Logcat: TN_KitKat_4.4.4._rel.3

From EVLogcat Uploader, 9 Years ago, written in logcat, viewed 759 times.
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  1. ------ SYSTEM LOG (logcat threadtime -d *:v) ------
  2. --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
  3. I/Vold    (  118): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  4. D/Vold    (  118): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  5. D/Vold    (  118): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  6. D/DirectVolume(  118): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  7. D/DirectVolume(  118): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  8. D/DirectVolume(  118): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  9. D/Vold    (  118): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  10. I/SystemServer(  442): Entered the Android system server!
  11. I/SystemServer(  442): Waiting for installd to be ready.
  12. I/Installer(  442): connecting...
  13. I/SystemServer(  442): Power Manager
  14. I/SystemServer(  442): Activity Manager
  15. I/ActivityManager(  442): Memory class: 48
  16. I/IntentFirewall(  442): Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
  17. I/SystemServer(  442): Display Manager
  18. I/SystemServer(  442): Telephony Registry
  19. I/DisplayManagerService(  442): Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": 480 x 800, 60.000004 fps, density 240, 254.0 x 254.0 dpi, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  20. I/SystemServer(  442): Scheduling Policy
  21. I/SystemServer(  442): Package Manager
  22. D/SELinuxMMAC(  442): Couldn't find install policy /data/security/mac_permissions.xml
  23. D/SELinuxMMAC(  442): Using install policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml
  24. W/PackageManager(  442): Running ENG build: no pre-dexopt!
  25. W/PackageParser(  442): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Dialer.apk Binary XML file line #162
  26. W/PackageParser(  442): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #375
  27. W/PackageParser(  442): Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #242
  28. W/PackageParser(  442): Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #245
  29. W/PackageParser(  442): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #210
  30. W/PackageManager(  442): Package com.android.gallery3d desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.media.effects; ignoring!
  31. I/PackageManager(  442): Time to scan packages: 3.016 seconds
  32. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH to package com.android.quicksearchbox (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45)
  33. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.GALLERY_PROVIDER in package com.android.bluetooth
  34. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar
  35. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar
  36. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.calendar
  37. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x9be45)
  38. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)
  39. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  40. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  41. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET to package com.android.launcher3 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x48be45)
  42. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  43. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  44. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x58bc45)
  45. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  46. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  47. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  48. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  49. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_MEDIA_STORAGE in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup
  50. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45)
  51. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_WRITE_ALL_VOICEMAIL to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45)
  52. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be45)
  53. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be45)
  54. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  55. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings
  56. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  57. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  58. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in package com.android.development
  59. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.development
  60. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in package com.android.development
  61. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in package com.android.development
  62. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x48bec5)
  63. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  64. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45)
  65. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45)
  66. I/SystemServer(  442): Entropy Mixer
  67. I/EntropyMixer(  442): Writing entropy...
  68. I/SystemServer(  442): User Service
  69. I/SystemServer(  442): Account Manager
  70. I/SystemServer(  442): Content Manager
  71. I/SystemServer(  442): System Content Providers
  72. I/SystemServer(  442): Lights Service
  73. I/SystemServer(  442): Battery Service
  74. I/SystemServer(  442): Vibrator Service
  75. I/SystemServer(  442): Consumer IR Service
  76. I/SystemServer(  442): Alarm Manager
  77. I/SystemServer(  442): Init Watchdog
  78. I/SystemServer(  442): Input Manager
  79. I/InputManager(  442): Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false
  80. I/SystemServer(  442): Window Manager
  81. I/WindowManager(  442): No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
  82. I/WindowManager(  442): No keyguard interface!
  83. I/InputManager(  442): Starting input manager
  84. I/SystemServer(  442): Bluetooth Manager Service
  85. I/SystemServer(  442): Input Method Service
  86. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Couldn't create dir.: /data/system/inputmethod
  87. I/SystemServer(  442): Accessibility Manager
  88. I/ActivityManager(  442): Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw320dp w320dp h533dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.2 themeResource=null}
  89. I/ActivityManager(  442): Config changes=408 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw320dp w320dp h508dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.3 themeResource=null}
  90. I/SystemServer(  442): Mount Service
  91. D/MountService(  442): got storage path: /storage/sdcard0 description: SD card primary: true removable: true emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: true maxFileSize: 0
  92. D/MountService(  442): addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume:
  93. D/MountService(  442):     mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/sdcard0 mDescriptionId=17040679 mPrimary=true
  94. D/MountService(  442):     mRemovable=true mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=true
  95. D/MountService(  442):     mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null mUuid=null mUserLabel=null mState=null
  96. I/SystemServer(  442): LockSettingsService
  97. I/SystemServer(  442): Device Policy
  98. I/SystemServer(  442): Status Bar
  99. I/SystemServer(  442): Clipboard Service
  100. I/SystemServer(  442): NetworkManagement Service
  101. W/MountService(  442): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  102. W/MountService(  442): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  103. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH to package com.android.quicksearchbox (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45)
  104. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.GALLERY_PROVIDER in package com.android.bluetooth
  105. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar
  106. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar
  107. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.calendar
  108. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x9be45)
  109. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)
  110. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  111. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  112. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET to package com.android.launcher3 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x48be45)
  113. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  114. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  115. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x58bc45)
  116. I/SystemServer(  442): Text Service Manager Service
  117. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  118. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  119. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  120. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  121. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_MEDIA_STORAGE in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup
  122. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45)
  123. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_WRITE_ALL_VOICEMAIL to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45)
  124. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be45)
  125. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be45)
  126. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  127. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings
  128. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  129. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  130. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in package com.android.development
  131. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.development
  132. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in package com.android.development
  133. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in package com.android.development
  134. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x48bec5)
  135. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  136. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be45)
  137. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45)
  138. I/SystemServer(  442): NetworkStats Service
  139. I/SystemServer(  442): NetworkPolicy Service
  140. I/SystemServer(  442): Wi-Fi P2pService
  141. I/SystemServer(  442): Wi-Fi Service
  142. I/SystemServer(  442): Connectivity Service
  143. D/ConnectivityService(  442): ConnectivityService starting up
  144. D/ConnectivityService(  442): wifiOnly=false
  145. E/ConnectivityService(  442): Ignoring protectedNetwork 10
  146. E/ConnectivityService(  442): Ignoring protectedNetwork 11
  147. E/ConnectivityService(  442): Ignoring protectedNetwork 12
  148. E/ConnectivityService(  442): Ignoring protectedNetwork 14
  149. E/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Ignoring feature request because could not acquire PhoneService
  150. E/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Could not enable APN type "default"
  151. I/WifiService(  442): WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi enabled
  152. D/WifiService(  442): setWifiEnabled: true pid=442, uid=1000
  153. I/SystemServer(  442): Network Service Discovery Service
  154. D/NsdService(  442): Network service discovery enabled true
  155. I/SystemServer(  442): UpdateLock Service
  156. I/SystemServer(  442): Notification Manager
  157. I/SystemServer(  442): Device Storage Monitor
  158. I/SystemServer(  442): Location Manager
  159. I/SystemServer(  442): Country Detector
  160. I/SystemServer(  442): Search Service
  161. I/SystemServer(  442): DropBox Service
  162. I/SystemServer(  442): Wallpaper Service
  163. I/SystemServer(  442): Audio Service
  164. I/SystemServer(  442): Dock Observer
  165. I/SystemServer(  442): Wired Accessory Manager
  166. W/WiredAccessoryManager(  442): This kernel does not have usb audio support
  167. W/WiredAccessoryManager(  442): This kernel does not have HDMI audio support
  168. I/SystemServer(  442): USB Service
  169. I/SystemServer(  442): Serial Service
  170. I/SystemServer(  442): Twilight Service
  171. I/SystemServer(  442): UI Mode Manager Service
  172. I/SystemServer(  442): Backup Service
  173. V/BackupManagerService(  442): Initializing package tracking
  174. V/BackupManagerService(  442): No ancestral data
  175. V/BackupManagerService(  442): addPackageParticipantsLocked: all
  176. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.calendar
  177. D/BackupManagerService(  442): Now staging backup of com.android.calendar
  178. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.browser
  179. D/BackupManagerService(  442): Now staging backup of com.android.browser
  180. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.providers.userdictionary
  181. D/BackupManagerService(  442): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.userdictionary
  182. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  183. D/BackupManagerService(  442): Now staging backup of com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  184. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Scheduling backup for new app android
  185. D/BackupManagerService(  442): Now staging backup of android
  186. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.dialer
  187. D/BackupManagerService(  442): Now staging backup of com.android.dialer
  188. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.providers.settings
  189. D/BackupManagerService(  442): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings
  190. V/BackupManagerService(  442): Starting with transport com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService
  191. V/BackupManagerService(  442): Found transports: 1
  192. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Binding to transport host ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService}
  193. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Found stale backup journal, scheduling
  194. I/BackupManagerService(  442):   com.android.calendar
  195. I/BackupManagerService(  442):   com.android.browser
  196. I/BackupManagerService(  442):   com.android.providers.userdictionary
  197. I/BackupManagerService(  442):   com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  198. I/BackupManagerService(  442):   android
  199. I/BackupManagerService(  442):   com.android.dialer
  200. I/BackupManagerService(  442):   com.android.providers.settings
  201. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Backup enabled => false
  202. I/BackupManagerService(  442): Opting out of backup
  203. I/SystemServer(  442): AppWidget Service
  204. I/SystemServer(  442): Recognition Service
  205. I/SystemServer(  442): DiskStats Service
  206. I/SystemServer(  442): SamplingProfiler Service
  207. I/SystemServer(  442): NetworkTimeUpdateService
  208. I/SystemServer(  442): CommonTimeManagementService
  209. I/SystemServer(  442): CertBlacklister
  210. I/SystemServer(  442): Dreams Service
  211. I/SystemServer(  442): Assets Atlas Service
  212. I/SystemServer(  442): IdleMaintenanceService
  213. I/SystemServer(  442): Print Service
  214. I/SystemServer(  442): AssetRedirectionManager Service
  215. I/SystemServer(  442): Media Router Service
  216. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.systemui for service com.android.keyguard/.KeyguardService: pid=501 uid=10003 gids={50003, 1028, 1015, 1035, 3002, 3001}
  217. I/AppOps  (  442): Pruning old package media/1013: new uid=-1
  218. I/ActivityManager(  442): System now ready
  219. I/SystemServer(  442): Making services ready
  220. D/NetworkManagementService(  442): enabling bandwidth control
  221. I/Vold    (  118): /dev/block/vold/179:1 being considered for volume sdcard0
  222. D/Vold    (  118): Volume sdcard0 state changing 1 (Idle-Unmounted) -> 3 (Checking)
  223. D/MountService(  442): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard0 (unmounted -> checking)
  224. D/MountService(  442): sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_CHECKING dat=file:///storage/sdcard0 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
  225. E/NetdConnector(  442): NDC Command {1 bandwidth enable} took too long (1255ms)
  226. I/StatusBarManagerService(  442): registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@41e47498
  227. I/ActivityManager(  442): Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw320dp w320dp h508dp 240dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.4 themeResource=null}
  228. W/RecognitionManagerService(  442): no available voice recognition services found for user 0
  229. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc android.process.media for broadcast com.android.providers.media/.MtpReceiver: pid=575 uid=10010 gids={50010, 1028, 1015, 1023, 1024, 2001, 3003, 3007}
  230. I/Vold    (  118): Filesystem check completed OK
  231. D/Vold    (  118): Volume sdcard0 state changing 3 (Checking) -> 4 (Mounted)
  232. E/VoldConnector(  442): NDC Command {3 volume mount /storage/sdcard0} took too long (2481ms)
  233. D/MountService(  442): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard0 (checking -> mounted)
  234. D/MountService(  442): sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/sdcard0 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
  235. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Ignoring setImeWindowStatus of uid 1000 token: null
  236. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.inputmethod.latin for service com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME: pid=591 uid=10041 gids={50041, 1028, 1015}
  237. V/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Adding window token: android.os.Binder@41ee7b20
  238. E/VoldConnector(  442): NDC Command {4 asec list} took too long (700ms)
  239. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH to package com.android.quicksearchbox (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x88be45)
  240. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.GALLERY_PROVIDER in package com.android.bluetooth
  241. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar
  242. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar
  243. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.calendar
  244. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x89be45)
  245. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45)
  246. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  247. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  248. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET to package com.android.launcher3 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0xc8be45)
  249. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  250. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  251. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0xd8bc45)
  252. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.INSTALL_DRM in package com.android.mms
  253. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  254. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  255. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  256. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_MEDIA_STORAGE in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup
  257. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x88be45)
  258. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_WRITE_ALL_VOICEMAIL to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x88be45)
  259. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be45)
  260. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be45)
  261. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  262. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings
  263. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  264. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  265. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in package com.android.development
  266. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.development
  267. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in package com.android.development
  268. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in package com.android.development
  269. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0xc8bec5)
  270. W/PackageManager(  442): Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  271. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x88be45)
  272. W/PackageManager(  442): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  273. W/LocationManagerService(  442): no network location provider found
  274. E/LocationManagerService(  442): no geocoder provider found
  275. E/LocationManagerService(  442): No FusedProvider found.
  276. E/LocationManagerService(  442): no geofence provider found
  277. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.phone for added application com.android.phone: pid=606 uid=1001 gids={41001, 3002, 3001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  278. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.vipercn.viper4android_v2 for added application com.vipercn.viper4android_v2: pid=613 uid=10023 gids={50023, 3002, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  279. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from pid 0
  280. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.launcher3 for activity com.android.launcher3/.Launcher: pid=632 uid=10040 gids={50040, 1028}
  281. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Focus gain on non-focused client android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$1@41e5dc90 (uid=1000 pid=442)
  282. V/BackupManagerService(  442): Connected to transport ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService}
  283. V/BackupManagerService(  442): Registering transport android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService::android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport = com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport@41d1f010
  284. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.userdictionary/.UserDictionaryProvider: pid=654 uid=10014 gids={50014, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  285. D/RPC     (  442): 3000008c:00040000 dispatching RPC call (XID 3, xdr 0x52ebf008) for callback client 3100008c:00040001.
  286. D/RPC     (  442): 3100008c:262145 sending RPC reply (XID 3)
  287. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.printspooler for service com.android.printspooler/.PrintSpoolerService: pid=671 uid=10029 gids={50029}
  288. D/MccTable(  606): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=310, mnc=120
  289. D/MccTable(  606): getLocaleFromMcc to en_us mcc=310
  290. D/MccTable(  606): getLocaleForLanguageCountry: skipping already persisted
  291. D/MccTable(  606): getLocaleForLanguageCountry: X locale=null
  292. D/MccTable(  606): WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE set to us
  293. I/WifiService(  442): WifiService trying to set country code to us with persist set to true
  294. D/MccTable(  606): updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig config={1.0 310mcc120mnc ?locale ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/? themeResource=null}
  295. I/ActivityManager(  442): Config changes=3 {1.0 310mcc120mnc en_US ldltr sw320dp w320dp h508dp 240dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.5 themeResource=null}
  296. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.smspush for service com.android.smspush/.WapPushManager: pid=701 uid=10020 gids={50020}
  297. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  298. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  299. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  300. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  301. W/WindowManager(  442): Window freeze timeout expired.
  302. W/WindowManager(  442): Force clearing orientation change: Window{41deaa58 u0 StatusBar}
  303. W/WindowManager(  442): Force clearing orientation change: Window{41e97ab8 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
  304. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  305. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  306. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  307. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  308. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  309. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  310. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  311. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  312. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  313. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  314. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  315. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  316. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  317. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  318. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  319. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  320. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  321. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  322. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  323. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  324. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  325. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  326. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  327. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  328. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  329. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  330. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  331. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  332. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  333. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  334. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  335. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  336. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  337. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  338. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  339. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  340. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  341. D/ConnectivityService(  442): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  342. D/ConnectivityService(  442): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  343. E/ConnectivityService(  442): Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@41e4b698
  344. D/Nat464Xlat(  442): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  345. I/WindowManager(  442): Screen frozen for +4s994ms due to Window{41bacd40 u0 Keyguard}
  346. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.externalstorage for broadcast com.android.externalstorage/.MountReceiver: pid=777 uid=10011 gids={50011, 1028, 1015, 1023}
  347. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.estrongs.android.pop for broadcast com.estrongs.android.pop/.EnableOEMConfig: pid=795 uid=10018 gids={50018, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015}
  348. D/ConnectivityService(  442): handleConnectivityChange: addresses changed linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  349. D/ConnectivityService(  442):    car=removed=[] added=[fe80::dab3:77ff:fe18:2704/64,]
  350. D/Nat464Xlat(  442): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  351. --------- beginning of /dev/log/main
  352. I/MultiDex(  795): VM with version 1.6.0 does not have multidex support
  353. I/MultiDex(  795): install
  354. I/MultiDex(  795): MultiDexExtractor.load(/data/app/com.estrongs.android.pop-1.apk, false)
  355. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_EXPLICIT freed 83K, 32% free 5306K/7724K, paused 3ms+7ms, total 85ms
  356. I/MultiDex(  795): loading existing secondary dex files
  357. I/MultiDex(  795): load found 1 secondary dex files
  358. I/MultiDex(  795): install done
  359. I/MultiDex(  795): install
  360. I/dalvikvm(  795): Could not find method android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable, referenced from method com.estrongs.android.pop.esclasses.p.a
  361. W/dalvikvm(  795): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 646: Landroid/content/res/Resources;.getDrawable (ILandroid/content/res/Resources$Theme;)Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;
  362. D/dalvikvm(  795): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000d
  363. I/ContactLocale(  654): AddressBook Labels [en_US]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, #, ]
  364. D/Tethering(  442): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  365. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): NoActiveNetworkState{ when=-1ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  366. D/GpsLocationProvider(  442): NTP server returned: 1457027355101 (Thu Mar 03 09:49:15 PST 2016) reference: 49729 certainty: 54 system time offset: 1141061952171
  367. D/lib_locapi(  442): loc_eng_inject_time, uncertainty = 54
  368. D/RPC     (  442): 3000008c:00040000 dispatching RPC call (XID 4, xdr 0x52ebf008) for callback client 3100008c:00040001.
  369. D/RPC     (  442): 3100008c:262145 sending RPC reply (XID 4)
  370. W/MediaScanner(  575): Error opening directory '/storage/sdcard0/.android_secure/', skipping: Permission denied.
  371. E/FlurryAgent(  795): GOOGLE PLAY SERVICES EXCEPTION: com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil
  372. E/FlurryAgent(  795): There is a problem with the Google Play Services library, which is required for Android Advertising ID support. The Google Play Services library should be integrated in any app shipping in the Play Store that uses analytics or advertising.
  373. D/RPC     (  442): 3000008c:00040000 dispatching RPC call (XID 5, xdr 0x52ebf008) for callback client 3100008c:00040001.
  374. D/RPC     (  442): 3100008c:262145 sending RPC reply (XID 5)
  375. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  376. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (750, 821).
  377. D/PhoneStatusBar(  501): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back* home* recent* clock* search* >
  378. W/ResourceType(  795): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
  379. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.GpsWidgetProvider: pid=829 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
  380. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=842 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
  381. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 20
  382. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@41ea6118:true
  383. D/BluetoothAdapter(  842): 1102356712: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  384. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 30
  385. W/ContextImpl(  842): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.doBind:245 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:238 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1187
  386. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 30
  387. D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager(  842): Adding local MAP profile
  388. D/BluetoothMap(  842): Create BluetoothMap proxy object
  389. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 30
  390. W/ContextImpl(  842): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190
  391. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 30
  392. D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager(  842): LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
  393. D/BluetoothAdapter(  842): 1102356712: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  394. D/BluetoothAdapter(  842): 1102356712: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  395. W/ContextImpl(  842): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.doBind:109 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.<init>:102 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1196
  396. W/ContextImpl(  842): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.doBind:164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:157 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68
  397. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.music for broadcast com.android.music/.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=858 uid=10036 gids={50036, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  398. I/dalvikvm(  858): Enabling JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 9...
  399. D/BluetoothAdapter(  842): 1102356712: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  400. I/MediaFocusControl(  442):   Remote Control   registerMediaButtonIntent() for PendingIntent{41d85570: PendingIntentRecord{41dadae0 com.android.music broadcastIntent}}
  401. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.deskclock for broadcast com.android.deskclock/com.android.alarmclock.DigitalAppWidgetProvider: pid=871 uid=10052 gids={50052, 1028}
  402. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.deskclock/com.android.alarmclock.DigitalAppWidgetProvider
  403. W/ResourceType(  795): Failure getting entry for 0x7f050000 (t=4 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
  404. W/PackageManager(  795): Failure retrieving text 0x7f050000 in package com.android.keyguard
  405. W/PackageManager(  795): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x7f050000
  406. W/PackageManager(  795):        at android.content.res.Resources.getText(Resources.java:244)
  407. W/PackageManager(  795):        at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getText(ApplicationPackageManager.java:1007)
  408. W/PackageManager(  795):        at android.content.pm.PackageItemInfo.loadLabel(PackageItemInfo.java:115)
  409. W/PackageManager(  795):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.j.l(Unknown Source)
  410. W/PackageManager(  795):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.j.<init>(Unknown Source)
  411. W/PackageManager(  795):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.a.a.a(Unknown Source)
  412. W/PackageManager(  795):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.a.a.a(Unknown Source)
  413. W/PackageManager(  795):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.e.a(Unknown Source)
  414. W/PackageManager(  795):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.e.a(Unknown Source)
  415. W/PackageManager(  795):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.f.run(Unknown Source)
  416. W/PackageManager(  795):        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  417. W/PackageManager(  795):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  418. W/PackageManager(  795):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
  419. W/PackageManager(  795):        at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  420. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  421. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  422. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  423. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  424. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): DelayedCaptiveCheckState{ when=-6ms what=2 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  425. D/ConnectivityService(  442): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=1 extraInfo=null url=null
  426. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): Checking
  427. W/ActivityThread(  442): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
  428. D/PowerHAL(  442): Opened ondemand boostpulse interface
  429. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): Don't send network conditions - lacking user consent.
  430. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): isCaptivePortal: ret=false rspCode=204
  431. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): Not captive network NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  432. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): notifyPortalCheckCompleted: captive=false ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  433. D/ConnectivityService(  442): captivePortalCheckCompleted: ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false captive=false
  434. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 515K, 30% free 5459K/7724K, paused 4ms+11ms, total 102ms
  435. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  436. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (870, 919).
  437. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity bnds=[372,692][460,800]} from pid 632
  438. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.browser for activity com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity: pid=891 uid=10058 gids={50058, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  439. E/ActivityThread(  891): Failed to find provider info for com.google.settings
  440. E/ActivityThread(  891): Failed to find provider info for com.google.settings
  441. V/WebViewChromium(  891): Binding Chromium to the main looper Looper (main, tid 1) {41b37d18}
  442. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(112)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  443. I/BrowserProcessMain(  891): Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
  444. D/libEGL  (  891): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
  445. W/chromium(  891): [WARNING:proxy_service.cc(888)] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
  446. D/libEGL  (  891): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
  447. D/libEGL  (  891): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
  448. I/Adreno200-EGL(  891): <eglInitialize:269>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic AU_full_mako_PARTNER-ANDROID/JB-MR1-DEV_CL2961380_release_AU (CL2961380)
  449. I/Adreno200-EGL(  891): Build Date: 12/10/12 Mon
  450. I/Adreno200-EGL(  891): Local Branch:
  451. I/Adreno200-EGL(  891): Remote Branch: m/partner-android/jb-mr1-dev
  452. I/Adreno200-EGL(  891): Local Patches: NONE
  453. I/Adreno200-EGL(  891): Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  454. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to restore WebView state!
  455. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): onBrowserActivityResume
  456. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): Resuming webview timers, view=com.android.browser.BrowserWebView{41bff9f8 VFEDHVC. ......I. 0,0-0,0}
  457. V/NFC     (  891): this device does not have NFC support
  458. D/OpenGLRenderer(  891): Enabling debug mode 0
  459. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  460. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity: +1s357ms
  461. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  462. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  463. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  464. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  465. I/ActivityManager(  442): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{41e39268 u0 com.android.music/.MediaPlaybackService}
  466. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  467. D/BluetoothAdapter(  842): 1102356712: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  468. D/BluetoothAdapter(  842): 1102356712: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  469. V/OtaStartupReceiver(  606): onOtaspChanged: mOtaspMode=3
  470. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.dialer for broadcast com.android.dialer/.calllog.CallLogReceiver: pid=936 uid=10012 gids={50012, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  471. D/ExtensionsFactory(  936): No custom extensions.
  472. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.dialer/.calllog.CallLogReceiver
  473. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  474. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 20
  475. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Added callback: android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter$1@41c5fc78:true
  476. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 30
  477. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 30
  478. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): Before reset_l
  479. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): printFileName fd(19) -> /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
  480. W/ContextImpl(  442): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.doBind:283 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.<init>:276 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1181 android.media.AudioService.getBluetoothHeadset:2256
  481. W/ContextImpl(  442): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.doBind:165 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.<init>:158 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1184 android.media.AudioService$AudioServiceBroadcastReceiver.onReceive:4177
  482. V/WiredAccessoryManager(  442): init()
  483. I/PowerManagerService(  442): Boot animation finished.
  484. I/ViPER4Android(  613): System booted.
  485. E/ViPER4Android_Utils(  613): [Fatal] Can't load libV4AJniUtils.so
  486. I/ViPER4Android(  613): Jni library status = false
  487. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f1fbc0 successful
  488. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f1fdd0 successful
  489. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f1ff10 successful
  490. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f20038 successful
  491. I/ViPER4Android(  613): Driver not configured correctly.
  492. I/RecoverySystem(  442): No recovery log file
  493. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.voicedialer for broadcast com.android.voicedialer/.VoiceDialerReceiver: pid=960 uid=10002 gids={50002, 3002}
  494. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f1fa38 successful
  495. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f1f980 successful
  496. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f1f8b0 successful
  497. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f1f6f8 successful
  498. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f1fd08 successful
  499. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f1fb78 successful
  500. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x418aff78 successful
  501. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x418afe38 successful
  502. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): Before reset_l
  503. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): printFileName fd(19) -> /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg
  504. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d3f8 successful
  505. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d608 successful
  506. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d748 successful
  507. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d870 successful
  508. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d270 successful
  509. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d1b8 successful
  510. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d0e8 successful
  511. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194cf68 successful
  512. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d328 successful
  513. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194da80 successful
  514. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x419bfc88 successful
  515. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x419bff40 successful
  516. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): Before reset_l
  517. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): printFileName fd(19) -> /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg
  518. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x419bf150 successful
  519. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x419bf340 successful
  520. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x419bf480 successful
  521. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x419bf5a8 successful
  522. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x419befc8 successful
  523. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400c0088 successful
  524. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4006aec0 successful
  525. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4006ad08 successful
  526. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x419bf188 successful
  527. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x419bf080 successful
  528. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x41585b90 successful
  529. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x41585ea8 successful
  530. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): Before reset_l
  531. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): printFileName fd(19) -> /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg
  532. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400bfb50 successful
  533. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400bfd60 successful
  534. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400bfea0 successful
  535. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400bffc8 successful
  536. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400bf9c8 successful
  537. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400bf910 successful
  538. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400bf840 successful
  539. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400bf688 successful
  540. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400bfc38 successful
  541. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400bfa80 successful
  542. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x41685c78 successful
  543. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x41685f78 successful
  544. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): Before reset_l
  545. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): printFileName fd(19) -> /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg
  546. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400f1348 successful
  547. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400f1558 successful
  548. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400f1698 successful
  549. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400f17c0 successful
  550. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 357K, 26% free 5766K/7724K, paused 4ms+17ms, total 175ms
  551. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400f11c0 successful
  552. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400f1108 successful
  553. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400f1038 successful
  554. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f206a0 successful
  555. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400f1370 successful
  556. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x400f1248 successful
  557. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x41685aa8 successful
  558. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x41685f00 successful
  559. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): Before reset_l
  560. D/AwesomePlayer(  125): printFileName fd(19) -> /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg
  561. I/BootReceiver(  442): Copying audit failures to DropBox
  562. I/BootReceiver(  442): Checking for fsck errors
  563. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d788 successful
  564. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d998 successful
  565. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194dad8 successful
  566. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194dc00 successful
  567. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d600 successful
  568. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x40f207c8 successful
  569. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4178af68 successful
  570. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4178adb0 successful
  571. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x41585f28 successful
  572. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x41585e00 successful
  573. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x41585ce0 successful
  574. I/OMXNodeInstance(  125): OMX_FreeBuffer for buffer header 0x4194d6b8 successful
  575. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.onetimeinitializer for broadcast com.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver: pid=993 uid=10006 gids={50006}
  576. V/OneTimeInitializerRece(  993): OneTimeInitializerReceiver.onReceive
  577. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver
  578. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  579. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.mms for broadcast com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver: pid=1007 uid=10009 gids={50009, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  580. D/dalvikvm(  123): GC_EXPLICIT freed 40K, 67% free 2560K/7724K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 46ms
  581. D/dalvikvm(  123): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 67% free 2560K/7724K, paused 4ms+11ms, total 52ms
  582. D/dalvikvm(  123): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 67% free 2560K/7724K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 46ms
  583. D/CountryDetector(  442): The first listener is added
  584. V/MmsConfig( 1007): mnc/mcc: 310120
  585. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: bool value: enabledMMS - true
  586. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: int value: maxMessageSize - 307200
  587. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: int value: maxImageHeight - 1000
  588. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: int value: maxImageWidth - 1296
  589. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: int value: defaultSMSMessagesPerThread - 500
  590. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: int value: defaultMMSMessagesPerThread - 50
  591. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: int value: minMessageCountPerThread - 10
  592. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: int value: maxMessageCountPerThread - 5000
  593. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: string value: userAgent - Sprint APA9292KT
  594. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: string value: uaProfUrl - http://device.sprintpcs.com/HTC/APA9292KT/1326511.rdf
  595. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: int value: recipientLimit - -1
  596. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: int value: smsToMmsTextThreshold - 4
  597. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: bool value: enableMultipartSMS - false
  598. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: bool value: enableSplitSMS - true
  599. V/MmsConfig( 1007): tag: int value: maxMessageTextSize - -1
  600. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver
  601. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  602. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiver
  603. D/Mms:app ( 1007): cancelNotification
  604. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  605. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.providers.media/.MediaScannerReceiver
  606. W/MediaScanner(  575): Error opening directory '/storage/sdcard0/.android_secure/', skipping: Permission denied.
  607. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  608. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for broadcast com.evervolv.toolbox/.receivers.BootReceiver: pid=1034 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
  609. I/EVToolbox( 1034): Restore disabled by user preference.
  610. D/EVToolbox( 1034): KSM settings restored.
  611. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver
  612. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  613. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for broadcast com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarReceiver: pid=1049 uid=10015 gids={50015, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  614. I/CalendarProvider2( 1049): Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@41b50ee8(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@41b48a98)
  615. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup for broadcast com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/.schedules.BootReceiver: pid=1063 uid=10017 gids={50017, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  616. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.MainApplication( 1063): onCreate()
  617. E/o.gI    ( 1063): ROM BUG: We are installed as a system app, but our native library "libtitanium.so" is MISSING from /system/lib/. Please ask the ROM author to include it there!
  618. I/o.gI    ( 1063): Will attempt to extract "libtitanium.so" by ourselves...
  619. I/CalendarProvider2( 1049): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar }
  620. W/ContentResolver( 1049): Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
  621. I/o.gI    ( 1063): Extracting native library: lib/armeabi/libtitanium.so => /data/data/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/files/libtitanium.so
  622. D/dalvikvm( 1063): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/files/libtitanium.so 0x41b3b308
  623. D/dalvikvm( 1063): Added shared lib /data/data/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/files/libtitanium.so 0x41b3b308
  624. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.MainApplication( 1063): Detected CPU architecture: ARM
  625. W/Settings( 1063): Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
  626. D/o.gF    ( 1063): Debug features are disabled.
  627. I/o.gv    ( 1063): restoreMySettings_ifNeeded()
  628. I/o.gv    ( 1063): Internal settings found => No need to restore.
  629. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
  630. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
  631. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
  632. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xf a=-1}
  633. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x80 a=-1}
  634. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x80 a=-1}
  635. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  636. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  637. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x20 a=-1}
  638. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x20 a=-1}
  639. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x1 a=-1}
  640. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  641. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (195, 608).
  642. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41c602a8 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  643. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  644. W/Resources( 1063): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  645. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  646. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.BootReceiver( 1063): Boot has completed => Scheduling next wake-up ...
  647. I/o.gf    ( 1063): scheduleNextWakeup(): Invoked with idToExcludeForToday=null
  648. I/o.gf    ( 1063): scheduleNextWakeup(): No next wakeup scheduled.
  649. I/LauncherIconVisibilityManager(  591): Boot has been completed
  650. I/LauncherIconVisibilityManager(  591): Activity has already been disabled: ComponentInfo{com.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.setup.SetupActivity}
  651. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.email for broadcast com.android.email/.service.EmailBroadcastReceiver: pid=1084 uid=10047 gids={50047, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  652. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.email/.service.EmailBroadcastReceiver
  653. W/ActivityManager(  442): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  654. I/Email   ( 1084): Observing account changes for notifications
  655. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{41c5ac50 u0 com.android.exchange/.service.EmailSyncAdapterService}
  656. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.exchange for service com.android.exchange/.service.EmailSyncAdapterService: pid=1103 uid=10046 gids={50046, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  657. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  658. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (207, 626).
  659. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41b8e498 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  660. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  661. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.evervolv.updater for broadcast com.evervolv.updater/.receivers.BootReceiver: pid=1117 uid=10048 gids={50048, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001}
  662. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 671:com.android.printspooler/u0a29 (adj 15): empty #17
  663. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService for service com.evervolv.updater/.services.UpdateManifestService: pid=1130 uid=10048 gids={50048, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001}
  664. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.evervolv.updater/.receivers.BootReceiver
  665. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 777:com.android.externalstorage/u0a11 (adj 15): empty #17
  666. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  667. I/EVUpdates( 1130): Scheduled update check for 1141083319 seconds from now repeating every 86400 seconds
  668. I/EVUpdates( 1130): Scheduled update check for 2419199 seconds from now repeating every 2419200 seconds
  669. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  670. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  671. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver - Reset timers and clear stopwatch data
  672. I/AlarmClock(  871): Displaying next alarm time: ''
  673. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  674. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver for broadcast com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver: pid=1147 uid=10054 gids={50054}
  675. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 654:android.process.acore/u0a14 (adj 15): empty #17
  676. D/CellBroadcastReceiver( 1147): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
  677. D/CellBroadcastReceiver( 1147): Registering for ServiceState updates
  678. D/CellBroadcastReceiver( 1147): Service state changed! 0 Full: 0 0 home Sprint Sprint 31000  1xRTT 1xRTT CSS supported 250 4183 RoamInd=128 DefRoamInd=1 EmergOnly=false
  679. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.calendar for broadcast com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=1160 uid=10056 gids={50056, 3003}
  680. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 795:com.estrongs.android.pop/u0a18 (adj 15): empty #17
  681. E/WifiService(  442): Multicaster binderDied
  682. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 1147): enabling emergency cell broadcast channels
  683. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] enableCdmaBroadcastRange
  684. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCdmaBroadcastConfig with 1 configurations
  685. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4097 to 4097 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  686. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] enableCdmaBroadcastRange
  687. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCdmaBroadcastConfig with 1 configurations
  688. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4098 to 4098 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  689. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] enableCdmaBroadcastRange
  690. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCdmaBroadcastConfig with 1 configurations
  691. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4099 to 4099 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  692. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] enableCdmaBroadcastRange
  693. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCdmaBroadcastConfig with 1 configurations
  694. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4096 to 4096 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  695. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 1147): enabled emergency cell broadcast channels
  696. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 1147): channel 50 is not applicable for cdma
  697. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 1147): disabling channels 919-928
  698. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] disableCdmaBroadcastRange
  699. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 919 to 928 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  700. D/CellBroadcastConfigService( 1147): disabling cell broadcast CMAS test messages
  701. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] disableCdmaBroadcastRange
  702. D/IccSmsInterfaceManager(  606): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4100 to 4100 from client com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
  703. D/ExtensionsFactory( 1160): No custom extensions.
  704. D/AlertReceiver( 1160): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver (has extras) }
  705. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver
  706. D/AlertService( 1160): 0 Action = android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  707. D/AlertService( 1160): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  708. D/AlarmScheduler( 1160): No events found starting within 1 week.
  709. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  710. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41b44540 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  711. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  712. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (449, 108).
  713. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  714. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  715. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41cf64f0 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  716. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  717. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (129, 97).
  718. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  719. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  720. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41cc9070 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  721. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  722. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (145, 126).
  723. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  724. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  725. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  726. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (121, 99).
  727. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41efed58 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  728. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  729. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  730. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41bd5288 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  731. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  732. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (110, 128).
  733. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  734. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  735. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41be8dc0 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  736. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  737. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (116, 107).
  738. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  739. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  740. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41bee3d8 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  741. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  742. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (455, 100).
  743. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  744. I/ActivityManager(  442): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{41b51780 u0 com.android.calendar/.alerts.InitAlarmsService}
  745. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  746. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.estrongs.android.pop for broadcast com.estrongs.android.pop/.app.StartServiceReceiver: pid=1188 uid=10018 gids={50018, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015}
  747. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  748. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41bf7bb0 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  749. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_EXPLICIT freed 404K, 24% free 5885K/7724K, paused 5ms+9ms, total 164ms
  750. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  751. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (747, 142).
  752. I/MultiDex( 1188): VM with version 1.6.0 does not have multidex support
  753. I/MultiDex( 1188): install
  754. I/MultiDex( 1188): MultiDexExtractor.load(/data/app/com.estrongs.android.pop-1.apk, false)
  755. I/MultiDex( 1188): loading existing secondary dex files
  756. I/MultiDex( 1188): load found 1 secondary dex files
  757. I/MultiDex( 1188): install done
  758. I/MultiDex( 1188): install
  759. I/dalvikvm( 1188): Could not find method android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable, referenced from method com.estrongs.android.pop.esclasses.p.a
  760. W/dalvikvm( 1188): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 646: Landroid/content/res/Resources;.getDrawable (ILandroid/content/res/Resources$Theme;)Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;
  761. D/dalvikvm( 1188): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000d
  762. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  763. E/FlurryAgent( 1188): GOOGLE PLAY SERVICES EXCEPTION: com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil
  764. E/FlurryAgent( 1188): There is a problem with the Google Play Services library, which is required for Android Advertising ID support. The Google Play Services library should be integrated in any app shipping in the Play Store that uses analytics or advertising.
  765. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiver
  766. V/SmsReceiverService( 1007): onStart: #1 mResultCode: -1 = Activity.RESULT_OK
  767. D/AlertReceiver( 1160): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver }
  768. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  769. D/AlertService( 1160): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  770. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver
  771. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  772. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41d894f8 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  773. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  774. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (898, 82).
  775. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 842:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  776. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  777. W/ResourceType( 1188): Failure getting entry for 0x7f050000 (t=4 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
  778. W/PackageManager( 1188): Failure retrieving text 0x7f050000 in package com.android.keyguard
  779. W/PackageManager( 1188): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x7f050000
  780. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at android.content.res.Resources.getText(Resources.java:244)
  781. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getText(ApplicationPackageManager.java:1007)
  782. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at android.content.pm.PackageItemInfo.loadLabel(PackageItemInfo.java:115)
  783. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.j.l(Unknown Source)
  784. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.j.<init>(Unknown Source)
  785. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.a.a.a(Unknown Source)
  786. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.a.a.a(Unknown Source)
  787. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.e.a(Unknown Source)
  788. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.e.a(Unknown Source)
  789. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.f.run(Unknown Source)
  790. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  791. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  792. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
  793. W/PackageManager( 1188):        at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  794. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2299K, 46% free 4183K/7728K, paused 4ms+13ms, total 64ms
  795. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from pid 442
  796. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  797. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  798. I/GlobalDismissManager( 1160): no sender configured
  799. D/AlertService( 1160): Beginning updateAlertNotification
  800. D/AlertService( 1160): No fired or scheduled alerts
  801. D/AlertService( 1160): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  802. D/AlarmScheduler( 1160): No events found starting within 1 week.
  803. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  804. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  805. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  806. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  807. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Done.
  808. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Setting timer for 720seconds
  809. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  810. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (862, 886).
  811. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity bnds=[372,692][460,800]} from pid 632
  812. E/hwcomposer(  122): drawLayerUsingCopybit:336::Need to scale twice dsdx=0.166667, dtdy=0.121528,copybitsMaxScale=8.000000,                                 copybitsMinScale=0.125000,screen_w=80,screen_h=35                   src_crop_width=480 src_crop_height=288
  813. E/hwcomposer(  122): drawLayerUsingCopybit:357::tmp_w = 60,tmp_h = 36
  814. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 728K, 23% free 5984K/7724K, paused 4ms+6ms, total 239ms
  815. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  816. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  817. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  818. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (51, 405).
  819. D/InitAlarmsService( 1160): Clearing and rescheduling alarms.
  820. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 829:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  821. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  822. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (54, 406).
  823. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  824. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (52, 408).
  825. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  826. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  827. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  828. I/MediaFocusControl(  442):  AudioFocus  abandonAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@41b43008com.android.music.MediaPlaybackService$3@41b41e88
  829. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 858:com.android.music/u0a36 (adj 15): empty #17
  830. W/MediaFocusControl(  442):   RemoteControlClient died
  831. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  832. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  833. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (53, 389).
  834. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  835. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (53, 388).
  836. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  837. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41de1188 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  838. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  839. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (518, 115).
  840. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/webhp?client=android-google&source=android-home
  841. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  842. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (844, 639).
  843. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41c9c138 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  844. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  845. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (758, 97).
  846. I/ResourceUtils(  591): Found default value: resource=phantom_sudden_move_event_device_list build=[HARDWARE=supersonic MODEL=PC36100 BRAND=sprint MANUFACTURER=HTC] default=false
  847. I/ResourceUtils(  591): Found default value: resource=keyboard_heights build=[HARDWARE=supersonic MODEL=PC36100 BRAND=sprint MANUFACTURER=HTC] default=
  848. W/SubtypeSwitcher(  591): Can't find Emoji subtype
  849. W/SubtypeSwitcher(  591): No input method subtype found; return dummy subtype: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype@d78b2ed0
  850. W/ViewPager(  591): Requested offscreen page limit 0 too small; defaulting to 1
  851. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2993K, 40% free 4679K/7724K, paused 5ms+27ms, total 107ms
  852. D/dalvikvm(  591): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 24ms
  853. I/LatinIME:LogUtils(  591): Dictionary info: dictionary = contacts.en_US.dict ; version = ? ; date = ?
  854. D/dalvikvm(  591): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 26ms
  855. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 391K, 42% free 4520K/7724K, paused 78ms, total 90ms
  856. I/dalvikvm-heap(  591): Grow heap (frag case) to 5.527MB for 591376-byte allocation
  857. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed 82K, 40% free 5017K/8304K, paused 4ms+4ms, total 76ms
  858. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1814K, 26% free 5727K/7724K, paused 8ms+11ms, total 103ms
  859. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  860. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (857, 611).
  861. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41da62f0 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  862. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 485K, 47% free 4116K/7728K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 27ms
  863. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  864. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  865. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  866. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (379, 284).
  867. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=218.99567 v=708.89844)
  868. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=-9; nothing to do (h=218.99567 v=708.89844)
  869. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  870. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (639, 83).
  871. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.QUICK_CLOCK flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity} from pid 501
  872. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): onBrowserActivityPause
  873. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): Pausing webview timers, view=com.android.browser.BrowserWebView{41bff9f8 VFEDHVCL ........ 0,0-480,376}
  874. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=800.0 v=-3000.0)
  875. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.settings for activity com.android.settings/.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity: pid=1255 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
  876. D/dalvikvm(  123): GC_EXPLICIT freed 40K, 67% free 2560K/7724K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 47ms
  877. D/dalvikvm(  123): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 67% free 2560K/7724K, paused 2ms+17ms, total 50ms
  878. D/dalvikvm(  123): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 67% free 2560K/7724K, paused 5ms+2ms, total 60ms
  879. D/libEGL  ( 1255): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
  880. D/libEGL  ( 1255): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
  881. D/libEGL  ( 1255): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
  882. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1255): <eglInitialize:269>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic AU_full_mako_PARTNER-ANDROID/JB-MR1-DEV_CL2961380_release_AU (CL2961380)
  883. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1255): Build Date: 12/10/12 Mon
  884. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1255): Local Branch:
  885. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1255): Remote Branch: m/partner-android/jb-mr1-dev
  886. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1255): Local Patches: NONE
  887. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1255): Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  888. D/OpenGLRenderer( 1255): Enabling debug mode 0
  889. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity: +1s461ms
  890. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  891. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  892. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (393, 437).
  893. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  894. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (768, 344).
  895. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  896. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (744, 320).
  897. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  898. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (783, 377).
  899. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  900. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (782, 340).
  901. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  902. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (796, 465).
  903. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  904. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (802, 488).
  905. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  906. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (798, 447).
  907. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  908. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (729, 474).
  909. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  910. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (771, 495).
  911. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  912. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (750, 665).
  913. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  914. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (786, 615).
  915. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  916. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (303, 426).
  917. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  918. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (329, 599).
  919. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  920. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (322, 649).
  921. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  922. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (533, 758).
  923. D/        (  442): Setting time of day to sec=1457223118
  924. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  925. D/        (  442): Setting time of day to sec=1457050361
  926. I/AlarmClock(  871): Displaying next alarm time: ''
  927. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  928. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  929. I/AlarmClock(  871): Displaying next alarm time: ''
  930. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  931. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  932. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (445, 537).
  933. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  934. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (283, 410).
  935. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  936. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  937. D/        (  442): Setting time of day to sec=1457223118
  938. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 489K, 20% free 6252K/7724K, paused 4ms+38ms, total 228ms
  939. I/AlarmClock(  871): Displaying next alarm time: ''
  940. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  941. I/LatinIME:LogUtils(  591): Dictionary info: dictionary = UserHistoryDictionary.en_US.dic ; version = ? ; date = 1457223119
  942. D/AlarmManagerService(  442): Kernel timezone updated to 480 minutes west of GMT
  943. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  944. I/AlarmClock(  871): Displaying next alarm time: ''
  945. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  946. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (575, 611).
  947. W/BackupManagerService(  442): dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=10018
  948. D/dalvikvm( 1188): GC_CONCURRENT freed 4212K, 57% free 3351K/7724K, paused 6ms+5ms, total 51ms
  949. D/dalvikvm( 1188): GC_CONCURRENT freed 481K, 58% free 3268K/7724K, paused 9ms+2ms, total 62ms
  950. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  951. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  952. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  953. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (557, 710).
  954. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  955. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  956. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  957. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (610, 679).
  958. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  959. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  960. I/ActivityManager(  442): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  961. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (617, 670).
  962. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  963. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  964. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41d39ed0 (uid=10058 pid=891)
  965. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (553, 624).
  966. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41d39ed0 (uid=10058 pid=891)
  967. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  968. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41cdf1d0 (uid=1000 pid=1255)
  969. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (556, 610).
  970. I/UsageStats(  442): Deleting usage file : usage-19800106
  971. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  972. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 936:com.android.dialer/u0a12 (adj 15): empty #17
  973. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (574, 636).
  974. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  975. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  976. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  977. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (811, 596).
  978. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  979. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  980. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  981. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (517, 777).
  982. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  983. D/        (  442): Setting time of day to sec=1457023920
  984. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  985. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  986. D/        (  442): Setting time of day to sec=1457023920
  987. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  988. I/AlarmClock(  871): Displaying next alarm time: ''
  989. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  990. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  991. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  992. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  993. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Done.
  994. I/AlarmClock(  871): Displaying next alarm time: ''
  995. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Setting timer for 720seconds
  996. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  997. W/ViewRootImpl(  891): Dropping event due to root view being removed: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_HOVER_ENTER, id[0]=0, x[0]=172.5392, y[0]=287.39316, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1075487, downTime=1075223, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  998. D/dalvikvm( 1188): GC_CONCURRENT freed 406K, 58% free 3270K/7724K, paused 3ms+4ms, total 32ms
  999. W/ViewRootImpl(  891): Dropping event due to root view being removed: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_HOVER_ENTER, id[0]=0, x[0]=172.5392, y[0]=287.39316, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1075487, downTime=1075223, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1000. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1001. W/ViewRootImpl(  891): Dropping event due to root view being removed: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_HOVER_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=172.5392, y[0]=287.39316, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1075487, downTime=1075223, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1002. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (843, 201).
  1003. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41cd1d40 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  1004. D/        (  606): Setting time of day to sec=1457027546
  1005. W/ActivityThread(  575): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
  1006. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  1007. W/FileUtils(  575): Failed to chmod(/storage/sdcard0/Download/downloadfile.bin): libcore.io.ErrnoException: chmod failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
  1008. I/AlarmClock(  871): Displaying next alarm time: ''
  1009. W/KeyguardTouchDelegate(  501): dismiss(): NO SERVICE!
  1010. V/AlarmClock(  871): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  1011. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41d90d60 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41c92e90
  1012. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): onBrowserActivityResume
  1013. V/KeyguardTouchDelegate(  501): Connected to keyguard
  1014. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): Resuming webview timers, view=com.android.browser.BrowserWebView{41bff9f8 VFEDHVCL ........ 0,0-480,376}
  1015. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://downloads/all_downloads/1 typ=text/html flg=0x10000003 cmp=android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity} from pid 575
  1016. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1017. I/UsageStats(  442): No package stats for pkg:com.android.browser
  1018. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (358, 526).
  1019. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc system:ui for activity android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity: pid=1656 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
  1020. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 944K, 21% free 6133K/7724K, paused 4ms+16ms, total 244ms
  1021. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.android.htmlviewer/com.android.htmlviewer.HTMLViewerActivity} for user 0 :
  1022. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 343K, 47% free 4171K/7728K, paused 5ms+2ms, total 158ms
  1023. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://downloads/all_downloads/1 typ=text/html flg=0x13000003 cmp=com.android.htmlviewer/.HTMLViewerActivity} from pid 1656
  1024. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 931K, 47% free 4445K/8304K, paused 74ms, total 75ms
  1025. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.htmlviewer for activity com.android.htmlviewer/.HTMLViewerActivity: pid=1670 uid=10043 gids={50043, 1028}
  1026. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed 20K, 40% free 5002K/8304K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 65ms
  1027. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 960:com.android.voicedialer/u0a2 (adj 15): empty #17
  1028. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1029. W/ActivityManager(  442): Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{41be4900 u0 android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity t4 f}
  1030. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (299, 622).
  1031. E/ActivityThread( 1670): Failed to find provider info for fonts.googleapis.com
  1032. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1033. E/ActivityThread( 1670): Failed to find provider info for images.dmca.com
  1034. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (536, 815).
  1035. F/ActivityManager(  442): Activity Manager Crash
  1036. F/ActivityManager(  442): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URI: content://downloads/?fid=23329332407578617
  1037. F/ActivityManager(  442):       at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:167)
  1038. F/ActivityManager(  442):       at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:137)
  1039. F/ActivityManager(  442):       at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.getType(ContentProviderNative.java:446)
  1040. F/ActivityManager(  442):       at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.getProviderMimeType(ActivityManagerService.java:8130)
  1041. F/ActivityManager(  442):       at android.app.ActivityManagerNative.onTransact(ActivityManagerNative.java:1591)
  1042. F/ActivityManager(  442):       at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:2076)
  1043. F/ActivityManager(  442):       at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  1044. F/ActivityManager(  442):       at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  1045. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1046. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=content://downloads/?fid=23329332407578617 (has extras)} from pid 1670
  1047. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (846, 644).
  1048. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41b8c828 (uid=10043 pid=1670)
  1049. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1050. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 993:com.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a6 (adj 15): empty #17
  1051. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (464, 415).
  1052. I/ActivityManager(  442): moveTaskToBack: 2
  1053. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1619K, 35% free 5047K/7724K, paused 4ms+154ms, total 203ms
  1054. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity bnds=[372,692][460,800]} from pid 632
  1055. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1056. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41d39ed0 (uid=10058 pid=891)
  1057. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (809, 429).
  1058. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41d39ed0 (uid=10058 pid=891)
  1059. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1060. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.quicksearchbox for content provider com.android.quicksearchbox/.google.GoogleSuggestionProvider: pid=1724 uid=10027 gids={50027, 3003}
  1061. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (755, 827).
  1062. E/WifiService(  442): Multicaster binderDied
  1063. I/browser (  891): Console: This browser is%s AJAX compatible http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456858552:1
  1064. I/ActivityManager(  442): Process com.estrongs.android.pop (pid 1188) has died.
  1065. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1066. I/WindowManager(  442): Input event dispatching timed out sending to com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity.  Reason: Waiting because the touched window has not finished processing the input events that were previously delivered to it.
  1067. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (604, 660).
  1068. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1069. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1070. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  1071. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (343, 274).
  1072. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 1034:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  1073. I/browser (  891): Console: vBmenu :: System Activated http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456858552:1
  1074. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity bnds=[372,692][460,800]} from pid 632
  1075. I/browser (  891): Console: Firing System Init http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456858552:1
  1076. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1077. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 520K, 37% free 4921K/7724K, paused 27ms, total 28ms
  1078. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  1079. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 5.504MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1080. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41d79a00 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41d52598
  1081. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 141K, 34% free 5268K/7876K, paused 24ms, total 31ms
  1082. I/ActivityManager(  442): moveTaskToBack: 6
  1083. I/browser (  891): Console: This browser is%s AJAX compatible http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456959616:1
  1084. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from pid 442
  1085. I/browser (  891): Console: vBmenu :: System Activated http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456959616:1
  1086. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from pid 442
  1087. I/browser (  891): Console: Firing System Init http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456959616:1
  1088. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from pid 442
  1089. I/browser (  891): Console: -RAMP- PRE-BID http://ads.servebom.com/tmnhead.js:1403
  1090. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from pid 632
  1091. I/browser (  891): Console: -RAMP- PRE-BID http://ads.servebom.com/tmnhead.js:1406
  1092. W/ContextImpl( 1255): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.doBind:245 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:238 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1187
  1093. I/browser (  891): Console: FA-testing http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456959616:10
  1094. W/ContextImpl( 1255): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190
  1095. I/browser (  891): Console: FA-orig: 279 http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456959616:10
  1096. W/ContextImpl( 1255): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.doBind:109 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.<init>:102 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1196
  1097. I/browser (  891): Console: FA-new: 1286 http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456959616:10
  1098. W/ContextImpl( 1255): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.doBind:164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:157 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68
  1099. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1100. D/WifiService(  442): setWifiEnabled: true pid=1255, uid=1000
  1101. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (431, 421).
  1102. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 1255
  1103. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1066K, 37% free 4979K/7876K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 57ms
  1104. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  1105. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 911K, 45% free 4600K/8304K, paused 39ms, total 52ms
  1106. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  1107. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 38% free 5178K/8304K, paused 4ms+3ms, total 80ms
  1108. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  1109. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 350K, 34% free 5271K/7876K, paused 26ms, total 27ms
  1110. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  1111. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 5.846MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1112. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  1113. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 275K, 33% free 5399K/8028K, paused 32ms, total 33ms
  1114. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  1115. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 141K, 33% free 5394K/8028K, paused 34ms, total 35ms
  1116. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  1117. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4K, 31% free 5556K/8028K, paused 31ms, total 32ms
  1118. I/PackageManager(  442): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.apiBackupRestore.DummyActivity} for user 0 :
  1119. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.125MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1120. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 1255
  1121. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 252K, 32% free 5590K/8180K, paused 35ms, total 35ms
  1122. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.android.defcontainer for service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService: pid=1769 uid=10013 gids={50013, 1028, 1015, 1023, 2001, 1035}
  1123. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 31% free 5701K/8180K, paused 31ms, total 31ms
  1124. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 1255
  1125. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.217MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1126. E/Cryptfs (  118): not running with encryption, aborting
  1127. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 231K, 32% free 5699K/8284K, paused 21ms, total 22ms
  1128. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41c0fdc0 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41cbf7c0
  1129. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 5K, 30% free 5860K/8284K, paused 26ms, total 26ms
  1130. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 1255
  1131. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.421MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1132. W/ContextImpl( 1255): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 com.android.settings.applications.ManageApplications.onCreate:863 android.app.Fragment.performCreate:1678 android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState:859
  1133. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 253K, 31% free 5893K/8436K, paused 34ms, total 35ms
  1134. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 1255
  1135. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 29% free 6004K/8436K, paused 22ms, total 22ms
  1136. I/ActivityManager(  442): Force stopping com.estrongs.android.pop appid=10018 user=0: from pid 1255
  1137. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.513MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1138. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41b9e900 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41e01078
  1139. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 197K, 30% free 6024K/8540K, paused 36ms, total 36ms
  1140. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  1141. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 20K, 28% free 6170K/8540K, paused 32ms, total 32ms
  1142. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Done.
  1143. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.724MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1144. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Setting timer for 720seconds
  1145. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 253K, 29% free 6202K/8692K, paused 27ms, total 28ms
  1146. I/PowerManagerService(  442): Going to sleep due to screen timeout...
  1147. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 28% free 6313K/8692K, paused 39ms, total 39ms
  1148. I/WindowManager(  442): No lock screen! windowToken=null
  1149. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.815MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1150. I/PowerManagerService(  442): Waking up from sleep...
  1151. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1152. I/WindowManager(  442): Lock screen displayed!
  1153. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (289, 641).
  1154. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.estrongs.android.pop for broadcast com.estrongs.android.pop/.app.StartServiceReceiver: pid=1820 uid=10018 gids={50018, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015}
  1155. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on autocomplete prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close' http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js:2
  1156. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41dca468 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@41f21360, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41d0d868
  1157. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on autocomplete prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close' http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js:2
  1158. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 1063:com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/u0a17 (adj 15): empty #17
  1159. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 617K, 30% free 6160K/8728K, paused 44ms, total 44ms
  1160. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity bnds=[372,692][460,800]} from pid 632
  1161. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.714MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1162. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.WEB_SEARCH cat=[android.intent.category.DEFAULT] cmp=com.android.quicksearchbox/.google.GoogleSearch (has extras)} from pid 891
  1163. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 19K, 29% free 6307K/8880K, paused 27ms, total 27ms
  1164. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=http://www.google.com/m?hl=en&source=android-browser-type&q=evo+4g+kitkat+gapps flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.android.browser cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity (has extras)} from pid -1
  1165. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.858MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1166. W/ActivityManager(  442): Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{41c51628 u0 com.android.quicksearchbox/.google.GoogleSearch t6 f}
  1167. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 278K, 29% free 6457K/9032K, paused 24ms, total 25ms
  1168. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41f0a210 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41d52598
  1169. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1170. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1171. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (524, 830).
  1172. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  1173. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1174. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1175. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (871, 636).
  1176. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  1177. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 648K, 28% free 6504K/9032K, paused 25ms, total 26ms
  1178. I/PowerManagerService(  442): Going to sleep due to screen timeout...
  1179. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 39K, 27% free 6633K/9032K, paused 27ms, total 28ms
  1180. I/PowerManagerService(  442): Waking up from sleep...
  1181. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.176MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1182. I/WindowManager(  442): Lock screen displayed!
  1183. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 254K, 28% free 6665K/9184K, paused 44ms, total 44ms
  1184. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41be73c8 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@41be73d8, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41d52598
  1185. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 27% free 6775K/9184K, paused 32ms, total 32ms
  1186. W/BackupManagerService(  442): dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=10003
  1187. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.266MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1188. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.AirplaneModeWidgetProvider: pid=1877 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
  1189. I/browser (  891): Console: DIV purch_Y_O_1_1 ON_RENDERED http://ads.servebom.com/tmntag.js?v=1.2&r=10021&o={%22p%22:%222135%22,%22g%22:{%22ctype%22:%22f_homepage%22},%22l%22:%22http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2F%22,%22a%22:[],%22t%22:%222016-03-03%2009:53:25%22,%22tz%22:480,%22r%22:%22320x456%22}:77
  1190. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1191. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1192. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
  1193. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (563, 920).
  1194. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1195. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 744K, 29% free 6643K/9288K, paused 48ms, total 48ms
  1196. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1197. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1198. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1199. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (114, 924).
  1200. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1201. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1202. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1203. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (392, 618).
  1204. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1205. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1337K, 29% free 6671K/9288K, paused 12ms+28ms, total 112ms
  1206. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1207. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 34ms
  1208. D/ConnectivityService(  442): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
  1209. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1210. D/ConnectivityService(  442): tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=1
  1211. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (131, 905).
  1212. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1213. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1214. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1215. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (523, 736).
  1216. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1217. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1218. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1219. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (368, 421).
  1220. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1221. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 994K, 31% free 6339K/9128K, paused 37ms, total 38ms
  1222. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1223. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.152MB for 1478280-byte allocation
  1224. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1225. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 60K, 27% free 7756K/10572K, paused 4ms+16ms, total 166ms
  1226. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Attempting to switch to mobile
  1227. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 107ms
  1228. D/ConnectivityService(  442): resetConnections(wlan0, 3)
  1229. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.539MB for 1480888-byte allocation
  1230. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1231. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 193K, 23% free 9283K/12020K, paused 5ms+38ms, total 165ms
  1232. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1233. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1234. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1235. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (467, 409).
  1236. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1237. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2274K, 33% free 8075K/12020K, paused 36ms, total 37ms
  1238. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1239. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 478K, 47% free 4146K/7728K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 123ms
  1240. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1241. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1242. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1243. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (406, 413).
  1244. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1245. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1246. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1247. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (657, 323).
  1248. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  1249. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1250. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1251. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (770, 250).
  1252. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  1253. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891): TouchEvent: Touch event stream contains events from multiple sources: previous device id 0, previous source 2, new device id 3, new source 1002
  1254. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   ACTION_MOVE contained 1 pointers but there are currently 0 pointers down.
  1255. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@41cbebb8
  1256. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   0: sent at 351361652612, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=297.23544, y[0]=201.02124, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=351361, downTime=350975, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1257. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   -- recent events --
  1258. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   1: sent at 351260000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, id[0]=0, x[0]=0.0, y[0]=0.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=351260, downTime=351260, deviceId=0, source=0x2 }
  1259. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   2: sent at 350975700000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=295.92477, y[0]=185.70941, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=350975, downTime=350975, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1260. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   3: sent at 348701317000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=369.45117, y[0]=83.58707, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=348701, downTime=348123, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1261. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   4: sent at 348661652720, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=369.45117, y[0]=83.58707, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=348661, downTime=348123, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1262. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   5: sent at 348644986054, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=368.37698, y[0]=88.16333, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=348644, downTime=348123, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1263. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1264. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1265. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  1266. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (639, 412).
  1267. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1268. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1269. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  442): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  1270. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (607, 309).
  1271. D/Nat464Xlat(  442): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
  1272. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1273. D/NetlinkEvent(  119): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x11
  1274. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (946, 903).
  1275. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 1103:com.android.exchange/u0a46 (adj 15): empty #17
  1276. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1414K, 24% free 8500K/11084K, paused 4ms+13ms, total 65ms
  1277. D/ConnectivityService(  442): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=1 extraInfo=null url=null
  1278. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 42ms
  1279. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity} from pid 501
  1280. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1600K, 38% free 6912K/11084K, paused 35ms, total 35ms
  1281. D/WifiService(  442): setWifiEnabled: true pid=1255, uid=1000
  1282. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 10.708MB for 3571548-byte allocation
  1283. D/ConnectivityService(  442): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  1284. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 138K, 29% free 10400K/14572K, paused 32ms+54ms, total 309ms
  1285. D/ConnectivityService(  442): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  1286. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3K, 29% free 10399K/14572K, paused 72ms, total 72ms
  1287. D/ConnectivityService(  442): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  1288. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.116MB for 3574156-byte allocation
  1289. E/ConnectivityService(  442): Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@41e4b698
  1290. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 24% free 13889K/18064K, paused 18ms+23ms, total 261ms
  1291. D/Nat464Xlat(  442): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  1292. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7414K, 35% free 7220K/10972K, paused 27ms, total 27ms
  1293. D/ConnectivityService(  442): NetTransition Wakelock for ConnectedState released by timeout
  1294. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.009MB for 3571548-byte allocation
  1295. D/ConnectivityService(  442): handleConnectivityChange: addresses changed linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  1296. D/ConnectivityService(  442):    car=removed=[] added=[fe80::dab3:77ff:fe18:2704/64,]
  1297. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 38K, 26% free 10702K/14460K, paused 4ms+24ms, total 141ms
  1298. D/Nat464Xlat(  442): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  1299. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1K, 26% free 10702K/14460K, paused 72ms, total 72ms
  1300. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41cdf1d0 (uid=1000 pid=1255)
  1301. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.413MB for 3574156-byte allocation
  1302. D/ConnectivityService(  442): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=1 extraInfo=null url=null
  1303. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 21% free 14193K/17952K, paused 26ms+19ms, total 240ms
  1304. D/ConnectivityService(  442): captivePortalCheckCompleted: ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false captive=false
  1305. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1306. I/ProcessStatsService(  442): Prepared write state in 4ms
  1307. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (666, 533).
  1308. I/ProcessStatsService(  442): Prepared write state in 4ms
  1309. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1310. I/ProcessStatsService(  442): Pruning old procstats: /data/system/procstats/state-1980-01-05-16-00-58.bin
  1311. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (797, 586).
  1312. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from pid 442
  1313. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1314. W/InputMethodManagerService(  442): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41d39ed0 (uid=10058 pid=891)
  1315. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (719, 619).
  1316. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=jackpal.androidterm/.Term} from pid 632
  1317. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1318. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc jackpal.androidterm for activity jackpal.androidterm/.Term: pid=1950 uid=10060 gids={50060, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1319. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (704, 792).
  1320. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.superuser.RequestActivity (has extras)} from pid 1981
  1321. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1322. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox:superuser for activity com.evervolv.toolbox/.superuser.RequestActivity: pid=1991 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
  1323. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (738, 805).
  1324. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 1117:com.evervolv.updater/u0a48 (adj 15): empty for 1806s
  1325. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 45 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1326. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {flg=0x10800000 cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.superuser.MultitaskSuRequestActivity (has extras)} from pid 1991
  1327. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1328. I/ActivityManager(  442): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for broadcast com.evervolv.toolbox/.superuser.SuReceiver: pid=2018 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
  1329. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (587, 832).
  1330. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 1084:com.android.email/u0a47 (adj 15): empty #17
  1331. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1332. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 1130:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a48 (adj 15): empty for 1849s
  1333. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (624, 835).
  1334. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 1049:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a15 (adj 15): empty for 1828s
  1335. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1336. I/ActivityManager(  442): Killing 1160:com.android.calendar/u0a56 (adj 15): empty for 1832s
  1337. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (617, 830).
  1338. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from pid 442
  1339. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 30 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1340. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings bnds=[240,524][357,656]} from pid 632
  1341. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1342. D/WifiService(  442): setWifiEnabled: true pid=1255, uid=1000
  1343. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (606, 587).
  1344. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 1255
  1345. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1346. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 1255
  1347. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (703, 592).
  1348. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox} from pid 1255
  1349. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1350. I/ActivityManager(  442): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox} from pid 1255
  1351. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (671, 578).
  1352. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on autocomplete prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close' http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js:2
  1353. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on autocomplete prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close' http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js:2
  1354. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on autocomplete prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close' http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js:2
  1355. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1356. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (570, 588).
  1357. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1358. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (585, 547).
  1359. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1360. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (557, 516).
  1361. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 8155K, 37% free 7002K/10972K, paused 61ms, total 61ms
  1362. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 10.800MB for 3576052-byte allocation
  1363. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 236K, 27% free 10639K/14468K, paused 4ms+36ms, total 139ms
  1364. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 8ms
  1365. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.355MB for 3578660-byte allocation
  1366. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 231K, 21% free 14264K/17964K, paused 23ms+37ms, total 205ms
  1367. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1368. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (432, 490).
  1369. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1370. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (459, 629).
  1371. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1372. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (479, 769).
  1373. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1374. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (562, 771).
  1375. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi(  891): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(WebView.java:2169)
  1376. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi(  891): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(WebView.java:2169)
  1377. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi(  891): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(WebView.java:2169)
  1378. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7118K, 34% free 7270K/10972K, paused 44ms, total 45ms
  1379. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.062MB for 3576200-byte allocation
  1380. I/browser (  891): Console: This browser is%s AJAX compatible http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456858552:1
  1381. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 44K, 26% free 10752K/14468K, paused 3ms+43ms, total 140ms
  1382. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1K, 26% free 10751K/14468K, paused 126ms, total 126ms
  1383. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.464MB for 3578672-byte allocation
  1384. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 21% free 14246K/17964K, paused 9ms+29ms, total 219ms
  1385. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1386. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (541, 640).
  1387. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1388. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (535, 352).
  1389. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7096K, 34% free 7271K/10972K, paused 38ms, total 38ms
  1390. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.063MB for 3575668-byte allocation
  1391. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 36K, 26% free 10760K/14464K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 115ms
  1392. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1K, 26% free 10760K/14464K, paused 99ms, total 103ms
  1393. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.472MB for 3578656-byte allocation
  1394. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1K, 21% free 14255K/17960K, paused 23ms+23ms, total 177ms
  1395. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 434K, 19% free 14569K/17960K, paused 34ms, total 35ms
  1396. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 18.190MB for 3575724-byte allocation
  1397. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 31K, 16% free 18057K/21452K, paused 5ms+14ms, total 147ms
  1398. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6998K, 49% free 11069K/21452K, paused 69ms, total 69ms
  1399. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.775MB for 3578712-byte allocation
  1400. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 33% free 14564K/21452K, paused 34ms+27ms, total 215ms
  1401. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7058K, 31% free 7614K/10972K, paused 122ms, total 122ms
  1402. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.398MB for 3575724-byte allocation
  1403. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 40K, 24% free 11102K/14464K, paused 3ms+12ms, total 162ms
  1404. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 24% free 11103K/14464K, paused 321ms, total 337ms
  1405. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.808MB for 3578784-byte allocation
  1406. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 19% free 14598K/17960K, paused 5ms+9ms, total 157ms
  1407. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1408. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (683, 819).
  1409. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1410. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (400, 521).
  1411. I/browser (  891): Console: This browser is%s AJAX compatible http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456959616:1
  1412. I/browser (  891): Console: vBmenu :: System Activated http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456959616:1
  1413. I/browser (  891): Console: Firing System Init http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456959616:1
  1414. I/browser (  891): Console: -RAMP- PRE-BID http://ads.servebom.com/tmnhead.js:1377
  1415. I/browser (  891): Console: -RAMP- PRE-BID http://ads.servebom.com/tmnhead.js:1380
  1416. I/browser (  891): Console: FA-tested-already-good http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456959616:10
  1417. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 421K, 47% free 4127K/7728K, paused 1ms+3ms, total 57ms
  1418. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 11249K, 44% free 5270K/9372K, paused 3ms+33ms, total 201ms
  1419. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 698K, 42% free 5475K/9372K, paused 4ms+16ms, total 81ms
  1420. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 16ms
  1421. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 629K, 38% free 5819K/9372K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 58ms
  1422. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 44ms
  1423. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 646K, 34% free 6243K/9372K, paused 15ms+3ms, total 100ms
  1424. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 71ms
  1425. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 592K, 28% free 6805K/9372K, paused 6ms+4ms, total 129ms
  1426. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 385K, 27% free 6887K/9372K, paused 24ms, total 25ms
  1427. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891): TouchEvent: Touch event stream contains events from multiple sources: previous device id 0, previous source 2, new device id 3, new source 1002
  1428. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   ACTION_MOVE contained 1 pointers but there are currently 0 pointers down.
  1429. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@41cbebb8
  1430. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   0: sent at 464677315000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=290.15677, y[0]=550.23926, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=3, eventTime=464677, downTime=464563, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1431. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   -- recent events --
  1432. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   1: sent at 464679000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, id[0]=0, x[0]=0.0, y[0]=0.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=464679, downTime=464679, deviceId=0, source=0x2 }
  1433. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   2: sent at 464563438000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=294.92163, y[0]=573.7436, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=464563, downTime=464563, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1434. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   3: sent at 462741000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, id[0]=0, x[0]=0.0, y[0]=0.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=462741, downTime=462741, deviceId=0, source=0x2 }
  1435. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   4: sent at 462382000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, id[0]=0, x[0]=0.0, y[0]=0.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=462382, downTime=462382, deviceId=0, source=0x2 }
  1436. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   5: sent at 462089000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, id[0]=0, x[0]=0.0, y[0]=0.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=462089, downTime=462089, deviceId=0, source=0x2 }
  1437. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1438. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (652, 417).
  1439. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 501K, 27% free 6842K/9372K, paused 31ms, total 32ms
  1440. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 16K, 26% free 6992K/9372K, paused 31ms, total 31ms
  1441. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.527MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1442. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 249K, 27% free 7026K/9524K, paused 30ms, total 33ms
  1443. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 26% free 7136K/9524K, paused 32ms, total 32ms
  1444. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.618MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1445. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1446. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (630, 396).
  1447. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1448. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (583, 435).
  1449. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1450. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (676, 498).
  1451. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1452. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (722, 342).
  1453. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1454. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (633, 378).
  1455. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1456. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (650, 403).
  1457. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1458. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (654, 359).
  1459. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1460. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (592, 472).
  1461. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1462. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (585, 444).
  1463. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891): TouchEvent: Touch event stream contains events from multiple sources: previous device id 0, previous source 2, new device id 3, new source 1002
  1464. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   ACTION_MOVE contained 1 pointers but there are currently 0 pointers down.
  1465. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@41cbebb8
  1466. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   0: sent at 481361647412, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=282.81287, y[0]=467.84973, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=481361, downTime=481293, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1467. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   -- recent events --
  1468. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   1: sent at 481370000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, id[0]=0, x[0]=0.0, y[0]=0.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=481370, downTime=481370, deviceId=0, source=0x2 }
  1469. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   2: sent at 481344980746, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=285.65387, y[0]=480.04785, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=481344, downTime=481293, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1470. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   3: sent at 481293876000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=300.43887, y[0]=525.8804, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=481293, downTime=481293, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1471. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   4: sent at 480649132000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=276.98978, y[0]=240.35287, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=480649, downTime=480197, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1472. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   5: sent at 480611647442, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=276.98978, y[0]=240.35287, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=480611, downTime=480197, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1473. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1474. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (577, 392).
  1475. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1476. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (656, 398).
  1477. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 456K, 27% free 7000K/9528K, paused 103ms, total 104ms
  1478. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 14K, 25% free 7152K/9528K, paused 43ms, total 43ms
  1479. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.683MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1480. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 253K, 25% free 7298K/9680K, paused 33ms, total 34ms
  1481. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1482. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (601, 420).
  1483. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1484. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (534, 431).
  1485. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1486. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (473, 417).
  1487. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1488. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (585, 389).
  1489. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1490. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (441, 438).
  1491. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1492. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (634, 428).
  1493. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1494. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (675, 362).
  1495. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 808K, 22% free 6100K/7724K, paused 14ms+27ms, total 444ms
  1496. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 507K, 25% free 7274K/9680K, paused 40ms, total 41ms
  1497. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 22K, 24% free 7418K/9680K, paused 32ms, total 32ms
  1498. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.943MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1499. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 249K, 25% free 7452K/9832K, paused 31ms, total 38ms
  1500. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 24% free 7562K/9832K, paused 23ms, total 27ms
  1501. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.035MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1502. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1503. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (664, 419).
  1504. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1505. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (575, 449).
  1506. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1507. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (623, 768).
  1508. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1509. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (624, 491).
  1510. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1511. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (675, 503).
  1512. I/browser (  891): Console: DIV purch_Y_O_1_1 ON_RENDERED http://ads.servebom.com/tmntag.js?v=1.2&r=2774&o={%22p%22:%222131%22,%22g%22:{%22ctype%22:%22f_threads%22,%22ccat1%22:%22HTC20Supersonic3A20EVO204G%22,%22ccat2%22:%22EVO204G20Original20Development%22,%22kw%22:%225BROM5DTN.kitkat.4.4.2.HTC.evo.supersonic(aosp)viper.mod.2Ca2sd_updated112F082F14%22},%22l%22:%22http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D2713296%22,%22a%22:[],%22t%22:%222016-03-03%2009:55:59%22,%22tz%22:480,%22r%22:%22320x456%22}:80
  1513. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1514. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (654, 538).
  1515. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1516. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (629, 563).
  1517. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1518. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (617, 602).
  1519. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1520. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (665, 582).
  1521. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1522. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (698, 497).
  1523. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1524. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (627, 512).
  1525. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1526. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (661, 459).
  1527. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1528. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (699, 368).
  1529. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1530. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (684, 757).
  1531. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1532. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (603, 590).
  1533. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 840K, 27% free 7333K/9936K, paused 70ms, total 76ms
  1534. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1535. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (604, 642).
  1536. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1537. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (653, 625).
  1538. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1539. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (659, 611).
  1540. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1541. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (619, 519).
  1542. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 867K, 28% free 7168K/9936K, paused 38ms, total 41ms
  1543. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 10.660MB for 3258504-byte allocation
  1544. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 67K, 22% free 10315K/13120K, paused 22ms+3ms, total 242ms
  1545. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2K, 22% free 10314K/13120K, paused 58ms, total 59ms
  1546. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.735MB for 3261124-byte allocation
  1547. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 18% free 13499K/16308K, paused 4ms+4ms, total 237ms
  1548. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3729K, 18% free 10642K/12960K, paused 57ms, total 57ms
  1549. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.091MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1550. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 113K, 18% free 10790K/13112K, paused 52ms, total 53ms
  1551. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.236MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1552. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3518K, 43% free 7632K/13264K, paused 55ms, total 56ms
  1553. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.113MB for 3258540-byte allocation
  1554. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 201K, 34% free 10925K/16448K, paused 15ms+21ms, total 212ms
  1555. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3K, 34% free 10922K/16448K, paused 64ms, total 64ms
  1556. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.329MB for 3261160-byte allocation
  1557. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 29% free 14107K/19636K, paused 5ms+34ms, total 195ms
  1558. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1559. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (696, 703).
  1560. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1561. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (581, 682).
  1562. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1563. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (626, 660).
  1564. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1565. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (620, 652).
  1566. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1567. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (531, 652).
  1568. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1569. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (674, 658).
  1570. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL https://creditcards-com.demdex.net/event?d_event=imp&d_src=59144&d_site=1739160&d_creative=59918500_id&d_adgroup=290077173_id&d_placement=117233535_id&d_campaign=8307951_id&d_bust=2953536585:1
  1571. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1572. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (650, 870).
  1573. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1574. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (605, 865).
  1575. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1576. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (474, 804).
  1577. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi(  891): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(WebView.java:2169)
  1578. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1579. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (627, 667).
  1580. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6622K, 43% free 7592K/13108K, paused 91ms, total 92ms
  1581. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.074MB for 3258548-byte allocation
  1582. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 33K, 34% free 10773K/16292K, paused 67ms, total 67ms
  1583. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.182MB for 3261168-byte allocation
  1584. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 16K, 29% free 13945K/19480K, paused 41ms+4ms, total 291ms
  1585. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6407K, 43% free 7577K/13108K, paused 37ms, total 38ms
  1586. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.060MB for 3258548-byte allocation
  1587. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 33K, 34% free 10757K/16292K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 186ms
  1588. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 34% free 10758K/16292K, paused 63ms, total 63ms
  1589. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.167MB for 3261168-byte allocation
  1590. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 29% free 13943K/19480K, paused 4ms+3ms, total 266ms
  1591. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1592. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (648, 821).
  1593. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1594. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (590, 754).
  1595. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1596. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (667, 753).
  1597. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7259K, 38% free 8217K/13108K, paused 38ms, total 39ms
  1598. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.686MB for 3261396-byte allocation
  1599. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 56K, 31% free 11382K/16296K, paused 3ms+19ms, total 178ms
  1600. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1K, 31% free 11382K/16296K, paused 59ms, total 59ms
  1601. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.781MB for 3264384-byte allocation
  1602. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 26% free 14570K/19484K, paused 4ms+20ms, total 219ms
  1603. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6503K, 38% free 8200K/13108K, paused 35ms, total 40ms
  1604. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.669MB for 3261000-byte allocation
  1605. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 33K, 31% free 11383K/16296K, paused 3ms+28ms, total 139ms
  1606. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 31% free 11383K/16296K, paused 78ms, total 78ms
  1607. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.781MB for 3264060-byte allocation
  1608. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 26% free 14570K/19484K, paused 4ms+24ms, total 235ms
  1609. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1610. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (464, 526).
  1611. I/browser (  891): Console: This browser is%s AJAX compatible http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456858552:1
  1612. I/browser (  891): Console: vBmenu :: System Activated http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456858552:1
  1613. I/browser (  891): Console: Firing System Init http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456858552:1
  1614. I/browser (  891): Console: -RAMP- PRE-BID http://ads.servebom.com/tmnhead.js:1403
  1615. I/browser (  891): Console: -RAMP- PRE-BID http://ads.servebom.com/tmnhead.js:1406
  1616. I/browser (  891): Console: FA-tested-already-good http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/clientscript/2015.head.min.js?v=1456858552:10
  1617. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 11205K, 42% free 5351K/9076K, paused 3ms+22ms, total 88ms
  1618. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 862K, 41% free 5379K/9076K, paused 294ms+22ms, total 456ms
  1619. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 576K, 37% free 5744K/9076K, paused 3ms+17ms, total 95ms
  1620. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 6ms
  1621. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 610K, 34% free 6076K/9076K, paused 2ms+19ms, total 50ms
  1622. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 31 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1623. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 405K, 30% free 6400K/9076K, paused 35ms, total 35ms
  1624. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 256K, 28% free 6541K/9076K, paused 22ms, total 23ms
  1625. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 505K, 30% free 6383K/9076K, paused 25ms, total 26ms
  1626. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 265K, 28% free 6570K/9076K, paused 42ms, total 42ms
  1627. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7K, 27% free 6679K/9076K, paused 34ms, total 34ms
  1628. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.172MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1629. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 137K, 28% free 6677K/9180K, paused 43ms, total 44ms
  1630. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4K, 26% free 6839K/9180K, paused 28ms, total 32ms
  1631. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.377MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1632. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 248K, 27% free 6873K/9332K, paused 32ms, total 33ms
  1633. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 5K, 26% free 6983K/9332K, paused 36ms, total 36ms
  1634. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.469MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1635. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1636. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (676, 325).
  1637. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1638. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (712, 388).
  1639. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 194K, 26% free 6984K/9376K, paused 27ms, total 27ms
  1640. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.519MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1641. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 11K, 26% free 7138K/9528K, paused 49ms, total 49ms
  1642. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.669MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1643. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 173K, 27% free 7138K/9680K, paused 39ms, total 39ms
  1644. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 276K, 25% free 7284K/9680K, paused 31ms, total 31ms
  1645. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1009K, 25% free 7303K/9680K, paused 24ms, total 25ms
  1646. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 29K, 24% free 7439K/9680K, paused 48ms, total 49ms
  1647. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.963MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1648. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 255K, 23% free 7586K/9832K, paused 33ms, total 33ms
  1649. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 141K, 23% free 7581K/9832K, paused 34ms, total 34ms
  1650. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4K, 22% free 7743K/9832K, paused 32ms, total 32ms
  1651. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.260MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1652. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 249K, 23% free 7777K/9984K, paused 37ms, total 37ms
  1653. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 22% free 7887K/9984K, paused 33ms, total 33ms
  1654. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.351MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1655. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 136K, 22% free 7885K/10088K, paused 30ms, total 30ms
  1656. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4K, 21% free 8047K/10088K, paused 36ms, total 36ms
  1657. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.557MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1658. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 249K, 22% free 8081K/10240K, paused 36ms, total 37ms
  1659. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 21% free 8190K/10240K, paused 34ms, total 35ms
  1660. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.648MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1661. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 136K, 21% free 8189K/10344K, paused 33ms, total 37ms
  1662. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4K, 20% free 8351K/10344K, paused 33ms, total 34ms
  1663. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.854MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1664. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 265K, 21% free 8387K/10496K, paused 40ms, total 40ms
  1665. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 20% free 8496K/10496K, paused 30ms, total 30ms
  1666. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.947MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1667. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 136K, 20% free 8495K/10600K, paused 41ms, total 42ms
  1668. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4K, 19% free 8656K/10600K, paused 33ms, total 33ms
  1669. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.152MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1670. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 248K, 20% free 8690K/10752K, paused 33ms, total 33ms
  1671. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 19% free 8800K/10752K, paused 24ms, total 29ms
  1672. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 136K, 19% free 8799K/10856K, paused 33ms, total 34ms
  1673. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4K, 18% free 8960K/10856K, paused 23ms, total 35ms
  1674. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1675. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (693, 535).
  1676. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 393K, 20% free 8874K/11008K, paused 28ms, total 28ms
  1677. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 13K, 19% free 8977K/11008K, paused 37ms, total 37ms
  1678. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.416MB for 102416-byte allocation
  1679. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 137K, 20% free 8976K/11112K, paused 38ms, total 38ms
  1680. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4K, 18% free 9138K/11112K, paused 34ms, total 34ms
  1681. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.623MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1682. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 249K, 19% free 9171K/11264K, paused 38ms, total 39ms
  1683. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 18% free 9281K/11264K, paused 37ms, total 37ms
  1684. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 137K, 19% free 9280K/11368K, paused 37ms, total 37ms
  1685. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4K, 17% free 9442K/11368K, paused 37ms, total 38ms
  1686. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 248K, 18% free 9475K/11520K, paused 37ms, total 37ms
  1687. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 5K, 17% free 9585K/11520K, paused 46ms, total 47ms
  1688. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 136K, 18% free 9584K/11624K, paused 34ms, total 34ms
  1689. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4K, 17% free 9746K/11624K, paused 35ms, total 35ms
  1690. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 249K, 17% free 9779K/11776K, paused 33ms, total 33ms
  1691. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 142K, 17% free 9888K/11776K, paused 40ms, total 40ms
  1692. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 5K, 16% free 10050K/11928K, paused 29ms, total 29ms
  1693. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 248K, 17% free 10083K/12080K, paused 36ms, total 36ms
  1694. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 142K, 17% free 10193K/12184K, paused 31ms, total 34ms
  1695. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 5K, 16% free 10354K/12184K, paused 29ms, total 32ms
  1696. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 232K, 17% free 10385K/12376K, paused 34ms, total 34ms
  1697. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1698. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (427, 511).
  1699. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 400K, 47% free 4125K/7728K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 51ms
  1700. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1701. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (823, 386).
  1702. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1703. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (790, 775).
  1704. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1705. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (765, 378).
  1706. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1707. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (753, 418).
  1708. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1709. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (677, 413).
  1710. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1711. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (586, 471).
  1712. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1713. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (605, 796).
  1714. I/browser (  891): Console: DIV purch_Y_O_1_1 ON_RENDERED http://ads.servebom.com/tmntag.js?v=1.2&r=1496&o={%22p%22:%222131%22,%22g%22:{%22ctype%22:%22f_threads%22,%22ccat1%22:%22HTC20Supersonic3A20EVO204G%22,%22ccat2%22:%22EVO204G20Original20Development%22,%22kw%22:%225BROM5DTN.kitkat.4.4.2.HTC.evo.supersonic(aosp)viper.mod.2Ca2sd_updated112F082F14%22},%22l%22:%22http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D2713296%22,%22a%22:[],%22t%22:%222016-03-03%2009:58:41%22,%22tz%22:480,%22r%22:%22320x456%22}:80
  1715. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1716. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (806, 660).
  1717. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1718. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (866, 731).
  1719. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1720. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (739, 767).
  1721. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1722. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (812, 455).
  1723. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1724. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (737, 530).
  1725. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1726. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (705, 618).
  1727. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1728. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (615, 501).
  1729. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL https://creditcards-com.demdex.net/event?d_event=imp&d_src=59144&d_site=1745582&d_creative=62605359_id&d_adgroup=290407610_id&d_placement=117518341_id&d_campaign=8315148_id&d_bust=3742274234:1
  1730. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1731. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (702, 584).
  1732. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < http://a.rfihub.com/ca.html?rb=383&ca=2039&ud=score%3A045%2Czip%3A95401%2Cage%3A1951%2Cgender%3AF:1
  1733. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < http://a.rfihub.com/ca.html?rb=383&ca=2039&ud=score%3A045%2Czip%3A95401%2Cage%3A1951%2Cgender%3AF:1
  1734. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < http://a.rfihub.com/ca.html?rb=383&ca=2039&ud=score%3A045%2Czip%3A95401%2Cage%3A1951%2Cgender%3AF:1
  1735. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1736. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (636, 582).
  1737. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2049K, 18% free 10245K/12376K, paused 43ms, total 46ms
  1738. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.828MB for 3429832-byte allocation
  1739. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 161K, 14% free 13574K/15728K, paused 39ms+39ms, total 366ms
  1740. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 27ms
  1741. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 17.082MB for 3432452-byte allocation
  1742. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1743. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (584, 477).
  1744. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 194K, 12% free 16920K/19084K, paused 7ms+21ms, total 189ms
  1745. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 46K, 11% free 17041K/19084K, paused 37ms, total 38ms
  1746. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 17.340MB for 153680-byte allocation
  1747. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 318K, 11% free 17186K/19236K, paused 40ms, total 41ms
  1748. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3659K, 28% free 13834K/19152K, paused 28ms, total 30ms
  1749. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3750K, 45% free 10622K/19152K, paused 90ms, total 90ms
  1750. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.197MB for 3429840-byte allocation
  1751. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 36K, 38% free 13967K/22504K, paused 4ms+25ms, total 163ms
  1752. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 38% free 13967K/22504K, paused 69ms, total 69ms
  1753. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 17.465MB for 3432460-byte allocation
  1754. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1K, 34% free 17319K/25860K, paused 15ms+31ms, total 254ms
  1755. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6738K, 45% free 10620K/19152K, paused 44ms, total 45ms
  1756. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.194MB for 3429840-byte allocation
  1757. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 32K, 38% free 13968K/22504K, paused 3ms+14ms, total 183ms
  1758. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 38% free 13968K/22504K, paused 67ms, total 67ms
  1759. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 17.466MB for 3432460-byte allocation
  1760. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 34% free 17320K/25860K, paused 16ms+25ms, total 231ms
  1761. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1762. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (777, 397).
  1763. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1764. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (756, 221).
  1765. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1766. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (811, 237).
  1767. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1768. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (721, 240).
  1769. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1770. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (725, 234).
  1771. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1772. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (783, 294).
  1773. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1774. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (711, 301).
  1775. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1776. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (716, 301).
  1777. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1778. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (712, 317).
  1779. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1780. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (627, 271).
  1781. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1782. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (651, 318).
  1783. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1784. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (720, 209).
  1785. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1786. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (582, 261).
  1787. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1788. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (605, 302).
  1789. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1790. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (634, 336).
  1791. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1792. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (629, 329).
  1793. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1794. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (608, 359).
  1795. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 39 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1796. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1797. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (614, 376).
  1798. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1799. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (714, 708).
  1800. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1801. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (676, 799).
  1802. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1803. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (574, 729).
  1804. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1805. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (513, 719).
  1806. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1807. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (561, 757).
  1808. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1809. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (521, 818).
  1810. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1811. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (576, 791).
  1812. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1813. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (612, 784).
  1814. I/browser (  891): Console:  https://s0.2mdn.net/3576711/1453956493077/index.html:63
  1815. I/browser (  891): Console: Init https://s0.2mdn.net/3576711/1453956493077/code/script-min.js:150
  1816. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1817. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (643, 734).
  1818. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1819. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (694, 716).
  1820. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 5004K, 37% free 14214K/22500K, paused 40ms, total 42ms
  1821. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1822. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (726, 751).
  1823. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3833K, 43% free 10936K/19152K, paused 38ms, total 38ms
  1824. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.505MB for 3432192-byte allocation
  1825. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891): TouchEvent: Touch event stream contains events from multiple sources: previous device id 0, previous source 2, new device id 3, new source 1002
  1826. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   ACTION_MOVE contained 1 pointers but there are currently 0 pointers down.
  1827. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@41cbebb8
  1828. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   0: sent at 758345756000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=347.08466, y[0]=513.0598, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=4, eventTime=758345, downTime=758126, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1829. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   -- recent events --
  1830. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   1: sent at 758365000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_CANCEL, id[0]=0, x[0]=0.0, y[0]=0.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=758365, downTime=758365, deviceId=0, source=0x2 }
  1831. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   2: sent at 758278303002, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=326.8544, y[0]=415.36853, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=8, eventTime=758278, downTime=758126, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1832. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   3: sent at 758126457000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=312.97806, y[0]=178.01709, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=758126, downTime=758126, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1833. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   4: sent at 757558739000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=335.54858, y[0]=489.9829, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=757558, downTime=757263, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1834. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   5: sent at 757522392000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=335.54858, y[0]=489.9829, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=757522, downTime=757263, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  1835. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 58K, 37% free 14283K/22504K, paused 3ms+55ms, total 174ms
  1836. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 7ms
  1837. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 17.777MB for 3434812-byte allocation
  1838. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1K, 32% free 17636K/25860K, paused 30ms+23ms, total 212ms
  1839. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1840. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (749, 667).
  1841. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1842. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (732, 642).
  1843. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 42 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1844. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1845. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (727, 620).
  1846. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6818K, 44% free 10899K/19152K, paused 37ms, total 38ms
  1847. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.469MB for 3432192-byte allocation
  1848. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 37K, 37% free 14245K/22504K, paused 4ms+3ms, total 208ms
  1849. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 37% free 14245K/22504K, paused 63ms, total 65ms
  1850. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 17.739MB for 3434812-byte allocation
  1851. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 32% free 17599K/25860K, paused 14ms+25ms, total 194ms
  1852. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1853. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (668, 739).
  1854. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1855. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (637, 731).
  1856. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1857. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (456, 668).
  1858. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1859. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (531, 712).
  1860. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1861. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (585, 765).
  1862. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 59 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1863. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7541K, 40% free 11527K/19152K, paused 157ms, total 158ms
  1864. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 15.083MB for 3432192-byte allocation
  1865. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1866. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (629, 759).
  1867. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 50K, 34% free 14861K/22504K, paused 3ms+37ms, total 197ms
  1868. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 7ms
  1869. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 18.340MB for 3434812-byte allocation
  1870. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 30% free 18214K/25860K, paused 19ms+39ms, total 243ms
  1871. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1872. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (547, 725).
  1873. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1874. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (613, 779).
  1875. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1876. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (395, 787).
  1877. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1878. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (691, 751).
  1879. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1880. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (678, 763).
  1881. I/browser (  891): Console: seq01 https://s0.2mdn.net/3576711/1453956493077/code/script-min.js:137
  1882. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1883. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (749, 726).
  1884. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1885. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (755, 759).
  1886. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1887. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (736, 802).
  1888. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1889. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (701, 837).
  1890. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1891. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (574, 871).
  1892. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1893. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (937, 95).
  1894. I/browser (  891): Console: seq02 https://s0.2mdn.net/3576711/1453956493077/code/script-min.js:100
  1895. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1896. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (659, 581).
  1897. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  1898. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  1899. I/browser (  891): Console: seq03 https://s0.2mdn.net/3576711/1453956493077/code/script-min.js:79
  1900. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1901. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (804, 283).
  1902. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1903. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (809, 352).
  1904. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1905. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (745, 364).
  1906. I/browser (  891): Console: seq04 https://s0.2mdn.net/3576711/1453956493077/code/script-min.js:38
  1907. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1908. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (902, 360).
  1909. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1910. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (904, 402).
  1911. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1912. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (926, 453).
  1913. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1914. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (911, 383).
  1915. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1916. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (905, 331).
  1917. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1918. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (873, 339).
  1919. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1920. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (775, 363).
  1921. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1922. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (743, 387).
  1923. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1924. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (763, 400).
  1925. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1926. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (724, 239).
  1927. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1928. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (802, 307).
  1929. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1930. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (774, 228).
  1931. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1932. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (779, 260).
  1933. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1934. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (746, 285).
  1935. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 395K, 47% free 4126K/7728K, paused 20ms+28ms, total 254ms
  1936. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 33 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1937. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1938. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (807, 373).
  1939. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1940. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (619, 251).
  1941. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1942. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (590, 343).
  1943. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1944. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (658, 300).
  1945. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1946. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (748, 436).
  1947. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1948. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (727, 389).
  1949. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1950. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (703, 496).
  1951. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1952. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (764, 450).
  1953. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1954. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (688, 661).
  1955. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1956. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (664, 538).
  1957. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1958. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (647, 618).
  1959. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1960. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (655, 613).
  1961. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1962. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (670, 627).
  1963. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1964. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (672, 626).
  1965. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1966. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (668, 585).
  1967. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1968. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (711, 611).
  1969. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1970. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (693, 461).
  1971. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1972. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (703, 601).
  1973. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1974. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (675, 593).
  1975. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1976. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (694, 676).
  1977. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1978. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (640, 624).
  1979. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1980. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (681, 656).
  1981. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 763K, 22% free 6097K/7724K, paused 3ms+4ms, total 147ms
  1982. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  1983. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (516, 327).
  1984. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  1985. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  1986. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  1987. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 10004K, 49% free 9917K/19152K, paused 161ms, total 166ms
  1988. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.523MB for 3445548-byte allocation
  1989. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 246K, 42% free 13070K/22520K, paused 3ms+22ms, total 419ms
  1990. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 66K, 43% free 13004K/22520K, paused 97ms, total 98ms
  1991. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 16.541MB for 3449868-byte allocation
  1992. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 37% free 16374K/25892K, paused 22ms+9ms, total 159ms
  1993. I/browser (  891): Console: %cThis is a browser feature intended for developers. Do not paste any code here given to you by someone else. It may compromise your account or have other negative side effects. http://forums.team-nocturnal.com/uploads/javascript_global/root_library.js.d73f8a090045f569dc81c355fcd0cf44.js?v=4f854bc1b0:15
  1994. E/browser (  891): Console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < http://forums.team-nocturnal.com/index.php/topic/1752-romkitkat-444-updated-110814/mobiquo/smartbanner/appbanner.js?v=1.0:1
  1995. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7299K, 51% free 9468K/19152K, paused 29ms, total 30ms
  1996. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.084MB for 3445548-byte allocation
  1997. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 130K, 44% free 12797K/22520K, paused 5ms+24ms, total 92ms
  1998. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 10K, 44% free 12787K/22520K, paused 34ms, total 55ms
  1999. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 16.330MB for 3449896-byte allocation
  2000. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 38% free 16156K/25892K, paused 4ms+15ms, total 70ms
  2001. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2002. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (732, 271).
  2003. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2004. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (823, 301).
  2005. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2006. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (846, 417).
  2007. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2008. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (728, 433).
  2009. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2010. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (743, 411).
  2011. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2012. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (769, 608).
  2013. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2014. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (722, 527).
  2015. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2016. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (734, 538).
  2017. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2018. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (767, 632).
  2019. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2020. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (685, 789).
  2021. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2022. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (736, 944).
  2023. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi(  891): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(WebView.java:2169)
  2024. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2025. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2026. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 11530K, 63% free 6386K/17232K, paused 46ms, total 53ms
  2027. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 10.075MB for 3445548-byte allocation
  2028. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 339K, 46% free 9444K/17232K, paused 5ms+4ms, total 225ms
  2029. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 77ms
  2030. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.063MB for 3448168-byte allocation
  2031. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 38% free 12823K/20600K, paused 5ms+4ms, total 104ms
  2032. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2033. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (846, 313).
  2034. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2035. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (554, 599).
  2036. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2037. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2038. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2039. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7176K, 66% free 5946K/17064K, paused 45ms, total 47ms
  2040. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.645MB for 3445548-byte allocation
  2041. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for http://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=12890
  2042. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 58K, 46% free 9290K/17064K, paused 22ms+33ms, total 175ms
  2043. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1K, 46% free 9289K/17064K, paused 50ms, total 50ms
  2044. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 12.913MB for 3448668-byte allocation
  2045. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 74K, 26% free 12724K/17064K, paused 3ms+32ms, total 98ms
  2046. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6867K, 66% free 5929K/17064K, paused 44ms, total 45ms
  2047. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.628MB for 3445548-byte allocation
  2048. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 129K, 46% free 9330K/17064K, paused 18ms+30ms, total 170ms
  2049. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 35K, 46% free 9295K/17064K, paused 53ms, total 53ms
  2050. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 12.919MB for 3450140-byte allocation
  2051. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 26% free 12664K/17064K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 63ms
  2052. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 394K, 47% free 4131K/7728K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 71ms
  2053. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2054. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (219, 686).
  2055. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2056. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (223, 690).
  2057. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2058. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (208, 479).
  2059. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2060. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (334, 382).
  2061. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2062. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (382, 684).
  2063. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2064. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (779, 534).
  2065. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2066. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (782, 613).
  2067. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2068. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (791, 665).
  2069. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2070. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (928, 179).
  2071. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2072. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (915, 83).
  2073. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2074. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (524, 229).
  2075. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2076. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2077. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2078. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (492, 602).
  2079. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2080. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (535, 627).
  2081. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2082. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (378, 556).
  2083. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  2084. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  2085. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  2086. W/InputEventReceiver(  891): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  2087. I/DownloadManager(  575): Download 1 starting
  2088. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 287K, 44% free 4328K/7728K, paused 4ms+2ms, total 89ms
  2089. D/dalvikvm(  501): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 69ms
  2090. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 5K, 38% free 4840K/7728K, paused 42ms, total 47ms
  2091. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 37% free 4939K/7728K, paused 3ms+10ms, total 55ms
  2092. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2093. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (824, 599).
  2094. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2095. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (708, 664).
  2096. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2097. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (796, 683).
  2098. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2099. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (773, 706).
  2100. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2101. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (110, 640).
  2102. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout(  501): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41e16680 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41b4f0a8 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2103. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout(  501): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41e16680 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41b4f0a8 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2104. I/Choreographer(  501): Skipped 31 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2105. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2106. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (339, 570).
  2107. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=457.26495 v=373.47235)
  2108. I/Choreographer(  501): Skipped 64 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2109. I/DownloadManager(  575): Ignoring Content-Length since Transfer-Encoding is also defined
  2110. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout(  501): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41e16680 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41b4f0a8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2111. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout(  501): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41e16680 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41b4f0a8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2112. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout(  501): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41e16680 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41b4f0a8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2113. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout(  501): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41e16680 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41b4f0a8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2114. I/DownloadManager(  575): Download 1 finished with status SUCCESS
  2115. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout(  501): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41b59b60 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41d06548 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2116. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout(  501): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41b59b60 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41d06548 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2117. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout(  501): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41b59b60 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{41d06548 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-480,96 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2118. W/DownloadManager(  575): Missing request for path /storage/sdcard0/Download/downloadfile.bin
  2119. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2120. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (520, 165).
  2121. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=800.0 v=-3000.0)
  2122. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=-1; nothing to do (h=800.0 v=-3000.0)
  2123. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=800.0 v=-3000.0)
  2124. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 829K, 21% free 6128K/7724K, paused 11ms+99ms, total 477ms
  2125. D/dalvikvm(  442): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 461ms
  2126. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): onBrowserActivityPause
  2127. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): Pausing webview timers, view=com.android.browser.BrowserWebView{41bff9f8 VFEDHVCL .F...... 0,0-480,684}
  2128. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity: +2s563ms
  2129. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 8991K, 68% free 5567K/17064K, paused 46ms, total 49ms
  2130. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.275MB for 3445548-byte allocation
  2131. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 271K, 50% free 8701K/17064K, paused 10ms+9ms, total 153ms
  2132. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 37ms
  2133. I/dalvikvm-heap(  891): Grow heap (frag case) to 12.344MB for 3455168-byte allocation
  2134. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 57 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2135. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 69K, 30% free 12033K/17064K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 106ms
  2136. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2137. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (588, 562).
  2138. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2139. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (759, 664).
  2140. I/PackageManager(  442):   Action: "android.intent.action.VIEW"
  2141. I/PackageManager(  442):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  2142. I/PackageManager(  442):   Type: "text/html"
  2143. I/PackageManager(  442): Running dexopt on: com.android.htmlviewer
  2144. D/dalvikvm( 1682): DexOpt: load 27ms, verify+opt 80ms, 258596 bytes
  2145. V/WebViewChromium( 1670): Binding Chromium to the background looper Looper (main, tid 1) {41b33548}
  2146. I/chromium( 1670): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(112)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  2147. I/BrowserProcessMain( 1670): Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
  2148. W/chromium( 1670): [WARNING:proxy_service.cc(888)] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
  2149. D/libEGL  ( 1670): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
  2150. D/libEGL  ( 1670): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
  2151. D/libEGL  ( 1670): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
  2152. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1670): <eglInitialize:269>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic AU_full_mako_PARTNER-ANDROID/JB-MR1-DEV_CL2961380_release_AU (CL2961380)
  2153. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1670): Build Date: 12/10/12 Mon
  2154. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1670): Local Branch:
  2155. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1670): Remote Branch: m/partner-android/jb-mr1-dev
  2156. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1670): Local Patches: NONE
  2157. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1670): Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  2158. D/OpenGLRenderer( 1670): Enabling debug mode 0
  2159. W/AwContents( 1670): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2160. W/AwContents( 1670): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2161. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.htmlviewer/.HTMLViewerActivity: +1s835ms
  2162. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  2163. I/chromium( 1670): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2164. I/chromium( 1670): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2165. E/AndroidProtocolHandler( 1670): Unable to open content URL: content://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,700|Roboto+Condensed:400,700?v=
  2166. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): Writing exception to parcel
  2167. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URI: content://downloads/images/btn_donate_LG.gif
  2168. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.query(DownloadProvider.java:849)
  2169. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.openFile(DownloadProvider.java:1187)
  2170. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1213)
  2171. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1393)
  2172. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1459)
  2173. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:342)
  2174. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:305)
  2175. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  2176. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  2177. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): Writing exception to parcel
  2178. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URI: content://downloads/assets/css/main.css
  2179. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.query(DownloadProvider.java:849)
  2180. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.openFile(DownloadProvider.java:1187)
  2181. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1213)
  2182. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1393)
  2183. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1459)
  2184. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:342)
  2185. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:305)
  2186. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  2187. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  2188. E/AndroidProtocolHandler( 1670): Unable to open content URL: content://downloads/assets/css/main.css?v=
  2189. E/AndroidProtocolHandler( 1670): Unable to open content URL: content://downloads/images/btn_donate_LG.gif
  2190. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): Writing exception to parcel
  2191. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URI: content://downloads/images/afh.png
  2192. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.query(DownloadProvider.java:849)
  2193. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.openFile(DownloadProvider.java:1187)
  2194. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1213)
  2195. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1393)
  2196. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1459)
  2197. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:342)
  2198. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:305)
  2199. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  2200. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  2201. E/AndroidProtocolHandler( 1670): Unable to open content URL: content://downloads/images/afh.png
  2202. E/AndroidProtocolHandler( 1670): Unable to open content URL: content://images.dmca.com/Badges/DMCA_logo-std-btn120w.png?ID=f2e225ac-9436-433b-8e1c-c1704003dd5d
  2203. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): Writing exception to parcel
  2204. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URI: content://downloads/images/badge2.png
  2205. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.query(DownloadProvider.java:849)
  2206. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.openFile(DownloadProvider.java:1187)
  2207. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1213)
  2208. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1393)
  2209. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1459)
  2210. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:342)
  2211. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:305)
  2212. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  2213. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  2214. E/AndroidProtocolHandler( 1670): Unable to open content URL: content://downloads/images/badge2.png
  2215. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2216. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (659, 429).
  2217. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2218. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (865, 343).
  2219. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2220. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (868, 362).
  2221. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2222. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (851, 528).
  2223. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2224. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (848, 404).
  2225. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 430K, 17% free 6466K/7724K, paused 4ms+9ms, total 80ms
  2226. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2227. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (907, 619).
  2228. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2229. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (189, 314).
  2230. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2231. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (161, 635).
  2232. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2233. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (836, 519).
  2234. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2235. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (648, 650).
  2236. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): Writing exception to parcel
  2237. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URI: content://downloads/?fid=23329332407578617
  2238. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.getType(DownloadProvider.java:508)
  2239. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.getType(ContentProvider.java:210)
  2240. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:142)
  2241. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  2242. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  2243. W/ContentResolver( 1670): Failed to get type for: content://downloads/?fid=23329332407578617 (Unknown URI: content://downloads/?fid=23329332407578617)
  2244. W/WebViewCallback( 1670): No application can handle content://downloads/?fid=23329332407578617
  2245. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): Writing exception to parcel
  2246. E/DatabaseUtils(  575): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URI: content://downloads/
  2247. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.query(DownloadProvider.java:849)
  2248. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.openFile(DownloadProvider.java:1187)
  2249. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1213)
  2250. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1393)
  2251. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:1459)
  2252. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.openTypedAssetFile(ContentProvider.java:342)
  2253. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:305)
  2254. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
  2255. E/DatabaseUtils(  575):         at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
  2256. E/AndroidProtocolHandler( 1670): Unable to open content URL: content://downloads/?fid=23329332407578617
  2257. I/chromium( 1670): [INFO:CONSOLE(12)] "Not allowed to load local resource: file:///android_asset/webkit/android-weberror.png", source: data:text/html,chromewebdata (12)
  2258. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi( 1670): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(WebView.java:2169)
  2259. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): onBrowserActivityResume
  2260. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): Resuming webview timers, view=com.android.browser.BrowserWebView{41bff9f8 VFEDHVCL .F....ID 0,0-480,684}
  2261. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 1670): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  2262. E/libEGL  ( 1670): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
  2263. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2264. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (585, 600).
  2265. I/Choreographer( 1670): Skipped 52 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2266. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2267. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (540, 616).
  2268. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2269. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (293, 595).
  2270. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi(  891): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(WebView.java:2169)
  2271. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi(  891): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(WebView.java:2169)
  2272. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi(  891): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(WebView.java:2169)
  2273. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 613K, 18% free 6341K/7724K, paused 68ms, total 70ms
  2274. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  2275. I/Choreographer(  632): Skipped 56 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2276. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2277. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (903, 884).
  2278. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2279. I/chromium(  891): [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(56)] Async pixel transfers not supported
  2280. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 58 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2281. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2282. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (696, 107).
  2283. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 743K, 36% free 4953K/7728K, paused 2ms+95ms, total 302ms
  2284. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1034K, 45% free 4647K/8304K, paused 224ms, total 236ms
  2285. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed 30K, 38% free 5194K/8304K, paused 4ms+23ms, total 226ms
  2286. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2287. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (270, 640).
  2288. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 37 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2289. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2290. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (522, 811).
  2291. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2292. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (844, 625).
  2293. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 30 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2294. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2295. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (453, 195).
  2296. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2297. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (827, 831).
  2298. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2299. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (909, 92).
  2300. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2301. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (960, 90).
  2302. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2303. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (695, 357).
  2304. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2305. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (649, 769).
  2306. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Application is not responding: Window{41ebed60 u0 com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity}.  It has been 5002.0ms since event, 5001.7ms since wait started.  Reason: Waiting because the touched window has not finished processing the input events that were previously delivered to it.
  2307. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2308. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (222, 467).
  2309. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2310. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2311. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2312. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2313. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (944, 991).
  2314. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Window 'Window{41ebed60 u0 com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity}' spent 21059.2ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(deviceId=3, source=0x00001002, action=7, flags=0x00000000, metaState=0x00000000, buttonState=0x00000000, edgeFlags=0x00000000, xPrecision=2.0, yPrecision=1.2, displayId=0, pointers=[0: (438.9, 65.8)]), policyFlags=0x42000000
  2315. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2316. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2317. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2318. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2319. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2320. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2321. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2322. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2323. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2324. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2325. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2326. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2327. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2328. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2329. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2330. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2331. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2332. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2333. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2334. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2335. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2336. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2337. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2338. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2339. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2340. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2341. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2342. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2343. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2344. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2345. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2346. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2347. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2348. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2349. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2350. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2351. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2352. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2353. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2354. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2355. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2356. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2357. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2358. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2359. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2360. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2361. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2362. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2363. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2364. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2365. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2366. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2367. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2368. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2369. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2370. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2371. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2372. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2373. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2374. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2375. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2376. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2377. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2378. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2379. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2380. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2381. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2382. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2383. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2384. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2385. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2386. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2387. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropped event because it is stale.
  2388. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Window 'Window{41ebed60 u0 com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity}' spent 4533.4ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(deviceId=3, source=0x00001002, action=10, flags=0x00000000, metaState=0x00000000, buttonState=0x00000000, edgeFlags=0x00000000, xPrecision=2.0, yPrecision=1.2, displayId=0, pointers=[0: (438.9, 65.8)]), policyFlags=0x42000000
  2389. I/Choreographer(  891): Skipped 1265 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2390. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (456, 834).
  2391. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (456, 834).
  2392. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (456, 834).
  2393. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891): TouchEvent: ACTION_MOVE contained 1 pointers but there are currently 0 pointers down.
  2394. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   in com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView{41bbaa30 V.E..... R....... 0,0-480,800}
  2395. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   0: sent at 1282378282038, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=309.31537, y[0]=24.045256, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=3, eventTime=1282378, downTime=1281015, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2396. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   -- recent events --
  2397. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   1: sent at 1260937980000, (unhandled) MotionEvent { action=ACTION_HOVER_ENTER, id[0]=0, x[0]=438.8715, y[0]=65.811966, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1260937, downTime=1260720, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2398. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   2: sent at 1260937980000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_HOVER_ENTER, id[0]=0, x[0]=438.8715, y[0]=65.811966, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1260937, downTime=1260720, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2399. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   3: sent at 1260937980000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=438.8715, y[0]=65.811966, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1260937, downTime=1260720, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2400. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   4: sent at 1260894949564, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=438.8715, y[0]=65.811966, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=1260894, downTime=1260720, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2401. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   5: sent at 1260878282898, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=438.8715, y[0]=65.811966, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=1260878, downTime=1260720, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2402. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2403. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (931, 990).
  2404. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (449, 833).
  2405. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (449, 833).
  2406. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (449, 833).
  2407. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2408. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (785, 354).
  2409. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  2410. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2411. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (940, 853).
  2412. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 757K, 18% free 6392K/7724K, paused 92ms, total 94ms
  2413. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): onBrowserActivityResume
  2414. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): Resuming webview timers, view=com.android.browser.BrowserWebView{41bb00d0 VFEDHVCL .F....I. 0,0-0,0}
  2415. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2416. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity: +527ms
  2417. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2418. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2419. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2420. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2421. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2422. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2423. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2424. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2425. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2426. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2427. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2428. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2429. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2430. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2431. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2432. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2433. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2434. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2435. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (739, 106).
  2436. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2437. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2438. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 664K, 45% free 4571K/8304K, paused 116ms, total 116ms
  2439. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 39% free 5148K/8304K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 71ms
  2440. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2441. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (276, 637).
  2442. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2443. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (520, 832).
  2444. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2445. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (884, 640).
  2446. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 4844K, 47% free 9158K/17064K, paused 38ms+13ms, total 155ms
  2447. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2448. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (656, 276).
  2449. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2450. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2451. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2452. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2453. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (155, 98).
  2454. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2455. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (526, 784).
  2456. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2457. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (959, 91).
  2458. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2459. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891): GenericMotionEvent: ACTION_HOVER_EXIT without prior ACTION_HOVER_ENTER
  2460. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   in com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView{41ea4948 V.E..... R....... 0,0-480,800}
  2461. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   0: sent at 1323506553000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_HOVER_EXIT, id[0]=0, x[0]=463.94986, y[0]=64.95727, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1323506, downTime=1317458, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2462. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   -- recent events --
  2463. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   1: sent at 1317597038000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=463.94986, y[0]=64.95727, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1317597, downTime=1317458, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2464. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   2: sent at 1317458061000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=463.94986, y[0]=64.95727, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1317458, downTime=1317458, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2465. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   3: sent at 1317458061000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_HOVER_EXIT, id[0]=0, x[0]=246.77118, y[0]=657.26495, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1317458, downTime=1315358, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2466. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   4: sent at 1317458061000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_HOVER_ENTER, id[0]=0, x[0]=246.77118, y[0]=657.26495, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1317458, downTime=1315358, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2467. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier(  891):   5: sent at 1315358940000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_HOVER_EXIT, id[0]=0, x[0]=60.68966, y[0]=70.94017, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=1315358, downTime=1309310, deviceId=3, source=0x1002 }
  2468. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2469. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (498, 378).
  2470. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2471. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2472. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 620K, 45% free 4571K/8304K, paused 124ms, total 125ms
  2473. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 39% free 5148K/8304K, paused 3ms+25ms, total 75ms
  2474. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2475. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2476. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2477. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2478. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2479. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2480. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2481. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2482. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2483. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2484. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2485. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2486. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2487. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2488. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2489. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (929, 895).
  2490. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): endBatchEdit on inactive InputConnection
  2491. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2492. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2493. W/UnimplementedWebViewApi(  891): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(WebView.java:2169)
  2494. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  2495. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for https://www.google.com/search?source=android-home&authuser=0&site=webhp&source=hp&ei=IaXXVr_SPJLCjwPb3ZS4CQ&q=evo+4g+gapps+4.4&oq=evo+4g+gapps+4.4&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.3...33897365.33937369.0.33939434.
  2496. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1452K, 46% free 4177K/7728K, paused 4ms+3ms, total 46ms
  2497. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 268K, 44% free 4402K/7728K, paused 4ms+2ms, total 39ms
  2498. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2499. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (555, 879).
  2500. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2501. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (330, 672).
  2502. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 579K, 16% free 6530K/7724K, paused 69ms, total 71ms
  2503. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 20
  2504. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@41d64238:true
  2505. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2506. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 30
  2507. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 30
  2508. D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager( 1255): Adding local MAP profile
  2509. D/BluetoothMap( 1255): Create BluetoothMap proxy object
  2510. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 30
  2511. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 30
  2512. D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager( 1255): LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
  2513. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2514. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2515. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3102K, 42% free 4480K/7724K, paused 6ms+29ms, total 137ms
  2516. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2517. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +906ms
  2518. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2519. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (603, 633).
  2520. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2521. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (353, 343).
  2522. D/SubSettings( 1255): Launching fragment com.android.settings.WirelessSettings
  2523. D/WirelessSettings( 1255): onCreate: mManageMobilePlanMessage=null
  2524. V/NFC     ( 1255): this device does not have NFC support
  2525. D/WirelessSettings( 1255): initSmsApplicationSetting:
  2526. D/WirelessSettings( 1255): updateSmsApplicationSetting:
  2527. I/PackageManager(  442):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  2528. I/PackageManager(  442):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  2529. I/PackageManager(  442):   Scheme: "sms"
  2530. I/PackageManager(  442):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  2531. I/PackageManager(  442):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  2532. I/PackageManager(  442):   Scheme: "smsto"
  2533. I/PackageManager(  442):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  2534. I/PackageManager(  442):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  2535. I/PackageManager(  442):   Scheme: "mms"
  2536. I/PackageManager(  442):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  2537. I/PackageManager(  442):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  2538. I/PackageManager(  442):   Scheme: "mmsto"
  2539. D/WirelessSettings( 1255): initSmsApplicationSetting:
  2540. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 811K, 46% free 4214K/7724K, paused 3ms+15ms, total 60ms
  2541. D/WirelessSettings( 1255): updateSmsApplicationSetting:
  2542. I/PackageManager(  442):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  2543. I/PackageManager(  442):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  2544. I/PackageManager(  442):   Scheme: "sms"
  2545. I/PackageManager(  442):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  2546. I/PackageManager(  442):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  2547. I/PackageManager(  442):   Scheme: "smsto"
  2548. I/PackageManager(  442):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  2549. I/PackageManager(  442):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  2550. I/PackageManager(  442):   Scheme: "mms"
  2551. I/PackageManager(  442):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  2552. I/PackageManager(  442):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  2553. I/PackageManager(  442):   Scheme: "mmsto"
  2554. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 560K, 14% free 6715K/7724K, paused 69ms, total 70ms
  2555. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 35 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2556. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 77 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2557. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +2s116ms
  2558. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2559. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (850, 656).
  2560. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2561. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (790, 605).
  2562. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2563. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (756, 593).
  2564. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2565. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (749, 656).
  2566. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2567. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (781, 647).
  2568. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2569. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2570. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (674, 456).
  2571. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2572. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (415, 745).
  2573. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 436K, 45% free 4282K/7724K, paused 5ms+9ms, total 77ms
  2574. D/SubSettings( 1255): Launching fragment com.android.settings.deviceinfo.Memory
  2575. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +1s517ms
  2576. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/Android) returned 3125248
  2577. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/Podcasts) returned 8192
  2578. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/DCIM) returned 10076160
  2579. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/Ringtones) returned 8192
  2580. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/Movies) returned 8192
  2581. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/Alarms) returned 8192
  2582. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/Music) returned 8192
  2583. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/Notifications) returned 8192
  2584. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/Pictures) returned 8192
  2585. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/Download) returned 28672
  2586. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/TWRP) returned 12288
  2587. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/LOST.DIR) returned 20480
  2588. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/.estrongs) returned 444624896
  2589. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/data) returned 20480
  2590. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/download) returned 28672
  2591. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0/backups) returned 102400
  2592. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0) returned 679510016
  2593. D/StorageMeasurement( 1255): getDirectorySize(/storage/sdcard0) returned 679510016
  2594. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 990K, 14% free 6643K/7724K, paused 6ms+5ms, total 77ms
  2595. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 539K, 46% free 4199K/7724K, paused 6ms+4ms, total 62ms
  2596. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2597. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (792, 358).
  2598. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2599. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (838, 490).
  2600. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2601. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (720, 400).
  2602. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2603. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (877, 419).
  2604. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2605. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (692, 538).
  2606. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2607. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (698, 790).
  2608. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2609. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2610. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (798, 397).
  2611. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2612. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (839, 573).
  2613. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2614. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (780, 663).
  2615. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2616. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (779, 623).
  2617. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2618. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (739, 612).
  2619. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2620. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (840, 643).
  2621. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2622. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (639, 817).
  2623. D/SubSettings( 1255): Launching fragment com.android.settings.DevelopmentSettings
  2624. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 285K, 43% free 4413K/7724K, paused 4ms+16ms, total 82ms
  2625. W/Settings( 1255): Setting bugreport_in_power_menu has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  2626. D/PermissionCache(  122): checking android.permission.HARDWARE_TEST for uid=1000 => granted (305 us)
  2627. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 63 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2628. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +1s520ms
  2629. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2630. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (707, 533).
  2631. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2632. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (730, 646).
  2633. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2634. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (760, 644).
  2635. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2636. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (864, 655).
  2637. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2638. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (876, 455).
  2639. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2640. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (821, 703).
  2641. W/Settings(  442): Setting adb_enabled has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  2642. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 146K, 39% free 4769K/7724K, paused 3ms+15ms, total 98ms
  2643. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2644. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (857, 472).
  2645. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2646. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (766, 503).
  2647. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2648. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (769, 496).
  2649. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2650. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (777, 547).
  2651. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2652. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (751, 635).
  2653. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2654. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (674, 513).
  2655. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2656. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (723, 445).
  2657. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2658. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (783, 459).
  2659. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2660. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (831, 546).
  2661. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2662. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 916K, 15% free 6625K/7724K, paused 5ms+5ms, total 127ms
  2663. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2664. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (737, 848).
  2665. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2666. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (330, 259).
  2667. D/SubSettings( 1255): Launching fragment com.android.settings.applications.ManageApplications
  2668. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 551K, 38% free 4852K/7724K, paused 10ms+6ms, total 70ms
  2669. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 35 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2670. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +1s155ms
  2671. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 82 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2672. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2673. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (971, 254).
  2674. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Window 'Window{41c0f358 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings}' spent 2147.5ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(deviceId=3, source=0x00001002, action=1, flags=0x00000000, metaState=0x00000000, buttonState=0x00000000, edgeFlags=0x00000000, xPrecision=2.0, yPrecision=1.2, displayId=0, pointers=[0: (470.0, 204.3)]), policyFlags=0x42000000
  2675. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Window 'Window{41c0f358 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings}' spent 2148.4ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(deviceId=3, source=0x00001002, action=9, flags=0x00000000, metaState=0x00000000, buttonState=0x00000000, edgeFlags=0x00000000, xPrecision=2.0, yPrecision=1.2, displayId=0, pointers=[0: (470.0, 204.3)]), policyFlags=0x42000000
  2676. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Window 'Window{41c0f358 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings}' spent 2148.9ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(deviceId=3, source=0x00001002, action=9, flags=0x00000000, metaState=0x00000000, buttonState=0x00000000, edgeFlags=0x00000000, xPrecision=2.0, yPrecision=1.2, displayId=0, pointers=[0: (470.0, 204.3)]), policyFlags=0x42000000
  2677. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 129 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2678. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Window 'Window{41c0f358 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings}' spent 2149.8ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(deviceId=3, source=0x00001002, action=7, flags=0x00000000, metaState=0x00000000, buttonState=0x00000000, edgeFlags=0x00000000, xPrecision=2.0, yPrecision=1.2, displayId=0, pointers=[0: (470.0, 204.3)]), policyFlags=0x42000000
  2679. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2680. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (538, 271).
  2681. D/SubSettings( 1255): Launching fragment com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetails
  2682. W/ResourceType( 1255): Failure getting entry for 0x7f050000 (t=4 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
  2683. W/PackageManager( 1255): Failure retrieving text 0x7f050000 in package com.android.keyguard
  2684. W/PackageManager( 1255): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x7f050000
  2685. W/PackageManager( 1255):        at android.content.res.Resources.getText(Resources.java:244)
  2686. W/PackageManager( 1255):        at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getText(ApplicationPackageManager.java:1007)
  2687. W/PackageManager( 1255):        at android.content.pm.PackageItemInfo.loadLabel(PackageItemInfo.java:115)
  2688. W/PackageManager( 1255):        at com.android.settings.applications.ApplicationsState$AppEntry.ensureLabel(ApplicationsState.java:134)
  2689. W/PackageManager( 1255):        at com.android.settings.applications.ApplicationsState$AppEntry.<init>(ApplicationsState.java:124)
  2690. W/PackageManager( 1255):        at com.android.settings.applications.ApplicationsState.getEntryLocked(ApplicationsState.java:832)
  2691. W/PackageManager( 1255):        at com.android.settings.applications.ApplicationsState$BackgroundHandler.handleMessage(ApplicationsState.java:971)
  2692. W/PackageManager( 1255):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  2693. W/PackageManager( 1255):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
  2694. W/PackageManager( 1255):        at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  2695. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 552K, 36% free 4976K/7724K, paused 10ms+7ms, total 68ms
  2696. W/ResourceType( 1255): getEntry failing because entryIndex 129 is beyond type entryCount 4
  2697. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 195 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2698. D/android.widget.GridLayout( 1255): vertical constraints: y1-y0>=40, y2-y1>=365, y2-y0<=72 are inconsistent; permanently removing: y2-y0<=72.
  2699. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (252, 218).
  2700. I/InputDispatcher(  442): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (365, 219).
  2701. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2702. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (763, 272).
  2703. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +3s784ms
  2704. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 203K, 30% free 5473K/7724K, paused 4ms+5ms, total 44ms
  2705. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 71K, 21% free 6124K/7724K, paused 42ms, total 50ms
  2706. I/dalvikvm-heap( 1255): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.449MB for 2009296-byte allocation
  2707. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 17K, 17% free 8068K/9688K, paused 3ms+6ms, total 48ms
  2708. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2709. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (354, 307).
  2710. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2711. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (802, 601).
  2712. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 31 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2713. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 886K, 15% free 6633K/7724K, paused 5ms+5ms, total 67ms
  2714. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2715. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (822, 418).
  2716. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2717. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (709, 631).
  2718. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2719. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (689, 697).
  2720. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2721. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (739, 676).
  2722. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2723. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (839, 568).
  2724. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2725. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (721, 659).
  2726. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2727. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 913K, 15% free 6625K/7724K, paused 6ms+5ms, total 124ms
  2728. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2729. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (803, 467).
  2730. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2731. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (700, 647).
  2732. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 138K, 15% free 6597K/7724K, paused 55ms, total 62ms
  2733. D/dalvikvm(  632): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3290K, 44% free 4338K/7724K, paused 8ms+18ms, total 118ms
  2734. D/libEGL  (  442): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
  2735. D/libEGL  (  442): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
  2736. D/libEGL  (  442): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
  2737. I/Adreno200-EGL(  442): <eglInitialize:269>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic AU_full_mako_PARTNER-ANDROID/JB-MR1-DEV_CL2961380_release_AU (CL2961380)
  2738. I/Adreno200-EGL(  442): Build Date: 12/10/12 Mon
  2739. I/Adreno200-EGL(  442): Local Branch:
  2740. I/Adreno200-EGL(  442): Remote Branch: m/partner-android/jb-mr1-dev
  2741. I/Adreno200-EGL(  442): Local Patches: NONE
  2742. I/Adreno200-EGL(  442): Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  2743. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(  442): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$20@41ec49b0)
  2744. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(  442): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  2745. D/SurfaceFlinger(  122): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0x4007d450
  2746. D/AK8973  (  128): Compass CLOSE
  2747. V/KeyguardHostView(  501): Initial transport state: 0, pbstate=0
  2748. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 492K, 44% free 4396K/7728K, paused 46ms, total 49ms
  2749. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 20K, 36% free 4980K/7728K, paused 5ms+8ms, total 82ms
  2750. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 7K, 27% free 5671K/7728K, paused 14ms+15ms, total 87ms
  2751. V/KeyguardHostView(  501): hide transport, gen:4
  2752. V/KeyguardHostView(  501): music state changed: 0
  2753. I/Choreographer(  501): Skipped 42 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2754. D/PhoneStatusBar(  501): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* CLOCK* SEARCH* >
  2755. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(  442): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$20@41c679f8)
  2756. D/AK8973  (  128): Compass Start
  2757. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(  442): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  2758. D/SurfaceFlinger(  122): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0x4007d450
  2759. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2760. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (899, 537).
  2761. D/PhoneStatusBar(  501): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back* home* recent* clock* search* >
  2762. I/MultiDex( 1820): VM with version 1.6.0 does not have multidex support
  2763. I/MultiDex( 1820): install
  2764. I/MultiDex( 1820): MultiDexExtractor.load(/data/app/com.estrongs.android.pop-1.apk, false)
  2765. I/MultiDex( 1820): loading existing secondary dex files
  2766. I/MultiDex( 1820): load found 1 secondary dex files
  2767. I/MultiDex( 1820): install done
  2768. I/MultiDex( 1820): install
  2769. I/dalvikvm( 1820): Could not find method android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable, referenced from method com.estrongs.android.pop.esclasses.p.a
  2770. W/dalvikvm( 1820): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 646: Landroid/content/res/Resources;.getDrawable (ILandroid/content/res/Resources$Theme;)Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;
  2771. D/dalvikvm( 1820): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000d
  2772. E/FlurryAgent( 1820): GOOGLE PLAY SERVICES EXCEPTION: com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil
  2773. E/FlurryAgent( 1820): There is a problem with the Google Play Services library, which is required for Android Advertising ID support. The Google Play Services library should be integrated in any app shipping in the Play Store that uses analytics or advertising.
  2774. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2775. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (894, 891).
  2776. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 489K, 14% free 6691K/7724K, paused 66ms, total 68ms
  2777. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2778. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2779. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2780. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2781. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2782. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2783. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2784. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2785. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2786. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2787. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2788. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2789. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2790. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2791. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2792. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2793. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2794. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (535, 104).
  2795. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2796. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2797. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 617K, 45% free 4571K/8304K, paused 88ms, total 102ms
  2798. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 38% free 5149K/8304K, paused 10ms+3ms, total 66ms
  2799. W/ResourceType( 1820): Failure getting entry for 0x7f050000 (t=4 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
  2800. W/PackageManager( 1820): Failure retrieving text 0x7f050000 in package com.android.keyguard
  2801. W/PackageManager( 1820): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x7f050000
  2802. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at android.content.res.Resources.getText(Resources.java:244)
  2803. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getText(ApplicationPackageManager.java:1007)
  2804. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at android.content.pm.PackageItemInfo.loadLabel(PackageItemInfo.java:115)
  2805. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.j.l(Unknown Source)
  2806. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.j.<init>(Unknown Source)
  2807. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.a.a.a(Unknown Source)
  2808. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.a.a.a(Unknown Source)
  2809. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.e.a(Unknown Source)
  2810. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.e.a(Unknown Source)
  2811. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at com.dianxinos.dxservice.stat.f.run(Unknown Source)
  2812. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  2813. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  2814. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
  2815. W/PackageManager( 1820):        at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  2816. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2817. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (244, 644).
  2818. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2819. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (522, 820).
  2820. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1254K, 42% free 9951K/17064K, paused 146ms+16ms, total 307ms
  2821. D/dalvikvm(  891): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 35ms
  2822. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2823. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (872, 637).
  2824. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2825. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (587, 905).
  2826. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2320K, 45% free 4263K/7728K, paused 2ms+15ms, total 73ms
  2827. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2828. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (115, 913).
  2829. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2830. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (392, 641).
  2831. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2832. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (111, 934).
  2833. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2834. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (527, 722).
  2835. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2836. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (585, 906).
  2837. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2838. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (812, 730).
  2839. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2840. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (760, 653).
  2841. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2842. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (466, 649).
  2843. D/dalvikvm(  891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2203K, 43% free 9775K/17064K, paused 6ms+12ms, total 134ms
  2844. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2845. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (819, 736).
  2846. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2847. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (144, 739).
  2848. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2849. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (485, 653).
  2850. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2851. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (645, 908).
  2852. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2853. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (536, 733).
  2854. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2855. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (133, 762).
  2856. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2857. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (966, 641).
  2858. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2859. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (965, 640).
  2860. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2861. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (239, 714).
  2862. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2863. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (945, 910).
  2864. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): endBatchEdit on inactive InputConnection
  2865. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2866. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2867. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): onBrowserActivityResume
  2868. D/WebViewTimersControl(  891): Resuming webview timers, view=com.android.browser.BrowserWebView{41bb00d0 VFEDHVCL .F...... 0,0-480,684}
  2869. D/SurfaceFlinger(  122): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0x4007d450
  2870. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for http://www.google.com/m?hl=en&source=android-browser-type&q=evo+4g+kitkat+gapps
  2871. D/AK8973  (  128): Compass CLOSE
  2872. V/KeyguardHostView(  501): Initial transport state: 0, pbstate=0
  2873. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 304K, 44% free 4396K/7728K, paused 74ms, total 76ms
  2874. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 16K, 36% free 4990K/7728K, paused 4ms+19ms, total 104ms
  2875. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 8K, 27% free 5666K/7728K, paused 4ms+3ms, total 102ms
  2876. V/KeyguardHostView(  501): hide transport, gen:4
  2877. V/KeyguardHostView(  501): music state changed: 0
  2878. I/Choreographer(  501): Skipped 48 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2879. D/PhoneStatusBar(  501): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* CLOCK* SEARCH* >
  2880. D/AK8973  (  128): Compass Start
  2881. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(  442): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$20@41f0e288)
  2882. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(  442): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  2883. D/SurfaceFlinger(  122): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0x4007d450
  2884. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2885. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (905, 556).
  2886. D/PhoneStatusBar(  501): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back* home* recent* clock* search* >
  2887. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2888. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (373, 524).
  2889. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=429.91452 v=975.37103)
  2890. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=-15; nothing to do (h=429.91452 v=975.37103)
  2891. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2892. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (888, 91).
  2893. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2894. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (407, 283).
  2895. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=800.0 v=683.22363)
  2896. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2897. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (937, 75).
  2898. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2899. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (968, 75).
  2900. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2901. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (182, 619).
  2902. W/Settings(  606): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  2903. D/BluetoothManagerService(  442): Message: 2
  2904. D/CommandListener(  119): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  2905. E/WifiStateMachine(  442): Unexpected BatchedScanResults :OK
  2906. D/CellBroadcastReceiver( 1147): Service state changed! 3 Full: 3 3 home null null null  Unknown Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false
  2907. D/CommandListener(  119): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  2908. D/NetUtils(  442): android_net_utils_resetConnections in env=0x40020d20 clazz=0x68300001 iface=wlan0 mask=0x3
  2909. I/wpa_supplicant(  729): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=28:c6:8e:8b:4b:e4 reason=3 locally_generated=1
  2910. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2267K, 45% free 4315K/7728K, paused 17ms+19ms, total 345ms
  2911. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 964K, 14% free 6761K/7784K, paused 146ms+36ms, total 699ms
  2912. D/dalvikvm(  442): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 270ms
  2913. I/wpa_supplicant(  729): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
  2914. D/Tethering(  442): InitialState.processMessage what=4
  2915. D/Tethering(  442): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
  2916. W/Netd    (  119): No subsystem found in netlink event
  2917. D/CellBroadcastReceiver( 1147): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
  2918. D/CellBroadcastReceiver( 1147): airplaneModeOn: true
  2919. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2920. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2921. D/Tethering(  442): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  2922. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): Disconnected from active network NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: <unknown ssid>, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2923. E/WifiStateMachine(  442): Error! unhandled message{ when=-2ms what=131156 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  2924. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2925. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (206, 413).
  2926. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 406K, 14% free 6718K/7784K, paused 116ms, total 117ms
  2927. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=800.0 v=-3000.0)
  2928. V/PanelView(  501): animationTick called with dtms=-4; nothing to do (h=800.0 v=-3000.0)
  2929. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 42 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2930. I/Choreographer(  501): Skipped 40 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2931. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  2932. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity: +1s222ms (total +1m58s624ms)
  2933. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for http://www.google.com/m?hl=en&source=android-browser-type&q=evo+4g+kitkat+gapps
  2934. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2935. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (880, 95).
  2936. D/Tethering(  442): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
  2937. D/Tethering(  442): InitialState.processMessage what=4
  2938. D/Tethering(  442): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
  2939. D/SoftapController(  119): Softap fwReload - Ok
  2940. D/CommandListener(  119): Setting iface cfg
  2941. D/CommandListener(  119): Trying to bring down wlan0
  2942. D/WifiMonitor(  442): startMonitoring(wlan0) with mConnected = false
  2943. I/wpa_supplicant( 1903): Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
  2944. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2945. D/Tethering(  442): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
  2946. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2947. D/WifiConfigStore(  442): Loading config and enabling all networks
  2948. E/WifiConfigStore(  442): Error parsing configurationjava.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/misc/wifi/ipconfig.txt: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  2949. I/wpa_supplicant( 1903): wlan0: Trying to associate with 28:c6:8e:8b:4b:e4 (SSID='Ferals86-2.4G' freq=2437 MHz)
  2950. I/wpa_supplicant( 1903): wlan0: Associated with 28:c6:8e:8b:4b:e4
  2951. I/wpa_supplicant( 1903): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 28:c6:8e:8b:4b:e4 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2952. I/wpa_supplicant( 1903): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 28:c6:8e:8b:4b:e4 completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]
  2953. E/WifiStateMachine(  442): Unexpected BatchedScanResults :OK
  2954. D/dalvikvm( 1255): GC_CONCURRENT freed 902K, 10% free 8990K/9956K, paused 17ms+24ms, total 124ms
  2955. D/dalvikvm( 1255): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 13ms
  2956. D/WifiStateMachine(  442): VerifyingLinkState enter
  2957. D/WifiStateMachine(  442): VerifyingLinkState GOOD_LINK_DETECTED: transition to captive portal check
  2958. D/WifiStateMachine(  442): CaptivePortalCheckState enter
  2959. D/WifiStateMachine(  442): CaptivePortalCheckState CMD_CAPTIVE_CHECK_COMPLETE
  2960. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 442K, 12% free 6931K/7816K, paused 75ms, total 78ms
  2961. D/Tethering(  442): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  2962. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): NoActiveNetworkState{ when=0 what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  2963. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2964. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2965. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2966. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2967. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2968. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2969. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2970. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2971. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2972. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2973. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2974. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2975. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2976. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2977. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2978. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2979. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2980. W/AwContents(  891): nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
  2981. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): DelayedCaptiveCheckState{ when=-5ms what=2 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  2982. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): Checking
  2983. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): Don't send network conditions - lacking user consent.
  2984. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): isCaptivePortal: ret=false rspCode=204
  2985. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): Not captive network NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2986. D/CaptivePortalTracker(  442): notifyPortalCheckCompleted: captive=false ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Ferals86-2.4G", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2987. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 764K, 16% free 6811K/8072K, paused 107ms, total 107ms
  2988. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 266K, 16% free 6794K/8072K, paused 56ms, total 56ms
  2989. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  2990. W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  891): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  2991. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 457K, 44% free 4332K/7728K, paused 9ms+7ms, total 72ms
  2992. W/Tab     (  891): Failed to save back/forward list for http://www.google.com/m?hl=en&source=android-browser-type&q=evo+4g+kitkat+gapps
  2993. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2994. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (513, 895).
  2995. D/dalvikvm(  632): GC_CONCURRENT freed 660K, 46% free 4184K/7724K, paused 4ms+11ms, total 61ms
  2996. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  2997. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (692, 664).
  2998. I/dalvikvm( 1950): Enabling JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 11...
  2999. V/PhoneStatusBar(  501): setLightsOn(true)
  3000. E/Term    ( 1950): onCreate
  3001. D/Term    ( 1950): TermService started
  3002. I/TermService( 1950): Activity called onBind()
  3003. I/Term    ( 1950): Bound to TermService
  3004. I/TermService( 1950): Activity binding to service
  3005. I/libjackpal-androidterm( 1950): JNI_OnLoad
  3006. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 198K, 40% free 4642K/7728K, paused 4ms+2ms, total 74ms
  3007. D/dalvikvm(  501): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 61ms
  3008. E/RichInputConnection(  591): Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text... will retry later
  3009. I/InputAttributes(  591): InputType.TYPE_NULL is specified
  3010. I/Term    ( 1950): waiting for: 1963
  3011. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1208K, 44% free 4701K/8304K, paused 7ms+28ms, total 135ms
  3012. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed jackpal.androidterm/.Term: +961ms
  3013. I/InputAttributes(  591): InputType.TYPE_NULL is specified
  3014. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed 160K, 38% free 5182K/8304K, paused 10ms+3ms, total 80ms
  3015. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3016. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (207, 720).
  3017. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3018. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (658, 646).
  3019. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3020. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (940, 912).
  3021. D/su      ( 1973): su invoked.
  3022. D/su      ( 1973): starting daemon client 10060 10060
  3023. D/su      ( 1980): su invoked.
  3024. D/su      ( 1980): /dev/com.evervolv.toolbox/.socket1980
  3025. D/AndroidRuntime( 1981):
  3026. D/AndroidRuntime( 1981): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
  3027. D/AndroidRuntime( 1981): CheckJNI is OFF
  3028. D/dalvikvm( 1981): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
  3029. D/dalvikvm( 1981): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
  3030. D/dalvikvm( 1981): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
  3031. D/dalvikvm( 1981): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
  3032. D/dalvikvm( 1981): No JNI_OnLoad found in libnativehelper.so 0x0, skipping init
  3033. D/dalvikvm( 1981): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods
  3034. E/memtrack( 1981): Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
  3035. E/android.os.Debug( 1981): failed to load memtrack module: -2
  3036. D/AndroidRuntime( 1981): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  3037. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 302K, 13% free 7029K/8072K, paused 66ms, total 68ms
  3038. D/AndroidRuntime( 1981): Shutting down VM
  3039. D/dalvikvm( 1981): GC_CONCURRENT freed 96K, 15% free 598K/696K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 6ms
  3040. D/libEGL  ( 1991): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
  3041. D/libEGL  ( 1991): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
  3042. D/libEGL  ( 1991): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
  3043. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1991): <eglInitialize:269>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic AU_full_mako_PARTNER-ANDROID/JB-MR1-DEV_CL2961380_release_AU (CL2961380)
  3044. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1991): Build Date: 12/10/12 Mon
  3045. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1991): Local Branch:
  3046. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1991): Remote Branch: m/partner-android/jb-mr1-dev
  3047. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1991): Local Patches: NONE
  3048. I/Adreno200-EGL( 1991): Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  3049. D/OpenGLRenderer( 1991): Enabling debug mode 0
  3050. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 1950): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  3051. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.evervolv.toolbox/.superuser.MultitaskSuRequestActivity: +681ms (total +1s742ms)
  3052. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3053. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (161, 815).
  3054. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3055. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (795, 906).
  3056. D/su      ( 1980): 10060 /system/xbin/su executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
  3057. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 225K, 13% free 7180K/8180K, paused 107ms, total 113ms
  3058. D/AndroidRuntime( 2005):
  3059. D/AndroidRuntime( 2005): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
  3060. D/AndroidRuntime( 2005): CheckJNI is OFF
  3061. D/dalvikvm( 2005): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
  3062. I/InputAttributes(  591): InputType.TYPE_NULL is specified
  3063. D/dalvikvm( 2005): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
  3064. D/dalvikvm( 2005): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
  3065. D/dalvikvm( 2005): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
  3066. D/dalvikvm( 2005): No JNI_OnLoad found in libnativehelper.so 0x0, skipping init
  3067. D/dalvikvm( 2005): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods
  3068. I/Choreographer(  591): Skipped 46 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3069. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 211K, 35% free 5049K/7728K, paused 6ms+3ms, total 199ms
  3070. E/memtrack( 2005): Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
  3071. E/android.os.Debug( 2005): failed to load memtrack module: -2
  3072. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 616K, 45% free 4605K/8304K, paused 111ms, total 115ms
  3073. D/AndroidRuntime( 2005): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
  3074. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 38% free 5182K/8304K, paused 30ms+29ms, total 307ms
  3075. D/AndroidRuntime( 2005): Shutting down VM
  3076. D/dalvikvm( 2005): GC_CONCURRENT freed 96K, 15% free 601K/700K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 5ms
  3077. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3078. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (901, 743).
  3079. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3080. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (839, 639).
  3081. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3082. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (529, 735).
  3083. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3084. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (445, 828).
  3085. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3086. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (100, 716).
  3087. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3088. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (431, 625).
  3089. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3090. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (922, 908).
  3091. I/Choreographer( 1950): Skipped 35 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3092. I/Choreographer( 1950): Skipped 110 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3093. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3094. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (633, 373).
  3095. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3096. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (796, 299).
  3097. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3098. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (800, 349).
  3099. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3100. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (715, 310).
  3101. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3102. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (755, 287).
  3103. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3104. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (541, 358).
  3105. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3106. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (729, 381).
  3107. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3108. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (762, 478).
  3109. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3110. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (784, 481).
  3111. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3112. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (710, 477).
  3113. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3114. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (729, 484).
  3115. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3116. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (720, 492).
  3117. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3118. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (779, 468).
  3119. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2645K, 37% free 4921K/7724K, paused 12ms+27ms, total 153ms
  3120. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3121. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (692, 496).
  3122. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3123. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (621, 496).
  3124. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3125. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (665, 474).
  3126. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1276K, 45% free 4318K/7724K, paused 6ms+3ms, total 56ms
  3127. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3128. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (716, 500).
  3129. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3130. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (660, 482).
  3131. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3132. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (511, 523).
  3133. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 520K, 45% free 4279K/7724K, paused 3ms+10ms, total 71ms
  3134. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3135. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (584, 530).
  3136. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3137. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (422, 487).
  3138. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3139. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (649, 526).
  3140. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 467K, 45% free 4273K/7724K, paused 17ms+3ms, total 66ms
  3141. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3142. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (697, 503).
  3143. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3144. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (613, 485).
  3145. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 475K, 45% free 4275K/7724K, paused 7ms+3ms, total 79ms
  3146. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3147. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (653, 269).
  3148. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3149. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (665, 482).
  3150. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3151. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (667, 433).
  3152. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3153. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (669, 483).
  3154. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 468K, 45% free 4279K/7724K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 77ms
  3155. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 469K, 45% free 4279K/7724K, paused 14ms+8ms, total 83ms
  3156. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3157. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (738, 468).
  3158. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3159. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (644, 476).
  3160. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3161. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (653, 476).
  3162. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3163. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (573, 460).
  3164. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 457K, 45% free 4291K/7724K, paused 3ms+15ms, total 77ms
  3165. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3166. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (591, 541).
  3167. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3168. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (662, 483).
  3169. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 470K, 45% free 4284K/7724K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 79ms
  3170. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3171. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (632, 387).
  3172. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3173. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (461, 548).
  3174. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 455K, 45% free 4287K/7724K, paused 3ms+5ms, total 56ms
  3175. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3176. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (390, 491).
  3177. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3178. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (472, 554).
  3179. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 458K, 45% free 4287K/7724K, paused 3ms+4ms, total 50ms
  3180. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3181. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (594, 534).
  3182. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3183. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (689, 490).
  3184. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 467K, 45% free 4288K/7724K, paused 3ms+4ms, total 69ms
  3185. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3186. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (620, 466).
  3187. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 465K, 45% free 4293K/7724K, paused 9ms+4ms, total 90ms
  3188. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3189. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (606, 357).
  3190. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3191. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (615, 447).
  3192. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 468K, 45% free 4299K/7724K, paused 7ms+16ms, total 82ms
  3193. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3194. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (605, 290).
  3195. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3196. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (582, 312).
  3197. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3198. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (638, 309).
  3199. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 470K, 45% free 4301K/7724K, paused 9ms+9ms, total 80ms
  3200. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3201. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (647, 338).
  3202. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3203. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (564, 338).
  3204. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3205. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (509, 247).
  3206. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 470K, 45% free 4300K/7724K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 80ms
  3207. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3208. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (525, 332).
  3209. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3210. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (607, 508).
  3211. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3212. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (617, 431).
  3213. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3214. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (605, 441).
  3215. I/InputAttributes(  591): InputType.TYPE_NULL is specified
  3216. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 616K, 45% free 4604K/8304K, paused 77ms, total 81ms
  3217. D/dalvikvm( 1950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 464K, 45% free 4304K/7724K, paused 3ms+5ms, total 112ms
  3218. D/dalvikvm(  591): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 38% free 5182K/8304K, paused 4ms+37ms, total 87ms
  3219. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 718K, 16% free 7077K/8396K, paused 89ms, total 90ms
  3220. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 361K, 17% free 7040K/8396K, paused 69ms, total 69ms
  3221. W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 1950): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  3222. D/dalvikvm(  632): GC_CONCURRENT freed 402K, 45% free 4268K/7724K, paused 6ms+4ms, total 54ms
  3223. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3224. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (669, 702).
  3225. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  3226. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  3227. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +687ms
  3228. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3229. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (806, 649).
  3230. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3231. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (706, 718).
  3232. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3233. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (395, 662).
  3234. D/SubSettings( 1255): Launching fragment com.android.settings.DisplaySettings
  3235. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 33 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3236. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +865ms
  3237. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3238. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (717, 688).
  3239. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3240. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (669, 691).
  3241. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3242. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (574, 839).
  3243. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  3244. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 39 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3245. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3246. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (405, 651).
  3247. D/SubSettings( 1255): Launching fragment com.android.settings.DisplaySettings
  3248. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 41 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3249. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +954ms
  3250. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  3251. I/Choreographer( 1255): Skipped 55 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3252. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3253. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (443, 252).
  3254. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3255. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (412, 247).
  3256. D/Toolbox ( 2018): Selected item=0
  3257. D/libEGL  ( 2018): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
  3258. D/libEGL  ( 2018): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
  3259. D/libEGL  ( 2018): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
  3260. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2018): <eglInitialize:269>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic AU_full_mako_PARTNER-ANDROID/JB-MR1-DEV_CL2961380_release_AU (CL2961380)
  3261. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2018): Build Date: 12/10/12 Mon
  3262. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2018): Local Branch:
  3263. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2018): Remote Branch: m/partner-android/jb-mr1-dev
  3264. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2018): Local Patches: NONE
  3265. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2018): Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  3266. D/OpenGLRenderer( 2018): Enabling debug mode 0
  3267. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox: +1s481ms
  3268. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3269. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (455, 178).
  3270. D/Toolbox ( 2018): Selected item=0
  3271. D/BluetoothAdapter( 1255): 1107209624: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  3272. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3273. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (436, 266).
  3274. D/Toolbox ( 2018): Selected item=0
  3275. D/dalvikvm(  442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 826K, 15% free 7211K/8396K, paused 4ms+8ms, total 94ms
  3276. I/ActivityManager(  442): Displayed com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox: +1s401ms
  3277. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3278. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (512, 705).
  3279. D/Toolbox ( 2018): Selected item=6
  3280. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3281. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (132, 583).
  3282. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3283. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (690, 643).
  3284. D/dalvikvm(  501): GC_CONCURRENT freed 761K, 36% free 5005K/7728K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 46ms
  3285. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3286. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (303, 916).
  3287. D/EVToolbox( 2018): Calling dumplogcat:-D -B -o /data/data/com.evervolv.toolbox/files/logcat -m
  3288. I/ActivityManager(  442): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3289. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3290. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (368, 439).
  3291. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3292. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (510, 661).
  3293. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Found jump to (0, 0), replacing new points.
  3294. D/InputReader(  442): BadTouchReleaseFilter: Replacing (0, 0) with (502, 764).
  3295. D/        (  442): Setting time of day to sec=1457050361
  3296. *** logcat: Timed out after 20.0s (killing pid 2053)
  3297. Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.evervolv.toolbox.action.DUMPLOGCAT_FINISHED (has extras) }
  3298. Broadcast completed: result=0

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