Logcat: ev_tenderloin-6.0.1-testing-2016.02.21

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  1. ------ SYSTEM LOG (logcat -d *:v) ------
  2. --------- beginning of system
  3. 02-22 13:14:48.806   138   138 I vold    : Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
  4. 02-22 13:14:48.807   138   138 V vold    : Detected support for: exfat ext4 f2fs ntfs vfat
  5. 02-22 13:14:48.883   138   175 W vold    : Unsupported block major type254
  6. 02-22 13:14:48.883   138   175 V vold    : /system/bin/sgdisk
  7. 02-22 13:14:48.884   138   175 V vold    :     --android-dump
  8. 02-22 13:14:48.884   138   175 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/disk:254,6
  9. 02-22 13:14:49.154   138   175 V vold    : DISK mbr
  10. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 W vold    : disk:254,6 has unknown partition table; trying entire device
  11. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 V vold    : /system/bin/blkid
  12. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 V vold    :     -c
  13. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 V vold    :     /dev/null
  14. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 V vold    :     -s
  15. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 V vold    :     TYPE
  16. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 V vold    :     -s
  17. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 V vold    :     UUID
  18. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 V vold    :     -s
  19. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 V vold    :     LABEL
  20. 02-22 13:14:49.155   138   175 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/disk:254,6
  21. 02-22 13:14:49.454   138   175 V vold    : /dev/block/vold/disk:254,6: LABEL="HP TOUCHPAD" UUID="F642-A45E" TYPE="vfat"
  22. --------- beginning of main
  23. 02-22 13:14:56.072   188   188 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -X natctrl_tether_counters) res=1
  24. 02-22 13:14:56.102   188   188 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -N natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
  25. 02-22 13:14:56.134   188   188 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t mangle -A natctrl_mangle_FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu) res=0
  26. 02-22 13:14:58.524   188   188 D MDnsDS  : MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
  27. 02-22 13:14:58.525   188  1026 D MDnsDS  : MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
  28. 02-22 13:14:58.525   188  1026 D MDnsDS  : Going to poll with pollCount 1
  29. 02-22 13:15:11.836   442   442 W dex2oat : Method processed more than once: void android.icu.text.NumberFormat.<clinit>()
  30. 02-22 13:15:12.353   442   442 W dex2oat : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.substring(int)
  31. 02-22 13:15:12.524   442   442 W dex2oat : Method processed more than once: void java.util.Properties.load(java.io.Reader)
  32. 02-22 13:15:12.676   442   442 W dex2oat : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String java.lang.IntegralToString.stringOf(char[])
  33. 02-22 13:15:12.953   442   442 W dex2oat : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.android.org.bouncycastle.util.Strings.toLowerCase(java.lang.String)
  34. 02-22 13:15:14.978   442   442 W dex2oat : Method processed more than once: void android.text.TextUtils.<clinit>()
  35. 02-22 13:15:15.106   442   442 W dex2oat : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.android.dex.Mutf8.decode(com.android.dex.util.ByteInput, char[])
  36. 02-22 13:15:15.410   442   442 W dex2oat : Method processed more than once: void android.net.Uri.<clinit>()
  37. 02-22 13:15:17.411   442   442 I dex2oat : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 42022(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(20KB) LOS objects, 24% free, 12MB/16MB, paused 244us total 63.842ms
  38. 02-22 13:15:30.576   442  1030 I dex2oat : Method exceeds compiler instruction limit: 25337 in void org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.HTMLSchema.<init>()
  39. 02-22 13:15:31.411   442   442 W dex2oat : Compilation of boolean android.app.ActivityManagerNative.onTransact(int, android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel, int) took 190.856ms
  40. 02-22 13:15:33.120   442   442 W dex2oat : Compilation of boolean android.app.admin.IDevicePolicyManager$Stub.onTransact(int, android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel, int) took 153.228ms
  41. 02-22 13:15:41.744   442   442 W dex2oat : Compilation of void android.os.BatteryStats.dumpLocked(android.content.Context, java.io.PrintWriter, java.lang.String, int, int, boolean) took 154.602ms
  42. 02-22 13:15:55.554   442   442 W dex2oat : Compilation of void com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.SIMRecords.handleMessage(android.os.Message) took 154.907ms
  43. 02-22 13:16:02.663   442   442 I dex2oat : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 32146(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 213us total 46.234ms
  44. 02-22 13:16:12.655   442   442 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 80.733s (threads: 2) arena alloc=2MB java alloc=7MB native alloc=72MB free=18MB
  45. 02-22 13:16:12.826   201   201 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
  46. 02-22 13:16:12.934   201   201 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
  47. 02-22 13:16:12.946   201   201 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled.
  48. 02-22 13:16:12.947   201   201 D Zygote  : begin preload
  49. 02-22 13:16:12.947   201   201 I Zygote  : Preloading classes...
  50. 02-22 13:16:13.751   201   201 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  51. 02-22 13:16:13.751   201   201 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  52. 02-22 13:16:13.751   201   201 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  53. 02-22 13:16:13.945   201   201 V DngCreator_JNI: DngCreator_nativeClassInit:
  54. 02-22 13:16:14.206   201   201 I art     : Thread[1,tid=201,Native,Thread*=0x74d36500,peer=0x12c35100,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so"
  55. 02-22 13:16:14.206   201   201 D MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
  56. 02-22 13:16:14.207   201   201 I art     : Thread[1,tid=201,Native,Thread*=0x74d36500,peer=0x12c35100,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so"
  57. 02-22 13:16:14.207   201   201 I art     : Thread[1,tid=201,Native,Thread*=0x74d36500,peer=0x12c35100,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so"
  58. 02-22 13:16:14.271   201   201 E EmojiFactory_jni: Failed to load libemoji.so: dlopen failed: library "libemoji.so" not found
  59. 02-22 13:16:14.561   201   201 I System  : Loaded time zone names for "" in 100ms (97ms in ICU)
  60. 02-22 13:16:14.624   201   201 I System  : Loaded time zone names for "en_US" in 63ms (60ms in ICU)
  61. 02-22 13:16:14.644   201   201 I Zygote  : ...preloaded 3831 classes in 1698ms.
  62. 02-22 13:16:14.645   201   201 I art     : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches starting
  63. 02-22 13:16:14.800   201   201 I art     : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches strings total=246555 before=44243 after=44243
  64. 02-22 13:16:14.800   201   201 I art     : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches types total=20266 before=6881 after=6909
  65. 02-22 13:16:14.800   201   201 I art     : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches fields total=99305 before=35923 after=36143
  66. 02-22 13:16:14.800   201   201 I art     : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches methods total=171639 before=71039 after=71556
  67. 02-22 13:16:14.800   201   201 I art     : VMRuntime.preloadDexCaches finished
  68. 02-22 13:16:14.854  1035  1035 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) expire 1 line
  69. 02-22 13:16:15.029   201   201 I Zygote  : Preloading resources...
  70. 02-22 13:16:15.515   201   201 I Zygote  : ...preloaded 342 resources in 486ms.
  71. 02-22 13:16:15.529   201   201 I Zygote  : ...preloaded 41 resources in 14ms.
  72. 02-22 13:16:15.531   201   201 D libEGL  : loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
  73. 02-22 13:16:15.533   201   201 D libEGL  : loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
  74. 02-22 13:16:15.557   201   201 D libEGL  : loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
  75. 02-22 13:16:15.570   201   201 I Zygote  : Preloading shared libraries...
  76. 02-22 13:16:15.595   201   201 D Zygote  : end preload
  77. 02-22 13:16:15.595   201   201 I art     : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
  78. 02-22 13:16:15.614   201   201 I art     : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10903(429KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 366us total 17.547ms
  79. 02-22 13:16:15.645   201   201 I art     : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
  80. 02-22 13:16:15.659   201   201 I art     : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2138(102KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 244us total 13.427ms
  81. 02-22 13:16:15.659   201  1034 I art     : Starting a blocking GC HeapTrim
  82. 02-22 13:16:15.663   201   201 I art     : Starting a blocking GC Background
  83. 02-22 13:16:15.731   201   201 I Zygote  : System server process 1038 has been created
  84. 02-22 13:16:15.736   201   201 I Zygote  : Accepting command socket connections
  85. 02-22 13:16:15.756  1049  1049 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 4 lines
  86. 02-22 13:16:15.757  1038  1038 I InstallerConnection: connecting...
  87. 02-22 13:16:15.760   194   194 I installd: new connection
  88. 02-22 13:16:17.844  1053  1053 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  89. 02-22 13:16:18.240  1057  1057 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  90. 02-22 13:16:19.149  1038  1038 I InstallerConnection: disconnecting...
  91. 02-22 13:16:19.153   194   194 E installd: eof
  92. 02-22 13:16:19.153   194   194 E installd: failed to read size
  93. 02-22 13:16:19.153   194   194 I installd: closing connection
  94. 02-22 13:16:19.279  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system server!
  95. 02-22 13:16:19.407  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.Installer
  96. 02-22 13:16:19.413  1038  1038 I Installer: Waiting for installd to be ready.
  97. 02-22 13:16:19.413  1038  1038 I InstallerConnection: connecting...
  98. 02-22 13:16:19.414   194   194 I installd: new connection
  99. 02-22 13:16:19.414  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle
  100. 02-22 13:16:19.760  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  101. 02-22 13:16:19.760  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  102. 02-22 13:16:19.760  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  103. 02-22 13:16:19.760  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  104. 02-22 13:16:19.760  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  105. 02-22 13:16:19.760  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  106. 02-22 13:16:19.777  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Memory class: 48
  107. 02-22 13:16:19.913  1038  1038 D BatteryStatsImpl: Reading daily items from /data/system/batterystats-daily.xml
  108. 02-22 13:16:19.983  1038  1038 I AppOps  : No existing app ops /data/system/appops.xml; starting empty
  109. 02-22 13:16:20.051  1038  1038 I IntentFirewall: Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
  110. 02-22 13:16:20.232  1038  1038 D AppOps  : AppOpsService published
  111. 02-22 13:16:20.233  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService
  112. 02-22 13:16:20.241  1038  1038 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 189 lines
  113. 02-22 13:16:20.257  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.lights.LightsService
  114. 02-22 13:16:20.285  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService
  115. 02-22 13:16:20.317  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 100
  116. 02-22 13:16:20.333  1038  1069 I DisplayManagerService: Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 1024 x 768, modeId 1, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=1024, height=768, fps=59.0}], colorTransformId 1, defaultColorTransformId 1, supportedColorTransforms [{id=1, colorTransform=0}], density 160, 159.568 x 159.895 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17949152, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state UNKNOWN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  117. 02-22 13:16:20.341   163   163 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 11 lines
  118. 02-22 13:16:20.342  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Package Manager
  119. 02-22 13:16:20.350  1038  1069 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
  120. 02-22 13:16:20.650  1038  1038 W SELinuxMMAC: Error opening /data/system/seapp_hash. Assuming first boot.
  121. 02-22 13:16:20.766  1038  1038 W FileUtils: Failed to chmod(/data/system/packages.list): android.system.ErrnoException: chmod failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  122. 02-22 13:16:20.960  1038  1038 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml
  123. 02-22 13:16:20.971  1038  1038 I PackageManager: No settings file; creating initial state
  124. 02-22 13:16:21.077  1079  1079 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  125. 02-22 13:16:21.194  1083  1083 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  126. 02-22 13:16:21.328  1087  1087 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  127. 02-22 13:16:21.733  1091  1091 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  128. 02-22 13:16:22.099  1095  1095 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  129. 02-22 13:16:22.483  1099  1099 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  130. 02-22 13:16:22.662  1103  1103 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  131. 02-22 13:16:22.776  1107  1107 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  132. 02-22 13:16:23.180  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Library not found: /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar
  133. 02-22 13:16:23.239  1111  1111 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  134. 02-22 13:16:23.359  1115  1115 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  135. 02-22 13:16:23.576  1119  1119 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  136. 02-22 13:16:23.709  1123  1123 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  137. 02-22 13:16:23.823  1127  1127 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  138. 02-22 13:16:23.944  1131  1131 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  139. 02-22 13:16:24.067  1135  1135 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  140. 02-22 13:16:24.196  1139  1139 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  141. 02-22 13:16:24.313  1143  1143 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  142. 02-22 13:16:24.457  1147  1147 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  143. 02-22 13:16:24.607  1151  1151 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  144. 02-22 13:16:24.725  1155  1155 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  145. 02-22 13:16:25.073  1159  1159 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  146. 02-22 13:16:25.463  1163  1163 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  147. 02-22 13:16:25.617  1167  1167 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  148. 02-22 13:16:25.765  1171  1171 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  149. 02-22 13:16:25.885  1175  1175 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  150. 02-22 13:16:25.999  1179  1179 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  151. 02-22 13:16:26.122  1183  1183 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  152. 02-22 13:16:26.264  1187  1187 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  153. 02-22 13:16:26.393  1191  1191 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  154. 02-22 13:16:26.514  1195  1195 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  155. 02-22 13:16:26.684  1199  1199 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  156. 02-22 13:16:26.854  1203  1203 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  157. 02-22 13:16:27.985  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission android.permission.SET_KEYGUARD_WALLPAPER from package android in an unknown group android.permission-group.WALLPAPER
  158. 02-22 13:16:28.255  1038  1038 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Contacts/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #388
  159. 02-22 13:16:29.041  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION from package com.android.providers.downloads in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  160. 02-22 13:16:29.597  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT from package com.android.launcher3 in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
  161. 02-22 13:16:29.597  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.launcher3.permission.READ_SETTINGS from package com.android.launcher3 in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
  162. 02-22 13:16:29.599  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.launcher3.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS from package com.android.launcher3 in an unknown group android.permission-group.SYSTEM_TOOLS
  163. 02-22 13:16:30.405  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS in package: com.android.settings at: Binary XML file line #55
  164. 02-22 13:16:30.406  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS in package: com.android.settings at: Binary XML file line #60
  165. 02-22 13:16:30.406  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS in package: com.android.settings at: Binary XML file line #61
  166. 02-22 13:16:30.971  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.INSTALL_GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS in package: com.android.shell at: Binary XML file line #101
  167. 02-22 13:16:31.108  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY in package: com.android.systemui at: Binary XML file line #121
  168. 02-22 13:16:32.045  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: uses-library at /system/priv-app/GoogleFeedback/GoogleFeedback.apk Binary XML file line #30
  169. 02-22 13:16:32.337  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES in package: com.google.android.partnersetup at: Binary XML file line #31
  170. 02-22 13:16:32.560  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  171. 02-22 13:16:32.560  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  172. 02-22 13:16:32.560  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.OTHER_SERVICES from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  173. 02-22 13:16:32.560  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  174. 02-22 13:16:32.560  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  175. 02-22 13:16:32.561  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.android from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  176. 02-22 13:16:32.561  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.androidsecure from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  177. 02-22 13:16:32.561  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.sierra from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  178. 02-22 13:16:32.561  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.sierraqa from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  179. 02-22 13:16:32.561  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.sierrasandbox from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  180. 02-22 13:16:32.561  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.youtube from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  181. 02-22 13:16:32.561  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  182. 02-22 13:16:32.562  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.talk from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  183. 02-22 13:16:32.562  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ig from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  184. 02-22 13:16:32.562  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.lh2 from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  185. 02-22 13:16:32.562  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mobile from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  186. 02-22 13:16:32.562  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cp from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  187. 02-22 13:16:32.562  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.adsense from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  188. 02-22 13:16:32.562  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.adwords from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  189. 02-22 13:16:32.563  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.blogger from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  190. 02-22 13:16:32.563  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.dodgeball from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  191. 02-22 13:16:32.563  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.gbase from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  192. 02-22 13:16:32.563  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.groups2 from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  193. 02-22 13:16:32.563  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.health from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  194. 02-22 13:16:32.564  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.jotspot from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  195. 02-22 13:16:32.564  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.knol from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  196. 02-22 13:16:32.564  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.news from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  197. 02-22 13:16:32.564  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.orkut from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  198. 02-22 13:16:32.564  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.print from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  199. 02-22 13:16:32.564  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.sitemaps from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  200. 02-22 13:16:32.564  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.wifi from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  201. 02-22 13:16:32.565  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.finance from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  202. 02-22 13:16:32.565  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.local from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  203. 02-22 13:16:32.565  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ah from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  204. 02-22 13:16:32.565  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.notebook from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  205. 02-22 13:16:32.565  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.writely from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  206. 02-22 13:16:32.565  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.wise from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  207. 02-22 13:16:32.565  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.grandcentral from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  208. 02-22 13:16:32.565  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.speechpersonalization from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  209. 02-22 13:16:32.566  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.speech from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  210. 02-22 13:16:32.566  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.providers.talk.permission.READ_ONLY from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  211. 02-22 13:16:32.566  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.providers.talk.permission.WRITE_ONLY from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  212. 02-22 13:16:32.566  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gtalkservice.permission.GTALK_SERVICE from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.MESSAGES
  213. 02-22 13:16:32.566  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gtalkservice.permission.SEND_HEARTBEAT from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  214. 02-22 13:16:32.567  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.permission.BROADCAST_DATA_MESSAGE from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  215. 02-22 13:16:32.567  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.c2dm.permission.SEND from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  216. 02-22 13:16:32.567  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  217. 02-22 13:16:32.567  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.xmpp.permission.BROADCAST from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  218. 02-22 13:16:32.567  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.xmpp.permission.SEND_RECEIVE from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  219. 02-22 13:16:32.568  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.xmpp.permission.XMPP_ENDPOINT_BROADCAST from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  220. 02-22 13:16:32.568  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.xmpp.permission.USE_XMPP_ENDPOINT from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  221. 02-22 13:16:32.568  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES from package com.google.android.gsf in an unknown group android.permission-group.ACCOUNTS
  222. 02-22 13:16:33.968  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE from package com.android.vending in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  223. 02-22 13:16:33.968  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.android.vending.BILLING from package com.android.vending in an unknown group android.permission-group.NETWORK
  224. 02-22 13:16:34.023  1038  1038 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/SetupWizard/SetupWizard.apk Binary XML file line #184
  225. 02-22 13:16:36.805  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission com.google.android.gms.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION from package com.google.android.gms in an unknown group android.permission-group.PERSONAL_INFO
  226. 02-22 13:16:36.899  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_CONTACTS in package: com.android.bluetooth at: Binary XML file line #64
  227. 02-22 13:16:36.905  1038  1038 W PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #235
  228. 02-22 13:16:37.647  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.BLUETOOTH in package: org.chromium.chrome at: Binary XML file line #36
  229. 02-22 13:16:37.648  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN in package: org.chromium.chrome at: Binary XML file line #37
  230. 02-22 13:16:38.667  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Permission org.chromium.chrome.permission.DEBUG from package org.chromium.chrome in an unknown group android.permission-group.DEVELOPMENT_TOOLS
  231. 02-22 13:16:39.559  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS in package: com.android.email at: Binary XML file line #40
  232. 02-22 13:16:40.042  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #275
  233. 02-22 13:16:40.043  1038  1038 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #278
  234. 02-22 13:16:41.884  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Package com.google.android.gms desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.ble; ignoring!
  235. 02-22 13:16:41.885  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.google.android.gsf to armeabi-v7a
  236. 02-22 13:16:41.942  1207  1207 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  237. 02-22 13:16:41.942  1207  1207 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  238. 02-22 13:16:42.347  1207  1207 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 406.066ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=72B java alloc=1029KB native alloc=919KB free=1128KB
  239. 02-22 13:16:42.353  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.google.android.backuptransport to armeabi-v7a
  240. 02-22 13:16:42.420  1211  1211 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  241. 02-22 13:16:42.420  1211  1211 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  242. 02-22 13:16:42.478  1211  1211 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 59.478ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=40KB native alloc=915KB free=876KB
  243. 02-22 13:16:42.483  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.google.android.gsf.login to armeabi-v7a
  244. 02-22 13:16:42.544  1215  1215 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  245. 02-22 13:16:42.544  1215  1215 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  246. 02-22 13:16:43.570  1215  1215 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.027s (threads: 2) arena alloc=72B java alloc=2MB native alloc=1386KB free=1429KB
  247. 02-22 13:16:43.577  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.evervolv.widgets to armeabi-v7a
  248. 02-22 13:16:43.634  1219  1219 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  249. 02-22 13:16:43.634  1219  1219 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  250. 02-22 13:16:43.698  1219  1219 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 64.147ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=75KB native alloc=776KB free=759KB
  251. 02-22 13:16:43.702  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.providers.settings to armeabi-v7a
  252. 02-22 13:16:43.760  1223  1223 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  253. 02-22 13:16:43.760  1223  1223 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  254. 02-22 13:16:43.838  1223  1223 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 79.284ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=81KB native alloc=776KB free=759KB
  255. 02-22 13:16:43.849  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.location.fused to armeabi-v7a
  256. 02-22 13:16:43.906  1227  1227 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  257. 02-22 13:16:43.907  1227  1227 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  258. 02-22 13:16:43.976  1227  1227 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 70.770ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=38KB native alloc=796KB free=739KB
  259. 02-22 13:16:43.981  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.keychain to armeabi-v7a
  260. 02-22 13:16:44.038  1231  1231 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  261. 02-22 13:16:44.039  1231  1231 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  262. 02-22 13:16:44.104  1231  1231 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 65.673ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=1064B java alloc=77KB native alloc=904KB free=887KB
  263. 02-22 13:16:44.108  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.server.telecom to armeabi-v7a
  264. 02-22 13:16:44.109  1038  1038 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 37 lines
  265. 02-22 13:16:44.166  1235  1235 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  266. 02-22 13:16:44.166  1235  1235 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  267. 02-22 13:16:44.302  1235  1235 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 137.084ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=568B java alloc=267KB native alloc=857KB free=934KB
  268. 02-22 13:16:44.307  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.evervolv.toolbox to armeabi-v7a
  269. 02-22 13:16:44.364  1239  1239 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  270. 02-22 13:16:44.364  1239  1239 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  271. 02-22 13:16:44.556  1239  1242 W dex2oat : Before Android 4.1, method int android.support.v7.internal.widget.ListViewCompat.lookForSelectablePosition(int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
  272. 02-22 13:16:44.691  1239  1239 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 328.430ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=1140KB native alloc=817KB free=1486KB
  273. 02-22 13:16:44.697  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.inputdevices to armeabi-v7a
  274. 02-22 13:16:44.754  1243  1243 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  275. 02-22 13:16:44.754  1243  1243 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  276. 02-22 13:16:44.816  1243  1243 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 62.896ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=17KB native alloc=776KB free=759KB
  277. 02-22 13:16:44.821  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Adjusting ABI for : com.android.settings to armeabi-v7a
  278. 02-22 13:16:44.880  1247  1247 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  279. 02-22 13:16:44.880  1247  1247 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  280. 02-22 13:16:46.080  1247  1247 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.200s (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=3MB native alloc=1071KB free=2MB
  281. 02-22 13:16:46.088  1038  1038 I PackageManager: Time to scan packages: 25.097 seconds
  282. 02-22 13:16:46.094  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package org.chromium.chrome
  283. 02-22 13:16:46.095  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH to package com.android.providers.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30083e45)
  284. 02-22 13:16:46.096  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl to package com.android.providers.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30083e45)
  285. 02-22 13:16:46.110  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x384abe45)
  286. 02-22 13:16:46.111  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  287. 02-22 13:16:46.112  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.INSTALL_GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x384abe45)
  288. 02-22 13:16:46.112  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x384abe45)
  289. 02-22 13:16:46.112  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.REVOKE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x384abe45)
  290. 02-22 13:16:46.118  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3058bc45)
  291. 02-22 13:16:46.120  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  292. 02-22 13:16:46.121  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  293. 02-22 13:16:46.122  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail to package com.android.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3009be45)
  294. 02-22 13:16:46.127  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  295. 02-22 13:16:46.128  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  296. 02-22 13:16:46.128  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.now.OPT_IN_WIZARD in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  297. 02-22 13:16:46.131  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  298. 02-22 13:16:46.131  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  299. 02-22 13:16:46.135  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS to package com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x38083e45)
  300. 02-22 13:16:46.144  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.enterprise.dmagent.permission.AutoSyncPermission in package com.google.android.gms
  301. 02-22 13:16:46.150  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.permission.PAUSE_HOTWORD in package com.google.android.gms
  302. 02-22 13:16:46.153  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.hangouts.START_HANGOUT in package com.google.android.gms
  303. 02-22 13:16:46.158  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.wearable.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.gms
  304. 02-22 13:16:46.163  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS in package com.google.android.gms
  305. 02-22 13:16:46.164  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gm.permission.READ_GMAIL in package com.google.android.gms
  306. 02-22 13:16:46.181  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  307. 02-22 13:16:46.181  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CANCEL_NOTIFICATIONS in package org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser
  308. 02-22 13:16:46.183  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3808be45)
  309. 02-22 13:16:46.189  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  310. 02-22 13:16:46.190  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  311. 02-22 13:16:46.190  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  312. 02-22 13:16:46.190  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  313. 02-22 13:16:46.190  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CONTROL_KEYGUARD to package com.google.android.gsf.login (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3048be45)
  314. 02-22 13:16:46.193  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  315. 02-22 13:16:46.193  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.chrome.TOS_ACKED in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  316. 02-22 13:16:46.198  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  317. 02-22 13:16:46.198  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  318. 02-22 13:16:46.201  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS to package com.cyanogenmod.eleven (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3818be65)
  319. 02-22 13:16:46.245  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.GALLERY_PROVIDER in package com.android.bluetooth
  320. 02-22 13:16:46.262  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=image/bmp } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusEditorActivity
  321. 02-22 13:16:46.262  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=image/jpeg } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusEditorActivity
  322. 02-22 13:16:46.263  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=image/gif } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusEditorActivity
  323. 02-22 13:16:46.264  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=image/png } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusEditorActivity
  324. 02-22 13:16:46.264  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=image/webp } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusEditorActivity
  325. 02-22 13:16:46.265  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=image/x-ms-bmp } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusEditorActivity
  326. 02-22 13:16:46.266  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=image/vnd.wap.wbmp } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusEditorActivity
  327. 02-22 13:16:46.266  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=com.android.camera.action.CROP typ=image/bmp } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusCropActivity
  328. 02-22 13:16:46.267  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=com.android.camera.action.CROP typ=image/jpeg } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusCropActivity
  329. 02-22 13:16:46.267  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=com.android.camera.action.CROP typ=image/gif } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusCropActivity
  330. 02-22 13:16:46.268  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=com.android.camera.action.CROP typ=image/png } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusCropActivity
  331. 02-22 13:16:46.268  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=com.android.camera.action.CROP typ=image/webp } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusCropActivity
  332. 02-22 13:16:46.269  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=com.android.camera.action.CROP typ=image/x-ms-bmp } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusCropActivity
  333. 02-22 13:16:46.269  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=com.android.camera.action.CROP typ=image/vnd.wap.wbmp } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.editor.PlusCropActivity
  334. 02-22 13:16:46.272  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.APP_GALLERY] } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.plus/.phone.ConversationListActivity
  335. 02-22 13:16:46.273  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.trix.quicksheet.QuickSheetDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  336. 02-22 13:16:46.273  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroenabled.12 } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.trix.quicksheet.QuickSheetDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  337. 02-22 13:16:46.274  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.ms-excel } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.trix.quicksheet.QuickSheetDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  338. 02-22 13:16:46.274  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroenabled.12 } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.trix.quicksheet.QuickSheetDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  339. 02-22 13:16:46.274  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroenabled.12 } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.trix.quicksheet.QuickSheetDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  340. 02-22 13:16:46.274  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.trix.quicksheet.QuickSheetDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  341. 02-22 13:16:46.275  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/x-msexcel } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.trix.quicksheet.QuickSheetDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  342. 02-22 13:16:46.276  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.ms-word } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  343. 02-22 13:16:46.276  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  344. 02-22 13:16:46.277  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroenabled.12 } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  345. 02-22 13:16:46.277  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/msword } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  346. 02-22 13:16:46.278  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroenabled.12 } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  347. 02-22 13:16:46.278  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  348. 02-22 13:16:46.279  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/x-msword } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  349. 02-22 13:16:46.280  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  350. 02-22 13:16:46.280  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.ms-powerpoint } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  351. 02-22 13:16:46.280  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  352. 02-22 13:16:46.280  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroenabled.12 } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  353. 02-22 13:16:46.281  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  354. 02-22 13:16:46.281  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroenabled.12 } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  355. 02-22 13:16:46.281  1038  1038 W PackageSettings: No potential matches found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.EDIT typ=application/x-mspowerpoint } while setting preferred com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides/com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.kix.quickword.QuickWordDocumentOpenerActivityAlias
  356. 02-22 13:16:46.282  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown package 'com.google.android.youtube' in sysconfig <app-link>
  357. 02-22 13:16:46.282  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown package 'com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs' in sysconfig <app-link>
  358. 02-22 13:16:46.282  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown package 'com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets' in sysconfig <app-link>
  359. 02-22 13:16:46.282  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown package 'com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides' in sysconfig <app-link>
  360. 02-22 13:16:46.284  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown package 'com.google.android.apps.maps' in sysconfig <app-link>
  361. 02-22 13:16:46.284  1038  1038 W PackageManager: Unknown package 'com.google.android.apps.plus' in sysconfig <app-link>
  362. 02-22 13:16:46.284  1038  1038 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateActivity
  363. 02-22 13:16:46.284  1038  1038 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateService$Receiver
  364. 02-22 13:16:46.284  1038  1038 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateService$SecretCodeReceiver
  365. 02-22 13:16:46.284  1038  1038 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity
  366. 02-22 13:16:46.285  1038  1038 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateService$Receiver
  367. 02-22 13:16:46.285  1038  1038 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateService$ActiveReceiver
  368. 02-22 13:16:46.285  1038  1038 V PackageManager: Disabling com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateService$SecretCodeReceiver
  369. 02-22 13:16:46.285  1038  1038 V PackageManager: Enabling com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateService
  370. 02-22 13:16:46.285  1038  1038 V PackageManager: Enabling com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateService
  371. 02-22 13:16:46.646  1038  1038 I SystemServer: User Service
  372. 02-22 13:16:46.671   158   158 I lowmemorykiller: ActivityManager connected
  373. 02-22 13:16:46.737  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.BatteryService
  374. 02-22 13:16:46.744  1038  1252 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
  375. 02-22 13:16:46.807  1038  1066 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 3 lines
  376. 02-22 13:16:46.811  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService
  377. 02-22 13:16:46.867  1038  1038 I UsageStatsDatabase: Upgrading from version 0 to 3
  378. 02-22 13:16:46.867  1038  1038 I UsageStatsDatabase: Deleting all usage stats files
  379. 02-22 13:16:46.870  1038  1038 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 2016-02-23 00:00:00(1456185600000)
  380. 02-22 13:16:47.012  1038  1038 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk
  381. 02-22 13:16:47.402  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService
  382. 02-22 13:16:47.406  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Reading configuration...
  383. 02-22 13:16:47.406  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Scheduling Policy
  384. 02-22 13:16:47.408  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService
  385. 02-22 13:16:47.414  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Telephony Registry
  386. 02-22 13:16:47.448  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Entropy Mixer
  387. 02-22 13:16:47.452  1038  1038 W EntropyMixer: No existing entropy file -- first boot?
  388. 02-22 13:16:47.454  1038  1038 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
  389. 02-22 13:16:47.588  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Camera Service
  390. 02-22 13:16:47.588  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.camera.CameraService
  391. 02-22 13:16:47.597  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Account Manager
  392. 02-22 13:16:47.659  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Content Manager
  393. 02-22 13:16:47.676  1038  1038 I SystemServer: System Content Providers
  394. 02-22 13:16:47.908  1038  1254 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) SensorEventAckR expire 1 line
  395. 02-22 13:16:47.910  1038  1255 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) SensorService expire 1 line
  396. 02-22 13:16:48.004  1038  1038 D SettingsProvider: Generated and saved new ANDROID_ID [80f59bfe2793aafa] for user 0
  397. 02-22 13:16:48.058  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Vibrator Service
  398. 02-22 13:16:48.070  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Consumer IR Service
  399. 02-22 13:16:48.073  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.AlarmManagerService
  400. 02-22 13:16:48.135  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Init Watchdog
  401. 02-22 13:16:48.135  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Input Manager
  402. 02-22 13:16:48.139  1038  1038 I InputManager: Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false
  403. 02-22 13:16:48.144  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Window Manager
  404. 02-22 13:16:48.145  1038  1063 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 10 lines
  405. 02-22 13:16:48.454  1038  1069 I WindowManager: No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
  406. 02-22 13:16:48.629  1038  1038 I InputManager: Starting input manager
  407. 02-22 13:16:48.632  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Bluetooth Service
  408. 02-22 13:16:48.632  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.BluetoothService
  409. 02-22 13:16:48.637  1038  1258 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 21 lines
  410. 02-22 13:16:48.669  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Input Method Service
  411. 02-22 13:16:48.787  1038  1038 W InputMethodManagerService: No IME selected. Choose the most applicable IME.
  412. 02-22 13:16:48.787  1038  1038 I InputMethodManagerService: Default found, using com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME
  413. 02-22 13:16:48.797  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Accessibility Manager
  414. 02-22 13:16:48.851  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  415. 02-22 13:16:48.851  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  416. 02-22 13:16:48.851  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  417. 02-22 13:16:48.851  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  418. 02-22 13:16:48.851  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  419. 02-22 13:16:48.851  1038  1038 I XXXXXX  : choosing minFree values for 32 Bit
  420. 02-22 13:16:48.853  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw768dp w1024dp h768dp 160dpi xlrg land ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/h/h -nav/h s.2 themeResource=null}
  421. 02-22 13:16:48.864  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Config changes=408 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw768dp w1024dp h696dp 160dpi xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/h/h -nav/h s.3 themeResource=null}
  422. 02-22 13:16:48.869  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.MountService$Lifecycle
  423. 02-22 13:16:48.935  1038  1259 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
  424. 02-22 13:16:48.935  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.UiModeManagerService
  425. 02-22 13:16:48.945  1038  1259 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
  426. 02-22 13:16:48.945  1038  1259 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {1 cryptfs getfield SystemLocale}
  427. 02-22 13:16:48.946   138   191 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
  428. 02-22 13:16:48.946   138   191 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
  429. 02-22 13:16:48.952  1038  1261 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 1 -1}
  430. 02-22 13:16:48.954  1038  1259 W MountService: No primary storage mounted!
  431. 02-22 13:16:48.954  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw768dp w1024dp h696dp 160dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/h/h -nav/h s.4 themeResource=null}
  432. 02-22 13:16:48.954  1038  1259 D VoldConnector: SND -> {1 asec list}
  433. 02-22 13:16:48.956  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 1 asec operation succeeded}
  434. 02-22 13:16:48.956  1038  1259 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) MountService expire 4 lines
  435. 02-22 13:16:48.958  1038  1038 W PackageManager: No disk maintenance in 1456143408958; running immediately
  436. 02-22 13:16:48.964  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package org.chromium.chrome
  437. 02-22 13:16:48.966  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH to package com.android.providers.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30883e45)
  438. 02-22 13:16:48.966  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl to package com.android.providers.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30883e45)
  439. 02-22 13:16:48.977  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38cabe45)
  440. 02-22 13:16:48.977  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  441. 02-22 13:16:48.985  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.android.camera2 (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30d8bc45)
  442. 02-22 13:16:48.986  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  443. 02-22 13:16:48.986  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.launcher3
  444. 02-22 13:16:48.988  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Not granting permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail to package com.android.calendar (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3089be45)
  445. 02-22 13:16:48.989  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  446. 02-22 13:16:48.990  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  447. 02-22 13:16:48.990  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.now.OPT_IN_WIZARD in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  448. 02-22 13:16:48.992  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  449. 02-22 13:16:48.993  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.onetimeinitializer
  450. 02-22 13:16:48.996  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS to package com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x38883e45)
  451. 02-22 13:16:49.001  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.enterprise.dmagent.permission.AutoSyncPermission in package com.google.android.gms
  452. 02-22 13:16:49.003  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.permission.PAUSE_HOTWORD in package com.google.android.gms
  453. 02-22 13:16:49.004  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.hangouts.START_HANGOUT in package com.google.android.gms
  454. 02-22 13:16:49.005  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.wearable.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.gms
  455. 02-22 13:16:49.006  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS in package com.google.android.gms
  456. 02-22 13:16:49.006  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gm.permission.READ_GMAIL in package com.google.android.gms
  457. 02-22 13:16:49.012  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  458. 02-22 13:16:49.012  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CANCEL_NOTIFICATIONS in package org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser
  459. 02-22 13:16:49.014  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES to package com.svox.pico (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3888be45)
  460. 02-22 13:16:49.017  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  461. 02-22 13:16:49.018  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  462. 02-22 13:16:49.018  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  463. 02-22 13:16:49.018  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  464. 02-22 13:16:49.019  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.CONTROL_KEYGUARD to package com.google.android.gsf.login (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x30c8be45)
  465. 02-22 13:16:49.022  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  466. 02-22 13:16:49.022  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.chrome.TOS_ACKED in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  467. 02-22 13:16:49.025  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  468. 02-22 13:16:49.025  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  469. 02-22 13:16:49.030  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS to package com.cyanogenmod.eleven (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3898be65)
  470. 02-22 13:16:49.051  1038  1259 W PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.GALLERY_PROVIDER in package com.android.bluetooth
  471. 02-22 13:16:49.383  1038  1259 W MountService: No primary storage mounted!
  472. 02-22 13:16:49.384  1038  1259 D VoldConnector: SND -> {2 asec list}
  473. 02-22 13:16:49.385  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 2 asec operation succeeded}
  474. 02-22 13:16:49.402  1038  1038 I SystemServer: LockSettingsService
  475. 02-22 13:16:49.410  1038  1259 I MountService: Running fstrim idle maintenance
  476. 02-22 13:16:49.411  1038  1259 D VoldConnector: SND -> {3 fstrim dotrim}
  477. 02-22 13:16:49.412  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 3 Command succeeded}
  478. 02-22 13:16:49.413   138  1262 D vold    : Starting trim of /data
  479. 02-22 13:16:49.414   138  1262 W vold    : Trim failed on /data: Operation not supported on transport endpoint
  480. 02-22 13:16:49.414   138  1262 D vold    : Starting trim of /cache
  481. 02-22 13:16:49.414   138  1262 W vold    : Trim failed on /cache: Operation not supported on transport endpoint
  482. 02-22 13:16:49.414   138  1262 D vold    : Starting trim of none
  483. 02-22 13:16:49.414   138  1262 W vold    : Failed to open none: No such file or directory
  484. 02-22 13:16:49.414  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {662 /data -1 -1}
  485. 02-22 13:16:49.415  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {662 /cache -1 -1}
  486. 02-22 13:16:49.416  1038  1066 E VoldConnector: Error handling '662 /data -1 -1': java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.os.DropBoxManager.addText(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
  487. 02-22 13:16:49.419  1038  1066 E VoldConnector: Error handling '662 /cache -1 -1': java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.os.DropBoxManager.addText(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
  488. 02-22 13:16:49.458  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.DeviceIdleController
  489. 02-22 13:16:49.490  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle
  490. 02-22 13:16:49.598  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Status Bar
  491. 02-22 13:16:49.613  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Clipboard Service
  492. 02-22 13:16:49.624  1038  1038 I SystemServer: NetworkManagement Service
  493. 02-22 13:16:49.683  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Text Service Manager Service
  494. 02-22 13:16:49.722  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Network Score Service
  495. 02-22 13:16:49.730  1038  1038 I SystemServer: NetworkStats Service
  496. 02-22 13:16:49.755  1038  1038 I SystemServer: NetworkPolicy Service
  497. 02-22 13:16:49.798  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService
  498. 02-22 13:16:49.949  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.WifiService
  499. 02-22 13:16:50.423  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.WifiScanningService
  500. 02-22 13:16:50.438  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.wifi.RttService
  501. 02-22 13:16:50.443  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.ethernet.EthernetService
  502. 02-22 13:16:50.459  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Connectivity Service
  503. 02-22 13:16:50.537  1038  1038 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService starting up
  504. 02-22 13:16:50.551  1038  1038 D ConnectivityService: wifiOnly=true
  505. 02-22 13:16:50.551  1038  1038 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 10
  506. 02-22 13:16:50.551  1038  1038 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 11
  507. 02-22 13:16:50.551  1038  1038 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 12
  508. 02-22 13:16:50.551  1038  1038 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 14
  509. 02-22 13:16:50.551  1038  1038 E ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 15
  510. 02-22 13:16:50.570  1267  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 2 lines
  511. 02-22 13:16:50.574  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 37 lines
  512. 02-22 13:16:50.631  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Network Service Discovery Service
  513. 02-22 13:16:50.647  1038  1038 D NsdService: Network service discovery enabled true
  514. 02-22 13:16:50.650  1038  1038 I SystemServer: UpdateLock Service
  515. 02-22 13:16:50.653  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService
  516. 02-22 13:16:50.834  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService
  517. 02-22 13:16:50.842  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Location Manager
  518. 02-22 13:16:50.885  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Country Detector
  519. 02-22 13:16:50.888  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Search Service
  520. 02-22 13:16:50.897  1038  1038 I SystemServer: DropBox Service
  521. 02-22 13:16:50.915  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Wallpaper Service
  522. 02-22 13:16:50.948  1038  1038 W WallpaperManagerService: no current wallpaper -- first boot?
  523. 02-22 13:16:50.949  1038  1038 W WallpaperManagerService: no current wallpaper -- first boot?
  524. 02-22 13:16:50.950  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Audio Service
  525. 02-22 13:16:51.069   193   351 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_1 expire 10 lines
  526. 02-22 13:16:51.187  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.DockObserver
  527. 02-22 13:16:51.199  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Wired Accessory Manager
  528. 02-22 13:16:51.206  1038  1038 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have usb audio support
  529. 02-22 13:16:51.206  1038  1038 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have HDMI audio support
  530. 02-22 13:16:51.208  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle
  531. 02-22 13:16:51.270  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Serial Service
  532. 02-22 13:16:51.272  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService
  533. 02-22 13:16:51.281  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService
  534. 02-22 13:16:51.321  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle
  535. 02-22 13:16:51.380  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService
  536. 02-22 13:16:51.469  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService
  537. 02-22 13:16:51.480  1038  1038 W SoundTriggerHelper: listModules status=0, # of modules=0
  538. 02-22 13:16:51.501  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Gesture Launcher Service
  539. 02-22 13:16:51.501  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.GestureLauncherService
  540. 02-22 13:16:51.502  1038  1038 I SystemServer: DiskStats Service
  541. 02-22 13:16:51.504  1038  1038 I SystemServer: SamplingProfiler Service
  542. 02-22 13:16:51.533  1038  1038 I SystemServer: NetworkTimeUpdateService
  543. 02-22 13:16:51.537  1038  1038 I SystemServer: CommonTimeManagementService
  544. 02-22 13:16:51.544  1038  1038 I SystemServer: CertBlacklister
  545. 02-22 13:16:51.547  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService
  546. 02-22 13:16:51.564  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Assets Atlas Service
  547. 02-22 13:16:51.604  1038  1278 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 5 lines
  548. 02-22 13:16:51.608  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.print.PrintManagerService
  549. 02-22 13:16:51.608  1038  1279 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  550. 02-22 13:16:51.616  1038  1280 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  551. 02-22 13:16:51.634  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService
  552. 02-22 13:16:51.645  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService
  553. 02-22 13:16:51.687  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Theme Service
  554. 02-22 13:16:51.731  1038  1038 I SystemServer: Media Router Service
  555. 02-22 13:16:51.744  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService
  556. 02-22 13:16:51.783  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.fingerprint.FingerprintService
  557. 02-22 13:16:51.813  1038  1038 W FingerprintService: fingerprint service not available
  558. 02-22 13:16:51.813  1038  1038 V FingerprintService: Fingerprint HAL id: 0
  559. 02-22 13:16:51.813  1038  1038 I SystemServer: BackgroundDexOptService
  560. 02-22 13:16:51.819  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService
  561. 02-22 13:16:51.829  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService
  562. 02-22 13:16:51.868  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker
  563. 02-22 13:16:52.193  1038  1038 I LockSettingsService: Migrated lock settings to new location
  564. 02-22 13:16:52.224  1038  1038 I LockSettingsService: Migrated per-user lock settings to new location
  565. 02-22 13:16:52.263  1038  1038 I LockSettingsService: Migrated biometric weak to use the fallback instead
  566. 02-22 13:16:52.280  1038  1038 I LockSettingsService: Migrated lockscreen disabled flag
  567. 02-22 13:16:52.286  1038  1038 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gatekeeper.password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  568. 02-22 13:16:52.286  1038  1038 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  569. 02-22 13:16:52.287  1038  1038 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gatekeeper.pattern.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  570. 02-22 13:16:52.288  1038  1038 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gatekeeper.gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  571. 02-22 13:16:52.288  1038  1038 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  572. 02-22 13:16:52.289  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 480
  573. 02-22 13:16:52.307  1038  1038 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 500
  574. 02-22 13:16:52.342  1038  1038 I WifiService: WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi disabled
  575. 02-22 13:16:52.372  1038  1268 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  576. 02-22 13:16:52.413  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for Ethernet
  577. 02-22 13:16:52.415  1038  1288 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) EthernetService expire 1 line
  578. 02-22 13:16:52.447  1038  1038 V BackupManagerService: No ancestral data
  579. 02-22 13:16:52.765  1038  1038 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 243 minutes
  580. 02-22 13:16:52.834  1038  1038 V BackupManagerService: Starting with transport com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService
  581. 02-22 13:16:52.835  1038  1038 V BackupManagerService: Found transports: 2
  582. 02-22 13:16:52.995  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {4 volume remount_uid 1001 none}
  583. 02-22 13:16:52.995   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 1001 as mode none
  584. 02-22 13:16:53.002  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 4 Command succeeded}
  585. 02-22 13:16:53.006  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {5 volume remount_uid 1001 none}
  586. 02-22 13:16:53.007   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 1001 as mode none
  587. 02-22 13:16:53.014  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 5 Command succeeded}
  588. 02-22 13:16:53.016  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {6 volume remount_uid 1000 none}
  589. 02-22 13:16:53.017   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 1000 as mode none
  590. 02-22 13:16:53.022   138   190 D vold    : Found matching PID 159
  591. 02-22 13:16:53.022   138   190 W vold    : Skipping due to root namespace
  592. 02-22 13:16:53.022   138   190 D vold    : Found matching PID 163
  593. 02-22 13:16:53.022   138   190 W vold    : Skipping due to root namespace
  594. 02-22 13:16:53.023   138   190 D vold    : Found matching PID 206
  595. 02-22 13:16:53.023   138   190 W vold    : Skipping due to root namespace
  596. 02-22 13:16:53.023   138   190 D vold    : Found matching PID 1038
  597. 02-22 13:16:53.028  1038  1071 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
  598. 02-22 13:16:53.064  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 6 Command succeeded}
  599. 02-22 13:16:53.070  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {7 volume remount_uid 1000 none}
  600. 02-22 13:16:53.071   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 1000 as mode none
  601. 02-22 13:16:53.074   138   190 D vold    : Found matching PID 159
  602. 02-22 13:16:53.074   138   190 W vold    : Skipping due to root namespace
  603. 02-22 13:16:53.074   138   190 D vold    : Found matching PID 163
  604. 02-22 13:16:53.074   138   190 W vold    : Skipping due to root namespace
  605. 02-22 13:16:53.075   138   190 D vold    : Found matching PID 206
  606. 02-22 13:16:53.075   138   190 W vold    : Skipping due to root namespace
  607. 02-22 13:16:53.075   138   190 D vold    : Found matching PID 1038
  608. 02-22 13:16:53.104  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 7 Command succeeded}
  609. 02-22 13:16:53.121  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {8 volume remount_uid 2000 none}
  610. 02-22 13:16:53.121   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 2000 as mode none
  611. 02-22 13:16:53.125  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 8 Command succeeded}
  612. 02-22 13:16:53.126  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {9 volume remount_uid 2000 none}
  613. 02-22 13:16:53.127   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 2000 as mode none
  614. 02-22 13:16:53.131  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 9 Command succeeded}
  615. 02-22 13:16:53.134  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {10 volume remount_uid 10016 none}
  616. 02-22 13:16:53.134   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10016 as mode none
  617. 02-22 13:16:53.140  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 10 Command succeeded}
  618. 02-22 13:16:53.141  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {11 volume remount_uid 10016 none}
  619. 02-22 13:16:53.142   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10016 as mode none
  620. 02-22 13:16:53.149  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 11 Command succeeded}
  621. 02-22 13:16:53.154  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {12 volume remount_uid 1002 none}
  622. 02-22 13:16:53.155   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 1002 as mode none
  623. 02-22 13:16:53.160  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 12 Command succeeded}
  624. 02-22 13:16:53.162  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {13 volume remount_uid 1002 none}
  625. 02-22 13:16:53.163   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 1002 as mode none
  626. 02-22 13:16:53.168  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 13 Command succeeded}
  627. 02-22 13:16:53.175  1038  1038 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice interaction services found for user 0
  628. 02-22 13:16:53.175  1038  1038 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice recognition services found for user 0
  629. 02-22 13:16:53.176  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {14 volume remount_uid 10012 none}
  630. 02-22 13:16:53.177   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10012 as mode none
  631. 02-22 13:16:53.183  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 14 Command succeeded}
  632. 02-22 13:16:53.185  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {15 volume remount_uid 10024 none}
  633. 02-22 13:16:53.185   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10024 as mode none
  634. 02-22 13:16:53.189  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 15 Command succeeded}
  635. 02-22 13:16:53.191  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {16 volume remount_uid 10024 none}
  636. 02-22 13:16:53.191   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10024 as mode none
  637. 02-22 13:16:53.196  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 16 Command succeeded}
  638. 02-22 13:16:53.207  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {17 volume remount_uid 10029 none}
  639. 02-22 13:16:53.208   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10029 as mode none
  640. 02-22 13:16:53.212  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 17 Command succeeded}
  641. 02-22 13:16:53.215  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {18 volume remount_uid 10029 none}
  642. 02-22 13:16:53.216   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10029 as mode none
  643. 02-22 13:16:53.220  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 18 Command succeeded}
  644. 02-22 13:16:53.221  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {19 volume remount_uid 10005 none}
  645. 02-22 13:16:53.222   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10005 as mode none
  646. 02-22 13:16:53.226  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 19 Command succeeded}
  647. 02-22 13:16:53.228  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {20 volume remount_uid 10005 none}
  648. 02-22 13:16:53.228   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10005 as mode none
  649. 02-22 13:16:53.232  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 20 Command succeeded}
  650. 02-22 13:16:53.235  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {21 volume remount_uid 10007 none}
  651. 02-22 13:16:53.235   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10007 as mode none
  652. 02-22 13:16:53.240  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 21 Command succeeded}
  653. 02-22 13:16:53.242  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {22 volume remount_uid 10007 none}
  654. 02-22 13:16:53.242   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10007 as mode none
  655. 02-22 13:16:53.248  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 22 Command succeeded}
  656. 02-22 13:16:53.259  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {23 volume remount_uid 10002 none}
  657. 02-22 13:16:53.259   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10002 as mode none
  658. 02-22 13:16:53.264  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 23 Command succeeded}
  659. 02-22 13:16:53.267  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {24 volume remount_uid 10002 none}
  660. 02-22 13:16:53.267   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10002 as mode none
  661. 02-22 13:16:53.271  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 24 Command succeeded}
  662. 02-22 13:16:53.308  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {25 volume remount_uid 10020 none}
  663. 02-22 13:16:53.309   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10020 as mode none
  664. 02-22 13:16:53.318  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 25 Command succeeded}
  665. 02-22 13:16:53.320  1038  1038 D VoldConnector: SND -> {26 volume remount_uid 10020 none}
  666. 02-22 13:16:53.321   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10020 as mode none
  667. 02-22 13:16:53.330  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 26 Command succeeded}
  668. 02-22 13:16:53.401  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Pre-boot of {com.android.providers.calendar/com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarUpgradeReceiver} for user 0
  669. 02-22 13:16:53.426  1038  1064 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 48 lines
  670. 02-22 13:16:53.437  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1294:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2 for broadcast com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarUpgradeReceiver
  671. 02-22 13:16:53.453  1038  1287 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiRttService expire 2 lines
  672. 02-22 13:16:53.476  1294  1294 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  673. 02-22 13:16:53.490  1294  1294 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  674. 02-22 13:16:53.518  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Launching preboot mode app: ProcessRecord{4f5e19b 1294:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2}
  675. 02-22 13:16:53.524  1038  1062 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_2 expire 10 lines
  676. 02-22 13:16:53.533  1309  1309 I dex2oat : type=1400 audit(0.0:91): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:dex2oat:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  677. 02-22 13:16:53.533   331   331 I BootAnimation: type=1400 audit(0.0:92): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:bootanim:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  678. 02-22 13:16:53.557  1038  1038 V BackupManagerService: Connected to transport ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService}
  679. 02-22 13:16:53.557  1038  1038 V BackupManagerService: Registering transport android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService::android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport = android.app.backup.BackupTransport$TransportImpl@507938
  680. 02-22 13:16:53.612  1309  1309 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  681. 02-22 13:16:53.612  1309  1309 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  682. 02-22 13:16:53.799  1309  1309 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 187.530ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=72B java alloc=442KB native alloc=711KB free=1336KB
  683. 02-22 13:16:53.850  1294  1294 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/lib/arm
  684. 02-22 13:16:53.912  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Pre-boot of {com.android.providers.contacts/com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsUpgradeReceiver} for user 0
  685. 02-22 13:16:53.927  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1315:android.process.acore/u0a3 for broadcast com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsUpgradeReceiver
  686. 02-22 13:16:53.974   331   331 I BootAnimation: type=1400 audit(0.0:93): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:bootanim:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  687. 02-22 13:16:53.989  1315  1315 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  688. 02-22 13:16:54.028  1038  1065 W WindowManager: Keyguard drawn timeout. Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
  689. 02-22 13:16:54.037  1315  1315 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  690. 02-22 13:16:54.087  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: Launching preboot mode app: ProcessRecord{82dd11 1315:android.process.acore/u0a3}
  691. 02-22 13:16:54.089  1038  1308 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_3 expire 10 lines
  692. 02-22 13:16:54.146  1329  1329 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  693. 02-22 13:16:54.147  1329  1329 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  694. 02-22 13:16:54.437  1329  1329 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 291.534ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=72B java alloc=534KB native alloc=935KB free=1368KB
  695. 02-22 13:16:54.480  1315  1315 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/lib/arm
  696. 02-22 13:16:54.578  1315  1315 I ContactsUpgradeReceiver: Creating or opening contacts database
  697. 02-22 13:16:54.723  1315  1315 I ContactsDatabaseHelper: Bootstrapping database version: 1011
  698. 02-22 13:16:54.881  1315  1315 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.android.providers.contacts.util.Hex.encodeHex(byte[], boolean)
  699. 02-22 13:16:54.881  1315  1315 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.android.providers.contacts.NameNormalizer.lettersAndDigitsOnly(java.lang.String)
  700. 02-22 13:16:55.019  1315  1315 I ContactsProviderV1: Bootstrapping database legacy support
  701. 02-22 13:16:55.330  1038  1068 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 9 lines
  702. 02-22 13:16:55.436  1315  1315 I ContactsDatabaseHelper: Bootstrapping database version: 1011
  703. 02-22 13:16:55.682  1315  1315 I ContactsProviderV1: Bootstrapping database legacy support
  704. 02-22 13:16:56.173  1315  1315 I ContactsProvider: Locale has changed from null to en-US
  705. 02-22 13:16:56.174  1315  1315 I ContactsDatabaseHelper: Switching to locale en-US (ICU v55.1)
  706. 02-22 13:16:56.411  1315  1315 I ContactsDatabaseHelper: Locale change completed in 237ms
  707. 02-22 13:16:56.416  1315  1315 I ContactsDatabaseHelper: Switching to locale en-US (ICU v55.1)
  708. 02-22 13:16:56.647  1315  1315 I ContactsDatabaseHelper: Locale change completed in 231ms
  709. 02-22 13:16:56.867  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Pre-boot of {com.android.managedprovisioning/com.android.managedprovisioning.PreBootListener} for user 0
  710. 02-22 13:16:56.879  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1335:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a9 for broadcast com.android.managedprovisioning/.PreBootListener
  711. 02-22 13:16:56.926  1335  1335 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  712. 02-22 13:16:56.946  1335  1335 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  713. 02-22 13:16:56.998  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Launching preboot mode app: ProcessRecord{3397e76 1335:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a9}
  714. 02-22 13:16:57.062  1349  1349 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  715. 02-22 13:16:57.062  1349  1349 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  716. 02-22 13:16:57.197  1349  1349 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 136.566ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=128B java alloc=351KB native alloc=890KB free=1157KB
  717. 02-22 13:16:57.246  1335  1335 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning/lib/arm
  718. 02-22 13:16:57.265  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Pre-boot of {com.android.providers.media/com.android.providers.media.MediaUpgradeReceiver} for user 0
  719. 02-22 13:16:57.279  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1353:android.process.media/u0a5 for broadcast com.android.providers.media/.MediaUpgradeReceiver
  720. 02-22 13:16:57.317  1353  1353 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  721. 02-22 13:16:57.340  1353  1353 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  722. 02-22 13:16:57.391  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Launching preboot mode app: ProcessRecord{946fc77 1353:android.process.media/u0a5}
  723. 02-22 13:16:57.455  1367  1367 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  724. 02-22 13:16:57.455  1367  1367 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  725. 02-22 13:16:57.559  1367  1367 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 105.041ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=192B java alloc=120KB native alloc=905KB free=886KB
  726. 02-22 13:16:57.601  1353  1353 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/lib/arm
  727. 02-22 13:16:57.739  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Pre-boot of {com.android.settings/com.android.settings.ManagedProfileSetup} for user 0
  728. 02-22 13:16:57.753  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1372:com.android.settings/1000 for broadcast com.android.settings/.ManagedProfileSetup
  729. 02-22 13:16:57.825  1372  1372 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 3 lines
  730. 02-22 13:16:57.907  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Launching preboot mode app: ProcessRecord{f2ff0e4 1372:com.android.settings/1000}
  731. 02-22 13:16:58.055  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Pre-boot of {com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.loginservice.MigrateToAccountManagerBroadcastReceiver} for user 0
  732. 02-22 13:16:58.076  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1387:com.google.process.gapps/u0a20 for broadcast com.google.android.gsf/.loginservice.MigrateToAccountManagerBroadcastReceiver
  733. 02-22 13:16:58.098  1387  1387 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) com.google.process.gapps expire 6 lines
  734. 02-22 13:16:58.161  1038  1386 I ActivityManager: Launching preboot mode app: ProcessRecord{727394d 1387:com.google.process.gapps/u0a20}
  735. 02-22 13:16:58.261  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Removing system update proc: ProcessRecord{4f5e19b 1294:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2}
  736. 02-22 13:16:58.261  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 1294:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2 (adj 13): system update done
  737. 02-22 13:16:58.294  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Removing system update proc: ProcessRecord{82dd11 1315:android.process.acore/u0a3}
  738. 02-22 13:16:58.295  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 1315:android.process.acore/u0a3 (adj 13): system update done
  739. 02-22 13:16:58.364  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Removing system update proc: ProcessRecord{3397e76 1335:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a9}
  740. 02-22 13:16:58.364  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 1335:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a9 (adj 11): system update done
  741. 02-22 13:16:58.435  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Removing system update proc: ProcessRecord{946fc77 1353:android.process.media/u0a5}
  742. 02-22 13:16:58.435  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 1353:android.process.media/u0a5 (adj 11): system update done
  743. 02-22 13:16:58.495  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Removing system update proc: ProcessRecord{f2ff0e4 1372:com.android.settings/1000}
  744. 02-22 13:16:58.495  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 1372:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 9): system update done
  745. 02-22 13:16:58.554  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Removing system update proc: ProcessRecord{727394d 1387:com.google.process.gapps/u0a20}
  746. 02-22 13:16:58.555  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 1387:com.google.process.gapps/u0a20 (adj 9): system update done
  747. 02-22 13:16:58.636  1038  1065 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 10 lines
  748. 02-22 13:16:58.638  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: System now ready
  749. 02-22 13:16:58.639  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Spurious death for ProcessRecord{4f5e19b 0:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2}, curProc for 1294: null
  750. 02-22 13:16:58.640  1038  1386 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_4 expire 10 lines
  751. 02-22 13:16:58.641  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Spurious death for ProcessRecord{82dd11 0:android.process.acore/u0a3}, curProc for 1315: null
  752. 02-22 13:16:58.642  1038  1061 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_1 expire 10 lines
  753. 02-22 13:16:58.643  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Spurious death for ProcessRecord{3397e76 0:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a9}, curProc for 1335: null
  754. 02-22 13:16:58.644  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Spurious death for ProcessRecord{946fc77 0:android.process.media/u0a5}, curProc for 1353: null
  755. 02-22 13:16:58.644  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Spurious death for ProcessRecord{f2ff0e4 0:com.android.settings/1000}, curProc for 1372: null
  756. 02-22 13:16:58.645  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Spurious death for ProcessRecord{727394d 0:com.google.process.gapps/u0a20}, curProc for 1387: null
  757. 02-22 13:16:58.657  1038  1064 I SystemServer: Making services ready
  758. 02-22 13:16:58.658  1038  1064 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 550
  759. 02-22 13:16:58.684  1038  1038 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines
  760. 02-22 13:16:58.688  1406  1406 I sh      : type=1400 audit(0.0:94): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:vold:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  761. 02-22 13:16:58.688  1038  1259 D MountService: Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=true, mDaemonConnected=true
  762. 02-22 13:16:58.690  1038  1259 D VoldConnector: SND -> {27 volume reset}
  763. 02-22 13:16:58.691   138   190 W vold    : Unsupported block major type254
  764. 02-22 13:16:58.691   138   190 V vold    : /system/bin/sgdisk
  765. 02-22 13:16:58.691   138   190 V vold    :     --android-dump
  766. 02-22 13:16:58.692   138   190 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/disk:254,6
  767. 02-22 13:16:58.692  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 7}
  768. 02-22 13:16:58.692  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {659 emulated}
  769. 02-22 13:16:58.693  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {650 emulated 2 "" ""}
  770. 02-22 13:16:58.693  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {654 emulated emulated}
  771. 02-22 13:16:58.693  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 0}
  772. 02-22 13:16:58.694  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 public:254,6 7}
  773. 02-22 13:16:58.694  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {659 public:254,6}
  774. 02-22 13:16:58.694  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {649 disk:254,6}
  775. 02-22 13:16:58.694  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {640 disk:254,6 41}
  776. 02-22 13:16:58.695  1038  1064 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 1, type: 1]
  777. 02-22 13:16:58.695  1038  1064 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 0, type: 1]
  778. 02-22 13:16:58.696  1038  1064 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 1, type: 2]
  779. 02-22 13:16:58.696  1038  1064 D UsbAlsaManager: Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 0, type: 2]
  780. 02-22 13:16:58.748  1411  1411 I sh      : type=1400 audit(0.0:95): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:blkid_untrusted:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  781. 02-22 13:16:58.755   138   190 V vold    : DISK mbr
  782. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 W vold    : disk:254,6 has unknown partition table; trying entire device
  783. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 V vold    : /system/bin/blkid
  784. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 V vold    :     -c
  785. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 V vold    :     /dev/null
  786. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 V vold    :     -s
  787. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 V vold    :     TYPE
  788. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 V vold    :     -s
  789. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 V vold    :     UUID
  790. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 V vold    :     -s
  791. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 V vold    :     LABEL
  792. 02-22 13:16:58.757   138   190 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/disk:254,6
  793. 02-22 13:16:58.820   138   190 V vold    : /dev/block/vold/disk:254,6: LABEL="HP TOUCHPAD" UUID="F642-A45E" TYPE="vfat"
  794. 02-22 13:16:58.822  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {650 public:254,6 0 "disk:254,6" ""}
  795. 02-22 13:16:58.822  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {654 public:254,6 sdcard1}
  796. 02-22 13:16:58.823  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 public:254,6 0}
  797. 02-22 13:16:58.823  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {643 disk:254,6}
  798. 02-22 13:16:58.824  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 27 Command succeeded}
  799. 02-22 13:16:58.825  1038  1259 D VoldConnector: SND -> {28 volume user_added 0 0}
  800. 02-22 13:16:58.826  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 28 Command succeeded}
  801. 02-22 13:16:58.828  1416  1416 I sdcard  : type=1400 audit(0.0:96): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:sdcardd:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  802. 02-22 13:16:58.831  1038  1066 V MountService: Found primary storage at VolumeInfo{emulated}:
  803. 02-22 13:16:58.831  1038  1066 V MountService:     type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-1
  804. 02-22 13:16:58.831  1038  1066 V MountService:     state=UNMOUNTED
  805. 02-22 13:16:58.831  1038  1066 V MountService:     fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null
  806. 02-22 13:16:58.831  1038  1066 V MountService:     path=null internalPath=null
  807. 02-22 13:16:58.836  1038  1259 D VoldConnector: SND -> {29 volume mount emulated 3 -1}
  808. 02-22 13:16:58.838   138   190 V vold    : Waiting for FUSE to spin up...
  809. 02-22 13:16:58.840  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 1}
  810. 02-22 13:16:58.840  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {656 emulated /data/media}
  811. 02-22 13:16:58.840  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {655 emulated /storage/emulated}
  812. 02-22 13:16:58.853  1038  1064 I SystemServer: WebViewFactory preparation
  813. 02-22 13:16:58.874  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1421:WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewFactory$RelroFileCreator] for
  814. 02-22 13:16:58.889  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 emulated 2}
  815. 02-22 13:16:58.890  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 29 Command succeeded}
  816. 02-22 13:16:58.897  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1429:com.android.systemui/u0a16 for service com.android.systemui/.SystemUIService
  817. 02-22 13:16:58.899  1038  1259 D VoldConnector: SND -> {30 volume mount public:254,6 2 0}
  818. 02-22 13:16:58.900   138   190 V vold    : /system/bin/blkid
  819. 02-22 13:16:58.900   138   190 V vold    :     -c
  820. 02-22 13:16:58.900   138   190 V vold    :     /dev/null
  821. 02-22 13:16:58.900   138   190 V vold    :     -s
  822. 02-22 13:16:58.900   138   190 V vold    :     TYPE
  823. 02-22 13:16:58.900   138   190 V vold    :     -s
  824. 02-22 13:16:58.900   138   190 V vold    :     UUID
  825. 02-22 13:16:58.900   138   190 V vold    :     -s
  826. 02-22 13:16:58.900   138   190 V vold    :     LABEL
  827. 02-22 13:16:58.900   138   190 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/public:254,6
  828. 02-22 13:16:58.901  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 public:254,6 1}
  829. 02-22 13:16:58.903  1038  1064 D NetworkManagement: enabling bandwidth control
  830. 02-22 13:16:58.908  1437  1437 I sh      : type=1400 audit(0.0:97): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  831. 02-22 13:16:58.935  1421  1421 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  832. 02-22 13:16:58.947  1038  1438 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1443:android.process.acore/u0a3 for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.CallLogProvider
  833. 02-22 13:16:58.962  1421  1421 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  834. 02-22 13:16:58.975  1429  1429 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  835. 02-22 13:16:58.978  1038  1038 I Telecom : Class: TelecomSystem.INSTANCE being set
  836. 02-22 13:16:58.978  1038  1038 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1232 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:587 com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService.initializeTelecomSystem:107 com.android.server.telecom.components.TelecomService.onBind:46 android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindService:2948
  837. 02-22 13:16:58.999  1429  1429 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  838. 02-22 13:16:59.026   138   190 V vold    : /dev/block/vold/public:254,6: LABEL="HP TOUCHPAD" UUID="F642-A45E" TYPE="vfat"
  839. 02-22 13:16:59.027  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {652 public:254,6 vfat}
  840. 02-22 13:16:59.027  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {653 public:254,6 F642-A45E}
  841. 02-22 13:16:59.028  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {654 public:254,6 HP TOUCHPAD}
  842. 02-22 13:16:59.032  1421  1421 V WebViewFactory: RelroFileCreator (64bit = false),  32-bit lib: /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a/libwebviewchromium.so, 64-bit lib:
  843. 02-22 13:16:59.035   138   190 V vold    : /system/bin/fsck_msdos
  844. 02-22 13:16:59.035   138   190 V vold    :     -p
  845. 02-22 13:16:59.035   138   190 V vold    :     -f
  846. 02-22 13:16:59.035   138   190 V vold    :     /dev/block/vold/public:254,6
  847. 02-22 13:16:59.037  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {656 public:254,6 /mnt/media_rw/F642-A45E}
  848. 02-22 13:16:59.038  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {655 public:254,6 /storage/F642-A45E}
  849. 02-22 13:16:59.049  1466  1466 I fsck_msdos: type=1400 audit(0.0:98): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:fsck_untrusted:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  850. 02-22 13:16:59.055  1443  1443 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  851. 02-22 13:16:59.061  1038  1038 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queried, returning: null
  852. 02-22 13:16:59.090  1443  1443 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  853. 02-22 13:16:59.129   138   190 I fsck_msdos: ** /dev/block/vold/public:254,6
  854. 02-22 13:16:59.143   138   190 I fsck_msdos: ** Phase 1 - Read and Compare FATs
  855. 02-22 13:16:59.143   138   190 I fsck_msdos: Attempting to allocate 496 KB for FAT
  856. 02-22 13:16:59.186  1476  1476 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  857. 02-22 13:16:59.186  1476  1476 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  858. 02-22 13:16:59.205   138   190 I fsck_msdos: Attempting to allocate 496 KB for FAT
  859. 02-22 13:16:59.265   138   190 I fsck_msdos: ** Phase 2 - Check Cluster Chains
  860. 02-22 13:16:59.288   138   190 I fsck_msdos: ** Phase 3 - Checking Directories
  861. 02-22 13:16:59.333  1421  1421 I art     : System.exit called, status: 0
  862. 02-22 13:16:59.333  1421  1421 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
  863. 02-22 13:16:59.338   138   190 I fsck_msdos: ** Phase 4 - Checking for Lost Files
  864. 02-22 13:16:59.343   138   190 I fsck_msdos: Next free cluster in FSInfo block (9) not free
  865. 02-22 13:16:59.343   138   190 I fsck_msdos: FIXED
  866. 02-22 13:16:59.343   138   190 I fsck_msdos: 13 files, 628680 free (78585 clusters)
  867. 02-22 13:16:59.628   138   190 I Vold    : Filesystem check completed OK
  868. 02-22 13:16:59.640   138   190 V vold    : Waiting for FUSE to spin up...
  869. 02-22 13:16:59.691  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {651 public:254,6 2}
  870. 02-22 13:16:59.692  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 30 Command succeeded}
  871. 02-22 13:16:59.695  1038  1259 E VoldConnector: NDC Command {30 volume mount public:254,6 2 0} took too long (795ms)
  872. 02-22 13:17:00.025  1038  1064 E NetdConnector: NDC Command {2 bandwidth enable} took too long (1122ms)
  873. 02-22 13:17:00.099   188  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  874. 02-22 13:17:00.099   188  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  875. 02-22 13:17:00.099   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -F st_penalty_log
  876. 02-22 13:17:00.122   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  877. 02-22 13:17:00.123   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  878. 02-22 13:17:00.123   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -F st_penalty_log
  879. 02-22 13:17:00.145   188  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  880. 02-22 13:17:00.147   188  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  881. 02-22 13:17:00.147   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -F st_penalty_reject
  882. 02-22 13:17:00.168   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  883. 02-22 13:17:00.169   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  884. 02-22 13:17:00.169   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -F st_penalty_reject
  885. 02-22 13:17:00.191   188  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  886. 02-22 13:17:00.192   188  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  887. 02-22 13:17:00.192   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -F st_clear_caught
  888. 02-22 13:17:00.213   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  889. 02-22 13:17:00.219   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  890. 02-22 13:17:00.219   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -F st_clear_caught
  891. 02-22 13:17:00.240   188  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  892. 02-22 13:17:00.244   188  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  893. 02-22 13:17:00.245   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -F st_clear_detect
  894. 02-22 13:17:00.267   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  895. 02-22 13:17:00.268   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  896. 02-22 13:17:00.268   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -F st_clear_detect
  897. 02-22 13:17:00.290  1476  1476 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.104s (threads: 2) arena alloc=456B java alloc=2MB native alloc=1213KB free=1602KB
  898. 02-22 13:17:00.291   188  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  899. 02-22 13:17:00.291   188  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  900. 02-22 13:17:00.292   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -X st_penalty_log
  901. 02-22 13:17:00.312  1038  1402 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_5 expire 10 lines
  902. 02-22 13:17:00.315   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  903. 02-22 13:17:00.329   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  904. 02-22 13:17:00.330   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_penalty_log
  905. 02-22 13:17:00.355   188  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  906. 02-22 13:17:00.356   188  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  907. 02-22 13:17:00.356   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -X st_penalty_reject
  908. 02-22 13:17:00.377   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  909. 02-22 13:17:00.387   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  910. 02-22 13:17:00.387   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_penalty_reject
  911. 02-22 13:17:00.393  1607  1607 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  912. 02-22 13:17:00.393  1607  1607 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  913. 02-22 13:17:00.415   188  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  914. 02-22 13:17:00.434   188  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  915. 02-22 13:17:00.434   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -X st_clear_caught
  916. 02-22 13:17:00.458   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  917. 02-22 13:17:00.459   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  918. 02-22 13:17:00.459   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_clear_caught
  919. 02-22 13:17:00.464  1607  1607 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 72.052ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=35KB native alloc=800KB free=735KB
  920. 02-22 13:17:00.482  1038  1256 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 2 lines
  921. 02-22 13:17:00.493   188  1029 I iptables: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  922. 02-22 13:17:00.502   188  1029 I iptables: iptables terminated by exit(1)
  923. 02-22 13:17:00.502   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/iptables -w -X st_clear_detect
  924. 02-22 13:17:00.524  1429  1429 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SystemUI/lib/arm
  925. 02-22 13:17:00.528   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
  926. 02-22 13:17:00.544   188  1029 I ip6tables: ip6tables terminated by exit(1)
  927. 02-22 13:17:00.545   188  1029 E Netd    : exec() res=0, status=256 for /system/bin/ip6tables -w -X st_clear_detect
  928. 02-22 13:17:00.555  1443  1443 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/lib/arm
  929. 02-22 13:17:00.581  1429  1429 V SystemUIService: Starting SystemUI services.
  930. 02-22 13:17:00.878  1429  1657 E WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so: dlopen failed: library "libwvm.so" not found
  931. 02-22 13:17:01.204  1443  1443 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm
  932. 02-22 13:17:01.265   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 169 lines
  933. 02-22 13:17:01.271  1276  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 6 lines
  934. 02-22 13:17:01.365  1038  1062 W AppWidgetServiceImpl: Failed to read state: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/users/0/appwidgets.xml: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  935. 02-22 13:17:01.366  1038  1062 V AppWidgetServiceImpl: Upgrading widget database from 0 to 1
  936. 02-22 13:17:01.411  1732  1732 I ip6tables: type=1400 audit(0.0:102): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  937. 02-22 13:17:01.518   193  1741 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  938. 02-22 13:17:01.526   193  1742 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  939. 02-22 13:17:01.596  1429  1429 I vol.Events: writeEvent collection_started
  940. 02-22 13:17:01.597  1443  1678 W art     : Verification of void com.android.providers.contacts.NameSplitter.parseSuffix(com.android.providers.contacts.NameSplitter$Name, com.android.providers.contacts.NameSplitter$NameTokenizer) took 117.004ms
  941. 02-22 13:17:01.808  1429  1753 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_ALARM 6
  942. 02-22 13:17:01.810  1429  1753 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO 7
  943. 02-22 13:17:01.815  1429  1753 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 11
  944. 02-22 13:17:01.820  1429  1753 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_RING 5
  945. 02-22 13:17:01.823  1429  1753 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_SYSTEM 5
  946. 02-22 13:17:01.830  1429  1753 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_VOICE_CALL 4
  947. 02-22 13:17:01.832  1429  1753 I vol.Events: writeEvent external_ringer_mode_changed normal
  948. 02-22 13:17:01.872  1429  1429 D StorageNotification: Notifying about private volume: VolumeInfo{private}:
  949. 02-22 13:17:01.872  1429  1429 D StorageNotification:     type=PRIVATE diskId=null partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-1
  950. 02-22 13:17:01.872  1429  1429 D StorageNotification:     state=MOUNTED
  951. 02-22 13:17:01.872  1429  1429 D StorageNotification:     fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null
  952. 02-22 13:17:01.872  1429  1429 D StorageNotification:     path=/data internalPath=null
  953. 02-22 13:17:01.977  1038  1064 E NetdConnector: NDC Command {3 strict enable} took too long (1951ms)
  954. 02-22 13:17:03.016  1443  1678 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [en-US]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, #, ]
  955. 02-22 13:17:03.255  1038  1386 I StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@268e8bb
  956. 02-22 13:17:03.261  1038  1064 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 600
  957. 02-22 13:17:03.284   193   193 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 10 lines
  958. 02-22 13:17:03.293  1038  1064 I BackupManagerService: Backup enabled => false
  959. 02-22 13:17:03.306  1038  1806 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) SoundPoolThread expire 1 line
  960. 02-22 13:17:03.320  1038  1064 E InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring updateSystemUiLocked due to an invalid token. uid:1000 token:null
  961. 02-22 13:17:03.332  1038  1064 W InputMethodManagerService: Reset the default IME as "Resource" is ready here.
  962. 02-22 13:17:03.345  1038  1064 I InputMethodManagerService: Selected default: com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME
  963. 02-22 13:17:03.369  1038  1289 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 246 minutes
  964. 02-22 13:17:03.369  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1809:com.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a46 for service com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME
  965. 02-22 13:17:03.370  1038  1064 V InputMethodManagerService: Adding window token: android.os.Binder@671114e
  966. 02-22 13:17:03.373  1038  1065 I ActivityManager: Config changes=20 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw768dp w1024dp h696dp 160dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.5 themeResource=null}
  967. 02-22 13:17:03.387  1038  1038 W InputMethodManagerService: Illegal subtype state: old subtype = null, new subtype = android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype@c9194f98
  968. 02-22 13:17:03.426  1809  1809 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  969. 02-22 13:17:03.450  1809  1809 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  970. 02-22 13:17:03.562  1038  1048 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 10 lines
  971. 02-22 13:17:03.687  1823  1823 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  972. 02-22 13:17:03.687  1823  1823 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  973. 02-22 13:17:04.102  1823  1823 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 415.679ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=448B java alloc=1008KB native alloc=969KB free=822KB
  974. 02-22 13:17:04.115  1038  1064 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines
  975. 02-22 13:17:04.132  1038  1289 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) backup expire 1 line
  976. 02-22 13:17:04.302  1038  1064 E LocationManagerService: FLP HAL not supported
  977. 02-22 13:17:04.410  1038  1064 E LocationManagerService: Hardware Activity-Recognition not supported.
  978. 02-22 13:17:04.469  1038  1258 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 11 lines
  979. 02-22 13:17:04.491  1038  1038 V WiredAccessoryManager: init()
  980. 02-22 13:17:04.492  1038  1064 I MmsServiceBroker: Delay connecting to MmsService until an API is called
  981. 02-22 13:17:04.602  1809  1809 I LatinIME: Hardware accelerated drawing: true
  982. 02-22 13:17:04.722  1038  1268 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  983. 02-22 13:17:04.725  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1831:org.cyanogenmod.themes.provider/u0a17 for content provider org.cyanogenmod.themes.provider/.ThemesProvider
  984. 02-22 13:17:04.755  1831  1831 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  985. 02-22 13:17:04.793  1831  1831 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  986. 02-22 13:17:04.845  1809  1809 W InputAttributes: No editor info for this field. Bug?
  987. 02-22 13:17:04.847  1038  1404 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_7 expire 10 lines
  988. 02-22 13:17:04.862  1809  1809 W art     : Method processed more than once: void com.android.inputmethod.latin.settings.SpacingAndPunctuations.<init>(android.content.res.Resources)
  989. 02-22 13:17:04.944  1845  1845 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  990. 02-22 13:17:04.944  1845  1845 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  991. 02-22 13:17:05.171  1443  1678 D ContactDirectoryManager: Found com.google.contacts.gal.provider
  992. 02-22 13:17:05.172  1443  1678 D ContactDirectoryManager: Found com.android.exchange.directory.provider
  993. 02-22 13:17:05.270  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = contacts.en_US ; version = 1456143425 ; date = ?
  994. 02-22 13:17:05.282  1845  1845 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 338.806ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=86KB native alloc=840KB free=695KB
  995. 02-22 13:17:05.311  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1851:com.android.exchange/u0a41 for content provider com.android.exchange/.provider.ExchangeDirectoryProvider
  996. 02-22 13:17:05.375  1851  1851 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  997. 02-22 13:17:05.411  1831  1831 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ThemesProvider/lib/arm
  998. 02-22 13:17:05.415  1851  1851 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  999. 02-22 13:17:05.575  1865  1865 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1000. 02-22 13:17:05.575  1865  1865 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1001. 02-22 13:17:06.695  1865  1865 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.120s (threads: 2) arena alloc=288B java alloc=2MB native alloc=1345KB free=2MB
  1002. 02-22 13:17:06.716  1038  1403 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_6 expire 11 lines
  1003. 02-22 13:17:06.757  1831  1831 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecute(long, long) from SQLiteConnection.java:4294967294 waiters=0 for 1.277s
  1004. 02-22 13:17:06.825  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = userunigram.en_US ; version = 1456143426 ; date = ?
  1005. 02-22 13:17:06.963  1038  1064 D MountService: onStartUser 0
  1006. 02-22 13:17:06.963  1038  1064 D VoldConnector: SND -> {31 volume user_started 0}
  1007. 02-22 13:17:06.969   138   190 D vold    : Linking /storage/emulated/0 to /mnt/user/0/primary
  1008. 02-22 13:17:06.969  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 31 Command succeeded}
  1009. 02-22 13:17:06.972  1038  1259 D MountService: Volume public:254,6 broadcasting mounted to UserHandle{0}
  1010. 02-22 13:17:06.974  1038  1259 D MountService: Volume emulated broadcasting mounted to UserHandle{0}
  1011. 02-22 13:17:06.976  1038  1064 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice interaction services found for user 0
  1012. 02-22 13:17:06.976  1038  1064 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice recognition services found for user 0
  1013. 02-22 13:17:06.996  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1874:org.cyanogenmod.audiofx/u0a0 for added application org.cyanogenmod.audiofx
  1014. 02-22 13:17:07.012  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1879:com.android.phone/1001 for added application com.android.phone
  1015. 02-22 13:17:07.016  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper} from uid 0 on display 0
  1016. 02-22 13:17:07.035  1874  1874 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1017. 02-22 13:17:07.051  1874  1874 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1018. 02-22 13:17:07.109  1879  1879 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1019. 02-22 13:17:07.130  1879  1879 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1020. 02-22 13:17:07.147  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000 for activity com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper
  1021. 02-22 13:17:07.158  1831  1871 D ThemesProvider: Deleted 0
  1022. 02-22 13:17:07.195  1901  1901 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings:CryptKeeper expire 7 lines
  1023. 02-22 13:17:07.228  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1908:com.android.externalstorage/u0a7 for broadcast com.android.externalstorage/.MountReceiver
  1024. 02-22 13:17:07.265  1908  1908 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1025. 02-22 13:17:07.284  1908  1908 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1026. 02-22 13:17:07.291  1851  1851 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Exchange2/lib/arm
  1027. 02-22 13:17:07.327  1914  1914 I dex2oat : type=1400 audit(0.0:106): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:dex2oat:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  1028. 02-22 13:17:07.405  1914  1914 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1029. 02-22 13:17:07.405  1914  1914 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1030. 02-22 13:17:07.491  1831  1872 D skia    : --- SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null
  1031. 02-22 13:17:07.493  1914  1914 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 88.562ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=187KB native alloc=776KB free=759KB
  1032. 02-22 13:17:07.494  1831  1872 D skia    : --- SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null
  1033. 02-22 13:17:07.495  1831  1872 D skia    : --- SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null
  1034. 02-22 13:17:07.520  1831  1872 W IconPreviewHelper: Unable to get the icon for com.android.dialer using default
  1035. 02-22 13:17:07.531  1831  1872 W IconPreviewHelper: Unable to get the icon for com.android.mms using default
  1036. 02-22 13:17:07.595  1938  1938 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1037. 02-22 13:17:07.595  1938  1938 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1038. 02-22 13:17:07.687  1938  1938 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 92.193ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=106KB native alloc=776KB free=759KB
  1039. 02-22 13:17:07.756  1942  1942 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1040. 02-22 13:17:07.756  1942  1942 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1041. 02-22 13:17:08.387  1942  1942 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 631.530ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=1185KB native alloc=978KB free=813KB
  1042. 02-22 13:17:08.433  1038  1063 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1946:com.android.printspooler/u0a54 for service com.android.printspooler/.model.PrintSpoolerService
  1043. 02-22 13:17:08.433  1038  1405 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_8 expire 10 lines
  1044. 02-22 13:17:08.455  1946  1946 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1045. 02-22 13:17:08.470  1038  1906 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_9 expire 10 lines
  1046. 02-22 13:17:08.486  1946  1946 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1047. 02-22 13:17:08.592  1951  1951 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1048. 02-22 13:17:08.592  1951  1951 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1049. 02-22 13:17:08.677  1951  1951 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 87.554ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=61KB native alloc=776KB free=759KB
  1050. 02-22 13:17:08.678   331   331 I BootAnimation: type=1400 audit(0.0:107): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:bootanim:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1051. 02-22 13:17:08.688  1038  1933 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_A expire 10 lines
  1052. 02-22 13:17:08.695  1038  1078 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines
  1053. 02-22 13:17:08.704  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.android.providers.media appid=10005 user=-1: vold reset
  1054. 02-22 13:17:08.709  1038  1936 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_B expire 7 lines
  1055. 02-22 13:17:08.711  1038  1937 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_C expire 10 lines
  1056. 02-22 13:17:08.731  1874  1874 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/AudioFX/lib/arm
  1057. 02-22 13:17:08.785  1879  1879 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TeleService/lib/arm
  1058. 02-22 13:17:08.860  1964  1964 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1059. 02-22 13:17:08.860  1964  1964 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1060. 02-22 13:17:09.142  1964  1964 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 284.729ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=500KB native alloc=787KB free=1260KB
  1061. 02-22 13:17:09.186  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1968:com.android.email/u0a39 for content provider com.android.email/.provider.EmailProvider
  1062. 02-22 13:17:09.193  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = UserHistoryDictionary.en_US ; version = 1456143429 ; date = ?
  1063. 02-22 13:17:09.225  1968  1968 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1064. 02-22 13:17:09.229  1429  1753 I vol.Events: writeEvent internal_ringer_mode_changed normal
  1065. 02-22 13:17:09.247  1879  1879 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider/lib/arm
  1066. 02-22 13:17:09.260  1968  1968 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1067. 02-22 13:17:09.276  1429  1429 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local MAP profile
  1068. 02-22 13:17:09.289  1429  1429 D BluetoothMap: Create BluetoothMap proxy object
  1069. 02-22 13:17:09.305   193  1981 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1070. 02-22 13:17:09.310   193  1982 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1071. 02-22 13:17:09.358   193  1987 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1072. 02-22 13:17:09.363   193  1986 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1073. 02-22 13:17:09.424   193  1990 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1074. 02-22 13:17:09.424   193  1989 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1075. 02-22 13:17:09.436  1946  1946 I PrintSpoolerService: No existing print spooler state.
  1076. 02-22 13:17:09.485   193  1995 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1077. 02-22 13:17:09.492   193  1994 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1078. 02-22 13:17:09.538   193  1997 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1079. 02-22 13:17:09.542   193  1998 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1080. 02-22 13:17:09.549  1908  1908 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider/lib/arm
  1081. 02-22 13:17:09.590  1908  1908 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 2 active roots
  1082. 02-22 13:17:09.590   193  2001 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1083. 02-22 13:17:09.610  1985  1985 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1084. 02-22 13:17:09.611  1985  1985 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1085. 02-22 13:17:09.635   193  2004 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  1086. 02-22 13:17:10.060  1038  1808 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1087. 02-22 13:17:10.070  1429  1661 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  1088. 02-22 13:17:10.132  1038  2030 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1089. 02-22 13:17:10.181  1429  2033 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  1090. 02-22 13:17:10.199  1038  2036 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1091. 02-22 13:17:10.265  1038  2039 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1092. 02-22 13:17:10.325  1429  2042 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  1093. 02-22 13:17:10.340  1038  2045 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1094. 02-22 13:17:10.431  1038  2048 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  1095. 02-22 13:17:10.491  1809  1850 I BinaryDictionaryFileDumper: reinitializeClientRecordInDictionaryContentProvider() : MetadataFileUri =
  1096. 02-22 13:17:11.152  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onCreate:+ db=SQLiteDatabase: /data/user/0/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/telephony.db
  1097. 02-22 13:17:11.152  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.createSimInfoTable:+
  1098. 02-22 13:17:11.155  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.createSimInfoTable:-
  1099. 02-22 13:17:11.155  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.createCarriersTable: carriers
  1100. 02-22 13:17:11.161  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.createCarriersTable:-
  1101. 02-22 13:17:11.162  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: No APNs in OEM image = /oem/telephony/apns-conf.xml Load APNs from system image
  1102. 02-22 13:17:11.162  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: No APNs in OEM image = /data/misc/apns-conf.xml Load APNs from system image
  1103. 02-22 13:17:11.162  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: confFile = /system/etc/apns-conf.xml
  1104. 02-22 13:17:11.164  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onCreate:- db=SQLiteDatabase: /data/user/0/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/telephony.db
  1105. 02-22 13:17:11.331  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:de ; version = 54 ; date = 1414726263
  1106. 02-22 13:17:11.332  1809  1850 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.StringUtils.getStringFromNullTerminatedCodePointArray(int[])
  1107. 02-22 13:17:11.338  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=siminfo
  1108. 02-22 13:17:11.339  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=carriers
  1109. 02-22 13:17:11.342  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: onCreate: build id changed from  to MMB29U
  1110. 02-22 13:17:11.349  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: No APNs in OEM image = /oem/telephony/apns-conf.xml Load APNs from system image
  1111. 02-22 13:17:11.349  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: No APNs in OEM image = /data/misc/apns-conf.xml Load APNs from system image
  1112. 02-22 13:17:11.349  1879  1879 D TelephonyProvider: confFile = /system/etc/apns-conf.xml
  1113. 02-22 13:17:11.368  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:fr ; version = 54 ; date = 1414726264
  1114. 02-22 13:17:11.383  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:es ; version = 54 ; date = 1414726268
  1115. 02-22 13:17:11.409  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:it ; version = 54 ; date = 1414726258
  1116. 02-22 13:17:12.539  1985  1985 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 2.932s (threads: 2) arena alloc=288B java alloc=4MB native alloc=1666KB free=2MB
  1117. 02-22 13:17:12.543  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = main:ru ; version = 54 ; date = 1414726277
  1118. 02-22 13:17:12.566  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f}
  1119. 02-22 13:17:12.567  1038  1275 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) AudioService expire 2 lines
  1120. 02-22 13:17:12.574  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.SetupWizardActivity} from uid 0 on display 0
  1121. 02-22 13:17:12.607  1908  1908 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 2 active roots
  1122. 02-22 13:17:12.608   163   242 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_1 expire 2 lines
  1123. 02-22 13:17:12.631  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2055:com.google.android.setupwizard/u0a25 for activity com.google.android.setupwizard/.SetupWizardActivity
  1124. 02-22 13:17:12.633  1429  1429 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
  1125. 02-22 13:17:12.665  2055  2055 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1126. 02-22 13:17:12.681  2055  2055 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1127. 02-22 13:17:12.734  1038  1405 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10016/1429 for NetworkRequest [ id=3, legacyType=-1, [] ]
  1128. 02-22 13:17:12.749  1038  1403 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2071:com.google.process.gapps/u0a57 for content provider com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.GalProvider
  1129. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper: Unexpected exception communicating with the dictionary pack
  1130. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'java.lang.String com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict.DictionaryHeader.mVersionString' on a null object reference
  1131. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.DictionaryHeaderUtils.getContentVersion(DictionaryHeaderUtils.java:29)
  1132. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.DictionaryInfoUtils.createDictionaryInfoFromFileAddress(DictionaryInfoUtils.java:429)
  1133. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.DictionaryInfoUtils.getCurrentDictionaryFileNameAndVersionInfo(DictionaryInfoUtils.java:556)
  1134. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at com.android.inputmethod.latin.BinaryDictionaryFileDumper.reinitializeClientRecordInDictionaryContentProvider(BinaryDictionaryFileDumper.java:516)
  1135. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at com.android.inputmethod.latin.BinaryDictionaryFileDumper.getWordListWordListInfos(BinaryDictionaryFileDumper.java:168)
  1136. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at com.android.inputmethod.latin.BinaryDictionaryFileDumper.downloadDictIfNeverRequested(BinaryDictionaryFileDumper.java:452)
  1137. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at com.android.inputmethod.latin.BinaryDictionaryGetter.getDictionaryFiles(BinaryDictionaryGetter.java:251)
  1138. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at com.android.inputmethod.latin.DictionaryFactory.createMainDictionaryFromManager(DictionaryFactory.java:56)
  1139. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at com.android.inputmethod.latin.DictionaryFacilitatorImpl.doReloadUninitializedMainDictionaries(DictionaryFacilitatorImpl.java:405)
  1140. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at com.android.inputmethod.latin.DictionaryFacilitatorImpl$1.run(DictionaryFacilitatorImpl.java:388)
  1141. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:423)
  1142. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
  1143. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:269)
  1144. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1113)
  1145. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:588)
  1146. 02-22 13:17:12.763  1809  1850 E BinaryDictionaryFileDumper:    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
  1147. 02-22 13:17:12.769  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2077:com.cyanogenmod.eleven/u0a38 for broadcast com.cyanogenmod.eleven/.MediaButtonIntentReceiver
  1148. 02-22 13:17:12.775  2071  2071 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1149. 02-22 13:17:12.794  2071  2071 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1150. 02-22 13:17:12.855  2077  2077 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1151. 02-22 13:17:12.865  1908  1908 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 2 active roots
  1152. 02-22 13:17:12.873  2077  2077 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1153. 02-22 13:17:12.938  1968  1968 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Email/lib/arm
  1154. 02-22 13:17:12.995  2090  2090 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1155. 02-22 13:17:12.995  2090  2090 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1156. 02-22 13:17:13.862  2090  2090 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 867.828ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=72B java alloc=2MB native alloc=1422KB free=1649KB
  1157. 02-22 13:17:13.950  2106  2106 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1158. 02-22 13:17:13.950  2106  2106 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1159. 02-22 13:17:14.243  2106  2106 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 293.518ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=517KB native alloc=721KB free=1326KB
  1160. 02-22 13:17:14.259  1038  1064 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines
  1161. 02-22 13:17:14.261  1038  2060 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_D expire 10 lines
  1162. 02-22 13:17:14.280  1908  1908 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 2 active roots
  1163. 02-22 13:17:14.298  2055  2055 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SetupWizard/lib/arm
  1164. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue: Handler (android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler) {815c965} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
  1165. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler) {815c965} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
  1166. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(MessageQueue.java:543)
  1167. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(Handler.java:631)
  1168. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(Handler.java:600)
  1169. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue:  at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.onVsync(Choreographer.java:838)
  1170. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue:  at android.view.DisplayEventReceiver.dispatchVsync(DisplayEventReceiver.java:141)
  1171. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
  1172. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:323)
  1173. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
  1174. 02-22 13:17:14.299  1831  1872 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  1175. 02-22 13:17:14.401  2111  2111 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1176. 02-22 13:17:14.401  2111  2111 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1177. 02-22 13:17:16.105  2111  2111 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.705s (threads: 2) arena alloc=480B java alloc=3MB native alloc=1864KB free=2MB
  1178. 02-22 13:17:16.127  1968  2114 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
  1179. 02-22 13:17:16.130  1968  2115 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
  1180. 02-22 13:17:16.162  1908  1908 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 2 active roots
  1181. 02-22 13:17:16.172  1038  1264 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 43 lines
  1182. 02-22 13:17:16.224  1038  1264 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2119:com.android.vending/u0a24 for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.LocationProviderChangedReceiver
  1183. 02-22 13:17:16.244  1429  1429 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
  1184. 02-22 13:17:16.248  2077  2077 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Eleven/lib/arm
  1185. 02-22 13:17:16.260  1968  2118 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
  1186. 02-22 13:17:16.285  2119  2119 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1187. 02-22 13:17:16.300  1429  1429 E CameraMetadata-JNI: CameraMetadata_setupGlobalVendorTagDescriptor: Failed to setup vendor tag descriptors, received error No such device (-19)
  1188. 02-22 13:17:16.301  1429  1429 W CameraManagerGlobal: Failed to set up vendor tags: The camera device is removable and has been disconnected from the Android device, or the camera service has shut down the connection due to a higher-priority access request for the camera device.
  1189. 02-22 13:17:16.310  2119  2119 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1190. 02-22 13:17:16.313  1968  1968 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
  1191. 02-22 13:17:16.450  2071  2071 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter/lib/arm
  1192. 02-22 13:17:16.589  2135  2135 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1193. 02-22 13:17:16.589  2135  2135 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1194. 02-22 13:17:19.966  2135  2135 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 3.377s (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=12MB native alloc=2MB free=2MB
  1195. 02-22 13:17:19.989  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
  1196. 02-22 13:17:20.004  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2146:com.cyanogenmod.eleven:main/u0a38 for service com.cyanogenmod.eleven/.MusicPlaybackService
  1197. 02-22 13:17:20.021  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2151:com.android.smspush/u0a55 for service com.android.smspush/.WapPushManager
  1198. 02-22 13:17:20.036  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2156:com.google.process.gapps/u0a20 for content provider com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider
  1199. 02-22 13:17:20.038  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.mail.action.BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED pkg=com.android.email } U=0: not found
  1200. 02-22 13:17:20.055  2146  2146 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1201. 02-22 13:17:20.072  2146  2146 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1202. 02-22 13:17:20.125  2151  2151 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1203. 02-22 13:17:20.128  1038  1078 I ActivityManager:   Force finishing activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f}
  1204. 02-22 13:17:20.128  1038  1078 W ActivityManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f}
  1205. 02-22 13:17:20.147  2151  2151 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1206. 02-22 13:17:20.175  2156  2156 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) com.google.process.gapps expire 7 lines
  1207. 02-22 13:17:20.240  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1208. 02-22 13:17:20.310  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1209. 02-22 13:17:20.380  2192  2192 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1210. 02-22 13:17:20.380  2192  2192 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1211. 02-22 13:17:20.538  2192  2192 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 158.203ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=368B java alloc=74KB native alloc=924KB free=867KB
  1212. 02-22 13:17:20.546  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1213. 02-22 13:17:20.566  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1214. 02-22 13:17:20.574  1038  2161 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_10 expire 5 lines
  1215. 02-22 13:17:20.576  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.mail.action.BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED pkg=com.android.email } U=0: not found
  1216. 02-22 13:17:20.580  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1217. 02-22 13:17:20.593  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1218. 02-22 13:17:20.632  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.mail.action.BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED pkg=com.android.email } U=0: not found
  1219. 02-22 13:17:20.661  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.mail.action.BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED pkg=com.android.email } U=0: not found
  1220. 02-22 13:17:20.674  2151  2151 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/WAPPushManager/lib/arm
  1221. 02-22 13:17:20.677  2146  2146 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Eleven/lib/arm
  1222. 02-22 13:17:20.693  1879  2201 E DcSwitchStateMachine-0: DctController is not ready
  1223. 02-22 13:17:20.708  1038  1269 E ConnectivityService: Failed to find Messenger in unregisterNetworkFactory
  1224. 02-22 13:17:20.710  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.mail.action.BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED pkg=com.android.email } U=0: not found
  1225. 02-22 13:17:20.711  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for Telephony
  1226. 02-22 13:17:20.803  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.mail.action.BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED pkg=com.android.email } U=0: not found
  1227. 02-22 13:17:20.886  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1228. 02-22 13:17:20.895  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.mail.action.BACKUP_DATA_CHANGED pkg=com.android.email } U=0: not found
  1229. 02-22 13:17:20.913  2119  2119 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Phonesky/lib/arm
  1230. 02-22 13:17:20.918  2146  2146 V RenderScript_jni: RS native mode
  1231. 02-22 13:17:20.920  2146  2146 V RenderScript_jni: Unable to load libRSSupportIO.so, USAGE_IO not supported
  1232. 02-22 13:17:20.991  2146  2205 V RenderScript: 0x6c50e000 Launching thread(s), CPUs 2
  1233. 02-22 13:17:21.125  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1234. 02-22 13:17:21.154  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2213:android.process.media/u0a5 for content provider com.android.providers.media/.MediaProvider
  1235. 02-22 13:17:21.189  1968  2114 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(int, android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel, int) from Binder.java:4294967294 waiters=0 for 4.913s
  1236. 02-22 13:17:21.191  1968  2115 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(int, android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel, int) from Binder.java:4294967294 waiters=1 for 4.914s
  1237. 02-22 13:17:21.193  1968  2118 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=boolean android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(int, android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel, int) from Binder.java:4294967294 waiters=2 for 1.184s
  1238. 02-22 13:17:21.225  2213  2213 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1239. 02-22 13:17:21.241  1429  2212 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  1240. 02-22 13:17:21.241  1429  2212 D OpenGLRenderer: profile bars disabled
  1241. 02-22 13:17:21.243  1429  2212 D OpenGLRenderer: ambientRatio = 1.50
  1242. 02-22 13:17:21.268  2213  2213 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1243. 02-22 13:17:21.325  2119  2119 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.onCreate() took 112.915ms
  1244. 02-22 13:17:21.344  1879  1879 D CarrierConfigLoader: CarrierConfigLoader has started
  1245. 02-22 13:17:21.368   163   990 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_4 expire 2 lines
  1246. 02-22 13:17:21.467  2146  2209 W art     : Verification of com.cyanogenmod.eleven.cache.DiskLruCache$Snapshot com.cyanogenmod.eleven.cache.DiskLruCache.get(java.lang.String) took 126.068ms
  1247. 02-22 13:17:21.499  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < EXPAND* icons alerts system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
  1248. 02-22 13:17:21.544  2229  2229 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1249. 02-22 13:17:21.544  2229  2229 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1250. 02-22 13:17:21.705  2229  2229 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 162.078ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=72B java alloc=387KB native alloc=821KB free=970KB
  1251. 02-22 13:17:21.717  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1252. 02-22 13:17:21.718  1038  2145 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_F expire 9 lines
  1253. 02-22 13:17:21.721  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentService } U=0: not found
  1254. 02-22 13:17:21.723  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentService } U=0: not found
  1255. 02-22 13:17:21.830  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1256. 02-22 13:17:21.899  1879  1879 I Telephony: TtyManager: updateUiTtyMode -1 -> 0
  1257. 02-22 13:17:21.905  1968  2238 I Email   : Observing account changes for notifications
  1258. 02-22 13:17:21.913  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.SetupWizardActivity: DEVICE_PROVISIONED=false USER_SETUP_COMPLETE=false
  1259. 02-22 13:17:21.929  1038  1062 D WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=2055, uid=10025
  1260. 02-22 13:17:21.929  1038  1062 E WifiService: Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
  1261. 02-22 13:17:21.952  1851  1851 I Exchange: EasService.onCreate
  1262. 02-22 13:17:21.958  2213  2213 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/lib/arm
  1263. 02-22 13:17:21.969  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.LOAD flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1264. 02-22 13:17:22.030  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentService } U=0: not found
  1265. 02-22 13:17:22.045  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1266. 02-22 13:17:22.065  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: heads up is enabled
  1267. 02-22 13:17:22.066  1851  2249 I Exchange: RestartPingTask
  1268. 02-22 13:17:22.071  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1269. 02-22 13:17:22.141  2213  2213 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/lib/arm
  1270. 02-22 13:17:22.195  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1271. 02-22 13:17:22.198  1443  1678 I ContactDirectoryManager: deleted 0 stale rows which don't have any relevant directory
  1272. 02-22 13:17:22.203  1879  1879 D TelephonyDebugService: TelephonyDebugService()
  1273. 02-22 13:17:22.220  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=welcome uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.android.setupwizard.WELCOME;end transitions={} default: carrier_setup)
  1274. 02-22 13:17:22.221  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.setupwizard.WELCOME flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.Welcome (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1275. 02-22 13:17:22.264  1038  1268 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1276. 02-22 13:17:22.268  1429  1429 D StatusBar: user hasn't seen notification about hidden notifications
  1277. 02-22 13:17:22.271  1429  1429 D StatusBar: insecure lockscreen, skipping notification
  1278. 02-22 13:17:22.275  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1279. 02-22 13:17:22.290  1443  1678 I ContactDirectoryManager: Discovered 0 contact directories in 17591ms
  1280. 02-22 13:17:22.297  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentService } U=0: not found
  1281. 02-22 13:17:22.299  1879  1879 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: 12 phoneId: 0
  1282. 02-22 13:17:22.299  1879  1879 D CarrierConfigLoader: Build fingerprint changed. old: null new: hp/hp_tenderloin/tenderloin:6.0/MRA58K/2256973:user/release-keys
  1283. 02-22 13:17:22.304  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1284. 02-22 13:17:22.322  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1285. 02-22 13:17:22.340  1879  1879 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getIccId: No UICC
  1286. 02-22 13:17:22.357  1038  2161 W Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount not allowed on non-voice capable device.
  1287. 02-22 13:17:22.370  1879  1879 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [e0184adedf913b076626646d3f52c3b49c39ad6d], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: 54 Schemes: tel voicemail ] with handle: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.services.telephony.TelephonyConnectionService}, [e0184adedf913b076626646d3f52c3b49c39ad6d], UserHandle{0}
  1288. 02-22 13:17:22.379  1879  1879 I Telephony: PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GSMPhone) {b51eb61}
  1289. 02-22 13:17:22.380  1443  1678 I ContactsProvider: Upgrading aggregation algorithm
  1290. 02-22 13:17:22.424  2119  2119 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.gms.common.c.a(android.app.Activity, android.content.DialogInterface$OnCancelListener, java.lang.String, android.app.Dialog) took 157.318ms
  1291. 02-22 13:17:22.476  1038  1936 W Telecom : : No account found for the calling user
  1292. 02-22 13:17:22.482  1429  1429 I Choreographer: Skipped 928 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1293. 02-22 13:17:22.489  1429  1429 D ViewRootImpl: changeCanvasOpacity: opaque=true
  1294. 02-22 13:17:22.620  1443  1678 I ContactAggregator: Marked all visible contacts for aggregation: 0 raw contacts, 2 ms
  1295. 02-22 13:17:22.644  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1296. 02-22 13:17:22.654  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1297. 02-22 13:17:22.655  1851  1851 I Exchange: RestartPingsTask did not start any pings.
  1298. 02-22 13:17:22.655  1851  1851 I Exchange: PSS stopIfIdle
  1299. 02-22 13:17:22.656  1851  1851 I Exchange: PSS has no active accounts; stopping service.
  1300. 02-22 13:17:22.660  1968  2115 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.email.provider.AccountReconciler.reconcileAccounts(android.content.Context) from AccountReconciler.java:4294967295 waiters=0 for 596ms
  1301. 02-22 13:17:22.673  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentService } U=0: not found
  1302. 02-22 13:17:22.698  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1303. 02-22 13:17:22.702  2212  2212 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:110): avc: denied { read write } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1304. 02-22 13:17:22.702  2212  2212 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:111): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1305. 02-22 13:17:22.702  2212  2212 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:112): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=902 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1306. 02-22 13:17:22.708  1429  2212 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  1307. 02-22 13:17:22.708  1429  2212 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  1308. 02-22 13:17:22.708  1429  2212 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  1309. 02-22 13:17:22.708  1429  2212 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  1310. 02-22 13:17:22.708  1429  2212 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  1311. 02-22 13:17:22.708  1429  2212 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  1312. 02-22 13:17:22.719  1429  2212 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1313. 02-22 13:17:22.788  1038  1268 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1314. 02-22 13:17:22.933  1443  1678 I ContactsProvider: Aggregation algorithm upgraded for 0 raw contacts in 552ms
  1315. 02-22 13:17:22.955  2213  2213 I MediaProvider: Upgrading media database from version 0 to 800, which will destroy all old data
  1316. 02-22 13:17:23.002  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1317. 02-22 13:17:23.068  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1318. 02-22 13:17:23.094  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < EXPAND icons ALERTS* system_info BACK HOME RECENT CLOCK* SEARCH quick_settings >
  1319. 02-22 13:17:23.094  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: heads up is disabled
  1320. 02-22 13:17:23.094  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: dismissing any existing heads up notification on disable event
  1321. 02-22 13:17:23.104  1851  1851 I Exchange: onDestroy
  1322. 02-22 13:17:23.149  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1323. 02-22 13:17:23.200  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2266:com.svox.pico/u0a53 for service com.svox.pico/.PicoService
  1324. 02-22 13:17:23.213  2055  2055 I TextToSpeech: Sucessfully bound to com.svox.pico
  1325. 02-22 13:17:23.235  2266  2266 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1326. 02-22 13:17:23.248  2055  2055 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1327. 02-22 13:17:23.248  2055  2055 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1328. 02-22 13:17:23.257  2055  2055 D Ringtone: Problem opening; delegating to remote player
  1329. 02-22 13:17:23.258  1443  1678 I ContactsFTS: Rebuild contact search index in 183ms, 0 contacts
  1330. 02-22 13:17:23.259  2055  2055 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1331. 02-22 13:17:23.259  2055  2055 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1332. 02-22 13:17:23.260  2055  2055 D Ringtone: Problem opening; delegating to remote player
  1333. 02-22 13:17:23.291  2266  2266 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1334. 02-22 13:17:23.332  2119  2119 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.onCreate(357): Initializing network with DFE https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/
  1335. 02-22 13:17:23.496  2119  2119 W art     : Verification of void com.android.volley.o.<init>(com.android.volley.a, com.android.volley.i, int) took 163.391ms
  1336. 02-22 13:17:23.539  2213  2213 D MediaProvider: Adjusting external storage paths to: /storage/emulated/0
  1337. 02-22 13:17:23.579  2280  2280 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1338. 02-22 13:17:23.579  2280  2280 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1339. 02-22 13:17:23.615   188  1029 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
  1340. 02-22 13:17:23.615   188  1029 D CommandListener: Trying to bring down wlan0
  1341. 02-22 13:17:23.620   188  1029 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  1342. 02-22 13:17:23.671  2213  2213 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table: album_info
  1343. 02-22 13:17:23.731  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1344. 02-22 13:17:23.750  1429  1429 I Choreographer: Skipped 73 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1345. 02-22 13:17:23.807  2284  2284 I wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
  1346. 02-22 13:17:23.811  2284  2284 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
  1347. 02-22 13:17:23.844  2284  2284 I wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Could not re-add multicast membership for vendor events: -2 (No such file or directory)
  1348. 02-22 13:17:23.902  2280  2280 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 324.218ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=95KB native alloc=798KB free=737KB
  1349. 02-22 13:17:23.911  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1350. 02-22 13:17:23.932  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1351. 02-22 13:17:23.941  1429  1429 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleSimStateChange()
  1352. 02-22 13:17:23.960  1429  1429 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleServiceStateChange()
  1353. 02-22 13:17:23.970  1038  1064 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {2 cryptfs setfield SystemLocale en-US}
  1354. 02-22 13:17:23.970   138   191 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
  1355. 02-22 13:17:23.971   138   191 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
  1356. 02-22 13:17:23.971  1038  1261 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 2 0}
  1357. 02-22 13:17:23.972  2146  2146 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1358. 02-22 13:17:23.972  2146  2146 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1359. 02-22 13:17:23.973  1038  1403 I ActivityManager: Config changes=300004 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw768dp w1024dp h696dp 160dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.6 themeResource=themes:{}}
  1360. 02-22 13:17:24.086  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1361. 02-22 13:17:24.194  2151  2151 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1362. 02-22 13:17:24.194  2151  2151 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1363. 02-22 13:17:24.194  2151  2151 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1364. 02-22 13:17:24.263  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1365. 02-22 13:17:24.344  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1366. 02-22 13:17:24.375  1874  1874 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1367. 02-22 13:17:24.376  1874  1874 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1368. 02-22 13:17:24.376  1874  1874 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1369. 02-22 13:17:24.377  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1370. 02-22 13:17:24.512  2213  2299 W art     : Verification of boolean com.android.providers.downloads.Helpers.isFilenameAvailableLocked(java.io.File[], java.lang.String) took 103.240ms
  1371. 02-22 13:17:24.515  1879  1879 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1372. 02-22 13:17:24.516  1879  1879 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1373. 02-22 13:17:24.516  1879  1879 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1374. 02-22 13:17:24.562  1038  1286 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer expire 1 line
  1375. 02-22 13:17:24.591  2266  2266 V SynthProxy: About to load libttspico.so, applyFilter=true
  1376. 02-22 13:17:24.607  2055  2310 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  1377. 02-22 13:17:24.644  2213  2213 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1378. 02-22 13:17:24.645  2213  2213 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1379. 02-22 13:17:24.645  2213  2213 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1380. 02-22 13:17:24.655  1429  1429 I Choreographer: Skipped 52 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1381. 02-22 13:17:24.835  1443  1443 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1382. 02-22 13:17:24.836  1443  1443 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1383. 02-22 13:17:24.836  1443  1443 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1384. 02-22 13:17:24.872  2055  2055 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1385. 02-22 13:17:24.873  2055  2055 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1386. 02-22 13:17:24.873  2055  2055 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1387. 02-22 13:17:24.904  2266  2266 I SVOX Pico Engine: loaded en-US successfully
  1388. 02-22 13:17:24.958  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1389. 02-22 13:17:24.972  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1390. 02-22 13:17:25.086  1968  1968 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1391. 02-22 13:17:25.087  1968  1968 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1392. 02-22 13:17:25.087  1968  1968 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1393. 02-22 13:17:25.121  2119  2119 W art     : Verification of boolean com.google.android.play.a.v.a(com.google.android.play.a.o) took 133.972ms
  1394. 02-22 13:17:25.185  1429  1429 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1395. 02-22 13:17:25.185  1429  1429 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1396. 02-22 13:17:25.185  1429  1429 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1397. 02-22 13:17:25.207  1946  1960 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 66.650ms
  1398. 02-22 13:17:25.239  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1399. 02-22 13:17:25.241  2055  2055 I TextToSpeech: Sucessfully bound to com.svox.pico
  1400. 02-22 13:17:25.242  2055  2055 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1401. 02-22 13:17:25.242  2055  2055 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1402. 02-22 13:17:25.249  2055  2055 D Ringtone: Problem opening; delegating to remote player
  1403. 02-22 13:17:25.250  2055  2055 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1404. 02-22 13:17:25.250  2055  2055 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  1405. 02-22 13:17:25.251  2055  2055 D Ringtone: Problem opening; delegating to remote player
  1406. 02-22 13:17:25.326  2266  2266 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1407. 02-22 13:17:25.326  2266  2266 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1408. 02-22 13:17:25.326  2266  2266 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1409. 02-22 13:17:25.416  2146  2146 W WakefulBroadcastReceiver: No active wake lock id #1
  1410. 02-22 13:17:25.420  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1411. 02-22 13:17:25.502  2266  2266 V SynthProxy: About to load libttspico.so, applyFilter=true
  1412. 02-22 13:17:25.506  2055  2055 I Choreographer: Skipped 43 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1413. 02-22 13:17:25.526  2266  2266 I SVOX Pico Engine: loaded en-US successfully
  1414. 02-22 13:17:25.532  2146  2313 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecute(long, long) from SQLiteConnection.java:4294967294 waiters=0 for 716ms
  1415. 02-22 13:17:25.656  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for WIFI
  1416. 02-22 13:17:25.658  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkFactory Messenger for WIFI_UT
  1417. 02-22 13:17:25.711  1831  1831 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1418. 02-22 13:17:25.711  1831  1831 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1419. 02-22 13:17:25.712  1831  1831 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1420. 02-22 13:17:25.715  2310  2310 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:114): avc: denied { read write } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1421. 02-22 13:17:25.715  2310  2310 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:115): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1422. 02-22 13:17:25.715  2310  2310 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:116): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=902 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  1423. 02-22 13:17:25.723  1908  1908 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1424. 02-22 13:17:25.723  1908  1908 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1425. 02-22 13:17:25.723  1908  1908 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1426. 02-22 13:17:25.727  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1427. 02-22 13:17:25.729  1038  1069 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines
  1428. 02-22 13:17:25.733  2055  2310 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  1429. 02-22 13:17:25.733  2055  2310 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  1430. 02-22 13:17:25.733  2055  2310 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  1431. 02-22 13:17:25.733  2055  2310 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  1432. 02-22 13:17:25.733  2055  2310 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  1433. 02-22 13:17:25.733  2055  2310 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  1434. 02-22 13:17:25.735  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1435. 02-22 13:17:25.759  2055  2310 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1436. 02-22 13:17:25.782  2119  2119 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.a(119): Dirty, need more hygiene.
  1437. 02-22 13:17:25.810  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1438. 02-22 13:17:25.812  2055  2055 I TextToSpeech: Connected to ComponentInfo{com.svox.pico/com.svox.pico.PicoService}
  1439. 02-22 13:17:25.893  1429  1429 I Choreographer: Skipped 72 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1440. 02-22 13:17:25.989  2146  2313 D LocaleSetManager: Locale Changed from: null to null
  1441. 02-22 13:17:26.030  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1442. 02-22 13:17:26.036  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1443. 02-22 13:17:26.044  1038  1069 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s925ms due to AppWindowToken{335467b token=Token{1125e0a ActivityRecord{643ee75 u0 com.google.android.setupwizard/.Welcome t3}}}
  1444. 02-22 13:17:26.052  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1445. 02-22 13:17:26.054  1038  1064 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
  1446. 02-22 13:17:26.073  2119  2119 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  1447. 02-22 13:17:26.085  2077  2077 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1448. 02-22 13:17:26.085  2077  2077 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1449. 02-22 13:17:26.085  2077  2077 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1450. 02-22 13:17:26.093  2119  2119 W Settings: Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  1451. 02-22 13:17:26.110  2071  2071 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1452. 02-22 13:17:26.112  2071  2071 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1453. 02-22 13:17:26.112  2071  2071 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1454. 02-22 13:17:26.131  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1455. 02-22 13:17:26.133  1038  1038 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 5 lines
  1456. 02-22 13:17:26.212  2213  2299 I DownloadManager: Upgrading downloads database from version 0 to version 109, which will destroy all old data
  1457. 02-22 13:17:26.386  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1458. 02-22 13:17:26.391  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1459. 02-22 13:17:26.396  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1460. 02-22 13:17:26.401  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1461. 02-22 13:17:26.402  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.b(1023): No account configured on this device.
  1462. 02-22 13:17:26.406  2146  2313 W art     : Verification of int com.cyanogenmod.eleven.locale.LocaleUtils.getBucketIndex(java.lang.String) took 414.916ms
  1463. 02-22 13:17:26.423  2119  2119 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1464. 02-22 13:17:26.434  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2324:com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a20 for broadcast com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.NlpNetworkProviderSettingsUpdateReceiver
  1465. 02-22 13:17:26.438  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1466. 02-22 13:17:26.450  1851  1851 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1467. 02-22 13:17:26.451  1851  1851 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1468. 02-22 13:17:26.451  1851  1851 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1469. 02-22 13:17:26.465  2324  2324 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 11 lines
  1470. 02-22 13:17:26.471  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1471. 02-22 13:17:26.552  2119  2119 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1472. 02-22 13:17:26.552  2119  2119 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1473. 02-22 13:17:26.552  2119  2119 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1474. 02-22 13:17:26.591  1809  1809 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1475. 02-22 13:17:26.608  2146  2146 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1476. 02-22 13:17:26.608  2146  2146 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1477. 02-22 13:17:26.608  2146  2146 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1478. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient: java.lang.InterruptedException
  1479. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.reportInterruptAfterWait(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:1988)
  1480. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:2022)
  1481. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(LinkedBlockingQueue.java:410)
  1482. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at com.google.android.gms.common.a.ig(Unknown)
  1483. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at com.google.android.gms.auth.frp.FrpClient.a(Unknown)
  1484. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at com.google.android.gms.auth.frp.FrpClient.isChallengeRequired(Unknown)
  1485. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at com.google.android.setupwizard.util.FrpHelper$FrpTask.doInBackground(FrpHelper.java:138)
  1486. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at com.google.android.setupwizard.util.FrpHelper$FrpTask.doInBackground(FrpHelper.java:133)
  1487. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:295)
  1488. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
  1489. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$1.run(AsyncTask.java:234)
  1490. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1113)
  1491. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:588)
  1492. 02-22 13:17:26.614  2055  2125 W FrpClient:     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
  1493. 02-22 13:17:26.618  1809  1809 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1494. 02-22 13:17:26.618  1809  1809 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1495. 02-22 13:17:26.636  2119  2323 W art     : Verification of com.google.android.gms.common.f com.google.android.gms.ads.b.b.b(android.content.Context) took 203.063ms
  1496. 02-22 13:17:26.675  1946  1946 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf
  1497. 02-22 13:17:26.675  1946  1946 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
  1498. 02-22 13:17:26.675  1946  1946 E Minikin : addFont failed to create font /system/fonts/MTLmr3m.ttf
  1499. 02-22 13:17:26.805  2119  2119 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.receivers.ClearCacheReceiver.onReceive(27): Received android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED. Clearing cache and exiting.
  1500. 02-22 13:17:26.825  2119  2290 D Volley  : [108] g.b: Cache cleared.
  1501. 02-22 13:17:26.826  2119  2323 D Ads     : Skipping gmscore version check
  1502. 02-22 13:17:26.826  2119  2304 D Volley  : [116] g.b: Cache cleared.
  1503. 02-22 13:17:26.833  2119  2119 I art     : System.exit called, status: 0
  1504. 02-22 13:17:26.833  2119  2119 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
  1505. 02-22 13:17:26.919  2146  2313 I MusicLocale: AddressBook Labels [en-US]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, #, ]
  1506. 02-22 13:17:26.948  2146  2313 I MusicLocale: AddressBook Labels [en-US]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, #, ]
  1507. 02-22 13:17:26.950  2146  2313 D LocaleSetManager: Locale Changed from: null to en-US
  1508. 02-22 13:17:26.971  2338  2338 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1509. 02-22 13:17:26.972  2338  2338 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1510. 02-22 13:17:39.617  2338  2338 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 12.646s (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=30MB native alloc=7MB free=8MB
  1511. 02-22 13:17:39.648  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1512. 02-22 13:17:39.652  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1513. 02-22 13:17:39.662  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1514. 02-22 13:17:39.665  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1515. 02-22 13:17:39.669  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1516. 02-22 13:17:39.673  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1517. 02-22 13:17:39.676  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1518. 02-22 13:17:39.679  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1519. 02-22 13:17:39.696  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1520. 02-22 13:17:39.698  1038  2144 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_E expire 6 lines
  1521. 02-22 13:17:39.719  1038  2144 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2343:com.google.android.gms/u0a20 for broadcast com.google.android.gms/.icing.service.SystemEventReceiver
  1522. 02-22 13:17:39.720   158   158 E lowmemorykiller: Error opening /proc/2119/oom_score_adj; errno=2
  1523. 02-22 13:17:39.755  2343  2343 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 41 lines
  1524. 02-22 13:17:39.765  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1525. 02-22 13:17:39.769  1038  1063 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 10 lines
  1526. 02-22 13:17:39.770   194   194 E installd: Unable to unlink boot marker at /data/dalvik-cache/arm/.booting, error=No such file or directory
  1527. 02-22 13:17:39.773   158   158 E lowmemorykiller: Error opening /proc/2119/oom_score_adj; errno=2
  1528. 02-22 13:17:39.773  1038  1069 E ActivityManager: Unable to mark boot complete for abi: armeabi-v7a
  1529. 02-22 13:17:39.776  1038  1256 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1530. 02-22 13:17:39.778  1038  1256 W ActivityManager: Application dead when creating service ServiceRecord{30dc700 u0 com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene}
  1531. 02-22 13:17:39.814  1038  1256 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.vending (pid 2119) has died
  1532. 02-22 13:17:39.815  1038  1256 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene in 1000ms
  1533. 02-22 13:17:39.818  1038  1256 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1534. 02-22 13:17:39.823  1038  1256 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene in 4000ms
  1535. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager: Exception when starting service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene
  1536. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager: android.os.DeadObjectException
  1537. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  1538. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:503)
  1539. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at android.app.ApplicationThreadProxy.scheduleCreateService(ApplicationThreadNative.java:928)
  1540. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at com.android.server.am.ActiveServices.realStartServiceLocked(ActiveServices.java:1531)
  1541. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at com.android.server.am.ActiveServices.bringUpServiceLocked(ActiveServices.java:1435)
  1542. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at com.android.server.am.ActiveServices.startServiceInnerLocked(ActiveServices.java:433)
  1543. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at com.android.server.am.ActiveServices.startServiceLocked(ActiveServices.java:420)
  1544. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.startServiceInPackage(ActivityManagerService.java:15886)
  1545. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at com.android.server.am.PendingIntentRecord.sendInner(PendingIntentRecord.java:308)
  1546. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at com.android.server.am.PendingIntentRecord.send(PendingIntentRecord.java:203)
  1547. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at android.app.PendingIntent.send(PendingIntent.java:806)
  1548. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at com.android.server.AlarmManagerService.deliverAlarmsLocked(AlarmManagerService.java:2228)
  1549. 02-22 13:17:39.824  1038  1256 W ActivityManager:       at com.android.server.AlarmManagerService$AlarmThread.run(AlarmManagerService.java:2408)
  1550. 02-22 13:17:39.826  1038  1404 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_7 expire 8 lines
  1551. 02-22 13:17:39.883  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1552. 02-22 13:17:39.897  1429  1753 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 10
  1553. 02-22 13:17:39.909  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Spurious death for ProcessRecord{d26ab8a 0:com.android.vending/u0a24}, curProc for 2119: null
  1554. 02-22 13:17:39.910  1038  2060 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1555. 02-22 13:17:40.013  1038  1069 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 1000
  1556. 02-22 13:17:40.074  2055  2055 I Choreographer: Skipped 170 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  1557. 02-22 13:17:40.166  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2358:com.android.bluetooth/1002 for on-hold
  1558. 02-22 13:17:40.225  2358  2358 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1559. 02-22 13:17:40.264  2358  2358 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1560. 02-22 13:17:40.352  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1561. 02-22 13:17:40.385  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1562. 02-22 13:17:40.671  2377  2377 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1563. 02-22 13:17:40.671  2377  2377 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1564. 02-22 13:17:42.608  2377  2377 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.938s (threads: 2) arena alloc=128B java alloc=3MB native alloc=2MB free=2MB
  1565. 02-22 13:17:42.624  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1566. 02-22 13:17:42.633  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1567. 02-22 13:17:42.653  1038  1405 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_8 expire 8 lines
  1568. 02-22 13:17:42.657  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1569. 02-22 13:17:42.667  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1570. 02-22 13:17:42.683  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=welcome resultCode=-1
  1571. 02-22 13:17:42.745  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=carrier_setup uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.android.setupwizard.CARRIER_SETUP;end transitions={-1=wifi_settings, 1=wifi_settings} default: activation_check)
  1572. 02-22 13:17:42.747  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.setupwizard.CARRIER_SETUP flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.CarrierSetup (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1573. 02-22 13:17:42.775  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1574. 02-22 13:17:42.797  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1575. 02-22 13:17:42.839  1038  2144 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.ACTION_CARRIER_SETUP flg=0x2000000 pkg=com.google.android.setupwizard (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1576. 02-22 13:17:42.840  2055  2055 W SetupWizard.CarrierSetupWrapper: intent has no matching activity; start next screen and finish; intent=Intent { act=com.android.setupwizard.CARRIER_SETUP flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.CarrierSetup (has extras) }
  1577. 02-22 13:17:42.841  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1578. 02-22 13:17:43.062  2343  2354 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 3 lines
  1579. 02-22 13:17:43.086  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1580. 02-22 13:17:43.106  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=carrier_setup resultCode=3
  1581. 02-22 13:17:43.109  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=activation_check uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.android.setupwizard.ACTIVATION_CHECK;end transitions={101=sim_missing, 102=activate_mobile_data} default: sim_setup)
  1582. 02-22 13:17:43.110  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.setupwizard.ACTIVATION_CHECK flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.ActivationCheckActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1583. 02-22 13:17:43.141  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1584. 02-22 13:17:43.178  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName HeadsetService
  1585. 02-22 13:17:43.178  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HeadsetService
  1586. 02-22 13:17:43.178  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName A2dpService
  1587. 02-22 13:17:43.178  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding A2dpService
  1588. 02-22 13:17:43.196  1038  1936 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1589. 02-22 13:17:43.199  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName HidService
  1590. 02-22 13:17:43.199  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HidService
  1591. 02-22 13:17:43.200  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName HealthService
  1592. 02-22 13:17:43.200  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HealthService
  1593. 02-22 13:17:43.201  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName PanService
  1594. 02-22 13:17:43.201  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding PanService
  1595. 02-22 13:17:43.201  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName GattService
  1596. 02-22 13:17:43.202  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding GattService
  1597. 02-22 13:17:43.202  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName BluetoothMapService
  1598. 02-22 13:17:43.202  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothMapService
  1599. 02-22 13:17:43.203  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: addA2dpProfile: isA2dpSinkEnabled = falseisHfpClientEnabled false serviceName HidDevService
  1600. 02-22 13:17:43.203  2358  2358 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HidDevService
  1601. 02-22 13:17:43.238  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1602. 02-22 13:17:43.269  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=activation_check resultCode=1
  1603. 02-22 13:17:43.272  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=sim_setup uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.android.setupwizard.SIM_SETUP;end transitions={} default: wifi_settings)
  1604. 02-22 13:17:43.273  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.setupwizard.SIM_SETUP flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.SimSetupActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1605. 02-22 13:17:43.304  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1606. 02-22 13:17:43.323  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1607. 02-22 13:17:43.355  1038  1403 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1608. 02-22 13:17:43.382  2358  2358 D BluetoothAdapterState: make() - Creating AdapterState
  1609. 02-22 13:17:43.401  2358  2358 I bt_bluedroid: init
  1610. 02-22 13:17:43.402  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1611. 02-22 13:17:43.403  2358  2392 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering OffState
  1612. 02-22 13:17:43.473  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=sim_setup resultCode=1
  1613. 02-22 13:17:43.475  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=wifi_settings uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.android.setupwizard.WIFI_SETTINGS;end transitions={} default: connection_check)
  1614. 02-22 13:17:43.478  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.setupwizard.WIFI_SETTINGS flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WifiSettingsWrapper (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1615. 02-22 13:17:43.486  2358  2393 E bt_osi_config: config_new unable to open file '/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf': No such file or directory
  1616. 02-22 13:17:43.486  2358  2393 W bt_btif_config: init unable to load config file; attempting to transcode legacy file.
  1617. 02-22 13:17:43.486  2358  2393 E bt_btif_config_transcode: config_t* btif_config_transcode(const char*) unable to load XML file '/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.xml': 3
  1618. 02-22 13:17:43.486  2358  2393 W bt_btif_config: init unable to transcode legacy file, starting unconfigured.
  1619. 02-22 13:17:43.522  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1620. 02-22 13:17:43.524  2358  2393 I bt_stack_config: init attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
  1621. 02-22 13:17:43.527  2358  2393 E bt_btif : Open of Vendor BD addr file failed
  1622. 02-22 13:17:43.527  2358  2393 E bt_btif : Open of Vendor BD addr file failed
  1623. 02-22 13:17:43.545  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1624. 02-22 13:17:43.602  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.net.wifi.SETUP_WIFI_NETWORK cmp=com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSetupActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  1625. 02-22 13:17:43.606  2343  2397 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  1626. 02-22 13:17:43.630  2358  2358 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface socket
  1627. 02-22 13:17:43.641  2358  2358 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface sdp
  1628. 02-22 13:17:43.650  2358  2398 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Address is:22:22:5F:72:30:9C
  1629. 02-22 13:17:43.652  2358  2398 W art     : Method processed more than once: void com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterProperties.adapterPropertyChangedCallback(int[], byte[][])
  1630. 02-22 13:17:43.706  2358  2398 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Name is: HP Touchpad
  1631. 02-22 13:17:43.716  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1632. 02-22 13:17:43.733  2358  2376 I bt_bluedroid: config_hci_snoop_log
  1633. 02-22 13:17:43.753  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2403:com.android.settings/1000 for activity com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSetupActivity
  1634. 02-22 13:17:43.766  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1635. 02-22 13:17:43.774  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1636. 02-22 13:17:43.811  2324  2335 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 3 lines
  1637. 02-22 13:17:43.837  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2409:com.android.vending/u0a24 for service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene
  1638. 02-22 13:17:43.855  2403  2403 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 10 lines
  1639. 02-22 13:17:43.859  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1640. 02-22 13:17:43.862  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1641. 02-22 13:17:43.905  2409  2409 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1642. 02-22 13:17:43.921  2409  2409 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1643. 02-22 13:17:43.938  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1644. 02-22 13:17:43.951  1038  1038 V BackupManagerService: Connected to transport ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.backup.BackupTransportService}
  1645. 02-22 13:17:43.952  1038  1038 V BackupManagerService: Registering transport com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService::com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService = com.android.internal.backup.IBackupTransport$Stub$Proxy@5f9836b
  1646. 02-22 13:17:43.968  2358  2358 W BluetoothAdapterService: onUnbind, calling cleanup
  1647. 02-22 13:17:44.007  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1648. 02-22 13:17:44.033  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1649. 02-22 13:17:44.050  2358  2358 W BluetoothSdpJni: Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP Interface...
  1650. 02-22 13:17:44.050  2358  2358 W BluetoothSdpJni: Cleaning up Bluetooth Health object
  1651. 02-22 13:17:44.050  2358  2358 I BluetoothServiceJni: cleanupNative: return from cleanup
  1652. 02-22 13:17:44.051  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1653. 02-22 13:17:44.054  2358  2393 D bt_stack_manager: event_clean_up_stack is cleaning up the stack.
  1654. 02-22 13:17:44.065  2343  2408 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) AsyncTask #1 expire 1 line
  1655. 02-22 13:17:44.067  2358  2358 I art     : System.exit called, status: 0
  1656. 02-22 13:17:44.067  2358  2358 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
  1657. 02-22 13:17:44.171  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1658. 02-22 13:17:44.208  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1659. 02-22 13:17:44.212  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1660. 02-22 13:17:44.215  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1661. 02-22 13:17:44.318  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1662. 02-22 13:17:44.321  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1663. 02-22 13:17:44.325  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1664. 02-22 13:17:44.384  2409  2409 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Phonesky/lib/arm
  1665. 02-22 13:17:44.393  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1666. 02-22 13:17:44.561  2324  2396 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 15 lines
  1667. 02-22 13:17:44.710  1038  1268 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1668. 02-22 13:17:44.744  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.bluetooth (pid 2358) has died
  1669. 02-22 13:17:44.751  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1670. 02-22 13:17:44.867  2403  2450 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 4 lines
  1671. 02-22 13:17:44.877  2409  2409 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.onCreate() took 131.927ms
  1672. 02-22 13:17:45.059  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < EXPAND icons ALERTS system_info back* HOME RECENT CLOCK SEARCH quick_settings >
  1673. 02-22 13:17:45.063  2450  2450 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 5 lines
  1674. 02-22 13:17:45.076  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1675. 02-22 13:17:45.092  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1676. 02-22 13:17:45.109  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1677. 02-22 13:17:45.170  2343  2451 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 12 lines
  1678. 02-22 13:17:45.170  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1679. 02-22 13:17:45.202  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2454:com.android.calendar/u0a28 for broadcast com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver
  1680. 02-22 13:17:45.204  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1681. 02-22 13:17:45.265  2454  2454 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1682. 02-22 13:17:45.286  2454  2454 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1683. 02-22 13:17:45.319  2403  2447 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 2 lines
  1684. 02-22 13:17:45.379  2409  2409 W art     : Verification of java.lang.Integer com.google.android.play.utils.b.i.a(java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) took 215.484ms
  1685. 02-22 13:17:45.536  2470  2470 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1686. 02-22 13:17:45.536  2470  2470 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1687. 02-22 13:17:46.093  2470  2470 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 558.135ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=1280B java alloc=1359KB native alloc=955KB free=1348KB
  1688. 02-22 13:17:46.105  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1689. 02-22 13:17:46.115  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1690. 02-22 13:17:46.136  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1691. 02-22 13:17:46.145  1038  1064 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 8 lines
  1692. 02-22 13:17:46.159  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1693. 02-22 13:17:46.185  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1694. 02-22 13:17:46.227  2454  2454 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Calendar/lib/arm
  1695. 02-22 13:17:46.237  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1696. 02-22 13:17:46.282  2409  2409 W art     : Verification of com.google.android.finsky.c.o com.google.android.finsky.c.e.a(java.lang.String, java.lang.Long) took 106.842ms
  1697. 02-22 13:17:46.316  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1698. 02-22 13:17:46.327  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1699. 02-22 13:17:46.340  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1700. 02-22 13:17:46.385  2454  2454 D ExtensionsFactory: No custom extensions.
  1701. 02-22 13:17:46.404  2454  2454 D AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED flg=0x10000010 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver }
  1702. 02-22 13:17:46.423  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1703. 02-22 13:17:46.440  2343  2436 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Icing-Worker-0 expire 23 lines
  1704. 02-22 13:17:46.495  2454  2454 D AlertUtils: Flushing old alerts from shared prefs table
  1705. 02-22 13:17:46.502  2343  2439 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  1706. 02-22 13:17:46.552  2454  2485 D AlertService: 0 Action = android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED
  1707. 02-22 13:17:46.560  2454  2485 I GlobalDismissManager: no sender configured
  1708. 02-22 13:17:46.561  2454  2485 D AlertService: Beginning updateAlertNotification
  1709. 02-22 13:17:46.588  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1710. 02-22 13:17:46.619  1038  1936 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2490:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2 for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2
  1711. 02-22 13:17:46.622  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1712. 02-22 13:17:46.632  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1713. 02-22 13:17:46.645  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2497:com.android.deskclock/u0a33 for broadcast com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver
  1714. 02-22 13:17:46.669  2490  2490 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1715. 02-22 13:17:46.677  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1716. 02-22 13:17:46.699  2490  2490 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1717. 02-22 13:17:46.705  2497  2497 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1718. 02-22 13:17:46.747  2497  2497 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1719. 02-22 13:17:46.876  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1720. 02-22 13:17:47.415  2528  2528 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1721. 02-22 13:17:47.415  2528  2528 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1722. 02-22 13:17:48.216  2528  2528 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 801.574ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=2007KB native alloc=847KB free=1456KB
  1723. 02-22 13:17:48.226  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1724. 02-22 13:17:48.230  1038  1061 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_1 expire 4 lines
  1725. 02-22 13:17:48.231  1038  1065 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 8 lines
  1726. 02-22 13:17:48.238  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1727. 02-22 13:17:48.254  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1728. 02-22 13:17:48.277  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1729. 02-22 13:17:48.304  2497  2497 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/DeskClock/lib/arm
  1730. 02-22 13:17:48.328  2497  2497 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED
  1731. 02-22 13:17:48.345  2409  2409 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.volley.GoogleHttpClient.<init>(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, char) took 102.539ms
  1732. 02-22 13:17:48.378  2490  2490 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/lib/arm
  1733. 02-22 13:17:48.479  2409  2409 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.onCreate(357): Initializing network with DFE https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/
  1734. 02-22 13:17:48.534  2490  2490 W art     : Verification of long com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2.handleInsertException(long, android.content.ContentValues, boolean) took 104.461ms
  1735. 02-22 13:17:48.561  2343  2453 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 6 lines
  1736. 02-22 13:17:48.576  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1737. 02-22 13:17:48.593  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1738. 02-22 13:17:48.610  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1739. 02-22 13:17:48.617  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1740. 02-22 13:17:48.632  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1741. 02-22 13:17:48.652  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1742. 02-22 13:17:48.669  2324  2539 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 7 lines
  1743. 02-22 13:17:48.672  1038  1308 V BackupManagerService: selectBackupTransport() set com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService returning com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService
  1744. 02-22 13:17:48.752  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1745. 02-22 13:17:48.779  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.LoggingHelper: Connected to Google Play Services.
  1746. 02-22 13:17:48.802  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1747. 02-22 13:17:48.817  2055  2125 I SetupWizard.FrpHelper: FRP status: supported: false, challengeRequired: false
  1748. 02-22 13:17:48.819  2055  2055 W SetupWizard.FrpHelper: FRP task cancelled, but challengeRequired=false
  1749. 02-22 13:17:48.864  2055  2545 I SetupWizard.CheckConnectionTask: connecting to walled garden server. retries=0
  1750. 02-22 13:17:48.921  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1751. 02-22 13:17:48.926  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1752. 02-22 13:17:48.942  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1753. 02-22 13:17:48.944  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1754. 02-22 13:17:49.571  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1755. 02-22 13:17:49.575  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1756. 02-22 13:17:49.588  2409  2409 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.a(119): Dirty, need more hygiene.
  1757. 02-22 13:17:49.592  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1758. 02-22 13:17:49.667  2055  2545 W SetupWizard.CheckConnectionTask: IOException e=java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "clients3.google.com": No address associated with hostname
  1759. 02-22 13:17:49.667  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1760. 02-22 13:17:49.676  2055  2559 I TextToSpeech: Set up connection to ComponentInfo{com.svox.pico/com.svox.pico.PicoService}
  1761. 02-22 13:17:49.685  2409  2409 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  1762. 02-22 13:17:49.688  2409  2409 W Settings: Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  1763. 02-22 13:17:49.839  2497  2534 I AlarmClock: Alarms Table created
  1764. 02-22 13:17:49.841  2497  2534 I AlarmClock: Instance table created
  1765. 02-22 13:17:49.842  2497  2534 I AlarmClock: Cities table created
  1766. 02-22 13:17:49.842  2497  2534 I AlarmClock: Inserting default alarms
  1767. 02-22 13:17:49.855  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1768. 02-22 13:17:49.859  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1769. 02-22 13:17:49.863  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1770. 02-22 13:17:49.868  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1771. 02-22 13:17:49.869  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.b(1023): No account configured on this device.
  1772. 02-22 13:17:49.871  2409  2409 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.onStartCommand(2626): DailyHygiene holdoff continue
  1773. 02-22 13:17:49.876  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1774. 02-22 13:17:49.880  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1775. 02-22 13:17:49.889  2409  2561 D Ads     : Skipping gmscore version check
  1776. 02-22 13:17:49.935  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1777. 02-22 13:17:49.958  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1778. 02-22 13:17:50.004  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1779. 02-22 13:17:50.221  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1780. 02-22 13:17:50.228  2409  2409 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.AdIdListener.onCreate(23): AdId refresh
  1781. 02-22 13:17:50.230  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1782. 02-22 13:17:50.236  2409  2566 D Ads     : Skipping gmscore version check
  1783. 02-22 13:17:50.266  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1784. 02-22 13:17:50.416  2343  2448 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Proxy Executor expire 1 line
  1785. 02-22 13:17:50.912  2343  2343 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 12 lines
  1786. 02-22 13:17:50.954  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1787. 02-22 13:17:50.961  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1788. 02-22 13:17:50.975  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1789. 02-22 13:17:50.978  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1790. 02-22 13:17:51.060  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1791. 02-22 13:17:51.076  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1792. 02-22 13:17:51.079  2497  2534 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished
  1793. 02-22 13:17:51.112  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1794. 02-22 13:17:51.129  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1795. 02-22 13:17:51.146  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1796. 02-22 13:17:51.154  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1797. 02-22 13:17:51.186  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1798. 02-22 13:17:51.213  2409  2572 I Finsky  : [167] com.google.android.finsky.services.AdIdListener.a(29): AdId change: id (hash)=2105730546 limit=false
  1799. 02-22 13:17:51.215  2409  2409 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.AdIdListener.onCreate(23): AdId refresh
  1800. 02-22 13:17:51.230  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1801. 02-22 13:17:51.242  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1802. 02-22 13:17:51.248  1968  1968 D EmailBroadcastReceiver: Received android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED
  1803. 02-22 13:17:51.255  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1804. 02-22 13:17:51.286  2324  2324 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 17 lines
  1805. 02-22 13:17:51.293  2490  2490 I CalendarDatabaseHelper: Bootstrapping database
  1806. 02-22 13:17:51.306  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1807. 02-22 13:17:51.310  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1808. 02-22 13:17:51.326  2409  2575 I Finsky  : [168] com.google.android.finsky.services.AdIdListener.a(29): AdId change: id (hash)=2105730546 limit=false
  1809. 02-22 13:17:51.328  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1810. 02-22 13:17:51.333  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1811. 02-22 13:17:51.340  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1812. 02-22 13:17:51.345  1809  1809 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: System locale changed
  1813. 02-22 13:17:51.347  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1814. 02-22 13:17:51.372  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1815. 02-22 13:17:51.376  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1816. 02-22 13:17:51.389  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1817. 02-22 13:17:51.405  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1818. 02-22 13:17:51.424  2077  2571 W art     : Verification of void com.cyanogenmod.eleven.provider.PropertiesStore.onCreate(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase) took 151.214ms
  1819. 02-22 13:17:51.489  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1820. 02-22 13:17:51.492  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1821. 02-22 13:17:51.526  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1822. 02-22 13:17:51.616  1968  2579 I NotifUtils: resendNotifications cancelExisting: true, account: null, folder: null
  1823. 02-22 13:17:51.658  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1824. 02-22 13:17:51.667  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1825. 02-22 13:17:51.671  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1826. 02-22 13:17:51.685  2409  2409 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  1827. 02-22 13:17:51.708  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1828. 02-22 13:17:51.715  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1829. 02-22 13:17:51.720  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1830. 02-22 13:17:51.724  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1831. 02-22 13:17:51.735  2409  2409 E Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.utils.w.a(57): No permission to get location. java.lang.SecurityException: "gps" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
  1832. 02-22 13:17:51.763  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1833. 02-22 13:17:51.775  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1834. 02-22 13:17:51.781  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1835. 02-22 13:17:51.803  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1836. 02-22 13:17:51.837  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1837. 02-22 13:17:51.841  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1838. 02-22 13:17:51.884  2077  2571 D LocaleSetManager: Locale Changed from: null to en-US
  1839. 02-22 13:17:51.906  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1840. 02-22 13:17:51.928  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1841. 02-22 13:17:51.947  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1842. 02-22 13:17:51.955  2077  2571 I MusicLocale: AddressBook Labels [en-US]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, #, ]
  1843. 02-22 13:17:52.018  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1844. 02-22 13:17:52.023  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1845. 02-22 13:17:52.027  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1846. 02-22 13:17:52.037  2409  2409 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.b.j.a(273): result=false type=4
  1847. 02-22 13:17:52.068  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1848. 02-22 13:17:52.081  2490  2490 I CalendarProvider2: Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@983fc25(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@da3d1fa)
  1849. 02-22 13:17:52.188  2324  2573 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines
  1850. 02-22 13:17:52.251  2409  2409 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.ar.a(1049): Restore complete with 0 success and 0 failed.
  1851. 02-22 13:17:52.367  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1852. 02-22 13:17:52.445  2454  2485 D AlertService: No fired or scheduled alerts
  1853. 02-22 13:17:52.453  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1854. 02-22 13:17:52.458  1038  1268 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  1855. 02-22 13:17:52.479  2454  2485 D AlertService: Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  1856. 02-22 13:17:52.534  2454  2485 D AlarmScheduler: No events found starting within 1 week.
  1857. 02-22 13:17:52.549  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1858. 02-22 13:17:52.554  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1859. 02-22 13:17:52.624  2324  2591 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 4 lines
  1860. 02-22 13:17:52.658  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1861. 02-22 13:17:52.753  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1862. 02-22 13:17:52.899  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1863. 02-22 13:17:52.944  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1864. 02-22 13:17:53.009  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1865. 02-22 13:17:53.059  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1866. 02-22 13:17:53.100  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2601:com.android.gallery3d/u0a43 for broadcast com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  1867. 02-22 13:17:53.104  2343  2600 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  1868. 02-22 13:17:53.123  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1869. 02-22 13:17:53.145  2601  2601 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1870. 02-22 13:17:53.147  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1871. 02-22 13:17:53.158  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1872. 02-22 13:17:53.165  2324  2595 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) GeofencerStateM expire 4 lines
  1873. 02-22 13:17:53.194  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1874. 02-22 13:17:53.198  2601  2601 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1875. 02-22 13:17:53.211  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1876. 02-22 13:17:53.224  2343  2606 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  1877. 02-22 13:17:53.385  2490  2490 I CalendarProvider2: Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x20000000 }
  1878. 02-22 13:17:53.385  2490  2490 W ContentResolver: Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
  1879. 02-22 13:17:53.385  2490  2490 I art     : Waiting for a blocking GC DisableMovingGc
  1880. 02-22 13:17:53.385  2490  2490 I art     : Starting a blocking GC DisableMovingGc
  1881. 02-22 13:17:53.427  2618  2618 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1882. 02-22 13:17:53.427  2618  2618 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1883. 02-22 13:17:54.285  1429  1429 V PanelBar: onTouch: all panels disabled, ignoring touch at (977,0)
  1884. 02-22 13:17:54.831  2618  2618 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.405s (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=3MB native alloc=1621KB free=2MB
  1885. 02-22 13:17:54.844  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1886. 02-22 13:17:54.845  1038  1906 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_9 expire 6 lines
  1887. 02-22 13:17:54.853  1038  1062 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_2 expire 9 lines
  1888. 02-22 13:17:54.853  1038  1937 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_C expire 5 lines
  1889. 02-22 13:17:54.855  1038  1402 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_5 expire 6 lines
  1890. 02-22 13:17:54.875  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1891. 02-22 13:17:54.909  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1892. 02-22 13:17:54.946  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1893. 02-22 13:17:54.957  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1894. 02-22 13:17:55.016  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1895. 02-22 13:17:55.148   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 28 lines
  1896. 02-22 13:17:55.304  2343  2488 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Icing-Pool-1 expire 3 lines
  1897. 02-22 13:17:55.311  2601  2601 W art     : Verification of com.android.gallery3d.data.Path com.android.gallery3d.data.LocalSource.findPathByUri(android.net.Uri, java.lang.String) took 134.002ms
  1898. 02-22 13:17:55.412  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1899. 02-22 13:17:55.648  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1900. 02-22 13:17:55.690  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1901. 02-22 13:17:55.706  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1902. 02-22 13:17:55.754  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 36 lines
  1903. 02-22 13:17:55.862  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1904. 02-22 13:17:56.065  1968  1968 W art     : Verification of android.content.Intent com.android.mail.utils.Utils.createViewInboxIntent(com.android.mail.providers.Account) took 178.161ms
  1905. 02-22 13:17:56.130  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1906. 02-22 13:17:56.135  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1907. 02-22 13:17:56.163  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1908. 02-22 13:17:56.166  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1909. 02-22 13:17:56.183  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1910. 02-22 13:17:56.187  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1911. 02-22 13:17:56.228  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1912. 02-22 13:17:56.231  2324  2624 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Places expire 2 lines
  1913. 02-22 13:17:56.232  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1914. 02-22 13:17:56.235  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1915. 02-22 13:17:56.242  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1916. 02-22 13:17:56.246  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1917. 02-22 13:17:56.275  1809  1809 W RichInputMethodSubtype: Can't find emoji subtype
  1918. 02-22 13:17:56.275  1809  1809 W RichInputMethodSubtype: No input method subtype found; returning dummy subtype: Multi-lingual subtype: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype@d78b2ed0, zz
  1919. 02-22 13:17:56.283  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1920. 02-22 13:17:56.290  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1921. 02-22 13:17:56.378  1809  1809 W art     : Method processed more than once: void com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.CodesArrayParser.<clinit>()
  1922. 02-22 13:17:56.461  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1923. 02-22 13:17:56.466  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1924. 02-22 13:17:56.654  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1925. 02-22 13:17:56.664  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1926. 02-22 13:17:56.676  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1927. 02-22 13:17:56.707  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1928. 02-22 13:17:56.728  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1929. 02-22 13:17:56.741  2343  2637 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  1930. 02-22 13:17:56.755  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1931. 02-22 13:17:56.771  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1932. 02-22 13:17:56.777  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1933. 02-22 13:17:56.793  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1934. 02-22 13:17:56.821  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1935. 02-22 13:17:56.845  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1936. 02-22 13:17:56.857  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1937. 02-22 13:17:56.865  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1938. 02-22 13:17:56.867  2343  2639 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  1939. 02-22 13:17:56.876  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1940. 02-22 13:17:56.891  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1941. 02-22 13:17:56.911  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1942. 02-22 13:17:56.931  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2643:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a23 for broadcast com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhoneStateReceiver
  1943. 02-22 13:17:56.934  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1944. 02-22 13:17:56.955  2643  2643 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  1945. 02-22 13:17:56.969  2643  2643 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  1946. 02-22 13:17:57.185  2657  2657 I dex2oat : type=1400 audit(0.0:121): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:dex2oat:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  1947. 02-22 13:17:57.290  2324  2661 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line
  1948. 02-22 13:17:57.291  2657  2657 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  1949. 02-22 13:17:57.291  2657  2657 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  1950. 02-22 13:17:57.570  1809  1809 W ViewPager: Requested offscreen page limit 0 too small; defaulting to 1
  1951. 02-22 13:17:57.592  1809  1809 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
  1952. 02-22 13:17:57.956  1809  2670 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  1953. 02-22 13:17:58.210  1809  2670 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  1954. 02-22 13:17:58.210  1809  2670 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  1955. 02-22 13:17:58.210  1809  2670 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  1956. 02-22 13:17:58.210  1809  2670 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  1957. 02-22 13:17:58.210  1809  2670 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  1958. 02-22 13:17:58.210  1809  2670 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  1959. 02-22 13:17:58.276  1809  2670 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  1960. 02-22 13:17:58.293  2657  2657 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.003s (threads: 2) arena alloc=72B java alloc=1081KB native alloc=1030KB free=1273KB
  1961. 02-22 13:17:58.317  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1962. 02-22 13:17:58.334  1038  1386 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_4 expire 6 lines
  1963. 02-22 13:17:58.372  2324  2519 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) GAC_Executor[0] expire 1 line
  1964. 02-22 13:17:58.499  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1965. 02-22 13:17:58.602  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1966. 02-22 13:17:58.779  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1967. 02-22 13:17:58.806  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1968. 02-22 13:17:58.835  2643  2643 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GooglePartnerSetup/lib/arm
  1969. 02-22 13:17:58.887  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1970. 02-22 13:17:59.050  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1971. 02-22 13:17:59.065  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2675:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.WifiWidgetProvider
  1972. 02-22 13:17:59.068  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1973. 02-22 13:17:59.105  2675  2675 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.evervolv.widgets expire 3 lines
  1974. 02-22 13:17:59.110  1038  1386 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1975. 02-22 13:17:59.130  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1976. 02-22 13:17:59.233  1809  1809 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
  1977. 02-22 13:17:59.237  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1978. 02-22 13:17:59.278  1809  1809 E RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text.
  1979. 02-22 13:17:59.278  1809  1809 D RichInputConnection: Will try to retrieve text later.
  1980. 02-22 13:17:59.439  1809  1809 E RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text.
  1981. 02-22 13:17:59.439  1809  1809 W RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor. Setting caps mode without knowing text.
  1982. 02-22 13:17:59.442  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1983. 02-22 13:17:59.476  1809  1809 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
  1984. 02-22 13:17:59.518  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1985. 02-22 13:17:59.535  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1986. 02-22 13:17:59.570  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1987. 02-22 13:17:59.584  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1988. 02-22 13:17:59.588  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1989. 02-22 13:17:59.597  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1990. 02-22 13:17:59.598  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: Killing 1831:org.cyanogenmod.themes.provider/u0a17 (adj 15): empty #17
  1991. 02-22 13:17:59.864  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1992. 02-22 13:17:59.870  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1993. 02-22 13:17:59.880  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1994. 02-22 13:17:59.885  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1995. 02-22 13:17:59.905  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1996. 02-22 13:17:59.912  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1997. 02-22 13:17:59.933  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1998. 02-22 13:17:59.937  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  1999. 02-22 13:17:59.948  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2000. 02-22 13:17:59.953  1038  1308 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2001. 02-22 13:17:59.961  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2002. 02-22 13:17:59.965  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2003. 02-22 13:17:59.971  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2004. 02-22 13:17:59.975  2343  2692 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2005. 02-22 13:17:59.979  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2006. 02-22 13:17:59.988  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2007. 02-22 13:17:59.994  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2008. 02-22 13:18:00.003  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2009. 02-22 13:18:00.013  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2010. 02-22 13:18:00.040  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2011. 02-22 13:18:00.064  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2012. 02-22 13:18:00.073  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2013. 02-22 13:18:00.078  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2014. 02-22 13:18:00.082  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2015. 02-22 13:18:00.086  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2016. 02-22 13:18:00.095  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2017. 02-22 13:18:00.106  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2018. 02-22 13:18:00.113  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2019. 02-22 13:18:00.121  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2020. 02-22 13:18:00.130  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2021. 02-22 13:18:00.313  1038  2697 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines
  2022. 02-22 13:18:00.345  1038  2696 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2699:com.android.keychain/1000 for service com.android.keychain/.KeyChainService
  2023. 02-22 13:18:00.351  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2024. 02-22 13:18:00.354  2324  2640 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) NetworkLocation expire 2 lines
  2025. 02-22 13:18:00.385  2699  2699 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.keychain expire 3 lines
  2026. 02-22 13:18:00.395  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2027. 02-22 13:18:00.412  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2028. 02-22 13:18:00.433  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2029. 02-22 13:18:00.442  1038  2705 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 5 lines
  2030. 02-22 13:18:00.454  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2031. 02-22 13:18:00.460  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2032. 02-22 13:18:00.465  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2033. 02-22 13:18:00.480  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2034. 02-22 13:18:00.489  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2035. 02-22 13:18:00.503  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2036. 02-22 13:18:00.511  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2037. 02-22 13:18:00.516  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2038. 02-22 13:18:00.517  1038  2705 I BootReceiver: Copying audit failures to DropBox
  2039. 02-22 13:18:00.517  1038  2705 I BootReceiver: Checking for fsck errors
  2040. 02-22 13:18:00.527  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2041. 02-22 13:18:00.538  1038  2705 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2042. 02-22 13:18:00.546  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2043. 02-22 13:18:00.549  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2044. 02-22 13:18:00.554  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2045. 02-22 13:18:00.557  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2046. 02-22 13:18:00.563  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2047. 02-22 13:18:00.586  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2048. 02-22 13:18:00.596  1038  1936 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2049. 02-22 13:18:00.608  1038  1038 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2050. 02-22 13:18:00.618  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2051. 02-22 13:18:00.620  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2052. 02-22 13:18:00.788  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2053. 02-22 13:18:00.798  2343  2716 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2054. 02-22 13:18:00.842  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2055. 02-22 13:18:00.854  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2056. 02-22 13:18:00.863  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2057. 02-22 13:18:00.872  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2058. 02-22 13:18:00.877  1038  1937 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2059. 02-22 13:18:00.881  1874  1874 I HeadsetService: Starting service.
  2060. 02-22 13:18:00.932  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2061. 02-22 13:18:00.941  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2062. 02-22 13:18:00.951   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 8 lines
  2063. 02-22 13:18:00.952  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2064. 02-22 13:18:00.953  1874  1874 W Equalizer: WARNING: attaching an Equalizer to global output mix is deprecated!
  2065. 02-22 13:18:00.955  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2066. 02-22 13:18:00.957  1874  1874 W BassBoost: WARNING: attaching a BassBoost to global output mix is deprecated!
  2067. 02-22 13:18:00.960  1874  1874 W Virtualizer: WARNING: attaching a Virtualizer to global output mix is deprecated!
  2068. 02-22 13:18:00.962  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2069. 02-22 13:18:00.986  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2726:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 for broadcast com.evervolv.toolbox/.receivers.BootReceiver
  2070. 02-22 13:18:00.989  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2071. 02-22 13:18:01.035  2726  2726 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.evervolv.toolbox expire 7 lines
  2072. 02-22 13:18:01.048  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2073. 02-22 13:18:01.057  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2074. 02-22 13:18:01.303  1038  2060 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2075. 02-22 13:18:01.318  1038  2144 W ActivityManager: Wtf, activity ActivityRecord{92880ea u0 com.android.settings/.CryptKeeper t1 f} in proc activity list not using proc ProcessRecord{9e8c13d 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000}?!? Using null instead.
  2076. 02-22 13:18:01.318  1038  2144 I ActivityManager: Killing 1901:com.android.settings:CryptKeeper/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  2077. 02-22 13:18:01.403  1874  1874 I HeadsetService: Headset=false; Bluetooth=false ; USB=false; Speaker=true
  2078. 02-22 13:18:01.538  1874  1874 I HeadsetService: Preferences updated.
  2079. 02-22 13:18:01.783  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2742:com.evervolv.updater/u0a6 for broadcast com.evervolv.updater/.receivers.BootReceiver
  2080. 02-22 13:18:01.835  2742  2742 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2081. 02-22 13:18:01.839  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: Killing 1851:com.android.exchange/u0a41 (adj 15): empty #17
  2082. 02-22 13:18:01.850  2742  2742 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2083. 02-22 13:18:01.895  1038  1403 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_6 expire 5 lines
  2084. 02-22 13:18:02.000  2670  2670 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:123): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2085. 02-22 13:18:02.147  2756  2756 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  2086. 02-22 13:18:02.147  2756  2756 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2087. 02-22 13:18:02.301  2756  2756 W dex2oat : Before Android 4.1, method int android.support.v7.internal.widget.ListViewCompat.lookForSelectablePosition(int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
  2088. 02-22 13:18:02.504  2756  2756 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 356.964ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=826KB native alloc=837KB free=1210KB
  2089. 02-22 13:18:02.718  2742  2742 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/EVUpdater/lib/arm
  2090. 02-22 13:18:02.739  1038  2060 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2760:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a6 for service com.evervolv.updater/.services.UpdateManifestService
  2091. 02-22 13:18:02.785  2760  2760 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2092. 02-22 13:18:02.800  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2765:com.android.launcher3/u0a8 for broadcast com.android.launcher3/.StartupReceiver
  2093. 02-22 13:18:02.804  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: Killing 1908:com.android.externalstorage/u0a7 (adj 15): empty #17
  2094. 02-22 13:18:02.805  2760  2760 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2095. 02-22 13:18:02.855  2765  2765 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2096. 02-22 13:18:02.871  2765  2765 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2097. 02-22 13:18:02.949  2760  2760 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/EVUpdater/lib/arm
  2098. 02-22 13:18:03.007  2788  2788 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  2099. 02-22 13:18:03.007  2788  2788 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2100. 02-22 13:18:03.578  2788  2788 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 571.350ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=1407KB native alloc=983KB free=1320KB
  2101. 02-22 13:18:03.593  1038  1308 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_3 expire 2 lines
  2102. 02-22 13:18:03.636  2760  2791 I EVUpdates: Scheduled update check for 86399 seconds from now repeating every 86400 seconds
  2103. 02-22 13:18:03.731  2760  2791 I EVUpdates: Scheduled update check for 2419199 seconds from now repeating every 2419200 seconds
  2104. 02-22 13:18:03.737  1038  1403 I ActivityManager: Killing 1946:com.android.printspooler/u0a54 (adj 15): empty #17
  2105. 02-22 13:18:03.745  2765  2765 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Launcher3/lib/arm
  2106. 02-22 13:18:04.092  2670  2670 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:125): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2107. 02-22 13:18:04.246  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2799:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a9 for broadcast com.android.managedprovisioning/.BootReminder
  2108. 02-22 13:18:04.295  2799  2799 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2109. 02-22 13:18:04.312  2799  2799 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2110. 02-22 13:18:04.318  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: Killing 2071:com.google.process.gapps/u0a57 (adj 15): empty #17
  2111. 02-22 13:18:04.499  2343  2436 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Icing-Worker-0 expire 11 lines
  2112. 02-22 13:18:04.539  2799  2799 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning/lib/arm
  2113. 02-22 13:18:04.787  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2816:com.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a11 for broadcast com.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver
  2114. 02-22 13:18:04.815  2816  2816 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2115. 02-22 13:18:04.834  2816  2816 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2116. 02-22 13:18:04.993  2830  2830 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  2117. 02-22 13:18:04.993  2830  2830 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2118. 02-22 13:18:05.058  2213  2815 I MediaProvider: Upgrading media database from version 0 to 800, which will destroy all old data
  2119. 02-22 13:18:05.099  2830  2830 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 132.324ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=84KB native alloc=796KB free=995KB
  2120. 02-22 13:18:05.159  2816  2816 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/OneTimeInitializer/lib/arm
  2121. 02-22 13:18:05.163  2816  2816 V OneTimeInitializerRece: OneTimeInitializerReceiver.onReceive
  2122. 02-22 13:18:05.184  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2834:com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a22 for broadcast com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver
  2123. 02-22 13:18:05.196  2816  2839 I OneTimeInitializerServ: Updating to version 1.
  2124. 02-22 13:18:05.215  2834  2834 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2125. 02-22 13:18:05.217  2816  2839 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.launcher2.settings
  2126. 02-22 13:18:05.229  2834  2834 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2127. 02-22 13:18:05.261  1038  2144 I ActivityManager: Killing 2497:com.android.deskclock/u0a33 (adj 15): empty #17
  2128. 02-22 13:18:05.348  2213  2815 D MediaProvider: Adjusting external storage paths to: /storage/emulated/0
  2129. 02-22 13:18:05.388  2850  2850 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  2130. 02-22 13:18:05.389  2850  2850 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2131. 02-22 13:18:05.642   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 20 lines
  2132. 02-22 13:18:05.648  2213  2815 I art     : Waiting for a blocking GC DisableMovingGc
  2133. 02-22 13:18:05.652  2213  2815 I art     : Starting a blocking GC DisableMovingGc
  2134. 02-22 13:18:05.652  2213  2815 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table: files
  2135. 02-22 13:18:05.654  2850  2850 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 266.235ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=141KB native alloc=776KB free=759KB
  2136. 02-22 13:18:05.987  2834  2834 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GoogleOneTimeInitializer/lib/arm
  2137. 02-22 13:18:05.994  2834  2834 V OneTimeInitializerReceiver: OneTimeInitializerReceiver.onReceive
  2138. 02-22 13:18:06.019  2834  2854 V OneTimeService: OneTimeService.onHandleIntent
  2139. 02-22 13:18:06.065  2834  2854 V OneTimeService: Device Policy is not installed, doing nothing.
  2140. 02-22 13:18:06.233  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system; assuming invalid
  2141. 02-22 13:18:06.267  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media; assuming invalid
  2142. 02-22 13:18:06.271  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio; assuming invalid
  2143. 02-22 13:18:06.283  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/alarms; assuming invalid
  2144. 02-22 13:18:06.573  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/alarms/Argon.ogg; assuming invalid
  2145. 02-22 13:18:06.585  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/alarms/Carbon.ogg; assuming invalid
  2146. 02-22 13:18:06.631  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/alarms/Helium.ogg; assuming invalid
  2147. 02-22 13:18:06.640  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/alarms/Krypton.ogg; assuming invalid
  2148. 02-22 13:18:06.647  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/alarms/Neon.ogg; assuming invalid
  2149. 02-22 13:18:06.654  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/alarms/Osmium.ogg; assuming invalid
  2150. 02-22 13:18:06.796  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/alarms/Oxygen.ogg; assuming invalid
  2151. 02-22 13:18:07.152  2343  2863 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 38 lines
  2152. 02-22 13:18:07.235  2871  2871 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 4 lines
  2153. 02-22 13:18:07.645  2343  2874 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2154. 02-22 13:18:07.761  2146  2210 E ELEVEN  : calling refresh!
  2155. 02-22 13:18:07.946  2343  2879 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2156. 02-22 13:18:08.301  2343  2884 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines
  2157. 02-22 13:18:08.346  2643  2861 I RlzPingService: Setting next ping for 1456748288070
  2158. 02-22 13:18:08.367  2343  2892 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2159. 02-22 13:18:08.369  1038  1405 D PackageManager: Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateService$ActiveReceiver
  2160. 02-22 13:18:08.949  2343  2894 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 6 lines
  2161. 02-22 13:18:09.374  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications; assuming invalid
  2162. 02-22 13:18:09.525  2343  2887 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2163. 02-22 13:18:09.579  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/alarms/Platinum.ogg; assuming invalid
  2164. 02-22 13:18:09.646  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/alarms/Timer.ogg; assuming invalid
  2165. 02-22 13:18:09.710  1038  1268 E WiFiServiceImpl : SAVE nid=0 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
  2166. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService: Connect with config* ID: -1 SSID: "bintec_w1002n" PROVIDER-NAME: null BSSID: null FQDN: null PRIO: 0
  2167. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService:  KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
  2168. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService:  AuthAlgorithms:
  2169. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService:  PairwiseCiphers:
  2170. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService:  GroupCiphers:
  2171. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService:  PSK: *
  2172. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService:  sim_num
  2173. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService: Enterprise config:
  2174. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService: IP config:
  2175. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService: IP assignment: DHCP
  2176. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService: Proxy settings: NONE
  2177. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService:  cuid=-1 luid=-1 lcuid=0 userApproved=USER_UNSPECIFIED noInternetAccessExpected=false roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli: 1000
  2178. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService: triggeredLow: 0 triggeredBad: 0 triggeredNotHigh: 0
  2179. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService: ticksLow: 0 ticksBad: 0 ticksNotHigh: 0
  2180. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService: triggeredJoin: 0
  2181. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService: autoJoinBailedDueToLowRssi: false
  2182. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 D WifiService: autoJoinUseAggressiveJoinAttemptThreshold: 0
  2183. 02-22 13:18:09.711  1038  1268 E WiFiServiceImpl : CONNECT  nid=-1 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
  2184. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService: Connect with config* ID: -1 SSID: "bintec_w1002n" PROVIDER-NAME: null BSSID: null FQDN: null PRIO: 0
  2185. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService:  KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
  2186. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService:  AuthAlgorithms:
  2187. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService:  PairwiseCiphers:
  2188. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService:  GroupCiphers:
  2189. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService:  PSK: *
  2190. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService:  sim_num
  2191. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService: Enterprise config:
  2192. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService: IP config:
  2193. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService: IP assignment: DHCP
  2194. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService: Proxy settings: NONE
  2195. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService:  cuid=-1 luid=-1 lcuid=0 userApproved=USER_UNSPECIFIED noInternetAccessExpected=false roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli: 1000
  2196. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService: triggeredLow: 0 triggeredBad: 0 triggeredNotHigh: 0
  2197. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService: ticksLow: 0 ticksBad: 0 ticksNotHigh: 0
  2198. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService: triggeredJoin: 0
  2199. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService: autoJoinBailedDueToLowRssi: false
  2200. 02-22 13:18:09.712  1038  1268 D WifiService: autoJoinUseAggressiveJoinAttemptThreshold: 0
  2201. 02-22 13:18:09.726  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Ariel.ogg; assuming invalid
  2202. 02-22 13:18:09.736  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Carme.ogg; assuming invalid
  2203. 02-22 13:18:09.774  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Ceres.ogg; assuming invalid
  2204. 02-22 13:18:09.778  2212  2212 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:128): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2205. 02-22 13:18:09.808  2212  2212 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:129): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  2206. 02-22 13:18:09.822  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Elara.ogg; assuming invalid
  2207. 02-22 13:18:09.978  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Europa.ogg; assuming invalid
  2208. 02-22 13:18:09.995  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Iapetus.ogg; assuming invalid
  2209. 02-22 13:18:10.005  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Io.ogg; assuming invalid
  2210. 02-22 13:18:10.010  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Rhea.ogg; assuming invalid
  2211. 02-22 13:18:10.018  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Salacia.ogg; assuming invalid
  2212. 02-22 13:18:10.036  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Tethys.ogg; assuming invalid
  2213. 02-22 13:18:10.419  2284  2284 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'bintec_w1002n'
  2214. 02-22 13:18:10.525  2284  2284 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with 00:14:bf:72:e5:90
  2215. 02-22 13:18:10.548  2284  2284 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:14:bf:72:e5:90 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2216. 02-22 13:18:10.550  2284  2284 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:14:bf:72:e5:90 completed [id=0 id_str=]
  2217. 02-22 13:18:10.624  1038  1267 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "bintec_w1002n", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]}  network{100}  lp{{LinkAddresses: []  Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]}  Score{20}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
  2218. 02-22 13:18:10.625  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
  2219. 02-22 13:18:10.633  2146  2210 E ELEVEN  : calling refresh!
  2220. 02-22 13:18:10.710  2324  2911 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) AsyncTask #1 expire 4 lines
  2221. 02-22 13:18:10.918   188  1029 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
  2222. 02-22 13:18:10.983  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  2223. 02-22 13:18:10.983  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 57
  2224. 02-22 13:18:11.007  1038  2917 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Thread-119 expire 4 lines
  2225. 02-22 13:18:11.012  1038  2916 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) DhcpClient expire 7 lines
  2226. 02-22 13:18:11.085  2324  2324 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 19 lines
  2227. 02-22 13:18:11.134   188  1029 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
  2228. 02-22 13:18:11.209  2918  2918 I iptables: type=1400 audit(0.0:130): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  2229. 02-22 13:18:11.211  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED
  2230. 02-22 13:18:11.213  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface wlan0 to network 100
  2231. 02-22 13:18:11.311  1038  1269 E ConnectivityService: Unexpected mtu value: 0, wlan0
  2232. 02-22 13:18:11.311  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0] to network 100
  2233. 02-22 13:18:11.328  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [ -> wlan0] to network 100
  2234. 02-22 13:18:11.331  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Adding Route [ -> wlan0] to network 100
  2235. 02-22 13:18:11.333  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Setting Dns servers for network 100 to [/]
  2236. 02-22 13:18:11.352  1038  1269 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 96 lines
  2237. 02-22 13:18:11.370  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  2238. 02-22 13:18:11.396  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: scheduleUnvalidatedPrompt 100
  2239. 02-22 13:18:11.397  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: updateSignalStrengthThresholds: CONNECT, sending [] to NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  2240. 02-22 13:18:11.398  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 10 lines
  2241. 02-22 13:18:11.398  2343  2343 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 12 lines
  2242. 02-22 13:18:11.399  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: rematch for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  2243. 02-22 13:18:11.399  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService:    accepting network in place of null
  2244. 02-22 13:18:11.401  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "bintec_w1002n", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]}  network{100}  lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::21d:feff:fedc:68dd/64,,]  Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: domgebab2.intra MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -45]}  Score{17}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{true} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
  2245. 02-22 13:18:11.411  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: Killing 2077:com.cyanogenmod.eleven/u0a38 (adj 15): empty #17
  2246. 02-22 13:18:11.486   188  1029 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -A idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=1, res_ipv6=1
  2247. 02-22 13:18:11.487  1038  1269 E ConnectivityService: Exception in setupDataActivityTracking java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '35 idletimer add wlan0 15 1' failed with '400 35 Failed to add interface'
  2248. 02-22 13:18:11.489  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: Setting tx/rx TCP buffers to 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576
  2249. 02-22 13:18:11.497  1038  1269 D CSLegacyTypeTracker: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] isDefaultNetwork=true
  2250. 02-22 13:18:11.498  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  2251. 02-22 13:18:11.551  1038  1933 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_A expire 7 lines
  2252. 02-22 13:18:11.562  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: notifyType PRECHECK for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  2253. 02-22 13:18:11.564  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: setProvNotificationVisibleIntent null visible=false networkType=MOBILE extraInfo=null highPriority=false
  2254. 02-22 13:18:11.565  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] validation  passed
  2255. 02-22 13:18:11.565  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  2256. 02-22 13:18:11.574  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION
  2257. 02-22 13:18:11.678  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WifiSettingsWrapper: subactivity result {WIFI_ACTIVITY_REQUEST(10004), RESULT_OK(-1), null}
  2258. 02-22 13:18:11.720  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2259. 02-22 13:18:11.787  2324  2924 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 4 lines
  2260. 02-22 13:18:11.844  2343  2941 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 10 lines
  2261. 02-22 13:18:11.907  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=wifi_settings resultCode=-1
  2262. 02-22 13:18:11.914  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=connection_check uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.android.setupwizard.CONNECTION_CHECK;end transitions={1=no_account_date_time_check} default: walled_garden)
  2263. 02-22 13:18:11.944  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.setupwizard.CONNECTION_CHECK flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.ConnectionCheckActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2264. 02-22 13:18:12.063  1038  2915 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Thread-117 expire 12 lines
  2265. 02-22 13:18:12.070  1038  1268 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  2266. 02-22 13:18:12.093  2343  2941 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.wearable.settings
  2267. 02-22 13:18:12.120  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2268. 02-22 13:18:12.157  1038  1827 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkTimeUpda expire 1 line
  2269. 02-22 13:18:12.494  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=connection_check resultCode=-1
  2270. 02-22 13:18:12.501  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=walled_garden uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.android.setupwizard.WALLED_GARDEN;end transitions={1=no_account_date_time_check} default: ota_update)
  2271. 02-22 13:18:12.503  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.setupwizard.WALLED_GARDEN flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WalledGardenActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2272. 02-22 13:18:12.770  2324  2943 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line
  2273. 02-22 13:18:12.838  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones; assuming invalid
  2274. 02-22 13:18:12.873  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/notifications/Titan.ogg; assuming invalid
  2275. 02-22 13:18:12.899  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Atria.ogg; assuming invalid
  2276. 02-22 13:18:12.923  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Callisto.ogg; assuming invalid
  2277. 02-22 13:18:12.951  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Dione.ogg; assuming invalid
  2278. 02-22 13:18:13.006  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Ganymede.ogg; assuming invalid
  2279. 02-22 13:18:13.057  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Luna.ogg; assuming invalid
  2280. 02-22 13:18:13.059  2055  2125 I SetupWizard.CheckConnectionTask: connecting to walled garden server. retries=0
  2281. 02-22 13:18:13.108  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Oberon.ogg; assuming invalid
  2282. 02-22 13:18:13.134  2454  2454 D AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver (has extras) }
  2283. 02-22 13:18:13.172  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2955:com.android.camera2/u0a29 for broadcast com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.DisableCameraReceiver
  2284. 02-22 13:18:13.190  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Phobos.ogg; assuming invalid
  2285. 02-22 13:18:13.230  2055  2125 I SetupWizard.CheckConnectionTask: responseCode=204
  2286. 02-22 13:18:13.230  2955  2955 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2287. 02-22 13:18:13.264  2454  2960 D AlertService: 0 Action = android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  2288. 02-22 13:18:13.275  2955  2955 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2289. 02-22 13:18:13.353  2454  2960 D AlertService: Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  2290. 02-22 13:18:13.354  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Pyxis.ogg; assuming invalid
  2291. 02-22 13:18:13.387  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Sedna.ogg; assuming invalid
  2292. 02-22 13:18:13.446  2973  2973 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  2293. 02-22 13:18:13.446  2973  2973 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2294. 02-22 13:18:13.904  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Titania.ogg; assuming invalid
  2295. 02-22 13:18:14.283  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  2296. 02-22 13:18:14.886  2146  2210 E ELEVEN  : calling refresh!
  2297. 02-22 13:18:15.516  2213  2815 W MediaScanner: Error opening directory '/oem/media/', skipping: No such file or directory.
  2298. 02-22 13:18:15.520  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui; assuming invalid
  2299. 02-22 13:18:15.534  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/bootanimation.zip; assuming invalid
  2300. 02-22 13:18:15.650  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Triton.ogg; assuming invalid
  2301. 02-22 13:18:15.662  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ringtones/Umbriel.ogg; assuming invalid
  2302. 02-22 13:18:15.682  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Dock.ogg; assuming invalid
  2303. 02-22 13:18:15.693  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg; assuming invalid
  2304. 02-22 13:18:15.711  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg; assuming invalid
  2305. 02-22 13:18:15.721  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressInvalid.ogg; assuming invalid
  2306. 02-22 13:18:15.732  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg; assuming invalid
  2307. 02-22 13:18:15.743  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg; assuming invalid
  2308. 02-22 13:18:15.750  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg; assuming invalid
  2309. 02-22 13:18:15.756  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Lock.ogg; assuming invalid
  2310. 02-22 13:18:15.762  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/LowBattery.ogg; assuming invalid
  2311. 02-22 13:18:15.773  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/NFCFailure.ogg; assuming invalid
  2312. 02-22 13:18:15.781  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/NFCInitiated.ogg; assuming invalid
  2313. 02-22 13:18:15.789  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/NFCSuccess.ogg; assuming invalid
  2314. 02-22 13:18:15.796  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/NFCTransferComplete.ogg; assuming invalid
  2315. 02-22 13:18:15.816  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/NFCTransferInitiated.ogg; assuming invalid
  2316. 02-22 13:18:15.822  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Trusted.ogg; assuming invalid
  2317. 02-22 13:18:15.830  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Undock.ogg; assuming invalid
  2318. 02-22 13:18:15.843  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/Unlock.ogg; assuming invalid
  2319. 02-22 13:18:15.855  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/VideoRecord.ogg; assuming invalid
  2320. 02-22 13:18:15.867  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/VideoStop.ogg; assuming invalid
  2321. 02-22 13:18:15.880  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/WirelessChargingStarted.ogg; assuming invalid
  2322. 02-22 13:18:15.890  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/audio_end.ogg; assuming invalid
  2323. 02-22 13:18:15.903  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/audio_initiate.ogg; assuming invalid
  2324. 02-22 13:18:15.916  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg; assuming invalid
  2325. 02-22 13:18:15.924  2213  2815 W MediaProvider: Missing volume for /system/media/audio/ui/camera_focus.ogg; assuming invalid
  2326. 02-22 13:18:16.770  2973  2973 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 3.324s (threads: 2) arena alloc=736B java alloc=4MB native alloc=2MB free=2MB
  2327. 02-22 13:18:16.796  1038  2060 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_D expire 2 lines
  2328. 02-22 13:18:16.796  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 60
  2329. 02-22 13:18:16.797  2055  2055 I Choreographer: Skipped 201 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2330. 02-22 13:18:16.831  1038  1069 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 13 lines
  2331. 02-22 13:18:17.019  2454  2960 D AlarmScheduler: No events found starting within 1 week.
  2332. 02-22 13:18:17.055  2955  2955 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - START
  2333. 02-22 13:18:17.057  2955  2955 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - START
  2334. 02-22 13:18:17.093  2955  2955 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.946ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 0.946ms] PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences
  2335. 02-22 13:18:17.093  2955  2955 I CAM_Profiler: [ 36.194ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [35.248ms] preferences.getLong
  2336. 02-22 13:18:17.095  2955  2955 V CAM_Profiler: [ 37.109ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 0.916ms] getSharedPreferences
  2337. 02-22 13:18:17.098  2955  2955 V CAM_Profiler: [ 40.710ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 3.601ms] preferences.edit()
  2338. 02-22 13:18:17.099  2955  2955 I CAM_Profiler: [ 41.290ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - STOP
  2339. 02-22 13:18:17.099  2955  2955 I CAM_Profiler: [ 52.246ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [52.246ms] initializeTimeOfFirstRun
  2340. 02-22 13:18:17.101  2955  2955 V CAM_Profiler: [ 54.474ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 2.228ms] UsageStatistics.initialize
  2341. 02-22 13:18:17.162  2955  2955 I CAM_Profiler: [ 98.785ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [44.311ms] clearNotifications
  2342. 02-22 13:18:17.162  2955  2955 I CAM_Profiler: [ 98.785ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - STOP
  2343. 02-22 13:18:17.172  2955  2955 I CAM_DisableCamRcver: number of camera: 0
  2344. 02-22 13:18:17.173  2955  2955 I CAM_DisableCamRcver: disable all camera activities
  2345. 02-22 13:18:17.363  1038  1258 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 10 lines
  2346. 02-22 13:18:17.512  1038  1403 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2980:com.android.deskclock/u0a33 for broadcast com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver
  2347. 02-22 13:18:17.515  1038  1063 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 12 lines
  2348. 02-22 13:18:17.550  2980  2980 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2349. 02-22 13:18:17.568  2980  2980 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2350. 02-22 13:18:17.586  1038  1936 I ActivityManager: Killing 1968:com.android.email/u0a39 (adj 15): empty #17
  2351. 02-22 13:18:17.677  2146  2210 E ELEVEN  : calling refresh!
  2352. 02-22 13:18:17.792  2980  2980 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/DeskClock/lib/arm
  2353. 02-22 13:18:17.835  2980  2980 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  2354. 02-22 13:18:17.940  2980  2996 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver - Reset timers and clear stopwatch data
  2355. 02-22 13:18:17.970  2980  2996 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver - resetting volume button default
  2356. 02-22 13:18:18.056  2980  2996 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished
  2357. 02-22 13:18:18.079  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2998:com.android.email/u0a39 for broadcast com.android.email/.service.EmailUpgradeBroadcastReceiver
  2358. 02-22 13:18:18.133  2998  2998 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2359. 02-22 13:18:18.151  1038  2144 I ActivityManager: Killing 2675:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  2360. 02-22 13:18:18.158  2998  2998 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2361. 02-22 13:18:18.362  2998  2998 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Email/lib/arm
  2362. 02-22 13:18:18.536  1038  1061 D PackageManager: Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateActivity
  2363. 02-22 13:18:18.549  1038  2060 D PackageManager: Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateService$SecretCodeReceiver
  2364. 02-22 13:18:18.550  1038  1403 D PackageManager: Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.update.SystemUpdateService$Receiver
  2365. 02-22 13:18:18.598  2941  2941 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2366. 02-22 13:18:18.714  2213  2815 V MediaScanner: pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@2d9c877
  2367. 02-22 13:18:18.722  2213  2815 V MediaScanner: /pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@2d9c877
  2368. 02-22 13:18:18.828  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: Killing 1443:android.process.acore/u0a3 (adj 15): empty #17
  2369. 02-22 13:18:18.941  2146  2210 E ELEVEN  : calling refresh!
  2370. 02-22 13:18:18.950  1038  2145 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3016:com.android.exchange/u0a41 for service com.android.exchange/.service.EasService
  2371. 02-22 13:18:18.990  3016  3016 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2372. 02-22 13:18:19.008  3016  3016 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2373. 02-22 13:18:19.060  2998  3022 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
  2374. 02-22 13:18:19.101  3016  3016 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Exchange2/lib/arm
  2375. 02-22 13:18:19.291  2998  2998 D EmailBroadcastReceiver: Received android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
  2376. 02-22 13:18:19.309  2601  2601 I G:DisableCameraReceiver: number of camera: 0
  2377. 02-22 13:18:19.309  2601  2601 I G:DisableCameraReceiver: No sensors detected and so, disable all camera activities/CameraLauncher
  2378. 02-22 13:18:19.325  1038  1937 W SettingsProvider: You shouldn't keep your settings in the secure settings. This will soon become an error.
  2379. 02-22 13:18:19.340  1038  2145 W SettingsProvider: You shouldn't keep your settings in the secure settings. This will soon become an error.
  2380. 02-22 13:18:19.346  1038  1402 W SettingsProvider: You shouldn't keep your settings in the secure settings. This will soon become an error.
  2381. 02-22 13:18:19.374  1809  1809 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: Boot has been completed
  2382. 02-22 13:18:19.374  1809  1809 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: toggleAppIcon() : FLAG_SYSTEM = true
  2383. 02-22 13:18:19.393  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3040:com.google.process.gapps/u0a57 for broadcast com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterBroadcastReceiver
  2384. 02-22 13:18:19.434  3040  3040 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2385. 02-22 13:18:19.454  3040  3040 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2386. 02-22 13:18:19.493  2998  3038 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider.getDatabase(android.content.Context) from EmailProvider.java:488 waiters=3 for 180ms
  2387. 02-22 13:18:19.543  3016  3016 I Exchange: EasService.onCreate
  2388. 02-22 13:18:19.545  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentService } U=0: not found
  2389. 02-22 13:18:19.569  2998  3038 I Email   : Onetime initialization: 1
  2390. 02-22 13:18:19.575  3016  3055 I Exchange: RestartPingTask
  2391. 02-22 13:18:19.583  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentService } U=0: not found
  2392. 02-22 13:18:19.600  2998  3038 I Email   : Onetime initialization: 2
  2393. 02-22 13:18:19.617  2998  3038 I Email   : Onetime initialization: completed.
  2394. 02-22 13:18:19.650  3040  3040 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter/lib/arm
  2395. 02-22 13:18:19.679  2998  3056 I Email   : Observing account changes for notifications
  2396. 02-22 13:18:19.679  3016  3016 I Exchange: RestartPingsTask did not start any pings.
  2397. 02-22 13:18:19.680  3016  3016 I Exchange: PSS stopIfIdle
  2398. 02-22 13:18:19.680  3016  3016 I Exchange: PSS has no active accounts; stopping service.
  2399. 02-22 13:18:19.695  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: handlePromptUnvalidated 100
  2400. 02-22 13:18:19.724  3016  3016 I Exchange: onDestroy
  2401. 02-22 13:18:19.730  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: Killing 2490:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2 (adj 15): empty #17
  2402. 02-22 13:18:19.791  3016  3016 I Exchange: EasService.onCreate
  2403. 02-22 13:18:19.829  1038  2144 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3058:com.google.android.gms.unstable/u0a20 for service com.google.android.gms/.droidguard.DroidGuardService
  2404. 02-22 13:18:19.850  3058  3058 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.unstable expire 8 lines
  2405. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread: Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@eadc911 that was originally bound here
  2406. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread: android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@eadc911 that was originally bound here
  2407. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1093)
  2408. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:987)
  2409. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1314)
  2410. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1297)
  2411. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:610)
  2412. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy.setTask(ServiceProxy.java:181)
  2413. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy.test(ServiceProxy.java:224)
  2414. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.email.service.EmailServiceUtils.isServiceAvailable(EmailServiceUtils.java:160)
  2415. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.email.provider.AccountReconciler.reconcileAccountsInternal(AccountReconciler.java:171)
  2416. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.email.provider.AccountReconciler.reconcileAccounts(AccountReconciler.java:115)
  2417. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService.reconcileAndStartServices(EmailBroadcastProcessorService.java:305)
  2418. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService.onBootCompleted(EmailBroadcastProcessorService.java:295)
  2419. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService.onHandleIntent(EmailBroadcastProcessorService.java:130)
  2420. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.IntentService$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(IntentService.java:66)
  2421. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  2422. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  2423. 02-22 13:18:19.860  2998  2998 E ActivityThread:        at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  2424. 02-22 13:18:19.888  3016  3063 I Exchange: RestartPingTask
  2425. 02-22 13:18:19.988  3016  3016 I Exchange: RestartPingsTask did not start any pings.
  2426. 02-22 13:18:19.988  3016  3016 I Exchange: PSS stopIfIdle
  2427. 02-22 13:18:19.988  3016  3016 I Exchange: PSS has no active accounts; stopping service.
  2428. 02-22 13:18:19.990  3016  3016 I Exchange: onDestroy
  2429. 02-22 13:18:19.995  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Killing 2699:com.android.keychain/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  2430. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy: RuntimeException when trying to unbind from service
  2431. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@eadc911
  2432. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at android.app.LoadedApk.forgetServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1045)
  2433. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at android.app.ContextImpl.unbindService(ContextImpl.java:1348)
  2434. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(ContextWrapper.java:622)
  2435. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection$1.doInBackground(ServiceProxy.java:124)
  2436. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection$1.doInBackground(ServiceProxy.java:113)
  2437. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:295)
  2438. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
  2439. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$1.run(AsyncTask.java:234)
  2440. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1113)
  2441. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:588)
  2442. 02-22 13:18:20.011  2998  3024 E EmailServiceProxy:     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
  2443. 02-22 13:18:20.096  3016  3016 I Exchange: EasService.onCreate
  2444. 02-22 13:18:20.128  3016  3074 I Exchange: RestartPingTask
  2445. 02-22 13:18:20.191  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3076:android.process.acore/u0a3 for broadcast com.android.providers.contacts/.PackageIntentReceiver
  2446. 02-22 13:18:20.270  3076  3076 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2447. 02-22 13:18:20.291  3076  3076 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2448. 02-22 13:18:20.445  3016  3016 I Exchange: RestartPingsTask did not start any pings.
  2449. 02-22 13:18:20.445  3016  3016 I Exchange: PSS stopIfIdle
  2450. 02-22 13:18:20.445  3016  3016 I Exchange: PSS has no active accounts; stopping service.
  2451. 02-22 13:18:20.447  3016  3016 I Exchange: onDestroy
  2452. 02-22 13:18:20.461  3076  3076 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/lib/arm
  2453. 02-22 13:18:21.027  3058  3094 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.unstable expire 1 line
  2454. 02-22 13:18:21.259  3076  3076 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm
  2455. 02-22 13:18:21.471  3076  3097 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [en-US]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, #, ]
  2456. 02-22 13:18:21.474  2343  3100 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2457. 02-22 13:18:21.580  2343  3104 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2458. 02-22 13:18:21.659  2343  3107 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2459. 02-22 13:18:21.851  2343  3109 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2460. 02-22 13:18:22.212  3058  3072 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Binder_2 expire 13 lines
  2461. 02-22 13:18:22.260  2324  3114 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) AsyncTask #2 expire 4 lines
  2462. 02-22 13:18:22.495  1038  1403 I ActivityManager: Killing 2726:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  2463. 02-22 13:18:22.684  2343  3115 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 22 lines
  2464. 02-22 13:18:23.007  2343  3120 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 7 lines
  2465. 02-22 13:18:23.127  2343  3121 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2466. 02-22 13:18:23.805  3132  3132 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  2467. 02-22 13:18:23.979  2324  3136 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line
  2468. 02-22 13:18:24.028  3058  3070 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 2 lines
  2469. 02-22 13:18:24.031  2324  3138 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) AsyncTask #3 expire 7 lines
  2470. 02-22 13:18:24.357  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: Killing 2742:com.evervolv.updater/u0a6 (adj 15): empty #17
  2471. 02-22 13:18:24.627  2324  3147 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line
  2472. 02-22 13:18:24.744  2324  3116 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) CopresenceEvent expire 6 lines
  2473. 02-22 13:18:25.020  2343  3126 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2474. 02-22 13:18:25.696  2454  2454 D AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x20000010 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver }
  2475. 02-22 13:18:25.850  2454  3164 D AlertService: 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  2476. 02-22 13:18:26.026  3076  3097 I art     : Waiting for a blocking GC DisableMovingGc
  2477. 02-22 13:18:26.028  3076  3097 I art     : Starting a blocking GC DisableMovingGc
  2478. 02-22 13:18:26.168  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3174:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2 for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2
  2479. 02-22 13:18:26.207  3169  3169 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) /system/bin/dex2oat expire 3 lines
  2480. 02-22 13:18:26.240  3174  3174 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2481. 02-22 13:18:26.288  3174  3174 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2482. 02-22 13:18:26.392  2343  3188 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2483. 02-22 13:18:26.442  2213  3170 W art     : Verification of void com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadThread.<init>(android.content.Context, com.android.providers.downloads.SystemFacade, com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadNotifier, com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadInfo) took 179.687ms
  2484. 02-22 13:18:26.638  2343  3194 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2485. 02-22 13:18:26.658  2213  3191 D DownloadManager: [1] Starting
  2486. 02-22 13:18:26.662  3174  3174 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/lib/arm
  2487. 02-22 13:18:27.015  2343  3200 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2488. 02-22 13:18:27.096  3174  3174 W art     : Verification of int com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2.updateEventRelatedTable(android.net.Uri, java.lang.String, boolean, android.content.ContentValues, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], boolean) took 127.899ms
  2489. 02-22 13:18:27.290  3174  3174 I CalendarProvider2: Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@983fc25(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@da3d1fa)
  2490. 02-22 13:18:27.366  2343  3206 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2491. 02-22 13:18:27.644  2213  3191 W ActivityThread: ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
  2492. 02-22 13:18:27.911  1038  1078 I ActivityManager:   Force stopping service ServiceRecord{dd83d87 u0 com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService}
  2493. 02-22 13:18:28.144  2343  3216 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2494. 02-22 13:18:28.344  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{c3220d8 u0 com.android.calendar/.alerts.InitAlarmsService}
  2495. 02-22 13:18:28.768  1038  2161 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=INITIALIZE_SUBSCRIPTIONS cmp=com.google.android.gms/.nearby.sharing.NearbySharingIntentService } U=0: not found
  2496. 02-22 13:18:28.858  3174  3174 I CalendarProvider2: Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x20000000 }
  2497. 02-22 13:18:28.859  3174  3174 W ContentResolver: Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
  2498. 02-22 13:18:29.049  2324  2596 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) FlpThread expire 5 lines
  2499. 02-22 13:18:29.050  2324  3208 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line
  2500. 02-22 13:18:29.864  2324  2324 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 10 lines
  2501. 02-22 13:18:29.876  2343  2941 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 10 lines
  2502. 02-22 13:18:30.076  2343  3230 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) iu-sync-manager expire 5 lines
  2503. 02-22 13:18:30.411  1038  1405 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3233:org.chromium.chrome/u0a32 for broadcast org.chromium.chrome/.browser.precache.PrecacheServiceLauncher
  2504. 02-22 13:18:30.456  3233  3233 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2505. 02-22 13:18:30.484  3233  3233 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2506. 02-22 13:18:30.751  3248  3248 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  2507. 02-22 13:18:30.751  3248  3248 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2508. 02-22 13:18:30.853  2454  3164 I GlobalDismissManager: no sender configured
  2509. 02-22 13:18:30.853  2454  3164 D AlertService: Beginning updateAlertNotification
  2510. 02-22 13:18:34.498  3248  3248 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 3.747s (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=7MB native alloc=2MB free=2MB
  2511. 02-22 13:18:34.570  2343  3115 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 5 lines
  2512. 02-22 13:18:34.601  1038  1264 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 78 lines
  2513. 02-22 13:18:34.735  3233  3233 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Chromium/lib/arm
  2514. 02-22 13:18:34.836  2454  3164 D AlertService: No fired or scheduled alerts
  2515. 02-22 13:18:34.881  2454  3164 D AlertService: Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  2516. 02-22 13:18:34.984  2454  3164 D AlarmScheduler: No events found starting within 1 week.
  2517. 02-22 13:18:35.346  1038  2144 I ActivityManager: Killing 2760:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a6 (adj 15): empty #17
  2518. 02-22 13:18:35.557  2324  3257 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines
  2519. 02-22 13:18:35.584  2343  3258 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2520. 02-22 13:18:35.899  2980  2980 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  2521. 02-22 13:18:36.073  2980  2996 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished
  2522. 02-22 13:18:36.286  1038  3261 I CertBlacklister: Certificate blacklist changed, updating...
  2523. 02-22 13:18:36.308  1038  3261 I CertBlacklister: Certificate blacklist updated
  2524. 02-22 13:18:36.321  2343  3262 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2525. 02-22 13:18:36.523  2343  2436 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Icing-Worker-0 expire 16 lines
  2526. 02-22 13:18:36.701  2343  3267 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2527. 02-22 13:18:36.738  1038  3268 I CertBlacklister: Certificate blacklist changed, updating...
  2528. 02-22 13:18:36.760  1038  3268 I CertBlacklister: Certificate blacklist updated
  2529. 02-22 13:18:36.922  2343  3270 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2530. 02-22 13:18:37.036  2343  3274 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2531. 02-22 13:18:37.119  2343  3277 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2532. 02-22 13:18:37.689  2343  3280 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2533. 02-22 13:18:37.937  2324  3281 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line
  2534. 02-22 13:18:38.957  2213  3191 D DownloadManager: [1] Finished with status SUCCESS
  2535. 02-22 13:18:39.202  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: Killing 2765:com.android.launcher3/u0a8 (adj 15): empty #17
  2536. 02-22 13:18:39.626  2156  2189 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Binder_1 expire 1 line
  2537. 02-22 13:18:39.902  2343  2941 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.wearable.settings
  2538. 02-22 13:18:40.463  2055  2055 I Choreographer: Skipped 31 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  2539. 02-22 13:18:40.506  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Killing 2799:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a9 (adj 15): empty #17
  2540. 02-22 13:18:40.807  2213  3298 V DownloadManager: Deleting /data/user/0/com.android.providers.downloads/cache/libAppDataSearchExt_armeabi_v7a.v7.so via provider delete
  2541. 02-22 13:18:41.086  2343  2941 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2542. 02-22 13:18:41.123  2343  3299 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines
  2543. 02-22 13:18:41.809  1038  2145 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3300:com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a20 for broadcast com.google.android.gms/.mdm.receivers.MdmDeviceAdminReceiver
  2544. 02-22 13:18:41.860  3300  3300 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.ui expire 19 lines
  2545. 02-22 13:18:42.875  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: Killing 2816:com.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a11 (adj 15): empty #17
  2546. 02-22 13:18:42.879  3300  3316 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.ui expire 1 line
  2547. 02-22 13:18:42.958  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Killing 2834:com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a22 (adj 15): empty #17
  2548. 02-22 13:18:43.036  2343  3321 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2549. 02-22 13:18:43.155  2343  3324 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2550. 02-22 13:18:43.206  2343  3327 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2551. 02-22 13:18:43.374  2454  2972 D InitAlarmsService: Clearing and rescheduling alarms.
  2552. 02-22 13:18:43.390  2343  3330 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2553. 02-22 13:18:43.409  2343  3333 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2554. 02-22 13:18:43.641  2343  3339 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2555. 02-22 13:18:43.825  2343  3342 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2556. 02-22 13:18:43.956  2343  3347 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2557. 02-22 13:18:44.010  2343  3350 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2558. 02-22 13:18:44.116  2343  3352 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2559. 02-22 13:18:44.171  2454  2454 D AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x20000010 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver }
  2560. 02-22 13:18:44.191  2454  3356 D AlertService: 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  2561. 02-22 13:18:45.378  2343  3359 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2562. 02-22 13:18:45.530  2343  3364 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2563. 02-22 13:18:45.688  2343  3367 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2564. 02-22 13:18:45.758  2343  3372 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines
  2565. 02-22 13:18:45.821  1038  1061 I BroadcastQueue: Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.GservicesChangedReceiver
  2566. 02-22 13:18:45.930  1038  1937 I BroadcastQueue: Resuming delayed broadcast
  2567. 02-22 13:18:45.954  2213  2365 I art     : Waiting for a blocking GC DisableMovingGc
  2568. 02-22 13:18:45.958  2213  2365 I art     : Starting a blocking GC DisableMovingGc
  2569. 02-22 13:18:46.008  1038  1078 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.android.vending appid=10024 user=0: pkg changed
  2570. 02-22 13:18:46.014  1038  1078 I ActivityManager: Killing 2409:com.android.vending/u0a24 (adj 8): stop com.android.vending
  2571. 02-22 13:18:46.091  1038  1078 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene in 1000ms
  2572. 02-22 13:18:46.110  1038  1403 W ActivityManager: Spurious death for ProcessRecord{6a8bfca 0:com.android.vending/u0a24}, curProc for 2409: null
  2573. 02-22 13:18:46.447  2343  2343 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 8 lines
  2574. 02-22 13:18:46.513  2343  3381 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines
  2575. 02-22 13:18:46.605  2324  2538 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Binder_4 expire 1 line
  2576. 02-22 13:18:46.864  1038  1063 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 7 lines
  2577. 02-22 13:18:48.591  1038  1933 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.measurement.service.b } U=0: not found
  2578. 02-22 13:18:49.205  2454  3356 I GlobalDismissManager: no sender configured
  2579. 02-22 13:18:49.205  2454  3356 D AlertService: Beginning updateAlertNotification
  2580. 02-22 13:18:49.256  2324  2333 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) FinalizerDaemon expire 1 line
  2581. 02-22 13:18:49.296  2454  3356 D AlertService: No fired or scheduled alerts
  2582. 02-22 13:18:49.316  2454  3356 D AlertService: Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  2583. 02-22 13:18:49.343  2454  3356 D AlarmScheduler: No events found starting within 1 week.
  2584. 02-22 13:18:50.145  2324  3393 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) ContextManagerE expire 3 lines
  2585. 02-22 13:18:50.209  2343  2436 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Icing-Worker-0 expire 14 lines
  2586. 02-22 13:18:50.531  2980  2980 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIMEZONE_CHANGED
  2587. 02-22 13:18:50.764  2980  2996 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished
  2588. 02-22 13:18:50.830  2055  2055 I SetupWizard: Connected to Gservices successfully
  2589. 02-22 13:18:50.894  2324  3396 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 4 lines
  2590. 02-22 13:18:50.946  2324  3398 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) GCMWriter expire 1 line
  2591. 02-22 13:18:51.079  2324  3404 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) GCMReader expire 1 line
  2592. 02-22 13:18:51.291  1038  1258 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 5 lines
  2593. 02-22 13:18:51.408  2343  3407 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2594. 02-22 13:18:51.593  2324  2324 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 17 lines
  2595. 02-22 13:18:51.874  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2596. 02-22 13:18:51.978  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=walled_garden resultCode=-1
  2597. 02-22 13:18:51.991  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=ota_update uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.OTA_UPDATE;end transitions={1=early_update} default: system_update)
  2598. 02-22 13:18:52.064  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.OTA_UPDATE flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.OtaUpdateActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2599. 02-22 13:18:52.297  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2600. 02-22 13:18:52.453  2324  3409 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line
  2601. 02-22 13:18:52.505  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3415:com.android.vending/u0a24 for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.PackageMonitorReceiver$RegisteredReceiver
  2602. 02-22 13:18:52.543  3415  3415 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2603. 02-22 13:18:52.550  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=ota_update resultCode=1
  2604. 02-22 13:18:52.558  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=early_update uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.PROGRESS;S.fragment=com.google.android.setupwizard.update.EarlyUpdateFragment;end transitions={} default: load_account_intent)
  2605. 02-22 13:18:52.564  1038  2145 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.PROGRESS flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.ProgressActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2606. 02-22 13:18:52.571  3415  3415 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2607. 02-22 13:18:52.751  3415  3415 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Phonesky/lib/arm
  2608. 02-22 13:18:53.156  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2609. 02-22 13:18:53.335  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.onCreate(357): Initializing network with DFE https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/
  2610. 02-22 13:18:53.351  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2611. 02-22 13:18:53.522  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2612. 02-22 13:18:53.527  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2613. 02-22 13:18:53.546  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2614. 02-22 13:18:53.547  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2615. 02-22 13:18:53.649  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2616. 02-22 13:18:53.652  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2617. 02-22 13:18:53.671  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.a(119): Dirty, need more hygiene.
  2618. 02-22 13:18:53.682  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2619. 02-22 13:18:53.791  3415  3415 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  2620. 02-22 13:18:53.792  3415  3415 W Settings: Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  2621. 02-22 13:18:53.995  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2622. 02-22 13:18:53.999  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2623. 02-22 13:18:54.006  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2624. 02-22 13:18:54.012  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2625. 02-22 13:18:54.013  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.b(1023): No account configured on this device.
  2626. 02-22 13:18:54.060  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2627. 02-22 13:18:54.075  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.receivers.h.a(1098): Installer kick - no action, not running yet
  2628. 02-22 13:18:54.096  3415  3457 D Ads     : Skipping gmscore version check
  2629. 02-22 13:18:54.102  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.b.j.a(273): result=false type=4
  2630. 02-22 13:18:54.248  3415  3428 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  2631. 02-22 13:18:54.248  3415  3428 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  2632. 02-22 13:18:54.248  3415  3428 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  2633. 02-22 13:18:54.248  3415  3428 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  2634. 02-22 13:18:54.248  3415  3428 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  2635. 02-22 13:18:54.248  3415  3428 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  2636. 02-22 13:18:54.271  2343  3460 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2637. 02-22 13:18:54.307  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.ar.a(1049): Restore complete with 0 success and 0 failed.
  2638. 02-22 13:18:54.332  2343  3464 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2639. 02-22 13:18:54.454  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2640. 02-22 13:18:54.699  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.onStartCommand(2626): DailyHygiene holdoff continue
  2641. 02-22 13:18:56.134  2343  3469 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2642. 02-22 13:18:56.921  2343  3476 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines
  2643. 02-22 13:18:56.998  3415  3428 W Finsky  : [241] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2644. 02-22 13:18:57.002  3415  3428 W Finsky  : [241] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2645. 02-22 13:18:57.665  3415  3441 E Volley  : [249] c.a: Unexpected response code 500 for https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/earlyUpdate
  2646. 02-22 13:18:57.683  3415  3441 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.protobuf.nano.a.c()
  2647. 02-22 13:18:57.686  3415  3428 E Finsky  : [241] com.google.android.finsky.setup.PlaySetupService.a(611): Error while loading early update: DisplayErrorMessage[Error retrieving information from server. [DF-DFERH-01]] (Error retrieving information from server. [DF-DFERH-01])
  2648. 02-22 13:18:57.733  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2649. 02-22 13:18:57.820  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=early_update resultCode=-1
  2650. 02-22 13:18:57.827  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=load_account_intent uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.PROGRESS;S.fragment=com.google.android.setupwizard.account.LoadAddAccountIntentFragment;end transitions={} default: device_owner_warning)
  2651. 02-22 13:18:57.829  1038  2060 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.PROGRESS flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.ProgressActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2652. 02-22 13:18:57.870  1038  2145 W ActivityManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{7f2fd52 u0 com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager t3 f}
  2653. 02-22 13:18:57.884  1038  1048 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 6 lines
  2654. 02-22 13:18:57.914  1038  2145 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@62037f attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@e36ca7
  2655. 02-22 13:18:58.198  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2656. 02-22 13:18:58.277  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=load_account_intent resultCode=-1
  2657. 02-22 13:18:58.285  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=device_owner_warning uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.DEVICE_OWNER_WARNING;end transitions={1=account_setup} default: factory_reset)
  2658. 02-22 13:18:58.293  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.DEVICE_OWNER_WARNING flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.DeviceOwnerWarningActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2659. 02-22 13:18:58.418  1038  2060 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2660. 02-22 13:18:58.500  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=device_owner_warning resultCode=1
  2661. 02-22 13:18:58.503  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=account_setup uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.ACCOUNT_SETUP;end transitions={1=no_account_date_time_check, 102=exit} default: account_checkin)
  2662. 02-22 13:18:58.507  1038  1403 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.ACCOUNT_SETUP flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.AccountSetupWrapper (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2663. 02-22 13:18:58.541  1038  2060 I ActivityManager: Killing 2955:com.android.camera2/u0a29 (adj 15): empty #17
  2664. 02-22 13:18:58.662  1038  1936 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cat=[categoryhack:a411537d-ccb8-4ade-ac80-a2b4f2dfd523] cmp=com.google.android.gms/.common.ui.UnpackingRedirectActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2665. 02-22 13:18:58.848  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cat=[categoryhack:1af13c3c-b79e-42dc-9847-be41eb6d9a3d] flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.uiflows.addaccount.AccountIntroActivity (has extras)} from uid 10020 on display 0
  2666. 02-22 13:18:59.086  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.uiflows.addaccount.PreAddAccountActivity (has extras)} from uid 10020 on display 0
  2667. 02-22 13:18:59.965  3300  3489 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.ui expire 3 lines
  2668. 02-22 13:19:00.004  2343  3488 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines
  2669. 02-22 13:19:00.633  2324  2337 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Binder_2 expire 1 line
  2670. 02-22 13:19:00.840  3300  3311 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.ui expire 1 line
  2671. 02-22 13:19:01.428  1038  2145 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.setup.d2d.SmartDeviceActivity (has extras)} from uid 10020 on display 0
  2672. 02-22 13:19:01.533  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.gms/.smartdevice.d2d.ui.TargetActivity (has extras)} from uid 10020 on display 0
  2673. 02-22 13:19:18.571   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 24 lines
  2674. 02-22 13:19:19.674  1038  2145 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.uiflows.minutemaid.MinuteMaidActivity (has extras)} from uid 10020 on display 0
  2675. 02-22 13:19:20.094  3500  3500 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  2676. 02-22 13:19:20.094  3500  3500 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  2677. 02-22 13:19:21.140  3500  3500 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.046s (threads: 2) arena alloc=592B java alloc=1223KB native alloc=1160KB free=1399KB
  2678. 02-22 13:19:21.236  3300  3300 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.ui expire 19 lines
  2679. 02-22 13:19:22.430  3300  3516 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.ui expire 1 line
  2680. 02-22 13:19:22.578  3058  3528 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) pool-2-thread-1 expire 2 lines
  2681. 02-22 13:19:22.636  2324  2336 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Binder_1 expire 1 line
  2682. 02-22 13:19:22.692  1879  2203 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getIccId: No UICC
  2683. 02-22 13:19:24.179  3300  3510 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.ui expire 1 line
  2684. 02-22 13:19:29.179  2343  3543 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 7 lines
  2685. 02-22 13:19:29.405  2343  3543 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.wearable.settings
  2686. 02-22 13:19:29.610  2324  3546 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line
  2687. 02-22 13:19:30.153  2324  3549 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line
  2688. 02-22 13:19:30.455  2324  3547 I chatty  : uid=10020 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines
  2689. 02-22 13:19:30.511  3058  3072 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) Binder_2 expire 3 lines
  2690. 02-22 13:19:31.152  2343  3543 I chatty  : uid=10020(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line
  2691. 02-22 13:19:31.278  2343  3543 I CheckinTask: Sending checkin request (7398 bytes)
  2692. 02-22 13:19:31.386  2343  3543 I CheckinRequestBuilder: Checkin reason type: 9 attempt count: 1
  2693. 02-22 13:19:31.399  2343  3543 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.wearable.settings
  2694. 02-22 13:19:31.475  2324  2324 W GLSUser : [DeviceKeyStore] Cannot load key: Device key file not found.
  2695. 02-22 13:19:31.735  2343  3543 V CheckinRequestBuilder: No Subscriptions found on the device
  2696. 02-22 13:19:31.779  2343  3543 I CheckinRequestBuilder: Classify the device as Tablet.
  2697. 02-22 13:19:31.855  2343  3543 I CheckinTask: Checkin success: https://android.clients.google.com/checkin (1 requests sent)
  2698. 02-22 13:19:31.867  2343  3543 V CheckinService: No Subscriptions found on the device
  2699. 02-22 13:19:31.870  2343  3543 I CheckinService: Checking schedule, now: 1456143571870 next: 1456184913855
  2700. 02-22 13:19:31.870  2343  3543 I CheckinService: active receiver: disabled
  2701. 02-22 13:19:31.878  2343  2343 D CheckinService: Recording last checkin time for package unspecified as 1456143571878
  2702. 02-22 13:19:33.061   193  1873 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_3 expire 9 lines
  2703. 02-22 13:19:33.061  3058  3528 W DG.WV   : Widevine DRM not supported on this device
  2704. 02-22 13:19:33.061  3058  3528 W DG.WV   : android.media.UnsupportedSchemeException: Failed to instantiate drm object.
  2705. 02-22 13:19:33.061  3058  3528 W DG.WV   :      at android.media.MediaDrm.native_setup(Native Method)
  2706. 02-22 13:19:33.061  3058  3528 W DG.WV   :      at android.media.MediaDrm.<init>(MediaDrm.java:215)
  2707. 02-22 13:19:33.061  3058  3528 W DG.WV   :      at com.google.android.gms.droidguard.q.run(SourceFile:99)
  2708. 02-22 13:19:33.061  3058  3528 W DG.WV   :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1113)
  2709. 02-22 13:19:33.061  3058  3528 W DG.WV   :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:588)
  2710. 02-22 13:19:33.061  3058  3528 W DG.WV   :      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
  2711. 02-22 13:19:33.084  3058  3099 I GoogleURLConnFactory: Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
  2712. 02-22 13:19:33.643  2324  3138 D GCM     : GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.checkin.CHECKIN_COMPLETE flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } com.google.android.checkin.CHECKIN_COMPLETE
  2713. 02-22 13:19:33.648  2324  2911 D GCM     : GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTER pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTER
  2714. 02-22 13:19:33.653  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  2715. 02-22 13:19:33.653  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  2716. 02-22 13:19:33.653  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  2717. 02-22 13:19:33.653  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  2718. 02-22 13:19:33.653  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  2719. 02-22 13:19:33.653  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  2720. 02-22 13:19:33.901  2343  2343 E MDM     : [1] SitrepService.a: No Google accounts; deferring server state update.
  2721. 02-22 13:19:33.946  2343  2343 V AuthZen : Received broadcast action: com.google.android.gms.gcm.REGISTERED
  2722. 02-22 13:19:33.957  2343  3569 V AuthZen : Handling intent: com.google.android.gms.gcm.REGISTERED
  2723. 02-22 13:19:33.961  2343  3569 D AuthZenEventHandler: Handling event: com.google.android.gms.gcm.REGISTERED
  2724. 02-22 13:19:33.979  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: GCM registration ID changed
  2725. 02-22 13:19:34.747  1879  1900 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getIccId: No UICC
  2726. 02-22 13:19:34.827  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.AccountSetupWrapper: subactivity result {ACCOUNT_SETUP_REQUEST(10007), RESULT_GLS_USER_EXIT(1), null}
  2727. 02-22 13:19:34.860  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2728. 02-22 13:19:34.944  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=account_setup resultCode=1
  2729. 02-22 13:19:34.949  2324  2336 W FactoryReset: [FactoryResetProtectionManager] Factory reset protection is not supported!
  2730. 02-22 13:19:34.954  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=no_account_date_time_check uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.PROGRESS;S.fragment=com.google.android.setupwizard.time.DateTimeCheckFragment;end transitions={1=no_account_user_name_check} default: no_account_date_time)
  2731. 02-22 13:19:35.012  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.PROGRESS flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.ProgressActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2732. 02-22 13:19:35.124  2055  2559 I SetupWizard.FrpHelper: FRP status: supported: false, challengeRequired: false
  2733. 02-22 13:19:35.154  1038  1403 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2734. 02-22 13:19:35.214  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=no_account_date_time_check resultCode=1
  2735. 02-22 13:19:35.220  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=no_account_user_name_check uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.PROGRESS;S.fragment=com.google.android.setupwizard.user.NameCheckFragment;end transitions={1=no_account_gmail} default: no_account_user_name)
  2736. 02-22 13:19:35.221  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.PROGRESS flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.ProgressActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2737. 02-22 13:19:35.326  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2738. 02-22 13:19:35.380  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=no_account_user_name_check resultCode=-1
  2739. 02-22 13:19:35.386  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=no_account_user_name uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.USER_NAME;end transitions={} default: no_account_gmail)
  2740. 02-22 13:19:35.388  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.USER_NAME flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.NameActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2741. 02-22 13:19:38.142   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 89 lines
  2742. 02-22 13:19:38.153  1038  1405 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2743. 02-22 13:19:38.242  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=no_account_user_name resultCode=-1
  2744. 02-22 13:19:38.244  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=no_account_gmail uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.GMAIL_SETUP;end transitions={} default: no_account_lock_screen_intro)
  2745. 02-22 13:19:38.248  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.GMAIL_SETUP flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.GmailWrapper (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2746. 02-22 13:19:38.351  2055  2055 W SetupWizard.GmailWrapper: Account not found for Gmail
  2747. 02-22 13:19:38.378  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.gm.email.CREATE_NEW_ACCOUNT flg=0x2000000 pkg=com.google.android.gm (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2748. 02-22 13:19:38.378  2055  2055 W SetupWizard.GmailWrapper: intent has no matching activity; start next screen and finish; intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.setupwizard.GMAIL_SETUP flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.GmailWrapper (has extras) }
  2749. 02-22 13:19:38.380  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2750. 02-22 13:19:38.470  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=no_account_gmail resultCode=3
  2751. 02-22 13:19:38.474  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=no_account_lock_screen_intro uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.LOCK_SCREEN_INTRO;end transitions={} default: no_account_google_services)
  2752. 02-22 13:19:38.476  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.LOCK_SCREEN_INTRO flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.LockScreenIntroActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2753. 02-22 13:19:38.562  1038  1936 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2754. 02-22 13:19:38.613  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=no_account_lock_screen_intro resultCode=1
  2755. 02-22 13:19:38.615  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=no_account_google_services uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.google.android.setupwizard.GOOGLE_SERVICES;end transitions={} default: oem_post_setup)
  2756. 02-22 13:19:38.625  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.setupwizard.GOOGLE_SERVICES flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.GoogleServicesWrapper (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2757. 02-22 13:19:38.696  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms.auth.GOOGLE_SERVICES cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.uiflows.addaccount.GoogleServicesActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2758. 02-22 13:19:39.513  2343  3579 D PackageBroadcastService: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.google.android.gms
  2759. 02-22 13:19:39.540  2343  3579 I PackageBroadcastService: Null package name or gms related package.  Ignoreing.
  2760. 02-22 13:19:39.602  2343  2436 I Icing   : updateResources: need to parse f{com.google.android.gms}
  2761. 02-22 13:19:39.798  2324  2324 I GCoreNlp: shouldConfirmNlp, NLP off. Ensuring opt-in disabled
  2762. 02-22 13:19:41.177  2343  2436 I Icing   : Indexing 403CDF2402D6A72127779EF94BF7CE77C3E91572 from com.google.android.gms
  2763. 02-22 13:19:41.210  2343  2436 I Icing   : Indexing done 403CDF2402D6A72127779EF94BF7CE77C3E91572
  2764. 02-22 13:19:43.208  2324  2595 I GeofencerStateMachine: Network location enabled.
  2765. 02-22 13:19:43.335  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.GoogleServicesWrapper: subactivity result {(10040), RESULT_OK(-1), null}
  2766. 02-22 13:19:43.377  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.wizard.NEXT cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2767. 02-22 13:19:43.447  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED}]
  2768. 02-22 13:19:43.468  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onCreate()
  2769. 02-22 13:19:43.493  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2770. 02-22 13:19:43.534  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2771. 02-22 13:19:43.548  3415  3415 E Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.utils.w.a(57): No permission to get location. java.lang.SecurityException: "gps" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
  2772. 02-22 13:19:43.564  3415  3415 E Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.utils.db.a(3106): No permission to get location. java.lang.SecurityException: "fused" location provider requires ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
  2773. 02-22 13:19:43.614  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: onNext actionId=no_account_google_services resultCode=-1
  2774. 02-22 13:19:43.617  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.WizardManager: sendAction action=WizardAction (id=exit uri=intent:#Intent;action=com.android.setupwizard.EXIT;end transitions={} default: null)
  2775. 02-22 13:19:43.619  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.android.setupwizard.EXIT flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.google.android.setupwizard/.SetupExitActivity (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2776. 02-22 13:19:43.794  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=com.google.android.gsf.settings.GoogleLocationSettings.UPDATE_LOCATION_SETTINGS}]
  2777. 02-22 13:19:43.853  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand* icons alerts* system_info back home* recent* clock* search* quick_settings >
  2778. 02-22 13:19:43.865  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: heads up is enabled
  2779. 02-22 13:19:43.900  2324  3591 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater received intent Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) } with receiverAction android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED
  2780. 02-22 13:19:43.948  2324  3591 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater:android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED: Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: (no Google accounts)
  2781. 02-22 13:19:43.964  2324  3591 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  2782. 02-22 13:19:43.964  2324  3591 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  2783. 02-22 13:19:44.043  1038  1308 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.gsf.settings.GoogleLocationSettings.UPDATE_LOCATION_SETTINGS flg=0x10 } from com.google.android.setupwizard (pid=2055, uid=10025) is not exported from uid 10020 due to receiver com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ExternalChangeReceiver
  2784. 02-22 13:19:44.108  2324  3591 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater received intent Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) } with receiverAction com.google.android.gsf.settings.GoogleLocationSettings.UPDATE_LOCATION_SETTINGS
  2785. 02-22 13:19:44.144  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.SetupWizardExitActivity: *** SetupWizard Exit ***
  2786. 02-22 13:19:44.144  2055  2055 I SetupWizard.SetupWizardExitActivity: Setup Wizard is launching HOME.
  2787. 02-22 13:19:44.149  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10208000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from uid 10025 on display 0
  2788. 02-22 13:19:44.196  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3595:com.android.launcher3/u0a8 for activity com.android.launcher3/.Launcher
  2789. 02-22 13:19:44.223  3595  3595 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2790. 02-22 13:19:44.241  1038  1405 W ActivityManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{4d1c311 u0 com.google.android.setupwizard/.WizardManager t3 f}
  2791. 02-22 13:19:44.242  2324  2324 V UserPresentBroadcastReceiver: Received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver }.
  2792. 02-22 13:19:44.317  3595  3595 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2793. 02-22 13:19:44.393  2324  3591 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater:com.google.android.gsf.settings.GoogleLocationSettings.UPDATE_LOCATION_SETTINGS: Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: (no Google accounts)
  2794. 02-22 13:19:44.468  2324  2640 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.location.an.a(com.google.android.location.j.f, com.google.android.location.f.bb[], boolean) took 249.023ms
  2795. 02-22 13:19:44.480  3595  3595 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Launcher3/lib/arm
  2796. 02-22 13:19:44.513  2324  3591 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  2797. 02-22 13:19:44.513  2324  3591 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  2798. 02-22 13:19:44.576  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onDestroy()
  2799. 02-22 13:19:44.576  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Stopping handler for UlrDispSvcFast
  2800. 02-22 13:19:44.594  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  2801. 02-22 13:19:44.594  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  2802. 02-22 13:19:45.152  3595  3595 V Launcher: LauncherAppState inited
  2803. 02-22 13:19:45.318  3595  3595 D Launcher.Model: Old launcher provider: content://com.android.launcher2.settings/favorites?notify=true
  2804. 02-22 13:19:45.319  3595  3595 D Launcher.Model: Old launcher provider does not exist.
  2805. 02-22 13:19:45.778  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3613:org.cyanogenmod.themes.provider/u0a17 for content provider org.cyanogenmod.themes.provider/.ThemesProvider
  2806. 02-22 13:19:45.810  3613  3613 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2807. 02-22 13:19:45.835  3613  3613 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2808. 02-22 13:19:45.980  3613  3613 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ThemesProvider/lib/arm
  2809. 02-22 13:19:46.401  3613  3627 D ThemesProvider: Deleted 0
  2810. 02-22 13:19:46.592  3595  3609 D LauncherProvider: loading default workspace
  2811. 02-22 13:19:46.633  3595  3629 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  2812. 02-22 13:19:46.715  3595  3595 W Launcher: setApplicationContext called twice! old=android.app.Application@da3d1fa new=android.app.Application@da3d1fa
  2813. 02-22 13:19:46.831  3595  3629 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  2814. 02-22 13:19:46.831  3595  3629 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  2815. 02-22 13:19:46.831  3595  3629 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  2816. 02-22 13:19:46.831  3595  3629 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  2817. 02-22 13:19:46.831  3595  3629 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  2818. 02-22 13:19:46.831  3595  3629 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  2819. 02-22 13:19:46.870  3595  3629 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  2820. 02-22 13:19:47.084  3595  3609 W DefaultLayoutParser: No preference or single system activity found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.APP_MESSAGING] }
  2821. 02-22 13:19:47.085  3595  3609 W DefaultLayoutParser: No preference or single system activity found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=sms: }
  2822. 02-22 13:19:47.087  3595  3609 W DefaultLayoutParser: No preference or single system activity found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=smsto: }
  2823. 02-22 13:19:47.093  3595  3609 W DefaultLayoutParser: No preference or single system activity found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=mms: }
  2824. 02-22 13:19:47.095  3595  3609 W DefaultLayoutParser: No preference or single system activity found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=mmsto: }
  2825. 02-22 13:19:47.196  2324  2640 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  2826. 02-22 13:19:47.332  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=com.google.android.location.internal.server.ACTION_RESTARTED}]
  2827. 02-22 13:19:47.346  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onCreate()
  2828. 02-22 13:19:47.514  2324  3632 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater received intent Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) } with receiverAction com.google.android.location.internal.server.ACTION_RESTARTED
  2829. 02-22 13:19:47.514  3595  3609 W DefaultLayoutParser: No preference or single system activity found for Intent { act=android.intent.action.CAMERA_BUTTON }
  2830. 02-22 13:19:47.583  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 2403:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  2831. 02-22 13:19:47.620  1038  1268 D WifiService: Client connection lost with reason: 4
  2832. 02-22 13:19:47.632  2324  3632 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater:com.google.android.location.internal.server.ACTION_RESTARTED: Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: (no Google accounts)
  2833. 02-22 13:19:47.667  3595  3609 W Launcher: setApplicationContext called twice! old=android.app.Application@da3d1fa new=android.app.Application@da3d1fa
  2834. 02-22 13:19:47.720  2324  3632 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  2835. 02-22 13:19:47.725  2324  3632 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  2836. 02-22 13:19:47.762  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onDestroy()
  2837. 02-22 13:19:47.762  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Stopping handler for UlrDispSvcFast
  2838. 02-22 13:19:47.771  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  2839. 02-22 13:19:47.771  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  2840. 02-22 13:19:54.272  2343  3637 D PackageBroadcastService: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.google.android.setupwizard
  2841. 02-22 13:19:54.351  2343  3640 I PeopleContactsSync: triggerPendingContactsCleanup: no accounts
  2842. 02-22 13:19:54.715  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.onStartCommand(2612): No holdoff required - already provisioned
  2843. 02-22 13:19:54.717  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.onStartCommand(150): Beginning daily hygiene
  2844. 02-22 13:19:54.723  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2845. 02-22 13:19:54.726  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.utils.jo.a(38): Diff version or system, clear token & cache
  2846. 02-22 13:19:54.733  3415  3440 D Volley  : [248] g.b: Cache cleared.
  2847. 02-22 13:19:54.733  3415  3447 D Volley  : [255] g.b: Cache cleared.
  2848. 02-22 13:19:54.836  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2849. 02-22 13:19:54.837  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.b(1023): No account configured on this device.
  2850. 02-22 13:19:54.841  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2851. 02-22 13:19:54.841  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.b(1023): No account configured on this device.
  2852. 02-22 13:19:55.046  1038  1386 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3645:com.google.android.gms:car/u0a20 for service com.google.android.gms/.car.CarService
  2853. 02-22 13:19:55.081  3645  3645 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  2854. 02-22 13:19:55.111  3645  3645 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  2855. 02-22 13:19:55.248  3645  3645 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/arm
  2856. 02-22 13:19:55.358  3645  3645 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
  2857. 02-22 13:19:55.358  3645  3645 I MultiDex: install
  2858. 02-22 13:19:55.358  3645  3645 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
  2859. 02-22 13:19:55.407   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 104 lines
  2860. 02-22 13:19:55.518  1038  1936 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings (has extras)} from uid 10008 on display 0
  2861. 02-22 13:19:55.557  1038  1064 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } from com.android.launcher3 (pid=3595, uid=10008) requires com.google.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to receiver com.google.android.gms/.icing.proxy.ApplicationLauncherReceiver
  2862. 02-22 13:19:55.599  2343  2436 I Icing   : Indexing 403CDF2402D6A72127779EF94BF7CE77C3E91572 from com.google.android.gms
  2863. 02-22 13:19:55.626  1038  2060 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3661:com.android.settings/1000 for activity com.android.settings/.Settings
  2864. 02-22 13:19:55.658  2343  2436 I Icing   : Indexing done 403CDF2402D6A72127779EF94BF7CE77C3E91572
  2865. 02-22 13:19:55.675  3645  3645 V JNIHelp : Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 254 native methods...
  2866. 02-22 13:19:55.713  3661  3661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 10 lines
  2867. 02-22 13:19:55.937  3645  3645 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
  2868. 02-22 13:19:56.089  2324  2324 D AuthorizationBluetoothService: Received GmsCore event: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$AutoStarter }.
  2869. 02-22 13:19:56.119  2343  3677 D LocationInitializer: Restart initialization of location
  2870. 02-22 13:19:56.150  2324  2324 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  2871. 02-22 13:19:56.279  2324  2324 D WearableService: callingUid 10020, callindPid: 2324
  2872. 02-22 13:19:56.356  2324  3114 E MDM     : [202] b.run: Couldn't connect to Google API client: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null}
  2873. 02-22 13:19:56.362  2324  2596 W GCoreFlp: No location to return for getLastLocation()
  2874. 02-22 13:19:56.364  2324  3679 W FusedLocationProvider: location=null
  2875. 02-22 13:19:56.401  3645  3645 D ChimeraCfgMgr: Reading stored module config
  2876. 02-22 13:19:56.414  3661  3682 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) RenderThread expire 13 lines
  2877. 02-22 13:19:56.432  3645  3645 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String com.google.af.b.a.e()
  2878. 02-22 13:19:56.476  3645  3645 D ChimeraCfgMgr: Loading module com.google.android.gms.car from APK com.google.android.gms
  2879. 02-22 13:19:56.564  1038  1268 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
  2880. 02-22 13:19:56.856  3661  3681 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) AsyncTask #1 expire 15 lines
  2881. 02-22 13:19:56.900  3645  3675 D NativeLibraryUtils: Install completed successfully. count=14 extracted=0
  2882. 02-22 13:19:57.004  3682  3682 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) RenderThread expire 3 lines
  2883. 02-22 13:19:57.324  3645  3645 D CAR.SERVICE: Connecting to CarCallService...
  2884. 02-22 13:19:57.469  3645  3645 D CAR.SERVICE: com.google.android.projection.gearhead isn't installed.
  2885. 02-22 13:19:57.538  3645  3645 D CAR.TEL.Service: Creating a new CarCallService.
  2886. 02-22 13:19:57.540  3645  3645 D CAR.TEL.PhoneAdapter: Creating a new PhoneAdapter instance
  2887. 02-22 13:19:57.558  1038  1061 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=local_bind cmp=com.google.android.gms/.car.InCallServiceImpl } U=0: not found
  2888. 02-22 13:19:57.569  3645  3645 D CAR.TEL.PhoneAdapter: setListener: com.google.android.gms.car.dn@324d5e5
  2889. 02-22 13:19:57.576  1038  1402 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=local_bind cmp=com.google.android.gms/.car.InCallServiceImpl } U=0: not found
  2890. 02-22 13:19:57.597  3645  3645 D CAR.TEL.PhoneAdapter: Returning an existing PhoneAdapter instance.
  2891. 02-22 13:19:57.597  3645  3645 D CAR.TEL.Service: Starting CarCallService with initial phone null
  2892. 02-22 13:19:57.833  3645  3657 D CAR.SERVICE: Package validated; name: com.android.vending
  2893. 02-22 13:19:57.933  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2894. 02-22 13:19:57.936  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2895. 02-22 13:19:57.938  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2896. 02-22 13:19:57.940  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2897. 02-22 13:19:57.970  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2898. 02-22 13:19:57.970  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearSupportService.a(147): disabled
  2899. 02-22 13:19:57.974  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  2900. 02-22 13:19:57.982  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.b(10426): Logging device features
  2901. 02-22 13:19:58.054  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene.b(511): Scheduling first run in 26.0 hours
  2902. 02-22 13:19:58.068  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.vending.verifier.VerifyInstalledPackagesReceiver.onReceive(41): Verify installed apps requested
  2903. 02-22 13:19:58.112  2324  2337 D DeviceConnectionService: client connected with version: 8298000
  2904. 02-22 13:19:58.123  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.vending.verifier.m.onPreExecute(555): Verifying installed apps
  2905. 02-22 13:19:59.316  3661  3698 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) AsyncTask #2 expire 14 lines
  2906. 02-22 13:19:59.451  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2907. 02-22 13:19:59.517  3661  3699 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) AsyncTask #3 expire 10 lines
  2908. 02-22 13:19:59.560  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3700:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 for activity com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox
  2909. 02-22 13:19:59.669  3700  3700 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.evervolv.toolbox expire 11 lines
  2910. 02-22 13:20:00.136  3700  3715 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.evervolv.toolbox expire 7 lines
  2911. 02-22 13:20:01.353  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Killing 3016:com.android.exchange/u0a41 (adj 15): empty #17
  2912. 02-22 13:20:03.080  3645  3645 D CAR.SERVICE: mConnectedToCar = false, abort
  2913. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread: Service com.google.android.gms.car.CarService has leaked ServiceConnection com.google.android.gms.car.hr@e730e2d that was originally bound here
  2914. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread: android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.google.android.gms.car.CarService has leaked ServiceConnection com.google.android.gms.car.hr@e730e2d that was originally bound here
  2915. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1093)
  2916. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:987)
  2917. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1314)
  2918. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1297)
  2919. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:610)
  2920. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:610)
  2921. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:610)
  2922. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.common.stats.g.a(SourceFile:128)
  2923. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.common.stats.g.a(SourceFile:145)
  2924. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.car.hc.<init>(SourceFile:319)
  2925. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.car.CarChimeraService.onCreate(SourceFile:74)
  2926. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.chimera.ServiceProxy.setImpl(SourceFile:115)
  2927. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.chimera.ServiceProxy.onCreate(SourceFile:105)
  2928. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(ActivityThread.java:2921)
  2929. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap4(ActivityThread.java)
  2930. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1446)
  2931. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  2932. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  2933. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5466)
  2934. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  2935. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726)
  2936. 02-22 13:20:03.088  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616)
  2937. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread: Service com.google.android.gms.car.CarCallService has leaked ServiceConnection com.google.android.gms.car.dq@2d640dc that was originally bound here
  2938. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread: android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.google.android.gms.car.CarCallService has leaked ServiceConnection com.google.android.gms.car.dq@2d640dc that was originally bound here
  2939. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1093)
  2940. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:987)
  2941. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1314)
  2942. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1297)
  2943. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:610)
  2944. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.common.stats.g.a(SourceFile:128)
  2945. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.common.stats.g.a(SourceFile:145)
  2946. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.car.dp.a(SourceFile:586)
  2947. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.car.dp.<init>(SourceFile:511)
  2948. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.car.dp.a(SourceFile:488)
  2949. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.car.dm.<init>(SourceFile:112)
  2950. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.google.android.gms.car.CarCallService.onBind(SourceFile:79)
  2951. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindService(ActivityThread.java:2948)
  2952. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap2(ActivityThread.java)
  2953. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1451)
  2954. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  2955. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  2956. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5466)
  2957. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  2958. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726)
  2959. 02-22 13:20:03.097  3645  3645 E ActivityThread:        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616)
  2960. 02-22 13:20:03.099  1038  1062 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@6917d3e
  2961. 02-22 13:20:13.259  3415  3454 I Finsky  : [262] com.google.android.finsky.b.c.a(289): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful.
  2962. 02-22 13:20:13.261  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.services.j.a(150): Installation state replication succeeded.
  2963. 02-22 13:20:14.245   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 124 lines
  2964. 02-22 13:20:21.768  1038  1906 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2f5ef31 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@785caa7
  2965. 02-22 13:20:23.573  1038  2060 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@57b4184 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@785caa7
  2966. 02-22 13:20:24.962  1038  1405 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@8ba6a33 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@785caa7
  2967. 02-22 13:20:45.317  2324  3730 D GetConfigurationSnapshotOperation: no corresponding serverToken: com.google.android.gms.playlog.uploader, 1,
  2968. 02-22 13:20:45.440  2324  3729 I PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Experiment Configs successfully retrieved for com.google.android.gms.playlog.uploader
  2969. 02-22 13:20:45.455  2324  3729 I GoogleURLConnFactory: Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
  2970. 02-22 13:20:47.231   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 10 lines
  2971. 02-22 13:20:50.652  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.superuser.SuperuserAppActivity} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2972. 02-22 13:20:51.032  3700  3700 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.evervolv.toolbox expire 1 line
  2973. 02-22 13:20:54.922  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.superuser.SuperuserLogsActivity} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2974. 02-22 13:20:59.439  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=374682, downTime=374565, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  2975. 02-22 13:20:59.439  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  2976. 02-22 13:21:00.329  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 3040:com.google.process.gapps/u0a57 (adj 15): empty #17
  2977. 02-22 13:21:02.603  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2978. 02-22 13:21:02.682   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 116 lines
  2979. 02-22 13:21:02.729  3661  3661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 11 lines
  2980. 02-22 13:21:03.033  3661  3742 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 8 lines
  2981. 02-22 13:21:03.059  3661  3743 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 8 lines
  2982. 02-22 13:21:03.117   193  3744 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 3 lines
  2983. 02-22 13:21:03.132   193  3746 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 3 lines
  2984. 02-22 13:21:03.136  3661  3749 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 8 lines
  2985. 02-22 13:21:03.202   193  3751 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 3 lines
  2986. 02-22 13:21:03.212   193  3753 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 3 lines
  2987. 02-22 13:21:03.239   193  3755 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 3 lines
  2988. 02-22 13:21:03.294   193  3760 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 3 lines
  2989. 02-22 13:21:03.404  1038  1069 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 12 lines
  2990. 02-22 13:21:04.029  1038  2915 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Thread-117 expire 7 lines
  2991. 02-22 13:21:06.549  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=381799, downTime=381747, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  2992. 02-22 13:21:06.550  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  2993. 02-22 13:21:12.333  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2994. 02-22 13:21:18.701  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.inputmethod.latin/.settings.SettingsActivity} from uid 1000 on display 0
  2995. 02-22 13:21:21.996  1038  1403 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.inputmethod.latin/.settings.SettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10046 on display 0
  2996. 02-22 13:21:22.110  1809  1809 W PreferencesSettingsFragment: onSharedPreferenceChanged called before activity starts.
  2997. 02-22 13:21:22.114  1809  1809 W PreferencesSettingsFragment: onSharedPreferenceChanged called before activity starts.
  2998. 02-22 13:21:22.118  1809  1809 W PreferencesSettingsFragment: onSharedPreferenceChanged called before activity starts.
  2999. 02-22 13:21:22.124  1809  1809 W PreferencesSettingsFragment: onSharedPreferenceChanged called before activity starts.
  3000. 02-22 13:21:22.129  1809  1809 W PreferencesSettingsFragment: onSharedPreferenceChanged called before activity starts.
  3001. 02-22 13:21:22.133  1809  1809 W PreferencesSettingsFragment: onSharedPreferenceChanged called before activity starts.
  3002. 02-22 13:21:22.142   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 34 lines
  3003. 02-22 13:21:22.474  1809  2670 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x57cc8900 (ListView) with handle 0x5993f240
  3004. 02-22 13:21:24.293  1038  2145 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.inputmethod.latin' uid=10046
  3005. 02-22 13:21:26.362  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=401611, downTime=401514, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  3006. 02-22 13:21:26.362  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  3007. 02-22 13:21:29.584  1038  1936 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.inputmethod.latin/.settings.SettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10046 on display 0
  3008. 02-22 13:21:29.702  1809  1809 W AppearanceSettingsFragment: onSharedPreferenceChanged called before activity starts.
  3009. 02-22 13:21:29.991  1809  2670 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x57cc8900 (ListView) with handle 0x58bed3e0
  3010. 02-22 13:21:33.621  1429  1429 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (393.6156,0.062438965)
  3011. 02-22 13:21:34.302  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=409552, downTime=409538, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  3012. 02-22 13:21:34.302  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  3013. 02-22 13:21:34.320   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 46 lines
  3014. 02-22 13:21:34.357  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=409603, downTime=409571, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  3015. 02-22 13:21:34.357  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  3016. 02-22 13:21:34.361  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{520b5c9 u0 com.android.inputmethod.latin/.settings.SettingsActivity t5 f}
  3017. 02-22 13:21:36.050  1038  1936 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.inputmethod.latin/.settings.SettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10046 on display 0
  3018. 02-22 13:21:36.162  1809  1809 W AdvancedSettingsFragment: onSharedPreferenceChanged called before activity starts.
  3019. 02-22 13:21:36.449  1809  2670 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x57cc8900 (ListView) with handle 0x58bed3d0
  3020. 02-22 13:21:42.080  1038  1906 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.inputmethod.latin' uid=10046
  3021. 02-22 13:21:42.081  1809  1809 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: toggleAppIcon() : FLAG_SYSTEM = true
  3022. 02-22 13:21:43.583  1038  1403 W BackupManagerService: dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.inputmethod.latin' uid=10046
  3023. 02-22 13:21:43.584  1809  1809 I SystemBroadcastReceiver: toggleAppIcon() : FLAG_SYSTEM = true
  3024. 02-22 13:21:44.359  2324  3168 I ClearcutLoggerApiImpl: disconnect managed GoogleApiClient
  3025. 02-22 13:21:45.665  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=420915, downTime=420838, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  3026. 02-22 13:21:45.666  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  3027. 02-22 13:21:45.689   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 28 lines
  3028. 02-22 13:21:46.709  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=421958, downTime=421891, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  3029. 02-22 13:21:46.709  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  3030. 02-22 13:21:47.708  3300  3495 I ClearcutLoggerApiImpl: disconnect managed GoogleApiClient
  3031. 02-22 13:21:48.666  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=423915, downTime=423894, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  3032. 02-22 13:21:48.666  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  3033. 02-22 13:21:51.643  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 12 lines
  3034. 02-22 13:21:52.366  2343  3782 D PackageBroadcastService: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.android.inputmethod.latin
  3035. 02-22 13:21:52.484  2343  3784 I PeopleContactsSync: triggerPendingContactsCleanup: no accounts
  3036. 02-22 13:21:53.877  2343  2436 I Icing   : Indexing 403CDF2402D6A72127779EF94BF7CE77C3E91572 from com.google.android.gms
  3037. 02-22 13:21:53.894  2343  2436 I Icing   : Indexing done 403CDF2402D6A72127779EF94BF7CE77C3E91572
  3038. 02-22 13:21:56.627  3661  3699 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) AsyncTask #3 expire 9 lines
  3039. 02-22 13:21:56.678  3661  3698 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) AsyncTask #2 expire 15 lines
  3040. 02-22 13:21:56.829  1809  1809 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
  3041. 02-22 13:21:57.909   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 30 lines
  3042. 02-22 13:21:59.516  1038  1933 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  3043. 02-22 13:22:06.950  1038  1386 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  3044. 02-22 13:22:07.030  3661  3661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 6 lines
  3045. 02-22 13:22:07.218  3661  3796 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 8 lines
  3046. 02-22 13:22:07.241   193  3798 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3047. 02-22 13:22:07.249  3661  3797 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 8 lines
  3048. 02-22 13:22:07.260   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 2 lines
  3049. 02-22 13:22:07.260   193  3798 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3050. 02-22 13:22:07.261   193   193 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3051. 02-22 13:22:07.301  3661  3803 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 8 lines
  3052. 02-22 13:22:07.320   193  3801 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3053. 02-22 13:22:07.324   193  3802 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3054. 02-22 13:22:07.334   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 2 lines
  3055. 02-22 13:22:07.334   193  3801 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3056. 02-22 13:22:07.335   193   193 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3057. 02-22 13:22:07.356   193  3807 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3058. 02-22 13:22:07.374   193  1873 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_3 expire 2 lines
  3059. 02-22 13:22:07.374   193  3807 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3060. 02-22 13:22:07.375   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 1 line
  3061. 02-22 13:22:07.412   193  3810 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3062. 02-22 13:22:07.474   193  3814 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3063. 02-22 13:22:09.110  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  3064. 02-22 13:22:09.114   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 2 lines
  3065. 02-22 13:22:09.810   193  1873 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_3 expire 2 lines
  3066. 02-22 13:22:09.810   193  3802 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3067. 02-22 13:22:09.812   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 1 line
  3068. 02-22 13:22:09.831   193  1873 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_3 expire 2 lines
  3069. 02-22 13:22:09.832   193  3810 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3070. 02-22 13:22:09.834   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 1 line
  3071. 02-22 13:22:09.841   193  1873 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_3 expire 2 lines
  3072. 02-22 13:22:09.842   193  3814 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3073. 02-22 13:22:09.843   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 1 line
  3074. 02-22 13:22:10.876   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 1 line
  3075. 02-22 13:22:10.946  3661  3818 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 8 lines
  3076. 02-22 13:22:10.954  3661  3819 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 8 lines
  3077. 02-22 13:22:10.972   193  3820 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 3 lines
  3078. 02-22 13:22:10.977  3661  3822 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 8 lines
  3079. 02-22 13:22:11.001   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 2 lines
  3080. 02-22 13:22:11.002   193   193 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3081. 02-22 13:22:11.015   193  3823 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3082. 02-22 13:22:11.038   193  1873 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_3 expire 2 lines
  3083. 02-22 13:22:11.038   193  3823 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3084. 02-22 13:22:11.039   193   351 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_1 expire 1 line
  3085. 02-22 13:22:11.049   193  3827 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3086. 02-22 13:22:11.064   193  3826 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 3 lines
  3087. 02-22 13:22:11.098   193  1873 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_3 expire 2 lines
  3088. 02-22 13:22:11.105   193   351 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_1 expire 1 line
  3089. 02-22 13:22:11.106   193  3833 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3090. 02-22 13:22:11.181   193  3837 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3091. 02-22 13:22:11.614   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 2 lines
  3092. 02-22 13:22:12.367   193   193 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3093. 02-22 13:22:12.367   193  3827 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3094. 02-22 13:22:12.369   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 1 line
  3095. 02-22 13:22:12.376   193   193 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3096. 02-22 13:22:12.376   193  3833 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3097. 02-22 13:22:12.377   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 2 lines
  3098. 02-22 13:22:12.382   193   193 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3099. 02-22 13:22:12.382   193  3837 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 2 lines
  3100. 02-22 13:22:14.677   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 54 lines
  3101. 02-22 13:22:15.344  1038  1386 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[cyanogenmod.intent.category.APP_THEMES] cmp=org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser/.ChooserActivity} from uid 1000 on display 0
  3102. 02-22 13:22:15.458  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3841:org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser/u0a17 for activity org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser/.ChooserActivity
  3103. 02-22 13:22:15.502  3841  3841 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  3104. 02-22 13:22:15.523  3841  3841 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3105. 02-22 13:22:15.579  3855  3855 I dex2oat : type=1400 audit(0.0:138): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:dex2oat:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  3106. 02-22 13:22:15.701  3855  3855 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  3107. 02-22 13:22:15.701  3855  3855 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  3108. 02-22 13:22:15.977  3855  3855 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 276.489ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=72B java alloc=496KB native alloc=858KB free=1189KB
  3109. 02-22 13:22:16.074  3841  3841 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ThemeChooser/lib/arm
  3110. 02-22 13:22:16.213  1038  1038 V NotificationListeners: enabling notification listener for user 0: ComponentInfo{org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser/org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser.NotificationHijackingService}
  3111. 02-22 13:22:16.363  3841  3860 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  3112. 02-22 13:22:16.420  3860  3860 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:139): avc: denied { read write } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  3113. 02-22 13:22:16.420  3860  3860 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:140): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  3114. 02-22 13:22:16.420  3860  3860 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:141): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=902 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  3115. 02-22 13:22:16.432  3841  3860 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  3116. 02-22 13:22:16.432  3841  3860 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  3117. 02-22 13:22:16.432  3841  3860 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  3118. 02-22 13:22:16.432  3841  3860 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  3119. 02-22 13:22:16.432  3841  3860 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  3120. 02-22 13:22:16.432  3841  3860 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  3121. 02-22 13:22:16.456  3841  3860 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  3122. 02-22 13:22:20.582  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=market://search?q=cm13+themes&c=apps cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity} from uid 10017 on display 0
  3123. 02-22 13:22:20.852  3841  3860 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x691fe780 (ListPopupWindow$DropDownListView) with handle 0x5a49b550
  3124. 02-22 13:22:20.997  1038  1906 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.safemode.SafeModeService } U=0: not found
  3125. 02-22 13:22:20.998  1038  1404 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.safemode.SafeModeService } U=0: not found
  3126. 02-22 13:22:21.118  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3127. 02-22 13:22:21.243  2324  2324 V GLSActivity: AuthDelegateWrapperCreated with selected intent: Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.DefaultAuthDelegateService }
  3128. 02-22 13:22:21.318  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3129. 02-22 13:22:21.603  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3130. 02-22 13:22:21.797  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3131. 02-22 13:22:21.892  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3132. 02-22 13:22:21.936  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3133. 02-22 13:22:21.938  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3134. 02-22 13:22:21.987  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3135. 02-22 13:22:22.009  3415  3867 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  3136. 02-22 13:22:22.035  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3137. 02-22 13:22:22.037  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cat=[categoryhack:9336f1d1-266d-49dc-908c-ce414ca27813] cmp=com.google.android.gms/.common.ui.UnpackingRedirectActivity (has extras)} from uid 10024 on display 0
  3138. 02-22 13:22:22.088  3415  3452 W PlayEventLogger: No account for auth token provided
  3139. 02-22 13:22:22.135  3867  3867 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:142): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=902 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  3140. 02-22 13:22:22.142  3415  3867 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  3141. 02-22 13:22:22.142  3415  3867 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  3142. 02-22 13:22:22.142  3415  3867 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  3143. 02-22 13:22:22.142  3415  3867 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  3144. 02-22 13:22:22.142  3415  3867 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  3145. 02-22 13:22:22.142  3415  3867 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  3146. 02-22 13:22:22.147  3415  3867 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  3147. 02-22 13:22:22.155  3867  3867 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:143): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  3148. 02-22 13:22:22.210  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3149. 02-22 13:22:22.211  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3150. 02-22 13:22:22.212  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.utils.dj.a(72): Network quality prediction is disabled
  3151. 02-22 13:22:22.252  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cat=[categoryhack:79f5ef20-e8cd-4cce-8e78-0fce8e898639] flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.uiflows.addaccount.AccountIntroActivity (has extras)} from uid 10020 on display 0
  3152. 02-22 13:22:22.339  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.uiflows.addaccount.PreAddAccountActivity (has extras)} from uid 10020 on display 0
  3153. 02-22 13:22:22.554  2343  2343 I CheckinService: Checkin interval check for package: unspecified last checkin: 1456143571878 min interval config: 0 actual interval: 170676
  3154. 02-22 13:22:22.568  2343  3872 V CheckinService: No Subscriptions found on the device
  3155. 02-22 13:22:22.713  2343  3872 I CheckinService: Checking schedule, now: 1456143742713 next: 1456143601855
  3156. 02-22 13:22:22.713  2343  3872 I CheckinService: active receiver: enabled
  3157. 02-22 13:22:22.729  2343  3872 I CheckinService: Preparing to send checkin request
  3158. 02-22 13:22:22.729  2343  3872 I EventLogService: Accumulating logs since 1456143569355
  3159. 02-22 13:22:22.732  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.uiflows.minutemaid.MinuteMaidActivity (has extras)} from uid 10020 on display 0
  3160. 02-22 13:22:22.804  3415  3415 W Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.i(1323): No account configured on this device.
  3161. 02-22 13:22:22.805  2343  3872 I EventLogService: Opted in for usage reporting
  3162. 02-22 13:22:22.932  3300  3300 W AwContents: onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring
  3163. 02-22 13:22:22.938  3415  3415 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  3164. 02-22 13:22:22.938  3415  3415 E MediaPlayer-JNI: JNIMediaPlayerFactory: bIsQCMediaPlayerPresent 0
  3165. 02-22 13:22:22.966  2343  3872 I CheckinRequestBuilder: Checkin reason type: 9 attempt count: 1
  3166. 02-22 13:22:22.996  2343  3872 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.wearable.settings
  3167. 02-22 13:22:23.198   193   193 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver expire 1 line
  3168. 02-22 13:22:23.199  3058  3879 W DG.WV   : Widevine DRM not supported on this device
  3169. 02-22 13:22:23.199  3058  3879 W DG.WV   : android.media.UnsupportedSchemeException: Failed to instantiate drm object.
  3170. 02-22 13:22:23.199  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at android.media.MediaDrm.native_setup(Native Method)
  3171. 02-22 13:22:23.199  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at android.media.MediaDrm.<init>(MediaDrm.java:215)
  3172. 02-22 13:22:23.199  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at com.google.android.gms.droidguard.q.run(SourceFile:99)
  3173. 02-22 13:22:23.199  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1113)
  3174. 02-22 13:22:23.199  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:588)
  3175. 02-22 13:22:23.199  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
  3176. 02-22 13:22:23.248  3058  3099 I GoogleURLConnFactory: Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
  3177. 02-22 13:22:23.255  1879  2251 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getIccId: No UICC
  3178. 02-22 13:22:23.267  3300  3300 W Auth    : [MinuteMaid,MinuteMaidFragment] com.google.android.androidforwork is not installed on system.
  3179. 02-22 13:22:23.317  3300  3300 I Auth    : [BrowserSignInFragment] onPageStarted: Host: accounts.google.com Path: /embedded/setup/android
  3180. 02-22 13:22:23.379  3300  3300 W BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 3300
  3181. 02-22 13:22:23.574   163   163 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 10 lines
  3182. 02-22 13:22:23.645  2343  3872 V CheckinRequestBuilder: No Subscriptions found on the device
  3183. 02-22 13:22:23.851   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 2 lines
  3184. 02-22 13:22:23.967   193  1276 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) Binder_2 expire 2 lines
  3185. 02-22 13:22:23.967  3058  3879 W DG.WV   : Widevine DRM not supported on this device
  3186. 02-22 13:22:23.967  3058  3879 W DG.WV   : android.media.UnsupportedSchemeException: Failed to instantiate drm object.
  3187. 02-22 13:22:23.967  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at android.media.MediaDrm.native_setup(Native Method)
  3188. 02-22 13:22:23.967  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at android.media.MediaDrm.<init>(MediaDrm.java:215)
  3189. 02-22 13:22:23.967  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at com.google.android.gms.droidguard.q.run(SourceFile:99)
  3190. 02-22 13:22:23.967  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1113)
  3191. 02-22 13:22:23.967  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:588)
  3192. 02-22 13:22:23.967  3058  3879 W DG.WV   :      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
  3193. 02-22 13:22:24.803  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  3194. 02-22 13:22:24.803  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  3195. 02-22 13:22:24.803  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  3196. 02-22 13:22:24.803  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  3197. 02-22 13:22:24.803  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  3198. 02-22 13:22:24.803  3058  3099 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  3199. 02-22 13:22:25.356  3300  3300 I Auth    : [BrowserSignInFragment] onPageFinished: Host: accounts.google.com Path: /embedded/setup/android
  3200. 02-22 13:22:25.441  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  3201. 02-22 13:22:25.441  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  3202. 02-22 13:22:25.441  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  3203. 02-22 13:22:25.441  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  3204. 02-22 13:22:25.441  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  3205. 02-22 13:22:25.441  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  3206. 02-22 13:22:25.768  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  3207. 02-22 13:22:25.768  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  3208. 02-22 13:22:25.768  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  3209. 02-22 13:22:25.768  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  3210. 02-22 13:22:25.768  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  3211. 02-22 13:22:25.768  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  3212. 02-22 13:22:25.828  3300  3300 W BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 3300
  3213. 02-22 13:22:25.829  3300  3300 I Auth    : [BrowserSignInFragment] onPageFinished: Host: accounts.google.com Path: /embedded/setup/android
  3214. 02-22 13:22:26.384  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  3215. 02-22 13:22:26.384  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  3216. 02-22 13:22:26.384  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  3217. 02-22 13:22:26.384  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  3218. 02-22 13:22:26.384  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  3219. 02-22 13:22:26.384  3058  3072 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  3220. 02-22 13:22:26.819  2343  3872 I CheckinRequestBuilder: Classify the device as Tablet.
  3221. 02-22 13:22:26.850  2343  3872 I EventLogService: Opted in for usage reporting
  3222. 02-22 13:22:27.090  2343  3872 I CheckinTask: Sending checkin request (7399 bytes)
  3223. 02-22 13:22:27.171  2343  3872 I CheckinRequestBuilder: Checkin reason type: 9 attempt count: 1
  3224. 02-22 13:22:27.173  2343  3872 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.wearable.settings
  3225. 02-22 13:22:27.470  2343  3872 V CheckinRequestBuilder: No Subscriptions found on the device
  3226. 02-22 13:22:27.520  2343  3872 I CheckinRequestBuilder: Classify the device as Tablet.
  3227. 02-22 13:22:27.575  2343  3872 I EventLogService: Opted in for usage reporting
  3228. 02-22 13:22:27.642  2343  3872 I CheckinTask: Checkin success: https://android.clients.google.com/checkin (1 requests sent)
  3229. 02-22 13:22:27.652  2343  3872 V CheckinService: No Subscriptions found on the device
  3230. 02-22 13:22:27.654  2343  3872 I CheckinService: Checking schedule, now: 1456143747654 next: 1456185089642
  3231. 02-22 13:22:27.654  2343  3872 I CheckinService: active receiver: disabled
  3232. 02-22 13:22:27.668  2343  2343 D CheckinService: Recording last checkin time for package unspecified as 1456143747667
  3233. 02-22 13:22:27.848  2324  3138 D GCM     : GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.checkin.CHECKIN_COMPLETE flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } com.google.android.checkin.CHECKIN_COMPLETE
  3234. 02-22 13:22:28.006  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=463256, downTime=463186, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  3235. 02-22 13:22:28.007  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  3236. 02-22 13:22:28.023   193   345 I chatty  : uid=1013(media) AudioOut_2 expire 20 lines
  3237. 02-22 13:22:28.066  3415  3415 I Finsky  : [1] com.google.android.finsky.activities.d.onActivityResult(468): No new account added: Assume the user canceled and finish.
  3238. 02-22 13:22:28.939  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=464188, downTime=464138, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  3239. 02-22 13:22:28.940  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  3240. 02-22 13:22:30.924  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=466173, downTime=466164, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  3241. 02-22 13:22:30.925  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  3242. 02-22 13:22:31.409  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 3233:org.chromium.chrome/u0a32 (adj 15): empty #17
  3243. 02-22 13:22:32.990  2343  3896 D PackageBroadcastService: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.google.android.gms
  3244. 02-22 13:22:33.006  2343  3896 I PackageBroadcastService: Null package name or gms related package.  Ignoreing.
  3245. 02-22 13:22:33.101  2343  2436 I Icing   : updateResources: need to parse f{com.google.android.gms}
  3246. 02-22 13:22:33.316  2324  2324 I GCoreNlp: !shouldConfirmNlp, ensuring user opted into NLP
  3247. 02-22 13:22:34.180   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  3248. 02-22 13:22:34.180   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3249. 02-22 13:22:34.181   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3250. 02-22 13:22:34.207   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  3251. 02-22 13:22:34.207   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3252. 02-22 13:22:34.871  2343  2436 I Icing   : Indexing 403CDF2402D6A72127779EF94BF7CE77C3E91572 from com.google.android.gms
  3253. 02-22 13:22:34.882  2343  2436 I Icing   : Indexing done 403CDF2402D6A72127779EF94BF7CE77C3E91572
  3254. 02-22 13:22:39.988  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=475238, downTime=475169, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  3255. 02-22 13:22:39.989  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  3256. 02-22 13:22:39.993   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  3257. 02-22 13:22:40.006   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  3258. 02-22 13:22:40.041   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  3259. 02-22 13:22:40.041   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3260. 02-22 13:22:40.041   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3261. 02-22 13:22:40.041   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  3262. 02-22 13:22:40.041   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  3263. 02-22 13:22:40.056   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  3264. 02-22 13:22:40.056   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  3265. 02-22 13:22:40.056   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  3266. 02-22 13:22:40.056   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  3267. 02-22 13:22:40.056   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  3268. 02-22 13:22:40.056   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  3269. 02-22 13:22:40.056   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3270. 02-22 13:22:40.093   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3271. 02-22 13:22:40.132   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3272. 02-22 13:22:40.170   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3273. 02-22 13:22:43.095   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  3274. 02-22 13:22:43.271   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  3275. 02-22 13:22:43.272   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3276. 02-22 13:22:43.272   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3277. 02-22 13:22:43.298   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  3278. 02-22 13:22:43.298   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3279. 02-22 13:23:32.363  1874  1874 I HeadsetService: Audio session removed: 9
  3280. 02-22 13:23:32.374  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3904:com.android.musicfx/u0a10 for broadcast com.android.musicfx/.ControlPanelReceiver
  3281. 02-22 13:23:32.410  3904  3904 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  3282. 02-22 13:23:32.429  1038  1061 I ActivityManager: Killing 2146:com.cyanogenmod.eleven:main/u0a38 (adj 15): empty #17
  3283. 02-22 13:23:32.429  3904  3904 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3284. 02-22 13:23:32.557  3918  3918 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  3285. 02-22 13:23:32.557  3918  3918 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  3286. 02-22 13:23:32.669  3918  3918 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 112.609ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=0B java alloc=101KB native alloc=776KB free=759KB
  3287. 02-22 13:23:32.735  3904  3904 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MusicFX/lib/arm
  3288. 02-22 13:23:32.740  3904  3904 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: onReceive
  3289. 02-22 13:23:32.741  3904  3904 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Action: android.media.action.CLOSE_AUDIO_EFFECT_CONTROL_SESSION
  3290. 02-22 13:23:32.741  3904  3904 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Package name: com.cyanogenmod.eleven
  3291. 02-22 13:23:32.741  3904  3904 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Audio session: 9
  3292. 02-22 13:23:32.773  3904  3904 V MusicFXControlPanelEffect: closeSession(android.app.ReceiverRestrictedContext@d4ca269, com.cyanogenmod.eleven, 9)
  3293. 02-22 13:23:32.777  1038  2144 I ActivityManager: Killing 2998:com.android.email/u0a39 (adj 15): empty #17
  3294. 02-22 13:23:41.207  1038  1071 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)...
  3295. 02-22 13:23:41.212  1038  1071 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
  3296. 02-22 13:23:41.233  1071  1071 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 2 lines
  3297. 02-22 13:23:41.233  1038  1071 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines
  3298. 02-22 13:23:41.851  1038  1069 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
  3299. 02-22 13:23:41.953  1290  1290 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 1 line
  3300. 02-22 13:23:41.963  1038  1290 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 5 lines
  3301. 02-22 13:23:41.964   164   164 I ts_power: touchscreen_power: enable=0, ts_state=1
  3302. 02-22 13:23:41.990   193   193 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  3303. 02-22 13:23:41.990   193   193 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  3304. 02-22 13:23:42.126  1038  2060 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@b09e021}
  3305. 02-22 13:23:42.160   193  1276 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  3306. 02-22 13:23:42.160   193  1276 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  3307. 02-22 13:23:42.905  2324  2626 I GoogleURLConnFactory: Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
  3308. 02-22 13:23:42.906  2324  2626 W GoogleHttpClient: Ignoring unsupported parameter: http.conn-manager.max-per-route
  3309. 02-22 13:23:43.649  1038  1937 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@b09e021}
  3310. 02-22 13:23:46.188  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3311. 02-22 13:23:46.191  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3312. 02-22 13:23:46.192  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 1 BatteryLevel: 0.76, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  3313. 02-22 13:23:46.259  1038  2060 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {3 cryptfs getpw}
  3314. 02-22 13:23:46.260   138   191 D VoldCryptCmdListener: cryptfs getpw
  3315. 02-22 13:23:46.260   138   191 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
  3316. 02-22 13:23:46.261   138   191 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
  3317. 02-22 13:23:46.266   138   191 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
  3318. 02-22 13:23:46.266   138   191 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
  3319. 02-22 13:23:46.267  1038  1261 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 3 -1}
  3320. 02-22 13:23:46.270  1038  2060 D CryptdConnector: SND -> {4 cryptfs clearpw}
  3321. 02-22 13:23:46.271   138   191 D VoldCryptCmdListener: cryptfs clearpw
  3322. 02-22 13:23:46.271   138   191 I Ext4Crypt: ext4 crypto complete called on /data
  3323. 02-22 13:23:46.271   138   191 I Ext4Crypt: No master key, so not ext4enc
  3324. 02-22 13:23:46.272  1038  1261 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 4 0}
  3325. 02-22 13:23:46.429  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  3326. 02-22 13:23:46.482  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  3327. 02-22 13:24:12.009  1429  1429 I Choreographer: Skipped 37 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3328. 02-22 13:24:12.274  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
  3329. 02-22 13:28:42.227  1038  1937 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@cd0de2a}
  3330. 02-22 13:28:42.286  1038  2161 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@cd0de2a}
  3331. 02-22 13:28:42.294  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 10 lines
  3332. 02-22 13:40:43.036  1038  1258 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid 1000)...
  3333. 02-22 13:40:43.055  1038  1071 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
  3334. 02-22 13:40:43.092   164   164 I ts_power: touchscreen_power: enable=1, ts_state=0
  3335. 02-22 13:40:43.095  1038  1069 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
  3336. 02-22 13:40:43.152   193  1873 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  3337. 02-22 13:40:43.152   193  1873 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  3338. 02-22 13:40:43.197  1038  1071 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 142 ms
  3339. 02-22 13:40:43.269  1038  1405 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@cd0de2a}
  3340. 02-22 13:40:43.984  1038  2060 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@cd0de2a}
  3341. 02-22 13:40:45.418   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  3342. 02-22 13:40:45.433   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  3343. 02-22 13:40:45.469   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  3344. 02-22 13:40:45.469   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3345. 02-22 13:40:45.470   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3346. 02-22 13:40:45.470   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  3347. 02-22 13:40:45.470   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  3348. 02-22 13:40:45.484   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  3349. 02-22 13:40:45.484   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  3350. 02-22 13:40:45.484   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  3351. 02-22 13:40:45.484   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  3352. 02-22 13:40:45.484   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  3353. 02-22 13:40:45.484   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  3354. 02-22 13:40:45.484   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3355. 02-22 13:40:45.512   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  3356. 02-22 13:40:45.525   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3357. 02-22 13:40:45.563   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3358. 02-22 13:40:45.601   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3359. 02-22 13:40:48.536   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  3360. 02-22 13:40:48.701   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  3361. 02-22 13:40:48.702   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3362. 02-22 13:40:48.702   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3363. 02-22 13:40:48.729   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  3364. 02-22 13:40:48.729   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3365. 02-22 13:40:52.104  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.media.action.STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraActivity (has extras)} from uid 10016 on display 0
  3366. 02-22 13:40:52.104  1429  1429 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.000000596046461
  3367. 02-22 13:40:52.216  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4038:com.android.camera2/u0a29 for activity com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraActivity
  3368. 02-22 13:40:52.255  4038  4038 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  3369. 02-22 13:40:52.275  4038  4038 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3370. 02-22 13:40:52.418   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  3371. 02-22 13:40:52.433   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  3372. 02-22 13:40:52.467  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
  3373. 02-22 13:40:52.468   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  3374. 02-22 13:40:52.468   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3375. 02-22 13:40:52.468   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3376. 02-22 13:40:52.468   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  3377. 02-22 13:40:52.468   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  3378. 02-22 13:40:52.472  2324  2324 V UserPresentBroadcastReceiver: Received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver }.
  3379. 02-22 13:40:52.486  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - START
  3380. 02-22 13:40:52.488  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - START
  3381. 02-22 13:40:52.494   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  3382. 02-22 13:40:52.494   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  3383. 02-22 13:40:52.494   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  3384. 02-22 13:40:52.494   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  3385. 02-22 13:40:52.495   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  3386. 02-22 13:40:52.495   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  3387. 02-22 13:40:52.495   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3388. 02-22 13:40:52.496  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.946ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 0.946ms] PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences
  3389. 02-22 13:40:52.506  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [ 16.571ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [15.625ms] preferences.getLong
  3390. 02-22 13:40:52.506  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [ 18.097ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - STOP
  3391. 02-22 13:40:52.507  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [ 45.319ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [45.319ms] initializeTimeOfFirstRun
  3392. 02-22 13:40:52.519   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  3393. 02-22 13:40:52.526  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [ 60.974ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [15.656ms] UsageStatistics.initialize
  3394. 02-22 13:40:52.532   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3395. 02-22 13:40:52.539  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [ 77.209ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [16.235ms] clearNotifications
  3396. 02-22 13:40:52.539  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [ 77.209ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - STOP
  3397. 02-22 13:40:52.557   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3398. 02-22 13:40:52.629   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(80)
  3399. 02-22 13:40:52.706  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onCreate: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@95354ee
  3400. 02-22 13:40:52.709  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - START
  3401. 02-22 13:40:52.712  4038  4038 D CAM_LocationManager: Using legacy location provider.
  3402. 02-22 13:40:52.755  1038  1386 D VoldConnector: SND -> {32 volume mkdirs /storage/F642-A45E/Android/data/com.android.camera2/cache/}
  3403. 02-22 13:40:52.788  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 32 Command succeeded}
  3404. 02-22 13:40:52.852  4038  4038 D CAM_MemoryManagerImpl: Max native memory: 179 MB
  3405. 02-22 13:40:52.886  4038  4038 I CAM_OneCamFtrCnfgCrtr: CaptureModule? true
  3406. 02-22 13:40:52.906  1038  2144 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity} from uid 10029 on display 0
  3407. 02-22 13:40:52.962  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  3408. 02-22 13:40:53.096  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [389.618ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [146.271ms] Glide.setup
  3409. 02-22 13:40:53.122  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [415.253ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [25.635ms] OneCameraManager.get
  3410. 02-22 13:40:53.211  4038  4038 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
  3411. 02-22 13:40:53.217  4038  4065 E WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so: dlopen failed: library "libwvm.so" not found
  3412. 02-22 13:40:53.217   193  1276 E CameraService: getCameraVendorTagDescriptor: camera hardware module doesn't exist
  3413. 02-22 13:40:53.218  4038  4038 E CameraMetadata-JNI: CameraMetadata_setupGlobalVendorTagDescriptor: Failed to setup vendor tag descriptors, received error No such device (-19)
  3414. 02-22 13:40:53.218  4038  4038 W CameraManagerGlobal: Failed to set up vendor tags: The camera device is removable and has been disconnected from the Android device, or the camera service has shut down the connection due to a higher-priority access request for the camera device.
  3415. 02-22 13:40:53.235  4038  4066 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  3416. 02-22 13:40:53.320  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [612.549ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 4.425ms] computePictureSizes
  3417. 02-22 13:40:53.430  4038  4038 W CAM_Log : Tag RoundedThumbnailView is 1 chars longer than limit.
  3418. 02-22 13:40:53.438  1038  1064 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{5c079b8 u0 com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraActivity t7 f}
  3419. 02-22 13:40:53.697  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [990.753ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [363.647ms] setContentView()
  3420. 02-22 13:40:53.787  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [1080.200ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [89.447ms] Configure Camera UI
  3421. 02-22 13:40:53.867  4038  4038 V CAM_CameraController: Closing camera
  3422. 02-22 13:40:53.871  4038  4060 W CAM2PORT_AndCamAgntImp: Releasing camera without any camera opened.
  3423. 02-22 13:40:53.871  4038  4038 V CAM_ModulesInfo: EnableCaptureModule = true
  3424. 02-22 13:40:53.898  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: new CaptureModule - START
  3425. 02-22 13:40:53.904  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  6.317ms][ui] GUARD: new CaptureModule - STOP
  3426. 02-22 13:40:53.905  4038  4038 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@ff30401]
  3427. 02-22 13:40:53.932  4038  4038 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@ff30401, com.android.camera.ButtonManager@353d332]
  3428. 02-22 13:40:53.933  4038  4038 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@ff30401, com.android.camera.ButtonManager@353d332, com.android.camera.widget.IndicatorIconController@7edca00]
  3429. 02-22 13:40:53.934  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [1227.386ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [29.449ms] Init Current Module UI
  3430. 02-22 13:40:53.934  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CaptureModule.init - START
  3431. 02-22 13:40:53.934  4038  4038 D CAM_CaptureModule: init UseAutotransformUiLayout = false
  3432. 02-22 13:40:53.943  4038  4038 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First BACK Camera
  3433. 02-22 13:40:53.943  4038  4038 W CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: No back-facing camera found.
  3434. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: Handling Camera Access Failure:
  3435. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: java.lang.Exception
  3436. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.camera.FatalErrorHandlerImpl.onGenericCameraAccessFailure(FatalErrorHandlerImpl.java:84)
  3437. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.camera.CaptureModule.updateCameraCharacteristics(CaptureModule.java:396)
  3438. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.camera.CaptureModule.init(CaptureModule.java:417)
  3439. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.camera.CameraActivity.onCreateTasks(CameraActivity.java:1628)
  3440. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.camera.util.QuickActivity.onCreate(QuickActivity.java:114)
  3441. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:6251)
  3442. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1107)
  3443. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2403)
  3444. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2520)
  3445. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(ActivityThread.java)
  3446. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1363)
  3447. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  3448. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  3449. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5466)
  3450. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  3451. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726)
  3452. 02-22 13:40:53.944  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616)
  3453. 02-22 13:40:53.947  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [1240.143ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [12.756ms] Init CurrentModule
  3454. 02-22 13:40:53.970  4038  4038 V NFC     : this device does not have NFC support
  3455. 02-22 13:40:53.981  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [1274.597ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - STOP
  3456. 02-22 13:40:53.981  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onCreate: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@95354ee
  3457. 02-22 13:40:54.010  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onCreate: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3458. 02-22 13:40:54.027  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onCreate: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3459. 02-22 13:40:54.028  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onStart: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3460. 02-22 13:40:54.028  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onStart: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3461. 02-22 13:40:54.029  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onResume: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3462. 02-22 13:40:54.029  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: onResume(): isKeyguardLocked() = false
  3463. 02-22 13:40:54.030  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: onResume --> onResumeTasks()
  3464. 02-22 13:40:54.032  4038  4038 V CAM_PermissionsActivity: requestPermissions count: 1
  3465. 02-22 13:40:54.034  1038  1386 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.content.pm.action.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10029 on display 0
  3466. 02-22 13:40:54.071  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onResume: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3467. 02-22 13:40:54.083  4038  4088 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  3468. 02-22 13:40:54.108  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onPause: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3469. 02-22 13:40:54.108  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: onPause --> onPauseTasks()
  3470. 02-22 13:40:54.108  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onPause: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3471. 02-22 13:40:54.126  1038  1386 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4089:com.android.packageinstaller/u0a12 for activity com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity
  3472. 02-22 13:40:54.137  4038  4087 D CAM_MemoryQuery: timestamp=1569231, availMem=404, totalMem=881, totalPSS=11, lastTrimLevel=0, largeMemoryClass=256, nativePSS=2, dalvikPSS=2, otherPSS=6,threshold=94, lowMemory=false
  3473. 02-22 13:40:54.161  4089  4089 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  3474. 02-22 13:40:54.181  4089  4089 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3475. 02-22 13:40:54.190  4038  4086 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: retrieved photo metadata, number of items: 0
  3476. 02-22 13:40:54.190  4038  4086 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: retrieved video metadata, number of items: 0
  3477. 02-22 13:40:54.190  4038  4086 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: sorting video/photo metadata
  3478. 02-22 13:40:54.200  4088  4088 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:149): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  3479. 02-22 13:40:54.205  4038  4086 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: sorted video/photo metadata
  3480. 02-22 13:40:54.214  4038  4088 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  3481. 02-22 13:40:54.214  4038  4088 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  3482. 02-22 13:40:54.214  4038  4088 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  3483. 02-22 13:40:54.214  4038  4088 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  3484. 02-22 13:40:54.214  4038  4088 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  3485. 02-22 13:40:54.214  4038  4088 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  3486. 02-22 13:40:54.234  4038  4088 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  3487. 02-22 13:40:54.295  4103  4103 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=verify-at-runtime --no-watch-dog
  3488. 02-22 13:40:54.295  4103  4103 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  3489. 02-22 13:40:54.555  4103  4103 W dex2oat : Before Android 4.1, method int android.support.v7.internal.widget.ListViewCompat.lookForSelectablePosition(int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
  3490. 02-22 13:40:54.761  4103  4103 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 466.827ms (threads: 2) arena alloc=128B java alloc=1919KB native alloc=1101KB free=1202KB
  3491. 02-22 13:40:54.813  4038  4038 I Choreographer: Skipped 33 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  3492. 02-22 13:40:54.852  4038  4038 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: new photos query return num items: 0
  3493. 02-22 13:40:54.857  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onDestroy: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@95354ee
  3494. 02-22 13:40:54.873  4089  4089 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/PackageInstaller/lib/arm
  3495. 02-22 13:40:54.877  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onDestroy: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@95354ee
  3496. 02-22 13:40:55.160  4089  4109 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  3497. 02-22 13:40:55.223  4089  4109 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  3498. 02-22 13:40:55.223  4089  4109 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  3499. 02-22 13:40:55.223  4089  4109 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  3500. 02-22 13:40:55.223  4089  4109 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  3501. 02-22 13:40:55.223  4089  4109 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  3502. 02-22 13:40:55.223  4089  4109 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  3503. 02-22 13:40:55.236  4089  4109 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  3504. 02-22 13:40:55.383  1038  1069 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines
  3505. 02-22 13:40:55.630   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  3506. 02-22 13:40:55.806   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  3507. 02-22 13:40:55.806   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3508. 02-22 13:40:55.807   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3509. 02-22 13:40:55.833   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  3510. 02-22 13:40:55.833   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3511. 02-22 13:40:58.906   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  3512. 02-22 13:40:58.919   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  3513. 02-22 13:40:58.954   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  3514. 02-22 13:40:58.954   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3515. 02-22 13:40:58.954   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3516. 02-22 13:40:58.954   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  3517. 02-22 13:40:58.954   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  3518. 02-22 13:40:58.957  4038  4038 V CAM_PermissionsActivity: onPermissionsResult counts: 1:1
  3519. 02-22 13:40:58.980   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  3520. 02-22 13:40:58.981   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  3521. 02-22 13:40:58.981   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  3522. 02-22 13:40:58.981   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  3523. 02-22 13:40:58.981   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  3524. 02-22 13:40:58.981   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  3525. 02-22 13:40:58.981   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3526. 02-22 13:40:58.992  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.android.camera2/com.android.camera.CameraActivity} from uid 10029 on display 0
  3527. 02-22 13:40:59.022   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3528. 02-22 13:40:59.023  4089  4109 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x6aa2a480 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x6aa38fb0
  3529. 02-22 13:40:59.060   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3530. 02-22 13:40:59.075  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onCreate: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3531. 02-22 13:40:59.076  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - START
  3532. 02-22 13:40:59.076  4038  4038 D CAM_LocationManager: Using legacy location provider.
  3533. 02-22 13:40:59.088  4038  4038 I CAM_OneCamFtrCnfgCrtr: CaptureModule? true
  3534. 02-22 13:40:59.090  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [ 14.709ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 0.000ms] Glide.setup
  3535. 02-22 13:40:59.092  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [ 16.083ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 1.373ms] OneCameraManager.get
  3536. 02-22 13:40:59.098   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3537. 02-22 13:40:59.116  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [ 40.466ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 0.488ms] computePictureSizes
  3538. 02-22 13:40:59.141  4038  4118 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  3539. 02-22 13:40:59.269  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [192.627ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [149.811ms] setContentView()
  3540. 02-22 13:40:59.287  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [211.212ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [18.585ms] Configure Camera UI
  3541. 02-22 13:40:59.290  4038  4038 V CAM_CameraController: Closing camera
  3542. 02-22 13:40:59.291  4038  4060 W CAM2PORT_AndCamAgntImp: Releasing camera without any camera opened.
  3543. 02-22 13:40:59.291  4038  4038 V CAM_ModulesInfo: EnableCaptureModule = true
  3544. 02-22 13:40:59.292  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: new CaptureModule - START
  3545. 02-22 13:40:59.295  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  3.082ms][ui] GUARD: new CaptureModule - STOP
  3546. 02-22 13:40:59.295  4038  4038 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@2bc0ff0]
  3547. 02-22 13:40:59.304  4038  4038 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@2bc0ff0, com.android.camera.ButtonManager@ee5e325]
  3548. 02-22 13:40:59.304  4038  4038 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [com.android.camera.app.CameraAppUI@2bc0ff0, com.android.camera.ButtonManager@ee5e325, com.android.camera.widget.IndicatorIconController@23482ab]
  3549. 02-22 13:40:59.305  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [229.248ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 9.430ms] Init Current Module UI
  3550. 02-22 13:40:59.305  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CaptureModule.init - START
  3551. 02-22 13:40:59.306  4038  4038 D CAM_CaptureModule: init UseAutotransformUiLayout = false
  3552. 02-22 13:40:59.308  4038  4038 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First BACK Camera
  3553. 02-22 13:40:59.308  4038  4038 W CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: No back-facing camera found.
  3554. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: Handling Camera Access Failure:
  3555. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler: java.lang.Exception
  3556. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.camera.FatalErrorHandlerImpl.onGenericCameraAccessFailure(FatalErrorHandlerImpl.java:84)
  3557. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.camera.CaptureModule.updateCameraCharacteristics(CaptureModule.java:396)
  3558. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.camera.CaptureModule.init(CaptureModule.java:417)
  3559. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.camera.CameraActivity.onCreateTasks(CameraActivity.java:1628)
  3560. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.camera.util.QuickActivity.onCreate(QuickActivity.java:114)
  3561. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:6251)
  3562. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1107)
  3563. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2403)
  3564. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2520)
  3565. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(ActivityThread.java)
  3566. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1363)
  3567. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
  3568. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  3569. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5466)
  3570. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  3571. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726)
  3572. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_FatalErrorHandler:         at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616)
  3573. 02-22 13:40:59.309  4038  4038 E CAM_CameraUtil: Show fatal error dialog
  3574. 02-22 13:40:59.340  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [264.465ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [35.217ms] Init CurrentModule
  3575. 02-22 13:40:59.344  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [267.975ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - STOP
  3576. 02-22 13:40:59.345  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onCreate: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3577. 02-22 13:40:59.353  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onStart: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3578. 02-22 13:40:59.362  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onStart: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3579. 02-22 13:40:59.362  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onResume: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3580. 02-22 13:40:59.363  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: onResume(): isKeyguardLocked() = false
  3581. 02-22 13:40:59.363  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: onResume --> onResumeTasks()
  3582. 02-22 13:40:59.464  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onResume: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3583. 02-22 13:40:59.492  4038  4087 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: retrieved photo metadata, number of items: 0
  3584. 02-22 13:40:59.492  4038  4087 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: retrieved video metadata, number of items: 0
  3585. 02-22 13:40:59.492  4038  4087 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: sorting video/photo metadata
  3586. 02-22 13:40:59.492  4038  4087 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: sorted video/photo metadata
  3587. 02-22 13:40:59.544  4038  4086 D CAM_MemoryQuery: timestamp=1574592, availMem=387, totalMem=881, totalPSS=29, lastTrimLevel=0, largeMemoryClass=256, nativePSS=4, dalvikPSS=3, otherPSS=22,threshold=94, lowMemory=false
  3588. 02-22 13:40:59.685  4038  4038 V CAM_TexViewHelper: onLayoutChange
  3589. 02-22 13:40:59.685  4038  4038 V CAM_TexViewHelper: updateTransform
  3590. 02-22 13:40:59.881  4038  4038 V CAM_TexViewHelper: updateTransform
  3591. 02-22 13:40:59.881  4038  4038 V CAM_CameraAppUI: SurfaceTexture is available
  3592. 02-22 13:40:59.882  4038  4038 I CAM_FocusRingView: Computing center via view bounds.
  3593. 02-22 13:40:59.972  4038  4038 V CAM_TexViewHelper: onLayoutChange
  3594. 02-22 13:40:59.991  4038  4038 V CAM_CameraDataAdapter: new photos query return num items: 0
  3595. 02-22 13:41:00.042  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: Killing 2643:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a23 (adj 15): empty #17
  3596. 02-22 13:41:00.328  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onStop: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3597. 02-22 13:41:00.328  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onStop: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3598. 02-22 13:41:00.328  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onDestroy: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3599. 02-22 13:41:00.328  4038  4038 V CAM_PermissionsActivity: onDestroy: unregistering receivers
  3600. 02-22 13:41:00.330  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onDestroy: Activity = com.android.camera.PermissionsActivity@c23b8f5
  3601. 02-22 13:41:01.955   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  3602. 02-22 13:41:01.992   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  3603. 02-22 13:41:02.972   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  3604. 02-22 13:41:03.022   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  3605. 02-22 13:41:04.092   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  3606. 02-22 13:41:04.124  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - START
  3607. 02-22 13:41:04.125  4038  4038 V CAM_CameraActivity: Build info: ev_tenderloin-eng 6.0.1 MMB29U eng.flintman.20160221.183834 test-keys
  3608. 02-22 13:41:04.137  4038  4087 D CAM_Storage: External storage state=mounted
  3609. 02-22 13:41:04.158  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [ 33.813ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - [ 0.336ms] mCurrentModule.resume
  3610. 02-22 13:41:04.160  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [ 36.041ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - [ 0.061ms] mPanoramaViewHelper.onResume()
  3611. 02-22 13:41:04.161  4038  4038 V CAM_LcyLocProvider: starting location updates
  3612. 02-22 13:41:04.172  4038  4038 D CAM_LcyLocProvider: provider does not exist provider doesn't exist: gps
  3613. 02-22 13:41:04.173  4038  4038 D CAM_LcyLocProvider: startReceivingLocationUpdates
  3614. 02-22 13:41:04.175  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [ 48.889ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.resume - STOP
  3615. 02-22 13:41:04.193  4038  4038 V CAM_CameraActivity: ignoring storage callback after activity pause
  3616. 02-22 13:41:04.206  1038  1403 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@cd0de2a}
  3617. 02-22 13:41:04.944  4038  4038 D CAM_LcyLocProvider: Got first location.
  3618. 02-22 13:41:04.966  1038  1403 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@cd0de2a}
  3619. 02-22 13:41:07.143   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  3620. 02-22 13:41:07.326   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  3621. 02-22 13:41:07.326   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3622. 02-22 13:41:07.327   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3623. 02-22 13:41:07.354   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  3624. 02-22 13:41:07.354   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3625. 02-22 13:41:08.980   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  3626. 02-22 13:41:08.993   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  3627. 02-22 13:41:09.029   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  3628. 02-22 13:41:09.029   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3629. 02-22 13:41:09.029   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3630. 02-22 13:41:09.029   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  3631. 02-22 13:41:09.029   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  3632. 02-22 13:41:09.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  3633. 02-22 13:41:09.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  3634. 02-22 13:41:09.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  3635. 02-22 13:41:09.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  3636. 02-22 13:41:09.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  3637. 02-22 13:41:09.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  3638. 02-22 13:41:09.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3639. 02-22 13:41:09.059  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onPause: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3640. 02-22 13:41:09.059  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: onPause --> onPauseTasks()
  3641. 02-22 13:41:09.059  4038  4038 V CAM_Profiler: [  0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onPause - START
  3642. 02-22 13:41:09.062  4038  4038 V CAM_LcyLocProvider: stopping location updates
  3643. 02-22 13:41:09.074  4038  4038 D CAM_LcyLocProvider: stopReceivingLocationUpdates
  3644. 02-22 13:41:09.075  4038  4038 V CAM_CameraActivity: onPause closing camera
  3645. 02-22 13:41:09.075  4038  4038 V CAM_CameraController: Closing camera
  3646. 02-22 13:41:09.076  4038  4060 W CAM2PORT_AndCamAgntImp: Releasing camera without any camera opened.
  3647. 02-22 13:41:09.078  4038  4038 I CAM_Profiler: [ 18.097ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onPause - STOP
  3648. 02-22 13:41:09.078  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onPause: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3649. 02-22 13:41:09.083   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3650. 02-22 13:41:09.121   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3651. 02-22 13:41:09.159   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3652. 02-22 13:41:09.318  4038  4038 V CAM_CameraAppUI: SurfaceTexture is destroyed
  3653. 02-22 13:41:09.545  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 2454:com.android.calendar/u0a28 (adj 15): empty #17
  3654. 02-22 13:41:09.614  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onStop: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3655. 02-22 13:41:09.614  4038  4038 D CAM_LcyLocProvider: disconnect
  3656. 02-22 13:41:09.615  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onStop: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3657. 02-22 13:41:09.615  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onDestroy: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3658. 02-22 13:41:09.625  4038  4038 V CAM_QuickActivity: END onDestroy: Activity = com.android.camera.CameraActivity@4a2b848
  3659. 02-22 13:41:09.770  3595  3629 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  3660. 02-22 13:41:12.094   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  3661. 02-22 13:41:12.255   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  3662. 02-22 13:41:12.255   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3663. 02-22 13:41:12.255   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3664. 02-22 13:41:12.279   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  3665. 02-22 13:41:12.279   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3666. 02-22 13:41:12.554  1038  1258 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)...
  3667. 02-22 13:41:12.557  1038  1071 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
  3668. 02-22 13:41:12.566   193  1276 W AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getOutputForAttr uid 10016 tried to pass itself off as 1000
  3669. 02-22 13:41:12.567   193   351 W AudioFlinger: uid 10016 tried to pass itself off as 1000
  3670. 02-22 13:41:12.569   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  3671. 02-22 13:41:12.582   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  3672. 02-22 13:41:12.617   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  3673. 02-22 13:41:12.618   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3674. 02-22 13:41:12.618   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3675. 02-22 13:41:12.618   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  3676. 02-22 13:41:12.618   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  3677. 02-22 13:41:12.644   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  3678. 02-22 13:41:12.644   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  3679. 02-22 13:41:12.644   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  3680. 02-22 13:41:12.644   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  3681. 02-22 13:41:12.644   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  3682. 02-22 13:41:12.644   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  3683. 02-22 13:41:12.644   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3684. 02-22 13:41:12.669   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  3685. 02-22 13:41:12.681   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3686. 02-22 13:41:12.706   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3687. 02-22 13:41:13.167  1038  1069 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
  3688. 02-22 13:41:13.176   163   163 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 3 lines
  3689. 02-22 13:41:13.276   164   164 I ts_power: touchscreen_power: enable=0, ts_state=1
  3690. 02-22 13:41:13.311   193   193 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  3691. 02-22 13:41:13.311   193   193 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  3692. 02-22 13:41:13.364  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  3693. 02-22 13:41:13.488  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
  3694. 02-22 13:41:15.714   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  3695. 02-22 13:41:15.883   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  3696. 02-22 13:41:15.884   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3697. 02-22 13:41:15.884   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3698. 02-22 13:41:15.912   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  3699. 02-22 13:41:15.912   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3700. 02-22 13:41:25.025  1038  2161 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@2a43e3e}
  3701. 02-22 13:41:25.693  1038  2145 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@2a43e3e}
  3702. 02-22 13:46:10.055  1038  1936 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@2a43e3e}
  3703. 02-22 13:46:10.116  1038  1308 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@2a43e3e}
  3704. 02-22 14:06:04.160  3300  3495 I ClearcutLoggerApiImpl: disconnect managed GoogleApiClient
  3705. 02-22 14:06:04.348  1038  1264 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 43 lines
  3706. 02-22 14:06:04.551  2343  4189 I EventLogService: Opted in for usage reporting
  3707. 02-22 14:06:04.552  2343  4189 I EventLogService: Aggregate from 1456143742832 (log), 1456143489675 (data)
  3708. 02-22 14:18:12.157  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 4 lines
  3709. 02-22 14:18:48.046  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  3710. 02-22 14:33:52.486  2324  4228 D GetConfigurationSnapshotOperation: no corresponding serverToken: com.google.android.gms.playlog.uploader, 1,
  3711. 02-22 14:33:52.624  2324  4227 I PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Experiment Configs successfully retrieved for com.google.android.gms.playlog.uploader
  3712. 02-22 14:33:52.643  2324  4227 I GoogleURLConnFactory: Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
  3713. 02-22 14:36:05.021  1038  1264 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 43 lines
  3714. 02-22 14:36:05.143  2343  4239 I EventLogService: Opted in for usage reporting
  3715. 02-22 14:36:05.146  2343  4239 I EventLogService: Aggregate from 1456146364553 (log), 1456146364553 (data)
  3716. 02-22 14:52:13.163  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3717. 02-22 14:52:13.169  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3718. 02-22 14:52:13.171  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 1 BatteryLevel: 0.75, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  3719. 02-22 14:52:13.349  1038  1264 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 43 lines
  3720. 02-22 15:03:53.109  2324  2324 E NetworkScheduler: Called closeAndCleanupTask for already completed task [com.google.android.gms/.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService:Batterystats,u0]' :TIMED_OUT
  3721. 02-22 15:03:53.110  2324  2324 E NetworkScheduler: Task completed but with no record in list of active tasks: [com.google.android.gms/.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService:Batterystats,u0]
  3722. 02-22 15:10:51.099  1038  1277 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid 1000)...
  3723. 02-22 15:10:51.099  1038  1038 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
  3724. 02-22 15:10:51.105  1038  1071 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
  3725. 02-22 15:10:51.105  1038  1071 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 1 line
  3726. 02-22 15:10:51.111  1038  1038 I DockObserver: Dock state changed from 0 to 1
  3727. 02-22 15:10:51.140  1038  1936 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder_B expire 1 line
  3728. 02-22 15:10:51.147  1038  1290 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 1 line
  3729. 02-22 15:10:51.149   163   163 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 3 lines
  3730. 02-22 15:10:51.152   164   164 I ts_power: touchscreen_power: enable=1, ts_state=0
  3731. 02-22 15:10:51.154  1038  1069 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
  3732. 02-22 15:10:51.244  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw768dp w1024dp h696dp 160dpi xlrg land desk finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.7 themeResource=themes:{}}
  3733. 02-22 15:10:51.259  2343  2343 I iu.Environment: update battery state; isPlugged? true*
  3734. 02-22 15:10:51.262  2343  3230 I iu.UploadsManager: num queued entries: 0
  3735. 02-22 15:10:51.263  2343  3230 I iu.UploadsManager: num updated entries: 0
  3736. 02-22 15:10:51.264  2343  3230 I iu.SyncManager: NEXT; no task
  3737. 02-22 15:10:51.294  1038  1038 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
  3738. 02-22 15:10:51.354  2324  2324 E NetworkScheduler.SchedulerReceiver: Invalid parameter app
  3739. 02-22 15:10:51.355  2324  2324 E NetworkScheduler.SchedulerReceiver: Invalid package name : Perhaps you didn't include a PendingIntent in the extras?
  3740. 02-22 15:10:51.374  1038  1065 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line
  3741. 02-22 15:10:51.378  1038  1071 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 273 ms
  3742. 02-22 15:10:51.380  1038  1071 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 1 line
  3743. 02-22 15:10:51.394  3595  3595 W Launcher: setApplicationContext called twice! old=android.app.Application@da3d1fa new=android.app.Application@da3d1fa
  3744. 02-22 15:10:51.414   193  1873 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  3745. 02-22 15:10:51.414   193  1873 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  3746. 02-22 15:10:51.420  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  3747. 02-22 15:10:51.439  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 3 lines
  3748. 02-22 15:10:51.731  2343  4292 I iu.FingerprintManager: Start processing all media
  3749. 02-22 15:10:51.734  2343  4292 I iu.FingerprintManager: Start processing media store URI: content://media/external/images/media
  3750. 02-22 15:10:51.820  2343  4292 I iu.FingerprintManager: Start processing media store URI: content://media/external/video/media
  3751. 02-22 15:10:52.013  2343  4292 I iu.FingerprintManager: Start processing media store URI: content://media/phoneStorage/images/media
  3752. 02-22 15:10:52.015  2343  4292 I iu.FingerprintManager: Start processing media store URI: content://media/phoneStorage/video/media
  3753. 02-22 15:10:52.020  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3754. 02-22 15:10:52.122  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3755. 02-22 15:10:52.145  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED}]
  3756. 02-22 15:10:52.163  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.75, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  3757. 02-22 15:10:52.167  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onCreate()
  3758. 02-22 15:10:52.168  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4298:org.chromium.chrome/u0a32 for broadcast org.chromium.chrome/.browser.precache.PrecacheServiceLauncher
  3759. 02-22 15:10:52.245  4298  4298 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  3760. 02-22 15:10:52.276  4298  4298 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  3761. 02-22 15:10:52.462  2343  4292 I iu.FingerprintManager: Finished generating fingerprints; 0.730 seconds
  3762. 02-22 15:10:52.462  2343  4292 I iu.FingerprintManager:   numSeen=0 numGenerated=0 numDeleted=0 numFailed=0
  3763. 02-22 15:10:52.521  4298  4298 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Chromium/lib/arm
  3764. 02-22 15:10:52.534  2324  4312 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater received intent Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) } with receiverAction android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
  3765. 02-22 15:10:52.796  2324  4312 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater:android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED: Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: (no Google accounts)
  3766. 02-22 15:10:52.805  1038  1403 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@2461b13}
  3767. 02-22 15:10:52.823  2343  4294 W art     : Method processed more than once: com.google.an.a.g.a.b com.google.android.gms.stats.c.a(java.io.InputStream, long, long)
  3768. 02-22 15:10:52.825  2343  4296 W art     : Method processed more than once: com.google.an.a.g.a.b com.google.android.gms.stats.c.a(java.io.InputStream, long, long)
  3769. 02-22 15:10:52.882  2324  4312 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  3770. 02-22 15:10:52.882  2324  4312 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  3771. 02-22 15:10:53.271  1038  1069 W WindowManager: App freeze timeout expired.
  3772. 02-22 15:10:53.411  1038  1402 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@2461b13}
  3773. 02-22 15:10:54.276  1038  1038 I Sandman : Activating dream while docked.
  3774. 02-22 15:10:54.277  1038  1038 I PowerManagerService: Nap time (uid 1000)...
  3775. 02-22 15:10:54.278  1038  1071 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland.
  3776. 02-22 15:10:54.279  1038  1071 I PowerManagerService: Dreaming...
  3777. 02-22 15:10:54.280  1038  1066 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.deskclock/com.android.deskclock.Screensaver}, isTest=false, canDoze=false, userId=0
  3778. 02-22 15:10:54.346  2980  4319 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  3779. 02-22 15:10:54.396  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.onDestroy()
  3780. 02-22 15:10:54.396  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Stopping handler for UlrDispSvcFast
  3781. 02-22 15:10:54.406  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Unbound from all location providers
  3782. 02-22 15:10:54.406  2324  2324 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stopped
  3783. 02-22 15:10:54.585  2980  4319 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  3784. 02-22 15:10:54.585  2980  4319 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  3785. 02-22 15:10:54.585  2980  4319 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  3786. 02-22 15:10:54.585  2980  4319 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  3787. 02-22 15:10:54.585  2980  4319 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  3788. 02-22 15:10:54.585  2980  4319 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  3789. 02-22 15:10:54.604  2980  4319 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  3790. 02-22 15:10:54.791  2324  2335 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 12.176ms
  3791. 02-22 15:10:54.855  2324  2335 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12569(1033KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(180KB) LOS objects, 13% free, 9MB/11MB, paused 22.399ms total 98.601ms
  3792. 02-22 15:10:54.857   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  3793. 02-22 15:10:54.862  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  3794. 02-22 15:10:54.870   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  3795. 02-22 15:10:54.905   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  3796. 02-22 15:10:54.906   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3797. 02-22 15:10:54.906   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3798. 02-22 15:10:54.906   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  3799. 02-22 15:10:54.906   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  3800. 02-22 15:10:54.923  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  3801. 02-22 15:10:54.932   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  3802. 02-22 15:10:54.932   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  3803. 02-22 15:10:54.932   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  3804. 02-22 15:10:54.932   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  3805. 02-22 15:10:54.932   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  3806. 02-22 15:10:54.932   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  3807. 02-22 15:10:54.932   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3808. 02-22 15:10:54.938  2324  2324 V UserPresentBroadcastReceiver: Received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver }.
  3809. 02-22 15:10:54.961   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(36)
  3810. 02-22 15:10:54.973   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3811. 02-22 15:10:54.985  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  3812. 02-22 15:10:54.998   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  3813. 02-22 15:10:55.020  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  3814. 02-22 15:10:55.053  2324  2324 V UserPresentBroadcastReceiver: Received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver }.
  3815. 02-22 15:10:55.064  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  3816. 02-22 15:10:55.070  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  3817. 02-22 15:10:55.071   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(79)
  3818. 02-22 15:10:55.123  2324  2324 V UserPresentBroadcastReceiver: Received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver }.
  3819. 02-22 15:10:55.188  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  3820. 02-22 15:10:55.207  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  3821. 02-22 15:10:55.236  2324  2324 V UserPresentBroadcastReceiver: Received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver }.
  3822. 02-22 15:10:55.237  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
  3823. 02-22 15:10:55.301  2324  2324 V UserPresentBroadcastReceiver: Received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver }.
  3824. 02-22 15:10:58.494   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  3825. 02-22 15:10:58.674   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  3826. 02-22 15:10:58.675   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  3827. 02-22 15:10:58.675   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  3828. 02-22 15:10:58.699   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  3829. 02-22 15:10:58.699   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  3830. 02-22 15:11:12.638  1038  2915 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Thread-117 expire 3 lines
  3831. 02-22 15:11:32.700  2324  2329 W art     : Compilation of void com.google.android.location.an.a(com.google.android.location.j.f, com.google.android.location.f.bb[], boolean) took 111.419ms
  3832. 02-22 15:11:51.931  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 6 lines
  3833. 02-22 15:12:55.322  2324  3168 I ClearcutLoggerApiImpl: disconnect managed GoogleApiClient
  3834. 02-22 15:13:49.320  1038  2915 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Thread-117 expire 2 lines
  3835. 02-22 15:14:31.979  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 5 lines
  3836. 02-22 15:15:52.013  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3837. 02-22 15:15:52.017  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3838. 02-22 15:15:52.018  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.76, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  3839. 02-22 15:15:52.909  2343  4327 I EventLogService: Opted in for usage reporting
  3840. 02-22 15:15:52.910  2343  4327 I EventLogService: Aggregate from 1456148165146 (log), 1456148165146 (data)
  3841. 02-22 15:15:52.971  1038  1936 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@6685b44}
  3842. 02-22 15:15:53.090  2324  2324 I GoogleURLConnFactory: Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
  3843. 02-22 15:15:53.154  1038  1405 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@6685b44}
  3844. 02-22 15:15:53.226  2324  4329 I PhenotypeConfigurator: Scheduling Phenotype every 14400 seconds, with flex of 1800 seconds
  3845. 02-22 15:15:54.348  2324  2335 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 51106(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 11(220KB) LOS objects, 32% free, 8MB/12MB, paused 2.136ms total 124.725ms
  3846. 02-22 15:15:55.046  2324  4329 I PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Experiment Configs successfully retrieved for com.google.android.gms.phenotype
  3847. 02-22 15:15:55.165  2324  4335 I PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Experiment Configs successfully retrieved for com.google.android.gms.phenotype
  3848. 02-22 15:16:06.130  1038  2915 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Thread-117 expire 1 line
  3849. 02-22 15:16:32.010  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 7 lines
  3850. 02-22 15:18:48.063  1038  2916 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) DhcpClient expire 1 line
  3851. 02-22 15:18:48.068  1038  2917 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Thread-119 expire 1 line
  3852. 02-22 15:18:48.101  1038  2916 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) DhcpClient expire 1 line
  3853. 02-22 15:18:48.105  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 4 lines
  3854. 02-22 15:18:48.303  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  3855. 02-22 15:18:58.487  1038  2915 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Thread-117 expire 2 lines
  3856. 02-22 15:19:28.126  1038  1267 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 5 lines
  3857. 02-22 15:20:52.809  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3858. 02-22 15:20:52.812  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3859. 02-22 15:20:52.813  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.77, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  3860. 02-22 15:20:52.996  1038  1937 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@708a70c}
  3861. 02-22 15:20:53.031  1038  1264 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkStats expire 34 lines
  3862. 02-22 15:20:53.042  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPoll(NetworkStatsService.java:1009)
  3863. 02-22 15:20:53.042  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.-wrap4(NetworkStatsService.java)
  3864. 02-22 15:20:53.042  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService$2.onReceive(NetworkStatsService.java:798)
  3865. 02-22 15:20:53.042  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:882)
  3866. 02-22 15:20:53.042  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
  3867. 02-22 15:20:53.042  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  3868. 02-22 15:20:53.042  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  3869. 02-22 15:20:53.043  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  3870. 02-22 15:20:53.043  1038  1264 W ConnectivityExtension: error in invoke method
  3871. 02-22 15:20:53.059  1038  1402 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@708a70c}
  3872. 02-22 15:21:08.156  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3873. 02-22 15:21:20.480  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=7595719,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3874. 02-22 15:21:28.164  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3875. 02-22 15:21:47.118  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=7622358,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3876. 02-22 15:21:48.169  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3877. 02-22 15:22:08.172  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3878. 02-22 15:22:13.998  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=7649238,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3879. 02-22 15:22:48.185  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3880. 02-22 15:22:58.576  1038  1063 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk
  3881. 02-22 15:23:07.918  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=7703157,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3882. 02-22 15:23:08.190  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3883. 02-22 15:23:28.197  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3884. 02-22 15:23:48.202  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3885. 02-22 15:24:08.209  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3886. 02-22 15:24:28.215  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3887. 02-22 15:24:29.877  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=7785116,, [002264F9C66A], RTM_DELNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3888. 02-22 15:24:46.959  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=7802199,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3889. 02-22 15:24:48.220  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3890. 02-22 15:25:08.228  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3891. 02-22 15:25:28.231  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3892. 02-22 15:25:48.237  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3893. 02-22 15:25:53.042  1038  1308 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@dcf855}
  3894. 02-22 15:25:53.112  1038  2060 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@dcf855}
  3895. 02-22 15:25:53.598  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3896. 02-22 15:25:53.601  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3897. 02-22 15:25:53.602  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.78, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  3898. 02-22 15:26:08.241  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3899. 02-22 15:26:28.248  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3900. 02-22 15:26:47.287  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=7922526,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3901. 02-22 15:26:48.248  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3902. 02-22 15:27:08.255  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3903. 02-22 15:27:28.259  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3904. 02-22 15:27:48.267  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3905. 02-22 15:28:08.270  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3906. 02-22 15:28:48.283  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3907. 02-22 15:29:08.289  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3908. 02-22 15:29:28.293  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3909. 02-22 15:29:48.300  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3910. 02-22 15:30:08.305  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3911. 02-22 15:30:28.311  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3912. 02-22 15:30:48.317  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3913. 02-22 15:30:53.072  1038  1405 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@87dd26a}
  3914. 02-22 15:30:53.128  1038  1308 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@87dd26a}
  3915. 02-22 15:30:54.369  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3916. 02-22 15:30:54.373  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3917. 02-22 15:30:54.374  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.79, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  3918. 02-22 15:31:08.322  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3919. 02-22 15:31:28.327  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3920. 02-22 15:31:48.332  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3921. 02-22 15:32:08.337  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3922. 02-22 15:32:28.343  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3923. 02-22 15:32:48.348  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3924. 02-22 15:33:00.037  1038  1064 I ProcessStatsService: Prepared write state in 22ms
  3925. 02-22 15:33:08.354  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3926. 02-22 15:33:28.359  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3927. 02-22 15:33:48.364  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3928. 02-22 15:33:54.287  2324  4347 I PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Experiment Configs successfully retrieved for com.google.android.gms.playlog.uploader
  3929. 02-22 15:33:54.299  2324  4347 I GoogleURLConnFactory: Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
  3930. 02-22 15:33:54.361  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8349600,, [002264F9C66A], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
  3931. 02-22 15:33:58.557  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8353796,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
  3932. 02-22 15:34:08.371  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3933. 02-22 15:34:12.477  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8367716,, [002264F9C66A], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3934. 02-22 15:34:14.560  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8369799,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3935. 02-22 15:34:48.381  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3936. 02-22 15:35:08.387  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3937. 02-22 15:35:28.393  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3938. 02-22 15:35:48.399  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3939. 02-22 15:35:53.091  1038  1064 I ActivityManager: Killing 3174:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2 (adj 15): empty for 1848s
  3940. 02-22 15:35:53.171  2324  4354 I GoogleURLConnFactory: Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
  3941. 02-22 15:35:53.190  1038  1404 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@4cda0c5}
  3942. 02-22 15:35:53.234  1038  1061 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@4cda0c5}
  3943. 02-22 15:35:55.216  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3944. 02-22 15:35:55.218  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3945. 02-22 15:35:55.219  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.81, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  3946. 02-22 15:36:08.405  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3947. 02-22 15:36:28.409  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3948. 02-22 15:36:48.417  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3949. 02-22 15:37:00.040  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Killing 3645:com.google.android.gms:car/u0a20 (adj 13): empty for 1847s
  3950. 02-22 15:37:08.420  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3951. 02-22 15:37:28.425  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3952. 02-22 15:37:48.432  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3953. 02-22 15:38:00.012  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Killing 3700:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 (adj 15): empty for 1850s
  3954. 02-22 15:38:00.046  1038  1403 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 11
  3955. 02-22 15:38:08.439  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3956. 02-22 15:38:28.447  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3957. 02-22 15:38:31.781  1038  1048 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 52510(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 14(364KB) LOS objects, 28% free, 10MB/14MB, paused 1.739ms total 104.339ms
  3958. 02-22 15:38:48.453  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3959. 02-22 15:39:00.026  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Killing 2601:com.android.gallery3d/u0a43 (adj 13): empty for 1817s
  3960. 02-22 15:39:00.077  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Killing 3300:com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a20 (adj 13): empty for 1822s
  3961. 02-22 15:39:00.123  1038  1062 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 10
  3962. 02-22 15:39:00.293  1038  1038 E libprocessgroup: failed to kill 1 processes for processgroup 3300
  3963. 02-22 15:39:00.293  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Killing 3613:org.cyanogenmod.themes.provider/u0a17 (adj 15): empty for 1820s
  3964. 02-22 15:39:00.370  1038  1933 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.trimApplications() from ActivityManagerService.java:19640 waiters=0 for 348ms
  3965. 02-22 15:39:00.371  1038  2144 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.trimApplications() from ActivityManagerService.java:19640 waiters=1 for 348ms
  3966. 02-22 15:39:00.381  1038  1062 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.trimApplications() from ActivityManagerService.java:19640 waiters=3 for 257ms
  3967. 02-22 15:39:08.458  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3968. 02-22 15:39:09.857  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8665096,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3969. 02-22 15:39:23.177  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8678416,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3970. 02-22 15:39:28.465  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3971. 02-22 15:39:36.597  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8691836,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3972. 02-22 15:39:48.471  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3973. 02-22 15:40:00.038  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: Killing 3904:com.android.musicfx/u0a10 (adj 15): empty for 1818s
  3974. 02-22 15:40:03.638  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8718878,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3975. 02-22 15:40:08.476  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3976. 02-22 15:40:48.486  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3977. 02-22 15:40:53.222  1038  2060 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@fe7aa1a}
  3978. 02-22 15:40:53.280  1038  1936 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@fe7aa1a}
  3979. 02-22 15:40:55.998  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3980. 02-22 15:40:56.001  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  3981. 02-22 15:40:56.002  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.82, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  3982. 02-22 15:40:57.477  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8772716,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3983. 02-22 15:41:08.494  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3984. 02-22 15:41:28.503  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3985. 02-22 15:41:48.507  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3986. 02-22 15:42:08.514  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3987. 02-22 15:42:28.519  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3988. 02-22 15:42:45.117  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8880356,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3989. 02-22 15:42:48.524  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3990. 02-22 15:43:08.529  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3991. 02-22 15:43:28.535  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3992. 02-22 15:43:32.620  1038  2917 D DhcpClient: Received packet: 9c:6c:15:9e:25:a4 ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / , lease time 7200
  3993. 02-22 15:43:35.920  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=8931159,, [002264F9C66A], RTM_DELNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  3994. 02-22 15:43:48.543  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3995. 02-22 15:44:08.548  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3996. 02-22 15:44:28.552  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3997. 02-22 15:44:48.558  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3998. 02-22 15:45:08.563  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  3999. 02-22 15:45:28.568  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4000. 02-22 15:45:48.575  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4001. 02-22 15:45:53.258  1038  1062 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@593894b}
  4002. 02-22 15:45:53.316  1038  2145 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@593894b}
  4003. 02-22 15:45:56.798  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4004. 02-22 15:45:56.800  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4005. 02-22 15:45:56.801  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.83, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  4006. 02-22 15:46:08.580  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4007. 02-22 15:46:48.593  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4008. 02-22 15:47:08.599  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4009. 02-22 15:47:28.606  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4010. 02-22 15:47:48.612  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4011. 02-22 15:48:08.616  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4012. 02-22 15:48:28.621  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4013. 02-22 15:48:48.627  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4014. 02-22 15:49:08.634  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4015. 02-22 15:49:19.438  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=9274678,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  4016. 02-22 15:49:28.641  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4017. 02-22 15:49:48.648  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4018. 02-22 15:50:08.654  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4019. 02-22 15:50:28.659  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4020. 02-22 15:50:48.664  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4021. 02-22 15:50:53.322  1038  1936 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@56c8441}
  4022. 02-22 15:50:53.357  1038  1264 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/ConnectivityExt.jar
  4023. 02-22 15:50:53.357  1038  1264 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherstatsextension.TetherStatsReporting" on path: DexPathList[[],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
  4024. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:56)
  4025. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:511)
  4026. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:469)
  4027. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetPluginDelegate.loadTetherExtJar(NetPluginDelegate.java:83)
  4028. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetPluginDelegate.getTetherStats(NetPluginDelegate.java:50)
  4029. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.recordSnapshotLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:974)
  4030. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPollLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:1035)
  4031. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPoll(NetworkStatsService.java:1009)
  4032. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.-wrap4(NetworkStatsService.java)
  4033. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService$2.onReceive(NetworkStatsService.java:798)
  4034. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:882)
  4035. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
  4036. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  4037. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  4038. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  4039. 02-22 15:50:53.358  1038  1264 W System.err:    Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherstatsextension.TetherStatsReporting" on path: DexPathList[[directory "."],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
  4040. 02-22 15:50:53.359  1038  1264 W System.err:            at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:56)
  4041. 02-22 15:50:53.359  1038  1264 W System.err:            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:511)
  4042. 02-22 15:50:53.359  1038  1264 W System.err:            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:504)
  4043. 02-22 15:50:53.359  1038  1264 W System.err:            ... 13 more
  4044. 02-22 15:50:53.359  1038  1264 W System.err:            Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.qualcomm.qti.tetherstatsextension.TetherStatsReporting
  4045. 02-22 15:50:53.359  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
  4046. 02-22 15:50:53.359  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(ClassLoader.java:781)
  4047. 02-22 15:50:53.359  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:841)
  4048. 02-22 15:50:53.359  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:504)
  4049. 02-22 15:50:53.359  1038  1264 W System.err:                    ... 14 more
  4050. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:            Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack trace available
  4051. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W ConnectivityExtension: unable to ConnectivityExt jar
  4052. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.reflect.Method java.lang.Class.getMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class[])' on a null object reference
  4053. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetPluginDelegate.getTetherStats(NetPluginDelegate.java:52)
  4054. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.recordSnapshotLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:974)
  4055. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPollLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:1035)
  4056. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPoll(NetworkStatsService.java:1009)
  4057. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.-wrap4(NetworkStatsService.java)
  4058. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService$2.onReceive(NetworkStatsService.java:798)
  4059. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:882)
  4060. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
  4061. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  4062. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  4063. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  4064. 02-22 15:50:53.360  1038  1264 W ConnectivityExtension: error in invoke method
  4065. 02-22 15:50:53.376  2343  4357 I EventLogService: Opted in for usage reporting
  4066. 02-22 15:50:53.377  2343  4357 I EventLogService: Aggregate from 1456150552911 (log), 1456150552911 (data)
  4067. 02-22 15:50:53.450  1038  1386 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@56c8441}
  4068. 02-22 15:50:57.577  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4069. 02-22 15:50:57.582  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4070. 02-22 15:50:57.583  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.84, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  4071. 02-22 15:51:08.668  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4072. 02-22 15:51:28.674  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4073. 02-22 15:51:48.675  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4074. 02-22 15:52:08.682  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  4075. 02-22 15:52:10.747  1038  2144 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland.
  4076. 02-22 15:52:10.748  1038  1066 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.deskclock/com.android.deskclock.Screensaver}, isTest=false, canDoze=false, userId=0
  4077. 02-22 15:52:10.751  1038  1071 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dream (uid 1000)...
  4078. 02-22 15:52:10.866  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: Killing 4089:com.android.packageinstaller/u0a12 (adj 15): empty for 2513s
  4079. 02-22 15:52:10.891  1038  1061 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 9
  4080. 02-22 15:52:12.765  1038  1258 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)...
  4081. 02-22 15:52:12.769  1038  1071 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
  4082. 02-22 15:52:12.778   193   193 W AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getOutputForAttr uid 10016 tried to pass itself off as 1000
  4083. 02-22 15:52:12.779   193  1276 W AudioFlinger: uid 10016 tried to pass itself off as 1000
  4084. 02-22 15:52:12.782   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4085. 02-22 15:52:12.797   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4086. 02-22 15:52:12.832   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4087. 02-22 15:52:12.833   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4088. 02-22 15:52:12.833   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4089. 02-22 15:52:12.833   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4090. 02-22 15:52:12.833   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4091. 02-22 15:52:12.847   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4092. 02-22 15:52:12.847   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4093. 02-22 15:52:12.847   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4094. 02-22 15:52:12.847   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4095. 02-22 15:52:12.847   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4096. 02-22 15:52:12.847   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4097. 02-22 15:52:12.847   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4098. 02-22 15:52:12.888   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4099. 02-22 15:52:12.912   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4100. 02-22 15:52:13.336  1038  1071 D Sensors : sensor activation called: handle=0, enabled=0********************************
  4101. 02-22 15:52:13.337  1038  1071 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOff()
  4102. 02-22 15:52:13.358  1038  1069 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
  4103. 02-22 15:52:13.366   163   163 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x76964000
  4104. 02-22 15:52:13.367   163   163 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0
  4105. 02-22 15:52:13.450   163   163 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0
  4106. 02-22 15:52:13.451  1038  1290 I Tenderloin PowerHAL: Disabling touch screen
  4107. 02-22 15:52:13.451   164   164 I ts_power: touchscreen_power: enable=0, ts_state=1
  4108. 02-22 15:52:13.476  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend true
  4109. 02-22 15:52:13.482   193   193 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  4110. 02-22 15:52:13.483   193   193 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  4111. 02-22 15:52:13.499  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
  4112. 02-22 15:52:13.530  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  4113. 02-22 15:52:13.660  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME* RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  4114. 02-22 15:52:15.922   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4115. 02-22 15:52:16.090   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4116. 02-22 15:52:16.091   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4117. 02-22 15:52:16.091   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4118. 02-22 15:52:16.118   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4119. 02-22 15:52:16.118   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4120. 02-22 15:55:54.095  1038  1937 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@56c8441}
  4121. 02-22 15:55:54.116  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend true
  4122. 02-22 15:55:54.123  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4123. 02-22 15:55:54.169  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4124. 02-22 15:55:54.170  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.85, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  4125. 02-22 15:55:54.173  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4126. 02-22 15:55:54.176  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4127. 02-22 15:55:54.177  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.86, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  4128. 02-22 15:55:54.218  1038  1061 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@56c8441}
  4129. 02-22 15:55:54.223  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend true
  4130. 02-22 16:03:54.200  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4131. 02-22 16:03:54.212  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4132. 02-22 16:18:48.016  2343  2343 W art     : Verification of void com.google.android.gms.security.snet.u.<init>() took 371.754ms
  4133. 02-22 16:18:48.018  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.89, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  4134. 02-22 16:18:48.021  2324  2324 E NetworkScheduler: Called closeAndCleanupTask for already completed task [com.google.android.gms/.security.snet.SnetIdleTaskService:snet_idle_runner,u0]' :TIMED_OUT
  4135. 02-22 16:18:48.129  2324  2324 E NetworkScheduler: Task completed but with no record in list of active tasks: [com.google.android.gms/.security.snet.SnetIdleTaskService:snet_idle_runner,u0]
  4136. 02-22 16:18:48.137  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4137. 02-22 16:18:48.143  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4138. 02-22 16:18:48.147  2343  2343 D SnetService: snet destroyed
  4139. 02-22 16:18:48.236  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend false
  4140. 02-22 16:18:48.242  1038  2916 D DhcpClient: Unicasting DHCPREQUEST ciaddr= request= serverid=null to /
  4141. 02-22 16:18:48.511  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.95, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  4142. 02-22 16:18:48.512  1038  2917 D DhcpClient: Received packet: 00:1d:fe:dc:68:dd ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / , lease time 7200
  4143. 02-22 16:18:48.532  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend true
  4144. 02-22 16:18:48.534  1038  2916 D DhcpClient: Scheduling renewal in 3599s
  4145. 02-22 16:18:48.537  1038  1267 D WifiConfigStore: No blacklist allowed without epno enabled
  4146. 02-22 16:18:48.538  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  4147. 02-22 16:18:48.545  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: WifiStateMachine: Leaving Connected state
  4148. 02-22 16:18:54.013  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [WorkManager]Long workInfo: label=ListenerInvokerRunner, startTime=2016-02-22 16:18:50.238+0100, stopTime=2016-02-22 16:18:54.008+0100, duration=3770ms
  4149. 02-22 16:18:54.545  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=11049785,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
  4150. 02-22 16:18:54.558  1038  1063 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.BroadcastQueue.processNextBroadcast(boolean) from BroadcastQueue.java:640 waiters=0 for 415ms
  4151. 02-22 16:18:54.793  2343  2343 D SnetService: snet destroyed
  4152. 02-22 16:20:54.029  1038  1264 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/ConnectivityExt.jar
  4153. 02-22 16:20:54.030  1038  1264 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherstatsextension.TetherStatsReporting" on path: DexPathList[[],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
  4154. 02-22 16:20:54.030  1038  1264 W System.err:    at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:56)
  4155. 02-22 16:20:54.030  1038  1264 W System.err:    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:511)
  4156. 02-22 16:20:54.030  1038  1264 W System.err:    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:469)
  4157. 02-22 16:20:54.030  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetPluginDelegate.loadTetherExtJar(NetPluginDelegate.java:83)
  4158. 02-22 16:20:54.030  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetPluginDelegate.getTetherStats(NetPluginDelegate.java:50)
  4159. 02-22 16:20:54.030  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.recordSnapshotLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:974)
  4160. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPollLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:1035)
  4161. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPoll(NetworkStatsService.java:1009)
  4162. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.-wrap4(NetworkStatsService.java)
  4163. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService$2.onReceive(NetworkStatsService.java:798)
  4164. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:882)
  4165. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
  4166. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  4167. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  4168. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  4169. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:    Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherstatsextension.TetherStatsReporting" on path: DexPathList[[directory "."],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
  4170. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:            at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:56)
  4171. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:511)
  4172. 02-22 16:20:54.031  1038  1264 W System.err:            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:504)
  4173. 02-22 16:20:54.032  1038  1264 W System.err:            ... 13 more
  4174. 02-22 16:20:54.032  1038  1264 W System.err:            Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.qualcomm.qti.tetherstatsextension.TetherStatsReporting
  4175. 02-22 16:20:54.032  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
  4176. 02-22 16:20:54.032  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(ClassLoader.java:781)
  4177. 02-22 16:20:54.032  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:841)
  4178. 02-22 16:20:54.032  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:504)
  4179. 02-22 16:20:54.032  1038  1264 W System.err:                    ... 14 more
  4180. 02-22 16:20:54.032  1038  1264 W System.err:            Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack trace available
  4181. 02-22 16:20:54.032  1038  1264 W ConnectivityExtension: unable to ConnectivityExt jar
  4182. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.reflect.Method java.lang.Class.getMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class[])' on a null object reference
  4183. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetPluginDelegate.getTetherStats(NetPluginDelegate.java:52)
  4184. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.recordSnapshotLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:974)
  4185. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPollLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:1035)
  4186. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPoll(NetworkStatsService.java:1009)
  4187. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.-wrap4(NetworkStatsService.java)
  4188. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService$2.onReceive(NetworkStatsService.java:798)
  4189. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:882)
  4190. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
  4191. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  4192. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  4193. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  4194. 02-22 16:20:54.033  1038  1264 W ConnectivityExtension: error in invoke method
  4195. 02-22 16:20:54.121  1038  1933 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@ea3f3e9}
  4196. 02-22 16:20:54.126  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend true
  4197. 02-22 16:20:54.173  1038  1061 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@ea3f3e9}
  4198. 02-22 16:20:54.177  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend true
  4199. 02-22 16:20:54.182  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4200. 02-22 16:20:54.190  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4201. 02-22 16:20:54.192  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 0.96, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  4202. 02-22 16:20:54.249  2343  4449 I EventLogService: Opted in for usage reporting
  4203. 02-22 16:20:54.250  2343  4449 I EventLogService: Aggregate from 1456152653377 (log), 1456152653377 (data)
  4204. 02-22 16:33:54.101  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4205. 02-22 16:33:54.105  2324  3393 W ctxmgr  : [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10020, packageName=com.google.android.gms }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
  4206. 02-22 16:33:54.106  2324  2324 E ctxmgr  : [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 3 BatteryLevel: 1.0, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
  4207. 02-22 16:33:55.176  2324  4460 I PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Experiment Configs successfully retrieved for com.google.android.gms.playlog.uploader
  4208. 02-22 16:33:55.197  2324  4460 I GoogleURLConnFactory: Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
  4209. 02-22 16:33:55.249  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=11950489,, [002264F9C66A], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
  4210. 02-22 16:37:56.015  1038  1062 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=android.content.ComponentName com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.startService(android.app.IApplicationThread, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) from ActivityManagerService.java:15868 waiters=0 for 361ms
  4211. 02-22 16:40:02.028  1038  1071 W art     : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService.releaseWakeLockInternal(android.os.IBinder, int) from PowerManagerService.java:875 waiters=0 for 424ms
  4212. 02-22 16:40:02.029  1038  1258 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid 1000)...
  4213. 02-22 16:40:02.033  1038  1038 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onStartedWakingUp()
  4214. 02-22 16:40:02.040  1038  1071 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
  4215. 02-22 16:40:02.041  1038  1071 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$2@71b941b)
  4216. 02-22 16:40:02.056  1038  2161 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  4217. 02-22 16:40:02.096  1038  1290 I Tenderloin PowerHAL: Enabling touch screen
  4218. 02-22 16:40:02.102   164   164 I ts_power: touchscreen_power: enable=1, ts_state=0
  4219. 02-22 16:40:02.105   163   163 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x76964000
  4220. 02-22 16:40:02.105   163   163 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0
  4221. 02-22 16:40:02.106  1038  1069 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
  4222. 02-22 16:40:02.147  1038  1065 D Sensors : sensor activation called: handle=0, enabled=1********************************
  4223. 02-22 16:40:02.152  1038  1071 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 112 ms
  4224. 02-22 16:40:02.153  1038  1071 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn()
  4225. 02-22 16:40:02.170   163   163 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0
  4226. 02-22 16:40:02.177  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
  4227. 02-22 16:40:02.185   193   351 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  4228. 02-22 16:40:02.185   193   351 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  4229. 02-22 16:40:02.198  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend false
  4230. 02-22 16:40:02.200  1038  1267 D WifiConfigStore: No blacklist allowed without epno enabled
  4231. 02-22 16:40:02.307  1038  2060 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@56c8441}
  4232. 02-22 16:40:02.969  1038  2144 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@56c8441}
  4233. 02-22 16:40:04.882  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: L2Connected CMD_START_SCAN source -2 152, 154 -> obsolete
  4234. 02-22 16:40:06.060  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  4235. 02-22 16:40:06.121   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4236. 02-22 16:40:06.132  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  4237. 02-22 16:40:06.134   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4238. 02-22 16:40:06.170   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4239. 02-22 16:40:06.170   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4240. 02-22 16:40:06.170   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4241. 02-22 16:40:06.170   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4242. 02-22 16:40:06.170   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4243. 02-22 16:40:06.178  2324  2324 V UserPresentBroadcastReceiver: Received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver }.
  4244. 02-22 16:40:06.195  1038  1386 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4c23fcc attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@9ed8215, token = android.os.BinderProxy@d178338
  4245. 02-22 16:40:06.196   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4246. 02-22 16:40:06.196   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4247. 02-22 16:40:06.196   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4248. 02-22 16:40:06.196   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4249. 02-22 16:40:06.196   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4250. 02-22 16:40:06.196   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4251. 02-22 16:40:06.196   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4252. 02-22 16:40:06.225   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(36)
  4253. 02-22 16:40:06.234  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
  4254. 02-22 16:40:06.238   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4255. 02-22 16:40:06.263   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4256. 02-22 16:40:06.337   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(78)
  4257. 02-22 16:40:08.890  1038  1257 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4258. 02-22 16:40:09.338   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4259. 02-22 16:40:09.518   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4260. 02-22 16:40:09.518   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4261. 02-22 16:40:09.518   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4262. 02-22 16:40:09.542   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4263. 02-22 16:40:09.542   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4264. 02-22 16:40:09.695  1038  1257 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4265. 02-22 16:40:10.055  1038  1257 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4266. 02-22 16:40:11.548  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  4267. 02-22 16:40:14.218   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4268. 02-22 16:40:14.224  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from uid 10016 on display 0
  4269. 02-22 16:40:14.231   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4270. 02-22 16:40:14.240  1038  1405 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@ab59ac9 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@d178338
  4271. 02-22 16:40:14.242  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 57
  4272. 02-22 16:40:14.266   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4273. 02-22 16:40:14.267   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4274. 02-22 16:40:14.267   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4275. 02-22 16:40:14.267   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4276. 02-22 16:40:14.267   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4277. 02-22 16:40:14.294   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4278. 02-22 16:40:14.294   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4279. 02-22 16:40:14.294   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4280. 02-22 16:40:14.294   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4281. 02-22 16:40:14.294   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4282. 02-22 16:40:14.294   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4283. 02-22 16:40:14.294   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4284. 02-22 16:40:14.332   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4285. 02-22 16:40:14.370   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4286. 02-22 16:40:14.409   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4287. 02-22 16:40:14.481  3661  3681 D Index   : Locale 'en_US' is already indexed
  4288. 02-22 16:40:14.651  3661  3661 W Settings: Activity com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink has unknown category key com.android.settings.category.personal
  4289. 02-22 16:40:14.753  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  4290. 02-22 16:40:14.951  3661  3661 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI took: 402 ms
  4291. 02-22 16:40:15.121  3661  3698 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 21 millis
  4292. 02-22 16:40:15.145  3661  3698 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 23 millis
  4293. 02-22 16:40:15.209  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +915ms
  4294. 02-22 16:40:15.250  3661  3698 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 7 millis
  4295. 02-22 16:40:15.254  3661  3698 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 4 millis
  4296. 02-22 16:40:15.318  3661  3698 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 7 millis
  4297. 02-22 16:40:15.332  3661  3698 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 14 millis
  4298. 02-22 16:40:17.344   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4299. 02-22 16:40:17.506   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4300. 02-22 16:40:17.506   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4301. 02-22 16:40:17.506   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4302. 02-22 16:40:17.530   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4303. 02-22 16:40:17.530   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4304. 02-22 16:40:20.473   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4305. 02-22 16:40:20.474  1038  2145 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4306. 02-22 16:40:20.486   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4307. 02-22 16:40:20.522   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4308. 02-22 16:40:20.522   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4309. 02-22 16:40:20.522   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4310. 02-22 16:40:20.522   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4311. 02-22 16:40:20.523   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4312. 02-22 16:40:20.549   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4313. 02-22 16:40:20.549   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4314. 02-22 16:40:20.549   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4315. 02-22 16:40:20.549   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4316. 02-22 16:40:20.549   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4317. 02-22 16:40:20.549   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4318. 02-22 16:40:20.549   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4319. 02-22 16:40:20.563  3661  3661 D SubSettings: Launching fragment com.android.settings.DateTimeSettings
  4320. 02-22 16:40:20.574   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  4321. 02-22 16:40:20.586   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4322. 02-22 16:40:20.625   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4323. 02-22 16:40:20.663   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4324. 02-22 16:40:20.877  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +367ms
  4325. 02-22 16:40:20.949  3661  3682 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x6946a000 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x5937f4a0
  4326. 02-22 16:40:21.237  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=12336475,, [002264F9C66A], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  4327. 02-22 16:40:23.588   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4328. 02-22 16:40:23.767   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4329. 02-22 16:40:23.767   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4330. 02-22 16:40:23.768   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4331. 02-22 16:40:23.795   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4332. 02-22 16:40:23.795   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4333. 02-22 16:40:23.975   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4334. 02-22 16:40:23.988   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4335. 02-22 16:40:24.023   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4336. 02-22 16:40:24.023   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4337. 02-22 16:40:24.023   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4338. 02-22 16:40:24.023   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4339. 02-22 16:40:24.023   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4340. 02-22 16:40:24.033  3661  3661 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:774 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:402 com.android.settings.DateTimeSettings.timeUpdated:298 com.android.settings.DateTimeSettings.onPreferenceTreeClick:284 android.preference.Preference.performClick:1005
  4341. 02-22 16:40:24.049   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4342. 02-22 16:40:24.049   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4343. 02-22 16:40:24.049   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4344. 02-22 16:40:24.049   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4345. 02-22 16:40:24.049   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4346. 02-22 16:40:24.049   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4347. 02-22 16:40:24.049   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4348. 02-22 16:40:24.075   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  4349. 02-22 16:40:24.088   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4350. 02-22 16:40:24.116  2343  2343 I CheckinService: Checkin interval check for package: unspecified last checkin: 1456143747667 min interval config: 0 actual interval: 11876449
  4351. 02-22 16:40:24.126   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4352. 02-22 16:40:24.164   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4353. 02-22 16:40:24.346  1038  2145 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4493:com.android.calendar/u0a28 for broadcast com.android.calendar/.widget.CalendarAppWidgetService$CalendarFactory
  4354. 02-22 16:40:24.367  4493  4493 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  4355. 02-22 16:40:24.385  4493  4493 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  4356. 02-22 16:40:24.464  4493  4493 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Calendar/lib/arm
  4357. 02-22 16:40:24.544  4493  4493 D ExtensionsFactory: No custom extensions.
  4358. 02-22 16:40:24.575  2980  2980 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  4359. 02-22 16:40:24.589  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4512:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a2 for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2
  4360. 02-22 16:40:24.620  4512  4512 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  4361. 02-22 16:40:24.638  4512  4512 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  4362. 02-22 16:40:24.675  2980  2996 V AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished
  4363. 02-22 16:40:24.696  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: Killing 4038:com.android.camera2/u0a29 (adj 15): empty for 2541s
  4364. 02-22 16:40:24.730  1038  1061 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 8
  4365. 02-22 16:40:24.739  4512  4512 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/lib/arm
  4366. 02-22 16:40:24.900  4512  4512 I CalendarProvider2: Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@983fc25(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@da3d1fa)
  4367. 02-22 16:40:25.919  4512  4512 I CalendarProvider2: Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x20000000 }
  4368. 02-22 16:40:25.920  4512  4512 W ContentResolver: Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
  4369. 02-22 16:40:25.986  4493  4493 D AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x20000010 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver }
  4370. 02-22 16:40:26.035  4493  4531 D AlertService: 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  4371. 02-22 16:40:26.675  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=3116398, downTime=3116267, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  4372. 02-22 16:40:26.675  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  4373. 02-22 16:40:26.686   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4374. 02-22 16:40:26.736   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(18)
  4375. 02-22 16:40:26.834  3661  3661 W Settings: Activity com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink has unknown category key com.android.settings.category.personal
  4376. 02-22 16:40:26.835  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=12342075,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  4377. 02-22 16:40:27.078  3661  3661 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI took: 295 ms
  4378. 02-22 16:40:27.210  3661  3699 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 4 millis
  4379. 02-22 16:40:27.242  3661  3699 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 32 millis
  4380. 02-22 16:40:27.634  3661  3699 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 3 millis
  4381. 02-22 16:40:27.637  3661  3699 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 3 millis
  4382. 02-22 16:40:27.690  3661  3699 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 3 millis
  4383. 02-22 16:40:27.700  3661  3699 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 10 millis
  4384. 02-22 16:40:29.583  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4385. 02-22 16:40:29.586   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4386. 02-22 16:40:29.636   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  4387. 02-22 16:40:29.670  3661  3661 D SubSettings: Launching fragment com.android.settings.inputmethod.InputMethodAndLanguageSettings
  4388. 02-22 16:40:30.068  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +452ms
  4389. 02-22 16:40:30.140  3661  3682 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x5919b380 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x5937f560
  4390. 02-22 16:40:31.060  4493  4531 I GlobalDismissManager: no sender configured
  4391. 02-22 16:40:31.062  4493  4531 D AlertService: Beginning updateAlertNotification
  4392. 02-22 16:40:31.096  4493  4531 D AlertService: No fired or scheduled alerts
  4393. 02-22 16:40:31.109  4493  4531 D AlertService: Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  4394. 02-22 16:40:31.128  4493  4531 D AlarmScheduler: No events found starting within 1 week.
  4395. 02-22 16:40:32.638   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4396. 02-22 16:40:32.817   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4397. 02-22 16:40:32.817   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4398. 02-22 16:40:32.817   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4399. 02-22 16:40:32.844   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4400. 02-22 16:40:32.845   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4401. 02-22 16:40:33.014   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4402. 02-22 16:40:33.027   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4403. 02-22 16:40:33.062   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4404. 02-22 16:40:33.062   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4405. 02-22 16:40:33.062   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4406. 02-22 16:40:33.063   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4407. 02-22 16:40:33.063   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4408. 02-22 16:40:33.089   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4409. 02-22 16:40:33.089   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4410. 02-22 16:40:33.089   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4411. 02-22 16:40:33.089   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4412. 02-22 16:40:33.089   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4413. 02-22 16:40:33.089   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4414. 02-22 16:40:33.089   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4415. 02-22 16:40:33.100  1038  4537 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  4416. 02-22 16:40:33.126   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4417. 02-22 16:40:33.164   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4418. 02-22 16:40:33.172  1038  4537 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  4419. 02-22 16:40:33.203   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4420. 02-22 16:40:34.501  1038  1061 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@807fd68 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@225b08
  4421. 02-22 16:40:34.501  1038  1038 W InputEventReceiver: Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  4422. 02-22 16:40:34.502  1038  1038 W ViewRootImpl: Dropping event due to root view being removed: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=395.3971, y[0]=241.33032, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=3124212, downTime=3124202, deviceId=1, source=0x1002 }
  4423. 02-22 16:40:34.502  1038  1038 W InputEventReceiver: Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  4424. 02-22 16:40:35.458   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4425. 02-22 16:40:35.495   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  4426. 02-22 16:40:35.523  1038  4537 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  4427. 02-22 16:40:36.295   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4428. 02-22 16:40:36.302  1038  1038 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS flg=0x14200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$InputMethodAndLanguageSettingsActivity} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4429. 02-22 16:40:36.353  1038  4537 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x6f3fc800 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x5908b450
  4430. 02-22 16:40:36.618  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings$InputMethodAndLanguageSettingsActivity: +267ms
  4431. 02-22 16:40:37.826  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=3127549, downTime=3127453, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  4432. 02-22 16:40:37.827  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  4433. 02-22 16:40:37.858   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4434. 02-22 16:40:38.344   163   163 W SurfaceFlinger: couldn't log to binary event log: overflow.
  4435. 02-22 16:40:38.935  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.inputmethod.latin/.settings.SettingsActivity} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4436. 02-22 16:40:38.938   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4437. 02-22 16:40:39.307  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.inputmethod.latin/.settings.SettingsActivity: +326ms
  4438. 02-22 16:40:39.310  3661  3682 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x693c2a80 (ListView) with handle 0x5937fb90
  4439. 02-22 16:40:40.678  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_SETTINGS flg=0x14200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.inputmethod.InputMethodAndSubtypeEnablerActivity (has extras)} from uid 10046 on display 0
  4440. 02-22 16:40:40.688   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4441. 02-22 16:40:40.825  1038  1048 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 28775(1768KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(120KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 10MB/14MB, paused 3.417ms total 123.962ms
  4442. 02-22 16:40:40.891  1809  2670 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x57234680 (ListView) with handle 0x58bed7f0
  4443. 02-22 16:40:41.227  3661  3672 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 26930(1573KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(132KB) LOS objects, 21% free, 6MB/8MB, paused 11.779ms total 51.666ms
  4444. 02-22 16:40:41.367  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.inputmethod.InputMethodAndSubtypeEnablerActivity: +574ms
  4445. 02-22 16:40:43.758   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4446. 02-22 16:40:43.925   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4447. 02-22 16:40:43.926   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4448. 02-22 16:40:43.926   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4449. 02-22 16:40:43.950   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4450. 02-22 16:40:43.950   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4451. 02-22 16:40:44.186   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4452. 02-22 16:40:44.199   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4453. 02-22 16:40:44.234   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4454. 02-22 16:40:44.235   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4455. 02-22 16:40:44.235   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4456. 02-22 16:40:44.235   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4457. 02-22 16:40:44.235   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4458. 02-22 16:40:44.249   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4459. 02-22 16:40:44.249   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4460. 02-22 16:40:44.249   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4461. 02-22 16:40:44.249   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4462. 02-22 16:40:44.249   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4463. 02-22 16:40:44.249   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4464. 02-22 16:40:44.249   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4465. 02-22 16:40:44.288   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4466. 02-22 16:40:44.327   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4467. 02-22 16:40:44.365   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4468. 02-22 16:40:47.300   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4469. 02-22 16:40:47.463   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4470. 02-22 16:40:47.463   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4471. 02-22 16:40:47.464   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4472. 02-22 16:40:47.489   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4473. 02-22 16:40:47.489   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4474. 02-22 16:40:56.000   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4475. 02-22 16:40:56.013   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4476. 02-22 16:40:56.048   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4477. 02-22 16:40:56.048   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4478. 02-22 16:40:56.048   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4479. 02-22 16:40:56.048   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4480. 02-22 16:40:56.048   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4481. 02-22 16:40:56.074   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4482. 02-22 16:40:56.074   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4483. 02-22 16:40:56.074   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4484. 02-22 16:40:56.075   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4485. 02-22 16:40:56.075   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4486. 02-22 16:40:56.075   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4487. 02-22 16:40:56.075   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4488. 02-22 16:40:56.100   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  4489. 02-22 16:40:56.112   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4490. 02-22 16:40:56.151   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4491. 02-22 16:40:56.189   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4492. 02-22 16:40:58.662   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4493. 02-22 16:40:58.712   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(18)
  4494. 02-22 16:41:00.007  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=3149728, downTime=3149612, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  4495. 02-22 16:41:00.007  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  4496. 02-22 16:41:00.012   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4497. 02-22 16:41:00.062   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  4498. 02-22 16:41:00.154  1809  1809 I InputAttributes: InputType.TYPE_NULL is specified
  4499. 02-22 16:41:00.186  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = contacts.sr_ZZ ; version = 1456155660 ; date = ?
  4500. 02-22 16:41:00.222  1038  1048 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12024(676KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 27% free, 10MB/14MB, paused 5.065ms total 174.926ms
  4501. 02-22 16:41:00.255  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = userunigram.sr_ZZ ; version = 1456155660 ; date = ?
  4502. 02-22 16:41:00.279  1809  1850 I LatinIME:LogUtils: Dictionary info: dictionary = UserHistoryDictionary.sr_ZZ ; version = 1456155660 ; date = ?
  4503. 02-22 16:41:00.551  1038  1404 W InputMethodManagerService: Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@36cca5 (uid=1000 pid=3661)
  4504. 02-22 16:41:01.267   163   163 W SurfaceFlinger: couldn't log to binary event log: overflow.
  4505. 02-22 16:41:02.062   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4506. 02-22 16:41:02.066  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=3151783, downTime=3151654, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  4507. 02-22 16:41:02.067  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  4508. 02-22 16:41:02.112   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  4509. 02-22 16:41:02.421  1809  1809 I LatinIME: Timeout waiting for dictionary load
  4510. 02-22 16:41:03.183  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=3152906, downTime=3152825, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  4511. 02-22 16:41:03.185  1809  1809 D EmojiAltPhysicalKeyDetector: onKeyUp() : Not Mapped: 4
  4512. 02-22 16:41:03.195   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4513. 02-22 16:41:03.362  3661  3661 W Settings: Activity com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink has unknown category key com.android.settings.category.personal
  4514. 02-22 16:41:03.600  3661  3661 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI took: 292 ms
  4515. 02-22 16:41:03.737  3661  3681 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 11 millis
  4516. 02-22 16:41:03.751  3661  3681 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 14 millis
  4517. 02-22 16:41:03.817  3661  3681 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 3 millis
  4518. 02-22 16:41:03.820  3661  3681 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 3 millis
  4519. 02-22 16:41:03.884  3661  3681 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 3 millis
  4520. 02-22 16:41:03.898  3661  3681 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 13 millis
  4521. 02-22 16:41:04.794  1038  1257 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4522. 02-22 16:41:04.795   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4523. 02-22 16:41:05.479  3595  3629 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  4524. 02-22 16:41:06.050  1038  1937 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 pkg=org.chromium.chrome cmp=org.chromium.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main bnds=[334,631][460,715] (has extras)} from uid 10008 on display 0
  4525. 02-22 16:41:06.062   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4526. 02-22 16:41:06.097  1038  1064 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } from com.android.launcher3 (pid=3595, uid=10008) requires com.google.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to receiver com.google.android.gms/.icing.proxy.ApplicationLauncherReceiver
  4527. 02-22 16:41:06.112   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  4528. 02-22 16:41:06.194  1038  2161 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x14002000 pkg=org.chromium.chrome cmp=org.chromium.chrome/.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity bnds=[334,631][460,715] (has extras)} from uid 10032 on display 0
  4529. 02-22 16:41:07.105  4298  4552 I cr_LibraryLoader: Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
  4530. 02-22 16:41:07.136  4298  4553 I cr_base : Extracting resource /data/user/0/org.chromium.chrome/app_chrome/paks/en-GB.pak
  4531. 02-22 16:41:07.260  4298  4552 I cr_LibraryLoader: Loading chrome_public
  4532. 02-22 16:41:07.270  4298  4553 I cr_base : Extracting resource /data/user/0/org.chromium.chrome/app_chrome/paks/en-US.pak
  4533. 02-22 16:41:07.353  4298  4554 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  4534. 02-22 16:41:07.723  4298  4554 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  4535. 02-22 16:41:07.723  4298  4554 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  4536. 02-22 16:41:07.723  4298  4554 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  4537. 02-22 16:41:07.723  4298  4554 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  4538. 02-22 16:41:07.723  4298  4554 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  4539. 02-22 16:41:07.723  4298  4554 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  4540. 02-22 16:41:07.823  4298  4554 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  4541. 02-22 16:41:08.120  4298  4552 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 1076 ms (timestamps 6769-7845)
  4542. 02-22 16:41:08.120  4298  4552 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "49.0.2571.0", actual native library version number "49.0.2571.0"
  4543. 02-22 16:41:08.138  4298  4552 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(130)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  4544. 02-22 16:41:08.158  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Displayed org.chromium.chrome/.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity: +1s922ms (total +2s54ms)
  4545. 02-22 16:41:08.241  1038  1405 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4556:org.chromium.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0i0 for service org.chromium.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0
  4546. 02-22 16:41:08.259  4298  4298 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false
  4547. 02-22 16:41:08.307  4556  4556 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  4548. 02-22 16:41:08.326  4556  4556 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  4549. 02-22 16:41:08.452  4556  4556 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Chromium/lib/arm
  4550. 02-22 16:41:08.584  4576  4576 I org.chromium.chrome:sandboxed_process0: type=1400 audit(0.0:150): avc: denied { search } for comm=4173796E635461736B202331 name="org.chromium.chrome" dev="dm-9" ino=1044538 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=1
  4551. 02-22 16:41:08.628  4556  4556 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=4556
  4552. 02-22 16:41:08.773  4298  4298 W Adreno200-ES20: <get_simple_queries:1379>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
  4553. 02-22 16:41:08.913  1038  1068 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@f501963:true
  4554. 02-22 16:41:08.939  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4590:org.chromium.chrome:privileged_process0/u0a32 for service org.chromium.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0
  4555. 02-22 16:41:08.989  4590  4590 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  4556. 02-22 16:41:09.002  4590  4590 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  4557. 02-22 16:41:09.032  4298  4298 E chromium: [ERROR:shell_integration_android.cc(24)] Not implemented reached in static ShellIntegration::DefaultWebClientSetPermission ShellIntegration::CanSetAsDefaultBrowser()
  4558. 02-22 16:41:09.100  4590  4590 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/Chromium/lib/arm
  4559. 02-22 16:41:09.125   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4560. 02-22 16:41:09.243  1038  1933 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10032/4298 for NetworkRequest [ id=4, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  4561. 02-22 16:41:09.287   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4562. 02-22 16:41:09.287   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4563. 02-22 16:41:09.287   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4564. 02-22 16:41:09.312   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4565. 02-22 16:41:09.312   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4566. 02-22 16:41:09.322  4590  4590 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=4590
  4567. 02-22 16:41:09.354  4590  4609 I cr_LibraryLoader: Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
  4568. 02-22 16:41:09.437  4590  4609 I cr_LibraryLoader: Loading chrome_public
  4569. 02-22 16:41:09.479  1038  1061 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10032/4298 for NetworkRequest [ id=5, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  4570. 02-22 16:41:09.518  4298  4298 W InstanceID/Rpc: Found 10020
  4571. 02-22 16:41:09.600  4590  4609 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 245 ms (timestamps 9079-9324)
  4572. 02-22 16:41:09.600  4590  4609 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "49.0.2571.0", actual native library version number "49.0.2571.0"
  4573. 02-22 16:41:09.603  4590  4609 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(130)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  4574. 02-22 16:41:09.629  4590  4609 E libEGL  : validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
  4575. 02-22 16:41:09.631  4590  4609 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  4576. 02-22 16:41:09.631  4590  4609 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  4577. 02-22 16:41:09.631  4590  4609 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  4578. 02-22 16:41:09.631  4590  4609 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  4579. 02-22 16:41:09.631  4590  4609 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  4580. 02-22 16:41:09.631  4590  4609 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  4581. 02-22 16:41:09.851  4590  4609 W Adreno200-ES20: <get_simple_queries:1379>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
  4582. 02-22 16:41:09.953  4590  4615 I OMXClient: Using client-side OMX mux.
  4583. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=5 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=1638431 violation=2
  4584. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1263)
  4585. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.access(BlockGuardOs.java:67)
  4586. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at java.io.File.doAccess(File.java:281)
  4587. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at java.io.File.exists(File.java:361)
  4588. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at android.app.ContextImpl.getDir(ContextImpl.java:1783)
  4589. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContextWrapper.getDir(ContextWrapper.java:264)
  4590. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at org.chromium.base.PathUtils.getThumbnailCacheDirectory(PathUtils.java:105)
  4591. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.layouts.content.TabContentManager.cleanupPersistentData(TabContentManager.java:331)
  4592. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabPersistentStore.cleanupPersistentData(TabPersistentStore.java:887)
  4593. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabPersistentStore.loadNextTab(TabPersistentStore.java:860)
  4594. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabPersistentStore.restoreTabs(TabPersistentStore.java:362)
  4595. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at org.chromium.chrome.browser.tabmodel.TabModelSelectorImpl.restoreTabs(TabModelSelectorImpl.java:279)
  4596. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity.initializeState(ChromeTabbedActivity.java:532)
  4597. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at org.chromium.chrome.browser.init.ChromeBrowserInitializer$5.initFunction(ChromeBrowserInitializer.java:203)
  4598. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at org.chromium.chrome.browser.init.ChromeBrowserInitializer$1NativeInitTask.run(ChromeBrowserInitializer.java:153)
  4599. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
  4600. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  4601. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  4602. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5466)
  4603. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  4604. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726)
  4605. 02-22 16:41:10.025  4298  4298 D StrictMode:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616)
  4606. 02-22 16:41:10.112  4298  4309 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3739(365KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(160KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 4MB/7MB, paused 1.831ms total 196.228ms
  4607. 02-22 16:41:11.136  4570  4570 I Binder_1: type=1400 audit(0.0:151): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[23602]" dev="sockfs" ino=23602 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=1
  4608. 02-22 16:41:11.136  4570  4570 I Binder_1: type=1400 audit(0.0:152): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/data/data/org.chromium.chrome/app_chrome/paks/en-US.pak" dev="dm-9" ino=1045344 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file permissive=1
  4609. 02-22 16:41:11.143   159   159 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for service=batteryproperties scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:healthd_service:s0 tclass=service_manager
  4610. 02-22 16:41:11.191  4556  4570 I cr_LibraryLoader: Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
  4611. 02-22 16:41:11.273  4556  4577 I cr_LibraryLoader: Loading chrome_public
  4612. 02-22 16:41:11.349  4556  4577 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 146 ms (timestamps 927-1073)
  4613. 02-22 16:41:11.349  4556  4577 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "49.0.2571.0", actual native library version number "49.0.2571.0"
  4614. 02-22 16:41:11.350  4556  4577 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(130)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  4615. 02-22 16:41:11.510  4298  4298 E chromium: [ERROR:layer_tree_host_impl.cc(2189)] Forcing zero-copy tile initialization as worker context is missing
  4616. 02-22 16:41:11.526  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 60
  4617. 02-22 16:41:11.623  4298  4298 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: begin FirstRunFlowSequencer.checkIfFirstRunIsNecessary
  4618. 02-22 16:41:11.628  4298  4298 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: end FirstRunFlowSequencer.checkIfFirstRunIsNecessary
  4619. 02-22 16:41:12.194  1038  2144 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=org.chromium.chrome/.browser.firstrun.FirstRunActivity (has extras)} from uid 10032 on display 0
  4620. 02-22 16:41:12.349  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=5, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  4621. 02-22 16:41:12.489  1038  1906 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10032/4298 for NetworkRequest [ id=6, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  4622. 02-22 16:41:12.764  4298  4574 W art     : Method processed more than once: java.lang.String org.chromium.net.X509Util.hashPrincipal(javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal)
  4623. 02-22 16:41:13.058  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Displayed org.chromium.chrome/.browser.firstrun.FirstRunActivity: +705ms
  4624. 02-22 16:41:13.342  4298  4317 W cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/org.chromium.chrome/cache/Crash Reports does not exist!
  4625. 02-22 16:41:13.343  4298  4317 W cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/org.chromium.chrome/cache/Crash Reports does not exist!
  4626. 02-22 16:41:13.348  4298  4551 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.partnerbookmarks
  4627. 02-22 16:41:13.405  4298  4298 I cr_BindingManager: Moderate binding enabled: maxSize=20 lowReduceRatio=0.250000 highReduceRatio=0.500000
  4628. 02-22 16:41:13.412  4298  4298 V NFC     : this device does not have NFC support
  4629. 02-22 16:41:13.424  4298  4634 W cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/org.chromium.chrome/cache/Crash Reports does not exist!
  4630. 02-22 16:41:13.425  4298  4634 W cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/org.chromium.chrome/cache/Crash Reports does not exist!
  4631. 02-22 16:41:13.425  4298  4634 I cr_MinidmpUploadService: Attempting to upload accumulated crash dumps.
  4632. 02-22 16:41:16.141   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4633. 02-22 16:41:16.154   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4634. 02-22 16:41:16.189   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4635. 02-22 16:41:16.190   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4636. 02-22 16:41:16.190   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4637. 02-22 16:41:16.190   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4638. 02-22 16:41:16.190   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4639. 02-22 16:41:16.204   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4640. 02-22 16:41:16.204   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4641. 02-22 16:41:16.204   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4642. 02-22 16:41:16.204   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4643. 02-22 16:41:16.204   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4644. 02-22 16:41:16.204   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4645. 02-22 16:41:16.204   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4646. 02-22 16:41:16.245   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4647. 02-22 16:41:16.283   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4648. 02-22 16:41:16.321   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4649. 02-22 16:41:17.206  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=12392445,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
  4650. 02-22 16:41:19.256   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4651. 02-22 16:41:19.417   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4652. 02-22 16:41:19.417   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4653. 02-22 16:41:19.417   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4654. 02-22 16:41:19.444   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4655. 02-22 16:41:19.444   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4656. 02-22 16:41:20.654   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4657. 02-22 16:41:20.667   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4658. 02-22 16:41:20.702   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4659. 02-22 16:41:20.702   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4660. 02-22 16:41:20.702   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4661. 02-22 16:41:20.702   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4662. 02-22 16:41:20.702   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4663. 02-22 16:41:20.728   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4664. 02-22 16:41:20.728   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4665. 02-22 16:41:20.729   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4666. 02-22 16:41:20.729   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4667. 02-22 16:41:20.729   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4668. 02-22 16:41:20.729   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4669. 02-22 16:41:20.729   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4670. 02-22 16:41:20.756   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  4671. 02-22 16:41:20.769   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4672. 02-22 16:41:20.807   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4673. 02-22 16:41:20.845   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4674. 02-22 16:41:21.465   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4675. 02-22 16:41:21.515   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(18)
  4676. 02-22 16:41:23.185   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4677. 02-22 16:41:23.212  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=6, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  4678. 02-22 16:41:23.252  4298  4298 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: in refreshSignIn before starting the sign-in processor
  4679. 02-22 16:41:23.270  1038  1936 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10032/4298 for NetworkRequest [ id=7, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  4680. 02-22 16:41:23.293  4298  4554 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x5642df80 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x56426460
  4681. 02-22 16:41:24.098   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4682. 02-22 16:41:24.388  1809  1809 W RichInputMethodSubtype: Can't find emoji subtype
  4683. 02-22 16:41:24.389  1809  1809 W RichInputMethodSubtype: No input method subtype found; returning dummy subtype: Multi-lingual subtype: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype@d78b2ed0, zz
  4684. 02-22 16:41:24.645  1809  1809 W ViewPager: Requested offscreen page limit 0 too small; defaulting to 1
  4685. 02-22 16:41:24.648   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4686. 02-22 16:41:24.656  1809  1809 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
  4687. 02-22 16:41:24.770  2212  2212 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:153): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  4688. 02-22 16:41:24.780  2212  2212 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:154): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  4689. 02-22 16:41:24.800  2670  2670 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:155): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  4690. 02-22 16:41:24.810  2670  2670 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:156): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  4691. 02-22 16:41:27.767   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4692. 02-22 16:41:27.946   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4693. 02-22 16:41:27.946   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4694. 02-22 16:41:27.947   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4695. 02-22 16:41:27.974   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4696. 02-22 16:41:27.974   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4697. 02-22 16:41:36.905  1038  2917 D DhcpClient: Received packet: 9c:6c:15:9e:25:a4 ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / , lease time 7200
  4698. 02-22 16:41:37.797  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=12413037,, [002264F9C66A], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  4699. 02-22 16:41:38.069  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=12413308,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  4700. 02-22 16:41:43.682  1038  1257 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4701. 02-22 16:41:43.763  1038  1269 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=7, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  4702. 02-22 16:41:43.903  1038  1048 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 20113(1182KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(120KB) LOS objects, 27% free, 10MB/14MB, paused 5.889ms total 180.847ms
  4703. 02-22 16:41:43.968  4298  4298 I cr_BindingManager: onTrimMemory: level=20, size=0
  4704. 02-22 16:41:44.388  3595  3629 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  4705. 02-22 16:41:45.200  1038  2917 D DhcpClient: Received packet: 9c:6c:15:9e:25:a4 ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / , lease time 7200
  4706. 02-22 16:41:46.800   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4707. 02-22 16:41:46.802  1038  1257 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4708. 02-22 16:41:46.813   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4709. 02-22 16:41:46.848   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4710. 02-22 16:41:46.848   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4711. 02-22 16:41:46.848   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4712. 02-22 16:41:46.848   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4713. 02-22 16:41:46.848   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4714. 02-22 16:41:46.874   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4715. 02-22 16:41:46.874   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4716. 02-22 16:41:46.874   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4717. 02-22 16:41:46.874   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4718. 02-22 16:41:46.874   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4719. 02-22 16:41:46.874   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4720. 02-22 16:41:46.874   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4721. 02-22 16:41:46.912   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4722. 02-22 16:41:46.950   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4723. 02-22 16:41:46.988   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4724. 02-22 16:41:47.811   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4725. 02-22 16:41:47.861   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(18)
  4726. 02-22 16:41:49.914  1038  2917 D DhcpClient: Received packet: 9c:6c:15:9e:25:a4 ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / , lease time 7200
  4727. 02-22 16:41:50.862   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4728. 02-22 16:41:51.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4729. 02-22 16:41:51.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4730. 02-22 16:41:51.044   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4731. 02-22 16:41:51.071   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4732. 02-22 16:41:51.071   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4733. 02-22 16:41:54.207  4298  4579 E chromium: [ERROR:shell_integration_android.cc(30)] Not implemented reached in static ShellIntegration::DefaultWebClientState ShellIntegration::GetDefaultBrowser()
  4734. 02-22 16:41:56.479  1038  1257 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4735. 02-22 16:41:56.483   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4736. 02-22 16:41:56.496   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4737. 02-22 16:41:56.531   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4738. 02-22 16:41:56.532   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4739. 02-22 16:41:56.532   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4740. 02-22 16:41:56.532   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4741. 02-22 16:41:56.532   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4742. 02-22 16:41:56.558   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4743. 02-22 16:41:56.558   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4744. 02-22 16:41:56.558   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4745. 02-22 16:41:56.558   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4746. 02-22 16:41:56.558   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4747. 02-22 16:41:56.558   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4748. 02-22 16:41:56.558   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4749. 02-22 16:41:56.596   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4750. 02-22 16:41:56.634   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4751. 02-22 16:41:56.672   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4752. 02-22 16:41:58.300  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  4753. 02-22 16:41:59.273  1038  1062 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from uid 10016 on display 0
  4754. 02-22 16:41:59.277   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4755. 02-22 16:41:59.314   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  4756. 02-22 16:41:59.393  3682  3682 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:157): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  4757. 02-22 16:41:59.403  3682  3682 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:158): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  4758. 02-22 16:41:59.490  3661  3661 W Settings: Activity com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink has unknown category key com.android.settings.category.personal
  4759. 02-22 16:41:59.804  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  4760. 02-22 16:41:59.820  3661  3661 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI took: 396 ms
  4761. 02-22 16:41:59.987  3661  3698 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 12 millis
  4762. 02-22 16:42:00.024  3661  3698 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 37 millis
  4763. 02-22 16:42:00.100  3661  3698 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 6 millis
  4764. 02-22 16:42:00.104  3661  3698 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 4 millis
  4765. 02-22 16:42:00.169  3661  3698 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 7 millis
  4766. 02-22 16:42:00.179  3661  3698 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 10 millis
  4767. 02-22 16:42:02.344   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4768. 02-22 16:42:02.518   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4769. 02-22 16:42:02.519   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4770. 02-22 16:42:02.519   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4771. 02-22 16:42:02.543   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4772. 02-22 16:42:02.543   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4773. 02-22 16:42:03.637  1038  1936 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.updater/.Updater} from uid 1000 on display 0
  4774. 02-22 16:42:03.639   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4775. 02-22 16:42:03.652   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4776. 02-22 16:42:03.687   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4777. 02-22 16:42:03.687   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4778. 02-22 16:42:03.687   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4779. 02-22 16:42:03.688   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4780. 02-22 16:42:03.688   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4781. 02-22 16:42:03.700  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4655:com.evervolv.updater/u0a6 for activity com.evervolv.updater/.Updater
  4782. 02-22 16:42:03.713   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4783. 02-22 16:42:03.713   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4784. 02-22 16:42:03.714   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4785. 02-22 16:42:03.714   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4786. 02-22 16:42:03.714   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4787. 02-22 16:42:03.714   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4788. 02-22 16:42:03.714   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4789. 02-22 16:42:03.747  4655  4655 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  4790. 02-22 16:42:03.751   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4791. 02-22 16:42:03.766  4655  4655 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  4792. 02-22 16:42:03.789   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4793. 02-22 16:42:03.827   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4794. 02-22 16:42:03.879  3661  3682 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x6948ac00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x5937fa40
  4795. 02-22 16:42:03.899  4655  4655 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/EVUpdater/lib/arm
  4796. 02-22 16:42:03.938  4655  4655 I ToolbarWidgetWrapper: Progress display unsupported
  4797. 02-22 16:42:04.021  1038  1906 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.content.pm.action.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10006 on display 0
  4798. 02-22 16:42:04.112  4655  4670 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  4799. 02-22 16:42:04.159  1038  1405 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4671:com.android.packageinstaller/u0a12 for activity com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity
  4800. 02-22 16:42:04.187  4671  4671 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  4801. 02-22 16:42:04.232  4671  4671 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  4802. 02-22 16:42:04.344  4671  4671 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/PackageInstaller/lib/arm
  4803. 02-22 16:42:04.418  4670  4670 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:159): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  4804. 02-22 16:42:04.430  4655  4670 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  4805. 02-22 16:42:04.430  4655  4670 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  4806. 02-22 16:42:04.430  4655  4670 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  4807. 02-22 16:42:04.430  4655  4670 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  4808. 02-22 16:42:04.430  4655  4670 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  4809. 02-22 16:42:04.430  4655  4670 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  4810. 02-22 16:42:04.444  4655  4670 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  4811. 02-22 16:42:04.680  4671  4689 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  4812. 02-22 16:42:04.765  4671  4689 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  4813. 02-22 16:42:04.765  4671  4689 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  4814. 02-22 16:42:04.765  4671  4689 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  4815. 02-22 16:42:04.765  4671  4689 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  4816. 02-22 16:42:04.765  4671  4689 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  4817. 02-22 16:42:04.765  4671  4689 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  4818. 02-22 16:42:04.779  4671  4689 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  4819. 02-22 16:42:04.913  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity: +773ms (total +1s225ms)
  4820. 02-22 16:42:06.200  2324  3168 I ClearcutLoggerApiImpl: disconnect managed GoogleApiClient
  4821. 02-22 16:42:06.763   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4822. 02-22 16:42:06.930   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4823. 02-22 16:42:06.930   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4824. 02-22 16:42:06.930   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4825. 02-22 16:42:06.957   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4826. 02-22 16:42:06.957   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4827. 02-22 16:42:08.595   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4828. 02-22 16:42:08.597  1038  1404 D VoldConnector: SND -> {33 volume remount_uid 10006 read}
  4829. 02-22 16:42:08.598   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10006 as mode read
  4830. 02-22 16:42:08.608   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4831. 02-22 16:42:08.611   138   190 D vold    : Found matching PID 4655
  4832. 02-22 16:42:08.643   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4833. 02-22 16:42:08.643   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4834. 02-22 16:42:08.643   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4835. 02-22 16:42:08.644   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4836. 02-22 16:42:08.644   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4837. 02-22 16:42:08.658   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4838. 02-22 16:42:08.658   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4839. 02-22 16:42:08.658   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4840. 02-22 16:42:08.658   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4841. 02-22 16:42:08.658   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4842. 02-22 16:42:08.658   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4843. 02-22 16:42:08.658   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4844. 02-22 16:42:08.666  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 33 Command succeeded}
  4845. 02-22 16:42:08.668  1038  2144 D VoldConnector: SND -> {34 volume remount_uid 10006 write}
  4846. 02-22 16:42:08.669   138   190 D vold    : Remounting 10006 as mode write
  4847. 02-22 16:42:08.674   138   190 D vold    : Found matching PID 4655
  4848. 02-22 16:42:08.692   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  4849. 02-22 16:42:08.704   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4850. 02-22 16:42:08.706  1038  1260 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 34 Command succeeded}
  4851. 02-22 16:42:08.743   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4852. 02-22 16:42:08.775  4671  4689 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x6aa3a100 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x6c558e90
  4853. 02-22 16:42:08.781   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4854. 02-22 16:42:08.970   163   163 W SurfaceFlinger: couldn't log to binary event log: overflow.
  4855. 02-22 16:42:10.755   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4856. 02-22 16:42:10.805   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(17)
  4857. 02-22 16:42:12.038   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4858. 02-22 16:42:12.041  1038  2060 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4694:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a6 for service com.evervolv.updater/.services.UpdateManifestService
  4859. 02-22 16:42:12.068  4694  4694 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  4860. 02-22 16:42:12.083  4694  4694 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  4861. 02-22 16:42:12.181  4694  4694 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/EVUpdater/lib/arm
  4862. 02-22 16:42:13.336  1038  1308 I ActivityManager: Killing 2213:android.process.media/u0a5 (adj 15): empty for 2625s
  4863. 02-22 16:42:15.038   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4864. 02-22 16:42:15.968   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4865. 02-22 16:42:17.535  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=12452775,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
  4866. 02-22 16:42:19.038   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4867. 02-22 16:42:19.204   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4868. 02-22 16:42:19.205   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4869. 02-22 16:42:19.205   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4870. 02-22 16:42:19.229   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4871. 02-22 16:42:19.229   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4872. 02-22 16:42:33.799  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=12469038,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  4873. 02-22 16:43:15.863  1038  1071 I PowerManagerService: Nap time (uid 1000)...
  4874. 02-22 16:43:15.867  1038  1071 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland.
  4875. 02-22 16:43:15.868  1038  1071 I PowerManagerService: Dreaming...
  4876. 02-22 16:43:15.869  1038  1066 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.deskclock/com.android.deskclock.Screensaver}, isTest=false, canDoze=false, userId=0
  4877. 02-22 16:43:16.044  1038  1402 W InputMethodManagerService: Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@8f37a (uid=10006 pid=4655)
  4878. 02-22 16:43:16.225  1038  1048 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 28611(1512KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 27% free, 10MB/14MB, paused 1.953ms total 193.298ms
  4879. 02-22 16:43:20.939  1038  1258 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)...
  4880. 02-22 16:43:20.941  1038  1071 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream.
  4881. 02-22 16:43:20.942  1038  1071 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
  4882. 02-22 16:43:20.946  1038  1402 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland.
  4883. 02-22 16:43:20.947  1038  1066 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.deskclock/com.android.deskclock.Screensaver}, isTest=false, canDoze=false, userId=0
  4884. 02-22 16:43:20.956   193   351 W AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getOutputForAttr uid 10016 tried to pass itself off as 1000
  4885. 02-22 16:43:20.966   193  1873 W AudioFlinger: uid 10016 tried to pass itself off as 1000
  4886. 02-22 16:43:20.968   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4887. 02-22 16:43:20.973  1071  1071 I PowerManagerSer: type=1400 audit(0.0:160): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=915 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  4888. 02-22 16:43:20.982   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4889. 02-22 16:43:21.013  1071  1071 I PowerManagerSer: type=1400 audit(0.0:161): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  4890. 02-22 16:43:21.017   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  4891. 02-22 16:43:21.017   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4892. 02-22 16:43:21.017   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4893. 02-22 16:43:21.017   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  4894. 02-22 16:43:21.017   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  4895. 02-22 16:43:21.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  4896. 02-22 16:43:21.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  4897. 02-22 16:43:21.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  4898. 02-22 16:43:21.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  4899. 02-22 16:43:21.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  4900. 02-22 16:43:21.043   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  4901. 02-22 16:43:21.044   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4902. 02-22 16:43:21.082   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4903. 02-22 16:43:21.107   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  4904. 02-22 16:43:21.531  1038  1071 D Sensors : sensor activation called: handle=0, enabled=0********************************
  4905. 02-22 16:43:21.532  1038  1071 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOff()
  4906. 02-22 16:43:21.558  1038  1069 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
  4907. 02-22 16:43:21.569   163   163 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x76964000
  4908. 02-22 16:43:21.569   163   163 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0
  4909. 02-22 16:43:21.644  1290  1290 I PhotonicModulat: type=1400 audit(0.0:162): avc: denied { write } for name="tsdriver" dev="tmpfs" ino=3223 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:socket_device:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=1
  4910. 02-22 16:43:21.649   163   163 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0
  4911. 02-22 16:43:21.650  1038  1290 I Tenderloin PowerHAL: Disabling touch screen
  4912. 02-22 16:43:21.651   164   164 I ts_power: touchscreen_power: enable=0, ts_state=1
  4913. 02-22 16:43:21.683  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend true
  4914. 02-22 16:43:21.690   193  1276 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  4915. 02-22 16:43:21.690   193  1276 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  4916. 02-22 16:43:21.699  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
  4917. 02-22 16:43:21.904  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
  4918. 02-22 16:43:24.113   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  4919. 02-22 16:43:24.281   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  4920. 02-22 16:43:24.282   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  4921. 02-22 16:43:24.282   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  4922. 02-22 16:43:24.308   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  4923. 02-22 16:43:24.308   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  4924. 02-22 16:45:03.040  1038  1906 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@a135891}
  4925. 02-22 16:45:03.046  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend true
  4926. 02-22 16:45:03.105  1038  2144 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@a135891}
  4927. 02-22 16:45:03.112  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend true
  4928. 02-22 16:50:55.024  1038  1264 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/ConnectivityExt.jar
  4929. 02-22 16:50:55.024  1038  1264 W System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherstatsextension.TetherStatsReporting" on path: DexPathList[[],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
  4930. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:56)
  4931. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:511)
  4932. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:469)
  4933. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetPluginDelegate.loadTetherExtJar(NetPluginDelegate.java:83)
  4934. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetPluginDelegate.getTetherStats(NetPluginDelegate.java:50)
  4935. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.recordSnapshotLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:974)
  4936. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPollLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:1035)
  4937. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPoll(NetworkStatsService.java:1009)
  4938. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.-wrap4(NetworkStatsService.java)
  4939. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService$2.onReceive(NetworkStatsService.java:798)
  4940. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:882)
  4941. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
  4942. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  4943. 02-22 16:50:55.025  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  4944. 02-22 16:50:55.027  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  4945. 02-22 16:50:55.027  1038  1264 W System.err:    Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherstatsextension.TetherStatsReporting" on path: DexPathList[[directory "."],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
  4946. 02-22 16:50:55.027  1038  1264 W System.err:            at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:56)
  4947. 02-22 16:50:55.027  1038  1264 W System.err:            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:511)
  4948. 02-22 16:50:55.027  1038  1264 W System.err:            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:504)
  4949. 02-22 16:50:55.028  1038  1264 W System.err:            ... 13 more
  4950. 02-22 16:50:55.028  1038  1264 W System.err:            Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.qualcomm.qti.tetherstatsextension.TetherStatsReporting
  4951. 02-22 16:50:55.028  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
  4952. 02-22 16:50:55.028  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(ClassLoader.java:781)
  4953. 02-22 16:50:55.028  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:841)
  4954. 02-22 16:50:55.028  1038  1264 W System.err:                    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:504)
  4955. 02-22 16:50:55.028  1038  1264 W System.err:                    ... 14 more
  4956. 02-22 16:50:55.028  1038  1264 W System.err:            Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack trace available
  4957. 02-22 16:50:55.028  1038  1264 W ConnectivityExtension: unable to ConnectivityExt jar
  4958. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.reflect.Method java.lang.Class.getMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class[])' on a null object reference
  4959. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetPluginDelegate.getTetherStats(NetPluginDelegate.java:52)
  4960. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.recordSnapshotLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:974)
  4961. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPollLocked(NetworkStatsService.java:1035)
  4962. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.performPoll(NetworkStatsService.java:1009)
  4963. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService.-wrap4(NetworkStatsService.java)
  4964. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService$2.onReceive(NetworkStatsService.java:798)
  4965. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:882)
  4966. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
  4967. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  4968. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
  4969. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W System.err:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  4970. 02-22 16:50:55.038  1038  1264 W ConnectivityExtension: error in invoke method
  4971. 02-22 16:50:55.131  2343  4782 I EventLogService: Opted in for usage reporting
  4972. 02-22 16:50:55.132  2343  4782 I EventLogService: Aggregate from 1456154454250 (log), 1456154454250 (data)
  4973. 02-22 17:03:56.777  1038  1063 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk
  4974. 02-22 17:04:39.017  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=13794256,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
  4975. 02-22 17:04:39.022  1038  1258 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid 1000)...
  4976. 02-22 17:04:39.026  1038  1071 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
  4977. 02-22 17:04:39.032  1038  1038 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onStartedWakingUp()
  4978. 02-22 17:04:39.036  1038  1071 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$2@71b941b)
  4979. 02-22 17:04:39.048  1038  1061 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  4980. 02-22 17:04:39.080  1038  1290 I Tenderloin PowerHAL: Enabling touch screen
  4981. 02-22 17:04:39.083   163   163 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x76964000
  4982. 02-22 17:04:39.083   163   163 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0
  4983. 02-22 17:04:39.083   164   164 I ts_power: touchscreen_power: enable=1, ts_state=0
  4984. 02-22 17:04:39.085  1038  1069 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
  4985. 02-22 17:04:39.141   163   163 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0
  4986. 02-22 17:04:39.160  1038  1065 D Sensors : sensor activation called: handle=0, enabled=1********************************
  4987. 02-22 17:04:39.164  1038  1071 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 137 ms
  4988. 02-22 17:04:39.165  1038  1071 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn()
  4989. 02-22 17:04:39.296   193   351 V audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: CALLED
  4990. 02-22 17:04:39.296  1038  1267 E native  : do suspend false
  4991. 02-22 17:04:39.296   193   351 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  4992. 02-22 17:04:39.298  1038  1267 D WifiConfigStore: No blacklist allowed without epno enabled
  4993. 02-22 17:04:39.380  1038  1403 D WifiService: acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@a135891}
  4994. 02-22 17:04:40.112  1038  1933 D WifiService: releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@a135891}
  4995. 02-22 17:04:42.558  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  4996. 02-22 17:04:42.596   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  4997. 02-22 17:04:42.602  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
  4998. 02-22 17:04:42.609   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  4999. 02-22 17:04:42.645   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  5000. 02-22 17:04:42.645   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  5001. 02-22 17:04:42.645   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  5002. 02-22 17:04:42.645   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  5003. 02-22 17:04:42.645   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  5004. 02-22 17:04:42.665  2324  2324 V UserPresentBroadcastReceiver: Received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver }.
  5005. 02-22 17:04:42.671   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  5006. 02-22 17:04:42.671   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  5007. 02-22 17:04:42.671   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  5008. 02-22 17:04:42.671   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  5009. 02-22 17:04:42.671   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  5010. 02-22 17:04:42.671   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  5011. 02-22 17:04:42.671   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  5012. 02-22 17:04:42.697   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(36)
  5013. 02-22 17:04:42.701  1429  1429 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
  5014. 02-22 17:04:42.709   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5015. 02-22 17:04:42.734   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5016. 02-22 17:04:42.806   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(81)
  5017. 02-22 17:04:43.087  4655  4655 I Choreographer: Skipped 30 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  5018. 02-22 17:04:43.093  1038  1308 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@67dc2c4 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@c82b03f
  5019. 02-22 17:04:45.807   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  5020. 02-22 17:04:45.985   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  5021. 02-22 17:04:45.986   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  5022. 02-22 17:04:45.986   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  5023. 02-22 17:04:46.014   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  5024. 02-22 17:04:46.014   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  5025. 02-22 17:04:46.284   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5026. 02-22 17:04:46.297   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  5027. 02-22 17:04:46.332   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  5028. 02-22 17:04:46.332   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  5029. 02-22 17:04:46.333   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  5030. 02-22 17:04:46.333   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  5031. 02-22 17:04:46.333   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  5032. 02-22 17:04:46.358   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  5033. 02-22 17:04:46.358   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  5034. 02-22 17:04:46.359   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  5035. 02-22 17:04:46.359   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  5036. 02-22 17:04:46.359   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  5037. 02-22 17:04:46.359   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  5038. 02-22 17:04:46.359   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  5039. 02-22 17:04:46.397   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5040. 02-22 17:04:46.436   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5041. 02-22 17:04:46.474   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5042. 02-22 17:04:47.278   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5043. 02-22 17:04:47.315   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  5044. 02-22 17:04:50.345   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  5045. 02-22 17:04:50.526   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  5046. 02-22 17:04:50.527   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  5047. 02-22 17:04:50.527   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  5048. 02-22 17:04:50.555   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  5049. 02-22 17:04:50.555   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  5050. 02-22 17:04:54.072   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5051. 02-22 17:04:54.085   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  5052. 02-22 17:04:54.121   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  5053. 02-22 17:04:54.121   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  5054. 02-22 17:04:54.121   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  5055. 02-22 17:04:54.121   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  5056. 02-22 17:04:54.121   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  5057. 02-22 17:04:54.147   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  5058. 02-22 17:04:54.147   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  5059. 02-22 17:04:54.147   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  5060. 02-22 17:04:54.147   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  5061. 02-22 17:04:54.147   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  5062. 02-22 17:04:54.147   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  5063. 02-22 17:04:54.147   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  5064. 02-22 17:04:54.188   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5065. 02-22 17:04:54.226   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5066. 02-22 17:04:54.254  3661  3661 W Settings: Activity com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink has unknown category key com.android.settings.category.personal
  5067. 02-22 17:04:54.264   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5068. 02-22 17:04:54.501  3661  3661 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI took: 301 ms
  5069. 02-22 17:04:54.639  3661  3699 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 4 millis
  5070. 02-22 17:04:54.670  4655  4670 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x6958b500 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x69abf580
  5071. 02-22 17:04:54.679  3661  3699 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 40 millis
  5072. 02-22 17:04:54.759  3661  3699 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 3 millis
  5073. 02-22 17:04:54.762  3661  3699 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 3 millis
  5074. 02-22 17:04:54.809  3661  3699 D Index   : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 3 millis
  5075. 02-22 17:04:54.823  3661  3699 D Index   : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 14 millis
  5076. 02-22 17:04:57.109   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5077. 02-22 17:04:57.110  1038  1402 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox} from uid 1000 on display 0
  5078. 02-22 17:04:57.139   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  5079. 02-22 17:04:57.172  1038  1404 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4815:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 for activity com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox
  5080. 02-22 17:04:57.221  4815  4815 I art     : Late-enabling JIT
  5081. 02-22 17:04:57.241  4815  4815 I art     : JIT created with code_cache_capacity=2MB compile_threshold=1000
  5082. 02-22 17:04:57.314  3661  3682 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x693bbd80 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x5937f1a0
  5083. 02-22 17:04:57.364  4815  4815 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/EVToolbox/lib/arm
  5084. 02-22 17:04:57.535  4815  4815 D Toolbox : Selected item=0
  5085. 02-22 17:04:57.642  4815  4829 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
  5086. 02-22 17:04:57.777  4829  4829 I RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:163): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  5087. 02-22 17:04:57.784  4815  4829 I Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
  5088. 02-22 17:04:57.784  4815  4829 I Adreno200-EGL: Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
  5089. 02-22 17:04:57.784  4815  4829 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Branch:
  5090. 02-22 17:04:57.784  4815  4829 I Adreno200-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
  5091. 02-22 17:04:57.784  4815  4829 I Adreno200-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
  5092. 02-22 17:04:57.784  4815  4829 I Adreno200-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. +  NOTHING
  5093. 02-22 17:04:57.794  4815  4829 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  5094. 02-22 17:04:58.102  1038  1069 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox: +944ms
  5095. 02-22 17:04:59.791  1038  1267 D WifiStateMachine: starting scan for "bintec_w1002n"-WPA_PSK with 2437
  5096. 02-22 17:04:59.803   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5097. 02-22 17:05:00.018  4815  4815 D Toolbox : Selected item=5
  5098. 02-22 17:05:02.772   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5099. 02-22 17:05:04.100  1038  2915 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=13819340,, [001A8CF0BC40], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
  5100. 02-22 17:05:05.840   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: CALLED
  5101. 02-22 17:05:06.021   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: do_out_standby: calling select_devices
  5102. 02-22 17:05:06.022   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  5103. 02-22 17:05:06.022   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  5104. 02-22 17:05:06.050   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: disable speaker/headphones
  5105. 02-22 17:05:06.050   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  5106. 02-22 17:05:07.323   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5107. 02-22 17:05:07.336   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: CALLED
  5108. 02-22 17:05:07.371   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: calling select_devices
  5109. 02-22 17:05:07.372   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
  5110. 02-22 17:05:07.372   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
  5111. 02-22 17:05:07.372   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
  5112. 02-22 17:05:07.372   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
  5113. 02-22 17:05:07.386   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
  5114. 02-22 17:05:07.386   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
  5115. 02-22 17:05:07.386   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
  5116. 02-22 17:05:07.386   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
  5117. 02-22 17:05:07.386   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
  5118. 02-22 17:05:07.386   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: enable speaker
  5119. 02-22 17:05:07.386   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: state hp=n skr=y mic=y
  5120. 02-22 17:05:07.425   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5121. 02-22 17:05:07.463   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5122. 02-22 17:05:07.501   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5123. 02-22 17:05:07.542   193   345 W audio_hw_primary: pcm_write: underrun
  5124. 02-22 17:05:07.746   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5125. 02-22 17:05:07.773   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(12)
  5126. 02-22 17:05:08.794   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5127. 02-22 17:05:09.324   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5128. 02-22 17:05:09.374   193   345 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x74480000) throttle end: throttle time(6)
  5129. 02-22 17:05:10.238   193   345 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
  5130. 02-22 17:05:10.279  4835  4835 I init    : type=1400 audit(0.0:164): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path="/system/bin/dumplogcat" dev="dm-10" ino=180 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
  5131. 02-22 17:05:10.295  4815  4815 D EVToolbox: Calling dumplogcat:-D -B -o /data/user/0/com.evervolv.toolbox/files/logcat -m -r -d -k
  5132. 02-22 17:05:10.299  4835  4835 I dumplogcat: type=1400 audit(0.0:165): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  5133. 02-22 17:05:10.330  4838  4838 I logcat  : type=1400 audit(0.0:166): avc: denied { write } for path="/data/data/com.evervolv.toolbox/files/logcat-2016-02-22-17-05-10.txt.tmp" dev="dm-9" ino=1045274 scontext=u:r:logd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_app_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
  5134. 02-22 17:05:10.330  4838  4838 I logcat  : type=1400 audit(0.0:167): avc: denied { module_request } for kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:logd:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  5135. 02-22 17:05:10.455  4815  4829 V RenderScript: 0x69fed000 Launching thread(s), CPUs 2
  5136. [logcat: 0.804s elapsed]
  5138. ------ RADIO LOG (logcat -b radio -d *:v) ------
  5139. 02-22 13:16:14.270   201   201 D TelephonyManager: /proc/cmdline=androidboot.selinux=permissive  androidboot.hardware=tenderloin  root=/dev/ram0 rootwait ro fbcon=disable console=ttyS0,115200n8 androidboot.serialno=HTJ1VU13PDKVKNJES4H4LV8IDI5P2F3A  fb=0x7f600000 nduid=1bfc0fd7819b1df4fe47c94425f329d469c2ed05 klog=0x7ff00000 klog_len=0x100000 boardtype=topaz-Wifi-pvt lastboot=crash
  5140. 02-22 13:16:59.061  1038  1038 E CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'android.os.PersistableBundle com.android.internal.telephony.ICarrierConfigLoader.getConfigForSubId(int)' on a null object reference
  5141. 02-22 13:17:00.781  1038  1062 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
  5142. 02-22 13:17:04.491  1038  1064 D TelephonyRegistry: systemRunning register for intents
  5143. 02-22 13:17:07.122  1038  1386 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
  5144. 02-22 13:17:12.752  1879  1879 D TDC     : updateOrInsert: inserting: Modem { uuid=modem, state=0, rilModel=0, rat={}, maxActiveVoiceCall=1, maxActiveDataCall=1, maxStandby=1 }
  5145. 02-22 13:17:12.752  1879  1879 D TDC     : updateOrInsert: inserting: Sim { uuid=sim, modemUuid=modem, state=0 }
  5146. 02-22 13:17:12.855  1879  1879 D CdmaSSM : subscriptionSource from settings: 1
  5147. 02-22 13:17:12.855  1879  1879 I PhoneFactory: Cdma Subscription set to 1
  5148. 02-22 13:17:12.863  1879  1879 I PhoneFactory: RILClassname is RIL
  5149. 02-22 13:17:12.871  1879  1879 I PhoneFactory: Network Mode set to 0
  5150. 02-22 13:17:12.873  1879  1879 D RILJ    : RIL(context, preferredNetworkType=0 cdmaSubscription=1)
  5151. 02-22 13:17:12.879  1879  1879 D RILJ    : Not starting RILReceiver: wifi-only [SUB0]
  5152. 02-22 13:17:12.880  1879  1879 D RILJ    : [3648]> GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG [SUB0]
  5153. 02-22 13:17:12.881  1879  1879 D RilRequest: [3648]< GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
  5154. 02-22 13:17:12.881  1879  1879 I PhoneFactory: Creating SubscriptionController
  5155. 02-22 13:17:12.884  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [SubscriptionController] init by Context
  5156. 02-22 13:17:12.886  1879  1879 D UiccController: Creating UiccController
  5157. 02-22 13:17:12.892  1879  1879 D TelephonyTester: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_detached
  5158. 02-22 13:17:12.892  1879  1879 D TelephonyTester: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_attached
  5159. 02-22 13:17:14.256  1038  1038 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyCellLocationForSubscriber: subId=0 cellLocation=Bundle[{}]
  5160. 02-22 13:17:14.261  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- no sims, returning default phoneId=2147483647
  5161. 02-22 13:17:14.286  1879  1879 D PhoneBase: mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=true
  5162. 02-22 13:17:14.286  1879  1879 D PhoneBase: mCallRingDelay=3000
  5163. 02-22 13:17:16.150  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubIdList] simInfoSet=[]
  5164. 02-22 13:17:16.150  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubIdList] X subIdArr.length=0
  5165. 02-22 13:17:16.155  1879  1879 D RILJ    : [3649]> RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE [SUB0]
  5166. 02-22 13:17:16.155  1879  1879 D RilRequest: [3649]< RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
  5167. 02-22 13:17:16.155  1879  1879 D RILJ    : setPhoneType=1 old value=0 [SUB0]
  5168. 02-22 13:17:16.196  1038  1402 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
  5169. 02-22 13:17:16.197  1038  1405 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
  5170. 02-22 13:17:16.201  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.network.type value: Unknown propVal=Unknown
  5171. 02-22 13:17:16.208  1879  1879 D RILJ    : [3650]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH [SUB0]
  5172. 02-22 13:17:16.208  1879  1879 D RilRequest: [3650]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
  5173. 02-22 13:17:16.233  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]DCT.constructor
  5174. 02-22 13:17:16.234  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5175. 02-22 13:17:16.234  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]getDataEnabled: getIntWithSubId retVal=true
  5176. 02-22 13:17:16.237  1038  1061 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
  5177. 02-22 13:17:16.245  1879  1879 D Dcc     : E ctor
  5178. 02-22 13:17:16.245  1879  1879 D Dcc     : X ctor
  5179. 02-22 13:17:16.254  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1
  5180. 02-22 13:17:16.254  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5181. 02-22 13:17:16.258  1879  1879 D DcTesterFailBrinupAll: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.action_fail_bringup
  5182. 02-22 13:17:16.258  1879  1879 D DcTesterFailBrinupAll: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_detached
  5183. 02-22 13:17:16.258  1879  1879 D DcTesterFailBrinupAll: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_attached
  5184. 02-22 13:17:16.259  1879  2124 D DcTesterDeacativeAll: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.action_deactivate_all
  5185. 02-22 13:17:16.259  1879  2124 D DcTesterDeacativeAll: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_detached
  5186. 02-22 13:17:16.295  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]GsmDCT.constructor
  5187. 02-22 13:17:16.295  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5188. 02-22 13:17:16.295  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]update sub = -2
  5189. 02-22 13:17:16.295  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]update(): Active DDS, register for all events now!
  5190. 02-22 13:17:16.296  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0
  5191. 02-22 13:17:16.296  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.network.type value: Unknown propVal=Unknown
  5192. 02-22 13:17:16.297  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]getDataEnabled: getIntWithSubId retVal=true
  5193. 02-22 13:17:16.303  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5194. 02-22 13:17:16.303  1879  1879 D GSMPhone: [GSMPhone] updateCurrentCarrierInProvider: mSubId = -2 currentDds = -1 operatorNumeric = null
  5195. 02-22 13:17:16.305  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]initApnContexts: E
  5196. 02-22 13:17:16.305  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=1
  5197. 02-22 13:17:16.305  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]initApnContexts: X mApnContexts={}
  5198. 02-22 13:17:16.361  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.current.phone-type value: 1 propVal=1
  5199. 02-22 13:17:16.361  1879  1879 D GSMPhone: [GSMPhone] GSMPhone: constructor: sub = 0
  5200. 02-22 13:17:16.361  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.current.phone-type value: 1 propVal=1
  5201. 02-22 13:17:16.362  1879  1879 I PhoneFactory: Creating Phone with type = 1 sub = 0
  5202. 02-22 13:17:16.371  1879  1879 E RIL_ImsSms: getFormat should never be called from here!
  5203. 02-22 13:17:16.371  1879  1879 D SMSDispatcher: SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=false format=unknown mSmsSendDisabled=true
  5204. 02-22 13:17:16.371  1879  1879 D RIL_ImsSms: ImsSMSDispatcher created
  5205. 02-22 13:17:16.395  1879  1879 D SMSDispatcher: SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=false format=3gpp2 mSmsSendDisabled=true
  5206. 02-22 13:17:16.395  1879  1879 D CdmaSMSDispatcher: CdmaSMSDispatcher created
  5207. 02-22 13:17:19.963  1879  2138 D GsmCellBroadcastHandler: mWakeLock released
  5208. 02-22 13:17:20.058  1879  1879 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: created InboundSmsHandler
  5209. 02-22 13:17:20.632  1879  1879 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: created InboundSmsHandler
  5210. 02-22 13:17:20.646  1879  1879 D SMSDispatcher: SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=false format=3gpp mSmsSendDisabled=true
  5211. 02-22 13:17:20.646  1879  1879 D GsmSMSDispatcher: GsmSMSDispatcher created
  5212. 02-22 13:17:20.648  1879  1879 D IccCardProxy: ctor: ci=com.android.internal.telephony.RIL@98123f1 phoneId=0
  5213. 02-22 13:17:20.648  1879  1879 D CdmaSSM : subscriptionSource from settings: 1
  5214. 02-22 13:17:20.648  1879  1879 D CdmaSSM : cdmaSSM constructor: 1
  5215. 02-22 13:17:20.648  1879  1879 D IccCardProxy: update icc_operator_numeric=
  5216. 02-22 13:17:20.649  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.operator.numeric value:  propVal=
  5217. 02-22 13:17:20.649  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.operator.iso-country value:  propVal=
  5218. 02-22 13:17:20.650  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.operator.alpha value:  propVal=
  5219. 02-22 13:17:20.651  1879  1879 E IccCardProxy: setExternalState: set mPhoneId=0 mExternalState=NOT_READY
  5220. 02-22 13:17:20.651  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.state value: NOT_READY propVal=NOT_READY
  5221. 02-22 13:17:20.652  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5222. 02-22 13:17:20.652  1879  1879 D IccCardProxy: broadcastIccStateChangedIntent intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED value=NOT_READY reason=null for mPhoneId=0
  5223. 02-22 13:17:20.660  1879  2199 D SmsBroadcastUndelivered: scanning raw table for undelivered messages
  5224. 02-22 13:17:20.671  1879  1879 D IccCardProxy: Setting radio tech UMTS
  5225. 02-22 13:17:20.671  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
  5226. 02-22 13:17:20.671  1879  1879 D IccCardProxy: updateQuietMode: 3GPP subscription -> newQuietMode=false
  5227. 02-22 13:17:20.671  1879  1879 D IccCardProxy: updateQuietMode: no changes don't setExternalState
  5228. 02-22 13:17:20.671  1879  1879 D IccCardProxy: updateQuietMode: QuietMode is false (app_type=1 isLteOnCdmaMode=false cdmaSource=-1)
  5229. 02-22 13:17:20.686  1879  1879 D ProxyController: Constructor - Enter
  5230. 02-22 13:17:20.687  1879  1879 D DctController: makeDctController: new DctController phones.length=1
  5231. 02-22 13:17:20.687  1879  1879 D DctController: DctController(): phones.length=1
  5232. 02-22 13:17:20.692  1879  1879 D DcSwitchSM: [DcSwitchStateMachine-0] DcSwitchState constructor E
  5233. 02-22 13:17:20.692  1879  1879 D DcSwitchSM: [DcSwitchStateMachine-0] DcSwitchState constructor X
  5234. 02-22 13:17:20.692  1879  2201 D DcSwitchSM: [DcSwitchStateMachine-0] IdleState: enter
  5235. 02-22 13:17:20.695  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5236. 02-22 13:17:20.695  1879  1879 D DctController: DctController(phones): Connect success: 0
  5237. 02-22 13:17:20.695  1879  1879 D DctController: updatePhoneBaseForIndex for phone index=0
  5238. 02-22 13:17:20.695  1879  1879 D DctController: unregister TelephonyNetworkFactory for phone index=0
  5239. 02-22 13:17:20.710  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5240. 02-22 13:17:20.710  1879  1879 D DctController: [TNF -2]NetworkCapabilities: [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN]
  5241. 02-22 13:17:20.719  1038  1061 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
  5242. 02-22 13:17:20.720  1879  1879 D DctController: makeDctController: X sDctController=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DctController) {f85314f}
  5243. 02-22 13:17:20.724  1879  1879 D ProxyController: clearTransaction
  5244. 02-22 13:17:20.724  1879  1879 D ProxyController: clearTransaction: phoneId=0 status=IDLE
  5245. 02-22 13:17:20.724  1879  1879 D ProxyController: Constructor - Exit
  5246. 02-22 13:17:20.724  1879  1879 I PhoneFactory: defaultSmsApplication: NONE
  5247. 02-22 13:17:20.734  1879  1879 I PhoneFactory: Creating SubInfoRecordUpdater
  5248. 02-22 13:17:20.735  1879  1879 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: Constructor invoked
  5249. 02-22 13:17:20.774  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5250. 02-22 13:17:20.890  1879  1879 D CallManager: registerPhone(GSM Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneProxy) {df48ec8})
  5251. 02-22 13:17:21.260  1879  2199 D SmsBroadcastUndelivered: finished scanning raw table in 600 ms
  5252. 02-22 13:17:21.261  1879  2139 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: StartupState.processMessage:6
  5253. 02-22 13:17:21.262  1879  2139 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: entering Idle state
  5254. 02-22 13:17:21.262  1879  2182 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: StartupState.processMessage:6
  5255. 02-22 13:17:21.262  1879  2182 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: entering Idle state
  5256. 02-22 13:17:21.741  1038  1937 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
  5257. 02-22 13:17:21.899  1879  1879 D RILJ    : [3651]> RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE : 0 [SUB0]
  5258. 02-22 13:17:21.899  1879  1879 D RilRequest: [3651]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
  5259. 02-22 13:17:21.955  1038  1936 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
  5260. 02-22 13:17:21.961  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1
  5261. 02-22 13:17:21.961  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5262. 02-22 13:17:21.971  1879  1879 D UiccController: EVENT_RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, dispose card
  5263. 02-22 13:17:21.971  1879  1879 D PhoneBase: config LCE service failed: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  5264. 02-22 13:17:21.971  1879  1879 D RILJ    : [3652]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS [SUB0]
  5265. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D RilRequest: [3652]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
  5266. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] mDeviceShuttingDown = false
  5267. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] mDesiredPowerState = true
  5268. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] getRadioState = RADIO_UNAVAILABLE
  5269. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] mPowerOffDelayNeed = true
  5270. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] mAlarmSwitch = false
  5271. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D PHONE   : [ServiceState] setNullState=1
  5272. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] useDataRegStateForDataOnlyDevice: VoiceRegState=1 DataRegState=1
  5273. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D PHONE   : [ServiceState] setVoiceRegState=1
  5274. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done:  oldSS=[1 1 voice home data home null null null null null null  Unknown Unknown CSS not supported 0 0 RoamInd=0 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false IsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false] newSS=[1 1 voice home data home null null null null null null  Unknown Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false IsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1
  5275. 02-22 13:17:21.972  1879  1879 D PHONE   : [ServiceState] setNullState=1
  5276. 02-22 13:17:21.973  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out of service, set plmn='No service.'
  5277. 02-22 13:17:21.992  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5278. 02-22 13:17:21.992  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=0 showPlmn='true' plmn='No service.' showSpn='false' spn='' dataSpn='' subId='-2'
  5279. 02-22 13:17:21.992  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5280. 02-22 13:17:22.064  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5281. 02-22 13:17:22.077  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [setPlmnSpn] No valid subscription to store info
  5282. 02-22 13:17:22.079  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: notifySubscriptionInfoChanged:
  5283. 02-22 13:17:22.080  1038  2060 D TelephonyRegistry: notifySubscriptionInfoChanged: first invocation mRecords.size=14
  5284. 02-22 13:17:22.114  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5285. 02-22 13:17:22.131  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubIdList] simInfoSet=[]
  5286. 02-22 13:17:22.131  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubIdList] X subIdArr.length=0
  5287. 02-22 13:17:22.136  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.alpha value:  propVal=
  5288. 02-22 13:17:22.138  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.numeric value:  propVal=
  5289. 02-22 13:17:22.138  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] operatorNumeric is null
  5290. 02-22 13:17:22.139  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.iso-country value:  propVal=
  5291. 02-22 13:17:22.140  1879  1879 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.isroaming value: false propVal=false
  5292. 02-22 13:17:22.143  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] Broadcasting ServiceState : 1 1 voice home data home null null null null null null  Unknown Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false IsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false
  5293. 02-22 13:17:22.143  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5294. 02-22 13:17:22.143  1879  1879 D DefaultPhoneNotifier: nofityServiceState: mRegistry=com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub$Proxy@1bb0c3f ss=1 1 voice home data home null null null null null null  Unknown Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false IsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false sender=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GSMPhone) {b51eb61} phondId=0 subId=-2
  5295. 02-22 13:17:22.146  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid
  5296. 02-22 13:17:22.147  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx:  simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6
  5297. 02-22 13:17:22.147  1038  1936 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0
  5298. 02-22 13:17:22.147  1038  1936 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown
  5299. 02-22 13:17:22.153  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-5s920ms what=270369 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@219990c target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5300. 02-22 13:17:22.154  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-5s858ms what=270342 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@cd00255 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5301. 02-22 13:17:22.154  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onRadioOffOrNotAvailable: is off and clean up all connections
  5302. 02-22 13:17:22.154  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]cleanUpAllConnections: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
  5303. 02-22 13:17:22.154  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5304. 02-22 13:17:22.154  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5305. 02-22 13:17:22.193  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]cleanUpConnection: mDisconnectPendingCount = 0
  5306. 02-22 13:17:22.193  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-5s897ms what=270345 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@805146a target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5307. 02-22 13:17:22.193  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onDataConnectionDetached: stop polling and notify detached
  5308. 02-22 13:17:22.193  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5309. 02-22 13:17:22.193  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5310. 02-22 13:17:22.194  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]notifyDataConnection: reason=dataDetached
  5311. 02-22 13:17:22.194  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-5s898ms what=270348 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@a5e2d5b target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5312. 02-22 13:17:22.194  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onRoamingOff
  5313. 02-22 13:17:22.194  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5314. 02-22 13:17:22.195  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false
  5315. 02-22 13:17:22.196  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]setupDataOnConnectableApns: roamingOff
  5316. 02-22 13:17:22.196  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-5s899ms what=270377 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@b4d39f8 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5317. 02-22 13:17:22.196  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]setupDataOnConnectableApns: nwTypeChanged
  5318. 02-22 13:17:22.196  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5319. 02-22 13:17:22.197  1879  1879 D GsmSMSDispatcher: GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = -2 slotId = 0
  5320. 02-22 13:17:22.197  1879  1879 E IccCardProxy: setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from NOT_READY
  5321. 02-22 13:17:22.197  1879  1879 E IccCardProxy: setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from NOT_READY
  5322. 02-22 13:17:22.197  1879  1879 E IccCardProxy: setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from NOT_READY
  5323. 02-22 13:17:22.197  1879  1879 D DctController: EVENT_PHONE1_DATA_DETACH.
  5324. 02-22 13:17:22.197  1879  2201 D DcSwitchSM: [DcSwitchStateMachine-0] DefaultState: shouldn't happen but ignore msg.what=0x44008
  5325. 02-22 13:17:22.198  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5326. 02-22 13:17:22.198  1879  1879 D DctController: [TNF -2]got request NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
  5327. 02-22 13:17:22.200  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5328. 02-22 13:17:22.200  1879  1879 D DctController: [TNF -2]Cellular needs Network for NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  5329. 02-22 13:17:22.200  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5330. 02-22 13:17:22.200  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5331. 02-22 13:17:22.200  1879  1879 D DctController: [TNF -2]Request not useable, pending request.
  5332. 02-22 13:17:22.201  1879  1879 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: [Receiver]+
  5333. 02-22 13:17:22.201  1879  1879 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: Action: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
  5334. 02-22 13:17:22.201  1879  1879 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: slotId: 0
  5335. 02-22 13:17:22.202  1879  1879 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: simStatus: NOT_READY
  5336. 02-22 13:17:22.202  1879  1879 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: Ignoring simStatus: NOT_READY
  5337. 02-22 13:17:22.202  1879  1879 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: [Receiver]-
  5338. 02-22 13:17:22.203  1879  1879 D DebugService: DebugService DebugService:
  5339. 02-22 13:17:22.207  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5340. 02-22 13:17:22.228  1879  1879 D SipService: SipService: started!
  5341. 02-22 13:17:22.299  1879  1879 D SipService: start:
  5342. 02-22 13:17:22.315  1879  1879 D RILJ    : [3653]> RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE [SUB0]
  5343. 02-22 13:17:22.316  1879  1879 D RilRequest: [3653]< RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
  5344. 02-22 13:17:22.316  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-345ms what=270369 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@9484437 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5345. 02-22 13:17:22.316  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5346. 02-22 13:17:22.316  1879  1879 D GsmSMSDispatcher: GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = -2 slotId = 0
  5347. 02-22 13:17:22.316  1879  1879 E IccCardProxy: setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from NOT_READY
  5348. 02-22 13:17:22.324  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged
  5349. 02-22 13:17:22.324  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5350. 02-22 13:17:22.325  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5351. 02-22 13:17:22.325  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5352. 02-22 13:17:22.327  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5353. 02-22 13:17:22.333  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5354. 02-22 13:17:22.340  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5355. 02-22 13:17:22.345  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5356. 02-22 13:17:22.346  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5357. 02-22 13:17:22.346  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5358. 02-22 13:17:22.379  1879  1879 E PhoneBase: Error! registerForCallWaiting() in PhoneBase should not be called, CDMAPhone inactive.
  5359. 02-22 13:17:22.460  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getAllSubInfoList]+
  5360. 02-22 13:17:22.461  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: selection:null null
  5361. 02-22 13:17:22.472  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getAllSubInfoList]- no info return
  5362. 02-22 13:17:22.477  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged
  5363. 02-22 13:17:22.477  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5364. 02-22 13:17:22.477  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5365. 02-22 13:17:22.479  1879  1879 D DctController: handleMessage msg={ when=-3ms what=107 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DctController }
  5366. 02-22 13:17:22.479  1879  1879 D DctController: onSubInfoReady mPhoneNum=1
  5367. 02-22 13:17:22.479  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5368. 02-22 13:17:22.479  1879  1879 D DctController: onSubInfoReady handle pending requests subId=-2
  5369. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5370. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D DctController: [TNF -2]evalPendingRequest, pending request size is 1
  5371. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5372. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D DctController: [TNF -2]evalPendingRequest: request = NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  5373. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5374. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D DctController: [TNF -2]Cellular needs Network for NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  5375. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5376. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5377. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D DctController: [TNF -2]Request not useable, pending request.
  5378. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D DctController: processRequests
  5379. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D DctController: handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=100 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DctController }
  5380. 02-22 13:17:22.480  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5381. 02-22 13:17:22.483  1879  1879 D DcSwitchAsyncChannel: [DcSwitchAsyncChannel-0]: rspIsIdle=true
  5382. 02-22 13:17:22.483  1879  1879 D DctController: onProcessRequest requestedPhoneId=-1, activePhoneId=-1
  5383. 02-22 13:17:23.245  1879  2162 D CellBroadcastHandler: mWakeLock released
  5384. 02-22 13:17:23.663  1879  2198 D CdmaServiceCategoryProgramHandler: mWakeLock released
  5385. 02-22 13:17:23.926  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
  5386. 02-22 13:17:23.926  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
  5387. 02-22 13:17:23.958  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5388. 02-22 13:17:23.960  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5389. 02-22 13:17:24.264  1879  2139 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: IdleState.processMessage:5
  5390. 02-22 13:17:24.264  1879  2139 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: Idle state processing message type 5
  5391. 02-22 13:17:24.264  1879  2182 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: IdleState.processMessage:5
  5392. 02-22 13:17:24.264  1879  2182 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: Idle state processing message type 5
  5393. 02-22 13:17:24.291  1879  2182 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: mWakeLock released
  5394. 02-22 13:17:24.291  1879  2139 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: mWakeLock released
  5395. 02-22 13:17:24.320  1879  2251 D DCT     : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null
  5396. 02-22 13:17:24.636  1879  1879 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out of service, set plmn='No service.'
  5397. 02-22 13:17:24.706  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5398. 02-22 13:17:24.706  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
  5399. 02-22 13:17:24.707  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=true mIsWifiConnected=false
  5400. 02-22 13:17:24.707  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5401. 02-22 13:17:24.707  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5402. 02-22 13:17:24.707  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5403. 02-22 13:17:24.707  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5404. 02-22 13:17:24.707  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5405. 02-22 13:17:24.707  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5406. 02-22 13:17:25.034  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getAllSubInfoList]+
  5407. 02-22 13:17:25.034  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: selection:null null
  5408. 02-22 13:17:25.122  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getAllSubInfoList]- no info return
  5409. 02-22 13:17:25.483  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getAllSubInfoList]+
  5410. 02-22 13:17:25.483  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: selection:null null
  5411. 02-22 13:17:25.506  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getAllSubInfoList]- no info return
  5412. 02-22 13:17:25.787  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getAllSubInfoList]+
  5413. 02-22 13:17:25.791  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: selection:null null
  5414. 02-22 13:17:25.802  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getAllSubInfoList]- no info return
  5415. 02-22 13:17:42.833  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5416. 02-22 13:17:42.835  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5417. 02-22 13:17:43.353  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubIdList] simInfoSet=[]
  5418. 02-22 13:17:43.353  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubIdList] X subIdArr.length=0
  5419. 02-22 13:18:00.487  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1
  5420. 02-22 13:18:00.487  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5421. 02-22 13:18:00.836  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1
  5422. 02-22 13:18:00.836  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5423. 02-22 13:18:08.239  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5424. 02-22 13:18:08.292  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5425. 02-22 13:18:10.446  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5426. 02-22 13:18:10.446  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5427. 02-22 13:18:10.533  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5428. 02-22 13:18:10.533  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5429. 02-22 13:18:10.560  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5430. 02-22 13:18:10.560  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5431. 02-22 13:18:10.577  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5432. 02-22 13:18:10.578  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5433. 02-22 13:18:10.594  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5434. 02-22 13:18:10.594  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5435. 02-22 13:18:10.888  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5436. 02-22 13:18:10.888  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5437. 02-22 13:18:11.225  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5438. 02-22 13:18:11.226  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  5439. 02-22 13:18:11.228  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5440. 02-22 13:18:11.228  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  5441. 02-22 13:18:11.572  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5442. 02-22 13:18:11.573  1879  1879 D DctController: [TNF -2]Cellular releasing Network for NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  5443. 02-22 13:18:11.573  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5444. 02-22 13:18:11.573  1879  1879 D DctController: [TNF -2]Sub Info has not been ready, remove request.
  5445. 02-22 13:18:11.841  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5446. 02-22 13:18:11.843  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5447. 02-22 13:18:12.157  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubIdList] simInfoSet=[]
  5448. 02-22 13:18:12.157  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubIdList] X subIdArr.length=0
  5449. 02-22 13:18:12.454  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubIdList] simInfoSet=[]
  5450. 02-22 13:18:12.455  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubIdList] X subIdArr.length=0
  5451. 02-22 13:18:18.241  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5452. 02-22 13:18:18.255  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5453. 02-22 13:18:40.171  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5454. 02-22 13:18:40.192  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5455. 02-22 13:18:41.053  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5456. 02-22 13:18:41.056  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5457. 02-22 13:18:41.121  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5458. 02-22 13:18:41.123  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5459. 02-22 13:18:46.494  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5460. 02-22 13:18:46.513  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5461. 02-22 13:18:59.928  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5462. 02-22 13:18:59.998  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5463. 02-22 13:19:22.692  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5464. 02-22 13:19:29.169  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5465. 02-22 13:19:29.176  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5466. 02-22 13:19:29.690  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5467. 02-22 13:19:29.692  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5468. 02-22 13:19:31.732  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5469. 02-22 13:19:31.734  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5470. 02-22 13:19:31.857  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5471. 02-22 13:19:31.860  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5472. 02-22 13:19:34.746  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5473. 02-22 13:19:43.831  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5474. 02-22 13:19:43.838  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5475. 02-22 13:19:57.113  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid
  5476. 02-22 13:19:57.114  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- invalid slotIdx=-1
  5477. 02-22 13:22:22.564  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5478. 02-22 13:22:22.568  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5479. 02-22 13:22:23.255  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5480. 02-22 13:22:23.638  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5481. 02-22 13:22:23.645  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5482. 02-22 13:22:27.468  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5483. 02-22 13:22:27.470  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5484. 02-22 13:22:27.649  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+
  5485. 02-22 13:22:27.651  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
  5486. 02-22 13:23:42.013  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
  5487. 02-22 13:23:42.013  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5488. 02-22 13:23:42.013  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5489. 02-22 13:23:42.042  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]overall state is IDLE
  5490. 02-22 13:23:42.042  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5491. 02-22 13:23:42.182  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5492. 02-22 13:23:42.184  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5493. 02-22 13:23:42.186  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
  5494. 02-22 13:23:42.186  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5495. 02-22 13:23:42.186  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5496. 02-22 13:23:42.186  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]overall state is IDLE
  5497. 02-22 13:23:42.187  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5498. 02-22 13:23:42.204  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5499. 02-22 13:23:42.205  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5500. 02-22 13:23:42.223  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5501. 02-22 13:23:42.223  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5502. 02-22 13:28:42.261  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5503. 02-22 13:28:42.262  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5504. 02-22 13:28:42.264  1879  2203 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5505. 02-22 13:28:42.264  1879  2203 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5506. 02-22 13:28:42.266  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5507. 02-22 13:28:42.267  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5508. 02-22 13:40:43.195  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
  5509. 02-22 13:40:43.195  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5510. 02-22 13:40:43.195  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5511. 02-22 13:40:43.196  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]overall state is IDLE
  5512. 02-22 13:40:43.196  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5513. 02-22 13:40:43.310  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5514. 02-22 13:40:43.311  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5515. 02-22 13:40:43.313  1879  2251 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5516. 02-22 13:40:43.313  1879  2251 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5517. 02-22 13:40:43.315  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5518. 02-22 13:40:43.316  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5519. 02-22 13:41:04.227  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5520. 02-22 13:41:04.227  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5521. 02-22 13:41:04.235  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5522. 02-22 13:41:04.237  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5523. 02-22 13:41:04.241  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5524. 02-22 13:41:04.242  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5525. 02-22 13:41:13.483  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
  5526. 02-22 13:41:13.483  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5527. 02-22 13:41:13.483  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5528. 02-22 13:41:13.484  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]overall state is IDLE
  5529. 02-22 13:41:13.484  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5530. 02-22 13:41:25.050  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5531. 02-22 13:41:25.050  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5532. 02-22 13:41:25.053  1879  2251 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5533. 02-22 13:41:25.053  1879  2251 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5534. 02-22 13:41:25.057  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5535. 02-22 13:41:25.058  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5536. 02-22 13:46:10.096  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5537. 02-22 13:46:10.097  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5538. 02-22 13:46:10.099  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5539. 02-22 13:46:10.099  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5540. 02-22 13:46:10.102  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5541. 02-22 13:46:10.102  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5542. 02-22 14:18:48.053  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5543. 02-22 14:18:48.053  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  5544. 02-22 15:10:51.409  1879  2251 D DCT     : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null
  5545. 02-22 15:10:51.626  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
  5546. 02-22 15:10:51.626  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5547. 02-22 15:10:51.626  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5548. 02-22 15:10:51.647  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]overall state is IDLE
  5549. 02-22 15:10:51.647  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5550. 02-22 15:10:53.316  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5551. 02-22 15:10:53.317  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5552. 02-22 15:10:53.319  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5553. 02-22 15:10:53.320  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5554. 02-22 15:10:53.322  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5555. 02-22 15:10:53.323  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5556. 02-22 15:15:53.006  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5557. 02-22 15:15:53.008  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5558. 02-22 15:15:53.012  1879  2203 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5559. 02-22 15:15:53.012  1879  2203 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5560. 02-22 15:15:53.017  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5561. 02-22 15:15:53.018  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5562. 02-22 15:18:48.110  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5563. 02-22 15:18:48.110  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  5564. 02-22 15:20:53.041  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5565. 02-22 15:20:53.042  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5566. 02-22 15:20:53.044  1879  1907 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5567. 02-22 15:20:53.044  1879  1907 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5568. 02-22 15:20:53.047  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5569. 02-22 15:20:53.050  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5570. 02-22 15:25:53.085  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5571. 02-22 15:25:53.087  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5572. 02-22 15:25:53.091  1879  2203 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5573. 02-22 15:25:53.091  1879  2203 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5574. 02-22 15:25:53.097  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5575. 02-22 15:25:53.099  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5576. 02-22 15:30:53.111  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5577. 02-22 15:30:53.112  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5578. 02-22 15:30:53.115  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5579. 02-22 15:30:53.115  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5580. 02-22 15:30:53.119  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5581. 02-22 15:30:53.120  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5582. 02-22 15:35:53.213  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5583. 02-22 15:35:53.217  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5584. 02-22 15:35:53.221  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5585. 02-22 15:35:53.221  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5586. 02-22 15:35:53.224  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5587. 02-22 15:35:53.225  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5588. 02-22 15:40:53.263  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5589. 02-22 15:40:53.263  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5590. 02-22 15:40:53.266  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5591. 02-22 15:40:53.266  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5592. 02-22 15:40:53.270  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5593. 02-22 15:40:53.271  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5594. 02-22 15:45:53.300  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5595. 02-22 15:45:53.301  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5596. 02-22 15:45:53.304  1879  2251 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5597. 02-22 15:45:53.304  1879  2251 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5598. 02-22 15:45:53.307  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5599. 02-22 15:45:53.308  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5600. 02-22 15:50:53.407  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5601. 02-22 15:50:53.407  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5602. 02-22 15:50:53.426  1879  2203 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5603. 02-22 15:50:53.426  1879  2203 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5604. 02-22 15:50:53.440  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5605. 02-22 15:50:53.441  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5606. 02-22 15:52:13.548  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
  5607. 02-22 15:52:13.548  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5608. 02-22 15:52:13.548  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5609. 02-22 15:52:13.549  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]overall state is IDLE
  5610. 02-22 15:52:13.549  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5611. 02-22 15:55:54.164  1879  1907 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5612. 02-22 15:55:54.180  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5613. 02-22 15:55:54.183  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5614. 02-22 15:55:54.183  1879  1900 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5615. 02-22 15:55:54.193  1879  2203 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5616. 02-22 15:55:54.194  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5617. 02-22 16:18:48.544  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5618. 02-22 16:18:48.545  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  5619. 02-22 16:40:02.211  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
  5620. 02-22 16:40:02.211  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5621. 02-22 16:40:02.211  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5622. 02-22 16:40:02.211  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]overall state is IDLE
  5623. 02-22 16:40:02.212  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5624. 02-22 16:40:02.334  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5625. 02-22 16:40:02.335  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5626. 02-22 16:40:02.340  1879  1907 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5627. 02-22 16:40:02.340  1879  1907 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5628. 02-22 16:40:02.343  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5629. 02-22 16:40:02.344  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5630. 02-22 16:43:21.896  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
  5631. 02-22 16:43:21.896  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5632. 02-22 16:43:21.896  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5633. 02-22 16:43:21.897  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]overall state is IDLE
  5634. 02-22 16:43:21.897  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5635. 02-22 16:45:03.075  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5636. 02-22 16:45:03.076  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5637. 02-22 16:45:03.078  1879  1907 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5638. 02-22 16:45:03.078  1879  1907 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5639. 02-22 16:45:03.081  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5640. 02-22 16:45:03.082  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5641. 02-22 17:04:39.318  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
  5642. 02-22 17:04:39.318  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]stopNetStatPoll
  5643. 02-22 17:04:39.319  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5644. 02-22 17:04:39.319  1879  1879 D DCT     : [0]overall state is IDLE
  5645. 02-22 17:04:39.319  1879  1879 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
  5646. 02-22 17:04:39.430  1879  1900 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5647. 02-22 17:04:39.430  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5648. 02-22 17:04:39.433  1879  2203 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented
  5649. 02-22 17:04:39.433  1879  2203 D GsmSST  : [GsmSST] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
  5650. 02-22 17:04:39.437  1879  2251 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1
  5651. 02-22 17:04:39.438  2324  2640 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
  5652. [logcat: 0.201s elapsed]
  5654. ------ KERNEL LOG (dmesg) ------
  5655. s ...
  5656. <6>[  543.334228] CPU1 is up
  5657. <6>[  543.336914] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  5658. <6>[  543.338226] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  5659. <6>[  543.341186] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  5660. <4>[  543.350616] max8903b_resume: resume
  5661. <3>[  543.352569] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  5662. <4>[  543.352691] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  5663. <3>[  543.352722] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  5664. <7>[  543.435821] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5665. <7>[  543.436828] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5666. <7>[  543.440765] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5667. <7>[  543.441162] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5668. <6>[  543.441497] PM: resume of devices complete after 100.180 msecs
  5669. <4>[  543.443878] Restarting tasks ... done.
  5670. <6>[  543.449645] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:26:26.009819556 UTC)
  5671. <6>[  543.449676] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  5672. <6>[  543.449676] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  5673. <6>[  543.449676] active wake lock power-supply
  5674. <4>[  543.498443] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.005 seconds) done.
  5675. <4>[  543.503906] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  5676. <4>[  543.506408] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  5677. <7>[  543.694793] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5678. <7>[  543.695251] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5679. <7>[  543.705718] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5680. <7>[  543.707122] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5681. <3>[  543.714691] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  5682. <3>[  543.714721] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  5683. <4>[  543.716583] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  5684. <6>[  543.756683] PM: suspend of devices complete after 247.628 msecs
  5685. <6>[  543.759307] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  5686. <6>[  543.763427] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 4.087 msecs
  5687. <4>[  543.763458] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5688. <6>[  543.782501] msm_pm_enter
  5689. <6>[  543.782501] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  5690. <6>[  543.782501] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  5691. <6>[  543.782501] msm_pm_enter: return
  5692. <6>[  543.783050] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5693. <6>[  543.787384] CPU1 is up
  5694. <6>[  543.790039] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.654 msecs
  5695. <6>[  543.791503] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  5696. <6>[  543.794342] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.501 msecs
  5697. <4>[  543.803619] max8903b_resume: resume
  5698. <3>[  543.805572] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  5699. <4>[  543.805694] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  5700. <3>[  543.805755] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  5701. <7>[  543.869934] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5702. <7>[  543.870849] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5703. <7>[  543.874969] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5704. <7>[  543.875366] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5705. <6>[  543.875488] PM: resume of devices complete after 81.090 msecs
  5706. <4>[  543.877960] Restarting tasks ... done.
  5707. <6>[  543.892272] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:26:29.018176618 UTC)
  5708. <6>[  543.892364] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  5709. <6>[  543.892395] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  5710. <6>[  543.892395] active wake lock power-supply
  5711. <4>[  543.939636] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.004 seconds) done.
  5712. <4>[  543.944091] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  5713. <4>[  543.946289] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  5714. <7>[  544.117431] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5715. <7>[  544.117828] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5716. <7>[  544.127777] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5717. <7>[  544.128753] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5718. <3>[  544.131805] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  5719. <3>[  544.131988] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  5720. <4>[  544.133697] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  5721. <6>[  544.155273] PM: suspend of devices complete after 207.090 msecs
  5722. <6>[  544.157867] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  5723. <6>[  544.161651] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.721 msecs
  5724. <4>[  544.161682] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5725. <6>[  544.180664] msm_pm_enter
  5726. <6>[  544.180664] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  5727. <6>[  544.180664] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  5728. <6>[  544.180664] msm_pm_enter: return
  5729. <6>[  544.181335] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5730. <6>[  544.185729] CPU1 is up
  5731. <6>[  544.188415] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.653 msecs
  5732. <6>[  544.189697] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  5733. <6>[  544.192626] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  5734. <4>[  544.202026] max8903b_resume: resume
  5735. <3>[  544.203979] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  5736. <4>[  544.204101] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  5737. <3>[  544.204162] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  5738. <7>[  544.297546] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5739. <7>[  544.298492] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5740. <7>[  544.302673] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5741. <7>[  544.303131] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5742. <6>[  544.303344] PM: resume of devices complete after 110.609 msecs
  5743. <4>[  544.305816] Restarting tasks ... done.
  5744. <6>[  544.322357] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:27:43.020645580 UTC)
  5745. <6>[  544.322387] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  5746. <6>[  544.322387] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  5747. <6>[  544.322418] active wake lock power-supply
  5748. <4>[  544.368713] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.004 seconds) done.
  5749. <4>[  544.374053] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  5750. <4>[  544.376342] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  5751. <7>[  544.555053] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5752. <7>[  544.555450] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5753. <7>[  544.566528] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5754. <7>[  544.567962] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5755. <3>[  544.575317] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  5756. <3>[  544.575378] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  5757. <4>[  544.577026] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  5758. <6>[  544.597686] PM: suspend of devices complete after 218.924 msecs
  5759. <6>[  544.600280] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  5760. <6>[  544.604370] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 4.026 msecs
  5761. <4>[  544.604400] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5762. <6>[  544.623596] msm_pm_enter
  5763. <6>[  544.623596] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  5764. <6>[  544.623596] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  5765. <6>[  544.623596] msm_pm_enter: return
  5766. <6>[  544.624114] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5767. <6>[  544.628478] CPU1 is up
  5768. <6>[  544.631164] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  5769. <6>[  544.632965] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  5770. <6>[  544.635620] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.501 msecs
  5771. <4>[  544.643981] max8903b_resume: resume
  5772. <3>[  544.645904] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  5773. <4>[  544.646026] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  5774. <3>[  544.646057] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  5775. <7>[  544.710327] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5776. <7>[  544.711364] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5777. <7>[  544.715270] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5778. <7>[  544.715667] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5779. <6>[  544.716003] PM: resume of devices complete after 80.296 msecs
  5780. <4>[  544.719146] Restarting tasks ... done.
  5781. <6>[  544.724914] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:28:42.010613646 UTC)
  5782. <4>[  545.009735] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  5783. <4>[  545.011596] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  5784. <4>[  545.013549] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  5785. <7>[  545.205535] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5786. <7>[  545.206085] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5787. <7>[  545.216827] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5788. <7>[  545.217803] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5789. <3>[  545.220520] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  5790. <3>[  545.220550] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  5791. <4>[  545.221862] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  5792. <6>[  545.242736] PM: suspend of devices complete after 227.683 msecs
  5793. <6>[  545.245361] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.563 msecs
  5794. <6>[  545.249023] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.630 msecs
  5795. <4>[  545.249053] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5796. <6>[  545.268554] msm_pm_enter
  5797. <6>[  545.268554] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  5798. <6>[  545.268554] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  5799. <6>[  545.268554] msm_pm_enter: return
  5800. <6>[  545.269103] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5801. <6>[  545.273925] CPU1 is up
  5802. <6>[  545.276611] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.654 msecs
  5803. <6>[  545.278289] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  5804. <6>[  545.280914] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.471 msecs
  5805. <4>[  545.292297] max8903b_resume: resume
  5806. <3>[  545.294158] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  5807. <4>[  545.294250] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  5808. <3>[  545.294311] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  5809. <7>[  545.381805] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5810. <7>[  545.382476] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5811. <7>[  545.384521] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5812. <7>[  545.385986] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5813. <6>[  545.386138] PM: resume of devices complete after 105.149 msecs
  5814. <4>[  545.389892] Restarting tasks ... done.
  5815. <6>[  545.394195] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:33:51.010093985 UTC)
  5816. <4>[  545.791992] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.003 seconds) done.
  5817. <4>[  545.795104] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  5818. <4>[  545.798034] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  5819. <7>[  545.985717] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5820. <7>[  545.986114] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5821. <7>[  545.997192] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5822. <7>[  545.998626] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5823. <3>[  546.006011] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  5824. <3>[  546.006042] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  5825. <4>[  546.007690] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  5826. <6>[  546.028350] PM: suspend of devices complete after 226.173 msecs
  5827. <6>[  546.030944] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.592 msecs
  5828. <6>[  546.035034] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 4.026 msecs
  5829. <4>[  546.035064] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5830. <6>[  546.054260] msm_pm_enter
  5831. <6>[  546.054260] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  5832. <6>[  546.054260] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  5833. <6>[  546.054260] msm_pm_enter: return
  5834. <6>[  546.054779] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5835. <6>[  546.059143] CPU1 is up
  5836. <6>[  546.061828] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.653 msecs
  5837. <6>[  546.063385] wakeup wake lock: gpio_input
  5838. <6>[  546.066009] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  5839. <6>[  546.073486] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 1
  5840. <4>[  546.077270] max8903b_resume: resume
  5841. <3>[  546.079315] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  5842. <4>[  546.079376] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  5843. <3>[  546.079406] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  5844. <7>[  546.155151] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5845. <7>[  546.157531] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5846. <7>[  546.163848] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5847. <7>[  546.164398] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5848. <6>[  546.165161] PM: resume of devices complete after 99.021 msecs
  5849. <4>[  546.173431] Restarting tasks ... done.
  5850. <6>[  546.206756] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:40:43.044856434 UTC)
  5851. <6>[  546.218505] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 546196510402 (2016-02-22 12:40:43.056627345 UTC)
  5852. <6>[  546.233551] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 1
  5853. <3>[  546.255554] [DISP] lcdc_panel_power: ++ 1
  5854. <6>[  546.289947] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 0
  5855. <4>[  546.309082] mdp4_csc_config: Block type 10 isn't supported by CSC.
  5856. <4>[  546.309082] mdp4_csc_config: Block type 8 isn't supported by CSC.
  5857. <6>[  546.315765] mdp4_overlay_mdp_perf_upd mdp clk is changed [1] from 0 to 200000000
  5858. <38>[  546.316223] type=1400 audit(1456144843.150:148): avc: denied { open } for pid=163 comm="surfaceflinger" name="msm_rotator" dev="tmpfs" ino=4350 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  5859. <6>[  546.356994] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init start
  5860. <6>[  546.358062] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init done
  5861. <3>[  546.412597] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 37
  5862. <3>[  546.414093] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 41
  5863. <3>[  546.430511] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 44
  5864. <3>[  546.447906] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 48
  5865. <3>[  546.465942] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 51
  5866. <3>[  546.480865] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 54
  5867. <3>[  546.497405] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 58
  5868. <3>[  546.514099] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 61
  5869. <3>[  546.530761] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 64
  5870. <3>[  546.547454] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 68
  5871. <3>[  546.564056] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 71
  5872. <3>[  546.580566] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 74
  5873. <3>[  546.597290] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 78
  5874. <3>[  546.614196] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 81
  5875. <3>[  546.630981] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 84
  5876. <3>[  546.650573] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 88
  5877. <3>[  546.666259] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 91
  5878. <3>[  546.683197] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 94
  5879. <3>[  546.699371] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 98
  5880. <3>[  546.717193] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 101
  5881. <3>[  546.733642] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 104
  5882. <6>[  548.632781] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5883. <6>[  548.633087] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  5884. <3>[  548.633117] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  5885. <3>[  548.648406] Device active
  5886. <6>[  551.865234] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5887. <6>[  555.631225] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5888. <6>[  555.631347] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  5889. <3>[  555.631347] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  5890. <3>[  555.658386] Device active
  5891. <38>[  557.382873] type=1400 audit(1456144854.200:149): avc: denied { open } for pid=4088 comm="RenderThread" name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  5892. <6>[  558.969604] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5893. <6>[  562.117279] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5894. <6>[  562.117401] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  5895. <3>[  562.117401] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  5896. <3>[  562.144531] Device active
  5897. <6>[  570.489715] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5898. <6>[  572.191864] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5899. <6>[  572.191986] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  5900. <3>[  572.191986] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  5901. <3>[  572.207214] Device active
  5902. <6>[  575.417968] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5903. <6>[  575.780639] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5904. <6>[  575.780792] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  5905. <3>[  575.780822] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  5906. <3>[  575.807769] Device active
  5907. <3>[  576.304656] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 0
  5908. <3>[  576.399017] [DISP] lcdc_panel_power: ++ 0
  5909. <6>[  576.439483] request_suspend_state: sleep (0->3) at 576416880383 (2016-02-22 12:41:13.276997326 UTC)
  5910. <6>[  579.046966] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  5911. <4>[  579.087402] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.003 seconds) done.
  5912. <4>[  579.090820] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  5913. <4>[  579.093597] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  5914. <7>[  579.299224] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5915. <7>[  579.299621] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5916. <7>[  579.309509] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5917. <7>[  579.310485] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5918. <3>[  579.313354] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  5919. <3>[  579.313385] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  5920. <4>[  579.314666] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  5921. <6>[  579.335754] PM: suspend of devices complete after 238.281 msecs
  5922. <6>[  579.338378] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.563 msecs
  5923. <6>[  579.342041] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.631 msecs
  5924. <4>[  579.342071] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5925. <6>[  579.363098] msm_pm_enter
  5926. <6>[  579.363098] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  5927. <6>[  579.363098] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  5928. <6>[  579.363098] msm_pm_enter: return
  5929. <6>[  579.363647] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5930. <6>[  579.368652] CPU1 is up
  5931. <6>[  579.371337] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.624 msecs
  5932. <6>[  579.373291] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  5933. <6>[  579.375976] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.532 msecs
  5934. <4>[  579.387237] max8903b_resume: resume
  5935. <3>[  579.389068] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  5936. <4>[  579.389190] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  5937. <3>[  579.389221] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  5938. <7>[  579.503051] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5939. <7>[  579.504028] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5940. <7>[  579.508239] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5941. <7>[  579.508605] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5942. <6>[  579.508850] PM: resume of devices complete after 132.771 msecs
  5943. <4>[  579.511383] Restarting tasks ... done.
  5944. <6>[  579.528106] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:41:25.020797289 UTC)
  5945. <4>[  580.219360] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  5946. <4>[  580.221160] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  5947. <4>[  580.222961] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  5948. <7>[  580.405487] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5949. <7>[  580.405883] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5950. <7>[  580.416687] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5951. <7>[  580.418182] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5952. <3>[  580.425567] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  5953. <3>[  580.425598] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  5954. <4>[  580.427246] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  5955. <6>[  580.447937] PM: suspend of devices complete after 223.423 msecs
  5956. <6>[  580.450530] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  5957. <6>[  580.454467] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.874 msecs
  5958. <4>[  580.454498] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5959. <6>[  580.473785] msm_pm_enter
  5960. <6>[  580.473785] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  5961. <6>[  580.473785] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  5962. <6>[  580.473785] msm_pm_enter: return
  5963. <6>[  580.474334] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5964. <6>[  580.478790] CPU1 is up
  5965. <6>[  580.481475] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  5966. <6>[  580.483367] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  5967. <6>[  580.486083] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.532 msecs
  5968. <4>[  580.497344] max8903b_resume: resume
  5969. <3>[  580.499206] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  5970. <4>[  580.499298] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  5971. <3>[  580.499359] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  5972. <7>[  580.638275] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5973. <7>[  580.639251] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5974. <7>[  580.643402] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5975. <7>[  580.643798] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5976. <6>[  580.644073] PM: resume of devices complete after 157.851 msecs
  5977. <4>[  580.646606] Restarting tasks ... done.
  5978. <6>[  580.648773] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:41:44.006343574 UTC)
  5979. <4>[  580.700042] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.005 seconds) done.
  5980. <4>[  580.705322] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  5981. <4>[  580.707885] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  5982. <7>[  580.887207] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5983. <7>[  580.887634] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5984. <7>[  580.898651] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  5985. <7>[  580.900085] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  5986. <3>[  580.907440] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  5987. <3>[  580.907501] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  5988. <4>[  580.909149] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  5989. <6>[  580.929107] PM: suspend of devices complete after 218.617 msecs
  5990. <6>[  580.931732] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  5991. <6>[  580.935760] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.996 msecs
  5992. <4>[  580.935791] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5993. <6>[  580.946136] msm_pm_enter
  5994. <6>[  580.946136] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  5995. <6>[  580.946136] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  5996. <6>[  580.946136] msm_pm_enter: return
  5997. <6>[  580.946655] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  5998. <6>[  580.951110] CPU1 is up
  5999. <6>[  580.953948] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.776 msecs
  6000. <6>[  580.955261] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  6001. <6>[  580.958068] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.470 msecs
  6002. <4>[  580.967254] max8903b_resume: resume
  6003. <3>[  580.969207] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6004. <4>[  580.969329] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6005. <3>[  580.969390] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6006. <7>[  581.048919] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6007. <7>[  581.049591] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6008. <7>[  581.051513] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6009. <6>[  581.051849] PM: resume of devices complete after 93.684 msecs
  6010. <7>[  581.051879] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6011. <4>[  581.053894] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6012. <6>[  581.060943] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:41:44.418252729 UTC)
  6013. <6>[  581.060974] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  6014. <6>[  581.060974] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  6015. <6>[  581.060974] active wake lock power-supply
  6016. <4>[  581.111206] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.003 seconds) done.
  6017. <4>[  581.117095] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6018. <4>[  581.119598] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6019. <7>[  581.320190] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6020. <7>[  581.320587] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6021. <7>[  581.330749] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6022. <7>[  581.332183] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6023. <3>[  581.339508] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6024. <3>[  581.339569] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6025. <4>[  581.341217] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6026. <6>[  581.361968] PM: suspend of devices complete after 239.665 msecs
  6027. <6>[  581.364746] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.776 msecs
  6028. <6>[  581.368499] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.691 msecs
  6029. <4>[  581.368530] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6030. <6>[  581.386352] msm_pm_enter
  6031. <6>[  581.386352] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6032. <6>[  581.386352] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6033. <6>[  581.386352] msm_pm_enter: return
  6034. <6>[  581.386871] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6035. <6>[  581.391326] CPU1 is up
  6036. <6>[  581.394195] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.867 msecs
  6037. <6>[  581.395874] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6038. <6>[  581.398498] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.471 msecs
  6039. <4>[  581.406738] max8903b_resume: resume
  6040. <3>[  581.408691] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6041. <4>[  581.408813] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6042. <3>[  581.408843] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6043. <7>[  581.473266] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6044. <7>[  581.474365] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6045. <7>[  581.478271] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6046. <7>[  581.478698] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6047. <6>[  581.478942] PM: resume of devices complete after 80.359 msecs
  6048. <4>[  581.482025] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6049. <6>[  581.504028] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:46:10.026745572 UTC)
  6050. <4>[  581.632598] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6051. <4>[  581.635314] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6052. <4>[  581.637268] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6053. <7>[  581.821929] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6054. <7>[  581.822357] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6055. <7>[  581.833587] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6056. <7>[  581.835113] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6057. <3>[  581.842437] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6058. <3>[  581.842468] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6059. <4>[  581.844238] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6060. <6>[  581.865081] PM: suspend of devices complete after 226.273 msecs
  6061. <6>[  581.867675] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6062. <6>[  581.871368] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.630 msecs
  6063. <4>[  581.871398] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6064. <6>[  581.890655] msm_pm_enter
  6065. <6>[  581.890655] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6066. <6>[  581.890655] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6067. <6>[  581.890655] msm_pm_enter: return
  6068. <6>[  581.891174] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6069. <6>[  581.895935] CPU1 is up
  6070. <6>[  581.898620] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  6071. <6>[  581.900299] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6072. <6>[  581.902923] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  6073. <4>[  581.911102] max8903b_resume: resume
  6074. <3>[  581.913055] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6075. <4>[  581.913177] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6076. <3>[  581.913207] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6077. <7>[  582.008575] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6078. <7>[  582.009551] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6079. <7>[  582.013641] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6080. <7>[  582.014129] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6081. <6>[  582.014465] PM: resume of devices complete after 111.464 msecs
  6082. <4>[  582.017517] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6083. <6>[  582.035400] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 12:48:51.022718213 UTC)
  6084. <4>[  582.458190] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6085. <4>[  582.460144] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6086. <4>[  582.461914] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6087. <7>[  582.640869] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6088. <7>[  582.641296] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6089. <7>[  582.651275] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6090. <7>[  582.652252] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6091. <3>[  582.655395] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6092. <3>[  582.655426] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6093. <4>[  582.657257] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6094. <6>[  582.678436] PM: suspend of devices complete after 215.095 msecs
  6095. <6>[  582.681060] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6096. <6>[  582.684844] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.751 msecs
  6097. <4>[  582.684875] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6098. <6>[  582.703887] msm_pm_enter
  6099. <6>[  582.703887] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6100. <6>[  582.703887] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6101. <6>[  582.703887] msm_pm_enter: return
  6102. <6>[  582.704620] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6103. <6>[  582.708892] CPU1 is up
  6104. <6>[  582.711578] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.653 msecs
  6105. <6>[  582.713256] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6106. <6>[  582.716033] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.592 msecs
  6107. <4>[  582.727233] max8903b_resume: resume
  6108. <3>[  582.729095] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6109. <4>[  582.729217] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6110. <3>[  582.729248] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6111. <7>[  582.877716] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6112. <7>[  582.878692] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6113. <7>[  582.882873] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6114. <7>[  582.883270] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6115. <6>[  582.883575] PM: resume of devices complete after 167.395 msecs
  6116. <4>[  582.888305] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6117. <6>[  582.895385] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 13:03:51.013510961 UTC)
  6118. <4>[  583.403045] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6119. <4>[  583.412017] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6120. <4>[  583.414001] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6121. <7>[  583.588714] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6122. <7>[  583.589294] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6123. <7>[  583.599151] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6124. <7>[  583.600128] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6125. <3>[  583.602844] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6126. <3>[  583.602874] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6127. <4>[  583.604156] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6128. <6>[  583.625488] PM: suspend of devices complete after 209.907 msecs
  6129. <6>[  583.628112] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6130. <6>[  583.631774] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.630 msecs
  6131. <4>[  583.631805] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6132. <6>[  583.651123] msm_pm_enter
  6133. <6>[  583.651123] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6134. <6>[  583.651123] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6135. <6>[  583.651123] msm_pm_enter: return
  6136. <6>[  583.651672] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6137. <6>[  583.656249] CPU1 is up
  6138. <6>[  583.658905] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.653 msecs
  6139. <6>[  583.660583] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6140. <6>[  583.663207] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  6141. <4>[  583.674438] max8903b_resume: resume
  6142. <3>[  583.676391] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6143. <4>[  583.676483] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6144. <3>[  583.676544] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6145. <7>[  583.752227] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6146. <7>[  583.753173] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6147. <7>[  583.757049] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6148. <7>[  583.757415] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6149. <6>[  583.757598] PM: resume of devices complete after 94.264 msecs
  6150. <4>[  583.762359] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6151. <6>[  583.775024] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 13:06:04.018480741 UTC)
  6152. <4>[  584.475738] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.058 seconds) done.
  6153. <4>[  584.578277] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6154. <4>[  584.580108] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6155. <7>[  584.781890] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6156. <7>[  584.782318] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6157. <7>[  584.792358] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6158. <7>[  584.793762] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6159. <3>[  584.801116] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6160. <3>[  584.801147] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6161. <4>[  584.802551] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6162. <6>[  584.823669] PM: suspend of devices complete after 242.040 msecs
  6163. <6>[  584.826446] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.776 msecs
  6164. <6>[  584.830200] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.691 msecs
  6165. <4>[  584.830230] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6166. <6>[  584.850128] msm_pm_enter
  6167. <6>[  584.850128] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6168. <6>[  584.850128] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6169. <6>[  584.850128] msm_pm_enter: return
  6170. <6>[  584.850646] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6171. <6>[  584.855102] CPU1 is up
  6172. <6>[  584.857910] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.745 msecs
  6173. <6>[  584.859588] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6174. <6>[  584.862213] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  6175. <4>[  584.873382] max8903b_resume: resume
  6176. <3>[  584.875244] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6177. <4>[  584.875549] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6178. <3>[  584.875610] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6179. <7>[  584.999420] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6180. <7>[  585.000396] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6181. <7>[  585.004547] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6182. <7>[  585.004974] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6183. <6>[  585.005310] PM: resume of devices complete after 142.937 msecs
  6184. <4>[  585.007934] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6185. <6>[  585.022552] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 13:18:12.019029020 UTC)
  6186. <4>[  585.167144] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6187. <4>[  585.198211] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6188. <4>[  585.200317] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6189. <7>[  585.382324] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6190. <7>[  585.382720] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6191. <7>[  585.392669] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6192. <7>[  585.393615] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6193. <3>[  585.396545] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6194. <3>[  585.396728] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6195. <4>[  585.398254] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6196. <6>[  585.419769] PM: suspend of devices complete after 217.833 msecs
  6197. <6>[  585.422393] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6198. <6>[  585.426177] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.752 msecs
  6199. <4>[  585.426208] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6200. <6>[  585.446319] msm_pm_enter
  6201. <6>[  585.446319] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6202. <6>[  585.446319] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6203. <6>[  585.446319] msm_pm_enter: return
  6204. <6>[  585.446868] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6205. <6>[  585.451446] CPU1 is up
  6206. <6>[  585.454132] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.654 msecs
  6207. <6>[  585.455932] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6208. <6>[  585.458618] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.532 msecs
  6209. <4>[  585.470001] max8903b_resume: resume
  6210. <3>[  585.471832] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6211. <4>[  585.471954] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6212. <3>[  585.471984] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6213. <7>[  585.559020] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6214. <7>[  585.559967] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6215. <7>[  585.564056] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6216. <7>[  585.564514] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6217. <6>[  585.564697] PM: resume of devices complete after 105.979 msecs
  6218. <4>[  585.570678] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6219. <6>[  585.585632] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 13:18:48.022506388 UTC)
  6220. <4>[  585.657989] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6221. <4>[  585.673309] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6222. <4>[  585.675231] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6223. <7>[  585.858581] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6224. <7>[  585.859008] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6225. <3>[  585.859161] dpm_run_callback(): platform_pm_suspend+0x0/0x54 returns -16
  6226. <3>[  585.859191] PM: Device alarm failed to suspend: error -16
  6227. <3>[  585.859222] PM: Some devices failed to suspend
  6228. <7>[  585.859771] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6229. <7>[  585.860473] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6230. <6>[  585.861602] PM: resume of devices complete after 2.348 msecs
  6231. <4>[  585.864257] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6232. <6>[  585.867065] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2016-02-22 13:18:48.303765486 UTC)
  6233. <4>[  587.590789] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6234. <4>[  587.612853] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6235. <4>[  587.614715] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6236. <7>[  587.809265] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6237. <7>[  587.809692] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6238. <3>[  587.810058] dpm_run_callback(): platform_pm_suspend+0x0/0x54 returns -16
  6239. <3>[  587.810089] PM: Device alarm failed to suspend: error -16
  6240. <3>[  587.810119] PM: Some devices failed to suspend
  6241. <7>[  587.810699] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6242. <7>[  587.811431] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6243. <6>[  587.813842] PM: resume of devices complete after 3.722 msecs
  6244. <4>[  587.818511] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6245. <6>[  587.821105] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2016-02-22 13:18:50.257371205 UTC)
  6246. <4>[  589.086120] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6247. <4>[  589.088073] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6248. <4>[  589.090087] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6249. <7>[  589.262969] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6250. <7>[  589.263397] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6251. <7>[  589.273254] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6252. <7>[  589.274230] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6253. <3>[  589.277313] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6254. <3>[  589.277465] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6255. <4>[  589.279174] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6256. <6>[  589.298431] PM: suspend of devices complete after 206.938 msecs
  6257. <6>[  589.301147] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.685 msecs
  6258. <6>[  589.304931] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.723 msecs
  6259. <4>[  589.304962] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6260. <6>[  589.324707] Wakeup IRQ 133 msm-sdcc (cmd) pending, suspend aborted
  6261. <6>[  589.324737] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6262. <6>[  589.329284] CPU1 is up
  6263. <6>[  589.331970] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.624 msecs
  6264. <6>[  589.333251] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  6265. <6>[  589.336029] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.410 msecs
  6266. <4>[  589.348602] max8903b_resume: resume
  6267. <3>[  589.350463] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6268. <4>[  589.350585] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6269. <3>[  589.350646] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6270. <7>[  589.456115] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6271. <7>[  589.457183] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6272. <7>[  589.461120] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6273. <7>[  589.461486] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6274. <6>[  589.461761] PM: resume of devices complete after 125.670 msecs
  6275. <4>[  589.464233] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6276. <6>[  589.476989] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2016-02-22 13:18:52.016906692 UTC)
  6277. <6>[  589.477020] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  6278. <6>[  589.477020] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  6279. <6>[  589.477050] active wake lock PowerManagerService.WakeLocks
  6280. <6>[  589.477050] active wake lock power-supply
  6281. <4>[  589.524658] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.004 seconds) done.
  6282. <4>[  589.529602] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6283. <4>[  589.532257] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6284. <7>[  589.710296] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6285. <7>[  589.710723] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6286. <7>[  589.721801] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6287. <7>[  589.722808] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6288. <3>[  589.725616] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6289. <3>[  589.725677] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6290. <4>[  589.727111] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6291. <6>[  589.747894] PM: suspend of devices complete after 212.664 msecs
  6292. <6>[  589.750488] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6293. <6>[  589.754180] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.629 msecs
  6294. <4>[  589.754211] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6295. <6>[  589.773193] msm_pm_enter
  6296. <6>[  589.773193] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6297. <6>[  589.773193] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6298. <6>[  589.773193] msm_pm_enter: return
  6299. <6>[  589.773712] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6300. <6>[  589.778259] CPU1 is up
  6301. <6>[  589.780944] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  6302. <6>[  589.782623] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6303. <6>[  589.785247] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  6304. <4>[  589.796569] max8903b_resume: resume
  6305. <3>[  589.798675] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6306. <4>[  589.798797] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6307. <3>[  589.798858] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6308. <7>[  589.927917] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6309. <7>[  589.928894] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6310. <7>[  589.933013] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6311. <7>[  589.933410] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6312. <6>[  589.933685] PM: resume of devices complete after 148.272 msecs
  6313. <4>[  589.938751] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6314. <6>[  589.947021] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 13:33:52.014943980 UTC)
  6315. <4>[  591.380004] Freezing user space processes ...
  6316. <6>[  591.380584] active wake lock PowerManagerService.WakeLocks
  6317. <4>[  591.380584]
  6318. <3>[  591.380615] Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.000 seconds (21 tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=0):
  6319. <4>[  591.380615]
  6320. <4>[  591.380615] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6321. <4>[  591.381408] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6322. <6>[  591.381866] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2016-02-22 13:33:53.449305702 UTC)
  6323. <4>[  591.650238] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.003 seconds) done.
  6324. <4>[  591.704559] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6325. <4>[  591.706237] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6326. <7>[  591.913848] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6327. <7>[  591.914276] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6328. <7>[  591.924438] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6329. <7>[  591.925842] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6330. <3>[  591.933197] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6331. <3>[  591.933227] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6332. <4>[  591.934875] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6333. <6>[  591.955566] PM: suspend of devices complete after 247.722 msecs
  6334. <6>[  591.958374] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.746 msecs
  6335. <6>[  591.962097] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.722 msecs
  6336. <4>[  591.962127] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6337. <6>[  591.982330] msm_pm_enter
  6338. <6>[  591.982330] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6339. <6>[  591.982330] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6340. <6>[  591.982330] msm_pm_enter: return
  6341. <6>[  591.982879] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6342. <6>[  591.987548] CPU1 is up
  6343. <6>[  591.990234] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.624 msecs
  6344. <6>[  591.991912] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6345. <6>[  591.994506] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.471 msecs
  6346. <4>[  592.002716] max8903b_resume: resume
  6347. <3>[  592.004669] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6348. <4>[  592.004791] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6349. <3>[  592.004852] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6350. <7>[  592.115631] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6351. <7>[  592.117523] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6352. <7>[  592.119720] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6353. <7>[  592.121154] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6354. <6>[  592.121337] PM: resume of devices complete after 126.718 msecs
  6355. <4>[  592.123413] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6356. <6>[  592.136718] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 13:36:05.017565646 UTC)
  6357. <4>[  592.361297] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
  6358. <4>[  592.394927] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6359. <4>[  592.396697] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6360. <7>[  592.591430] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6361. <7>[  592.591857] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6362. <7>[  592.602935] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6363. <7>[  592.604339] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6364. <3>[  592.611755] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6365. <3>[  592.611816] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6366. <4>[  592.613464] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6367. <6>[  592.634124] PM: suspend of devices complete after 234.485 msecs
  6368. <6>[  592.636718] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6369. <6>[  592.640777] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.997 msecs
  6370. <4>[  592.640808] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6371. <6>[  592.660614] msm_pm_enter
  6372. <6>[  592.660614] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6373. <6>[  592.660614] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6374. <6>[  592.660614] msm_pm_enter: return
  6375. <6>[  592.661132] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6376. <6>[  592.665496] CPU1 is up
  6377. <6>[  592.668304] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.776 msecs
  6378. <6>[  592.669616] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  6379. <6>[  592.672424] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  6380. <4>[  592.681671] max8903b_resume: resume
  6381. <3>[  592.683654] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6382. <4>[  592.683776] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6383. <3>[  592.683807] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6384. <7>[  592.749542] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6385. <7>[  592.750549] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6386. <7>[  592.756134] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6387. <7>[  592.756530] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6388. <6>[  592.756713] PM: resume of devices complete after 84.169 msecs
  6389. <4>[  592.759155] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6390. <6>[  592.777923] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 13:37:53.023299681 UTC)
  6391. <6>[  592.777954] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  6392. <6>[  592.777954] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  6393. <6>[  592.777954] active wake lock power-supply
  6394. <4>[  592.826263] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.004 seconds) done.
  6395. <4>[  592.847351] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6396. <4>[  592.849487] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6397. <7>[  593.021820] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6398. <7>[  593.022247] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6399. <7>[  593.032440] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6400. <7>[  593.033386] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6401. <3>[  593.036132] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6402. <3>[  593.036163] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6403. <4>[  593.037445] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6404. <6>[  593.060119] PM: suspend of devices complete after 209.006 msecs
  6405. <6>[  593.062713] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6406. <6>[  593.066406] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.630 msecs
  6407. <4>[  593.066436] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6408. <6>[  593.085998] msm_pm_enter
  6409. <6>[  593.085998] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6410. <6>[  593.085998] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6411. <6>[  593.085998] msm_pm_enter: return
  6412. <6>[  593.086517] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6413. <6>[  593.091094] CPU1 is up
  6414. <6>[  593.093780] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  6415. <6>[  593.095458] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6416. <6>[  593.098175] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6417. <4>[  593.106445] max8903b_resume: resume
  6418. <3>[  593.108520] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6419. <4>[  593.108612] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6420. <3>[  593.108673] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6421. <7>[  593.233520] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6422. <7>[  593.234497] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6423. <7>[  593.238739] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6424. <7>[  593.239166] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6425. <6>[  593.239776] PM: resume of devices complete after 141.472 msecs
  6426. <4>[  593.242889] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6427. <6>[  593.257751] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 13:48:53.020126662 UTC)
  6428. <4>[  593.388092] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6429. <4>[  593.786773] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6430. <4>[  593.788665] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6431. <7>[  593.994873] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6432. <7>[  593.995300] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6433. <7>[  594.005371] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6434. <7>[  594.006774] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6435. <3>[  594.014099] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6436. <3>[  594.014129] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6437. <4>[  594.015472] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6438. <6>[  594.036254] PM: suspend of devices complete after 246.072 msecs
  6439. <6>[  594.039123] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.806 msecs
  6440. <6>[  594.042907] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.721 msecs
  6441. <4>[  594.042938] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6442. <6>[  594.062316] msm_pm_enter
  6443. <6>[  594.062316] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6444. <6>[  594.062316] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6445. <6>[  594.062316] msm_pm_enter: return
  6446. <6>[  594.062866] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6447. <6>[  594.067199] CPU1 is up
  6448. <6>[  594.070068] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.836 msecs
  6449. <6>[  594.071746] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6450. <6>[  594.074340] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.470 msecs
  6451. <4>[  594.082824] max8903b_resume: resume
  6452. <3>[  594.084777] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6453. <4>[  594.084869] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6454. <3>[  594.084930] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6455. <7>[  594.150848] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6456. <7>[  594.151855] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6457. <7>[  594.155761] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6458. <7>[  594.156158] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6459. <6>[  594.157958] PM: resume of devices complete after 83.528 msecs
  6460. <4>[  594.161804] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6461. <6>[  594.178649] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 13:52:13.023879473 UTC)
  6462. <4>[  595.423492] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.023 seconds) done.
  6463. <4>[  595.482543] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6464. <4>[  595.484405] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6465. <7>[  595.672821] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6466. <7>[  595.673217] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6467. <7>[  595.684295] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6468. <7>[  595.685699] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6469. <3>[  595.693054] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6470. <3>[  595.693084] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6471. <4>[  595.694732] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6472. <6>[  595.715545] PM: suspend of devices complete after 229.668 msecs
  6473. <6>[  595.718139] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.563 msecs
  6474. <6>[  595.722137] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.936 msecs
  6475. <4>[  595.722167] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6476. <6>[  595.742218] msm_pm_enter
  6477. <6>[  595.742218] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6478. <6>[  595.742218] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6479. <6>[  595.742218] msm_pm_enter: return
  6480. <6>[  595.742736] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6481. <6>[  595.747314] CPU1 is up
  6482. <6>[  595.750091] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.715 msecs
  6483. <6>[  595.751770] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6484. <6>[  595.754394] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.471 msecs
  6485. <4>[  595.762695] max8903b_resume: resume
  6486. <3>[  595.764709] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6487. <4>[  595.764801] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6488. <3>[  595.764862] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6489. <7>[  595.826171] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6490. <7>[  595.826843] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6491. <7>[  595.828735] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6492. <7>[  595.830291] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6493. <6>[  595.830474] PM: resume of devices complete after 75.995 msecs
  6494. <4>[  595.832550] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6495. <6>[  595.839691] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 14:03:53.011344706 UTC)
  6496. <4>[  596.521453] Freezing user space processes ...
  6497. <6>[  596.522308] active wake lock PowerManagerService.WakeLocks
  6498. <4>[  596.522308]
  6499. <3>[  596.522338] Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.000 seconds (20 tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=0):
  6500. <4>[  596.522338]
  6501. <4>[  596.522338] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6502. <4>[  596.523559] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6503. <6>[  596.524017] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2016-02-22 14:03:53.695387402 UTC)
  6504. <4>[  596.586334] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6505. <4>[  596.596313] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6506. <4>[  596.598358] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6507. <7>[  596.793640] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6508. <7>[  596.794067] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6509. <7>[  596.804473] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6510. <7>[  596.805908] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6511. <3>[  596.813262] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6512. <3>[  596.813323] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6513. <4>[  596.814971] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6514. <6>[  596.835662] PM: suspend of devices complete after 235.685 msecs
  6515. <6>[  596.838256] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6516. <6>[  596.842346] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.996 msecs
  6517. <4>[  596.842346] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6518. <6>[  596.862609] msm_pm_enter
  6519. <6>[  596.862609] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6520. <6>[  596.862609] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6521. <6>[  596.862609] msm_pm_enter: return
  6522. <6>[  596.863128] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6523. <6>[  596.867645] CPU1 is up
  6524. <6>[  596.870483] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.776 msecs
  6525. <6>[  596.874420] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.410 msecs
  6526. <4>[  596.882781] max8903b_resume: resume
  6527. <3>[  596.884765] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6528. <4>[  596.884887] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6529. <3>[  596.884918] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6530. <7>[  596.949188] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6531. <6>[  596.949798] wakeup wake lock: power-supply
  6532. <7>[  596.950012] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6533. <7>[  596.954162] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6534. <7>[  596.954650] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6535. <6>[  596.954833] PM: resume of devices complete after 80.327 msecs
  6536. <4>[  596.958007] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6537. <6>[  596.960540] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 14:10:51.007349989 UTC)
  6538. <6>[  596.960784] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  6539. <6>[  596.960784] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  6540. <6>[  596.960815] active wake lock power-supply
  6541. <6>[  597.010436] a6_update_connected_ps: ac=0 usb=0 dock=0
  6542. <6>[  597.010467] max8903b_current_setup: ### CHARGE_DISABLE
  6543. <6>[  597.050109] a6_update_connected_ps: ac=0 usb=0 dock=1
  6544. <6>[  597.050140] max8903b_current_setup: CURRENT_750(4), 900(5), 1000(6), 1400(7), 2000MA(9): 7
  6545. <6>[  597.065917] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 597036378228 (2016-02-22 14:10:51.112653004 UTC)
  6546. <7>[  597.089233] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (100) percent
  6547. <7>[  597.090118] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (100) percent
  6548. <3>[  597.103088] [DISP] lcdc_panel_power: ++ 1
  6549. <4>[  597.156555] mdp4_csc_config: Block type 10 isn't supported by CSC.
  6550. <4>[  597.156555] mdp4_csc_config: Block type 8 isn't supported by CSC.
  6551. <6>[  597.163909] mdp4_overlay_mdp_perf_upd mdp clk is changed [1] from 0 to 200000000
  6552. <6>[  597.327758] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init start
  6553. <6>[  597.330902] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init done
  6554. <3>[  597.389801] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 64
  6555. <3>[  597.394927] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 68
  6556. <3>[  597.411499] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 71
  6557. <3>[  597.442291] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 74
  6558. <3>[  597.444671] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 78
  6559. <3>[  597.461791] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 81
  6560. <3>[  597.477966] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 84
  6561. <3>[  597.494750] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 88
  6562. <3>[  597.511413] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 91
  6563. <3>[  597.528045] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 94
  6564. <3>[  597.548767] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 98
  6565. <3>[  597.572387] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 101
  6566. <3>[  597.578094] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 104
  6567. <6>[  600.860076] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  6568. <6>[  600.860259] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  6569. <3>[  600.860290] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  6570. <3>[  600.887054] Device active
  6571. <6>[  604.629150] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  6572. <6>[ 3078.787017] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  6573. <6>[ 3078.787139] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  6574. <3>[ 3078.787139] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  6575. <3>[ 3078.802307] Device active
  6576. <3>[ 3079.290618] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 0
  6577. <3>[ 3079.365570] [DISP] lcdc_panel_power: ++ 0
  6578. <6>[ 3079.405212] request_suspend_state: sleep (0->3) at 3079375099400 (2016-02-22 14:52:13.451374176 UTC)
  6579. <6>[ 3082.045471] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  6580. <4>[ 3082.084564] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6581. <4>[ 3082.087585] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6582. <4>[ 3082.090606] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6583. <7>[ 3082.296752] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6584. <7>[ 3082.297180] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6585. <7>[ 3082.307067] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6586. <7>[ 3082.308044] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6587. <3>[ 3082.310882] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6588. <3>[ 3082.310913] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6589. <4>[ 3082.312225] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6590. <6>[ 3082.340087] PM: suspend of devices complete after 245.574 msecs
  6591. <6>[ 3082.342895] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.563 msecs
  6592. <6>[ 3082.346588] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.631 msecs
  6593. <4>[ 3082.346618] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6594. <6>[ 3082.366973] msm_pm_enter
  6595. <6>[ 3082.366973] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6596. <6>[ 3082.366973] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6597. <6>[ 3082.366973] msm_pm_enter: return
  6598. <6>[ 3082.367492] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6599. <6>[ 3082.372528] CPU1 is up
  6600. <6>[ 3082.375183] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.655 msecs
  6601. <6>[ 3082.376892] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6602. <6>[ 3082.379486] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.441 msecs
  6603. <4>[ 3082.390899] max8903b_resume: resume
  6604. <3>[ 3082.392761] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6605. <4>[ 3082.392852] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6606. <3>[ 3082.392913] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6607. <7>[ 3082.522094] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (100) percent
  6608. <7>[ 3082.523071] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (100) percent
  6609. <7>[ 3082.527282] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (100) percent
  6610. <7>[ 3082.527770] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (100) percent
  6611. <6>[ 3082.528137] PM: resume of devices complete after 148.503 msecs
  6612. <4>[ 3082.530731] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6613. <6>[ 3082.548187] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 14:52:45.021925640 UTC)
  6614. <4>[ 3082.604644] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6615. <4>[ 3082.610076] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6616. <4>[ 3082.612426] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6617. <7>[ 3082.787048] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6618. <7>[ 3082.787475] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6619. <7>[ 3082.797363] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6620. <7>[ 3082.798339] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6621. <3>[ 3082.801330] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6622. <3>[ 3082.801483] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6623. <4>[ 3082.803070] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6624. <6>[ 3082.823547] PM: suspend of devices complete after 208.708 msecs
  6625. <6>[ 3082.826171] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6626. <6>[ 3082.829833] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.630 msecs
  6627. <4>[ 3082.829864] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6628. <6>[ 3082.849243] msm_pm_enter
  6629. <6>[ 3082.849243] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6630. <6>[ 3082.849243] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6631. <6>[ 3082.849243] msm_pm_enter: return
  6632. <6>[ 3082.849761] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6633. <6>[ 3082.854278] CPU1 is up
  6634. <6>[ 3082.856964] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  6635. <6>[ 3082.858642] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6636. <6>[ 3082.861389] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6637. <4>[ 3082.869628] max8903b_resume: resume
  6638. <3>[ 3082.871673] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6639. <4>[ 3082.871795] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6640. <3>[ 3082.871826] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6641. <7>[ 3082.998382] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (100) percent
  6642. <7>[ 3082.999328] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (100) percent
  6643. <7>[ 3083.004547] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (100) percent
  6644. <7>[ 3083.004882] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (100) percent
  6645. <6>[ 3083.004943] PM: resume of devices complete after 143.454 msecs
  6646. <4>[ 3083.008270] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6647. <6>[ 3083.021240] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 14:55:54.018359732 UTC)
  6648. <4>[ 3083.228118] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6649. <4>[ 3083.262481] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6650. <4>[ 3083.264221] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6651. <7>[ 3083.457458] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6652. <7>[ 3083.457885] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6653. <7>[ 3083.467712] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6654. <7>[ 3083.468658] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6655. <3>[ 3083.471710] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6656. <3>[ 3083.471862] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6657. <4>[ 3083.473419] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6658. <6>[ 3083.495056] PM: suspend of devices complete after 229.352 msecs
  6659. <6>[ 3083.497650] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6660. <6>[ 3083.501556] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.844 msecs
  6661. <4>[ 3083.501586] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6662. <6>[ 3083.521850] msm_pm_enter
  6663. <6>[ 3083.521850] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6664. <6>[ 3083.521850] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6665. <6>[ 3083.521850] msm_pm_enter: return
  6666. <6>[ 3083.522369] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6667. <6>[ 3083.526885] CPU1 is up
  6668. <6>[ 3083.529571] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.654 msecs
  6669. <6>[ 3083.531433] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6670. <6>[ 3083.534118] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.532 msecs
  6671. <4>[ 3083.542510] max8903b_resume: resume
  6672. <3>[ 3083.544464] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6673. <4>[ 3083.544586] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6674. <3>[ 3083.544616] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6675. <7>[ 3083.642028] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (100) percent
  6676. <7>[ 3083.643951] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (100) percent
  6677. <7>[ 3083.645996] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (100) percent
  6678. <7>[ 3083.646392] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (100) percent
  6679. <6>[ 3083.646514] PM: resume of devices complete after 112.318 msecs
  6680. <4>[ 3083.648559] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6681. <6>[ 3083.655975] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:03:54.010398971 UTC)
  6682. <4>[ 3083.988769] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6683. <4>[ 3084.003448] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6684. <4>[ 3084.005187] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6685. <7>[ 3084.189178] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6686. <7>[ 3084.189605] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6687. <7>[ 3084.199493] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6688. <7>[ 3084.200469] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6689. <3>[ 3084.203277] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6690. <3>[ 3084.203338] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6691. <4>[ 3084.204620] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6692. <6>[ 3084.227935] PM: suspend of devices complete after 221.257 msecs
  6693. <6>[ 3084.230560] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.563 msecs
  6694. <6>[ 3084.234588] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.997 msecs
  6695. <4>[ 3084.234619] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6696. <6>[ 3084.253875] msm_pm_enter
  6697. <6>[ 3084.253875] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6698. <6>[ 3084.253875] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6699. <6>[ 3084.253875] msm_pm_enter: return
  6700. <6>[ 3084.254425] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6701. <6>[ 3084.258697] CPU1 is up
  6702. <6>[ 3084.261505] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.776 msecs
  6703. <6>[ 3084.263183] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6704. <6>[ 3084.265838] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.502 msecs
  6705. <4>[ 3084.274047] max8903b_resume: resume
  6706. <3>[ 3084.276000] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6707. <4>[ 3084.276092] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6708. <3>[ 3084.276153] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6709. <7>[ 3084.340484] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (100) percent
  6710. <7>[ 3084.341339] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (100) percent
  6711. <7>[ 3084.345489] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (100) percent
  6712. <7>[ 3084.345886] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (100) percent
  6713. <6>[ 3084.347656] PM: resume of devices complete after 81.760 msecs
  6714. <4>[ 3084.350860] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6715. <6>[ 3084.360259] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:18:48.015737362 UTC)
  6716. <7>[ 3084.411682] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6717. <7>[ 3084.412139] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6718. <4>[ 3084.589477] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6719. <4>[ 3084.659149] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6720. <4>[ 3084.661010] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6721. <7>[ 3084.835266] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6722. <7>[ 3084.835693] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6723. <3>[ 3084.835784] dpm_run_callback(): platform_pm_suspend+0x0/0x54 returns -16
  6724. <3>[ 3084.835815] PM: Device alarm failed to suspend: error -16
  6725. <3>[ 3084.835845] PM: Some devices failed to suspend
  6726. <7>[ 3084.836395] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6727. <7>[ 3084.837066] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6728. <6>[ 3084.838195] PM: resume of devices complete after 2.288 msecs
  6729. <4>[ 3084.847137] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6730. <6>[ 3084.871734] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2016-02-22 15:18:48.526968939 UTC)
  6731. <4>[ 3086.586090] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6732. <4>[ 3086.610687] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6733. <4>[ 3086.612091] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6734. <7>[ 3086.818450] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6735. <7>[ 3086.818878] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6736. <7>[ 3086.828765] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6737. <7>[ 3086.829711] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6738. <3>[ 3086.832794] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6739. <3>[ 3086.832855] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6740. <4>[ 3086.834655] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6741. <6>[ 3086.861663] PM: suspend of devices complete after 248.132 msecs
  6742. <6>[ 3086.864440] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.716 msecs
  6743. <6>[ 3086.868133] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.631 msecs
  6744. <4>[ 3086.868164] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6745. <6>[ 3086.888092] msm_pm_enter
  6746. <6>[ 3086.888092] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6747. <6>[ 3086.888092] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6748. <6>[ 3086.888092] msm_pm_enter: return
  6749. <6>[ 3086.888610] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6750. <6>[ 3086.893157] CPU1 is up
  6751. <6>[ 3086.895812] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.654 msecs
  6752. <6>[ 3086.897521] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6753. <6>[ 3086.900115] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.441 msecs
  6754. <4>[ 3086.911437] max8903b_resume: resume
  6755. <3>[ 3086.913330] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6756. <4>[ 3086.913452] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6757. <3>[ 3086.913482] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6758. <7>[ 3087.025573] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6759. <7>[ 3087.026397] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6760. <7>[ 3087.030487] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6761. <7>[ 3087.030853] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6762. <6>[ 3087.031188] PM: resume of devices complete after 130.969 msecs
  6763. <4>[ 3087.035827] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6764. <6>[ 3087.049926] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:18:54.020401355 UTC)
  6765. <4>[ 3087.179229] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6766. <4>[ 3087.186553] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6767. <4>[ 3087.189331] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6768. <4>[ 3087.209625] ------------[ cut here ]------------
  6769. <4>[ 3087.209808] WARNING: at /home/flintman/source/ever/mm/external/backports-wireless/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/txrx.c:379 ath6kl_data_tx+0x60/0xb90 [ath6kl]()
  6770. <4>[ 3087.209838] Modules linked in: ath6kl(O) cfg80211(O) compat(O)
  6771. <4>[ 3087.209930] [<800157bc>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0x11c) from [<80086cd8>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64)
  6772. <4>[ 3087.209991] [<80086cd8>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64) from [<80086d80>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x18/0x20)
  6773. <4>[ 3087.210113] [<80086d80>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x18/0x20) from [<7f041d58>] (ath6kl_data_tx+0x60/0xb90 [ath6kl])
  6774. <4>[ 3087.210235] [<7f041d58>] (ath6kl_data_tx+0x60/0xb90 [ath6kl]) from [<805cdccc>] (dev_hard_start_xmit+0x440/0x5a0)
  6775. <4>[ 3087.210296] [<805cdccc>] (dev_hard_start_xmit+0x440/0x5a0) from [<805e37d4>] (sch_direct_xmit+0x108/0x320)
  6776. <4>[ 3087.210357] [<805e37d4>] (sch_direct_xmit+0x108/0x320) from [<805ce1f0>] (dev_queue_xmit+0x3c4/0x83c)
  6777. <4>[ 3087.210388] [<805ce1f0>] (dev_queue_xmit+0x3c4/0x83c) from [<80638abc>] (ip_finish_output+0x2cc/0x334)
  6778. <4>[ 3087.210449] [<80638abc>] (ip_finish_output+0x2cc/0x334) from [<8063976c>] (ip_local_out+0x28/0x2c)
  6779. <4>[ 3087.210479] [<8063976c>] (ip_local_out+0x28/0x2c) from [<80639c24>] (ip_queue_xmit+0x2fc/0x3a4)
  6780. <4>[ 3087.210540] [<80639c24>] (ip_queue_xmit+0x2fc/0x3a4) from [<8064efb4>] (tcp_transmit_skb+0x7a8/0x814)
  6781. <4>[ 3087.210601] [<8064efb4>] (tcp_transmit_skb+0x7a8/0x814) from [<8064c914>] (tcp_rcv_established+0x638/0x650)
  6782. <4>[ 3087.210662] [<8064c914>] (tcp_rcv_established+0x638/0x650) from [<80652c00>] (tcp_v4_do_rcv+0x78/0x300)
  6783. <4>[ 3087.210693] [<80652c00>] (tcp_v4_do_rcv+0x78/0x300) from [<80655a08>] (tcp_v4_rcv+0x888/0x994)
  6784. <4>[ 3087.210754] [<80655a08>] (tcp_v4_rcv+0x888/0x994) from [<80634748>] (ip_local_deliver_finish+0x124/0x2b8)
  6785. <4>[ 3087.210784] [<80634748>] (ip_local_deliver_finish+0x124/0x2b8) from [<80634ca4>] (ip_rcv_finish+0x3c8/0x458)
  6786. <4>[ 3087.210845] [<80634ca4>] (ip_rcv_finish+0x3c8/0x458) from [<805ca2d0>] (__netif_receive_skb+0x538/0x5a0)
  6787. <4>[ 3087.210876] [<805ca2d0>] (__netif_receive_skb+0x538/0x5a0) from [<805cb668>] (process_backlog+0x88/0x1f4)
  6788. <4>[ 3087.210937] [<805cb668>] (process_backlog+0x88/0x1f4) from [<805ccf98>] (net_rx_action+0xc0/0x158)
  6789. <4>[ 3087.210998] [<805ccf98>] (net_rx_action+0xc0/0x158) from [<8008db68>] (__do_softirq+0xe0/0x1a8)
  6790. <4>[ 3087.211059] [<8008db68>] (__do_softirq+0xe0/0x1a8) from [<8008de48>] (do_softirq+0x48/0x54)
  6791. <4>[ 3087.211090] [<8008de48>] (do_softirq+0x48/0x54) from [<805caf7c>] (netif_rx_ni+0x48/0x80)
  6792. <4>[ 3087.211181] [<805caf7c>] (netif_rx_ni+0x48/0x80) from [<7f035630>] (ath6kl_htc_rxmsg_pending_handler+0xc2c/0xcb4 [ath6kl])
  6793. <4>[ 3087.211334] [<7f035630>] (ath6kl_htc_rxmsg_pending_handler+0xc2c/0xcb4 [ath6kl]) from [<7f0313c4>] (ath6kl_hif_intr_bh_handler+0x104/0x2a8 [ath6kl])
  6794. <4>[ 3087.211486] [<7f0313c4>] (ath6kl_hif_intr_bh_handler+0x104/0x2a8 [ath6kl]) from [<7f04ae1c>] (ath6kl_sdio_irq_handler+0x28/0x70 [ath6kl])
  6795. <4>[ 3087.211608] [<7f04ae1c>] (ath6kl_sdio_irq_handler+0x28/0x70 [ath6kl]) from [<80541db0>] (sdio_irq_thread+0xb0/0x2ec)
  6796. <4>[ 3087.211669] [<80541db0>] (sdio_irq_thread+0xb0/0x2ec) from [<800a6f48>] (kthread+0xa0/0xac)
  6797. <4>[ 3087.211730] [<800a6f48>] (kthread+0xa0/0xac) from [<8000f774>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
  6798. <4>[ 3087.211761] ---[ end trace df01f892d8c2666e ]---
  6799. <7>[ 3087.389007] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6800. <7>[ 3087.389434] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6801. <7>[ 3087.399322] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6802. <7>[ 3087.400299] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6803. <3>[ 3087.405334] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6804. <3>[ 3087.405364] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6805. <4>[ 3087.420562] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6806. <6>[ 3087.438049] PM: suspend of devices complete after 244.579 msecs
  6807. <6>[ 3087.440643] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6808. <6>[ 3087.444549] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.844 msecs
  6809. <4>[ 3087.444580] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6810. <6>[ 3087.463592] msm_pm_enter
  6811. <6>[ 3087.463592] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6812. <6>[ 3087.463592] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6813. <6>[ 3087.463592] msm_pm_enter: return
  6814. <6>[ 3087.464141] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6815. <6>[ 3087.468444] CPU1 is up
  6816. <6>[ 3087.471130] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  6817. <6>[ 3087.472625] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  6818. <6>[ 3087.475463] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.532 msecs
  6819. <4>[ 3087.488586] max8903b_resume: resume
  6820. <3>[ 3087.490417] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6821. <4>[ 3087.490539] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6822. <3>[ 3087.490600] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6823. <7>[ 3087.558044] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6824. <7>[ 3087.558868] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6825. <7>[ 3087.562713] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6826. <7>[ 3087.563049] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6827. <6>[ 3087.563079] PM: resume of devices complete after 87.526 msecs
  6828. <4>[ 3087.565490] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6829. <6>[ 3087.588256] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:18:54.558435210 UTC)
  6830. <6>[ 3087.588256] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  6831. <6>[ 3087.588256] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  6832. <6>[ 3087.588287] active wake lock PowerManagerService.WakeLocks
  6833. <6>[ 3087.588287] active wake lock power-supply
  6834. <4>[ 3087.813812] Freezing user space processes ...
  6835. <6>[ 3087.814208] active wake lock PowerManagerService.WakeLocks
  6836. <4>[ 3087.814239]
  6837. <3>[ 3087.814239] Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.000 seconds (21 tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=0):
  6838. <4>[ 3087.814239]
  6839. <4>[ 3087.814239] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6840. <4>[ 3087.815063] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6841. <6>[ 3087.815582] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2016-02-22 15:18:54.785671557 UTC)
  6842. <4>[ 3087.884094] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6843. <4>[ 3087.903900] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6844. <4>[ 3087.905517] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6845. <7>[ 3088.096252] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6846. <7>[ 3088.096679] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6847. <7>[ 3088.107788] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6848. <7>[ 3088.109222] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6849. <3>[ 3088.116546] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6850. <3>[ 3088.116577] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6851. <4>[ 3088.118286] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6852. <6>[ 3088.139007] PM: suspend of devices complete after 231.993 msecs
  6853. <6>[ 3088.141601] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  6854. <6>[ 3088.145629] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.965 msecs
  6855. <4>[ 3088.145660] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6856. <6>[ 3088.165405] msm_pm_enter
  6857. <6>[ 3088.165405] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6858. <6>[ 3088.165405] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6859. <6>[ 3088.165405] msm_pm_enter: return
  6860. <6>[ 3088.165954] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6861. <6>[ 3088.170349] CPU1 is up
  6862. <6>[ 3088.173187] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.806 msecs
  6863. <6>[ 3088.174835] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6864. <6>[ 3088.177490] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.470 msecs
  6865. <4>[ 3088.188659] max8903b_resume: resume
  6866. <3>[ 3088.190490] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6867. <4>[ 3088.190612] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6868. <3>[ 3088.190643] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6869. <7>[ 3088.302520] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6870. <7>[ 3088.304412] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6871. <7>[ 3088.306488] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6872. <7>[ 3088.306884] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6873. <6>[ 3088.307006] PM: resume of devices complete after 129.425 msecs
  6874. <4>[ 3088.310821] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6875. <6>[ 3088.339111] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:20:54.033025765 UTC)
  6876. <4>[ 3088.685852] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6877. <4>[ 3088.723083] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6878. <4>[ 3088.724822] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6879. <7>[ 3088.927062] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6880. <7>[ 3088.927490] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6881. <7>[ 3088.937896] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6882. <7>[ 3088.938903] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6883. <3>[ 3088.941711] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6884. <3>[ 3088.941772] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6885. <4>[ 3088.943237] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6886. <6>[ 3088.963928] PM: suspend of devices complete after 237.611 msecs
  6887. <6>[ 3088.966522] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.592 msecs
  6888. <6>[ 3088.970214] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.629 msecs
  6889. <4>[ 3088.970214] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6890. <6>[ 3088.990325] msm_pm_enter
  6891. <6>[ 3088.990325] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6892. <6>[ 3088.990325] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6893. <6>[ 3088.990325] msm_pm_enter: return
  6894. <6>[ 3088.990875] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6895. <6>[ 3088.995544] CPU1 is up
  6896. <6>[ 3088.998199] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.653 msecs
  6897. <6>[ 3088.999908] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  6898. <6>[ 3089.002502] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  6899. <4>[ 3089.013885] max8903b_resume: resume
  6900. <3>[ 3089.015747] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6901. <4>[ 3089.015869] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6902. <3>[ 3089.015899] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6903. <7>[ 3089.109283] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6904. <7>[ 3089.110229] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6905. <7>[ 3089.114105] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6906. <7>[ 3089.114440] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6907. <6>[ 3089.114532] PM: resume of devices complete after 111.919 msecs
  6908. <4>[ 3089.117919] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6909. <6>[ 3089.131164] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:33:54.017504708 UTC)
  6910. <4>[ 3090.815338] Freezing user space processes ...
  6911. <6>[ 3090.815795] active wake lock PowerManagerService.WakeLocks
  6912. <4>[ 3090.815795]
  6913. <3>[ 3090.815826] Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.000 seconds (21 tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=0):
  6914. <4>[ 3090.815826]
  6915. <4>[ 3090.815826] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6916. <4>[ 3090.816223] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6917. <6>[ 3090.817047] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2016-02-22 15:33:55.702862973 UTC)
  6918. <4>[ 3090.919830] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6919. <4>[ 3090.936614] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6920. <4>[ 3090.938384] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6921. <7>[ 3091.110259] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6922. <7>[ 3091.110687] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6923. <7>[ 3091.120758] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6924. <7>[ 3091.121704] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6925. <3>[ 3091.124450] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6926. <3>[ 3091.124481] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6927. <4>[ 3091.125762] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6928. <6>[ 3091.140319] PM: suspend of devices complete after 200.487 msecs
  6929. <6>[ 3091.142913] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.563 msecs
  6930. <6>[ 3091.146759] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.783 msecs
  6931. <4>[ 3091.146789] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6932. <6>[ 3091.166961] msm_pm_enter
  6933. <6>[ 3091.166961] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6934. <6>[ 3091.166961] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6935. <6>[ 3091.166961] msm_pm_enter: return
  6936. <6>[ 3091.167480] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6937. <6>[ 3091.171905] CPU1 is up
  6938. <6>[ 3091.174682] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.746 msecs
  6939. <6>[ 3091.175994] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  6940. <6>[ 3091.178802] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.441 msecs
  6941. <4>[ 3091.199157] max8903b_resume: resume
  6942. <3>[ 3091.201049] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6943. <4>[ 3091.201171] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6944. <3>[ 3091.201202] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6945. <7>[ 3091.262359] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6946. <7>[ 3091.263030] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6947. <7>[ 3091.265106] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6948. <7>[ 3091.265472] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6949. <6>[ 3091.265533] PM: resume of devices complete after 86.675 msecs
  6950. <4>[ 3091.267395] Restarting tasks ... done.
  6951. <6>[ 3091.283813] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:37:56.019153406 UTC)
  6952. <6>[ 3091.283813] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  6953. <6>[ 3091.283843] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  6954. <6>[ 3091.283843] active wake lock power-supply
  6955. <4>[ 3091.362121] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  6956. <4>[ 3091.365905] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  6957. <4>[ 3091.368041] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  6958. <7>[ 3091.541839] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6959. <7>[ 3091.542266] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6960. <7>[ 3091.552307] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6961. <7>[ 3091.553741] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6962. <3>[ 3091.559875] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  6963. <3>[ 3091.559905] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  6964. <4>[ 3091.561401] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  6965. <6>[ 3091.592285] PM: suspend of devices complete after 222.104 msecs
  6966. <6>[ 3091.594970] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.654 msecs
  6967. <6>[ 3091.598693] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.660 msecs
  6968. <4>[ 3091.598724] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6969. <6>[ 3091.617645] msm_pm_enter
  6970. <6>[ 3091.617645] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  6971. <6>[ 3091.617645] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  6972. <6>[ 3091.617645] msm_pm_enter: return
  6973. <6>[ 3091.618164] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  6974. <6>[ 3091.622558] CPU1 is up
  6975. <6>[ 3091.625366] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.776 msecs
  6976. <6>[ 3091.626800] wakeup wake lock: gpio_input
  6977. <6>[ 3091.629363] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  6978. <6>[ 3091.636932] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 1
  6979. <4>[ 3091.639556] max8903b_resume: resume
  6980. <3>[ 3091.640838] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  6981. <4>[ 3091.641052] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  6982. <3>[ 3091.641052] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  6983. <7>[ 3091.753021] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6984. <7>[ 3091.754089] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6985. <7>[ 3091.760467] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  6986. <7>[ 3091.760986] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  6987. <6>[ 3091.763458] PM: resume of devices complete after 133.940 msecs
  6988. <4>[ 3091.780700] Restarting tasks ...
  6989. <6>[ 3091.800811] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 3091766860414 (2016-02-22 15:40:02.042326048 UTC)
  6990. <4>[ 3091.810546] done.
  6991. <6>[ 3091.811920] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:40:02.053425696 UTC)
  6992. <6>[ 3091.824401] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 0
  6993. <3>[ 3091.863800] [DISP] lcdc_panel_power: ++ 1
  6994. <6>[ 3091.905792] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init start
  6995. <6>[ 3091.910186] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init done
  6996. <4>[ 3091.925689] mdp4_csc_config: Block type 10 isn't supported by CSC.
  6997. <4>[ 3091.925720] mdp4_csc_config: Block type 8 isn't supported by CSC.
  6998. <6>[ 3091.940368] mdp4_overlay_mdp_perf_upd mdp clk is changed [1] from 0 to 200000000
  6999. <3>[ 3092.007873] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 42
  7000. <3>[ 3092.019256] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 45
  7001. <3>[ 3092.030731] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 48
  7002. <3>[ 3092.047393] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 51
  7003. <3>[ 3092.064086] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 54
  7004. <3>[ 3092.080841] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 58
  7005. <3>[ 3092.097625] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 61
  7006. <3>[ 3092.114196] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 65
  7007. <3>[ 3092.132690] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 68
  7008. <3>[ 3092.147582] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 71
  7009. <3>[ 3092.164276] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 75
  7010. <3>[ 3092.180938] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 78
  7011. <3>[ 3092.197662] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 81
  7012. <3>[ 3092.214477] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 85
  7013. <3>[ 3092.231231] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 88
  7014. <3>[ 3092.247863] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 91
  7015. <3>[ 3092.264617] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 95
  7016. <3>[ 3092.281188] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 98
  7017. <3>[ 3092.297943] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 101
  7018. <3>[ 3092.316253] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 104
  7019. <6>[ 3095.929595] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7020. <6>[ 3095.929687] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7021. <3>[ 3095.929717] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7022. <3>[ 3095.956665] Device active
  7023. <6>[ 3098.432495] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 1
  7024. <6>[ 3098.636138] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 0
  7025. <6>[ 3099.277862] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7026. <6>[ 3099.314575] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 1
  7027. <6>[ 3099.445312] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 0
  7028. <6>[ 3099.562194] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 1
  7029. <6>[ 3099.803405] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 0
  7030. <6>[ 3104.026336] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7031. <6>[ 3104.026458] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7032. <3>[ 3104.026458] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7033. <3>[ 3104.054717] Device active
  7034. <6>[ 3107.265777] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7035. <6>[ 3110.282012] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7036. <6>[ 3110.282134] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7037. <3>[ 3110.282134] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7038. <3>[ 3110.309265] Device active
  7039. <6>[ 3113.527282] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7040. <6>[ 3113.782714] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7041. <6>[ 3113.782806] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7042. <3>[ 3113.782836] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7043. <3>[ 3113.809844] Device active
  7044. <6>[ 3122.577117] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7045. <6>[ 3122.822082] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7046. <6>[ 3122.822174] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7047. <3>[ 3122.822174] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7048. <3>[ 3122.849182] Device active
  7049. <6>[ 3133.685272] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7050. <6>[ 3133.994293] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7051. <6>[ 3133.994384] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7052. <3>[ 3133.994415] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7053. <3>[ 3134.009674] Device active
  7054. <6>[ 3137.223266] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7055. <6>[ 3145.807830] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7056. <6>[ 3145.807922] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7057. <3>[ 3145.807922] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7058. <3>[ 3145.835144] Device active
  7059. <38>[ 3158.349151] type=1400 audit(1456155668.584:150): avc: denied { search } for pid=4576 comm=4173796E635461736B202331 name="org.chromium.chrome" dev="dm-9" ino=1044538 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=1
  7060. <6>[ 3159.046813] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7061. <38>[ 3160.913055] type=1400 audit(1456155671.136:151): avc: denied { ioctl } for pid=4570 comm="Binder_1" path="socket:[23602]" dev="sockfs" ino=23602 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=1
  7062. <38>[ 3160.917266] type=1400 audit(1456155671.136:152): avc: denied { ioctl } for pid=4570 comm="Binder_1" path="/data/data/org.chromium.chrome/app_chrome/paks/en-US.pak" dev="dm-9" ino=1045344 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file permissive=1
  7063. <6>[ 3165.949310] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7064. <6>[ 3165.949432] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7065. <3>[ 3165.949432] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7066. <3>[ 3165.964752] Device active
  7067. <6>[ 3169.177062] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7068. <6>[ 3170.461822] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7069. <6>[ 3170.461914] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7070. <3>[ 3170.461914] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7071. <3>[ 3170.489074] Device active
  7072. <38>[ 3174.536285] type=1400 audit(1456155684.770:153): avc: denied { ioctl } for pid=2212 comm="RenderThread" path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  7073. <38>[ 3174.556610] type=1400 audit(1456155684.780:154): avc: denied { read write } for pid=2212 comm="RenderThread" path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  7074. <38>[ 3174.565643] type=1400 audit(1456155684.800:155): avc: denied { ioctl } for pid=2670 comm="RenderThread" path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  7075. <38>[ 3174.577514] type=1400 audit(1456155684.810:156): avc: denied { read write } for pid=2670 comm="RenderThread" path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  7076. <6>[ 3177.706268] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7077. <6>[ 3193.057098] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 1
  7078. <6>[ 3193.426086] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 0
  7079. <6>[ 3196.607696] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7080. <6>[ 3196.607818] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7081. <3>[ 3196.607818] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7082. <3>[ 3196.634674] Device active
  7083. <6>[ 3200.803314] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7084. <6>[ 3206.291381] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7085. <6>[ 3206.291473] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7086. <3>[ 3206.291473] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7087. <3>[ 3206.318267] Device active
  7088. <38>[ 3209.164703] type=1400 audit(1456155719.393:157): avc: denied { ioctl } for pid=3682 comm="RenderThread" path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=910 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  7089. <38>[ 3209.171051] type=1400 audit(1456155719.403:158): avc: denied { read write } for pid=3682 comm="RenderThread" path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  7090. <6>[ 3212.278228] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7091. <6>[ 3213.447021] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7092. <6>[ 3213.447143] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7093. <3>[ 3213.447143] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7094. <3>[ 3213.474060] Device active
  7095. <38>[ 3214.192932] type=1400 audit(1456155724.418:159): avc: denied { open } for pid=4670 comm="RenderThread" name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  7096. <6>[ 3216.690032] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7097. <6>[ 3218.403076] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7098. <6>[ 3218.403167] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7099. <3>[ 3218.403167] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7100. <3>[ 3218.418243] Device active
  7101. <6>[ 3228.964202] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7102. <3>[ 3278.646240] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 101
  7103. <3>[ 3278.662902] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 97
  7104. <3>[ 3278.679901] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 94
  7105. <3>[ 3278.697021] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 91
  7106. <3>[ 3278.713745] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 87
  7107. <3>[ 3278.729705] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 84
  7108. <3>[ 3278.746520] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 81
  7109. <3>[ 3278.763397] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 77
  7110. <3>[ 3278.780059] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 74
  7111. <3>[ 3278.796997] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 71
  7112. <3>[ 3278.813232] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 67
  7113. <3>[ 3278.829833] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 64
  7114. <3>[ 3278.847076] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 61
  7115. <3>[ 3278.863494] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 57
  7116. <3>[ 3278.880187] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 54
  7117. <3>[ 3278.896728] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 50
  7118. <3>[ 3278.913513] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 47
  7119. <3>[ 3278.931762] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 44
  7120. <3>[ 3278.947113] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 40
  7121. <3>[ 3278.963470] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 37
  7122. <3>[ 3278.979980] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 34
  7123. <3>[ 3278.997222] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 30
  7124. <3>[ 3279.013519] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 27
  7125. <3>[ 3279.030700] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 24
  7126. <3>[ 3279.048400] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 20
  7127. <3>[ 3279.063598] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 17
  7128. <3>[ 3279.080596] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 14
  7129. <3>[ 3279.096649] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 12
  7130. <3>[ 3285.740631] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 13
  7131. <3>[ 3285.757629] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 16
  7132. <3>[ 3285.775268] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 20
  7133. <3>[ 3285.802429] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 23
  7134. <3>[ 3285.807769] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 26
  7135. <3>[ 3285.823944] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 30
  7136. <3>[ 3285.842834] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 33
  7137. <3>[ 3285.857543] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 36
  7138. <3>[ 3285.874328] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 40
  7139. <3>[ 3285.895111] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 43
  7140. <3>[ 3285.908142] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 46
  7141. <3>[ 3285.929229] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 50
  7142. <3>[ 3285.944061] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 53
  7143. <3>[ 3285.960754] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 56
  7144. <3>[ 3285.979186] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 60
  7145. <3>[ 3285.995605] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 63
  7146. <3>[ 3286.010925] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 66
  7147. <3>[ 3286.028076] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 70
  7148. <3>[ 3286.043792] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 73
  7149. <3>[ 3286.060729] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 76
  7150. <3>[ 3286.081176] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 80
  7151. <3>[ 3286.093963] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 83
  7152. <3>[ 3286.110229] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 87
  7153. <3>[ 3286.127716] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 90
  7154. <3>[ 3286.144439] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 93
  7155. <3>[ 3286.158630] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 97
  7156. <3>[ 3286.179107] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 100
  7157. <3>[ 3286.196014] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 103
  7158. <3>[ 3286.213531] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 104
  7159. <38>[ 3290.748870] type=1400 audit(1456155800.973:160): avc: denied { ioctl } for pid=1071 comm="PowerManagerSer" path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 ioctlcmd=915 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  7160. <6>[ 3290.776794] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7161. <6>[ 3290.776916] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7162. <3>[ 3290.776916] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7163. <38>[ 3290.784088] type=1400 audit(1456155801.013:161): avc: denied { read write } for pid=1071 comm="PowerManagerSer" path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  7164. <3>[ 3290.803924] Device active
  7165. <3>[ 3291.290466] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 0
  7166. <3>[ 3291.376464] [DISP] lcdc_panel_power: ++ 0
  7167. <6>[ 3291.409912] request_suspend_state: sleep (0->3) at 3291375370852 (2016-02-22 15:43:21.650836486 UTC)
  7168. <38>[ 3291.410430] type=1400 audit(1456155801.644:162): avc: denied { write } for pid=1290 comm="PhotonicModulat" name="tsdriver" dev="tmpfs" ino=3223 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:socket_device:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=1
  7169. <6>[ 3294.041320] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7170. <4>[ 3294.078643] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  7171. <4>[ 3294.080566] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  7172. <4>[ 3294.082122] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  7173. <7>[ 3294.278778] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7174. <7>[ 3294.279205] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7175. <7>[ 3294.289642] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7176. <7>[ 3294.290649] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7177. <3>[ 3294.293457] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  7178. <3>[ 3294.293487] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  7179. <4>[ 3294.294921] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  7180. <6>[ 3294.323333] PM: suspend of devices complete after 239.807 msecs
  7181. <6>[ 3294.326049] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.685 msecs
  7182. <6>[ 3294.329772] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.662 msecs
  7183. <4>[ 3294.329803] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7184. <6>[ 3294.340789] msm_pm_enter
  7185. <6>[ 3294.340789] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  7186. <6>[ 3294.340789] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  7187. <6>[ 3294.340789] msm_pm_enter: return
  7188. <6>[ 3294.341339] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7189. <6>[ 3294.346557] CPU1 is up
  7190. <6>[ 3294.349243] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.655 msecs
  7191. <6>[ 3294.350921] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  7192. <6>[ 3294.353546] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.441 msecs
  7193. <4>[ 3294.365020] max8903b_resume: resume
  7194. <3>[ 3294.366882] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7195. <4>[ 3294.367004] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7196. <3>[ 3294.367034] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7197. <7>[ 3294.496002] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7198. <7>[ 3294.496978] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7199. <7>[ 3294.501159] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7200. <7>[ 3294.501556] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7201. <6>[ 3294.501770] PM: resume of devices complete after 148.077 msecs
  7202. <4>[ 3294.506622] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7203. <6>[ 3294.519073] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:43:53.018815504 UTC)
  7204. <4>[ 3294.571014] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  7205. <4>[ 3294.575500] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  7206. <4>[ 3294.577819] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  7207. <7>[ 3294.751403] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7208. <7>[ 3294.751831] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7209. <7>[ 3294.761810] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7210. <7>[ 3294.762786] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7211. <3>[ 3294.765777] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  7212. <3>[ 3294.765930] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  7213. <4>[ 3294.767456] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  7214. <6>[ 3294.788970] PM: suspend of devices complete after 208.673 msecs
  7215. <6>[ 3294.791564] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  7216. <6>[ 3294.795379] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.752 msecs
  7217. <4>[ 3294.795379] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7218. <6>[ 3294.814575] msm_pm_enter
  7219. <6>[ 3294.814575] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  7220. <6>[ 3294.814575] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  7221. <6>[ 3294.814575] msm_pm_enter: return
  7222. <6>[ 3294.815246] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7223. <6>[ 3294.819732] CPU1 is up
  7224. <6>[ 3294.822418] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  7225. <6>[ 3294.824096] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  7226. <6>[ 3294.826843] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.561 msecs
  7227. <4>[ 3294.838287] max8903b_resume: resume
  7228. <3>[ 3294.840148] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7229. <4>[ 3294.840270] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7230. <3>[ 3294.840301] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7231. <7>[ 3294.971801] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7232. <7>[ 3294.972747] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7233. <7>[ 3294.976715] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7234. <7>[ 3294.977111] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7235. <6>[ 3294.977325] PM: resume of devices complete after 150.346 msecs
  7236. <4>[ 3294.982147] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7237. <6>[ 3294.995056] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:45:03.018970066 UTC)
  7238. <4>[ 3295.110443] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  7239. <4>[ 3295.145385] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  7240. <4>[ 3295.147582] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  7241. <7>[ 3295.357635] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7242. <7>[ 3295.358062] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7243. <7>[ 3295.368957] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7244. <7>[ 3295.370361] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7245. <3>[ 3295.377746] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  7246. <3>[ 3295.377777] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  7247. <4>[ 3295.379425] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  7248. <6>[ 3295.405639] PM: suspend of devices complete after 255.958 msecs
  7249. <6>[ 3295.408264] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  7250. <6>[ 3295.411956] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.661 msecs
  7251. <4>[ 3295.411987] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7252. <6>[ 3295.431701] msm_pm_enter
  7253. <6>[ 3295.431701] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  7254. <6>[ 3295.431701] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  7255. <6>[ 3295.431701] msm_pm_enter: return
  7256. <6>[ 3295.432220] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7257. <6>[ 3295.436828] CPU1 is up
  7258. <6>[ 3295.439514] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.654 msecs
  7259. <6>[ 3295.440826] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  7260. <6>[ 3295.443603] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  7261. <4>[ 3295.456787] max8903b_resume: resume
  7262. <3>[ 3295.459228] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7263. <4>[ 3295.459930] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7264. <3>[ 3295.459991] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7265. <7>[ 3295.595977] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7266. <7>[ 3295.596954] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7267. <7>[ 3295.601104] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7268. <7>[ 3295.601501] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7269. <6>[ 3295.601684] PM: resume of devices complete after 157.972 msecs
  7270. <4>[ 3295.604186] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7271. <6>[ 3295.622039] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:45:14.021957871 UTC)
  7272. <6>[ 3295.622100] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  7273. <6>[ 3295.622100] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  7274. <6>[ 3295.622131] active wake lock power-supply
  7275. <4>[ 3295.669128] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  7276. <4>[ 3295.675262] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.003 seconds) done.
  7277. <4>[ 3295.678466] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  7278. <7>[ 3295.859344] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7279. <7>[ 3295.859741] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7280. <7>[ 3295.870849] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7281. <7>[ 3295.871856] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7282. <3>[ 3295.874664] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  7283. <3>[ 3295.874694] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  7284. <4>[ 3295.876129] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  7285. <6>[ 3295.896881] PM: suspend of devices complete after 215.502 msecs
  7286. <6>[ 3295.899475] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  7287. <6>[ 3295.903137] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.630 msecs
  7288. <4>[ 3295.903167] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7289. <6>[ 3295.922241] msm_pm_enter
  7290. <6>[ 3295.922241] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  7291. <6>[ 3295.922241] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  7292. <6>[ 3295.922241] msm_pm_enter: return
  7293. <6>[ 3295.922790] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7294. <6>[ 3295.927490] CPU1 is up
  7295. <6>[ 3295.930175] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  7296. <6>[ 3295.931488] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  7297. <6>[ 3295.934265] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  7298. <4>[ 3295.947570] max8903b_resume: resume
  7299. <3>[ 3295.949584] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7300. <4>[ 3295.949707] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7301. <3>[ 3295.949768] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7302. <7>[ 3296.049621] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7303. <7>[ 3296.050567] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7304. <7>[ 3296.054382] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7305. <6>[ 3296.054595] PM: resume of devices complete after 120.216 msecs
  7306. <7>[ 3296.054717] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7307. <4>[ 3296.056823] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7308. <6>[ 3296.059539] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:45:15.005641727 UTC)
  7309. <6>[ 3296.059570] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  7310. <6>[ 3296.059570] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  7311. <6>[ 3296.059570] active wake lock event5-1038
  7312. <6>[ 3296.059600] active wake lock event1-1038
  7313. <6>[ 3296.059600] active wake lock event0-1038
  7314. <6>[ 3296.059600] active wake lock power-supply
  7315. <4>[ 3296.105529] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.004 seconds) done.
  7316. <4>[ 3296.110015] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  7317. <4>[ 3296.111785] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  7318. <7>[ 3296.318969] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7319. <7>[ 3296.319396] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7320. <7>[ 3296.329559] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7321. <7>[ 3296.330993] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7322. <3>[ 3296.338378] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  7323. <3>[ 3296.338409] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  7324. <4>[ 3296.340057] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  7325. <6>[ 3296.366271] PM: suspend of devices complete after 252.898 msecs
  7326. <6>[ 3296.368865] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  7327. <6>[ 3296.372558] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.630 msecs
  7328. <4>[ 3296.372589] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7329. <6>[ 3296.391571] msm_pm_enter
  7330. <6>[ 3296.391571] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  7331. <6>[ 3296.391571] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  7332. <6>[ 3296.391571] msm_pm_enter: return
  7333. <6>[ 3296.392089] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7334. <6>[ 3296.396789] CPU1 is up
  7335. <6>[ 3296.399475] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  7336. <6>[ 3296.400787] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  7337. <6>[ 3296.403564] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  7338. <4>[ 3296.420654] max8903b_resume: resume
  7339. <3>[ 3296.425018] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7340. <4>[ 3296.425140] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7341. <3>[ 3296.425170] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7342. <7>[ 3296.512512] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7343. <7>[ 3296.513183] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7344. <7>[ 3296.515136] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7345. <6>[ 3296.515411] PM: resume of devices complete after 111.769 msecs
  7346. <7>[ 3296.515502] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7347. <4>[ 3296.517456] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7348. <6>[ 3296.528259] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:45:21.013570255 UTC)
  7349. <6>[ 3296.528259] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  7350. <6>[ 3296.528289] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  7351. <6>[ 3296.528289] active wake lock power-supply
  7352. <4>[ 3296.574035] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.004 seconds) done.
  7353. <4>[ 3296.578399] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  7354. <4>[ 3296.580139] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  7355. <7>[ 3296.759857] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7356. <7>[ 3296.760284] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7357. <7>[ 3296.771392] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7358. <7>[ 3296.772399] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7359. <3>[ 3296.775207] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  7360. <3>[ 3296.775238] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  7361. <4>[ 3296.776641] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  7362. <6>[ 3296.797393] PM: suspend of devices complete after 215.536 msecs
  7363. <6>[ 3296.800018] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  7364. <6>[ 3296.803680] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.630 msecs
  7365. <4>[ 3296.803710] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7366. <6>[ 3296.822784] msm_pm_enter
  7367. <6>[ 3296.822784] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  7368. <6>[ 3296.822784] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  7369. <6>[ 3296.822784] msm_pm_enter: return
  7370. <6>[ 3296.823333] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7371. <6>[ 3296.827972] CPU1 is up
  7372. <6>[ 3296.830657] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  7373. <6>[ 3296.831970] wakeup wake lock: mmc1
  7374. <6>[ 3296.834747] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  7375. <4>[ 3296.847991] max8903b_resume: resume
  7376. <3>[ 3296.851928] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7377. <4>[ 3296.852081] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7378. <3>[ 3296.852142] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7379. <7>[ 3296.956329] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7380. <7>[ 3296.958221] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7381. <7>[ 3296.960266] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7382. <6>[ 3296.960571] PM: resume of devices complete after 125.736 msecs
  7383. <7>[ 3296.960632] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7384. <4>[ 3296.962493] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7385. <6>[ 3296.966735] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:45:22.006892190 UTC)
  7386. <6>[ 3296.966766] active wake lock mmc1_detect
  7387. <6>[ 3296.966766] active wake lock mmc0_detect
  7388. <6>[ 3296.966796] active wake lock power-supply
  7389. <4>[ 3297.014007] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  7390. <4>[ 3297.017150] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.002 seconds) done.
  7391. <4>[ 3297.019317] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  7392. <7>[ 3297.200195] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7393. <7>[ 3297.200622] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7394. <7>[ 3297.211700] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7395. <7>[ 3297.213134] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7396. <3>[ 3297.220458] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  7397. <3>[ 3297.220519] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  7398. <4>[ 3297.222167] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  7399. <6>[ 3297.242950] PM: suspend of devices complete after 221.606 msecs
  7400. <6>[ 3297.245544] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  7401. <6>[ 3297.249572] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.965 msecs
  7402. <4>[ 3297.249603] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7403. <6>[ 3297.268676] msm_pm_enter
  7404. <6>[ 3297.268676] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  7405. <6>[ 3297.268676] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  7406. <6>[ 3297.268676] msm_pm_enter: return
  7407. <6>[ 3297.269226] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7408. <6>[ 3297.273681] CPU1 is up
  7409. <6>[ 3297.276367] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.623 msecs
  7410. <6>[ 3297.278137] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  7411. <6>[ 3297.280792] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.470 msecs
  7412. <4>[ 3297.289001] max8903b_resume: resume
  7413. <3>[ 3297.290985] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7414. <4>[ 3297.291076] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7415. <3>[ 3297.291137] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7416. <7>[ 3297.355255] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7417. <7>[ 3297.356231] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7418. <7>[ 3297.360198] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7419. <7>[ 3297.360595] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7420. <6>[ 3297.360778] PM: resume of devices complete after 79.898 msecs
  7421. <4>[ 3297.363769] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7422. <6>[ 3297.375305] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:48:56.015920437 UTC)
  7423. <4>[ 3297.494781] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  7424. <4>[ 3297.497253] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  7425. <4>[ 3297.499176] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  7426. <7>[ 3297.674591] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7427. <7>[ 3297.674987] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7428. <7>[ 3297.685058] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7429. <7>[ 3297.686492] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7430. <3>[ 3297.694030] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  7431. <3>[ 3297.694091] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  7432. <4>[ 3297.695434] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  7433. <6>[ 3297.715026] PM: suspend of devices complete after 214.307 msecs
  7434. <6>[ 3297.717803] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.715 msecs
  7435. <6>[ 3297.721527] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.691 msecs
  7436. <4>[ 3297.721557] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7437. <6>[ 3297.740631] msm_pm_enter
  7438. <6>[ 3297.740631] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  7439. <6>[ 3297.740631] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  7440. <6>[ 3297.740631] msm_pm_enter: return
  7441. <6>[ 3297.741180] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7442. <6>[ 3297.745574] CPU1 is up
  7443. <6>[ 3297.748443] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.806 msecs
  7444. <6>[ 3297.750122] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  7445. <6>[ 3297.752746] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.471 msecs
  7446. <4>[ 3297.761108] max8903b_resume: resume
  7447. <3>[ 3297.763122] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7448. <4>[ 3297.763214] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7449. <3>[ 3297.763275] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7450. <7>[ 3297.876831] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7451. <7>[ 3297.877807] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7452. <7>[ 3297.881988] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7453. <7>[ 3297.882446] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7454. <6>[ 3297.882659] PM: resume of devices complete after 129.823 msecs
  7455. <4>[ 3297.885559] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7456. <6>[ 3297.900421] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 15:50:55.019425673 UTC)
  7457. <4>[ 3298.115753] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.004 seconds) done.
  7458. <4>[ 3298.153991] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  7459. <4>[ 3298.155639] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  7460. <7>[ 3298.361236] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7461. <7>[ 3298.361663] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7462. <7>[ 3298.372100] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7463. <7>[ 3298.373107] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7464. <3>[ 3298.375915] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  7465. <3>[ 3298.375946] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  7466. <4>[ 3298.377410] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  7467. <6>[ 3298.398223] PM: suspend of devices complete after 240.858 msecs
  7468. <6>[ 3298.400817] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.563 msecs
  7469. <6>[ 3298.404510] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.630 msecs
  7470. <4>[ 3298.404540] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7471. <6>[ 3298.424560] msm_pm_enter
  7472. <6>[ 3298.424560] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  7473. <6>[ 3298.424560] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  7474. <6>[ 3298.424560] msm_pm_enter: return
  7475. <6>[ 3298.425109] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7476. <6>[ 3298.429595] CPU1 is up
  7477. <6>[ 3298.432281] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.654 msecs
  7478. <6>[ 3298.433959] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  7479. <6>[ 3298.436553] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.440 msecs
  7480. <4>[ 3298.447936] max8903b_resume: resume
  7481. <3>[ 3298.449798] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7482. <4>[ 3298.449920] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7483. <3>[ 3298.449951] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7484. <7>[ 3298.555480] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7485. <7>[ 3298.556426] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7486. <7>[ 3298.560790] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7487. <7>[ 3298.561248] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7488. <6>[ 3298.562988] PM: resume of devices complete after 126.314 msecs
  7489. <4>[ 3298.567474] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7490. <6>[ 3298.571228] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 16:03:56.011375165 UTC)
  7491. <4>[ 3299.223144] Freezing user space processes ...
  7492. <6>[ 3299.223785] active wake lock PowerManagerService.WakeLocks
  7493. <4>[ 3299.223815]
  7494. <3>[ 3299.223815] Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.000 seconds (22 tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=0):
  7495. <4>[ 3299.223815]
  7496. <4>[ 3299.223846] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7497. <4>[ 3299.224914] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7498. <6>[ 3299.225555] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2016-02-22 16:03:56.665427527 UTC)
  7499. <4>[ 3299.346313] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  7500. <4>[ 3299.392333] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
  7501. <4>[ 3299.394103] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
  7502. <7>[ 3299.604217] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7503. <7>[ 3299.604614] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7504. <7>[ 3299.614562] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7505. <7>[ 3299.615539] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7506. <3>[ 3299.618347] msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  7507. <3>[ 3299.618377] wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  7508. <4>[ 3299.619689] max8903b_suspend: suspend
  7509. <6>[ 3299.640319] PM: suspend of devices complete after 244.695 msecs
  7510. <6>[ 3299.642913] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.562 msecs
  7511. <6>[ 3299.646575] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 3.630 msecs
  7512. <4>[ 3299.646606] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7513. <6>[ 3299.666748] msm_pm_enter
  7514. <6>[ 3299.666748] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  7515. <6>[ 3299.666748] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  7516. <6>[ 3299.666748] msm_pm_enter: return
  7517. <6>[ 3299.667297] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  7518. <6>[ 3299.671936] CPU1 is up
  7519. <6>[ 3299.674591] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 2.654 msecs
  7520. <6>[ 3299.676025] wakeup wake lock: gpio_input
  7521. <6>[ 3299.678710] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.501 msecs
  7522. <6>[ 3299.686126] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 1
  7523. <4>[ 3299.688049] max8903b_resume: resume
  7524. <3>[ 3299.689392] msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7525. <4>[ 3299.689453] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7526. <3>[ 3299.689483] wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7527. <6>[ 3299.717132] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 0
  7528. <7>[ 3299.812622] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7529. <7>[ 3299.814819] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7530. <7>[ 3299.819976] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED1 brightness (0) percent
  7531. <7>[ 3299.820434] lm8502_mod_brightness: set LED2 brightness (0) percent
  7532. <6>[ 3299.822784] PM: resume of devices complete after 143.912 msecs
  7533. <4>[ 3299.830322] Restarting tasks ... done.
  7534. <6>[ 3299.848480] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2016-02-22 16:04:39.030313407 UTC)
  7535. <6>[ 3299.855041] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 3299817220885 (2016-02-22 16:04:39.036869358 UTC)
  7536. <3>[ 3299.901306] [DISP] lcdc_panel_power: ++ 1
  7537. <4>[ 3299.956756] mdp4_csc_config: Block type 10 isn't supported by CSC.
  7538. <4>[ 3299.956756] mdp4_csc_config: Block type 8 isn't supported by CSC.
  7539. <6>[ 3299.964935] mdp4_overlay_mdp_perf_upd mdp clk is changed [1] from 0 to 200000000
  7540. <6>[ 3299.978851] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init start
  7541. <6>[ 3299.980987] lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init done
  7542. <3>[ 3300.058135] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 42
  7543. <3>[ 3300.078277] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 46
  7544. <3>[ 3300.094818] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 50
  7545. <3>[ 3300.114074] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 53
  7546. <3>[ 3300.128204] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 56
  7547. <3>[ 3300.144805] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 60
  7548. <3>[ 3300.161621] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 63
  7549. <3>[ 3300.178741] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 66
  7550. <3>[ 3300.196685] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 70
  7551. <3>[ 3300.211578] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 73
  7552. <3>[ 3300.229003] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 76
  7553. <3>[ 3300.247100] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 80
  7554. <3>[ 3300.264526] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 83
  7555. <3>[ 3300.280212] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 86
  7556. <3>[ 3300.295104] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 90
  7557. <3>[ 3300.311828] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 93
  7558. <3>[ 3300.328552] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 96
  7559. <3>[ 3300.345031] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 100
  7560. <3>[ 3300.361785] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 103
  7561. <3>[ 3300.378387] [DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 104
  7562. <6>[ 3303.464324] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7563. <6>[ 3303.464416] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7564. <3>[ 3303.464446] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7565. <3>[ 3303.491394] Device active
  7566. <6>[ 3306.805633] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7567. <6>[ 3307.151855] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7568. <6>[ 3307.151946] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7569. <3>[ 3307.151946] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7570. <3>[ 3307.178741] Device active
  7571. <6>[ 3311.346527] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7572. <6>[ 3314.940307] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7573. <6>[ 3314.940399] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7574. <3>[ 3314.940399] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7575. <3>[ 3314.967620] Device active
  7576. <38>[ 3318.609039] type=1400 audit(1456157097.777:163): avc: denied { open } for pid=4829 comm="RenderThread" name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=4554 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
  7577. <6>[ 3326.841552] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7578. <6>[ 3328.190948] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  7579. <6>[ 3328.191040] msm_device_put:device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  7580. <3>[ 3328.191040] msm_device_put:device freq =48000
  7581. <3>[ 3328.206176] Device active
  7582. <3>[ 3331.115325] init: avc:  denied  { set } for property=ctl.dumplogcat:-D -B -o /data/user/0/com.evervolv.toolbox/files/logcat -m -r -d -k scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:ctl_default_prop:s0 tclass=property_service
  7583. <3>[ 3331.115783] init: Warning!  Service dumplogcat needs a SELinux domain defined; please fix!
  7584. <5>[ 3331.115814] init: Starting service 'dumplogcat'...
  7585. <38>[ 3331.117126] type=1400 audit(1456157110.279:164): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for pid=4835 comm="init" path="/system/bin/dumplogcat" dev="dm-10" ino=180 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
  7586. <38>[ 3331.130096] type=1400 audit(1456157110.299:165): avc: denied { module_request } for pid=4835 comm="dumplogcat" kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  7587. <4>[ 3331.157989] dumplogcat (4835): /proc/4835/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/4835/oom_score_adj instead.
  7588. <38>[ 3331.173156] type=1400 audit(1456157110.330:166): avc: denied { write } for pid=4838 comm="logcat" path="/data/data/com.evervolv.toolbox/files/logcat-2016-02-22-17-05-10.txt.tmp" dev="dm-9" ino=1045274 scontext=u:r:logd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_app_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
  7589. <38>[ 3331.173797] type=1400 audit(1456157110.330:167): avc: denied { module_request } for pid=4838 comm="logcat" kmod="personality-8" scontext=u:r:logd:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=1
  7592. ------ LAST KMSG (/proc/last_klog) ------
  7593. platform_init_mmu_mappings: entry
  7594. platform_init_mmu_mappings:57: mapping shared ram as uncached at 0x40000000
  7595. platform_init_mmu_mappings: exit
  7596. platform_init_timer: entry
  7597. platform_init_timer: exit
  7598. platform_set_periodic_timer:39: cb 0x4010c6bd, arg 0x0, interval 10
  7599. ******************************************
  7600. * Welcome to bootie!
  7601. *   Version: 468
  7602. ******************************************
  7603. mmch_init: entry
  7604. mmch_init: exit
  7605. usbc: initialized (rc=0)
  7606. target_init_buttonscan: entry
  7607. target_init_board_id: emu=0, product=0x1, hwbuild=1
  7608. boardtype=topaz-Wifi-pvt
  7609. Memory bank 0 -> address: 0x40200000-0x46700000 size:0x06500000
  7610. Memory bank 1 -> address: 0x48000000-0x7ff00000 size:0x37F00000
  7611. i2c_init: Register GSBI 3 as i2c bus 0
  7612. i2c_init_clock: The i2c clock rate is 19200000
  7613. i2c_init: Register GSBI 4 as i2c bus 1
  7614. i2c_init_clock: The i2c clock rate is 19200000
  7615. i2c_init: Register GSBI 9 as i2c bus 2
  7616. i2c_init_clock: The i2c clock rate is 19200000
  7617. i2c_init: Register GSBI 8 as i2c bus 3
  7618. i2c_init_clock: The i2c clock rate is 19200000
  7619. i2c_init: Register GSBI 7 as i2c bus 4
  7620. i2c_init_clock: The i2c clock rate is 19200000
  7621. a6_init_sbw_pins: TCK: 157, TDIO; 158, WKUP: 155
  7622. max8903b_gpio_init
  7623. Starting battery authentication...
  7624. Battery auth succeeded
  7625. sys_init: entry
  7626. Wall message(Boot reason) = 0x6f656d44 ("reboot")
  7627. sys_init: booted because 'reboot'
  7628. mmch_reset: entry
  7629. Bus(0) Primecell ID regs:
  7630. 0x80 0x11 0x4 0x0
  7631. 0xd 0xf0 0x5 0xb1
  7632. sdc1_clk_set 400000
  7633. mmch_set_active:727: bus 0, active 1
  7634. sdc1_clk_set 400000
  7635. mmch_reset: exit
  7636. mmch_set_active:727: bus 0, active 1
  7637. sdc1_clk_set 400000
  7638. cid: 0x2010053 0x454d3332 0x479070ee 0xd5c84ee6
  7639.         mfg id: 0x2
  7640.         oem id: 0x100
  7641.         name: 'SEM32G'
  7642.         rev: 0x90
  7643.         sn: 0x70eed5c8
  7644.         date: 4.2011
  7645. sdc1_clk_set 50000000
  7646. token section is 10240 bytes long
  7647. target_check_boot_condition: entry
  7648. Wall message(Boot reason) = 0x6f656d44 ("reboot")
  7649. display_init: displayWidth: 1024, displayHeight: 768
  7650. Wall message(Boot reason) = 0x6f656d44 ("reboot")
  7651. p=81 ca=4481600 v=3850320 i=-802500
  7652. autobooting with 'fsboot' command
  7653. loading file '/boot/uImage' to address 0x41000000
  7654. parse_uimage:241: uimage 0x41000000
  7655. <6>[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0
  7656. <6>[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
  7657. <5>[    0.000000] Linux version 3.4.82-tenderloin+ (flintman@mx.thenoblealliance.com) (gcc version 4.8 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Dec 23 13:58:38 EST 2014
  7658. <1>[    0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [510f02d2] revision 2 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
  7659. <1>[    0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIVT ASID tagged instruction cache
  7660. <1>[    0.000000] Machine: tenderloin
  7661. <6>[    0.000000] memory pool 3 (start 76400000 size 9200000) initialized
  7662. <1>[    0.000000] Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writealloc
  7663. <3>[    0.000000] smem_find(137, 80): wrong size 64
  7664. <3>[    0.000000] smem_find(137, 72): wrong size 64
  7665. <6>[    0.000000] socinfo_init: v5, id=86, ver=2.0, raw_id=1696, raw_ver=1696, hw_plat=0,  hw_plat_ver=65536
  7666. <6>[    0.000000]  accessory_chip=0
  7667. <7>[    0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 215296
  7668. <7>[    0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat 80958200, node_mem_map 80bea000
  7669. <7>[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 2024 pages used for memmap
  7670. <7>[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 0 pages reserved
  7671. <7>[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 213272 pages, LIFO batch:31
  7672. <6>[    0.000000] passing from bootie 9437184 bytes at 7f600000 physical for fb
  7673. <6>[    0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 8 pages/cpu @813df000 s11904 r8192 d12672 u32768
  7674. <7>[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s11904 r8192 d12672 u32768 alloc=8*4096
  7675. <7>[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1
  7676. <1>[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 213272
  7677. <5>[    0.000000] Kernel command line: androidboot.selinux=permissive root=/dev/ram0 rootwait ro fbcon=disable console=ttyS0,115200n8 androidboot.serialno=HTJ1VU13PDKVKNJES4H4LV8IDI5P2F3A  fb=0x7f600000 nduid=1bfc0fd7819b1df4fe47c94425f329d469c2ed05 klog=0x7ff00000 klog_len=0x100000 boardtype=topaz-Wifi-pvt lastboot=reboot
  7678. <6>[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
  7679. <6>[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
  7680. <6>[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
  7681. <6>[    0.000000] allocated 2072576 bytes of page_cgroup
  7682. <6>[    0.000000] please try 'cgroup_disable=memory' option if you don't want memory cgroups
  7683. <6>[    0.000000] Memory: 101MB 740MB = 841MB total
  7684. <5>[    0.000000] Memory: 834564k/834564k available, 176124k reserved, 0K highmem
  7685. <5>[    0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
  7686. <5>[    0.000000]     vector  : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
  7687. <5>[    0.000000]     fixmap  : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
  7688. <5>[    0.000000]     vmalloc : 0xbf800000 - 0xff000000   (1016 MB)
  7689. <5>[    0.000000]     lowmem  : 0x80000000 - 0xbf400000   (1012 MB)
  7690. <5>[    0.000000]     pkmap   : 0x7fe00000 - 0x80000000   (   2 MB)
  7691. <5>[    0.000000]     modules : 0x7f000000 - 0x7fe00000   (  14 MB)
  7692. <5>[    0.000000]       .text : 0x80008000 - 0x8086c6e0   (8594 kB)
  7693. <5>[    0.000000]       .init : 0x8086d000 - 0x808afe80   ( 268 kB)
  7694. <5>[    0.000000]       .data : 0x808b0000 - 0x80977100   ( 797 kB)
  7695. <5>[    0.000000]        .bss : 0x80977124 - 0x80be5508   (2489 kB)
  7696. <6>[    0.000000] SLUB: Genslabs=11, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1
  7697. <6>[    0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
  7698. <6>[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:855
  7699. <6>[    0.000000] sched_clock: 32 bits at 32kHz, resolution 30517ns, wraps every 131071999ms
  7700. <6>[    0.000000] Switching to timer-based delay loop
  7701. <7>[    0.000000] ODEBUG: 2 of 2 active objects replaced
  7702. <6>[    0.001861] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 13.50 BogoMIPS (lpj=67500)
  7703. <6>[    0.001892] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
  7704. <6>[    0.002197] Security Framework initialized
  7705. <6>[    0.002258] SELinux:  Initializing.
  7706. <7>[    0.002349] SELinux:  Starting in permissive mode
  7707. <6>[    0.002471] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
  7708. <6>[    0.004364] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
  7709. <6>[    0.004364] Initializing cgroup subsys memory
  7710. <6>[    0.004455] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
  7711. <6>[    0.004516] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
  7712. <6>[    0.004852] CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000
  7713. <6>[    0.004852] hw perfevents: enabled with ARMv7 Scorpion-MP PMU driver, 5 counters available
  7714. <6>[    0.005004] Setting up static identity map for 0x407efd80 - 0x407efde4
  7715. <6>[    0.036987] CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0, mpidr 80000001
  7716. <6>[    0.037139] Brought up 2 CPUs
  7717. <6>[    0.037170] SMP: Total of 2 processors activated (27.00 BogoMIPS).
  7718. <6>[    0.057098] dummy:
  7719. <6>[    0.057708] NET: Registered protocol family 16
  7720. <6>[    0.058715] DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
  7721. <3>[    0.058929] AXI: msm_bus_fabric_init_driver(): msm_bus_fabric_init_driver
  7722. <6>[    0.060241] meminfo_init: smem ram ptable found: ver: 0 len: 7
  7723. <6>[    0.060272] Found 2 memory banks grouped into 16 memory regions
  7724. <6>[    0.060607] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 0 to 172 on device: msmgpio
  7725. <6>[    0.061676] msm_tsens_early_init: done
  7726. <6>[    0.061706] msm_rpm_init: RPM firmware 2.0.67653
  7727. <1>[    0.061859] Choosing tenderloin_pins_wifi
  7728. <3>[    0.093719] msm_rpm_get_status(): Status id 433 not defined for target
  7729. <3>[    0.123321] tenderloin_init_gpiomux: >= TOPAZ_DVT
  7730. <6>[    0.124725] saw_probe: id=0, name=8901_s0
  7731. <6>[    0.125335] saw_probe: id=1, name=8901_s1
  7732. <6>[    0.132507] pm8058_probe: PMIC revision: E3
  7733. <6>[    0.134765] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 173 to 212 on device: pm-gpio
  7734. <6>[    0.135192] pm_gpio_probe: OK: base=173, ngpio=40
  7735. <6>[    0.135559] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 213 to 224 on device: pm8xxx-mpp
  7736. <6>[    0.135650] pm8xxx_mpp_probe: OK: base=213, ngpio=12
  7737. <6>[    0.138580] pm8901_probe: PMIC revision reg: F4
  7738. <6>[    0.138610] pm8901_probe: PMIC version: PM8901 rev 2.1
  7739. <6>[    0.139556] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 225 to 228 on device: pm8xxx-mpp
  7740. <6>[    0.139587] pm8xxx_mpp_probe: OK: base=225, ngpio=4
  7741. <3>[    0.144927] Registering a6_0 device.
  7742. <3>[    0.144958] Registering a6_1 device.
  7743. <4>[    0.146484] 8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7744. <6>[    0.146881] board_setup_S3A_1V8: 8058_s3: forcing HPM mode (2)
  7745. <7>[    0.146881] tenderloin_init_keypad
  7746. <3>[    0.147277] tenderloin_init: --
  7747. <6>[    0.147338] hw-breakpoint: found 3 (+1 reserved) breakpoint and 1 watchpoint registers.
  7748. <6>[    0.147369] hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 8 bytes.
  7749. <6>[    0.190246] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
  7750. <7>[    0.191772] reg-fixed-voltage reg-fixed-voltage.0: vdd50_boost supplying 5000000uV
  7751. <6>[    0.193939] ION heap vmalloc created
  7752. <6>[    0.194061] ION heap mm created at 38200000 with size 6600000
  7753. <6>[    0.194091] ION heap mm_fw created at 38000000 with size 200000
  7754. <6>[    0.194183] ION heap mfc created at 3e800000 with size 2000
  7755. <6>[    0.194458] ION heap sf created at 76401000 with size 4000000
  7756. <6>[    0.194732] ION heap camera_preview created at 7a401000 with size 4200000
  7757. <6>[    0.194824] ION heap audio created at 7e601000 with size 4cf000
  7758. <5>[    0.195098] pmic8058_pwm_probe: OK
  7759. <6>[    0.195251] klog_init: phys buffer at 0x7ff00000
  7760. <6>[    0.195343] klog_init: virt address at 0xbfe00000
  7761. <6>[    0.195373] klog_init: found valid klog, len 1048576
  7762. <6>klog_init: using buffer 1 at 0xbfe40018, length 262116
  7763. <6>klog_init: last_klog head=177631 tail=0 size=177631
  7764. <6>klog_init: last_klog2 head=57010 tail=0 size=57010
  7765. <6>klog_init: last_klog3 head=46252 tail=0 size=46252
  7766. <5>SCSI subsystem initialized
  7767. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
  7768. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
  7769. <6>usbcore: registered new device driver usb
  7770. <6>input: pmic8xxx_pwrkey as /devices/platform/msm_ssbi.0/pm8058-core/pm8xxx-pwrkey/input/input0
  7771. <6>Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.25.
  7772. <6>Bluetooth: Core ver 2.16
  7773. <6>NET: Registered protocol family 31
  7774. <6>Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
  7775. <6>Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
  7776. <6>Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
  7777. <6>Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
  7778. <6>cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
  7779. <6>Switching to clocksource gp_timer
  7780. <6>NET: Registered protocol family 2
  7781. <6>IP route cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
  7782. <6>TCP established hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
  7783. <6>TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 8, 1310720 bytes)
  7784. <6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established 131072 bind 65536)
  7785. <6>TCP: reno registered
  7786. <6>UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 24576 bytes)
  7787. <6>UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 24576 bytes)
  7788. <6>NET: Registered protocol family 1
  7789. <6>Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
  7790. <6>Freeing initrd memory: 3560K
  7791. <6>Detected 5 counters on the L2CC PMU.
  7792. <6>pil_qdsp6v3 pil_qdsp6v3: using non-secure boot
  7793. <3>smd_channel_probe_worker: allocation table not initialized
  7794. <6>snddev_icodec_probe: msm_codec_i2s_slave_mode = 0
  7795. <4>8058_s4: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7796. <6>dspcrashd_probe: Platform driver values: Base = 0x46700000, Size = 0x2000000,pdata = 0xdeaddead
  7797. <6>Max ACPU freq: 1782000 KHz
  7798. <4>8901_s0: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7799. <4>8901_s1: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7800. <6>CPU0: 28 scaling frequencies supported.
  7801. <6>CPU1: 28 scaling frequencies supported.
  7802. <6>audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
  7803. <5>type=2000 audit(0.540:1): initialized
  7804. <6>fuse init (API version 7.18)
  7805. <6>msgmni has been set to 1636
  7806. <7>SELinux:  Registering netfilter hooks
  7807. <6>Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 249)
  7808. <6>io scheduler noop registered
  7809. <6>io scheduler deadline registered
  7810. <6>io scheduler row registered (default)
  7811. <6>io scheduler cfq registered
  7812. <6>
  7813.  msm_vidc_enc: Inside vid_enc_init()<6>
  7814.  msm_vidc_enc: Inside vid_enc_vcd_init()<6>msm_serial_hs module loaded
  7815. <6>[BT]msm_serial_hs module loaded
  7816. <6>msm_serial_hsl: detected port #0
  7817. <6>msm_serial_hsl.0: ttyHSL0 at MMIO 0x19c40000 (irq = 227) is a MSM
  7818. <6>msm_serial_hsl: driver initialized
  7819. <6>msm_rotator_probe: rotator_hw_revision=1
  7820. <6>kgsl kgsl-3d0: |kgsl_gpummu_init| MMU type set for device is GPUMMU
  7821. <6>kgsl kgsl-2d0: |kgsl_gpummu_init| MMU type set for device is GPUMMU
  7822. <6>kgsl kgsl-2d1: |kgsl_gpummu_init| MMU type set for device is GPUMMU
  7823. <6>brd: module loaded
  7824. <6>loop: module loaded
  7825. <6>lkdtm: No crash points registered, enable through debugfs
  7826. <6>pmem: Initializing pmem_adsp as non-cached
  7827. <3>pmem: Cannot allocate from reserved memory for pmem_adsp
  7828. <4>android_pmem: probe of android_pmem.2 failed with error -1
  7829. <6>pmem: Initializing pmem_audio as non-cached
  7830. <6>allocating 5042176 bytes at 7ead0000 physical for pmem_audio
  7831. <4>8058_l18: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7832. <6>Before a6 call to i2c_add_driver.
  7833. <3>a6_init_state: enabling A6 internal wake.
  7834. <3>a6_init_state: TS2_I2C_WAKEUP_PERIOD = 0x1b
  7835. <6>A6 Version: HW: 255, FW (M.m.B): 2.13.25, ManID: 28769, ProdTyp: 1281
  7836. <5>A6 driver initialized successfully!
  7837. <3>a6_init_state: enabling A6 internal wake.
  7838. <3>a6_init_state: TS2_I2C_WAKEUP_PERIOD = 0x1b
  7839. <6>A6 Version: HW: 255, FW (M.m.B): 2.7.29, ManID: 28769, ProdTyp: 1793
  7840. <5>A6 driver initialized successfully!
  7841. <4>i2c-core: driver [a6] using legacy suspend method
  7842. <4>i2c-core: driver [a6] using legacy resume method
  7843. <6>nduid: 1bfc0fd7819b1df4fe47c94425f329d469c2ed05
  7844. <3>hsuart_rxtx_lists_init: init 80ad716c
  7845. <3>hsuart_rxtx_lists_init: init 80ad71a0
  7846. hsuart_tty:created 'ttyHS0' device on UART 0
  7847. mdmgpio_init
  7848. mdmgpio_probe
  7849. <3>msm_wm8958_setup_power: codec power setup
  7850. <4>vdd50_boost: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7851. <4>8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7852. <3>wm8994_ldo_power: Power up the WM8994 LDOs
  7853. <6>wm8994 4-001a: WM8958 revision B
  7854. <4>wm8994 4-001a: No interrupt specified, no interrupts
  7855. <7>gpiochip_find_base: found new base at 501
  7856. <6>gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 501 to 511 on device: wm8994
  7857. <6>SCSI Media Changer driver v0.25
  7858. <6>PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
  7859. <6>PPP BSD Compression module registered
  7860. <6>PPP Deflate Compression module registered
  7861. <6>PPP MPPE Compression module registered
  7862. <6>NET: Registered protocol family 24
  7863. <6>SLIP: version 0.8.4-NET3.019-NEWTTY (dynamic channels, max=256) (6 bit encapsulation enabled).
  7864. <6>CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California.
  7865. <4>8058_s1: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7866. <4>8058_l6: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7867. <4>8058_l7: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7868. <6>ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
  7869. <3>Rate 2147483647 for jpegd_clk is greater than highest Fmax
  7870. <6>host driver registered w/ tranceiver
  7871. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
  7872. <6>cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters
  7873. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_wdm
  7874. <6>Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
  7875. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
  7876. <6>USB Mass Storage support registered.
  7877. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-alauda
  7878. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-cypress
  7879. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-datafab
  7880. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-freecom
  7881. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-isd200
  7882. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-jumpshot
  7883. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-karma
  7884. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-onetouch
  7885. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr09
  7886. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr55
  7887. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-usbat
  7888. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
  7889. <6>usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
  7890. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usb_ehset_test
  7891. <6>peripheral driver registered w/ tranceiver
  7892. <6>mbim_init: initialize 1 instances
  7893. <6>mbim_init: Initialized 1 ports
  7894. <6>rndis_qc_init: initialize rndis QC instance
  7895. <6>android_usb gadget: Mass Storage Function, version: 2009/09/11
  7896. <6>android_usb gadget: Number of LUNs=1
  7897. <6> lun0: LUN: removable file: (no medium)
  7898. <6>android_usb gadget: android_usb ready
  7899. <4>8058_l10: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7900. <4>vdd50_boost: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7901. <6>GPIO Input Driver: Start gpio inputs for tenderloin-keypad in interrupt mode
  7902. <6>input: tenderloin-keypad as /devices/virtual/input/input1
  7903. <6>i2c i2c-0: mpu3050: +lsm303dlha
  7904. <6>i2c i2c-0: mpu3050: +lsm303dlhm
  7905. <4>i2c i2c-0: WARNING: Compass irq not assigned
  7906. <4>i2c i2c-0: mpu3050: No Pressure Present
  7907. <4>ODEBUG: object is on stack, but not annotated
  7908. <4>------------[ cut here ]------------
  7909. <4>WARNING: at /home/flintman/source/ever/lollipop/kernel/htc/msm8960/lib/debugobjects.c:302 __debug_object_init+0x2bc/0x374()
  7910. <d>Modules linked in:
  7911. [<80015020>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0x11c) from [<8007781c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64)
  7912. [<8007781c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64) from [<800778c4>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x18/0x20)
  7913. [<800778c4>] (warn_slowpath_null+0x18/0x20) from [<80228440>] (__debug_object_init+0x2bc/0x374)
  7914. [<80228440>] (__debug_object_init+0x2bc/0x374) from [<8009425c>] (hrtimer_init+0x18/0x30)
  7915. [<8009425c>] (hrtimer_init+0x18/0x30) from [<80082340>] (do_nsleep+0x2c/0xf4)
  7916. [<80082340>] (do_nsleep+0x2c/0xf4) from [<8008241c>] (hr_msleep+0x14/0x1c)
  7917. [<8008241c>] (hr_msleep+0x14/0x1c) from [<8039ec38>] (MLDLPowerMgmtMPU+0x194/0x4a8)
  7918. [<8039ec38>] (MLDLPowerMgmtMPU+0x194/0x4a8) from [<803a03e4>] (mpu3050_open+0xa4/0x4bc)
  7919. [<803a03e4>] (mpu3050_open+0xa4/0x4bc) from [<8039ccc0>] (mpu3050_probe+0x3a4/0x6b4)
  7920. [<8039ccc0>] (mpu3050_probe+0x3a4/0x6b4) from [<803a9ee0>] (i2c_device_probe+0xb8/0x100)
  7921. [<803a9ee0>] (i2c_device_probe+0xb8/0x100) from [<802ca8b0>] (driver_probe_device+0x134/0x328)
  7922. [<802ca8b0>] (driver_probe_device+0x134/0x328) from [<802cab50>] (__driver_attach+0x68/0x8c)
  7923. [<802cab50>] (__driver_attach+0x68/0x8c) from [<802c8e20>] (bus_for_each_dev+0x70/0x84)
  7924. [<802c8e20>] (bus_for_each_dev+0x70/0x84) from [<802c9ec8>] (bus_add_driver+0x10c/0x258)
  7925. [<802c9ec8>] (bus_add_driver+0x10c/0x258) from [<802cb098>] (driver_register+0x9c/0x114)
  7926. [<802cb098>] (driver_register+0x9c/0x114) from [<803abcd0>] (i2c_register_driver+0x40/0xdc)
  7927. [<803abcd0>] (i2c_register_driver+0x40/0xdc) from [<8088f298>] (mpu_init+0x10/0x60)
  7928. [<8088f298>] (mpu_init+0x10/0x60) from [<800085e0>] (do_one_initcall+0x8c/0x150)
  7929. [<800085e0>] (do_one_initcall+0x8c/0x150) from [<8086db98>] (kernel_init+0x104/0x1c0)
  7930. [<8086db98>] (kernel_init+0x104/0x1c0) from [<8000f4f8>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
  7931. <4>---[ end trace 0df8266a395e4783 ]---
  7932. <6>gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-73, 0 (103) changed to 0
  7933. <6>gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-72, 1 (104) changed to 0
  7934. <6>gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 0
  7935. <3>ulpi_read: timeout 48300000
  7936. <6>i2c i2c-0: Installing irq using 381
  7937. <6>i2c i2c-0: Module Param interface = mpuirq
  7938. <4>i2c-core: driver [mpu3050] using legacy suspend method
  7939. <4>i2c-core: driver [mpu3050] using legacy resume method
  7940. <7>mpu_init
  7941. <6><6>lsm303dlh magnetometer driver
  7942. <3>lsm303dlh_mag_sysfs: probe start
  7943. <6>input: lsm303dlh_mag_sysfs as /devices/i2c-0/0-001e/input/input2
  7944. <6>lsm303dlh_mag_sysfs 0-001e: lsm303dlh_mag probed
  7945. <7>lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs accelerometer driver: init
  7946. <6>lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: probe start.
  7947. <6>lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init start
  7948. <6>lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init done
  7949. <6>input: lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs as /devices/i2c-0/0-0018/input/input3
  7950. <6>lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs 0-0018: lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: probed
  7951. <4>i2c-core: driver [lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs] using legacy suspend method
  7952. <4>i2c-core: driver [lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs] using legacy resume method
  7953. <4>------------[ cut here ]------------
  7954. <4>WARNING: at /home/flintman/source/ever/lollipop/kernel/htc/msm8960/lib/debugobjects.c:262 debug_print_object+0x8c/0xb4()
  7955. <3>ODEBUG: assert_init not available (active state 0) object type: timer_list hint: stub_timer+0x0/0x10
  7956. <d>Modules linked in:
  7957. [<80015020>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0x11c) from [<8007781c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64)
  7958. [<8007781c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64) from [<80077860>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c)
  7959. [<80077860>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c) from [<8022815c>] (debug_print_object+0x8c/0xb4)
  7960. [<8022815c>] (debug_print_object+0x8c/0xb4) from [<80228aac>] (debug_object_assert_init+0xac/0xd4)
  7961. [<80228aac>] (debug_object_assert_init+0xac/0xd4) from [<80082760>] (del_timer+0x14/0xb0)
  7962. [<80082760>] (del_timer+0x14/0xb0) from [<8008d5b0>] (__cancel_work_timer+0x20/0x100)
  7963. [<8008d5b0>] (__cancel_work_timer+0x20/0x100) from [<803a4e48>] (isl29023_set_power_state+0x74/0x80)
  7964. [<803a4e48>] (isl29023_set_power_state+0x74/0x80) from [<805df6f8>] (isl29023_probe+0x188/0x374)
  7965. [<805df6f8>] (isl29023_probe+0x188/0x374) from [<803a9ee0>] (i2c_device_probe+0xb8/0x100)
  7966. [<803a9ee0>] (i2c_device_probe+0xb8/0x100) from [<802ca8b0>] (driver_probe_device+0x134/0x328)
  7967. [<802ca8b0>] (driver_probe_device+0x134/0x328) from [<802cab50>] (__driver_attach+0x68/0x8c)
  7968. [<802cab50>] (__driver_attach+0x68/0x8c) from [<802c8e20>] (bus_for_each_dev+0x70/0x84)
  7969. [<802c8e20>] (bus_for_each_dev+0x70/0x84) from [<802c9ec8>] (bus_add_driver+0x10c/0x258)
  7970. [<802c9ec8>] (bus_add_driver+0x10c/0x258) from [<802cb098>] (driver_register+0x9c/0x114)
  7971. [<802cb098>] (driver_register+0x9c/0x114) from [<803abcd0>] (i2c_register_driver+0x40/0xdc)
  7972. [<803abcd0>] (i2c_register_driver+0x40/0xdc) from [<800085e0>] (do_one_initcall+0x8c/0x150)
  7973. [<800085e0>] (do_one_initcall+0x8c/0x150) from [<8086db98>] (kernel_init+0x104/0x1c0)
  7974. [<8086db98>] (kernel_init+0x104/0x1c0) from [<8000f4f8>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
  7975. <4>---[ end trace 0df8266a395e4784 ]---
  7976. <6>input: isl29023 light sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input4
  7977. isl29023 input_dev success
  7978. <6>isl29023 0-0044: driver version 1.0 enabled
  7979. <4>i2c-core: driver [isl29023] using legacy suspend method
  7980. <4>i2c-core: driver [isl29023] using legacy resume method
  7981. <6>using rtc device, pm8xxx_rtc, for alarms<6>rtc-pm8xxx rtc-pm8xxx: rtc core: registered pm8xxx_rtc as rtc0
  7982. <6>i2c /dev entries driver
  7983. <6>lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 240
  7984. <6>IR RC5 (streamzap) protocol handler initialized
  7985. <6>IR SANYO protocol handler initialized
  7986. <6>IR MCE Keyboard/mouse protocol handler initialized
  7987. <6>IR LIRC bridge handler initialized
  7988. <6>Linux video capture interface: v2.00
  7989. +++ config_camera_on_gpios_web_cam_mt9m113
  7990. <4>8058_lvs0: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7991. config_camera_on_gpios_web_cam_mt9m113:enable the regulator votg_lvs0 succeed
  7992. <4>8058_l11: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7993. config_camera_on_gpios_web_cam_mt9m113:enable the regulator votg_vreg_l11 succeed
  7994. --- config_camera_on_gpios_web_cam_mt9m113
  7995. <4>fs_vfe: Failed to create debugfs directory
  7996. <3>ulpi_read: timeout 48300000
  7997. <3>ulpi_read: timeout 48300000
  7998. +++ config_camera_off_gpios_web_cam_mt9m113
  7999. config_camera_off_gpios_web_cam_mt9m113:disable the regulator: votg_lvs0 succeed
  8000. config_camera_off_gpios_web_cam_mt9m113:disable the regulator: votg_vreg_l11 succeed
  8001. --- config_camera_off_gpios_web_cam_mt9m113
  8002. <6>msm_sync_init: initialized mt9m113
  8003. <6>max8903b driver registeration! rc = 0
  8004. <6>msm_adc successfully registered
  8005. <5>tsens_tm_init: OK
  8006. <6>device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
  8007. <6>device-mapper: ioctl: 4.22.0-ioctl (2011-10-19) initialised: dm-devel@redhat.com
  8008. <6>device-mapper: multipath: version 1.3.0 loaded
  8009. <6>device-mapper: multipath round-robin: version 1.0.0 loaded
  8010. <6>device-mapper: multipath queue-length: version 0.1.0 loaded
  8011. <6>device-mapper: multipath service-time: version 0.2.0 loaded
  8012. <6>cpuidle: using governor ladder
  8013. <6>cpuidle: using governor menu
  8014. <6>mmc0: SDCC Version: 0x00000000
  8015. <3>mmc0: No card detect facilities available
  8016. <4>8901_l5: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8017. <4>8901_lvs0: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8018. <6>mmc0: Qualcomm MSM SDCC-core at 0x0000000012400000 irq 136,0 dma 18 dmacrcri 1
  8019. <6>mmc0: Controller capabilities: 0x00000001
  8020. <6>mmc0: 8 bit data mode enabled
  8021. <6>mmc0: 4 bit data mode disabled
  8022. <6>mmc0: polling status mode disabled
  8023. <6>mmc0: MMC clock 400000 -> 48000000 Hz, PCLK 0 Hz
  8024. <6>mmc0: Slot eject status = 0
  8025. <6>mmc0: Power save feature enable = 1
  8026. <6>mmc0: DM non-cached buffer at bf8e6000, dma_addr 0x746e0000
  8027. <6>mmc0: DM cmd busaddr 0x746e0000, cmdptr busaddr 0x746f7f40
  8028. <6>mmc1: SDCC Version: 0x00000000
  8029. <3>mmc1: No card detect facilities available
  8030. <4>8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8031. <6>mmc1: Qualcomm MSM SDCC-core at 0x00000000121c0000 irq 133,0 dma 21 dmacrcri 5
  8032. <6>mmc1: Controller capabilities: 0x00000001
  8033. <6>mmc1: 8 bit data mode disabled
  8034. <6>mmc1: 4 bit data mode enabled
  8035. <6>mmc1: polling status mode disabled
  8036. <6>mmc1: MMC clock 400000 -> 48000000 Hz, PCLK 0 Hz
  8037. <6>mmc1: Slot eject status = 0
  8038. <6>mmc1: Power save feature enable = 1
  8039. <6>mmc1: DM non-cached buffer at bfb01000, dma_addr 0x74700000
  8040. <6>mmc1: DM cmd busaddr 0x74700000, cmdptr busaddr 0x74717f40
  8041. tenderloin_probe_wifi: id 4 mmc b44d0000
  8042. <3>board_sdio_wifi_enable
  8043. <4>8058_s3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8044. <4>8901_l3: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8045. <4>8901_l1: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8046. <4>8058_l19: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8047. <6>wifi_power(1) 1.8V sdio: set load
  8048. <6>tenderloin_wifi_power: New regulator mode for 8058_s3: 2
  8049. <6>wifi_power(1) 3.3V
  8050. <6>wifi_power(1) 8901_l1 3.3V
  8051. <6>wifi_power(1) 8058_l19 1.8V
  8052. wifi_power(1) CHIP_PWD
  8053. <7>LM8502 module init called
  8054. <7>LM8502 probe called
  8055. <3>ulpi_read: timeout 48300000
  8056. <3>ulpi_read: timeout 48300000
  8057. <3>qup_i2c qup_i2c.3: QUP: I2C status flags :0x1343c8, irq:193
  8058. <3>qup_i2c qup_i2c.3: I2C slave addr:0x33 not connected
  8059. <3>Unable to read LM8502 registers
  8060. <6>mmc0: disabling BKOPS
  8061. <7>Registered led device: core_navi_left
  8062. <7>Registered led device: core_navi_right
  8063. <6>mmc0: new high speed MMC card at address 0001
  8064. <6>mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 SEM32G 29.7 GiB
  8065. <4>i2c-core: driver [LM8502] using legacy suspend method
  8066. <4>i2c-core: driver [LM8502] using legacy resume method
  8067. <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
  8068. <6>usbhid: USB HID core driver
  8069. <6>ashmem: initialized
  8070. <6>logger: created 256K log 'log_main'
  8071. <6>logger: created 256K log 'log_events'
  8072. <6>logger: created 256K log 'log_radio'
  8073. <6>logger: created 256K log 'log_system'
  8074. <6>msm-cpu-dai msm-cpu-dai.0: asoc_msm_cpu_probe: dev name msm-cpu-dai.0
  8075. <6>msm-codec-dai msm-codec-dai.0: asoc_msm_codec_probe: dev name msm-codec-dai.0
  8076. <6>msm-dsp-audio msm-dsp-audio.0: msm_pcm_probe: dev name msm-dsp-audio.0
  8077. <3>msm_wm8958_shutdown_power: codec power shutdown
  8078. <6> mmcblk0: p1 p2 p3 p4 < p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 >
  8079. <4>vdd50_boost: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8080. <3>wm8994_ldo_power: Power down the WM8994 LDOs
  8081. <6>asoc: wm8994-aif1 <-> msm-cpu-dai.0 mapping ok
  8082. <3>ulpi_read_with_reset: ulpi read failed for 5 times
  8083. <6>asoc: wm8994-aif2 <-> msm-cpu-dai.0 mapping ok
  8084. <6>input: msm-audio headset as /devices/platform/soc-audio/sound/card0/input5
  8085. <3>ulpi_write: timeout
  8086. <6>GACT probability NOT on
  8087. <6>Mirror/redirect action on
  8088. Failed to load ipt action
  8089. <6>u32 classifier
  8090. <6>    Performance counters on
  8091. <6>    input device check on
  8092. <6>    Actions configured
  8093. <6>Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
  8094. <6>nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (13095 buckets, 52380 max)
  8095. <6>ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
  8096. <6>NF_TPROXY: Transparent proxy support initialized, version 4.1.0
  8097. <6>NF_TPROXY: Copyright (c) 2006-2007 BalaBit IT Ltd.
  8098. <3>ulpi_write: timeout
  8099. <6>xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
  8100. <6>ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
  8101. <6>arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
  8102. <6>TCP: cubic registered
  8103. <6>NET: Registered protocol family 10
  8104. <6>Mobile IPv6
  8105. <6>ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
  8106. <6>IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
  8107. <6>NET: Registered protocol family 17
  8108. <6>NET: Registered protocol family 15
  8109. <6>Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
  8110. <6>Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
  8111. <6>Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
  8112. <6>Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
  8113. <6>Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.2
  8114. <6>L2TP core driver, V2.0
  8115. <6>PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
  8116. <6>L2TP IP encapsulation support (L2TPv3)
  8117. <6>L2TP netlink interface
  8118. <6>L2TP ethernet pseudowire support (L2TPv3)
  8119. <3>lcdc_tenderloin_panel_init: +++++++++++++++++++++++
  8120. <3>lcdc_tenderloin_probe: ++
  8121. <6>Lcdc_tenderloin_probe: bl_pwm0=b5bbe000 LPG_chan0=0
  8122. <6>setting pdata->panel_info.fb_num to 3. type: 3
  8123. <4>------------[ cut here ]------------
  8124. <4>WARNING: at /home/flintman/source/ever/lollipop/kernel/htc/msm8960/arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-local.c:424 rcg_clk_prepare+0x2c/0x48()
  8125. Attempting to prepare pixel_mdp_clk before setting its rate. Set the rate first!
  8126. <d>Modules linked in:
  8127. [<80015020>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0x11c) from [<8007781c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64)
  8128. [<8007781c>] (warn_slowpath_common+0x4c/0x64) from [<80077860>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c)
  8129. [<80077860>] (warn_slowpath_fmt+0x2c/0x3c) from [<800593a0>] (rcg_clk_prepare+0x2c/0x48)
  8130. [<800593a0>] (rcg_clk_prepare+0x2c/0x48) from [<80020920>] (clk_prepare+0x94/0xd8)
  8131. [<80020920>] (clk_prepare+0x94/0xd8) from [<80257af8>] (cont_splash_clk_ctrl.part.0+0x14/0x70)
  8132. [<80257af8>] (cont_splash_clk_ctrl.part.0+0x14/0x70) from [<80257d90>] (lcdc_probe+0xc4/0x200)
  8133. [<80257d90>] (lcdc_probe+0xc4/0x200) from [<802cbb58>] (platform_drv_probe+0x14/0x18)
  8134. [<802cbb58>] (platform_drv_probe+0x14/0x18) from [<802ca8b0>] (driver_probe_device+0x134/0x328)
  8135. [<802ca8b0>] (driver_probe_device+0x134/0x328) from [<802c8ebc>] (bus_for_each_drv+0x74/0x88)
  8136. [<802c8ebc>] (bus_for_each_drv+0x74/0x88) from [<802ca70c>] (device_attach+0x80/0xa4)
  8137. [<802ca70c>] (device_attach+0x80/0xa4) from [<802c9c34>] (bus_probe_device+0x28/0x98)
  8138. [<802c9c34>] (bus_probe_device+0x28/0x98) from [<802c8434>] (device_add+0x434/0x580)
  8139. [<802c8434>] (device_add+0x434/0x580) from [<802cbed4>] (platform_device_add+0x134/0x1a0)
  8140. [<802cbed4>] (platform_device_add+0x134/0x1a0) from [<8023daa0>] (msm_fb_add_device+0x148/0x1a8)
  8141. [<8023daa0>] (msm_fb_add_device+0x148/0x1a8) from [<805d3e8c>] (lcdc_tenderloin_probe+0x78/0x98)
  8142. [<805d3e8c>] (lcdc_tenderloin_probe+0x78/0x98) from [<802cbb58>] (platform_drv_probe+0x14/0x18)
  8143. [<802cbb58>] (platform_drv_probe+0x14/0x18) from [<802ca8b0>] (driver_probe_device+0x134/0x328)
  8144. [<802ca8b0>] (driver_probe_device+0x134/0x328) from [<802c8ebc>] (bus_for_each_drv+0x74/0x88)
  8145. [<802c8ebc>] (bus_for_each_drv+0x74/0x88) from [<802ca70c>] (device_attach+0x80/0xa4)
  8146. [<802ca70c>] (device_attach+0x80/0xa4) from [<802c9c34>] (bus_probe_device+0x28/0x98)
  8147. [<802c9c34>] (bus_probe_device+0x28/0x98) from [<802c8434>] (device_add+0x434/0x580)
  8148. [<802c8434>] (device_add+0x434/0x580) from [<802cbed4>] (platform_device_add+0x134/0x1a0)
  8149. [<802cbed4>] (platform_device_add+0x134/0x1a0) from [<80063c10>] (lcdc_tenderloin_device_register+0x7c/0xcc)
  8150. [<80063c10>] (lcdc_tenderloin_device_register+0x7c/0xcc) from [<808792a0>] (lcdc_tenderloin_panel_init+0xa8/0xd8)
  8151. [<808792a0>] (lcdc_tenderloin_panel_init+0xa8/0xd8) from [<800085e0>] (do_one_initcall+0x8c/0x150)
  8152. [<800085e0>] (do_one_initcall+0x8c/0x150) from [<8086db98>] (kernel_init+0x104/0x1c0)
  8153. [<8086db98>] (kernel_init+0x104/0x1c0) from [<8000f4f8>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
  8154. <4>---[ end trace 0df8266a395e4785 ]---
  8155. <6>FrameBuffer[0] 1024x768 size=9437184 bytes is registered successfully!
  8156. <4>load_565rle_image: Can not open /initlogo.rle
  8157. <7>Registered led device: lcd-backlight
  8158. <6>mdp4_lcdc_vsync_init: ndx=0
  8159. <6>VFP support v0.3: implementor 51 architecture 64 part 2d variant 0 rev 0
  8160. <5>Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
  8161. <6>clock_late_init: Removing enables held for handed-off clocks
  8162. <4>mmc1: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x01 (3 bytes)
  8163. <6>MSM Watchdog Initialized
  8164. <6>[MPDEC]: msm_mpdec_init init complete.<4>8058_l5: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8165. <4>8058_l5: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8166. <4>8058_l5: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8167. <6>rtc-pm8xxx rtc-pm8xxx: setting system clock to 2016-02-22 12:11:38 UTC (1456143098)
  8168. <6>msm_v4l2: msm_v4l2_init
  8169. <6>ALSA device list:
  8170. <6>  #0: msm-audio
  8171. <4>Warning: unable to open an initial console.
  8172. <6>Freeing init memory: 264K
  8173. <4>mmc1: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x1a (5 bytes)
  8174. <7>SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 4357 rules.
  8175. <4>mmc1: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x1b (8 bytes)
  8176. <7>SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 4357 rules.
  8177. <7>SELinux:  1 users, 2 roles, 358 types, 0 bools, 1 sens, 1024 cats
  8178. <7>SELinux:  86 classes, 4357 rules
  8179. <4>mmc1: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x14 (0 bytes)
  8180. <7>SELinux:  Completing initialization.
  8181. <7>SELinux:  Setting up existing superblocks.
  8182. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
  8183. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev rootfs, type rootfs), uses genfs_contexts
  8184. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev bdev, type bdev), not configured for labeling
  8185. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
  8186. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
  8187. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev debugfs, type debugfs), uses genfs_contexts
  8188. <4>mmc1: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x80 (1 bytes)
  8189. <4>mmc1: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x81 (1 bytes)
  8190. <4>mmc1: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x82 (1 bytes)
  8191. <6>mmc1: new high speed SDIO card at address 0001
  8192. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sockfs, type sockfs), uses task SIDs
  8193. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev pipefs, type pipefs), uses task SIDs
  8194. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev anon_inodefs, type anon_inodefs), not configured for labeling
  8195. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses transition SIDs
  8196. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev selinuxfs, type selinuxfs), uses genfs_contexts
  8197. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
  8198. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
  8199. <6>msm_otg_suspend: usb in low power mode
  8200. <5>type=1403 audit(1456143098.700:2): policy loaded auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
  8201. <3>init: /init.recovery.tenderloin.rc: 77: ignored duplicate definition of service 'ueventd'
  8202. <3>init: /init.recovery.tenderloin.rc: 80: ignored duplicate definition of service 'recovery'
  8203. <3>init: /init.recovery.tenderloin.rc: 82: ignored duplicate definition of service 'adbd'
  8204. <6>init: command 'loglevel 7' action=early-init status=0 (/init.rc:6)
  8205. <6>init: command 'setenforce 0' action=early-init status=0 (/init.rc:7)
  8206. <6>init: command 'setcon u:r:init:s0' action=early-init status=0 (/init.rc:10)
  8207. <5>init: starting 'ueventd'
  8208. <6>init: command 'start ueventd' action=early-init status=0 (/init.rc:12)
  8209. <5>init: starting 'healthd'
  8210. <6>init: command 'start healthd' action=early-init status=0 (/init.rc:13)
  8211. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24610 (early-init)
  8212. <6>init: command 'start ueventd' action=early-init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:2)
  8213. <6>init: command 'setenforce 0' action=early-init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:3)
  8214. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24790 (wait_for_coldboot_done)
  8215. <6>init: wait for /dev/.coldboot_done
  8216. <3>healthd: wakealarm_init: timerfd_create failed
  8217. <3>init: invalid uid 'fm_radio'
  8218. <3>init: invalid uid 'felicaclient'
  8219. <3>init: invalid uid 'felicaclient'
  8220. <3>init: invalid uid 'felicalock'
  8221. <3>init: invalid uid 'felicaclient'
  8222. <3>init: invalid uid 'felicaclient'
  8223. <3>init: invalid uid 'felicaclient'
  8224. <3>init: invalid uid 'felicaclient'
  8225. <3>init: invalid uid 'felicaclient'
  8226. <3>init: invalid uid 'autobot_access'
  8227. <6>healthd: battery l=80 v=3758 t=36.0 h=2 st=3 c=-1037 chg=
  8228. <6>healthd: battery l=80 v=3758 t=36.0 h=2 st=3 c=-1037 chg=
  8229. <6>healthd: battery l=80 v=3758 t=36.0 h=2 st=3 c=-1037 chg=
  8230. <6>healthd: battery l=80 v=3758 t=36.0 h=2 st=3 c=-1037 chg=
  8231. <6>init: command 'wait_for_coldboot_done' action=wait_for_coldboot_done status=0 ((null):0)
  8232. <6>init: processing action 0x76d247c0 (mix_hwrng_into_linux_rng)
  8233. <3>init: /dev/hw_random not found
  8234. <6>init: command 'mix_hwrng_into_linux_rng' action=mix_hwrng_into_linux_rng status=0 ((null):0)
  8235. <6>init: processing action 0x76d247f0 (keychord_init)
  8236. <6>init: command 'keychord_init' action=keychord_init status=0 ((null):0)
  8237. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24820 (console_init)
  8238. <6>init: command 'console_init' action=console_init status=0 ((null):0)
  8239. <6>init: processing action 0x76d242b0 (init)
  8240. <6>init: command 'export PATH /sbin:/system/bin' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:20)
  8241. <6>init: command 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH .:/sbin' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:21)
  8242. <6>init: command 'export ANDROID_ROOT /system' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:22)
  8243. <6>init: command 'export ANDROID_DATA /data' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:23)
  8244. <6>init: command 'export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /sdcard' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:24)
  8245. <6>init: command 'mkdir /boot' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:26)
  8246. <6>init: command 'mkdir /recovery' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:27)
  8247. <6>init: command 'mkdir /system' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:28)
  8248. <6>init: command 'mkdir /data' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:29)
  8249. <6>init: command 'mkdir /cache' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:30)
  8250. <6>init: command 'mkdir /sideload' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:31)
  8251. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
  8252. <6>init: command 'mount tmpfs tmpfs /tmp' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:32)
  8253. <6>init: command 'chown root shell /tmp' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:34)
  8254. <6>init: command 'chmod 0775 /tmp' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:35)
  8255. <6>init: command 'write /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops 1' action=init status=0 (/init.rc:37)
  8256. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24640 (init)
  8257. <6>init: command 'export PATH /sbin' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:6)
  8258. <6>init: command 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH .:/sbin' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:7)
  8259. <6>init: command 'export ANDROID_ROOT /system' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:8)
  8260. <6>init: command 'export ANDROID_DATA /data' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:9)
  8261. <6>init: command 'export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /sdcard' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:10)
  8262. <6>init: command 'symlink /system/etc /etc' action=init status=-1 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:12)
  8263. <6>init: command 'mkdir /boot' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:14)
  8264. <6>init: command 'mkdir /sdcard' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:15)
  8265. <6>init: command 'mkdir /internal_sd' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:16)
  8266. <6>init: command 'mkdir /external_sd' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:17)
  8267. <6>init: command 'mkdir /sd-ext' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:18)
  8268. <6>init: command 'mkdir /datadata' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:19)
  8269. <6>init: command 'mkdir /emmc' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:20)
  8270. <6>init: command 'mkdir /system' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:21)
  8271. <6>init: command 'mkdir /data' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:22)
  8272. <6>init: command 'mkdir /cache' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:23)
  8273. <6>init: command 'mount /tmp /tmp tmpfs' action=init status=-1 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:24)
  8274. <6>init: command 'chown root shell /tmp' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:26)
  8275. <6>init: command 'chmod 0775 /tmp' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:27)
  8276. <6>kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
  8277. <6>EXT3-fs (mmcblk0p13): using internal journal
  8278. <6>EXT3-fs (mmcblk0p13): mounted filesystem with writeback data mode
  8279. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev mmcblk0p13, type ext3), uses xattr
  8280. <6>init: command 'mount ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p13 /boot wait noatime barrier=1' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:33)
  8281. <6>init: command 'symlink /boot/lib /lib' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:36)
  8282. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143099.490:3): avc:  denied  { execute } for  pid=106 comm="init" name="busybox" dev="mmcblk0p13" ino=51 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 tclass=file
  8283. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143099.490:4): avc:  denied  { execute_no_trans } for  pid=106 comm="init" path="/boot/bin/busybox" dev="mmcblk0p13" ino=51 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 tclass=file
  8284. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143099.750:5): avc:  denied  { create } for  pid=107 comm="lvm.static" name=".lvm_(none)_107_671076811" scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=file
  8285. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143099.750:6): avc:  denied  { append } for  pid=107 comm="lvm.static" name=".lvm_(none)_107_671076811" dev="rootfs" ino=4646 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=file
  8286. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143099.760:7): avc:  denied  { link } for  pid=107 comm="lvm.static" name=".lvm_(none)_107_671076811" dev="rootfs" ino=4646 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=file
  8287. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143099.760:8): avc:  denied  { unlink } for  pid=107 comm="lvm.static" name=".lvm_(none)_107_671076811" dev="rootfs" ino=4646 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=file
  8288. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143099.760:9): avc:  denied  { rename } for  pid=107 comm="lvm.static" name=".lvm_(none)_107_1242242525" dev="rootfs" ino=4650 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=file
  8289. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143099.830:10): avc:  denied  { create } for  pid=107 comm="lvm.static" name="store-media" scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=blk_file
  8290. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143099.830:11): avc:  denied  { setattr } for  pid=107 comm="lvm.static" name="store-media" dev="tmpfs" ino=4665 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=blk_file
  8291. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143099.960:12): avc:  denied  { write } for  pid=107 comm="lvm.static" name=".cache" dev="rootfs" ino=4709 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=file
  8292. <6>init: command 'exec /boot/bin/sh -c LVM_SYSTEM_DIR=/lvm /boot/usr/sbin/lvm.static vgchange -ay' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:37)
  8293. <6>init: command 'rm /lib' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:39)
  8294. <6>init: command 'rm /boot/moboot.next' action=init status=-1 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:40)
  8295. <3>enable_store: android_usb: already disabled
  8296. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:42)
  8297. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18D1' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:43)
  8298. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 0c86' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:44)
  8299. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions mass_storage,adb' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:45)
  8300. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iManufacturer ${ro.product.manufacturer}' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:46)
  8301. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iProduct ${ro.product.model}' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:47)
  8302. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial ${ro.serialno}' action=init status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:48)
  8303. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24850 (mix_hwrng_into_linux_rng)
  8304. <3>init: /dev/hw_random not found
  8305. <6>init: command 'mix_hwrng_into_linux_rng' action=mix_hwrng_into_linux_rng status=0 ((null):0)
  8306. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24880 (property_service_init)
  8307. <6>init: Created socket '/dev/socket/property_service' with mode '666', user '0', group '0'
  8308. <6>init: command 'property_service_init' action=property_service_init status=0 ((null):0)
  8309. <6>init: processing action 0x76d248b0 (signal_init)
  8310. <6>init: command 'signal_init' action=signal_init status=0 ((null):0)
  8311. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24460 (late-init)
  8312. <6>init: command 'trigger early-fs' action=late-init status=0 (/init.rc:67)
  8313. <6>init: command 'trigger fs' action=late-init status=0 (/init.rc:68)
  8314. <6>init: command 'trigger post-fs' action=late-init status=0 (/init.rc:69)
  8315. <6>init: command 'trigger post-fs-data' action=late-init status=0 (/init.rc:70)
  8316. <6>init: command 'trigger load_all_props_action' action=late-init status=0 (/init.rc:75)
  8317. <6>init: command 'trigger early-boot' action=late-init status=0 (/init.rc:77)
  8318. <6>init: command 'trigger boot' action=late-init status=0 (/init.rc:78)
  8319. <6>init: processing action 0x76d248e0 (queue_property_triggers)
  8320. <6>init: command 'queue_property_triggers' action=queue_property_triggers status=0 ((null):0)
  8321. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24340 (fs)
  8322. <6>init: command 'mkdir /dev/usb-ffs 0770 shell shell' action=fs status=0 (/init.rc:40)
  8323. <6>init: command 'mkdir /dev/usb-ffs/adb 0770 shell shell' action=fs status=0 (/init.rc:41)
  8324. <6>init: command 'mount functionfs adb /dev/usb-ffs/adb uid=2000,gid=2000' action=fs status=-1 (/init.rc:42)
  8325. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0' action=fs status=0 (/init.rc:44)
  8326. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 18D1' action=fs status=0 (/init.rc:45)
  8327. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct D002' action=fs status=0 (/init.rc:46)
  8328. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_ffs/aliases adb' action=fs status=-2 (/init.rc:47)
  8329. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions adb' action=fs status=0 (/init.rc:48)
  8330. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iManufacturer ${ro.product.manufacturer}' action=fs status=0 (/init.rc:49)
  8331. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iProduct ${ro.product.model}' action=fs status=0 (/init.rc:50)
  8332. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial ${ro.serialno}' action=fs status=0 (/init.rc:51)
  8333. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24430 (load_all_props_action)
  8334. <3>init: Unable to open persistent property directory /data/property errno: 2
  8335. <6>init: command 'load_all_props' action=load_all_props_action status=0 (/init.rc:63)
  8336. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24400 (boot)
  8337. <6>init: command 'ifup lo' action=boot status=0 (/init.rc:55)
  8338. <6>init: command 'hostname localhost' action=boot status=0 (/init.rc:56)
  8339. <6>init: command 'domainname localdomain' action=boot status=0 (/init.rc:57)
  8340. <5>init: starting 'set_permissive'
  8341. <6>init: computing context for service '/sbin/recovery'
  8342. <3>init: Warning!  Service recovery needs a SELinux domain defined; please fix!
  8343. <5>init: starting 'recovery'
  8344. <6>init: computing context for service '/sbin/ts_srv'
  8345. <3>init: Warning!  Service tsdriver needs a SELinux domain defined; please fix!
  8346. <5>init: starting 'tsdriver'
  8347. <6>init: command 'class_start default' action=boot status=0 (/init.rc:59)
  8348. <6>init: waitpid returned pid 115, status = 0000ff00
  8349. <5>init: process 'set_permissive', pid 115 exited
  8350. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24700 (boot)
  8351. <6>init: command 'write /sys/module/rpm_resources/enable_low_power/L2_cache 1' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:53)
  8352. <6>init: command 'write /sys/module/rpm_resources/enable_low_power/pxo 1' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:54)
  8353. <6>init: command 'write /sys/module/rpm_resources/enable_low_power/vdd_dig 1' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:55)
  8354. <6>init: command 'write /sys/module/rpm_resources/enable_low_power/vdd_mem 1' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:56)
  8355. <6>init: command 'write /sys/module/pm_8x60/modes/cpu0/power_collapse/suspend_enabled 1' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:57)
  8356. <6>init: command 'write /sys/module/pm_8x60/modes/cpu1/power_collapse/suspend_enabled 1' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:58)
  8357. <6>init: command 'write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor ondemand' action=boot status=-22 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:59)
  8358. <6>init: command 'write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor ondemand' action=boot status=-22 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:60)
  8359. <6>init: command 'write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold 90' action=boot status=-2 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:61)
  8360. <6>init: command 'write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate 50000' action=boot status=-2 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:62)
  8361. <6>init: command 'write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_down_factor 4' action=boot status=-2 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:63)
  8362. <6>init: command 'write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq 384000' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:64)
  8363. <6>init: command 'write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq 384000' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:65)
  8364. <6>init: command 'write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online 0' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:66)
  8365. <6>init: command 'ifup lo' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:68)
  8366. <6>init: command 'hostname localhost' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:69)
  8367. <6>init: command 'domainname localdomain' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:70)
  8368. <6>init: command 'class_start default' action=boot status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:72)
  8369. <6>init: processing action 0x76d245b0 (property:ro.debuggable=1)
  8370. <6>init: command 'setprop service.adb.root 1' action=property:ro.debuggable=1 status=0 (/init.rc:131)
  8371. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24730 (property:ro.debuggable=1)
  8372. <6>init: command 'setprop service.adb.root 1' action=property:ro.debuggable=1 status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:87)
  8373. <6>init: processing action 0x76d245e0 (property:service.adb.root=1)
  8374. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0' action=property:service.adb.root=1 status=0 (/init.rc:135)
  8375. <5>init: starting 'adbd'
  8376. <6>init: command 'restart adbd' action=property:service.adb.root=1 status=0 (/init.rc:136)
  8377. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1' action=property:service.adb.root=1 status=0 (/init.rc:137)
  8378. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24760 (property:service.adb.root=1)
  8379. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0' action=property:service.adb.root=1 status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:91)
  8380. <5>init: service 'adbd' is being killed
  8381. <6>init: command 'restart adbd' action=property:service.adb.root=1 status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:92)
  8382. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1' action=property:service.adb.root=1 status=0 (/init.recovery.tenderloin.rc:93)
  8383. <6>init: Created socket '/dev/socket/adbd' with mode '660', user '1000', group '1000'
  8384. <3>[DISP] lcdc_panel_power: ++ 1
  8385. <4>8058_l10: Failed to create debugfs directory
  8386. <6>adb_open
  8387. <6>input: HPTouchpad as /devices/virtual/input/input6
  8388. <4>mdp4_csc_config: Block type 10 isn't supported by CSC.
  8389. <4>mdp4_csc_config: Block type 8 isn't supported by CSC.
  8390. <3>[DISP] lcdc_tenderloin_panel_set_backlight: 256
  8391. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143100.381:13): avc:  denied  { execmem } for  pid=116 comm="recovery" scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:init:s0 tclass=process
  8392. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143100.381:14): avc:  denied  { execute } for  pid=116 comm="recovery" path="/dev/ashmem" dev="tmpfs" ino=4453 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:ashmem_device:s0 tclass=chr_file
  8393. <6>lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init start
  8394. <6>lsm303dlh_acc_sysfs: hw init done
  8395. <6>EXT4-fs (dm-8): recovery complete
  8396. <6>EXT4-fs (dm-8): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
  8397. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-8, type ext4), uses xattr
  8398. <6>SELinux:  Context u:object_r:recovery_cache_file:s0 is not valid (left unmapped).
  8399. <7>EXT4-fs (dm-9): ext4_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 1044867
  8400. <7>EXT4-fs (dm-9): ext4_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 1045514
  8401. <7>EXT4-fs (dm-9): ext4_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 1045245
  8402. <6>EXT4-fs (dm-9): 3 orphan inodes deleted
  8403. <6>EXT4-fs (dm-9): recovery complete
  8404. <6>EXT4-fs (dm-9): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
  8405. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-9, type ext4), uses xattr
  8406. <6>EXT4-fs (dm-9): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
  8407. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-9, type ext4), uses xattr
  8408. <6>SELinux:  Context u:object_r:heapdump_data_file:s0 is not valid (left unmapped).
  8409. <6>SELinux:  Context u:object_r:vold_data_file:s0 is not valid (left unmapped).
  8410. <6>SELinux:  Context u:object_r:perfprofd_data_file:s0 is not valid (left unmapped).
  8411. <6>SELinux:  Context u:object_r:gatekeeper_data_file:s0 is not valid (left unmapped).
  8412. <6>SELinux:  Context u:object_r:adb_data_file:s0 is not valid (left unmapped).
  8413. <6>SELinux:  Context u:object_r:bootchart_data_file:s0 is not valid (left unmapped).
  8414. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143101.151:15): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=116 comm="recovery" path="/data/data/com.android.statementservice" dev="dm-9" ino=1044510 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
  8415. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143101.151:16): avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=116 comm="recovery" name="com.android.statementservice" dev="dm-9" ino=1044510 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
  8416. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143101.151:17): avc:  denied  { open } for  pid=116 comm="recovery" name="com.android.statementservice" dev="dm-9" ino=1044510 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
  8417. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143101.161:18): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=116 comm="recovery" path="/data/data/com.android.providers.downloads/databases/downloads.db-journal" dev="dm-9" ino=1044730 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file
  8418. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143101.172:19): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=116 comm="recovery" path="/data/data/com.android.defcontainer/lib" dev="dm-9" ino=1044491 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0 tclass=lnk_file
  8419. <6>EXT4-fs (dm-10): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
  8420. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-10, type ext4), uses xattr
  8421. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-6, type vfat), uses genfs_contexts
  8422. <3>TSENS: TZ get temp failed!
  8423. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-6, type vfat), uses genfs_contexts
  8424. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24520 (property:sys.usb.config=none)
  8425. <5>init: service 'adbd' is being killed
  8426. <6>init: command 'stop adbd' action=property:sys.usb.config=none status=0 (/init.rc:94)
  8427. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0' action=property:sys.usb.config=none status=0 (/init.rc:95)
  8428. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/bDeviceClass 0' action=property:sys.usb.config=none status=0 (/init.rc:96)
  8429. <6>adb_release
  8430. <6>init: waitpid returned pid 125, status = 00000009
  8431. <5>init: process 'adbd', pid 125 exited
  8432. <5>init: process 'adbd' killing any children in process group
  8433. <6>init: processing action 0x76d24550 (property:sys.usb.config=mtp,adb)
  8434. <6>init: command 'stop adbd' action=property:sys.usb.config=mtp,adb status=0 (/init.rc:99)
  8435. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0' action=property:sys.usb.config=mtp,adb status=0 (/init.rc:100)
  8436. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions mtp,adb' action=property:sys.usb.config=mtp,adb status=0 (/init.rc:101)
  8437. <6>init: command 'write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1' action=property:sys.usb.config=mtp,adb status=0 (/init.rc:102)
  8438. <5>init: starting 'adbd'
  8439. <6>init: command 'start adbd' action=property:sys.usb.config=mtp,adb status=0 (/init.rc:103)
  8440. <6>init: Created socket '/dev/socket/adbd' with mode '660', user '1000', group '1000'
  8441. <6>mtp_bind_config
  8442. <6>mtp_open
  8443. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143103.374:20): avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=150 comm="recovery" name="/" dev="dm-6" ino=1 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vfat:s0 tclass=dir
  8444. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143103.374:21): avc:  denied  { open } for  pid=150 comm="recovery" name="/" dev="dm-6" ino=1 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vfat:s0 tclass=dir
  8445. <6>a6_update_connected_ps: ac=0 usb=0 dock=0
  8446. <6>max8903b_current_setup: ### CHARGE_DISABLE
  8447. <6>EXT4-fs (dm-8): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
  8448. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-8, type ext4), uses xattr
  8449. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.855:22): avc:  denied  { rmdir } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name="security" dev="dm-9" ino=1436162 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:security_file:s0 tclass=dir
  8450. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.915:23): avc:  denied  { write } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name="keystore" dev="dm-9" ino=913925 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:keystore_data_file:s0 tclass=dir
  8451. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.915:24): avc:  denied  { remove_name } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name=".metadata" dev="dm-9" ino=913950 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:keystore_data_file:s0 tclass=dir
  8452. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.915:25): avc:  denied  { unlink } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name=".metadata" dev="dm-9" ino=913950 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:keystore_data_file:s0 tclass=file
  8453. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.915:26): avc:  denied  { rmdir } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name="user_0" dev="dm-9" ino=913949 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:keystore_data_file:s0 tclass=dir
  8454. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.915:27): avc:  denied  { rmdir } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name="tmp" dev="dm-9" ino=261122 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0 tclass=dir
  8455. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.925:28): avc:  denied  { rmdir } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name="com.android.statementservice" dev="dm-9" ino=1044510 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
  8456. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.925:29): avc:  denied  { write } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name="com.android.providers.downloads" dev="dm-9" ino=1044492 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
  8457. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.925:30): avc:  denied  { remove_name } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name="code_cache" dev="dm-9" ino=1045447 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
  8458. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.925:31): avc:  denied  { unlink } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name="downloads.db-journal" dev="dm-9" ino=1044730 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file
  8459. <5>type=1400 audit(1456143217.935:32): avc:  denied  { unlink } for  pid=207 comm="recovery" name="lib" dev="dm-9" ino=1044491 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0 tclass=lnk_file
  8460. <6>kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
  8461. <6>EXT3-fs (mmcblk0p13): using internal journal
  8462. <6>EXT3-fs (mmcblk0p13): mounted filesystem with writeback data mode
  8463. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev mmcblk0p13, type ext3), uses xattr
  8464. <6>EXT4-fs (dm-10): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
  8465. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-10, type ext4), uses xattr
  8466. <6>EXT4-fs (dm-10): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
  8467. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev dm-10, type ext4), uses xattr
  8468. <6>gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-ac, 2 (40) changed to 1
  8469. <4>resout_irq_handler PMIC Initiated shutdown
  8470. <3>PMIC Initiated shutdown cpu_power_off cpu=0
  8471. <2>Powering off the SoC
  8472. <3>Calling scm to disable arbiter
  8473. <3>SCM returned even when asked to busy loop rc=-4
  8474. <3>waiting on pmic to shut msm down
  8476. Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.evervolv.toolbox.action.DUMPLOGCAT_FINISHED (has extras) }
  8477. Broadcast completed: result=0

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