard interface!
  1423. I/InputManager( 4814): Starting input manager
  1424. I/SystemServer( 4814): Bluetooth Manager Service
  1425. I/SystemServer( 4814): Input Method Service
  1426. W/InputMethodManagerService( 4814): Couldn't create dir.: /data/system/inputmethod
  1427. I/SystemServer( 4814): Accessibility Manager
  1428. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h640dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.2 themeResource=null}
  1429. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Config changes=400 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.3 themeResource=null}
  1430. I/SystemServer( 4814): Mount Service
  1431. D/MountService( 4814): got storage path: /storage/sdcard0 description: Internal storage primary: true removable: false emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: true maxFileSize: 0
  1432. D/MountService( 4814): addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume [mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/sdcard0 mDescriptionId=17040674 mPrimary=true mRemovable=false mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=true mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null]
  1433. D/MountService( 4814): got storage path: /storage/sdcard1 description: SD card primary: false removable: true emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: true maxFileSize: 0
  1434. D/MountService( 4814): addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume [mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/sdcard1 mDescriptionId=17040675 mPrimary=false mRemovable=true mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=true mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null]
  1435. D/MountService( 4814): got storage path: /storage/usbdisk description: USB storage primary: false removable: true emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: true maxFileSize: 0
  1436. D/MountService( 4814): addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume [mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/usbdisk mDescriptionId=17040676 mPrimary=false mRemovable=true mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=true mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null]
  1437. I/SystemServer( 4814): LockSettingsService
  1438. I/SystemServer( 4814): Device Policy
  1439. I/SystemServer( 4814): Status Bar
  1440. I/SystemServer( 4814): Clipboard Service
  1441. I/SystemServer( 4814): NetworkManagement Service
  1442. I/SystemServer( 4814): Text Service Manager Service
  1443. W/MountService( 4814): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  1444. W/MountService( 4814): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  1445. D/MountService( 4814): volume state changed for /storage/usbdisk (unmounted -> removed)
  1446. W/MountService( 4814): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  1447. I/SystemServer( 4814): NetworkStats Service
  1448. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  1449. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  1450. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x9be45)
  1451. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)
  1452. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1453. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1454. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bc45)
  1455. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  1456. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1457. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1458. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1459. I/SystemServer( 4814): NetworkPolicy Service
  1460. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  1461. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1462. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1463. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1464. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1465. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1466. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1467. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1468. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1469. I/SystemServer( 4814): Wi-Fi P2pService
  1470. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1471. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be65)
  1472. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  1473. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  1474. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  1475. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x400abe45)
  1476. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  1477. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45)
  1478. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40083e45)
  1479. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Config changes=8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.4 themeResource=null}
  1480. I/SystemServer( 4814): Wi-Fi Service
  1481. I/SystemServer( 4814): Connectivity Service
  1482. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): ConnectivityService starting up
  1483. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): wifiOnly=false
  1484. E/ConnectivityService( 4814): Ignoring protectedNetwork 10
  1485. E/ConnectivityService( 4814): Ignoring protectedNetwork 11
  1486. E/ConnectivityService( 4814): Ignoring protectedNetwork 12
  1487. E/ConnectivityService( 4814): Ignoring protectedNetwork 14
  1488. W/ContextImpl( 4814): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190 android.bluetooth.BluetoothTetheringDataTracker.startMonitoring:116
  1489. E/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Ignoring feature request because could not acquire PhoneService
  1490. E/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Could not enable APN type "default"
  1491. I/WifiService( 4814): WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi enabled
  1492. D/WifiService( 4814): setWifiEnabled: true pid=4814, uid=1000
  1493. I/SystemServer( 4814): Network Service Discovery Service
  1494. D/NsdService( 4814): Network service discovery enabled true
  1495. I/SystemServer( 4814): UpdateLock Service
  1496. I/SystemServer( 4814): Notification Manager
  1497. I/SystemServer( 4814): Device Storage Monitor
  1498. I/SystemServer( 4814): Location Manager
  1499. I/SystemServer( 4814): Country Detector
  1500. I/SystemServer( 4814): Search Service
  1501. I/SystemServer( 4814): DropBox Service
  1502. I/SystemServer( 4814): Wallpaper Service
  1503. I/SystemServer( 4814): Audio Service
  1504. I/SystemServer( 4814): Dock Observer
  1505. I/SystemServer( 4814): Wired Accessory Manager
  1506. I/SystemServer( 4814): USB Service
  1507. I/SystemServer( 4814): Serial Service
  1508. I/SystemServer( 4814): Twilight Service
  1509. I/SystemServer( 4814): UI Mode Manager Service
  1510. I/SystemServer( 4814): Backup Service
  1511. V/BackupManagerService( 4814): Initializing package tracking
  1512. V/BackupManagerService( 4814): No ancestral data
  1513. V/BackupManagerService( 4814): addPackageParticipantsLocked: all
  1514. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.browser
  1515. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.android.browser
  1516. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  1517. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  1518. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  1519. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  1520. D/NetlinkEvent( 4543): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x11
  1521. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1522. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1523. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  1524. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  1525. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.dialer
  1526. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.android.dialer
  1527. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.providers.settings
  1528. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings
  1529. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.talk
  1530. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.google.android.talk
  1531. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.nfc
  1532. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.android.nfc
  1533. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.providers.userdictionary
  1534. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.userdictionary
  1535. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app android
  1536. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of android
  1537. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.vending
  1538. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.android.vending
  1539. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.gm
  1540. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.google.android.gm
  1541. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.calendar
  1542. D/BackupManagerService( 4814): Now staging backup of com.google.android.calendar
  1543. V/BackupManagerService( 4814): Starting with transport com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService
  1544. V/BackupManagerService( 4814): Found transports: 1
  1545. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Binding to transport host ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService}
  1546. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Found stale backup journal, scheduling
  1547. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.android.browser
  1548. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  1549. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  1550. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1551. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  1552. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.android.dialer
  1553. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.android.providers.settings
  1554. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.google.android.talk
  1555. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.android.nfc
  1556. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.android.providers.userdictionary
  1557. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   android
  1558. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.android.vending
  1559. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.google.android.gm
  1560. I/BackupManagerService( 4814):   com.google.android.calendar
  1561. I/BackupManagerService( 4814): Backup enabled => true
  1562. I/SystemServer( 4814): AppWidget Service
  1563. I/SystemServer( 4814): Recognition Service
  1564. I/SystemServer( 4814): DiskStats Service
  1565. I/SystemServer( 4814): SamplingProfiler Service
  1566. I/SystemServer( 4814): NetworkTimeUpdateService
  1567. I/SystemServer( 4814): CommonTimeManagementService
  1568. I/SystemServer( 4814): CertBlacklister
  1569. I/SystemServer( 4814): Dreams Service
  1570. I/SystemServer( 4814): Assets Atlas Service
  1571. I/SystemServer( 4814): IdleMaintenanceService
  1572. I/SystemServer( 4814): Print Service
  1573. I/SystemServer( 4814): AssetRedirectionManager Service
  1574. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.systemui for service com.android.keyguard/.KeyguardService: pid=4874 uid=10007 gids={50007, 1028, 1015, 1035, 3002, 3001}
  1575. I/AppOps  ( 4814): Pruning old package media/1013: new uid=-1
  1576. I/ActivityManager( 4814): System now ready
  1577. I/SystemServer( 4814): Making services ready
  1578. D/NetworkManagementService( 4814): enabling bandwidth control
  1579. W/Vold    ( 4502): Volume is idle but appears to be mounted - fixing
  1580. D/Vold    ( 4502): Volume sdcard1 state changing 1 (Idle-Unmounted) -> 4 (Mounted)
  1581. D/MountService( 4814): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard1 (unmounted -> mounted)
  1582. D/MountService( 4814): sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/sdcard1 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
  1583. I/Vold    ( 4502): /dev/block/vold/2296567:105 being considered for volume sdcard0
  1584. D/Vold    ( 4502): Volume sdcard0 state changing 1 (Idle-Unmounted) -> 3 (Checking)
  1585. D/MountService( 4814): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard0 (unmounted -> checking)
  1586. D/MountService( 4814): sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_CHECKING dat=file:///storage/sdcard0 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
  1587. E/Vold    ( 4502): Filesystem check failed (unknown exit code 8)
  1588. E/Vold    ( 4502): /dev/block/vold/2296567:105 failed FS checks (I/O error)
  1589. D/Vold    ( 4502): Volume sdcard0 state changing 3 (Checking) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  1590. D/MountService( 4814): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard0 (checking -> unmountable)
  1591. D/MountService( 4814): sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE dat=file:///storage/sdcard0 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
  1592. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc android.process.media for broadcast com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver: pid=4893 uid=10005 gids={50005, 1028, 1015, 1023, 1024, 2001, 3003, 3007}
  1593. E/MountService( 4814): Boot-time mount failed (-4)
  1594. I/StatusBarManagerService( 4814): registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@41d114f8
  1595. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=4960 uid=10002 gids={50002, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1596. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.apps.plus for broadcast com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor: pid=4966 uid=10077 gids={50077, 3003, 3002, 1028, 1015}
  1597. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.5 themeResource=null}
  1598. W/InputMethodManagerService( 4814): Ignoring setImeWindowStatus of uid 1000 token: null
  1599. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.inputmethod.latin for service com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME: pid=5004 uid=10071 gids={50071, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1600. V/InputMethodManagerService( 4814): Adding window token: android.os.Binder@41c6d9e0
  1601. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.process.location for service com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.network.NetworkLocationService: pid=5011 uid=10017 gids={50017, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 2001, 3006, 3007}
  1602. E/LocationManagerService( 4814): No FusedProvider found.
  1603. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.phone for added application com.android.phone: pid=5026 uid=1001 gids={41001, 3002, 3001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1604. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.nfc for added application com.android.nfc: pid=5037 uid=1027 gids={41027, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015}
  1605. I/ActivityManager( 4814): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL} from pid 0
  1606. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox for activity com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL: pid=5045 uid=10022 gids={50022, 3003, 1028, 3002, 1015}
  1607. W/InputMethodManagerService( 4814): Focus gain on non-focused client android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$1@41c4a260 (uid=1000 pid=4814)
  1608. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 238, xdr 0x7c0648) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
  1609. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 238)
  1610. V/BackupManagerService( 4814): Connected to transport ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService}
  1611. V/BackupManagerService( 4814): Registering transport android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService::android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport = com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport@41c9fc50
  1612. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.process.gapps for content provider com.google.android.gsf/.settings.GoogleSettingsProvider: pid=5076 uid=10017 gids={50017, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 2001, 3006, 3007}
  1613. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.smspush for service com.android.smspush/.WapPushManager: pid=5113 uid=10063 gids={50063}
  1614. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1615. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1616. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1617. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1618. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1619. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1620. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1621. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1622. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1623. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1624. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1625. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1626. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1627. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1628. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1629. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1630. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1631. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1632. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1633. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1634. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1635. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1636. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1637. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1638. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1639. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1640. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1641. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1642. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1643. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1644. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.printspooler for service com.android.printspooler/.PrintSpoolerService: pid=5157 uid=10056 gids={50056}
  1645. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1646. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff
  1647. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1648. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff
  1649. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1650. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff
  1651. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1652. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff
  1653. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1654. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff
  1655. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1656. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff
  1657. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1658. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff
  1659. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1660. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff
  1661. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1662. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff
  1663. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1664. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=roamingOff
  1665. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search for service com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.sidekick.main.remoteservice.GoogleNowRemoteService: pid=5200 uid=10022 gids={50022, 3003, 1028, 3002, 1015}
  1666. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppProvider: pid=5217 uid=10019 gids={50019, 3003}
  1667. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.youtube for broadcast com.google.android.youtube/com.google.android.apps.youtube.app.prefetch.PrefetchService$DeviceStateReceiver: pid=5238 uid=10081 gids={50081, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1668. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 257, xdr 0x7c0648) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
  1669. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 257)
  1670. D/MccTable( 5026): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=310, mnc=260
  1671. D/MccTable( 5026): getLocaleFromMcc to en_us mcc=310
  1672. D/MccTable( 5026): getLocaleForLanguageCountry: skipping already persisted
  1673. D/MccTable( 5026): getLocaleForLanguageCountry: X locale=null
  1674. D/MccTable( 5026): WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE set to us
  1675. I/WifiService( 4814): WifiService trying to set country code to us with persist set to true
  1676. D/MccTable( 5026): updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig config={1.0 310mcc260mnc ?locale ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/? themeResource=null}
  1677. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Config changes=3 {1.0 310mcc260mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.6 themeResource=null}
  1678. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1679. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1680. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1681. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1682. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1683. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1684. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1685. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1686. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1687. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1688. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1689. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1690. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1691. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1692. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1693. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1694. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1695. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1696. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1697. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1698. I/WindowManager( 4814): Screen frozen for +1s35ms due to AppWindowToken{41f2a418 token=Token{41d54c48 ActivityRecord{41d54158 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL t1}}}
  1699. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1700. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.music:main for broadcast com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver: pid=5324 uid=10075 gids={50075, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1701. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1702. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1703. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1704. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1705. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1706. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1707. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1708. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1709. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1710. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=CONNECTING, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1711. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setDetailed state, old =IDLE and new state=CONNECTING
  1712. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1713. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1714. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1715. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1716. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1717. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1718. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1719. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1720. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.gms for broadcast com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.NlpNetworkProviderSettingsUpdateReceiver: pid=5351 uid=10017 gids={50017, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 2001, 3006, 3007}
  1721. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.GpsWidgetProvider: pid=5369 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1722. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=5385 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1723. W/ContextImpl( 5385): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.doBind:245 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:238 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1187
  1724. W/ContextImpl( 5385): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190
  1725. W/ContextImpl( 5385): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.doBind:109 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.<init>:102 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1196
  1726. W/ContextImpl( 5385): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.doBind:164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:157 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68
  1727. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1728. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.music for broadcast com.android.music/.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=5408 uid=10049 gids={50049, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1729. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.apps.magazines for broadcast com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.audio.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=5423 uid=10072 gids={50072, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1730. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  1731. W/NativeCrashListener( 4814): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 4502
  1732. E/VoldConnector( 4814): got -1 reading with start = 0
  1733. E/VoldConnector( 4814): closing stream for vold
  1734. E/VoldConnector( 4814): Communications error: java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
  1735. E/VoldConnector( 4814): Error in NativeDaemonConnector: java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
  1736. I/Vold    ( 5478): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  1737. D/Vold    ( 5478): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  1738. D/Vold    ( 5478): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  1739. D/Vold    ( 5478): Volume usbdisk state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  1740. D/Vold    ( 5478): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  1741. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  1742. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  1743. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  1744. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  1745. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  1746. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  1747. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  1748. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  1749. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  1750. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  1751. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  1752. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  1753. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  1754. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  1755. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  1756. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  1757. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  1758. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 18, PARTN 18
  1759. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 19, PARTN 19
  1760. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 20, PARTN 20
  1761. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 21, PARTN 21
  1762. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 22, PARTN 22
  1763. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 23, PARTN 23
  1764. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 24, PARTN 24
  1765. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 25, PARTN 25
  1766. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 26, PARTN 26
  1767. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 27, PARTN 27
  1768. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 28, PARTN 28
  1769. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 29, PARTN 29
  1770. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 30, PARTN 30
  1771. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 31, PARTN 31
  1772. D/Vold    ( 5478): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  1773. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 32, PARTN 32
  1774. W/Vold    ( 5478): Duplicate state (1)
  1775. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 33, PARTN 33
  1776. E/DirectVolume( 5478): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  1777. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 34, PARTN 34
  1778. E/DirectVolume( 5478): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  1779. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 35, PARTN 35
  1780. E/DirectVolume( 5478): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  1781. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 36, PARTN 36
  1782. E/DirectVolume( 5478): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  1783. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 37, PARTN 37
  1784. E/DirectVolume( 5478): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  1785. D/Vold    ( 5478): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  1786. D/DirectVolume( 5478): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1
  1787. D/Vold    ( 5478): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  1788. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1789. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1790. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTING, reason=connected
  1791. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setDetailed state, old =CONNECTING and new state=CONNECTED
  1792. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): ConnectivityChange for mobile: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  1793. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): ConnectivityChange checkMobileProvisioning for TYPE_MOBILE or ProvisioningNetwork
  1794. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): checkMobileProvisioning: E suggestedTimeOutMs=60000
  1795. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=5 extraInfo=null url=null
  1796. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): checkMobileProvisioning: params={ url=http://clients3.google.com/generate_204 mTimeOutMs=60000 mCb=com.android.server.ConnectivityService$5@41e4ed18}
  1797. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): checkMobileProvisioning: X
  1798. D/Nat464Xlat( 4814): requiresClat: netType=0, hasIPv4Address=true
  1799. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: isProvisioningNetwork: retVal=false
  1800. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: isDefaultProvisioning=false
  1801. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: isProvisioningNetwork: retVal=false
  1802. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: isHipriProvisioning=false
  1803. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: start hipri url=http://clients3.google.com/generate_204
  1804. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): startUsingNetworkFeature reconnecting to 0: enableHIPRI
  1805. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1806. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=CONNECTING, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  1807. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: setDetailed state, old =IDLE and new state=CONNECTING
  1808. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): startUsingNetworkFeature X: return APN_REQUEST_STARTED
  1809. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: hipri started
  1810. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: not connected ni=NetworkInfo: type: mobile_hipri[UMTS], state: DISCONNECTED/IDLE, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  1811. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1812. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  1813. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1814. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  1815. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1816. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  1817. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1818. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTING, reason=dataEnabled
  1819. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: setDetailed state, old =IDLE and new state=CONNECTED
  1820. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): ConnectivityChange for mobile_hipri: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  1821. D/Nat464Xlat( 4814): requiresClat: netType=5, hasIPv4Address=true
  1822. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: isProvisioningNetwork: retVal=false
  1823. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: isProvisioningNetwork is false, continue
  1824. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1825. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1826. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  1827. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1828. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  1829. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: addresses=clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/,clients3.google.com/
  1830. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: linkHasIpv4=true linkHasIpv6=false
  1831. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): requestRouteToHostAddress ok=true
  1832. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: wait to establish route to hostAddr=clients3.google.com/
  1833. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1834. D/MountService( 4814): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard0 (unmountable -> unmounted)
  1835. D/MountService( 4814): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard1 (mounted -> unmounted)
  1836. W/MountService( 4814): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed) for /storage/usbdisk
  1837. W/MountService( 4814): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  1838. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  1839. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  1840. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x9be45)
  1841. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)
  1842. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1843. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  1844. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  1845. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  1846. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1847. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1848. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1849. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  1850. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1851. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1852. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1853. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1854. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1855. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1856. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1857. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1858. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1859. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  1860. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  1861. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  1862. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  1863. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  1864. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  1865. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  1866. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  1867. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 278, xdr 0x7c0648) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
  1868. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 278)
  1869. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: newUrl=
  1870. W/ActivityThread( 4814): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
  1871. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: headers={null=[HTTP/1.1 204 No Content], Connection=[close], Date=[Wed, 27 Nov 2013 08:04:02 GMT], Server=[GFE/2.0], X-Android-Received-Millis=[1385539441417], X-Android-Response-Source=[NETWORK 204], X-Android-Selected-Transport=[http/1.1], X-Android-Sent-Millis=[1385539441355]}
  1872. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: X expected responseCode=204 result=1
  1873. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: F stop hipri
  1874. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setEnableFailFastMobileData(enabled=0)
  1875. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): stopUsingNetworkFeature: teardown net 0: enableHIPRI
  1876. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1877. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=dataDisabled
  1878. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): hipri: setDetailed state, old =CONNECTED and new state=DISCONNECTED
  1879. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): ConnectivityChange for mobile_hipri: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
  1880. D/Nat464Xlat( 4814): requiresClat: netType=5, hasIPv4Address=true
  1881. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1882. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] isMobileOk: X result=1
  1883. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): [CheckMp] onPostExecute: result=1
  1884. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): CheckMp.onComplete: result=1
  1885. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): CheckMp.onComplete: ignore, connected or no connection
  1886. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{41dfb3a8 u0 com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService}
  1887. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{41dcdab8 u0 com.android.music/.MediaPlaybackService}
  1888. I/ActivityManager( 4814): START u0 {act=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.RESUME_VELVET flg=0x10018000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.velvet.ui.VelvetActivity (has extras)} from pid 5045
  1889. I/WindowManager( 4814): Screenshot Window{41f3e3f0 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21005 minLayer=21005 maxLayer=21005
  1890. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=5652 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1891. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1892. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1893. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  1894. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1895. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1896. I/ActivityManager( 4814): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=http://m.weatherbug.com/Location/LocationSearch flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main (has extras)} from pid 5200
  1897. I/WindowManager( 4814): Screenshot Window{41bd1f90 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.velvet.ui.VelvetActivity} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21010 minLayer=21010 maxLayer=21010
  1898. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1899. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1900. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.chrome for activity com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main: pid=5723 uid=10083 gids={50083, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1901. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1902. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1903. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1904. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1905. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  1906. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0: pid=5793 uid=99000 gids={}
  1907. I/ActivityManager( 4814): START u0 {flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.firstrun.FirstRunExperienceActivityPhone (has extras)} from pid 5723
  1908. I/WindowManager( 4814): Screenshot Window{41cb93f8 u0 com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21020 minLayer=21020 maxLayer=21020
  1909. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process1 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1: pid=5841 uid=99001 gids={}
  1910. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5841:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process1/u0a83i1 (adj 9): isolated not needed
  1911. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1 in 5000ms
  1912. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Activity reported stop, but no longer stopping: ActivityRecord{41d288e0 u0 com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main t3}
  1913. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process1 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1: pid=5867 uid=99002 gids={}
  1914. E/ActivityThread( 5723): Performing stop of activity that is not resumed: {com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main}
  1915. E/ActivityThread( 5723): java.lang.RuntimeException: Performing stop of activity that is not resumed: {com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main}
  1916. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at android.app.ActivityThread.performStopActivityInner(ActivityThread.java:3145)
  1917. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at android.app.ActivityThread.handleStopActivity(ActivityThread.java:3232)
  1918. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1000(ActivityThread.java:142)
  1919. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1431)
  1920. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  1921. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  1922. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5029)
  1923. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  1924. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
  1925. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:782)
  1926. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:598)
  1927. E/ActivityThread( 5723):        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  1928. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process2 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService2: pid=5890 uid=99003 gids={}
  1929. --------- beginning of /dev/log/main
  1930. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1931. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1932. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1933. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1934. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1935. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1936. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1937. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1938. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1939. I/MinidumpUploadService( 5723): Attempting to upload accumulated crash dumps.
  1940. I/SnapshotSettingsMigrator( 5723): Running one-time migration of settings for Chrome to Mobile
  1941. E/chromium( 5723): [ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: ntp is not defined", source:  (1)
  1942. W/chromium( 5723): [WARNING:CONSOLE(4368)] "i18n-values: Missing value for "syncLoading"", source: chrome://newtab/#cached_ntp (4368)
  1943. W/AudioService( 4814): onLoadSoundEffects() called before boot complete
  1944. W/MediaCaptureNotificationService( 5723): Error parsing the webrtc url chrome://newtab/#cached_ntp
  1945. W/ChildProcessConnection( 5723): onServiceDisconnected (crash or killed by oom): pid=5890
  1946. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Process com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process2 (pid 5890) has died.
  1947. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService2 in 5000ms
  1948. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1949. D/ChildProcessLauncher( 5723): stopping child connection: pid=5890
  1950. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  1951. W/AudioService( 4814): onLoadSoundEffects() called before boot complete
  1952. D/SigninManager( 5723): Committing the sign-in process now
  1953. D/GoogleServicesManager( 5723): setState: sync = true, autoLogin = true
  1954. D/GoogleServicesManager( 5723): Enabling sync
  1955. D/GCMRegistrar( 5723): resetting backoff for com.android.chrome
  1956. V/GCMRegistrar( 5723): Registering app com.android.chrome of senders cloudprint.c2dm@gmail.com,ipc.invalidation@gmail.com
  1957. D/SigninManager( 5723): Signin done
  1958. D/GoogleServicesManager( 5723): setState: sync = true, wantedSyncState = true
  1959. D/GoogleServicesManager( 5723): Enabling sync
  1960. D/GoogleServicesManager( 5723): setState: sync = true, wantedSyncState = true
  1961. D/GoogleServicesManager( 5723): Enabling sync
  1962. W/n       ( 5723): [TiclService] Could not read state blob: File not found: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/data/com.android.chrome/files/ticl_storage.bin: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  1963. D/dalvikvm( 5723): GC_CONCURRENT freed 4505K, 48% free 6106K/11648K, paused 4ms+8ms, total 90ms
  1964. D/CloudPrintService( 5723): Syncing state with Cloud Print server
  1965. D/StrictMode( 5723): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=41 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=2847 violation=2
  1966. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1135)
  1967. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:106)
  1968. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:393)
  1969. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:88)
  1970. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:73)
  1971. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.createFileOutputStream(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:543)
  1972. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.writeToFile(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:591)
  1973. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.access$800(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:52)
  1974. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl$2.run(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:511)
  1975. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.enqueueDiskWrite(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:532)
  1976. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.access$100(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:52)
  1977. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl$EditorImpl.commit(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:454)
  1978. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at cgf.a(SourceFile:126)
  1979. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at cgf.a(SourceFile:305)
  1980. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at chj.a(SourceFile:430)
  1981. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at chj.a(SourceFile:398)
  1982. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at atd.onTransact(SourceFile:103)
  1983. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  1984. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  1985. D/StrictMode( 5723): # via Binder call with stack:
  1986. D/StrictMode( 5723): android.os.StrictMode$LogStackTrace
  1987. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.StrictMode.readAndHandleBinderCallViolations(StrictMode.java:1705)
  1988. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Parcel.readExceptionCode(Parcel.java:1443)
  1989. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1412)
  1990. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.Z.a(Unknown Source)
  1991. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.D.a(Unknown Source)
  1992. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.L.b(Unknown Source)
  1993. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.P.onServiceConnected(Unknown Source)
  1994. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.S.onServiceConnected(Unknown Source)
  1995. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.doConnected(LoadedApk.java:1110)
  1996. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection.run(LoadedApk.java:1127)
  1997. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  1998. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  1999. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  2000. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5029)
  2001. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  2002. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
  2003. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:782)
  2004. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:598)
  2005. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  2006. D/StrictMode( 5723): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=38 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskWriteViolation: policy=2847 violation=1
  2007. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onWriteToDisk(StrictMode.java:1109)
  2008. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.write(BlockGuardOs.java:196)
  2009. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at libcore.io.IoBridge.write(IoBridge.java:450)
  2010. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at java.io.FileOutputStream.write(FileOutputStream.java:187)
  2011. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.android.internal.util.FastXmlSerializer.flushBytes(FastXmlSerializer.java:232)
  2012. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.android.internal.util.FastXmlSerializer.flush(FastXmlSerializer.java:253)
  2013. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.android.internal.util.FastXmlSerializer.endDocument(FastXmlSerializer.java:198)
  2014. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.android.internal.util.XmlUtils.writeMapXml(XmlUtils.java:182)
  2015. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.writeToFile(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:596)
  2016. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.access$800(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:52)
  2017. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl$2.run(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:511)
  2018. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.enqueueDiskWrite(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:532)
  2019. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.access$100(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:52)
  2020. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl$EditorImpl.commit(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:454)
  2021. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at cgf.a(SourceFile:126)
  2022. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at cgf.a(SourceFile:305)
  2023. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at chj.a(SourceFile:430)
  2024. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at chj.a(SourceFile:398)
  2025. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at atd.onTransact(SourceFile:103)
  2026. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  2027. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  2028. D/StrictMode( 5723): # via Binder call with stack:
  2029. D/StrictMode( 5723): android.os.StrictMode$LogStackTrace
  2030. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.StrictMode.readAndHandleBinderCallViolations(StrictMode.java:1705)
  2031. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Parcel.readExceptionCode(Parcel.java:1443)
  2032. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1412)
  2033. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.Z.a(Unknown Source)
  2034. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.D.a(Unknown Source)
  2035. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.L.b(Unknown Source)
  2036. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.P.onServiceConnected(Unknown Source)
  2037. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.S.onServiceConnected(Unknown Source)
  2038. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.doConnected(LoadedApk.java:1110)
  2039. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection.run(LoadedApk.java:1127)
  2040. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  2041. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  2042. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  2043. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5029)
  2044. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  2045. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
  2046. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:782)
  2047. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:598)
  2048. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  2049. D/StrictMode( 5723): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=32 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskWriteViolation: policy=2847 violation=1
  2050. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onWriteToDisk(StrictMode.java:1109)
  2051. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.fsync(BlockGuardOs.java:96)
  2052. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at java.io.FileDescriptor.sync(FileDescriptor.java:74)
  2053. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.FileUtils.sync(FileUtils.java:161)
  2054. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.writeToFile(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:597)
  2055. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.access$800(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:52)
  2056. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl$2.run(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:511)
  2057. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.enqueueDiskWrite(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:532)
  2058. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.access$100(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:52)
  2059. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl$EditorImpl.commit(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:454)
  2060. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at cgf.a(SourceFile:126)
  2061. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at cgf.a(SourceFile:305)
  2062. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at chj.a(SourceFile:430)
  2063. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at chj.a(SourceFile:398)
  2064. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at atd.onTransact(SourceFile:103)
  2065. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  2066. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  2067. D/StrictMode( 5723): # via Binder call with stack:
  2068. D/StrictMode( 5723): android.os.StrictMode$LogStackTrace
  2069. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.StrictMode.readAndHandleBinderCallViolations(StrictMode.java:1705)
  2070. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Parcel.readExceptionCode(Parcel.java:1443)
  2071. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1412)
  2072. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.Z.a(Unknown Source)
  2073. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.D.a(Unknown Source)
  2074. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.L.b(Unknown Source)
  2075. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.P.onServiceConnected(Unknown Source)
  2076. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.google.android.gms.internal.S.onServiceConnected(Unknown Source)
  2077. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.doConnected(LoadedApk.java:1110)
  2078. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection.run(LoadedApk.java:1127)
  2079. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  2080. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  2081. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  2082. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5029)
  2083. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  2084. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
  2085. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:782)
  2086. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:598)
  2087. D/StrictMode( 5723):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  2088. E/libgenlock(  178): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x1, err=Bad file number fd=72)
  2089. E/gralloc (  178): gralloc_lock: genlock_lock_buffer (lockType=0x2) failed
  2090. W/GraphicBufferMapper(  178): lock(...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
  2091. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 406K, 27% free 8674K/11860K, paused 69ms, total 70ms
  2092. I/dalvikvm-heap( 4814): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.566MB for 214528-byte allocation
  2093. I/WindowManager( 4814): Screenshot Window{41cb60b0 u0 com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.firstrun.FirstRunExperienceActivityPhone} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21025 minLayer=21025 maxLayer=21025
  2094. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 450K, 31% free 8435K/12072K, paused 51ms, total 51ms
  2095. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2096. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2097. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2098. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2099. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2100. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2101. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2102. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2103. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2104. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2105. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2106. W/Adreno200-EGL( 5723): <qeglDrvAPI_eglQuerySurface:2118>: EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE
  2107. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2108. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2109. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2110. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2111. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2112. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2113. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2114. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2115. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2116. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2117. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2118. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2119. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2120. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2121. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2122. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2123. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2124. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2125. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2126. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2127. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2128. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2129. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2130. W/ResourceType( 4814): Skipping entry 0x7f060005 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
  2131. W/ResourceType( 4814): Skipping entry 0x7f060006 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
  2132. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2133. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2134. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2135. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2136. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2137. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2138. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2139. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2140. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2141. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2142. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2143. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2144. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2145. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2146. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2147. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2148. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2149. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2150. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2151. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2152. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2153. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2154. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2155. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2156. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2157. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2158. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2159. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2160. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2161. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2162. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2163. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2164. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2165. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2166. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2167. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2168. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2169. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2170. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2171. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2172. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2173. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2174. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2175. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2176. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2177. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2178. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2179. W/chromium( 5723): [WARNING:syncer_proto_util.cc(275)] Error posting from syncer: Response Code (bogus on error): -1 Content-Length (bogus on error): -1 Server Status: SYNC_AUTH_ERROR
  2180. E/chromium( 5723): [ERROR:download.cc(253)] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates
  2181. W/l       ( 5723): [TiclService] Ticl being stopped: Client: com.google.protos.ipc.invalidation.ClientProtocol$ApplicationClientIdP@419b0538, null, <RunState: NOT_STARTED>
  2182. W/n       ( 5723): [TiclService] Could not read state blob: File not found: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/data/com.android.chrome/files/ticl_storage.bin: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  2183. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2184. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2185. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2186. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2187. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2188. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2189. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2190. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2191. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2192. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2193. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2194. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2195. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2196. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2197. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2198. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2199. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2200. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2201. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2202. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2203. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2204. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2205. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2206. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2207. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2208. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2209. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2210. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2211. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2212. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2213. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2214. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2215. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2216. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2217. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2218. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2219. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2220. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2221. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2222. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2223. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2224. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2225. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2226. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2227. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2228. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2229. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2230. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2231. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2232. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2233. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2234. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2235. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2236. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2237. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2238. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2239. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2240. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2241. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2242. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2243. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2244. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2245. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2246. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2247. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2248. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2249. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2250. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2251. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2252. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2253. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2254. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2255. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2256. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2257. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2258. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2259. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2260. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2261. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2262. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2263. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2264. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2265. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2266. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2267. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2268. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2269. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2270. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2271. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2272. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2273. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2274. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process3 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService3: pid=5953 uid=99004 gids={}
  2275. D/ChildProcessLauncher( 5723): Setting up connection to process: slot=3
  2276. I/ChildProcessService( 5953): Creating new ChildProcessService pid=5953
  2277. I/LibraryLoader( 5953): loading: chromeview
  2278. D/ChildProcessLauncher( 5723): on connect callback, pid=5953 context=13966600
  2279. D/dalvikvm( 5953): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.android.chrome-1/libchromeview.so 0x41978168
  2280. D/dalvikvm( 5953): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.android.chrome-1/libchromeview.so 0x41978168
  2281. I/LibraryLoader( 5953): loaded: chromeview
  2282. I/chromium( 5953): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(70)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  2283. I/CloudPrintClient( 5723): Device successfully registered with proxy id='ChromeMobile_4497527319247624660-256457446' and printerId=e9e9f73e-34a3-8c81-8828-49e07c87ee8d.
  2284. D/CloudPrintService( 5723): Successfully registered mobile device as printer.
  2285. I/chromium( 5953): [INFO:child_process_service.cc(129)] ChildProcessService: Exiting child process.
  2286. W/ChildProcessConnection( 5723): onServiceDisconnected (crash or killed by oom): pid=5953
  2287. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Process com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process3 (pid 5953) has died.
  2288. D/ChildProcessLauncher( 5723): stopping child connection: pid=5953
  2289. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService3 in 5000ms
  2290. E/Icing   ( 5351): Column tag was not returned by client, refusing to index
  2291. I/CloudPrintClient( 5723): Device successfully updated
  2292. D/CloudPrintService( 5723): Synchronization of state with Cloud Print server complete.
  2293. V/CloudPrintService( 5723): Fetching external print jobs
  2294. E/CloudPrintClient( 5723): Fetch print jobs failed: request failed: No print job available on specified printer.
  2295. D/DelayedSyncController( 5723): Handling delayed sync.
  2296. V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi( 5011): onSetRequest: ProviderRequestUnbundled, reportLocation is true and interval is 0
  2297. V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi( 5011): SET-REQUEST
  2298. V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi( 5011): in Handler: ProviderRequestUnbundled, reportLocation is true and interval is 0
  2299. D/dalvikvm( 5723): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2287K, 51% free 5764K/11648K, paused 4ms+9ms, total 59ms
  2300. I/ResourceUtils( 5004): Found default value: resource=phantom_sudden_move_event_device_list build=[HARDWARE=ruby MODEL=HTC Amaze 4G BRAND=htc MANUFACTURER=HTC] default=false
  2301. I/ResourceUtils( 5004): Found default value: resource=keyboard_heights build=[HARDWARE=ruby MODEL=HTC Amaze 4G BRAND=htc MANUFACTURER=HTC] default=
  2302. W/SubtypeSwitcher( 5004): Can't find Emoji subtype
  2303. W/SubtypeSwitcher( 5004): No input method subtype found; return dummy subtype: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype@19dab005
  2304. W/ActivityThread( 5011): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
  2305. W/ViewPager( 5004): Requested offscreen page limit 0 too small; defaulting to 1
  2306. I/LatinIME:LogUtils( 5004): Dictionary info: dictionary = contacts.en_US.dict ; version = ? ; date = ?
  2307. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5004): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  2308. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5004): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  2309. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5004): Local Branch:
  2310. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5004): Remote Branch: quic/master
  2311. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5004): Local Patches: NONE
  2312. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5004): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  2313. W/linker  ( 5004): eglsubAndroid.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2314. W/linker  ( 5004): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2315. W/linker  ( 5004): libsc-a2xx.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2316. D/OpenGLRenderer( 5004): Enabling debug mode 0
  2317. D/dalvikvm( 5011): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2944K, 72% free 3328K/11648K, paused 12ms+4ms, total 57ms
  2318. V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi( 5011): onSetRequest: ProviderRequestUnbundled, reportLocation is true and interval is 86400000
  2319. V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi( 5011): SET-REQUEST
  2320. V/GmsNetworkLocationProvi( 5011): in Handler: ProviderRequestUnbundled, reportLocation is true and interval is 86400000
  2321. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2322. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2323. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2324. D/libloc  ( 4814): Inject coarse position Lat=45.570804, Lon=-122.691824, Acc=36.50
  2325. D/libloc  ( 4814): loc_eng_ioctl called: client = 3, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION
  2326. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2327. D/libloc  ( 4814): loc_eng_ioctl result: client = 3, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION, RPC_LOC_API_SUCCESS
  2328. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3000008c:00050000 waiting for XDR input buffer to be consumed.
  2329. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 287, xdr 0x7c0648) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
  2330. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 287)
  2331. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Successfully inserted location
  2332. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Not calling LocationReportingService, hasMoved: false, elapsed millis: 136563, request: Phone
  2333. E/libgenlock(  178): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x1, err=Bad file number fd=86)
  2334. E/gralloc (  178): gralloc_lock: genlock_lock_buffer (lockType=0x2) failed
  2335. W/GraphicBufferMapper(  178): lock(...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
  2336. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 623K, 28% free 8725K/12072K, paused 60ms, total 60ms
  2337. I/WindowManager( 4814): Screenshot Window{41cb93f8 u0 com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21020 minLayer=21020 maxLayer=21025
  2338. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 448K, 30% free 8489K/12072K, paused 85ms, total 85ms
  2339. I/ActivityManager( 4814): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL} from pid 4814
  2340. I/GEL     ( 5045): handleIntent(Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10600000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL })
  2341. W/l       ( 5723): [TiclService] Ticl being stopped: Client: com.google.protos.ipc.invalidation.ClientProtocol$ApplicationClientIdP@420a8ea0, null, <RunState: NOT_STARTED>
  2342. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 5723): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  2343. W/n       ( 5723): [TiclService] Could not read state blob: File not found: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/data/com.android.chrome/files/ticl_storage.bin: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  2344. W/Sidekick_LocationOracleImpl( 5200): Best location was null
  2345. D/dalvikvm( 5045): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3193K, 47% free 6890K/12940K, paused 6ms+13ms, total 145ms
  2346. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2347. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2348. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2349. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2350. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2351. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2352. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2353. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2354. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2355. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2356. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2357. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2358. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2359. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2360. D/dalvikvm( 4874): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2495K, 26% free 9832K/13240K, paused 3ms+27ms, total 104ms
  2361. D/dalvikvm( 5045): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 112K, 48% free 6783K/12940K, paused 37ms, total 37ms
  2362. I/dalvikvm-heap( 5045): Grow heap (frag case) to 12.191MB for 2810896-byte allocation
  2363. D/dalvikvm( 5045): GC_CONCURRENT freed 23K, 40% free 9506K/15688K, paused 5ms+4ms, total 59ms
  2364. D/dalvikvm( 5200): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2196K, 44% free 6961K/12272K, paused 10ms+5ms, total 135ms
  2365. D/dalvikvm( 5200): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 24ms
  2366. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2367. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  2368. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2369. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  2370. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::openInputStream devices 400000 format 1 channels 16 samplerate 8000 in_p=80000040 lin_p=4000000 in_v=80000001 lin_v=100000
  2371. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 8000)
  2372. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): get config
  2373. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set config
  2374. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2375. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  2376. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): confirm config
  2377. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_size: 320
  2378. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_count: 4
  2379. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): channel_count: 1
  2380. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): sample_rate: 8000
  2381. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  2382. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::getParameters() voip_flag=
  2383. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  2384. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  2385. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2386. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): driver closed
  2387. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::setParameters() camcorder_mode=0;input_source=6;routing=4194304
  2388. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set input routing 400000
  2389. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  2390. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do input routing device 400000
  2391. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  2392. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2393. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2394. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2395. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2396. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001040, 320)
  2397. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 8000)
  2398. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2399. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2400. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2401. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2402. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2403. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2404. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2405. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2406. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2407. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2408. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2409. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2410. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2411. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2412. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2413. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2414. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2415. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2416. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2417. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2418. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2419. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2420. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2421. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2422. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2423. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2424. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2425. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2426. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): get config
  2427. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set config
  2428. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2429. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  2430. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): confirm config
  2431. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_size: 320
  2432. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_count: 4
  2433. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): channel_count: 1
  2434. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): sample_rate: 8000
  2435. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  2436. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): dec_id = 1,cur_tx= 3
  2437. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  2438. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2439. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2440. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2441. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2442. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2443. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2444. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2445. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2446. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2447. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2448. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2449. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2450. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2451. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2452. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2453. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2454. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2455. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2456. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2457. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2458. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2459. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2460. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2461. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2462. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2463. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2464. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2465. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2466. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2467. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2468. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2469. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2470. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2471. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2472. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2473. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2474. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2475. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2476. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2477. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2478. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2479. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  2480. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2483. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2486. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): addToTable stream 2
  2487. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  2488. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do input routing device 400000
  2489. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  2490. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  2491. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  2492. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 15
  2493. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  2494. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  2495. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  2496. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): In SPEAKER
  2497. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_rx = 2
  2498. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_tx = 4
  2499. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  2500. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: E
  2501. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): case PCM_REC
  2502. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  2503. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2504. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2505. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2506. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2507. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2508. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2509. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2510. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  2511. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  2512. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  2513. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2516. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2519. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: X
  2520. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  2521. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: loading effect Record_Default
  2522. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: Record_Default
  2523. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: match with name Record_Default (3)
  2524. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  2525. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  2526. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581):  FirstRead Done bytesRead = 320 count = 0
  2527. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001180, 320)
  2528. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430012c0, 320)
  2529. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001400, 320)
  2530. I/SearchController( 5200): #onHotwordDetectorStarted
  2531. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001540, 320)
  2532. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001680, 320)
  2533. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430017c0, 320)
  2534. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001900, 320)
  2535. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001a40, 320)
  2536. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001b80, 320)
  2537. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001cc0, 320)
  2538. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001e00, 320)
  2539. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001f40, 320)
  2540. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002080, 320)
  2541. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430021c0, 320)
  2542. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002300, 320)
  2543. D/dalvikvm( 5200): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1751K, 41% free 7252K/12272K, paused 4ms+5ms, total 62ms
  2544. D/dalvikvm( 5200): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 50ms
  2545. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002440, 320)
  2546. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002580, 320)
  2547. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430026c0, 320)
  2548. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002800, 320)
  2549. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002940, 320)
  2550. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002a80, 320)
  2551. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002bc0, 320)
  2552. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002d00, 320)
  2553. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002e40, 320)
  2554. D/libloc  ( 4814): Inject coarse position Lat=45.570801, Lon=-122.691828, Acc=36.71
  2555. D/libloc  ( 4814): loc_eng_ioctl called: client = 3, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION
  2556. D/libloc  ( 4814): loc_eng_ioctl result: client = 3, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION, RPC_LOC_API_SUCCESS
  2557. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 288, xdr 0x7c0648) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
  2558. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 288)
  2559. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002f80, 320)
  2560. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430030c0, 320)
  2561. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003200, 320)
  2562. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003340, 320)
  2563. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003480, 320)
  2564. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430035c0, 320)
  2565. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003700, 320)
  2566. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003840, 320)
  2567. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003980, 320)
  2568. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003ac0, 320)
  2569. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003c00, 320)
  2570. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003d40, 320)
  2571. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003e80, 320)
  2572. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003fc0, 320)
  2573. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004100, 320)
  2574. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004240, 320)
  2575. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004380, 320)
  2576. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430044c0, 320)
  2577. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004600, 320)
  2578. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004740, 320)
  2579. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004880, 320)
  2580. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430049c0, 320)
  2581. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004b00, 320)
  2582. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004c40, 320)
  2583. I/dalvikvm( 5200): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
  2584. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004d80, 320)
  2585. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004ec0, 320)
  2586. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005000, 320)
  2587. I/SearchController( 5200): #onHotword
  2588. I/SearchController( 5200): #onHotwordDetectorStopped
  2589. I/AudioRouter( 5200): ROUTE_NONE->ROUTE_NO_BLUETOOTH
  2590. I/MediaFocusControl( 4814):  AudioFocus  requestAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@41ad6f80com.google.android.voicesearch.audio.AudioRouterImpl$1@41ad8a18
  2591. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005140, 320)
  2592. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005280, 320)
  2593. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430053c0, 320)
  2594. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 5200): mic_close
  2595. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  2596. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  2597. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  2598. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  2599. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  2600. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  2601. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2602. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 29
  2603. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254 powered off
  2604. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): driver closed
  2605. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Deroute pcm stream
  2606. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Disable device
  2607. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): deleteFromTable stream 2
  2608. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  2609. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  2610. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do input routing device 400000
  2611. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  2612. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  2613. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  2614. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  2615. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  2616. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  2617. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2618. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  2619. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  2620. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  2621. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): In SPEAKER
  2622. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_rx = 2
  2623. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_tx = 4
  2624. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  2625. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: E
  2626. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): simple device switch
  2627. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 0 ALSA dev id:2
  2628. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  2629. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): closeInputStream AudioStreamInMSM8x60
  2630. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60 destructor
  2631. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  2632. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  2633. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2634. D/dalvikvm( 5200): threadid=62: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
  2635. D/dalvikvm( 5200): threadid=60: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
  2636. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2637. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  2638. D/dalvikvm( 5200): threadid=63: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
  2639. D/dalvikvm( 5200): threadid=64: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
  2640. D/dalvikvm( 5200): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1747K, 41% free 7292K/12272K, paused 49ms, total 49ms
  2641. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2642. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  2643. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::openInputStream devices 400000 format 1 channels 16 samplerate 8000 in_p=80000040 lin_p=4000000 in_v=80000001 lin_v=100000
  2644. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 8000)
  2645. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): get config
  2646. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set config
  2647. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2648. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  2649. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): confirm config
  2650. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_size: 320
  2651. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_count: 4
  2652. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): channel_count: 1
  2653. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): sample_rate: 8000
  2654. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  2655. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::getParameters() voip_flag=
  2656. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  2657. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  2658. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2659. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): driver closed
  2660. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  2661. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  2662. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2663. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  2664. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  2665. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  2666. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  2667. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::setParameters() camcorder_mode=0;input_source=6;routing=4194304
  2668. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set input routing 400000
  2669. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  2670. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do input routing device 400000
  2671. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  2672. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001040, 320)
  2673. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 8000)
  2674. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): get config
  2675. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set config
  2676. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2677. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  2678. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): confirm config
  2679. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_size: 320
  2680. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_count: 4
  2681. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): channel_count: 1
  2682. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): sample_rate: 8000
  2683. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  2684. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): dec_id = 1,cur_tx= 3
  2685. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  2686. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): open driver
  2687. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): get config
  2688. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set config
  2689. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  2690. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  2691. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_size: 4800
  2692. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_count: 2
  2693. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): channel_count: 2
  2694. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): sample_rate: 44100
  2695. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): update TPA2051_SET_MODE to mode 1 success
  2696. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): write(): dec_id = 2 cur_rx = 2
  2697. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  2698. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2701. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2704. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): addToTable stream 2
  2705. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  2706. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do input routing device 400000
  2707. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  2708. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  2709. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  2710. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 13
  2711. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: -1 mode: 0 record: 1
  2712. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 15
  2713. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 29
  2714. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  2715. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  2716. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  2717. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): In SPEAKER
  2718. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_rx = 2
  2719. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_tx = 4
  2720. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  2721. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: E
  2722. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 29
  2723. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254 powered off
  2724. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): cur_rx for pcm playback = 2
  2725. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  2726. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  2727. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2730. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2733. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): addToTable stream 1
  2734. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): The node type is 1
  2735. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): rx_device = 2,temp_ptr->dev_id = 2
  2736. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  2737. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  2738. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2741. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2744. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): case PCM_REC
  2745. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  2746. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  2747. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  2748. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2751. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2754. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: X
  2755. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): update TPA2051_SET_MODE to mode 4 success
  2756. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  2757. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: loading effect Record_Default
  2758. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: Record_Default
  2759. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: match with name Record_Default (3)
  2760. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  2761. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  2762. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  2763. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  2764. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  2765. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  2766. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  2767. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  2768. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  2769. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  2770. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 13
  2771. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 15
  2772. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581):  FirstRead Done bytesRead = 320 count = 0
  2773. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001040, 320)
  2774. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001040, 320)
  2775. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001180, 320)
  2776. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430012c0, 320)
  2777. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001400, 320)
  2778. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001540, 320)
  2779. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001680, 320)
  2780. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430017c0, 320)
  2781. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001900, 320)
  2782. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001a40, 320)
  2783. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001b80, 320)
  2784. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001cc0, 320)
  2785. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001e00, 320)
  2786. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43001f40, 320)
  2787. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002080, 320)
  2788. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430021c0, 320)
  2789. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002300, 320)
  2790. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002440, 320)
  2791. I/BATT_RUB(  184): pd_M:0, MBAT_pd:3918, I_MBAT:62, pd_temp:0
  2792. I/BATT_RUB(  184): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  2793. I/BATT_ALG(  184): batt_alg_overtemp_check:temp:409, isOver_temp:0
  2794. I/BATT_ALG(  184): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=57, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  2795. I/BATT_ALG(  184): vol=3918;curr=62;dis_curr=0;temp=409;id=2;level=57;chg_src=1;chg_en=1;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=540
  2796. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002580, 320)
  2797. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430026c0, 320)
  2798. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002800, 320)
  2799. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002940, 320)
  2800. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002a80, 320)
  2801. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002bc0, 320)
  2802. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002d00, 320)
  2803. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002e40, 320)
  2804. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43002f80, 320)
  2805. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430030c0, 320)
  2806. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003200, 320)
  2807. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003340, 320)
  2808. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003480, 320)
  2809. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430035c0, 320)
  2810. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003700, 320)
  2811. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003840, 320)
  2812. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003980, 320)
  2813. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003ac0, 320)
  2814. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003c00, 320)
  2815. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003d40, 320)
  2816. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003e80, 320)
  2817. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43003fc0, 320)
  2818. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004100, 320)
  2819. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004240, 320)
  2820. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004380, 320)
  2821. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430044c0, 320)
  2822. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004600, 320)
  2823. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004740, 320)
  2824. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004880, 320)
  2825. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430049c0, 320)
  2826. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004b00, 320)
  2827. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004c40, 320)
  2828. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004d80, 320)
  2829. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43004ec0, 320)
  2830. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005000, 320)
  2831. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005140, 320)
  2832. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005280, 320)
  2833. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430053c0, 320)
  2834. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005500, 320)
  2835. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005640, 320)
  2836. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005780, 320)
  2837. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430058c0, 320)
  2838. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005a00, 320)
  2839. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005b40, 320)
  2840. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005c80, 320)
  2841. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005dc0, 320)
  2842. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43005f00, 320)
  2843. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006040, 320)
  2844. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006180, 320)
  2845. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430062c0, 320)
  2846. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006400, 320)
  2847. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006540, 320)
  2848. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006680, 320)
  2849. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430067c0, 320)
  2850. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006900, 320)
  2851. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006a40, 320)
  2852. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006b80, 320)
  2853. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006cc0, 320)
  2854. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006e00, 320)
  2855. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43006f40, 320)
  2856. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007080, 320)
  2857. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430071c0, 320)
  2858. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007300, 320)
  2859. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007440, 320)
  2860. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007580, 320)
  2861. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430076c0, 320)
  2862. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007800, 320)
  2863. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007940, 320)
  2864. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007a80, 320)
  2865. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007bc0, 320)
  2866. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007d00, 320)
  2867. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007e40, 320)
  2868. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43007f80, 320)
  2869. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430080c0, 320)
  2870. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43008200, 320)
  2871. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43008340, 320)
  2872. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43008480, 320)
  2873. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x430085c0, 320)
  2874. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 5200): mic_close
  2875. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  2876. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  2877. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  2878. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  2879. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  2880. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  2881. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2882. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 29
  2883. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): driver closed
  2884. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Deroute pcm stream
  2885. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Disable device
  2886. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): deleteFromTable stream 2
  2887. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  2888. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  2889. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do input routing device 400000
  2890. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speaker (LPA case)
  2891. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  2892. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: effect Playback_Default already loaded
  2893. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2894. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  2895. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  2896. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  2897. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): In SPEAKER
  2898. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_rx = 2
  2899. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_tx = 4
  2900. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  2901. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: E
  2902. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): The node type is 1
  2903. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): rx_device = 2,temp_ptr->dev_id = 2
  2904. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  2905. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  2906. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2909. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2912. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: X
  2913. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): closeInputStream AudioStreamInMSM8x60
  2914. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60 destructor
  2915. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  2916. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  2917. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: effect Playback_Default already loaded
  2918. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2919. D/dalvikvm( 5200): threadid=63: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
  2920. I/decoder ( 5200): INFO: recognition time wall: 3.26645 sec user: 0.69 sec sys: 0.08 sec
  2921. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Deroute pcm stream
  2922. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): deleteFromTable stream 1
  2923. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: E
  2924. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): simple device switch
  2925. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 0 ALSA dev id:2
  2926. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  2927. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2928. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 29
  2929. D/dalvikvm( 5045): GC_CONCURRENT freed 4089K, 42% free 7621K/12940K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 30ms
  2930. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254 powered off
  2931. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  2932. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  2933. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  2934. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  2935. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): open driver
  2936. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): get config
  2937. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set config
  2938. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  2939. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  2940. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_size: 4800
  2941. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_count: 2
  2942. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): channel_count: 2
  2943. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): sample_rate: 44100
  2944. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): update TPA2051_SET_MODE to mode 1 success
  2945. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): write(): dec_id = 1 cur_rx = 2
  2946. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2947. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 13
  2948. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): cur_rx for pcm playback = 2
  2949. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  2950. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  2951. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2954. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2957. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): addToTable stream 1
  2958. D/dalvikvm( 5200): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1316K, 38% free 7622K/12272K, paused 42ms, total 43ms
  2959. I/dalvikvm-heap( 5200): Grow heap (frag case) to 10.861MB for 553778-byte allocation
  2960. I/ActivityManager( 4814): START u0 {act=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.RESUME_VELVET flg=0x10018000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.velvet.ui.VelvetActivity (has extras)} from pid 5045
  2961. D/dalvikvm( 5200): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 8K, 37% free 8166K/12816K, paused 46ms, total 46ms
  2962. I/dalvikvm-heap( 5200): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.392MB for 553762-byte allocation
  2963. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 874K, 32% free 8314K/12072K, paused 57ms, total 59ms
  2964. D/dalvikvm( 5200): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 579K, 37% free 8454K/13360K, paused 29ms, total 29ms
  2965. I/RetainedFragment( 5200): onDestroy
  2966. I/Velvet.Presenter( 5200): setupFromIntent(Intent { act=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.RESUME_VELVET flg=0x10418000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.velvet.ui.VelvetActivity (has extras) })
  2967. I/Velvet.Presenter( 5200): Resuming with current state.
  2968. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi( 5200): Unimplemented WebView method run called from: android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  2969. I/LatinIME:LogUtils( 5004): Dictionary info: dictionary = contacts.en_US.dict ; version = ? ; date = ?
  2970. I/AwesomePlayer( 4581): setDataSource_l(URL suppressed)
  2971. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Displayed com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.velvet.ui.VelvetActivity: +482ms
  2972. I/LATENCY ( 5200): 0-1,33-3720,34-3729,4-4566,7-4593,9-4645,2-4787,37-4787,14-5133,
  2973. E/MediaPlayer( 5200): Should have subtitle controller already set
  2974. I/chromium( 5200): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2975. D/dalvikvm( 5200): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2594K, 41% free 7889K/13360K, paused 10ms+30ms, total 185ms
  2976. I/chromium( 5200): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2977. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  2978. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(128, 128, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  2979. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  2980. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  2981. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  2982. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  2983. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  2984. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  2985. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  2986. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  2987. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2988. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2989. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2990. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2991. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2992. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2993. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2994. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2995. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2996. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2997. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2998. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  2999. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3000. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3001. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3002. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3003. I/LatinIME:LogUtils( 5004): Dictionary info: dictionary = main:en ; version = 42 ; date = 1381226516
  3004. I/LatinIME:LogUtils( 5004): Dictionary info: dictionary = userunigram.en_US.dict ; version = ? ; date = ?
  3005. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3006. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3007. I/DownloadManager( 4893): Download 12 starting
  3008. W/DownloadManager( 4893): Aborting request for download 12: TYPE_DISALLOWED_BY_REQUESTOR
  3009. I/DownloadManager( 4893): Download 12 finished with status WAITING_FOR_NETWORK
  3010. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3011. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3012. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3013. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(128, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3014. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3015. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3016. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3017. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3018. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3019. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3020. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3021. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3022. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3023. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3024. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  3025. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  3026. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  3027. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  3028. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi( 5200): Unimplemented WebView method run called from: android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  3029. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3030. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(128, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3031. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3032. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3033. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3034. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3035. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3036. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3037. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3038. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3039. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3040. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3041. E/gralloc ( 5200): gralloc failed err=Permission denied
  3042. W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 5200): alloc(512, 512, 1, 00000133, ...) failed -13 (Permission denied)
  3043. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  3044. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  3045. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  3046. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  3047. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3048. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3049. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  3050. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  3051. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  3052. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  3053. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3054. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3055. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3056. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3057. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3058. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3059. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  3060. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  3061. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  3062. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  3063. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  3064. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  3065. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  3066. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  3067. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3068. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3069. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3070. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3071. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3072. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3073. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  3074. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  3075. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  3076. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  3077. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f5828 successful
  3078. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3079. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3080. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16cdab8 successful
  3081. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16ccb08 successful
  3082. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16e98a8 successful
  3083. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16e75b0 successful
  3084. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16e74c0 successful
  3085. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f7d88 successful
  3086. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16d4e98 successful
  3087. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3088. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3089. I/AudioRouter( 5200): ROUTE_NO_BLUETOOTH->ROUTE_NONE
  3090. I/MediaFocusControl( 4814):  AudioFocus  abandonAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@41ad6f80com.google.android.voicesearch.audio.AudioRouterImpl$1@41ad8a18
  3091. I/SearchController( 5200): #onHotwordDetectorStopped
  3092. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3093. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3094. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3095. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3096. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3097. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3098. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  3099. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  3100. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  3101. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  3102. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3103. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3104. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3105. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3106. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3107. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3108. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3109. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3110. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  3111. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  3112. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3113. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  3114. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3115. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  3116. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::openInputStream devices 400000 format 1 channels 16 samplerate 8000 in_p=80000040 lin_p=4000000 in_v=80000001 lin_v=100000
  3117. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 8000)
  3118. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): get config
  3119. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set config
  3120. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3121. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  3122. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): confirm config
  3123. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_size: 320
  3124. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_count: 4
  3125. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): channel_count: 1
  3126. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): sample_rate: 8000
  3127. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  3128. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::getParameters() voip_flag=
  3129. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  3130. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  3131. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  3132. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  3133. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  3134. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  3135. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3136. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): driver closed
  3137. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::setParameters() camcorder_mode=0;input_source=6;routing=4194304
  3138. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set input routing 400000
  3139. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  3140. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do input routing device 400000
  3141. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speaker (LPA case)
  3142. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201040, 320)
  3143. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 8000)
  3144. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): get config
  3145. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set config
  3146. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 8000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3147. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 8000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 320
  3148. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): confirm config
  3149. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_size: 320
  3150. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_count: 4
  3151. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): channel_count: 1
  3152. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): sample_rate: 8000
  3153. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  3154. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): dec_id = 2,cur_tx= 3
  3155. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  3156. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  3157. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  3160. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  3163. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): addToTable stream 2
  3164. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  3165. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do input routing device 400000
  3166. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speaker (LPA case)
  3167. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  3168. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: loading effect Record_Default
  3169. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: Record_Default
  3170. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: match with name Record_Default (3)
  3171. I/Velvet.VelvetFactory( 5200): refreshing search history.
  3172. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  3173. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  3174. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 15
  3175. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  3176. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  3177. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  3178. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): In SPEAKER
  3179. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_rx = 2
  3180. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_tx = 4
  3181. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  3182. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: E
  3183. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): case PCM_REC
  3184. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  3185. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  3186. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  3187. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  3190. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  3193. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): The node type is 1
  3194. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): rx_device = 2,temp_ptr->dev_id = 2
  3195. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  3196. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  3197. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  3200. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  3203. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: X
  3204. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): update TPA2051_SET_MODE to mode 4 success
  3205. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  3206. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: effect Record_Default already loaded
  3207. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  3208. W/BroadcastQueue( 4814): Timeout of broadcast BroadcastRecord{41e53a70 u-1 android.media.AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY} - receiver=android.os.BinderProxy@41fc49a0, started 60000ms ago
  3209. W/BroadcastQueue( 4814): Receiver during timeout: ResolveInfo{41e539b0 com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.audio.MediaButtonIntentReceiver m=0x108000}
  3210. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel for broadcast com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/com.google.android.apps.wallet.nfcevent.NfcAdapterStateReceiver: pid=6057 uid=10023 gids={50023, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  3211. I/Process ( 4814): Sending signal. PID: 5423 SIG: 3
  3212. I/dalvikvm( 5423): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  3213. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581):  FirstRead Done bytesRead = 320 count = 0
  3214. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201180, 320)
  3215. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432012c0, 320)
  3216. I/SearchController( 5200): #onHotwordDetectorStarted
  3217. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201400, 320)
  3218. I/MediaFocusControl( 4814):  AudioFocus  abandonAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@41981b78com.android.music.MediaPlaybackService$3@419809f8
  3219. I/dalvikvm( 5423): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  3220. I/Process ( 4814): Sending signal. PID: 4814 SIG: 3
  3221. I/dalvikvm( 4814): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  3222. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201540, 320)
  3223. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201680, 320)
  3224. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432017c0, 320)
  3225. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201900, 320)
  3226. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201a40, 320)
  3227. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201b80, 320)
  3228. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201cc0, 320)
  3229. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201e00, 320)
  3230. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43201f40, 320)
  3231. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202080, 320)
  3232. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432021c0, 320)
  3233. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202300, 320)
  3234. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202440, 320)
  3235. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202580, 320)
  3236. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432026c0, 320)
  3237. E/Sensors ( 4814): poll() failed (Interrupted system call)
  3238. I/Process ( 4814): Sending signal. PID: 4874 SIG: 3
  3239. I/dalvikvm( 4874): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  3240. I/dalvikvm( 4814): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  3241. I/Process ( 4814): Sending signal. PID: 5026 SIG: 3
  3242. I/dalvikvm( 5026): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  3243. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202800, 320)
  3244. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202940, 320)
  3245. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202a80, 320)
  3246. I/dalvikvm( 4874): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  3247. I/Process ( 4814): Sending signal. PID: 5037 SIG: 3
  3248. I/dalvikvm( 5037): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  3249. I/dalvikvm( 5026): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  3250. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202bc0, 320)
  3251. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202d00, 320)
  3252. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202e40, 320)
  3253. I/WalletApplication( 6057): User-Agent: com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/1064 (2.0-R141-v14-RELEASE; Android 19; tmous/htc_ruby/ruby:4.4/KRT16M/373265.3:user/release-keys) Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4; HTC Amaze 4G Build/KRT16S)
  3254. I/dalvikvm( 5037): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  3255. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.dialer for broadcast com.android.dialer/.calllog.CallLogReceiver: pid=6074 uid=10004 gids={50004, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  3256. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43202f80, 320)
  3257. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432030c0, 320)
  3258. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203200, 320)
  3259. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203340, 320)
  3260. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203480, 320)
  3261. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432035c0, 320)
  3262. D/ExtensionsFactory( 6074): No custom extensions.
  3263. D/BluetoothManagerService( 4814): Message: 30
  3264. W/ContextImpl( 4814): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.doBind:283 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.<init>:276 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1181 android.media.AudioService.getBluetoothHeadset:2256
  3265. D/BluetoothManagerService( 4814): Message: 30
  3266. W/ContextImpl( 4814): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.doBind:165 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.<init>:158 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1184 android.media.AudioService$AudioServiceBroadcastReceiver.onReceive:4166
  3267. V/WiredAccessoryManager( 4814): init()
  3268. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203700, 320)
  3269. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203840, 320)
  3270. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203980, 320)
  3271. D/lights  ( 4814): set_light_buttons_func: on=6710886 brightness=102
  3272. E/lights  ( 4814): write_int failed to open /sys/class/leds/keyboard-backlight/brightness
  3273. I/PowerManagerService( 4814): Boot animation finished.
  3274. I/RecoverySystem( 4814): No recovery log file
  3275. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x171d1e0 successful
  3276. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16e9478 successful
  3277. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16e95b8 successful
  3278. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16e96e0 successful
  3279. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203ac0, 320)
  3280. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203c00, 320)
  3281. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203d40, 320)
  3282. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x171d058 successful
  3283. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x171cfa0 successful
  3284. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x171ced0 successful
  3285. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16d7380 successful
  3286. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f5540 successful
  3287. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x171d1f0 successful
  3288. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x171d0b0 successful
  3289. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f5408 successful
  3290. I/BootReceiver( 4814): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_01 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  3291. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203e80, 320)
  3292. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43203fc0, 320)
  3293. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43204100, 320)
  3294. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f6e58 successful
  3295. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16fc2f0 successful
  3296. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16fc430 successful
  3297. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16fc558 successful
  3298. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43204240, 320)
  3299. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43204380, 320)
  3300. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432044c0, 320)
  3301. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1463K, 27% free 8898K/12072K, paused 37ms+5ms, total 111ms
  3302. D/dalvikvm( 4814): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 35ms
  3303. D/dalvikvm( 4814): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 34ms
  3304. D/dalvikvm( 4814): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 42ms
  3305. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f6cd0 successful
  3306. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f7528 successful
  3307. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f7458 successful
  3308. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f72a0 successful
  3309. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x17019d0 successful
  3310. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x17018a8 successful
  3311. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1701768 successful
  3312. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1701628 successful
  3313. D/dalvikvm( 4814): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 59ms
  3314. D/dalvikvm( 4814): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 64ms
  3315. D/dalvikvm( 4814): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 71ms
  3316. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43204600, 320)
  3317. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43204740, 320)
  3318. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43204880, 320)
  3319. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver
  3320. D/dalvikvm( 4814): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 101ms
  3321. D/dalvikvm( 4814): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 100ms
  3322. E/NativeDaemonConnector.ResponseQueue( 4814): Timeout waiting for response
  3323. E/VoldConnector( 4814): timed-out waiting for response to 5 volume mkdirs /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/files/
  3324. W/dalvikvm( 5423): threadid=19: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41a4da30)
  3325. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1703c98 successful
  3326. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1703e30 successful
  3327. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1703f70 successful
  3328. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1704098 successful
  3329. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1703b50 successful
  3330. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1703a98 successful
  3331. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x17039c8 successful
  3332. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x17038b8 successful
  3333. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1705dc8 successful
  3334. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1705ca0 successful
  3335. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1705b60 successful
  3336. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1705a58 successful
  3337. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432049c0, 320)
  3338. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43204b00, 320)
  3339. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43204c40, 320)
  3340. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3341. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed 40K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 20ms
  3342. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 19ms
  3343. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43204d80, 320)
  3344. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43204ec0, 320)
  3345. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205000, 320)
  3346. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 18ms
  3347. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for broadcast com.evervolv.toolbox/.receivers.BootReceiver: pid=6114 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  3348. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x17080a0 successful
  3349. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1708238 successful
  3350. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1708378 successful
  3351. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x17084a0 successful
  3352. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205140, 320)
  3353. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205280, 320)
  3354. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432053c0, 320)
  3355. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423): UncaughtException on NSCLIENT_PRIVATE #2
  3356. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423): java.lang.NullPointerException
  3357. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1467)
  3358. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1415)
  3359. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at android.os.storage.IMountService$Stub$Proxy.mkdirs(IMountService.java:750)
  3360. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at android.app.ContextImpl.ensureDirsExistOrFilter(ContextImpl.java:2185)
  3361. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at android.app.ContextImpl.getExternalFilesDirs(ContextImpl.java:881)
  3362. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at android.app.ContextImpl.getExternalFilesDir(ContextImpl.java:864)
  3363. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at android.content.ContextWrapper.getExternalFilesDir(ContextWrapper.java:210)
  3364. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.upgrade.Upgrade.deleteOldBlobStores(Upgrade.java:133)
  3365. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.upgrade.Upgrade.access$400(Upgrade.java:22)
  3366. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.upgrade.Upgrade$3.run(Upgrade.java:123)
  3367. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112)
  3368. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587)
  3369. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.async.Queue$4$1.run(Queue.java:212)
  3370. E/NSUncaughtExceptionHandler( 5423):    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
  3371. E/DeviceCapabilityManager( 6057): OperatorName=, Operator=310260, Product=htc_ruby, Model=HTC Amaze 4G not supported
  3372. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1707f58 successful
  3373. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1707ea0 successful
  3374. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f69b8 successful
  3375. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1704508 successful
  3376. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170a238 successful
  3377. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170a110 successful
  3378. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1709fd0 successful
  3379. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1709e90 successful
  3380. I/GAV2    ( 5423): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
  3381. I/DeviceCapabilityManager( 6057): Supported capabilities: [NFC]
  3382. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205500, 320)
  3383. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205640, 320)
  3384. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205780, 320)
  3385. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 523K, 26% free 9033K/12072K, paused 3ms+7ms, total 119ms
  3386. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170bf30 successful
  3387. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170c0c8 successful
  3388. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170c208 successful
  3389. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170c330 successful
  3390. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432058c0, 320)
  3391. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205a00, 320)
  3392. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205b40, 320)
  3393. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16f69b8 successful
  3394. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1705188 successful
  3395. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1704508 successful
  3396. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x17047e0 successful
  3397. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170e2b8 successful
  3398. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170e190 successful
  3399. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170e050 successful
  3400. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170df48 successful
  3401. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205c80, 320)
  3402. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205dc0, 320)
  3403. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43205f00, 320)
  3404. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x16ddf10 successful
  3405. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170fb08 successful
  3406. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170fc48 successful
  3407. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170fd70 successful
  3408. F/libc    ( 5478): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 5480 (vold)
  3409. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206040, 320)
  3410. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206180, 320)
  3411. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432062c0, 320)
  3412. I/DEBUG   (  176): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  3413. I/DEBUG   (  176): Build fingerprint: 'tmous/htc_ruby/ruby:4.4/KRT16M/373265.3:user/release-keys'
  3414. I/DEBUG   (  176): Revision: '4'
  3415. I/DEBUG   (  176): pid: 5478, tid: 5480, name: vold  >>> /system/bin/vold <<<
  3416. I/DEBUG   (  176): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
  3417. I/DEBUG   (  176):     r0 00000000  r1 00000000  r2 01a1cfb8  r3 00000000
  3418. I/DEBUG   (  176):     r4 01a1cfb8  r5 00000000  r6 01a1c020  r7 01a1c020
  3419. I/DEBUG   (  176):     r8 01a1cfa8  r9 ffffffff  sl 01a1cf98  fp 40627904
  3420. I/DEBUG   (  176):     ip 0001de24  sp 406273a0  lr 0000c305  pc 401e3ef0  cpsr 400b0030
  3421. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d0  2f73656e697a6163  d1  616d2e7370706161
  3422. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d2  6f632f6174616463  d3  656c676f6f672e68
  3423. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d4  0000000000000000  d5  0000000000000000
  3424. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d6  0000000000000000  d7  1dfb2bc000000000
  3425. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000
  3426. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
  3427. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
  3428. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
  3429. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d16 41be0404975be76d  d17 3f50624dd2f1a9fc
  3430. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d18 41c147849f800000  d19 0000000000000000
  3431. I/DEBUG   (  176): AM write failure (32 / Broken pipe)
  3432. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d20 0000000000000000  d21 0000000000000000
  3433. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d22 0000000000000000  d23 0000000000000000
  3434. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d24 0000000000000000  d25 0000000000000000
  3435. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d26 0000000000000000  d27 0000000000000000
  3436. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d28 0000000000000000  d29 0000000000000000
  3437. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d30 0000000000000000  d31 0000000000000000
  3438. I/DEBUG   (  176):     scr 00000010
  3439. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3440. I/DEBUG   (  176): backtrace:
  3441. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #00  pc 00022ef0  /system/lib/libc.so (strlen+83)
  3442. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #01  pc 00004301  /system/bin/vold
  3443. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #02  pc 00005e6f  /system/bin/vold
  3444. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #03  pc 00002a6f  /system/lib/libsysutils.so (FrameworkListener::dispatchCommand(SocketClient*, char*)+358)
  3445. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #04  pc 00002bcf  /system/lib/libsysutils.so (FrameworkListener::onDataAvailable(SocketClient*)+130)
  3446. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #05  pc 000026bf  /system/lib/libsysutils.so (SocketListener::runListener()+466)
  3447. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #06  pc 00002793  /system/lib/libsysutils.so (SocketListener::threadStart(void*)+2)
  3448. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #07  pc 0000d2b0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+72)
  3449. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #08  pc 0000d448  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+240)
  3450. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3451. I/DEBUG   (  176): stack:
  3452. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627360  4020b000  /system/lib/libc.so
  3453. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627364  00000000  
  3454. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627368  00000000  
  3455. I/DEBUG   (  176):          4062736c  000000d4  
  3456. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627370  01a1cf58  [heap]
  3457. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627374  401ced45  /system/lib/libc.so (free+16)
  3458. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627378  01a1cfb8  [heap]
  3459. I/DEBUG   (  176):          4062737c  406273f4  
  3460. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627380  01a1c020  [heap]
  3461. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627384  01a1c020  [heap]
  3462. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627388  01a1cfa8  [heap]
  3463. I/DEBUG   (  176):          4062738c  401ea03d  /system/lib/libc.so (getenv+8)
  3464. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627390  00017acf  /system/bin/vold
  3465. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627394  01a1cfb8  [heap]
  3466. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40627398  00727300  
  3467. I/DEBUG   (  176):          4062739c  0000c2ff  /system/bin/vold
  3468. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #00  406273a0  01a1c020  [heap]
  3469. I/DEBUG   (  176):          ........  ........
  3470. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #01  406273a0  01a1c020  [heap]
  3471. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273a4  01a1cfb8  [heap]
  3472. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273a8  01a1cf58  [heap]
  3473. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273ac  406273f4  
  3474. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273b0  00000003  
  3475. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273b4  0000de73  /system/bin/vold
  3476. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #02  406273b8  01a1c140  [heap]
  3477. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273bc  01a1cf58  [heap]
  3478. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273c0  00000003  
  3479. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273c4  00000003  
  3480. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273c8  01a1cf58  [heap]
  3481. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273cc  01a1c140  [heap]
  3482. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273d0  406273f4  
  3483. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273d4  01a1c150  [heap]
  3484. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273d8  01a1c110  [heap]
  3485. I/DEBUG   (  176):          406273dc  4013ba71  /system/lib/libsysutils.so (FrameworkListener::dispatchCommand(SocketClient*, char*)+360)
  3486. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3487. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near r2:
  3488. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cf98 756c6f76 0100656d 01a1cf48 00000013  
  3489. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfa8 69646b6d 01007372 01a1d0c0 00000053  
  3490. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfb8 6f74732f 65676172 6364732f 30647261  
  3491. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfc8 646e412f 64696f72 7461642f 6f632f61  
  3492. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfd8 6f672e6d 656c676f 646e612e 64696f72  
  3493. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfe8 7070612e 616d2e73 697a6167 2f73656e  
  3494. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cff8 68636163 00002f65 00000000 00000221  
  3495. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3496. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d018 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3497. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d028 00000000 000001f9 01a1d028 01a1d028  
  3498. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d038 00000000 00000000 4020f2b0 00000000  
  3499. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d048 72657474 6f702f79 5f726577 70707573  
  3500. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d058 622f796c 65747461 00000038 00000042  
  3501. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d068 50564544 3d485441 7665642f 73656369  
  3502. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d078 616c702f 726f6674 74682f6d 61625f63  
  3503. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d088 72657474 6f702f79 5f726577 70707573  
  3504. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3505. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near r4:
  3506. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cf98 756c6f76 0100656d 01a1cf48 00000013  
  3507. W/NativeCrashListener( 4814): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 5478
  3508. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfa8 69646b6d 01007372 01a1d0c0 00000053  
  3509. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfb8 6f74732f 65676172 6364732f 30647261  
  3510. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfc8 646e412f 64696f72 7461642f 6f632f61  
  3511. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfd8 6f672e6d 656c676f 646e612e 64696f72  
  3512. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfe8 7070612e 616d2e73 697a6167 2f73656e  
  3513. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cff8 68636163 00002f65 00000000 00000221  
  3514. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3515. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d018 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3516. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d028 00000000 000001f9 01a1d028 01a1d028  
  3517. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d038 00000000 00000000 4020f2b0 00000000  
  3518. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d048 72657474 6f702f79 5f726577 70707573  
  3519. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d058 622f796c 65747461 00000038 00000042  
  3520. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d068 50564544 3d485441 7665642f 73656369  
  3521. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d078 616c702f 726f6674 74682f6d 61625f63  
  3522. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d088 72657474 6f702f79 5f726577 70707573  
  3523. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3524. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near r6:
  3525. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c000 00000000 0000001b 4020b0e0 4020b0e0  
  3526. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c010 401d0219 401d0991 401d0229 0000002b  
  3527. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c020 0001d9e0 01a1c0a0 01a1c048 01a1c068  
  3528. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c030 6f720900 00000000 ffffffff 00000000  
  3529. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c040 00000000 00000013 0001d9c0 01a1c058  
  3530. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c050 7665646f 00000013 00000000 01a1c858  
  3531. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c060 01a1c428 00000013 0001d9d0 01a1c078  
  3532. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c070 66677562 00000013 00000000 01a1c078  
  3533. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c080 01a1c078 0000001b 0001daf8 01a1c0a0  
  3534. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c090 401a1008 00000007 695f6e6f 00000043  
  3535. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0a0 0001da20 76656401 0001896b 00000009  
  3536. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0b0 01a1c0e0 00000000 0000000d 0000000e  
  3537. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0c0 01a1ccf0 09766501 00000000 00000000  
  3538. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0d0 0a746101 01a1c100 75660976 00000013  
  3539. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0e0 4013ed60 01a1c0f0 65646f6e 00000013  
  3540. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0f0 00000000 01a1cf88 01a1cf88 00000013  
  3541. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3542. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near r7:
  3543. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c000 00000000 0000001b 4020b0e0 4020b0e0  
  3544. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c010 401d0219 401d0991 401d0229 0000002b  
  3545. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c020 0001d9e0 01a1c0a0 01a1c048 01a1c068  
  3546. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c030 6f720900 00000000 ffffffff 00000000  
  3547. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c040 00000000 00000013 0001d9c0 01a1c058  
  3548. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c050 7665646f 00000013 00000000 01a1c858  
  3549. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c060 01a1c428 00000013 0001d9d0 01a1c078  
  3550. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c070 66677562 00000013 00000000 01a1c078  
  3551. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c080 01a1c078 0000001b 0001daf8 01a1c0a0  
  3552. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c090 401a1008 00000007 695f6e6f 00000043  
  3553. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0a0 0001da20 76656401 0001896b 00000009  
  3554. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0b0 01a1c0e0 00000000 0000000d 0000000e  
  3555. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0c0 01a1ccf0 09766501 00000000 00000000  
  3556. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0d0 0a746101 01a1c100 75660976 00000013  
  3557. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0e0 4013ed60 01a1c0f0 65646f6e 00000013  
  3558. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1c0f0 00000000 01a1cf88 01a1cf88 00000013  
  3559. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3560. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near r8:
  3561. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cf88 01a1cf58 01a1c0f0 01a1c0f0 00000013  
  3562. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cf98 756c6f76 0100656d 01a1cf48 00000013  
  3563. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfa8 69646b6d 01007372 01a1d0c0 00000053  
  3564. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfb8 6f74732f 65676172 6364732f 30647261  
  3565. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfc8 646e412f 64696f72 7461642f 6f632f61  
  3566. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfd8 6f672e6d 656c676f 646e612e 64696f72  
  3567. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfe8 7070612e 616d2e73 697a6167 2f73656e  
  3568. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cff8 68636163 00002f65 00000000 00000221  
  3569. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3570. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d018 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3571. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d028 00000000 000001f9 01a1d028 01a1d028  
  3572. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d038 00000000 00000000 4020f2b0 00000000  
  3573. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d048 72657474 6f702f79 5f726577 70707573  
  3574. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d058 622f796c 65747461 00000038 00000042  
  3575. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d068 50564544 3d485441 7665642f 73656369  
  3576. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d078 616c702f 726f6674 74682f6d 61625f63  
  3577. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3578. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near sl:
  3579. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cf78 00000001 0000000a 00000001 00000013  
  3580. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cf88 01a1cf58 01a1c0f0 01a1c0f0 00000013  
  3581. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cf98 756c6f76 0100656d 01a1cf48 00000013  
  3582. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfa8 69646b6d 01007372 01a1d0c0 00000053  
  3583. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfb8 6f74732f 65676172 6364732f 30647261  
  3584. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfc8 646e412f 64696f72 7461642f 6f632f61  
  3585. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfd8 6f672e6d 656c676f 646e612e 64696f72  
  3586. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cfe8 7070612e 616d2e73 697a6167 2f73656e  
  3587. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1cff8 68636163 00002f65 00000000 00000221  
  3588. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3589. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d018 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3590. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d028 00000000 000001f9 01a1d028 01a1d028  
  3591. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d038 00000000 00000000 4020f2b0 00000000  
  3592. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d048 72657474 6f702f79 5f726577 70707573  
  3593. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d058 622f796c 65747461 00000038 00000042  
  3594. I/DEBUG   (  176):     01a1d068 50564544 3d485441 7665642f 73656369  
  3595. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3596. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near fp:
  3597. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406278e4 6e612e65 696f7264 70612e64 6d2e7370  
  3598. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406278f4 7a616761 73656e69 6361632f 002f6568  
  3599. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627904 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3600. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627914 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3601. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627924 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3602. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627934 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3603. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627944 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3604. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627954 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3605. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627964 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3606. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627974 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3607. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627984 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3608. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627994 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3609. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406279a4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3610. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406279b4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3611. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406279c4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3612. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406279d4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3613. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3614. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near ip:
  3615. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de04 401bacc1 401e7631 401e38bc 401d318d  
  3616. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de14 4013b2ad 401ef527 4017a92f 4017a92f  
  3617. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de24 401e3e9d 4029f1f1 401d3025 4013c449  
  3618. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de34 401e6755 4013c825 401ced35 401e3354  
  3619. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de44 401e1cc8 401eec9d 401e1ce8 401ed915  
  3620. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de54 401edaf1 401e1898 401e172c 401eda81  
  3621. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de64 401fb4b5 401d5aa5 401e3b55 401e464d  
  3622. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de74 401e76e1 401ee081 401d5931 401d5611  
  3623. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de84 401e6a55 401e1c88 401f0b0b 401f0b29  
  3624. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de94 401e1c68 401eed9d 401ced19 401e4631  
  3625. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001dea4 401d31c7 401e1aa0 401ea035 401ba4e9  
  3626. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001deb4 401e429d 401ec771 401fb980 401e14bc  
  3627. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001dec4 4017a921 401ecbf9 4013b0cd 401ec415  
  3628. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001ded4 4013bc81 4013b8eb 4017a939 4013bb4d  
  3629. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001dee4 4013c4e5 401e1504 401e22d4 401e2464  
  3630. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001def4 401e2318 4013bdb9 4013bcb5 4013b219  
  3631. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3632. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near sp:
  3633. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627380 01a1c020 01a1c020 01a1cfa8 401ea03d  
  3634. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627390 00017acf 01a1cfb8 00727300 0000c2ff  
  3635. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406273a0 01a1c020 01a1cfb8 01a1cf58 406273f4  
  3636. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406273b0 00000003 0000de73 01a1c140 01a1cf58  
  3637. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406273c0 00000003 00000003 01a1cf58 01a1c140  
  3638. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406273d0 406273f4 01a1c150 01a1c110 4013ba71  
  3639. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406273e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 4020f388  
  3640. I/DEBUG   (  176):     406273f0 40627476 01a1cf98 01a1cfa8 01a1cfb8  
  3641. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627400 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3642. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627410 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3643. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627420 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3644. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627430 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3645. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627440 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3646. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627450 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3647. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627460 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  3648. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40627470 00000000 6f74732f 65676172 6364732f  
  3649. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3650. I/DEBUG   (  176): code around pc:
  3651. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3ed0 b31a2b01 0f04f013 800af000 3b04f851  
  3652. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3ee0 3c01f1a3 0c03ea2c 3c80f01c 8033f040  
  3653. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3ef0 2302e8f1 f040f891 3c01f1a2 0c02ea2c  
  3654. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3f00 3c80f01c 800ff040 3c01f1a3 0c03ea2c  
  3655. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3f10 3c80f01c 801ff040 bfeaf7ff 0000eba1  
  3656. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3f20 0001f1a0 eba14770 ea5f0000 f040434c  
  3657. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3f30 f0808009 ea5f800a f0400c4c f1a08009  
  3658. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3f40 47700005 0008f1a0 f1a04770 47700007  
  3659. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3f50 0006f1a0 eba14770 ea5f0000 f040434c  
  3660. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3f60 f0808009 ea5f800a f0400c4c f1a08009  
  3661. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3f70 47700001 0004f1a0 f1a04770 47700003  
  3662. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3f80 0002f1a0 bf004770 f000f890 b430b501  
  3663. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3f90 46054696 0404ea84 f0114608 d01d0307  
  3664. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3fa0 0308f1c3 7cc3ea5f f811d002 b3422b01  
  3665. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3fb0 f013d308 d0050c02 2b01f811 f811b30a  
  3666. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401e3fc0 b1f22b01 0f04f013 f851d008 f1a33b04  
  3667. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  3668. I/DEBUG   (  176): code around lr:
  3669. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c2e4 0000b829 0000ae42 0000b829 4606b573  
  3670. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c2f4 460c4816 f7fd4478 4605eecc edfcf7fd  
  3671. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c304 46024629 f7fd4620 b140ee58 46214630  
  3672. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c314 f806f7ff 6801b168 4790688a 4628e000  
  3673. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c324 4620b138 71e0f44f e8bdb002 f00a4070  
  3674. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c334 4a07bb49 4b072003 94002106 447b447a  
  3675. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c344 ed80f7fd 0015f06f bd70b002 0000b7d3  
  3676. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c354 0000ad90 0000b7a1 460db538 200c6844  
  3677. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c364 ed88f7fd 6084682b 68616003 68626041  
  3678. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c374 60606090 0000bd38 47f0e92d 4eb14699  
  3679. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c384 7d52f5ad 46054bb0 af08447e 4692460c  
  3680. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c394 8003f856 f8d82221 90d10000 46394608  
  3681. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c3a4 fac4f7fe f7fdb978 6800ed6c ed6ef7fd  
  3682. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c3b4 4ba74aa6 94002106 447b447a 20039001  
  3683. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c3c4 ed40f7fd 49a3e0f6 4aa3a811 447a5873  
  3684. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c3d4 21ff9700 f7fd681b 28feed66 4a9fd907  
  3685. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1705188 successful
  3686. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1704508 successful
  3687. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x17047e0 successful
  3688. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x170c9a8 successful
  3689. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1719808 successful
  3690. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1711d90 successful
  3691. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1711c50 successful
  3692. I/OMXNodeInstance( 4581): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x1711b48 successful
  3693. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206400, 320)
  3694. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206540, 320)
  3695. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206680, 320)
  3696. I/BootReceiver( 4814): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_02 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  3697. E/VoldConnector( 4814): got -1 reading with start = 0
  3698. E/VoldConnector( 4814): closing stream for vold
  3699. E/VoldConnector( 4814): Communications error: java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
  3700. E/VoldConnector( 4814): Error in NativeDaemonConnector: java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
  3701. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432067c0, 320)
  3702. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206900, 320)
  3703. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206a40, 320)
  3704. I/Vold    ( 6143): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  3705. D/Vold    ( 6143): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  3706. D/Vold    ( 6143): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  3707. D/Vold    ( 6143): Volume usbdisk state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  3708. D/Vold    ( 6143): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  3709. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  3710. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  3711. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  3712. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  3713. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  3714. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  3715. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  3716. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  3717. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  3718. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  3719. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  3720. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  3721. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  3722. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  3723. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  3724. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  3725. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  3726. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 18, PARTN 18
  3727. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 19, PARTN 19
  3728. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 20, PARTN 20
  3729. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 21, PARTN 21
  3730. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 22, PARTN 22
  3731. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 23, PARTN 23
  3732. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 24, PARTN 24
  3733. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 25, PARTN 25
  3734. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 26, PARTN 26
  3735. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 27, PARTN 27
  3736. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 28, PARTN 28
  3737. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 29, PARTN 29
  3738. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 30, PARTN 30
  3739. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 31, PARTN 31
  3740. D/Vold    ( 6143): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  3741. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 32, PARTN 32
  3742. W/Vold    ( 6143): Duplicate state (1)
  3743. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 33, PARTN 33
  3744. E/DirectVolume( 6143): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  3745. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 34, PARTN 34
  3746. E/DirectVolume( 6143): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  3747. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 35, PARTN 35
  3748. E/DirectVolume( 6143): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  3749. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 36, PARTN 36
  3750. E/DirectVolume( 6143): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  3751. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 37, PARTN 37
  3752. E/DirectVolume( 6143): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  3753. D/Vold    ( 6143): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  3754. D/DirectVolume( 6143): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1
  3755. D/Vold    ( 6143): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  3756. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206b80, 320)
  3757. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206cc0, 320)
  3758. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206e00, 320)
  3759. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.apps.books for service com.google.android.apps.books/.service.SyncService: pid=6148 uid=10029 gids={50029, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  3760. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43206f40, 320)
  3761. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207080, 320)
  3762. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432071c0, 320)
  3763. D/MtpService( 4893): updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
  3764. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.mms for broadcast com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver: pid=6156 uid=10008 gids={50008, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  3765. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207300, 320)
  3766. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207440, 320)
  3767. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207580, 320)
  3768. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432076c0, 320)
  3769. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207800, 320)
  3770. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207940, 320)
  3771. D/CountryDetector( 4814): The first listener is added
  3772. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207a80, 320)
  3773. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207bc0, 320)
  3774. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207d00, 320)
  3775. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Deroute pcm stream
  3776. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): deleteFromTable stream 1
  3777. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: E
  3778. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): case PCM_REC
  3779. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  3780. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  3781. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  3782. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  3785. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  3788. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: X
  3789. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  3790. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 29
  3791. V/MmsConfig( 6156): mnc/mcc: 310260
  3792. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: bool value: enabledMMS - true
  3793. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: int value: maxMessageSize - 307200
  3794. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: int value: maxImageHeight - 480
  3795. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: int value: maxImageWidth - 640
  3796. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: int value: defaultSMSMessagesPerThread - 10000
  3797. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: int value: defaultMMSMessagesPerThread - 1000
  3798. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: int value: minMessageCountPerThread - 10
  3799. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: int value: maxMessageCountPerThread - 5000
  3800. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: string value: uaProfUrl - http://www.google.com/oha/rdf/ua-profile-kila.xml
  3801. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: int value: recipientLimit - -1
  3802. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: bool value: enableMultipartSMS - true
  3803. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: int value: smsToMmsTextThreshold - -1
  3804. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: bool value: enableSlideDuration - true
  3805. V/MmsConfig( 6156): tag: int value: maxMessageTextSize - -1
  3806. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207e40, 320)
  3807. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43207f80, 320)
  3808. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432080c0, 320)
  3809. I/Process ( 4814): Sending signal. PID: 5200 SIG: 3
  3810. I/dalvikvm( 5200): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  3811. I/ReaderUtils( 6148): PortraitW 540 LandscapeW 960 Columns 1 textZoom 1.6874999 isTablet false Memory 64
  3812. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208200, 320)
  3813. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208340, 320)
  3814. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208480, 320)
  3815. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432085c0, 320)
  3816. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208700, 320)
  3817. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208840, 320)
  3818. D/dalvikvm( 5076): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1235K, 74% free 3128K/11648K, paused 2ms+5ms, total 53ms
  3819. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208980, 320)
  3820. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208ac0, 320)
  3821. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208c00, 320)
  3822. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3823. W/GAV2    ( 6148): Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
  3824. I/Process ( 4814): Sending signal. PID: 5076 SIG: 3
  3825. I/dalvikvm( 5076): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  3826. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208d40, 320)
  3827. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208e80, 320)
  3828. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43208fc0, 320)
  3829. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiver
  3830. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43209100, 320)
  3831. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43209240, 320)
  3832. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43209380, 320)
  3833. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432094c0, 320)
  3834. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43209600, 320)
  3835. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43209740, 320)
  3836. I/dalvikvm( 5076): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  3837. I/Process ( 4814): Sending signal. PID: 5351 SIG: 3
  3838. I/dalvikvm( 5351): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  3839. I/BooksApp( 6148): Created application version: 3.0.15 (30015)
  3840. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43209880, 320)
  3841. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432099c0, 320)
  3842. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43209b00, 320)
  3843. I/dalvikvm( 5200): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  3844. I/Process ( 4814): Sending signal. PID: 4893 SIG: 3
  3845. I/dalvikvm( 4893): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  3846. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43209c40, 320)
  3847. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43209d80, 320)
  3848. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43209ec0, 320)
  3849. D/dalvikvm( 5423): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'pdflib.dex.jar' (bootstrap=0) ---
  3850. I/dalvikvm( 5351): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  3851. I/Process ( 4814): Sending signal. PID: 5723 SIG: 3
  3852. I/dalvikvm( 5723): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
  3853. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320a000, 320)
  3854. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320a140, 320)
  3855. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320a280, 320)
  3856. D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper( 5026): [MmsSmsDb] tableName: threads hasAutoIncrement: CREATE TABLE threads (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,date INTEGER DEFAULT 0,message_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,recipient_ids TEXT,snippet TEXT,snippet_cs INTEGER DEFAULT 0,read INTEGER DEFAULT 1,type INTEGER DEFAULT 0,error INTEGER DEFAULT 0,has_attachment INTEGER DEFAULT 0) result: true
  3857. D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper( 5026): [MmsSmsDb] tableName: canonical_addresses hasAutoIncrement: CREATE TABLE canonical_addresses (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,address TEXT) result: true
  3858. D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper( 5026): [MmsSmsDb] tableName: part hasAutoIncrement: CREATE TABLE part (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,mid INTEGER,seq INTEGER DEFAULT 0,ct TEXT,name TEXT,chset INTEGER,cd TEXT,fn TEXT,cid TEXT,cl TEXT,ctt_s INTEGER,ctt_t TEXT,_data TEXT,text TEXT) result: true
  3859. I/dalvikvm( 4893): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  3860. D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper( 5026): [MmsSmsDb] tableName: pdu hasAutoIncrement: CREATE TABLE pdu (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,thread_id INTEGER,date INTEGER,date_sent INTEGER DEFAULT 0,msg_box INTEGER,read INTEGER DEFAULT 0,m_id TEXT,sub TEXT,sub_cs INTEGER,ct_t TEXT,ct_l TEXT,exp INTEGER,m_cls TEXT,m_type INTEGER,v INTEGER,m_size INTEGER,pri INTEGER,rr INTEGER,rpt_a INTEGER,resp_st INTEGER,st INTEGER,tr_id TEXT,retr_st INTEGER,retr_txt TEXT,retr_txt_cs INTEGER,read_status INTEGER,ct_cls INTEGER,resp_txt TEXT,d_tm INTEGER,d_rpt INTEGER,locked INTEGER DEFAULT 0,seen INTEGER DEFAULT 0,text_only INTEGER DEFAULT 0) result: true
  3861. D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper( 5026): [getWritableDatabase] hasAutoIncrementThreads: true hasAutoIncrementAddresses: true hasAutoIncrementPart: true hasAutoIncrementPdu: true
  3862. E/ActivityManager( 4814): ANR in com.google.android.apps.magazines
  3863. E/ActivityManager( 4814): PID: 5423
  3864. E/ActivityManager( 4814): Reason: Broadcast of Intent { act=android.media.AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.audio.MediaButtonIntentReceiver }
  3865. E/ActivityManager( 4814): Load: 11.54 / 10.33 / 5.32
  3866. E/ActivityManager( 4814): CPU usage from 8457ms to 1194ms ago:
  3867. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   49% 5200/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search: 42% user + 7.1% kernel / faults: 4345 minor 12 major
  3868. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   22% 178/surfaceflinger: 11% user + 11% kernel / faults: 9 minor
  3869. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   22% 5045/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox: 16% user + 5.9% kernel / faults: 495 minor
  3870. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   9% 4814/system_server: 6.8% user + 2.2% kernel / faults: 847 minor
  3871. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   6.4% 4581/mediaserver: 1.9% user + 4.5% kernel / faults: 228 minor
  3872. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   3.5% 5004/com.google.android.inputmethod.latin: 3% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 966 minor 31 major
  3873. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   2.8% 27/kworker/0:1: 0% user + 2.8% kernel
  3874. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   2.4% 97/kworker/1:1: 0% user + 2.4% kernel
  3875. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   2.4% 4874/com.android.systemui: 2% user + 0.4% kernel / faults: 193 minor
  3876. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.1% 4893/android.process.media: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 90 minor
  3877. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.9% 501/kworker/u:5: 0% user + 0.9% kernel
  3878. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.9% 528/kworker/u:7: 0% user + 0.9% kernel
  3879. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.6% 68/kworker/u:1: 0% user + 0.6% kernel
  3880. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.6% 96/mmcqd/0: 0% user + 0.6% kernel
  3881. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.6% 290/kworker/u:4: 0% user + 0.6% kernel
  3882. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.6% 5723/com.android.chrome: 0.5% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 3 minor
  3883. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.4% 171/akmd: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
  3884. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.4% 172/ewtzmud: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
  3885. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.2% 529/ksdioirqd/mmc1: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
  3886. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.2% 5026/com.android.phone: 0% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 3 minor
  3887. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.1% 137/jbd2/mmcblk0p31: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  3888. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0% 169/servicemanager: 0% user + 0% kernel
  3889. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.1% 5155/irq/302-wl12xx: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  3890. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0% 5217/com.google.android.partnersetup: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 16 minor
  3891. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0% 5238/com.google.android.youtube: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 16 minor
  3892. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0.1% 5423/com.google.android.apps.magazines: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  3893. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   0% 5478/vold: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 2 minor
  3894. E/ActivityManager( 4814): 68% TOTAL: 43% user + 17% kernel + 8% iowait + 0.1% softirq
  3895. E/ActivityManager( 4814): CPU usage from 1156ms to 1702ms later:
  3896. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   56% 4814/system_server: 31% user + 24% kernel / faults: 4446 minor
  3897. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     8.7% 4830/ActivityManager: 3.5% user + 5.2% kernel
  3898. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     7% 4831/android.bg: 5.2% user + 1.7% kernel
  3899. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     5.2% 4829/WindowManager: 3.5% user + 1.7% kernel
  3900. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 4819/Compiler: 0% user + 1.7% kernel
  3901. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 4837/FileObserver: 1.7% user + 0% kernel
  3902. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 4845/InputDispatcher: 1.7% user + 0% kernel
  3903. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 4852/NetworkStats: 1.7% user + 0% kernel
  3904. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 4862/AudioService: 1.7% user + 0% kernel
  3905. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 4916/Binder_4: 1.7% user + 0% kernel
  3906. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 4997/Binder_6: 1.7% user + 0% kernel
  3907. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 5000/Binder_7: 0% user + 1.7% kernel
  3908. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 5002/Binder_9: 1.7% user + 0% kernel
  3909. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 5094/Binder_A: 0% user + 1.7% kernel
  3910. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 5096/Binder_B: 0% user + 1.7% kernel
  3911. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 6090/SoundPoolThread: 1.7% user + 0% kernel
  3912. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   17% 4581/mediaserver: 10% user + 7% kernel / faults: 39 minor
  3913. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     5.2% 4581/mediaserver: 0% user + 5.2% kernel
  3914. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 4668/AudioOut_2: 0% user + 1.7% kernel
  3915. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.7% 4674/Binder_1: 1.7% user + 0% kernel
  3916. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   15% 5200/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search: 13% user + 1.6% kernel / faults: 7 minor
  3917. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     10% 6051/Greco3Thread-1: 8.4% user + 1.6% kernel
  3918. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.6% 5200/earchbox:search: 0% user + 1.6% kernel
  3919. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.6% 5576/MusicDetector-1: 1.6% user + 0% kernel
  3920. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.6% 6054/Greco3Thread-1: 1.6% user + 0% kernel
  3921. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   7.2% 178/surfaceflinger: 4.5% user + 2.7% kernel / faults: 1 minor
  3922. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     4.5% 178/surfaceflinger: 3.6% user + 0.9% kernel
  3923. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     0.9% 265/hwcVsyncThread: 0.9% user + 0% kernel
  3924. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     0.9% 278/GL updater: 0% user + 0.9% kernel
  3925. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     0.9% 280/EventThread: 0.9% user + 0% kernel
  3926. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     0.9% 1223/Binder_4: 0.9% user + 0% kernel
  3927. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   11% 5423/com.google.android.apps.magazines: 6.6% user + 5% kernel / faults: 499 minor 9 major
  3928. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     5% 5423/.apps.magazines: 5% user + 0% kernel
  3929. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.6% 5430/Compiler: 1.6% user + 0% kernel
  3930. E/ActivityManager( 4814):     1.6% 5463/NSCLIENT_PRIVAT: 1.6% user + 0% kernel
  3931. E/ActivityManager( 4814):    +0% 6146/DISK #1: 0% user + 0% kernel
  3932. E/ActivityManager( 4814):   5.4% 176/debuggerd: 2.7% user + 2.7% kernel / faults: 8
  3933. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320a3c0, 320)
  3934. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320a500, 320)
  3935. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320a640, 320)
  3936. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5423:com.google.android.apps.magazines/u0a72 (adj 0): background ANR
  3937. I/dalvikvm( 5723): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
  3938. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320a780, 320)
  3939. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320a8c0, 320)
  3940. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320aa00, 320)
  3941. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1140K, 23% free 9364K/12072K, paused 73ms, total 76ms
  3942. I/dalvikvm-heap( 4814): Grow heap (frag case) to 12.411MB for 393236-byte allocation
  3943. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.service.SyncAdapterService in 5000ms
  3944. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320ab40, 320)
  3945. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320ac80, 320)
  3946. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320adc0, 320)
  3947. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 305K, 25% free 9446K/12460K, paused 56ms, total 56ms
  3948. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320af00, 320)
  3949. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320b040, 320)
  3950. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320b180, 320)
  3951. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 781K, 29% free 8921K/12460K, paused 63ms, total 63ms
  3952. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320b2c0, 320)
  3953. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320b400, 320)
  3954. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320b540, 320)
  3955. D/Mms:app ( 6156): cancelNotification
  3956. E/ActivityThread( 5076): Failed to find provider info for com.android.browser
  3957. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{41e9a330 u0 com.android.chrome/org.chromium.sync.notifier.InvalidationService}
  3958. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320b680, 320)
  3959. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320b7c0, 320)
  3960. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320b900, 320)
  3961. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320ba40, 320)
  3962. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320bb80, 320)
  3963. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320bcc0, 320)
  3964. D/Mms:app ( 6156): cancelNotification
  3965. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320be00, 320)
  3966. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320bf40, 320)
  3967. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320c080, 320)
  3968. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3969. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.onetimeinitializer for broadcast com.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver: pid=6202 uid=10010 gids={50010}
  3970. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320c1c0, 320)
  3971. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320c300, 320)
  3972. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320c440, 320)
  3973. V/OneTimeInitializerRece( 6202): OneTimeInitializerReceiver.onReceive
  3974. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver
  3975. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3976. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.voicedialer for broadcast com.android.voicedialer/.VoiceDialerReceiver: pid=6218 uid=10014 gids={50014, 3002}
  3977. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320c580, 320)
  3978. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320c6c0, 320)
  3979. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320c800, 320)
  3980. W/l       ( 5723): [TiclService] Ticl being stopped: Client: com.google.protos.ipc.invalidation.ClientProtocol$ApplicationClientIdP@41ae4ac8, null, <RunState: NOT_STARTED>
  3981. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320c940, 320)
  3982. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320ca80, 320)
  3983. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320cbc0, 320)
  3984. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.GooglePartnerSetup
  3985. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320cd00, 320)
  3986. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320ce40, 320)
  3987. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320cf80, 320)
  3988. I/BooksSync( 6148): Starting books sync
  3989. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320d0c0, 320)
  3990. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320d200, 320)
  3991. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320d340, 320)
  3992. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3993. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzPingBroadcastReceiver
  3994. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320d480, 320)
  3995. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320d5c0, 320)
  3996. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320d700, 320)
  3997. D/DelayedSyncController( 5723): Delaying sync.
  3998. D/SyncManager( 4814): failed sync operation lovecomplex@gmail.com u0 (com.google), com.android.browser, POLL, latestRunTime 502189, reason: UserStart, SyncResult: databaseError: true stats []
  3999. D/GoogleServicesManager( 5723): setState: sync = true, wantedSyncState = true
  4000. D/GoogleServicesManager( 5723): Enabling sync
  4001. D/SyncManager( 4814): not retrying sync operation because the error is a hard error: lovecomplex@gmail.com u0 (com.google), com.android.browser, POLL, latestRunTime 565710, reason: UserStart
  4002. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{41c84dc0 u0 com.android.chrome/org.chromium.sync.notifier.InvalidationService}
  4003. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320d840, 320)
  4004. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320d980, 320)
  4005. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320dac0, 320)
  4006. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320dc00, 320)
  4007. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320dd40, 320)
  4008. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320de80, 320)
  4009. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320dfc0, 320)
  4010. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320e100, 320)
  4011. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320e240, 320)
  4012. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320e380, 320)
  4013. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320e4c0, 320)
  4014. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320e600, 320)
  4015. I/RlzPingService( 5217): Setting next ping for 1386144296470
  4016. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320e740, 320)
  4017. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320e880, 320)
  4018. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  4019. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320e9c0, 320)
  4020. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320eb00, 320)
  4021. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320ec40, 320)
  4022. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320ed80, 320)
  4023. I/CheckinService( 5076): Preparing to send checkin request
  4024. I/EventLogService( 5076): Accumulating logs since 1385539337656
  4025. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320eec0, 320)
  4026. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320f000, 320)
  4027. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320f140, 320)
  4028. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320f280, 320)
  4029. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320f3c0, 320)
  4030. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320f500, 320)
  4031. E/BooksSync( 6148): Sync error
  4032. E/BooksSync( 6148): java.lang.NullPointerException
  4033. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1467)
  4034. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1415)
  4035. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.os.storage.IMountService$Stub$Proxy.mkdirs(IMountService.java:750)
  4036. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.app.ContextImpl.ensureDirsExistOrFilter(ContextImpl.java:2185)
  4037. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.app.ContextImpl.getExternalFilesDirs(ContextImpl.java:881)
  4038. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.app.ContextImpl.getExternalFilesDir(ContextImpl.java:864)
  4039. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.content.ContextWrapper.getExternalFilesDir(ContextWrapper.java:210)
  4040. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at com.google.android.apps.books.util.StorageUtils.getExternalStorageDirectory(StorageUtils.java:38)
  4041. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at com.google.android.apps.books.provider.ConfigurationProvidelet.getDefaultBaseDirectory(ConfigurationProvidelet.java:319)
  4042. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at com.google.android.apps.books.provider.ConfigurationProvidelet.query(ConfigurationProvidelet.java:201)
  4043. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at com.google.android.apps.books.provider.BooksProvider.dispatchQuery(BooksProvider.java:411)
  4044. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at com.google.android.apps.books.provider.BooksProvider.query(BooksProvider.java:337)
  4045. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(ContentProvider.java:200)
  4046. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:461)
  4047. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:404)
  4048. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at com.google.android.apps.books.provider.BooksProvider.getFileStorageDirectory(BooksProvider.java:725)
  4049. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at com.google.android.apps.books.service.SyncAdapter$SyncContext.<init>(SyncService.java:464)
  4050. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at com.google.android.apps.books.service.SyncAdapter.onPerformSync(SyncService.java:552)
  4051. E/BooksSync( 6148):     at android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter$SyncThread.run(AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter.java:259)
  4052. I/BooksSync( 6148): Finished books sync
  4053. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320f640, 320)
  4054. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320f780, 320)
  4055. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320f8c0, 320)
  4056. I/SystemUpdateService( 5076): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  4057. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.vending for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.BootCompletedReceiver: pid=6255 uid=10020 gids={50020, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4058. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320fa00, 320)
  4059. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320fb40, 320)
  4060. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320fc80, 320)
  4061. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320fdc0, 320)
  4062. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x4320ff00, 320)
  4063. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210040, 320)
  4064. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210180, 320)
  4065. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432102c0, 320)
  4066. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210400, 320)
  4067. I/SystemUpdateService( 5076): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  4068. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210540, 320)
  4069. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210680, 320)
  4070. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432107c0, 320)
  4071. W/EventLogAggregator( 5076): Unknown tag: SYSTEM_AUDIT
  4072. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210900, 320)
  4073. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210a40, 320)
  4074. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210b80, 320)
  4075. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210cc0, 320)
  4076. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210e00, 320)
  4077. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43210f40, 320)
  4078. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  4079. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  4080. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  4081. E/chromium( 5200): [ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(5698)] [.ChromiumCompositor-0xfaf308]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
  4082. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43211080, 320)
  4083. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432111c0, 320)
  4084. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43211300, 320)
  4085. D/Finsky  ( 6255): [1] FinskyApp.onCreate: Initializing network with DFE https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/
  4086. E/libgenlock(  178): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x1, err=Bad file number fd=73)
  4087. E/gralloc (  178): gralloc_lock: genlock_lock_buffer (lockType=0x2) failed
  4088. W/GraphicBufferMapper(  178): lock(...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
  4089. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43211440, 320)
  4090. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43211580, 320)
  4091. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x432116c0, 320)
  4092. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1135K, 29% free 8892K/12460K, paused 65ms, total 65ms
  4093. I/WindowManager( 4814): Screenshot Window{41fb24b8 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.velvet.ui.VelvetActivity} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21020 minLayer=21020 maxLayer=21020
  4094. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43211800, 320)
  4095. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43211940, 320)
  4096. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43211a80, 320)
  4097. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43211bc0, 320)
  4098. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43211d00, 320)
  4099. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x43211e40, 320)
  4100. I/SearchController( 5200): #onHotwordDetectorStopped
  4101. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 5200): mic_close
  4102. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  4103. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  4104. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  4105. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  4106. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  4107. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 5045): KeyEvent: ACTION_UP but key was not down.
  4108. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 5045):   in android.view.ViewRootImpl@42137db8
  4109. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 5045):   0: sent at 566688000000, KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=566688, downTime=566586, deviceId=6, source=0x101 }
  4110. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5157:com.android.printspooler/u0a56 (adj 15): empty #17
  4111. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  4112. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4113. D/Finsky  ( 6255): [1] DailyHygiene.goMakeHygieneIfDirty: No need to run daily hygiene.
  4114. I/Search.DownloadExperimentConfigTask( 5200): Experiment config has not changed.
  4115. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 29
  4116. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254 powered off
  4117. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): driver closed
  4118. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Deroute pcm stream
  4119. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Disable device
  4120. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): deleteFromTable stream 2
  4121. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  4122. W/Settings( 6255): Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  4123. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  4124. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do input routing device 400000
  4125. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  4126. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  4127. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  4128. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  4129. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  4130. W/Settings( 6255): Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  4131. D/dalvikvm( 5723): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3155K, 61% free 4644K/11648K, paused 20ms+13ms, total 133ms
  4132. I/RetainedFragment( 5200): onDestroy
  4133. I/HTC Acoustic( 4581): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  4134. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4135. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5238:com.google.android.youtube/u0a81 (adj 15): empty #17
  4136. D/Volley  ( 6255): [128] DiskBasedCache.clear: Cache cleared.
  4137. D/Volley  ( 6255): [132] DiskBasedCache.clear: Cache cleared.
  4138. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 4874): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41b512b0 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41b57d50 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d3 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  4139. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 4874): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{4198c1d8 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{4198c600 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d3 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  4140. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.gms.ui for broadcast com.google.android.gms/.auth.authzen.GcmReceiverService$Receiver: pid=6300 uid=10017 gids={50017, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 2001, 3006, 3007}
  4141. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  4142. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  4143. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  4144. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): In SPEAKER
  4145. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_rx = 2
  4146. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): new_tx = 4
  4147. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  4148. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: E
  4149. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): simple device switch
  4150. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 0 ALSA dev id:2
  4151. I/SearchController( 5200): #onHotwordDetectorStopped
  4152. V/SearchControllerCache( 5200): disposing SearchController
  4153. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 4874): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41b512b0 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41b57d50 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d3 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  4154. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 4874): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{4198c1d8 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{4198c600 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d3 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  4155. V/PanelView( 4874): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=450.3066 v=2032.5586)
  4156. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  4157. V/ContactsSyncAdapter( 5076): No contacts feed data; creating new feedSyncState...
  4158. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): closeInputStream AudioStreamInMSM8x60
  4159. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60 destructor
  4160. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  4161. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  4162. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4163. D/dalvikvm( 5200): threadid=56: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
  4164. D/dalvikvm( 5200): threadid=60: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
  4165. V/AuthZen ( 6300): Received broadcast action: android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  4166. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.keep for service com.google.android.keep/.syncadapter.MemorySyncAdapterService: pid=6316 uid=10045 gids={50045, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4167. D/Finsky  ( 6255): [1] GmsCoreHelper.cleanupNlp: result=false type=4
  4168. V/AuthZen ( 6300): Received a GCM message.
  4169. D/GCM     ( 5076): GcmService start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  4170. D/HandsFreeIntentActivity( 5200): shouldBeEnabled: locale=en-US
  4171. D/HandsFreeIntentActivity( 5200): Voice dialer enabled state: true
  4172. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.StartUpReceiver
  4173. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4174. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4175. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  4176. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  4177. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  4178. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  4179. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): open driver
  4180. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): get config
  4181. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set config
  4182. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4183. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4184. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_size: 4800
  4185. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_count: 2
  4186. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): channel_count: 2
  4187. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): sample_rate: 44100
  4188. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): update TPA2051_SET_MODE to mode 1 success
  4189. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Ensuring that reporting is active
  4190. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): write(): dec_id = 1 cur_rx = 2
  4191. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4192. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 13
  4193. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): cur_rx for pcm playback = 2
  4194. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  4195. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms; triggerImmediate=false
  4196. V/AuthZen ( 6300): Authzen is disabled
  4197. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  4198. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  4199. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): Local Branch:
  4200. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): Remote Branch: quic/master
  4201. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): Local Patches: NONE
  4202. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  4203. W/linker  ( 5076): eglsubAndroid.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4204. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  4205. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  4208. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  4211. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): addToTable stream 1
  4212. D/Finsky  ( 6255): [1] 2.run: Loaded library for account: [c-VKE6dpyjEzZ7jMBKr4bEEuZHQ]
  4213. D/Finsky  ( 6255): [1] 2.run: Finished loading 1 libraries.
  4214. D/Finsky  ( 6255): [1] RestoreTracker.stopServiceIfDone: Restore complete with 0 success and 0 failed.
  4215. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  4216. V/GelStubAppWatcher( 5200): onReceive: android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  4217. V/GelStubAppWatcher( 5200): stub is enabled
  4218. D/dalvikvm( 5076): GC_EXPLICIT freed 912K, 72% free 3338K/11648K, paused 60ms+6ms, total 97ms
  4219. W/linker  ( 5076): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4220. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver for broadcast com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver: pid=6343 uid=10031 gids={50031}
  4221. W/MountService( 4814): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  4222. W/MountService( 4814): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  4223. W/MountService( 4814): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed) for /storage/usbdisk
  4224. W/MountService( 4814): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  4225. I/PackageManager( 4814): No secure containers on sdcard
  4226. W/linker  ( 5076): libsc-a2xx.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4227. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  4228. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  4229. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5324:com.google.android.music:main/u0a75 (adj 15): empty #17
  4230. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x9be45)
  4231. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)
  4232. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  4233. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  4234. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  4235. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  4236. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  4237. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  4238. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  4239. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  4240. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  4241. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  4242. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  4243. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  4244. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  4245. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  4246. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  4247. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  4248. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  4249. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  4250. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  4251. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  4252. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  4253. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  4254. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  4255. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  4256. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  4257. D/CellBroadcastReceiver( 6343): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
  4258. D/CellBroadcastReceiver( 6343): Registering for ServiceState updates
  4259. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.deskclock for broadcast com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver: pid=6361 uid=10033 gids={50033, 1028}
  4260. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5369:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  4261. D/CellBroadcastReceiver( 6343): Service state changed! 0 Full: 0 0 home T-Mobile T-Mobile 310260  UMTS HSDPA CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false
  4262. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 6343): enabling emergency cell broadcast channels
  4263. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] enableGsmBroadcastRange
  4264. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setGsmBroadcastConfig with 1 configurations
  4265. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4352 to 4354 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  4266. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
  4267. V/AlarmClock( 6361): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  4268. V/AlarmClock( 6361): AlarmInitReceiver - Reset timers and clear stopwatch data
  4269. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] enableGsmBroadcastRange
  4270. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setGsmBroadcastConfig with 2 configurations
  4271. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4356 to 4356 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  4272. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
  4273. I/AlarmClock( 6361): Displaying next alarm time: ''
  4274. V/AlarmClock( 6361): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  4275. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2120K, 28% free 8759K/12068K, paused 4ms+7ms, total 97ms
  4276. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.evervolv.updater for broadcast com.evervolv.updater/.receivers.BootReceiver: pid=6381 uid=10037 gids={50037, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001}
  4277. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4278. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4279. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4280. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4281. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] enableGsmBroadcastRange
  4282. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4283. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4284. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setGsmBroadcastConfig with 3 configurations
  4285. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4371 to 4372 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  4286. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
  4287. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  4288. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4289. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4290. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4291. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4292. W/GAV2    ( 6148): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), will retry.
  4293. I/GAV2    ( 6148): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
  4294. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] enableGsmBroadcastRange
  4295. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed 40K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 2ms+1ms, total 21ms
  4296. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService for service com.evervolv.updater/.services.UpdateManifestService: pid=6396 uid=10037 gids={50037, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001}
  4297. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 18ms
  4298. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setGsmBroadcastConfig with 4 configurations
  4299. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4373 to 4378 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  4300. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
  4301. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.evervolv.updater/.receivers.BootReceiver
  4302. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5385:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  4303. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 23ms
  4304. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] enableGsmBroadcastRange
  4305. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setGsmBroadcastConfig with 4 configurations
  4306. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4379 to 4379 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  4307. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
  4308. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4309. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4310. I/ActivityManager( 4814): START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from pid 4874
  4311. V/PanelView( 4874): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=960.0 v=-3000.0)
  4312. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  4313. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  4314. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  4315. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  4316. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] enableGsmBroadcastRange
  4317. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setGsmBroadcastConfig with 4 configurations
  4318. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.settings for activity com.android.settings/.Settings: pid=6413 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  4319. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5867:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process1/u0a83i2 (adj 15): empty #17
  4320. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5408:com.android.music/u0a49 (adj 15): empty #18
  4321. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4370 to 4370 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  4322. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
  4323. W/MediaFocusControl( 4814):   RemoteControlClient died
  4324. I/EVUpdates( 6396): Scheduled update check for 86399 seconds from now repeating every 86400 seconds
  4325. I/EVUpdates( 6396): Scheduled update check for 2419199 seconds from now repeating every 2419200 seconds
  4326. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  4327. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.email for broadcast com.android.email/.service.EmailBroadcastReceiver: pid=6425 uid=10038 gids={50038, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4328. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 6343): enabled emergency cell broadcast channels
  4329. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 6343): disabling cell broadcast channel 50
  4330. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6074:com.android.dialer/u0a4 (adj 15): empty #17
  4331. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] disableGsmBroadcastRange
  4332. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove cell broadcast subscription for MID range 50 to 50 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  4333. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 6343): disabled cell broadcast channel 50
  4334. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 6343): disabling cell broadcast ETWS test messages
  4335. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] disableGsmBroadcastRange
  4336. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4355 to 4355 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  4337. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 6343): disabling cell broadcast CMAS test messages
  4338. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] disableGsmBroadcastRange
  4339. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 5026): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4380 to 4382 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  4340. W/ChildProcessConnection( 5723): onServiceDisconnected (crash or killed by oom): pid=5867
  4341. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  4342. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.apps.magazines for service com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.service.SyncAdapterService: pid=6439 uid=10072 gids={50072, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4343. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5652:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a1 (adj 15): empty #17
  4344. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1 in 20000ms
  4345. D/ChildProcessLauncher( 5723): stopping child connection: pid=5867
  4346. W/MediaCaptureNotificationService( 5723): Error parsing the webrtc url chrome://welcome/
  4347. D/MinidumpUploadService( 5723): Could not find any crash dumps to upload
  4348. D/BluetoothManagerService( 4814): Message: 20
  4349. D/BluetoothManagerService( 4814): Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@41bc8f60:true
  4350. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.calendar for broadcast com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=6462 uid=10044 gids={50044, 3003}
  4351. D/BluetoothAdapter( 6413): 1101585768: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4352. D/BluetoothManagerService( 4814): Message: 30
  4353. D/BluetoothManagerService( 4814): Message: 30
  4354. W/ContextImpl( 6413): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.doBind:245 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:238 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1187
  4355. W/ContextImpl( 6413): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190
  4356. D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager( 6413): Adding local MAP profile
  4357. D/BluetoothMap( 6413): Create BluetoothMap proxy object
  4358. D/BluetoothManagerService( 4814): Message: 30
  4359. W/ContextImpl( 6413): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.doBind:109 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.<init>:102 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1196
  4360. D/BluetoothManagerService( 4814): Message: 30
  4361. D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager( 6413): LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
  4362. D/BluetoothAdapter( 6413): 1101585768: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4363. D/BluetoothAdapter( 6413): 1101585768: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4364. W/ContextImpl( 6413): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.doBind:164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:157 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68
  4365. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6413): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  4366. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6413): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  4367. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6413): Local Branch:
  4368. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6413): Remote Branch: quic/master
  4369. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6413): Local Patches: NONE
  4370. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6413): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  4371. W/linker  ( 6413): eglsubAndroid.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4372. W/linker  ( 6413): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4373. W/linker  ( 6413): libsc-a2xx.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4374. V/WebViewChromium( 6439): Binding Chromium to the background looper Looper{4196f628}
  4375. D/OpenGLRenderer( 6413): Enabling debug mode 0
  4376. I/chromium( 6439): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(112)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  4377. I/BrowserProcessMain( 6439): Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
  4378. W/chromium( 6439): [WARNING:proxy_service.cc(888)] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
  4379. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6439): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  4380. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6439): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  4381. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6439): Local Branch:
  4382. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6439): Remote Branch: quic/master
  4383. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6439): Local Patches: NONE
  4384. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6439): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  4385. W/linker  ( 6439): eglsubAndroid.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4386. D/WifiService( 4814): setWifiEnabled: true pid=6413, uid=1000
  4387. W/linker  ( 6439): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4388. W/linker  ( 6439): libsc-a2xx.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4389. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4390. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4391. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4392. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4393. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4394. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4395. I/Upgrade ( 6439): Copying Magazines preferences
  4396. W/GAV2    ( 6439): Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
  4397. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4398. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4399. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4400. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4401. I/Upgrade ( 6439): Deleting old blob stores
  4402. F/libc    ( 6143): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 6147 (vold)
  4403. D/AlertReceiver( 6462): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver (has extras) }
  4404. D/BluetoothAdapter( 6413): 1101585768: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4405. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver
  4406. D/AlertService( 6462): 0 Action = android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  4407. D/AlertService( 6462): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  4408. I/DEBUG   (  176): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  4409. I/DEBUG   (  176): Build fingerprint: 'tmous/htc_ruby/ruby:4.4/KRT16M/373265.3:user/release-keys'
  4410. I/DEBUG   (  176): Revision: '4'
  4411. I/DEBUG   (  176): pid: 6143, tid: 6147, name: vold  >>> /system/bin/vold <<<
  4412. I/DEBUG   (  176): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
  4413. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=6510 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4414. I/DEBUG   (  176):     r0 00000000  r1 00000000  r2 00463df8  r3 00000000
  4415. I/DEBUG   (  176): AM write failure (32 / Broken pipe)
  4416. I/DEBUG   (  176):     r4 00463df8  r5 00000000  r6 00463020  r7 00463020
  4417. I/DEBUG   (  176):     r8 00463de8  r9 ffffffff  sl 00463dd8  fp 40509904
  4418. W/NativeCrashListener( 4814): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 6143
  4419. I/DEBUG   (  176):     ip 0001de24  sp 405093a0  lr 0000c305  pc 401c5ef0  cpsr 40030030
  4420. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d0  2f73656e697a6163  d1  616d2e7370706161
  4421. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d2  6f632f6174616463  d3  656c676f6f672e68
  4422. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d4  0000000000000000  d5  0000000000000000
  4423. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d6  0000000000000000  d7  218eb2c000000000
  4424. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000
  4425. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
  4426. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
  4427. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
  4428. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d16 41c0ce8316ae978d  d17 3f50624dd2f1a9fc
  4429. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d18 41cbfaf19a000000  d19 0000000000000000
  4430. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d20 0000000000000000  d21 0000000000000000
  4431. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d22 0000000000000000  d23 0000000000000000
  4432. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d24 0000000000000000  d25 0000000000000000
  4433. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d26 0000000000000000  d27 0000000000000000
  4434. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d28 0000000000000000  d29 0000000000000000
  4435. I/DEBUG   (  176):     d30 0000000000000000  d31 0000000000000000
  4436. I/DEBUG   (  176):     scr 00000010
  4437. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4438. I/DEBUG   (  176): backtrace:
  4439. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #00  pc 00022ef0  /system/lib/libc.so (strlen+83)
  4440. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #01  pc 00004301  /system/bin/vold
  4441. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #02  pc 00005e6f  /system/bin/vold
  4442. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #03  pc 00002a6f  /system/lib/libsysutils.so (FrameworkListener::dispatchCommand(SocketClient*, char*)+358)
  4443. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #04  pc 00002bcf  /system/lib/libsysutils.so (FrameworkListener::onDataAvailable(SocketClient*)+130)
  4444. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #05  pc 000026bf  /system/lib/libsysutils.so (SocketListener::runListener()+466)
  4445. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #06  pc 00002793  /system/lib/libsysutils.so (SocketListener::threadStart(void*)+2)
  4446. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #07  pc 0000d2b0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+72)
  4447. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #08  pc 0000d448  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+240)
  4448. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4449. I/DEBUG   (  176): stack:
  4450. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509360  00463020  [heap]
  4451. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509364  00463df8  [heap]
  4452. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509368  004637b0  [heap]
  4453. I/DEBUG   (  176):          4050936c  00000001  
  4454. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509370  00463d98  [heap]
  4455. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509374  00463020  [heap]
  4456. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509378  00463df8  [heap]
  4457. I/DEBUG   (  176):          4050937c  405093f4  
  4458. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509380  00463020  [heap]
  4459. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509384  00463020  [heap]
  4460. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509388  00463de8  [heap]
  4461. I/DEBUG   (  176):          4050938c  401cc03d  /system/lib/libc.so (getenv+8)
  4462. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509390  00017acf  /system/bin/vold
  4463. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509394  00463df8  [heap]
  4464. I/DEBUG   (  176):          40509398  00727300  
  4465. I/DEBUG   (  176):          4050939c  0000c2ff  /system/bin/vold
  4466. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #00  405093a0  00463020  [heap]
  4467. I/DEBUG   (  176):          ........  ........
  4468. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #01  405093a0  00463020  [heap]
  4469. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093a4  00463df8  [heap]
  4470. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093a8  00463d98  [heap]
  4471. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093ac  405093f4  
  4472. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093b0  00000003  
  4473. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093b4  0000de73  /system/bin/vold
  4474. I/DEBUG   (  176):     #02  405093b8  00463140  [heap]
  4475. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093bc  00463d98  [heap]
  4476. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093c0  00000003  
  4477. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093c4  00000003  
  4478. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093c8  00463d98  [heap]
  4479. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093cc  00463140  [heap]
  4480. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093d0  405093f4  
  4481. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093d4  00463150  [heap]
  4482. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093d8  00463110  [heap]
  4483. I/DEBUG   (  176):          405093dc  4019ea71  /system/lib/libsysutils.so (FrameworkListener::dispatchCommand(SocketClient*, char*)+360)
  4484. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4485. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near r2:
  4486. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463dd8 756c6f76 0000656d 00463d88 00000013  
  4487. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463de8 69646b6d 00007372 00000000 00000053  
  4488. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463df8 6f74732f 65676172 6364732f 30647261  
  4489. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e08 646e412f 64696f72 7461642f 6f632f61  
  4490. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e18 6f672e6d 656c676f 646e612e 64696f72  
  4491. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e28 7070612e 616d2e73 697a6167 2f73656e  
  4492. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e38 68636163 00002f65 00000000 000003e1  
  4493. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e48 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4494. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e58 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4495. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e68 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4496. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e78 00000000 000003a9 00000000 00000000  
  4497. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4498. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e98 00000000 00000389 00000000 00000000  
  4499. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463ea8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4500. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463eb8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4501. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463ec8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4502. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4503. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near r4:
  4504. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463dd8 756c6f76 0000656d 00463d88 00000013  
  4505. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463de8 69646b6d 00007372 00000000 00000053  
  4506. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463df8 6f74732f 65676172 6364732f 30647261  
  4507. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e08 646e412f 64696f72 7461642f 6f632f61  
  4508. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e18 6f672e6d 656c676f 646e612e 64696f72  
  4509. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e28 7070612e 616d2e73 697a6167 2f73656e  
  4510. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e38 68636163 00002f65 00000000 000003e1  
  4511. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e48 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4512. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e58 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4513. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e68 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4514. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e78 00000000 000003a9 00000000 00000000  
  4515. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4516. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e98 00000000 00000389 00000000 00000000  
  4517. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463ea8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4518. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463eb8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4519. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463ec8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4520. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4521. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near r6:
  4522. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463000 00000000 0000001b 401ed0e0 401ed0e0  
  4523. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463010 401b2219 401b2991 401b2229 0000002b  
  4524. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463020 0001d9e0 004630a0 00463048 00463068  
  4525. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463030 6f720900 00000000 ffffffff 00000000  
  4526. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463040 00000000 00000013 0001d9c0 00463058  
  4527. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463050 7665646f 00000013 00000000 00463858  
  4528. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463060 00463428 00000013 0001d9d0 00463078  
  4529. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463070 66677562 00000013 00000000 00463078  
  4530. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463080 00463078 0000001b 0001daf8 004630a0  
  4531. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463090 40124008 00000007 695f6e6f 00000043  
  4532. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630a0 0001da20 76656401 0001896b 00000009  
  4533. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630b0 004630e0 00000000 0000000d 0000000e  
  4534. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630c0 00463b30 09766501 00000000 00000000  
  4535. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630d0 0a746101 00463100 75660976 00000013  
  4536. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630e0 401a1d60 004630f0 65646f6e 00000013  
  4537. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630f0 00000000 00463dc8 00463dc8 00000013  
  4538. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4539. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near r7:
  4540. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463000 00000000 0000001b 401ed0e0 401ed0e0  
  4541. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463010 401b2219 401b2991 401b2229 0000002b  
  4542. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463020 0001d9e0 004630a0 00463048 00463068  
  4543. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463030 6f720900 00000000 ffffffff 00000000  
  4544. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463040 00000000 00000013 0001d9c0 00463058  
  4545. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463050 7665646f 00000013 00000000 00463858  
  4546. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463060 00463428 00000013 0001d9d0 00463078  
  4547. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463070 66677562 00000013 00000000 00463078  
  4548. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463080 00463078 0000001b 0001daf8 004630a0  
  4549. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463090 40124008 00000007 695f6e6f 00000043  
  4550. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630a0 0001da20 76656401 0001896b 00000009  
  4551. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630b0 004630e0 00000000 0000000d 0000000e  
  4552. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630c0 00463b30 09766501 00000000 00000000  
  4553. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630d0 0a746101 00463100 75660976 00000013  
  4554. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630e0 401a1d60 004630f0 65646f6e 00000013  
  4555. I/DEBUG   (  176):     004630f0 00000000 00463dc8 00463dc8 00000013  
  4556. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4557. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near r8:
  4558. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463dc8 00463d98 004630f0 004630f0 00000013  
  4559. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463dd8 756c6f76 0000656d 00463d88 00000013  
  4560. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463de8 69646b6d 00007372 00000000 00000053  
  4561. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463df8 6f74732f 65676172 6364732f 30647261  
  4562. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e08 646e412f 64696f72 7461642f 6f632f61  
  4563. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e18 6f672e6d 656c676f 646e612e 64696f72  
  4564. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e28 7070612e 616d2e73 697a6167 2f73656e  
  4565. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e38 68636163 00002f65 00000000 000003e1  
  4566. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e48 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4567. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e58 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4568. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e68 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4569. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e78 00000000 000003a9 00000000 00000000  
  4570. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4571. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e98 00000000 00000389 00000000 00000000  
  4572. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463ea8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4573. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463eb8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4574. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4575. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near sl:
  4576. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463db8 00000001 0000000e 00000001 00000013  
  4577. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463dc8 00463d98 004630f0 004630f0 00000013  
  4578. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463dd8 756c6f76 0000656d 00463d88 00000013  
  4579. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463de8 69646b6d 00007372 00000000 00000053  
  4580. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463df8 6f74732f 65676172 6364732f 30647261  
  4581. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e08 646e412f 64696f72 7461642f 6f632f61  
  4582. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e18 6f672e6d 656c676f 646e612e 64696f72  
  4583. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e28 7070612e 616d2e73 697a6167 2f73656e  
  4584. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e38 68636163 00002f65 00000000 000003e1  
  4585. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e48 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4586. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e58 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4587. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e68 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4588. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e78 00000000 000003a9 00000000 00000000  
  4589. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4590. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463e98 00000000 00000389 00000000 00000000  
  4591. I/DEBUG   (  176):     00463ea8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4592. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4593. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near fp:
  4594. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405098e4 6e612e65 696f7264 70612e64 6d2e7370  
  4595. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405098f4 7a616761 73656e69 6361632f 002f6568  
  4596. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509904 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4597. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509914 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4598. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509924 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4599. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509934 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4600. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509944 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4601. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509954 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4602. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509964 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4603. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509974 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4604. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509984 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4605. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509994 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4606. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405099a4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4607. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405099b4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4608. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405099c4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4609. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405099d4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4610. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4611. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near ip:
  4612. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de04 40168cc1 401c9631 401c58bc 401b518d  
  4613. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de14 4019e2ad 401d1527 4019192f 4019192f  
  4614. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de24 401c5e9d 402a51f1 401b5025 4019f449  
  4615. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de34 401c8755 4019f825 401b0d35 401c5354  
  4616. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de44 401c3cc8 401d0c9d 401c3ce8 401cf915  
  4617. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de54 401cfaf1 401c3898 401c372c 401cfa81  
  4618. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de64 401dd4b5 401b7aa5 401c5b55 401c664d  
  4619. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de74 401c96e1 401d0081 401b7931 401b7611  
  4620. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de84 401c8a55 401c3c88 401d2b0b 401d2b29  
  4621. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001de94 401c3c68 401d0d9d 401b0d19 401c6631  
  4622. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001dea4 401b51c7 401c3aa0 401cc035 401684e9  
  4623. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001deb4 401c629d 401ce771 401dd980 401c34bc  
  4624. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001dec4 40191921 401cebf9 4019e0cd 401ce415  
  4625. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001ded4 4019ec81 4019e8eb 40191939 4019eb4d  
  4626. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001dee4 4019f4e5 401c3504 401c42d4 401c4464  
  4627. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0001def4 401c4318 4019edb9 4019ecb5 4019e219  
  4628. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4629. I/DEBUG   (  176): memory near sp:
  4630. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509380 00463020 00463020 00463de8 401cc03d  
  4631. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509390 00017acf 00463df8 00727300 0000c2ff  
  4632. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405093a0 00463020 00463df8 00463d98 405093f4  
  4633. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405093b0 00000003 0000de73 00463140 00463d98  
  4634. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405093c0 00000003 00000003 00463d98 00463140  
  4635. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405093d0 405093f4 00463150 00463110 4019ea71  
  4636. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405093e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 401f1388  
  4637. I/DEBUG   (  176):     405093f0 40509476 00463dd8 00463de8 00463df8  
  4638. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509400 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4639. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509410 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4640. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509420 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4641. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509430 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4642. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509440 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4643. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509450 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4644. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509460 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  
  4645. I/DEBUG   (  176):     40509470 00000000 6f74732f 65676172 6364732f  
  4646. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4647. I/DEBUG   (  176): code around pc:
  4648. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5ed0 b31a2b01 0f04f013 800af000 3b04f851  
  4649. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5ee0 3c01f1a3 0c03ea2c 3c80f01c 8033f040  
  4650. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5ef0 2302e8f1 f040f891 3c01f1a2 0c02ea2c  
  4651. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5f00 3c80f01c 800ff040 3c01f1a3 0c03ea2c  
  4652. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5f10 3c80f01c 801ff040 bfeaf7ff 0000eba1  
  4653. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5f20 0001f1a0 eba14770 ea5f0000 f040434c  
  4654. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5f30 f0808009 ea5f800a f0400c4c f1a08009  
  4655. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5f40 47700005 0008f1a0 f1a04770 47700007  
  4656. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5f50 0006f1a0 eba14770 ea5f0000 f040434c  
  4657. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5f60 f0808009 ea5f800a f0400c4c f1a08009  
  4658. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5f70 47700001 0004f1a0 f1a04770 47700003  
  4659. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5f80 0002f1a0 bf004770 f000f890 b430b501  
  4660. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5f90 46054696 0404ea84 f0114608 d01d0307  
  4661. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5fa0 0308f1c3 7cc3ea5f f811d002 b3422b01  
  4662. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5fb0 f013d308 d0050c02 2b01f811 f811b30a  
  4663. I/DEBUG   (  176):     401c5fc0 b1f22b01 0f04f013 f851d008 f1a33b04  
  4664. I/DEBUG   (  176):
  4665. I/DEBUG   (  176): code around lr:
  4666. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c2e4 0000b829 0000ae42 0000b829 4606b573  
  4667. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c2f4 460c4816 f7fd4478 4605eecc edfcf7fd  
  4668. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c304 46024629 f7fd4620 b140ee58 46214630  
  4669. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c314 f806f7ff 6801b168 4790688a 4628e000  
  4670. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c324 4620b138 71e0f44f e8bdb002 f00a4070  
  4671. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c334 4a07bb49 4b072003 94002106 447b447a  
  4672. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c344 ed80f7fd 0015f06f bd70b002 0000b7d3  
  4673. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c354 0000ad90 0000b7a1 460db538 200c6844  
  4674. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c364 ed88f7fd 6084682b 68616003 68626041  
  4675. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c374 60606090 0000bd38 47f0e92d 4eb14699  
  4676. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c384 7d52f5ad 46054bb0 af08447e 4692460c  
  4677. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c394 8003f856 f8d82221 90d10000 46394608  
  4678. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c3a4 fac4f7fe f7fdb978 6800ed6c ed6ef7fd  
  4679. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c3b4 4ba74aa6 94002106 447b447a 20039001  
  4680. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c3c4 ed40f7fd 49a3e0f6 4aa3a811 447a5873  
  4681. I/DEBUG   (  176):     0000c3d4 21ff9700 f7fd681b 28feed66 4a9fd907  
  4682. E/VoldConnector( 4814): got -1 reading with start = 0
  4683. E/VoldConnector( 4814): closing stream for vold
  4684. E/VoldConnector( 4814): Communications error: java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
  4685. E/VoldConnector( 4814): Error in NativeDaemonConnector: java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
  4686. I/BootReceiver( 4814): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_03 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  4687. I/Vold    ( 6523): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  4688. D/Vold    ( 6523): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  4689. D/Vold    ( 6523): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  4690. D/Vold    ( 6523): Volume usbdisk state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  4691. D/Vold    ( 6523): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  4692. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  4693. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  4694. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  4695. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  4696. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  4697. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  4698. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  4699. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  4700. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  4701. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  4702. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  4703. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  4704. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  4705. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  4706. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  4707. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  4708. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  4709. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 18, PARTN 18
  4710. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 19, PARTN 19
  4711. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 20, PARTN 20
  4712. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 21, PARTN 21
  4713. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 22, PARTN 22
  4714. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 23, PARTN 23
  4715. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 24, PARTN 24
  4716. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 25, PARTN 25
  4717. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 26, PARTN 26
  4718. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 27, PARTN 27
  4719. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 28, PARTN 28
  4720. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 29, PARTN 29
  4721. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 30, PARTN 30
  4722. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 31, PARTN 31
  4723. D/Vold    ( 6523): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  4724. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 32, PARTN 32
  4725. W/Vold    ( 6523): Duplicate state (1)
  4726. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 33, PARTN 33
  4727. E/DirectVolume( 6523): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  4728. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 34, PARTN 34
  4729. E/DirectVolume( 6523): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  4730. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 35, PARTN 35
  4731. E/DirectVolume( 6523): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  4732. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 36, PARTN 36
  4733. E/DirectVolume( 6523): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  4734. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 37, PARTN 37
  4735. E/DirectVolume( 6523): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  4736. D/Vold    ( 6523): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  4737. D/DirectVolume( 6523): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1
  4738. D/Vold    ( 6523): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  4739. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +1s440ms
  4740. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  4741. I/Email   ( 6425): Observing account changes for notifications
  4742. D/AlarmScheduler( 6462): No events found starting within 1 week.
  4743. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{41e18218 u0 com.android.exchange/.service.EmailSyncAdapterService}
  4744. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6114:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  4745. D/dalvikvm( 6198): DexOpt: load 327ms, verify+opt 5874ms, 576076 bytes
  4746. W/MediaScanner( 4893): Error opening directory '/storage/usbdisk/', skipping: No such file or directory.
  4747. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.exchange for service com.android.exchange/.service.EmailSyncAdapterService: pid=6532 uid=10039 gids={50039, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4748. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  4749. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6156:com.android.mms/u0a8 (adj 15): empty #17
  4750. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget for broadcast com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/.miniwidget.MiniWidgetProvider: pid=6548 uid=10064 gids={50064, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4751. I/CalendarProvider2( 6510): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar }
  4752. W/ContentResolver( 6510): Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
  4753. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6202:com.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a10 (adj 15): empty #17
  4754. D/CountryDetector( 4814): No listener is left
  4755. I/System.out( 6548): [INFO:11]: LogSource: Logging disabled
  4756. W/Genie   ( 6548): Cache file not found: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/data/com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/cache/genie_masfcache: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  4757. W/Genie   ( 6548): Cache file not found: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/data/com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/cache/genie_iconcache: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  4758. I/Genie   ( 6548): MiniWidgetModel()
  4759. V/Genie   ( 6548): onReceive: intent action=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  4760. I/Genie   ( 6548): ignoring BOOT_COMPLETE since app has never been started
  4761. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.gm for broadcast com.google.android.gm/.GoogleMailDeviceStartupReceiver: pid=6568 uid=10065 gids={50065, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4762. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6218:com.android.voicedialer/u0a14 (adj 15): empty #17
  4763. D/ActivityThread( 6568): Loading provider com.android.gmail.ui: com.google.android.gm.provider.GmailProvider
  4764. I/CheckinTask( 5076): Sending checkin request (2389 bytes)
  4765. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 944K, 25% free 9100K/12068K, paused 5ms+9ms, total 103ms
  4766. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5217:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a19 (adj 15): empty #17
  4767. W/GAV2    ( 6568): Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
  4768. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.talk for broadcast com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.service.BootReceiver: pid=6595 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002}
  4769. I/Gmail   ( 6568): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: exiting (labelMap not synced
  4770. I/Gmail   ( 6568): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: exiting (labelMap not synced
  4771. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 4966:com.google.android.apps.plus/u0a77 (adj 15): empty #17
  4772. I/MmsConfig( 6595): MmsConfig.init: mnc/mcc: 310/260
  4773. W/Settings( 6595): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  4774. I/Babel   ( 6595): ### loadDeviceMmsSettings from API: mUserAgent=, mUaProfUrl=
  4775. V/MmsConfig( 6595): tag: int value: maxMessageSize - 1048576
  4776. V/MmsConfig( 6595): tag: int value: maxImageHeight - 1944
  4777. V/MmsConfig( 6595): tag: int value: maxImageWidth - 2592
  4778. I/Babel   ( 6595): ### loadMmsSettings: mUserAgent=Hangouts/2.0.128, mUaProfUrl=http://www.google.com/oha/rdf/ua-profile-kila.xml
  4779. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4780. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4781. I/ActivityManager( 4814): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox} from pid 6413
  4782. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  4783. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  4784. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  4785. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  4786. E/libgenlock(  178): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x1, err=Bad file number fd=57)
  4787. E/gralloc (  178): gralloc_lock: genlock_lock_buffer (lockType=0x2) failed
  4788. W/GraphicBufferMapper(  178): lock(...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
  4789. I/WindowManager( 4814): Screenshot Window{41afed30 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} was monochrome(ff000000)! mSurfaceLayer=21020 minLayer=21020 maxLayer=21020
  4790. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 805K, 25% free 9054K/12068K, paused 60ms, total 60ms
  4791. D/dalvikvm( 5076): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1450K, 68% free 3831K/11648K, paused 11ms+5ms, total 64ms
  4792. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for activity com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox: pid=6631 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  4793. E/Gmail.LabelManager( 6568): Unable to get label ^i for account lovecomplex@gmail.com
  4794. E/Gmail   ( 6568): Couldn't find label: ^i
  4795. E/Gmail.LabelManager( 6568): Unable to get label ^i for account lovecomplex@gmail.com
  4796. E/Gmail   ( 6568): Couldn't find label: ^i
  4797. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6631): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  4798. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6631): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  4799. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6631): Local Branch:
  4800. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6631): Remote Branch: quic/master
  4801. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6631): Local Patches: NONE
  4802. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6631): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  4803. W/linker  ( 6631): eglsubAndroid.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4804. W/linker  ( 6631): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4805. W/linker  ( 6631): libsc-a2xx.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4806. D/OpenGLRenderer( 6631): Enabling debug mode 0
  4807. V/Babel   ( 6595): babel boot account: SMS
  4808. I/LauncherIconVisibilityManager( 5004): Boot has been completed
  4809. I/LauncherIconVisibilityManager( 5004): Activity has already been disabled: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.setup.SetupActivity}
  4810. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6148:com.google.android.apps.books/u0a29 (adj 15): empty #17
  4811. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  4812. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  4813. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): Local Branch:
  4814. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): Remote Branch: quic/master
  4815. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): Local Patches: NONE
  4816. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5076): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  4817. W/linker  ( 5076): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4818. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.youtube for broadcast com.google.android.youtube/com.google.android.apps.youtube.core.transfer.DownloadService$BootReceiver: pid=6649 uid=10081 gids={50081, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4819. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed 41K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 23ms
  4820. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 20ms
  4821. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 24ms
  4822. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): UserPreferences.update(RealReportingServer(auth), ConfigUpdate{mAccount=account#19#, mDefined=null, mReferenceVersion=null, mUnconditional=true, mPreservesVersion=true, mAmbiguous=null, mReportingEnabled=null, mHistoryEnabled=null, mServerMillis=null, mRestriction=null, mAuthorized=true, mDirty=null}
  4823. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Displayed com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox: +695ms
  4824. W/GCoreUlr( 5011): sending intent to update reporting state
  4825. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4826. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4827. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): UserPreferences.update(sync() server wins GetSettingsResults{mModMillis=1385539397371, mReportingEnabled=true, mHistoryEnabled=true, mUserRestriction=0, mSource=0}, ConfigUpdate{mAccount=account#19#, mDefined=null, mReferenceVersion=1385539396172, mUnconditional=false, mPreservesVersion=false, mAmbiguous=null, mReportingEnabled=true, mHistoryEnabled=true, mServerMillis=1385539397371, mRestriction=0, mAuthorized=null, mDirty=null}
  4828. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4829. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4830. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.core.utils.bb.a:41 HttpClient.UserAgent: com.google.android.youtube/5.2.27(Linux; U; Android 4.4; en_US; HTC Amaze 4G Build/KRT16S)
  4831. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.core.utils.bb.a:41 HttpClient.UserAgent: com.google.android.youtube/5.2.27(Linux; U; Android 4.4; en_US; HTC Amaze 4G Build/KRT16S)
  4832. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4833. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4834. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4835. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4836. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4837. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4838. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.core.client.r.a:114 event [version=5.2.27-s100, action=Startup, label=NORMAL_STARTUP, value=-1]
  4839. D/dalvikvm( 5076): GC_EXPLICIT freed 402K, 68% free 3833K/11648K, paused 3ms+4ms, total 36ms
  4840. W/GCoreUlr( 5011): sending intent to update reporting state
  4841. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.core.cache.f.run:163 Cache is below limit, no need to shrink: [size=0, limit=20971520]
  4842. D/dalvikvm( 6649): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'ads-9590215.jar' (bootstrap=0) ---
  4843. D/dalvikvm( 6675): DexOpt: load 6ms, verify+opt 10ms, 158628 bytes
  4844. D/dalvikvm( 6649): DexOpt: --- END 'ads-9590215.jar' (success) ---
  4845. D/dalvikvm( 6649): DEX prep '/data/data/com.google.android.youtube/cache/ads-9590215.jar': unzip in 0ms, rewrite 375ms
  4846. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.ears for service com.google.android.ears/.heard.EarsSyncAdapterService: pid=6678 uid=10066 gids={50066, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4847. E/EarsResultStorage( 6678): Could not load history from file! /data/data/com.google.android.ears/files/HeardResults: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  4848. I/EarsContentProvider( 6678): Imported 0 previous matches from file
  4849. I/GoogleConversionPing( 6649): Pinging: http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1001680686/?label=4dahCKKczAYQrt7R3QM&value=&muid=LzB271nvXWhJkkIpuiqyFQ&bundleid=com.google.android.youtube&appversion=5.2.27&osversion=4.4&sdkversion=ct-sdk-a-v1.1.0&remarketing_only=1&timestamp=1385539506&data=screen_name%3D%3CAndroid_YT_Open_App%3E
  4850. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.core.transfer.DownloadService$BootReceiver.onReceive:97 boot completed, starting download service
  4851. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Ensuring that reporting is active
  4852. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.core.transfer.TransferService.onCreate:108 creating transfer service
  4853. V/EarsSyncAdapter( 6678): Start sync for lovecomplex@gmail.com - com.google
  4854. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms; triggerImmediate=false
  4855. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Ensuring that reporting is active
  4856. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 478K, 22% free 9322K/11860K, paused 4ms+7ms, total 81ms
  4857. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.app.prefetch.PrefetchService$DeviceStateReceiver.onReceive:571 Got device state change intent: android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  4858. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  4859. W/GAV2    ( 6439): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), will retry.
  4860. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms; triggerImmediate=false
  4861. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6300:com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a17 (adj 15): empty #17
  4862. I/GoogleConversionPing( 6649): Ping responded with response code 200
  4863. V/ProvidersChangedReceiver( 5011): calling applySettings
  4864. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.GpsWidgetProvider: pid=6715 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  4865. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Ensuring that reporting is active
  4866. D/dalvikvm( 6595): GC_EXPLICIT freed 804K, 76% free 2829K/11648K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 83ms
  4867. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms; triggerImmediate=false
  4868. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6255:com.android.vending/u0a20 (adj 15): empty #17
  4869. W/MountService( 4814): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  4870. W/MountService( 4814): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  4871. W/MountService( 4814): Duplicate state transition (removed -> removed) for /storage/usbdisk
  4872. I/PackageManager( 4814): No secure containers on sdcard
  4873. W/MountService( 4814): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  4874. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  4875. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  4876. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x9be45)
  4877. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)
  4878. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  4879. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  4880. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bc45)
  4881. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  4882. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  4883. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  4884. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  4885. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  4886. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  4887. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  4888. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  4889. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  4890. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  4891. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  4892. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  4893. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  4894. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  4895. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER to package com.google.android.music (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be65)
  4896. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  4897. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  4898. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  4899. D/BluetoothAdapter( 6413): 1101585768: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4900. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  4901. W/PackageManager( 4814): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  4902. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  4903. W/PackageManager( 4814): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  4904. I/CheckinTask( 5076): Checkin success: https://android.clients.google.com/checkin (1 requests sent)
  4905. D/BluetoothAdapter( 6413): 1101585768: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4906. D/dalvikvm( 5076): GC_EXPLICIT freed 349K, 68% free 3822K/11648K, paused 11ms+5ms, total 57ms
  4907. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.vending for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.widget.consumption.NowPlayingWidgetProvider: pid=6733 uid=10020 gids={50020, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4908. D/dalvikvm( 5011): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1777K, 70% free 3494K/11648K, paused 1ms+4ms, total 45ms
  4909. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Ensuring that reporting is active
  4910. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms; triggerImmediate=false
  4911. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] FinskyApp.onCreate: Initializing network with DFE https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/
  4912. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] DailyHygiene.goMakeHygieneIfDirty: No need to run daily hygiene.
  4913. W/Settings( 6733): Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  4914. W/Settings( 6733): Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  4915. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Ensuring that reporting is active
  4916. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms; triggerImmediate=false
  4917. W/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] WidgetUtils.parseSparseIntArray: Invalid tuple: map=, tuple=
  4918. W/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] WidgetUtils.parseSparseIntArray: Invalid tuple: map=, tuple=
  4919. W/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] WidgetUtils.parseSparseIntArray: Invalid tuple: map=, tuple=
  4920. W/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] WidgetUtils.parseSparseIntArray: Invalid tuple: map=, tuple=
  4921. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] BaseWidgetProvider.onReceive: Received ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE, updating 1 widgets.
  4922. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] 2.run: Loaded library for account: [c-VKE6dpyjEzZ7jMBKr4bEEuZHQ]
  4923. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] 2.run: Finished loading 1 libraries.
  4924. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] BaseWidgetProvider.onReceive: Received ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE, updating 1 widgets.
  4925. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [204] LoadConsumptionDataService.readDataFromCache: /data/data/com.android.vending/cache/consumption/ConsumptionAppDataCache_1.cache doesn't exist
  4926. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [204] LoadConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Was able to read from cache for 4
  4927. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] GmsCoreHelper.cleanupNlp: result=false type=4
  4928. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [204] LoadConsumptionDataService.readDataFromCache: /data/data/com.android.vending/cache/consumption/ConsumptionAppDataCache_2.cache doesn't exist
  4929. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [204] LoadConsumptionDataService.readDataFromCache: /data/data/com.android.vending/cache/consumption/ConsumptionAppDataCache_6.cache doesn't exist
  4930. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] BaseWidgetProvider.onReceive: Received ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE, updating 1 widgets.
  4931. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.videos for content provider com.google.android.videos/.search.VideoSearchProvider: pid=6773 uid=10080 gids={50080, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002}
  4932. D/BluetoothAdapter( 6413): 1101585768: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4933. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] RestoreTracker.stopServiceIfDone: Restore complete with 0 success and 0 failed.
  4934. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 5200:com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search/u0a22 (adj 15): empty #17
  4935. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6057:com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/u0a23 (adj 15): empty #17
  4936. D/BluetoothAdapter( 6413): 1101585768: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4937. D/BluetoothAdapter( 6413): 1101585768: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4938. V/AlarmClock( 6361): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  4939. I/AlarmClock( 6361): Displaying next alarm time: ''
  4940. V/AlarmClock( 6361): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  4941. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search for broadcast com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.sidekick.widget.PredictiveCardsWidgetProvider: pid=6797 uid=10022 gids={50022, 3003, 1028, 3002, 1015}
  4942. W/ContextImpl( 5351): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE } android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 com.google.android.gms.init.InitializeGmsReceiver.onReceive:29
  4943. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.init.InitializeGmsReceiver
  4944. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  4945. D/GCM     ( 5076): GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService } com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE
  4946. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [209] FetchConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Starting ServiceConnection to consumption app: com.google.android.apps.books
  4947. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.music:main for broadcast com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver: pid=6816 uid=10075 gids={50075, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4948. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Deroute pcm stream
  4949. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): deleteFromTable stream 1
  4950. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: E
  4951. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): simple device switch
  4952. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 0 ALSA dev id:2
  4953. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1204K, 22% free 9279K/11860K, paused 3ms+10ms, total 119ms
  4954. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.apps.books for service com.google.android.apps.books/.service.BooksUserContentService: pid=6822 uid=10029 gids={50029, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4955. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppProvider: pid=6834 uid=10019 gids={50019, 3003}
  4956. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  4957. I/HeardRestRequest( 6678): Added 0 matches
  4958. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4959. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 29
  4960. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254 powered off
  4961. I/ReaderUtils( 6822): PortraitW 540 LandscapeW 960 Columns 1 textZoom 1.6874999 isTablet false Memory 64
  4962. W/GAV2    ( 6822): Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
  4963. I/BooksApp( 6822): Created application version: 3.0.15 (30015)
  4964. D/Toolbox ( 6631): Selected item=6
  4965. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4966. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4967. I/MusicStore( 6816): Database version: 72
  4968. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  4969. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  4970. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  4971. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  4972. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): open driver
  4973. D/L       ( 6773): videos.cache.PersistentCache.cleanup:126 Cache is below limit, no need to shrink: [size=0, limit=5242880]
  4974. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): get config
  4975. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set config
  4976. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  4977. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  4978. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_size: 4800
  4979. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): buffer_count: 2
  4980. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): channel_count: 2
  4981. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): sample_rate: 44100
  4982. W/ContextImpl( 6816): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.google.android.music.PREFERENCE_SERVICE } android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection$ServiceConnectionImp.bindService:98 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection.bindService:259
  4983. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): write(): dec_id = 1 cur_rx = 2
  4984. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4985. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 13
  4986. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): cur_rx for pcm playback = 2
  4987. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  4988. W/GAV2    ( 6568): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), will retry.
  4989. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  4990. I/GAV2    ( 6568): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
  4991. W/ContextImpl( 6816): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.google.android.music.NETWORK_MONITOR_SERVICE } android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection$ServiceConnectionImp.bindService:98 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection.bindService:259
  4992. D/MusicPreferences( 6816): Set pref key LogFilesEnabled=false
  4993. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  4994. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audtable
  4997. D/ACDB-LOADER( 4581): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  5000. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): addToTable stream 1
  5001. I/MediaRouter( 6816): Found default route: MediaRouter.RouteInfo{ uniqueId=android:DEFAULT_ROUTE, name=Phone, description=null, enabled=true, connecting=false, playbackType=0, playbackStream=3, volumeHandling=1, volume=11, volumeMax=15, presentationDisplayId=-1, extras=null, providerPackageName=android }
  5002. I/NetworkMonitor( 6816): Network Type: 0 isConnected: true
  5003. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver
  5004. D/MusicPreferences( 6816): Re-setting music sync state for account lovecomplex@gmail.com
  5005. I/NetworkMonitor( 6816): Network changed: type(0) name(mobile) isConnected : true noData: false bitrate:192
  5006. I/MediaRouter( 6773): Found default route: MediaRouter.RouteInfo{ uniqueId=android:DEFAULT_ROUTE, name=Phone, description=null, enabled=true, connecting=false, playbackType=0, playbackStream=3, volumeHandling=1, volume=11, volumeMax=15, presentationDisplayId=-1, extras=null, providerPackageName=android }
  5007. I/L       ( 6773): videos.remote.MediaRouteManager.startScan:132 Scanning started
  5008. D/MusicPreferences( 6816): Set pref key upgradeSyncDone=false
  5009. D/L       ( 6773): videos.remote.MediaRouteManager.onRouteSelected:176 routeInfo: MediaRouter.RouteInfo{ uniqueId=android:DEFAULT_ROUTE, name=Phone, description=null, enabled=true, connecting=false, playbackType=0, playbackStream=3, volumeHandling=1, volume=11, volumeMax=15, presentationDisplayId=-1, extras=null, providerPackageName=android }
  5010. D/BaseCastMediaRouteProvider( 6773): published 0 routes
  5011. D/L       ( 6773): videos.remote.MediaRouteManager.onRouteSelected:176 routeInfo: MediaRouter.RouteInfo{ uniqueId=android:DEFAULT_ROUTE, name=Phone, description=null, enabled=true, connecting=false, playbackType=0, playbackStream=3, volumeHandling=1, volume=11, volumeMax=15, presentationDisplayId=-1, extras=null, providerPackageName=android }
  5012. D/MusicStore( 6816): Disabled WAL
  5013. E/Gmail.LabelManager( 6568): Unable to get label ^i for account lovecomplex@gmail.com
  5014. E/Gmail   ( 6568): Couldn't find label: ^i
  5015. D/MusicStore( 6816): Database opened
  5016. D/L       ( 6773): videos.pinning.TransferService.onCreate:52 creating transfer service
  5017. D/dalvikvm( 5076): GC_EXPLICIT freed 602K, 68% free 3798K/11648K, paused 4ms+3ms, total 37ms
  5018. D/L       ( 6773): videos.remote.MediaRouteManager.onRouteSelected:176 routeInfo: MediaRouter.RouteInfo{ uniqueId=android:DEFAULT_ROUTE, name=Phone, description=null, enabled=true, connecting=false, playbackType=0, playbackStream=3, volumeHandling=1, volume=11, volumeMax=15, presentationDisplayId=-1, extras=null, providerPackageName=android }
  5019. D/BaseCastMediaRouteProvider( 6773): in onDiscoveryRequestChanged: request=DiscoveryRequest{ selector=MediaRouteSelector{ controlCategories=[android.media.intent.category.LIVE_VIDEO, android.media.intent.category.LIVE_AUDIO, com.google.cast.CATEGORY_CAST, com.google.cast.CATEGORY_CAST_APP_NAME:PlayMovies] }, activeScan=false, isValid=true }
  5020. D/BaseCastMediaRouteProvider( 6773): filter criteria changed (name: PlayMovies, protocols: null); flushing routes
  5021. D/BaseCastMediaRouteProvider( 6773): published 0 routes
  5022. D/BaseCastMediaRouteProvider( 6773): starting a scan
  5023. D/DeviceManager( 6773): startScan
  5024. D/DeviceManager( 6773): notifyStateChanged: 1
  5025. D/SsdpScanner( 6773): start
  5026. D/SsdpScanner( 6773): connectivity state changed; connected? true, errorState? false
  5027. D/SsdpScanner( 6773): re-established connectivity after connectivity changed; restarting scan
  5028. D/SsdpScanner( 6773): start
  5029. D/YouTube MDX( 6649): discoveryRequestChanged : DiscoveryRequest{ selector=MediaRouteSelector{ controlCategories=[android.media.intent.category.LIVE_VIDEO, android.media.intent.category.LIVE_AUDIO, com.google.cast.CATEGORY_CAST, com.google.cast.CATEGORY_CAST_APP_NAME:PlayMovies] }, activeScan=false, isValid=true }
  5030. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5031. W/ContextImpl( 5351): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE } android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 com.google.android.gms.init.InitializeGmsReceiver.onReceive:29
  5032. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.init.InitializeGmsReceiver
  5033. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5034. D/GCM     ( 5076): GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService } com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE
  5035. I/MusicLeanback( 6816): EnablingReceiver action:com.google.android.music.START_DOWNLOAD_SCHEDULING
  5036. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): Acquired WakeLock
  5037. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): onCreate
  5038. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.leanback.AutoCacheSchedulingService$EnablingReceiver
  5039. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6343:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/u0a31 (adj 15): empty #17
  5040. W/ContextImpl( 6816): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.google.android.music.NETWORK_MONITOR_SERVICE } android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection$ServiceConnectionImp.bindService:98 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection.bindService:259
  5041. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): Service action:com.google.android.music.leanback.APP_IN_USE
  5042. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [210] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: Error fetching data from service for backend=[1]
  5043. W/ContextImpl( 6816): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.google.android.music.NETWORK_MONITOR_SERVICE } android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection$ServiceConnectionImp.bindService:98 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection.bindService:259
  5044. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6381:com.evervolv.updater/u0a37 (adj 15): empty #17
  5045. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [209] FetchConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Starting ServiceConnection to consumption app: com.google.android.videos
  5046. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): State: lastUpdateTrigger=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969, currentUpdateTrigger=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969, scheduledTrigger=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969, currentUpdateRefreshedMixes=false, initializedMixes=false, sourceAccount=0, lastAttempt=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969, appUseTime=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969, connectivityRecoveryTime=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969
  5047. D/DownloadQueue( 6816): clearCurrentTask
  5048. D/DownloadQueue( 6816): getNextTask(): wait
  5049. D/CacheService( 6816): onCreate
  5050. D/CacheService( 6816): onBind
  5051. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): updateServiceState
  5052. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): isAllServicesConnected: false
  5053. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): bindings: dm=true cm=false nm=true
  5054. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): updateServiceState
  5055. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): isAllServicesConnected: true
  5056. I/MediaStoreImporter( 6816): Update: incremental Added music: 0 Updated music: 0 Deleted music: 0 Created playlists: 0 Updated playlists: 0 Deleted playlists: 0 Inserted playlist items: 0 Deleted playlist items: 0 Removed orphaned playlist items: 0
  5057. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5058. D/dalvikvm( 5045): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 873K, 40% free 7828K/12940K, paused 51ms, total 55ms
  5059. I/dalvikvm-heap( 5045): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.476MB for 992032-byte allocation
  5060. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel for broadcast com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/com.google.android.apps.wallet.nfcevent.NfcAdapterStateReceiver: pid=6924 uid=10023 gids={50023, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  5061. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5062. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5063. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5064. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5065. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5066. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5067. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5068. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5069. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5070. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5071. I/WalletApplication( 6924): User-Agent: com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/1064 (2.0-R141-v14-RELEASE; Android 19; tmous/htc_ruby/ruby:4.4/KRT16M/373265.3:user/release-keys) Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4; HTC Amaze 4G Build/KRT16S)
  5072. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/com.google.android.apps.wallet.nfcevent.NfcAdapterStateReceiver
  5073. D/SsdpScanner( 6773): startInternal
  5074. D/SsdpScanner( 6773): No suitable network interface!
  5075. D/SsdpScanner( 6773): reportNetworkError; errorState now true
  5076. D/DeviceManager( 6773): flushing device list
  5077. D/DeviceManager( 6773): notifyStateChanged: 2
  5078. E/DeviceCapabilityManager( 6924): OperatorName=, Operator=310260, Product=htc_ruby, Model=HTC Amaze 4G not supported
  5079. I/DeviceCapabilityManager( 6924): Supported capabilities: [NFC]
  5080. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5081. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.mms for broadcast com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver: pid=6945 uid=10008 gids={50008, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  5082. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 730K, 22% free 9381K/11972K, paused 3ms+7ms, total 79ms
  5083. D/CountryDetector( 4814): The first listener is added
  5084. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [210] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: retrieved 1 documents from [4]
  5085. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] ConsumptionAppDataCache.setConsumptionAppData: data didn't change for backend=[4], ignoring!
  5086. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [209] FetchConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Starting ServiceConnection to consumption app: com.google.android.music
  5087. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6396:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a37 (adj 15): empty #17
  5088. V/MmsConfig( 6945): mnc/mcc: 310260
  5089. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: bool value: enabledMMS - true
  5090. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: int value: maxMessageSize - 307200
  5091. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: int value: maxImageHeight - 480
  5092. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: int value: maxImageWidth - 640
  5093. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: int value: defaultSMSMessagesPerThread - 10000
  5094. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: int value: defaultMMSMessagesPerThread - 1000
  5095. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: int value: minMessageCountPerThread - 10
  5096. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: int value: maxMessageCountPerThread - 5000
  5097. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: string value: uaProfUrl - http://www.google.com/oha/rdf/ua-profile-kila.xml
  5098. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: int value: recipientLimit - -1
  5099. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: bool value: enableMultipartSMS - true
  5100. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: int value: smsToMmsTextThreshold - -1
  5101. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: bool value: enableSlideDuration - true
  5102. V/MmsConfig( 6945): tag: int value: maxMessageTextSize - -1
  5103. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [210] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: retrieved 0 documents from [2]
  5104. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] ConsumptionAppDataCache.setConsumptionAppData: data didn't change for backend=[2], ignoring!
  5105. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [209] FetchConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Starting ServiceConnection to consumption app: com.google.android.apps.magazines
  5106. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): Suggested mixes turned off. Locker has less than 200
  5107. D/GCM     ( 5076): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  5108. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.setupwizard for broadcast com.google.android.setupwizard/.MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver: pid=6975 uid=10021 gids={50021, 3003}
  5109. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed 40K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 30ms
  5110. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 25ms
  5111. D/dalvikvm( 4544): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 79% free 2555K/11648K, paused 2ms+1ms, total 20ms
  5112. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): Released WakeLock
  5113. I/MusicLeanback( 6816): Conditions not met for autocaching.
  5114. I/MusicLeanback( 6816): Stop autocaching.
  5115. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6510:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a1 (adj 15): empty #17
  5116. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): handleMessage: msg{ what=7 when=-14ms arg1=1 }
  5117. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): onDestroy
  5118. D/CacheService( 6816): onDestroy
  5119. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816): onDestroy()
  5120. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816): Interrupted:
  5121. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816): java.lang.InterruptedException
  5122. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816):  at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  5123. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816):  at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:364)
  5124. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816):  at com.google.android.music.download.DownloadQueue.getNextTask(DownloadQueue.java:256)
  5125. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816):  at com.google.android.music.download.DownloadQueueManagerImpl$1.run(DownloadQueueManagerImpl.java:58)
  5126. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816): Shutting down
  5127. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816): Download thread finished: mShutdown=true
  5128. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6532:com.android.exchange/u0a39 (adj 15): empty #17
  5129. D/MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver( 6975): onReceive Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver (has extras) }
  5130. D/MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver( 6975): onReceive CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE networkType=0
  5131. D/MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver( 6975): onReceive CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE: checkConnection
  5132. E/PhoneMonitor( 6975): onOtaspChanged old =0, new =3
  5133. V/PhoneMonitor( 6975): mOtaspPhoneStateListener#onOtaspChanged, mOtaspMode=3
  5134. D/CheckConnectionTask( 6975): doInBackground: url=http://clients3.google.com/generate_204
  5135. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.apps.plus for broadcast com.google.android.apps.plus/com.google.android.picasasync.ConnectivityReceiver: pid=6993 uid=10077 gids={50077, 3003, 3002, 1028, 1015}
  5136. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6425:com.android.email/u0a38 (adj 15): empty #17
  5137. D/CheckConnectionTask( 6975): doInBackground: resultCode=204 retVal=true
  5138. D/CheckConnectionTask( 6975): onPostExecute connected=true
  5139. D/CheckConnectionTask( 6975): onPostExecute set preference connected=true
  5140. D/dalvikvm( 6993): No JNI_OnLoad found in /system/lib/libwebp_android.so 0x419768c0, skipping init
  5141. D/dalvikvm( 6993): No JNI_OnLoad found in /system/lib/libplus_jni_v8.so 0x419768c0, skipping init
  5142. I/NativeLibrarySupport( 6993): Native WEBP decoder, version=0.3.1
  5143. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.app.prefetch.PrefetchService$DeviceStateReceiver.onReceive:571 Got device state change intent: android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  5144. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6548:com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/u0a64 (adj 15): empty #17
  5145. D/dalvikvm( 6568): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1648K, 74% free 3057K/11648K, paused 4ms+5ms, total 65ms
  5146. D/MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver( 6975): onReceive Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver (has extras) }
  5147. D/MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver( 6975): onReceive CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE networkType=5
  5148. D/GCM     ( 5076): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  5149. I/Gmail   ( 6568): getStartSyncRequest: handledServerOpId: 0, upperFetchedConvoId: 0, lowerFetchedConvoId: 0, ackedClientOp: 0
  5150. D/dalvikvm( 5026): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2453K, 73% free 3219K/11648K, paused 2ms+4ms, total 36ms
  5151. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.app.prefetch.PrefetchService$DeviceStateReceiver.onReceive:571 Got device state change intent: android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  5152. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  5153. D/GCM     ( 5076): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  5154. D/MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver( 6975): onReceive Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver (has extras) }
  5155. D/MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver( 6975): onReceive CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE networkType=5
  5156. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.app.prefetch.PrefetchService$DeviceStateReceiver.onReceive:571 Got device state change intent: android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  5157. D/MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver( 6975): onReceive Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver (has extras) }
  5158. D/MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver( 6975): onReceive CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE networkType=0
  5159. D/GCM     ( 5076): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  5160. D/MobileConnectivityChangeReceiver( 6975): onReceive CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE: checkConnection
  5161. D/CheckConnectionTask( 6975): doInBackground: url=http://clients3.google.com/generate_204
  5162. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.app.prefetch.PrefetchService$DeviceStateReceiver.onReceive:571 Got device state change intent: android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  5163. D/AlertReceiver( 6462): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver }
  5164. D/AlertService( 6462): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  5165. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver
  5166. D/dalvikvm( 4893): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1407K, 71% free 3482K/11648K, paused 2ms+10ms, total 99ms
  5167. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5168. D/GCM     ( 5076): Connected
  5169. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=7048 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  5170. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.AndroidInternalScheduler$AlarmReceiver
  5171. W/GAV2    ( 6439): Thread[Service Reconnect,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), using local store.
  5172. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  5173. V/GCMBroadcastReceiver( 5723): onReceive: com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTRATION
  5174. V/GCMRegistrar( 5723): Setting the name of retry receiver class to com.google.ipc.invalidation.external.client.contrib.MultiplexingGcmListener$GCMReceiver
  5175. V/GCMBroadcastReceiver( 5723): GCM IntentService class: com.google.ipc.invalidation.external.client.contrib.MultiplexingGcmListener
  5176. V/GCMBaseIntentService( 5723): Acquiring wakelock
  5177. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5178. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 503K, 22% free 9419K/11972K, paused 3ms+5ms, total 86ms
  5179. V/GCMBaseIntentService( 5723): Intent service name: GCMIntentService-DynamicSenderIds-1
  5180. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.external.client.contrib.MultiplexingGcmListener$GCMReceiver
  5181. V/GCMRegistrar( 5723): Registering receiver
  5182. D/GCMBaseIntentService( 5723): handleRegistration: registrationId = APA91bGzDtI2YZYZljf06XV_aEIj4WcUxTcm2EYtFC2rpCMAPf4yXJEiDKNsdkFceyaHiyyz4jweuuv6HQIpsPVu3TlnWCjwO3sUKx46jV6_eFuW70xQFb-mdXIuoNqf9eUl9ftfjmIEzzfouigrHx7i-yD4buE_sDwDLSVnH-PCMpEsd1zxMOoVCbyKzMcqF63wCLQKJ62e, error = null, unregistered = null
  5183. D/GCMRegistrar( 5723): resetting backoff for com.android.chrome
  5184. V/GCMRegistrar( 5723): Saving regId on app version 1650059
  5185. V/GCMBaseIntentService( 5723): Releasing wakelock
  5186. I/GCM     ( 5076): GCM message com.google.android.gsf.gtalkservice
  5187. I/Gmail   ( 6568): StartSyncInfoProto: Personal inbox enabled: false
  5188. W/Gmail   ( 6568): Could not find personal inbox android config protobuf
  5189. I/GCM     ( 5076): Ack for not saved message 2
  5190. D/GCM     ( 5076): Message class fon
  5191. D/dalvikvm( 4960): GC_EXPLICIT freed 3457K, 68% free 3783K/11648K, paused 3ms+7ms, total 51ms
  5192. E/Gmail.LabelManager( 6568): Unable to get label ^i for account lovecomplex@gmail.com
  5193. E/Gmail   ( 6568): Couldn't find label: ^i
  5194. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=0, condition=100, published condition=0
  5195. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5196. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5197. D/EVToolbox( 6631): Calling dumplogcat:-D -B -o /data/data/com.evervolv.toolbox/files/logcat -m -d
  5198. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  5199. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): set output routing 2
  5200. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): outputDevices = 2
  5201. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  5202. D/CheckConnectionTask( 6975): doInBackground: resultCode=204 retVal=true
  5203. D/CheckConnectionTask( 6975): onPostExecute connected=true
  5204. D/CheckConnectionTask( 6975): onPostExecute set preference connected=true
  5205. D/dalvikvm( 6568): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1921K, 74% free 3073K/11648K, paused 3ms+2ms, total 37ms
  5206. I/CalendarProvider2( 7048): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar }
  5207. W/ContentResolver( 7048): Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
  5208. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5209. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6595:com.google.android.talk/u0a70 (adj 15): empty #17
  5210. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.AndroidInternalScheduler$AlarmReceiver
  5211. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5212. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.AndroidInternalScheduler$AlarmReceiver
  5213. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5214. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  5215. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): Done.
  5216. D/ConnectivityService( 4814): Setting timer for 720seconds
  5217. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.musicfx for broadcast com.android.musicfx/.ControlPanelReceiver: pid=7076 uid=10009 gids={50009, 3003, 3002}
  5218. V/MusicFXControlPanelReceiver( 7076): onReceive
  5219. V/MusicFXControlPanelReceiver( 7076): Action: android.media.action.CLOSE_AUDIO_EFFECT_CONTROL_SESSION
  5220. V/MusicFXControlPanelReceiver( 7076): Package name: com.android.music
  5221. V/MusicFXControlPanelReceiver( 7076): Audio session: 6
  5222. V/MusicFXControlPanelEffect( 7076): closeSession(android.app.ReceiverRestrictedContext@41976950, com.android.music, 6)
  5223. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6678:com.google.android.ears/u0a66 (adj 15): empty #17
  5224. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] BaseWidgetProvider.onReceive: Received ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE, updating 1 widgets.
  5225. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiver
  5226. V/SmsReceiverService( 6945): onStart: #1 mResultCode: -1 = Activity.RESULT_OK
  5227. D/libloc  ( 4814): Inject coarse position Lat=45.570830, Lon=-122.691837, Acc=48.00
  5228. D/libloc  ( 4814): loc_eng_ioctl called: client = 3, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION
  5229. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3000008c:00050000 waiting for XDR input buffer to be consumed.
  5230. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 289, xdr 0x7c0648) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
  5231. D/libloc  ( 4814): loc_eng_ioctl result: client = 3, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION, RPC_LOC_API_SUCCESS
  5232. D/RPC     ( 4814): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 289)
  5233. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5234. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver
  5235. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5236. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5237. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5238. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5239. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5240. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.CameraMonitor
  5241. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5242. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5243. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5244. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5245. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Bufsize 4800
  5246. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): SampleRate 44.1k
  5247. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Successfully inserted location
  5248. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5249. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.CameraMonitor
  5250. W/GAV2    ( 6822): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), will retry.
  5251. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  5252. I/GAV2    ( 6822): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
  5253. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5254. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.CameraMonitor
  5255. D/dalvikvm( 6568): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1881K, 74% free 3115K/11648K, paused 4ms+10ms, total 45ms
  5256. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5257. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.CameraMonitor
  5258. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5259. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.CameraMonitor
  5260. W/GAV2    ( 6568): Thread[Service Reconnect,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), using local store.
  5261. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  5262. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 600K, 22% free 9438K/12084K, paused 3ms+8ms, total 88ms
  5263. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5264. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.CameraMonitor
  5265. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5266. W/ContextImpl( 5351): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE } android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 com.google.android.gms.init.InitializeGmsReceiver.onReceive:29
  5267. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.init.InitializeGmsReceiver
  5268. D/GCM     ( 5076): GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService } com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE
  5269. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5270. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  5271. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5272. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.email for broadcast com.android.email/.provider.WidgetProvider: pid=7113 uid=10038 gids={50038, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  5273. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): UserPreferences.update(RealReportingServer(auth), ConfigUpdate{mAccount=account#19#, mDefined=null, mReferenceVersion=null, mUnconditional=true, mPreservesVersion=true, mAmbiguous=null, mReportingEnabled=null, mHistoryEnabled=null, mServerMillis=null, mRestriction=null, mAuthorized=true, mDirty=null}
  5274. D/ActivityThread( 7113): Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
  5275. W/GCoreUlr( 5011): sending intent to update reporting state
  5276. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Batch Location Update succeeded for account account#19#
  5277. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver
  5278. D/dalvikvm( 6568): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1937K, 74% free 3143K/11648K, paused 4ms+3ms, total 49ms
  5279. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Ensuring that reporting is active
  5280. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms; triggerImmediate=false
  5281. I/MediaStoreImporter( 6816): Update: incremental Added music: 0 Updated music: 0 Deleted music: 0 Created playlists: 0 Updated playlists: 0 Deleted playlists: 0 Inserted playlist items: 0 Deleted playlist items: 0 Removed orphaned playlist items: 0
  5282. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5283. D/AlertReceiver( 6462): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver }
  5284. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6715:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  5285. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.talk for broadcast com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.realtimechat.RealTimeChatService$AlarmReceiver: pid=7135 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002}
  5286. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  5287. I/Email   ( 7113): Observing account changes for notifications
  5288. I/Gmail   ( 6568): checkLabelsSets changed the label sets to: included([^r, ^^out]), partial([^i, ^iim, ^f]), all([^sq_ig_i_social, userlabel:1123230114, userlabel:2088297265, userlabel:90242001, ^smartlabel_social, userlabel:2914456, ^io_im, ^smartlabel_promo, userlabel:3237038, userlabel:90241997, userlabel:-897050771, ^smartlabel_notification, userlabel:94101, userlabel:-2104539680, userlabel:104580, userlabel:93982, ^smartlabel_personal, userlabel:-273885185, userlabel:-1369786197, userlabel:90242029, userlabel:-1492276990, userlabel:1925388894, userlabel:-1492276991, userlabel:-1492276992, userlabel:-805798692, userlabel:94076, userlabel:-244132349, ^imi, userlabel:-1291329255, ^iim, userlabel:-812318908, userlabel:96897, ^all, ^smartlabel_group, userlabel:956638479, ^sq_ig_i_personal, userlabel:2896756, ^imn, userlabel:632403903, userlabel:-1492276993, userlabel:-1492276994, userlabel:929250993, ^i, ^g, ^f, ^sq_ig_i_promo, userlabel:702134603, userlabel:-1508083783, ^k, userlabel:1040979160, userlabel:-995205389, userlabel:93692, ^b, userlabel:2903652, userlabel:3026, userlabel:3025, userlabel:105008833, ^t, ^u, userlabel:843908213, ^r, userlabel:-1492383895, ^s])
  5289. I/MmsConfig( 7135): MmsConfig.init: mnc/mcc: 310/260
  5290. I/Babel   ( 7135): ### loadDeviceMmsSettings from API: mUserAgent=, mUaProfUrl=
  5291. V/MmsConfig( 7135): tag: int value: maxMessageSize - 1048576
  5292. V/MmsConfig( 7135): tag: int value: maxImageHeight - 1944
  5293. V/MmsConfig( 7135): tag: int value: maxImageWidth - 2592
  5294. W/Settings( 7135): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  5295. I/Babel   ( 7135): ### loadMmsSettings: mUserAgent=Hangouts/2.0.128, mUaProfUrl=http://www.google.com/oha/rdf/ua-profile-kila.xml
  5296. I/Gmail   ( 6568): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: queueing
  5297. I/Gmail   ( 6568): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: running
  5298. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.realtimechat.RealTimeChatService$AlarmReceiver
  5299. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  5300. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5301. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6316:com.google.android.keep/u0a45 (adj 15): empty #17
  5302. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiver
  5303. V/SmsReceiverService( 6945): onStart: #1 mResultCode: -1 = Activity.RESULT_OK
  5304. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5305. D/dalvikvm( 5076): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1459K, 67% free 3873K/11648K, paused 3ms+4ms, total 41ms
  5306. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.channel.AndroidMessageReceiverService$Receiver
  5307. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5308. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.snapshot.gcm.GcmReceiver$Receiver
  5309. V/GcmReceiver( 5723): Got successful registration from GCM frontend
  5310. D/CloudPrintService( 5723): Syncing state with Cloud Print server
  5311. D/dalvikvm( 4960): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2225K, 70% free 3509K/11648K, paused 5ms+5ms, total 49ms
  5312. D/dalvikvm( 6568): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1089K, 74% free 3115K/11648K, paused 3ms+2ms, total 45ms
  5313. I/Gmail   ( 6568): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 1452843480087789569, highestHandledServerOp: 20652893, normalSync: true
  5314. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 540K, 23% free 9423K/12084K, paused 3ms+5ms, total 77ms
  5315. D/dalvikvm( 7135): GC_EXPLICIT freed 880K, 76% free 2850K/11648K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 55ms
  5316. W/GAV2    ( 6993): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), will retry.
  5317. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  5318. I/GAV2    ( 6993): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
  5319. D/dalvikvm( 5076): GC_EXPLICIT freed 645K, 68% free 3829K/11648K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 56ms
  5320. D/dalvikvm( 5076): null clazz in OP_INSTANCE_OF, single-stepping
  5321. I/CloudPrintClient( 5723): Device successfully updated
  5322. D/CloudPrintService( 5723): Synchronization of state with Cloud Print server complete.
  5323. V/CloudPrintService( 5723): Fetching external print jobs
  5324. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): Deroute pcm stream
  5325. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): deleteFromTable stream 1
  5326. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): updateDeviceInfo: E
  5327. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): simple device switch
  5328. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 2 0 ALSA dev id:2
  5329. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  5330. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  5331. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 29
  5332. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 4581): aic3254 powered off
  5333. E/CloudPrintClient( 5723): Fetch print jobs failed: request failed: No print job available on specified printer.
  5334. I/GlobalDismissManager( 6462): no sender configured
  5335. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5336. D/AlertReceiver( 6462): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver }
  5337. D/AlertService( 6462): Beginning updateAlertNotification
  5338. D/dalvikvm( 4960): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1912K, 70% free 3535K/11648K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 41ms
  5339. I/MusicLeanback( 6816): EnablingReceiver action:com.google.android.music.START_DOWNLOAD_SCHEDULING
  5340. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): Acquired WakeLock
  5341. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.leanback.AutoCacheSchedulingService$EnablingReceiver
  5342. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): onCreate
  5343. W/ContextImpl( 6816): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.google.android.music.NETWORK_MONITOR_SERVICE } android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection$ServiceConnectionImp.bindService:98 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection.bindService:259
  5344. D/AlertService( 6462): No fired or scheduled alerts
  5345. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): Service action:com.google.android.music.leanback.APP_IN_USE
  5346. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): State: lastUpdateTrigger=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969, currentUpdateTrigger=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969, scheduledTrigger=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969, currentUpdateRefreshedMixes=false, initializedMixes=false, sourceAccount=0, lastAttempt=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969, appUseTime=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969, connectivityRecoveryTime=Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969
  5347. W/ContextImpl( 6816): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.google.android.music.NETWORK_MONITOR_SERVICE } android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection$ServiceConnectionImp.bindService:98 com.google.android.music.utils.SafeServiceConnection.bindService:259
  5348. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): Suggested mixes turned off. Locker has less than 200
  5349. D/DownloadQueue( 6816): clearCurrentTask
  5350. D/DownloadQueue( 6816): getNextTask(): wait
  5351. D/CacheService( 6816): onCreate
  5352. D/CacheService( 6816): onBind
  5353. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): updateServiceState
  5354. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): isAllServicesConnected: false
  5355. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): bindings: dm=true cm=false nm=true
  5356. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): updateServiceState
  5357. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): isAllServicesConnected: true
  5358. D/AlertService( 6462): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  5359. D/AlarmScheduler( 6462): No events found starting within 1 week.
  5360. D/AlertService( 6462): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  5361. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{41ab1028 u0 com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.InitAlarmsService}
  5362. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5363. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): Released WakeLock
  5364. I/MusicLeanback( 6816): Conditions not met for autocaching.
  5365. I/MusicLeanback( 6816): Stop autocaching.
  5366. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): handleMessage: msg{ what=7 when=0 arg1=1 }
  5367. D/MusicLeanback( 6816): onDestroy
  5368. D/CacheService( 6816): onDestroy
  5369. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816): onDestroy()
  5370. E/Finsky  ( 6733): [209] FetchConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Service connection for 6 timed out after 7000
  5371. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816): Interrupted:
  5372. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816): java.lang.InterruptedException
  5373. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816):  at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  5374. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816):  at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:364)
  5375. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816):  at com.google.android.music.download.DownloadQueue.getNextTask(DownloadQueue.java:256)
  5376. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816):  at com.google.android.music.download.DownloadQueueManagerImpl$1.run(DownloadQueueManagerImpl.java:58)
  5377. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816): Shutting down
  5378. D/DownloadQueueManager( 6816): Download thread finished: mShutdown=true
  5379. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6834:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a19 (adj 15): empty #17
  5380. D/lights  ( 4814): set_light_buttons_func: on=0 brightness=0
  5381. D/dalvikvm( 4960): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2239K, 72% free 3348K/11648K, paused 2ms+4ms, total 33ms
  5382. W/GAV2    ( 6822): Thread[Service Reconnect,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), using local store.
  5383. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  5384. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 316K, 23% free 9389K/12084K, paused 3ms+5ms, total 78ms
  5385. I/InputReader( 4814): Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000010
  5386. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.voicedialer for broadcast com.android.voicedialer/.VoiceDialerReceiver: pid=7187 uid=10014 gids={50014, 3002}
  5387. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6822:com.google.android.apps.books/u0a29 (adj 15): empty #17
  5388. D/SystemBroadcastService( 5351): Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=
  5389. I/Icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider( 6797): Updating corpora: A: com.google.android.videos, C: MAYBE
  5390. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$CorporaChangedReceiver
  5391. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5392. V/GelStubAppWatcher( 6797): onReceive: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED
  5393. W/Launcher( 5045): setApplicationContext called twice! old=com.google.android.velvet.VelvetApplication@4197e0a0 new=com.google.android.velvet.VelvetApplication@4197e0a0
  5394. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.gallery3d for broadcast com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor: pid=7203 uid=10041 gids={50041, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  5395. I/Launcher( 5045): Deferring update until onResume
  5396. I/Launcher( 5045): Deferring update until onResume
  5397. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  5398. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5399. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  5400. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Resuming delayed broadcast
  5401. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): Ensuring that reporting is active
  5402. I/GCoreUlr( 5011): GMS FLP location updates requested at interval 60000 ms; triggerImmediate=false
  5403. D/dalvikvm( 6568): GC_EXPLICIT freed 644K, 74% free 3128K/11648K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 96ms
  5404. I/Gmail   ( 6568): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 1451560944304810043, highestHandledServerOp: 20652893, normalSync: true
  5405. D/dalvikvm( 4960): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1819K, 71% free 3456K/11648K, paused 3ms+4ms, total 27ms
  5406. W/GAV2    ( 6993): Thread[Service Reconnect,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), using local store.
  5407. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  5408. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6773:com.google.android.videos/u0a80 (adj 15): empty #17
  5409. D/YouTube MDX( 6649): discoveryRequestChanged : null
  5410. I/GlobalDismissManager( 6462): no sender configured
  5411. D/AlertService( 6462): Beginning updateAlertNotification
  5412. D/AlertService( 6462): No fired or scheduled alerts
  5413. D/AlertService( 6462): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  5414. D/AlarmScheduler( 6462): No events found starting within 1 week.
  5415. D/AlertService( 6462): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  5416. D/dalvikvm( 4960): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1904K, 70% free 3504K/11648K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 46ms
  5417. D/dalvikvm( 5076): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2036K, 68% free 3840K/11648K, paused 9ms+4ms, total 51ms
  5418. D/dalvikvm( 5076): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 16ms
  5419. D/dalvikvm( 5076): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 21ms
  5420. I/BATT_ALG(  184): batt_alg_cable_detection: cable detection handler, charging source = 0
  5421. I/BATT_MAIN(  184): release battery wakelock
  5422. I/BATT_ALG(  184): batt_alg_check_charging: charging_source = 0,  isOver_temp = 0
  5423. D/lights  ( 4814): set_light_buttons_func: on=6710886 brightness=102
  5424. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.google.android.apps.uploader for broadcast com.google.android.apps.uploader/com.google.android.picasasync.BatteryReceiver: pid=7225 uid=10074 gids={50074, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  5425. I/PackageManager( 4814): Running dexopt on: com.google.android.apps.uploader
  5426. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 892K, 22% free 9482K/12084K, paused 4ms+6ms, total 91ms
  5427. D/dalvikvm( 7238): DexOpt: load 45ms, verify+opt 283ms, 949876 bytes
  5428. D/dalvikvm( 4960): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1946K, 70% free 3536K/11648K, paused 1ms+4ms, total 42ms
  5429. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6975:com.google.android.setupwizard/u0a21 (adj 15): empty #17
  5430. D/PicasaUploader( 7225): System upgrade from null to 4.4
  5431. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  5432. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  5433. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Killing 6924:com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel/u0a23 (adj 15): empty #17
  5434. D/PicasaUploader( 7225):    wifiOnlyPhoto changed to true
  5435. D/PicasaUploader( 7225):    wifiOnlyVideo changed to true
  5436. D/PicasaUploader( 7225):    syncOnBattery changed to true
  5437. D/PicasaUploaderSync( 7225): sync account database
  5438. D/PicasaUploaderSync( 7225): accounts in DB=0
  5439. D/PicasaUploaderSync( 7225): add account to DB:Account {name=lovecomplex@gmail.com, type=com.google}
  5440. D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager( 7225): active network: NetworkInfo: type: mobile[UMTS], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: epc.tmobile.com, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  5441. D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager( 7225): background data: true
  5442. D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager( 7225): battery info: false
  5443. D/PicasaUploaderSync( 7225): sync account database
  5444. D/PicasaUploaderSync( 7225): accounts in DB=1
  5445. I/BATT_ALG(  184): batt_alg_cable_detection: cable detection handler, charging source = 1
  5446. I/BATT_MAIN(  184): acquire battery wakelock
  5447. I/BATT_ALG(  184): batt_alg_check_charging: charging_source = 1,  isOver_temp = 0
  5448. I/BATT_ALG(  184): batt_alg_set_charging: set charging: 1
  5449. I/EntropyMixer( 4814): Writing entropy...
  5450. D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager( 7225): battery info: true
  5451. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  5452. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 4814): default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  5453. D/YouTube ( 6649): apps.youtube.app.prefetch.PrefetchService$DeviceStateReceiver.onReceive:571 Got device state change intent: android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
  5454. D/dalvikvm( 4874): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 457K, 21% free 10546K/13236K, paused 24ms, total 24ms
  5455. D/MtpService( 4893): updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
  5456. D/MtpService( 4893): updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
  5457. D/MtpService( 4893): starting MTP server in MTP mode
  5458. D/dalvikvm( 4960): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2249K, 72% free 3292K/11648K, paused 6ms+8ms, total 40ms
  5459. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{41d4d538 u0 com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertService}
  5460. I/GlobalDismissManager( 6462): no sender configured
  5461. D/AlertService( 6462): Beginning updateAlertNotification
  5462. D/AlertService( 6462): No fired or scheduled alerts
  5463. D/AlertService( 6462): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  5464. D/AlarmScheduler( 6462): No events found starting within 1 week.
  5465. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 4874): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{42161de8 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{42118090 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d3 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  5466. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 4874): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{42161de8 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{42118090 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d3 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  5467. E/Icing   ( 5351): Column tag was not returned by client, refusing to index
  5468. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Start proc com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process4 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService4: pid=7249 uid=99005 gids={}
  5469. D/ChildProcessLauncher( 5723): Setting up connection to process: slot=4
  5470. I/ChildProcessService( 7249): Creating new ChildProcessService pid=7249
  5471. I/LibraryLoader( 7249): loading: chromeview
  5472. D/dalvikvm( 7249): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.android.chrome-1/libchromeview.so 0x41979288
  5473. D/ChildProcessLauncher( 5723): on connect callback, pid=7249 context=14313984
  5474. D/dalvikvm( 7249): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.android.chrome-1/libchromeview.so 0x41979288
  5475. I/LibraryLoader( 7249): loaded: chromeview
  5476. I/chromium( 7249): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(70)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  5477. D/dalvikvm( 4814): GC_EXPLICIT freed 552K, 23% free 9417K/12084K, paused 5ms+10ms, total 138ms
  5478. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5479. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5480. E/Icing   ( 5351): Column tag was not returned by client, refusing to index
  5481. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5482. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5483. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5484. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5485. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5486. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5487. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5488. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5489. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5490. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5491. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5492. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5493. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5494. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5495. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5496. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5497. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5498. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5499. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5500. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5501. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5502. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5503. E/chromium( 5723): [ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: ntp is not defined", source:  (1)
  5504. E/chromium( 5723): [ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: ntp is not defined", source:  (1)
  5505. W/chromium( 5723): [WARNING:CONSOLE(4368)] "i18n-values: Missing value for "syncLoading"", source: chrome://newtab/#cached_ntp (4368)
  5506. E/Icing   ( 5351): Column tag was not returned by client, refusing to index
  5507. E/Icing   ( 5351): Column tag was not returned by client, refusing to index
  5508. E/Icing   ( 5351): Column tag was not returned by client, refusing to index
  5509. D/dalvikvm( 4960): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1772K, 71% free 3447K/11648K, paused 3ms+9ms, total 91ms
  5510. E/Icing   ( 5351): Column tag was not returned by client, refusing to index
  5511. W/MediaCaptureNotificationService( 5723): Error parsing the webrtc url chrome://newtab/#cached_ntp
  5512. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5513. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5514. W/ChildProcessConnection( 5723): onServiceDisconnected (crash or killed by oom): pid=7249
  5515. D/ChildProcessLauncher( 5723): stopping child connection: pid=7249
  5516. I/ActivityManager( 4814): Process com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process4 (pid 7249) has died.
  5517. W/ActivityManager( 4814): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService4 in 5000ms
  5518. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5519. E/Icing   ( 5351): Column tag was not returned by client, refusing to index
  5520. W/Adreno200-GSL( 5723): <gsl_ldd_control:225>: ioctl code 0xc00c0902 (IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_GETPROPERTY) failed: errno 22 Invalid argument
  5521. E/Icing   ( 5351): Column tag was not returned by client, refusing to index
  5522. D/InitAlarmsService( 6462): Clearing and rescheduling alarms.
  5523. E/Icing   ( 5351): Column tag was not returned by client, refusing to index
  5524. D/Volley  ( 6733): [1] Request.finish: 3838 ms: [ ] https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/replicateLibrary 0xe8d195d1 NORMAL 1
  5525. D/Finsky  ( 6733): [1] CheckWifiAndAutoUpdate.cancelCheck: Cancelling auto-update wifi check.
  5526. *** logcat: Timed out after 20.0s (killing pid 7069)
  5527. ------ KERNEL LOG (dmesg) ------
  5528.   530.177124] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  5529. <6>[  530.177124] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5530. <6>[  530.178649] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5531. <6>[  530.179656] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  5532. <6>[  530.179687] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5533. <6>[  530.196441] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  5534. <6>[  530.197540] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5535. <6>[  530.198547] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 19ms --
  5536. <6>[  530.208709] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  5537. <6>[  530.208862] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 29
  5538. <6>[  530.209014] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  5539. <6>[  530.209075] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  5540. <6>[  530.278045] set_amp: 0
  5541. <6>[  530.283721] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5542. <6>[  530.288635] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5543. <6>[  530.289733] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  5544. <6>[  530.289886] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  5545. <6>[  530.358062] set_amp: 1
  5546. <6>[  530.361572] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  5547. <6>[  530.366577] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 80ms --
  5548. <6>[  530.366668] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  5549. <6>[  530.366668] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  5550. <6>[  530.366699] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  5551. <6>[  530.428070] set_amp: 0
  5552. <6>[  530.433837] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  5553. <6>[  530.433990] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5554. <6>[  530.436126] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5555. <6>[  530.437255] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  5556. <6>[  530.437316] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  5557. <6>[  530.498168] set_amp: 1
  5558. <6>[  530.501525] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  5559. <6>[  530.506835] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  5560. <6>[  530.506988] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  5561. <6>[  530.507080] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5562. <6>[  530.508697] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5563. <6>[  530.509887] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5564. <6>[  530.510009] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  5565. <6>[  530.510192] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  5566. <6>[  530.578430] set_amp: 0
  5567. <6>[  530.584167] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  5568. <6>[  530.584289] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  5569. <6>[  530.584442] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5570. <6>[  530.586303] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5571. <6>[  530.587402] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  5572. <6>[  530.587524] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5573. <6>[  530.590301] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5574. <6>[  530.591461] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 4ms --
  5575. <6>[  530.603088] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  5576. <6>[  530.608612] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  5577. <6>[  530.608734] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  5578. <6>[  530.757263] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  5579. <6>[  530.757385] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  5580. <6>[  530.757476] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5581. <6>[  530.759094] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5582. <6>[  530.760284] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  5583. <6>[  530.760345] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  5584. <6>[  530.760528] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5585. <6>[  530.762023] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5586. <6>[  531.002349] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -196, -438, -551
  5587. <7>[  531.397613] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5588. <7>[  531.397796] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5589. <7>[  531.418029] wl12xx: elp work
  5590. <7>[  531.418090] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5591. <3>[  532.026794] [K] binder: 5841: binder_alloc_buf failed to map pages in userspace, no vma
  5592. <6>[  532.026885] [K] binder: 4814:5001 transaction failed 29201, size 3208-4
  5593. <3>[  532.119720] [K] binder: release proc 5841, transaction 269748, not freed
  5594. <3>[  532.119812] [K] binder: release proc 5841, transaction 269764, not freed
  5595. <6>[  532.878173] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  5596. <6>[  532.878570] 11-27 00:04:23
  5597. <4>[  532.879577]  17:  2357    gp_timer
  5598. <4>[  532.881011]  48:   174    msmgpio
  5599. <4>[  532.882476] 107:   234    MDP
  5600. <4>[  532.883880] 112:   282    kgsl-3d0
  5601. <4>[  532.885559] 113:   423    kgsl-2d0
  5602. <4>[  532.886932] 122:   848    smd_dev
  5603. <4>[  532.894256] 133:   214    mmc3
  5604. <6>[  532.895324] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5605. <4>[  532.896667] 135:  1327    mmc1
  5606. <6>[  532.897705] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5607. <4>[  532.898803] 136:  1117    mmc0
  5608. <6>[  532.899841] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5609. <4>[  532.901245] 179:  1797    spi_qsd
  5610. <4>[  532.902618] 187:   140    qup_err_intr
  5611. <4>[  532.903991] 191:   201    qup_err_intr
  5612. <4>[  532.905700] 199:   588    msmdatamover
  5613. <4>[  532.909362] 220:   158    mmc4
  5614. <6>[  532.910430] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5615. <4>[  532.911499] 228:   299    qup_err_intr
  5616. <4>[  532.913208] 244:   423    kgsl-2d1
  5617. <4>[  532.914672] 302:    11    wl12xx
  5618. <4>[  532.916137] 355:     2    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  5619. <4>[  532.917846] 373:   140    atmel_qt602240
  5620. <4>[  532.919982] 400:    21    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  5621. <6>[  532.922149] C0: 2340 2618ms
  5622. <6>[  532.922515] CPU0 usage: 73
  5623. <6>[  532.923187] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  5624. <6>[  532.923553] LPASS running (0ms)
  5625. <4>[  532.924102]   420,   209 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  5626. <4>[  532.926177]   902,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  5627. <4>[  532.928314]  866D,    97 kworker/1:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  5628. <4>[  532.930114]   953,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  5629. <4>[  532.932128]   300,  4847 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  5630. <4>[  532.934173]  932D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  5631. <4>[  532.935913]   392,   265 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  5632. <4>[  532.938507] 6634 total events, 658.162 events/sec
  5633. <4>[  532.938995] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'battery_daemon'  'vbus_present'  'msm_otg'  'main'  'sdio_dmux', time left 29;
  5634. <6>[  532.951812] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  5635. <6>[  532.952209] 30%           5200            earchbox:search                 610
  5636. <6>[  532.952575] 13%           5723            .android.chrome                 275
  5637. <6>[  532.953247] 6%            178             surfaceflinger                  141
  5638. <6>[  532.953613] 6%            4814            system_server                   121
  5639. <6>[  532.954010] 3%            4543            netd                    62
  5640. <6>[  533.246398] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -210, -455, -509
  5641. <6>[  535.490386] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -140, -402, -593
  5642. <6>[  537.272552] [TP]unlock change to 2
  5643. <6>[  537.734527] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -168, -447, -537
  5644. <6>[  538.116424] [TP]unlock change to 2
  5645. <6>[  538.679046] [TP]unlock change to 2
  5646. <6>[  539.978668] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -219, -447, -551
  5647. <6>[  540.929290] [TP]unlock change to 2
  5648. <6>[  541.441040] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 541390000000 (s 541390000000)
  5649. <6>[  542.045745] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 541996000000 (s 541996000000)
  5650. <6>[  542.222473] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -216, -511, -438
  5651. <4>[  542.918243] Thermal: failed to read out thermal zone 1
  5652. <6>[  542.958374] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  5653. <6>[  542.958801] 11-27 00:04:33
  5654. <4>[  542.959625]  17:  1891    gp_timer
  5655. <4>[  542.961212]  48:    75    msmgpio
  5656. <4>[  542.963226] 107:   240    MDP
  5657. <4>[  542.964721] 112:   141    kgsl-3d0
  5658. <4>[  542.966247] 113:   546    kgsl-2d0
  5659. <4>[  542.968505] 135:  1892    mmc1
  5660. <6>[  542.969665] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5661. <4>[  542.970886] 136:  1225    mmc0
  5662. <6>[  542.972045] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5663. <4>[  542.973297] 187:    49    qup_err_intr
  5664. <4>[  542.975128] 199:   663    msmdatamover
  5665. <4>[  542.977111] 220:    29    mmc4
  5666. <6>[  542.978240] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5667. <4>[  542.979797] 228:   299    qup_err_intr
  5668. <4>[  542.981353] 244:   546    kgsl-2d1
  5669. <4>[  542.983093] 355:     1    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  5670. <4>[  542.985412] 373:    49    atmel_qt602240
  5671. <4>[  542.987060] 400:    25    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  5672. <6>[  542.989837] C0: 1787 2807ms
  5673. <6>[  542.990509] CPU0 usage: 71
  5674. <6>[  542.991394] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  5675. <6>[  542.991790] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  5676. <4>[  542.992218]   383,   209 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  5677. <4>[  542.994964]   804,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  5678. <4>[  542.997314]  777D,    97 kworker/1:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  5679. <4>[  542.999633]   931,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  5680. <4>[  543.002502]  908D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  5681. <4>[  543.004425]   300,  4847 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  5682. <4>[  543.007568]   365,   265 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  5683. <4>[  543.010009] 5701 total events, 567.862 events/sec
  5684. <4>[  543.010528] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'
  5685. <4>[  543.012390] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'battery_daemon'  'vbus_present'  'msm_otg'  'main'  'sdio_dmux', time left 32;
  5686. <6>[  543.026947] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  5687. <6>[  543.027374] 34%           5723            .android.chrome                 694
  5688. <6>[  543.028045] 8%            178             surfaceflinger                  176
  5689. <6>[  543.028411] 5%            4814            system_server                   120
  5690. <6>[  543.028808] 3%            5793            dboxed_process0                 63
  5691. <6>[  543.029479] 2%            5867            dboxed_process1                 43
  5692. <6>[  544.300323] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 544250000000 (s 544250000000)
  5693. <6>[  544.466369] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -135, -562, -452
  5694. <7>[  544.468688] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  5695. <7>[  544.468688] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5696. <7>[  544.474731] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5697. <7>[  544.474853] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  5698. <7>[  544.518157] wl12xx: elp work
  5699. <7>[  544.518249] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5700. <7>[  544.644927] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5701. <7>[  544.645141] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5702. <7>[  544.668060] wl12xx: elp work
  5703. <7>[  544.668151] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5704. <7>[  544.830810] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5705. <7>[  544.830932] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5706. <7>[  544.843811] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  5707. <7>[  544.858093] wl12xx: elp work
  5708. <7>[  544.858215] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5709. <7>[  545.150238] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5710. <7>[  545.150451] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5711. <7>[  545.150939] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  5712. <7>[  545.151031] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  5713. <7>[  545.168701] wl12xx: elp work
  5714. <7>[  545.168914] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5715. <7>[  546.431640] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5716. <7>[  546.432312] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5717. <7>[  546.448211] wl12xx: elp work
  5718. <7>[  546.448638] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5719. <6>[  546.710510] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -219, -475, -340
  5720. <6>[  547.610534] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  5721. <6>[  547.610778] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  5722. <6>[  547.611145] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  5723. <6>[  547.613861] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 10 msec
  5724. <6>[  547.614257] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on + val: f0
  5725. <6>[  547.614471] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on -
  5726. <6>[  547.624694] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_timer_func
  5727. <6>[  547.624908] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  5728. <6>[  547.625030] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  5729. <6>[  547.645111] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 30 msec
  5730. <6>[  547.645324] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on + val: f0
  5731. <6>[  547.645446] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on -
  5732. <6>[  547.675628] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_timer_func
  5733. <6>[  547.676330] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  5734. <6>[  547.676727] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  5735. <6>[  548.954406] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -118, -317, -649
  5736. <6>[  548.972625] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 548921000000 (s 548921000000)
  5737. <6>[  549.032409] [TP]unlock change to 2
  5738. <7>[  550.231079] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  5739. <7>[  550.231140] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5740. <7>[  550.237274] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5741. <7>[  550.237365] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  5742. <7>[  550.268035] wl12xx: elp work
  5743. <7>[  550.268127] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5744. <7>[  550.416564] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5745. <7>[  550.416687] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5746. <6>[  550.417877] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  5747. <6>[  550.418304] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  5748. <6>[  550.418579] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  5749. <6>[  550.423095] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 10 msec
  5750. <6>[  550.423248] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on + val: f0
  5751. <6>[  550.423492] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on -
  5752. <7>[  550.428466] wl12xx: elp work
  5753. <7>[  550.428588] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5754. <6>[  550.433624] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_timer_func
  5755. <6>[  550.433624] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  5756. <6>[  550.433654] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  5757. <6>[  550.454040] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 30 msec
  5758. <6>[  550.454040] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on + val: f0
  5759. <6>[  550.454071] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on -
  5760. <6>[  550.484100] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_timer_func
  5761. <6>[  550.484191] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  5762. <6>[  550.484344] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  5763. <7>[  550.556793] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5764. <7>[  550.556915] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5765. <7>[  550.578369] wl12xx: elp work
  5766. <7>[  550.578582] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5767. <7>[  550.605712] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5768. <7>[  550.605834] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5769. <7>[  550.606048] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  5770. <6>[  550.617095] [TP]unlock change to 2
  5771. <7>[  550.618041] wl12xx: elp work
  5772. <7>[  550.618103] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5773. <6>[  550.783050] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 550732000000 (s 550732000000)
  5774. <7>[  550.912261] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5775. <7>[  550.912475] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5776. <7>[  550.912811] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  5777. <7>[  550.912994] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  5778. <7>[  550.928131] wl12xx: elp work
  5779. <7>[  550.928253] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5780. <6>[  551.011688] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 550962000000 (s 550962000000)
  5781. <6>[  551.198608] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 39, -255, -652
  5782. <6>[  551.470184] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 551432208530               (2013-11-27 08:04:41.933482704 UTC)
  5783. <6>[  551.470336] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[1]
  5784. <6>[  551.474731] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  5785. <6>[  551.474914] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  5786. <6>[  551.475006] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5787. <6>[  551.476867] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5788. <6>[  551.478271] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  5789. <6>[  551.478607] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  5790. <6>[  551.478698] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5791. <6>[  551.480346] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5792. <6>[  551.483917] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[1]
  5793. <6>[  551.484252] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 551446307651                (2013-11-27 08:04:41.947551307 UTC)
  5794. <6>[  551.495117] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 551457141391               (2013-11-27 08:04:41.958415565 UTC)
  5795. <6>[  551.495208] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[1]
  5796. <6>[  551.495544] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  5797. <6>[  551.495697] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  5798. <6>[  551.495819] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  5799. <6>[  551.496185] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  5800. <6>[  551.496276] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  5801. <6>[  551.496459] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5802. <6>[  551.498931] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5803. <6>[  551.500061] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  5804. <6>[  551.500152] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5805. <6>[  551.502044] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5806. <6>[  551.503143] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  5807. <6>[  551.528564] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  5808. <6>[  551.544525] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  5809. <6>[  551.544677] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  5810. <6>[  551.545196] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 1
  5811. <6>[  551.545410] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  5812. <6>[  551.545501] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  5813. <6>[  551.556152] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  5814. <6>[  551.557373] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  5815. <6>[  551.557495] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  5816. <6>[  551.557678] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  5817. <6>[  551.563446] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  5818. <6>[  551.563598] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  5819. <6>[  551.563873] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  5820. <6>[  551.564270] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  5821. <6>[  551.564575] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  5822. <6>[  551.564727] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5823. <6>[  551.570922] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5824. <6>[  551.572113] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  5825. <6>[  551.572296] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  5826. <6>[  551.572357] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5827. <6>[  551.574249] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5828. <6>[  551.575531] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  5829. <6>[  551.576416] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5830. <6>[  551.581115] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5831. <6>[  551.582489] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  5832. <6>[  551.582611] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  5833. <6>[  551.582763] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  5834. <6>[  551.582824] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  5835. <6>[  551.582977] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  5836. <6>[  551.583038] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  5837. <6>[  551.583160] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5838. <6>[  551.584686] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5839. <6>[  551.585845] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  5840. <6>[  551.586151] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5841. <6>[  551.600982] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  5842. <6>[  551.602111] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5843. <6>[  551.603271] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 18ms --
  5844. <6>[  551.609558] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  5845. <6>[  551.615020] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  5846. <6>[  551.615173] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  5847. <6>[  551.615325] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  5848. <6>[  551.615600] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  5849. <6>[  551.615753] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  5850. <6>[  551.615844] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5851. <6>[  551.617797] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5852. <6>[  551.618896] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  5853. <6>[  551.619140] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5854. <6>[  551.621551] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5855. <6>[  551.622802] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  5856. <6>[  551.648681] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  5857. <6>[  551.665466] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  5858. <6>[  551.666198] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  5859. <6>[  551.667785] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 0
  5860. <6>[  551.669067] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  5861. <6>[  551.676116] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 1
  5862. <6>[  551.676544] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  5863. <6>[  551.677246] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  5864. <6>[  551.689727] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  5865. <6>[  551.690460] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  5866. <6>[  551.690948] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  5867. <6>[  551.691619] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  5868. <6>[  551.696014] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  5869. <6>[  551.696807] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  5870. <6>[  551.697235] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  5871. <6>[  551.701812] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) len = 2697 ++
  5872. <6>[  551.702514] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 15
  5873. <6>[  551.702941] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5874. <6>[  551.711517] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5875. <6>[  551.712615] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  5876. <6>[  551.712768] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5877. <6>[  551.714813] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5878. <6>[  551.715972] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  5879. <6>[  551.716064] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5880. <6>[  551.719512] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5881. <6>[  551.720703] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) time: 18ms --
  5882. <6>[  551.721252] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  5883. <6>[  551.721374] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  5884. <6>[  551.721557] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5885. <6>[  551.723358] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5886. <6>[  551.724609] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  5887. <6>[  551.724700] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  5888. <6>[  551.724792] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5889. <6>[  551.726959] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5890. <6>[  551.728393] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  5891. <6>[  551.728515] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5892. <6>[  551.730377] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5893. <6>[  551.736267] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_ioctl: AUDIO_START session id[1]
  5894. <7>[  552.193420] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  5895. <7>[  552.193695] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  5896. <7>[  552.208007] wl12xx: elp work
  5897. <7>[  552.208068] wl12xx: chip to elp
  5898. <6>[  552.908905] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  5899. <6>[  552.908966] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 15
  5900. <6>[  552.909088] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5901. <6>[  552.913116] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5902. <6>[  552.914276] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  5903. <6>[  552.915435] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5904. <6>[  552.917297] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5905. <6>[  552.918395] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  5906. <6>[  552.918518] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5907. <6>[  552.920501] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5908. <6>[  552.921630] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 12ms --
  5909. <6>[  552.921813] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  5910. <6>[  552.921936] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  5911. <6>[  552.922027] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5912. <6>[  552.923797] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5913. <6>[  552.924957] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  5914. <6>[  552.925079] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  5915. <6>[  552.925170] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5916. <6>[  552.926757] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5917. <6>[  552.927917] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  5918. <6>[  552.928131] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5919. <6>[  552.941162] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  5920. <6>[  552.942413] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5921. <6>[  552.943481] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 16ms --
  5922. <6>[  552.945617] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[1]
  5923. <6>[  552.945678] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  5924. <6>[  552.954101] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 552916156284                (2013-11-27 08:04:43.417430458 UTC)
  5925. <6>[  552.954223] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 0
  5926. <6>[  552.954376] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  5927. <6>[  552.954498] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  5928. <6>[  552.954650] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  5929. <6>[  552.954742] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  5930. <6>[  552.954864] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  5931. <6>[  552.954956] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  5932. <6>[  552.955078] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5933. <6>[  552.956604] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5934. <6>[  552.957763] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  5935. <6>[  552.957824] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5936. <6>[  552.970947] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  5937. <6>[  552.972106] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5938. <6>[  552.973266] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 16ms --
  5939. <6>[  552.979370] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  5940. <6>[  552.984954] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  5941. <6>[  552.985168] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 29
  5942. <6>[  552.985290] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5943. <6>[  552.989349] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5944. <6>[  552.990478] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 5ms --
  5945. <6>[  552.990661] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  5946. <6>[  552.990814] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  5947. <6>[  552.990875] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5948. <6>[  552.992614] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5949. <6>[  552.993774] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  5950. <6>[  552.993927] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  5951. <6>[  552.993988] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5952. <6>[  552.995574] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5953. <6>[  552.996795] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5954. <6>[  552.996917] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 0)
  5955. <6>[  552.997070] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  5956. <6>[  552.997131] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  5957. <6>[  553.002990] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  5958. <6>[  553.003051] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  5959. <6>[  553.003143] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5960. <6>[  553.004852] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5961. <6>[  553.006042] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  5962. <6>[  553.006134] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  5963. <6>[  553.006256] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  5964. <6>[  553.007843] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  5965. <6>[  553.038055] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  5966. <6>[  553.038146] 11-27 00:04:43
  5967. <4>[  553.038299]  17:  1703    gp_timer
  5968. <4>[  553.038391]  48:   150    msmgpio
  5969. <4>[  553.038421] 107:   174    MDP
  5970. <4>[  553.038452] 112:   258    kgsl-3d0
  5971. <4>[  553.038452] 113:   175    kgsl-2d0
  5972. <4>[  553.038452] 122:   148    smd_dev
  5973. <4>[  553.038482] 133:   424    mmc3
  5974. <6>[  553.038482] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5975. <4>[  553.038482] 135:  7567    mmc1
  5976. <6>[  553.038482] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5977. <4>[  553.038482] 136:  1517    mmc0
  5978. <6>[  553.038513] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5979. <4>[  553.038543] 179:  1610    spi_qsd
  5980. <4>[  553.038543] 187:    81    qup_err_intr
  5981. <4>[  553.038543] 191:    86    qup_err_intr
  5982. <4>[  553.038574] 199:  2478    msmdatamover
  5983. <4>[  553.038574] 220:   109    mmc4
  5984. <6>[  553.038574] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  5985. <4>[  553.038604] 228:   299    qup_err_intr
  5986. <4>[  553.038604] 244:   175    kgsl-2d1
  5987. <4>[  553.038635] 302:    21    wl12xx
  5988. <4>[  553.038665] 355:     3    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  5989. <4>[  553.038696] 373:    81    atmel_qt602240
  5990. <4>[  553.038726] 400:    45    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  5991. <6>[  553.038970] C0: 1703 3231ms
  5992. <6>[  553.038970] CPU0 usage: 67
  5993. <6>[  553.038970] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  5994. <6>[  553.038970] LPASS running (0ms)
  5995. <4>[  553.039001]   817,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  5996. <4>[  553.039031]  800D,    97 kworker/1:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  5997. <4>[  553.039031]   860,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  5998. <4>[  553.039062]  857D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  5999. <4>[  553.039062] 5861 total events, 584.166 events/sec
  6000. <4>[  553.039093] idle lock:  'kgsl-3d0'
  6001. <4>[  553.039093] wakelock:  '[SDAL_35]'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'battery_daemon'  'vbus_present'  'msm_otg'  'main'  'sdio_dmux', time left 49;
  6002. <6>[  553.041595] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  6003. <6>[  553.041656] 17%           5723            .android.chrome                 344
  6004. <6>[  553.041748] 8%            4814            system_server                   169
  6005. <6>[  553.041870] 8%            5200            earchbox:search                 161
  6006. <6>[  553.041931] 5%            178             surfaceflinger                  101
  6007. <6>[  553.042022] 4%            4874            ndroid.systemui                 87
  6008. <6>[  553.094482] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 553056506626               (2013-11-27 08:04:43.557780800 UTC)
  6009. <6>[  553.094635] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[1]
  6010. <6>[  553.095275] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6011. <6>[  553.095428] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6012. <6>[  553.095520] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6013. <6>[  553.097473] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6014. <6>[  553.098663] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6015. <6>[  553.098785] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6016. <6>[  553.098846] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6017. <6>[  553.100585] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6018. <6>[  553.104217] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[1]
  6019. <6>[  553.104309] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 553066363804                (2013-11-27 08:04:43.567637978 UTC)
  6020. <6>[  553.108886] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6021. <6>[  553.109039] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6022. <6>[  553.109100] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6023. <6>[  553.110900] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6024. <6>[  553.112060] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6025. <6>[  553.112213] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6026. <6>[  553.112274] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6027. <6>[  553.115753] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6028. <6>[  553.134979] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 553097003453               (2013-11-27 08:04:43.598277627 UTC)
  6029. <6>[  553.135131] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[1]
  6030. <6>[  553.135314] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  6031. <6>[  553.135467] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  6032. <6>[  553.135589] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  6033. <6>[  553.135864] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  6034. <6>[  553.135986] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6035. <6>[  553.136077] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6036. <6>[  553.137878] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6037. <6>[  553.138122] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  6038. <6>[  553.139038] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6039. <6>[  553.139099] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6040. <6>[  553.141296] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6041. <6>[  553.142395] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  6042. <6>[  553.143707] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 553105761999            (2013-11-27 08:04:43.607036173 UTC)
  6043. <6>[  553.143981] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  6044. <6>[  553.144134] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  6045. <6>[  553.144256] set tpa2051 mode to 1
  6046. <6>[  553.168548] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  6047. <6>[  553.178710] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 553129000000 (s 553129000000)
  6048. <6>[  553.181671] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  6049. <6>[  553.181823] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  6050. <6>[  553.182220] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 1
  6051. <6>[  553.182373] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  6052. <6>[  553.182525] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6053. <6>[  553.188873] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6054. <6>[  553.188873] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  6055. <6>[  553.188873] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  6056. <6>[  553.188903] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  6057. <6>[  553.190826] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  6058. <6>[  553.190979] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  6059. <6>[  553.191040] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  6060. <6>[  553.191284] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6061. <6>[  553.191375] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6062. <6>[  553.191497] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6063. <6>[  553.193817] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6064. <6>[  553.194946] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6065. <6>[  553.195037] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6066. <6>[  553.196777] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6067. <6>[  553.198150] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6068. <6>[  553.198211] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6069. <6>[  553.198364] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6070. <6>[  553.200134] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6071. <6>[  553.201324] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6072. <6>[  553.201385] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6073. <6>[  553.203308] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6074. <6>[  553.204437] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6075. <6>[  553.204437] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6076. <6>[  553.204467] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6077. <6>[  553.206085] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6078. <6>[  553.207153] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6079. <6>[  553.207305] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6080. <6>[  553.207366] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6081. <6>[  553.208892] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6082. <6>[  553.210052] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  6083. <6>[  553.210144] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6084. <6>[  553.224029] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  6085. <6>[  553.236022] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  6086. <6>[  553.237640] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6087. <6>[  553.239257] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 29ms --
  6088. <6>[  553.239349] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  6089. <6>[  553.239349] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  6090. <6>[  553.239349] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  6091. <6>[  553.239440] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  6092. <6>[  553.239440] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6093. <6>[  553.239440] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6094. <6>[  553.241668] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6095. <6>[  553.242767] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6096. <6>[  553.242858] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6097. <6>[  553.244689] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6098. <6>[  553.245819] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  6099. <6>[  553.263183] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6100. <6>[  553.328857] set_amp: 1
  6101. <6>[  553.332550] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6102. <6>[  553.338439] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 2, enable 1
  6103. <6>[  553.338592] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  6104. <6>[  553.338867] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6105. <6>[  553.346405] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6106. <6>[  553.346710] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  6107. <6>[  553.346862] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  6108. <6>[  553.347167] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  6109. <6>[  553.349151] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  6110. <6>[  553.349395] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  6111. <6>[  553.349395] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  6112. <6>[  553.351043] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  6113. <6>[  553.354492] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 2, enable 0
  6114. <6>[  553.354492] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  6115. <6>[  553.358398] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  6116. <6>[  553.358642] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 1)
  6117. <6>[  553.359436] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 2, enable 1
  6118. <6>[  553.359832] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  6119. <6>[  553.360198] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6120. <6>[  553.367431] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6121. <6>[  553.367828] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  6122. <6>[  553.368835] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  6123. <6>[  553.369201] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  6124. <6>[  553.371520] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  6125. <6>[  553.372222] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  6126. <6>[  553.372589] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  6127. <6>[  553.375183] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  6128. <6>[  553.375579] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  6129. <6>[  553.376342] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  6130. <6>[  553.377044] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  6131. <6>[  553.377471] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  6132. <6>[  553.378387] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6133. <6>[  553.378845] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6134. <6>[  553.382110] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6135. <6>[  553.393402] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  6136. <6>[  553.394104] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  6137. <6>[  553.394592] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  6138. <6>[  553.395477] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  6139. <6>[  553.396179] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6140. <6>[  553.396545] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6141. <6>[  553.400878] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6142. <6>[  553.402557] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6143. <6>[  553.402954] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6144. <6>[  553.406829] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6145. <6>[  553.408416] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  6146. <6>[  553.421295] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  6147. <6>[  553.421722] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  6148. <6>[  553.423645] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 0
  6149. <6>[  553.425231] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  6150. <6>[  553.429046] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 1
  6151. <6>[  553.429748] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  6152. <6>[  553.430145] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6153. <6>[  553.434906] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6154. <6>[  553.435607] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  6155. <6>[  553.436004] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  6156. <6>[  553.436676] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  6157. <6>[  553.438598] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  6158. <6>[  553.438964] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  6159. <6>[  553.439666] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  6160. <6>[  553.440338] set tpa2051 mode to 4
  6161. <6>[  553.441131] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) len = 2697 ++
  6162. <6>[  553.441833] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 15
  6163. <6>[  553.442474] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -22, -225, -708
  6164. <6>[  553.442871] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6165. <6>[  553.443572] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6166. <6>[  553.508239] set_amp: 0
  6167. <6>[  553.514831] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6168. <6>[  553.515228] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6169. <6>[  553.519683] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6170. <6>[  553.520812] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6171. <6>[  553.527862] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6172. <6>[  553.529968] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6173. <6>[  553.530059] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6174. <6>[  553.532440] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6175. <6>[  553.533508] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6176. <6>[  553.533660] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6177. <6>[  553.535430] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6178. <6>[  553.536590] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6179. <6>[  553.536682] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6180. <6>[  553.538665] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6181. <6>[  553.539733] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6182. <6>[  553.539886] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6183. <6>[  553.541839] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6184. <6>[  553.542938] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6185. <6>[  553.543090] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6186. <6>[  553.608306] set_amp: 1
  6187. <6>[  553.612762] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6188. <6>[  553.618682] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) time: 100ms --
  6189. <6>[  553.619964] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6190. <6>[  553.620422] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6191. <6>[  553.621154] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6192. <6>[  553.688262] set_amp: 0
  6193. <6>[  553.694702] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6194. <6>[  553.695129] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6195. <6>[  553.702453] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6196. <6>[  553.703887] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6197. <6>[  553.704620] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6198. <6>[  553.710479] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6199. <6>[  553.712249] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6200. <6>[  553.712646] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6201. <6>[  553.778289] set_amp: 1
  6202. <6>[  553.782775] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6203. <6>[  553.788543] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6204. <6>[  553.789398] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6205. <6>[  553.790557] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6206. <6>[  553.794799] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6207. <6>[  553.796234] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6208. <6>[  553.796966] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6209. <6>[  553.800628] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6210. <6>[  553.803405] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_ioctl: AUDIO_START session id[1]
  6211. <6>[  554.167449] [BATT] htc_batt_get_battery_adc , vref:19451, battid_adc:5644, battid:290
  6212. <4>[  554.167633]  at 554129687777 (2013-11-27 08:04:44.630748328 UTC)
  6213. <6>[  554.169189] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 57 at 554131427280 (2013-11-27 08:04:44.632518349 UTC)
  6214. <6>[  554.169494] [BATT] ID=2, level=57, vol=3918, temp=409, batt_current=62, chg_src=1, chg_en=1, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 554131732456 (2013-11-27 08:04:44.632793007 UTC)
  6215. <6>[  554.170043] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 554132190219 (2013-11-27 08:04:44.633372841 UTC)
  6216. <6>[  554.171874] healthd: battery l=57 v=3 t=40.9 h=2 st=2 chg=u
  6217. <6>[  555.686462] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -126, -357, -649
  6218. <6>[  555.783294] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  6219. <6>[  555.784027] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 15
  6220. <6>[  555.785003] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6221. <6>[  555.785552] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6222. <6>[  555.848175] set_amp: 0
  6223. <6>[  555.854522] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6224. <6>[  555.854949] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6225. <6>[  555.859130] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6226. <6>[  555.860839] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6227. <6>[  555.865447] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6228. <6>[  555.866851] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6229. <6>[  555.866882] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6230. <6>[  555.871520] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6231. <6>[  555.872589] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6232. <6>[  555.872619] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6233. <6>[  555.880096] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6234. <6>[  555.881225] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6235. <6>[  555.881378] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6236. <6>[  555.883850] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6237. <6>[  555.885040] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6238. <6>[  555.885040] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6239. <6>[  555.887817] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6240. <6>[  555.888824] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6241. <6>[  555.888824] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6242. <6>[  555.958312] set_amp: 1
  6243. <6>[  555.963073] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6244. <6>[  555.968811] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 103ms --
  6245. <6>[  555.969512] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6246. <6>[  555.969573] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6247. <6>[  555.969604] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6248. <6>[  556.038269] set_amp: 0
  6249. <6>[  556.044555] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6250. <6>[  556.045257] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6251. <6>[  556.051239] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6252. <6>[  556.052276] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6253. <6>[  556.052307] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6254. <6>[  556.055633] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6255. <6>[  556.057037] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6256. <6>[  556.057769] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6257. <6>[  556.128845] set_amp: 1
  6258. <6>[  556.132720] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6259. <6>[  556.137878] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6260. <6>[  556.137908] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6261. <6>[  556.137908] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6262. <6>[  556.140106] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6263. <6>[  556.141937] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[1]
  6264. <6>[  556.142089] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  6265. <6>[  556.146942] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 556108996862                (2013-11-27 08:04:46.610271036 UTC)
  6266. <6>[  556.147094] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 0
  6267. <6>[  556.147308] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  6268. <6>[  556.147491] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  6269. <6>[  556.147674] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  6270. <6>[  556.147796] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  6271. <6>[  556.148742] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  6272. <6>[  556.148834] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6273. <6>[  556.149047] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6274. <6>[  556.151000] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6275. <6>[  556.160430] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6276. <6>[  556.160430] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6277. <6>[  556.160461] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6278. <6>[  556.228088] set_amp: 0
  6279. <6>[  556.233917] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6280. <6>[  556.233917] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6281. <6>[  556.236236] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6282. <6>[  556.237396] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6283. <6>[  556.237518] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6284. <6>[  556.239318] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6285. <6>[  556.240417] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6286. <6>[  556.240600] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6287. <6>[  556.308654] set_amp: 1
  6288. <6>[  556.312377] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6289. <6>[  556.317596] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6290. <6>[  556.317718] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6291. <6>[  556.317901] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6292. <6>[  556.319732] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6293. <6>[  556.321105] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 2, enable 0
  6294. <6>[  556.321228] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  6295. <6>[  556.326660] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  6296. <6>[  556.326782] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 1)
  6297. <6>[  556.327239] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 2, enable 1
  6298. <6>[  556.327484] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  6299. <6>[  556.327697] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6300. <6>[  556.339111] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6301. <6>[  556.339508] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  6302. <6>[  556.339965] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  6303. <6>[  556.340209] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  6304. <6>[  556.343597] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  6305. <6>[  556.343994] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  6306. <6>[  556.344207] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  6307. <6>[  556.369018] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6308. <6>[  556.369110] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6309. <6>[  556.369262] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6310. <6>[  556.438262] set_amp: 0
  6311. <6>[  556.444854] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6312. <6>[  556.447204] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6313. <6>[  556.454193] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6314. <6>[  556.455596] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6315. <6>[  556.455993] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6316. <6>[  556.460266] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6317. <6>[  556.461669] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6318. <6>[  556.462371] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6319. <6>[  556.464172] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 2, enable 0
  6320. <6>[  556.464599] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  6321. <6>[  556.470489] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  6322. <6>[  556.470886] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  6323. <6>[  556.471649] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6324. <6>[  556.528228] set_amp: 1
  6325. <6>[  556.532440] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6326. <6>[  556.538269] set_amp: 0
  6327. <6>[  556.547515] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  6328. <6>[  556.549285] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6329. <6>[  556.549377] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6330. <6>[  556.552215] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6331. <6>[  556.553314] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  6332. <6>[  556.553466] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6333. <6>[  556.571014] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  6334. <6>[  556.582641] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  6335. <6>[  556.584136] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6336. <6>[  556.585235] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 32ms --
  6337. <6>[  556.587158] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6338. <6>[  556.587280] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6339. <6>[  556.587402] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6340. <6>[  556.589996] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6341. <6>[  556.595764] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  6342. <6>[  556.601593] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  6343. <6>[  556.601776] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  6344. <6>[  556.601928] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[2]
  6345. <6>[  556.609374] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  6346. <6>[  556.609497] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 556571551793            (2013-11-27 08:04:47.072825967 UTC)
  6347. <6>[  556.609771] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6348. <6>[  556.609954] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6349. <6>[  556.610076] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6350. <6>[  556.678161] set_amp: 0
  6351. <6>[  556.683410] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6352. <6>[  556.683624] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6353. <6>[  556.686492] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6354. <6>[  556.687713] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6355. <6>[  556.689056] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6356. <6>[  556.759033] set_amp: 1
  6357. <6>[  556.763061] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6358. <6>[  556.768249] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6359. <6>[  556.768371] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6360. <6>[  556.768585] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6361. <6>[  556.770202] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6362. <6>[  556.771423] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  6363. <6>[  556.771514] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6364. <6>[  556.787628] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  6365. <6>[  556.799987] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  6366. <6>[  556.802001] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6367. <6>[  556.803375] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 32ms --
  6368. <6>[  556.829742] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  6369. <6>[  556.841094] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 556803119176            (2013-11-27 08:04:47.304393350 UTC)
  6370. <6>[  556.841217] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  6371. <6>[  556.841278] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  6372. <6>[  556.841461] set tpa2051 mode to 1
  6373. <6>[  556.847686] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6374. <6>[  556.848358] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6375. <6>[  556.848602] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6376. <6>[  556.918579] set_amp: 0
  6377. <6>[  556.924987] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6378. <6>[  556.925048] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6379. <6>[  556.931030] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6380. <6>[  556.932067] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6381. <6>[  556.932128] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6382. <6>[  556.934844] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6383. <6>[  556.935913] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6384. <6>[  556.935943] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6385. <6>[  556.999999] set_amp: 1
  6386. <6>[  557.004943] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6387. <6>[  557.012176] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6388. <6>[  557.012268] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6389. <6>[  557.012420] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6390. <6>[  557.014373] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6391. <6>[  557.015533] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  6392. <6>[  557.015686] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  6393. <6>[  557.015869] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  6394. <6>[  557.016174] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  6395. <6>[  557.016326] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6396. <6>[  557.016418] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6397. <6>[  557.021331] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6398. <6>[  557.022430] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6399. <6>[  557.022583] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6400. <6>[  557.024780] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6401. <6>[  557.025970] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  6402. <6>[  557.059326] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  6403. <6>[  557.079803] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6404. <6>[  557.148345] set_amp: 1
  6405. <6>[  557.154602] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  6406. <6>[  557.155334] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  6407. <6>[  557.155731] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6408. <6>[  557.167968] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6409. <6>[  557.170318] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  6410. <6>[  557.170501] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  6411. <6>[  557.170623] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  6412. <6>[  557.173706] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  6413. <6>[  557.173797] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  6414. <6>[  557.174041] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  6415. <6>[  557.176879] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  6416. <6>[  557.726684] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 557677000000 (s 557677000000)
  6417. <6>[  557.930358] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -230, -506, -413
  6418. <7>[  559.476898] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  6419. <7>[  559.477111] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  6420. <7>[  559.483245] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  6421. <7>[  559.483367] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  6422. <7>[  559.530059] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=359, use_irq=1
  6423. <7>[  559.530151] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=359, use_irq=1
  6424. <7>[  559.538085] wl12xx: elp work
  6425. <7>[  559.538146] wl12xx: chip to elp
  6426. <7>[  559.540191] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-72, 2 (103) changed to 1
  6427. <7>[  559.774658] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=359, use_irq=1
  6428. <7>[  559.785339] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  6429. <7>[  559.785797] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-72, 2 (103) changed to 0
  6430. <7>[  559.786560] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  6431. <7>[  559.808166] wl12xx: elp work
  6432. <7>[  559.808258] wl12xx: chip to elp
  6433. <7>[  559.825866] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  6434. <7>[  559.826782] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  6435. <7>[  559.827636] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  6436. <7>[  559.848175] wl12xx: elp work
  6437. <7>[  559.848358] wl12xx: chip to elp
  6438. <7>[  560.072326] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=359, use_irq=1
  6439. <7>[  560.082824] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-72, 2 (103) changed to 1
  6440. <7>[  560.136077] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  6441. <7>[  560.136688] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  6442. <7>[  560.138275] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  6443. <7>[  560.138549] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  6444. <7>[  560.158203] wl12xx: elp work
  6445. <7>[  560.158905] wl12xx: chip to elp
  6446. <6>[  560.174530] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -303, -540, -368
  6447. <7>[  560.233093] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=359, use_irq=1
  6448. <7>[  560.243896] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-72, 2 (103) changed to 0
  6449. <7>[  560.702819] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=359, use_irq=1
  6450. <7>[  560.713562] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-72, 2 (103) changed to 1
  6451. <7>[  560.867828] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=359, use_irq=1
  6452. <7>[  560.879028] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-72, 2 (103) changed to 0
  6453. <7>[  561.420166] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  6454. <7>[  561.420776] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  6455. <7>[  561.438171] wl12xx: elp work
  6456. <7>[  561.438568] wl12xx: chip to elp
  6457. <6>[  561.517639] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 561479632846               (2013-11-27 08:04:51.980907020 UTC)
  6458. <6>[  561.518646] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[2]
  6459. <6>[  561.520965] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  6460. <6>[  561.521667] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 29
  6461. <6>[  561.522369] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6462. <6>[  561.522766] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6463. <6>[  561.588256] set_amp: 0
  6464. <6>[  561.594696] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6465. <6>[  561.595428] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6466. <6>[  561.599212] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6467. <6>[  561.600952] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6468. <6>[  561.606964] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6469. <6>[  561.609649] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6470. <6>[  561.609741] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6471. <6>[  561.612060] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6472. <6>[  561.613220] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6473. <6>[  561.613311] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6474. <6>[  561.615112] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6475. <6>[  561.616210] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6476. <6>[  561.616363] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6477. <6>[  561.678375] set_amp: 1
  6478. <6>[  561.682922] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6479. <6>[  561.688354] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 94ms --
  6480. <6>[  561.689361] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6481. <6>[  561.689727] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6482. <6>[  561.690429] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6483. <6>[  561.758270] set_amp: 0
  6484. <6>[  561.768768] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6485. <6>[  561.769195] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6486. <6>[  561.775878] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6487. <6>[  561.777618] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6488. <6>[  561.778228] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6489. <6>[  561.782867] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6490. <6>[  561.784301] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6491. <6>[  561.785034] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6492. <6>[  561.848266] set_amp: 1
  6493. <6>[  561.853271] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6494. <6>[  561.858947] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6495. <6>[  561.859680] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6496. <6>[  561.860107] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6497. <6>[  561.863220] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6498. <6>[  561.866088] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[2]
  6499. <6>[  561.866577] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 561828601353                (2013-11-27 08:04:52.329845009 UTC)
  6500. <6>[  561.875579] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 561837573521               (2013-11-27 08:04:52.338847695 UTC)
  6501. <6>[  561.876342] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[2]
  6502. <6>[  561.877624] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  6503. <6>[  561.878601] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  6504. <6>[  561.879394] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  6505. <6>[  561.880371] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  6506. <6>[  561.880767] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6507. <6>[  561.881500] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6508. <6>[  561.885070] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6509. <6>[  561.886810] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6510. <6>[  561.887207] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6511. <6>[  561.890533] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6512. <6>[  561.891693] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  6513. <6>[  561.905181] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  6514. <6>[  561.905548] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  6515. <6>[  561.906341] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  6516. <6>[  561.906677] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  6517. <6>[  561.907012] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6518. <6>[  561.912506] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6519. <6>[  561.912750] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  6520. <6>[  561.913177] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  6521. <6>[  561.913391] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  6522. <6>[  561.915191] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  6523. <6>[  561.915618] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  6524. <6>[  561.915832] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  6525. <6>[  561.916595] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) len = 2697 ++
  6526. <6>[  561.916839] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 15
  6527. <6>[  561.917266] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6528. <6>[  561.917694] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6529. <6>[  561.977783] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 561928000000 (s 561928000000)
  6530. <6>[  561.978271] set_amp: 0
  6531. <6>[  561.984283] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6532. <6>[  561.984741] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6533. <6>[  561.989227] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6534. <6>[  561.990631] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6535. <6>[  562.000671] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6536. <6>[  562.001739] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6537. <6>[  562.001983] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6538. <6>[  562.004425] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6539. <6>[  562.005584] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6540. <6>[  562.005676] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6541. <6>[  562.007507] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6542. <6>[  562.009765] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6543. <6>[  562.009918] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6544. <6>[  562.011657] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6545. <6>[  562.012725] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6546. <6>[  562.012847] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6547. <6>[  562.014678] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6548. <6>[  562.015808] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6549. <6>[  562.015869] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6550. <6>[  562.078308] set_amp: 1
  6551. <6>[  562.082855] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6552. <6>[  562.088684] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) time: 98ms --
  6553. <6>[  562.089477] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6554. <6>[  562.090454] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6555. <6>[  562.090972] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6556. <6>[  562.158203] set_amp: 0
  6557. <6>[  562.164550] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6558. <6>[  562.165283] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6559. <6>[  562.171264] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6560. <6>[  562.173187] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6561. <6>[  562.173583] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6562. <6>[  562.176910] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6563. <6>[  562.180572] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6564. <6>[  562.180755] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6565. <6>[  562.248748] set_amp: 1
  6566. <6>[  562.253051] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6567. <6>[  562.259124] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6568. <6>[  562.259796] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6569. <6>[  562.260650] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6570. <6>[  562.264251] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6571. <6>[  562.265869] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6572. <6>[  562.266632] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6573. <6>[  562.270904] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6574. <6>[  562.272186] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  6575. <6>[  562.272277] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  6576. <6>[  562.272460] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  6577. <6>[  562.272644] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  6578. <6>[  562.272735] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  6579. <6>[  562.272918] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6580. <6>[  562.273010] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6581. <6>[  562.274658] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6582. <6>[  562.283508] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  6583. <6>[  562.283691] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  6584. <6>[  562.283874] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  6585. <6>[  562.284027] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  6586. <6>[  562.284240] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6587. <6>[  562.284362] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6588. <6>[  562.286285] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6589. <6>[  562.287384] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6590. <6>[  562.287475] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6591. <6>[  562.290496] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6592. <6>[  562.291656] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  6593. <6>[  562.305053] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  6594. <6>[  562.305328] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  6595. <6>[  562.307159] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  6596. <6>[  562.307769] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  6597. <6>[  562.311920] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  6598. <6>[  562.312377] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  6599. <6>[  562.312591] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6600. <6>[  562.318145] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6601. <6>[  562.318389] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  6602. <6>[  562.318847] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  6603. <6>[  562.319091] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  6604. <6>[  562.320892] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  6605. <6>[  562.321136] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  6606. <6>[  562.321563] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  6607. <6>[  562.321899] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  6608. <6>[  562.322326] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  6609. <6>[  562.326751] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  6610. <6>[  562.327178] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 1)
  6611. <6>[  562.328887] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  6612. <6>[  562.329345] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  6613. <6>[  562.329742] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6614. <6>[  562.337921] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6615. <6>[  562.338928] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  6616. <6>[  562.339355] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  6617. <6>[  562.340393] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  6618. <6>[  562.342895] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  6619. <6>[  562.343322] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  6620. <6>[  562.344055] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  6621. <6>[  562.346557] set tpa2051 mode to 4
  6622. <6>[  562.347625] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6623. <6>[  562.348266] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6624. <6>[  562.348999] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6625. <6>[  562.418182] set_amp: 0
  6626. <6>[  562.418487] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -202, 70, -655
  6627. <6>[  562.425323] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6628. <6>[  562.425750] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6629. <6>[  562.430877] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6630. <6>[  562.431976] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6631. <6>[  562.432159] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6632. <6>[  562.433959] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6633. <6>[  562.435119] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6634. <6>[  562.435211] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6635. <6>[  562.498352] set_amp: 1
  6636. <6>[  562.503051] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6637. <6>[  562.508728] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6638. <6>[  562.509490] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6639. <6>[  562.509887] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6640. <6>[  562.513977] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6641. <6>[  562.515502] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6642. <6>[  562.516235] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6643. <6>[  562.522064] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6644. <6>[  562.525115] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_ioctl: AUDIO_START session id[2]
  6645. <6>[  563.058013] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  6646. <6>[  563.058105] 11-27 00:04:53
  6647. <4>[  563.058288]  17:  2708    gp_timer
  6648. <4>[  563.058593]  48:    81    msmgpio
  6649. <4>[  563.058868] 107:   306    MDP
  6650. <4>[  563.059143] 112:   543    kgsl-3d0
  6651. <4>[  563.059417] 113:   181    kgsl-2d0
  6652. <4>[  563.059661] 122:  1067    smd_dev
  6653. <4>[  563.059936] 133:   213    mmc3
  6654. <6>[  563.060180] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  6655. <4>[  563.060363] 135:  1729    mmc1
  6656. <6>[  563.060577] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  6657. <4>[  563.060760] 136:  1258    mmc0
  6658. <6>[  563.061004] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  6659. <4>[  563.061218] 179:  2559    spi_qsd
  6660. <4>[  563.061492] 191:   331    qup_err_intr
  6661. <4>[  563.061767] 199:   654    msmdatamover
  6662. <4>[  563.062072] 220:    29    mmc4
  6663. <6>[  563.062286] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  6664. <4>[  563.062499] 228:   299    qup_err_intr
  6665. <4>[  563.062774] 244:   181    kgsl-2d1
  6666. <4>[  563.063110] 302:    14    wl12xx
  6667. <4>[  563.063385] 344:    20    pm8xxx_usr_irq
  6668. <4>[  563.063659] 355:     1    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  6669. <4>[  563.063995] 359:     7    gpio_keys
  6670. <4>[  563.064270] 400:    39    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  6671. <4>[  563.064605] 505:    20    pm8058_adc_interrupt
  6672. <6>[  563.065124] C0: 2661 3446ms
  6673. <6>[  563.065185] CPU0 usage: 65
  6674. <6>[  563.065246] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  6675. <6>[  563.065307] LPASS running (0ms)
  6676. <4>[  563.065460]   810,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  6677. <4>[  563.065795]  752D,    97 kworker/1:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  6678. <4>[  563.066192]  919D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  6679. <4>[  563.066558]   357,   209 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  6680. <4>[  563.066894]   300,  4847 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  6681. <4>[  563.067260]   410,   265 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  6682. <4>[  563.067596]   929,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  6683. <4>[  563.067932]   512,  4668 AudioOut_2       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  6684. <4>[  563.068786] 6802 total events, 678.053 events/sec
  6685. <4>[  563.068878] wakelock:  'audio_pcm'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'battery_daemon'  'vbus_present'  'msm_otg'  'main'
  6686. <6>[  563.072113] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  6687. <6>[  563.072204] 21%           5200            earchbox:search                 434
  6688. <6>[  563.072265] 10%           5045            equicksearchbox                 210
  6689. <6>[  563.072387] 8%            178             surfaceflinger                  165
  6690. <6>[  563.072448] 5%            4814            system_server                   114
  6691. <6>[  563.072540] 3%            4581            mediaserver                     73
  6692. <6>[  563.188507] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  6693. <6>[  563.188720] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  6694. <7>[  563.813140] vold: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00000000, code 0x017
  6695. <1>[  563.813201] pgd = c1c00000
  6696. <1>[  563.813354] [00000000] *pgd=54de4831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000
  6697. <4>[  563.813598]
  6698. <4>[  563.813659] Pid: 5480, comm:                 vold
  6699. <4>[  563.813812] CPU: 1    Tainted: G        WC   (3.0.100-g5a5af37 #1)
  6700. <4>[  563.813873] PC is at 0x401e3ef0
  6701. <4>[  563.813995] LR is at 0xc305
  6702. <4>[  563.814056] pc : [<401e3ef0>]    lr : [<0000c305>]    psr: 400b0030
  6703. <4>[  563.814086] sp : 406273a0  ip : 0001de24  fp : 40627904
  6704. <4>[  563.814270] r10: 01a1cf98  r9 : ffffffff  r8 : 01a1cfa8
  6705. <4>[  563.814331] r7 : 01a1c020  r6 : 01a1c020  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 01a1cfb8
  6706. <4>[  563.814453] r3 : 00000000  r2 : 01a1cfb8  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00000000
  6707. <4>[  563.814544] Flags: nZcv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  6708. <4>[  563.814666] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 49c0006a  DAC: 00000015
  6709. <7>[  563.815124] vold: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00000000, code 0x017
  6710. <1>[  563.815216] pgd = c1c00000
  6711. <1>[  563.815277] [00000000] *pgd=54de4831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000
  6712. <4>[  563.815582]
  6713. <4>[  563.815643] Pid: 5480, comm:                 vold
  6714. <4>[  563.815734] CPU: 1    Tainted: G        WC   (3.0.100-g5a5af37 #1)
  6715. <4>[  563.815795] PC is at 0x401e3ef0
  6716. <4>[  563.815887] LR is at 0xc305
  6717. <4>[  563.816009] pc : [<401e3ef0>]    lr : [<0000c305>]    psr: 400b0030
  6718. <4>[  563.816009] sp : 406273a0  ip : 0001de24  fp : 40627904
  6719. <4>[  563.816192] r10: 01a1cf98  r9 : ffffffff  r8 : 01a1cfa8
  6720. <4>[  563.816253] r7 : 01a1c020  r6 : 01a1c020  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 01a1cfb8
  6721. <4>[  563.816375] r3 : 00000000  r2 : 01a1cfb8  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00000000
  6722. <4>[  563.816467] Flags: nZcv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  6723. <4>[  563.816589] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 49c0006a  DAC: 00000015
  6724. <7>[  563.929107] vold: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00000000, code 0x017
  6725. <1>[  563.929229] pgd = c1c00000
  6726. <1>[  563.929290] [00000000] *pgd=54de4831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000
  6727. <4>[  563.929626]
  6728. <4>[  563.929687] Pid: 5480, comm:                 vold
  6729. <4>[  563.929748] CPU: 1    Tainted: G        WC   (3.0.100-g5a5af37 #1)
  6730. <4>[  563.929901] PC is at 0x401e3ef0
  6731. <4>[  563.929962] LR is at 0xc305
  6732. <4>[  563.930023] pc : [<401e3ef0>]    lr : [<0000c305>]    psr: 400b0030
  6733. <4>[  563.930023] sp : 406273a0  ip : 0001de24  fp : 40627904
  6734. <4>[  563.930206] r10: 01a1cf98  r9 : ffffffff  r8 : 01a1cfa8
  6735. <4>[  563.930328] r7 : 01a1c020  r6 : 01a1c020  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 01a1cfb8
  6736. <4>[  563.930419] r3 : 00000000  r2 : 01a1cfb8  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00000000
  6737. <4>[  563.930541] Flags: nZcv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  6738. <4>[  563.930664] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 49c0006a  DAC: 00000015
  6739. <3>[  563.977569] fs_mgr: Warning: unknown flag nonremoveable
  6740. <6>[  564.269805] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  6741. <6>[  564.269805] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  6742. <6>[  564.273132] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  6743. <6>[  564.273132] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  6744. <6>[  564.273162] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  6745. <6>[  564.273193] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  6746. <6>[  564.273223] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  6747. <6>[  564.273223] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6748. <6>[  564.273223] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6749. <6>[  564.274810] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6750. <6>[  564.286224] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  6751. <6>[  564.286254] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  6752. <6>[  564.286254] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  6753. <6>[  564.286834] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  6754. <6>[  564.286834] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6755. <6>[  564.286834] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6756. <6>[  564.288665] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6757. <6>[  564.289672] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6758. <6>[  564.289703] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6759. <6>[  564.291687] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6760. <6>[  564.292694] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  6761. <6>[  564.305236] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  6762. <6>[  564.305328] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  6763. <6>[  564.305755] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  6764. <6>[  564.305847] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  6765. <6>[  564.308929] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  6766. <6>[  564.309082] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  6767. <6>[  564.309173] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6768. <6>[  564.313568] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6769. <6>[  564.313751] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  6770. <6>[  564.313842] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  6771. <6>[  564.314025] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  6772. <6>[  564.315246] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  6773. <6>[  564.315338] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  6774. <6>[  564.315521] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  6775. <6>[  564.315643] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  6776. <6>[  564.320312] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  6777. <6>[  564.320465] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 564282489292            (2013-11-27 08:04:54.783763466 UTC)
  6778. <6>[  564.320678] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6779. <6>[  564.320800] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6780. <6>[  564.320892] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6781. <6>[  564.388366] set_amp: 0
  6782. <6>[  564.394409] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6783. <6>[  564.394500] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6784. <6>[  564.397399] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6785. <6>[  564.398742] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6786. <6>[  564.398864] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6787. <6>[  564.468353] set_amp: 1
  6788. <6>[  564.471771] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6789. <6>[  564.476928] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6790. <6>[  564.476989] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6791. <6>[  564.477081] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6792. <6>[  564.478790] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6793. <6>[  564.479919] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6794. <6>[  564.479980] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6795. <6>[  564.481842] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6796. <6>[  564.662353] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -348, -106, -705
  6797. <6>[  564.998474] [K] binder: release 5423:5463 transaction 280932 out, still active
  6798. <6>[  565.955688] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 565906000000 (s 565906000000)
  6799. <6>[  566.626190] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  6800. <6>[  566.626342] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  6801. <6>[  566.626434] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  6802. <6>[  566.627655] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 10 msec
  6803. <6>[  566.627807] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on + val: f0
  6804. <6>[  566.627899] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on -
  6805. <6>[  566.638366] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_timer_func
  6806. <6>[  566.638458] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  6807. <6>[  566.638519] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  6808. <6>[  566.658599] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 30 msec
  6809. <6>[  566.658691] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on + val: f0
  6810. <6>[  566.658843] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on -
  6811. <6>[  566.688934] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_timer_func
  6812. <6>[  566.689025] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  6813. <6>[  566.689147] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  6814. <6>[  566.726409] [TP]unlock change to 2
  6815. <6>[  566.906402] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 168, -424, -576
  6816. <6>[  566.927673] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  6817. <6>[  566.927764] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 15
  6818. <6>[  566.928039] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6819. <6>[  566.928222] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6820. <6>[  566.998291] set_amp: 0
  6821. <6>[  567.004333] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6822. <6>[  567.008728] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6823. <6>[  567.009796] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  6824. <6>[  567.009948] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6825. <6>[  567.012207] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6826. <6>[  567.013336] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  6827. <6>[  567.013427] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6828. <6>[  567.016906] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6829. <6>[  567.018066] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6830. <6>[  567.018249] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6831. <6>[  567.088073] set_amp: 1
  6832. <6>[  567.093078] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6833. <6>[  567.098327] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 90ms --
  6834. <6>[  567.098602] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6835. <6>[  567.098693] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6836. <6>[  567.098846] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6837. <6>[  567.168060] set_amp: 0
  6838. <6>[  567.173858] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6839. <6>[  567.174011] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6840. <6>[  567.176605] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6841. <6>[  567.177764] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6842. <6>[  567.177825] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6843. <6>[  567.248077] set_amp: 1
  6844. <6>[  567.251373] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6845. <6>[  567.256469] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6846. <6>[  567.256622] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6847. <6>[  567.256683] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6848. <6>[  567.258575] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6849. <6>[  567.259735] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  6850. <6>[  567.259857] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6851. <6>[  567.273010] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  6852. <6>[  567.274261] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6853. <6>[  567.275329] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 16ms --
  6854. <6>[  567.277374] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[2]
  6855. <6>[  567.277465] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  6856. <6>[  567.285919] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 567247943394                (2013-11-27 08:04:57.749217568 UTC)
  6857. <6>[  567.286102] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  6858. <6>[  567.286193] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  6859. <6>[  567.286315] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  6860. <6>[  567.286468] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  6861. <6>[  567.286560] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  6862. <6>[  567.286712] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  6863. <6>[  567.286773] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6864. <6>[  567.286834] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6865. <6>[  567.288574] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6866. <6>[  567.289703] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  6867. <6>[  567.289764] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6868. <6>[  567.302917] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  6869. <6>[  567.304168] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6870. <6>[  567.305297] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 16ms --
  6871. <6>[  567.315338] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  6872. <6>[  567.315460] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 29
  6873. <6>[  567.315582] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6874. <6>[  567.315673] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6875. <6>[  567.378051] set_amp: 0
  6876. <6>[  567.383850] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6877. <6>[  567.388397] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6878. <6>[  567.389495] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6879. <6>[  567.392120] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6880. <6>[  567.450988] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  6881. <6>[  567.450988] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  6882. <6>[  567.451019] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  6883. <6>[  567.458068] set_amp: 1
  6884. <6>[  567.461486] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6885. <6>[  567.466613] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 74ms --
  6886. <6>[  567.466766] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6887. <6>[  567.466766] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  6888. <6>[  567.466766] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6889. <6>[  567.528045] set_amp: 0
  6890. <6>[  567.533782] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6891. <6>[  567.533935] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6892. <6>[  567.535644] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6893. <6>[  567.536773] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  6894. <6>[  567.536926] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6895. <6>[  567.570159] [TP]unlock change to 2
  6896. <6>[  567.598083] set_amp: 1
  6897. <6>[  567.601593] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6898. <6>[  567.606750] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6899. <6>[  567.606811] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6900. <6>[  567.606933] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6901. <6>[  567.608489] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6902. <6>[  567.609710] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  6903. <6>[  567.609802] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  6904. <6>[  567.609954] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  6905. <6>[  567.678039] set_amp: 0
  6906. <6>[  567.683837] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  6907. <6>[  567.683929] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6908. <6>[  567.684051] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6909. <6>[  567.685821] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6910. <6>[  567.686981] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  6911. <6>[  567.687042] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6912. <6>[  567.690032] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6913. <6>[  567.691101] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 4ms --
  6914. <6>[  567.700469] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  6915. <6>[  567.705932] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  6916. <6>[  567.706146] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  6917. <6>[  567.812255] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6918. <6>[  567.812408] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  6919. <6>[  567.812469] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6920. <6>[  567.814300] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6921. <6>[  567.815429] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6922. <6>[  567.815582] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6923. <6>[  567.815643] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6924. <6>[  567.817565] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6925. <6>[  568.268676] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 568219000000 (s 568219000000)
  6926. <6>[  568.538940] [TP]unlock change to 2
  6927. <6>[  568.561065] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  6928. <6>[  568.572174] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 568534228794            (2013-11-27 08:04:59.035502968 UTC)
  6929. <6>[  568.572357] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  6930. <6>[  568.572448] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  6931. <6>[  568.572570] set tpa2051 mode to 1
  6932. <6>[  568.578399] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  6933. <6>[  568.578491] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6934. <6>[  568.578613] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6935. <6>[  568.580932] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6936. <6>[  568.582000] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6937. <6>[  568.582122] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6938. <6>[  568.583831] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6939. <6>[  568.585052] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  6940. <6>[  568.585113] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  6941. <6>[  568.585235] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6942. <6>[  568.586791] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6943. <6>[  568.588043] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  6944. <6>[  568.588134] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  6945. <6>[  568.588256] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  6946. <6>[  568.588592] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  6947. <6>[  568.588653] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  6948. <6>[  568.588775] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6949. <6>[  568.591003] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6950. <6>[  568.592132] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  6951. <6>[  568.592193] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  6952. <6>[  568.593994] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  6953. <6>[  568.595123] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  6954. <6>[  568.618347] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  6955. <6>[  568.638397] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  6956. <6>[  568.708099] set_amp: 1
  6957. <6>[  568.712280] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  6958. <6>[  568.717712] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  6959. <6>[  568.717803] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  6960. <6>[  568.717926] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  6961. <6>[  568.729736] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  6962. <6>[  568.729858] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  6963. <6>[  568.729949] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  6964. <6>[  568.730072] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  6965. <6>[  568.733032] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  6966. <6>[  568.733184] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  6967. <6>[  568.733245] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  6968. <6>[  568.736480] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  6969. <6>[  569.150390] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -16, -464, -573
  6970. <6>[  569.536682] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 569487000000 (s 569487000000)
  6971. <6>[  569.851379] [TP]unlock change to 2
  6972. <6>[  570.310241] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  6973. <6>[  570.310241] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  6974. <6>[  570.310272] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  6975. <7>[  571.012573] vold: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00000000, code 0x017
  6976. <1>[  571.012695] pgd = c780c000
  6977. <1>[  571.012756] [00000000] *pgd=54de4831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000
  6978. <4>[  571.013031]
  6979. <4>[  571.013092] Pid: 6147, comm:                 vold
  6980. <4>[  571.013183] CPU: 1    Tainted: G        WC   (3.0.100-g5a5af37 #1)
  6981. <4>[  571.013305] PC is at 0x401c5ef0
  6982. <4>[  571.013366] LR is at 0xc305
  6983. <4>[  571.013427] pc : [<401c5ef0>]    lr : [<0000c305>]    psr: 40030030
  6984. <4>[  571.013458] sp : 405093a0  ip : 0001de24  fp : 40509904
  6985. <4>[  571.013641] r10: 00463dd8  r9 : ffffffff  r8 : 00463de8
  6986. <4>[  571.013763] r7 : 00463020  r6 : 00463020  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 00463df8
  6987. <4>[  571.013824] r3 : 00000000  r2 : 00463df8  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00000000
  6988. <4>[  571.013977] Flags: nZcv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  6989. <4>[  571.014099] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 4f80c06a  DAC: 00000015
  6990. <7>[  571.064941] vold: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00000000, code 0x017
  6991. <1>[  571.065063] pgd = c780c000
  6992. <1>[  571.065155] [00000000] *pgd=54de4831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000
  6993. <4>[  571.065399]
  6994. <4>[  571.065460] Pid: 6147, comm:                 vold
  6995. <4>[  571.065551] CPU: 1    Tainted: G        WC   (3.0.100-g5a5af37 #1)
  6996. <4>[  571.065673] PC is at 0x401c5ef0
  6997. <4>[  571.065765] LR is at 0xc305
  6998. <4>[  571.065826] pc : [<401c5ef0>]    lr : [<0000c305>]    psr: 40030030
  6999. <4>[  571.065826] sp : 405093a0  ip : 0001de24  fp : 40509904
  7000. <4>[  571.066009] r10: 00463dd8  r9 : ffffffff  r8 : 00463de8
  7001. <4>[  571.066162] r7 : 00463020  r6 : 00463020  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 00463df8
  7002. <4>[  571.066223] r3 : 00000000  r2 : 00463df8  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00000000
  7003. <4>[  571.066345] Flags: nZcv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  7004. <4>[  571.066436] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 4f80c06a  DAC: 00000015
  7005. <7>[  571.224761] vold: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00000000, code 0x017
  7006. <1>[  571.224853] pgd = c780c000
  7007. <1>[  571.224975] [00000000] *pgd=54de4831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000
  7008. <4>[  571.225250]
  7009. <4>[  571.225311] Pid: 6147, comm:                 vold
  7010. <4>[  571.225433] CPU: 1    Tainted: G        WC   (3.0.100-g5a5af37 #1)
  7011. <4>[  571.225524] PC is at 0x401c5ef0
  7012. <4>[  571.225646] LR is at 0xc305
  7013. <4>[  571.225708] pc : [<401c5ef0>]    lr : [<0000c305>]    psr: 40030030
  7014. <4>[  571.225708] sp : 405093a0  ip : 0001de24  fp : 40509904
  7015. <4>[  571.225891] r10: 00463dd8  r9 : ffffffff  r8 : 00463de8
  7016. <4>[  571.225982] r7 : 00463020  r6 : 00463020  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 00463df8
  7017. <4>[  571.226104] r3 : 00000000  r2 : 00463df8  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00000000
  7018. <4>[  571.226165] Flags: nZcv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  7019. <4>[  571.226257] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 4f80c06a  DAC: 00000015
  7020. <3>[  571.243560] fs_mgr: Warning: unknown flag nonremoveable
  7021. <6>[  571.394409] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -146, -503, -509
  7022. <3>[  572.238403] init: untracked pid 6198 exited
  7023. <6>[  573.078033] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  7024. <6>[  573.078124] 11-27 00:05:03
  7025. <4>[  573.078308]  17:  2809    gp_timer
  7026. <4>[  573.078613]  48:   130    msmgpio
  7027. <4>[  573.078918] 107:   162    MDP
  7028. <4>[  573.079193] 112:   221    kgsl-3d0
  7029. <4>[  573.079498] 113:   111    kgsl-2d0
  7030. <4>[  573.079772] 122:   862    smd_dev
  7031. <4>[  573.080047] 135:  2335    mmc1
  7032. <6>[  573.080261] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7033. <4>[  573.080505] 136:  5998    mmc0
  7034. <6>[  573.080718] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7035. <4>[  573.080932] 179:  1376    spi_qsd
  7036. <4>[  573.081176] 187:    92    qup_err_intr
  7037. <4>[  573.081512] 191:   160    qup_err_intr
  7038. <4>[  573.081787] 199:  2121    msmdatamover
  7039. <4>[  573.082061] 220:   243    mmc4
  7040. <6>[  573.082336] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7041. <4>[  573.082519] 228:   300    qup_err_intr
  7042. <4>[  573.082794] 244:   111    kgsl-2d1
  7043. <4>[  573.083129] 355:     8    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  7044. <4>[  573.083465] 373:    92    atmel_qt602240
  7045. <4>[  573.083740] 400:    30    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  7046. <6>[  573.084289] C0: 101 65ms
  7047. <6>[  573.084442] CPU0 usage: 99
  7048. <6>[  573.084533] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  7049. <6>[  573.084594] LPASS running (0ms)
  7050. <4>[  573.084655]  1000,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  7051. <4>[  573.085052] 1001D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  7052. <4>[  573.085479]  907D,    97 kworker/1:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  7053. <4>[  573.085815]   347,  4668 AudioOut_2       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  7054. <4>[  573.086212]  1000,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  7055. <4>[  573.086608]   300,  4847 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  7056. <4>[  573.086944] 7006 total events, 699.697 events/sec
  7057. <4>[  573.087097] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'
  7058. <4>[  573.087371] wakelock:  '[SDAL_35]'  'audio_pcm'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'battery_daemon'  'vbus_present'  'msm_otg'  'main'  'sdio_dmux', time left 48;
  7059. <6>[  573.091705] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  7060. <6>[  573.091766] 20%           4814            system_server                   415
  7061. <6>[  573.091857] 12%           5723            .android.chrome                 257
  7062. <6>[  573.091979] 9%            5076            e.process.gapps                 188
  7063. <6>[  573.092041] 7%            5200            earchbox:search                 158
  7064. <6>[  573.092132] 4%            4893            d.process.media                 91
  7065. <6>[  573.195007] [TP]unlock change to 2
  7066. <6>[  573.601287] [TP]unlock change to 2
  7067. <6>[  573.638458] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -115, -517, -554
  7068. <7>[  574.488525] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  7069. <7>[  574.488616] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7070. <7>[  574.494720] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7071. <7>[  574.494812] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  7072. <7>[  574.528015] wl12xx: elp work
  7073. <7>[  574.528137] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7074. <7>[  574.837158] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7075. <7>[  574.837310] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7076. <7>[  574.837554] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  7077. <7>[  574.858032] wl12xx: elp work
  7078. <7>[  574.858093] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7079. <7>[  575.143859] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7080. <7>[  575.144012] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7081. <7>[  575.144348] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  7082. <7>[  575.144500] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  7083. <7>[  575.158020] wl12xx: elp work
  7084. <7>[  575.158111] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7085. <6>[  575.882415] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -53, -554, -472
  7086. <7>[  576.424926] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7087. <7>[  576.425506] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7088. <7>[  576.438659] wl12xx: elp work
  7089. <7>[  576.438751] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7090. <6>[  577.103668] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 577054000000 (s 577054000000)
  7091. <6>[  577.395874] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 577345000000 (s 577345000000)
  7092. <6>[  577.622680] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 577573000000 (s 577573000000)
  7093. <6>[  577.641693] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 577592000000 (s 577592000000)
  7094. <6>[  577.657684] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 577608000000 (s 577608000000)
  7095. <6>[  577.666687] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 577617000000 (s 577617000000)
  7096. <6>[  577.671691] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  7097. <6>[  577.671783] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  7098. <6>[  577.676879] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7099. <6>[  577.676940] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  7100. <6>[  577.677032] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  7101. <6>[  577.738037] set_amp: 0
  7102. <6>[  577.743804] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  7103. <6>[  577.743927] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  7104. <6>[  577.744018] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7105. <6>[  577.745758] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7106. <6>[  577.746826] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  7107. <6>[  577.746978] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7108. <6>[  577.760131] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  7109. <6>[  577.761230] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7110. <6>[  577.762329] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 16ms --
  7111. <6>[  577.770721] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  7112. <6>[  577.776123] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  7113. <6>[  577.776275] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  7114. <6>[  577.776428] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  7115. <6>[  577.783843] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  7116. <6>[  577.783935] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 577745990269            (2013-11-27 08:05:08.247264443 UTC)
  7117. <6>[  577.784149] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  7118. <6>[  577.784301] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  7119. <6>[  577.784362] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7120. <6>[  577.786163] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7121. <6>[  577.787292] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  7122. <6>[  577.787414] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  7123. <6>[  577.787475] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7124. <6>[  577.789062] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7125. <6>[  577.790191] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  7126. <6>[  577.790252] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7127. <6>[  577.803710] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  7128. <6>[  577.804809] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7129. <6>[  577.805877] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 15ms --
  7130. <6>[  577.960388] [TP]unlock change to 2
  7131. <6>[  578.044403] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  7132. <6>[  578.055419] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 578017444126            (2013-11-27 08:05:08.518718300 UTC)
  7133. <6>[  578.055603] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  7134. <6>[  578.055694] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  7135. <6>[  578.061706] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  7136. <6>[  578.061798] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  7137. <6>[  578.061950] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7138. <6>[  578.064147] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7139. <6>[  578.065277] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  7140. <6>[  578.065338] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7141. <6>[  578.067077] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7142. <6>[  578.068237] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  7143. <6>[  578.068359] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  7144. <6>[  578.068420] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7145. <6>[  578.070007] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7146. <6>[  578.071166] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7147. <6>[  578.071289] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  7148. <6>[  578.071380] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  7149. <6>[  578.071685] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  7150. <6>[  578.071777] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  7151. <6>[  578.071899] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7152. <6>[  578.074188] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7153. <6>[  578.075317] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  7154. <6>[  578.075408] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7155. <6>[  578.077178] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7156. <6>[  578.078247] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  7157. <6>[  578.108398] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  7158. <6>[  578.126373] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -104, -523, -492
  7159. <6>[  578.127197] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  7160. <6>[  578.188232] set_amp: 1
  7161. <6>[  578.191589] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  7162. <6>[  578.196960] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  7163. <6>[  578.197052] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  7164. <6>[  578.197174] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  7165. <6>[  578.208221] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  7166. <6>[  578.208374] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  7167. <6>[  578.208435] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  7168. <6>[  578.208587] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  7169. <6>[  578.211486] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  7170. <6>[  578.211639] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  7171. <6>[  578.211700] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  7172. <6>[  578.214538] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  7173. <6>[  579.491607] [TP]unlock change to 2
  7174. <6>[  579.882202] [TP]unlock change to 2
  7175. <6>[  580.370391] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -109, -528, -483
  7176. <6>[  581.772735] [TP]unlock change to 2
  7177. <6>[  581.800018] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 150 msec
  7178. <6>[  581.800079] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on + val: f0
  7179. <6>[  581.800231] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on -
  7180. <6>[  581.950317] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_timer_func
  7181. <6>[  581.950408] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  7182. <6>[  581.950531] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  7183. <6>[  582.614440] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -143, -478, -523
  7184. <6>[  583.118011] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  7185. <6>[  583.118072] 11-27 00:05:13
  7186. <4>[  583.118225]  17:  2707    gp_timer
  7187. <4>[  583.118560]  48:    80    msmgpio
  7188. <4>[  583.118865] 107:   103    MDP
  7189. <4>[  583.119171] 112:   129    kgsl-3d0
  7190. <4>[  583.119415] 113:   154    kgsl-2d0
  7191. <4>[  583.119750] 122:   741    smd_dev
  7192. <4>[  583.120025] 133:   199    mmc3
  7193. <6>[  583.120208] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7194. <4>[  583.120391] 135:  1460    mmc1
  7195. <6>[  583.120666] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7196. <4>[  583.120849] 136:  3443    mmc0
  7197. <6>[  583.121032] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7198. <4>[  583.121276] 179:   170    spi_qsd
  7199. <4>[  583.121612] 187:    36    qup_err_intr
  7200. <4>[  583.121856] 191:    70    qup_err_intr
  7201. <4>[  583.122131] 199:  1141    msmdatamover
  7202. <4>[  583.122528] 220:    63    mmc4
  7203. <6>[  583.122711] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7204. <4>[  583.122924] 228:   300    qup_err_intr
  7205. <4>[  583.123199] 244:   154    kgsl-2d1
  7206. <4>[  583.123474] 302:     9    wl12xx
  7207. <4>[  583.123779] 355:     2    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  7208. <4>[  583.124053] 373:    36    atmel_qt602240
  7209. <4>[  583.124389] 400:    33    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  7210. <6>[  583.124877] C0: 651 496ms
  7211. <6>[  583.124938] CPU0 usage: 95
  7212. <6>[  583.125030] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  7213. <6>[  583.125152] LPASS running (0ms)
  7214. <4>[  583.125213]   999,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  7215. <4>[  583.125610]   999,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  7216. <4>[  583.125946]   597,  4668 AudioOut_2       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  7217. <4>[  583.126342]  949D,    97 kworker/1:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  7218. <4>[  583.126739]  973D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  7219. <4>[  583.127075]   300,  4847 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  7220. <4>[  583.127471] 6636 total events, 661.217 events/sec
  7221. <4>[  583.127563] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'
  7222. <4>[  583.127868] wakelock:  'audio_pcm'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'battery_daemon'  'vbus_present'  'msm_otg'  'main'  'sdio_dmux', time left 23;
  7223. <6>[  583.132659] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  7224. <6>[  583.132751] 21%           4814            system_server                   423
  7225. <6>[  583.132873] 11%           5076            e.process.gapps                 228
  7226. <6>[  583.132934] 10%           4960            d.process.acore                 206
  7227. <6>[  583.133026] 7%            6568            ogle.android.gm                 156
  7228. <6>[  583.133148] 4%            5011            rocess.location                 85
  7229. <6>[  584.858459] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -157, -514, -480
  7230. <6>[  585.789794] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  7231. <6>[  585.790496] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  7232. <6>[  585.795837] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7233. <6>[  585.795959] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  7234. <6>[  585.796051] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  7235. <6>[  585.858642] set_amp: 0
  7236. <6>[  585.864990] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  7237. <6>[  585.865661] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  7238. <6>[  585.866058] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7239. <6>[  585.869537] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7240. <6>[  585.870941] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  7241. <6>[  585.871643] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7242. <6>[  585.887512] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  7243. <6>[  585.889190] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7244. <6>[  585.890289] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 20ms --
  7245. <6>[  585.899108] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  7246. <6>[  585.904663] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  7247. <6>[  585.904846] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  7248. <6>[  585.904968] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  7249. <6>[  585.912475] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  7250. <6>[  585.912658] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 585874682896            (2013-11-27 08:05:16.375957070 UTC)
  7251. <6>[  585.913085] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  7252. <6>[  585.913360] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  7253. <6>[  585.913513] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7254. <6>[  585.915740] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7255. <6>[  585.916992] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  7256. <6>[  585.917266] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  7257. <6>[  585.917388] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7258. <6>[  585.919372] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7259. <6>[  585.920654] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  7260. <6>[  585.920959] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  7261. <6>[  585.935607] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  7262. <6>[  585.936645] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  7263. <6>[  585.937744] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 17ms --
  7264. <6>[  586.652038] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  7265. <6>[  586.652893] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  7266. <6>[  586.908264] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  7267. <6>[  587.102355] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -160, -511, -492
  7268. <6>[  589.346405] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -168, -523, -472
  7269. <7>[  589.500030] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  7270. <7>[  589.500732] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7271. <7>[  589.507293] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7272. <7>[  589.507751] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  7273. <7>[  589.548217] wl12xx: elp work
  7274. <7>[  589.548614] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7275. <7>[  589.805023] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7276. <7>[  589.805572] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7277. <7>[  589.828124] wl12xx: elp work
  7278. <7>[  589.828369] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7279. <7>[  589.853942] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7280. <7>[  589.854461] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7281. <7>[  589.854949] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  7282. <7>[  589.878143] wl12xx: elp work
  7283. <7>[  589.878356] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7284. <7>[  590.162292] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7285. <7>[  590.162445] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7286. <7>[  590.162902] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  7287. <7>[  590.163391] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  7288. <7>[  590.178009] wl12xx: elp work
  7289. <7>[  590.178161] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7290. <7>[  591.444763] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7291. <7>[  591.445434] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7292. <7>[  591.458160] wl12xx: elp work
  7293. <7>[  591.458526] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7294. <6>[  591.590362] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -185, -511, -472
  7295. <6>[  592.389862] [USBH] Avail curr from USB = 2
  7296. <6>[  592.406158] [BATT][tps65200] interrupt chg_stat is triggered. chg_stat_enabled:1
  7297. <6>[  592.417297] [CABLE] vbus_irq_handler: Disable vbus irq --
  7298. <6>[  592.508239] [CABLE] check_vbus_in: vbus = 1, vbus_in = 0
  7299. <6>[  592.508941] [USBH] msm_otg_set_vbus_state: 0
  7300. <6>[  592.509399] [CABLE] check_vbus_in: Enable vbus irq ++
  7301. <6>[  592.510162] [USBH] msm_otg_sm_work: state:b_peripheral bit:0x00000001
  7302. <6>[  592.510559] [USB] OTG_STATE_B_PERIPHERAL state
  7303. <7>[  592.511260] [USBH] gadget off
  7304. <6>[  592.512817] adb_release
  7305. <6>[  592.513153] [USBH] send connect type 0
  7306. <6>[  592.513610] [CABLE] usb_status_notifier_func: cable_type = 0
  7307. <6>[  592.513732] adb_open
  7308. <6>[  592.515960] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED
  7309. <6>[  592.516693] [USB] OTG runtime idle
  7310. <6>[  592.517059] [USB] OTG runtime suspend
  7311. <6>[  592.517425] [USBH] msm_otg_suspend
  7312. <7>[  592.518737] [USBH] msm_hsusb_config_vddcx: min_vol:500000 max_vol:1320000
  7313. <6>[  592.519439] [USBH] USB in low power mode
  7314. <6>[  592.519866] [USBH] msm_otg_sm_work: state:b_idle bit:0x00000001
  7315. <6>[  592.520538] [USB] OTG runtime resume
  7316. <6>[  592.520904] [USBH] msm_otg_resume
  7317. <7>[  592.521484] [USBH] msm_hsusb_config_vddcx: min_vol:1045000 max_vol:1320000
  7318. <6>[  592.521881] [USBH] USB exited from low power mode
  7319. <6>[  592.522552] [USB] OTG_STATE_B_IDLE state
  7320. <6>[  592.522918] [USBH] !b_sess_vld && id
  7321. <7>[  592.523468] [CABLE] send_cable_connect_notify: cable_type = 0
  7322. <6>[  592.524169] [CABLE] Send to: htc_battery_8x60, type 0
  7323. <6>[  592.524536] [BATT] cable_status_notifier_func 0 at 592487262242 (2013-11-27 08:05:22.987865029 UTC)
  7324. <6>[  592.525604] [BATT] No cable exists at 592488025181 (2013-11-27 08:05:22.988933145 UTC)
  7325. <6>[  592.526672] [BATT] cable_status_notifier_func mhl_dongle:0 at 592489093297 (2013-11-27 08:05:22.989970742 UTC)
  7326. <6>[  592.533843] [BATT] do charger control = 0 at 592495959752 (2013-11-27 08:05:22.997142374 UTC)
  7327. <6>[  592.533996] [BATT][tps65200] Switch charger OFF
  7328. <6>[  592.534332] [CABLE] Send to: usb_tp_connected, type 0
  7329. <6>[  592.534729] [TP]cable change to 0
  7330. <6>[  592.535156] [BATT] ID=2, level=57, vol=3918, temp=409, batt_current=62, chg_src=0, chg_en=1, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1
  7331. <6>[  592.535217] [USBH] Avail curr from USB = 0
  7332. <6>[  592.535247] [USBH] msm_otg_reset
  7333. <4>[  592.535644]  at 592497699254 (2013-11-27 08:05:22.998485147 UTC)
  7334. <6>[  592.535797] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 592497943395 (2013-11-27 08:05:22.999126016 UTC)
  7335. <6>[  592.535980] [BATT] power_supply_changed: usb at 592498187535 (2013-11-27 08:05:22.999309121 UTC)
  7336. <6>[  592.536346] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 57 at 592498553746 (2013-11-27 08:05:22.999644815 UTC)
  7337. <6>[  592.536590] [BATT] ID=2, level=57, vol=3918, temp=409, batt_current=62, chg_src=0, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 592498797887 (2013-11-27 08:05:22.999919473 UTC)
  7338. <6>[  592.536895] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 592499042027 (2013-11-27 08:05:23.000224649 UTC)
  7339. <6>[  592.538269] healthd: battery l=57 v=3 t=40.9 h=2 st=4 chg=
  7340. <6>[  592.539123] healthd: battery l=57 v=3 t=40.9 h=2 st=4 chg=
  7341. <6>[  592.539367] mtp_release
  7342. <6>[  592.558197] [USBH] phy_reset: success
  7343. <6>[  592.577362] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 5 brightness 0 +
  7344. <6>[  592.577453] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 5 brightness 0 -
  7345. <6>[  592.577697] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 4 brightness 0 +
  7346. <6>[  592.577850] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 4 brightness 0 -
  7347. <6>[  592.578094] [LED]pm8058_led_blink_store: bank 4 blink 0
  7348. <6>[  592.581237] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  7349. <6>[  592.581481] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  7350. <6>[  592.632293] [TP]Touch Noise suppression: 0x0D 0x10 0x08 0x00
  7351. <6>[  592.668090] [USBH] ulpi: write 0x06 to 0x36
  7352. <6>[  592.668457] [USBH] ulpi: write 0x0c to 0x31
  7353. <6>[  592.668731] [USBH] ulpi: write 0x31 to 0x32
  7354. <6>[  592.669006] [USBH] ulpi: write 0x01 to 0x0d
  7355. <6>[  592.669372] [USBH] ulpi: write 0x01 to 0x10
  7356. <6>[  592.669677] [USB] OTG runtime suspend
  7357. <6>[  592.669769] [USBH] msm_otg_suspend
  7358. <7>[  592.670410] [USBH] msm_hsusb_config_vddcx: min_vol:500000 max_vol:1320000
  7359. <6>[  592.670501] [USBH] USB in low power mode
  7360. <6>[  593.158050] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  7361. <6>[  593.158111] 11-27 00:05:23
  7362. <4>[  593.158264]  17:  2006    gp_timer
  7363. <4>[  593.158599]  48:    37    msmgpio
  7364. <4>[  593.158874] 107:    49    MDP
  7365. <4>[  593.159149] 112:    36    kgsl-3d0
  7366. <4>[  593.159423] 113:    98    kgsl-2d0
  7367. <4>[  593.159729] 122:   207    smd_dev
  7368. <4>[  593.160003] 132:     1    msm_otg
  7369. <6>[  593.160186] , msm_hsusb
  7370. <4>[  593.160369] 133:   196    mmc3
  7371. <6>[  593.160644] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7372. <4>[  593.160827] 135:   966    mmc1
  7373. <6>[  593.161010] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7374. <4>[  593.161224] 136:  3652    mmc0
  7375. <6>[  593.161468] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7376. <4>[  593.161682] 179:   105    spi_qsd
  7377. <4>[  593.161956] 187:     5    qup_err_intr
  7378. <4>[  593.162200] 191:    32    qup_err_intr
  7379. <4>[  593.162536] 199:   969    msmdatamover
  7380. <4>[  593.162811] 228:   300    qup_err_intr
  7381. <4>[  593.163085] 244:    98    kgsl-2d1
  7382. <4>[  593.163421] 302:    12    wl12xx
  7383. <4>[  593.163696] 344:     2    pm8xxx_usr_irq
  7384. <4>[  593.163970] 373:     1    atmel_qt602240
  7385. <4>[  593.164245] 400:    22    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  7386. <4>[  593.164611] 464:     1    vbus_irq
  7387. <4>[  593.164947] 653:     1    chg_stat
  7388. <6>[  593.165344] C0: 2004 2209ms
  7389. <6>[  593.165466] CPU0 usage: 77
  7390. <6>[  593.165527] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  7391. <6>[  593.165588] LPASS running (0ms)
  7392. <4>[  593.165679]   898,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  7393. <4>[  593.166076]   951,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  7394. <4>[  593.166442]  938D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  7395. <4>[  593.166778]  852D,    97 kworker/1:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  7396. <4>[  593.167175]   300,  4847 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  7397. <4>[  593.167572] 6011 total events, 598.953 events/sec
  7398. <4>[  593.167663] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'
  7399. <4>[  593.167938] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'main'  'msm_usb_cable', time left 235;  'vbus_present', time left 436;
  7400. <6>[  593.171569] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  7401. <6>[  593.171630] 23%           4960            d.process.acore                 468
  7402. <6>[  593.171722] 15%           4814            system_server                   317
  7403. <6>[  593.171844] 7%            6568            ogle.android.gm                 159
  7404. <6>[  593.171905] 5%            5076            e.process.gapps                 110
  7405. <6>[  593.172027] 2%            7135            le.android.talk                 56
  7406. <6>[  593.440856] [K] binder: 4814:5001 transaction failed 29189, size 240-0
  7407. <6>[  593.441436] [K] binder: 4814:5001 transaction failed 29189, size 240-0
  7408. <6>[  593.834350] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -182, -495, -464
  7409. <6>[  594.140289] [CABLE] vbus_irq_handler: Disable vbus irq --
  7410. <6>[  594.238067] [CABLE] check_vbus_in: vbus = 0, vbus_in = 1
  7411. <6>[  594.238281] [USBH] msm_otg_set_vbus_state: 1
  7412. <6>[  594.238433] [CABLE] check_vbus_in: Enable vbus irq ++
  7413. <6>[  594.239227] [USB] OTG runtime resume
  7414. <6>[  594.239379] [USBH] msm_otg_resume
  7415. <7>[  594.239593] [USBH] msm_hsusb_config_vddcx: min_vol:1045000 max_vol:1320000
  7416. <6>[  594.239746] [USBH] USB exited from low power mode
  7417. <6>[  594.239837] [USBH] msm_otg_sm_work: state:b_idle bit:0x00000003
  7418. <6>[  594.239990] [USB] OTG_STATE_B_IDLE state
  7419. <6>[  594.240081] [USBH] b_sess_vld
  7420. <6>[  594.339233] [USBH] msm_chg_detect_work: state:CHG_STATE_UNDEFINED
  7421. <6>[  594.438232] [USBH] msm_chg_detect_work: state:CHG_WAIT_FOR_DCD
  7422. <6>[  594.478118] [USBH] msm_chg_detect_work: state:CHG_DCD_DONE
  7423. <6>[  594.479095] [USBH] msm_chg_detect_work: state:CHG_DETECTED
  7424. <6>[  594.480285] [USBH] chg_type = USB_SDP_CHARGER
  7425. <6>[  594.481018] [USBH] send connect type -1
  7426. <6>[  594.481414] [CABLE] usb_status_notifier_func: cable_type = 1
  7427. <7>[  594.481781] [CABLE] send_cable_connect_notify: cable_type = 1
  7428. <6>[  594.482482] [CABLE] Send to: htc_battery_8x60, type 1
  7429. <6>[  594.482849] [BATT] cable_status_notifier_func 1 at 594445575231 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.946178018 UTC)
  7430. <6>[  594.483917] [BATT] cable USB at 594446338170 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.947246134 UTC)
  7431. <6>[  594.485382] [USBH] msm_otg_sm_work: state:b_idle bit:0x00000003
  7432. <6>[  594.485748] [USB] OTG_STATE_B_IDLE state
  7433. <6>[  594.486419] [USBH] b_sess_vld
  7434. <6>[  594.486785] [USBH] Avail curr from USB = 500
  7435. <7>[  594.487152] [USBH] gadget on
  7436. <6>[  594.488555] [BATT] do charger control = 0 at 594450702184 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.951884805 UTC)
  7437. <6>[  594.488739] [BATT][tps65200] Switch charger OFF
  7438. <6>[  594.488769] [CABLE] Send to: usb_tp_connected, type 1
  7439. <6>[  594.488830] [TP]cable change to 1
  7440. <6>[  594.489929] [BATT][tps65200] interrupt chg_stat is triggered. chg_stat_enabled:0
  7441. <6>[  594.491119] [BATT] ID=2, level=57, vol=3918, temp=409, batt_current=62, chg_src=1, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 594453326695 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.954417764 UTC)
  7442. <6>[  594.491455] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 594453570836 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.954783975 UTC)
  7443. <6>[  594.491607] [BATT] power_supply_changed: usb at 594453814977 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.954936563 UTC)
  7444. <6>[  594.492675] [BATT] do charger control = 1 at 594454822057 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.956004678 UTC)
  7445. <6>[  594.493072] healthd: battery l=57 v=3 t=40.9 h=2 st=3 chg=u
  7446. <6>[  594.493957] healthd: battery l=57 v=3 t=40.9 h=2 st=3 chg=u
  7447. <6>[  594.494628] [BATT][tps65200] regh 0x00=28, regh 0x01=29, regh 0x02=23, regh 0x03=87
  7448. <6>[  594.496093] [BATT][tps65200] regh 0x04=50, 0x05=1f, regh 0x06=23
  7449. <6>[  594.497863] [BATT][tps65200] regh 0x07=4, 0x08=0, regh 0x09=0, regh 0x0A=0
  7450. <6>[  594.499786] [BATT][tps65200] regh 0x0B=bf, 0x0C=7f, regh 0x0D=ff, regh 0x0E=32
  7451. <6>[  594.502349] [BATT][tps65200] Switch charger ON (SLOW): regh 0x03=87, regh 0x02=63
  7452. <6>[  594.502502] [BATT] ID=2, level=57, vol=3918, temp=409, batt_current=62, chg_src=1, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 594464679234 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.965831337 UTC)
  7453. <6>[  594.502716] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 57 at 594464892857 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.966044960 UTC)
  7454. <6>[  594.502899] [BATT] ID=2, level=57, vol=3918, temp=409, batt_current=62, chg_src=1, chg_en=1, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 594465106480 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.966228066 UTC)
  7455. <6>[  594.503173] [BATT] power_supply_changed: usb at 594465289585 (2013-11-27 08:05:24.966502724 UTC)
  7456. <6>[  594.504669] healthd: battery l=57 v=3 t=40.9 h=2 st=2 chg=u
  7457. <6>[  594.525695] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 4 brightness 1 +
  7458. <6>[  594.526000] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 4 brightness 1 -
  7459. <6>[  594.526245] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 5 brightness 0 +
  7460. <6>[  594.526397] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 5 brightness 0 -
  7461. <6>[  594.526611] [LED]pm8058_led_blink_store: bank 4 blink 0
  7462. <6>[  594.617584] [USBH] Avail curr from USB = 0
  7463. <6>[  594.617889] android_work: did not send uevent (0 0   (null))
  7464. <6>[  594.627227] [TP]Touch Noise suppression: 0x0D 0x10 0x10 0x00
  7465. <6>[  594.699218] [BATT][tps65200] Set VDPM back to original V: regh 0x03=83
  7466. <6>[  594.705749] android_work: did not send uevent (0 0   (null))
  7467. <6>[  594.807312] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
  7468. <6>[  594.825561] android_usb gadget: high speed config #1: android
  7469. <6>[  594.825683] [USBH] Avail curr from USB = 500
  7470. <6>[  594.878112] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONFIGURED
  7471. <6>[  594.897033] mtp_open
  7472. <6>[  595.193664] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 595144000000 (s 595144000000)
  7473. <4>[  595.218383] ------------[ cut here ]------------
  7474. <4>[  595.218536] WARNING: at /home/jeepers007/android/system/kernel/htc/msm8660/arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-local.c:376 __branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec()
  7475. <4>[  595.218811] sdc3_p_clk status stuck at 'on'
  7476. <4>[  595.218902] Modules linked in: wl12xx_sdio wl12xx mac80211 cfg80211 compat btwilink fm_drv(C) tty_hci [last unloaded: wl12xx_sdio]
  7477. <4>[  595.220062] [<c0053030>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xe0) from [<c00d25d8>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64)
  7478. <4>[  595.220214] [<c00d25d8>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64) from [<c00d2670>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c)
  7479. <4>[  595.220397] [<c00d2670>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c) from [<c00925c8>] (__branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec)
  7480. <4>[  595.220550] [<c00925c8>] (__branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec) from [<c0092b30>] (branch_clk_disable+0x24/0x40)
  7481. <4>[  595.220733] [<c0092b30>] (branch_clk_disable+0x24/0x40) from [<c005a35c>] (clk_disable+0x64/0xf8)
  7482. <4>[  595.220825] [<c005a35c>] (clk_disable+0x64/0xf8) from [<c035f78c>] (msmsdcc_switch_clock+0x34c/0x394)
  7483. <4>[  595.220977] [<c035f78c>] (msmsdcc_switch_clock+0x34c/0x394) from [<c0362c4c>] (msmsdcc_runtime_suspend+0x98/0xf4)
  7484. <4>[  595.221160] [<c0362c4c>] (msmsdcc_runtime_suspend+0x98/0xf4) from [<c02888bc>] (pm_generic_runtime_suspend+0x2c/0x38)
  7485. <4>[  595.221313] [<c02888bc>] (pm_generic_runtime_suspend+0x2c/0x38) from [<c028ab84>] (rpm_callback+0x48/0x68)
  7486. <4>[  595.221496] [<c028ab84>] (rpm_callback+0x48/0x68) from [<c028b058>] (rpm_suspend+0x20c/0x3b8)
  7487. <4>[  595.221649] [<c028b058>] (rpm_suspend+0x20c/0x3b8) from [<c028be30>] (pm_runtime_work+0x7c/0x94)
  7488. <4>[  595.221740] [<c028be30>] (pm_runtime_work+0x7c/0x94) from [<c00e61ec>] (process_one_work+0x114/0x398)
  7489. <4>[  595.221923] [<c00e61ec>] (process_one_work+0x114/0x398) from [<c00e6770>] (worker_thread+0x138/0x2e4)
  7490. <4>[  595.222076] [<c00e6770>] (worker_thread+0x138/0x2e4) from [<c00eaaec>] (kthread+0x7c/0x88)
  7491. <4>[  595.222229] [<c00eaaec>] (kthread+0x7c/0x88) from [<c004e5dc>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
  7492. <4>[  595.222412] ---[ end trace f75a588826c05990 ]---
  7493. <6>[  596.078613] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -180, -545, -416
  7494. <6>[  596.385467] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  7495. <6>[  596.385589] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  7496. <6>[  596.385681] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  7497. <4>[  597.328613] ------------[ cut here ]------------
  7498. <4>[  597.328796] WARNING: at /home/jeepers007/android/system/kernel/htc/msm8660/arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-local.c:376 __branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec()
  7499. <4>[  597.329071] sdc3_p_clk status stuck at 'on'
  7500. <4>[  597.329345] Modules linked in: wl12xx_sdio wl12xx mac80211 cfg80211 compat btwilink fm_drv(C) tty_hci [last unloaded: wl12xx_sdio]
  7501. <4>[  597.331268] [<c0053030>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xe0) from [<c00d25d8>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64)
  7502. <4>[  597.331573] [<c00d25d8>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64) from [<c00d2670>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c)
  7503. <4>[  597.331726] [<c00d2670>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c) from [<c00925c8>] (__branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec)
  7504. <4>[  597.332031] [<c00925c8>] (__branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec) from [<c0092b30>] (branch_clk_disable+0x24/0x40)
  7505. <4>[  597.332366] [<c0092b30>] (branch_clk_disable+0x24/0x40) from [<c005a35c>] (clk_disable+0x64/0xf8)
  7506. <4>[  597.332672] [<c005a35c>] (clk_disable+0x64/0xf8) from [<c035f78c>] (msmsdcc_switch_clock+0x34c/0x394)
  7507. <4>[  597.332977] [<c035f78c>] (msmsdcc_switch_clock+0x34c/0x394) from [<c0362c4c>] (msmsdcc_runtime_suspend+0x98/0xf4)
  7508. <4>[  597.333282] [<c0362c4c>] (msmsdcc_runtime_suspend+0x98/0xf4) from [<c02888bc>] (pm_generic_runtime_suspend+0x2c/0x38)
  7509. <4>[  597.333587] [<c02888bc>] (pm_generic_runtime_suspend+0x2c/0x38) from [<c028ab84>] (rpm_callback+0x48/0x68)
  7510. <4>[  597.333740] [<c028ab84>] (rpm_callback+0x48/0x68) from [<c028b058>] (rpm_suspend+0x20c/0x3b8)
  7511. <4>[  597.334045] [<c028b058>] (rpm_suspend+0x20c/0x3b8) from [<c028be30>] (pm_runtime_work+0x7c/0x94)
  7512. <4>[  597.334350] [<c028be30>] (pm_runtime_work+0x7c/0x94) from [<c00e61ec>] (process_one_work+0x114/0x398)
  7513. <4>[  597.334655] [<c00e61ec>] (process_one_work+0x114/0x398) from [<c00e6770>] (worker_thread+0x138/0x2e4)
  7514. <4>[  597.334930] [<c00e6770>] (worker_thread+0x138/0x2e4) from [<c00eaaec>] (kthread+0x7c/0x88)
  7515. <4>[  597.335113] [<c00eaaec>] (kthread+0x7c/0x88) from [<c004e5dc>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
  7516. <4>[  597.335388] ---[ end trace f75a588826c05991 ]---
  7517. <6>[  597.488006] [USBH] ac_detect_expired: count = 0, connect_type = -1
  7518. <6>[  597.647674] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 597598000000 (s 597598000000)
  7519. <6>[  598.322357] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -191, -559, -438
  7520. <4>[  598.588378] ------------[ cut here ]------------
  7521. <4>[  598.588592] WARNING: at /home/jeepers007/android/system/kernel/htc/msm8660/arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-local.c:376 __branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec()
  7522. <4>[  598.588745] sdc3_p_clk status stuck at 'on'
  7523. <4>[  598.588836] Modules linked in: wl12xx_sdio wl12xx mac80211 cfg80211 compat btwilink fm_drv(C) tty_hci [last unloaded: wl12xx_sdio]
  7524. <4>[  598.589965] [<c0053030>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xe0) from [<c00d25d8>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64)
  7525. <4>[  598.590118] [<c00d25d8>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64) from [<c00d2670>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c)
  7526. <4>[  598.590301] [<c00d2670>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c) from [<c00925c8>] (__branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec)
  7527. <4>[  598.590454] [<c00925c8>] (__branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec) from [<c0092b30>] (branch_clk_disable+0x24/0x40)
  7528. <4>[  598.590637] [<c0092b30>] (branch_clk_disable+0x24/0x40) from [<c005a35c>] (clk_disable+0x64/0xf8)
  7529. <4>[  598.590820] [<c005a35c>] (clk_disable+0x64/0xf8) from [<c035f78c>] (msmsdcc_switch_clock+0x34c/0x394)
  7530. <4>[  598.590911] [<c035f78c>] (msmsdcc_switch_clock+0x34c/0x394) from [<c0362c4c>] (msmsdcc_runtime_suspend+0x98/0xf4)
  7531. <4>[  598.591033] [<c0362c4c>] (msmsdcc_runtime_suspend+0x98/0xf4) from [<c02888bc>] (pm_generic_runtime_suspend+0x2c/0x38)
  7532. <4>[  598.591186] [<c02888bc>] (pm_generic_runtime_suspend+0x2c/0x38) from [<c028ab84>] (rpm_callback+0x48/0x68)
  7533. <4>[  598.591369] [<c028ab84>] (rpm_callback+0x48/0x68) from [<c028b058>] (rpm_suspend+0x20c/0x3b8)
  7534. <4>[  598.591522] [<c028b058>] (rpm_suspend+0x20c/0x3b8) from [<c028be30>] (pm_runtime_work+0x7c/0x94)
  7535. <4>[  598.591705] [<c028be30>] (pm_runtime_work+0x7c/0x94) from [<c00e61ec>] (process_one_work+0x114/0x398)
  7536. <4>[  598.591888] [<c00e61ec>] (process_one_work+0x114/0x398) from [<c00e6770>] (worker_thread+0x138/0x2e4)
  7537. <4>[  598.592010] [<c00e6770>] (worker_thread+0x138/0x2e4) from [<c00eaaec>] (kthread+0x7c/0x88)
  7538. <4>[  598.592193] [<c00eaaec>] (kthread+0x7c/0x88) from [<c004e5dc>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
  7539. <4>[  598.592346] ---[ end trace f75a588826c05992 ]---
  7540. <6>[  600.566467] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -191, -531, -452
  7541. <4>[  600.668395] ------------[ cut here ]------------
  7542. <4>[  600.668487] WARNING: at /home/jeepers007/android/system/kernel/htc/msm8660/arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-local.c:376 __branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec()
  7543. <4>[  600.668609] sdc3_p_clk status stuck at 'on'
  7544. <4>[  600.668762] Modules linked in: wl12xx_sdio wl12xx mac80211 cfg80211 compat btwilink fm_drv(C) tty_hci [last unloaded: wl12xx_sdio]
  7545. <4>[  600.669616] [<c0053030>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xe0) from [<c00d25d8>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64)
  7546. <4>[  600.669738] [<c00d25d8>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64) from [<c00d2670>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c)
  7547. <4>[  600.669891] [<c00d2670>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c) from [<c00925c8>] (__branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec)
  7548. <4>[  600.669982] [<c00925c8>] (__branch_clk_disable_reg+0xd4/0xec) from [<c0092b30>] (branch_clk_disable+0x24/0x40)
  7549. <4>[  600.670104] [<c0092b30>] (branch_clk_disable+0x24/0x40) from [<c005a35c>] (clk_disable+0x64/0xf8)
  7550. <4>[  600.670257] [<c005a35c>] (clk_disable+0x64/0xf8) from [<c035f78c>] (msmsdcc_switch_clock+0x34c/0x394)
  7551. <4>[  600.670379] [<c035f78c>] (msmsdcc_switch_clock+0x34c/0x394) from [<c0362c4c>] (msmsdcc_runtime_suspend+0x98/0xf4)
  7552. <4>[  600.670532] [<c0362c4c>] (msmsdcc_runtime_suspend+0x98/0xf4) from [<c02888bc>] (pm_generic_runtime_suspend+0x2c/0x38)
  7553. <4>[  600.670654] [<c02888bc>] (pm_generic_runtime_suspend+0x2c/0x38) from [<c028ab84>] (rpm_callback+0x48/0x68)
  7554. <4>[  600.670806] [<c028ab84>] (rpm_callback+0x48/0x68) from [<c028b058>] (rpm_suspend+0x20c/0x3b8)
  7555. <4>[  600.670867] [<c028b058>] (rpm_suspend+0x20c/0x3b8) from [<c028be30>] (pm_runtime_work+0x7c/0x94)
  7556. <4>[  600.671020] [<c028be30>] (pm_runtime_work+0x7c/0x94) from [<c00e61ec>] (process_one_work+0x114/0x398)
  7557. <4>[  600.671142] [<c00e61ec>] (process_one_work+0x114/0x398) from [<c00e6770>] (worker_thread+0x138/0x2e4)
  7558. <4>[  600.671295] [<c00e6770>] (worker_thread+0x138/0x2e4) from [<c00eaaec>] (kthread+0x7c/0x88)
  7559. <4>[  600.671417] [<c00eaaec>] (kthread+0x7c/0x88) from [<c004e5dc>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
  7560. <4>[  600.671478] ---[ end trace f75a588826c05993 ]---
  7561. <3>[  600.919158] [K] binder: release proc 7249, transaction 326096, not freed
  7562. <3>[  600.919250] [K] binder: release proc 7249, transaction 326103, not freed
  7565. Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.evervolv.toolbox.action.DUMPLOGCAT_FINISHED (has extras) }
  7566. Broadcast completed: result=0

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