------ SYSTEM LOG (logcat threadtime -d *:v) ------
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14763
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14764
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14765
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14766
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14767
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14768
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14769
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14770
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14771
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14772
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14773
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14774
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14775
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14776
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14777
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14778
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14779
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14780
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14781
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14782
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14783
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14784
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14785
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14786
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14787
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14788
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14789
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14790
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14791
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14792
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14793
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14794
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14795
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14796
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14797
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14798
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14799
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14800
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14801
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14802
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14803
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 14804
I/EntropyMixer( 542): Writing entropy...
W/PowerUI ( 691): unknown intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x8000010 }
I/PowerManagerService( 542): Going to sleep by user request...
D/ConnectivityService( 542): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
D/ConnectivityService( 542): tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=1
D/ConnectivityService( 542): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=14900 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1015, 1028, 3003, 3007}
D/ConnectivityService( 542): resetConnections(wlan0, 3)
D/Nat464Xlat( 542): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
D/NetlinkEvent( 165): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x11
W/ContextImpl(14900): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1473 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:496 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:240 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1176 com.android.settings.bluetooth.LocalBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:94
W/ContextImpl(14900): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1473 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:496 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1179 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PanProfile.<init>:73
W/ContextImpl(14900): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1473 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:496 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:161 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68 com.android.settings.bluetooth.LocalBluetoothProfileManager.<init>:124
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.WifiWidgetProvider: pid=14915 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1015, 1028, 3003, 3007}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 6054:com.weather.Weather/u0a10094: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 23433:com.groupon/u0a10095: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 32416:craigs.pro.plus:remoteAlarmReceiver_cPro/u0a10070: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 32476:craigs.pro.plus:searchAgents_cPro/u0a10070: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 31417:org.adw.launcher/u0a10091: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 8429:com.soundcloud.android/u0a10072: kill background
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2c88f4d8 u0 com.soundcloud.android/com.soundcloud.android.main.MainActivity}
W/WindowManager( 542): Force-removing child win Window{2c935bf8 u0 Panel:com.soundcloud.android/com.soundcloud.android.main.MainActivity} from container Window{2c88f4d8 u0 com.soundcloud.android/com.soundcloud.android.main.MainActivity}
W/WindowManager( 542): Failed looking up window
W/WindowManager( 542): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@2c854da0 does not exist
W/WindowManager( 542): at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked(WindowManagerService.java:7669)
W/WindowManager( 542): at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked(WindowManagerService.java:7660)
W/WindowManager( 542): at com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied(WindowState.java:1000)
W/WindowManager( 542): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(Binder.java:470)
W/WindowManager( 542): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: null
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2c9e5730 u0 org.adw.launcher/org.adw.launcherlib.Launcher}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2ca48a98 u0 com.groupon/com.groupon.activity.Carousel}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for broadcast com.evervolv.toolbox/.superuser.SuReceiver: pid=14980 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1015, 1028, 3003, 3007}
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.weather.Weather for broadcast com.weather.Weather/com.weather.dal.system.UniversalBroadcastReceiver: pid=15043 uid=10094 gids={50094, 1015, 3003, 1028}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.android.vending for service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.billing.iab.InAppBillingService: pid=15072 uid=10018 gids={50018, 3003, 1015, 1028}
W/SocketClient( 165): write error (Broken pipe)
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.groupon for broadcast com.groupon/com.littlefluffytoys.littlefluffylocationlibrary.PassiveLocationChangedReceiver: pid=15199 uid=10095 gids={50095, 3003, 1015, 1006, 1028}
D/ConnectivityService( 542): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Verizon-890L-48A5", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Verizon-890L-48A5", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
D/ConnectivityService( 542): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
D/Nat464Xlat( 542): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
D/ConnectivityService( 542): NetTransition Wakelock for ConnectedState released by timeout
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.android.calendar (pid 10106): empty #17
D/ConnectivityService( 542): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=-1 extraInfo=null url=null
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=0
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.soundcloud.android for service com.soundcloud.android/.sync.SyncAdapterService: pid=15447 uid=10072 gids={50072, 3003, 1015, 1028}
D/ConnectivityService( 542): captivePortalCheckCompleted: ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Verizon-890L-48A5", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false captive=false
D/ConnectivityService( 542): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=-1 extraInfo=null url=null
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.google.android.partnersetup (pid 8937): empty #17
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15704
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15705
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15706
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15707
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15708
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15709
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15710
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15711
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15712
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15713
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15714
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15715
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15716
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15717
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15718
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15719
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15720
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15721
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15722
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15723
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15724
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15725
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15726
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15727
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15728
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15729
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15730
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15731
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15732
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15733
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15734
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15735
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15736
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15737
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15738
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15739
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15740
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15741
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15742
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15743
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15744
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15745
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 15746
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17657
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17658
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17659
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17660
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17661
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17662
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17663
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17664
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17665
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17666
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17667
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17668
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17669
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17670
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17671
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17672
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17673
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17674
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17675
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17676
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17677
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17678
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17679
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17680
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17681
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17682
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17683
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17684
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17685
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17686
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17687
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17688
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17689
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17690
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17691
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17692
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17693
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17694
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17695
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 17696
I/PowerManagerService( 542): Waking up from sleep...
I/WindowManager( 542): Lock screen displayed!
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1480 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w1170dp h804dp 140dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.27 themeResource=null}
I/BootReceiver( 542): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_04 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2c8feb78 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
W/WallpaperService( 542): Wallpaper service gone: ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Process com.android.systemui (pid 691) has died.
W/ActivityManager( 542): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.systemui/.ImageWallpaper in 0ms
W/ActivityManager( 542): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.systemui/.SystemUIService in 0ms
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2cd6eef0 u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recent.RecentsActivity}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2c8dbc08 u0 SearchPanel}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2c9a2408 u0 StatusBar}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2c99da30 u0 NavigationBar}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.android.systemui for restart com.android.systemui: pid=18319 uid=10003 gids={50003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
W/WindowManager( 542): Window freeze timeout expired.
W/WindowManager( 542): Force clearing orientation change: Window{2c85d3e8 u0 Keyguard}
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +2s7ms due to Window{2c85d3e8 u0 Keyguard}
D/SystemUIService(18319): loading: class com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar
D/SystemUIService(18319): running: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar@2c20e950
I/StatusBarManagerService( 542): registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@2c8944e8
D/PhoneStatusBar(18319): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* CLOCK* search >
D/SystemUIService(18319): loading: class com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI
D/SystemUIService(18319): running: com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI@2c4fb320
D/SystemUIService(18319): loading: class com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer
D/SystemUIService(18319): running: com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer@2c4fbfa0
D/SystemUIService(18319): loading: class com.android.systemui.settings.SettingsUI
D/SystemUIService(18319): running: com.android.systemui.settings.SettingsUI@2c4fd400
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1400 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w1170dp h804dp 140dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.28 themeResource=null}
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +126ms due to Window{2c85d3e8 u0 Keyguard}
I/PowerManagerService( 542): Going to sleep due to screen timeout...
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF flg=0x50000010 } in android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine$1@2c4fe780
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:773)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:730)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5256)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:525)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:743)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:559)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: eglMakeCurrent failed EGL_BAD_ALLOC
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$DrawableEngine.initGL(ImageWallpaper.java:671)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$DrawableEngine.drawWallpaperWithOpenGL(ImageWallpaper.java:440)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$DrawableEngine.drawFrame(ImageWallpaper.java:370)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$DrawableEngine.onVisibilityChanged(ImageWallpaper.java:237)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine.reportVisibility(WallpaperService.java:816)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine$1.onReceive(WallpaperService.java:182)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:763)
E/AndroidRuntime(18319): ... 9 more
I/ActivityManager( 542): Process com.android.systemui (pid 18319) has died.
W/ActivityManager( 542): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.systemui/.ImageWallpaper in 0ms
W/ActivityManager( 542): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.systemui/.SystemUIService in 0ms
W/WallpaperService( 542): Wallpaper service gone: ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2c9051a8 u0 StatusBar}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2ca15108 u0 SearchPanel}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.android.systemui for restart com.android.systemui: pid=18487 uid=10003 gids={50003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2c9c5f38 u0 NavigationBar}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2c9da748 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 15043:com.weather.Weather/u0a10094: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 15199:com.groupon/u0a10095: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 15447:com.soundcloud.android/u0a10072: kill background
D/SystemUIService(18487): loading: class com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar
D/SystemUIService(18487): running: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar@2c20f750
I/StatusBarManagerService( 542): registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@2cd4ffd8
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.groupon for broadcast com.groupon/com.littlefluffytoys.littlefluffylocationlibrary.PassiveLocationChangedReceiver: pid=18504 uid=10095 gids={50095, 3003, 1015, 1006, 1028}
D/PhoneStatusBar(18487): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* CLOCK* search >
D/SystemUIService(18487): loading: class com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI
D/SystemUIService(18487): running: com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI@2c4fbfd0
D/SystemUIService(18487): loading: class com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer
D/SystemUIService(18487): running: com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer@2c4fcdb0
D/SystemUIService(18487): loading: class com.android.systemui.settings.SettingsUI
D/SystemUIService(18487): running: com.android.systemui.settings.SettingsUI@2c4fe0c0
I/PowerManagerService( 542): Waking up from sleep...
I/WindowManager( 542): Lock screen displayed!
D/ConnectivityService( 542): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
D/ConnectivityService( 542): tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=1
D/ConnectivityService( 542): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
D/ConnectivityService( 542): resetConnections(wlan0, 3)
D/Nat464Xlat( 542): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1480 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w877dp h1097dp 140dpi xlrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.29 themeResource=null}
D/NetlinkEvent( 165): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x11
I/BootReceiver( 542): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_05 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
W/WallpaperService( 542): Wallpaper service gone: ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
W/WallpaperService( 542): Reverting to built-in wallpaper!
I/ActivityManager( 542): Process com.android.systemui (pid 18487) has died.
W/ActivityManager( 542): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.systemui/.ImageWallpaper in 0ms
W/ActivityManager( 542): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.systemui/.SystemUIService in 0ms
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2cb7cc58 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2cae5b70 u0 StatusBar}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2cb5e2e0 u0 NavigationBar}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2ca54bc8 u0 SearchPanel}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.android.systemui for restart com.android.systemui: pid=18612 uid=10003 gids={50003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +1s941ms due to Window{2c85d3e8 u0 Keyguard}
D/SystemUIService(18612): loading: class com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar
D/SystemUIService(18612): running: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar@2c211338
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox for broadcast com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.android.launcher3.WallpaperChangedReceiver: pid=18642 uid=10016 gids={50016, 3003, 1028, 3002, 1015}
I/StatusBarManagerService( 542): registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@2cb2f758
E/ActivityThread(18642): Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.launcher.oldhome.settings
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* CLOCK* search >
D/SystemUIService(18612): loading: class com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI
D/SystemUIService(18612): running: com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI@2c4fde88
D/SystemUIService(18612): loading: class com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer
D/SystemUIService(18612): running: com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer@2c4feb08
D/SystemUIService(18612): loading: class com.android.systemui.settings.SettingsUI
D/SystemUIService(18612): running: com.android.systemui.settings.SettingsUI@2c4fff68
W/WindowManager( 542): Attempted to add wallpaper window with unknown token android.os.Binder@2cc95998. Aborting.
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
W/InputMethodManagerService( 542): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2c856190 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@2c9bdf18, token = android.os.BinderProxy@2cb55998
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.weather.Weather for broadcast com.weather.Weather/com.weather.dal.system.UniversalBroadcastReceiver: pid=18671 uid=10094 gids={50094, 1015, 3003, 1028}
W/WindowManager( 542): Attempted to add wallpaper window with unknown token android.os.Binder@2cc95998. Aborting.
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back* home* recent* clock* search >
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=com.android.systemui.recent.action.TOGGLE_RECENTS flg=0x10800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recent.RecentsActivity (has extras)} from pid 18612
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.soundcloud.android for activity com.soundcloud.android/.main.MainActivity: pid=18729 uid=10072 gids={50072, 3003, 1015, 1028}
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
D/ConnectivityService( 542): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Verizon-890L-48A5", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Verizon-890L-48A5", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
D/ConnectivityService( 542): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
D/Nat464Xlat( 542): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
D/ConnectivityService( 542): NetTransition Wakelock for ConnectedState released by timeout
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=com.soundcloud.android.action.PLAYER flg=0x20000 cmp=com.soundcloud.android/.playback.PlayerActivity (has extras)} from pid 18729
D/ConnectivityService( 542): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=-1 extraInfo=null url=null
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=0
D/BackupManagerService( 542): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings
D/ConnectivityService( 542): captivePortalCheckCompleted: ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Verizon-890L-48A5", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false captive=false
D/ConnectivityService( 542): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=-1 extraInfo=null url=null
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc craigs.pro.plus:remoteAlarmReceiver_cPro for broadcast craigs.pro.plus/.search.agents.SearchAgentsAlarmReceiver: pid=19394 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1015, 1028}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc craigs.pro.plus:searchAgents_cPro for service craigs.pro.plus/.search.agents.SearchAgentsService: pid=19443 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1015, 1028}
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.android.browser (pid 7302): empty #17
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.evervolv.toolbox (pid 14980): empty #17
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.adw.launcher/org.adw.launcherlib.Launcher} from pid 542
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc org.adw.launcher for activity org.adw.launcher/org.adw.launcherlib.Launcher: pid=19975 uid=10091 gids={50091, 1015, 1028}
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=com.android.systemui.recent.action.TOGGLE_RECENTS flg=0x10800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recent.RecentsActivity} from pid 18612
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=com.soundcloud.android.action.LIKES flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.soundcloud.android/.main.MainActivity} from pid 18729
W/ActivityManager( 542): Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{2cbc66c8 u0 com.soundcloud.android/.playback.PlayerActivity}
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=com.soundcloud.android.action.PLAYER flg=0x20000 cmp=com.soundcloud.android/.playback.PlayerActivity (has extras)} from pid 18729
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1480 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w1170dp h804dp 140dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.30 themeResource=null}
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +1s518ms due to Window{2cb7cc58 u0 com.soundcloud.android/com.soundcloud.android.playback.PlayerActivity}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1400 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w1170dp h804dp 140dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.31 themeResource=null}
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +115ms due to Window{2cb7cc58 u0 com.soundcloud.android/com.soundcloud.android.playback.PlayerActivity}
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=100
V/PanelView(18612): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=148.80624 v=722.8089)
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons alerts TICKER* SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search >
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=android.settings.BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity} from pid 18612
V/PanelView(18612): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=376.0 v=-1750.0)
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker* system_info* back home recent clock search >
D/WifiService( 542): setWifiEnabled: true pid=14900, uid=1000
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.android.bluetooth for service com.android.bluetooth/.btservice.AdapterService: pid=25829 uid=1002 gids={41002, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1015, 3005, 1016, 3008, 1028}
W/ContextImpl(14900): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1473 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:496 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan$1.onBluetoothStateChange:173 android.bluetooth.IBluetoothStateChangeCallback$Stub.onTransact:55 android.os.Binder.execTransact:388
W/ContextImpl( 542): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1473 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan$1.onBluetoothStateChange:173 com.android.server.BluetoothManagerService.sendBluetoothStateCallback:488 com.android.server.BluetoothManagerService.bluetoothStateChangeHandler:1112 com.android.server.BluetoothManagerService.access$2800:48
W/ContextImpl(14900): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1473 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:496 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap$1.onBluetoothStateChange:132 android.bluetooth.IBluetoothStateChangeCallback$Stub.onTransact:55 android.os.Binder.execTransact:388
W/ContextImpl(14900): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1473 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:496 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.<init>:160 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1173 com.android.settings.bluetooth.LocalBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:94
W/ContextImpl(14900): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1473 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:496 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.<init>:273 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1170 com.android.settings.bluetooth.LocalBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:94
W/ContextImpl(14900): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1419 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:473 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:473 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.beginStartingService:134 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.onReceive:115
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.android.email for content provider com.android.email/.provider.EmailProvider: pid=25966 uid=10013 gids={50013, 3003, 1015, 1028}
D/ActivityThread(25966): Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.android.exchange for service com.android.exchange/.ExchangeService: pid=25984 uid=10008 gids={50008, 3003, 1015, 1028}
W/ActivityManager( 542): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.google.android.gm (pid 10201): empty #17
W/ActivityManager( 542): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
W/ActivityManager( 542): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
D/ConnectivityService( 542): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
D/ConnectivityService( 542): tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=1
D/ConnectivityService( 542): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
D/ConnectivityService( 542): resetConnections(wlan0, 3)
D/Nat464Xlat( 542): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
D/ConnectivityService( 542): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Verizon-890L-48A5", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Verizon-890L-48A5", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
D/ConnectivityService( 542): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
D/Nat464Xlat( 542): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
D/ConnectivityService( 542): NetTransition Wakelock for ConnectedState released by timeout
D/ConnectivityService( 542): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=-1 extraInfo=null url=null
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=0
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.evervolv.evtips for broadcast com.evervolv.evtips/.StackWidgetProvider: pid=26251 uid=10032 gids={50032, 1028}
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.google.android.gsf.login (pid 10088): empty #17
D/ConnectivityService( 542): captivePortalCheckCompleted: ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Verizon-890L-48A5", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false captive=false
D/ConnectivityService( 542): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=-1 extraInfo=null url=null
V/BackupManagerService( 542): Running a backup pass
V/BackupManagerService( 542): clearing pending backups
V/PerformBackupTask( 542): Beginning backup of 2 targets
D/PerformBackupTask( 542): invokeAgentForBackup on @pm@
I/PerformBackupTask( 542): no backup data written; not calling transport
D/PerformBackupTask( 542): starting agent for backup of BackupRequest{pkg=android}
D/BackupManagerService( 542): awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{2c45d240 android}
D/BackupManagerService( 542): agentConnected pkg=android agent=android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@2ca2fef0
I/BackupManagerService( 542): got agent android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@2ca2fef0
D/PerformBackupTask( 542): invokeAgentForBackup on android
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.google.android.gsf.login for service com.google.android.gsf.login/com.google.android.gsf.loginservice.GoogleLoginService: pid=26267 uid=10011 gids={50011, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 1006, 3002, 3001, 2001, 3006}
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar (pid 10055): empty #17
D/PerformBackupTask( 542): starting agent for backup of BackupRequest{pkg=com.android.providers.settings}
D/BackupManagerService( 542): awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{2c584468 com.android.providers.settings}
D/BackupManagerService( 542): agentConnected pkg=com.android.providers.settings agent=android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@2c82c7b0
I/BackupManagerService( 542): got agent android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@2c82c7b0
D/PerformBackupTask( 542): invokeAgentForBackup on com.android.providers.settings
I/PerformBackupTask( 542): no backup data written; not calling transport
I/PerformBackupTask( 542): Backup pass finished.
W/ViewRootImpl(14900): Dropping event due to root view being removed: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=0.18145752, y[0]=307.51627, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=12454301, downTime=12454284, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
W/ViewRootImpl(14900): Dropping event due to root view being removed: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=0.18145752, y[0]=307.51627, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=12454304, downTime=12454284, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
W/InputMethodManagerService( 542): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2cc313c0 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@2ccb6688
W/ViewRootImpl(14900): Dropping event due to root view being removed: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=-211.6117, y[0]=298.52795, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=2, eventTime=12498179, downTime=12498153, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
W/ViewRootImpl(14900): Dropping event due to root view being removed: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=-211.6117, y[0]=298.52795, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=12498176, downTime=12498153, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
W/InputMethodManagerService( 542): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2ccbf308 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@2ccb6688
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=com.android.systemui.recent.action.TOGGLE_RECENTS flg=0x10800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recent.RecentsActivity (has extras)} from pid 18612
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox (pid 18642): empty #17
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.android.providers.calendar (pid 10072): empty #18
I/PowerManagerService( 542): Going to sleep by user request...
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back home RECENT* clock search >
D/BackupManagerService( 542): Now staging backup of android
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 18671:com.weather.Weather/u0a10094: kill background
W/ActivityManager( 542): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.weather.Weather/.lbs.LocatorService in 5000ms
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 18504:com.groupon/u0a10095: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 19975:org.adw.launcher/u0a10091: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 19394:craigs.pro.plus:remoteAlarmReceiver_cPro/u0a10070: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 19443:craigs.pro.plus:searchAgents_cPro/u0a10070: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 13913:com.pinger.textfree/u0a10066: kill background
W/ActivityManager( 542): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.pinger.textfree/.app.TFApplication$TFAndroidService in 5000ms
I/ActivityManager( 542): Killing proc 6267:com.android.chrome/u0a10087: kill background
I/ActivityManager( 542): Isolated process com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 (pid 10009) no longer needed
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT CLOCK* search >
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2cca8af8 u0 org.adw.launcher/org.adw.launcherlib.Launcher}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.groupon for broadcast com.groupon/com.littlefluffytoys.littlefluffylocationlibrary.PassiveLocationChangedReceiver: pid=27288 uid=10095 gids={50095, 3003, 1015, 1006, 1028}
I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{2c8a16c0 u0 com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main}
W/WindowManager( 542): Force-removing child win Window{2cac8768 u0 SurfaceView} from container Window{2c8a16c0 u0 com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main}
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27331
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27332
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27333
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27334
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27335
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27336
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27337
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27338
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27339
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27340
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27341
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27342
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27343
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27344
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27345
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27346
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27347
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27348
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27349
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27350
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27351
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27352
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27353
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27354
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27355
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27356
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27357
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27358
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27359
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27360
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27361
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27362
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27363
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27364
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27365
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27366
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27367
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27368
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27369
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27370
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27371
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27372
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27373
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.pinger.textfree for service com.pinger.textfree/.app.TFApplication$TFAndroidService: pid=27460 uid=10066 gids={50066, 3003, 1015, 1028}
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27703
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27704
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27705
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27706
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27707
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27708
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27709
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27710
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 27711
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.weather.Weather for service com.weather.Weather/com.weather.dal.weatherconnections.ForegroundRefreshService: pid=28371 uid=10094 gids={50094, 1015, 3003, 1028}
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=100
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc craigs.pro.plus:remoteAlarmReceiver_cPro for broadcast craigs.pro.plus/.search.agents.SearchAgentsAlarmReceiver: pid=28766 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1015, 1028}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc craigs.pro.plus:searchAgents_cPro for service craigs.pro.plus/.search.agents.SearchAgentsService: pid=28781 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1015, 1028}
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29062
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29063
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29064
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29065
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29066
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29067
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29068
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29069
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29070
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29071
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29072
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29073
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29074
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29075
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29076
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29077
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29078
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29079
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29080
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29081
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29083
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29084
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29085
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29086
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29087
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29088
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29089
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29090
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29091
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29092
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29093
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29094
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29095
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29096
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29097
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29098
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29099
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29100
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29101
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29102
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29103
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 29922
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.evervolv.widgets (pid 14915): empty #17
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=100
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 2750
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4316
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4317
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4318
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4319
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4320
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4321
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4322
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4323
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4324
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4325
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 4326
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=100
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity for broadcast com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity/com.quoord.tapatalkpro.alarm.PingsOnAlarmReceiver: pid=5736 uid=10090 gids={50090, 3003, 1015, 1028}
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.android.email (pid 25966): empty #17
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 9284
D/ConnectivityService( 542): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=100
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10232
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10233
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10234
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10235
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10236
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10237
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10238
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10239
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10240
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10241
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10242
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10243
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10244
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10245
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10246
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10247
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10248
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10249
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10250
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10251
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10252
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10253
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10254
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10255
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10256
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10257
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10258
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10259
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10260
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10261
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10262
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10263
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10264
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10265
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10266
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10267
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10268
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10269
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10270
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10271
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10272
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10273
W/ProcessStats( 542): Skipping unknown process pid 10274
V/BackupManagerService( 542): Running a backup pass
V/BackupManagerService( 542): clearing pending backups
V/PerformBackupTask( 542): Beginning backup of 1 targets
D/PerformBackupTask( 542): invokeAgentForBackup on @pm@
I/PerformBackupTask( 542): no backup data written; not calling transport
D/PerformBackupTask( 542): starting agent for backup of BackupRequest{pkg=android}
D/BackupManagerService( 542): awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{2c45d240 android}
D/BackupManagerService( 542): agentConnected pkg=android agent=android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@2cb73a68
I/BackupManagerService( 542): got agent android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@2cb73a68
D/PerformBackupTask( 542): invokeAgentForBackup on android
I/PerformBackupTask( 542): Backup pass finished.
I/PowerManagerService( 542): Waking up from sleep...
I/WindowManager( 542): Lock screen displayed!
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1480 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w877dp h1097dp 140dpi xlrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.32 themeResource=null}
D/BackupManagerService( 542): Now staging backup of android
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +1s319ms due to Window{2c85d3e8 u0 Keyguard}
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK HOME recent* CLOCK search >
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back* home* recent clock* search >
V/DeadZone(18612): consuming errant click: (401.47723,10.03125)
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.adw.launcher/org.adw.launcherlib.Launcher} from pid 542
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc org.adw.launcher for activity org.adw.launcher/org.adw.launcherlib.Launcher: pid=11807 uid=10091 gids={50091, 1015, 1028}
V/PanelView(18612): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=193.81073 v=780.96484)
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons alerts TICKER* SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search >
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=android.settings.BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity} from pid 18612
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want com.android.exchange (pid 25984): empty #17
V/PanelView(18612): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=376.0 v=-1750.0)
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker* system_info* back home recent clock search >
D/WifiService( 542): setWifiEnabled: true pid=14900, uid=1000
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1480 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w1170dp h804dp 140dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.33 themeResource=null}
D/WifiService( 542): setWifiEnabled: true pid=14900, uid=1000
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +906ms due to Window{2c9b2e48 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1480 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w877dp h1097dp 140dpi xlrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.34 themeResource=null}
D/WifiService( 542): setWifiEnabled: true pid=14900, uid=1000
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +909ms due to Window{2c9e5730 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1480 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w1170dp h804dp 140dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.35 themeResource=null}
D/WifiService( 542): setWifiEnabled: true pid=14900, uid=1000
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +888ms due to Window{2cb7a258 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1480 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w877dp h1097dp 140dpi xlrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.36 themeResource=null}
D/WifiService( 542): setWifiEnabled: true pid=14900, uid=1000
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +904ms due to Window{2cd8f7d0 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppProvider: pid=12416 uid=10047 gids={50047, 3003, 1028}
I/EntropyMixer( 542): Writing entropy...
W/PowerUI (18612): unknown intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x8000010 }
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.android.chrome for broadcast com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.precache.PrecacheServiceLauncher: pid=12582 uid=10087 gids={50087, 1006, 3003, 1015, 1028}
I/ActivityManager( 542): Config changes=1480 {1.0 310mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw877dp w1170dp h804dp 140dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.37 themeResource=null}
D/WifiService( 542): setWifiEnabled: true pid=14900, uid=1000
I/WindowManager( 542): Screen frozen for +873ms due to Window{2ca1a558 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity}
D/BackupManagerService( 542): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings
W/ContextImpl(14900): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1419 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:473 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:473 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.beginStartingService:134 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.onReceive:115
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.BluetoothWidgetProvider: pid=12774 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1015, 1028, 3003, 3007}
W/ContextImpl(14900): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1419 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:473 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:473 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.beginStartingService:134 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.onReceive:115
I/ActivityManager( 542): No longer want android.process.media (pid 14018): empty #17
I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox} from pid 14900
I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for activity com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox: pid=12891 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1015, 1028, 3003, 3007}
W/InputMethodManagerService( 542): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2cb96638 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@2c9ed778
W/InputMethodManagerService( 542): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2ccd1ed8 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@2c9ed778
W/InputMethodManagerService( 542): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2c87bad8 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@2c9ed778
V/PanelView(18612): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=172.77504 v=1875.1931)
V/PanelView(18612): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=172.77504 v=1875.1931)
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand ICONS* alerts TICKER* system_info back home recent CLOCK* search >
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4394900
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4394900
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4394900
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4411132
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4411132
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13330 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4411132, entryId=4411132, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4411132 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4411132
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4411132
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4411132
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4411132
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): TouchEvent: ACTION_DOWN but pointers are already down. Probably missing ACTION_UP from previous gesture.
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@2c8fa6e8
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 0: sent at 13995882000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=193.81073, y[0]=446.41873, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=13995882, downTime=13995882, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): -- recent events --
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 1: sent at 13995898457000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=221.78342, y[0]=441.42523, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=13995898, downTime=13995866, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 2: sent at 13995874680000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=193.81073, y[0]=446.41873, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=13995874, downTime=13995866, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 3: sent at 13995866682000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=193.81073, y[0]=446.41873, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=13995866, downTime=13995866, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 4: sent at 13989151651000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=84.917076, y[0]=194.74643, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=13989151, downTime=13989084, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 5: sent at 13989139840000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=84.917076, y[0]=194.74643, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=13989139, downTime=13989084, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
V/PanelView(18612): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=290.0 v=-1750.0)
V/PanelView(18612): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=290.0 v=-1750.0)
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/PhoneStatusBar(18612): disable: < expand icons* alerts ticker* system_info back home recent clock* search >
W/InputMethodManagerService( 542): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2ccb3b38 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@2c9ed778
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4425300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4425300
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13332 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4425300, entryId=4425300, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4425300 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4425300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4425300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4425300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4425300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4440244
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4440244
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13379 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4440244, entryId=4440244, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4440244 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4440244
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4440244
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4440244
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4440244
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): TouchEvent: ACTION_DOWN but pointers are already down. Probably missing ACTION_UP from previous gesture.
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@2c8fa6e8
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 0: sent at 13998206000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=368.64, y[0]=551.28217, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=13998206, downTime=13998206, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): -- recent events --
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 1: sent at 13998218753000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=337.67026, y[0]=541.29517, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=13998218, downTime=13998171, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 2: sent at 13998191368000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=368.64, y[0]=551.28217, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=13998191, downTime=13998171, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 3: sent at 13998183068000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=368.64, y[0]=551.28217, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=13998183, downTime=13998171, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 4: sent at 13998171197000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=368.64, y[0]=551.28217, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=13998171, downTime=13998171, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 5: sent at 13996159725000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=172.83122, y[0]=120.84265, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=13996159, downTime=13995866, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: Event message available
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: PMKSA candidate event
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Event PMKID_CANDIDATE (6) received
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: RSN: PMKID candidate event - bssid=b4:98:42:6b:48:a5 index=0 preauth=0
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RSN: Ignored PMKID candidate without preauth flag
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4087060, entryId=4087060, time=2000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4087060 in 2000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Java_com_pinger_voice_pjsua_SoftphoneInterface_00024DNS_isQueryPending : Called...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Java_com_pinger_voice_pjsua_SoftphoneInterface_00024DNS_handleEvents : Called...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4087060, entryId=4087060
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4087060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Callback: OnDNSQueryDone
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Registering uri=sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Unregister : Unregistering account id=1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 ~Account : Deleting account from pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 1211756032
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Initializing new account...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register Current registration URI: sip:sj2-pvn03.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Account : Adding new account to pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Attaching softphone instance to account user data (to receive callbacks)...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Log Level-3 : 16:12:29.898 pjsua_core.c !..
I/PJSUA (27460): Sent:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:29.898
I/PJSUA (27460): ->
I/PJSUA (27460): 606
I/PJSUA (27460): REGISTER sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com:5060 SIP/2.0
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjnm5jVjMIMIDAP6gavqe3EgZEU.aVWaV1
I/PJSUA (27460): Max-Forwards: 70
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com>;tag=MDh0gJU4Fa4AAIHFFZ2EHvM5ek75gOAj
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com>
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: FVLejitUXZMDDHH3zIJNJR7YqwiurP9E
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 8512 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): User-Agent: a=TFA&v=2.2.1&b=7&c=textfree-android
I/PJSUA (27460): Contact: <sip:_552213765@;rinstance=adce285e9a5d56bf>
I/PJSUA (27460): Expires: 300
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4394900, entryId=4394900, time=32000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4394900 in 32000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4394876, entryId=4394876, time=500
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4394876 in 500ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Success!
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Java_com_pinger_voice_pjsua_SoftphoneInterface_00024DNS_isQueryPending : Called...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-3 : 16:12:30.253 pjsua_core.c !.
I/PJSUA (27460): Received:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:30.253
I/PJSUA (27460): <-
I/PJSUA (27460): 430
I/PJSUA (27460): SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error
I/PJSUA (27460): Warning: 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: FVLejitUXZMDDHH3zIJNJR7YqwiurP9E
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 8512 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com>;tag=MDh0gJU4Fa4AAIHFFZ2EHvM5ek75gOAj
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com>;tag=s189+1+4bf50005+6c2bf3a4
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5497;branch=z9hG4bKPjnm5jVjMIMIDAP6gavqe3EgZEU.aVWaV1
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 ParseResponseHeaders : Parsing response headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Processing 7 raw headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Adding header. Name = Warning. Value = 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4394876, entryId=4394876
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4394876
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4394900, entryId=4394900
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4394900
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-2 : 16:12:30.259 pjsua_acc.c ....SIP registration failed, status=500 (Server Internal Error)
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032, time=62780
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 1211756032 in 62780ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 on_reg_state : acc_id = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : AccountId = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : Status =500, Status Text =Internal Server Error, Error =0
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Callback: OnRegistrationState
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Registering uri=sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Unregister : Unregistering account id=1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 ~Account : Deleting account from pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 1211756032
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Initializing new account...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register Current registration URI: sip:sj2-pvn04.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Account : Adding new account to pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Attaching softphone instance to account user data (to receive callbacks)...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4394900, entryId=4394900, time=5000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4394900 in 5000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Log Level-3 : 16:12:30.271 pjsua_core.c !..
I/PJSUA (27460): Sent:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:30.271
I/PJSUA (27460): ->
I/PJSUA (27460): 607
I/PJSUA (27460): REGISTER sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com:5060 SIP/2.0
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjoEOfKQgRkIfGiEJqc0XiRwtltwGgPBQd
I/PJSUA (27460): Max-Forwards: 70
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>;tag=Uz10KE4AbJBweGwck1AQytm6kYPE2nf1
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: tyAtYfK8L.IYJeFlDgcRc0E169OGybVz
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 28798 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): User-Agent: a=TFA&v=2.2.1&b=7&c=textfree-android
I/PJSUA (27460): Contact: <sip:_552213765@;rinstance=adce285e9a5d56bf>
I/PJSUA (27460): Expires: 300
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4412172, entryId=4412172, time=32000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4412172 in 32000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4412148, entryId=4412148, time=500
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4412148 in 500ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Success!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4412148
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4412148
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13561 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4412148, entryId=4412148, time=1000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4412148 in 1000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13561 Log Level-3 : 16:12:30.785 pjsua_core.c !.
I/PJSUA (27460): Sent:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:30.785
I/PJSUA (27460): ->
I/PJSUA (27460): 607
I/PJSUA (27460): REGISTER sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com:5060 SIP/2.0
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjoEOfKQgRkIfGiEJqc0XiRwtltwGgPBQd
I/PJSUA (27460): Max-Forwards: 70
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>;tag=Uz10KE4AbJBweGwck1AQytm6kYPE2nf1
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: tyAtYfK8L.IYJeFlDgcRc0E169OGybVz
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 28798 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): User-Agent: a=TFA&v=2.2.1&b=7&c=textfree-android
I/PJSUA (27460): Contact: <sip:_552213765@;rinstance=adce285e9a5d56bf>
I/PJSUA (27460): Expires: 300
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4412148
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-3 : 16:12:31.077 pjsua_core.c !.
I/PJSUA (27460): Received:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:31.077
I/PJSUA (27460): <-
I/PJSUA (27460): 431
I/PJSUA (27460): SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error
I/PJSUA (27460): Warning: 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: tyAtYfK8L.IYJeFlDgcRc0E169OGybVz
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 28798 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>;tag=Uz10KE4AbJBweGwck1AQytm6kYPE2nf1
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>;tag=s189+1+4be50005+1ed23f11
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5498;branch=z9hG4bKPjoEOfKQgRkIfGiEJqc0XiRwtltwGgPBQd
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 ParseResponseHeaders : Parsing response headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Processing 7 raw headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Adding header. Name = Warning. Value = 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4412148, entryId=4412148
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4412148
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4412172, entryId=4412172
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4412172
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-2 : 16:12:31.082 pjsua_acc.c ....SIP registration failed, status=500 (Server Internal Error)
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032, time=59632
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 1211756032 in 59632ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 on_reg_state : acc_id = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : AccountId = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : Status =500, Status Text =Internal Server Error, Error =0
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Callback: OnRegistrationState
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Registering uri=sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Unregister : Unregistering account id=1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 ~Account : Deleting account from pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 1211756032
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Initializing new account...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register Current registration URI: sip:sj2-pvn01.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Account : Adding new account to pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Attaching softphone instance to account user data (to receive callbacks)...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4412172, entryId=4412172, time=5000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4412172 in 5000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Log Level-3 : 16:12:31.095 pjsua_core.c !..
I/PJSUA (27460): Sent:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:31.095
I/PJSUA (27460): ->
I/PJSUA (27460): 607
I/PJSUA (27460): REGISTER sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com:5060 SIP/2.0
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjMyCbRxpkFtuP9iQqutqagpDPGOoypqCz
I/PJSUA (27460): Max-Forwards: 70
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com>;tag=jU5lTerfc4.AaAhBXTeANqeqm0ZJlwkW
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com>
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: IfLydTnzqfuMNTgT.SBamzzT2KbwOQPc
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 10781 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): User-Agent: a=TFA&v=2.2.1&b=7&c=textfree-android
I/PJSUA (27460): Contact: <sip:_552213765@;rinstance=adce285e9a5d56bf>
I/PJSUA (27460): Expires: 300
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4426340, entryId=4426340, time=32000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4426340 in 32000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4426316, entryId=4426316, time=500
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4426316 in 500ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Success!
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-3 : 16:12:31.101 pjsua_core.c !.
I/PJSUA (27460): Received:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:31.101
I/PJSUA (27460): <-
I/PJSUA (27460): 431
I/PJSUA (27460): SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error
I/PJSUA (27460): Warning: 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: tyAtYfK8L.IYJeFlDgcRc0E169OGybVz
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 28798 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>;tag=Uz10KE4AbJBweGwck1AQytm6kYPE2nf1
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>;tag=s189+1+4be50005+1ed23f11
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5498;branch=z9hG4bKPjoEOfKQgRkIfGiEJqc0XiRwtltwGgPBQd
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 ParseResponseHeaders : Parsing response headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Processing 7 raw headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Adding header. Name = Warning. Value = 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-3 : 16:12:31.482 pjsua_core.c .
I/PJSUA (27460): Received:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:31.482
I/PJSUA (27460): <-
I/PJSUA (27460): 431
I/PJSUA (27460): SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error
I/PJSUA (27460): Warning: 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: IfLydTnzqfuMNTgT.SBamzzT2KbwOQPc
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 10781 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com>;tag=jU5lTerfc4.AaAhBXTeANqeqm0ZJlwkW
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com>;tag=s189+1+4bfd0005+2c37bbd4
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5452;branch=z9hG4bKPjMyCbRxpkFtuP9iQqutqagpDPGOoypqCz
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 ParseResponseHeaders : Parsing response headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Processing 7 raw headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Adding header. Name = Warning. Value = 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4426316, entryId=4426316
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4426316
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4426340, entryId=4426340
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4426340
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-2 : 16:12:31.488 pjsua_acc.c ....SIP registration failed, status=500 (Server Internal Error)
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032, time=66021
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 1211756032 in 66021ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 on_reg_state : acc_id = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : AccountId = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : Status =500, Status Text =Internal Server Error, Error =0
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Callback: OnRegistrationState
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Registering uri=sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Unregister : Unregistering account id=1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 ~Account : Deleting account from pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 1211756032
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Initializing new account...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register Current registration URI: sip:sj2-pvn02.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Account : Adding new account to pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Attaching softphone instance to account user data (to receive callbacks)...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4426340, entryId=4426340, time=5000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4426340 in 5000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Log Level-3 : 16:12:31.501 pjsua_core.c !..
I/PJSUA (27460): Sent:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:31.501
I/PJSUA (27460): ->
I/PJSUA (27460): 607
I/PJSUA (27460): REGISTER sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com:5060 SIP/2.0
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj81eG1tFV-RGLDFWl4goXOhItuhhc0v4v
I/PJSUA (27460): Max-Forwards: 70
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>;tag=4dCy85DNY5dQrH0Zf6Rki1ZPBt8031af
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: Fj.VYaiGb4jc95KBWkvrMU3mvMF3Xkx-
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 51260 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): User-Agent: a=TFA&v=2.2.1&b=7&c=textfree-android
I/PJSUA (27460): Contact: <sip:_552213765@;rinstance=adce285e9a5d56bf>
I/PJSUA (27460): Expires: 300
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4405996, entryId=4405996, time=32000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4405996 in 32000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4405972, entryId=4405972, time=500
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4405972 in 500ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Success!
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4405972
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4405972
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13564 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4405972, entryId=4405972, time=1000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4405972 in 1000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13564 Log Level-3 : 16:12:32.014 pjsua_core.c !.
I/PJSUA (27460): Sent:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:32.014
I/PJSUA (27460): ->
I/PJSUA (27460): 607
I/PJSUA (27460): REGISTER sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com:5060 SIP/2.0
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj81eG1tFV-RGLDFWl4goXOhItuhhc0v4v
I/PJSUA (27460): Max-Forwards: 70
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>;tag=4dCy85DNY5dQrH0Zf6Rki1ZPBt8031af
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: Fj.VYaiGb4jc95KBWkvrMU3mvMF3Xkx-
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 51260 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): User-Agent: a=TFA&v=2.2.1&b=7&c=textfree-android
I/PJSUA (27460): Contact: <sip:_552213765@;rinstance=adce285e9a5d56bf>
I/PJSUA (27460): Expires: 300
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4405972
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-3 : 16:12:32.127 pjsua_core.c !.
I/PJSUA (27460): Received:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:32.127
I/PJSUA (27460): <-
I/PJSUA (27460): 431
I/PJSUA (27460): SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error
I/PJSUA (27460): Warning: 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: Fj.VYaiGb4jc95KBWkvrMU3mvMF3Xkx-
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 51260 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>;tag=4dCy85DNY5dQrH0Zf6Rki1ZPBt8031af
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>;tag=s189+1+4bed0005+198d637f
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5499;branch=z9hG4bKPj81eG1tFV-RGLDFWl4goXOhItuhhc0v4v
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 ParseResponseHeaders : Parsing response headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Processing 7 raw headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Adding header. Name = Warning. Value = 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4405972, entryId=4405972
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4405972
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4405996, entryId=4405996
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4405996
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-2 : 16:12:32.132 pjsua_acc.c ....SIP registration failed, status=500 (Server Internal Error)
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032, time=60931
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 1211756032 in 60931ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 on_reg_state : acc_id = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : AccountId = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : Status =500, Status Text =Internal Server Error, Error =0
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Callback: OnRegistrationState
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4405996, entryId=4405996, time=5000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4405996 in 5000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-3 : 16:12:32.370 pjsua_core.c .
I/PJSUA (27460): Received:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:12:32.370
I/PJSUA (27460): <-
I/PJSUA (27460): 431
I/PJSUA (27460): SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error
I/PJSUA (27460): Warning: 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: Fj.VYaiGb4jc95KBWkvrMU3mvMF3Xkx-
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 51260 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>;tag=4dCy85DNY5dQrH0Zf6Rki1ZPBt8031af
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>;tag=s189+1+4bed0005+198d637f
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5499;branch=z9hG4bKPj81eG1tFV-RGLDFWl4goXOhItuhhc0v4v
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 ParseResponseHeaders : Parsing response headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Processing 7 raw headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Adding header. Name = Warning. Value = 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
D/dalvikvm(12891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3503K, 50% free 3924K/7844K, paused 2ms+9ms, total 52ms
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4394900
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4394900
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13566 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4394900, entryId=4394900, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4394900 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4394900
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4394900
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4394900
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4394900
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4412172
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4412172
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13568 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4412172, entryId=4412172, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4412172 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4412172
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4412172
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4412172
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4412172
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4426340
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4426340
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13570 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4426340, entryId=4426340, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4426340 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4426340
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4426340
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4426340
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4426340
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4405996
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4405996
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13572 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4405996, entryId=4405996, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4405996 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4405996
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4405996
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4405996
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4405996
D/dalvikvm(18612): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1801K, 52% free 11257K/23252K, paused 1ms+6ms, total 34ms
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): TouchEvent: ACTION_DOWN but pointers are already down. Probably missing ACTION_UP from previous gesture.
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@2c8fa6e8
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 0: sent at 14031753000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=201.80293, y[0]=696.0936, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=14031753, downTime=14031753, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): -- recent events --
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 1: sent at 14031767744000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=213.79121, y[0]=698.091, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=14031767, downTime=14031720, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 2: sent at 14031743997000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=201.80293, y[0]=696.0936, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=14031743, downTime=14031720, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 3: sent at 14031732142000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=201.80293, y[0]=696.0936, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=14031732, downTime=14031720, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 4: sent at 14031720321000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=201.80293, y[0]=696.0936, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=14031720, downTime=14031720, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 5: sent at 14030289000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=531.48096, y[0]=328.57217, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=14030289, downTime=14030194, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): TouchEvent: ACTION_DOWN but pointers are already down. Probably missing ACTION_UP from previous gesture.
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): in android.view.ScaleGestureDetector@2c8fa6e8
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 0: sent at 14035092000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=256.74927, y[0]=710.07544, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=14035092, downTime=14035092, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): -- recent events --
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 1: sent at 14035103268000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=256.74927, y[0]=710.07544, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=14035103, downTime=14034842, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 2: sent at 14035079537000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=256.74927, y[0]=710.07544, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=14035079, downTime=14034842, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 3: sent at 14035067643000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=256.74927, y[0]=710.07544, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=14035067, downTime=14034842, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 4: sent at 14035043915000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=256.74927, y[0]=710.07544, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=14035043, downTime=14034842, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 542): 5: sent at 14035032056000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=256.74927, y[0]=710.07544, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=14035032, downTime=14034842, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
D/EVToolbox(12891): Calling dumplogcat:-D -B -o /data/data/com.evervolv.toolbox/files/logcat -r -d
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/dalvikvm(12891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 926K, 57% free 3385K/7844K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 24ms
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4087060, entryId=4087060, time=2000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4087060 in 2000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Java_com_pinger_voice_pjsua_SoftphoneInterface_00024DNS_isQueryPending : Called...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Java_com_pinger_voice_pjsua_SoftphoneInterface_00024DNS_handleEvents : Called...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4087060, entryId=4087060
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4087060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Callback: OnDNSQueryDone
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Registering uri=sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Unregister : Unregistering account id=1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 ~Account : Deleting account from pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 1211756032
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Initializing new account...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register Current registration URI: sip:sj2-pvn02.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Account : Adding new account to pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Attaching softphone instance to account user data (to receive callbacks)...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Log Level-3 : 16:13:02.899 pjsua_core.c !..
I/PJSUA (27460): Sent:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:13:02.899
I/PJSUA (27460): ->
I/PJSUA (27460): 607
I/PJSUA (27460): REGISTER sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com:5060 SIP/2.0
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjOnnbD4WTwLYtrZ5o7t6dwSD5XhIPNY1Z
I/PJSUA (27460): Max-Forwards: 70
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>;tag=L-hrQgWEXDAItYgzq6ObBN3QMKRW-pEP
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: GZeI1NFvVGZY4sq08GUs0qBzn7xrffDy
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 57606 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): User-Agent: a=TFA&v=2.2.1&b=7&c=textfree-android
I/PJSUA (27460): Contact: <sip:_552213765@;rinstance=adce285e9a5d56bf>
I/PJSUA (27460): Expires: 300
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4112804, entryId=4112804, time=32000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4112804 in 32000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4112780, entryId=4112780, time=500
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4112780 in 500ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Success!
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-3 : 16:13:03.139 pjsua_core.c !.
I/PJSUA (27460): Received:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:13:03.139
I/PJSUA (27460): <-
I/PJSUA (27460): 431
I/PJSUA (27460): SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error
I/PJSUA (27460): Warning: 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: GZeI1NFvVGZY4sq08GUs0qBzn7xrffDy
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 57606 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>;tag=L-hrQgWEXDAItYgzq6ObBN3QMKRW-pEP
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn02.pinger.com>;tag=s189+1+4bf00005+3a072d3c
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5499;branch=z9hG4bKPjOnnbD4WTwLYtrZ5o7t6dwSD5XhIPNY1Z
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 ParseResponseHeaders : Parsing response headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Processing 7 raw headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Adding header. Name = Warning. Value = 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4112780, entryId=4112780
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4112780
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4112804, entryId=4112804
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4112804
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Java_com_pinger_voice_pjsua_SoftphoneInterface_00024DNS_isQueryPending : Called...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-2 : 16:13:03.145 pjsua_acc.c ....SIP registration failed, status=500 (Server Internal Error)
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032, time=61764
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 1211756032 in 61764ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 on_reg_state : acc_id = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : AccountId = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : Status =500, Status Text =Internal Server Error, Error =0
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Callback: OnRegistrationState
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Registering uri=sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Unregister : Unregistering account id=1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 ~Account : Deleting account from pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 1211756032
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Initializing new account...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register Current registration URI: sip:sj2-pvn03.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Account : Adding new account to pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Attaching softphone instance to account user data (to receive callbacks)...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4112804, entryId=4112804, time=5000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4112804 in 5000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Log Level-3 : 16:13:03.158 pjsua_core.c !..
I/PJSUA (27460): Sent:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:13:03.158
I/PJSUA (27460): ->
I/PJSUA (27460): 607
I/PJSUA (27460): REGISTER sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com:5060 SIP/2.0
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjBj7dLak0QCltNIZ3E8d.G6xWI.Ffvb6P
I/PJSUA (27460): Max-Forwards: 70
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com>;tag=mNg0cEONFr33U7lub4QeDYLiLAs0JEBq
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com>
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: NBHrQQeLwg8r-BlKyWmgnMcO.tRND1ok
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 12297 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): User-Agent: a=TFA&v=2.2.1&b=7&c=textfree-android
I/PJSUA (27460): Contact: <sip:_552213765@;rinstance=adce285e9a5d56bf>
I/PJSUA (27460): Expires: 300
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4414236, entryId=4414236, time=32000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4414236 in 32000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4414212, entryId=4414212, time=500
D/dalvikvm( 542): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1590K, 25% free 13695K/18040K, paused 3ms+14ms, total 139ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4414212 in 500ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Success!
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-3 : 16:13:03.344 pjsua_core.c !.
I/PJSUA (27460): Received:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:13:03.344
I/PJSUA (27460): <-
I/PJSUA (27460): 431
I/PJSUA (27460): SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error
I/PJSUA (27460): Warning: 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: NBHrQQeLwg8r-BlKyWmgnMcO.tRND1ok
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 12297 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com>;tag=mNg0cEONFr33U7lub4QeDYLiLAs0JEBq
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn03.pinger.com>;tag=s189+1+4bf60005+273d01b1
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5497;branch=z9hG4bKPjBj7dLak0QCltNIZ3E8d.G6xWI.Ffvb6P
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 ParseResponseHeaders : Parsing response headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Processing 7 raw headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Adding header. Name = Warning. Value = 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4414212, entryId=4414212
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4414212
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4414236, entryId=4414236
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4414236
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-2 : 16:13:03.352 pjsua_acc.c ....SIP registration failed, status=500 (Server Internal Error)
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032, time=68847
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 1211756032 in 68847ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 on_reg_state : acc_id = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : AccountId = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : Status =500, Status Text =Internal Server Error, Error =0
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Callback: OnRegistrationState
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Registering uri=sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Unregister : Unregistering account id=1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 ~Account : Deleting account from pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 1211756032
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Initializing new account...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register Current registration URI: sip:sj2-pvn04.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Account : Adding new account to pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Attaching softphone instance to account user data (to receive callbacks)...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4414236, entryId=4414236, time=5000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4414236 in 5000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Log Level-3 : 16:13:03.365 pjsua_core.c !..
I/PJSUA (27460): Sent:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:13:03.365
I/PJSUA (27460): ->
I/PJSUA (27460): 606
I/PJSUA (27460): REGISTER sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com:5060 SIP/2.0
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjbL-JcZKP1My7ubZpdLalOaCmikFsQ5Ur
I/PJSUA (27460): Max-Forwards: 70
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>;tag=7RGABpqR1C9NYvQpXKF9w4vSH6WjB30y
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: HM7ZAUTsXwLh5oflsYdHAHUJvWIZ0nxM
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 7712 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): User-Agent: a=TFA&v=2.2.1&b=7&c=textfree-android
I/PJSUA (27460): Contact: <sip:_552213765@;rinstance=adce285e9a5d56bf>
I/PJSUA (27460): Expires: 300
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4424300, entryId=4424300, time=32000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4424300 in 32000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4424276, entryId=4424276, time=500
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4424276 in 500ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Success!
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-3 : 16:13:03.535 pjsua_core.c !.
I/PJSUA (27460): Received:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:13:03.535
I/PJSUA (27460): <-
I/PJSUA (27460): 430
I/PJSUA (27460): SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error
I/PJSUA (27460): Warning: 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: HM7ZAUTsXwLh5oflsYdHAHUJvWIZ0nxM
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 7712 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>;tag=7RGABpqR1C9NYvQpXKF9w4vSH6WjB30y
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn04.pinger.com>;tag=s189+1+4bfa0005+4e4ad054
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5498;branch=z9hG4bKPjbL-JcZKP1My7ubZpdLalOaCmikFsQ5Ur
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 ParseResponseHeaders : Parsing response headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Processing 7 raw headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Adding header. Name = Warning. Value = 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4424276, entryId=4424276
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4424276
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4424300, entryId=4424300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4424300
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-2 : 16:13:03.601 pjsua_acc.c ....SIP registration failed, status=500 (Server Internal Error)
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032, time=55823
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 1211756032 in 55823ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 on_reg_state : acc_id = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : AccountId = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : Status =500, Status Text =Internal Server Error, Error =0
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Callback: OnRegistrationState
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Registering uri=sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Unregister : Unregistering account id=1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 ~Account : Deleting account from pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 1211756032
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Initializing new account...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register Current registration URI: sip:sj2-pvn01.pinger.com:5060
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Account : Adding new account to pjsua...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Attaching softphone instance to account user data (to receive callbacks)...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4424300, entryId=4424300, time=5000
D/AndroidRuntime(13714): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime(13714): CheckJNI is OFF
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Log Level-3 : 16:13:03.831 pjsua_core.c !..
I/PJSUA (27460): Sent:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:13:03.831
I/PJSUA (27460): ->
I/PJSUA (27460): 607
I/PJSUA (27460): REGISTER sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com:5060 SIP/2.0
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjwWvytKCzA6C.YZjJs8bwua15Y0O5lR.o
I/PJSUA (27460): Max-Forwards: 70
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com>;tag=ZgEpXLDFphIG.7ot5qYRjWQaa.Lbu03R
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com>
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: LflzFAKF0FpMu4LTZUbxpgti5vdHVrnh
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 56380 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): User-Agent: a=TFA&v=2.2.1&b=7&c=textfree-android
I/PJSUA (27460): Contact: <sip:_552213765@;rinstance=adce285e9a5d56bf>
I/PJSUA (27460): Expires: 300
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4424300 in 5000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4448452, entryId=4448452, time=32000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4448452 in 32000ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4448428, entryId=4448428, time=500
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4448428 in 500ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28551 Register : Success!
D/dalvikvm(13714): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm(13714): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm(13714): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm(13714): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
E/cutils-trace(13714): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-3 : 16:13:04.046 pjsua_core.c !.
I/PJSUA (27460): Received:
I/PJSUA (27460): 2014-04-18T16:13:04.046
I/PJSUA (27460): <-
I/PJSUA (27460): 431
I/PJSUA (27460): SIP/2.0 500 Server Internal Error
I/PJSUA (27460): Warning: 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): Call-ID: LflzFAKF0FpMu4LTZUbxpgti5vdHVrnh
I/PJSUA (27460): CSeq: 56380 REGISTER
I/PJSUA (27460): From: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com>;tag=ZgEpXLDFphIG.7ot5qYRjWQaa.Lbu03R
I/PJSUA (27460): To: <sip:_552213765@sj2-pvn01.pinger.com>;tag=s189+1+4bf10005+7c2b54be
I/PJSUA (27460): Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5452;branch=z9hG4bKPjwWvytKCzA6C.YZjJs8bwua15Y0O5lR.o
I/PJSUA (27460): Content-Length: 0
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460):
I/PJSUA (27460): --end msg--
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 ParseResponseHeaders : Parsing response headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Processing 7 raw headers...
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Adding header. Name = Warning. Value = 399 sipalg "Internal Error"
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 AddResponseHeaders : Skipping standard header.
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4448428, entryId=4448428
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4448428
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerCancelCallback : Entry=4448452, entryId=4448452
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Cancel timer 4448452
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Log Level-2 : 16:13:04.058 pjsua_acc.c ....SIP registration failed, status=500 (Server Internal Error)
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=1211756032, entryId=1211756032, time=57784
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 1211756032 in 57784ms
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 on_reg_state : acc_id = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : AccountId = 1
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 OnRegistrationState : Status =500, Status Text =Internal Server Error, Error =0
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 Callback: OnRegistrationState
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=28548 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4448452, entryId=4448452, time=5000
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4448452 in 5000ms
D/AndroidRuntime(13714): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
D/dalvikvm(13714): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 163 unimplemented (abstract) methods
D/AndroidRuntime(13714): Shutting down VM
D/dalvikvm(13714): GC_CONCURRENT freed 93K, 16% free 526K/624K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 4ms
D/dalvikvm(12891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 365K, 57% free 3406K/7844K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 21ms
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4112804
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4112804
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13812 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4112804, entryId=4112804, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4112804 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4112804
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4112804
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4112804
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4112804
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4414236
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4414236
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13814 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4414236, entryId=4414236, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4414236 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4414236
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4414236
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4414236
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4414236
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4424300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4424300
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13816 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4424300, entryId=4424300, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4424300 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4424300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4424300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4424300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4424300
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4448452
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4448452
I/PJSUA (27460): TID=13818 TimerScheduleCallback : Entry=4448452, entryId=4448452, time=0
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Schedule timer 4448452 in 0ms
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4448452
V/TimerScheduler(27460): onReceive() ...
D/TimerScheduler(27460): Handling timer 4448452
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Processing timeout 4448452
V/TimerScheduler(27460): Finished processing timeout 4448452
D/EVToolbox(12891): Calling dumplogcat:-D -B -o /data/data/com.evervolv.toolbox/files/logcat -m -r
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/dalvikvm(12891): GC_CONCURRENT freed 392K, 57% free 3407K/7844K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 20ms
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: Event message available
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): nl80211: PMKSA candidate event
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: Event PMKID_CANDIDATE (6) received
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): wlan0: RSN: PMKID candidate event - bssid=b4:98:42:6b:48:a5 index=0 preauth=0
D/wpa_supplicant(18630): RSN: Ignored PMKID candidate without preauth flag
*** logcat: Timed out after 20.0s (killing pid 13822)
------ RADIO LOG (logcat -b radio threadtime -d *:v) ------
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=true mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=true mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/DCT ( 777): WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=true mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
D/DCT ( 777): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/DCT ( 777): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
D/DCT ( 777): stopNetStatPoll
D/DCT ( 777): overall state is IDLE
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
D/GsmSST ( 777): [GsmSST] getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=[-1,-1,-1]
*** logcat: Timed out after 20.1s (killing pid 13870)
Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.evervolv.toolbox.action.DUMPLOGCAT_FINISHED (has extras) }
Broadcast completed: result=0