Logcat: ev_tenderloin-6.0.1-testing-2016.04.30

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  1. ------ SYSTEM LOG (logcat -d *:v) ------
  2. --------- beginning of system
  3. 05-01 16:37:09.049   140   140 I vold    : Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
  4. 05-01 16:37:09.050   140   140 V vold    : Detected support for: exfat ext4 f2fs ntfs vfat
  5. 05-01 16:37:09.330   140   150 W vold    : Unsupported block major type254
  6. 05-01 16:37:09.330   140   150 V vold    : /system/bin/sgdisk
  7. 05-01 16:37:09.331   140   150 V vold    :     --android-dump
  8. 05-01 16:37:09.331   140   150 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/disk:254_6
  9. 05-01 16:37:09.401   140   150 V vold    : DISK mbr
  10. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 W vold    : disk:254_6 has unknown partition table; trying entire device
  11. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 V vold    : /system/bin/blkid
  12. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 V vold    :     -c
  13. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 V vold    :     /dev/null
  14. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 V vold    :     -s
  15. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 V vold    :     TYPE
  16. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 V vold    :     -s
  17. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 V vold    :     UUID
  18. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 V vold    :     -s
  19. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 V vold    :     LABEL
  20. 05-01 16:37:09.403   140   150 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/disk:254_6
  21. 05-01 16:37:09.477   140   150 V vold    : /dev/block/vold/disk:254_6: LABEL="HP TOUCHPAD" UUID="92D8-2717" TYPE="vfat"
  22. 05-01 16:37:19.028  1034  1034 I InstallerConnection: connecting...
  23. 05-01 16:37:19.071  1034  1034 I InstallerConnection: disconnecting...
  24. 05-01 16:37:19.298  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system server!
  25. 05-01 16:37:19.497  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.Installer
  26. 05-01 16:37:19.510  1034  1034 I Installer: Waiting for installd to be ready.
  27. 05-01 16:37:19.510  1034  1034 I InstallerConnection: connecting...
  28. 05-01 16:37:19.511  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle
  29. 05-01 16:37:19.900  1034  1034 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  30. 05-01 16:37:19.900  1034  1034 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  31. 05-01 16:37:19.900  1034  1034 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  32. 05-01 16:37:19.900  1034  1034 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  33. 05-01 16:37:19.900  1034  1034 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  34. 05-01 16:37:19.900  1034  1034 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  35. 05-01 16:37:19.927  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Memory class: 48
  36. 05-01 16:37:20.115  1034  1034 D BatteryStatsImpl: Reading daily items from /data/system/batterystats-daily.xml
  37. 05-01 16:37:20.384  1034  1034 I IntentFirewall: Read new rules (A:0 B:4 S:1)
  38. 05-01 16:37:20.497  1034  1034 D AppOps  : AppOpsService published
  39. 05-01 16:37:20.498  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService
  40. 05-01 16:37:20.520  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.lights.LightsService
  41. 05-01 16:37:20.605  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService
  42. 05-01 16:37:20.657  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 100
  43. 05-01 16:37:20.691  1034  1053 I DisplayManagerService: Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 1024 x 768, modeId 1, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=1024, height=768, fps=59.0}], colorTransformId 1, defaultColorTransformId 1, supportedColorTransforms [{id=1, colorTransform=0}], density 160, 159.568 x 159.895 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17949152, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state UNKNOWN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  44. 05-01 16:37:20.700  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Package Manager
  45. 05-01 16:37:20.700  1034  1053 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
  46. 05-01 16:37:21.631  1034  1034 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml
  47. 05-01 16:37:22.937  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Library not found: /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar
  48. 05-01 16:37:23.722  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission android.permission.SET_KEYGUARD_WALLPAPER from package android in an unknown group android.permission-group.WALLPAPER
  49. 05-01 16:37:23.950  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Contacts/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #388
  50. 05-01 16:37:24.457  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION from package com.android.providers.downloads in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  51. 05-01 16:37:24.858  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT from package com.android.launcher3 in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
  52. 05-01 16:37:24.858  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.launcher3.permission.READ_SETTINGS from package com.android.launcher3 in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
  53. 05-01 16:37:24.858  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.launcher3.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS from package com.android.launcher3 in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
  54. 05-01 16:37:25.515  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS in package: com.android.settings at: Binary XML file line #55
  55. 05-01 16:37:25.516  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS in package: com.android.settings at: Binary XML file line #60
  56. 05-01 16:37:25.516  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS in package: com.android.settings at: Binary XML file line #61
  57. 05-01 16:37:25.976  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.INSTALL_GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS in package: com.android.shell at: Binary XML file line #101
  58. 05-01 16:37:26.103  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY in package: com.android.systemui at: Binary XML file line #121
  59. 05-01 16:37:26.786  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: uses-library at /system/priv-app/GoogleFeedback/GoogleFeedback.apk Binary XML file line #30
  60. 05-01 16:37:27.019  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES in package: com.google.android.partnersetup at: Binary XML file line #31
  61. 05-01 16:37:27.209  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  62. 05-01 16:37:27.210  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  63. 05-01 16:37:27.210  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.OTHER_SERVICES from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  64. 05-01 16:37:27.210  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  65. 05-01 16:37:27.210  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  66. 05-01 16:37:27.210  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.android from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  67. 05-01 16:37:27.210  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.androidsecure from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  68. 05-01 16:37:27.210  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.sierra from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  69. 05-01 16:37:27.210  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.sierraqa from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  70. 05-01 16:37:27.210  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.sierrasandbox from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  71. 05-01 16:37:27.211  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.youtube from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  72. 05-01 16:37:27.211  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  73. 05-01 16:37:27.211  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.talk from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  74. 05-01 16:37:27.211  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ig from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  75. 05-01 16:37:27.211  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.lh2 from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  76. 05-01 16:37:27.211  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mobile from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  77. 05-01 16:37:27.211  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cp from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  78. 05-01 16:37:27.211  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.adsense from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  79. 05-01 16:37:27.211  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.adwords from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  80. 05-01 16:37:27.211  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.blogger from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  81. 05-01 16:37:27.212  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.dodgeball from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  82. 05-01 16:37:27.212  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.gbase from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  83. 05-01 16:37:27.212  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.groups2 from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  84. 05-01 16:37:27.212  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.health from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  85. 05-01 16:37:27.212  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.jotspot from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  86. 05-01 16:37:27.212  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.knol from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  87. 05-01 16:37:27.212  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.news from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  88. 05-01 16:37:27.212  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.orkut from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  89. 05-01 16:37:27.212  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.print from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  90. 05-01 16:37:27.212  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.sitemaps from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  91. 05-01 16:37:27.213  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.wifi from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  92. 05-01 16:37:27.213  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.finance from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  93. 05-01 16:37:27.213  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.local from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  94. 05-01 16:37:27.213  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ah from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  95. 05-01 16:37:27.213  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.notebook from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  96. 05-01 16:37:27.213  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.writely from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  97. 05-01 16:37:27.213  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.wise from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  98. 05-01 16:37:27.214  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.grandcentral from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  99. 05-01 16:37:27.215  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.speechpersonalization from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  100. 05-01 16:37:27.215  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.speech from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  101. 05-01 16:37:27.215  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.providers.talk.permission.READ_ONLY from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  102. 05-01 16:37:27.215  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.providers.talk.permission.WRITE_ONLY from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  103. 05-01 16:37:27.215  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gtalkservice.permission.GTALK_SERVICE from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  104. 05-01 16:37:27.215  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gtalkservice.permission.SEND_HEARTBEAT from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  105. 05-01 16:37:27.216  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.permission.BROADCAST_DATA_MESSAGE from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  106. 05-01 16:37:27.216  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.c2dm.permission.SEND from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  107. 05-01 16:37:27.216  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  108. 05-01 16:37:27.216  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.xmpp.permission.BROADCAST from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  109. 05-01 16:37:27.216  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.xmpp.permission.SEND_RECEIVE from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  110. 05-01 16:37:27.216  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.xmpp.permission.XMPP_ENDPOINT_BROADCAST from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  111. 05-01 16:37:27.216  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.xmpp.permission.USE_XMPP_ENDPOINT from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  112. 05-01 16:37:27.216  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  113. 05-01 16:37:27.392  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/priv-app/Phonesky: Package com.android.vending at /system/priv-app/Phonesky ignored: updated version 80641200 better than this 80430500
  114. 05-01 16:37:28.125  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Failed to parse /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore: Package com.google.android.gms at /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore ignored: updated version 8703430 better than this 8489430
  115. 05-01 16:37:28.217  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/SetupWizard/SetupWizard.apk Binary XML file line #184
  116. 05-01 16:37:28.370  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_CONTACTS in package: com.android.bluetooth at: Binary XML file line #64
  117. 05-01 16:37:28.375  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #235
  118. 05-01 16:37:28.949  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.BLUETOOTH in package: org.chromium.chrome at: Binary XML file line #36
  119. 05-01 16:37:28.949  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN in package: org.chromium.chrome at: Binary XML file line #37
  120. 05-01 16:37:29.655  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission org.chromium.chrome.permission.DEBUG from package org.chromium.chrome in an unknown group android.permission-group.DEVELOPMENT_TOOLS
  121. 05-01 16:37:30.269  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS in package: com.android.email at: Binary XML file line #40
  122. 05-01 16:37:30.624  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #275
  123. 05-01 16:37:30.624  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #278
  124. 05-01 16:37:36.128  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Package com.google.android.gms desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.ble; ignoring!
  125. 05-01 16:37:36.557  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gms.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION from package com.google.android.gms in an unknown group android.permission-group.PERSONAL_INFO
  126. 05-01 16:37:36.725  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/com.google.android.gm-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #258
  127. 05-01 16:37:37.384  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gm.email.permission.READ_ATTACHMENT from package com.google.android.gm in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  128. 05-01 16:37:37.385  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gm.permission.READ_GMAIL from package com.google.android.gm in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  129. 05-01 16:37:37.385  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gm.permission.WRITE_GMAIL from package com.google.android.gm in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  130. 05-01 16:37:37.385  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gm.permission.AUTO_SEND from package com.google.android.gm in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  131. 05-01 16:37:37.385  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gm.permission.READ_CONTENT_PROVIDER from package com.google.android.gm in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  132. 05-01 16:37:38.397  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION in package: com.avast.android.mobilesecurity at: Binary XML file line #126
  133. 05-01 16:37:39.717  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.chrome.permission.DEBUG from package com.android.chrome in an unknown group android.permission-group.DEVELOPMENT_TOOLS
  134. 05-01 16:37:45.263  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.apps.photos.permission.GOOGLE_PHOTOS from package com.google.android.apps.plus in an unknown group android.permission-group.PERSONAL_INFO
  135. 05-01 16:37:45.263  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.apps.plus.permission.PICASA_STORE from package com.google.android.apps.plus in an unknown group android.permission-group.PERSONAL_INFO
  136. 05-01 16:37:48.042  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/jackpal.androidterm-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #149
  137. 05-01 16:37:48.115  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE in package: net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox at: Binary XML file line #37
  138. 05-01 16:37:48.115  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox at: Binary XML file line #38
  139. 05-01 16:37:48.116  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.VIBRATE in package: net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox at: Binary XML file line #42
  140. 05-01 16:37:48.118  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #177
  141. 05-01 16:37:48.118  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #187
  142. 05-01 16:37:48.119  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #229
  143. 05-01 16:37:48.119  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #238
  144. 05-01 16:37:48.119  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #246
  145. 05-01 16:37:48.120  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #255
  146. 05-01 16:37:48.120  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #267
  147. 05-01 16:37:48.120  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #274
  148. 05-01 16:37:48.120  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #282
  149. 05-01 16:37:48.120  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #289
  150. 05-01 16:37:48.120  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #296
  151. 05-01 16:37:48.121  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #303
  152. 05-01 16:37:48.121  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #318
  153. 05-01 16:37:48.121  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #325
  154. 05-01 16:37:48.121  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #332
  155. 05-01 16:37:48.121  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #340
  156. 05-01 16:37:48.122  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #350
  157. 05-01 16:37:49.493  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.apps.docs.permission.READ_MY_DATA from package com.google.android.apps.docs in an unknown group android.permission-group.PERSONAL_INFO
  158. 05-01 16:37:49.494  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.apps.docs.permission.SYNC_STATUS from package com.google.android.apps.docs in an unknown group android.permission-group.PERSONAL_INFO
  159. 05-01 16:37:49.724  1034  1034 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /data/app/eu.thedarken.sdm-1/base.apk Binary XML file line #32
  160. 05-01 16:37:51.045  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE from package com.android.vending in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  161. 05-01 16:37:51.045  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.vending.BILLING from package com.android.vending in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  162. 05-01 16:37:53.466  1034  1034 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WAKE_LOCK in package: com.google.android.apps.maps at: Binary XML file line #109
  163. 05-01 16:37:54.322  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Package com.google.android.gms desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.ble; ignoring!
  164. 05-01 16:37:54.323  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.google.android.backuptransport to armeabi-v7a
  165. 05-01 16:37:54.323  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.google.android.gsf to armeabi-v7a
  166. 05-01 16:37:54.324  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.google.android.gsf.login to armeabi-v7a
  167. 05-01 16:37:54.324  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.inputdevices to armeabi-v7a
  168. 05-01 16:37:54.325  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.evervolv.toolbox to armeabi-v7a
  169. 05-01 16:37:54.325  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.providers.settings to armeabi-v7a
  170. 05-01 16:37:54.326  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.location.fused to armeabi-v7a
  171. 05-01 16:37:54.326  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.keychain to armeabi-v7a
  172. 05-01 16:37:54.327  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.evervolv.widgets to armeabi-v7a
  173. 05-01 16:37:54.327  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.settings to armeabi-v7a
  174. 05-01 16:37:54.328  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.server.telecom to armeabi-v7a
  175. 05-01 16:37:54.338  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Time to scan packages: 31.468 seconds
  176. 05-01 16:37:54.340  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION to package net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3818be44)
  177. 05-01 16:37:54.342  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.youtube because it was previously installed without
  178. 05-01 16:37:54.342  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package com.google.android.youtube (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38583e44)
  179. 05-01 16:37:54.342  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.youtube because it was previously installed without
  180. 05-01 16:37:54.343  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.google.android.youtube because it was previously installed without
  181. 05-01 16:37:54.343  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.youtube because it was previously installed without
  182. 05-01 16:37:54.345  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package org.chromium.chrome
  183. 05-01 16:37:54.345  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DUMP to package com.oasisfeng.greenify (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3809be44)
  184. 05-01 16:37:54.346  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.oasisfeng.greenify (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3809be44)
  185. 05-01 16:37:54.346  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES to package com.oasisfeng.greenify (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3809be44)
  186. 05-01 16:37:54.347  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH to package com.android.providers.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30083e45)
  187. 05-01 16:37:54.348  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl to package com.android.providers.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30083e45)
  188. 05-01 16:37:54.352  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION to package com.vertoanalytics.smartpanel (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3808be44)
  189. 05-01 16:37:54.352  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.vertoanalytics.smartpanel (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3808be44)
  190. 05-01 16:37:54.357  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.READ_MEDIA_STORAGE in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup
  191. 05-01 16:37:54.357  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be44)
  192. 05-01 16:37:54.358  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_WRITE_ALL_VOICEMAIL in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup
  193. 05-01 16:37:54.358  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3808be44)
  194. 05-01 16:37:54.359  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3808be44)
  195. 05-01 16:37:54.361  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x384abec5)
  196. 05-01 16:37:54.361  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  197. 05-01 16:37:54.362  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission android.permission.INSTALL_GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x384abec5)
  198. 05-01 16:37:54.363  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission android.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x384abec5)
  199. 05-01 16:37:54.363  1034  1034 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission android.permission.REVOKE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x384abec5)
  200. 05-01 16:37:54.364  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.partnersetup.permission.WRITE_APP_PROVIDER in package com.android.vending
  201. 05-01 16:37:54.365  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.receiptpalapp.android because it was previously installed without
  202. 05-01 16:37:54.365  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS to package com.receiptpalapp.android because it was previously installed without
  203. 05-01 16:37:54.368  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3058bc45)
  204. 05-01 16:37:54.370  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  205. 05-01 16:37:54.370  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  206. 05-01 16:37:54.371  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.ceco.marshmallow.gravitybox because it was previously installed without
  207. 05-01 16:37:54.371  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO to package com.ceco.marshmallow.gravitybox because it was previously installed without
  208. 05-01 16:37:54.371  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.ceco.marshmallow.gravitybox because it was previously installed without
  209. 05-01 16:37:54.371  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.ceco.marshmallow.gravitybox because it was previously installed without
  210. 05-01 16:37:54.372  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.jrummy.apps.build.prop.editor because it was previously installed without
  211. 05-01 16:37:54.372  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.jrummy.apps.build.prop.editor because it was previously installed without
  212. 05-01 16:37:54.373  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  213. 05-01 16:37:54.374  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  214. 05-01 16:37:54.374  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  215. 05-01 16:37:54.374  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CALENDAR to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  216. 05-01 16:37:54.374  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  217. 05-01 16:37:54.375  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  218. 05-01 16:37:54.375  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.calendar.permission.READ_OOBE in package com.google.android.gm
  219. 05-01 16:37:54.375  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.AUDIO_FILE_ACCESS in package com.google.android.gm
  220. 05-01 16:37:54.376  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.email.permission.ACCESS_PROVIDER in package com.google.android.gm
  221. 05-01 16:37:54.376  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gm.exchange.BIND in package com.google.android.gm
  222. 05-01 16:37:54.376  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  223. 05-01 16:37:54.377  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail to package com.android.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3009be45)
  224. 05-01 16:37:54.379  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  225. 05-01 16:37:54.380  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  226. 05-01 16:37:54.380  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.now.OPT_IN_WIZARD in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  227. 05-01 16:37:54.382  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission org.onepf.openiab.permission.BILLING in package com.datanasov.popupvideo
  228. 05-01 16:37:54.384  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3848be44)
  229. 05-01 16:37:54.384  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  230. 05-01 16:37:54.385  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL to package com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be44)
  231. 05-01 16:37:54.385  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE to package com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be44)
  232. 05-01 16:37:54.385  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS to package com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3808be44)
  233. 05-01 16:37:54.386  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS to package com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be44)
  234. 05-01 16:37:54.387  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS to package com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be44)
  235. 05-01 16:37:54.387  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.docs because it was previously installed without
  236. 05-01 16:37:54.387  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.google.android.apps.docs because it was previously installed without
  237. 05-01 16:37:54.387  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.apps.docs because it was previously installed without
  238. 05-01 16:37:54.388  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  239. 05-01 16:37:54.388  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.docs because it was previously installed without
  240. 05-01 16:37:54.388  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.apps.docs because it was previously installed without
  241. 05-01 16:37:54.389  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  242. 05-01 16:37:54.389  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  243. 05-01 16:37:54.389  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  244. 05-01 16:37:54.390  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  245. 05-01 16:37:54.390  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.gms.permission.CAR_SPEED to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  246. 05-01 16:37:54.391  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  247. 05-01 16:37:54.391  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CALL_PHONE to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  248. 05-01 16:37:54.391  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  249. 05-01 16:37:54.391  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.apps.photos.permission.GOOGLE_PHOTOS to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  250. 05-01 16:37:54.392  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  251. 05-01 16:37:54.392  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  252. 05-01 16:37:54.392  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  253. 05-01 16:37:54.392  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  254. 05-01 16:37:54.393  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  255. 05-01 16:37:54.393  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  256. 05-01 16:37:54.393  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  257. 05-01 16:37:54.393  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  258. 05-01 16:37:54.394  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  259. 05-01 16:37:54.394  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  260. 05-01 16:37:54.394  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.hangouts.START_HANGOUT in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  261. 05-01 16:37:54.394  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  262. 05-01 16:37:54.394  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER to package com.grarak.kerneladiutor because it was previously installed without
  263. 05-01 16:37:54.394  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.grarak.kerneladiutor because it was previously installed without
  264. 05-01 16:37:54.395  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission cyanogenmod.permission.PUBLISH_CUSTOM_TILE in package com.grarak.kerneladiutor
  265. 05-01 16:37:54.395  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.grarak.kerneladiutor because it was previously installed without
  266. 05-01 16:37:54.395  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ADD_SYSTEM_SERVICE in package com.pandora.android
  267. 05-01 16:37:54.395  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.pandora.android because it was previously installed without
  268. 05-01 16:37:54.395  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.pandora.android because it was previously installed without
  269. 05-01 16:37:54.396  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE to package com.pandora.android because it was previously installed without
  270. 05-01 16:37:54.396  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.pandora.android because it was previously installed without
  271. 05-01 16:37:54.396  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.pandora.android because it was previously installed without
  272. 05-01 16:37:54.397  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  273. 05-01 16:37:54.397  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  274. 05-01 16:37:54.397  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package de.defim.apk.bootmanager because it was previously installed without
  275. 05-01 16:37:54.399  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS to package com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x38083e45)
  276. 05-01 16:37:54.400  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  277. 05-01 16:37:54.400  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  278. 05-01 16:37:54.400  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  279. 05-01 16:37:54.400  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  280. 05-01 16:37:54.401  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  281. 05-01 16:37:54.401  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  282. 05-01 16:37:54.401  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package com.android.chrome
  283. 05-01 16:37:54.402  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.sec.enterprise.knox.MDM_CONTENT_PROVIDER in package com.android.chrome
  284. 05-01 16:37:54.402  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  285. 05-01 16:37:54.403  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  286. 05-01 16:37:54.403  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  287. 05-01 16:37:54.403  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  288. 05-01 16:37:54.404  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  289. 05-01 16:37:54.404  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  290. 05-01 16:37:54.404  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  291. 05-01 16:37:54.404  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  292. 05-01 16:37:54.407  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.enterprise.dmagent.permission.AutoSyncPermission in package com.google.android.gms
  293. 05-01 16:37:54.409  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.permission.PAUSE_HOTWORD in package com.google.android.gms
  294. 05-01 16:37:54.410  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.hangouts.START_HANGOUT in package com.google.android.gms
  295. 05-01 16:37:54.412  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.wearable.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.gms
  296. 05-01 16:37:54.413  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS in package com.google.android.gms
  297. 05-01 16:37:54.419  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  298. 05-01 16:37:54.420  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CANCEL_NOTIFICATIONS in package org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser
  299. 05-01 16:37:54.421  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.permission.INSTALL_WEARABLE_PACKAGES in package com.android.packageinstaller
  300. 05-01 16:37:54.421  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be45)
  301. 05-01 16:37:54.422  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  302. 05-01 16:37:54.422  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  303. 05-01 16:37:54.422  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  304. 05-01 16:37:54.422  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CALL_PHONE to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  305. 05-01 16:37:54.422  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  306. 05-01 16:37:54.422  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  307. 05-01 16:37:54.422  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  308. 05-01 16:37:54.422  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  309. 05-01 16:37:54.423  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  310. 05-01 16:37:54.423  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3848be44)
  311. 05-01 16:37:54.423  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_SMS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  312. 05-01 16:37:54.424  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  313. 05-01 16:37:54.424  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  314. 05-01 16:37:54.424  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  315. 05-01 16:37:54.424  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  316. 05-01 16:37:54.424  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  317. 05-01 16:37:54.427  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  318. 05-01 16:37:54.428  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  319. 05-01 16:37:54.428  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  320. 05-01 16:37:54.428  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  321. 05-01 16:37:54.429  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CONTROL_KEYGUARD to package com.google.android.gsf.login (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3048be45)
  322. 05-01 16:37:54.431  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  323. 05-01 16:37:54.432  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO to package com.google.android.apps.youtube.kids because it was previously installed without
  324. 05-01 16:37:54.433  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.READ_MEDIA_STORAGE in package eu.thedarken.sdm
  325. 05-01 16:37:54.433  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package eu.thedarken.sdm (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3818be44)
  326. 05-01 16:37:54.434  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package eu.thedarken.sdm because it was previously installed without
  327. 05-01 16:37:54.434  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package eu.thedarken.sdm because it was previously installed without
  328. 05-01 16:37:54.434  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER to package eu.thedarken.sdm because it was previously installed without
  329. 05-01 16:37:54.434  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE to package eu.thedarken.sdm (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3818be44)
  330. 05-01 16:37:54.437  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  331. 05-01 16:37:54.437  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  332. 05-01 16:37:54.439  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS to package com.cyanogenmod.eleven (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3818be65)
  333. 05-01 16:37:54.439  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.termux because it was previously installed without
  334. 05-01 16:37:54.439  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.termux because it was previously installed without
  335. 05-01 16:37:54.452  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE to package com.sledgehammer.micmute because it was previously installed without
  336. 05-01 16:37:54.452  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.sledgehammer.micmute because it was previously installed without
  337. 05-01 16:37:54.462  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin because it was previously installed without
  338. 05-01 16:37:54.462  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin because it was previously installed without
  339. 05-01 16:37:54.463  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin because it was previously installed without
  340. 05-01 16:37:54.463  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin because it was previously installed without
  341. 05-01 16:37:54.464  1034  1034 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.rescuetime.research.android.permission.C2D_MESSAGE in package com.rescuetime.research.android
  342. 05-01 16:37:54.464  1034  1034 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateActivity
  343. 05-01 16:37:54.465  1034  1034 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateService$Receiver
  344. 05-01 16:37:54.465  1034  1034 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateService$SecretCodeReceiver
  345. 05-01 16:37:54.465  1034  1034 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity
  346. 05-01 16:37:54.465  1034  1034 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateService$Receiver
  347. 05-01 16:37:54.465  1034  1034 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateService$ActiveReceiver
  348. 05-01 16:37:54.465  1034  1034 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateService$SecretCodeReceiver
  349. 05-01 16:37:54.466  1034  1034 V PackageManager: Enabling com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateService
  350. 05-01 16:37:54.466  1034  1034 V PackageManager: Enabling com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateService
  351. 05-01 16:37:55.542  1034  1034 I SystemServer: User Service
  352. 05-01 16:37:55.619  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.BatteryService
  353. 05-01 16:37:55.697  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService
  354. 05-01 16:37:55.701  1034  1048 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  355. 05-01 16:37:55.734  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService
  356. 05-01 16:37:55.738  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Reading configuration...
  357. 05-01 16:37:55.738  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Scheduling Policy
  358. 05-01 16:37:55.739  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService
  359. 05-01 16:37:55.752  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Telephony Registry
  360. 05-01 16:37:55.792  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Entropy Mixer
  361. 05-01 16:37:55.799  1034  1034 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
  362. 05-01 16:37:55.824  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Camera Service
  363. 05-01 16:37:55.824  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.camera.CameraService
  364. 05-01 16:37:55.839  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Account Manager
  365. 05-01 16:37:55.906  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Content Manager
  366. 05-01 16:37:55.926  1034  1034 I SystemServer: System Content Providers
  367. 05-01 16:37:56.019  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Vibrator Service
  368. 05-01 16:37:56.031  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Consumer IR Service
  369. 05-01 16:37:56.034  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.AlarmManagerService
  370. 05-01 16:37:56.093  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Init Watchdog
  371. 05-01 16:37:56.094  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Input Manager
  372. 05-01 16:37:56.098  1034  1034 I InputManager: Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false
  373. 05-01 16:37:56.106  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Window Manager
  374. 05-01 16:37:56.534  1034  1053 I WindowManager: No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
  375. 05-01 16:37:57.776  1034  1034 I InputManager: Starting input manager
  376. 05-01 16:37:57.779  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Bluetooth Service
  377. 05-01 16:37:57.780  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.BluetoothService
  378. 05-01 16:37:57.860  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Input Method Service
  379. 05-01 16:37:57.952  1034  1065 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  380. 05-01 16:37:57.952  1034  1065 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  381. 05-01 16:37:57.952  1034  1065 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  382. 05-01 16:37:57.952  1034  1065 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  383. 05-01 16:37:57.953  1034  1065 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  384. 05-01 16:37:57.953  1034  1065 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  385. 05-01 16:37:58.005  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Accessibility Manager
  386. 05-01 16:37:58.058  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw768dp w1024dp h768dp 160dpi xlrg land ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.2 themeResource=null}
  387. 05-01 16:37:58.078  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Config changes=408 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw768dp w1024dp h696dp 160dpi xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.3 themeResource=null}
  388. 05-01 16:37:58.086  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.MountService$Lifecycle
  389. 05-01 16:37:58.156  1034  1067 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
  390. 05-01 16:37:58.157  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.UiModeManagerService
  391. 05-01 16:37:58.164  1034  1067 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
  392. 05-01 16:37:58.164  1034  1067 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {1 cryptfs getfield SystemLocale}
  393. 05-01 16:37:58.166   140   153 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
  394. 05-01 16:37:58.166   140   153 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
  395. 05-01 16:37:58.169  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw768dp w1024dp h696dp 160dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.4 themeResource=null}
  396. 05-01 16:37:58.172  1034  1069 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 1 -1}
  397. 05-01 16:37:58.176  1034  1067 W MountService: No primary storage mounted!
  398. 05-01 16:37:58.176  1034  1067 D VoldConnector: SND -> {1 asec list}
  399. 05-01 16:37:58.177  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 1 asec operation succeeded}
  400. 05-01 16:37:58.179  1034  1034 I SystemServer: LockSettingsService
  401. 05-01 16:37:58.180  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION to package net.surveyswipe.android.ui.sandbox (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3818be44)
  402. 05-01 16:37:58.181  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.youtube because it was previously installed without
  403. 05-01 16:37:58.181  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package com.google.android.youtube (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38583e44)
  404. 05-01 16:37:58.181  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.youtube because it was previously installed without
  405. 05-01 16:37:58.182  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.google.android.youtube because it was previously installed without
  406. 05-01 16:37:58.182  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.youtube because it was previously installed without
  407. 05-01 16:37:58.186  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package org.chromium.chrome
  408. 05-01 16:37:58.187  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DUMP to package com.oasisfeng.greenify (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3809be44)
  409. 05-01 16:37:58.187  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.oasisfeng.greenify (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3809be44)
  410. 05-01 16:37:58.187  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES to package com.oasisfeng.greenify (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3809be44)
  411. 05-01 16:37:58.189  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH to package com.android.providers.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30083e45)
  412. 05-01 16:37:58.189  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl to package com.android.providers.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30083e45)
  413. 05-01 16:37:58.194  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION to package com.vertoanalytics.smartpanel (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3808be44)
  414. 05-01 16:37:58.194  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.vertoanalytics.smartpanel (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3808be44)
  415. 05-01 16:37:58.199  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.READ_MEDIA_STORAGE in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup
  416. 05-01 16:37:58.199  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be44)
  417. 05-01 16:37:58.200  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_WRITE_ALL_VOICEMAIL in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup
  418. 05-01 16:37:58.200  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3808be44)
  419. 05-01 16:37:58.200  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3808be44)
  420. 05-01 16:37:58.203  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x384abec5)
  421. 05-01 16:37:58.203  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  422. 05-01 16:37:58.205  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.DeviceIdleController
  423. 05-01 16:37:58.206  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.partnersetup.permission.WRITE_APP_PROVIDER in package com.android.vending
  424. 05-01 16:37:58.207  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.receiptpalapp.android because it was previously installed without
  425. 05-01 16:37:58.207  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS to package com.receiptpalapp.android because it was previously installed without
  426. 05-01 16:37:58.212  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3058bc45)
  427. 05-01 16:37:58.214  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  428. 05-01 16:37:58.214  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  429. 05-01 16:37:58.214  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.ceco.marshmallow.gravitybox because it was previously installed without
  430. 05-01 16:37:58.214  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO to package com.ceco.marshmallow.gravitybox because it was previously installed without
  431. 05-01 16:37:58.214  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.ceco.marshmallow.gravitybox because it was previously installed without
  432. 05-01 16:37:58.215  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.ceco.marshmallow.gravitybox because it was previously installed without
  433. 05-01 16:37:58.215  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.jrummy.apps.build.prop.editor because it was previously installed without
  434. 05-01 16:37:58.222  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.jrummy.apps.build.prop.editor because it was previously installed without
  435. 05-01 16:37:58.223  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  436. 05-01 16:37:58.223  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  437. 05-01 16:37:58.224  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  438. 05-01 16:37:58.224  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CALENDAR to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  439. 05-01 16:37:58.224  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  440. 05-01 16:37:58.224  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  441. 05-01 16:37:58.224  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.calendar.permission.READ_OOBE in package com.google.android.gm
  442. 05-01 16:37:58.225  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.AUDIO_FILE_ACCESS in package com.google.android.gm
  443. 05-01 16:37:58.225  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.email.permission.ACCESS_PROVIDER in package com.google.android.gm
  444. 05-01 16:37:58.225  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gm.exchange.BIND in package com.google.android.gm
  445. 05-01 16:37:58.226  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.gm because it was previously installed without
  446. 05-01 16:37:58.227  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail to package com.android.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3009be45)
  447. 05-01 16:37:58.228  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  448. 05-01 16:37:58.229  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  449. 05-01 16:37:58.229  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.now.OPT_IN_WIZARD in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  450. 05-01 16:37:58.231  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission org.onepf.openiab.permission.BILLING in package com.datanasov.popupvideo
  451. 05-01 16:37:58.233  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3848be44)
  452. 05-01 16:37:58.233  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  453. 05-01 16:37:58.234  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL to package com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be44)
  454. 05-01 16:37:58.234  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE to package com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be44)
  455. 05-01 16:37:58.234  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS to package com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3808be44)
  456. 05-01 16:37:58.235  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS to package com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be44)
  457. 05-01 16:37:58.235  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS to package com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be44)
  458. 05-01 16:37:58.236  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.docs because it was previously installed without
  459. 05-01 16:37:58.236  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.google.android.apps.docs because it was previously installed without
  460. 05-01 16:37:58.236  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.apps.docs because it was previously installed without
  461. 05-01 16:37:58.237  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  462. 05-01 16:37:58.237  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.docs because it was previously installed without
  463. 05-01 16:37:58.237  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.apps.docs because it was previously installed without
  464. 05-01 16:37:58.238  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  465. 05-01 16:37:58.238  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  466. 05-01 16:37:58.238  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  467. 05-01 16:37:58.239  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  468. 05-01 16:37:58.239  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.gms.permission.CAR_SPEED to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  469. 05-01 16:37:58.240  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  470. 05-01 16:37:58.240  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CALL_PHONE to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  471. 05-01 16:37:58.240  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.maps because it was previously installed without
  472. 05-01 16:37:58.241  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.apps.photos.permission.GOOGLE_PHOTOS to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  473. 05-01 16:37:58.243  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  474. 05-01 16:37:58.243  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  475. 05-01 16:37:58.243  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  476. 05-01 16:37:58.243  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  477. 05-01 16:37:58.244  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  478. 05-01 16:37:58.244  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  479. 05-01 16:37:58.244  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  480. 05-01 16:37:58.245  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  481. 05-01 16:37:58.245  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  482. 05-01 16:37:58.245  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  483. 05-01 16:37:58.245  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.hangouts.START_HANGOUT in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  484. 05-01 16:37:58.245  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.plus because it was previously installed without
  485. 05-01 16:37:58.245  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER to package com.grarak.kerneladiutor because it was previously installed without
  486. 05-01 16:37:58.246  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.grarak.kerneladiutor because it was previously installed without
  487. 05-01 16:37:58.246  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission cyanogenmod.permission.PUBLISH_CUSTOM_TILE in package com.grarak.kerneladiutor
  488. 05-01 16:37:58.246  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.grarak.kerneladiutor because it was previously installed without
  489. 05-01 16:37:58.247  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ADD_SYSTEM_SERVICE in package com.pandora.android
  490. 05-01 16:37:58.247  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.pandora.android because it was previously installed without
  491. 05-01 16:37:58.247  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.pandora.android because it was previously installed without
  492. 05-01 16:37:58.247  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE to package com.pandora.android because it was previously installed without
  493. 05-01 16:37:58.247  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.pandora.android because it was previously installed without
  494. 05-01 16:37:58.247  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.pandora.android because it was previously installed without
  495. 05-01 16:37:58.248  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  496. 05-01 16:37:58.248  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  497. 05-01 16:37:58.248  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package de.defim.apk.bootmanager because it was previously installed without
  498. 05-01 16:37:58.253  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS to package com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x38883e45)
  499. 05-01 16:37:58.254  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  500. 05-01 16:37:58.254  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  501. 05-01 16:37:58.254  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  502. 05-01 16:37:58.254  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  503. 05-01 16:37:58.255  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  504. 05-01 16:37:58.255  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  505. 05-01 16:37:58.256  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package com.android.chrome
  506. 05-01 16:37:58.256  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.sec.enterprise.knox.MDM_CONTENT_PROVIDER in package com.android.chrome
  507. 05-01 16:37:58.256  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.android.chrome because it was previously installed without
  508. 05-01 16:37:58.258  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  509. 05-01 16:37:58.258  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  510. 05-01 16:37:58.258  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  511. 05-01 16:37:58.258  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  512. 05-01 16:37:58.258  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  513. 05-01 16:37:58.259  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  514. 05-01 16:37:58.259  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.apps.gmoney because it was previously installed without
  515. 05-01 16:37:58.262  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.enterprise.dmagent.permission.AutoSyncPermission in package com.google.android.gms
  516. 05-01 16:37:58.264  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.permission.PAUSE_HOTWORD in package com.google.android.gms
  517. 05-01 16:37:58.265  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.hangouts.START_HANGOUT in package com.google.android.gms
  518. 05-01 16:37:58.267  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.wearable.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.gms
  519. 05-01 16:37:58.268  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS in package com.google.android.gms
  520. 05-01 16:37:58.276  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  521. 05-01 16:37:58.277  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CANCEL_NOTIFICATIONS in package org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser
  522. 05-01 16:37:58.278  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.permission.INSTALL_WEARABLE_PACKAGES in package com.android.packageinstaller
  523. 05-01 16:37:58.278  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be45)
  524. 05-01 16:37:58.279  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  525. 05-01 16:37:58.279  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  526. 05-01 16:37:58.279  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  527. 05-01 16:37:58.279  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CALL_PHONE to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  528. 05-01 16:37:58.279  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  529. 05-01 16:37:58.279  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  530. 05-01 16:37:58.279  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  531. 05-01 16:37:58.279  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  532. 05-01 16:37:58.280  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  533. 05-01 16:37:58.281  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3848be44)
  534. 05-01 16:37:58.281  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_SMS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  535. 05-01 16:37:58.281  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  536. 05-01 16:37:58.281  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  537. 05-01 16:37:58.281  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  538. 05-01 16:37:58.281  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  539. 05-01 16:37:58.282  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to package com.avast.android.mobilesecurity because it was previously installed without
  540. 05-01 16:37:58.287  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  541. 05-01 16:37:58.289  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  542. 05-01 16:37:58.289  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  543. 05-01 16:37:58.289  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  544. 05-01 16:37:58.289  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CONTROL_KEYGUARD to package com.google.android.gsf.login (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3048be45)
  545. 05-01 16:37:58.292  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  546. 05-01 16:37:58.293  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO to package com.google.android.apps.youtube.kids because it was previously installed without
  547. 05-01 16:37:58.294  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.READ_MEDIA_STORAGE in package eu.thedarken.sdm
  548. 05-01 16:37:58.294  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package eu.thedarken.sdm (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3818be44)
  549. 05-01 16:37:58.294  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package eu.thedarken.sdm because it was previously installed without
  550. 05-01 16:37:58.294  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package eu.thedarken.sdm because it was previously installed without
  551. 05-01 16:37:58.295  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER to package eu.thedarken.sdm because it was previously installed without
  552. 05-01 16:37:58.295  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE to package eu.thedarken.sdm (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3818be44)
  553. 05-01 16:37:58.298  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  554. 05-01 16:37:58.298  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  555. 05-01 16:37:58.301  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS to package com.cyanogenmod.eleven (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3818be65)
  556. 05-01 16:37:58.301  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.termux because it was previously installed without
  557. 05-01 16:37:58.301  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.termux because it was previously installed without
  558. 05-01 16:37:58.320  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE to package com.sledgehammer.micmute because it was previously installed without
  559. 05-01 16:37:58.320  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CAMERA to package com.sledgehammer.micmute because it was previously installed without
  560. 05-01 16:37:58.332  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS to package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin because it was previously installed without
  561. 05-01 16:37:58.333  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_CONTACTS to package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin because it was previously installed without
  562. 05-01 16:37:58.333  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin because it was previously installed without
  563. 05-01 16:37:58.334  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin because it was previously installed without
  564. 05-01 16:37:58.334  1034  1067 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.rescuetime.research.android.permission.C2D_MESSAGE in package com.rescuetime.research.android
  565. 05-01 16:37:58.378  1034  1047 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 2016-05-01 20:00:00(1462147200000)
  566. 05-01 16:37:59.352  1034  1067 W MountService: No primary storage mounted!
  567. 05-01 16:37:59.353  1034  1067 D VoldConnector: SND -> {2 asec list}
  568. 05-01 16:37:59.353  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 2 asec operation succeeded}
  569. 05-01 16:37:59.371  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle
  570. 05-01 16:37:59.478  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Status Bar
  571. 05-01 16:37:59.500  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Clipboard Service
  572. 05-01 16:37:59.512  1034  1034 I SystemServer: NetworkManagement Service
  573. 05-01 16:37:59.564  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Text Service Manager Service
  574. 05-01 16:37:59.619  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Network Score Service
  575. 05-01 16:37:59.624  1034  1034 I SystemServer: NetworkStats Service
  576. 05-01 16:37:59.653  1034  1034 I SystemServer: NetworkPolicy Service
  577. 05-01 16:37:59.733  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService
  578. 05-01 16:37:59.888  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.WifiService
  579. 05-01 16:38:00.358  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.WifiScanningService
  580. 05-01 16:38:00.369  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.RttService
  581. 05-01 16:38:00.374  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.ethernet.EthernetService
  582. 05-01 16:38:00.403  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Connectivity Service
  583. 05-01 16:38:00.511  1034  1034 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService starting up
  584. 05-01 16:38:00.538  1034  1034 D ConnectivityService: wifiOnly=true
  585. 05-01 16:38:00.539  1034  1034 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 10
  586. 05-01 16:38:00.539  1034  1034 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 11
  587. 05-01 16:38:00.539  1034  1034 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 12
  588. 05-01 16:38:00.539  1034  1034 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 14
  589. 05-01 16:38:00.539  1034  1034 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 15
  590. 05-01 16:38:00.593  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Network Service Discovery Service
  591. 05-01 16:38:00.624  1034  1034 D NsdService: Network service discovery enabled true
  592. 05-01 16:38:00.630  1034  1034 I SystemServer: UpdateLock Service
  593. 05-01 16:38:00.639  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService
  594. 05-01 16:38:00.896  1034  1034 D ZenLog  : config: readXml,ZenModeConfig[user=0,allowCalls=true,allowRepeatCallers=false,allowMessages=false,allowCallsFrom=contacts,allowMessagesFrom=contacts,allowReminders=true,allowEvents=true,automaticRules={1dab42dc9488448d98ae7c9294cdf1b9=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Event,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.EventConditionProvider}], 976c87076e61497fb63b9770e0b8a38a=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Weeknight,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/schedule?days=,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/schedule?days=,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider}], 2edf382648eb4d9c8e10b8a2d8114310=ZenRule[enabled=false,snoozing=false,name=Weekend,zenMode=ZEN_MODE_ALARMS,conditionId=condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0,condition=Condition[id=condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0,summary=...,line1=...,line2=...,icon=0,state=STATE_FALSE,flags=2],component=ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider}]},manualRule=null],Diff[automaticRule[9e21f1d60974461e91e3ce17cfb7913b]:delete,automaticRule[1dab42dc9488448d98ae7c9294cdf1b9]:insert,automaticRule[dacdb6a953ea464bacf9ef6168c920d1]:delete,automaticRule[d9d85623468e4c419ee775ff1d0d5ed8]:delete,automaticRule[976c87076e61497fb63b9770e0b8a38a]:insert,automaticRule[2edf382648eb4d9c8e10b8a2d8114310]:insert]
  595. 05-01 16:38:00.897  1034  1034 D ConditionProviders: Subscribing to condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1 with ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.EventConditionProvider}
  596. 05-01 16:38:00.897  1034  1034 D ZenLog  : subscribe: condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1,ok
  597. 05-01 16:38:00.898  1034  1034 D ConditionProviders: Subscribing to condition://android/schedule?days= with ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider}
  598. 05-01 16:38:00.898  1034  1034 D ZenLog  : subscribe: condition://android/schedule?days=,ok
  599. 05-01 16:38:00.898  1034  1034 D ConditionProviders: Subscribing to condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0 with ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider}
  600. 05-01 16:38:00.898  1034  1034 D ZenLog  : subscribe: condition://android/schedule?days=6.7&start=23.30&end=10.0,ok
  601. 05-01 16:38:00.913  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService
  602. 05-01 16:38:00.922  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Location Manager
  603. 05-01 16:38:00.981  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Country Detector
  604. 05-01 16:38:00.989  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Search Service
  605. 05-01 16:38:00.996  1034  1034 I SystemServer: DropBox Service
  606. 05-01 16:38:01.040  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Wallpaper Service
  607. 05-01 16:38:01.076  1034  1034 W WallpaperManagerService: no current wallpaper -- first boot?
  608. 05-01 16:38:01.077  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Audio Service
  609. 05-01 16:38:01.319  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.DockObserver
  610. 05-01 16:38:01.330  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Wired Accessory Manager
  611. 05-01 16:38:01.342  1034  1034 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have usb audio support
  612. 05-01 16:38:01.343  1034  1034 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have HDMI audio support
  613. 05-01 16:38:01.345  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle
  614. 05-01 16:38:01.464  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Serial Service
  615. 05-01 16:38:01.466  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService
  616. 05-01 16:38:01.481  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService
  617. 05-01 16:38:01.525  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle
  618. 05-01 16:38:01.595  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService
  619. 05-01 16:38:01.686  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService
  620. 05-01 16:38:01.698  1034  1034 W SoundTriggerHelper: listModules status=0, # of modules=0
  621. 05-01 16:38:01.717  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Gesture Launcher Service
  622. 05-01 16:38:01.717  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.GestureLauncherService
  623. 05-01 16:38:01.719  1034  1034 I SystemServer: DiskStats Service
  624. 05-01 16:38:01.722  1034  1034 I SystemServer: SamplingProfiler Service
  625. 05-01 16:38:01.752  1034  1034 I SystemServer: NetworkTimeUpdateService
  626. 05-01 16:38:01.758  1034  1034 I SystemServer: CommonTimeManagementService
  627. 05-01 16:38:01.767  1034  1034 I SystemServer: CertBlacklister
  628. 05-01 16:38:01.772  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService
  629. 05-01 16:38:01.789  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Assets Atlas Service
  630. 05-01 16:38:01.842  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService
  631. 05-01 16:38:01.866  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService
  632. 05-01 16:38:01.872  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService
  633. 05-01 16:38:01.931  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Theme Service
  634. 05-01 16:38:02.006  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Media Router Service
  635. 05-01 16:38:02.015  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService
  636. 05-01 16:38:02.038  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.fingerprint.FingerprintService
  637. 05-01 16:38:02.057  1034  1034 W FingerprintService: fingerprint service not available
  638. 05-01 16:38:02.058  1034  1034 V FingerprintService: Fingerprint HAL id: 0
  639. 05-01 16:38:02.058  1034  1034 I SystemServer: BackgroundDexOptService
  640. 05-01 16:38:02.064  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService
  641. 05-01 16:38:02.074  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService
  642. 05-01 16:38:02.114  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker
  643. 05-01 16:38:02.168  1034  1034 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gatekeeper.password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  644. 05-01 16:38:02.168  1034  1034 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  645. 05-01 16:38:02.169  1034  1034 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gatekeeper.pattern.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  646. 05-01 16:38:02.169  1034  1034 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gatekeeper.gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  647. 05-01 16:38:02.170  1034  1034 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  648. 05-01 16:38:02.170  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 480
  649. 05-01 16:38:02.231  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 500
  650. 05-01 16:38:02.244  1034  1034 I WifiService: WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi enabled
  651. 05-01 16:38:02.250  1034  1034 D WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=1034, uid=1000
  652. 05-01 16:38:02.250  1034  1034 E WifiService: Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
  653. 05-01 16:38:02.301  1034  1075 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  654. 05-01 16:38:02.371  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for Ethernet
  655. 05-01 16:38:03.090  1034  1034 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 242 minutes
  656. 05-01 16:38:03.200  1034  1034 V BackupManagerService: Starting with transport com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService
  657. 05-01 16:38:03.200  1034  1034 V BackupManagerService: Found transports: 2
  658. 05-01 16:38:03.233  1034  1034 I BackupManagerService: Found stale backup journal, scheduling
  659. 05-01 16:38:03.453  1034  1048 E KernelUidCpuTimeReader: Failed to read uid_cputime: /proc/uid_cputime/show_uid_stat: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  660. 05-01 16:38:03.453  1034  1055 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
  661. 05-01 16:38:03.513  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: System now ready
  662. 05-01 16:38:03.517  1034  1034 I SystemServer: Making services ready
  663. 05-01 16:38:03.517  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 550
  664. 05-01 16:38:03.525  1034  1067 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=true, mDaemonConnected=true
  665. 05-01 16:38:03.526  1034  1048 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.android.providers.media appid=10005 user=-1: vold reset
  666. 05-01 16:38:03.526  1034  1067 D VoldConnector: SND -> {3 volume reset}
  667. 05-01 16:38:03.526  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 7}
  668. 05-01 16:38:03.527   140   152 W vold    : Unsupported block major type254
  669. 05-01 16:38:03.527   140   152 V vold    : /system/bin/sgdisk
  670. 05-01 16:38:03.527   140   152 V vold    :     --android-dump
  671. 05-01 16:38:03.527   140   152 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/disk:254_6
  672. 05-01 16:38:03.527  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {659 emulated}
  673. 05-01 16:38:03.527  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {650 emulated 2 "" ""}
  674. 05-01 16:38:03.528  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {654 emulated emulated}
  675. 05-01 16:38:03.528  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 0}
  676. 05-01 16:38:03.528  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 public:254_6 7}
  677. 05-01 16:38:03.529  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {659 public:254_6}
  678. 05-01 16:38:03.529  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {649 disk:254_6}
  679. 05-01 16:38:03.529  1034  1034 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 1, type: 1]
  680. 05-01 16:38:03.529  1034  1034 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 0, type: 1]
  681. 05-01 16:38:03.529  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {640 disk:254_6 41}
  682. 05-01 16:38:03.529  1034  1034 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 1, type: 2]
  683. 05-01 16:38:03.529  1034  1034 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 0, type: 2]
  684. 05-01 16:38:03.568   140   152 V vold    : DISK mbr
  685. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 W vold    : disk:254_6 has unknown partition table; trying entire device
  686. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 V vold    : /system/bin/blkid
  687. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 V vold    :     -c
  688. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 V vold    :     /dev/null
  689. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 V vold    :     -s
  690. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 V vold    :     TYPE
  691. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 V vold    :     -s
  692. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 V vold    :     UUID
  693. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 V vold    :     -s
  694. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 V vold    :     LABEL
  695. 05-01 16:38:03.569   140   152 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/disk:254_6
  696. 05-01 16:38:03.612   140   152 V vold    : /dev/block/vold/disk:254_6: LABEL="HP TOUCHPAD" UUID="92D8-2717" TYPE="vfat"
  697. 05-01 16:38:03.614  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {650 public:254_6 0 "disk:254_6" ""}
  698. 05-01 16:38:03.614  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {654 public:254_6 sdcard1}
  699. 05-01 16:38:03.615  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 public:254_6 0}
  700. 05-01 16:38:03.615  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {643 disk:254_6}
  701. 05-01 16:38:03.615  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 3 Command succeeded}
  702. 05-01 16:38:03.616  1034  1067 D VoldConnector: SND -> {4 volume user_added 0 0}
  703. 05-01 16:38:03.617  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 4 Command succeeded}
  704. 05-01 16:38:03.622  1034  1050 V MountService: Found primary storage at VolumeInfo{emulated}:
  705. 05-01 16:38:03.622  1034  1050 V MountService:     type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-1
  706. 05-01 16:38:03.622  1034  1050 V MountService:     state=UNMOUNTED
  707. 05-01 16:38:03.622  1034  1050 V MountService:     fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null
  708. 05-01 16:38:03.622  1034  1050 V MountService:     path=null internalPath=null
  709. 05-01 16:38:03.624  1034  1067 D VoldConnector: SND -> {5 volume mount emulated 3 -1}
  710. 05-01 16:38:03.626  1034  1034 I SystemServer: WebViewFactory preparation
  711. 05-01 16:38:03.626   140   152 V vold    : Waiting for FUSE to spin up...
  712. 05-01 16:38:03.626  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 1}
  713. 05-01 16:38:03.626  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {656 emulated /data/media}
  714. 05-01 16:38:03.627  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {655 emulated /storage/emulated}
  715. 05-01 16:38:03.659  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1116:WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewFactory$RelroFileCreator] for
  716. 05-01 16:38:03.676  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 2}
  717. 05-01 16:38:03.677  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 5 Command succeeded}
  718. 05-01 16:38:03.681  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1124:com.android.systemui/u0a16 for service com.android.systemui/.SystemUIService
  719. 05-01 16:38:03.682  1034  1034 D NetworkManagement: enabling bandwidth control
  720. 05-01 16:38:03.684  1034  1067 D VoldConnector: SND -> {6 volume mount public:254_6 2 0}
  721. 05-01 16:38:03.685   140   152 V vold    : /system/bin/blkid
  722. 05-01 16:38:03.685   140   152 V vold    :     -c
  723. 05-01 16:38:03.685   140   152 V vold    :     /dev/null
  724. 05-01 16:38:03.685   140   152 V vold    :     -s
  725. 05-01 16:38:03.685   140   152 V vold    :     TYPE
  726. 05-01 16:38:03.685   140   152 V vold    :     -s
  727. 05-01 16:38:03.685   140   152 V vold    :     UUID
  728. 05-01 16:38:03.685   140   152 V vold    :     -s
  729. 05-01 16:38:03.685   140   152 V vold    :     LABEL
  730. 05-01 16:38:03.685   140   152 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/public:254_6
  731. 05-01 16:38:03.685  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 public:254_6 1}
  732. 05-01 16:38:03.714  1034  1048 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1135:com.android.externalstorage/u0a7 for broadcast com.android.externalstorage/.MountReceiver
  733. 05-01 16:38:03.754   140   152 V vold    : /dev/block/vold/public:254_6: LABEL="HP TOUCHPAD" UUID="92D8-2717" TYPE="vfat"
  734. 05-01 16:38:03.755   140   152 V vold    : /system/bin/fsck_msdos
  735. 05-01 16:38:03.755   140   152 V vold    :     -p
  736. 05-01 16:38:03.755   140   152 V vold    :     -f
  737. 05-01 16:38:03.755   140   152 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/public:254_6
  738. 05-01 16:38:03.757  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {652 public:254_6 vfat}
  739. 05-01 16:38:03.757  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {653 public:254_6 92D8-2717}
  740. 05-01 16:38:03.757  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {654 public:254_6 HP TOUCHPAD}
  741. 05-01 16:38:03.758  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {656 public:254_6 /mnt/media_rw/92D8-2717}
  742. 05-01 16:38:03.758  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {655 public:254_6 /storage/92D8-2717}
  743. 05-01 16:38:04.147   140   152 I Vold    : Filesystem check completed OK
  744. 05-01 16:38:04.222   140   152 V vold    : Waiting for FUSE to spin up...
  745. 05-01 16:38:04.273  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 public:254_6 2}
  746. 05-01 16:38:04.274  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 6 Command succeeded}
  747. 05-01 16:38:04.276  1034  1067 E VoldConnector: NDC Command {6 volume mount public:254_6 2 0} took too long (592ms)
  748. 05-01 16:38:04.454  1034  1049 W WindowManager: Keyguard drawn timeout. Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
  749. 05-01 16:38:04.535  1034  1034 E NetdConnector: NDC Command {2 bandwidth enable} took too long (853ms)
  750. 05-01 16:38:04.535  1034  1074 E NetdConnector: NDC Command {3 softap fwreload wlan0 STA} took too long (747ms)
  751. --------- beginning of main
  752. 05-01 16:38:04.814   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  753. 05-01 16:38:04.814   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -F st_clear_caught
  754. 05-01 16:38:04.817   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (224) -
  755. 05-01 16:38:04.817   211   211 E OMX-VENC:  Is component secure 0
  756. 05-01 16:38:04.835   208  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  757. 05-01 16:38:04.845   208  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  758. 05-01 16:38:04.845   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -F st_clear_detect
  759. 05-01 16:38:04.867   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  760. 05-01 16:38:04.876   211   211 I mediaserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:91): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/msm_vidc_enc" dev="tmpfs" ino=737 ioctlcmd=5001 scontext=u:r:mediaserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  761. 05-01 16:38:04.884   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  762. 05-01 16:38:04.884   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -F st_clear_detect
  763. 05-01 16:38:04.885   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4439) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported for Input port returned Profile:1, Level:128
  764. 05-01 16:38:04.885   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4439) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported for Input port returned Profile:32768, Level:128
  765. 05-01 16:38:04.885   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4423) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore 2
  766. 05-01 16:38:04.885   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4439) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported for Input port returned Profile:32768, Level:128
  767. 05-01 16:38:04.885   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (1705) - Invalid entry returned from get_supported_profile_level 32768, 128
  768. 05-01 16:38:04.885   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c06 = 2141391878
  769. 05-01 16:38:04.885   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  770. 05-01 16:38:04.885   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x0 = 0
  771. 05-01 16:38:04.904   208  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  772. 05-01 16:38:04.907   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4664) -
  773. 05-01 16:38:04.907   211   211 E OMX-VENC:  Destroy C2D instance
  774. 05-01 16:38:04.908   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (224) -
  775. 05-01 16:38:04.908   211   211 E OMX-VENC:  Is component secure 0
  776. 05-01 16:38:04.918   208  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  777. 05-01 16:38:04.918   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -X st_penalty_log
  778. 05-01 16:38:04.934   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4439) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported for Input port returned Profile:1, Level:128
  779. 05-01 16:38:04.934   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4405) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore 1
  780. 05-01 16:38:04.934   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4439) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported for Input port returned Profile:1, Level:128
  781. 05-01 16:38:04.934   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (1705) - Invalid entry returned from get_supported_profile_level 1, 128
  782. 05-01 16:38:04.934   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c06 = 2141391878
  783. 05-01 16:38:04.934   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  784. 05-01 16:38:04.934   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x0 = 0
  785. 05-01 16:38:04.938   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  786. 05-01 16:38:04.951   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  787. 05-01 16:38:04.952   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_penalty_log
  788. 05-01 16:38:04.957   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4664) -
  789. 05-01 16:38:04.957   211   211 E OMX-VENC:  Destroy C2D instance
  790. 05-01 16:38:04.958   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (224) -
  791. 05-01 16:38:04.958   211   211 E OMX-VENC:  Is component secure 0
  792. 05-01 16:38:04.972   208  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  793. 05-01 16:38:04.984   208  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  794. 05-01 16:38:04.984   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -X st_penalty_reject
  795. 05-01 16:38:04.985   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4439) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported for Input port returned Profile:1, Level:2048
  796. 05-01 16:38:04.985   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4439) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported for Input port returned Profile:2, Level:2048
  797. 05-01 16:38:04.985   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4439) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported for Input port returned Profile:8, Level:2048
  798. 05-01 16:38:04.985   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4439) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported for Input port returned Profile:8, Level:2048
  799. 05-01 16:38:04.985   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (1705) - Invalid entry returned from get_supported_profile_level 8, 2048
  800. 05-01 16:38:04.985   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c06 = 2141391878
  801. 05-01 16:38:04.985   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  802. 05-01 16:38:04.985   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x0 = 0
  803. 05-01 16:38:05.004   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  804. 05-01 16:38:05.007   211   211 E OMX-VENC: (4664) -
  805. 05-01 16:38:05.007   211   211 E OMX-VENC:  Destroy C2D instance
  806. 05-01 16:38:05.008   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.wma' err=NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  807. 05-01 16:38:05.009   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.wmaLossLess' err=NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  808. 05-01 16:38:05.009   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.wma10Pro' err=NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  809. 05-01 16:38:05.009   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.amrwbplus' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  810. 05-01 16:38:05.009   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'MP3Decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  811. 05-01 16:38:05.010   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'AACDecoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  812. 05-01 16:38:05.010   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.Qcelp13' err=NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  813. 05-01 16:38:05.010   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.evrc' err=NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  814. 05-01 16:38:05.018   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  815. 05-01 16:38:05.018   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_penalty_reject
  816. 05-01 16:38:05.038   208  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  817. 05-01 16:38:05.044   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (2811) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported ret NoMore
  818. 05-01 16:38:05.044   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  819. 05-01 16:38:05.044   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c03 = 2141391875
  820. 05-01 16:38:05.044   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  821. 05-01 16:38:05.044   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  822. 05-01 16:38:05.044   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented
  823. 05-01 16:38:05.044   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers not implemented
  824. 05-01 16:38:05.044   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(12:qcom.decoder.vc1, OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  825. 05-01 16:38:05.044   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback not implemented
  826. 05-01 16:38:05.044   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(12:qcom.decoder.vc1, OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  827. 05-01 16:38:05.052   211  1352 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (195) -
  828. 05-01 16:38:05.052   211  1352 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  Error in ioctl read next msg
  829. 05-01 16:38:05.052   211  1351 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (231) -
  830. 05-01 16:38:05.052   211  1351 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: ERROR: read from pipe failed, ret -1 errno 9
  831. 05-01 16:38:05.053   208  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  832. 05-01 16:38:05.053   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -X st_clear_caught
  833. 05-01 16:38:05.067   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  834. 05-01 16:38:05.067   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  835. 05-01 16:38:05.067   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  836. 05-01 16:38:05.067   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  837. 05-01 16:38:05.074   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  838. 05-01 16:38:05.084   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  839. 05-01 16:38:05.084   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_clear_caught
  840. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (1500) - DIVX 5/6 Decoder selected
  841. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (2811) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported ret NoMore
  842. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  843. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c03 = 2141391875
  844. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  845. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  846. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented
  847. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers not implemented
  848. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(13:qcom.decoder.divx, OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  849. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback not implemented
  850. 05-01 16:38:05.094   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(13:qcom.decoder.divx, OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  851. 05-01 16:38:05.103   211  1360 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (231) -
  852. 05-01 16:38:05.103   211  1360 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: ERROR: read from pipe failed, ret -1 errno 9
  853. 05-01 16:38:05.104   211  1361 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (195) -
  854. 05-01 16:38:05.104   211  1361 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  Error in ioctl read next msg
  855. 05-01 16:38:05.105   208  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  856. 05-01 16:38:05.114   208  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  857. 05-01 16:38:05.114   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -X st_clear_detect
  858. 05-01 16:38:05.127   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  859. 05-01 16:38:05.127   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  860. 05-01 16:38:05.127   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  861. 05-01 16:38:05.127   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  862. 05-01 16:38:05.136   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  863. 05-01 16:38:05.140   208  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  864. 05-01 16:38:05.140   208  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_clear_detect
  865. 05-01 16:38:05.145   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (2811) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported ret NoMore
  866. 05-01 16:38:05.145   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  867. 05-01 16:38:05.145   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c03 = 2141391875
  868. 05-01 16:38:05.145   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  869. 05-01 16:38:05.145   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  870. 05-01 16:38:05.145   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented
  871. 05-01 16:38:05.145   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers not implemented
  872. 05-01 16:38:05.145   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(14:qcom.decoder.divx311, OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  873. 05-01 16:38:05.145   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback not implemented
  874. 05-01 16:38:05.145   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(14:qcom.decoder.divx311, OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  875. 05-01 16:38:05.146   211  1369 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (231) -
  876. 05-01 16:38:05.146   211  1369 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: ERROR: read from pipe failed, ret -1 errno 9
  877. 05-01 16:38:05.147   211  1370 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (195) -
  878. 05-01 16:38:05.147   211  1370 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  Error in ioctl read next msg
  879. 05-01 16:38:05.167   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  880. 05-01 16:38:05.167   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  881. 05-01 16:38:05.167   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  882. 05-01 16:38:05.167   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  883. 05-01 16:38:05.194   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (1490) - DIVX 4 Decoder selected
  884. 05-01 16:38:05.194   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (2811) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported ret NoMore
  885. 05-01 16:38:05.194   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  886. 05-01 16:38:05.194   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c03 = 2141391875
  887. 05-01 16:38:05.194   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  888. 05-01 16:38:05.194   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  889. 05-01 16:38:05.194   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented
  890. 05-01 16:38:05.194   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers not implemented
  891. 05-01 16:38:05.195   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(15:qcom.decoder.divx4, OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  892. 05-01 16:38:05.195   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback not implemented
  893. 05-01 16:38:05.195   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(15:qcom.decoder.divx4, OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  894. 05-01 16:38:05.203   211  1378 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (231) -
  895. 05-01 16:38:05.203   211  1378 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: ERROR: read from pipe failed, ret -1 errno 9
  896. 05-01 16:38:05.204   211  1379 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (195) -
  897. 05-01 16:38:05.204   211  1379 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  Error in ioctl read next msg
  898. 05-01 16:38:05.227   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  899. 05-01 16:38:05.227   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  900. 05-01 16:38:05.227   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  901. 05-01 16:38:05.227   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  902. 05-01 16:38:05.254   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  903. 05-01 16:38:05.254   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c03 = 2141391875
  904. 05-01 16:38:05.254   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  905. 05-01 16:38:05.254   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  906. 05-01 16:38:05.254   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented
  907. 05-01 16:38:05.254   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers not implemented
  908. 05-01 16:38:05.254   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(16:qcom.decoder.avc, OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  909. 05-01 16:38:05.254   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback not implemented
  910. 05-01 16:38:05.254   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(16:qcom.decoder.avc, OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  911. 05-01 16:38:05.257   211  1388 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (195) -
  912. 05-01 16:38:05.257   211  1388 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  Error in ioctl read next msg
  913. 05-01 16:38:05.257   211  1387 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (231) -
  914. 05-01 16:38:05.257   211  1387 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: ERROR: read from pipe failed, ret -1 errno 9
  915. 05-01 16:38:05.286   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  916. 05-01 16:38:05.286   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  917. 05-01 16:38:05.286   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  918. 05-01 16:38:05.286   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  919. 05-01 16:38:05.289  1034  1200 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_4 expire 1 line
  920. 05-01 16:38:05.773  1124  1124 I vol.Events: writeEvent collection_started
  921. 05-01 16:38:05.795  1124  1441 I vol.Events: writeEvent external_ringer_mode_changed normal
  922. 05-01 16:38:05.796  1124  1441 I vol.Events: writeEvent internal_ringer_mode_changed normal
  923. 05-01 16:38:05.990  1124  1441 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_ALARM 6
  924. 05-01 16:38:05.994  1124  1441 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO 8
  925. 05-01 16:38:05.997  1124  1441 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 15
  926. 05-01 16:38:06.001  1124  1441 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_RING 7
  927. 05-01 16:38:06.004  1124  1441 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_SYSTEM 7
  928. 05-01 16:38:06.015  1124  1441 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_VOICE_CALL 4
  929. 05-01 16:38:06.078  1124  1124 D StorageNotification: Notifying about private volume: VolumeInfo{private}:
  930. 05-01 16:38:06.078  1124  1124 D StorageNotification:     type=PRIVATE diskId=null partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-1
  931. 05-01 16:38:06.078  1124  1124 D StorageNotification:     state=MOUNTED
  932. 05-01 16:38:06.078  1124  1124 D StorageNotification:     fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null
  933. 05-01 16:38:06.078  1124  1124 D StorageNotification:     path=/data internalPath=null
  934. 05-01 16:38:06.089  1034  1034 E NetdConnector: NDC Command {4 strict enable} took too long (1552ms)
  935. 05-01 16:38:06.099  1034  1074 E NetdConnector: NDC Command {5 interface getcfg wlan0} took too long (1563ms)
  936. 05-01 16:38:06.104   208  1029 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
  937. 05-01 16:38:06.104   208  1029 D CommandListener: Trying to bring down wlan0
  938. 05-01 16:38:06.111   208  1029 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  939. 05-01 16:38:06.145  1034  1034 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 4 lines
  940. 05-01 16:38:06.153  1034  1048 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1475:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.WifiWidgetProvider
  941. 05-01 16:38:06.196  1475  1475 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.evervolv.widgets expire 3 lines
  942. 05-01 16:38:06.281  1472  1472 I wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
  943. 05-01 16:38:06.447  1472  1472 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  944. 05-01 16:38:06.457  1472  1472 I wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Could not re-add multicast membership for vendor events: -2 (No such file or directory)
  945. 05-01 16:38:06.725  1034  1200 I StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@f41d018
  946. 05-01 16:38:06.734   211   439 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  947. 05-01 16:38:06.734   211   439 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  948. 05-01 16:38:06.735  1034  1034 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 600
  949. 05-01 16:38:06.736  1034  1052 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 1 line
  950. 05-01 16:38:06.753   211  1082 I AudioFlinger: systemReady
  951. 05-01 16:38:06.769  1034  1034 I BackupManagerService: Backup enabled => true
  952. 05-01 16:38:06.795  1034  1034 E InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring updateSystemUiLocked due to an invalid token. uid:1000 token:null
  953. 05-01 16:38:06.800  1034  1518 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) SoundPoolThread expire 1 line
  954. 05-01 16:38:06.809  1034  1074 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 14 lines
  955. 05-01 16:38:06.896  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1522:com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a86 for service com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME
  956. 05-01 16:38:06.898  1034  1034 V InputMethodManagerService: Adding window token: android.os.Binder@5da31a8
  957. 05-01 16:38:06.965  1522  1522 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  958. 05-01 16:38:06.968   380   380 I BootAnimation: type=1400 audit(0.0:92): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:bootanim:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  959. 05-01 16:38:07.040  1522  1522 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  960. 05-01 16:38:07.066  1034  1044 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line
  961. 05-01 16:38:07.253  1034  1034 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines
  962. 05-01 16:38:07.253  1034  1034 E LocationManagerService: FLP HAL not supported
  963. 05-01 16:38:07.317  1034  1034 E LocationManagerService: Hardware Activity-Recognition not supported.
  964. 05-01 16:38:07.393  1034  1048 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1536:com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a20 for broadcast com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.NlpNetworkProviderSettingsUpdateReceiver
  965. 05-01 16:38:07.406  1034  1066 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines
  966. 05-01 16:38:07.428  1536  1536 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  967. 05-01 16:38:07.434  1034  1034 I MmsServiceBroker: systemRunning
  968. 05-01 16:38:07.495  1536  1536 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  969. 05-01 16:38:07.500  1522  1522 I Decoder : createOrResetDecoder
  970. 05-01 16:38:07.509  1522  1522 I Decoder : createOrResetDecoder
  971. 05-01 16:38:07.654  1522  1522 I LatinIME: Hardware accelerated drawing: true
  972. 05-01 16:38:07.737  1034  1034 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 4 lines
  973. 05-01 16:38:07.764  1034  1034 D MountService: onStartUser 0
  974. 05-01 16:38:07.764  1034  1034 D VoldConnector: SND -> {7 volume user_started 0}
  975. 05-01 16:38:07.766   140   152 D vold    : Linking /storage/emulated/0 to /mnt/user/0/primary
  976. 05-01 16:38:07.766  1034  1068 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 7 Command succeeded}
  977. 05-01 16:38:07.767  1034  1067 D MountService: Volume public:254_6 broadcasting mounted to UserHandle{0}
  978. 05-01 16:38:07.770  1034  1034 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice interaction services found for user 0
  979. 05-01 16:38:07.771  1034  1034 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice recognition services found for user 0
  980. 05-01 16:38:07.817  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1553:org.cyanogenmod.audiofx/u0a0 for added application org.cyanogenmod.audiofx
  981. 05-01 16:38:07.843  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1558:com.android.phone/1001 for added application com.android.phone
  982. 05-01 16:38:07.848  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from uid 0 on display 0
  983. 05-01 16:38:07.865  1553  1553 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  984. 05-01 16:38:07.880  1553  1553 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  985. 05-01 16:38:07.905  1558  1558 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  986. 05-01 16:38:07.920  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1572:com.android.launcher3/u0a8 for activity com.android.launcher3/.Launcher
  987. 05-01 16:38:07.949  1558  1558 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  988. 05-01 16:38:07.952  1034  1067 D MountService: Volume emulated broadcasting mounted to UserHandle{0}
  989. 05-01 16:38:07.985  1572  1572 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  990. 05-01 16:38:08.050  1572  1572 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  991. 05-01 16:38:08.101  1522  1522 I StatsUtilsManager: onCreate()
  992. 05-01 16:38:08.103  1522  1522 I PeriodicStatsRecorder: shouldRecordStats() = Disabled
  993. 05-01 16:38:08.110  1553  1553 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/AudioFX/lib/arm
  994. 05-01 16:38:08.114  1034  1075 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  995. 05-01 16:38:08.183  1034  1047 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1600:com.android.printspooler/u0a52 for service com.android.printspooler/.model.PrintSpoolerService
  996. 05-01 16:38:08.214  1600  1600 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  997. 05-01 16:38:08.241  1034  1074 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 2 lines
  998. 05-01 16:38:08.243  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for WIFI
  999. 05-01 16:38:08.243  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for WIFI_UT
  1000. 05-01 16:38:08.266  1600  1600 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1001. 05-01 16:38:08.292  1558  1558 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TeleService/lib/arm
  1002. 05-01 16:38:08.298  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1607:android.process.media/u0a5 for broadcast com.android.providers.media/.MtpReceiver
  1003. 05-01 16:38:08.329  1034  1095 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiRttService expire 1 line
  1004. 05-01 16:38:08.347  1034  1034 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
  1005. 05-01 16:38:08.355  1607  1607 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1006. 05-01 16:38:08.359  1522  1522 W InputAttributes: No editor info for this field. Bug?
  1007. 05-01 16:38:08.403  1522  1522 W art     : Method processed more than once: void com.android.inputmethod.latin.settings.SpacingAndPunctuations.<init>(android.content.res.Resources)
  1008. 05-01 16:38:08.447  1558  1558 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider/lib/arm
  1009. 05-01 16:38:08.449  1607  1607 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1010. 05-01 16:38:08.458  1572  1572 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Launcher3/lib/arm
  1011. 05-01 16:38:08.531  1034  1074 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 2 lines
  1012. 05-01 16:38:08.634  1536  1536 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.gms.common.app.GmsApplication.<init>() took 254.669ms
  1013. 05-01 16:38:08.655  1607  1607 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/lib/arm
  1014. 05-01 16:38:08.660  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Facilitator: resetDictionaries() : en_US
  1015. 05-01 16:38:08.676  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Personal: create()
  1016. 05-01 16:38:08.745  1600  1600 I PrintSpoolerService: No existing print spooler state.
  1017. 05-01 16:38:08.749  1522  1522 I StatsUtilsManager: onLoadSettings()
  1018. 05-01 16:38:08.754  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DecoderInitializer: run()
  1019. 05-01 16:38:08.755  1522  1630 I Decoder : createOrResetDecoder
  1020. 05-01 16:38:08.809  1607  1607 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/lib/arm
  1021. 05-01 16:38:08.953  1558  1558 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=siminfo
  1022. 05-01 16:38:08.954  1558  1558 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=carriers
  1023. 05-01 16:38:08.997  1034  1632 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1635:android.process.acore/u0a3 for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.CallLogProvider
  1024. 05-01 16:38:09.017  1536  1536 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
  1025. 05-01 16:38:09.017  1536  1536 I MultiDex: install
  1026. 05-01 16:38:09.017  1536  1536 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
  1027. 05-01 16:38:09.087  1034  1034 I Telecom : Class: TelecomSystem.INSTANCE being set
  1028. 05-01 16:38:09.087  1034  1034 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1232 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:587 com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService.initializeTelecomSystem:107 com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService.onBind:46 android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindService:2948
  1029. 05-01 16:38:09.123  1522  1599 W art     : Verification of boolean com.google.android.gms.common.zzc.isPackageGoogleSigned(android.content.pm.PackageManager, java.lang.String) took 662.536ms
  1030. 05-01 16:38:09.175  1635  1635 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1031. 05-01 16:38:09.191  1635  1635 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1032. 05-01 16:38:09.886  1572  1572 W art     : Verification of void com.android.launcher3.ItemInfo.<init>() took 719.604ms
  1033. 05-01 16:38:09.917  1034  1200 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_4 expire 1 line
  1034. 05-01 16:38:09.918  1034  1577 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_6 expire 1 line
  1035. 05-01 16:38:09.918  1034  1194 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_3 expire 1 line
  1036. 05-01 16:38:09.919  1034  1046 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_2 expire 1 line
  1037. 05-01 16:38:09.919  1034  1097 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) backup expire 1 line
  1038. 05-01 16:38:09.920  1034  1605 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_8 expire 1 line
  1039. 05-01 16:38:09.948  1034  1048 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line
  1040. 05-01 16:38:09.996  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1650:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2 for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2
  1041. 05-01 16:38:10.000  1572  1572 V Launcher: LauncherAppState inited
  1042. 05-01 16:38:10.095  1650  1650 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1043. 05-01 16:38:10.118  1650  1650 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1044. 05-01 16:38:10.161  1635  1635 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/lib/arm
  1045. 05-01 16:38:10.222  1034  1046 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1669:com.google.process.gapps/u0a20 for content provider com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider
  1046. 05-01 16:38:10.305  1669  1669 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1047. 05-01 16:38:10.329  1669  1669 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1048. 05-01 16:38:10.350  1034  1053 W WindowManager: Window freeze timeout expired.
  1049. 05-01 16:38:10.350  1034  1053 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{8a75ea8 u0 KeyguardScrim}
  1050. 05-01 16:38:10.424  1650  1650 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/lib/arm
  1051. 05-01 16:38:10.547  1572  1572 D Launcher.Model: Old launcher provider: content://com.android.launcher2.settings/favorites?notify=true
  1052. 05-01 16:38:10.547  1572  1572 D Launcher.Model: Old launcher provider does not exist.
  1053. 05-01 16:38:10.585  1124  1191 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 14.465ms
  1054. 05-01 16:38:10.615  1124  1191 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7380(335KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 4% free, 8MB/9MB, paused 15.350ms total 25.573ms
  1055. 05-01 16:38:10.655  1669  1669 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GoogleServicesFramework/lib/arm
  1056. 05-01 16:38:10.884  1034  1649 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1693:com.android.smspush/u0a53 for service com.android.smspush/.WapPushManager
  1057. 05-01 16:38:10.901  1693  1693 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1058. 05-01 16:38:10.923  1693  1693 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1059. 05-01 16:38:10.934  1669  1669 I GservicesProvider: Gservices pushing to system: true; secure/global: true
  1060. 05-01 16:38:10.989  1558  1706 E DcSwitchStateMachine-0: DctController is not ready
  1061. 05-01 16:38:11.037  1034  1076 E ConnectivityService: Failed to find Messenger in unregisterNetworkFactory
  1062. 05-01 16:38:11.041  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for Telephony
  1063. 05-01 16:38:11.087  1650  1650 I CalendarProvider2: Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@44df3f(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@312700c)
  1064. 05-01 16:38:11.094  1607  1679 W art     : Verification of java.lang.String com.android.providers.downloads.Helpers.chooseExtensionFromFilename(java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String, int) took 429.351ms
  1065. 05-01 16:38:11.171  1693  1693 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/WAPPushManager/lib/arm
  1066. 05-01 16:38:11.178  1034  1092 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer expire 1 line
  1067. 05-01 16:38:11.178  1034  1034 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines
  1068. 05-01 16:38:11.179  1034  1095 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiRttService expire 1 line
  1069. 05-01 16:38:11.181  1034  1034 V WiredAccessoryManager: init()
  1070. 05-01 16:38:11.183  1034  1034 V WiredAccessoryManager: newName=h2w newState=1 headsetState=1 prev headsetState=0
  1071. 05-01 16:38:11.318   194   250 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_2 expire 1 line
  1072. 05-01 16:38:11.510  1635  1635 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm
  1073. 05-01 16:38:11.519  1034  1034 V BackupManagerService: Connected to transport ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService}
  1074. 05-01 16:38:11.519  1034  1034 V BackupManagerService: Registering transport android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService::android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport = android.app.backup.BackupTransport$TransportImpl@401a48b
  1075. 05-01 16:38:11.532  1034  1034 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1076. 05-01 16:38:11.617  1034  1052 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 1 line
  1077. 05-01 16:38:11.623  1558  1558 D CarrierConfigLoader: CarrierConfigLoader has started
  1078. 05-01 16:38:11.637  1034  1044 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line
  1079. 05-01 16:38:11.658  1034  1052 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 1 line
  1080. 05-01 16:38:11.722  1034  1034 V WiredAccessoryManager: headsetName:  connected
  1081. 05-01 16:38:11.761  1124  1124 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local MAP profile
  1082. 05-01 16:38:11.780  1124  1124 D BluetoothMap: Create BluetoothMap proxy object
  1083. 05-01 16:38:11.799  1124  1124 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
  1084. 05-01 16:38:11.859  1669  1669 I GoogleHttpClient: GMS http client unavailable, use old client
  1085. 05-01 16:38:11.904  1607  1679 W art     : Verification of java.lang.String com.android.providers.downloads.Helpers.chooseFilename(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took 806.762ms
  1086. 05-01 16:38:11.910  1635  1716 W art     : Verification of void com.android.providers.contacts.LegacyApiSupport.<clinit>() took 656.616ms
  1087. 05-01 16:38:11.948  1034  1200 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10016/1124 for NetworkRequest [ id=3, legacyType=-1, [] ]
  1088. 05-01 16:38:11.963  1558  1558 I Telephony: TtyManager: updateUiTtyMode -1 -> 0
  1089. 05-01 16:38:12.052  1124  1124 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
  1090. 05-01 16:38:12.053  1558  1558 D TelephonyDebugService: TelephonyDebugService()
  1091. 05-01 16:38:12.076   211  1552 E CameraService: getCameraVendorTagDescriptor: camera hardware module doesn't exist
  1092. 05-01 16:38:12.077  1124  1124 E CameraMetadata-JNI: CameraMetadata_setupGlobalVendorTagDescriptor: Failed to setup vendor tag descriptors, received error No such device (-19)
  1093. 05-01 16:38:12.077  1124  1124 W CameraManagerGlobal: Failed to set up vendor tags: The camera device is removable and has been disconnected from the Android device, or the camera service has shut down the connection due to a higher-priority access request for the camera device.
  1094. 05-01 16:38:12.124  1034  1075 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1095. 05-01 16:38:12.146  1558  1558 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: 12 phoneId: 0
  1096. 05-01 16:38:12.161  1536  1536 V JNIHelp : Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 254 native methods...
  1097. 05-01 16:38:12.324  1607  1679 W art     : Verification of void com.android.providers.downloads.Helpers.parseExpression(com.android.providers.downloads.Helpers$Lexer) took 383.209ms
  1098. 05-01 16:38:12.331  1536  1536 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
  1099. 05-01 16:38:12.336  1034  1649 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_9 expire 1 line
  1100. 05-01 16:38:12.344  1558  1558 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getIccId: No UICC
  1101. 05-01 16:38:12.379  1034  1587 W Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount not allowed on non-voice capable device.
  1102. 05-01 16:38:12.394  1558  1558 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [e0184adedf913b076626646d3f52c3b49c39ad6d], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: 54 Schemes: tel voicemail ] with handle: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [e0184adedf913b076626646d3f52c3b49c39ad6d], UserHandle{0}
  1103. 05-01 16:38:12.402  1558  1558 I Telephony: PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GSMPhone) {43d301b}
  1104. 05-01 16:38:12.411  1635  1716 W art     : Verification of long com.android.providers.contacts.LegacyApiSupport.insertGroup(android.content.ContentValues) took 492.431ms
  1105. 05-01 16:38:12.511  1034  1194 W Telecom : : No account found for the calling user
  1106. 05-01 16:38:12.714  1034  1563 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_5 expire 1 line
  1107. 05-01 16:38:12.747   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (1387) -
  1108. 05-01 16:38:12.747   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  Omx_vdec::Comp Init Returning failure, errno 13
  1109. 05-01 16:38:12.757  1034  1045 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_1 expire 1 line
  1110. 05-01 16:38:12.761   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  1111. 05-01 16:38:12.761   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  1112. 05-01 16:38:12.761   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  1113. 05-01 16:38:12.761   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  1114. 05-01 16:38:12.761   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc.secure' err=InsufficientResources(0x80001000)
  1115. 05-01 16:38:12.794   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (2805) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore 2
  1116. 05-01 16:38:12.794   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  1117. 05-01 16:38:12.794   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c03 = 2141391875
  1118. 05-01 16:38:12.794   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  1119. 05-01 16:38:12.794   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  1120. 05-01 16:38:12.794   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented
  1121. 05-01 16:38:12.794   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers not implemented
  1122. 05-01 16:38:12.794   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(17:qcom.decoder.mpeg2, OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  1123. 05-01 16:38:12.794   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback not implemented
  1124. 05-01 16:38:12.794   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(17:qcom.decoder.mpeg2, OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  1125. 05-01 16:38:12.808   211  1735 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (195) -
  1126. 05-01 16:38:12.808   211  1735 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  Error in ioctl read next msg
  1127. 05-01 16:38:12.808   211  1734 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (231) -
  1128. 05-01 16:38:12.808   211  1734 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: ERROR: read from pipe failed, ret -1 errno 9
  1129. 05-01 16:38:12.827   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  1130. 05-01 16:38:12.827   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  1131. 05-01 16:38:12.827   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  1132. 05-01 16:38:12.827   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  1133. 05-01 16:38:12.836  1572  1681 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()' on a null object reference
  1134. 05-01 16:38:12.836  1572  1681 W System.err:    at com.android.launcher3.util.ThemeUtils.getCurrentIconPack(ThemeUtils.java:17)
  1135. 05-01 16:38:12.836  1572  1681 W System.err:    at com.android.launcher3.LauncherModel$LoaderTask.loadAndBindWorkspace(LauncherModel.java:1458)
  1136. 05-01 16:38:12.836  1572  1681 W System.err:    at com.android.launcher3.LauncherModel$LoaderTask.run(LauncherModel.java:1567)
  1137. 05-01 16:38:12.837  1572  1681 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
  1138. 05-01 16:38:12.837  1572  1681 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  1139. 05-01 16:38:12.837  1572  1681 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  1140. 05-01 16:38:12.837  1572  1681 W System.err:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  1141. 05-01 16:38:12.849  1536  1731 D NativeLibraryUtils: Install completed successfully. count=14 extracted=0
  1142. 05-01 16:38:12.854   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (2787) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore 2
  1143. 05-01 16:38:12.854   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  1144. 05-01 16:38:12.854   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c03 = 2141391875
  1145. 05-01 16:38:12.854   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  1146. 05-01 16:38:12.854   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  1147. 05-01 16:38:12.854   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented
  1148. 05-01 16:38:12.854   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers not implemented
  1149. 05-01 16:38:12.854   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(18:qcom.decoder.mpeg4, OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  1150. 05-01 16:38:12.854   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback not implemented
  1151. 05-01 16:38:12.854   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(18:qcom.decoder.mpeg4, OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  1152. 05-01 16:38:12.859   211  1738 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (231) -
  1153. 05-01 16:38:12.859   211  1738 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: ERROR: read from pipe failed, ret -1 errno 9
  1154. 05-01 16:38:12.861   211  1739 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (195) -
  1155. 05-01 16:38:12.861   211  1739 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  Error in ioctl read next msg
  1156. 05-01 16:38:12.865  1572  1572 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()' on a null object reference
  1157. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at com.android.launcher3.util.ThemeUtils.getCurrentIconPack(ThemeUtils.java:17)
  1158. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at com.android.launcher3.Launcher.onResume(Launcher.java:974)
  1159. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnResume(Instrumentation.java:1258)
  1160. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.Activity.performResume(Activity.java:6327)
  1161. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.performResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:3136)
  1162. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.handleResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:3178)
  1163. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2525)
  1164. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(ActivityThread.java)
  1165. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1363)
  1166. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  1167. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  1168. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5471)
  1169. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1170. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726)
  1171. 05-01 16:38:12.866  1572  1572 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616)
  1172. 05-01 16:38:12.873  1572  1681 W Launcher: setApplicationContext called twice! old=android.app.Application@312700c new=android.app.Application@312700c
  1173. 05-01 16:38:12.881   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  1174. 05-01 16:38:12.881   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  1175. 05-01 16:38:12.882   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  1176. 05-01 16:38:12.882   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  1177. 05-01 16:38:12.891  1572  1741 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  1178. 05-01 16:38:12.905   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (2769) - get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore 1
  1179. 05-01 16:38:12.905   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  1180. 05-01 16:38:12.905   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7fa30c03 = 2141391875
  1181. 05-01 16:38:12.905   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  1182. 05-01 16:38:12.905   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeColorFormat not implemented
  1183. 05-01 16:38:12.905   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented
  1184. 05-01 16:38:12.905   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers not implemented
  1185. 05-01 16:38:12.905   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(19:qcom.decoder.h263, OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  1186. 05-01 16:38:12.905   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback not implemented
  1187. 05-01 16:38:12.905   211   211 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(19:qcom.decoder.h263, OMX.google.android.index.prepareForAdaptivePlayback) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  1188. 05-01 16:38:12.915   211  1743 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (195) -
  1189. 05-01 16:38:12.915   211  1743 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  Error in ioctl read next msg
  1190. 05-01 16:38:12.915   211  1742 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (231) -
  1191. 05-01 16:38:12.915   211  1742 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: ERROR: read from pipe failed, ret -1 errno 9
  1192. 05-01 16:38:12.938   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  1193. 05-01 16:38:12.938   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  1194. 05-01 16:38:12.938   211   211 E OMX_C2D : (111) -
  1195. 05-01 16:38:12.938   211   211 E OMX_C2D :  Destroy C2D instance
  1196. 05-01 16:38:12.961   211   211 W OMXNodeInstance: [1a:google.mpeg4.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
  1197. 05-01 16:38:12.967   211   211 W OMXNodeInstance: [1b:google.mpeg4.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
  1198. 05-01 16:38:12.979   211   211 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
  1199. 05-01 16:38:12.979   211   211 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
  1200. 05-01 16:38:12.979   211   211 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
  1201. 05-01 16:38:12.979   211   211 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
  1202. 05-01 16:38:12.979   211   211 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Limit specified outside of a Type
  1203. 05-01 16:38:12.979   211   211 W MediaCodecList: ignoring Feature specified outside of a Type
  1204. 05-01 16:38:12.981   211   211 W OMXNodeInstance: [1c:google.h263.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
  1205. 05-01 16:38:13.034   211   211 W OMXNodeInstance: [1d:google.h264.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
  1206. 05-01 16:38:13.063   211   211 W OMXNodeInstance: [1e:google.hevc.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
  1207. 05-01 16:38:13.064  1741  1741 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:93): avc: denied { read write } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1208. 05-01 16:38:13.064  1741  1741 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:94): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1209. 05-01 16:38:13.064  1741  1741 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:95): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 ioctlcmd=902 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1210. 05-01 16:38:13.081   211   211 W OMXNodeInstance: [1f:google.vp8.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
  1211. 05-01 16:38:13.083  1572  1741 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  1212. 05-01 16:38:13.083  1572  1741 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  1213. 05-01 16:38:13.083  1572  1741 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  1214. 05-01 16:38:13.083  1572  1741 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  1215. 05-01 16:38:13.083  1572  1741 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  1216. 05-01 16:38:13.083  1572  1741 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  1217. 05-01 16:38:13.089   211   211 W OMXNodeInstance: [20:google.vp9.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
  1218. 05-01 16:38:13.091  1572  1741 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1219. 05-01 16:38:13.109   211   211 I SoftMPEG4Encoder: Construct SoftMPEG4Encoder
  1220. 05-01 16:38:13.109   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  1221. 05-01 16:38:13.136   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  1222. 05-01 16:38:13.144   211   211 I SoftMPEG4Encoder: Construct SoftMPEG4Encoder
  1223. 05-01 16:38:13.145   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  1224. 05-01 16:38:13.161  1034  1577 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_6 expire 1 line
  1225. 05-01 16:38:13.161   211   211 W ACodec  : do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
  1226. 05-01 16:38:13.162  1034  1034 V BackupManagerService: Connected to transport ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.backup.BackupTransportService}
  1227. 05-01 16:38:13.164  1034  1034 V BackupManagerService: Registering transport com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService::com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService = com.android.internal.backup.IBackupTransport$Stub$Proxy@9a87dc9
  1228. 05-01 16:38:13.168   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.aac.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1229. 05-01 16:38:13.168   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.ape.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1230. 05-01 16:38:13.168   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.atrial.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1231. 05-01 16:38:13.169   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.dts.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1232. 05-01 16:38:13.170   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.flac.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1233. 05-01 16:38:13.170   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.mp2.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1234. 05-01 16:38:13.171   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.ra.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1235. 05-01 16:38:13.193   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.wma.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1236. 05-01 16:38:13.193   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.divx.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1237. 05-01 16:38:13.194   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.flv1.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1238. 05-01 16:38:13.194   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.mpeg2.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1239. 05-01 16:38:13.195   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.mpeg4.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1240. 05-01 16:38:13.195   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.rv.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1241. 05-01 16:38:13.195   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.vc1.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1242. 05-01 16:38:13.196   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.vtrial.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1243. 05-01 16:38:13.196   211   211 E OMX     : FAILED to allocate omx component 'OMX.ffmpeg.wmv.decoder' err=InvalidComponentName(0x80001002)
  1244. 05-01 16:38:13.212   211   211 W MediaCodecList: unable to open media codecs configuration xml file: /etc/media_codecs_performance.xml
  1245. 05-01 16:38:13.212   211   211 W MediaCodecList: unable to open media codecs configuration xml file: /data/misc/media/media_codecs_profiling_results.xml
  1246. 05-01 16:38:13.218  1124  1263 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  1247. 05-01 16:38:13.223  1034  1520 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1248. 05-01 16:38:13.332  1034  1778 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1249. 05-01 16:38:13.339  1034  1053 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 line
  1250. 05-01 16:38:13.366  1124  1781 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  1251. 05-01 16:38:13.380  1650  1650 I CalendarProvider2: Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x20000000 }
  1252. 05-01 16:38:13.381  1650  1650 W ContentResolver: Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
  1253. 05-01 16:38:13.449  1124  1782 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  1254. 05-01 16:38:13.449  1124  1782 D OpenGLRenderer: profile bars disabled
  1255. 05-01 16:38:13.450  1124  1782 D OpenGLRenderer: ambientRatio = 1.50
  1256. 05-01 16:38:13.475  1536  1536 I GCoreNlp: !shouldConfirmNlp, ensuring user opted into NLP
  1257. 05-01 16:38:13.486   194   248 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_1 expire 1 line
  1258. 05-01 16:38:13.531  1034  1785 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1259. 05-01 16:38:13.580  1124  1790 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  1260. 05-01 16:38:13.667  1034  1655 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_A expire 1 line
  1261. 05-01 16:38:13.678  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  1262. 05-01 16:38:13.698  1034  1048 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines
  1263. 05-01 16:38:13.702  1034  1048 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
  1264. 05-01 16:38:13.746  1034  1794 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1265. 05-01 16:38:13.813  1635  1716 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [en-US]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, #, ]
  1266. 05-01 16:38:13.824  1034  1797 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1267. 05-01 16:38:13.908  1034  1800 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1268. 05-01 16:38:13.996   211   211 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  1269. 05-01 16:38:13.996   211   211 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  1270. 05-01 16:38:14.020  1034  1048 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1803:com.cyanogenmod.eleven/u0a37 for broadcast com.cyanogenmod.eleven/.MediaButtonIntentReceiver
  1271. 05-01 16:38:14.046  1803  1803 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1272. 05-01 16:38:14.051   211   395 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  1273. 05-01 16:38:14.051   211   395 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  1274. 05-01 16:38:14.055   211   395 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  1275. 05-01 16:38:14.055   211   395 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  1276. 05-01 16:38:14.079   211  1808 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x73c00000 ready to run
  1277. 05-01 16:38:14.079   211   439 V audio_hw_primary: in_standby: CALLED
  1278. 05-01 16:38:14.079   211   439 V audio_hw_primary: do_in_standby: CALLED
  1279. 05-01 16:38:14.097  1803  1803 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1280. 05-01 16:38:14.100  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: heads up is enabled
  1281. 05-01 16:38:14.173  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < EXPAND* icons alerts system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
  1282. 05-01 16:38:14.206  1124  1124 I Choreographer: Skipped 193 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1283. 05-01 16:38:14.219  1124  1124 D ViewRootImpl: changeCanvasOpacity: opaque=true
  1284. 05-01 16:38:14.275  1803  1803 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Eleven/lib/arm
  1285. 05-01 16:38:14.453  1034  1194 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1820:com.cyanogenmod.eleven:main/u0a37 for service com.cyanogenmod.eleven/.MusicPlaybackService
  1286. 05-01 16:38:14.468  1572  1596 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9213(1033KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 30% free, 3MB/4MB, paused 1.678ms total 100.219ms
  1287. 05-01 16:38:14.485  1820  1820 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1288. 05-01 16:38:14.512  1034  1563 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1825:com.google.android.gms/u0a20 for service com.google.android.gms/.usagereporting.service.UsageReportingService
  1289. 05-01 16:38:14.516  1820  1820 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1290. 05-01 16:38:14.545  1034  1605 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1838:com.datanasov.popupvideo/u0a88 for broadcast com.datanasov.popupvideo/com.google.android.libraries.cast.companionlibrary.remotecontrol.VideoIntentReceiver
  1291. 05-01 16:38:14.585  1825  1825 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1292. 05-01 16:38:14.607  1825  1825 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1293. 05-01 16:38:14.655  1838  1838 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) expire 10 lines
  1294. 05-01 16:38:14.666  1782  1782 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:96): avc: denied { read write } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1295. 05-01 16:38:14.666  1782  1782 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:97): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1296. 05-01 16:38:14.666  1782  1782 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:98): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 ioctlcmd=902 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1297. 05-01 16:38:14.680  1124  1782 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  1298. 05-01 16:38:14.680  1124  1782 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  1299. 05-01 16:38:14.680  1124  1782 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  1300. 05-01 16:38:14.680  1124  1782 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  1301. 05-01 16:38:14.680  1124  1782 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  1302. 05-01 16:38:14.680  1124  1782 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  1303. 05-01 16:38:14.703  1034  1049 W WindowManager: Keyguard drawn timeout. Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
  1304. 05-01 16:38:14.713  1124  1782 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1305. 05-01 16:38:14.872  1820  1820 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Eleven/lib/arm
  1306. 05-01 16:38:14.968  1034  1075 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1307. 05-01 16:38:15.362  1820  1820 V RenderScript_jni: RS native mode
  1308. 05-01 16:38:15.364  1820  1820 V RenderScript_jni: Unable to load libRSSupportIO.so, USAGE_IO not supported
  1309. 05-01 16:38:15.414  1825  1825 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
  1310. 05-01 16:38:15.414  1825  1825 I MultiDex: install
  1311. 05-01 16:38:15.414  1825  1825 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
  1312. 05-01 16:38:15.457  1820  1867 V RenderScript: 0x6c58d000 Launching thread(s), CPUs 2
  1313. 05-01 16:38:15.569  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.MainLanguageModelLoader: run()
  1314. 05-01 16:38:15.709  1034  1053 W WindowManager: Timeout waiting for drawn: undrawn=[Window{4f3c832 u0 StatusBar}]
  1315. 05-01 16:38:15.748  1034  1044 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 2 lines
  1316. 05-01 16:38:15.771  1536  1536 I ConfigService: onCreate
  1317. 05-01 16:38:15.776  1034  1034 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1318. 05-01 16:38:15.777  1820  1820 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1319. 05-01 16:38:15.777  1820  1820 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1320. 05-01 16:38:15.803  1034  1649 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {2 cryptfs getpw}
  1321. 05-01 16:38:15.804   140   153 D VoldCryptCmdListener: cryptfs getpw
  1322. 05-01 16:38:15.804   140   153 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
  1323. 05-01 16:38:15.804   140   153 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
  1324. 05-01 16:38:15.804   140   153 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
  1325. 05-01 16:38:15.804   140   153 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
  1326. 05-01 16:38:15.804  1034  1069 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 2 -1}
  1327. 05-01 16:38:15.805  1034  1649 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {3 cryptfs clearpw}
  1328. 05-01 16:38:15.806   140   153 D VoldCryptCmdListener: cryptfs clearpw
  1329. 05-01 16:38:15.806   140   153 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
  1330. 05-01 16:38:15.806   140   153 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
  1331. 05-01 16:38:15.807  1034  1069 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 3 0}
  1332. 05-01 16:38:15.858  1825  1825 W art     : Verification of android.net.Uri android.support.v4.content.FileProvider.a(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, java.io.File) took 100.311ms
  1333. 05-01 16:38:16.115  1522  1630 W art     : Verification of java.lang.String com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.DictionaryInfoUtils.getCacheDirectoryForLocale(java.lang.String, android.content.Context) took 541.687ms
  1334. 05-01 16:38:16.147  1635  1716 W art     : Verification of void com.android.providers.contacts.DataRowHandler.handlePrimaryAndSuperPrimary(android.content.ContentValues, long, long) took 1.096s
  1335. 05-01 16:38:16.204  1536  1536 I GCoreNlp: !shouldConfirmNlp, ensuring user opted into NLP
  1336. 05-01 16:38:16.328  1820  1820 W WakefulBroadcastReceiver: No active wake lock id #1
  1337. 05-01 16:38:16.357  1522  1522 W art     : Verification of com.google.android.gms.internal.zznc com.google.android.gms.internal.zznc$zza.zzbu(android.os.IBinder) took 109.924ms
  1338. 05-01 16:38:16.520  1034  1053 W WindowManager: Window freeze timeout expired.
  1339. 05-01 16:38:16.520  1034  1053 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{74aa1e2 u0 NavigationBar}
  1340. 05-01 16:38:16.520  1034  1053 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{4f3c832 u0 StatusBar}
  1341. 05-01 16:38:16.520  1034  1053 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{a39a297 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
  1342. 05-01 16:38:16.640  1124  1124 I Choreographer: Skipped 143 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1343. 05-01 16:38:16.727  1536  1536 I GCoreNlp: !shouldConfirmNlp, ensuring user opted into NLP
  1344. 05-01 16:38:16.733  1522  1522 W art     : Verification of com.google.common.logging.GoogleKeyboardProto$GoogleKeyboard com.google.common.logging.GoogleKeyboardProto$GoogleKeyboard.clear() took 108.398ms
  1345. 05-01 16:38:16.770  1838  1877 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) Queue expire 5 lines
  1346. 05-01 16:38:16.813  1034  1052 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 1 line
  1347. 05-01 16:38:16.884  1124  1124 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleSimStateChange()
  1348. 05-01 16:38:16.888   194   981 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_3 expire 1 line
  1349. 05-01 16:38:16.892  1124  1124 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange()
  1350. 05-01 16:38:16.892  1522  1522 W art     : Verification of com.google.common.logging.GoogleKeyboardProto$KeyboardSettings com.google.common.logging.GoogleKeyboardProto$KeyboardSettings.mergeFrom(com.google.protobuf.nano.CodedInputByteBufferNano) took 150.665ms
  1351. 05-01 16:38:16.997  1034  1075 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1352. 05-01 16:38:17.000  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED}]
  1353. 05-01 16:38:17.019  1034  1200 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1894:com.android.vending/u0a24 for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.LocationProviderChangedReceiver
  1354. 05-01 16:38:17.036  1522  1522 W art     : Verification of void com.google.common.logging.GoogleKeyboardProto$KeyboardSettings.writeTo(com.google.protobuf.nano.CodedOutputByteBufferNano) took 143.981ms
  1355. 05-01 16:38:17.055  1894  1894 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1356. 05-01 16:38:17.066  1820  1870 W art     : Verification of void com.cyanogenmod.eleven.cache.DiskLruCache.completeEdit(com.cyanogenmod.eleven.cache.DiskLruCache$Editor, boolean) took 375.457ms
  1357. 05-01 16:38:17.121  1894  1894 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1358. 05-01 16:38:17.281  1034  1074 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 16 lines
  1359. 05-01 16:38:17.292  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < EXPAND ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* BACK HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  1360. 05-01 16:38:17.296  1825  1825 V JNIHelp : Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 254 native methods...
  1361. 05-01 16:38:17.393  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onCreate()
  1362. 05-01 16:38:17.410  1838  1885 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) Crashlytics Exc expire 3 lines
  1363. 05-01 16:38:17.415  1838  1900 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) expire 4 lines
  1364. 05-01 16:38:17.435  1838  1884 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) Answers Events expire 1 line
  1365. 05-01 16:38:17.481  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < EXPAND ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO BACK HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  1366. 05-01 16:38:17.496  1825  1825 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
  1367. 05-01 16:38:17.763  1825  1849 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 10.284ms
  1368. 05-01 16:38:17.776  1825  1849 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8274(615KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 4MB/7MB, paused 11.535ms total 70.587ms
  1369. 05-01 16:38:17.792  1522  1630 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.android.gms.internal.zzmz$zzg.getAsString(java.lang.String)
  1370. 05-01 16:38:17.943  1820  1870 W art     : Verification of void com.cyanogenmod.eleven.cache.DiskLruCache.deleteIfExists(java.io.File) took 165.649ms
  1371. 05-01 16:38:18.043  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.location.l.e() took 415.802ms
  1372. 05-01 16:38:18.180  1820  1870 W art     : Verification of void com.cyanogenmod.eleven.cache.DiskLruCache.readJournal() took 196.197ms
  1373. 05-01 16:38:18.224  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.location.a.a.b.<clinit>() took 180.816ms
  1374. 05-01 16:38:18.226  1825  1925 D NativeLibraryUtils: Install completed successfully. count=14 extracted=0
  1375. 05-01 16:38:18.233  1124  1124 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=int android.content.res.AssetManager.loadResourceValue(int, short, android.util.TypedValue, boolean) from AssetManager.java:4294967294 waiters=0 for 533ms
  1376. 05-01 16:38:18.289  1034  1046 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_2 expire 2 lines
  1377. 05-01 16:38:18.303  1034  1045 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_1 expire 1 line
  1378. 05-01 16:38:18.327  1124  1124 I Choreographer: Skipped 98 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1379. 05-01 16:38:18.623  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand* ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back* HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  1380. 05-01 16:38:18.772  1894  1894 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.android.vending-1/lib/arm
  1381. 05-01 16:38:18.781  1838  1861 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) HeapTaskDaemon expire 6 lines
  1382. 05-01 16:38:18.883  1522  1630 W art     : Verification of void com.android.inputmethod.dictionarypack.DictionaryService.checkTimeAndMaybeSetupUpdateAlarm(android.content.Context) took 280.364ms
  1383. 05-01 16:38:19.011  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.location.a.j.<init>(com.google.android.location.j.a, com.google.android.location.j.b, com.google.android.location.j.e, com.google.android.location.j.f, com.google.android.location.j.h, com.google.android.location.g.i, com.google.android.location.j.i, com.google.android.location.j.u, com.google.android.location.j.z, boolean, com.google.android.location.j.aa, com.google.android.location.j.aa, com.google.android.location.j.ac, com.google.android.location.j.l, com.google.android.location.f.n) took 450.347ms
  1384. 05-01 16:38:19.015  1838  1876 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) Queue expire 1 line
  1385. 05-01 16:38:19.171  1536  1933 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater received intent Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) } with receiverAction android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED
  1386. 05-01 16:38:19.374  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.location.collectionlib.cj.<clinit>() took 318.450ms
  1387. 05-01 16:38:19.390  1536  1536 W art     : Verification of void com.google.j.b.gl.<init>(java.lang.Object[]) took 259.429ms
  1388. 05-01 16:38:19.426  1536  1536 D GeofencerStateMachine: Creating GeofencerStateMachine
  1389. 05-01 16:38:19.543  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.location.a.b.l.<init>(boolean, java.nio.ByteBuffer) took 100.524ms
  1390. 05-01 16:38:19.593  1536  1933 W art     : Verification of boolean com.google.af.b.d.a(com.google.af.b.a, int) took 104.339ms
  1391. 05-01 16:38:19.604  1825  1825 D ChimeraCfgMgr: Reading stored module config
  1392. 05-01 16:38:19.620  1825  1825 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.af.b.a.e()
  1393. 05-01 16:38:19.630  1536  1933 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.af.b.a.e()
  1394. 05-01 16:38:19.660  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.MainLanguageModelLoader: loadStaticLm() : Loading File = /data/user/0/com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/files/dicts/en_US/main%00003aen_us (offset=0, length=4430832) with up to date LoudsLmContentVersion = 20160111
  1395. 05-01 16:38:19.687  1894  1894 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.<clinit>() took 110.595ms
  1396. 05-01 16:38:19.689  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DynamicLanguageModelLoader: run()
  1397. 05-01 16:38:19.696  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DynamicLanguageModelLoader: run() : Loading LM = history
  1398. 05-01 16:38:19.797  1536  1933 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater:android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED: Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: {account#4#=[InactiveReason{mVersionCode=0, mIdentifier=6, mName='ReportingNotEnabled'}]}
  1399. 05-01 16:38:19.800  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DynamicLanguageModelLoader: run() : Loaded File = UserHistory.en_US.dict
  1400. 05-01 16:38:19.800  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DynamicLanguageModelLoader: run() : Loading LM = user
  1401. 05-01 16:38:19.805  1894  1894 W art     : Verification of int com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.o() took 110.198ms
  1402. 05-01 16:38:19.821  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.location.a.e.b.<init>(com.google.android.location.a.b.l) took 123.138ms
  1403. 05-01 16:38:19.875  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DynamicLanguageModelLoader: run() : Loaded File = Personal.en_US.dict
  1404. 05-01 16:38:19.875  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.PersonalDictionaryLoader: run() : Loading Personal Dictionary
  1405. 05-01 16:38:19.875  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Personal: open()
  1406. 05-01 16:38:19.875  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Personal: loadPersonalDictionary() : Start Loading
  1407. 05-01 16:38:19.952  1894  1894 W art     : Verification of com.android.volley.i com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.q() took 143.493ms
  1408. 05-01 16:38:20.059  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Personal: loadPersonalDictionary() : Loaded 24 words and 0 shortcuts
  1409. 05-01 16:38:20.064  1894  1894 W art     : Verification of com.google.android.finsky.utils.ad com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.a(java.lang.String) took 111.358ms
  1410. 05-01 16:38:20.086  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.Delight2FileSweeper: run()
  1411. 05-01 16:38:20.087  1522  1630 I Keyboard.Facilitator.RecurringTaskScheduler: run()
  1412. 05-01 16:38:20.087  1522  1630 I StatsUtilsManager: startPeriodStatsRecorder() : Success
  1413. 05-01 16:38:20.137  1536  1937 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.gms.pseudonymous.service.PseudonymousIdIntentService.a(android.content.Context, com.google.android.gms.common.service.b) took 425.720ms
  1414. 05-01 16:38:20.151  1522  1630 I PeriodicStatsRecorder: shouldRecordStats() = Too Soon
  1415. 05-01 16:38:20.157  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of com.google.android.location.f.af com.google.android.location.a.e.b.a(com.google.android.location.e.q, com.google.android.location.e.q) took 335.296ms
  1416. 05-01 16:38:20.170  1536  1933 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  1417. 05-01 16:38:20.170  1536  1933 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  1418. 05-01 16:38:20.220  1034  1075 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1419. 05-01 16:38:20.279  1522  1531 W CursorWrapperInner: Cursor finalized without prior close()
  1420. 05-01 16:38:20.283  1536  1933 W art     : Verification of int com.google.af.b.b.a(java.lang.CharSequence, byte[], int, int) took 109.954ms
  1421. 05-01 16:38:20.315  1536  1536 V GeofencerHelper: Initializing geofence's system cache.
  1422. 05-01 16:38:20.320  1894  1894 W art     : Verification of com.google.android.finsky.m.a com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.l() took 132.415ms
  1423. 05-01 16:38:20.331  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of com.google.android.location.f.af com.google.android.location.a.e.a.e.a(com.google.android.location.a.e.a.b, com.google.android.location.a.e.a.d) took 140.686ms
  1424. 05-01 16:38:20.491   194   194 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 1 line
  1425. 05-01 16:38:20.678  1034  1194 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_3 expire 1 line
  1426. 05-01 16:38:20.699  1536  1938 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.af.a.b.f()
  1427. 05-01 16:38:20.700  1536  1938 D GeofenceStateCache: Recovered 0 geofences.
  1428. 05-01 16:38:20.747  1536  1865 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean android.app.ActivityThread.releaseProvider(android.content.IContentProvider, boolean) from ActivityThread.java:4952 waiters=1 for 292ms
  1429. 05-01 16:38:20.756  1536  1536 I GAv4-SVC: Google Analytics 8.7.03 is starting up.
  1430. 05-01 16:38:20.759  1894  1894 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.onCreate() took 438.018ms
  1431. 05-01 16:38:20.789  1894  1894 W art     : Method processed more than once: void com.google.android.finsky.providers.RecentSuggestionsProvider.<init>()
  1432. 05-01 16:38:20.823  1536  1548 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7475(740KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(240KB) LOS objects, 15% free, 6MB/7MB, paused 1.129ms total 122.070ms
  1433. 05-01 16:38:20.828  1536  1546 E DataBuffer: Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected!  Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object: com.google.android.gms.common.data.DataHolder@bf5d0f2)
  1434. 05-01 16:38:20.883  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.location.a.ay.a(java.util.EnumSet) took 230.651ms
  1435. 05-01 16:38:20.989  1825  1825 I CastSocket: 23 >= 18. Adding new CastClientAuthKeyManager.
  1436. 05-01 16:38:21.047  1536  1937 W art     : Verification of android.util.Pair com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.a.g.a(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, java.lang.String) took 165.740ms
  1437. 05-01 16:38:21.159  1034  1053 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 1000
  1438. 05-01 16:38:21.182  1949  1949 I iptables: type=1400 audit(0.0:100): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  1439. 05-01 16:38:21.221  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.location.a.ah.a() took 332.641ms
  1440. 05-01 16:38:21.225  1536  1937 W art     : Verification of com.google.android.gms.phenotype.ExperimentTokens com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.a.g.a(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, java.lang.String, boolean) took 177.978ms
  1441. 05-01 16:38:21.260  1894  1894 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.finsky.d.d.<clinit>() took 120.056ms
  1442. 05-01 16:38:21.385  1536  1937 W art     : Verification of java.lang.Object android.support.v4.g.i.a(java.lang.Object) took 153.625ms
  1443. 05-01 16:38:21.472  1635  1716 D ContactDirectoryManager: Found com.google.contacts.gal.provider
  1444. 05-01 16:38:21.477  1536  1536 I BleScanCompatLib: Building BLE scanner compat:  'L/M' hardware access layer is not available: BluetoothAdapter.getBluetoothLeScanner() is null.
  1445. 05-01 16:38:21.495  1536  1536 I BleScanCompatLib: BLE 'JB+' software access layer enabled
  1446. 05-01 16:38:21.500  1034  1655 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1963:com.google.process.gapps/u0a55 for content provider com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.GalProvider
  1447. 05-01 16:38:21.535  1963  1963 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1448. 05-01 16:38:21.551  1963  1963 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1449. 05-01 16:38:21.720  1963  1963 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter/lib/arm
  1450. 05-01 16:38:21.931  1536  1955 I Places  : b.c:195: PlacesBleScanner stop()
  1451. 05-01 16:38:21.935  1536  1955 I BleScanCompatLib: Scan : No clients left, canceling alarm.
  1452. 05-01 16:38:21.972  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onDestroy()
  1453. 05-01 16:38:21.972  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Stopping handler for UlrDispSvcFast
  1454. 05-01 16:38:21.977  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  1455. 05-01 16:38:21.977  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  1456. 05-01 16:38:22.034  1536  1918 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1457. 05-01 16:38:22.138  1963  1963 I GoogleHttpClient: GMS http client unavailable, use old client
  1458. 05-01 16:38:22.246  1536  1918 W art     : Verification of java.lang.String com.google.android.location.os.c.m() took 132.598ms
  1459. 05-01 16:38:22.309  1635  1716 I ContactDirectoryManager: deleted 0 stale rows which don't have any relevant directory
  1460. 05-01 16:38:22.376  1894  1894 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.onCreate(383): Initializing network with DFE https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/
  1461. 05-01 16:38:22.386  1635  1716 I ContactDirectoryManager: Discovered 0 contact directories in 2067ms
  1462. 05-01 16:38:22.395  1536  1937 W art     : Verification of void com.google.an.a.f.a.a.j.<init>() took 266.510ms
  1463. 05-01 16:38:22.410  1536  1548 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 11.505ms
  1464. 05-01 16:38:22.421  1536  1548 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7244(561KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(80KB) LOS objects, 36% free, 6MB/10MB, paused 12.939ms total 118.652ms
  1465. 05-01 16:38:22.492  1894  1989 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.android.volley.a.g.c(java.io.InputStream)
  1466. 05-01 16:38:22.600  1536  1937 I Scheduler: Use legacy PeriodicScheduler
  1467. 05-01 16:38:22.765  1536  1937 W InstanceID/Rpc: Found 10020
  1468. 05-01 16:38:22.970  1894  1894 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.a(121): No need to run daily hygiene.
  1469. 05-01 16:38:23.126  1894  1894 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  1470. 05-01 16:38:23.134  1894  1894 W Settings: Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  1471. 05-01 16:38:23.354  1894  2005 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.protobuf.nano.a.c()
  1472. 05-01 16:38:23.585  1894  1914 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 41.717ms
  1473. 05-01 16:38:23.652  1894  1894 E Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.utils.x.a(57): No permission to get location. java.lang.SecurityException: "gps" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
  1474. 05-01 16:38:23.657  1894  1894 E Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.utils.da.a(3106): No permission to get location. java.lang.SecurityException: "fused" location provider requires ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
  1475. 05-01 16:38:23.825  1894  1894 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.c.l.a(270): result=false type=4
  1476. 05-01 16:38:23.850  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2008:com.swapit.expander.de/u0a93 for broadcast com.swapit.expander.de/.srvc$srvc_BR
  1477. 05-01 16:38:23.858  1894  2006 W art     : Verification of boolean com.google.android.gms.common.f.b(android.content.pm.PackageInfo, boolean) took 205.902ms
  1478. 05-01 16:38:23.885  2008  2008 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1479. 05-01 16:38:23.903  2008  2008 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1480. 05-01 16:38:24.070  1894  1894 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.i.j.run(208): Loaded library for account: [ZAG1PMqv_d7gOodEKisKf4rueuI]
  1481. 05-01 16:38:24.070  1894  1894 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.i.j.run(214): Finished loading 1 libraries.
  1482. 05-01 16:38:24.103  1894  1894 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.at.a(1049): Restore complete with 0 success and 0 failed.
  1483. 05-01 16:38:24.124  1607  1607 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED path: /storage/92D8-2717
  1484. 05-01 16:38:24.204  2008  2008 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.__b(byte[], int)
  1485. 05-01 16:38:24.315  2008  2008 W art     : Verification of void com.roehsoft.utils.ResourceReader.<clinit>() took 109.863ms
  1486. 05-01 16:38:24.422  2008  2008 I B4A     : ~e:Init
  1487. 05-01 16:38:24.424  2008  2008 I B4A     : ~e:Prepare busybox.rsft
  1488. 05-01 16:38:24.429  2008  2008 I B4A     : ~e:Found ARCH :: arm
  1489. 05-01 16:38:24.445  2027  2027 I sh      : type=1400 audit(0.0:101): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  1490. 05-01 16:38:24.511  1536  1918 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1491. 05-01 16:38:24.548  2008  2008 I B4A     : Busybox works
  1492. 05-01 16:38:24.616  2038  2038 D su      : su invoked.
  1493. 05-01 16:38:24.781  2008  2008 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.android.vending.licensing.util.Base64.encode(byte[], int, int, byte[], boolean)
  1494. 05-01 16:38:24.787  1820  1871 E ELEVEN  : calling refresh!
  1495. 05-01 16:38:24.861  2046  2046 D su      : su invoked.
  1496. 05-01 16:38:24.877  1034  1045 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@2096894}
  1497. 05-01 16:38:24.932  2053  2053 D su      : su invoked.
  1498. 05-01 16:38:24.989  2060  2060 D su      : su invoked.
  1499. 05-01 16:38:25.183  1607  2025 V MediaScanner: pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@2444fd3
  1500. 05-01 16:38:25.188  1607  2025 V MediaScanner: /pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@2444fd3
  1501. 05-01 16:38:25.246  2067  2067 D su      : su invoked.
  1502. 05-01 16:38:25.569  2074  2074 D su      : su invoked.
  1503. 05-01 16:38:25.898  2008  2008 I B4A     : ~i:** Service (srvc) Create **
  1504. 05-01 16:38:25.900  2008  2008 I B4A     : ~i:** Service (srvc) Start **
  1505. 05-01 16:38:25.904  2008  2008 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.android.vending.licensing.AESObfuscator.unobfuscate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
  1506. 05-01 16:38:25.923  2008  2008 I B4A     : LoadModuleSettings
  1507. 05-01 16:38:25.927  2008  2008 I B4A     : nach reboot android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED
  1508. 05-01 16:38:25.927  2008  2008 I B4A     : mounted /storage/92D8-2717
  1509. 05-01 16:38:25.938  2008  2008 I B4A     : ~i:** Service (srvc) Start **
  1510. 05-01 16:38:25.939  2008  2008 I B4A     : LoadModuleSettings
  1511. 05-01 16:38:25.946  2008  2008 I B4A     : nach reboot android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED
  1512. 05-01 16:38:25.946  2008  2008 I B4A     : mounted /storage/emulated/0
  1513. 05-01 16:38:25.954  1607  1607 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED path: /storage/emulated/0
  1514. 05-01 16:38:25.991  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2077:com.android.settings/1000 for broadcast com.android.settings/.sim.SimSelectNotification
  1515. 05-01 16:38:26.024  2077  2077 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 3 lines
  1516. 05-01 16:38:26.412  1472  1472 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'MOTOROLA-43E8A'
  1517. 05-01 16:38:26.459  1034  1194 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@2096894}
  1518. 05-01 16:38:26.532  1472  1472 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with f8:35:dd:88:5b:ef
  1519. 05-01 16:38:26.564  1472  1472 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with f8:35:dd:88:5b:ef [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  1520. 05-01 16:38:26.564  1472  1472 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to f8:35:dd:88:5b:ef completed [id=0 id_str=]
  1521. 05-01 16:38:26.616  1034  1074 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "MOTOROLA-43E8A", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]}  network{100}  lp{{LinkAddresses: []  Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]}  Score{20}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
  1522. 05-01 16:38:26.616  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
  1523. 05-01 16:38:26.673  1820  1871 E ELEVEN  : calling refresh!
  1524. 05-01 16:38:26.738  1034  1049 W WindowManager: performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked called while in layout. Callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked:8963 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.reevaluateStatusBarVisibility:11117 com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.clearClearableFlagsLw:7009
  1525. 05-01 16:38:26.741   208  1029 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
  1526. 05-01 16:38:26.832  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  1527. 05-01 16:38:26.832  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 57
  1528. 05-01 16:38:26.902  1034  2094 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) DhcpClient expire 4 lines
  1529. 05-01 16:38:26.911  1034  2095 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Thread-96 expire 3 lines
  1530. 05-01 16:38:27.096  1536  1536 D ChimeraCfgMgr: Reading stored module config
  1531. 05-01 16:38:27.112  1607  2076 V MediaScanner: pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@e8e1828
  1532. 05-01 16:38:27.113  1607  2076 V MediaScanner: /pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@e8e1828
  1533. 05-01 16:38:27.168  1782  1782 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:102): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1534. 05-01 16:38:27.203  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  1535. 05-01 16:38:27.267  1572  1572 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()' on a null object reference
  1536. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at com.android.launcher3.util.ThemeUtils.getCurrentIconPack(ThemeUtils.java:17)
  1537. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at com.android.launcher3.Launcher.onResume(Launcher.java:974)
  1538. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnResume(Instrumentation.java:1258)
  1539. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.Activity.performResume(Activity.java:6327)
  1540. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.performResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:3136)
  1541. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.handleResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:3178)
  1542. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1407)
  1543. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  1544. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  1545. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5471)
  1546. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  1547. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726)
  1548. 05-01 16:38:27.268  1572  1572 W System.err:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616)
  1549. 05-01 16:38:27.270  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  1550. 05-01 16:38:27.277  1536  1536 D WearableService: callingUid 10020, callindPid: 1536
  1551. 05-01 16:38:27.368  1782  1782 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:103): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1552. 05-01 16:38:27.393  1536  1536 E GmsWearableNodeHelper: GoogleApiClient connection failed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null}
  1553. 05-01 16:38:27.403  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Facilitator: onFinishInput()
  1554. 05-01 16:38:27.423  1825  2100 D LocationInitializer: Restart initialization of location
  1555. 05-01 16:38:27.431  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
  1556. 05-01 16:38:27.467  1536  2098 E MDM     : [84] b.run: Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null}
  1557. 05-01 16:38:27.764  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  1558. 05-01 16:38:28.261  1825  2106 W IcingInternalCorpora: getNumBytesRead when not calculated.
  1559. 05-01 16:38:28.512  1536  1536 D AuthorizationBluetoothService: Received GmsCore event: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$AutoStarter }.
  1560. 05-01 16:38:28.555  1536  1536 D a       : Opening database auth.proximity.permit_store...
  1561. 05-01 16:38:28.764  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  1562. 05-01 16:38:28.789  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  1563. 05-01 16:38:28.868  1034  1045 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2124:com.android.calendar/u0a28 for broadcast com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver
  1564. 05-01 16:38:28.925  2124  2124 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1565. 05-01 16:38:28.967  2124  2124 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1566. 05-01 16:38:29.309  2124  2124 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Calendar/lib/arm
  1567. 05-01 16:38:29.342  1536  2113 E AppUsageEventWatcher: unexpected event type: 7
  1568. 05-01 16:38:29.481  2124  2124 D ExtensionsFactory: No custom extensions.
  1569. 05-01 16:38:29.500  2124  2124 D AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x20000010 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver }
  1570. 05-01 16:38:29.546  2124  2124 D AlertUtils: Flushing old alerts from shared prefs table
  1571. 05-01 16:38:29.551  2124  2146 D AlertService: 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  1572. 05-01 16:38:29.673  1536  2152 E MDM     : [104] b.run: Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null}
  1573. 05-01 16:38:29.750  1825  2153 D LocationInitializer: Restart initialization of location
  1574. 05-01 16:38:29.781  1536  1536 D AuthorizationBluetoothService: Received GmsCore event: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$AutoStarter }.
  1575. 05-01 16:38:29.830  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  1576. 05-01 16:38:29.837  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 60
  1577. 05-01 16:38:29.912  1034  2157 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2159:com.android.keychain/1000 for service com.android.keychain/.KeyChainService
  1578. 05-01 16:38:29.936  2159  2159 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.keychain expire 3 lines
  1579. 05-01 16:38:29.957  1034  2164 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1580. 05-01 16:38:29.993  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2174:com.vipercn.viper4android_v2/u0a92 for broadcast com.vipercn.viper4android_v2/.receiver.BootCompletedReceiver
  1581. 05-01 16:38:30.009  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier: TouchEvent: ACTION_DOWN but pointers are already down.  Probably missing ACTION_UP from previous gesture.
  1582. 05-01 16:38:30.009  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@39f8f98
  1583. 05-01 16:38:30.009  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   0: sent at 85482117000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=125.08099, y[0]=263.6567, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=85482, downTime=85482, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  1584. 05-01 16:38:30.009  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   -- recent events --
  1585. 05-01 16:38:30.009  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   1: sent at 85482117000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=125.08099, y[0]=263.6567, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=85482, downTime=85482, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  1586. 05-01 16:38:30.055  2174  2174 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1587. 05-01 16:38:30.070  2174  2174 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1588. 05-01 16:38:30.160  1034  2164 I BootReceiver: Copying audit failures to DropBox
  1589. 05-01 16:38:30.161  1034  2164 I BootReceiver: Checking for fsck errors
  1590. 05-01 16:38:30.342  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: System booted.
  1591. 05-01 16:38:30.348  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android_Utils: libV4AJniUtils.so loaded
  1592. 05-01 16:38:30.350  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Jni library status = true
  1593. 05-01 16:38:30.357  1124  1782 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: FrameLayout, destroying layer...
  1594. 05-01 16:38:30.357  1124  1782 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: SplitClockView, destroying layer...
  1595. 05-01 16:38:30.365  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Start viper4android audio service.
  1596. 05-01 16:38:30.403  1553  1553 I HeadsetService: Starting service.
  1597. 05-01 16:38:30.471  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Query ViPER4Android engine ...
  1598. 05-01 16:38:30.528  1034  1194 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2194:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 for broadcast com.evervolv.toolbox/.receivers.BootReceiver
  1599. 05-01 16:38:30.575  2194  2194 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.evervolv.toolbox expire 3 lines
  1600. 05-01 16:38:30.680   211   439 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for uid=10000 => granted (2777 us)
  1601. 05-01 16:38:30.683  1553  1553 W Equalizer: WARNING: attaching an Equalizer to global output mix is deprecated!
  1602. 05-01 16:38:30.690  1553  1553 W BassBoost: WARNING: attaching a BassBoost to global output mix is deprecated!
  1603. 05-01 16:38:30.692  1553  1553 W Virtualizer: WARNING: attaching a Virtualizer to global output mix is deprecated!
  1604. 05-01 16:38:30.700  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Found 12 effects
  1605. 05-01 16:38:30.700  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [1], Loudness Enhancer, The Android Open Source Project
  1606. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [2], Multichannel Downmix To Stereo, The Android Open Source Project
  1607. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [3], Visualizer, The Android Open Source Project
  1608. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [4], Insert Preset Reverb, NXP Software Ltd.
  1609. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [5], Auxiliary Preset Reverb, NXP Software Ltd.
  1610. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [6], Insert Environmental Reverb, NXP Software Ltd.
  1611. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [7], Auxiliary Environmental Reverb, NXP Software Ltd.
  1612. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [8], Volume, NXP Software Ltd.
  1613. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [9], Equalizer, NXP Software Ltd.
  1614. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [10], Virtualizer, NXP Software Ltd.
  1615. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [11], Dynamic Bass Boost, NXP Software Ltd.
  1616. 05-01 16:38:30.701  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: [12], ViPER4Android [], ViPER.WYF
  1617. 05-01 16:38:30.702  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Perfect, found ViPER4Android engine at 12
  1618. 05-01 16:38:30.702  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: The version of ViPER4Android engine is
  1619. 05-01 16:38:30.745  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Current is headset mode
  1620. 05-01 16:38:30.746  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Get current mode from system [headset]
  1621. 05-01 16:38:30.759  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Service launched.
  1622. 05-01 16:38:30.760  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Begin system update(headset)
  1623. 05-01 16:38:30.761  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: showNotification(): show_notify = false
  1624. 05-01 16:38:30.761  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: <+++++++++++++++ Update global effect +++++++++++++++>
  1625. 05-01 16:38:30.761  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: updateSystem(): Effects is invalid!
  1626. 05-01 16:38:30.761  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: <++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>
  1627. 05-01 16:38:30.761  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: <+++++++++++++++ Update local effect +++++++++++++++>
  1628. 05-01 16:38:30.761  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: <+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>
  1629. 05-01 16:38:30.763  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Service::onStartCommand [Begin check driver]
  1630. 05-01 16:38:30.763  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Service::onStartCommand [V4A is local effect mode]
  1631. 05-01 16:38:30.764  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: mRoutingReceiver::onReceive()
  1632. 05-01 16:38:30.764  2174  2174 I ViPER4Android: Headset=true, Bluetooth=false, USB=false
  1633. 05-01 16:38:30.861  1553  1553 I HeadsetService: Headset=true; Bluetooth=false ; USB=false; Speaker=false
  1634. 05-01 16:38:30.864  1553  1553 I HeadsetService: Preferences updated.
  1635. 05-01 16:38:30.874  1034  2094 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) DhcpClient expire 1 line
  1636. 05-01 16:38:30.882   208  1029 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
  1637. 05-01 16:38:30.884  1034  1074 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 4 lines
  1638. 05-01 16:38:30.893  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  1639. 05-01 16:38:30.894  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED
  1640. 05-01 16:38:30.895  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface wlan0 to network 100
  1641. 05-01 16:38:30.932  1034  2094 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) DhcpClient expire 1 line
  1642. 05-01 16:38:30.978  1034  1076 E ConnectivityService: Unexpected mtu value: 0, wlan0
  1643. 05-01 16:38:30.978  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0] to network 100
  1644. 05-01 16:38:30.981  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [ -> wlan0] to network 100
  1645. 05-01 16:38:30.983  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [ -> wlan0] to network 100
  1646. 05-01 16:38:30.987  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Setting Dns servers for network 100 to [/, /]
  1647. 05-01 16:38:31.006  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  1648. 05-01 16:38:31.014  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: scheduleUnvalidatedPrompt 100
  1649. 05-01 16:38:31.014  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: updateSignalStrengthThresholds: CONNECT, sending [] to NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  1650. 05-01 16:38:31.014  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: rematch for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  1651. 05-01 16:38:31.015  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService:    accepting network in place of null
  1652. 05-01 16:38:31.016  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "MOTOROLA-43E8A", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]}  network{100}  lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::21d:feff:fedf:a615/64,,]  Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -61]}  Score{20}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
  1653. 05-01 16:38:31.027  1034  2093 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Thread-94 expire 1 line
  1654. 05-01 16:38:31.042  2194  2194 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.evervolv.toolbox expire 4 lines
  1655. 05-01 16:38:31.067   208  1029 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -A idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=1, res_ipv6=1
  1656. 05-01 16:38:31.069  1034  1076 E ConnectivityService: Exception in setupDataActivityTracking java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '37 idletimer add wlan0 15 1' failed with '400 37 Failed to add interface'
  1657. 05-01 16:38:31.071  1034  2091 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkMonitorN expire 1 line
  1658. 05-01 16:38:31.079  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576
  1659. 05-01 16:38:31.086  1034  1076 D CSLegacyTypeTracker: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] isDefaultNetwork=true
  1660. 05-01 16:38:31.087  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  1661. 05-01 16:38:31.092  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: notifyType PRECHECK for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  1662. 05-01 16:38:31.096  1034  1052 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 1 line
  1663. 05-01 16:38:31.139  2252  2252 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/EVUpdater/lib/arm
  1664. 05-01 16:38:31.144  1034  1074 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 2 lines
  1665. 05-01 16:38:31.159  1034  2091 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkMonitorN expire 1 line
  1666. 05-01 16:38:31.167  1034  1655 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2235:com.evervolv.updater/u0a6 for broadcast com.evervolv.updater/.receivers.BootReceiver
  1667. 05-01 16:38:31.173  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: setProvNotificationVisibleIntent null visible=false networkType=MOBILE extraInfo=null highPriority=false
  1668. 05-01 16:38:31.173  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] validation  passed
  1669. 05-01 16:38:31.174  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  1670. 05-01 16:38:31.184  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION
  1671. 05-01 16:38:31.207  2266  2266 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning/lib/arm
  1672. 05-01 16:38:31.235  2235  2235 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1673. 05-01 16:38:31.251  2235  2235 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1674. 05-01 16:38:31.255  2252  2286 I EVUpdates: Scheduled update check for 86399 seconds from now repeating every 86400 seconds
  1675. 05-01 16:38:31.263  2252  2286 I EVUpdates: Scheduled update check for 2419199 seconds from now repeating every 2419200 seconds
  1676. 05-01 16:38:31.344  2235  2235 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/EVUpdater/lib/arm
  1677. 05-01 16:38:31.352  1034  1047 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines
  1678. 05-01 16:38:31.390  1034  1605 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2252:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a6 for service com.evervolv.updater/.services.UpdateManifestService
  1679. 05-01 16:38:31.425  2252  2252 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1680. 05-01 16:38:31.445  2252  2252 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1681. 05-01 16:38:31.446  1034  1655 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2292:com.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a11 for broadcast com.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver
  1682. 05-01 16:38:31.476  2292  2292 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1683. 05-01 16:38:31.485  1034  1194 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2266:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a9 for broadcast com.android.managedprovisioning/.BootReminder
  1684. 05-01 16:38:31.492  2292  2292 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1685. 05-01 16:38:31.505  2266  2266 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1686. 05-01 16:38:31.545  2266  2266 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1687. 05-01 16:38:31.571  1825  2272 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.contacts.metadata
  1688. 05-01 16:38:31.599  2292  2292 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/OneTimeInitializer/lib/arm
  1689. 05-01 16:38:31.603  2292  2292 V OneTimeInitializerRece: OneTimeInitializerReceiver.onReceive
  1690. 05-01 16:38:31.615  1034  1541 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkTimeUpda expire 1 line
  1691. 05-01 16:38:31.628  1034  1587 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2306:com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a22 for broadcast com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver
  1692. 05-01 16:38:31.686  2306  2306 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1693. 05-01 16:38:31.697  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier: TouchEvent: ACTION_DOWN but pointers are already down.  Probably missing ACTION_UP from previous gesture.
  1694. 05-01 16:38:31.697  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@39f8f98
  1695. 05-01 16:38:31.697  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   0: sent at 87758925000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=230.9776, y[0]=648.15607, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=87758, downTime=87758, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  1696. 05-01 16:38:31.697  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   -- recent events --
  1697. 05-01 16:38:31.697  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   1: sent at 85482117000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=125.08099, y[0]=263.6567, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=85482, downTime=85482, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  1698. 05-01 16:38:31.697  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   2: sent at 85482117000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=125.08099, y[0]=263.6567, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=85482, downTime=85482, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  1699. 05-01 16:38:31.713  2306  2306 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1700. 05-01 16:38:31.892  2306  2306 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GoogleOneTimeInitializer/lib/arm
  1701. 05-01 16:38:31.929  1607  2291 W MediaScanner: Error opening directory '/oem/media/', skipping: No such file or directory.
  1702. 05-01 16:38:31.936  2306  2306 V OneTimeInitializerReceiver: OneTimeInitializerReceiver.onReceive
  1703. 05-01 16:38:31.960  1034  1655 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2322:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a23 for broadcast com.google.android.partnersetup/.GooglePartnerSetup
  1704. 05-01 16:38:31.971  2306  2327 V OneTimeService: OneTimeService.onHandleIntent
  1705. 05-01 16:38:31.996  2322  2322 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1706. 05-01 16:38:32.012  1034  1587 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@57726ed attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@1f770ff
  1707. 05-01 16:38:32.043  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  1708. 05-01 16:38:32.046  2322  2322 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1709. 05-01 16:38:32.106  1124  1782 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: FrameLayout, destroying layer...
  1710. 05-01 16:38:32.106  1124  1782 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: SplitClockView, destroying layer...
  1711. 05-01 16:38:32.153  1034  1044 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 2 lines
  1712. 05-01 16:38:32.168  2306  2327 V OneTimeService: Already run, doing nothing.
  1713. 05-01 16:38:32.177  2322  2322 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GooglePartnerSetup/lib/arm
  1714. 05-01 16:38:32.255  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  1715. 05-01 16:38:32.310  1034  1587 I BroadcastQueue: Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.GooglePartnerSetup
  1716. 05-01 16:38:32.368  1825  2339 I iu.UploadsManager: #reloadSettings(); account: -1; IU: disabled; IS: disabled; IS account: -1; photoWiFi: true; videoWiFi: true; roam: false; battery: true; size: STANDARD; maxMobile: 157286400
  1717. 05-01 16:38:32.407  1034  1200 I BroadcastQueue: Resuming delayed broadcast
  1718. 05-01 16:38:32.434  1034  1587 I BroadcastQueue: Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzPingBroadcastReceiver
  1719. 05-01 16:38:32.438  1034  1577 I BroadcastQueue: Resuming delayed broadcast
  1720. 05-01 16:38:32.445  2124  2124 D AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver (has extras) }
  1721. 05-01 16:38:32.464  1034  1655 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2350:com.android.deskclock/u0a33 for broadcast com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver
  1722. 05-01 16:38:32.506  2350  2350 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1723. 05-01 16:38:32.541  2350  2350 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1724. 05-01 16:38:32.598  1825  2339 I iu.UploadsManager: End new media; added: 0, uploading: 0, time: 229 ms
  1725. 05-01 16:38:32.706  1820  1871 E ELEVEN  : calling refresh!
  1726. 05-01 16:38:32.753  2350  2350 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/DeskClock/lib/arm
  1727. 05-01 16:38:32.857  2322  2322 I RlzPingService: Setting next ping for 1462739912855
  1728. 05-01 16:38:32.871  2350  2350 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  1729. 05-01 16:38:32.887  1825  1825 E ConnectivityChangeReceiver: Ignoring connectivity change
  1730. 05-01 16:38:32.932  1034  1200 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10020/1825 for NetworkRequest [ id=4, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  1731. 05-01 16:38:32.961  2350  2371 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver - Reset timers and clear stopwatch data
  1732. 05-01 16:38:33.030  2350  2371 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished
  1733. 05-01 16:38:33.042  1034  1655 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2373:com.android.gallery3d/u0a41 for broadcast com.android.gallery3d/org.codeaurora.gallery3d.video.DmReceiver
  1734. 05-01 16:38:33.047  1034  1655 I ActivityManager: Killing 1135:com.android.externalstorage/u0a7 (adj 15): empty #17
  1735. 05-01 16:38:33.066  2373  2373 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1736. 05-01 16:38:33.080  2373  2373 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1737. 05-01 16:38:33.230  1607  2291 V MediaScanner: pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@701c440
  1738. 05-01 16:38:33.231  1607  2291 V MediaScanner: /pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@701c440
  1739. 05-01 16:38:33.358  1741  1741 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:105): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 ioctlcmd=92f scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1740. 05-01 16:38:33.358  1741  1741 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:106): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1741. 05-01 16:38:33.573  1825  2285 W DriveInitializer: Awaiting to be initialized
  1742. 05-01 16:38:33.617  1034  1200 W SettingsProvider: You shouldn't keep your settings in the secure settings. This will soon become an error.
  1743. 05-01 16:38:33.667  1034  1577 W SettingsProvider: You shouldn't keep your settings in the secure settings. This will soon become an error.
  1744. 05-01 16:38:33.676  1034  1563 W SettingsProvider: You shouldn't keep your settings in the secure settings. This will soon become an error.
  1745. 05-01 16:38:33.697  1825  2388 W DriveInitializer: Background init thread started
  1746. 05-01 16:38:33.706  1034  1587 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2389:com.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a44 for broadcast com.android.inputmethod.latin/.SystemBroadcastReceiver
  1747. 05-01 16:38:33.712  1034  1587 I ActivityManager: Killing 1475:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  1748. 05-01 16:38:33.736  2389  2389 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1749. 05-01 16:38:33.743  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Facilitator: onFinishInput()
  1750. 05-01 16:38:33.755  2389  2389 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1751. 05-01 16:38:33.893  1572  1741 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: FrameLayout, destroying layer...
  1752. 05-01 16:38:33.893  1572  1741 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: AllAppsRecyclerViewContainerView, destroying layer...
  1753. 05-01 16:38:33.893  1572  1741 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: FrameLayout, destroying layer...
  1754. 05-01 16:38:33.893  1572  1741 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: Hotseat, destroying layer...
  1755. 05-01 16:38:33.893  1572  1741 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: PageIndicator, destroying layer...
  1756. 05-01 16:38:33.989  1825  1849 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4693(424KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(80KB) LOS objects, 8% free, 6MB/7MB, paused 5.309ms total 47.911ms
  1757. 05-01 16:38:34.053  2124  2146 I GlobalDismissManager: no sender configured
  1758. 05-01 16:38:34.054  2124  2146 D AlertService: Beginning updateAlertNotification
  1759. 05-01 16:38:34.127  1825  2388 W DriveInitializer: Background init thread ended
  1760. 05-01 16:38:34.156  2124  2146 D AlertService: No fired or scheduled alerts
  1761. 05-01 16:38:34.199  2389  2389 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: Boot has been completed
  1762. 05-01 16:38:34.199  2389  2389 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: toggleAppIcon() : FLAG_SYSTEM = true
  1763. 05-01 16:38:34.257  2124  2146 D AlertService: Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  1764. 05-01 16:38:34.259  2389  2389 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: Killing my process: pid=2389
  1765. 05-01 16:38:34.259  2389  2389 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 2389 SIG: 9
  1766. 05-01 16:38:34.315  1034  1587 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.inputmethod.latin (pid 2389) has died
  1767. 05-01 16:38:34.326  2124  2146 D AlarmScheduler: No events found starting within 1 week.
  1768. 05-01 16:38:34.348  2124  2146 D AlertService: 0 Action = android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  1769. 05-01 16:38:34.362  2124  2146 D AlertService: Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  1770. 05-01 16:38:34.487  2124  2146 D AlarmScheduler: No events found starting within 1 week.
  1771. 05-01 16:38:34.489  1825  2422 D FileApkUtils: Optimizing (staging complete)
  1772. 05-01 16:38:34.490  1825  2422 D FileApkUtils: Optimizing: DynamiteModules-prod.apk [fdfb569e40e8d7623a6645d047b65e3e797a291b57dbecb4cf28ad54e1bf94db]
  1773. 05-01 16:38:34.515  1825  2422 D DexOptUtils: Module /data/user/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000000/DynamiteModules-prod.apk appears to be unoptimized.
  1774. 05-01 16:38:34.515  1825  2422 D DexOptUtils: Post L_MR1 platform, using oat/<isa> directory.
  1775. 05-01 16:38:34.516  1963  2420 I GoogleHttpClient: GMS http client unavailable, use old client
  1776. 05-01 16:38:34.517  1825  2422 D DexOptUtils: Instantiating DexClassLoader to force creation of odex.
  1777. 05-01 16:38:34.517  1825  2422 D DexOptUtils: Primary ABI of odexing process is armeabi-v7a
  1778. 05-01 16:38:34.519  1825  2422 W art     : Generation of oat file /data/user/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000000/oat/arm/DynamiteModules-prod.dex not attempted because dex2oat is disabled
  1779. 05-01 16:38:34.785  1825  1825 W InstanceID/Rpc: Found 10020
  1780. 05-01 16:38:35.094  1825  2422 D DexOptUtils: Odex not created. It may have already been created and renamed.
  1781. 05-01 16:38:35.141  1825  2429 D GCM     : COMPAT: Multi user ser=0 current=0
  1782. 05-01 16:38:35.213  1536  1536 D GCM     : COMPAT: Multi user ser=0 current=0
  1783. 05-01 16:38:35.242  1825  2429 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED}]
  1784. 05-01 16:38:35.298  1825  2434 I CheckinService: Disabling old GoogleServicesFramework version
  1785. 05-01 16:38:35.388  1034  1655 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.datanasov.popupvideo/.activities.MainActivity (has extras)} from uid 10008 on display 0
  1786. 05-01 16:38:35.457  1825  1825 D BootCompletedReceiver: Will schedule periodic tasks:android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED.
  1787. 05-01 16:38:35.458  1825  1825 D BootCompletedReceiver: Got an BootCompleted event.
  1788. 05-01 16:38:35.545  1825  2436 V CheckinService: No Subscriptions found on the device
  1789. 05-01 16:38:35.592  1825  1825 D BootCompletedReceiver: Will NOT schedule AdAttestation signal task because it's disabled.
  1790. 05-01 16:38:35.593  1825  1825 D SystemUpdateService: onCreate
  1791. 05-01 16:38:35.594  1034  1605 I BroadcastQueue: Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.gass.chimera.BootCompletedBroadcastReceiver
  1792. 05-01 16:38:35.641  1825  1825 D SystemUpdateService: onStartCommand: intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.update.SystemUpdateService (has extras) }
  1793. 05-01 16:38:35.705  1825  2441 V AuthZen : Handling intent: android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  1794. 05-01 16:38:35.788  1034  1605 I BroadcastQueue: Resuming delayed broadcast
  1795. 05-01 16:38:35.887  1825  2436 I CheckinService: Checking schedule, now: 1462135115887 next: 1462171395126
  1796. 05-01 16:38:35.887  1825  2436 I CheckinService: active receiver: disabled
  1797. 05-01 16:38:35.891  1825  2441 D AuthZenEventHandler: Handling event: android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  1798. 05-01 16:38:36.224  1825  2442 W art     : Verification of com.google.android.gms.icing.j com.google.android.gms.icing.NativeIndex.b(java.lang.String) took 280.486ms
  1799. 05-01 16:38:36.272  1838  2449 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) measurement-1 expire 3 lines
  1800. 05-01 16:38:36.275  1825  1849 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 26.123ms
  1801. 05-01 16:38:36.283  1825  1849 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7722(959KB) AllocSpace objects, 24(480KB) LOS objects, 13% free, 7MB/8MB, paused 29.083ms total 241.241ms
  1802. 05-01 16:38:36.316  1838  1838 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) expire 11 lines
  1803. 05-01 16:38:36.444  1825  2441 W BaseAppContext: Using Auth Proxy for data requests.
  1804. 05-01 16:38:36.647  1825  2441 E BaseAppContext: Tried to stop global GMSCore RequestQueue. This is likely unintended, so ignoring.
  1805. 05-01 16:38:36.785  1825  2441 I AuthZen : Fetching signing key...
  1806. 05-01 16:38:36.845  1825  2441 I AuthZen : Signing key fetched successfully!
  1807. 05-01 16:38:36.866  1825  2450 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.android.volley.toolbox.DiskBasedCache.readString(java.io.InputStream)
  1808. 05-01 16:38:36.888  1825  2441 W BaseAppContext: Using Auth Proxy for data requests.
  1809. 05-01 16:38:36.941  1825  2441 D a       : Opening database auth.proximity.permit_store...
  1810. 05-01 16:38:36.955  1825  2441 D AuthZenTransactionCache: Initialized cache in: /data/user/0/com.google.android.gms/files
  1811. 05-01 16:38:36.956  1825  2441 D AuthZenTransactionCache: Clearing transaction cache
  1812. 05-01 16:38:37.012  1825  2440 I SystemUpdateService: cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  1813. 05-01 16:38:37.012  1825  2440 I SystemUpdateService: active receiver: disabled
  1814. 05-01 16:38:37.037  1034  1649 D PackageManager: Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateService$ActiveReceiver
  1815. 05-01 16:38:37.201  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onCreate()
  1816. 05-01 16:38:37.254  1825  1825 D SystemUpdateService: onDestroy
  1817. 05-01 16:38:37.257  1536  2457 D GCM     : GcmService start Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  1818. 05-01 16:38:37.389  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  1819. 05-01 16:38:37.401  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  1820. 05-01 16:38:37.535  1536  2456 I GCM     : GCM config loaded
  1821. 05-01 16:38:37.718  1536  2461 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater received intent Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) } with receiverAction android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  1822. 05-01 16:38:37.871  1838  2474 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) RenderThread expire 3 lines
  1823. 05-01 16:38:37.967  1536  2468 I GCM     : Ack for not saved message 72
  1824. 05-01 16:38:37.995  1536  1536 W Auth    : [FRP,FrpUpdateIntentService] Received invalid intent action: com.google.android.gms.auth.ACTION_INVALID
  1825. 05-01 16:38:38.110  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  1826. 05-01 16:38:38.121  1894  1916 I Finsky  : [94] com.google.android.finsky.billing.iab.o.a(5172): com.datanasov.popupvideo: Account determined from installer data - [ZAG1PMqv_d7gOodEKisKf4rueuI]
  1827. 05-01 16:38:38.341  1536  1536 D PersistentNotificationBroadcastReceiver: Received intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.common.notification.PersistentNotificationBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
  1828. 05-01 16:38:38.432  1034  1076 D ConnectivityService: handlePromptUnvalidated 100
  1829. 05-01 16:38:38.490  1034  1048 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{d88d5e8 u0 com.swapit.expander.de/.srvc}
  1830. 05-01 16:38:38.538  1894  1997 D Volley  : [106] g.b: Cache cleared.
  1831. 05-01 16:38:38.538  1894  1989 D Volley  : [99] g.b: Cache cleared.
  1832. 05-01 16:38:38.554  1034  1577 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2482:com.google.android.gm/u0a81 for broadcast com.google.android.gm/.GoogleMailDeviceStartupReceiver
  1833. 05-01 16:38:38.636  2482  2482 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1834. 05-01 16:38:38.650  2482  2482 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1835. 05-01 16:38:38.774  2482  2482 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.google.android.gm-1/lib/arm
  1836. 05-01 16:38:38.940  1536  2461 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater:android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED: Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: {account#4#=[InactiveReason{mVersionCode=0, mIdentifier=6, mName='ReportingNotEnabled'}]}
  1837. 05-01 16:38:38.964  1536  2461 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  1838. 05-01 16:38:38.964  1536  2461 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  1839. 05-01 16:38:39.000  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onDestroy()
  1840. 05-01 16:38:39.000  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Stopping handler for UlrDispSvcFast
  1841. 05-01 16:38:39.008  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  1842. 05-01 16:38:39.008  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  1843. 05-01 16:38:39.457  1838  2496 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) expire 3 lines
  1844. 05-01 16:38:39.844  2474  2474 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) RenderThread expire 1 line
  1845. 05-01 16:38:40.273  1034  1053 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.datanasov.popupvideo/.activities.MainActivity: +4s794ms
  1846. 05-01 16:38:40.464  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Facilitator: onFinishInput()
  1847. 05-01 16:38:40.537  1894  1915 I Finsky  : [93] com.google.android.finsky.billing.iab.o.a(5172): com.datanasov.popupvideo: Account determined from installer data - [ZAG1PMqv_d7gOodEKisKf4rueuI]
  1848. 05-01 16:38:40.542  1894  1916 I Finsky  : [94] com.google.android.finsky.billing.iab.o.a(5172): com.datanasov.popupvideo: Account determined from installer data - [ZAG1PMqv_d7gOodEKisKf4rueuI]
  1849. 05-01 16:38:40.545  1838  2508 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) ion-ion expire 3 lines
  1850. 05-01 16:38:40.562  1894  1915 I Finsky  : [93] com.google.android.finsky.billing.iab.o.a(5172): com.datanasov.popupvideo: Account determined from installer data - [ZAG1PMqv_d7gOodEKisKf4rueuI]
  1851. 05-01 16:38:40.601  1894  1916 I Finsky  : [94] com.google.android.finsky.billing.iab.o.a(5172): com.datanasov.popupvideo: Account determined from installer data - [ZAG1PMqv_d7gOodEKisKf4rueuI]
  1852. 05-01 16:38:40.749  1825  1825 I GAv4-SVC: Google Analytics 8.7.03 is starting up.
  1853. 05-01 16:38:40.809  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  1854. 05-01 16:38:40.940  1838  2513 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) AsyncTask #2 expire 4 lines
  1855. 05-01 16:38:41.173  1825  2518 W art     : Verification of android.os.Handler com.google.android.gms.analytics.AnalyticsService.a(com.google.android.gms.analytics.AnalyticsService) took 102.081ms
  1856. 05-01 16:38:41.561  2482  2525 I Gmail   : getAccountsCursor
  1857. 05-01 16:38:41.585  2482  2526 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.google.android.gmail.provider;com.android.mail.notifier;com.google.android.gm.email.provider;com.google.android.gm.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
  1858. 05-01 16:38:41.633  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  1859. 05-01 16:38:42.336  1825  2531 I iu.UploadsManager: End new media; added: 0, uploading: 0, time: 98 ms
  1860. 05-01 16:38:42.350  2482  2526 W art     : Verification of void awp.onCreate(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase) took 154.205ms
  1861. 05-01 16:38:42.546  2482  2482 W Primes  : Primes.initialize(...) must be called before using any instrumentation, instrumentation will be skipped.
  1862. 05-01 16:38:42.566  1838  2533 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) fifo-pool-threa expire 3 lines
  1863. 05-01 16:38:42.597  1894  1990 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.a.a.a.h.a(javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket, com.a.a.a.f)
  1864. 05-01 16:38:42.654  2482  2482 W GAV2    : Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
  1865. 05-01 16:38:42.750  2482  2482 W Primes  : Primes.initialize(...) must be called before using any instrumentation, instrumentation will be skipped.
  1866. 05-01 16:38:42.882  2482  2525 I Gmail   : getAccountsCursor
  1867. 05-01 16:38:42.904  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  1868. 05-01 16:38:42.960  1522  1522 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: Boot has been completed
  1869. 05-01 16:38:42.960  1522  1522 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: toggleAppIcon() : FLAG_SYSTEM = false
  1870. 05-01 16:38:42.982  2008  2008 I B4A     : ~i:** Service (srvc) Start **
  1871. 05-01 16:38:42.982  1034  1200 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.apps.plus/com.google.android.libraries.social.notifications.impl.BootCompletedReceiver requires android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED due to sender null (uid 1000)
  1872. 05-01 16:38:42.983  2008  2008 I B4A     : LoadModuleSettings
  1873. 05-01 16:38:43.001  1034  1048 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2543:com.synetics.stay.alive/u0a82 for broadcast com.synetics.stay.alive/.autostart$autostart_BR
  1874. 05-01 16:38:43.006  2008  2008 I B4A     : nach reboot android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  1875. 05-01 16:38:43.009  1894  1990 W art     : Verification of b.h b.s.b(b.j) took 105.041ms
  1876. 05-01 16:38:43.027  2543  2543 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1877. 05-01 16:38:43.039  2482  2539 W art     : Verification of java.util.Collection ayi.c(android.content.Context) took 234.375ms
  1878. 05-01 16:38:43.052  2543  2543 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1879. 05-01 16:38:43.052  2482  2540 I Gmail   : No Email application installed
  1880. 05-01 16:38:43.052  2482  2540 I EmailMigration: No data to migrate
  1881. 05-01 16:38:43.052  2482  2540 W EmailMigration: No Exchange migration, not the right Email provider version
  1882. 05-01 16:38:43.054  2008  2008 I B4A     : BOOTCOMPLETE AUTO: true -false
  1883. 05-01 16:38:43.076  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  1884. 05-01 16:38:43.139  2482  2539 W art     : Verification of void ayi.c(android.content.Context, long) took 100.402ms
  1885. 05-01 16:38:43.180  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Facilitator: onFinishInput()
  1886. 05-01 16:38:43.198  1522  1522 D KeyboardTheme: No property defined for ro.com.google.ime.theme_id
  1887. 05-01 16:38:43.232  2482  2526 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean ayi.c(android.content.Context, java.lang.String) from SourceFile:4294967295 waiters=0 for 193ms
  1888. 05-01 16:38:43.342  2482  2525 W art     : Verification of void dhg.<init>(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took 217.285ms
  1889. 05-01 16:38:43.352  2482  2539 W art     : Verification of void com.android.email.service.Pop3Service.<init>() took 120.880ms
  1890. 05-01 16:38:43.435  1894  1990 W art     : Verification of java.util.List com.a.a.a.a.u.a(com.a.a.t, java.lang.String) took 183.013ms
  1891. 05-01 16:38:43.533  1522  1522 W RichInputMethodSubtype: Can't find emoji subtype
  1892. 05-01 16:38:43.533  1522  1522 W RichInputMethodSubtype: No input method subtype found; returning dummy subtype: Multi-lingual subtype: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype@d78b2ed0, zz
  1893. 05-01 16:38:43.581  2543  2543 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.synetics.stay.alive-1/lib/arm
  1894. 05-01 16:38:43.584  1894  1990 W art     : Verification of boolean com.a.a.a.a.u.a(java.lang.String) took 148.620ms
  1895. 05-01 16:38:43.586  1894  1990 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String b.j.a()
  1896. 05-01 16:38:43.635  1034  1605 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2565:com.grarak.kerneladiutor/u0a80 for broadcast com.grarak.kerneladiutor/.services.BootReceiver
  1897. 05-01 16:38:43.660  1522  1522 W art     : Method processed more than once: void com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.CodesArrayParser.<clinit>()
  1898. 05-01 16:38:43.696  2565  2565 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1899. 05-01 16:38:43.706  2482  2525 W art     : Verification of org.apache.http.HttpResponse dhg.a(org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest) took 135.437ms
  1900. 05-01 16:38:43.717  2565  2565 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1901. 05-01 16:38:43.795  2543  2543 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.__b(byte[], int)
  1902. 05-01 16:38:43.864  2565  2565 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.grarak.kerneladiutor-1/lib/arm
  1903. 05-01 16:38:44.012  1894  1990 D Volley  : [100] c.a: HTTP response for request=<[ ] https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/bulkDetails 0xe8d195d1 NORMAL 2> [lifetime=3341], [size=415], [rc=200], [retryCount=0]
  1904. 05-01 16:38:44.287  1894  1990 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.finsky.protos.oi.<init>() took 235.656ms
  1905. 05-01 16:38:44.357  2565  2565 E KernelAdiutorPlugin: File does not exist /data/user/0/com.grarak.kerneladiutor/files/profiles.json
  1906. 05-01 16:38:44.417  2543  2543 I B4A     : ~i:** Service (autostart) Create **
  1907. 05-01 16:38:44.418  2565  2565 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: initialize
  1908. 05-01 16:38:44.420  2543  2543 I B4A     : ~i:** Service (autostart) Start **
  1909. 05-01 16:38:44.421  2565  2565 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: Applying on boot for CPUFragment
  1910. 05-01 16:38:44.576  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=com.google.android.location.internal.server.ACTION_RESTARTED}]
  1911. 05-01 16:38:44.593  1522  1522 I EmojiCategory: Last Emoji category id is 8
  1912. 05-01 16:38:44.599  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onCreate()
  1913. 05-01 16:38:44.656  2482  2525 W art     : Verification of void dhg.a(int, int) took 950.103ms
  1914. 05-01 16:38:44.659  2482  2539 I Gmail   : Initiated Service map for: [gPop3, gLegacyImap, gEas, gmail]
  1915. 05-01 16:38:44.677  2565  2565 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: Applying on boot for IOFragment
  1916. 05-01 16:38:44.713  1894  1990 W art     : Verification of int com.google.android.finsky.protos.oi.f() took 419.036ms
  1917. 05-01 16:38:44.723  1522  1522 W ViewPager: Requested offscreen page limit 0 too small; defaulting to 1
  1918. 05-01 16:38:44.728  2482  2526 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName!(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) from Class.java:4294967294 waiters=0 for 1.311s
  1919. 05-01 16:38:44.732  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Facilitator: onStartInput()
  1920. 05-01 16:38:44.740  1522  1522 D KeyboardTheme: No property defined for ro.com.google.ime.theme_id
  1921. 05-01 16:38:44.740  1522  1522 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
  1922. 05-01 16:38:44.784  1034  1048 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{2ca66d6 u0 com.vipercn.viper4android_v2/.service.ViPER4AndroidService}
  1923. 05-01 16:38:44.865  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Facilitator: resetDictionaries() : en_US
  1924. 05-01 16:38:44.867  1522  1522 I StatsUtilsManager: onLoadSettings()
  1925. 05-01 16:38:44.875   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  1926. 05-01 16:38:44.875   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: not calling select_devices (no active_out)
  1927. 05-01 16:38:44.883  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DecoderInitializer: run()
  1928. 05-01 16:38:44.885  1522  2585 I Decoder : createOrResetDecoder
  1929. 05-01 16:38:44.895   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  1930. 05-01 16:38:44.939  1034  1044 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 18751(1195KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(100KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 11MB/15MB, paused 6.134ms total 157.989ms
  1931. 05-01 16:38:44.974  1536  1536 V UserPresentBroadcastReceiver: Received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver }.
  1932. 05-01 16:38:44.983  2565  2565 W art     : Verification of android.content.Intent android.support.v4.app.NavUtils.getParentActivityIntent(android.content.Context, android.content.ComponentName) took 172.393ms
  1933. 05-01 16:38:45.047  2482  2539 W art     : Verification of android.os.Bundle bda.a(com.android.emailcommon.service.HostAuthCompat) took 247.619ms
  1934. 05-01 16:38:45.198  2482  2525 W art     : Verification of void dhg.a(boolean) took 396.697ms
  1935. 05-01 16:38:45.204  1894  1990 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.finsky.protos.hf.<init>() took 402.282ms
  1936. 05-01 16:38:45.205  2482  2539 W art     : Verification of void bda.b(long, long) took 154.144ms
  1937. 05-01 16:38:45.272  1034  1605 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2596:org.chromium.chrome/u0a32 for broadcast org.chromium.chrome/.browser.precache.PrecacheServiceLauncher
  1938. 05-01 16:38:45.287  2482  2530 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(android.os.Message, long) from MessageQueue.java:584 waiters=0 for 3.173s
  1939. 05-01 16:38:45.307  1536  2583 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater received intent Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) } with receiverAction com.google.android.location.internal.server.ACTION_RESTARTED
  1940. 05-01 16:38:45.309  2596  2596 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1941. 05-01 16:38:45.330  1034  1587 D PackageManager: Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateActivity
  1942. 05-01 16:38:45.335  1034  1577 D PackageManager: Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateService$SecretCodeReceiver
  1943. 05-01 16:38:45.338  1034  1649 D PackageManager: Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateService$Receiver
  1944. 05-01 16:38:45.342  2596  2596 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1945. 05-01 16:38:45.342  2543  2543 I B4A     : ~i:** Service (autostart) Destroy **
  1946. 05-01 16:38:45.375  1522  2608 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  1947. 05-01 16:38:45.409  2482  2548 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(android.os.Message, long) from MessageQueue.java:584 waiters=1 for 2.068s
  1948. 05-01 16:38:45.458  2482  2542 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=java.util.List dhg.a(android.content.Context, android.accounts.Account[]) from SourceFile:4294967295 waiters=0 for 2.183s
  1949. 05-01 16:38:45.482  1034  1563 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gm/com.android.email.service.AttachmentService } U=0: not found
  1950. 05-01 16:38:45.567  2482  2548 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean libcore.io.Posix.access(java.lang.String, int) from Posix.java:4294967294 waiters=0 for 141ms
  1951. 05-01 16:38:45.582  1034  1649 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gm.email.EXCHANGE_INTENT pkg=com.google.android.gm.exchange } U=0: not found
  1952. 05-01 16:38:45.597  1034  1045 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gm.email.EXCHANGE_INTENT pkg=com.google.android.gm.exchange } U=0: not found
  1953. 05-01 16:38:45.626  1894  1914 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 5.279ms
  1954. 05-01 16:38:45.637  1894  1914 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8360(448KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 12% free, 4MB/4MB, paused 6.530ms total 32.257ms
  1955. 05-01 16:38:45.685  2482  2611 I Gmail   : Observing account changes for notifications
  1956. 05-01 16:38:45.705  1894  2520 I Finsky  : [118] com.google.android.finsky.billing.iab.o.a(5172): com.datanasov.popupvideo: Account determined from installer data - [ZAG1PMqv_d7gOodEKisKf4rueuI]
  1957. 05-01 16:38:45.769  1522  2608 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  1958. 05-01 16:38:45.769  1522  2608 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  1959. 05-01 16:38:45.769  1522  2608 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  1960. 05-01 16:38:45.769  1522  2608 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  1961. 05-01 16:38:45.769  1522  2608 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  1962. 05-01 16:38:45.769  1522  2608 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  1963. 05-01 16:38:45.785  2174  2192 I ViPER4Android: Media mounted, now updating parameters
  1964. 05-01 16:38:45.786  2174  2192 I ViPER4Android: Begin system update(headset)
  1965. 05-01 16:38:45.786  2174  2192 I ViPER4Android: <+++++++++++++++ Update global effect +++++++++++++++>
  1966. 05-01 16:38:45.786  2174  2192 I ViPER4Android: updateSystem(): Effects is invalid!
  1967. 05-01 16:38:45.786  2174  2192 I ViPER4Android: <++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>
  1968. 05-01 16:38:45.786  2174  2192 I ViPER4Android: <+++++++++++++++ Update local effect +++++++++++++++>
  1969. 05-01 16:38:45.786  2174  2192 I ViPER4Android: <+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>
  1970. 05-01 16:38:45.788  1034  1655 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gm.email.EXCHANGE_INTENT pkg=com.google.android.gm.exchange } U=0: not found
  1971. 05-01 16:38:45.789  1034  1577 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gm.email.EXCHANGE_INTENT pkg=com.google.android.gm.exchange } U=0: not found
  1972. 05-01 16:38:45.845  1522  2608 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1973. 05-01 16:38:45.883  1034  1066 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000010
  1974. 05-01 16:38:45.913   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  1975. 05-01 16:38:45.914   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  1976. 05-01 16:38:45.914   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  1977. 05-01 16:38:45.914   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  1978. 05-01 16:38:45.914   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,0,0
  1979. 05-01 16:38:45.939   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 117,117,0
  1980. 05-01 16:38:45.941   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 0,0,0
  1981. 05-01 16:38:45.941   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 0,0,0
  1982. 05-01 16:38:45.942   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 0,0,0
  1983. 05-01 16:38:45.942   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 0,0,0
  1984. 05-01 16:38:45.943   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: enable headphones
  1985. 05-01 16:38:45.943   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=y skr=n mic=y
  1986. 05-01 16:38:45.953  2482  2525 W art     : Verification of java.lang.StringBuilder gpn.a(java.lang.StringBuilder, java.util.Iterator) took 191.680ms
  1987. 05-01 16:38:46.164   211   430 W AudioFlinger: write blocked for 1268 msecs, 1 delayed writes, thread 0x744c0000
  1988. 05-01 16:38:46.178   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  1989. 05-01 16:38:46.215   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  1990. 05-01 16:38:46.254   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  1991. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread: Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection bdy@4885a35 that was originally bound here
  1992. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread: android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection bdy@4885a35 that was originally bound here
  1993. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1093)
  1994. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:987)
  1995. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1314)
  1996. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1297)
  1997. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:610)
  1998. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at bdw.a(SourceFile:243)
  1999. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at bdw.d(SourceFile:286)
  2000. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at ayi.c(SourceFile:177)
  2001. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at awj.a(SourceFile:201)
  2002. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at awj.a(SourceFile:145)
  2003. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService.c(SourceFile:343)
  2004. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService.onHandleIntent(SourceFile:1328)
  2005. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.IntentService$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(IntentService.java:66)
  2006. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  2007. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  2008. 05-01 16:38:46.290  2482  2482 E ActivityThread:        at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  2009. 05-01 16:38:46.293  1034  1605 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@8b893e5
  2010. 05-01 16:38:46.346  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.MainLanguageModelLoader: run()
  2011. 05-01 16:38:46.431  2596  2596 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Chromium/lib/arm
  2012. 05-01 16:38:46.464  1536  2583 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater:com.google.android.location.internal.server.ACTION_RESTARTED: Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: {account#4#=[InactiveReason{mVersionCode=0, mIdentifier=6, mName='ReportingNotEnabled'}]}
  2013. 05-01 16:38:46.477  1536  2583 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  2014. 05-01 16:38:46.477  1536  2583 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  2015. 05-01 16:38:46.498  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.MainLanguageModelLoader: loadStaticLm() : Loading File = /data/user/0/com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/files/dicts/en_US/main%00003aen_us (offset=0, length=4430832) with up to date LoudsLmContentVersion = 20160111
  2016. 05-01 16:38:46.502  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DynamicLanguageModelLoader: run()
  2017. 05-01 16:38:46.512  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DynamicLanguageModelLoader: run() : Loading LM = history
  2018. 05-01 16:38:46.513  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onDestroy()
  2019. 05-01 16:38:46.513  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Stopping handler for UlrDispSvcFast
  2020. 05-01 16:38:46.514  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DynamicLanguageModelLoader: run() : Loaded File = UserHistory.en_US.dict
  2021. 05-01 16:38:46.514  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DynamicLanguageModelLoader: run() : Loading LM = user
  2022. 05-01 16:38:46.516  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.DynamicLanguageModelLoader: run() : Loaded File = Personal.en_US.dict
  2023. 05-01 16:38:46.516  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.PersonalDictionaryLoader: run() : Loaded (exit)
  2024. 05-01 16:38:46.517  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.Delight2FileSweeper: run()
  2025. 05-01 16:38:46.517  1522  2585 I Keyboard.Facilitator.RecurringTaskScheduler: run()
  2026. 05-01 16:38:46.517  1522  2585 I StatsUtilsManager: startPeriodStatsRecorder() : Success
  2027. 05-01 16:38:46.517  1522  2585 I PeriodicStatsRecorder: shouldRecordStats() = Too Soon
  2028. 05-01 16:38:46.524  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  2029. 05-01 16:38:46.524  1536  1536 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  2030. 05-01 16:38:46.821  2596  2596 W art     : Verification of org.chromium.content.browser.TracingControllerAndroid org.chromium.content.app.ContentApplication.getTracingController() took 100.067ms
  2031. 05-01 16:38:46.851  1034  1080 D NotificationSQLiteLog: Pruned event entries: 0
  2032. 05-01 16:38:47.258  1034  1047 W Searchables: No global search activity found
  2033. 05-01 16:38:47.344   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2034. 05-01 16:38:47.374   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(36)
  2035. 05-01 16:38:47.387  1536  1536 I GCoreNlp: !shouldConfirmNlp, ensuring user opted into NLP
  2036. 05-01 16:38:47.455  2596  2596 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false
  2037. 05-01 16:38:47.614  1825  1825 D NetworkLogImpl: Loaded NetworkSpeedPredictor
  2038. 05-01 16:38:47.619  1825  1825 I iu.Environment: update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true*
  2039. 05-01 16:38:47.657  2596  2596 I cr_LibraryLoader: Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
  2040. 05-01 16:38:47.666  1825  2625 I iu.SyncManager: SYNC; picasa accounts
  2041. 05-01 16:38:47.704  1034  1587 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2627:com.google.android.apps.plus/u0a85 for broadcast com.google.android.apps.plus/com.google.android.libraries.social.autobackup.AutoBackupEnvironment$ConnectivityReceiver
  2042. 05-01 16:38:47.747  2627  2627 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2043. 05-01 16:38:47.774   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2044. 05-01 16:38:47.785  2627  2627 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2045. 05-01 16:38:47.818  2482  2535 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String coi.d()
  2046. 05-01 16:38:47.819  2482  2535 I GAV2    : Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
  2047. 05-01 16:38:47.824   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  2048. 05-01 16:38:47.911  2596  2596 I cr_LibraryLoader: Loading chrome_public
  2049. 05-01 16:38:47.917  1825  2625 I iu.UploadsManager: num queued entries: 0
  2050. 05-01 16:38:47.920  1825  2625 I iu.UploadsManager: num updated entries: 0
  2051. 05-01 16:38:47.923  1825  2625 I iu.SyncManager: NEXT; no task
  2052. 05-01 16:38:48.174   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2053. 05-01 16:38:48.224   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(5)
  2054. 05-01 16:38:48.372  2482  2525 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(int, android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel, int) from Binder.java:4294967294 waiters=0 for 2.160s
  2055. 05-01 16:38:48.444  2482  2616 I Gmail   : notifyAccountChanged
  2056. 05-01 16:38:48.535  2482  2616 I Gmail   : calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: queueing
  2057. 05-01 16:38:48.537   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2058. 05-01 16:38:48.568  2482  2542 I Gmail   : Sending provider changed intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://gmail-ls/unread/^i (has extras) }
  2059. 05-01 16:38:48.607  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2060. 05-01 16:38:48.621  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2061. 05-01 16:38:48.824   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2062. 05-01 16:38:48.874   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  2063. 05-01 16:38:49.157   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2064. 05-01 16:38:49.239  2482  2542 I Gmail   : Sending provider changed intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://gmail-ls/unread/^iim (has extras) }
  2065. 05-01 16:38:49.239  2627  2627 W art     : Verification of void kqs.<clinit>() took 805.236ms
  2066. 05-01 16:38:49.358  2482  2616 I Gmail   : calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: queueing
  2067. 05-01 16:38:49.360  1034  1048 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{ae33a59 u0 com.android.calendar/.alerts.InitAlarmsService}
  2068. 05-01 16:38:49.415  2482  2616 I Gmail   : calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: running
  2069. 05-01 16:38:49.437   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2070. 05-01 16:38:49.478  2482  2616 I Gmail   : calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: running
  2071. 05-01 16:38:49.505  2482  2525 W Gmail   : AccountHistory cannot find the addedEvent of 1407779184 (went back to 1407779184)
  2072. 05-01 16:38:49.698  2482  2526 I Gmail   : getAccountsCursor
  2073. 05-01 16:38:49.700  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2074. 05-01 16:38:49.809  2482  2526 W Gmail   : AccountHistory cannot find the addedEvent of 1407779184 (went back to 1407779184)
  2075. 05-01 16:38:49.824   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2076. 05-01 16:38:49.842  2482  2539 I Gmail   : getAccountsCursor
  2077. 05-01 16:38:49.874   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  2078. 05-01 16:38:49.882  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2079. 05-01 16:38:50.016  2482  2539 W Gmail   : AccountHistory cannot find the addedEvent of 1407779184 (went back to 1407779184)
  2080. 05-01 16:38:50.032  2596  2596 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 2554 ms (timestamps 3543-6097)
  2081. 05-01 16:38:50.032  2596  2596 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "49.0.2571.0", actual native library version number "49.0.2571.0"
  2082. 05-01 16:38:50.033  2596  2596 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(130)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  2083. 05-01 16:38:50.103  2627  2627 W art     : Verification of void blq.<init>(blt) took 274.536ms
  2084. 05-01 16:38:50.124   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2085. 05-01 16:38:50.174   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(5)
  2086. 05-01 16:38:50.385  1034  1074 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "MOTOROLA-43E8A"-WPA_PSK with 2427
  2087. 05-01 16:38:50.387   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2088. 05-01 16:38:50.425  2596  2596 I chromium.chrome: type=1400 audit(0.0:108): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2089. 05-01 16:38:50.438  2596  2596 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  2090. 05-01 16:38:50.438  2596  2596 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  2091. 05-01 16:38:50.438  2596  2596 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  2092. 05-01 16:38:50.438  2596  2596 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  2093. 05-01 16:38:50.438  2596  2596 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  2094. 05-01 16:38:50.438  2596  2596 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  2095. 05-01 16:38:50.637   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2096. 05-01 16:38:50.752  2596  2596 W Adreno200-ES20: <get_simple_queries:1379>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
  2097. 05-01 16:38:50.886  1034  1052 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@bf1ff21:true
  2098. 05-01 16:38:50.920  2596  2596 E chromium: [ERROR:shell_integration_android.cc(24)] Not implemented reached in static ShellIntegration::DefaultWebClientSetPermission ShellIntegration::CanSetAsDefaultBrowser()
  2099. 05-01 16:38:51.003  1034  1577 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2665:org.chromium.chrome:privileged_process0/u0a32 for service org.chromium.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0
  2100. 05-01 16:38:51.066  2665  2665 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2101. 05-01 16:38:51.082  2665  2665 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2102. 05-01 16:38:51.175  2665  2665 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Chromium/lib/arm
  2103. 05-01 16:38:51.257   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2104. 05-01 16:38:51.473  2665  2665 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=2665
  2105. 05-01 16:38:51.511  2665  2695 I cr_LibraryLoader: Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
  2106. 05-01 16:38:51.524   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2107. 05-01 16:38:51.574   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  2108. 05-01 16:38:51.621  2627  2627 W art     : Verification of void jyy.<clinit>() took 153.991ms
  2109. 05-01 16:38:51.669  2565  2591 I KernelAdiutorPlugin: SU initialized
  2110. 05-01 16:38:51.750  2665  2695 I cr_LibraryLoader: Loading chrome_public
  2111. 05-01 16:38:51.766  2700  2700 I su      : type=1400 audit(0.0:109): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  2112. 05-01 16:38:51.795  2703  2703 D su      : su invoked.
  2113. 05-01 16:38:51.795  2703  2703 D su      : starting daemon client 10080 10080
  2114. 05-01 16:38:51.815  2706  2706 D su      : remote pid: 2703
  2115. 05-01 16:38:51.815  2706  2706 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2116. 05-01 16:38:51.816  2706  2706 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2117. 05-01 16:38:51.816  2708  2708 D su      : su invoked.
  2118. 05-01 16:38:51.843  2708  2708 D su      : db allowed
  2119. 05-01 16:38:51.844  2708  2708 D su      : 10080 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2120. 05-01 16:38:51.848  1034  1045 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10032/2596 for NetworkRequest [ id=5, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  2121. 05-01 16:38:51.852  2627  2627 W art     : Verification of void dcn.<clinit>() took 104.034ms
  2122. 05-01 16:38:51.874   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2123. 05-01 16:38:51.924   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  2124. 05-01 16:38:51.950  2706  2706 D su      : sending code
  2125. 05-01 16:38:51.950  2706  2706 D su      : child exited
  2126. 05-01 16:38:51.950  2703  2703 D su      : client exited 0
  2127. 05-01 16:38:51.955  2565  2591 I KernelAdiutorPlugin: SU closed: 0
  2128. 05-01 16:38:51.955  2565  2591 I KernelAdiutorPlugin: SU initialized
  2129. 05-01 16:38:51.976  2627  2639 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 16.845ms
  2130. 05-01 16:38:52.007  1034  1587 I ActivityManager: Killing 1600:com.android.printspooler/u0a52 (adj 15): empty #17
  2131. 05-01 16:38:52.071  2719  2719 D su      : su invoked.
  2132. 05-01 16:38:52.071  2719  2719 D su      : starting daemon client 10080 10080
  2133. 05-01 16:38:52.073  2721  2721 D su      : remote pid: 2719
  2134. 05-01 16:38:52.073  2721  2721 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2135. 05-01 16:38:52.074  2721  2721 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2136. 05-01 16:38:52.075  2723  2723 D su      : su invoked.
  2137. 05-01 16:38:52.078  2723  2723 D su      : db allowed
  2138. 05-01 16:38:52.078  2723  2723 D su      : 10080 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2139. 05-01 16:38:52.085  1034  1587 I ActivityManager: Killing 1803:com.cyanogenmod.eleven/u0a37 (adj 15): empty #18
  2140. 05-01 16:38:52.157  2596  2596 W InstanceID/Rpc: Found 10020
  2141. 05-01 16:38:52.168  2665  2695 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 657 ms (timestamps 7576-8233)
  2142. 05-01 16:38:52.168  2665  2695 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "49.0.2571.0", actual native library version number "49.0.2571.0"
  2143. 05-01 16:38:52.170  2665  2695 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(130)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  2144. 05-01 16:38:52.237   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2145. 05-01 16:38:52.329  2627  2627 W art     : Verification of void lni.<clinit>() took 262.634ms
  2146. 05-01 16:38:52.381  2665  2695 E libEGL  : validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
  2147. 05-01 16:38:52.381  2665  2695 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  2148. 05-01 16:38:52.381  2665  2695 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  2149. 05-01 16:38:52.381  2665  2695 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  2150. 05-01 16:38:52.381  2665  2695 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  2151. 05-01 16:38:52.381  2665  2695 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  2152. 05-01 16:38:52.381  2665  2695 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  2153. 05-01 16:38:52.507   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2154. 05-01 16:38:52.529  2665  2695 W Adreno200-ES20: <get_simple_queries:1379>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
  2155. 05-01 16:38:52.648  2627  2627 W art     : Verification of void hej.<clinit>() took 295.410ms
  2156. 05-01 16:38:52.658  2665  2734 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  2157. 05-01 16:38:52.775  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: chmod 644 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
  2158. 05-01 16:38:52.824  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: echo 1782000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
  2159. 05-01 16:38:52.832  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: chmod 444 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
  2160. 05-01 16:38:52.852  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: chmod 644 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
  2161. 05-01 16:38:52.869  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: echo 1782000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
  2162. 05-01 16:38:52.870  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: chmod 444 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
  2163. 05-01 16:38:52.888  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: chmod 644 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
  2164. 05-01 16:38:52.906  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: echo smartmax > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
  2165. 05-01 16:38:52.914  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: chmod 444 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
  2166. 05-01 16:38:52.931  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online
  2167. 05-01 16:38:52.932  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: chmod 644 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor
  2168. 05-01 16:38:52.934  2627  2639 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 82.977ms
  2169. 05-01 16:38:52.961  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: echo smartmax > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor
  2170. 05-01 16:38:52.978   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  2171. 05-01 16:38:53.004   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2172. 05-01 16:38:53.017   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  2173. 05-01 16:38:53.042   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  2174. 05-01 16:38:53.077  2596  2651 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String org.chromium.net.X509Util.hashPrincipal(javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal)
  2175. 05-01 16:38:53.097   194   194 I surfaceflinger: type=1400 audit(0.0:110): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2176. 05-01 16:38:53.101  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: chmod 444 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor
  2177. 05-01 16:38:53.122  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: echo Y > /sys/module/workqueue/parameters/power_efficient
  2178. 05-01 16:38:53.123  2565  2591 I Kernel Adiutor: BootService: run: echo noop > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
  2179. 05-01 16:38:53.140  2627  2627 W art     : Verification of void iyc.a(ndd) took 335.479ms
  2180. 05-01 16:38:53.166  2721  2721 D su      : sending code
  2181. 05-01 16:38:53.166  2721  2721 D su      : child exited
  2182. 05-01 16:38:53.167  2719  2719 D su      : client exited 0
  2183. 05-01 16:38:53.168  2565  2591 I KernelAdiutorPlugin: SU closed: 0
  2184. 05-01 16:38:53.188  1034  1065 E Tenderloin PowerHAL: Error writing to boostpulse: No such device
  2185. 05-01 16:38:53.195   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2186. 05-01 16:38:53.215  2565  2766 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  2187. 05-01 16:38:53.232   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(36)
  2188. 05-01 16:38:53.339  2565  2766 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  2189. 05-01 16:38:53.339  2565  2766 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  2190. 05-01 16:38:53.339  2565  2766 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  2191. 05-01 16:38:53.339  2565  2766 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  2192. 05-01 16:38:53.339  2565  2766 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  2193. 05-01 16:38:53.339  2565  2766 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  2194. 05-01 16:38:53.348  2565  2766 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  2195. 05-01 16:38:53.432   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2196. 05-01 16:38:53.446  1034  1044 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 28834(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 5(96KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 11MB/15MB, paused 2.105ms total 198.028ms
  2197. 05-01 16:38:53.475  2627  2627 W art     : Verification of void eek.<clinit>() took 156.982ms
  2198. 05-01 16:38:53.489  2565  2766 V RenderScript: 0x69435000 Launching thread(s), CPUs 2
  2199. 05-01 16:38:53.745  2596  2683 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=org.chromium.net.AndroidCertVerifyResult org.chromium.net.X509Util.verifyServerCertificates(byte[][], java.lang.String, java.lang.String) from X509Util.java:484 waiters=0 for 1.071s
  2200. 05-01 16:38:54.176  2724  2724 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  2201. 05-01 16:38:54.182   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2202. 05-01 16:38:54.188  2724  2724 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  2203. 05-01 16:38:54.188  2724  2724 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2204. 05-01 16:38:54.219  2709  2709 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  2205. 05-01 16:38:54.242  2709  2709 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  2206. 05-01 16:38:54.242  2709  2709 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2207. 05-01 16:38:54.346  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Facilitator: onFinishInput()
  2208. 05-01 16:38:54.349  2596  2678 W art     : Verification of java.util.HashMap com.google.android.gms.common.internal.u.a(com.google.android.gms.common.internal.u) took 1.282s
  2209. 05-01 16:38:54.367  2627  2627 W art     : Verification of void hvj.a(long) took 292.602ms
  2210. 05-01 16:38:54.388  2724  2724 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2211. 05-01 16:38:54.396  2709  2709 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2212. 05-01 16:38:54.414  2724  2724 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  2213. 05-01 16:38:54.422  2709  2709 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  2214. 05-01 16:38:54.673  2724  2724 W art     : Failed to stat, will retry: /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@am.jar@classes.dex.flock: No such file or directory
  2215. 05-01 16:38:54.741  1034  1605 I ActivityManager: Killing 1635:android.process.acore/u0a3 (adj 15): empty #17
  2216. 05-01 16:38:54.838  2709  2709 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  2217. 05-01 16:38:54.864  2724  2724 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  2218. 05-01 16:38:54.952  1034  1605 E libprocessgroup: failed to kill 1 processes for processgroup 1635
  2219. 05-01 16:38:54.952  1034  1605 I ActivityManager: Killing 2077:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 15): empty #18
  2220. 05-01 16:38:54.970  2709  2709 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  2221. 05-01 16:38:54.988  2724  2724 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  2222. 05-01 16:38:55.053   193   193 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for service=activity scontext=u:r:sudaemon:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:activity_service:s0 tclass=service_manager
  2223. 05-01 16:38:55.079  2627  2627 W art     : Verification of void gwz.a() took 314.849ms
  2224. 05-01 16:38:55.164  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2225. 05-01 16:38:55.170  1536  1546 E DataBuffer: Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected!  Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object: com.google.android.gms.common.data.DataHolder@77671ac)
  2226. 05-01 16:38:55.171  1536  1546 E DataBuffer: Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected!  Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object: com.google.android.gms.common.data.DataHolder@b18fe75)
  2227. 05-01 16:38:55.172  1536  1546 E DataBuffer: Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected!  Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object: com.google.android.gms.common.data.DataHolder@aaa2e0a)
  2228. 05-01 16:38:55.173  1536  1546 E DataBuffer: Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected!  Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object: com.google.android.gms.common.data.DataHolder@a38d67b)
  2229. 05-01 16:38:55.174  1536  1546 E DataBuffer: Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected!  Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object: com.google.android.gms.common.data.DataHolder@6080cf1)
  2230. 05-01 16:38:55.174  1536  1546 E DataBuffer: Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected!  Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object: com.google.android.gms.common.data.DataHolder@8c520d6)
  2231. 05-01 16:38:55.217  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2232. 05-01 16:38:55.222  1034  1034 I ActivityManager: Killing 2159:com.android.keychain/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  2233. 05-01 16:38:55.249  2627  2639 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 24.902ms
  2234. 05-01 16:38:55.276  1034  1655 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{544930 2627:com.google.android.apps.plus/u0a85} (pid=2627, uid=10085) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS
  2235. 05-01 16:38:55.367  1825  2434 I CheckinService: Done disabling old GoogleServicesFramework version
  2236. 05-01 16:38:55.454  1034  1649 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{544930 2627:com.google.android.apps.plus/u0a85} (pid=2627, uid=10085) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS
  2237. 05-01 16:38:55.525  1034  1200 I ActivityManager: Killing 2194:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  2238. 05-01 16:38:55.659  1034  1577 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{544930 2627:com.google.android.apps.plus/u0a85} (pid=2627, uid=10085) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS
  2239. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync: Failed to clear out contacts
  2240. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{544930 2627:com.google.android.apps.plus/u0a85} (pid=2627, uid=10085) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS
  2241. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1620)
  2242. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1573)
  2243. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at android.app.ActivityManagerProxy.getContentProvider(ActivityManagerNative.java:3550)
  2244. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at android.app.ActivityThread.acquireProvider(ActivityThread.java:4832)
  2245. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at android.app.ContextImpl$ApplicationContentResolver.acquireUnstableProvider(ContextImpl.java:2058)
  2246. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at android.content.ContentResolver.acquireUnstableProvider(ContentResolver.java:1470)
  2247. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:475)
  2248. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:434)
  2249. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at dmm.a(PG:440)
  2250. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at dmm.b(PG:1388)
  2251. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at dmn.run(PG:325)
  2252. 05-01 16:38:55.709  2627  2793 E GooglePlusContactsSync:        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
  2253. 05-01 16:38:55.763  2350  2350 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  2254. 05-01 16:38:55.845  2350  2371 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished
  2255. 05-01 16:38:55.967  1825  2798 I Herrevad: [182] CaptivePortalReportService.onHandleIntent: CP report successful
  2256. 05-01 16:38:56.690  1034  1605 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } from com.android.launcher3 (pid=1572, uid=10008) requires com.google.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to receiver com.google.android.gms/.icing.proxy.ApplicationLauncherReceiver
  2257. 05-01 16:38:56.778  1536  2804 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.android.gms.config.internal.h.a(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
  2258. 05-01 16:38:57.241  1536  2098 D GCM     : GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.checkin.CHECKIN_COMPLETE flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } com.google.android.checkin.CHECKIN_COMPLETE
  2259. 05-01 16:38:57.395   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  2260. 05-01 16:38:57.493  1536  1548 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7841(814KB) AllocSpace objects, 23(460KB) LOS objects, 13% free, 9MB/10MB, paused 6.225ms total 62.896ms
  2261. 05-01 16:38:57.560   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  2262. 05-01 16:38:57.561   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  2263. 05-01 16:38:57.561   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  2264. 05-01 16:38:57.585   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  2265. 05-01 16:38:57.585   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=y skr=n mic=y
  2266. 05-01 16:38:57.868  1034  1045 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2819:android.process.acore/u0a3 for broadcast com.android.providers.contacts/.PackageIntentReceiver
  2267. 05-01 16:38:57.913  2819  2819 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2268. 05-01 16:38:57.952  2819  2819 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2269. 05-01 16:38:58.088  2819  2819 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/lib/arm
  2270. 05-01 16:38:58.308  1838  2833 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) expire 2 lines
  2271. 05-01 16:38:58.479  1838  1838 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) expire 32 lines
  2272. 05-01 16:38:58.833  2819  2838 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [en-US]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, #, ]
  2273. 05-01 16:38:58.908  2819  2819 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm
  2274. 05-01 16:38:58.991  2819  2838 W art     : Verification of void com.android.providers.contacts.aggregation.AbstractContactAggregator.computeAggregateData(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement) took 120.391ms
  2275. 05-01 16:38:59.128  1825  2842 D PkgBroadcastIntentOp: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.google.android.gms
  2276. 05-01 16:38:59.128  1825  2842 I PkgBroadcastIntentOp: Null package name or gms related package.  Ignoreing.
  2277. 05-01 16:38:59.136  2819  2838 W art     : Verification of void com.android.providers.contacts.aggregation.ContactAggregator2.lookupApproximateNameMatches(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, com.android.providers.contacts.aggregation.AbstractContactAggregator$MatchCandidateList, com.android.providers.contacts.aggregation.util.RawContactMatcher) took 115.478ms
  2278. 05-01 16:38:59.310  1825  2842 D WearableController: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.google.android.gms
  2279. 05-01 16:38:59.393  1825  1849 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 21077(1678KB) AllocSpace objects, 27(540KB) LOS objects, 35% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 1.831ms total 112.945ms
  2280. 05-01 16:38:59.719  1034  1587 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2856:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 for broadcast com.evervolv.toolbox/.superuser.SuReceiver
  2281. 05-01 16:38:59.751  1825  2442 I Icing   : Storage manager: low false usage 27.85MB avail 20.69GB capacity 25.74GB
  2282. 05-01 16:38:59.767  2856  2856 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2283. 05-01 16:38:59.797  2856  2856 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2284. 05-01 16:38:59.825  1034  1046 I MediaFocusControl:  AudioFocus  requestAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@fbe51b4com.datanasov.popupvideo.util.AudioFocusHelper$1@625d1dd req=1flags=0x0
  2285. 05-01 16:39:00.060  2482  2853 I NotifUtils: Validating Notification, mapSize: 0 getAttention: true ignoreUnobtrusive: false
  2286. 05-01 16:39:00.092  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Facilitator: onFinishInput()
  2287. 05-01 16:39:00.141  1034  1587 I MediaFocusControl:  AudioFocus  requestAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@b738fe4org.videolan.vlc.PlaybackService$2@463ec4d req=1flags=0x0
  2288. 05-01 16:39:00.156   211  1082 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS from uid=10088 pid=1838
  2289. 05-01 16:39:00.156   211  1082 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for uid=10088 => denied (1556 us)
  2290. 05-01 16:39:00.156   211  1082 E         : Request requires android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS
  2291. 05-01 16:39:00.159  2856  2856 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/EVToolbox/lib/arm
  2292. 05-01 16:39:00.159  1838  2873 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) expire 22 lines
  2293. 05-01 16:39:00.177  2482  2853 I NotifUtils: validateNotifications - cancelling -1865037814 for 1407779184 / 3019
  2294. 05-01 16:39:00.941  2709  2709 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  2295. 05-01 16:39:01.113  2724  2724 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  2296. 05-01 16:39:01.113  1034  1655 I ActivityManager: Killing 2235:com.evervolv.updater/u0a6 (adj 15): empty #17
  2297. 05-01 16:39:01.157  2819  2838 D ContactDirectoryManager: Found com.google.contacts.gal.provider
  2298. 05-01 16:39:01.168  1825  2442 E Icing   : Array storage bad crc 3862158611 vs 1371318296
  2299. 05-01 16:39:01.171  1825  2442 E Icing   : Array storage bad crc 123826350 vs 1889918331
  2300. 05-01 16:39:01.208  2819  2838 I ContactDirectoryManager: deleted 0 stale rows which don't have any relevant directory
  2301. 05-01 16:39:01.269  1825  2442 E Icing   : Array storage bad crc 1280492330 vs 1608138619
  2302. 05-01 16:39:01.269  1825  2442 E Icing   : Trie mmap node failed
  2303. 05-01 16:39:01.282  2819  2838 I ContactDirectoryManager: Discovered 0 contact directories in 1118ms
  2304. 05-01 16:39:01.612  1838  2878 I chatty  : uid=10088(com.datanasov.popupvideo) expire 77 lines
  2305. 05-01 16:39:01.736   194   194 I surfaceflinger: type=1400 audit(0.0:111): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2306. 05-01 16:39:02.167  1034  1044 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 27714(1598KB) AllocSpace objects, 53(1060KB) LOS objects, 25% free, 11MB/15MB, paused 3.570ms total 204.437ms
  2307. 05-01 16:39:02.339  1825  2442 W Icing   : Docstore bad crc 0x195a9e2e vs 0xf19552eb
  2308. 05-01 16:39:03.118  2008  2008 I B4A     : at_tick
  2309. 05-01 16:39:03.283  2885  2885 D su      : su invoked.
  2310. 05-01 16:39:03.285  2885  2885 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2311. 05-01 16:39:03.288  2887  2887 D su      : remote pid: 2885
  2312. 05-01 16:39:03.288  2887  2887 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2313. 05-01 16:39:03.289  2887  2887 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2314. 05-01 16:39:03.303  2889  2889 D su      : su invoked.
  2315. 05-01 16:39:03.312  2889  2889 D su      : db allowed
  2316. 05-01 16:39:03.312  2889  2889 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2317. 05-01 16:39:03.361  2887  2887 D su      : sending code
  2318. 05-01 16:39:03.361  2887  2887 D su      : child exited
  2319. 05-01 16:39:03.371  2885  2885 D su      : client exited 0
  2320. 05-01 16:39:04.124  2903  2903 D su      : su invoked.
  2321. 05-01 16:39:04.152  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   |   + avc1 size 153 offset 470
  2322. 05-01 16:39:04.152  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   + avcC size 47 offset 556
  2323. 05-01 16:39:04.152  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   + btrt size 20 offset 603
  2324. 05-01 16:39:04.152  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + stts size 24 offset 623
  2325. 05-01 16:39:04.152  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + stss size 7468 offset 647
  2326. 05-01 16:39:04.152  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + stsc size 65860 offset 8115
  2327. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + stsz size 432260 offset 73975
  2328. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + stco size 29564 offset 506235
  2329. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   + trak size 650553 offset 535799
  2330. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   + tkhd size 92 offset 535807
  2331. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   + mdia size 650453 offset 535899
  2332. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   + mdhd size 32 offset 535907
  2333. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   + hdlr size 76 offset 535939
  2334. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   + minf size 650337 offset 536015
  2335. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   + smhd size 16 offset 536023
  2336. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   + dinf size 36 offset 536039
  2337. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + dref size 28 offset 536047
  2338. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   |   + url  size 12 offset 536063
  2339. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   + stbl size 650277 offset 536075
  2340. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + stsd size 105 offset 536083
  2341. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   |   + mp4a size 89 offset 536099
  2342. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   + esds size 53 offset 536135
  2343. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + stts size 24 offset 536188
  2344. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + stsc size 52 offset 536212
  2345. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + stsz size 620524 offset 536264
  2346. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + stco size 29564 offset 1156788
  2347. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   + udta size 117 offset 1186352
  2348. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   + meta size 109 offset 1186360
  2349. 05-01 16:39:04.153  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   + hdlr size 33 offset 1186372
  2350. 05-01 16:39:04.154  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   + ilst size 64 offset 1186405
  2351. 05-01 16:39:04.154  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   + gsst size 25 offset 1186413
  2352. 05-01 16:39:04.154  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + data size 17 offset 1186421
  2353. 05-01 16:39:04.154  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   + gstd size 31 offset 1186438
  2354. 05-01 16:39:04.154  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   |   |   |   |   |   + data size 23 offset 1186446
  2355. 05-01 16:39:04.154  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d812c] mp4 stream: |   + mdat size 398525294 offset 1186469
  2356. 05-01 16:39:04.154  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: found 2 tracks
  2357. 05-01 16:39:04.154  1838  2878 W VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: elst box found
  2358. 05-01 16:39:04.154  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux:    - [0] duration=3602000ms media time=0ms) rate=1.0
  2359. 05-01 16:39:04.159  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: track[Id 0x1] read 7387 chunk
  2360. 05-01 16:39:04.161  1838  2878 W VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: STTS table of 1 entries
  2361. 05-01 16:39:04.193  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: track[Id 0x1] read 108060 samples length:3602s
  2362. 05-01 16:39:04.193  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: selecting program id=0
  2363. 05-01 16:39:04.194  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: adding track[Id 0x1] video (enable) language undef
  2364. 05-01 16:39:04.195  2907  2907 D su      : su invoked.
  2365. 05-01 16:39:04.196  2907  2907 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2366. 05-01 16:39:04.196  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: track[Id 0x2] read 7387 chunk
  2367. 05-01 16:39:04.201  2909  2909 D su      : remote pid: 2907
  2368. 05-01 16:39:04.201  2909  2909 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2369. 05-01 16:39:04.202  2909  2909 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2370. 05-01 16:39:04.203  2911  2911 D su      : su invoked.
  2371. 05-01 16:39:04.205  1838  2878 W VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: STTS table of 1 entries
  2372. 05-01 16:39:04.207  2911  2911 D su      : db allowed
  2373. 05-01 16:39:04.207  2911  2911 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2374. 05-01 16:39:04.212  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: track[Id 0x2] read 155126 samples length:3602s
  2375. 05-01 16:39:04.213  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: adding track[Id 0x2] audio (enable) language eng
  2376. 05-01 16:39:04.213  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] core demux: using demux module "mp4"
  2377. 05-01 16:39:04.213  1838  2878 W VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: control query 3 unimplemented
  2378. 05-01 16:39:04.213  1838  2878 W VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: control query 2 unimplemented
  2379. 05-01 16:39:04.213  1838  2878 D VLC     : [595606ac] core decoder: looking for decoder module matching "mediacodec_ndk,iomx,all": 36 candidates
  2380. 05-01 16:39:04.281  2909  2909 D su      : sending code
  2381. 05-01 16:39:04.281  2909  2909 D su      : child exited
  2382. 05-01 16:39:04.291  1825  2104 W Icing   : Failed to connect to SearchIndex Apis
  2383. 05-01 16:39:04.394  2890  2890 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  2384. 05-01 16:39:04.400  2890  2890 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  2385. 05-01 16:39:04.400  2890  2890 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2386. 05-01 16:39:04.421  1034  2095 D DhcpClient: Received packet: d8:25:22:45:30:3a NAK, reason (none)
  2387. 05-01 16:39:04.488  2890  2890 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2388. 05-01 16:39:04.498  2890  2890 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  2389. 05-01 16:39:04.578  2124  2421 D InitAlarmsService: Clearing and rescheduling alarms.
  2390. 05-01 16:39:04.612  1034  1577 I ActivityManager: Killing 2252:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a6 (adj 15): empty #17
  2391. 05-01 16:39:04.683  2907  2907 D su      : client exited 0
  2392. 05-01 16:39:04.689   194   194 I surfaceflinger: type=1400 audit(0.0:112): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2393. 05-01 16:39:04.795  2008  2008 I B4A     : FileSizeRoot:1048576000
  2394. 05-01 16:39:04.879  1838  2878 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
  2395. 05-01 16:39:04.882  1838  2878 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx
  2396. 05-01 16:39:04.884  1838  2878 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx311
  2397. 05-01 16:39:04.892  1838  2878 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx4
  2398. 05-01 16:39:04.898  1838  2878 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2
  2399. 05-01 16:39:04.913  1838  2878 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mp4v-esdp
  2400. 05-01 16:39:04.942  1838  2878 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
  2401. 05-01 16:39:04.950  1838  2878 W VLC     : [595606ac] mediacodec decoder: Exception occurred in MediaCodecInfo.getCapabilitiesForType
  2402. 05-01 16:39:04.950  1838  2878 W VLC     : [595606ac] mediacodec decoder: Exception occurred in MediaCodecInfo.getCapabilitiesForType
  2403. 05-01 16:39:04.950  1838  2878 W VLC     : [595606ac] mediacodec decoder: Exception occurred in MediaCodecInfo.getCapabilitiesForType
  2404. 05-01 16:39:04.950  1838  2878 W VLC     : [595606ac] mediacodec decoder: Exception occurred in MediaCodecInfo.getCapabilitiesForType
  2405. 05-01 16:39:04.952  1838  2878 D VLC     : [595606ac] mediacodec decoder: Number of profile levels: 3
  2406. 05-01 16:39:04.952  1838  2878 D VLC     : [595606ac] mediacodec decoder: using OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc
  2407. 05-01 16:39:04.952  1838  2878 W VLC     : [595606ac] mediacodec decoder: New SPS/PPS found, id: 0 size: 1280x720 sps: 28 pps: 8
  2408. 05-01 16:39:04.952  1838  2878 D VLC     : [595606ac] android_native_window decoder: InitJNIFields success
  2409. 05-01 16:39:04.960  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fcd52c] core spu text: looking for text renderer module matching "any": 1 candidates
  2410. 05-01 16:39:04.984  2890  2890 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  2411. 05-01 16:39:05.017  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: creating access: file:///system/etc/system_fonts.xml
  2412. 05-01 16:39:05.017  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access:  (path: /system/etc/system_fonts.xml)
  2413. 05-01 16:39:05.017  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: looking for access module matching "file": 20 candidates
  2414. 05-01 16:39:05.017  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: using access module "filesystem"
  2415. 05-01 16:39:05.018  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] core stream: looking for stream_filter module matching "prefetch,cache_read": 12 candidates
  2416. 05-01 16:39:05.018  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] cache_read stream: Using stream method for AStream*
  2417. 05-01 16:39:05.020  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] cache_read stream: starting pre-buffering
  2418. 05-01 16:39:05.025  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] cache_read stream: received first data after 5 ms
  2419. 05-01 16:39:05.025  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] cache_read stream: pre-buffering done 1024 bytes in 0s - 184 KiB/s
  2420. 05-01 16:39:05.025  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] core stream: using stream_filter module "cache_read"
  2421. 05-01 16:39:05.025  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58d3e12c] core xml reader: looking for xml reader module matching "any": 1 candidates
  2422. 05-01 16:39:05.069  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58d3e12c] core xml reader: using xml reader module "xml"
  2423. 05-01 16:39:05.071  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] core stream: removing module "cache_read"
  2424. 05-01 16:39:05.071  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: removing module "filesystem"
  2425. 05-01 16:39:05.071  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: creating access: file:///system/etc/fallback_fonts.xml
  2426. 05-01 16:39:05.071  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access:  (path: /system/etc/fallback_fonts.xml)
  2427. 05-01 16:39:05.072  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: looking for access module matching "file": 20 candidates
  2428. 05-01 16:39:05.072  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: using access module "filesystem"
  2429. 05-01 16:39:05.072  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] core stream: looking for stream_filter module matching "prefetch,cache_read": 12 candidates
  2430. 05-01 16:39:05.072  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] cache_read stream: Using stream method for AStream*
  2431. 05-01 16:39:05.072  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] cache_read stream: starting pre-buffering
  2432. 05-01 16:39:05.079  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] cache_read stream: received first data after 7 ms
  2433. 05-01 16:39:05.080  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] cache_read stream: pre-buffering done 1024 bytes in 0s - 134 KiB/s
  2434. 05-01 16:39:05.080  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] core stream: using stream_filter module "cache_read"
  2435. 05-01 16:39:05.080  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58d3e12c] core xml reader: looking for xml reader module matching "any": 1 candidates
  2436. 05-01 16:39:05.080  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58d3e12c] core xml reader: using xml reader module "xml"
  2437. 05-01 16:39:05.095  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] core stream: removing module "cache_read"
  2438. 05-01 16:39:05.095  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: removing module "filesystem"
  2439. 05-01 16:39:05.095  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: creating access: file:///vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml
  2440. 05-01 16:39:05.095  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access:  (path: /vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml)
  2441. 05-01 16:39:05.095  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: looking for access module matching "file": 20 candidates
  2442. 05-01 16:39:05.095  1838  2878 E VLC     : [5934ab2c] filesystem access: cannot open file /vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml (No such file or directory)
  2443. 05-01 16:39:05.095  1838  2878 E VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: File reading failed
  2444. 05-01 16:39:05.095  1838  2878 E VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: VLC could not open the file "/vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml" (No such file or directory).
  2445. 05-01 16:39:05.095  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: no access modules matched
  2446. 05-01 16:39:05.095  1838  2878 E VLC     : [67fcd52c] core spu text: no suitable access module for `file:///vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml'
  2447. 05-01 16:39:05.097  2890  2890 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  2448. 05-01 16:39:05.103  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fcd52c] core spu text: using text renderer module "freetype"
  2449. 05-01 16:39:05.103  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fcd82c] core scale: looking for video filter2 module matching "any": 36 candidates
  2450. 05-01 16:39:05.112  2930  2930 D su      : su invoked.
  2451. 05-01 16:39:05.120  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fcd82c] swscale scale: 32x32 (32x32) chroma: YUVA -> 16x16 (16x16) chroma: RGBA with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
  2452. 05-01 16:39:05.121  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fcd82c] core scale: using video filter2 module "swscale"
  2453. 05-01 16:39:05.121  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fce42c] core scale: looking for video filter2 module matching "any": 36 candidates
  2454. 05-01 16:39:05.121  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fce42c] yuvp scale: YUVP to YUVA converter
  2455. 05-01 16:39:05.121  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fce42c] core scale: using video filter2 module "yuvp"
  2456. 05-01 16:39:05.121  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: Deinterlacing available
  2457. 05-01 16:39:05.121  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: deinterlace 0, mode blend, is_needed 0
  2458. 05-01 16:39:05.121  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58daf87c] core window: looking for vout window module matching "any": 1 candidates
  2459. 05-01 16:39:05.121  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58daf87c] core window: no vout window modules matched
  2460. 05-01 16:39:05.122  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: Opening vout display wrapper
  2461. 05-01 16:39:05.122  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58da406c] core vout display: looking for vout display module matching "any": 3 candidates
  2462. 05-01 16:39:05.133  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58da406c] android_window vout display: using opaque
  2463. 05-01 16:39:05.133  1838  2933 E VLC     : [58da406c] android_window vout display: can't get Subtitles Surface
  2464. 05-01 16:39:05.133  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58da406c] core vout display: VoutDisplayEvent 'fullscreen' 1
  2465. 05-01 16:39:05.133  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58da406c] core vout display: using vout display module "android_window"
  2466. 05-01 16:39:05.133  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58da406c] android_window vout display: PoolAlloc: request 26 frames
  2467. 05-01 16:39:05.133  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58da406c] android_window vout display: PoolAlloc: got 31 frames
  2468. 05-01 16:39:05.145  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: original format sz 1280x720, of (0,0), vsz 1280x720, 4cc ANOP, sar 1:1, msk r0x0 g0x0 b0x0
  2469. 05-01 16:39:05.146  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fcd52c] core spu text: removing module "freetype"
  2470. 05-01 16:39:05.146  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fcd52c] core spu text: looking for text renderer module matching "any": 1 candidates
  2471. 05-01 16:39:05.147  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: creating access: file:///system/etc/system_fonts.xml
  2472. 05-01 16:39:05.147  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access:  (path: /system/etc/system_fonts.xml)
  2473. 05-01 16:39:05.147  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: looking for access module matching "file": 20 candidates
  2474. 05-01 16:39:05.147  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: using access module "filesystem"
  2475. 05-01 16:39:05.147  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] core stream: looking for stream_filter module matching "prefetch,cache_read": 12 candidates
  2476. 05-01 16:39:05.147  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] cache_read stream: Using stream method for AStream*
  2477. 05-01 16:39:05.147  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] cache_read stream: starting pre-buffering
  2478. 05-01 16:39:05.147  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] cache_read stream: received first data after 0 ms
  2479. 05-01 16:39:05.147  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] cache_read stream: pre-buffering done 1024 bytes in 0s - 5434 KiB/s
  2480. 05-01 16:39:05.147  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] core stream: using stream_filter module "cache_read"
  2481. 05-01 16:39:05.148  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58d3e12c] core xml reader: looking for xml reader module matching "any": 1 candidates
  2482. 05-01 16:39:05.148  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58d3e12c] core xml reader: using xml reader module "xml"
  2483. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d858c] core stream: removing module "cache_read"
  2484. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: removing module "filesystem"
  2485. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: creating access: file:///system/etc/fallback_fonts.xml
  2486. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access:  (path: /system/etc/fallback_fonts.xml)
  2487. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: looking for access module matching "file": 20 candidates
  2488. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: using access module "filesystem"
  2489. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] core stream: looking for stream_filter module matching "prefetch,cache_read": 12 candidates
  2490. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] cache_read stream: Using stream method for AStream*
  2491. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] cache_read stream: starting pre-buffering
  2492. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] cache_read stream: received first data after 0 ms
  2493. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] cache_read stream: pre-buffering done 1024 bytes in 0s - 5434 KiB/s
  2494. 05-01 16:39:05.150  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] core stream: using stream_filter module "cache_read"
  2495. 05-01 16:39:05.151  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58d3e12c] core xml reader: looking for xml reader module matching "any": 1 candidates
  2496. 05-01 16:39:05.151  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58d3e12c] core xml reader: using xml reader module "xml"
  2497. 05-01 16:39:05.165  1838  2933 E VLC     : [58da406c] core vout display: Failed to change zoom
  2498. 05-01 16:39:05.165  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58da406c] android_window vout display: change source crop/aspect
  2499. 05-01 16:39:05.179  1838  2878 D VLC     : [691d84ec] core stream: removing module "cache_read"
  2500. 05-01 16:39:05.179  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: removing module "filesystem"
  2501. 05-01 16:39:05.179  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: creating access: file:///vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml
  2502. 05-01 16:39:05.179  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access:  (path: /vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml)
  2503. 05-01 16:39:05.179  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: looking for access module matching "file": 20 candidates
  2504. 05-01 16:39:05.179  1838  2878 E VLC     : [5934ab2c] filesystem access: cannot open file /vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml (No such file or directory)
  2505. 05-01 16:39:05.179  1838  2878 E VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: File reading failed
  2506. 05-01 16:39:05.179  1838  2878 E VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: VLC could not open the file "/vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml" (No such file or directory).
  2507. 05-01 16:39:05.179  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934ab2c] core access: no access modules matched
  2508. 05-01 16:39:05.179  1838  2878 E VLC     : [67fcd52c] core spu text: no suitable access module for `file:///vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml'
  2509. 05-01 16:39:05.180  1838  2878 D VLC     : [67fcd52c] core spu text: using text renderer module "freetype"
  2510. 05-01 16:39:05.184  1838  2935 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  2511. 05-01 16:39:05.189  1082  1082 I Binder_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:113): avc: denied { read write } for name="msm_vidc_dec" dev="tmpfs" ino=735 scontext=u:r:mediaserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2512. 05-01 16:39:05.189  1082  1082 I Binder_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:114): avc: denied { open } for name="msm_vidc_dec" dev="tmpfs" ino=735 scontext=u:r:mediaserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2513. 05-01 16:39:05.209  1082  1082 I Binder_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:115): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/msm_vidc_dec" dev="tmpfs" ino=735 ioctlcmd=762a scontext=u:r:mediaserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2514. 05-01 16:39:05.225  1838  2934 I MediaCodec: [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc] setting surface generation to 1882113
  2515. 05-01 16:39:05.226   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented
  2516. 05-01 16:39:05.226   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (4401) - Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers not implemented
  2517. 05-01 16:39:05.226   211  1552 E OMXNodeInstance: getExtensionIndex(25:qcom.decoder.avc, OMX.google.android.index.storeMetaDataInBuffers) ERROR: NotImplemented(0x80001006)
  2518. 05-01 16:39:05.226  1838  2935 E ACodec  : [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc] storeMetaDataInBuffers failed w/ err -2147483648
  2519. 05-01 16:39:05.242  1838  2935 I FFMPEGSoftCodec: Decoder will be in frame by frame mode
  2520. 05-01 16:39:05.243   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2521. 05-01 16:39:05.243   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2522. 05-01 16:39:05.243   211  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2523. 05-01 16:39:05.243   211  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2524. 05-01 16:39:05.244   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2525. 05-01 16:39:05.244   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2526. 05-01 16:39:05.252   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2527. 05-01 16:39:05.252   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2528. 05-01 16:39:05.252   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2529. 05-01 16:39:05.252   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2530. 05-01 16:39:05.253  1838  2935 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0x57f0a308 for 1280x720, color 0x7fa30c03, rotation 0, usage 0xc2002900
  2531. 05-01 16:39:05.253   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2532. 05-01 16:39:05.253   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2533. 05-01 16:39:05.262   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2534. 05-01 16:39:05.262   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2535. 05-01 16:39:05.262   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10090) - GET_MV_BUFFER_SIZE returned: Size: 245760 and alignment: 8192
  2536. 05-01 16:39:05.266   211  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2537. 05-01 16:39:05.266   211  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2538. 05-01 16:39:05.269   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2539. 05-01 16:39:05.269   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2540. 05-01 16:39:05.272   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2541. 05-01 16:39:05.272   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2542. 05-01 16:39:05.276   211  2941 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2543. 05-01 16:39:05.276   211  2941 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2544. 05-01 16:39:05.279   211  2942 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2545. 05-01 16:39:05.279   211  2942 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2546. 05-01 16:39:05.282   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2547. 05-01 16:39:05.282   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2548. 05-01 16:39:05.285   211  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2549. 05-01 16:39:05.285   211  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2550. 05-01 16:39:05.288   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2551. 05-01 16:39:05.288   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2552. 05-01 16:39:05.292   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2553. 05-01 16:39:05.292   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2554. 05-01 16:39:05.295   211  2941 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2555. 05-01 16:39:05.295   211  2941 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2556. 05-01 16:39:05.298   211  2942 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2557. 05-01 16:39:05.298   211  2942 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2558. 05-01 16:39:05.302   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2559. 05-01 16:39:05.302   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2560. 05-01 16:39:05.305   211  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2561. 05-01 16:39:05.305   211  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2562. 05-01 16:39:05.308   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2563. 05-01 16:39:05.308   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2564. 05-01 16:39:05.310  1838  2878 D VLC     : [595606ac] mediacodec decoder: MediaCodec via NDK opened
  2565. 05-01 16:39:05.310  1838  2878 D VLC     : [595606ac] core decoder: using decoder module "mediacodec"
  2566. 05-01 16:39:05.311  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5448742c] core decoder: looking for decoder module matching "mediacodec_ndk,iomx,all": 36 candidates
  2567. 05-01 16:39:05.312  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5448742c] avcodec decoder: CPU flags: 0x0000003f
  2568. 05-01 16:39:05.430  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5448742c] avcodec decoder: codec (aac) started
  2569. 05-01 16:39:05.430  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5448742c] core decoder: using decoder module "avcodec"
  2570. 05-01 16:39:05.443  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58d1b2cc] core demux meta: looking for meta reader module matching "any": 1 candidates
  2571. 05-01 16:39:05.443  1838  2878 D VLC     : [58d1b2cc] core demux meta: no meta reader modules matched
  2572. 05-01 16:39:05.443  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: `https://r10---sn-ab5l6n7r.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?lmt=1433762854905649&requiressl=yes&key=yt6&ip=' successfully opened
  2573. 05-01 16:39:05.444  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: elst (0) gives 0ms (movie)-> 0ms (track)
  2574. 05-01 16:39:05.444  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: track[Id 0x1] using Sync Sample Box (stss)
  2575. 05-01 16:39:05.444  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: stss gives 0 --> 0 (sample number)
  2576. 05-01 16:39:05.444  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a7ac] mp4 demux: track[Id 0x2] does not provide Sync Sample Box (stss)
  2577. 05-01 16:39:05.444  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a12c] http access: trying to seek to 1192806
  2578. 05-01 16:39:05.444  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a12c] core access: net: connecting to r10---sn-ab5l6n7r.googlevideo.com port 443
  2579. 05-01 16:39:05.454  1838  1838 I VLC/PlaybackService: Media.Event.ParsedChanged
  2580. 05-01 16:39:05.455  1838  1838 D VLC/MediaWrapper: Title videoplayback?lmt=1433762854905649&requiressl=yes&key=yt6&ip=,id,initcwndbps,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,ratebypass,requiressl,source,upn,expire&upn=ktaoA8cevrE&mm=31&signature=DA9A46BEADC860C9C90B885C450B7EFEEF06C0F3.AE04AE8A771B1BB0A2ADD721885099C67A72E652&ratebypass=yes&sver=3&ipbits=0&fexp=9410705,9416126,9416891,9417367,9419452,9421906,9422596,9424134,9428398,9431012,9431322,9431815,9432372,9432684,9433090,9433096,9433946,9434290,9434980,9435309&initcwndbps=1007500&mime=video/mp4&pl=20&itag=22&dur=3602.088&source=youtube&expire=1462156738&nh=IgpwcjAxLmxnYTA3KgkxMjcuMC4wLjE
  2581. 05-01 16:39:05.455  1838  1838 D VLC/MediaWrapper: Artist null
  2582. 05-01 16:39:05.455  1838  1838 D VLC/MediaWrapper: Genre null
  2583. 05-01 16:39:05.455  1838  1838 D VLC/MediaWrapper: Album null
  2584. 05-01 16:39:05.455  1838  1838 I VLC/PlaybackService: MediaPlayer.Event.Playing
  2585. 05-01 16:39:05.502  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a12c] core access: connection succeeded (socket = 61)
  2586. 05-01 16:39:05.503  1838  2878 D VLC     : [595b30ac] gnutls tls session: TLS handshake: Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.
  2587. 05-01 16:39:05.510  2951  2951 D su      : su invoked.
  2588. 05-01 16:39:05.573  1838  2878 D VLC     : [595b30ac] gnutls tls session: TLS handshake: Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.
  2589. 05-01 16:39:05.606  1838  2878 D VLC     : [595b30ac] gnutls tls session: TLS handshake: Success.
  2590. 05-01 16:39:05.640  2958  2958 D su      : su invoked.
  2591. 05-01 16:39:05.658  2912  2912 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  2592. 05-01 16:39:05.664  2912  2912 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  2593. 05-01 16:39:05.664  2912  2912 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2594. 05-01 16:39:05.674  1838  2474 V RenderScript: 0x55b07000 Launching thread(s), CPUs 2
  2595. 05-01 16:39:05.808  2964  2964 D su      : su invoked.
  2596. 05-01 16:39:05.808  2964  2964 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2597. 05-01 16:39:05.813  2966  2966 D su      : remote pid: 2964
  2598. 05-01 16:39:05.813  2966  2966 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2599. 05-01 16:39:05.814  2966  2966 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2600. 05-01 16:39:05.816  2968  2968 D su      : su invoked.
  2601. 05-01 16:39:05.823  2968  2968 D su      : db allowed
  2602. 05-01 16:39:05.823  2968  2968 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2603. 05-01 16:39:05.831  2912  2912 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2604. 05-01 16:39:05.850  2912  2912 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  2605. 05-01 16:39:05.918  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a12c] http access: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 206
  2606. 05-01 16:39:05.919  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a12c] http access: Content-Type: video/mp4
  2607. 05-01 16:39:05.919  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a12c] http access: stream size=399711763,pos=1192806,remaining=398518957
  2608. 05-01 16:39:05.919  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a12c] http access: this frame size=398518957
  2609. 05-01 16:39:05.919  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a12c] http access: Connection: close
  2610. 05-01 16:39:05.920  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934a12c] http access: Server: gvs 1.0
  2611. 05-01 16:39:05.920  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 0%
  2612. 05-01 16:39:05.935  1034  1066 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000010
  2613. 05-01 16:39:06.166  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58da406c] core vout display: auto hiding mouse cursor
  2614. 05-01 16:39:06.189  2912  2912 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  2615. 05-01 16:39:06.292  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 1%
  2616. 05-01 16:39:06.292  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 3%
  2617. 05-01 16:39:06.292  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 4%
  2618. 05-01 16:39:06.292  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 6%
  2619. 05-01 16:39:06.292  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 7%
  2620. 05-01 16:39:06.292  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 9%
  2621. 05-01 16:39:06.292  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 10%
  2622. 05-01 16:39:06.292  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 12%
  2623. 05-01 16:39:06.293  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 13%
  2624. 05-01 16:39:06.293  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 15%
  2625. 05-01 16:39:06.293  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 17%
  2626. 05-01 16:39:06.293  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 18%
  2627. 05-01 16:39:06.293  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 20%
  2628. 05-01 16:39:06.299  1838  2944 D VLC     : [5955b3fc] core generic: reusing audio output
  2629. 05-01 16:39:06.299  1838  2944 D VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: VLC is looking for: 'f32l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
  2630. 05-01 16:39:06.358  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 21%
  2631. 05-01 16:39:06.359  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 23%
  2632. 05-01 16:39:06.359  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 24%
  2633. 05-01 16:39:06.359  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 26%
  2634. 05-01 16:39:06.359  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 27%
  2635. 05-01 16:39:06.359  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 29%
  2636. 05-01 16:39:06.359  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 30%
  2637. 05-01 16:39:06.359  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 32%
  2638. 05-01 16:39:06.378  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 34%
  2639. 05-01 16:39:06.564  2912  2912 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  2640. 05-01 16:39:06.581  1838  2944 D VLC     : [593692ac] android_audiotrack audio output: using WRITE_BYTEBUFFER
  2641. 05-01 16:39:06.595   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2642. 05-01 16:39:06.597   211  2937 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2643. 05-01 16:39:06.597   211  2937 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2644. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: VLC will output: 's16l' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
  2645. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: output 's16l' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
  2646. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [514b45dc] core volume: looking for audio volume module matching "any": 3 candidates
  2647. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [514b45dc] core volume: using audio volume module "integer_mixer"
  2648. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: input 'f32l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
  2649. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: conversion: 'f32l'->'s16l' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
  2650. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [58cfa32c] core audio converter: looking for audio converter module matching "any": 10 candidates
  2651. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [58cfa32c] audio_format audio converter: f32l->s16l, bits per sample: 32->16
  2652. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [58cfa32c] core audio converter: using audio converter module "audio_format"
  2653. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: conversion pipeline complete
  2654. 05-01 16:39:06.598  1838  2944 D VLC     : [5152fa2c] core audio resampler: looking for audio resampler module matching "any": 2 candidates
  2655. 05-01 16:39:06.599  1838  2944 D VLC     : [5152fa2c] core audio resampler: using audio resampler module "ugly"
  2656. 05-01 16:39:06.599   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2657. 05-01 16:39:06.599   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2658. 05-01 16:39:06.600   211  2941 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2659. 05-01 16:39:06.600   211  2941 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2660. 05-01 16:39:06.600  1034  1071 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.BroadcastQueue.processNextBroadcast(boolean) from BroadcastQueue.java:640 waiters=0 for 509ms
  2661. 05-01 16:39:06.601  1034  1050 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.BroadcastQueue.processNextBroadcast(boolean) from BroadcastQueue.java:640 waiters=1 for 447ms
  2662. 05-01 16:39:06.604  1838  2935 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0x57f0a308 for 1280x720, color 0x7fa30c03, rotation 0, usage 0xc2002900
  2663. 05-01 16:39:06.606   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2664. 05-01 16:39:06.606   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2665. 05-01 16:39:06.608   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  2666. 05-01 16:39:06.614   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2667. 05-01 16:39:06.614   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2668. 05-01 16:39:06.614   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10090) - GET_MV_BUFFER_SIZE returned: Size: 245760 and alignment: 8192
  2669. 05-01 16:39:06.622   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2670. 05-01 16:39:06.622   211   439 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2671. 05-01 16:39:06.625   211  2941 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2672. 05-01 16:39:06.625   211  2941 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2673. 05-01 16:39:06.635   211  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2674. 05-01 16:39:06.635   211  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2675. 05-01 16:39:06.640   211  2942 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2676. 05-01 16:39:06.640   211  2942 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2677. 05-01 16:39:06.642   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  2678. 05-01 16:39:06.643   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  2679. 05-01 16:39:06.643   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  2680. 05-01 16:39:06.643   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  2681. 05-01 16:39:06.643   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,0,0
  2682. 05-01 16:39:06.643   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2683. 05-01 16:39:06.643   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2684. 05-01 16:39:06.647   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2685. 05-01 16:39:06.647   211  1552 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2686. 05-01 16:39:06.657   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 117,117,0
  2687. 05-01 16:39:06.657   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 0,0,0
  2688. 05-01 16:39:06.657   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 0,0,0
  2689. 05-01 16:39:06.657   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 0,0,0
  2690. 05-01 16:39:06.657   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 0,0,0
  2691. 05-01 16:39:06.657   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: enable headphones
  2692. 05-01 16:39:06.657   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=y skr=n mic=y
  2693. 05-01 16:39:06.694  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 35%
  2694. 05-01 16:39:06.694  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 37%
  2695. 05-01 16:39:06.694  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 38%
  2696. 05-01 16:39:06.695  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 40%
  2697. 05-01 16:39:06.695  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 41%
  2698. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 43%
  2699. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 44%
  2700. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 46%
  2701. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 47%
  2702. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 49%
  2703. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 51%
  2704. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 52%
  2705. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 54%
  2706. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 55%
  2707. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 57%
  2708. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 58%
  2709. 05-01 16:39:06.696  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 60%
  2710. 05-01 16:39:06.709   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: (10237) -
  2711. 05-01 16:39:06.709   211   211 E OMX-VDEC-1080P:  No color conversion required
  2712. 05-01 16:39:06.712  1838  2943 E VLC     : [595606ac] mediacodec decoder: output: 2141391875 unknown, 1280x720 stride 1280 736, crop 0 0 0 0
  2713. 05-01 16:39:06.713  1838  2943 D VLC     : [595606ac] core decoder: Received first picture
  2714. 05-01 16:39:06.713  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: Detected interlaced video
  2715. 05-01 16:39:06.713  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: deinterlace 0, mode blend, is_needed 1
  2716. 05-01 16:39:06.715  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 61%
  2717. 05-01 16:39:06.715  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 63%
  2718. 05-01 16:39:06.716  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 65%
  2719. 05-01 16:39:06.716  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 66%
  2720. 05-01 16:39:06.733  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 68%
  2721. 05-01 16:39:06.733  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 69%
  2722. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 71%
  2723. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 72%
  2724. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 74%
  2725. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 75%
  2726. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 77%
  2727. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 78%
  2728. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 80%
  2729. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 82%
  2730. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 83%
  2731. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 85%
  2732. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 86%
  2733. 05-01 16:39:06.734  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 88%
  2734. 05-01 16:39:06.735  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 89%
  2735. 05-01 16:39:06.735  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 91%
  2736. 05-01 16:39:06.735  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 92%
  2737. 05-01 16:39:06.746  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 94%
  2738. 05-01 16:39:06.747  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 95%
  2739. 05-01 16:39:06.747  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 97%
  2740. 05-01 16:39:06.747  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Buffering 99%
  2741. 05-01 16:39:06.748  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Stream buffering done (1508 ms in 827 ms)
  2742. 05-01 16:39:06.748  1838  2878 D VLC     : [5934397c] core input: Decoder wait done in 0 ms
  2743. 05-01 16:39:06.880   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  2744. 05-01 16:39:06.905   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  2745. 05-01 16:39:06.948  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 23 ms)
  2746. 05-01 16:39:06.962  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture might be displayed late (missing 4 ms)
  2747. 05-01 16:39:06.979   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(78)
  2748. 05-01 16:39:07.368  1838  2943 W VLC     : [595606ac] mediacodec decoder: Decoder stuck: invalidate all buffers
  2749. 05-01 16:39:07.502  2969  2969 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  2750. 05-01 16:39:07.509  2969  2969 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  2751. 05-01 16:39:07.509  2969  2969 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2752. 05-01 16:39:07.584  2969  2969 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2753. 05-01 16:39:07.601  1034  2095 D DhcpClient: Received packet: d8:25:22:45:30:3a OFFER, ip /, mask /, DNS servers: / / , gateways [/] lease time 3600, domain null
  2754. 05-01 16:39:07.607  2969  2969 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  2755. 05-01 16:39:07.670  1838  2944 W VLC     : [593692ac] android_audiotrack audio output: timing screwed, reset positions
  2756. 05-01 16:39:07.670  1838  2944 W VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: playback way too late (561243): flushing buffers
  2757. 05-01 16:39:07.675  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 650 ms)
  2758. 05-01 16:39:07.706   211   430 I AudioFlinger: BUFFER TIMEOUT: remove(4096) from active list on thread 0x744c0000
  2759. 05-01 16:39:07.737  2969  2969 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  2760. 05-01 16:39:07.792   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  2761. 05-01 16:39:07.792  2969  2969 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  2762. 05-01 16:39:07.803  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 745 ms)
  2763. 05-01 16:39:07.813  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 721 ms)
  2764. 05-01 16:39:07.817   211   430 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=4'
  2765. 05-01 16:39:07.826  1838  2944 W VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: playback way too early (-835943): playing silence
  2766. 05-01 16:39:07.827  1838  2944 D VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: inserting 40125 zeroes
  2767. 05-01 16:39:07.903   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  2768. 05-01 16:39:07.913  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 788 ms)
  2769. 05-01 16:39:07.913  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 755 ms)
  2770. 05-01 16:39:07.928   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  2771. 05-01 16:39:07.929  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 737 ms)
  2772. 05-01 16:39:07.943  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 718 ms)
  2773. 05-01 16:39:07.953   211   430 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  2774. 05-01 16:39:07.968  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 710 ms)
  2775. 05-01 16:39:07.976  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 685 ms)
  2776. 05-01 16:39:07.992  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 667 ms)
  2777. 05-01 16:39:08.006  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 647 ms)
  2778. 05-01 16:39:08.020  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 628 ms)
  2779. 05-01 16:39:08.023   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(106)
  2780. 05-01 16:39:08.034  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 609 ms)
  2781. 05-01 16:39:08.050  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 591 ms)
  2782. 05-01 16:39:08.060  1838  2944 W VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: playback too early (-41007): down-sampling
  2783. 05-01 16:39:08.064  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 572 ms)
  2784. 05-01 16:39:08.081  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 556 ms)
  2785. 05-01 16:39:08.099  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 540 ms)
  2786. 05-01 16:39:08.112  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 520 ms)
  2787. 05-01 16:39:08.127  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 502 ms)
  2788. 05-01 16:39:08.140  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 482 ms)
  2789. 05-01 16:39:08.156  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 465 ms)
  2790. 05-01 16:39:08.162  1034  1047 W Searchables: No global search activity found
  2791. 05-01 16:39:08.173  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 448 ms)
  2792. 05-01 16:39:08.187  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 428 ms)
  2793. 05-01 16:39:08.203  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 412 ms)
  2794. 05-01 16:39:08.217  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 392 ms)
  2795. 05-01 16:39:08.230  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 371 ms)
  2796. 05-01 16:39:08.245  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 353 ms)
  2797. 05-01 16:39:08.260  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 335 ms)
  2798. 05-01 16:39:08.276  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 318 ms)
  2799. 05-01 16:39:08.287  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 295 ms)
  2800. 05-01 16:39:08.293  1838  2944 W VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: timing screwed (drift: -85056 us): stopping resampling
  2801. 05-01 16:39:08.299  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 274 ms)
  2802. 05-01 16:39:08.314  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 256 ms)
  2803. 05-01 16:39:08.315  1838  2944 W VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: playback too early (-85077): down-sampling
  2804. 05-01 16:39:08.326  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 235 ms)
  2805. 05-01 16:39:08.339  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 214 ms)
  2806. 05-01 16:39:08.351  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 193 ms)
  2807. 05-01 16:39:08.366  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 174 ms)
  2808. 05-01 16:39:08.379  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 154 ms)
  2809. 05-01 16:39:08.393  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 134 ms)
  2810. 05-01 16:39:08.412  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 121 ms)
  2811. 05-01 16:39:08.422  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 97 ms)
  2812. 05-01 16:39:08.436  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 78 ms)
  2813. 05-01 16:39:08.450  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 58 ms)
  2814. 05-01 16:39:08.464  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 39 ms)
  2815. 05-01 16:39:08.478  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 20 ms)
  2816. 05-01 16:39:08.495  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture might be displayed late (missing 3 ms)
  2817. 05-01 16:39:08.566  1894  1894 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.onStartCommand(150): Beginning daily hygiene
  2818. 05-01 16:39:08.595  1838  2944 W VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: playback way too early (-120430): playing silence
  2819. 05-01 16:39:08.595  1838  2944 D VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: inserting 5780 zeroes
  2820. 05-01 16:39:08.720  1034  2095 D DhcpClient: Received packet: d8:25:22:45:30:3a ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / / , lease time 3600
  2821. 05-01 16:39:09.034  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2822. 05-01 16:39:09.071  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2823. 05-01 16:39:09.104  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  2824. 05-01 16:39:09.119  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2825. 05-01 16:39:09.359  2890  2890 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  2826. 05-01 16:39:09.582  1825  2998 D PkgBroadcastIntentOp: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.google.android.gsf
  2827. 05-01 16:39:09.747  1825  2998 D WearableController: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.google.android.gsf
  2828. 05-01 16:39:10.175  2912  2912 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  2829. 05-01 16:39:10.345  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2830. 05-01 16:39:10.359  1825  3001 I PeopleDatabaseHelper: cleanUpNonGplusAccounts done.
  2831. 05-01 16:39:10.568  2969  2969 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  2832. 05-01 16:39:10.629  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier: TouchEvent: ACTION_DOWN but pointers are already down.  Probably missing ACTION_UP from previous gesture.
  2833. 05-01 16:39:10.629  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@39f8f98
  2834. 05-01 16:39:10.629  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   0: sent at 126690364000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=313.14734, y[0]=223.70871, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=126690, downTime=126690, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2835. 05-01 16:39:10.629  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   -- recent events --
  2836. 05-01 16:39:10.629  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   1: sent at 87758925000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=230.9776, y[0]=648.15607, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=87758, downTime=87758, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2837. 05-01 16:39:10.629  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   2: sent at 87758925000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=230.9776, y[0]=648.15607, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=87758, downTime=87758, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2838. 05-01 16:39:10.629  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   3: sent at 85482117000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=125.08099, y[0]=263.6567, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=85482, downTime=85482, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2839. 05-01 16:39:10.629  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   4: sent at 85482117000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=125.08099, y[0]=263.6567, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=85482, downTime=85482, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2840. 05-01 16:39:10.770  1034  1052 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3007:com.android.bluetooth/1002 for service com.android.bluetooth/.btservice.AdapterService
  2841. 05-01 16:39:10.796  3007  3007 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 14 lines
  2842. 05-01 16:39:10.865  2474  2474 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:116): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2843. 05-01 16:39:10.886  1034  1045 I PackageManager.DexOptimizer: Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /system/app/Bluetooth/Bluetooth.apk pkg=com.android.bluetooth isa=arm vmSafeMode=false debuggable=false oatDir = null bootComplete=true
  2844. 05-01 16:39:10.925  1782  1782 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:117): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2845. 05-01 16:39:11.285  3022  3022 I dex2oat : type=1400 audit(0.0:118): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:dex2oat:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  2846. 05-01 16:39:12.190  2966  2966 D su      : sending code
  2847. 05-01 16:39:12.191  2966  2966 D su      : child exited
  2848. 05-01 16:39:12.191  2964  2964 D su      : client exited 0
  2849. 05-01 16:39:12.216  3025  3025 I sh      : type=1400 audit(0.0:119): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  2850. 05-01 16:39:12.266  3031  3031 D su      : su invoked.
  2851. 05-01 16:39:12.295  2008  2019 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 10.467ms
  2852. 05-01 16:39:12.324  3022  3022 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  2853. 05-01 16:39:12.324  3022  3022 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2854. 05-01 16:39:12.369  3038  3038 D su      : su invoked.
  2855. 05-01 16:39:12.451  3046  3046 D su      : su invoked.
  2856. 05-01 16:39:12.451  3046  3046 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2857. 05-01 16:39:12.453  3048  3048 D su      : remote pid: 3046
  2858. 05-01 16:39:12.453  3048  3048 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2859. 05-01 16:39:12.455  3048  3048 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2860. 05-01 16:39:12.456  3050  3050 D su      : su invoked.
  2861. 05-01 16:39:12.460  3050  3050 D su      : db allowed
  2862. 05-01 16:39:12.460  3050  3050 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2863. 05-01 16:39:12.465  3058  3058 D su      : su invoked.
  2864. 05-01 16:39:12.717  3071  3071 D su      : su invoked.
  2865. 05-01 16:39:12.717  3071  3071 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2866. 05-01 16:39:12.815  3073  3073 D su      : remote pid: 3071
  2867. 05-01 16:39:12.815  3073  3073 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2868. 05-01 16:39:12.832  3073  3073 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2869. 05-01 16:39:12.838  3075  3075 D su      : su invoked.
  2870. 05-01 16:39:12.915  3075  3075 D su      : db allowed
  2871. 05-01 16:39:12.915  3075  3075 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2872. 05-01 16:39:13.077  3048  3048 D su      : sending code
  2873. 05-01 16:39:13.077  3048  3048 D su      : child exited
  2874. 05-01 16:39:13.114  3073  3073 D su      : sending code
  2875. 05-01 16:39:13.114  3073  3073 D su      : child exited
  2876. 05-01 16:39:13.115  3071  3071 D su      : client exited 0
  2877. 05-01 16:39:13.185  3046  3046 D su      : client exited 0
  2878. 05-01 16:39:13.733  1034  1052 E BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_BIND
  2879. 05-01 16:39:14.536  3054  3054 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  2880. 05-01 16:39:14.697  3054  3054 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  2881. 05-01 16:39:14.697  3054  3054 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2882. 05-01 16:39:14.743  3085  3085 D su      : su invoked.
  2883. 05-01 16:39:14.743  3085  3085 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2884. 05-01 16:39:14.745  3087  3087 D su      : remote pid: 3085
  2885. 05-01 16:39:14.746  3087  3087 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2886. 05-01 16:39:14.747  3087  3087 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2887. 05-01 16:39:14.770  3089  3089 D su      : su invoked.
  2888. 05-01 16:39:14.773  3089  3089 D su      : db allowed
  2889. 05-01 16:39:14.773  3089  3089 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2890. 05-01 16:39:14.784  1825  2104 W Icing   : Failed to connect to SearchIndex Apis
  2891. 05-01 16:39:14.801  3087  3087 D su      : sending code
  2892. 05-01 16:39:14.801  3087  3087 D su      : child exited
  2893. 05-01 16:39:14.802  3085  3085 D su      : client exited 0
  2894. 05-01 16:39:14.906  3054  3054 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2895. 05-01 16:39:14.929  3100  3100 D su      : su invoked.
  2896. 05-01 16:39:14.930  3100  3100 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2897. 05-01 16:39:14.932  3102  3102 D su      : remote pid: 3100
  2898. 05-01 16:39:14.946  3054  3054 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  2899. 05-01 16:39:14.950  3102  3102 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2900. 05-01 16:39:14.953  3102  3102 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2901. 05-01 16:39:14.965  3104  3104 D su      : su invoked.
  2902. 05-01 16:39:14.968  3104  3104 D su      : db allowed
  2903. 05-01 16:39:14.968  3104  3104 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2904. 05-01 16:39:15.031  3102  3102 D su      : sending code
  2905. 05-01 16:39:15.031  3102  3102 D su      : child exited
  2906. 05-01 16:39:15.114  3100  3100 D su      : client exited 0
  2907. 05-01 16:39:15.199  3076  3076 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  2908. 05-01 16:39:15.235  3076  3076 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  2909. 05-01 16:39:15.236  3076  3076 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2910. 05-01 16:39:15.351  3054  3054 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  2911. 05-01 16:39:15.464  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier: TouchEvent: ACTION_DOWN but pointers are already down.  Probably missing ACTION_UP from previous gesture.
  2912. 05-01 16:39:15.464  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@39f8f98
  2913. 05-01 16:39:15.464  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   0: sent at 131525142000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=330.13074, y[0]=261.6593, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=131525, downTime=131525, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2914. 05-01 16:39:15.464  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   -- recent events --
  2915. 05-01 16:39:15.464  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   1: sent at 126690364000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=313.14734, y[0]=223.70871, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=126690, downTime=126690, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2916. 05-01 16:39:15.464  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   2: sent at 126690364000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=313.14734, y[0]=223.70871, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=126690, downTime=126690, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2917. 05-01 16:39:15.464  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   3: sent at 87758925000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=230.9776, y[0]=648.15607, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=87758, downTime=87758, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2918. 05-01 16:39:15.464  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   4: sent at 87758925000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=230.9776, y[0]=648.15607, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=87758, downTime=87758, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2919. 05-01 16:39:15.464  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   5: sent at 85482117000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=125.08099, y[0]=263.6567, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=85482, downTime=85482, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  2920. 05-01 16:39:15.523  3076  3076 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2921. 05-01 16:39:15.549  3054  3054 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  2922. 05-01 16:39:15.569  1782  1782 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:120): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2923. 05-01 16:39:15.572  3076  3076 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  2924. 05-01 16:39:15.897  3076  3076 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  2925. 05-01 16:39:16.007  3076  3076 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  2926. 05-01 16:39:16.020  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 128 ms)
  2927. 05-01 16:39:16.030  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 105 ms)
  2928. 05-01 16:39:16.044  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 86 ms)
  2929. 05-01 16:39:16.058  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 66 ms)
  2930. 05-01 16:39:16.071  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 46 ms)
  2931. 05-01 16:39:16.084  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 25 ms)
  2932. 05-01 16:39:16.096  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture might be displayed late (missing 5 ms)
  2933. 05-01 16:39:16.289  3105  3105 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  2934. 05-01 16:39:16.296  3105  3105 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  2935. 05-01 16:39:16.297  3105  3105 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2936. 05-01 16:39:16.393  3105  3105 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2937. 05-01 16:39:16.408  3105  3105 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  2938. 05-01 16:39:16.445  3131  3131 D su      : su invoked.
  2939. 05-01 16:39:16.445  3131  3131 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2940. 05-01 16:39:16.449  3133  3133 D su      : remote pid: 3131
  2941. 05-01 16:39:16.449  3133  3133 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2942. 05-01 16:39:16.450  3133  3133 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2943. 05-01 16:39:16.450  3135  3135 D su      : su invoked.
  2944. 05-01 16:39:16.453  3135  3135 D su      : db allowed
  2945. 05-01 16:39:16.453  3135  3135 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2946. 05-01 16:39:16.510  3133  3133 D su      : sending code
  2947. 05-01 16:39:16.510  3133  3133 D su      : child exited
  2948. 05-01 16:39:16.559  3131  3131 D su      : client exited 0
  2949. 05-01 16:39:16.600  3105  3105 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  2950. 05-01 16:39:16.705  3105  3105 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  2951. 05-01 16:39:16.817  3090  3090 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  2952. 05-01 16:39:16.823  3090  3090 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  2953. 05-01 16:39:16.823  3090  3090 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2954. 05-01 16:39:16.824   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(3)
  2955. 05-01 16:39:16.920  3090  3090 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2956. 05-01 16:39:16.933  3090  3090 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  2957. 05-01 16:39:17.090  3090  3090 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  2958. 05-01 16:39:17.152  3090  3090 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  2959. 05-01 16:39:17.208  3163  3163 D su      : su invoked.
  2960. 05-01 16:39:17.209  3163  3163 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2961. 05-01 16:39:17.215  3165  3165 D su      : remote pid: 3163
  2962. 05-01 16:39:17.216  3165  3165 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2963. 05-01 16:39:17.217  3165  3165 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2964. 05-01 16:39:17.217  3167  3167 D su      : su invoked.
  2965. 05-01 16:39:17.220  3167  3167 D su      : db allowed
  2966. 05-01 16:39:17.220  3167  3167 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2967. 05-01 16:39:17.264  3165  3165 D su      : sending code
  2968. 05-01 16:39:17.264  3165  3165 D su      : child exited
  2969. 05-01 16:39:17.417  3163  3163 D su      : client exited 0
  2970. 05-01 16:39:17.820  3136  3136 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  2971. 05-01 16:39:17.830  3136  3136 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  2972. 05-01 16:39:17.831  3136  3136 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2973. 05-01 16:39:17.935  3136  3136 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2974. 05-01 16:39:17.952  3136  3136 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  2975. 05-01 16:39:17.989  3179  3179 D su      : su invoked.
  2976. 05-01 16:39:17.989  3179  3179 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2977. 05-01 16:39:17.991  3181  3181 D su      : remote pid: 3179
  2978. 05-01 16:39:17.997  3181  3181 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2979. 05-01 16:39:17.998  3181  3181 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2980. 05-01 16:39:18.005  3184  3184 D su      : su invoked.
  2981. 05-01 16:39:18.017  3184  3184 D su      : db allowed
  2982. 05-01 16:39:18.017  3184  3184 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2983. 05-01 16:39:18.078  3181  3181 D su      : sending code
  2984. 05-01 16:39:18.078  3181  3181 D su      : child exited
  2985. 05-01 16:39:18.078  3179  3179 D su      : client exited 0
  2986. 05-01 16:39:18.157  3136  3136 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  2987. 05-01 16:39:18.255  3136  3136 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  2988. 05-01 16:39:18.338  3201  3201 D su      : su invoked.
  2989. 05-01 16:39:18.339  3201  3201 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  2990. 05-01 16:39:18.350  3203  3203 D su      : remote pid: 3201
  2991. 05-01 16:39:18.350  3203  3203 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  2992. 05-01 16:39:18.351  3203  3203 D su      : waiting for child exit
  2993. 05-01 16:39:18.352  3205  3205 D su      : su invoked.
  2994. 05-01 16:39:18.355  3205  3205 D su      : db allowed
  2995. 05-01 16:39:18.356  3205  3205 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  2996. 05-01 16:39:18.374  3203  3203 D su      : sending code
  2997. 05-01 16:39:18.374  3203  3203 D su      : child exited
  2998. 05-01 16:39:18.375  3201  3201 D su      : client exited 0
  2999. 05-01 16:39:18.518  2008  2008 I B4A     : ~e:FindDrive:/dev/block/vold/public:254_6
  3000. 05-01 16:39:18.893  3168  3168 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  3001. 05-01 16:39:18.900  3168  3168 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  3002. 05-01 16:39:18.901  3168  3168 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  3003. 05-01 16:39:19.113  3168  3168 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3004. 05-01 16:39:19.133  3168  3168 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  3005. 05-01 16:39:19.345  3168  3168 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  3006. 05-01 16:39:19.390  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier: TouchEvent: ACTION_DOWN but pointers are already down.  Probably missing ACTION_UP from previous gesture.
  3007. 05-01 16:39:19.390  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@39f8f98
  3008. 05-01 16:39:19.390  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   0: sent at 135452022000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=326.13464, y[0]=267.6515, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=135452, downTime=135452, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  3009. 05-01 16:39:19.390  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   -- recent events --
  3010. 05-01 16:39:19.390  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   1: sent at 131525142000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=330.13074, y[0]=261.6593, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=131525, downTime=131525, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  3011. 05-01 16:39:19.390  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   2: sent at 131525142000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=330.13074, y[0]=261.6593, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=131525, downTime=131525, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  3012. 05-01 16:39:19.390  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   3: sent at 126690364000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=313.14734, y[0]=223.70871, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=126690, downTime=126690, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  3013. 05-01 16:39:19.390  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   4: sent at 126690364000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=313.14734, y[0]=223.70871, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=126690, downTime=126690, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  3014. 05-01 16:39:19.390  1124  1124 D InputEventConsistencyVerifier:   5: sent at 87758925000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=230.9776, y[0]=648.15607, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x80000000, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=87758, downTime=87758, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  3015. 05-01 16:39:19.451  3168  3168 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  3016. 05-01 16:39:19.524  3189  3189 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  3017. 05-01 16:39:19.535  3189  3189 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  3018. 05-01 16:39:19.535  3189  3189 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  3019. 05-01 16:39:19.701  3189  3189 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3020. 05-01 16:39:19.716  3189  3189 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  3021. 05-01 16:39:19.888  3189  3189 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  3022. 05-01 16:39:19.902  3206  3206 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  3023. 05-01 16:39:19.909  3206  3206 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  3024. 05-01 16:39:19.909  3206  3206 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  3025. 05-01 16:39:19.968  3189  3189 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  3026. 05-01 16:39:19.991  3206  3206 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3027. 05-01 16:39:20.002  3206  3206 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  3028. 05-01 16:39:20.009  3235  3235 D su      : su invoked.
  3029. 05-01 16:39:20.067  3244  3244 D su      : su invoked.
  3030. 05-01 16:39:20.067  3244  3244 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  3031. 05-01 16:39:20.069  3246  3246 D su      : remote pid: 3244
  3032. 05-01 16:39:20.069  3246  3246 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  3033. 05-01 16:39:20.070  3246  3246 D su      : waiting for child exit
  3034. 05-01 16:39:20.071  3248  3248 D su      : su invoked.
  3035. 05-01 16:39:20.074  3248  3248 D su      : db allowed
  3036. 05-01 16:39:20.075  3248  3248 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  3037. 05-01 16:39:20.110  3246  3246 D su      : sending code
  3038. 05-01 16:39:20.110  3246  3246 D su      : child exited
  3039. 05-01 16:39:20.156  3206  3206 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  3040. 05-01 16:39:20.206  3244  3244 D su      : client exited 1
  3041. 05-01 16:39:20.219  3206  3206 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  3042. 05-01 16:39:20.479  3260  3260 D su      : su invoked.
  3043. 05-01 16:39:20.480  3260  3260 D su      : starting daemon client 10093 10093
  3044. 05-01 16:39:20.485  3262  3262 D su      : remote pid: 3260
  3045. 05-01 16:39:20.485  3262  3262 D su      : remote pts_slave:
  3046. 05-01 16:39:20.486  3262  3262 D su      : waiting for child exit
  3047. 05-01 16:39:20.488  3264  3264 D su      : su invoked.
  3048. 05-01 16:39:20.493  3264  3264 D su      : db allowed
  3049. 05-01 16:39:20.494  3264  3264 D su      : 10093 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  3050. 05-01 16:39:20.551  3262  3262 D su      : sending code
  3051. 05-01 16:39:20.551  3262  3262 D su      : child exited
  3052. 05-01 16:39:20.770  3260  3260 D su      : client exited 1
  3053. 05-01 16:39:21.258  3249  3249 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  3054. 05-01 16:39:21.267  3249  3249 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  3055. 05-01 16:39:21.268  3249  3249 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  3056. 05-01 16:39:21.358  3249  3249 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3057. 05-01 16:39:21.371  3249  3249 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  3058. 05-01 16:39:21.416  3278  3278 D su      : su invoked.
  3059. 05-01 16:39:21.498  3290  3290 D su      : su invoked.
  3060. 05-01 16:39:21.582  3249  3249 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  3061. 05-01 16:39:21.625  3297  3297 D su      : su invoked.
  3062. 05-01 16:39:21.689  3249  3249 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  3063. 05-01 16:39:22.083  3265  3265 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 0 <<<<<<
  3064. 05-01 16:39:22.090  3265  3265 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
  3065. 05-01 16:39:22.090  3265  3265 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  3066. 05-01 16:39:22.169  3265  3265 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3067. 05-01 16:39:22.184  3265  3265 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  3068. 05-01 16:39:22.401  3265  3265 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  3069. 05-01 16:39:22.472  3265  3265 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  3070. 05-01 16:39:28.650  3022  3022 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 16.327s (threads: 2) arena alloc=72B java alloc=3MB native alloc=2MB free=2MB
  3071. 05-01 16:39:28.718  1034  1194 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=0 for 17.718s
  3072. 05-01 16:39:28.745  1034  1655 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=1 for 17.731s
  3073. 05-01 16:39:28.747  1034  1046 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=2 for 16.542s
  3074. 05-01 16:39:28.750  1034  1649 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=3 for 16.545s
  3075. 05-01 16:39:28.751  1034  1563 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=4 for 16.524s
  3076. 05-01 16:39:28.763  1034  1048 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=5 for 15.028s
  3077. 05-01 16:39:28.767  1034  1577 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=6 for 14.331s
  3078. 05-01 16:39:28.783  1034  1587 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=7 for 13.021s
  3079. 05-01 16:39:28.785  1034  1605 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=8 for 12.779s
  3080. 05-01 16:39:28.785  1124  1124 I Choreographer: Skipped 449 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3081. 05-01 16:39:28.786  1034  1200 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=9 for 12.661s
  3082. 05-01 16:39:28.789  1034  3126 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=10 for 12.025s
  3083. 05-01 16:39:28.791  1034  3149 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=11 for 12.006s
  3084. 05-01 16:39:28.793  1034  3150 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=12 for 11.592s
  3085. 05-01 16:39:28.797  1034  3151 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=13 for 10.475s
  3086. 05-01 16:39:28.799  1034  3197 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=14 for 9.231s
  3087. 05-01 16:39:28.802  1034  3174 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=15 for 8.739s
  3088. 05-01 16:39:28.807  1034  1071 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=16 for 7.205s
  3089. 05-01 16:39:28.808  1034  1047 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=17 for 109ms
  3090. 05-01 16:39:28.848  1034  3149 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from uid 10016 on display 0
  3091. 05-01 16:39:28.855  1034  2093 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=144911,, [7896846A7AB3], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3092. 05-01 16:39:28.951  1124  1782 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: FrameLayout, destroying layer...
  3093. 05-01 16:39:28.951  1124  1782 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: SplitClockView, destroying layer...
  3094. 05-01 16:39:28.980  2008  2008 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.streams.File$TextReaderWrapper.ReadAll()
  3095. 05-01 16:39:29.023  1825  2442 I Icing   : Scored 628 usage reports, missing_corpora 0 update_failed 153
  3096. 05-01 16:39:29.220  1825  2442 E Icing   : Array storage bad crc 1992653667 vs 3633617208
  3097. 05-01 16:39:29.220  1825  2442 E Icing   : Trie mmap node failed
  3098. 05-01 16:39:29.253  1825  2442 E Icing   : Array storage bad crc 2965777209 vs 2072964123
  3099. 05-01 16:39:29.253  1825  2442 E Icing   : Trie mmap node failed
  3100. 05-01 16:39:29.431   194   981 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER for uid=1000 => granted (671 us)
  3101. 05-01 16:39:29.538  1034  1049 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.attachApplication(android.app.IApplicationThread) from ActivityManagerService.java:6323 waiters=18 for 831ms
  3102. 05-01 16:39:29.539  1034  1649 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=int com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent(android.app.IApplicationThread, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.content.IIntentReceiver, int, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String[], int, android.os.Bundle, boolean, boolean, int) from ActivityManagerService.java:17140 waiters=16 for 789ms
  3103. 05-01 16:39:29.540  1034  1045 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=int com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.bindService(android.app.IApplicationThread, android.os.IBinder, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.app.IServiceConnection, int, java.lang.String, int) from ActivityManagerService.java:16120 waiters=18 for 817ms
  3104. 05-01 16:39:29.541  1034  1655 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=android.content.ComponentName com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.startService(android.app.IApplicationThread, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) from ActivityManagerService.java:15885 waiters=16 for 787ms
  3105. 05-01 16:39:29.545  1034  1563 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.BroadcastQueue.processNextBroadcast(boolean) from BroadcastQueue.java:640 waiters=16 for 781ms
  3106. 05-01 16:39:29.545  1034  1577 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.BroadcastQueue.processNextBroadcast(boolean) from BroadcastQueue.java:640 waiters=16 for 779ms
  3107. 05-01 16:39:29.553  1034  3150 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.stopServiceToken(android.content.ComponentName, android.os.IBinder, int) from ActivityManagerService.java:15944 waiters=11 for 760ms
  3108. 05-01 16:39:29.554  1034  1048 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.stopServiceToken(android.content.ComponentName, android.os.IBinder, int) from ActivityManagerService.java:15944 waiters=12 for 759ms
  3109. 05-01 16:39:29.555  1034  3174 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.unbindService(android.app.IServiceConnection) from ActivityManagerService.java:16127 waiters=10 for 752ms
  3110. 05-01 16:39:29.559  1034  1200 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=int com.android.server.am.ActivityStackSupervisor.startActivityMayWait(android.app.IApplicationThread, int, java.lang.String, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.service.voice.IVoiceInteractionSession, com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractor, android.os.IBinder, java.lang.String, int, int, android.app.ProfilerInfo, android.app.IActivityManager$WaitResult, android.content.res.Configuration, android.os.Bundle, boolean, int, android.app.IActivityContainer, com.android.server.am.TaskRecord) from ActivityStackSupervisor.java:949 waiters=10 for 684ms
  3111. 05-01 16:39:29.560  1034  1587 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=int com.android.server.am.ActivityStackSupervisor.startActivityMayWait(android.app.IApplicationThread, int, java.lang.String, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.service.voice.IVoiceInteractionSession, com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractor, android.os.IBinder, java.lang.String, int, int, android.app.ProfilerInfo, android.app.IActivityManager$WaitResult, android.content.res.Configuration, android.os.Bundle, boolean, int, android.app.IActivityContainer, com.android.server.am.TaskRecord) from ActivityStackSupervisor.java:949 waiters=11 for 651ms
  3112. 05-01 16:39:29.562  1034  3197 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=int com.android.server.am.ActivityStackSupervisor.startActivityMayWait(android.app.IApplicationThread, int, java.lang.String, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.service.voice.IVoiceInteractionSession, com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractor, android.os.IBinder, java.lang.String, int, int, android.app.ProfilerInfo, android.app.IActivityManager$WaitResult, android.content.res.Configuration, android.os.Bundle, boolean, int, android.app.IActivityContainer, com.android.server.am.TaskRecord) from ActivityStackSupervisor.java:949 waiters=12 for 591ms
  3113. 05-01 16:39:29.563  1034  3126 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=int com.android.server.am.ActivityStackSupervisor.startActivityMayWait(android.app.IApplicationThread, int, java.lang.String, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.service.voice.IVoiceInteractionSession, com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractor, android.os.IBinder, java.lang.String, int, int, android.app.ProfilerInfo, android.app.IActivityManager$WaitResult, android.content.res.Configuration, android.os.Bundle, boolean, int, android.app.IActivityContainer, com.android.server.am.TaskRecord) from ActivityStackSupervisor.java:949 waiters=13 for 576ms
  3114. 05-01 16:39:29.565  1034  1605 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=int com.android.server.am.ActivityStackSupervisor.startActivityMayWait(android.app.IApplicationThread, int, java.lang.String, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.service.voice.IVoiceInteractionSession, com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractor, android.os.IBinder, java.lang.String, int, int, android.app.ProfilerInfo, android.app.IActivityManager$WaitResult, android.content.res.Configuration, android.os.Bundle, boolean, int, android.app.IActivityContainer, com.android.server.am.TaskRecord) from ActivityStackSupervisor.java:949 waiters=14 for 216ms
  3115. 05-01 16:39:29.591  3249  3249 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  3116. 05-01 16:39:29.663  1034  1047 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=int com.android.server.am.ActivityStackSupervisor.startActivityMayWait(android.app.IApplicationThread, int, java.lang.String, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, android.service.voice.IVoiceInteractionSession, com.android.internal.app.IVoiceInteractor, android.os.IBinder, java.lang.String, int, int, android.app.ProfilerInfo, android.app.IActivityManager$WaitResult, android.content.res.Configuration, android.os.Bundle, boolean, int, android.app.IActivityContainer, com.android.server.am.TaskRecord) from ActivityStackSupervisor.java:949 waiters=9 for 811ms
  3117. 05-01 16:39:29.693  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  3118. 05-01 16:39:29.794  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  3119. 05-01 16:39:29.802  1034  1563 I ActivityManager: Killing 2266:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a9 (adj 15): empty #17
  3120. 05-01 16:39:29.818  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  3121. 05-01 16:39:29.826  1034  1044 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 16863(1408KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 25% free, 11MB/15MB, paused 7.690ms total 352.081ms
  3122. 05-01 16:39:29.942  1124  1124 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  3123. 05-01 16:39:29.962  3007  3007 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 8 lines
  3124. 05-01 16:39:29.975  3317  3317 D su      : su invoked.
  3125. 05-01 16:39:30.022  1034  1048 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{836afd0 u0 com.datanasov.popupvideo/.activities.MainActivity t144}
  3126. 05-01 16:39:30.057  1034  1048 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3322:com.android.settings/1000 for activity com.android.settings/.Settings
  3127. 05-01 16:39:30.094  1124  1782 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: FrameLayout, destroying layer...
  3128. 05-01 16:39:30.094  1124  1782 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: SplitClockView, destroying layer...
  3129. 05-01 16:39:30.128  3330  3330 D su      : su invoked.
  3130. 05-01 16:39:30.129  3322  3322 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  3131. 05-01 16:39:30.146  3054  3054 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  3132. 05-01 16:39:30.166  1034  1052 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@a46f96:true
  3133. 05-01 16:39:30.174  3322  3322 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3134. 05-01 16:39:30.184  3007  3331 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 1 line
  3135. 05-01 16:39:30.223  3007  3335 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 1 line
  3136. 05-01 16:39:30.251  3007  3343 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 2 lines
  3137. 05-01 16:39:30.265  3007  3007 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 1 line
  3138. 05-01 16:39:30.278  3007  3343 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 1 line
  3139. 05-01 16:39:30.388  3007  3021 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 1 line
  3140. 05-01 16:39:30.397  1034  1052 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 6 receivers.
  3141. 05-01 16:39:30.404  3007  3331 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 5 lines
  3142. 05-01 16:39:30.435  3007  3345 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 1 line
  3143. 05-01 16:39:30.438  3322  3322 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm
  3144. 05-01 16:39:30.604  3007  3007 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 17 lines
  3145. 05-01 16:39:30.652  1838  1838 I Choreographer: Skipped 111 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3146. 05-01 16:39:30.665  1034  1649 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@83b429c attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@45e8cc0
  3147. 05-01 16:39:30.710  3007  3331 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 2 lines
  3148. 05-01 16:39:30.710  3007  3335 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 5 lines
  3149. 05-01 16:39:30.717  3007  3348 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 1 line
  3150. 05-01 16:39:30.744  3335  3335 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 1 line
  3151. 05-01 16:39:30.750  3007  3335 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 5 lines
  3152. 05-01 16:39:30.754  3007  3349 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 255 lines
  3153. 05-01 16:39:30.823  1894  1990 D Volley  : [100] c.a: HTTP response for request=<[ ] https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/selfUpdate 0xe8d195d1 NORMAL 4> [lifetime=19842], [size=9], [rc=200], [retryCount=0]
  3154. 05-01 16:39:30.833  3357  3357 D su      : su invoked.
  3155. 05-01 16:39:30.932  3364  3364 D su      : su invoked.
  3156. 05-01 16:39:30.949  3076  3076 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  3157. 05-01 16:39:30.954  1894  1894 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.m.e.a(152): Skipping DFE self-update. Local Version [80641200] >= Server Version [-1]
  3158. 05-01 16:39:31.171  3322  3366 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  3159. 05-01 16:39:31.222  1124  1191 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8993(592KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(80KB) LOS objects, 22% free, 13MB/17MB, paused 7.598ms total 73.120ms
  3160. 05-01 16:39:31.307  3322  3322 W Settings: Activity com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink has unknown category key com.android.settings.category.personal
  3161. 05-01 16:39:31.370  1034  1194 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3370:com.google.android.gms:car/u0a20 for service com.google.android.gms/.car.CarService
  3162. 05-01 16:39:31.374  2008  2008 I B4A     : ~i:** Service (srvc) Destroy **
  3163. 05-01 16:39:31.407  3105  3105 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  3164. 05-01 16:39:31.409  3370  3370 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  3165. 05-01 16:39:31.453  3370  3370 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3166. 05-01 16:39:31.489  1034  1075 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  3167. 05-01 16:39:31.543  1825  3369 W IcingInternalCorpora: getNumBytesRead when not calculated.
  3168. 05-01 16:39:31.585  1034  1052 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@3a8ce:true
  3169. 05-01 16:39:31.593  1894  2004 W art     : Verification of boolean com.google.android.finsky.api.q.a(org.keyczar.interfaces.KeyczarReader, byte[], byte[], java.lang.String) took 131.622ms
  3170. 05-01 16:39:31.657  3322  3322 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local MAP profile
  3171. 05-01 16:39:31.663  3322  3322 D BluetoothMap: Create BluetoothMap proxy object
  3172. 05-01 16:39:31.681  3322  3322 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
  3173. 05-01 16:39:31.681  3322  3365 I IndexDatabaseHelper: Using schema version: 115
  3174. 05-01 16:39:31.718  3322  3365 I IndexDatabaseHelper: Index is fine
  3175. 05-01 16:39:31.725  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  3176. 05-01 16:39:31.748  3136  3136 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  3177. 05-01 16:39:31.821  3322  3341 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7674(755KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 43% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 2.410ms total 102.966ms
  3178. 05-01 16:39:31.894  3322  3365 D Index   : Locale 'en_US' is already indexed
  3179. 05-01 16:39:31.996  3370  3370 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
  3180. 05-01 16:39:31.997  3370  3370 I MultiDex: install
  3181. 05-01 16:39:31.997  3370  3370 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
  3182. 05-01 16:39:32.074  3168  3168 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  3183. 05-01 16:39:32.176  3370  3370 V JNIHelp : Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 254 native methods...
  3184. 05-01 16:39:32.222  3322  3322 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI took: 1007 ms
  3185. 05-01 16:39:32.237  3322  3322 I Choreographer: Skipped 60 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3186. 05-01 16:39:32.345  3090  3090 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  3187. 05-01 16:39:32.356  3366  3366 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:122): avc: denied { read write } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  3188. 05-01 16:39:32.356  3366  3366 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:123): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  3189. 05-01 16:39:32.356  3366  3366 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:124): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=842 ioctlcmd=902 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  3190. 05-01 16:39:32.367  3322  3366 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  3191. 05-01 16:39:32.367  3322  3366 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  3192. 05-01 16:39:32.367  3322  3366 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  3193. 05-01 16:39:32.367  3322  3366 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  3194. 05-01 16:39:32.367  3322  3366 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  3195. 05-01 16:39:32.367  3322  3366 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  3196. 05-01 16:39:32.401  3322  3366 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  3197. 05-01 16:39:32.522  3370  3370 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
  3198. 05-01 16:39:32.715  1034  1053 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +2s676ms
  3199. 05-01 16:39:32.746  3349  3349 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 3 lines
  3200. 05-01 16:39:32.840  3370  3370 D ChimeraCfgMgr: Reading stored module config
  3201. 05-01 16:39:32.875  3370  3370 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.af.b.a.e()
  3202. 05-01 16:39:32.923  3189  3189 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  3203. 05-01 16:39:33.026  1894  1914 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 60.913ms
  3204. 05-01 16:39:33.028  1894  1914 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2142(164KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 7% free, 4MB/4MB, paused 61.950ms total 95.825ms
  3205. 05-01 16:39:33.136  3322  3388 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 544 millis
  3206. 05-01 16:39:33.961  3370  3370 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.gms.car.hc.R() took 662.567ms
  3207. 05-01 16:39:34.036  1034  2093 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=150092,, [7896846A7AB3], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
  3208. 05-01 16:39:34.042  1894  1991 W art     : Verification of com.google.gson.k org.keyczar.util.Util$1.initialValue() took 905.090ms
  3209. 05-01 16:39:34.162  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 170 ms)
  3210. 05-01 16:39:34.184  3370  3390 D NativeLibraryUtils: Install completed successfully. count=14 extracted=0
  3211. 05-01 16:39:34.188  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 163 ms)
  3212. 05-01 16:39:34.194   211   430 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x744c0000) throttle end: throttle time(8)
  3213. 05-01 16:39:34.200  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 141 ms)
  3214. 05-01 16:39:34.247  3007  3349 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 71 lines
  3215. 05-01 16:39:34.258  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 167 ms)
  3216. 05-01 16:39:34.432  3206  3206 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  3217. 05-01 16:39:34.453  3370  3370 D CAR.SERVICE: Connecting to CarCallService...
  3218. 05-01 16:39:34.463  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 238 ms)
  3219. 05-01 16:39:34.543  3370  3370 D CAR.SERVICE: com.google.android.projection.gearhead isn't installed.
  3220. 05-01 16:39:34.545  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 286 ms)
  3221. 05-01 16:39:34.557  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 265 ms)
  3222. 05-01 16:39:34.580  3322  3322 D SubSettings: Launching fragment com.android.settings.bluetooth.BluetoothSettings
  3223. 05-01 16:39:34.612  3370  3370 D CAR.TEL.Service: Creating a new CarCallService.
  3224. 05-01 16:39:34.614  3370  3370 D CAR.TEL.PhoneAdapter: Creating a new PhoneAdapter instance
  3225. 05-01 16:39:34.617  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 292 ms)
  3226. 05-01 16:39:34.618  1034  1045 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=local_bind cmp=com.google.android.gms/.car.InCallServiceImpl } U=0: not found
  3227. 05-01 16:39:34.618  3370  3370 D CAR.TEL.PhoneAdapter: setListener: com.google.android.gms.car.dn@43d08cc
  3228. 05-01 16:39:34.620  1034  3126 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=local_bind cmp=com.google.android.gms/.car.InCallServiceImpl } U=0: not found
  3229. 05-01 16:39:34.620  3370  3370 D CAR.TEL.PhoneAdapter: Returning an existing PhoneAdapter instance.
  3230. 05-01 16:39:34.620  3370  3370 D CAR.TEL.Service: Starting CarCallService with initial phone null
  3231. 05-01 16:39:34.635  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 277 ms)
  3232. 05-01 16:39:34.646  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 254 ms)
  3233. 05-01 16:39:34.666  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 241 ms)
  3234. 05-01 16:39:34.690  1894  1991 W art     : Verification of void com.google.gson.b.a.aa.<clinit>() took 349.700ms
  3235. 05-01 16:39:34.708  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 250 ms)
  3236. 05-01 16:39:34.712  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 221 ms)
  3237. 05-01 16:39:34.719  3322  3322 D LocalBluetoothManager: setting foreground activity to non-null context
  3238. 05-01 16:39:34.735  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 210 ms)
  3239. 05-01 16:39:34.749  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 190 ms)
  3240. 05-01 16:39:34.763  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 172 ms)
  3241. 05-01 16:39:34.777  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 152 ms)
  3242. 05-01 16:39:34.791  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 133 ms)
  3243. 05-01 16:39:34.805  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 113 ms)
  3244. 05-01 16:39:34.820  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 95 ms)
  3245. 05-01 16:39:34.839  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 80 ms)
  3246. 05-01 16:39:34.854  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 62 ms)
  3247. 05-01 16:39:34.866  3265  3265 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  3248. 05-01 16:39:34.866  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 41 ms)
  3249. 05-01 16:39:34.872  1034  1649 I ActivityManager: Killing 2292:com.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a11 (adj 15): empty #17
  3250. 05-01 16:39:34.879  1838  2933 W VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 20 ms)
  3251. 05-01 16:39:34.892  1838  2933 D VLC     : [58ebcfac] core video output: picture might be displayed late (missing 1 ms)
  3252. 05-01 16:39:34.945  3007  3406 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 22 lines
  3253. 05-01 16:39:34.979  1894  1991 W art     : Verification of java.lang.Object com.google.gson.b.a.ad.a(com.google.gson.stream.a) took 220.977ms
  3254. 05-01 16:39:35.012  1034  3150 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.BroadcastQueue.processNextBroadcast(boolean) from BroadcastQueue.java:640 waiters=1 for 142ms
  3255. 05-01 16:39:35.036  1034  1053 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings$BluetoothSubSettings: +537ms
  3256. 05-01 16:39:35.041  3322  3388 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 1904 millis
  3257. 05-01 16:39:35.069  1522  1522 I Keyboard.Facilitator: onFinishInput()
  3258. 05-01 16:39:35.135  1838  2944 W VLC     : [593692ac] core audio output: playback too late (64702): up-sampling
  3259. 05-01 16:39:35.209  1536  1536 D WearableService: callingUid 10020, callindPid: 1536
  3260. 05-01 16:39:35.224  1536  2152 E MDM     : [104] b.run: Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null}
  3261. 05-01 16:39:35.239  1894  1991 W art     : Verification of com.google.gson.y com.google.gson.b.a.ar.b(com.google.gson.stream.a) took 182.067ms
  3262. 05-01 16:39:35.293  1825  3408 D LocationInitializer: Restart initialization of location
  3263. 05-01 16:39:35.309  3007  3349 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 1 line
  3264. 05-01 16:39:35.409  3370  3384 D CAR.SERVICE: Package validated; name: com.android.vending
  3265. 05-01 16:39:35.429  1894  1991 W art     : Verification of com.google.gson.aj com.google.gson.b.a.as.a(com.google.gson.k, com.google.gson.c.a) took 189.941ms
  3266. 05-01 16:39:35.536  3007  3343 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 12 lines
  3267. 05-01 16:39:35.560  1536  1536 D AuthorizationBluetoothService: Received GmsCore event: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$AutoStarter }.
  3268. 05-01 16:39:35.613  1894  1991 W art     : Verification of com.google.gson.aj com.google.gson.b.a.y.a(com.google.gson.k, com.google.gson.c.a) took 102.600ms
  3269. 05-01 16:39:35.821  3007  3349 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 7 lines
  3270. 05-01 16:39:35.844  3007  3343 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 9 lines
  3271. 05-01 16:39:35.846  3007  3335 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 1 line
  3272. 05-01 16:39:35.846  3007  3331 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 4 lines
  3273. 05-01 16:39:35.868  3007  3007 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 3 lines
  3274. 05-01 16:39:35.873  1536  1536 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  3275. 05-01 16:39:35.908  1894  1991 W art     : Verification of char com.google.gson.stream.a.u() took 167.999ms
  3276. 05-01 16:39:35.951  1536  3409 E AppUsageEventWatcher: unexpected event type: 7
  3277. 05-01 16:39:35.952  1536  3409 E AppUsageEventWatcher: unexpected event type: 7
  3278. 05-01 16:39:35.978  3007  3331 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 6 lines
  3279. 05-01 16:39:36.039  3007  3007 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) com.android.bluetooth expire 2 lines
  3280. 05-01 16:39:36.039  1034  1034 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object connected
  3281. 05-01 16:39:36.040  1034  1034 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object connected
  3282. 05-01 16:39:36.041  1034  1034 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object connected
  3283. 05-01 16:39:36.041  1034  1034 D BluetoothHeadset: getConnectedDevices()
  3284. 05-01 16:39:36.042  1558  1558 D BluetoothHeadset: Proxy object connected
  3285. 05-01 16:39:36.043  3007  3007 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@1722c36
  3286. 05-01 16:39:36.087  3007  3331 W BluetoothAdapterService: setProfileServiceState() - Starting service com.android.bluetooth.hid.HidService
  3287. 05-01 16:39:36.123  3007  3331 W BluetoothAdapterService: setProfileServiceState() - Starting service com.android.bluetooth.hdp.HealthService
  3288. 05-01 16:39:36.176  3007  3007 I BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni: classInitNative: succeeds
  3289. 05-01 16:39:36.176  3007  3007 D HeadsetStateMachine: make
  3290. 05-01 16:39:36.182  3007  3331 W BluetoothAdapterService: setProfileServiceState() - Starting service com.android.bluetooth.pan.PanService
  3291. 05-01 16:39:36.203  3322  3414 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 166 millis
  3292. 05-01 16:39:36.209  3322  3414 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 6 millis
  3293. 05-01 16:39:36.224  3007  3331 W BluetoothAdapterService: setProfileServiceState() - Starting service com.android.bluetooth.map.BluetoothMapService
  3294. 05-01 16:39:36.234  3007  3331 W BluetoothAdapterService: setProfileServiceState() - Starting service com.android.bluetooth.hid.HidDevService
  3295. 05-01 16:39:36.242  3007  3331 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering PendingCommandState
  3296. 05-01 16:39:36.258  3007  3007 D HeadsetStateMachine: max_hf_connections = 1
  3297. 05-01 16:39:36.258  3007  3007 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface handsfree
  3298. 05-01 16:39:36.261  3007  3406 D bt_btif : AG evt (hdl 0x0001): State 0, Event 0x0500
  3299. 05-01 16:39:36.262  3007  3343 I bt_btif_storage: btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20000040
  3300. 05-01 16:39:36.263  3007  3343 D bt_btif : btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_ENABLE_EVT
  3301. 05-01 16:39:36.263  3007  3343 E bt_btif : btif_hf_upstreams_evt: Invalid index 26995
  3302. 05-01 16:39:36.263  3007  3343 D bt_btif : btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_REGISTER_EVT
  3303. 05-01 16:39:36.319  3007  3418 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter Disconnected: -2, size: 0
  3304. 05-01 16:39:36.322  3007  3007 D HeadsetService:  profile started successfully
  3305. 05-01 16:39:36.327  1034  1034 D BluetoothA2dp: Proxy object connected
  3306. 05-01 16:39:36.327  3007  3007 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@1722c36
  3307. 05-01 16:39:36.329  1034  1034 D AudioService: onServiceConnected: A2dp Service connected: 0
  3308. 05-01 16:39:36.338  3007  3007 D A2dpService: Received start request. Starting profile...
  3309. 05-01 16:39:36.338  3007  3007 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@1722c36
  3310. 05-01 16:39:36.338  3007  3007 D A2dpService: maxA2dpConnections = 1
  3311. 05-01 16:39:36.338  3007  3007 D A2dpService: multiCastState = 0
  3312. 05-01 16:39:36.348  3322  3414 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 19 millis
  3313. 05-01 16:39:36.387  1894  1991 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.gson.stream.h.a(char[], int, int)
  3314. 05-01 16:39:36.396  3322  3414 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 48 millis
  3315. 05-01 16:39:36.430  1825  2442 I Icing   : updateResources: need to parse f{com.google.android.gms}
  3316. 05-01 16:39:36.451  3007  3007 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface avrcp
  3317. 05-01 16:39:36.522  3322  3414 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 23 millis
  3318. 05-01 16:39:36.536  3322  3414 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 14 millis
  3319. 05-01 16:39:36.553  1034  1046 V AudioService: updateRemoteControllerOnExistingMediaPlayers: size of Player list: 0
  3320. 05-01 16:39:36.553  1034  1046 E AudioService: No RCC entry present to update
  3321. 05-01 16:39:36.553  3007  3007 E RemoteController: Cannot set synchro