------ RADIO LOG (logcat -b radio threadtime -d *:v) ------
D/TelephonyManager( 182): No /proc/cmdline exception=java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/cmdline: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
D/TelephonyManager( 182): /proc/cmdline=
D/TelephonyManager( 826): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
I/PhoneFactory( 826): Network Mode set to 0
I/PhoneFactory( 826): Cdma Subscription set to 1
I/PhoneFactory( 826): RILClassname is RIL
D/RILJ ( 826): RIL(context, preferredNetworkType=0 cdmaSubscription=1)
D/RILJ ( 826): Not starting RILReceiver: wifi-only
D/UiccController( 826): Creating UiccController
I/PhoneFactory( 826): Creating GSMPhone
D/TelephonyTester( 826): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_detached
D/TelephonyTester( 826): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_attached
D/PhoneBase( 826): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=true
D/PhoneBase( 826): mCallRingDelay=3000
D/RILJ ( 826): setPhoneType=1 old value=0
D/DCT ( 826): DCT.constructor
D/Dcc ( 826): E ctor
D/Dcc ( 826): X ctor
D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 826): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.action_fail_bringup
D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 826): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_detached
D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 826): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_attached
D/DcTesterDeacativeAll( 826): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.action_deactivate_all
D/DcTesterDeacativeAll( 826): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_detached
D/DCT ( 826): GsmDCT.constructor
D/DCT ( 826): initApnContexts: E
D/DCT ( 826): initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=1
D/DCT ( 826): initApnContexts: X mApnContexts={}
E/RIL_ImsSms( 826): getFormat should never be called from here!
D/SMSDispatcher( 826): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=false format=unknown mSmsSendDisabled=true
D/RIL_ImsSms( 826): ImsSMSDispatcher created
D/SMSDispatcher( 826): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=false format=3gpp2 mSmsSendDisabled=true
D/CdmaSMSDispatcher( 826): CdmaSMSDispatcher created
V/WAP PUSH( 826): bindService() for wappush manager succeeded
D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 826): created InboundSmsHandler
V/WAP PUSH( 826): bindService() for wappush manager succeeded
D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 826): created InboundSmsHandler
D/SMSDispatcher( 826): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=false format=3gpp mSmsSendDisabled=true
D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 826): GsmSMSDispatcher created
D/SmsBroadcastUndelivered( 826): scanning raw table for undelivered messages
D/IccCardProxy( 826): Creating
D/IccCardProxy( 826): Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED NOT_READY reason null
D/IccCardProxy( 826): Setting radio tech UMTS
D/IccCardProxy( 826): updateQuietMode: 3GPP subscription -> newQuietMode=false
D/IccCardProxy( 826): updateQuietMode: QuietMode is false (app_type=1 cdmaSource=-1)
I/PhoneFactory( 826): defaultSmsApplication: NONE
D/CallManager( 826): registerPhone(GSM Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneProxy) {2c30ad20})
D/RilRequest( 826): [3648]< SET_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
D/SmsBroadcastUndelivered( 826): finished scanning raw table in 178 ms
D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 826): entering Idle state
D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 826): entering Idle state
D/RILJ ( 826): [3649]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
D/RilRequest( 826): [3649]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
D/PHONE ( 826): [ServiceState] setNullState=1
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[1 1 home null null null Unknown Unknown CSS not supported 0 0 RoamInd=0 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[1 1 home null null null Unknown Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] useDataRegStateForDataOnlyDevice: VoiceRegState=1 DataRegState=1
D/PHONE ( 826): [ServiceState] setVoiceRegState=1
D/PHONE ( 826): [ServiceState] setNullState=1
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out of service, set plmn='?????'
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=0 showPlmn='true' plmn='?????' showSpn='false' spn=''
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] operatorNumeric is null
D/DCT ( 826): handleMessage msg={ when=-555ms what=270369 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@2c3170e0 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
D/DCT ( 826): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 826): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
D/DCT ( 826): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 826): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=true mIsWifiConnected=true
D/DCT ( 826): handleMessage msg={ when=-524ms what=270342 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@2c31c928 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
D/DCT ( 826): onRadioOffOrNotAvailable: is off and clean up all connections
D/DCT ( 826): cleanUpAllConnections: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
D/DCT ( 826): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 826): stopDataStallAlarm: current tag=28065 mDataStallAlarmIntent=null
D/DCT ( 826): handleMessage msg={ when=-525ms what=270345 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@2c31cbb8 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
D/DCT ( 826): onDataConnectionDetached: stop polling and notify detached
D/DCT ( 826): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 826): stopDataStallAlarm: current tag=28066 mDataStallAlarmIntent=null
D/DCT ( 826): notifyDataConnection: reason=dataDetached
D/DCT ( 826): handleMessage msg={ when=-525ms what=270348 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@2c31cd10 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
D/DCT ( 826): onRoamingOff
D/DCT ( 826): setupDataOnConnectableApns: roamingOff
D/DebugService( 826): DebugService DebugService:
D/SipService( 826): SipService: started!
D/SipService( 826): start:
V/WAP PUSH( 826): wappush manager connected to 741486936
V/WAP PUSH( 826): wappush manager connected to 741494688
D/GsmCellBroadcastHandler( 826): mWakeLock released
D/CellBroadcastHandler( 826): mWakeLock released
D/CdmaServiceCategoryProgramHandler( 826): mWakeLock released
D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 826): Idle state processing message type 5
D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 826): Idle state processing message type 5
D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 826): mWakeLock released
D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 826): mWakeLock released
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/SipBroadcastReceiver( 826): SIP VOIP not supported: android.net.sip.SIP_SERVICE_UP
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 826): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
*** logcat: Timed out after 20.0s (killing pid 4571)
Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.evervolv.toolbox.action.DUMPLOGCAT_FINISHED (has extras) }
Broadcast completed: result=0