Logcat: ev_ruby-4.0.0-iaceo

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  1. ------ SYSTEM LOG (logcat threadtime -d *:v) ------
  2. --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
  3. I/Vold    (  168): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
  4. D/Vold    (  168): Volume sdcard0 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  5. D/Vold    (  168): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  6. D/Vold    (  168): Volume usbdisk state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
  7. D/Vold    (  168): Volume sdcard0 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  8. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
  9. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
  10. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
  11. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 4, PARTN 4
  12. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 5, PARTN 5
  13. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 6, PARTN 6
  14. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 7, PARTN 7
  15. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 8, PARTN 8
  16. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 9, PARTN 9
  17. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 10, PARTN 10
  18. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 11, PARTN 11
  19. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 12, PARTN 12
  20. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 13, PARTN 13
  21. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 14, PARTN 14
  22. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 15, PARTN 15
  23. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 16, PARTN 16
  24. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 17
  25. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 18, PARTN 18
  26. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 19, PARTN 19
  27. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 20, PARTN 20
  28. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 21, PARTN 21
  29. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 22, PARTN 22
  30. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 23, PARTN 23
  31. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 24, PARTN 24
  32. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 25, PARTN 25
  33. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 26, PARTN 26
  34. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 27, PARTN 27
  35. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 28, PARTN 28
  36. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 29, PARTN 29
  37. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 30, PARTN 30
  38. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 31, PARTN 31
  39. D/Vold    (  168): Volume sdcard0 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  40. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 32, PARTN 32
  41. W/Vold    (  168): Duplicate state (1)
  42. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 33, PARTN 33
  43. W/Vold    (  168): Duplicate state (1)
  44. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 34, PARTN 34
  45. W/Vold    (  168): Duplicate state (1)
  46. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 35, PARTN 35
  47. W/Vold    (  168): Duplicate state (1)
  48. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 36, PARTN 36
  49. W/Vold    (  168): Duplicate state (1)
  50. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 37, PARTN 37
  51. E/DirectVolume(  168): Invalid 'PARTN' value
  52. D/Vold    (  168): Volume sdcard1 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
  53. D/DirectVolume(  168): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1
  54. D/Vold    (  168): Volume sdcard1 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
  55. I/SystemServer(  518): Entered the Android system server!
  56. I/SystemServer(  518): Waiting for installd to be ready.
  57. I/Installer(  518): connecting...
  58. I/SystemServer(  518): Power Manager
  59. I/SystemServer(  518): Activity Manager
  60. I/ActivityManager(  518): Memory class: 64
  61. I/IntentFirewall(  518): Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
  62. I/SystemServer(  518): Display Manager
  63. I/SystemServer(  518): Telephony Registry
  64. I/SystemServer(  518): Scheduling Policy
  65. I/DisplayManagerService(  518): Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": 540 x 960, -1.0E9 fps, density 240, 258.79245 x 256.67368 dpi, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  66. I/SystemServer(  518): Package Manager
  67. D/SELinuxMMAC(  518): Couldn't find install policy /data/security/mac_permissions.xml
  68. D/SELinuxMMAC(  518): Using install policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml
  69. W/PackageManager(  518): Running ENG build: no pre-dexopt!
  70. W/PackageParser(  518): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #375
  71. W/PackageParser(  518): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Dialer.apk Binary XML file line #162
  72. W/PackageParser(  518): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/SetupWizard.apk Binary XML file line #117
  73. W/PackageParser(  518): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #210
  74. W/PackageParser(  518): Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #242
  75. W/PackageParser(  518): Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #245
  76. W/PackageParser(  518): Unknown element under <manifest>: supports-gl-texture at /system/app/GoogleEarth.apk Binary XML file line #19
  77. W/PackageManager(  518): Unable to update from com.android.music to com.google.android.music: old package still exists
  78. W/PackageParser(  518): No actions in intent filter at /data/app/com.tencent.mm-2.apk Binary XML file line #542
  79. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.tencent.mm desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  80. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.tencent.mm desires unavailable shared library com.here.android; ignoring!
  81. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.cpuid.cpu_z desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  82. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.adobe.reader desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  83. I/PackageParser(  518): com.andoop.freerunning: compat added android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
  84. W/PackageParser(  518): Unknown element under <application>: enable-feature at /data/app/com.facebook.katana-1.apk Binary XML file line #143
  85. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  86. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  87. W/PackageParser(  518): No actions in intent filter at /data/app/com.nullsoft.winamp-1.apk Binary XML file line #326
  88. W/PackageParser(  518): No actions in intent filter at /data/app/com.nullsoft.winamp-1.apk Binary XML file line #355
  89. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.google.android.GoogleCamera desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.gestureservice; ignoring!
  90. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  91. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.tencent.mm desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  92. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.tencent.mm desires unavailable shared library com.here.android; ignoring!
  93. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.cpuid.cpu_z desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  94. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.adobe.reader desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  95. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  96. W/PackageManager(  518): Package com.google.android.GoogleCamera desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.gestureservice; ignoring!
  97. I/PackageManager(  518): Time to scan packages: 18.358 seconds
  98. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION to package com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  99. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.plugin.permission.SEND in package com.tencent.mm
  100. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.tencent.mm
  101. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.location.permission.SEND_VIEW in package com.tencent.mm
  102. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.gwallet.BILLING in package com.tencent.mm
  103. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.farsitel.bazaar (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x83e44)
  104. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  105. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  106. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.MMS_SEND_OUTBOX_MSG in package com.android.bluetooth
  107. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  108. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  109. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  110. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.extras.liveware.aef.EXTENSION_PERMISSION in package com.mobilesrepublic.appy
  111. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.andoop.freerunning (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8444)
  112. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED to package com.google.android.marvin.talkback (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x4049be45)
  113. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x483ec5)
  114. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x483ec5)
  115. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  116. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  117. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  118. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  119. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  120. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.microsoft.rdc.android (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bc44)
  121. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.facebook.orca.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  122. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.facebook.pages.app.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  123. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.amazon.device.messaging.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  124. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.facebook.katana (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
  125. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.READ in package com.facebook.katana
  126. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.WRITE in package com.facebook.katana
  127. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.facebook.katana
  128. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.UPDATE_SHORTCUT in package com.facebook.katana
  129. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE in package com.facebook.katana
  130. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.facebook.home.permission.WRITE_BADGES in package com.facebook.katana
  131. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.nokia.pushnotifications.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  132. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  133. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  134. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.browser.permission.PRELOAD in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  135. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  136. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.launcher.permission.CONTENT_REDIRECT in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  137. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
  138. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  139. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  140. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  141. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  142. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  143. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  144. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  145. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  146. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  147. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  148. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  149. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  150. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  151. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  152. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  153. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  154. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  155. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  156. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  157. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  158. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  159. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  160. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  161. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  162. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  163. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  164. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  165. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  166. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  167. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  168. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  169. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS to package com.nullsoft.winamp (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be64)
  170. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  171. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.baidu.appsearch.extinvoker.LAUNCH in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  172. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  173. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  174. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  175. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  176. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x400abe45)
  177. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  178. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION to package imoblife.startupmanager (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89e44)
  179. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.google.android.GoogleCamera (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x58bcc5)
  180. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x48be44)
  181. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  182. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package com.google.android.youtube (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bec5)
  183. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45)
  184. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40083e45)
  185. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package com.android.chrome
  186. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.enterprise.knox.MDM_CONTENT_PROVIDER in package com.android.chrome
  187. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.sygic.aura (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  188. I/SystemServer(  518): Entropy Mixer
  189. I/EntropyMixer(  518): Writing entropy...
  190. I/SystemServer(  518): User Service
  191. I/SystemServer(  518): Account Manager
  192. I/SystemServer(  518): Content Manager
  193. I/SystemServer(  518): System Content Providers
  194. I/SystemServer(  518): Lights Service
  195. I/SystemServer(  518): Battery Service
  196. I/SystemServer(  518): Vibrator Service
  197. I/SystemServer(  518): Consumer IR Service
  198. I/SystemServer(  518): Alarm Manager
  199. I/SystemServer(  518): Init Watchdog
  200. I/SystemServer(  518): Input Manager
  201. I/InputManager(  518): Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false
  202. I/SystemServer(  518): Window Manager
  203. I/WindowManager(  518): No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
  204. I/WindowManager(  518): No keyguard interface!
  205. I/InputManager(  518): Starting input manager
  206. I/SystemServer(  518): Bluetooth Manager Service
  207. I/SystemServer(  518): Input Method Service
  208. W/InputMethodManagerService(  518): Couldn't create dir.: /data/system/inputmethod
  209. I/SystemServer(  518): Accessibility Manager
  210. I/ActivityManager(  518): Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h640dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.2 themeResource=null}
  211. I/ActivityManager(  518): Config changes=400 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.3 themeResource=null}
  212. I/SystemServer(  518): Mount Service
  213. D/MountService(  518): got storage path: /storage/sdcard0 description: Internal storage primary: true removable: false emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: true maxFileSize: 0
  214. D/MountService(  518): addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume:
  215. D/MountService(  518):     mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/sdcard0 mDescriptionId=17040678 mPrimary=true
  216. D/MountService(  518):     mRemovable=false mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=true
  217. D/MountService(  518):     mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null mUuid=null mUserLabel=null mState=null
  218. D/MountService(  518): got storage path: /storage/sdcard1 description: SD card primary: false removable: true emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: true maxFileSize: 0
  219. D/MountService(  518): addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume:
  220. D/MountService(  518):     mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/sdcard1 mDescriptionId=17040679 mPrimary=false
  221. D/MountService(  518):     mRemovable=true mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=true
  222. D/MountService(  518):     mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null mUuid=null mUserLabel=null mState=null
  223. D/MountService(  518): got storage path: /storage/usbdisk description: USB storage primary: false removable: true emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: true maxFileSize: 0
  224. D/MountService(  518): addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume:
  225. D/MountService(  518):     mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/usbdisk mDescriptionId=17040680 mPrimary=false
  226. D/MountService(  518):     mRemovable=true mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=true
  227. D/MountService(  518):     mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null mUuid=null mUserLabel=null mState=null
  228. I/SystemServer(  518): LockSettingsService
  229. I/SystemServer(  518): Device Policy
  230. I/SystemServer(  518): Status Bar
  231. I/SystemServer(  518): Clipboard Service
  232. I/SystemServer(  518): NetworkManagement Service
  233. I/SystemServer(  518): Text Service Manager Service
  234. I/SystemServer(  518): NetworkStats Service
  235. W/MountService(  518): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard0
  236. W/MountService(  518): Duplicate state transition (unmounted -> unmounted) for /storage/sdcard1
  237. D/MountService(  518): volume state changed for /storage/usbdisk (unmounted -> removed)
  238. W/MountService(  518): getSecureContainerList() called when storage not mounted
  239. I/SystemServer(  518): NetworkPolicy Service
  240. I/SystemServer(  518): Wi-Fi P2pService
  241. I/ActivityManager(  518): Config changes=8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.4 themeResource=null}
  242. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION to package com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  243. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.plugin.permission.SEND in package com.tencent.mm
  244. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.tencent.mm
  245. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.location.permission.SEND_VIEW in package com.tencent.mm
  246. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.gwallet.BILLING in package com.tencent.mm
  247. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.farsitel.bazaar (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x83e44)
  248. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  249. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  250. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.MMS_SEND_OUTBOX_MSG in package com.android.bluetooth
  251. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  252. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  253. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  254. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.extras.liveware.aef.EXTENSION_PERMISSION in package com.mobilesrepublic.appy
  255. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.andoop.freerunning (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8444)
  256. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED to package com.google.android.marvin.talkback (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x4049be45)
  257. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x483ec5)
  258. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x483ec5)
  259. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  260. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  261. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  262. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  263. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  264. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.microsoft.rdc.android (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bc44)
  265. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.facebook.orca.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  266. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.facebook.pages.app.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  267. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.amazon.device.messaging.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  268. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.facebook.katana (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
  269. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.READ in package com.facebook.katana
  270. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.WRITE in package com.facebook.katana
  271. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.facebook.katana
  272. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.UPDATE_SHORTCUT in package com.facebook.katana
  273. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE in package com.facebook.katana
  274. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.facebook.home.permission.WRITE_BADGES in package com.facebook.katana
  275. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.nokia.pushnotifications.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  276. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  277. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  278. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.browser.permission.PRELOAD in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  279. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  280. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.launcher.permission.CONTENT_REDIRECT in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  281. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
  282. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  283. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  284. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  285. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  286. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  287. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  288. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  289. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  290. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  291. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  292. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  293. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  294. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  295. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  296. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  297. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  298. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  299. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  300. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  301. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  302. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  303. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  304. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  305. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  306. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  307. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  308. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  309. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  310. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  311. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  312. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  313. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS to package com.nullsoft.winamp (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be64)
  314. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  315. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.baidu.appsearch.extinvoker.LAUNCH in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  316. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  317. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  318. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  319. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  320. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x400abe45)
  321. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  322. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION to package imoblife.startupmanager (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89e44)
  323. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.google.android.GoogleCamera (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x58bcc5)
  324. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x48be44)
  325. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  326. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package com.google.android.youtube (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bec5)
  327. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45)
  328. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40083e45)
  329. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package com.android.chrome
  330. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.enterprise.knox.MDM_CONTENT_PROVIDER in package com.android.chrome
  331. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.sygic.aura (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  332. I/SystemServer(  518): Wi-Fi Service
  333. I/SystemServer(  518): Connectivity Service
  334. D/ConnectivityService(  518): ConnectivityService starting up
  335. D/ConnectivityService(  518): wifiOnly=false
  336. E/ConnectivityService(  518): Ignoring protectedNetwork 10
  337. E/ConnectivityService(  518): Ignoring protectedNetwork 11
  338. E/ConnectivityService(  518): Ignoring protectedNetwork 12
  339. E/ConnectivityService(  518): Ignoring protectedNetwork 14
  340. W/ContextImpl(  518): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190 android.bluetooth.BluetoothTetheringDataTracker.startMonitoring:116
  341. E/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Ignoring feature request because could not acquire PhoneService
  342. E/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Could not enable APN type "default"
  343. I/WifiService(  518): WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi disabled
  344. I/SystemServer(  518): Network Service Discovery Service
  345. D/NsdService(  518): Network service discovery enabled true
  346. I/SystemServer(  518): UpdateLock Service
  347. I/SystemServer(  518): Notification Manager
  348. I/SystemServer(  518): Device Storage Monitor
  349. I/SystemServer(  518): Location Manager
  350. I/SystemServer(  518): Country Detector
  351. I/SystemServer(  518): Search Service
  352. I/SystemServer(  518): DropBox Service
  353. I/SystemServer(  518): Wallpaper Service
  354. I/SystemServer(  518): Audio Service
  355. I/SystemServer(  518): Dock Observer
  356. I/SystemServer(  518): Wired Accessory Manager
  357. I/SystemServer(  518): USB Service
  358. I/SystemServer(  518): Serial Service
  359. I/SystemServer(  518): Twilight Service
  360. I/SystemServer(  518): UI Mode Manager Service
  361. I/SystemServer(  518): Backup Service
  362. V/BackupManagerService(  518): Initializing package tracking
  363. V/BackupManagerService(  518): addPackageParticipantsLocked: all
  364. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  365. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  366. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.fingersoft.hillclimb
  367. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.fingersoft.hillclimb
  368. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  369. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  370. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  371. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  372. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  373. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  374. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.dialer
  375. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.android.dialer
  376. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.providers.settings
  377. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings
  378. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.talk
  379. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.google.android.talk
  380. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.nfc
  381. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.android.nfc
  382. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.providers.userdictionary
  383. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.userdictionary
  384. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app android
  385. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of android
  386. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.vending
  387. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.android.vending
  388. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.gm
  389. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.google.android.gm
  390. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.calendar
  391. D/BackupManagerService(  518): Now staging backup of com.google.android.calendar
  392. V/BackupManagerService(  518): Starting with transport com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService
  393. V/BackupManagerService(  518): Found transports: 2
  394. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Binding to transport host ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService}
  395. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Binding to transport host ComponentInfo{com.google.android.backuptransport/com.google.android.backup.BackupTransportService}
  396. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Found stale backup journal, scheduling
  397. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.google.android.talk
  398. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   android
  399. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.android.nfc
  400. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.android.dialer
  401. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.android.providers.userdictionary
  402. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  403. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.android.providers.settings
  404. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.fingersoft.hillclimb
  405. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  406. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.google.android.calendar
  407. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.android.vending
  408. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  409. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.google.android.gm
  410. I/BackupManagerService(  518):   com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  411. I/BackupManagerService(  518): Backup enabled => true
  412. I/SystemServer(  518): AppWidget Service
  413. I/SystemServer(  518): Recognition Service
  414. I/SystemServer(  518): DiskStats Service
  415. I/SystemServer(  518): SamplingProfiler Service
  416. I/SystemServer(  518): NetworkTimeUpdateService
  417. I/SystemServer(  518): CommonTimeManagementService
  418. I/SystemServer(  518): CertBlacklister
  419. I/SystemServer(  518): Dreams Service
  420. I/SystemServer(  518): Assets Atlas Service
  421. I/SystemServer(  518): IdleMaintenanceService
  422. I/SystemServer(  518): Print Service
  423. I/SystemServer(  518): AssetRedirectionManager Service
  424. I/SystemServer(  518): Media Router Service
  425. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.systemui for service com.android.keyguard/.KeyguardService: pid=612 uid=10007 gids={50007, 1028, 1015, 1035, 3002, 3001}
  426. I/AppOps  (  518): Pruning old package media/1013: new uid=-1
  427. I/ActivityManager(  518): System now ready
  428. I/SystemServer(  518): Making services ready
  429. D/NetworkManagementService(  518): enabling bandwidth control
  430. I/Vold    (  168): /dev/block/vold/179:65 being considered for volume sdcard1
  431. D/Vold    (  168): Volume sdcard1 state changing 1 (Idle-Unmounted) -> 3 (Checking)
  432. D/MountService(  518): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard1 (unmounted -> checking)
  433. D/MountService(  518): sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_CHECKING dat=file:///storage/sdcard1 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
  434. I/StatusBarManagerService(  518): registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@420660c8
  435. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc android.process.media for broadcast com.android.providers.media/.MtpReceiver: pid=688 uid=10005 gids={50005, 1028, 1015, 1023, 1024, 2001, 3003, 3007}
  436. I/ActivityManager(  518): Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.5 themeResource=null}
  437. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=705 uid=10002 gids={50002, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  438. I/Vold    (  168): Filesystem check completed OK
  439. D/Vold    (  168): Volume sdcard1 state changing 3 (Checking) -> 4 (Mounted)
  440. D/MountService(  518): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard1 (checking -> mounted)
  441. E/VoldConnector(  518): NDC Command {3 volume mount /storage/sdcard1} took too long (1070ms)
  442. I/Vold    (  168): /dev/block/vold/179:36 being considered for volume sdcard0
  443. D/Vold    (  168): Volume sdcard0 state changing 1 (Idle-Unmounted) -> 3 (Checking)
  444. D/MountService(  518): sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/sdcard1 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
  445. D/MountService(  518): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard0 (unmounted -> checking)
  446. D/MountService(  518): sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_CHECKING dat=file:///storage/sdcard0 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
  447. W/InputMethodManagerService(  518): Ignoring setImeWindowStatus of uid 1000 token: null
  448. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.inputmethod.latin for service com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME: pid=727 uid=10069 gids={50069, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  449. V/InputMethodManagerService(  518): Adding window token: android.os.Binder@42048818
  450. E/LocationManagerService(  518): No FusedProvider found.
  451. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.phone for added application com.android.phone: pid=743 uid=1001 gids={41001, 3002, 3001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  452. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.nfc for added application com.android.nfc: pid=749 uid=1027 gids={41027, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015}
  453. I/ActivityManager(  518): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL} from pid 0
  454. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox for activity com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL: pid=756 uid=10021 gids={50021, 3003, 1028, 3002, 1015}
  455. W/InputMethodManagerService(  518): Focus gain on non-focused client android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$1@41959f08 (uid=1000 pid=518)
  456. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.printspooler for service com.android.printspooler/.PrintSpoolerService: pid=787 uid=10054 gids={50054}
  457. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.externalstorage for broadcast com.android.externalstorage/.MountReceiver: pid=801 uid=10006 gids={50006, 1028, 1015, 1023}
  458. W/Vold    (  168): Filesystem modified - rechecking (pass 2)
  459. D/Vold    (  168): Volume sdcard0 state changing 3 (Checking) -> 4 (Mounted)
  460. D/MountService(  518): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard0 (checking -> mounted)
  461. E/VoldConnector(  518): NDC Command {4 volume mount /storage/sdcard0} took too long (1270ms)
  462. D/MountService(  518): sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/sdcard0 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
  463. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.tencent.mm for broadcast com.tencent.mm/.booter.MountReceiver: pid=819 uid=10085 gids={50085, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
  464. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION to package com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x88be44)
  465. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.plugin.permission.SEND in package com.tencent.mm
  466. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.tencent.mm
  467. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.location.permission.SEND_VIEW in package com.tencent.mm
  468. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.gwallet.BILLING in package com.tencent.mm
  469. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.farsitel.bazaar (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x883e44)
  470. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  471. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  472. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.MMS_SEND_OUTBOX_MSG in package com.android.bluetooth
  473. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  474. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  475. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  476. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.extras.liveware.aef.EXTENSION_PERMISSION in package com.mobilesrepublic.appy
  477. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.andoop.freerunning (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x808444)
  478. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED to package com.google.android.marvin.talkback (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40c9be45)
  479. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0xc83ec5)
  480. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0xc83ec5)
  481. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  482. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  483. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  484. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  485. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  486. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.microsoft.rdc.android (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bc44)
  487. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.facebook.orca.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  488. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.facebook.pages.app.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  489. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.amazon.device.messaging.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  490. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.facebook.katana (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x88be44)
  491. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.READ in package com.facebook.katana
  492. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.WRITE in package com.facebook.katana
  493. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.facebook.katana
  494. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.UPDATE_SHORTCUT in package com.facebook.katana
  495. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE in package com.facebook.katana
  496. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.facebook.home.permission.WRITE_BADGES in package com.facebook.katana
  497. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.nokia.pushnotifications.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  498. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  499. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  500. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.browser.permission.PRELOAD in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  501. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  502. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.launcher.permission.CONTENT_REDIRECT in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  503. V/BackupManagerService(  518): Connected to transport ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService}
  504. V/BackupManagerService(  518): Registering transport android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService::android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport = com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport@42185840
  505. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x88be44)
  506. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x88be44)
  507. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  508. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  509. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  510. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  511. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  512. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  513. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  514. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  515. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  516. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  517. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  518. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  519. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  520. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  521. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  522. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  523. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  524. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  525. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  526. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  527. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  528. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  529. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  530. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  531. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  532. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  533. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  534. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  535. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  536. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  537. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS to package com.nullsoft.winamp (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x88be64)
  538. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  539. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.baidu.appsearch.extinvoker.LAUNCH in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  540. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  541. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  542. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  543. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  544. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x408abe45)
  545. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  546. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION to package imoblife.startupmanager (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89e44)
  547. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.google.android.GoogleCamera (protectionLevel=18 flags=0xd8bcc5)
  548. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0xc8be44)
  549. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  550. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package com.google.android.youtube (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x98bec5)
  551. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0xc8be45)
  552. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40883e45)
  553. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package com.android.chrome
  554. W/PackageManager(  518): Unknown permission com.sec.enterprise.knox.MDM_CONTENT_PROVIDER in package com.android.chrome
  555. W/PackageManager(  518): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.sygic.aura (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x88be44)
  556. E/ActivityThread(  756): Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.launcher.oldhome.settings
  557. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.process.gapps for service com.google.android.gsf.login/com.google.android.gsf.loginservice.GoogleLoginService: pid=845 uid=10016 gids={50016, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001, 3007, 2001, 3006}
  558. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.smspush for service com.android.smspush/.WapPushManager: pid=858 uid=10062 gids={50062}
  559. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  560. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  561. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  562. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  563. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  564. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  565. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  566. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  567. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  568. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  569. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  570. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  571. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  572. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  573. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  574. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  575. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  576. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  577. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  578. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  579. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  580. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  581. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  582. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  583. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  584. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  585. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  586. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  587. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  588. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  589. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  590. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  591. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  592. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  593. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.gms for service com.google.android.gms/.icing.service.IndexService: pid=918 uid=10016 gids={50016, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001, 3007, 2001, 3006}
  594. E/ActivityThread(  819): Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider
  595. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.process.location for on-hold: pid=934 uid=10016 gids={50016, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001, 3007, 2001, 3006}
  596. V/BackupManagerService(  518): Connected to transport ComponentInfo{com.google.android.backuptransport/com.google.android.backup.BackupTransportService}
  597. V/BackupManagerService(  518): Registering transport com.google.android.backuptransport/com.google.android.backup.BackupTransportService::com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService = com.android.internal.backup.IBackupTransport$Stub$Proxy@4206b368
  598. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.estrongs.android.pop for broadcast com.estrongs.android.pop/.EnableOEMConfig: pid=984 uid=10124 gids={50124, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015}
  599. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.GpsWidgetProvider: pid=1000 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  600. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=1013 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  601. W/ContextImpl( 1013): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.doBind:245 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:238 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1187
  602. W/ContextImpl( 1013): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190
  603. W/ContextImpl( 1013): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.doBind:109 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.<init>:102 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1196
  604. W/ContextImpl( 1013): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.doBind:164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:157 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68
  605. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en for broadcast com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en/com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor.receiver.UserPresentReceiver: pid=1035 uid=10097 gids={50097, 3002, 3001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  606. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.facebook.katana for content provider com.facebook.katana/.provider.AttributionIdProvider: pid=1058 uid=10103 gids={50103, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  607. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search for broadcast com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.ChargingStateBroadcastReceiver: pid=1072 uid=10021 gids={50021, 3003, 1028, 3002, 1015}
  608. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.apps.plus for broadcast com.google.android.apps.plus/.iu.InstantUploadEnvironment$BatteryReceiver: pid=1086 uid=10074 gids={50074, 3003, 3002, 1028, 1015}
  609. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppProvider: pid=1102 uid=10018 gids={50018, 3003}
  610. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.chrome for broadcast com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.precache.PrecacheServiceLauncher: pid=1146 uid=10080 gids={50080, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  611. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.nullsoft.winamp for broadcast com.nullsoft.winamp/.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=1165 uid=10121 gids={50121, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  612. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.nullsoft.prostub.service.IWinampLicenseCheckService } U=0: not found
  613. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.music for broadcast com.android.music/.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=1184 uid=10047 gids={50047, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  614. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.apps.magazines for broadcast com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.audio.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=1203 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  615. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  616. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  617. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  618. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  619. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.musixmatch.android.lyrify for broadcast com.musixmatch.android.lyrify/com.designfuture.music.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=1245 uid=10102 gids={50102, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
  620. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  621. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  622. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  623. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  624. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.keep for broadcast com.google.android.keep/.notification.AlertReceiver: pid=1285 uid=10043 gids={50043, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  625. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.vending for service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.billing.iab.InAppBillingService: pid=1298 uid=10019 gids={50019, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  626. D/MccTable(  743): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=432, mnc=35
  627. D/MccTable(  743): getLocaleFromMcc to null_ir mcc=432
  628. D/MccTable(  743): getLocaleForLanguageCountry: skipping no language
  629. D/MccTable(  743): WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE set to ir
  630. I/WifiService(  518): WifiService trying to set country code to ir with persist set to true
  631. D/MccTable(  743): updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig config={1.0 432mcc35mnc ?locale ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/? themeResource=null}
  632. I/ActivityManager(  518): Config changes=3 {1.0 432mcc35mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.6 themeResource=null}
  633. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  634. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  635. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  636. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  637. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  638. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  639. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  640. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  641. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  642. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  643. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  644. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  645. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  646. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  647. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  648. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  649. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  650. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  651. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  652. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  653. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  654. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.music:main for broadcast com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver: pid=1339 uid=10072 gids={50072, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  655. I/ActivityManager(  518): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{421ceb20 u0 com.android.providers.media/.MediaScannerService}
  656. W/WindowManager(  518): Window freeze timeout expired.
  657. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  658. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{422644a8 u0 com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.FingerprintScannerIntentService}
  659. I/WindowManager(  518): Screen frozen for +3s734ms due to AppWindowToken{4217c638 token=Token{4217ae20 ActivityRecord{4217aba8 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL t1}}}
  660. W/AppOps  (  518): Bad call: specified package com.google.android.apps.icing.ui under uid 10021 but it is really -1
  661. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  662. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  663. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  664. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  665. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver
  666. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  667. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  668. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.android.phone/.SipBroadcastReceiver
  669. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  670. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.dialer for broadcast com.android.dialer/.calllog.CallLogReceiver: pid=1422 uid=10004 gids={50004, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  671. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.android.dialer/.calllog.CallLogReceiver
  672. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  673. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 787:com.android.printspooler/u0a54 (adj 15): empty #17
  674. W/ContextImpl(  518): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.doBind:283 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.<init>:276 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1181 android.media.AudioService.getBluetoothHeadset:2256
  675. W/ContextImpl(  518): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.doBind:165 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.<init>:158 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1184 android.media.AudioService$AudioServiceBroadcastReceiver.onReceive:4177
  676. V/WiredAccessoryManager(  518): init()
  677. I/PowerManagerService(  518): Boot animation finished.
  678. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.estrongs.android.taskmanager for broadcast com.estrongs.android.taskmanager/.AutoStartReceiver: pid=1447 uid=10091 gids={50091, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015}
  679. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1058:com.facebook.katana/u0a103 (adj 15): empty #17
  680. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for broadcast com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarReceiver: pid=1474 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  681. I/BootReceiver(  518): Copying /proc/last_kmsg to DropBox (SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG)
  682. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1102:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a18 (adj 15): empty #17
  683. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver
  684. I/BootReceiver(  518): Copying audit failures to DropBox
  685. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  686. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for broadcast com.evervolv.toolbox/.receivers.BootReceiver: pid=1505 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  687. I/BootReceiver(  518): Copied 0 worth of audits to DropBox
  688. I/BootReceiver(  518): Checking for fsck errors
  689. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.evervolv.toolbox/.receivers.BootReceiver
  690. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  691. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1146:com.android.chrome/u0a80 (adj 15): empty #17
  692. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.onetimeinitializer for broadcast com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver: pid=1519 uid=10017 gids={50017}
  693. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver
  694. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  695. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for broadcast com.google.android.partnersetup/.GooglePartnerSetup: pid=1535 uid=10018 gids={50018, 3003}
  696. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1203:com.google.android.apps.magazines/u0a70 (adj 15): empty #17
  697. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.GooglePartnerSetup
  698. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  699. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 801:com.android.externalstorage/u0a6 (adj 15): empty #17
  700. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzPingBroadcastReceiver
  701. I/ActivityManager(  518): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{4217d9b8 u0 com.android.music/.MediaPlaybackService}
  702. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  703. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.gsf/.checkin.CheckinService$Receiver
  704. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  705. I/SystemUpdateService(  845): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  706. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver for broadcast com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver: pid=1572 uid=10029 gids={50029}
  707. I/SystemUpdateService(  845): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  708. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.deskclock for broadcast com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver: pid=1588 uid=10031 gids={50031, 1028}
  709. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 984:com.estrongs.android.pop/u0a124 (adj 15): empty #17
  710. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 705:android.process.acore/u0a2 (adj 15): empty #17
  711. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.evervolv.updater for broadcast com.evervolv.updater/.receivers.BootReceiver: pid=1620 uid=10035 gids={50035, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001}
  712. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1086:com.google.android.apps.plus/u0a74 (adj 15): empty #17
  713. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService for service com.evervolv.updater/.services.UpdateManifestService: pid=1637 uid=10035 gids={50035, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001}
  714. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.email for broadcast com.android.email/.service.EmailBroadcastReceiver: pid=1649 uid=10036 gids={50036, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  715. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1339:com.google.android.music:main/u0a72 (adj 15): empty #17
  716. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 819:com.tencent.mm/u0a85 (adj 15): empty #17
  717. D/ActivityThread( 1649): Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
  718. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.calendar for broadcast com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=1672 uid=10042 gids={50042, 3003}
  719. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver
  720. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  721. I/ActivityManager(  518): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{41d760e0 u0 com.musixmatch.android.lyrify/com.designfuture.music.MediaPlaybackService}
  722. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  723. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.keep/.notification.AlertReceiver
  724. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  725. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  726. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.gm for broadcast com.google.android.gm/.GoogleMailDeviceStartupReceiver: pid=1695 uid=10053 gids={50053, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  727. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.exchange for service com.android.exchange/.service.EmailSyncAdapterService: pid=1708 uid=10037 gids={50037, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  728. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1165:com.nullsoft.winamp/u0a121 (adj 15): empty #17
  729. D/ActivityThread( 1695): Loading provider com.android.gmail.ui: com.google.android.gm.provider.GmailProvider
  730. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1013:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  731. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget for broadcast com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/.miniwidget.MiniWidgetProvider: pid=1737 uid=10063 gids={50063, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  732. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=1757 uid=10002 gids={50002, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  733. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.talk for broadcast com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.service.BootReceiver: pid=1769 uid=10068 gids={50068, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002}
  734. D/ConnectivityService(  518): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  735. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.tencent.mm:push for broadcast com.tencent.mm/.booter.MMReceivers$BootReceiver: pid=1815 uid=10085 gids={50085, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
  736. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1000:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  737. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1422:com.android.dialer/u0a4 (adj 15): empty #17
  738. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1447:com.estrongs.android.taskmanager/u0a91 (adj 15): empty #17
  739. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en/com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor.receiver.AutoStartUpReceiver
  740. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  741. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1474:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a1 (adj 15): empty #17
  742. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.keep/.notification.AlertReceiver
  743. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  744. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.musicfx for broadcast com.android.musicfx/.ControlPanelReceiver: pid=1840 uid=10008 gids={50008, 3003, 3002}
  745. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1505:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  746. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.musixmatch.android.lyrify/com.designfuture.music.scrobbler.AndroidMusicReceiver
  747. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  748. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  749. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  750. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  751. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  752. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  753. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  754. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  755. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  756. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  757. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  758. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  759. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  760. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  761. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  762. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  763. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  764. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  765. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  766. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  767. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  768. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  769. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  770. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  771. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  772. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  773. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  774. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  775. I/ActivityManager(  518): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{4211eef8 u0 com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.InitAlarmsService}
  776. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  777. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.apps.plus for broadcast com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.CameraMonitor: pid=1866 uid=10074 gids={50074, 3003, 3002, 1028, 1015}
  778. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.CameraMonitor
  779. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  780. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.android.deskclock/com.android.alarmclock.DigitalAppWidgetProvider
  781. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  782. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=1896 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  783. W/ContextImpl( 1896): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.doBind:245 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:238 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1187
  784. W/ContextImpl( 1896): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190
  785. W/ContextImpl( 1896): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.doBind:109 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.<init>:102 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1196
  786. W/ContextImpl( 1896): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.doBind:164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:157 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68
  787. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1519:com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a17 (adj 15): empty #17
  788. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.tencent.mm for broadcast com.tencent.mm/.booter.BluetoothReceiver: pid=1910 uid=10085 gids={50085, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
  789. E/ActivityThread( 1910): Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider
  790. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1535:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a18 (adj 15): empty #17
  791. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver
  792. I/ActivityManager(  518): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{41833338 u0 com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en/com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor.service.BatteryOptService}
  793. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  794. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.google.android.music:main for broadcast com.google.android.music/.leanback.AutoCacheSchedulingService$EnablingReceiver: pid=1936 uid=10072 gids={50072, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  795. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=1949 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  796. I/ActivityManager(  518): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{42280868 u0 com.musixmatch.android.lyrify/com.musixmatch.android.services.ScrobblerService}
  797. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  798. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  799. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  800. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.leanback.AutoCacheSchedulingService$EnablingReceiver
  801. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  802. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1572:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/u0a29 (adj 15): empty #17
  803. D/MobileDataStateTracker(  518): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  804. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  805. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  806. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.MailIntentReceiver
  807. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  808. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.realtimechat.RealTimeChatService$AlarmReceiver
  809. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  810. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.GmailReceiver
  811. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  812. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.GmailReceiver
  813. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  814. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.GmailReceiver
  815. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  816. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.GmailReceiver
  817. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  818. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.GmailReceiver
  819. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  820. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver
  821. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  822. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.realtimechat.RealTimeChatService$AlarmReceiver
  823. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  824. I/ActivityManager(  518): Start proc com.android.gallery3d for broadcast com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor: pid=2016 uid=10039 gids={50039, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  825. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  826. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  827. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  828. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  829. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1620:com.evervolv.updater/u0a35 (adj 15): empty #17
  830. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1637:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a35 (adj 15): empty #17
  831. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  832. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1708:com.android.exchange/u0a37 (adj 15): empty #17
  833. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  834. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  835. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  836. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  837. W/ActivityManager(  518): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  838. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  839. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  840. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  841. I/PackageManager(  518): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  842. I/ActivityManager(  518): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  843. I/ActivityManager(  518): Resuming delayed broadcast
  844. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1737:com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/u0a63 (adj 15): empty #17
  845. D/ConnectivityService(  518): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  846. D/ConnectivityService(  518): Done.
  847. D/ConnectivityService(  518): Setting timer for 720seconds
  848. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1815:com.tencent.mm:push/u0a85 (adj 15): empty #17
  849. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1184:com.android.music/u0a47 (adj 15): empty #18
  850. I/PowerManagerService(  518): Going to sleep due to screen timeout...
  851. I/WindowManager(  518): No lock screen! windowToken=null
  852. I/ActivityManager(  518): Killing 1285:com.google.android.keep/u0a43 (adj 15): empty #17
  853. I/PowerManagerService(  518): Waking up from sleep...
  854. I/WindowManager(  518): Lock screen displayed!
  855. W/InputMethodManagerService(  518): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4191d4f8 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@422fe690, token = android.os.BinderProxy@420f6858
  856. I/PowerManagerService(  518): Going to sleep by user request...
  857. D/ConnectivityService(  518): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  858. D/ConnectivityService(  518): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  859. E/AndroidRuntime(  518): *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: FinalizerWatchdogDaemon
  860. E/AndroidRuntime(  518): java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: android.graphics.SurfaceTexture.finalize() timed out after 10 seconds
  861. E/AndroidRuntime(  518):        at android.graphics.SurfaceTexture.nativeFinalize(Native Method)
  862. E/AndroidRuntime(  518):        at android.graphics.SurfaceTexture.finalize(SurfaceTexture.java:282)
  863. E/AndroidRuntime(  518):        at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:187)
  864. E/AndroidRuntime(  518):        at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.run(Daemons.java:170)
  865. E/AndroidRuntime(  518):        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
  866. I/SystemServer( 2505): Entered the Android system server!
  867. I/SystemServer( 2505): Waiting for installd to be ready.
  868. I/Installer( 2505): connecting...
  869. I/SystemServer( 2505): Power Manager
  870. I/SystemServer( 2505): Activity Manager
  871. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Memory class: 64
  872. I/IntentFirewall( 2505): Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
  873. I/SystemServer( 2505): Display Manager
  874. I/SystemServer( 2505): Telephony Registry
  875. I/DisplayManagerService( 2505): Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": 540 x 960, -1.0E9 fps, density 240, 258.79245 x 256.67368 dpi, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
  876. I/SystemServer( 2505): Scheduling Policy
  877. I/SystemServer( 2505): Package Manager
  878. D/SELinuxMMAC( 2505): Couldn't find install policy /data/security/mac_permissions.xml
  879. D/SELinuxMMAC( 2505): Using install policy file /system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml
  880. W/PackageManager( 2505): Running ENG build: no pre-dexopt!
  881. W/PackageParser( 2505): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #375
  882. W/PackageParser( 2505): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/Dialer.apk Binary XML file line #162
  883. W/PackageParser( 2505): No actions in intent filter at /system/priv-app/SetupWizard.apk Binary XML file line #117
  884. W/PackageParser( 2505): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #210
  885. W/PackageParser( 2505): Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #242
  886. W/PackageParser( 2505): Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #245
  887. W/PackageParser( 2505): Unknown element under <manifest>: supports-gl-texture at /system/app/GoogleEarth.apk Binary XML file line #19
  888. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unable to update from com.android.music to com.google.android.music: old package still exists
  889. W/PackageParser( 2505): No actions in intent filter at /data/app/com.tencent.mm-2.apk Binary XML file line #542
  890. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.tencent.mm desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  891. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.tencent.mm desires unavailable shared library com.here.android; ignoring!
  892. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.cpuid.cpu_z desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  893. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.adobe.reader desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  894. I/PackageParser( 2505): com.andoop.freerunning: compat added android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
  895. W/PackageParser( 2505): Unknown element under <application>: enable-feature at /data/app/com.facebook.katana-1.apk Binary XML file line #143
  896. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  897. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  898. W/PackageParser( 2505): No actions in intent filter at /data/app/com.nullsoft.winamp-1.apk Binary XML file line #326
  899. W/PackageParser( 2505): No actions in intent filter at /data/app/com.nullsoft.winamp-1.apk Binary XML file line #355
  900. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.google.android.GoogleCamera desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.gestureservice; ignoring!
  901. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  902. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.tencent.mm desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  903. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.tencent.mm desires unavailable shared library com.here.android; ignoring!
  904. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.cpuid.cpu_z desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  905. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.adobe.reader desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  906. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad desires unavailable shared library com.sec.android.app.multiwindow; ignoring!
  907. W/PackageManager( 2505): Package com.google.android.GoogleCamera desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.gestureservice; ignoring!
  908. I/PackageManager( 2505): Time to scan packages: 9.965 seconds
  909. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION to package com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  910. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.plugin.permission.SEND in package com.tencent.mm
  911. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.tencent.mm
  912. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.location.permission.SEND_VIEW in package com.tencent.mm
  913. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.gwallet.BILLING in package com.tencent.mm
  914. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.farsitel.bazaar (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x83e44)
  915. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  916. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  917. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.MMS_SEND_OUTBOX_MSG in package com.android.bluetooth
  918. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  919. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  920. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  921. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.extras.liveware.aef.EXTENSION_PERMISSION in package com.mobilesrepublic.appy
  922. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.andoop.freerunning (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8444)
  923. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED to package com.google.android.marvin.talkback (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x4049be45)
  924. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x483ec5)
  925. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x483ec5)
  926. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  927. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  928. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  929. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  930. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  931. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.microsoft.rdc.android (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bc44)
  932. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.facebook.orca.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  933. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.facebook.pages.app.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  934. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.amazon.device.messaging.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  935. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.facebook.katana (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
  936. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.READ in package com.facebook.katana
  937. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.WRITE in package com.facebook.katana
  938. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.facebook.katana
  939. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.UPDATE_SHORTCUT in package com.facebook.katana
  940. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE in package com.facebook.katana
  941. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.facebook.home.permission.WRITE_BADGES in package com.facebook.katana
  942. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.nokia.pushnotifications.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  943. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  944. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  945. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.browser.permission.PRELOAD in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  946. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  947. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.launcher.permission.CONTENT_REDIRECT in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  948. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
  949. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  950. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  951. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  952. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  953. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  954. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  955. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  956. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  957. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  958. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  959. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  960. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  961. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  962. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  963. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  964. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  965. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  966. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  967. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  968. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  969. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  970. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  971. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  972. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  973. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  974. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  975. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  976. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  977. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  978. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  979. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  980. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS to package com.nullsoft.winamp (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be64)
  981. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  982. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.baidu.appsearch.extinvoker.LAUNCH in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  983. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  984. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  985. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  986. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  987. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x400abe45)
  988. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  989. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION to package imoblife.startupmanager (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89e44)
  990. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.google.android.GoogleCamera (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x58bcc5)
  991. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x48be44)
  992. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  993. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package com.google.android.youtube (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bec5)
  994. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45)
  995. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40083e45)
  996. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package com.android.chrome
  997. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.enterprise.knox.MDM_CONTENT_PROVIDER in package com.android.chrome
  998. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.sygic.aura (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  999. I/SystemServer( 2505): Entropy Mixer
  1000. I/EntropyMixer( 2505): Writing entropy...
  1001. I/SystemServer( 2505): User Service
  1002. I/SystemServer( 2505): Account Manager
  1003. I/SystemServer( 2505): Content Manager
  1004. I/SystemServer( 2505): System Content Providers
  1005. I/SystemServer( 2505): Lights Service
  1006. I/SystemServer( 2505): Battery Service
  1007. I/SystemServer( 2505): Vibrator Service
  1008. I/SystemServer( 2505): Consumer IR Service
  1009. I/SystemServer( 2505): Alarm Manager
  1010. I/SystemServer( 2505): Init Watchdog
  1011. I/SystemServer( 2505): Input Manager
  1012. I/InputManager( 2505): Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false
  1013. I/SystemServer( 2505): Window Manager
  1014. I/WindowManager( 2505): No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
  1015. I/WindowManager( 2505): No keyguard interface!
  1016. I/InputManager( 2505): Starting input manager
  1017. I/SystemServer( 2505): Bluetooth Manager Service
  1018. I/SystemServer( 2505): Input Method Service
  1019. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Couldn't create dir.: /data/system/inputmethod
  1020. I/SystemServer( 2505): Accessibility Manager
  1021. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Config changes=1df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h640dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.2 themeResource=null}
  1022. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Config changes=400 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.3 themeResource=null}
  1023. I/SystemServer( 2505): Mount Service
  1024. D/MountService( 2505): got storage path: /storage/sdcard0 description: Internal storage primary: true removable: false emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: true maxFileSize: 0
  1025. D/MountService( 2505): addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume:
  1026. D/MountService( 2505):     mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/sdcard0 mDescriptionId=17040678 mPrimary=true
  1027. D/MountService( 2505):     mRemovable=false mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=true
  1028. D/MountService( 2505):     mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null mUuid=null mUserLabel=null mState=null
  1029. D/MountService( 2505): got storage path: /storage/sdcard1 description: SD card primary: false removable: true emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: true maxFileSize: 0
  1030. D/MountService( 2505): addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume:
  1031. D/MountService( 2505):     mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/sdcard1 mDescriptionId=17040679 mPrimary=false
  1032. D/MountService( 2505):     mRemovable=true mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=true
  1033. D/MountService( 2505):     mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null mUuid=null mUserLabel=null mState=null
  1034. D/MountService( 2505): got storage path: /storage/usbdisk description: USB storage primary: false removable: true emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: true maxFileSize: 0
  1035. D/MountService( 2505): addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume:
  1036. D/MountService( 2505):     mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/usbdisk mDescriptionId=17040680 mPrimary=false
  1037. D/MountService( 2505):     mRemovable=true mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=true
  1038. D/MountService( 2505):     mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null mUuid=null mUserLabel=null mState=null
  1039. I/SystemServer( 2505): LockSettingsService
  1040. I/SystemServer( 2505): Device Policy
  1041. I/SystemServer( 2505): Status Bar
  1042. I/SystemServer( 2505): Clipboard Service
  1043. I/SystemServer( 2505): NetworkManagement Service
  1044. I/MountService( 2505): Media already mounted on daemon connection
  1045. D/MountService( 2505): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard0 (unmounted -> mounted)
  1046. I/MountService( 2505): Media already mounted on daemon connection
  1047. D/MountService( 2505): volume state changed for /storage/sdcard1 (unmounted -> mounted)
  1048. D/MountService( 2505): volume state changed for /storage/usbdisk (unmounted -> removed)
  1049. I/SystemServer( 2505): Text Service Manager Service
  1050. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION to package com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  1051. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.plugin.permission.SEND in package com.tencent.mm
  1052. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.tencent.mm
  1053. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.location.permission.SEND_VIEW in package com.tencent.mm
  1054. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.gwallet.BILLING in package com.tencent.mm
  1055. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.farsitel.bazaar (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x83e44)
  1056. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  1057. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  1058. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.MMS_SEND_OUTBOX_MSG in package com.android.bluetooth
  1059. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1060. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1061. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1062. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.extras.liveware.aef.EXTENSION_PERMISSION in package com.mobilesrepublic.appy
  1063. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.andoop.freerunning (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8444)
  1064. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED to package com.google.android.marvin.talkback (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x4049be45)
  1065. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x483ec5)
  1066. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x483ec5)
  1067. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  1068. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1069. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1070. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1071. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1072. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.microsoft.rdc.android (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bc44)
  1073. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.facebook.orca.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  1074. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.facebook.pages.app.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  1075. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.amazon.device.messaging.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  1076. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.facebook.katana (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
  1077. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.READ in package com.facebook.katana
  1078. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.WRITE in package com.facebook.katana
  1079. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.facebook.katana
  1080. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.UPDATE_SHORTCUT in package com.facebook.katana
  1081. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE in package com.facebook.katana
  1082. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.facebook.home.permission.WRITE_BADGES in package com.facebook.katana
  1083. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.nokia.pushnotifications.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  1084. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1085. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1086. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.browser.permission.PRELOAD in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1087. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1088. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.launcher.permission.CONTENT_REDIRECT in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1089. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
  1090. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  1091. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1092. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1093. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1094. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1095. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1096. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1097. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1098. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1099. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1100. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1101. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1102. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1103. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1104. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1105. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1106. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1107. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1108. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1109. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1110. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1111. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1112. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1113. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1114. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1115. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1116. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1117. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1118. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  1119. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  1120. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  1121. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS to package com.nullsoft.winamp (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be64)
  1122. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  1123. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.baidu.appsearch.extinvoker.LAUNCH in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  1124. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  1125. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  1126. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  1127. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  1128. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x400abe45)
  1129. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  1130. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION to package imoblife.startupmanager (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89e44)
  1131. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.google.android.GoogleCamera (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x58bcc5)
  1132. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x48be44)
  1133. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  1134. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package com.google.android.youtube (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bec5)
  1135. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45)
  1136. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40083e45)
  1137. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package com.android.chrome
  1138. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.enterprise.knox.MDM_CONTENT_PROVIDER in package com.android.chrome
  1139. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.sygic.aura (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  1140. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Config changes=8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.4 themeResource=null}
  1141. I/SystemServer( 2505): NetworkStats Service
  1142. I/SystemServer( 2505): NetworkPolicy Service
  1143. I/SystemServer( 2505): Wi-Fi P2pService
  1144. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION to package com.inisoft.mediaplayer.a (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  1145. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.plugin.permission.SEND in package com.tencent.mm
  1146. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.tencent.mm
  1147. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.location.permission.SEND_VIEW in package com.tencent.mm
  1148. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.tencent.mm.gwallet.BILLING in package com.tencent.mm
  1149. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.farsitel.bazaar (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x83e44)
  1150. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.nfc.permission.NFCEE_ADMIN in package com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel
  1151. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.vending.billing.IBillingAccountService.BIND2 in package com.google.android.gsf.login
  1152. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.MMS_SEND_OUTBOX_MSG in package com.android.bluetooth
  1153. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_RADIO_DISABLE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1154. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1155. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.CHANGE_4G_STATE in package com.evervolv.widgets
  1156. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.extras.liveware.aef.EXTENSION_PERMISSION in package com.mobilesrepublic.appy
  1157. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.andoop.freerunning (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8444)
  1158. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED to package com.google.android.marvin.talkback (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x4049be45)
  1159. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x483ec5)
  1160. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER to package com.google.android.gms (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x483ec5)
  1161. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
  1162. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1163. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA in package com.google.android.setupwizard
  1164. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1165. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.android.settings
  1166. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER to package com.microsoft.rdc.android (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bc44)
  1167. I/SystemServer( 2505): Wi-Fi Service
  1168. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.facebook.orca.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  1169. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.facebook.pages.app.provider.ACCESS in package com.facebook.katana
  1170. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.amazon.device.messaging.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  1171. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.facebook.katana (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
  1172. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.READ in package com.facebook.katana
  1173. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.WRITE in package com.facebook.katana
  1174. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.facebook.katana
  1175. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.UPDATE_SHORTCUT in package com.facebook.katana
  1176. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE in package com.facebook.katana
  1177. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.facebook.home.permission.WRITE_BADGES in package com.facebook.katana
  1178. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.nokia.pushnotifications.permission.RECEIVE in package com.facebook.katana
  1179. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.SHORTCUTS_ACCESS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1180. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.voicesearch.ACCESS_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1181. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.browser.permission.PRELOAD in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1182. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.apps.googlevoice.permission.AUTO_SEND in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1183. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.launcher.permission.CONTENT_REDIRECT in package com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1184. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BATTERY_STATS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
  1185. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  1186. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1187. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1188. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1189. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1190. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1191. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher2.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1192. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.htc.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1193. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1194. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.android.app.twlauncher.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1195. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1196. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adw.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1197. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1198. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission org.adwfreak.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1199. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1200. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.gau.go.launcherex.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1201. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1202. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.qihoo360.home.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1203. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1204. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.fede.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1205. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1206. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.anddoes.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1207. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1208. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.lenovo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1209. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1210. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.nd.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1211. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1212. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.mobogenie
  1213. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  1214. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.launcher
  1215. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_STATS in package com.google.android.apps.docs
  1216. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS to package com.nullsoft.winamp (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be64)
  1217. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  1218. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.baidu.appsearch.extinvoker.LAUNCH in package com.sds.android.ttpod
  1219. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  1220. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS in package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
  1221. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.android.launcher.permission.PRELOAD_WORKSPACE in package com.google.android.partnersetup
  1222. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.google.android.apps.plus
  1223. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.vending (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x400abe45)
  1224. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION in package com.android.vending
  1225. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION to package imoblife.startupmanager (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89e44)
  1226. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER to package com.google.android.GoogleCamera (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x58bcc5)
  1227. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE to package com.estrongs.android.pop (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x48be44)
  1228. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission .PERMISSION in package com.estrongs.android.pop
  1229. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package com.google.android.youtube (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x18bec5)
  1230. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x48be45)
  1231. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_DREAM_STATE to package com.google.android.gsf (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x40083e45)
  1232. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.chrome.permission.DEVICE_EXTRAS in package com.android.chrome
  1233. W/PackageManager( 2505): Unknown permission com.sec.enterprise.knox.MDM_CONTENT_PROVIDER in package com.android.chrome
  1234. W/PackageManager( 2505): Not granting permission android.permission.READ_LOGS to package com.sygic.aura (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x8be44)
  1235. I/SystemServer( 2505): Connectivity Service
  1236. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityService starting up
  1237. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): wifiOnly=false
  1238. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Ignoring protectedNetwork 10
  1239. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Ignoring protectedNetwork 11
  1240. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Ignoring protectedNetwork 12
  1241. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Ignoring protectedNetwork 14
  1242. W/ContextImpl( 2505): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190 android.bluetooth.BluetoothTetheringDataTracker.startMonitoring:116
  1243. E/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Ignoring feature request because could not acquire PhoneService
  1244. E/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Could not enable APN type "default"
  1245. I/WifiService( 2505): WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi disabled
  1246. I/SystemServer( 2505): Network Service Discovery Service
  1247. D/NsdService( 2505): Network service discovery enabled true
  1248. I/SystemServer( 2505): UpdateLock Service
  1249. I/SystemServer( 2505): Notification Manager
  1250. I/SystemServer( 2505): Device Storage Monitor
  1251. I/SystemServer( 2505): Location Manager
  1252. I/SystemServer( 2505): Country Detector
  1253. I/SystemServer( 2505): Search Service
  1254. I/SystemServer( 2505): DropBox Service
  1255. I/SystemServer( 2505): Wallpaper Service
  1256. I/SystemServer( 2505): Audio Service
  1257. I/SystemServer( 2505): Dock Observer
  1258. I/SystemServer( 2505): Wired Accessory Manager
  1259. I/SystemServer( 2505): USB Service
  1260. I/SystemServer( 2505): Serial Service
  1261. I/SystemServer( 2505): Twilight Service
  1262. I/SystemServer( 2505): UI Mode Manager Service
  1263. I/SystemServer( 2505): Backup Service
  1264. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Initializing package tracking
  1265. D/NetlinkEvent( 2225): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x11
  1266. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): addPackageParticipantsLocked: all
  1267. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  1268. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  1269. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.fingersoft.hillclimb
  1270. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.fingersoft.hillclimb
  1271. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  1272. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  1273. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1274. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1275. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  1276. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  1277. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.dialer
  1278. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.dialer
  1279. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.providers.settings
  1280. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings
  1281. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.talk
  1282. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.talk
  1283. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.nfc
  1284. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.nfc
  1285. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.providers.userdictionary
  1286. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.userdictionary
  1287. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app android
  1288. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of android
  1289. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.android.vending
  1290. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.vending
  1291. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.gm
  1292. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.gm
  1293. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Scheduling backup for new app com.google.android.calendar
  1294. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.calendar
  1295. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Starting with transport com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService
  1296. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Found transports: 2
  1297. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Binding to transport host ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService}
  1298. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Binding to transport host ComponentInfo{com.google.android.backuptransport/com.google.android.backup.BackupTransportService}
  1299. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Found stale backup journal, scheduling
  1300. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  1301. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.fingersoft.hillclimb
  1302. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  1303. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1304. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  1305. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.android.dialer
  1306. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.android.providers.settings
  1307. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.google.android.talk
  1308. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.android.nfc
  1309. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.android.providers.userdictionary
  1310. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   android
  1311. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.android.vending
  1312. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.google.android.gm
  1313. I/BackupManagerService( 2505):   com.google.android.calendar
  1314. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Backup enabled => true
  1315. I/SystemServer( 2505): AppWidget Service
  1316. I/SystemServer( 2505): Recognition Service
  1317. I/SystemServer( 2505): DiskStats Service
  1318. I/SystemServer( 2505): SamplingProfiler Service
  1319. I/SystemServer( 2505): NetworkTimeUpdateService
  1320. I/SystemServer( 2505): CommonTimeManagementService
  1321. I/SystemServer( 2505): CertBlacklister
  1322. I/SystemServer( 2505): Dreams Service
  1323. I/SystemServer( 2505): Assets Atlas Service
  1324. I/SystemServer( 2505): IdleMaintenanceService
  1325. I/SystemServer( 2505): Print Service
  1326. I/SystemServer( 2505): AssetRedirectionManager Service
  1327. I/SystemServer( 2505): Media Router Service
  1328. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.systemui for service com.android.keyguard/.KeyguardService: pid=2569 uid=10007 gids={50007, 1028, 1015, 1035, 3002, 3001}
  1329. I/AppOps  ( 2505): Pruning old package media/1013: new uid=-1
  1330. I/ActivityManager( 2505): System now ready
  1331. I/SystemServer( 2505): Making services ready
  1332. D/NetworkManagementService( 2505): enabling bandwidth control
  1333. I/StatusBarManagerService( 2505): registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@4209d7d0
  1334. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc android.process.media for broadcast com.android.providers.media/.MtpReceiver: pid=2645 uid=10005 gids={50005, 1028, 1015, 1023, 1024, 2001, 3003, 3007}
  1335. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.5 themeResource=null}
  1336. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=2662 uid=10002 gids={50002, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1337. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Ignoring setImeWindowStatus of uid 1000 token: null
  1338. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.inputmethod.latin for service com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME: pid=2675 uid=10069 gids={50069, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1339. V/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Adding window token: android.os.Binder@421a6980
  1340. E/LocationManagerService( 2505): No FusedProvider found.
  1341. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.phone for added application com.android.phone: pid=2695 uid=1001 gids={41001, 3002, 3001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1342. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.nfc for added application com.android.nfc: pid=2703 uid=1027 gids={41027, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015}
  1343. I/ActivityManager( 2505): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL} from pid 0
  1344. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox for activity com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL: pid=2720 uid=10021 gids={50021, 3003, 1028, 3002, 1015}
  1345. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Focus gain on non-focused client android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$1@42099638 (uid=1000 pid=2505)
  1346. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Connected to transport ComponentInfo{android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService}
  1347. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Registering transport android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransportService::android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport = com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport@41b8f498
  1348. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.printspooler for service com.android.printspooler/.PrintSpoolerService: pid=2740 uid=10054 gids={50054}
  1349. E/ActivityThread( 2720): Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.launcher.oldhome.settings
  1350. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.smspush for service com.android.smspush/.WapPushManager: pid=2762 uid=10062 gids={50062}
  1351. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1352. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1353. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1354. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1355. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.nullsoft.winamp for broadcast com.nullsoft.winamp/.UMSBroadCastReveiver: pid=2789 uid=10121 gids={50121, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1356. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.process.gapps for service com.google.android.gsf.login/com.google.android.gsf.loginservice.GoogleLoginService: pid=2804 uid=10016 gids={50016, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001, 3007, 2001, 3006}
  1357. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1358. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1359. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1360. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1361. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1362. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1363. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1364. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1365. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1366. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1367. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1368. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1369. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1370. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1371. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1372. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1373. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1374. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1375. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1376. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=radioTurnedOff
  1377. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1378. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1379. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1380. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1381. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1382. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1383. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1384. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1385. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1386. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataDetached
  1387. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.nullsoft.prostub.service.IWinampLicenseCheckService } U=0: not found
  1388. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.gms for service com.google.android.gms/.icing.service.IndexService: pid=2855 uid=10016 gids={50016, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001, 3007, 2001, 3006}
  1389. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.GpsWidgetProvider: pid=2875 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1390. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.process.location for broadcast com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.network.LocationProviderChangeReceiver: pid=2890 uid=10016 gids={50016, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001, 3007, 2001, 3006}
  1391. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Connected to transport ComponentInfo{com.google.android.backuptransport/com.google.android.backup.BackupTransportService}
  1392. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Registering transport com.google.android.backuptransport/com.google.android.backup.BackupTransportService::com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService = com.android.internal.backup.IBackupTransport$Stub$Proxy@4213de88
  1393. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=2929 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1394. W/ContextImpl( 2929): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.doBind:245 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:238 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1187
  1395. W/ContextImpl( 2929): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190
  1396. W/ContextImpl( 2929): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.doBind:109 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.<init>:102 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1196
  1397. W/ContextImpl( 2929): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.doBind:164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:157 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68
  1398. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en for broadcast com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en/com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor.receiver.UserPresentReceiver: pid=2956 uid=10097 gids={50097, 3002, 3001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1399. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.facebook.katana for content provider com.facebook.katana/.provider.AttributionIdProvider: pid=2975 uid=10103 gids={50103, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1400. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search for broadcast com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.ChargingStateBroadcastReceiver: pid=2991 uid=10021 gids={50021, 3003, 1028, 3002, 1015}
  1401. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.apps.plus for broadcast com.google.android.apps.plus/.iu.InstantUploadEnvironment$BatteryReceiver: pid=3004 uid=10074 gids={50074, 3003, 3002, 1028, 1015}
  1402. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppProvider: pid=3020 uid=10018 gids={50018, 3003}
  1403. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.chrome for broadcast com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.precache.PrecacheServiceLauncher: pid=3061 uid=10080 gids={50080, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1404. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.music for broadcast com.android.music/.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=3082 uid=10047 gids={50047, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1405. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.apps.magazines for broadcast com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.audio.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=3097 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1406. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1407. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1408. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1409. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1410. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.musixmatch.android.lyrify for broadcast com.musixmatch.android.lyrify/com.designfuture.music.MediaButtonIntentReceiver: pid=3155 uid=10102 gids={50102, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
  1411. D/MccTable( 2695): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=432, mnc=35
  1412. D/MccTable( 2695): getLocaleFromMcc to null_ir mcc=432
  1413. D/MccTable( 2695): getLocaleForLanguageCountry: skipping no language
  1414. D/MccTable( 2695): WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE set to ir
  1415. I/WifiService( 2505): WifiService trying to set country code to ir with persist set to true
  1416. D/MccTable( 2695): updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig config={1.0 432mcc35mnc ?locale ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/? themeResource=null}
  1417. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Config changes=3 {1.0 432mcc35mnc en_US ldltr sw360dp w360dp h614dp 240dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.6 themeResource=null}
  1418. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1419. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1420. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1421. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1422. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1423. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1424. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1425. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1426. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1427. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1428. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1429. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1430. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1431. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1432. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1433. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1434. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1435. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1436. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
  1437. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1438. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1439. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=simLoaded
  1440. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1441. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1442. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.android.phone/.SipBroadcastReceiver
  1443. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.vending for service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.billing.iab.InAppBillingService: pid=3198 uid=10019 gids={50019, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1444. I/WindowManager( 2505): Screen frozen for +1s870ms due to AppWindowToken{4214d460 token=Token{41b27b68 ActivityRecord{41d65f70 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL t1}}}
  1445. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1446. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1447. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1448. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1449. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1450. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{42218b70 u0 com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.push.mqtt.service.MqttPushService}
  1451. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{421be608 u0 com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerService}
  1452. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1453. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{42177a80 u0 com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.vault.service.VaultManagerService}
  1454. W/AppOps  ( 2505): Bad call: specified package com.google.android.apps.icing.ui under uid 10021 but it is really -1
  1455. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1456. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1457. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1458. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1459. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1460. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1461. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1462. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1463. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1464. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  1465. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1466. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  1467. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1468. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  1469. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1470. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  1471. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataAttached
  1472. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{4212fe68 u0 com.android.music/.MediaPlaybackService}
  1473. W/SocketClient( 2225): write error (Broken pipe)
  1474. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1475. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.gcm.ServiceAutoStarter
  1476. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  1477. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{421d4a58 u0 com.musixmatch.android.lyrify/com.designfuture.music.MediaPlaybackService}
  1478. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1479. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.dialer for broadcast com.android.dialer/.calllog.CallLogReceiver: pid=3315 uid=10004 gids={50004, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1480. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.android.dialer/.calllog.CallLogReceiver
  1481. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1482. W/ContextImpl( 2505): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.doBind:283 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.<init>:276 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1181 android.media.AudioService.getBluetoothHeadset:2256
  1483. W/ContextImpl( 2505): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.doBind:165 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.<init>:158 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1184 android.media.AudioService$AudioServiceBroadcastReceiver.onReceive:4177
  1484. V/WiredAccessoryManager( 2505): init()
  1485. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Boot animation finished.
  1486. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.estrongs.android.taskmanager for broadcast com.estrongs.android.taskmanager/.AutoStartReceiver: pid=3334 uid=10091 gids={50091, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015}
  1487. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for broadcast com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarReceiver: pid=3376 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1488. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver
  1489. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Going to sleep by user request...
  1490. I/WindowManager( 2505): No lock screen! windowToken=null
  1491. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1492. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for broadcast com.evervolv.toolbox/.receivers.BootReceiver: pid=3402 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1493. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.android.providers.media/.MediaScannerReceiver
  1494. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{42218b70 u0 com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.push.mqtt.service.MqttPushService}
  1495. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1496. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.onetimeinitializer for broadcast com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver: pid=3421 uid=10017 gids={50017}
  1497. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/.OneTimeInitializerReceiver
  1498. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1499. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.GooglePartnerSetup
  1500. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1501. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzPingBroadcastReceiver
  1502. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1503. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gsf/.checkin.CheckinService$Receiver
  1504. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1505. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gsf/.update.SystemUpdateService$Receiver
  1506. I/SystemUpdateService( 2804): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  1507. I/SystemUpdateService( 2804): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  1508. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1509. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.StartUpReceiver
  1510. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1511. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver for broadcast com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver: pid=3454 uid=10029 gids={50029}
  1512. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.deskclock for broadcast com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver: pid=3468 uid=10031 gids={50031, 1028}
  1513. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver
  1514. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1515. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.evervolv.updater for broadcast com.evervolv.updater/.receivers.BootReceiver: pid=3486 uid=10035 gids={50035, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001}
  1516. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 2740:com.android.printspooler/u0a54 (adj 15): empty #17
  1517. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService for service com.evervolv.updater/.services.UpdateManifestService: pid=3499 uid=10035 gids={50035, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001}
  1518. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.evervolv.updater/.receivers.BootReceiver
  1519. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3061:com.android.chrome/u0a80 (adj 15): empty #17
  1520. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1521. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.email for broadcast com.android.email/.service.EmailBroadcastReceiver: pid=3514 uid=10036 gids={50036, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1522. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 2789:com.nullsoft.winamp/u0a121 (adj 15): empty #17
  1523. D/ActivityThread( 3514): Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
  1524. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.android.email/.service.EmailBroadcastReceiver
  1525. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  1526. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.email/.service.AttachmentDownloadService } U=0: not found
  1527. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{420f74a0 u0 com.android.exchange/.service.EmailSyncAdapterService}
  1528. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.exchange for service com.android.exchange/.service.EmailSyncAdapterService: pid=3536 uid=10037 gids={50037, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1529. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3097:com.google.android.apps.magazines/u0a70 (adj 15): empty #17
  1530. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1531. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.calendar for broadcast com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=3549 uid=10042 gids={50042, 3003}
  1532. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3004:com.google.android.apps.plus/u0a74 (adj 15): empty #17
  1533. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.keep for broadcast com.google.android.keep/.notification.AlertReceiver: pid=3567 uid=10043 gids={50043, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1534. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.keep/.notification.AlertReceiver
  1535. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1536. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.gm for broadcast com.google.android.gm/.GoogleMailDeviceStartupReceiver: pid=3588 uid=10053 gids={50053, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1537. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 2875:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  1538. D/ActivityThread( 3588): Loading provider com.android.gmail.ui: com.google.android.gm.provider.GmailProvider
  1539. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.GoogleMailDeviceStartupReceiver
  1540. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1541. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.MailIntentReceiver
  1542. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1543. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 2929:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  1544. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget for broadcast com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/.miniwidget.MiniWidgetProvider: pid=3620 uid=10063 gids={50063, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1545. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 2662:android.process.acore/u0a2 (adj 15): empty #17
  1546. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=3640 uid=10002 gids={50002, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1547. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.talk for broadcast com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.service.BootReceiver: pid=3649 uid=10068 gids={50068, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002}
  1548. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.tencent.mm:push for broadcast com.tencent.mm/.booter.MMReceivers$BootReceiver: pid=3696 uid=10085 gids={50085, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
  1549. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3315:com.android.dialer/u0a4 (adj 15): empty #17
  1550. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3334:com.estrongs.android.taskmanager/u0a91 (adj 15): empty #17
  1551. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=3716 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1552. W/ContextImpl( 3716): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.doBind:245 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:238 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1187
  1553. W/ContextImpl( 3716): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190
  1554. W/ContextImpl( 3716): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.doBind:109 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.<init>:102 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1196
  1555. W/ContextImpl( 3716): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.doBind:164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:157 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68
  1556. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.WifiWidgetProvider: pid=3729 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1557. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3402:com.evervolv.toolbox/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  1558. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3421:com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a17 (adj 15): empty #17
  1559. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.keep/.notification.AlertReceiver
  1560. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1561. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3020:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a18 (adj 15): empty #17
  1562. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.nullsoft.winamp for broadcast com.nullsoft.winamp/.wifi.WifiStateChangeListener: pid=3745 uid=10121 gids={50121, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1563. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.nullsoft.prostub.service.IWinampLicenseCheckService } U=0: not found
  1564. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.init.InitializeGmsReceiver
  1565. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1566. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3198:com.android.vending/u0a19 (adj 15): empty #17
  1567. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.musicfx for broadcast com.android.musicfx/.ControlPanelReceiver: pid=3762 uid=10008 gids={50008, 3003, 3002}
  1568. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3454:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/u0a29 (adj 15): empty #17
  1569. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.musixmatch.android.lyrify/com.designfuture.music.scrobbler.AndroidMusicReceiver
  1570. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1571. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1572. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1573. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1574. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1575. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1576. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1577. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1578. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1579. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1580. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{42110188 u0 com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.InitAlarmsService}
  1581. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1582. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.tencent.mm for broadcast com.tencent.mm/.booter.BluetoothReceiver: pid=3793 uid=10085 gids={50085, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
  1583. E/ActivityThread( 3793): Failed to find provider info for com.tencent.mm.coolassist.debugprovider
  1584. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver
  1585. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{421332e8 u0 com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en/com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor.service.BatteryOptService}
  1586. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1587. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.music:main for broadcast com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver: pid=3819 uid=10072 gids={50072, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1588. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1589. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1590. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  1591. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{421d1930 u0 com.musixmatch.android.lyrify/com.musixmatch.android.services.ScrobblerService}
  1592. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.apps.plus for broadcast com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.CameraMonitor: pid=3848 uid=10074 gids={50074, 3003, 3002, 1028, 1015}
  1593. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3486:com.evervolv.updater/u0a35 (adj 15): empty #17
  1594. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1595. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
  1596. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1597. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  1598. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver
  1599. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1600. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.MailIntentReceiver
  1601. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1602. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gm/.GmailReceiver
  1603. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1604. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.realtimechat.RealTimeChatService$AlarmReceiver
  1605. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1606. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.vending for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.PackageMonitorReceiver$RegisteredReceiver: pid=3906 uid=10019 gids={50019, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1607. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3499:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a35 (adj 15): empty #17
  1608. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3536:com.android.exchange/u0a37 (adj 15): empty #17
  1609. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$CorporaChangedReceiver
  1610. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1611. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.gallery3d for broadcast com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor: pid=3943 uid=10039 gids={50039, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  1612. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
  1613. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1614. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  1615. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1616. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3620:com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget/u0a63 (adj 15): empty #17
  1617. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  1618. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Done.
  1619. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Setting timer for 720seconds
  1620. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3696:com.tencent.mm:push/u0a85 (adj 15): empty #17
  1621. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1622. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1623. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1624. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1625. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1626. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1627. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1628. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1629. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  1630. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  1631. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  1632. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  1633. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3745:com.nullsoft.winamp/u0a121 (adj 15): empty #17
  1634. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3729:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  1635. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3082:com.android.music/u0a47 (adj 15): empty #18
  1636. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3567:com.google.android.keep/u0a43 (adj 15): empty #17
  1637. W/ProcessCpuTracker( 2505): Skipping unknown process pid 4029
  1638. W/SocketClient( 2225): write error (Broken pipe)
  1639. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  1640. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Waking up from sleep...
  1641. I/WindowManager( 2505): Lock screen displayed!
  1642. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  1643. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41bfc348 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@42334158, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42213828
  1644. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41bbfb00 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42213828
  1645. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Going to sleep by user request...
  1646. W/ProcessCpuTracker( 2505): Skipping unknown process pid 4238
  1647. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  1648. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Done.
  1649. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Setting timer for 720seconds
  1650. W/ProcessCpuTracker( 2505): Skipping unknown process pid 4340
  1651. W/ProcessCpuTracker( 2505): Skipping unknown process pid 4350
  1652. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  1653. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Done.
  1654. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Setting timer for 720seconds
  1655. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  1656. W/ProcessCpuTracker( 2505): Skipping unknown process pid 4513
  1657. I/ProcessStatsService( 2505): Prepared write state in 10ms
  1658. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3588:com.google.android.gm/u0a53 (adj 15): empty for 1824s
  1659. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3549:com.google.android.calendar/u0a42 (adj 15): empty for 1824s
  1660. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 2645:android.process.media/u0a5 (adj 15): empty for 1825s
  1661. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3793:com.tencent.mm/u0a85 (adj 15): empty for 1825s
  1662. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3514:com.android.email/u0a36 (adj 15): empty for 1826s
  1663. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3716:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 15): empty for 1829s
  1664. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3155:com.musixmatch.android.lyrify/u0a102 (adj 15): empty for 1842s
  1665. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1666. E/FrameworkListener( 2225): read() failed (Connection reset by peer)
  1667. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  1668. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Done.
  1669. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Setting timer for 720seconds
  1670. W/SocketClient( 2225): write error (Broken pipe)
  1671. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Waking up from sleep...
  1672. I/WindowManager( 2505): Lock screen displayed!
  1673. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@419eaea0 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@423af8a0, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42213828
  1674. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=4762 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1675. W/ContextImpl( 4762): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.doBind:245 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:238 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1187
  1676. W/ContextImpl( 4762): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1190
  1677. W/ContextImpl( 4762): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.doBind:109 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.<init>:102 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1196
  1678. W/ContextImpl( 4762): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1568 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.doBind:164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:157 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68
  1679. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3819:com.google.android.music:main/u0a72 (adj 15): empty for 2485s
  1680. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.GpsWidgetProvider: pid=4777 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  1681. D/RPC     ( 2505): 3000008c:00050000 dispatching RPC call (XID 342, xdr 0x1ca8270) for callback client 3100008c:00050001.
  1682. D/RPC     ( 2505): 3100008c:327681 sending RPC reply (XID 342)
  1683. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3640:android.process.acore/u0a2 (adj 15): empty for 2483s
  1684. I/ActivityManager( 2505): START u0 {flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity} from pid 2569
  1685. W/SocketClient( 2225): write error (Broken pipe)
  1686. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1687. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@42238300 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@418088a8
  1688. W/ViewRootImpl( 2720): Dropping event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=3003895, downTime=3003895, deviceId=6, source=0x101 }
  1689. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Going to sleep due to screen timeout...
  1690. W/WindowManager( 2505): Window freeze timeout expired.
  1691. W/WindowManager( 2505): Force clearing orientation change: Window{4219b170 u0 Keyguard}
  1692. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Waking up from sleep...
  1693. I/WindowManager( 2505): Lock screen displayed!
  1694. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@42137548 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@421aece0, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42213828
  1695. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  1696. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Going to sleep by user request...
  1697. W/SocketClient( 2225): write error (Broken pipe)
  1698. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  1699. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Done.
  1700. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Setting timer for 720seconds
  1701. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Waking up from sleep...
  1702. I/WindowManager( 2505): Lock screen displayed!
  1703. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Going to sleep by user request...
  1704. I/ProcessStatsService( 2505): Prepared write state in 21ms
  1705. W/ProcessCpuTracker( 2505): Skipping unknown process pid 5147
  1706. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Waking up from sleep...
  1707. I/WindowManager( 2505): Lock screen displayed!
  1708. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  1709. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Going to sleep by user request...
  1710. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  1711. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Running a backup pass
  1712. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): clearing pending backups
  1713. V/PerformBackupTask( 2505): Beginning backup of 14 targets
  1714. D/PerformBackupTask( 2505): invokeAgentForBackup on @pm@
  1715. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Done.
  1716. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Setting timer for 720seconds
  1717. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of android
  1718. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.talk
  1719. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.nfc
  1720. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.dialer
  1721. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.userdictionary
  1722. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  1723. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings
  1724. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.calendar
  1725. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1726. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.fingersoft.hillclimb
  1727. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.vending
  1728. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  1729. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.gm
  1730. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  1731. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Backup time but one already running
  1732. I/PerformBackupTask( 2505): Backup pass finished.
  1733. W/ProcessCpuTracker( 2505): Skipping unknown process pid 5192
  1734. --------- beginning of /dev/log/main
  1735. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  1736. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:32, MBAT_pd:4130, I_MBAT:-120, pd_temp:0
  1737. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1738. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=86, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1739. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4098;curr=0;dis_curr=120;temp=294;id=2;level=86;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1740. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:49, MBAT_pd:4126, I_MBAT:-184, pd_temp:0
  1741. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1742. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=86, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1743. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4077;curr=0;dis_curr=184;temp=295;id=2;level=86;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1744. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:32, MBAT_pd:4121, I_MBAT:-120, pd_temp:0
  1745. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1746. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=85, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1747. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4089;curr=0;dis_curr=120;temp=293;id=2;level=85;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1748. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1749. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1750. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1751. D/BluetoothAdapter( 2956): 1101476424: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  1752. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1753. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  1754. E/PlayEventLogger( 3906): Upload failed class java.net.UnknownHostException(Unable to resolve host "play.googleapis.com": No address associated with hostname)
  1755. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:23, MBAT_pd:4118, I_MBAT:-88, pd_temp:0
  1756. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1757. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=85, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1758. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4095;curr=0;dis_curr=88;temp=293;id=2;level=85;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1759. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:23, MBAT_pd:4115, I_MBAT:-86, pd_temp:0
  1760. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1761. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=85, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1762. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4092;curr=0;dis_curr=86;temp=293;id=2;level=85;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1763. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975): Exception during service
  1764. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975): java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "graph.facebook.com": No address associated with hostname
  1765. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
  1766. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
  1767. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
  1768. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.a(Dns.java:28)
  1769. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.RouteSelector.a(RouteSelector.java:236)
  1770. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.RouteSelector.a(RouteSelector.java:115)
  1771. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.b(HttpEngine.java:248)
  1772. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.a(HttpEngine.java:191)
  1773. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.a(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:384)
  1774. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:102)
  1775. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:129)
  1776. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.executors.okhttp.OkHttpRequestExecutor.a(OkHttpRequestExecutor.java:152)
  1777. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.executors.okhttp.OkHttpRequestExecutor.a(OkHttpRequestExecutor.java:110)
  1778. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.executors.qebased.QeHttpRequestExecutor.a(QeHttpRequestExecutor.java:66)
  1779. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.RequestFlowStateController.a(RequestFlowStateController.java:123)
  1780. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbRedirectController.a(FbRedirectController.java:97)
  1781. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.b(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:158)
  1782. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:141)
  1783. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.b(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:98)
  1784. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:228)
  1785. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.MethodBatcherImpl$MethodBatchImpl.a(MethodBatcherImpl.java:216)
  1786. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.BatchComponentRunner.a(BatchComponentRunner.java:79)
  1787. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.config.background.ConfigBackgroundServiceHandler.a(ConfigBackgroundServiceHandler.java:90)
  1788. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.config.background.ConfigBackgroundServiceHandler.a(ConfigBackgroundServiceHandler.java:59)
  1789. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.BlueServiceQueue.e(BlueServiceQueue.java:345)
  1790. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.BlueServiceQueue.d(BlueServiceQueue.java:56)
  1791. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.BlueServiceQueue$3.run(BlueServiceQueue.java:265)
  1792. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422)
  1793. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
  1794. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.common.executors.ListenableScheduledFutureImpl.run(ListenableScheduledFutureImpl.java:59)
  1795. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  1796. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  1797. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
  1798. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  1799. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975): Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname)
  1800. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
  1801. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
  1802. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
  1803. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     ... 33 more
  1804. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  1805. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:18, MBAT_pd:4110, I_MBAT:-68, pd_temp:0
  1806. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1807. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=84, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1808. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4092;curr=0;dis_curr=68;temp=292;id=2;level=84;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1809. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1810. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1811. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1812. D/BluetoothAdapter( 2956): 1101476424: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  1813. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1814. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  1815. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Running a backup pass
  1816. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): clearing pending backups
  1817. V/PerformBackupTask( 2505): Beginning backup of 14 targets
  1818. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Done.
  1819. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Setting timer for 720seconds
  1820. V/BackupServiceBinder( 2505): doBackup() invoked
  1821. D/PerformBackupTask( 2505): invokeAgentForBackup on @pm@
  1822. I/EventLogService( 2804): Aggregate from 1399896373808 (log), 1399896373808 (data)
  1823. W/BackupTransportService( 2890): Unknown package in backup request: @pm@
  1824. W/BackupTransportService( 2890): Not ready for backup request right now: [OperationScheduler: enabledState=false lastSuccess=2014-05-10/19:40:21 moratoriumSet=2014-05-12/15:54:27 moratorium=1970-01-01/03:30:00 trigger=1970-01-01/03:30:00]
  1825. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.talk
  1826. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of android
  1827. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.nfc
  1828. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.dialer
  1829. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  1830. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.userdictionary
  1831. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  1832. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings
  1833. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.fingersoft.hillclimb
  1834. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1835. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.calendar
  1836. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.vending
  1837. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  1838. D/Uploader( 2855): Network request failed class java.net.UnknownHostException(Unable to resolve host "play.googleapis.com": No address associated with hostname)
  1839. W/SocketClient( 2225): write error (Broken pipe)
  1840. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.gm
  1841. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  1842. I/PerformBackupTask( 2505): Backup pass finished.
  1843. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Running a backup pass
  1844. V/BackupServiceBinder( 2505): doBackup() invoked
  1845. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): clearing pending backups
  1846. V/PerformBackupTask( 2505): Beginning backup of 14 targets
  1847. D/PerformBackupTask( 2505): invokeAgentForBackup on @pm@
  1848. W/BackupTransportService( 2890): Unknown package in backup request: @pm@
  1849. W/BackupTransportService( 2890): Not ready for backup request right now: [OperationScheduler: enabledState=false lastSuccess=2014-05-10/19:40:21 moratoriumSet=2014-05-12/15:54:27 moratorium=1970-01-01/03:30:00 trigger=1970-01-01/03:30:00]
  1850. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of android
  1851. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.talk
  1852. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.nfc
  1853. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.dialer
  1854. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.userdictionary
  1855. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  1856. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings
  1857. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.calendar
  1858. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1859. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.fingersoft.hillclimb
  1860. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.vending
  1861. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  1862. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.gm
  1863. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  1864. I/PerformBackupTask( 2505): Backup pass finished.
  1865. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): Running a backup pass
  1866. V/BackupServiceBinder( 2505): doBackup() invoked
  1867. V/BackupManagerService( 2505): clearing pending backups
  1868. V/PerformBackupTask( 2505): Beginning backup of 14 targets
  1869. D/PerformBackupTask( 2505): invokeAgentForBackup on @pm@
  1870. W/BackupTransportService( 2890): Unknown package in backup request: @pm@
  1871. W/BackupTransportService( 2890): Not ready for backup request right now: [OperationScheduler: enabledState=false lastSuccess=2014-05-10/19:40:21 moratoriumSet=2014-05-12/15:54:27 moratorium=1970-01-01/03:30:00 trigger=1970-01-01/03:30:00]
  1872. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.talk
  1873. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of android
  1874. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.nfc
  1875. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.dialer
  1876. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.userdictionary
  1877. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.sharedstoragebackup
  1878. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.providers.settings
  1879. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.fingersoft.hillclimb
  1880. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
  1881. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.calendar
  1882. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.android.vending
  1883. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.marvin.talkback
  1884. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.gm
  1885. D/BackupManagerService( 2505): Now staging backup of com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
  1886. I/BackupManagerService( 2505): Backup time but one already running
  1887. I/PerformBackupTask( 2505): Backup pass finished.
  1888. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:40, MBAT_pd:4123, I_MBAT:-150, pd_temp:0
  1889. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1890. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=84, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1891. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4083;curr=0;dis_curr=150;temp=293;id=2;level=84;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1892. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:50, MBAT_pd:4124, I_MBAT:-188, pd_temp:0
  1893. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1894. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=84, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1895. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4074;curr=0;dis_curr=188;temp=293;id=2;level=84;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1896. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  1897. E/PlayEventLogger( 3906): Upload failed class java.net.UnknownHostException(Unable to resolve host "play.googleapis.com": No address associated with hostname)
  1898. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:44, MBAT_pd:4118, I_MBAT:-164, pd_temp:0
  1899. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1900. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=84, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1901. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4074;curr=0;dis_curr=164;temp=292;id=2;level=84;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1902. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Waking up from sleep...
  1903. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=6710886 brightness=102
  1904. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::set_Delay = 1000000000
  1905. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::activate_pana
  1906. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 2505): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$20@42384308)
  1907. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): setParameters() screen_state=on
  1908. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command SETSUSPENDMODE 0
  1909. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 2505): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  1910. I/WindowManager( 2505): Lock screen displayed!
  1911. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::set_Delay = 1000000000
  1912. D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 2505): Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on: 183ms
  1913. D/SurfaceFlinger(  176): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0x1dfb450
  1914. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::activate_pana
  1915. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Going to sleep by user request...
  1916. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x2, err=Bad file number fd=109)
  1917. W/Adreno200-EGLSUB(  176): <LockImage:1938>: genlock_lock_buffer GENLOCK_READ_LOCK failed
  1918. W/Adreno200-ES20(  176): <qgl2DrvAPI_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES:3878>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
  1919. E/SurfaceFlinger(  176): glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 36054
  1920. E/SurfaceFlinger(  176): got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
  1921. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x0, err=Bad file number fd=109)
  1922. W/Adreno200-EGLSUB(  176): <UnlockImage:1965>: genlock_unlock_buffer failed
  1923. W/GLConsumer(  176): [ElectronBeam] bindTextureImage: clearing GL error: 0x502
  1924. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=0 brightness=0
  1925. D/SurfaceFlinger(  176): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0x1dfb450
  1926. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command SETSUSPENDMODE 1
  1927. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): setParameters() screen_state=off
  1928. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): Initial transport state: 0, pbstate=0
  1929. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): hide transport, gen:4
  1930. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): music state changed: 0
  1931. D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 2505): Excessive delay in autosuspend_enable() while turning screen off: 359ms
  1932. D/dalvikvm( 2569): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1241K, 19% free 12538K/15344K, paused 3ms+7ms, total 44ms
  1933. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:79, MBAT_pd:4126, I_MBAT:-293, pd_temp:0
  1934. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1935. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=84, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1936. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4047;curr=0;dis_curr=293;temp=292;id=2;level=84;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1937. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975): Exception during service
  1938. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975): java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "graph.facebook.com": No address associated with hostname
  1939. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
  1940. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
  1941. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
  1942. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.a(Dns.java:28)
  1943. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.RouteSelector.a(RouteSelector.java:236)
  1944. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.RouteSelector.a(RouteSelector.java:115)
  1945. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.b(HttpEngine.java:248)
  1946. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.a(HttpEngine.java:191)
  1947. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.a(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:384)
  1948. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:102)
  1949. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:129)
  1950. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.executors.okhttp.OkHttpRequestExecutor.a(OkHttpRequestExecutor.java:152)
  1951. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.executors.okhttp.OkHttpRequestExecutor.a(OkHttpRequestExecutor.java:110)
  1952. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.executors.qebased.QeHttpRequestExecutor.a(QeHttpRequestExecutor.java:66)
  1953. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.RequestFlowStateController.a(RequestFlowStateController.java:123)
  1954. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbRedirectController.a(FbRedirectController.java:97)
  1955. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.b(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:158)
  1956. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:141)
  1957. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.b(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:98)
  1958. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:228)
  1959. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.SingleMethodRunnerImpl.a(SingleMethodRunnerImpl.java:415)
  1960. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.SingleMethodRunnerImpl.a(SingleMethodRunnerImpl.java:170)
  1961. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.AbstractSingleMethodRunner.a(AbstractSingleMethodRunner.java:26)
  1962. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.ApiMethodRunnerImpl.a(ApiMethodRunnerImpl.java:43)
  1963. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.ApiMethodRunnerImpl.a(ApiMethodRunnerImpl.java:35)
  1964. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.protocol.WebServiceHandler.b(WebServiceHandler.java:211)
  1965. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.server.AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.a(AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.java:31)
  1966. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.FilterChainLink.a(FilterChainLink.java:20)
  1967. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.database.DbServiceHandler.b(DbServiceHandler.java:338)
  1968. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.server.AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.a(AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.java:31)
  1969. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.FilterChainLink.a(FilterChainLink.java:20)
  1970. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.cache.CacheServiceHandler.b(CacheServiceHandler.java:132)
  1971. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.server.AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.a(AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.java:31)
  1972. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.FilterChainLink.a(FilterChainLink.java:20)
  1973. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.BlueServiceQueue.e(BlueServiceQueue.java:345)
  1974. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.BlueServiceQueue.d(BlueServiceQueue.java:56)
  1975. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.BlueServiceQueue$3.run(BlueServiceQueue.java:265)
  1976. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422)
  1977. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
  1978. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.common.executors.ListenableScheduledFutureImpl.run(ListenableScheduledFutureImpl.java:59)
  1979. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  1980. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  1981. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
  1982. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  1983. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975): Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname)
  1984. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
  1985. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
  1986. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
  1987. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     ... 43 more
  1988. W/Settings( 2975): Setting wifi_sleep_policy has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1989. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  1990. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  1991. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1994K, 16% free 13246K/15588K, paused 4ms+342ms, total 6551ms
  1992. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  1993. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:21, MBAT_pd:4104, I_MBAT:-78, pd_temp:0
  1994. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  1995. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=83, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  1996. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4083;curr=0;dis_curr=78;temp=290;id=2;level=83;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  1997. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1998. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  1999. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  2000. D/BluetoothAdapter( 2956): 1101476424: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2001. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  2002. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  2003. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:14, MBAT_pd:4103, I_MBAT:-52, pd_temp:0
  2004. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  2005. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=83, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  2006. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4089;curr=0;dis_curr=52;temp=290;id=2;level=83;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  2007. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:25, MBAT_pd:4105, I_MBAT:-94, pd_temp:0
  2008. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  2009. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=83, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  2010. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4080;curr=0;dis_curr=94;temp=290;id=2;level=83;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  2011. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  2012. E/PlayEventLogger( 3906): Upload failed class java.net.UnknownHostException(Unable to resolve host "play.googleapis.com": No address associated with hostname)
  2013. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:48, MBAT_pd:4110, I_MBAT:-180, pd_temp:0
  2014. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  2015. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=83, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  2016. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4062;curr=0;dis_curr=180;temp=290;id=2;level=83;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  2017. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:32, MBAT_pd:4103, I_MBAT:-120, pd_temp:0
  2018. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  2019. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=83, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  2020. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4071;curr=0;dis_curr=120;temp=289;id=2;level=83;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  2021. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=6710886 brightness=102
  2022. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 2505): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$20@42405e50)
  2023. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::set_Delay = 1000000000
  2024. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::activate_pana
  2025. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Waking up from sleep...
  2026. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command SETSUSPENDMODE 0
  2027. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): setParameters() screen_state=on
  2028. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::set_Delay = 1000000000
  2029. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 2505): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  2030. I/WindowManager( 2505): Lock screen displayed!
  2031. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975): Exception during service
  2032. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975): java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "graph.facebook.com": No address associated with hostname
  2033. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
  2034. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
  2035. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
  2036. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.a(Dns.java:28)
  2037. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.RouteSelector.a(RouteSelector.java:236)
  2038. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.RouteSelector.a(RouteSelector.java:115)
  2039. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.b(HttpEngine.java:248)
  2040. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.a(HttpEngine.java:191)
  2041. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.a(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:384)
  2042. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:102)
  2043. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:129)
  2044. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.executors.okhttp.OkHttpRequestExecutor.a(OkHttpRequestExecutor.java:152)
  2045. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.executors.okhttp.OkHttpRequestExecutor.a(OkHttpRequestExecutor.java:110)
  2046. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.executors.qebased.QeHttpRequestExecutor.a(QeHttpRequestExecutor.java:66)
  2047. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.RequestFlowStateController.a(RequestFlowStateController.java:123)
  2048. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbRedirectController.a(FbRedirectController.java:97)
  2049. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.b(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:158)
  2050. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:141)
  2051. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.b(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:98)
  2052. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:228)
  2053. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.SingleMethodRunnerImpl.a(SingleMethodRunnerImpl.java:415)
  2054. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.SingleMethodRunnerImpl.a(SingleMethodRunnerImpl.java:170)
  2055. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.AbstractSingleMethodRunner.a(AbstractSingleMethodRunner.java:26)
  2056. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.ApiMethodRunnerImpl.a(ApiMethodRunnerImpl.java:43)
  2057. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.http.protocol.ApiMethodRunnerImpl.a(ApiMethodRunnerImpl.java:35)
  2058. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.protocol.WebServiceHandler.b(WebServiceHandler.java:211)
  2059. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.server.AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.a(AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.java:31)
  2060. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.FilterChainLink.a(FilterChainLink.java:20)
  2061. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.database.DbServiceHandler.b(DbServiceHandler.java:338)
  2062. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.server.AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.a(AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.java:31)
  2063. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.FilterChainLink.a(FilterChainLink.java:20)
  2064. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.cache.CacheServiceHandler.b(CacheServiceHandler.java:132)
  2065. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.orca.server.AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.a(AbstractBlueServiceHandlerFilter.java:31)
  2066. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.FilterChainLink.a(FilterChainLink.java:20)
  2067. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.BlueServiceQueue.e(BlueServiceQueue.java:345)
  2068. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.BlueServiceQueue.d(BlueServiceQueue.java:56)
  2069. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.fbservice.service.BlueServiceQueue$3.run(BlueServiceQueue.java:265)
  2070. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422)
  2071. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
  2072. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at com.facebook.common.executors.ListenableScheduledFutureImpl.run(ListenableScheduledFutureImpl.java:59)
  2073. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  2074. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  2075. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
  2076. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  2077. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975): Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname)
  2078. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
  2079. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
  2080. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
  2081. W/fb4a(:<default>):BlueServiceQueue( 2975):     ... 43 more
  2082. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  2083. D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 2505): Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on: 177ms
  2084. D/SurfaceFlinger(  176): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0x1dfb450
  2085. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 2569): KeyEvent: ACTION_UP but key was not down.
  2086. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 2569):   in com.android.keyguard.KeyguardHostView{419f1b70 V.E..... ........ 0,0-540,960 #7f0a0026 app:id/keyguard_host_view}
  2087. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 2569):   0: sent at 5461292000000, KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_POWER, scanCode=116, metaState=0, flags=0x29, repeatCount=0, eventTime=5461292, downTime=5460343, deviceId=0, source=0x101 }
  2088. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 2569):   -- recent events --
  2089. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 2569):   1: sent at 5461292000000, (unhandled) KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_POWER, scanCode=116, metaState=0, flags=0x29, repeatCount=0, eventTime=5461292, downTime=5460343, deviceId=0, source=0x101 }
  2090. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 2569):   2: sent at 5461249000000, (unhandled) KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_POWER, scanCode=116, metaState=0, flags=0x9, repeatCount=9, eventTime=5461249, downTime=5460343, deviceId=0, source=0x101 }
  2091. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 2569):   3: sent at 5461249000000, (unhandled) KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_POWER, scanCode=116, metaState=0, flags=0x9, repeatCount=9, eventTime=5461249, downTime=5460343, deviceId=0, source=0x101 }
  2092. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 2569):   4: sent at 5461199000000, (unhandled) KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_POWER, scanCode=116, metaState=0, flags=0x9, repeatCount=8, eventTime=5461199, downTime=5460343, deviceId=0, source=0x101 }
  2093. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 2569):   5: sent at 5461199000000, (unhandled) KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_POWER, scanCode=116, metaState=0, flags=0x9, repeatCount=8, eventTime=5461199, downTime=5460343, deviceId=0, source=0x101 }
  2094. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::activate_pana
  2095. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Going to sleep by user request...
  2096. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x2, err=Bad file number fd=106)
  2097. W/Adreno200-EGLSUB(  176): <LockImage:1938>: genlock_lock_buffer GENLOCK_READ_LOCK failed
  2098. W/Adreno200-ES20(  176): <qgl2DrvAPI_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES:3878>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
  2099. E/SurfaceFlinger(  176): glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 36054
  2100. E/SurfaceFlinger(  176): got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
  2101. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x0, err=Bad file number fd=106)
  2102. W/Adreno200-EGLSUB(  176): <UnlockImage:1965>: genlock_unlock_buffer failed
  2103. W/GLConsumer(  176): [ElectronBeam] bindTextureImage: clearing GL error: 0x502
  2104. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=0 brightness=0
  2105. D/SurfaceFlinger(  176): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0x1dfb450
  2106. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command SETSUSPENDMODE 1
  2107. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): setParameters() screen_state=off
  2108. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): Initial transport state: 0, pbstate=0
  2109. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): hide transport, gen:4
  2110. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): music state changed: 0
  2111. D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 2505): Excessive delay in autosuspend_enable() while turning screen off: 367ms
  2112. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=6710886 brightness=102
  2113. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 2505): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$20@421282e8)
  2114. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Waking up from sleep...
  2115. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::set_Delay = 1000000000
  2116. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::activate_pana
  2117. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command SETSUSPENDMODE 0
  2118. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): setParameters() screen_state=on
  2119. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::set_Delay = 1000000000
  2120. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 2505): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  2121. I/WindowManager( 2505): Lock screen displayed!
  2122. D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 2505): Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on: 189ms
  2123. D/SurfaceFlinger(  176): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0x1dfb450
  2124. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  2125. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  2126. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  2127. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  2128. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  2129. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set output routing 2
  2130. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  2131. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  2132. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): open driver
  2133. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  2134. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  2135. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  2136. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  2137. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 4800
  2138. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 2
  2139. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 2
  2140. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 44100
  2141. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): write(): dec_id = 1 cur_rx = 2
  2142. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2143. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 13
  2144. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): cur_rx for pcm playback = 2
  2145. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  2146. D/PhoneStatusBar( 2569): disable: < expand* icons alerts ticker* system_info back* home* recent* clock search >
  2147. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4227ff90 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@42239c78, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42213828
  2148. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2149. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  2150. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  2151. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2154. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2157. D/dalvikvm( 2991): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1930K, 67% free 3674K/10888K, paused 2ms+12ms, total 50ms
  2158. D/dalvikvm( 2991): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 47ms
  2159. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): addToTable stream 1
  2160. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 2991): mic_starting ela@41b5e028
  2161. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2162. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  2163. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::openInputStream devices 400000 format 1 channels 16 samplerate 16000 in_p=80000040 lin_p=4000000 in_v=80000001 lin_v=100000
  2164. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 16000)
  2165. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  2166. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  2167. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2168. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  2169. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): confirm config
  2170. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 640
  2171. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 4
  2172. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 1
  2173. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 16000
  2174. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  2175. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::getParameters() voip_flag=
  2176. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2177. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  2178. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  2179. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  2180. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  2181. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  2182. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  2183. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Starting hotword detection.
  2184. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  2185. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2186. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): driver closed
  2187. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::setParameters() camcorder_mode=0;input_source=6;routing=4194304
  2188. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set input routing 400000
  2189. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  2190. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  2191. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (LPA case)
  2192. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x429ff040, 640)
  2193. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 16000)
  2194. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  2195. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  2196. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  2197. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  2198. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): confirm config
  2199. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 640
  2200. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 4
  2201. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 1
  2202. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 16000
  2203. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  2204. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): dec_id = 2,cur_tx= 3
  2205. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  2206. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  2207. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2210. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2213. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): addToTable stream 2
  2214. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  2215. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  2216. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (LPA case)
  2217. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  2218. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Record_Default
  2219. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Record_Default
  2220. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Record_Default (3)
  2221. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  2222. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  2223. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 15
  2224. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  2225. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  2226. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  2227. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): In SPEAKER
  2228. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_rx = 2
  2229. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_tx = 4
  2230. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  2231. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  2232. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): case PCM_REC
  2233. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  2234. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  2235. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  2236. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2239. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2242. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): The node type is 1
  2243. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): rx_device = 2,temp_ptr->dev_id = 2
  2244. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  2245. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  2246. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2249. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2252. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: X
  2253. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): update TPA2051_SET_MODE to mode 4 success
  2254. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  2255. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: effect Record_Default already loaded
  2256. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  2257. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  2258. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  2259. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  2260. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  2261. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  2262. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  2263. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  2264. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  2265. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  2266. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  2267. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232):  FirstRead Done bytesRead = 640 count = 0
  2268. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x429ff2c0, 640)
  2269. I/HotwordWorker( 2991): #onHotwordDetectorStarted
  2270. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x429ff540, 640)
  2271. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x429ff7c0, 640)
  2272. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x429ffa40, 640)
  2273. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x429ffcc0, 640)
  2274. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x429fff40, 640)
  2275. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a001c0, 640)
  2276. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a00440, 640)
  2277. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a006c0, 640)
  2278. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a00940, 640)
  2279. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a00bc0, 640)
  2280. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a00e40, 640)
  2281. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a010c0, 640)
  2282. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a01340, 640)
  2283. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a015c0, 640)
  2284. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a01840, 640)
  2285. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a01ac0, 640)
  2286. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a01d40, 640)
  2287. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a01fc0, 640)
  2288. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a02240, 640)
  2289. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a024c0, 640)
  2290. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a02740, 640)
  2291. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a029c0, 640)
  2292. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a02c40, 640)
  2293. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a02ec0, 640)
  2294. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a03140, 640)
  2295. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a033c0, 640)
  2296. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a03640, 640)
  2297. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a038c0, 640)
  2298. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a03b40, 640)
  2299. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a03dc0, 640)
  2300. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a04040, 640)
  2301. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a042c0, 640)
  2302. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a04540, 640)
  2303. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a047c0, 640)
  2304. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a04a40, 640)
  2305. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a04cc0, 640)
  2306. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a04f40, 640)
  2307. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a051c0, 640)
  2308. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a05440, 640)
  2309. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a056c0, 640)
  2310. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a05940, 640)
  2311. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a05bc0, 640)
  2312. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a05e40, 640)
  2313. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a060c0, 640)
  2314. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a06340, 640)
  2315. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a065c0, 640)
  2316. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a06840, 640)
  2317. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a06ac0, 640)
  2318. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a06d40, 640)
  2319. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a06fc0, 640)
  2320. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a07240, 640)
  2321. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a074c0, 640)
  2322. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a07740, 640)
  2323. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a079c0, 640)
  2324. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a07c40, 640)
  2325. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a07ec0, 640)
  2326. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a08140, 640)
  2327. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a083c0, 640)
  2328. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a08640, 640)
  2329. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a088c0, 640)
  2330. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a08b40, 640)
  2331. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a08dc0, 640)
  2332. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a09040, 640)
  2333. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a092c0, 640)
  2334. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a09540, 640)
  2335. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a097c0, 640)
  2336. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a09a40, 640)
  2337. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a09cc0, 640)
  2338. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a09f40, 640)
  2339. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0a1c0, 640)
  2340. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0a440, 640)
  2341. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0a6c0, 640)
  2342. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0a940, 640)
  2343. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0abc0, 640)
  2344. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0ae40, 640)
  2345. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0b0c0, 640)
  2346. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0b340, 640)
  2347. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0b5c0, 640)
  2348. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0b840, 640)
  2349. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0bac0, 640)
  2350. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0bd40, 640)
  2351. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0bfc0, 640)
  2352. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0c240, 640)
  2353. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0c4c0, 640)
  2354. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0c740, 640)
  2355. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0c9c0, 640)
  2356. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0cc40, 640)
  2357. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0cec0, 640)
  2358. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0d140, 640)
  2359. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0d3c0, 640)
  2360. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0d640, 640)
  2361. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0d8c0, 640)
  2362. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0db40, 640)
  2363. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0ddc0, 640)
  2364. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0e040, 640)
  2365. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0e2c0, 640)
  2366. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0e540, 640)
  2367. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0e7c0, 640)
  2368. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0ea40, 640)
  2369. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0ecc0, 640)
  2370. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0ef40, 640)
  2371. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0f1c0, 640)
  2372. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0f440, 640)
  2373. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0f6c0, 640)
  2374. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0f940, 640)
  2375. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0fbc0, 640)
  2376. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a0fe40, 640)
  2377. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a100c0, 640)
  2378. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a10340, 640)
  2379. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a105c0, 640)
  2380. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a10840, 640)
  2381. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a10ac0, 640)
  2382. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a10d40, 640)
  2383. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a10fc0, 640)
  2384. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a11240, 640)
  2385. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a114c0, 640)
  2386. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a11740, 640)
  2387. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a119c0, 640)
  2388. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a11c40, 640)
  2389. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a11ec0, 640)
  2390. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a12140, 640)
  2391. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a123c0, 640)
  2392. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a12640, 640)
  2393. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a128c0, 640)
  2394. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a12b40, 640)
  2395. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a12dc0, 640)
  2396. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a13040, 640)
  2397. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a132c0, 640)
  2398. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a13540, 640)
  2399. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a137c0, 640)
  2400. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a13a40, 640)
  2401. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a13cc0, 640)
  2402. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a13f40, 640)
  2403. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a141c0, 640)
  2404. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a14440, 640)
  2405. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a146c0, 640)
  2406. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a14940, 640)
  2407. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a14bc0, 640)
  2408. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Deroute pcm stream
  2409. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): deleteFromTable stream 1
  2410. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  2411. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): case PCM_REC
  2412. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  2413. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a14e40, 640)
  2414. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a150c0, 640)
  2415. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  2416. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  2417. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a15340, 640)
  2418. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  2421. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  2424. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: X
  2425. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  2426. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 29
  2427. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a155c0, 640)
  2428. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a15840, 640)
  2429. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a15ac0, 640)
  2430. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a15d40, 640)
  2431. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a15fc0, 640)
  2432. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a16240, 640)
  2433. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a164c0, 640)
  2434. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a16740, 640)
  2435. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a169c0, 640)
  2436. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a16c40, 640)
  2437. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a16ec0, 640)
  2438. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a17140, 640)
  2439. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a173c0, 640)
  2440. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a17640, 640)
  2441. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a178c0, 640)
  2442. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a17b40, 640)
  2443. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a17dc0, 640)
  2444. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a18040, 640)
  2445. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a182c0, 640)
  2446. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a18540, 640)
  2447. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a187c0, 640)
  2448. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a18a40, 640)
  2449. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a18cc0, 640)
  2450. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a18f40, 640)
  2451. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a191c0, 640)
  2452. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a19440, 640)
  2453. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a196c0, 640)
  2454. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a19940, 640)
  2455. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a19bc0, 640)
  2456. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a19e40, 640)
  2457. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1a0c0, 640)
  2458. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1a340, 640)
  2459. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1a5c0, 640)
  2460. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1a840, 640)
  2461. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1aac0, 640)
  2462. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1ad40, 640)
  2463. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1afc0, 640)
  2464. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1b240, 640)
  2465. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1b4c0, 640)
  2466. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1b740, 640)
  2467. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1b9c0, 640)
  2468. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1bc40, 640)
  2469. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1bec0, 640)
  2470. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1c140, 640)
  2471. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1c3c0, 640)
  2472. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1c640, 640)
  2473. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1c8c0, 640)
  2474. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1cb40, 640)
  2475. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1cdc0, 640)
  2476. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1d040, 640)
  2477. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1d2c0, 640)
  2478. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1d540, 640)
  2479. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1d7c0, 640)
  2480. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1da40, 640)
  2481. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1dcc0, 640)
  2482. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1df40, 640)
  2483. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1e1c0, 640)
  2484. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1e440, 640)
  2485. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1e6c0, 640)
  2486. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1e940, 640)
  2487. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1ebc0, 640)
  2488. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1ee40, 640)
  2489. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1f0c0, 640)
  2490. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1f340, 640)
  2491. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1f5c0, 640)
  2492. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1f840, 640)
  2493. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1fac0, 640)
  2494. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1fd40, 640)
  2495. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a1ffc0, 640)
  2496. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a20240, 640)
  2497. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a204c0, 640)
  2498. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a20740, 640)
  2499. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a209c0, 640)
  2500. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a20c40, 640)
  2501. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a20ec0, 640)
  2502. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a21140, 640)
  2503. E/libloc  ( 2505): loc_eng_inject_location: GPS not initialized.
  2504. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a213c0, 640)
  2505. W/LocationOracleImpl( 2991): Best location was null
  2506. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a21640, 640)
  2507. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a218c0, 640)
  2508. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a21b40, 640)
  2509. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a21dc0, 640)
  2510. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a22040, 640)
  2511. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 2569): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41e9b7e8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-540,96 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.LinearLayout{418005a8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-540,95} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2512. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42a222c0, 640)
  2513. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 2991): mic_close ela@41b5e028
  2514. I/HotwordWorker( 2991): #onHotwordDetectorStopped(false)
  2515. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 2569): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41e9b7e8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-540,96 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.LinearLayout{418005a8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-540,95} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  2516. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  2517. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  2518. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  2519. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  2520. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  2521. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  2522. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2523. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 29
  2524. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254 powered off
  2525. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): driver closed
  2526. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Deroute pcm stream
  2527. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Disable device
  2528. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): deleteFromTable stream 2
  2529. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  2530. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  2531. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  2532. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  2533. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  2534. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  2535. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  2536. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  2537. V/PanelView( 2569): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=946.804 v=773.0461)
  2538. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  2539. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2540. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  2541. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  2542. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  2543. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): In SPEAKER
  2544. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_rx = 2
  2545. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_tx = 4
  2546. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  2547. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  2548. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): simple device switch
  2549. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 2 0 ALSA dev id:2
  2550. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  2551. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Hotword detection finished
  2552. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): closeInputStream AudioStreamInMSM8x60
  2553. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60 destructor
  2554. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  2555. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  2556. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  2557. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Stopping hotword detection.
  2558. W/MdnsDeviceScanner( 2855): No network interfaces to scan on!
  2559. I/ActivityManager( 2505): START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from pid 2569
  2560. V/PanelView( 2569): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=960.0 v=-3000.0)
  2561. D/BluetoothAdapter( 4762): 1098990776: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2562. D/BluetoothAdapter( 4762): 1098990776: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2563. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +718ms
  2564. D/WifiService( 2505): setWifiEnabled: true pid=4762, uid=1000
  2565. D/WifiConfigStore( 2505): Loading config and enabling all networks
  2566. D/BluetoothAdapter( 4762): 1098990776: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  2567. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.keep for broadcast com.google.android.keep/.notification.AlertReceiver: pid=5522 uid=10043 gids={50043, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  2568. D/dalvikvm( 2804): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1004K, 71% free 3177K/10888K, paused 10ms+2ms, total 49ms
  2569. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: SME: Trying to authenticate with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d (SSID='HAFSHIN' freq=2462 MHz)
  2570. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.nullsoft.winamp for broadcast com.nullsoft.winamp/.wifi.WifiStateChangeListener: pid=5540 uid=10121 gids={50121, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  2571. I/dalvikvm( 5540): Enabling JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 10...
  2572. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: Trying to associate with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d (SSID='HAFSHIN' freq=2462 MHz)
  2573. I/WinampApp( 5540): Release Build for Winamp, debug disabled
  2574. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libreplicant-loader.so 0x417fdb60
  2575. W/linker  ( 5540): libreplicant-loader.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2576. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libreplicant-loader.so 0x417fdb60
  2577. D/dalvikvm( 5540): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libreplicant-loader.so 0x417fdb60, skipping init
  2578. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_manager.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60
  2579. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_manager.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60
  2580. D/dalvikvm( 5540): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_manager.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60, skipping init
  2581. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_dsp.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60
  2582. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_dsp.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60
  2583. D/dalvikvm( 5540): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_dsp.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60, skipping init
  2584. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_link.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60
  2585. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_link.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60
  2586. D/dalvikvm( 5540): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_link.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60, skipping init
  2587. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_musicid_file.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60
  2588. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_musicid_file.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60
  2589. D/dalvikvm( 5540): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgnsdk_musicid_file.2.1.0.so 0x417fdb60, skipping init
  2590. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libnx.ARMv7.so 0x417fdb60
  2591. W/linker  ( 5540): libnx.ARMv7.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2592. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libnx.ARMv7.so 0x417fdb60
  2593. D/dalvikvm( 5540): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libnx.ARMv7.so 0x417fdb60, skipping init
  2594. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libjnet.ARMv7.so 0x417fdb60
  2595. W/linker  ( 5540): libjnet.ARMv7.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2596. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libjnet.ARMv7.so 0x417fdb60
  2597. D/dalvikvm( 5540): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libjnet.ARMv7.so 0x417fdb60, skipping init
  2598. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libreplicant.ARMv7.so 0x417fdb60
  2599. W/linker  ( 5540): libreplicant.ARMv7.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2600. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ThreadLoop] ARMv7 implementation
  2601. D/dalvikvm( 5540): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libreplicant.ARMv7.so 0x417fdb60
  2602. I/libreplicant( 5540): [JNIData] JNINativeClassInit complete.
  2603. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: Associated with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d
  2604. D/Tethering( 2505): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
  2605. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2606. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]
  2607. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  2608. W/ContextImpl( 5540): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { act=com.nullsoft.prostub.service.IWinampLicenseCheckService } android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 com.nullsoft.winamp.pro.a.a.b:360 com.nullsoft.winamp.pro.a.a.a:376
  2609. D/m       ( 5540): Does Stub exist: false
  2610. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command WLS_BATCHING GET
  2611. E/WifiStateMachine( 2505): Unexpected BatchedScanResults :OK
  2612. D/m       ( 5540): No stub cache, pro remains: false
  2613. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command WLS_BATCHING STOP
  2614. I/libreplicant( 5540): setting data path to /data/data/com.nullsoft.winamp
  2615. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.nullsoft.prostub.service.IWinampLicenseCheckService } U=0: not found
  2616. I/libreplicant( 5540): Loading components from /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1
  2617. W/linker  ( 5540): libalac.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2618. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] successfully loaded /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libalac.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2619. W/linker  ( 5540): libmp4.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2620. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] successfully loaded /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libmp4.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2621. W/linker  ( 5540): libaudiotrack-pro.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2622. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] FAILED loading /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libaudiotrack-pro.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2623. W/linker  ( 5540): libaudiotrack16-pro.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2624. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] FAILED loading /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libaudiotrack16-pro.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2625. W/linker  ( 5540): libhttp.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2626. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] successfully loaded /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libhttp.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2627. W/linker  ( 5540): libOpenSL-out.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2628. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ThreadLoop] ARMv7 implementation
  2629. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] successfully loaded /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libOpenSL-out.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2630. W/linker  ( 5540): libicy.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2631. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] successfully loaded /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libicy.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2632. W/linker  ( 5540): libgracenote.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2633. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] successfully loaded /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libgracenote.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2634. W/linker  ( 5540): libaac.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2635. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] successfully loaded /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libaac.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2636. W/linker  ( 5540): libaudiotrack9-pro.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2637. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] FAILED loading /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libaudiotrack9-pro.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2638. W/linker  ( 5540): libflac.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2639. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] successfully loaded /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libflac.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2640. W/linker  ( 5540): libmp3.ARMv7.w6c.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2641. I/libreplicant( 5540): [ComponentManager] successfully loaded /data/app-lib/com.nullsoft.winamp-1/libmp3.ARMv7.w6c.so
  2642. I/libreplicant( 5540): [AAC] 4002B004 5F6575EB 5F657135 5F657301 5F6572C9 5F6576D1 5F657629 5F6571A1
  2643. I/libreplicant( 5540): [AAC] Success: Found valid AAC functions in library 'libstagefright_soft_aacdec.so'
  2644. I/REPLICANT_JAVA( 5540): [Replicant] INIT - OS Version----------: 3.0.101-g1e870b6
  2645. I/REPLICANT_JAVA( 5540): [Replicant] INIT - OS API Level--------: 19
  2646. I/REPLICANT_JAVA( 5540): [Replicant] INIT - Manufacturer--------: HTC
  2647. I/REPLICANT_JAVA( 5540): [Replicant] INIT - Device--------------: ruby
  2648. I/REPLICANT_JAVA( 5540): [Replicant] INIT - Model (and Product)-: HTC Amaze 4G (htc_ruby)
  2649. E/Wifi_Pair( 5540): Error occured while reading paired Winamp Ids.
  2650. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2651. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2652. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2653. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2654. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2655. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2656. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  2657. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2658. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2659. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3943:com.android.gallery3d/u0a39 (adj 15): empty for 5014s
  2660. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2661. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2662. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2663. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2664. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2665. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2666. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2667. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2668. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2669. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2670. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2671. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2672. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2673. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2674. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2675. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2676. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2677. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2678. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2679. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2680. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=0 brightness=0
  2681. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=6710886 brightness=102
  2682. I/ActivityManager( 2505): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 4762
  2683. D/SubSettings( 4762): Launching fragment com.android.settings.wifi.WifiSettings
  2684. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:164, MBAT_pd:4142, I_MBAT:-609, pd_temp:0
  2685. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  2686. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=83, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  2687. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=3978;curr=0;dis_curr=609;temp=295;id=2;level=83;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  2688. D/dalvikvm( 2991): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1875K, 65% free 3845K/10888K, paused 3ms+4ms, total 69ms
  2689. D/dalvikvm( 2991): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 58ms
  2690. W/EventLoggerService( 2991): Unable to send logs Error code: 262146
  2691. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2692. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2693. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2694. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2695. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2696. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2697. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2698. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2699. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2700. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2701. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +578ms
  2702. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2703. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2704. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2705. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2706. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2707. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2708. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2709. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2710. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2711. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2712. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2713. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2714. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2715. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2716. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2717. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2718. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2719. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2720. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2721. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2722. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2723. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2724. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2725. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2726. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2727. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2728. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2729. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2730. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2731. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2732. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2733. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2734. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2735. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2736. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2737. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2738. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2739. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2740. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2741. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2742. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=0 brightness=0
  2743. D/Tethering( 2505): InitialState.processMessage what=4
  2744. D/Tethering( 2505): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
  2745. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  2746. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=38:72:c0:0e:07:0d reason=15
  2747. D/CommandListener( 2225): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  2748. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
  2749. D/CommandListener( 2225): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  2750. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to mobile
  2751. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
  2752. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
  2753. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  2754. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
  2755. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to mobile
  2756. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
  2757. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
  2758. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  2759. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  2760. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2761. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2762. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  2763. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  2764. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  2765. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  2766. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  2767. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  2768. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  2769. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  2770. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  2771. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  2772. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  2773. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  2774. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2775. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2776. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  2777. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  2778. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  2779. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  2780. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  2781. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  2782. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  2783. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2784. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2785. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2786. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2300K, 16% free 13623K/16068K, paused 5ms+11ms, total 149ms
  2787. D/dalvikvm( 2505): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 81ms
  2788. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: SME: Trying to authenticate with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d (SSID='HAFSHIN' freq=2462 MHz)
  2789. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: Trying to associate with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d (SSID='HAFSHIN' freq=2462 MHz)
  2790. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2791. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2792. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2793. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2794. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2795. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2796. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: Associated with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d
  2797. D/Tethering( 2505): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
  2798. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  2799. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 38:72:c0:0e:07:0d completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]
  2800. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2801. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2802. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2803. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  2804. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2805. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2806. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  2807. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2808. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2809. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2810. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  2811. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2812. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2813. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  2814. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): NoActiveNetworkState{ when=-1ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: <unknown ssid>, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  2815. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  2816. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): NoActiveNetworkState{ when=0 what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: <unknown ssid>, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  2817. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc android.process.media for broadcast com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver: pid=5579 uid=10005 gids={50005, 1028, 1015, 1023, 1024, 2001, 3003, 3007}
  2818. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  2819. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.feedback for broadcast com.google.android.feedback/.FeedbackConnectivityReceiver: pid=5596 uid=10009 gids={50009, 1007, 3003}
  2820. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3848:com.google.android.apps.plus/u0a74 (adj 15): empty for 5026s
  2821. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3376:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a1 (adj 15): empty for 5017s
  2822. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.apps.magazines for broadcast com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.appwidget.NewsWidgetProvider: pid=5611 uid=10070 gids={50070, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  2823. W/GAV2    ( 5611): Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
  2824. E/cutils  (  168): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/usbdisk/Android): Read-only file system
  2825. W/ContextImpl( 5611): Failed to ensure directory: /storage/usbdisk/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/cache
  2826. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  2827. E/cutils  (  168): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/usbdisk/Android): Read-only file system
  2828. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  2829. W/ContextImpl( 5611): Failed to ensure directory: /storage/usbdisk/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/files
  2830. E/cutils  (  168): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/usbdisk/Android): Read-only file system
  2831. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  2832. W/ContextImpl( 5611): Failed to ensure directory: /storage/usbdisk/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/cache
  2833. E/cutils  (  168): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/usbdisk/Android): Read-only file system
  2834. W/ContextImpl( 5611): Failed to ensure directory: /storage/usbdisk/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/files
  2835. W/Vold    (  168): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
  2836. V/WebViewChromium( 5611): Binding Chromium to the main looper Looper (main, tid 1) {417facf0}
  2837. I/chromium( 5611): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(112)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  2838. I/BrowserProcessMain( 5611): Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
  2839. W/chromium( 5611): [WARNING:proxy_service.cc(888)] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
  2840. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5611): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  2841. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5611): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  2842. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5611): Local Branch:
  2843. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5611): Remote Branch: quic/master
  2844. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5611): Local Patches: NONE
  2845. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5611): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  2846. W/linker  ( 5611): eglsubAndroid.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2847. W/linker  ( 5611): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2848. W/linker  ( 5611): libsc-a2xx.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2849. I/NSApplication( 5611): Starting up...
  2850. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.apps.plus for broadcast com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.ConnectivityReceiver: pid=5646 uid=10074 gids={50074, 3003, 3002, 1028, 1015}
  2851. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3762:com.android.musicfx/u0a8 (adj 15): empty for 5016s
  2852. I/ImageResourceManager( 5646): ImageResourceManager: uninitalized
  2853. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update battery state; isPlugged? false
  2854. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? false
  2855. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? false
  2856. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.chrome for broadcast com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.precache.PrecacheServiceLauncher: pid=5671 uid=10080 gids={50080, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  2857. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 3906:com.android.vending/u0a19 (adj 15): empty for 5016s
  2858. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=5679 uid=10002 gids={50002, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  2859. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  2860. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.tencent.mm:push for broadcast com.tencent.mm/.booter.MMReceivers$ConnectionReceiver: pid=5698 uid=10085 gids={50085, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001}
  2861. D/dalvikvm( 5698): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.tencent.mm-2/libwechatCrashForJni.so 0x41804280
  2862. D/dalvikvm( 5698): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.tencent.mm-2/libwechatCrashForJni.so 0x41804280
  2863. W/jni crash monitor( 5698): JNI_OnLoad
  2864. W/dalvikvm( 5698): method Lcom/tencent/mm/compatible/loader/PluginResourceLoader;.loadDrawable incorrectly overrides package-private method with same name in Landroid/content/res/Resources;
  2865. D/dalvikvm( 5698): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.tencent.mm-2/libstlport_shared.so 0x41804280
  2866. D/dalvikvm( 5698): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.tencent.mm-2/libstlport_shared.so 0x41804280
  2867. D/dalvikvm( 5698): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.tencent.mm-2/libstlport_shared.so 0x41804280, skipping init
  2868. I/iu.UploadsManager( 5646): #reloadSettings(); account: null; pageID: none; IU: disabled; IS: disabled; photoWiFi: true; videoWiFi: true; roam: false; battery: true; size: FULL; maxMobile: 157286400
  2869. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? false
  2870. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  2871. I/ContactLocale( 5679): AddressBook Labels [en_US]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, #, ]
  2872. D/dalvikvm( 5646): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 817K, 19% free 8845K/10888K, paused 19ms, total 19ms
  2873. I/dalvikvm-heap( 5646): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.918MB for 1198096-byte allocation
  2874. I/iu.UploadsManager( 5646): End new media; added: 0, uploading: 0, time: 293 ms
  2875. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 5646): Start processing all media
  2876. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 5646): Start processing media store URI: content://media/external/images/media
  2877. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 5646): Start processing media store URI: content://media/external/video/media
  2878. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 5646): Start processing media store URI: content://media/phoneStorage/images/media
  2879. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 5646): Start processing media store URI: content://media/phoneStorage/video/media
  2880. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 5646): Finished generating fingerprints; 0.193 seconds
  2881. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 5646):   numSeen=469 numGenerated=0 numDeleted=0 numFailed=0
  2882. D/dalvikvm( 5646): GC_CONCURRENT freed 478K, 14% free 10434K/12060K, paused 7ms+2ms, total 39ms
  2883. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): VerifyingLinkState enter
  2884. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): VerifyingLinkState GOOD_LINK_DETECTED: transition to captive portal check
  2885. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): CaptivePortalCheckState enter
  2886. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  2887. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2888. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2889. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2890. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2891. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2892. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2893. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): CaptivePortalCheckState CMD_CAPTIVE_CHECK_COMPLETE
  2894. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  2895. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2896. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2897. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  2898. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@41f73408
  2899. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  2900. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  2901. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  2902. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@41f73408
  2903. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: true
  2904. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2905. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  2906. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  2907. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command WLS_BATCHING GET
  2908. E/WifiStateMachine( 2505): Unexpected BatchedScanResults :OK
  2909. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command WLS_BATCHING STOP
  2910. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  2911. W/GAV2    ( 5611): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), will retry.
  2912. I/GAV2    ( 5611): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
  2913. W/GAV2    ( 5646): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), will retry.
  2914. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  2915. I/GAV2    ( 5646): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
  2916. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: addresses changed linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  2917. D/ConnectivityService( 2505):    car=removed=[] added=[fe80::2d2:8bff:fe43:9ffd/64,]
  2918. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  2919. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  2920. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  2921. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): VerifyingLinkState enter
  2922. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): VerifyingLinkState GOOD_LINK_DETECTED: transition to captive portal check
  2923. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): CaptivePortalCheckState enter
  2924. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2925. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2926. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2927. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  2928. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  2929. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2930. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2931. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  2932. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  2933. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2934. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): CaptivePortalCheckState CMD_CAPTIVE_CHECK_COMPLETE
  2935. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  2936. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@41f73408
  2937. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  2938. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  2939. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  2940. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@41f73408
  2941. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  2942. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  2943. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  2944. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: true
  2945. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  2946. D/dalvikvm( 4762): GC_CONCURRENT freed 4078K, 40% free 6627K/10888K, paused 3ms+15ms, total 82ms
  2947. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  2948. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): NoActiveNetworkState{ when=-4ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  2949. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  2950. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): DelayedCaptiveCheckState{ when=-1ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  2951. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): NetTransition Wakelock for ConnectedState released by timeout
  2952. I/CheckinService( 2804): Preparing to send checkin request
  2953. I/EventLogService( 2804): Accumulating logs since 1399898341370
  2954. D/GoogleFeedbackSendService( 5596): starting report scan
  2955. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true*
  2956. I/iu.SyncManager( 5646): SYNC; picasa accounts
  2957. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  2958. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  2959. I/iu.UploadsManager( 5646): num queued entries: 0
  2960. I/iu.UploadsManager( 5646): num updated entries: 0
  2961. I/iu.SyncManager( 5646): NEXT; no task
  2962. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  2963. D/KMsgSdk ( 2956): [PLACE] at sm.run(MessageGet.java:83)
  2964. D/KMsgSdk ( 2956): [MESSAGE] isInit:true
  2965. D/KMsgSdk ( 2956):  
  2966. I/System.out( 2956): key length:16
  2967. D/dalvikvm( 2956): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1879K, 70% free 3361K/10888K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 36ms
  2968. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true
  2969. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  2970. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  2971. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Local Branch:
  2972. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Remote Branch: quic/master
  2973. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Local Patches: NONE
  2974. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  2975. W/linker  ( 2804): eglsubAndroid.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2976. W/linker  ( 2804): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2977. W/linker  ( 2804): libsc-a2xx.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  2978. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2198K, 17% free 13427K/16068K, paused 4ms+9ms, total 138ms
  2979. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  2980. D/dalvikvm( 2975): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2066K, 21% free 8982K/11316K, paused 7ms+7ms, total 407ms
  2981. I/CheckinTask( 2804): Sending checkin request (2681 bytes)
  2982. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  2983. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): DelayedCaptiveCheckState{ when=-2ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  2984. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  2985. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): DelayedCaptiveCheckState{ when=0 what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  2986. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true
  2987. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  2988. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  2989. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true
  2990. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  2991. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  2992. W/GAV2    ( 5611): Thread[Service Reconnect,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), using local store.
  2993. W/GAV2    ( 5646): Thread[Service Reconnect,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), using local store.
  2994. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  2995. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): DelayedCaptiveCheckState{ when=-10ms what=2 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  2996. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=1 extraInfo=null url=null
  2997. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): Checking
  2998. W/ActivityThread( 2505): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
  2999. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{422c6608 u0 com.google.android.feedback/.SendService}
  3000. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{422dd538 u0 com.google.android.gsf/.checkin.CheckinService}
  3001. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{42357d40 u0 com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerService}
  3002. I/KRecommend( 2956): [PLACE] at ajh.a(NetUtil.java:289)
  3003. I/KRecommend( 2956): [NetUtil]java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to zj.dcys.ksmobile.com/ (port 80) after 2000ms
  3004. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3005. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): Probably not a portal: exception java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to / (port 80) after 10000ms
  3006. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): Not captive network NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  3007. W/ContextImpl( 2505): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1162 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker.sendNetworkConditionsBroadcast:507 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker.sendFailedCaptivePortalCheckBroadcast:435 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker.isCaptivePortal:407 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker.access$2600:60
  3008. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): notifyPortalCheckCompleted: captive=false ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  3009. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): captivePortalCheckCompleted: ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "HAFSHIN", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false captive=false
  3010. D/dalvikvm( 2890): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1771K, 65% free 3900K/10888K, paused 5ms+9ms, total 49ms
  3011. I/KRecommend( 2956): [PLACE] at ajh.a(NetUtil.java:289)
  3012. I/KRecommend( 2956): [NetUtil]java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to zj.dcys.ksmobile.com/ (port 80) after 2000ms
  3013. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3014. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  3015. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  3016. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  3017. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975): Error with Auto Sync Locale
  3018. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975): java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "graph.facebook.com": No address associated with hostname
  3019. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
  3020. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
  3021. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
  3022. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.a(Dns.java:28)
  3023. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.RouteSelector.a(RouteSelector.java:236)
  3024. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.RouteSelector.a(RouteSelector.java:115)
  3025. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.b(HttpEngine.java:248)
  3026. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.a(HttpEngine.java:191)
  3027. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.a(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:384)
  3028. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:102)
  3029. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:129)
  3030. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.executors.okhttp.OkHttpRequestExecutor.a(OkHttpRequestExecutor.java:152)
  3031. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.executors.okhttp.OkHttpRequestExecutor.a(OkHttpRequestExecutor.java:110)
  3032. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.executors.qebased.QeHttpRequestExecutor.a(QeHttpRequestExecutor.java:66)
  3033. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.common.RequestFlowStateController.a(RequestFlowStateController.java:123)
  3034. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.common.FbRedirectController.a(FbRedirectController.java:97)
  3035. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.b(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:158)
  3036. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:141)
  3037. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.b(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:98)
  3038. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:228)
  3039. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.protocol.SingleMethodRunnerImpl.a(SingleMethodRunnerImpl.java:415)
  3040. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.protocol.SingleMethodRunnerImpl.a(SingleMethodRunnerImpl.java:170)
  3041. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.http.protocol.AbstractSingleMethodRunner.a(AbstractSingleMethodRunner.java:18)
  3042. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.languages.switcher.task.AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker.a(AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker.java:41)
  3043. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerResultCallable.b(ConditionalWorkerResultCallable.java:54)
  3044. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerResultCallable.call(ConditionalWorkerResultCallable.java:14)
  3045. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
  3046. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.common.executors.LoggingRunnable.run(LoggingRunnable.java:202)
  3047. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112)
  3048. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587)
  3049. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at com.facebook.common.executors.NamedThreadFactory$1.run(NamedThreadFactory.java:35)
  3050. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
  3051. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975): Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname)
  3052. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
  3053. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
  3054. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
  3055. E/fb4a(:<default>):AutoSyncLoggedInUserLocaleConditionalWorker( 2975):  ... 31 more
  3056. W/fb4a(:<default>):FbHttpRequestProcessor( 2975): Got java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.facebook.com": No address associated with hostname while executing fetchSessionlessGKInfo, retrying on a safe network stack
  3057. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975): Sessionless gatekeeper fetch with SingleMethodRunner failed
  3058. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975): java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.facebook.com": No address associated with hostname
  3059. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
  3060. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
  3061. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
  3062. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.openConnection(DefaultClientConnectionOperator.java:137)
  3063. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractPoolEntry.open(AbstractPoolEntry.java:164)
  3064. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractPooledConnAdapter.open(AbstractPooledConnAdapter.java:119)
  3065. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(DefaultRequestDirector.java:360)
  3066. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:555)
  3067. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:487)
  3068. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:465)
  3069. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at android.net.http.AndroidHttpClient.execute(AndroidHttpClient.java:252)
  3070. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:210)
  3071. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.b(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:165)
  3072. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:141)
  3073. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.b(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:98)
  3074. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.http.common.FbHttpRequestProcessor.a(FbHttpRequestProcessor.java:228)
  3075. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.http.protocol.SingleMethodRunnerImpl.a(SingleMethodRunnerImpl.java:415)
  3076. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.http.protocol.SingleMethodRunnerImpl.a(SingleMethodRunnerImpl.java:170)
  3077. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.http.protocol.AbstractSingleMethodRunner.a(AbstractSingleMethodRunner.java:18)
  3078. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.gk.GkSessionlessConditionalWorker.a(GkSessionlessConditionalWorker.java:78)
  3079. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerResultCallable.b(ConditionalWorkerResultCallable.java:54)
  3080. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerResultCallable.call(ConditionalWorkerResultCallable.java:14)
  3081. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
  3082. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.common.executors.LoggingRunnable.run(LoggingRunnable.java:202)
  3083. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112)
  3084. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587)
  3085. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at com.facebook.common.executors.NamedThreadFactory$1.run(NamedThreadFactory.java:35)
  3086. E/fb4a(:<default>):GkSessionlessConditionalWorker( 2975):       at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
  3087. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  3088. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::activate_pana
  3089. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Going to sleep due to screen timeout...
  3090. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x2, err=Bad file number fd=79)
  3091. W/Adreno200-EGLSUB(  176): <LockImage:1938>: genlock_lock_buffer GENLOCK_READ_LOCK failed
  3092. W/Adreno200-ES20(  176): <qgl2DrvAPI_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES:3878>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
  3093. E/SurfaceFlinger(  176): glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 36054
  3094. E/SurfaceFlinger(  176): got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
  3095. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x0, err=Bad file number fd=79)
  3096. W/Adreno200-EGLSUB(  176): <UnlockImage:1965>: genlock_unlock_buffer failed
  3097. W/GLConsumer(  176): [ElectronBeam] bindTextureImage: clearing GL error: 0x502
  3098. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=0, published condition=0
  3099. D/dalvikvm( 4762): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3929K, 57% free 4741K/10888K, paused 1ms+14ms, total 81ms
  3100. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:118, MBAT_pd:4132, I_MBAT:-439, pd_temp:0
  3101. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  3102. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=83, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  3103. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4014;curr=0;dis_curr=439;temp=294;id=2;level=83;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  3104. D/SurfaceFlinger(  176): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0x1dfb450
  3105. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command SETSUSPENDMODE 1
  3106. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): setParameters() screen_state=off
  3107. D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 2505): Excessive delay in autosuspend_enable() while turning screen off: 363ms
  3108. D/dalvikvm( 2975): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 830K, 21% free 8962K/11300K, paused 68ms, total 68ms
  3109. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): Initial transport state: 0, pbstate=0
  3110. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): hide transport, gen:4
  3111. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): music state changed: 0
  3112. D/PhoneStatusBar( 2569): disable: < EXPAND* icons alerts TICKER* system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* clock search >
  3113. I/KRecommend( 2956): [PLACE] at ajh.a(NetUtil.java:289)
  3114. I/KRecommend( 2956): [NetUtil]java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to zj.dcys.ksmobile.com/ (port 80) after 2000ms
  3115. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=6710886 brightness=102
  3116. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Waking up from sleep...
  3117. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 2505): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$20@422d09d0)
  3118. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::set_Delay = 1000000000
  3119. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::activate_pana
  3120. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command SETSUSPENDMODE 0
  3121. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): setParameters() screen_state=on
  3122. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::set_Delay = 1000000000
  3123. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 2505): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  3124. I/WindowManager( 2505): Lock screen displayed!
  3125. D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 2505): Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on: 190ms
  3126. D/SurfaceFlinger(  176): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0x1dfb450
  3127. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  3128. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  3129. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  3130. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  3131. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  3132. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set output routing 2
  3133. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  3134. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  3135. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): open driver
  3136. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  3137. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  3138. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  3139. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  3140. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 4800
  3141. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 2
  3142. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 2
  3143. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 44100
  3144. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): update TPA2051_SET_MODE to mode 1 success
  3145. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): write(): dec_id = 1 cur_rx = 2
  3146. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3147. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 13
  3148. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): cur_rx for pcm playback = 2
  3149. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  3150. D/PhoneStatusBar( 2569): disable: < expand* icons alerts ticker* system_info back* home* recent* clock search >
  3151. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  3152. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  3155. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  3158. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): addToTable stream 1
  3159. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@422ce4d8 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@421e4628, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42235fb0
  3160. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  3161. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  3162. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  3163. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  3164. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  3165. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  3166. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  3167. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  3168. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  3169. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  3170. V/PanelView( 2569): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=72.55514 v=-3738.8215)
  3171. V/PanelView( 2569): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=72.55514 v=-3738.8215)
  3172. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@422c0480 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42235fb0
  3173. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3174. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=38:72:c0:0e:07:0d reason=3 locally_generated=1
  3175. D/Tethering( 2505): InitialState.processMessage what=4
  3176. D/Tethering( 2505): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
  3177. D/CommandListener( 2225): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  3178. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
  3179. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=1
  3180. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to mobile
  3181. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
  3182. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  3183. D/NetUtils( 2505): android_net_utils_resetConnections in env=0x1a47038 clazz=0xce800001 iface=wlan0 mask=0x3
  3184. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): resetConnections(wlan0, 3)
  3185. W/GoogleFeedbackSendService( 5596): network error 0
  3186. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3187. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3188. I/KRecommend( 2956): [PLACE] at ajh.a(NetUtil.java:289)
  3189. I/KRecommend( 2956): [NetUtil]java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to zj.dcys.ksmobile.com/ (port 80) after 2000ms: connect failed: ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable)
  3190. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  3191. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  3192. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  3193. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  3194. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  3195. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  3196. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  3197. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  3198. W/GoogleFeedbackSendService( 5596): network error 1
  3199. W/GoogleFeedbackSendService( 5596): network error 2
  3200. I/KRecommend( 2956): [PLACE] at ajh.a(NetUtil.java:289)
  3201. I/KRecommend( 2956): [NetUtil]java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "zj.dcys.ksmobile.com": No address associated with hostname
  3202. W/GoogleFeedbackSendService( 5596): 3 failed attempts, giving up for nowjava.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "www.google.com": No address associated with hostname
  3203. D/CommandListener( 2225): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  3204. D/FlurryAgent( 2956): Starting new session
  3205. D/FlurryAgent( 2956): Got locale: en_US
  3206. D/FlurryAgent( 2956): Ending session
  3207. D/FlurryAgent( 2956): Sending report to: http://data.flurry.com/aap.do
  3208. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  3209. D/FlurryAgent( 2956): Sending report exception
  3210. W/System.err( 2956): java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.flurry.com": No address associated with hostname
  3211. W/System.err( 2956):    at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
  3212. W/System.err( 2956):    at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
  3213. W/System.err( 2956):    at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
  3214. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.openConnection(DefaultClientConnectionOperator.java:137)
  3215. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractPoolEntry.open(AbstractPoolEntry.java:164)
  3216. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractPooledConnAdapter.open(AbstractPooledConnAdapter.java:119)
  3217. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(DefaultRequestDirector.java:360)
  3218. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:555)
  3219. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:487)
  3220. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:465)
  3221. W/System.err( 2956):    at q.a(SourceFile:1165)
  3222. W/System.err( 2956):    at q.a(SourceFile:1119)
  3223. W/System.err( 2956):    at q.b(SourceFile:1374)
  3224. W/System.err( 2956):    at q.a(SourceFile:46)
  3225. W/System.err( 2956):    at w.run(SourceFile:680)
  3226. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
  3227. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
  3228. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  3229. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  3230. W/System.err( 2956):    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  3231. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  3232. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  3233. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  3234. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  3235. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to mobile
  3236. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  3237. W/System.err( 2956):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  3238. W/System.err( 2956):    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
  3239. W/System.err( 2956):    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  3240. W/System.err( 2956): Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname)
  3241. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3242. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3243. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  3244. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
  3245. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
  3246. D/GoogleFeedbackSendService( 5596): finished report scan: scanAgain: false networkError: true
  3247. W/System.err( 2956):    at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
  3248. W/System.err( 2956):    at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
  3249. W/System.err( 2956):    at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
  3250. W/System.err( 2956):    ... 18 more
  3251. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  3252. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3253. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3254. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Deroute pcm stream
  3255. E/CheckinTask( 2804): Checkin failed: https://android.clients.google.com/checkin (request #0): org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to https://android.clients.google.com refused
  3256. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): deleteFromTable stream 1
  3257. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  3258. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): simple device switch
  3259. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 2 0 ALSA dev id:2
  3260. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  3261. D/dalvikvm( 4762): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1572K, 53% free 5199K/10888K, paused 1ms+14ms, total 61ms
  3262. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  3263. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3264. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 29
  3265. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254 powered off
  3266. W/SocketClient( 2225): write error (Broken pipe)
  3267. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: SME: Trying to authenticate with 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 (SSID='aMm' freq=2462 MHz)
  3268. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: Trying to associate with 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 (SSID='aMm' freq=2462 MHz)
  3269. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  3270. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3271. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3272. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  3273. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3274. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3275. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: Associated with 84:a6:c8:71:11:38
  3276. D/Tethering( 2505): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
  3277. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  3278. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3279. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3280. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  3281. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3282. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3283. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  3284. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 completed (auth) [id=17 id_str=]
  3285. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  3286. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3287. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3288. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command WLS_BATCHING GET
  3289. E/WifiStateMachine( 2505): Unexpected BatchedScanResults :OK
  3290. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command WLS_BATCHING STOP
  3291. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  3292. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3293. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3294. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  3295. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3296. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3297. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  3298. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): Disconnected from active network NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: <unknown ssid>, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  3299. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=1 extraInfo=null url=null
  3300. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  3301. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): NoActiveNetworkState{ when=-1ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: <unknown ssid>, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  3302. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  3303. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? false*
  3304. I/iu.UploadsManager( 5646): num queued entries: 0
  3305. I/iu.UploadsManager( 5646): num updated entries: 0
  3306. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  3307. I/iu.SyncManager( 5646): NEXT; no task
  3308. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? false
  3309. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  3310. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  3311. D/dalvikvm( 2975): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 497K, 21% free 8951K/11300K, paused 64ms, total 65ms
  3312. D/dalvikvm( 2975): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 381K, 21% free 8944K/11300K, paused 62ms, total 62ms
  3313. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2478K, 17% free 13546K/16172K, paused 12ms+8ms, total 117ms
  3314. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  3315. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=0 brightness=0
  3316. D/FlurryAgent( 2956): Sending report to: http://data.flurry.com/aap.do
  3317. D/FlurryAgent( 2956): Sending report exception
  3318. W/System.err( 2956): java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.flurry.com": No address associated with hostname
  3319. W/System.err( 2956):    at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
  3320. W/System.err( 2956):    at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
  3321. W/System.err( 2956):    at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
  3322. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.openConnection(DefaultClientConnectionOperator.java:137)
  3323. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractPoolEntry.open(AbstractPoolEntry.java:164)
  3324. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractPooledConnAdapter.open(AbstractPooledConnAdapter.java:119)
  3325. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(DefaultRequestDirector.java:360)
  3326. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:555)
  3327. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:487)
  3328. W/System.err( 2956):    at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:465)
  3329. W/System.err( 2956):    at q.a(SourceFile:1165)
  3330. W/System.err( 2956):    at q.a(SourceFile:1119)
  3331. W/System.err( 2956):    at q.b(SourceFile:1374)
  3332. W/System.err( 2956):    at q.a(SourceFile:46)
  3333. W/System.err( 2956):    at u.run(SourceFile:749)
  3334. W/System.err( 2956):    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
  3335. W/System.err( 2956):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
  3336. W/SocketClient( 2225): write error (Broken pipe)
  3337. W/System.err( 2956):    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
  3338. W/System.err( 2956):    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
  3339. W/System.err( 2956): Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA (No address associated with hostname)
  3340. W/System.err( 2956):    at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
  3341. W/System.err( 2956):    at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
  3342. W/System.err( 2956):    at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
  3343. W/System.err( 2956):    ... 18 more
  3344. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): VerifyingLinkState enter
  3345. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  3346. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  3347. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3348. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): VerifyingLinkState GOOD_LINK_DETECTED: transition to captive portal check
  3349. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): CaptivePortalCheckState enter
  3350. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): CaptivePortalCheckState CMD_CAPTIVE_CHECK_COMPLETE
  3351. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  3352. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  3353. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  3354. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  3355. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  3356. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@41f73408
  3357. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  3358. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  3359. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  3360. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@41f73408
  3361. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  3362. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  3363. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: true
  3364. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3365. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  3366. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: true
  3367. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  3368. D/dalvikvm( 4762): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1993K, 53% free 5155K/10888K, paused 4ms+13ms, total 52ms
  3369. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): NetTransition Wakelock for ConnectedState released by timeout
  3370. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: addresses changed linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  3371. D/ConnectivityService( 2505):    car=removed=[] added=[fe80::2d2:8bff:fe43:9ffd/64,]
  3372. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  3373. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  3374. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  3375. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  3376. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): NoActiveNetworkState{ when=0 what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  3377. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  3378. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): DelayedCaptiveCheckState{ when=0 what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  3379. I/CheckinService( 2804): Preparing to send checkin request
  3380. I/EventLogService( 2804): Accumulating logs since 1399898957879
  3381. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3382. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true*
  3383. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  3384. I/iu.UploadsManager( 5646): num queued entries: 0
  3385. D/        ( 2505): Setting time of day to sec=1399899039
  3386. I/iu.UploadsManager( 5646): num updated entries: 0
  3387. I/iu.SyncManager( 5646): NEXT; no task
  3388. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  3389. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3390. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3391. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3392. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3393. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3394. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  3395. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3396. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3397. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3398. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3399. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3400. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3401. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3402. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3403. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3404. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  3405. D/dalvikvm( 5646): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 122K, 8% free 12212K/13204K, paused 55ms, total 56ms
  3406. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true
  3407. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  3408. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  3409. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Local Branch:
  3410. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Remote Branch: quic/master
  3411. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Local Patches: NONE
  3412. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  3413. W/linker  ( 2804): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  3414. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  3415. V/AlarmClock( 3468): AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET
  3416. V/AlarmClock( 3468): Setting silent state to instance 2
  3417. D/dalvikvm( 2956): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2130K, 70% free 3278K/10888K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 28ms
  3418. D/dalvikvm( 2956): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 15ms
  3419. V/AlarmClock( 3468): Clearing notifications for alarm instance: 2
  3420. V/AlarmClock( 3468): Scheduling state change 1 to instance 2 at Tue 04:30 (1399939200000)
  3421. I/AlarmClock( 3468): Displaying next alarm time: 'Tue 06:30'
  3422. W/ActivityThread( 2804): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
  3423. V/AlarmClock( 3468): AlarmInitReceiver finished
  3424. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.calendar for broadcast com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.widget.CalendarAppWidgetService$CalendarFactory: pid=5941 uid=10042 gids={50042, 3003}
  3425. D/dalvikvm( 2224): GC_EXPLICIT freed 41K, 77% free 2564K/10888K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 30ms
  3426. D/dalvikvm( 2224): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 77% free 2564K/10888K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 19ms
  3427. D/dalvikvm( 2224): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 77% free 2564K/10888K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 19ms
  3428. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=5960 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  3429. I/KRecommend( 2956): [PLACE] at ajh.a(NetUtil.java:268)
  3430. I/KRecommend( 2956): [NetUtil]doGetString result code  : 200
  3431. I/CalendarProvider2( 5960): Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@41811a68(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@41809608)
  3432. D/GCM     ( 2804): Connected
  3433. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.realtimechat.RequestWriter$NetworkStateReceiver
  3434. I/CheckinTask( 2804): Sending checkin request (2681 bytes)
  3435. I/GCM     ( 2804): GCM message com.google.android.gsf.gtalkservice
  3436. D/dalvikvm( 2804): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1785K, 70% free 3323K/10888K, paused 5ms+4ms, total 33ms
  3437. D/GCM     ( 2804): Message class ino
  3438. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=0
  3439. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  3440. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3441. I/CalendarProvider2( 5960): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar }
  3442. W/ContentResolver( 5960): Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
  3443. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3444. D/AlertReceiver( 5941): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver }
  3445. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver
  3446. D/AlertService( 5941): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  3447. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.vending for service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene: pid=5987 uid=10019 gids={50019, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  3448. W/GLSUser ( 2804): [apk][apk] Permission for com.google.android.talk to access oauth2:https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me https://www.googleapis.com/auth/hangouts https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.native will be managed locally.
  3449. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] FinskyApp.onCreate: Initializing network with DFE https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/
  3450. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DailyHygiene.goMakeHygieneIfDirty: Dirty, need more hygiene.
  3451. W/Settings( 5987): Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  3452. W/Settings( 5987): Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
  3453. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3454. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3455. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] 2.run: Loaded library for account: [02_z4XrzfvzdCb5muWETtUXfbKQ]
  3456. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] 2.run: Finished loading 1 libraries.
  3457. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] GmsCoreHelper.cleanupNlp: result=false type=4
  3458. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] RestoreTracker.stopServiceIfDone: Restore complete with 0 success and 0 failed.
  3459. I/CheckinResponseProcessor( 2804): From server: 0 gservices updates and 1 deletes
  3460. I/GservicesProvider( 2804): main difference update completed
  3461. I/Babel   ( 3649): ApnsOta: OTA version -1
  3462. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3463. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  3464. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  3465. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Local Branch:
  3466. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Remote Branch: quic/master
  3467. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Local Patches: NONE
  3468. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2804): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  3469. W/linker  ( 2804): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  3470. I/CheckinTask( 2804): Checkin success: https://android.clients.google.com/checkin (1 requests sent)
  3471. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] SelfUpdateScheduler.checkForSelfUpdate: Skipping DFE self-update. Local Version [80260017] >= Server Version [-1]
  3472. I/Babel   ( 3649): Account selfinfo retrieved: Redacted-19
  3473. I/Babel   ( 3649): Retrieved account setting:Redacted-19
  3474. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1977K, 17% free 13464K/16168K, paused 4ms+9ms, total 126ms
  3475. D/AlertService( 5941): Beginning updateAlertNotification
  3476. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3477. D/AlertService( 5941): No fired or scheduled alerts
  3478. D/AlertService( 5941): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  3479. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3480. D/AlarmScheduler( 5941): No events found starting within 1 week.
  3481. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3482. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for broadcast com.google.android.partnersetup/.GservicesChangedReceiver: pid=6032 uid=10018 gids={50018, 3003}
  3483. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.partnersetup/.GservicesChangedReceiver
  3484. D/dalvikvm( 2804): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1882K, 70% free 3366K/10888K, paused 1ms+3ms, total 31ms
  3485. D/dalvikvm( 2804): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 24ms
  3486. D/dalvikvm( 2804): GC_EXPLICIT freed 98K, 70% free 3268K/10888K, paused 5ms+3ms, total 34ms
  3487. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3488. I/SystemUpdateService( 2804): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  3489. I/SystemUpdateService( 2804): cancelUpdate (empty URL)
  3490. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 55) res=-1 errno=22
  3491. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 55 failed errno=-22
  3492. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(55) failed with errno -22
  3493. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] SelfUpdateScheduler.checkForSelfUpdate: Skipping DFE self-update. Local Version [80260017] >= Server Version [-1]
  3494. I/ContactAccountLoggerTas( 2991): canRun() : Opted Out
  3495. I/Velvet.VelvetFactory( 2991): refreshing search history.
  3496. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.security.snet.SnetGservicesChangedReceiver
  3497. W/GAV2    ( 2991): Thread[Thread-149,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
  3498. W/GAV2    ( 2991): Thread[Thread-149,5,main]: dispatch call queued.  Need to call GAServiceManager.getInstance().initialize().
  3499. I/Search.GservicesUpdateTask( 2991): Updating Gservices keys
  3500. I/ContactAccountLoggerTas( 2991): canRun() : Opted Out
  3501. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3502. I/ContactAccountLoggerTas( 2991): canRun() : Opted Out
  3503. I/ContactAccountLoggerTas( 2991): canRun() : Opted Out
  3504. I/ContactAccountLoggerTas( 2991): canRun() : Opted Out
  3505. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3506. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3507. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.icing.service.SystemEventReceiver
  3508. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3509. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.analytics.internal.GServicesChangedReceiver
  3510. V/GA-SERVICE( 2855): Thread[IntentService[RefreshEnabledStateService],5,main]: Update service enabled state to: 2
  3511. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  3512. I/GCoreUlr( 2890): Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=com.google.gservices.intent.action.GSERVICES_CHANGED}]
  3513. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.gservices.intent.action.GSERVICES_CHANGED flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService } com.google.gservices.intent.action.GSERVICES_CHANGED
  3514. I/GCoreUlr( 2890): WorldUpdater received intent Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) } with receiverAction com.google.gservices.intent.action.GSERVICES_CHANGED
  3515. I/GCM     ( 2804): GCM config loaded
  3516. W/GLSUser ( 2804): [apk][apk] Permission for com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox to access mobilepersonalfeeds will be managed locally.
  3517. I/GCoreUlr( 2890): Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: {account#-8#=[InactiveReason{mVersionCode=0, mIdentifier=3, mName='UnsupportedGeo'}]}
  3518. D/GCoreFlp( 2890): Unknown pending intent to remove.
  3519. I/GCoreUlr( 2890): Unbound from all location providers
  3520. V/WebViewChromium( 2991): Binding Chromium to the main looper Looper (main, tid 1) {417fe9e0}
  3521. I/chromium( 2991): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(112)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  3522. I/BrowserProcessMain( 2991): Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
  3523. W/chromium( 2991): [WARNING:proxy_service.cc(888)] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
  3524. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2991): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  3525. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2991): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  3526. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2991): Local Branch:
  3527. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2991): Remote Branch: quic/master
  3528. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2991): Local Patches: NONE
  3529. I/Adreno200-EGL( 2991): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  3530. W/linker  ( 2991): eglsubAndroid.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  3531. W/linker  ( 2991): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  3532. W/linker  ( 2991): libsc-a2xx.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  3533. W/Search.SearchUrlHelper( 2991): Auth token not ready, no auth header set.
  3534. W/GLSUser ( 2804): [apk][apk] Permission for com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox to access mobilepersonalfeeds will be managed locally.
  3535. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3536. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] CheckWifiAndAutoUpdate.cancelCheck: Cancelling auto-update wifi check.
  3537. D/dalvikvm( 2991): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1977K, 65% free 3855K/10888K, paused 3ms+5ms, total 32ms
  3538. W/GLSUser ( 2804): [apk][apk] Permission for com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox to access mobilepersonalfeeds will be managed locally.
  3539. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3540. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3541. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=6710886 brightness=102
  3542. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): DelayedCaptiveCheckState{ when=-16ms what=2 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  3543. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=1 extraInfo=null url=null
  3544. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): Checking
  3545. D/BluetoothAdapter( 4762): 1098990776: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  3546. W/GLSUser ( 2804): [apk][apk] Permission for com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox to access oauth2:https://www.googleapis.com/auth/googlenow will be managed locally.
  3547. W/ViewRootImpl( 4762): Dropping event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=5596275, downTime=5596275, deviceId=6, source=0x101 }
  3548. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3549. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3550. I/ContactAccountLoggerTas( 2991): canRun() : Opted Out
  3551. W/ContextImpl( 2505): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1162 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker.sendNetworkConditionsBroadcast:507 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker.isCaptivePortal:399 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker.access$2600:60 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker$DelayedCaptiveCheckState.processMessage:283
  3552. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 4762): KeyEvent: ACTION_UP but key was not down.
  3553. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 4762):   in com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView{41b96b60 V.E..... R......D 0,0-540,960}
  3554. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 4762):   0: sent at 5596382000000, KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=5596382, downTime=5596275, deviceId=6, source=0x101 }
  3555. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 4762):   -- recent events --
  3556. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 4762):   1: sent at 5490216694000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=184.04297, y[0]=210.69391, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=5490216, downTime=5490141, deviceId=6, source=0x1002 }
  3557. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 4762):   2: sent at 5490192082000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=184.04297, y[0]=210.69391, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=5490192, downTime=5490141, deviceId=6, source=0x1002 }
  3558. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 4762):   3: sent at 5490182306151, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=184.04297, y[0]=210.69391, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=5490182, downTime=5490141, deviceId=6, source=0x1002 }
  3559. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 4762):   4: sent at 5490159000000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=184.04297, y[0]=210.69391, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=1, eventTime=5490159, downTime=5490141, deviceId=6, source=0x1002 }
  3560. D/InputEventConsistencyVerifier( 4762):   5: sent at 5490141102000, MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=184.04297, y[0]=210.69391, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=5490141, downTime=5490141, deviceId=6, source=0x1002 }
  3561. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): isCaptivePortal: ret=false rspCode=204
  3562. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): Not captive network NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  3563. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): notifyPortalCheckCompleted: captive=false ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  3564. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): captivePortalCheckCompleted: ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false captive=false
  3565. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x1, err=Bad file number fd=96)
  3566. E/gralloc (  176): gralloc_lock: genlock_lock_buffer (lockType=0x2) failed
  3567. W/GraphicBufferMapper(  176): lock(...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
  3568. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 870K, 17% free 13505K/16168K, paused 107ms, total 107ms
  3569. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 69) res=-1 errno=22
  3570. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 69 failed errno=-22
  3571. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(69) failed with errno -22
  3572. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 17% free 13709K/16380K, paused 103ms, total 103ms
  3573. W/GLSUser ( 2804): [apk][apk] Permission for com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox to access oauth2:https://www.googleapis.com/auth/googlenow will be managed locally.
  3574. W/ViewRootImpl( 2720): Dropping event due to no window focus: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=158, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=5596681, downTime=5596681, deviceId=6, source=0x101 }
  3575. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 55) res=-1 errno=22
  3576. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 55 failed errno=-22
  3577. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(55) failed with errno -22
  3578. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3579. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  3580. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 2991): mic_starting ela@41823b90
  3581. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3582. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  3583. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Starting hotword detection.
  3584. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::openInputStream devices 400000 format 1 channels 16 samplerate 16000 in_p=80000040 lin_p=4000000 in_v=80000001 lin_v=100000
  3585. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 16000)
  3586. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  3587. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  3588. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3589. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  3590. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): confirm config
  3591. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 640
  3592. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 4
  3593. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 1
  3594. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 16000
  3595. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  3596. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::getParameters() voip_flag=
  3597. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3598. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  3599. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  3600. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  3601. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  3602. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  3603. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  3604. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  3605. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3606. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): driver closed
  3607. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::setParameters() camcorder_mode=0;input_source=6;routing=4194304
  3608. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set input routing 400000
  3609. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  3610. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  3611. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  3612. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d3040, 640)
  3613. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 16000)
  3614. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_CONCURRENT freed 4933K, 48% free 5709K/10888K, paused 8ms+13ms, total 194ms
  3615. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  3616. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  3617. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3618. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  3619. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): confirm config
  3620. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 640
  3621. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 4
  3622. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 1
  3623. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 16000
  3624. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  3625. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): dec_id = 1,cur_tx= 3
  3626. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  3627. I/ContactAccountLoggerTas( 2991): canRun() : Opted Out
  3628. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  3629. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  3632. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  3635. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): addToTable stream 2
  3636. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  3637. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  3638. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  3639. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  3640. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  3641. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 15
  3642. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  3643. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  3644. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  3645. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): In SPEAKER
  3646. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_rx = 2
  3647. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_tx = 4
  3648. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  3649. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  3650. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): case PCM_REC
  3651. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  3652. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] CheckWifiAndAutoUpdate.cancelCheck: Cancelling auto-update wifi check.
  3653. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  3654. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  3655. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  3658. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  3661. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: X
  3662. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): update TPA2051_SET_MODE to mode 4 success
  3663. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  3664. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Record_Default
  3665. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Record_Default
  3666. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Record_Default (3)
  3667. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  3668. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  3669. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] MultiWayUpdateController.captureVariesByAccount: Change varies-by-account for com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en to false
  3670. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232):  FirstRead Done bytesRead = 640 count = 0
  3671. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d32c0, 640)
  3672. I/HotwordWorker( 2991): #onHotwordDetectorStarted
  3673. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d3540, 640)
  3674. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d37c0, 640)
  3675. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d3a40, 640)
  3676. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d3cc0, 640)
  3677. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d3f40, 640)
  3678. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d41c0, 640)
  3679. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d4440, 640)
  3680. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d46c0, 640)
  3681. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d4940, 640)
  3682. W/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] InstallPolicies.getApplicationsEligibleForAutoUpdate: Exclude auto-update for foreground package: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en
  3683. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d4bc0, 640)
  3684. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d4e40, 640)
  3685. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d50c0, 640)
  3686. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] UpdateChecker.showUpdateNotifications: Notifying user that 1 applications have outstanding updates.
  3687. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d5340, 640)
  3688. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d55c0, 640)
  3689. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d5840, 640)
  3690. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DailyHygiene.flushEventLogsAndContinue: Flushing event logs for [02_z4XrzfvzdCb5muWETtUXfbKQ]
  3691. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d5ac0, 640)
  3692. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d5d40, 640)
  3693. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d5fc0, 640)
  3694. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d6240, 640)
  3695. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d64c0, 640)
  3696. D/dalvikvm( 2569): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2764K, 23% free 12453K/15976K, paused 41ms, total 41ms
  3697. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d6740, 640)
  3698. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d69c0, 640)
  3699. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d6c40, 640)
  3700. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d6ec0, 640)
  3701. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d7140, 640)
  3702. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d73c0, 640)
  3703. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d7640, 640)
  3704. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d78c0, 640)
  3705. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d7b40, 640)
  3706. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d7dc0, 640)
  3707. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d8040, 640)
  3708. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d82c0, 640)
  3709. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Killing 4777:com.evervolv.widgets/1000 (adj 15): empty #17
  3710. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d8540, 640)
  3711. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d87c0, 640)
  3712. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d8a40, 640)
  3713. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d8cc0, 640)
  3714. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d8f40, 640)
  3715. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d91c0, 640)
  3716. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d9440, 640)
  3717. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d96c0, 640)
  3718. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d9940, 640)
  3719. W/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] InstallPolicies.getApplicationsEligibleForAutoUpdate: Exclude auto-update for foreground package: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en
  3720. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d9bc0, 640)
  3721. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428d9e40, 640)
  3722. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428da0c0, 640)
  3723. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1730K, 46% free 5941K/10888K, paused 5ms+4ms, total 82ms
  3724. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DailyHygiene.flushEventLogsAndContinue: Flushing event logs for [02_z4XrzfvzdCb5muWETtUXfbKQ]
  3725. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428da340, 640)
  3726. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428da5c0, 640)
  3727. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428da840, 640)
  3728. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428daac0, 640)
  3729. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dad40, 640)
  3730. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dafc0, 640)
  3731. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428db240, 640)
  3732. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428db4c0, 640)
  3733. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428db740, 640)
  3734. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428db9c0, 640)
  3735. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dbc40, 640)
  3736. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dbec0, 640)
  3737. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dc140, 640)
  3738. W/GAV2    ( 2991): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), will retry.
  3739. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  3740. I/GAV2    ( 2991): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
  3741. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dc3c0, 640)
  3742. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dc640, 640)
  3743. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dc8c0, 640)
  3744. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dcb40, 640)
  3745. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dcdc0, 640)
  3746. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dd040, 640)
  3747. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dd2c0, 640)
  3748. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dd540, 640)
  3749. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dd7c0, 640)
  3750. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dda40, 640)
  3751. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428ddcc0, 640)
  3752. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428ddf40, 640)
  3753. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428de1c0, 640)
  3754. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428de440, 640)
  3755. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428de6c0, 640)
  3756. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428de940, 640)
  3757. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428debc0, 640)
  3758. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dee40, 640)
  3759. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428df0c0, 640)
  3760. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428df340, 640)
  3761. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428df5c0, 640)
  3762. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428df840, 640)
  3763. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dfac0, 640)
  3764. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dfd40, 640)
  3765. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428dffc0, 640)
  3766. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e0240, 640)
  3767. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e04c0, 640)
  3768. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e0740, 640)
  3769. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e09c0, 640)
  3770. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e0c40, 640)
  3771. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e0ec0, 640)
  3772. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e1140, 640)
  3773. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e13c0, 640)
  3774. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e1640, 640)
  3775. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e18c0, 640)
  3776. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e1b40, 640)
  3777. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e1dc0, 640)
  3778. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e2040, 640)
  3779. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e22c0, 640)
  3780. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e2540, 640)
  3781. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e27c0, 640)
  3782. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e2a40, 640)
  3783. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e2cc0, 640)
  3784. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e2f40, 640)
  3785. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e31c0, 640)
  3786. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 2569): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{422a18a8 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{422f77d0 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  3787. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e3440, 640)
  3788. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428e36c0, 640)
  3789. I/HotwordWorker( 2991): #onHotwordDetectorStopped(false)
  3790. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 2991): mic_close ela@41823b90
  3791. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  3792. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  3793. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  3794. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  3795. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  3796. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  3797. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3798. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 29
  3799. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254 powered off
  3800. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 2569): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{422a18a8 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.FrameLayout{422f77d0 G.E..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #10202d6 android:id/status_bar_latest_event_content} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  3801. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): driver closed
  3802. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Deroute pcm stream
  3803. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Disable device
  3804. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): deleteFromTable stream 2
  3805. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  3806. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  3807. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  3808. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  3809. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  3810. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  3811. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  3812. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  3813. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  3814. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3815. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  3816. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  3817. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  3818. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): In SPEAKER
  3819. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_rx = 2
  3820. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_tx = 4
  3821. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  3822. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  3823. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): simple device switch
  3824. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 2 0 ALSA dev id:2
  3825. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  3826. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): closeInputStream AudioStreamInMSM8x60
  3827. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60 destructor
  3828. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  3829. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  3830. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3831. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Hotword detection finished
  3832. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Stopping hotword detection.
  3833. V/PanelView( 2569): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=829.0909 v=2882.199)
  3834. V/PanelView( 2569): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=960.0 v=-3000.0)
  3835. W/KeyguardTouchDelegate( 2569): dismiss(): NO SERVICE!
  3836. V/KeyguardTouchDelegate( 2569): Connected to keyguard
  3837. I/ActivityManager( 2505): START u0 {act=com.google.android.finsky.VIEW_MY_DOWNLOADS flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity} from pid 5987
  3838. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 559K, 18% free 13706K/16592K, paused 109ms, total 109ms
  3839. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@42279998 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@42213828
  3840. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3841. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  3842. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 2991): mic_starting ela@41a85d70
  3843. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3844. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  3845. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::openInputStream devices 400000 format 1 channels 16 samplerate 16000 in_p=80000040 lin_p=4000000 in_v=80000001 lin_v=100000
  3846. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 16000)
  3847. D/dalvikvm( 2991): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1301K, 58% free 4590K/10888K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 72ms
  3848. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Starting hotword detection.
  3849. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  3850. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  3851. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3852. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  3853. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): confirm config
  3854. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 640
  3855. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 4
  3856. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 1
  3857. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 16000
  3858. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  3859. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::getParameters() voip_flag=
  3860. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3861. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  3862. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  3863. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  3864. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3865. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): driver closed
  3866. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::setParameters() camcorder_mode=0;input_source=6;routing=4194304
  3867. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set input routing 400000
  3868. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  3869. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  3870. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  3871. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428f7040, 640)
  3872. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 16000)
  3873. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  3874. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  3875. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  3876. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  3877. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): confirm config
  3878. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 640
  3879. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 4
  3880. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 1
  3881. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 16000
  3882. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  3883. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): dec_id = 1,cur_tx= 3
  3884. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  3885. I/HotwordWorker( 2991): #onHotwordDetectorStopped(false)
  3886. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  3887. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  3890. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  3893. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): addToTable stream 2
  3894. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  3895. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  3896. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  3897. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  3898. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  3899. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 15
  3900. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  3901. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  3902. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  3903. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): In SPEAKER
  3904. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_rx = 2
  3905. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_tx = 4
  3906. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  3907. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  3908. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): case PCM_REC
  3909. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  3910. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 612K, 48% free 5730K/10888K, paused 65ms, total 65ms
  3911. I/dalvikvm-heap( 5987): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.340MB for 635812-byte allocation
  3912. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  3913. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  3914. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  3917. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  3920. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: X
  3921. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  3922. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Record_Default
  3923. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Record_Default
  3924. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Record_Default (3)
  3925. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  3926. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  3927. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3928. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232):  FirstRead Done bytesRead = 640 count = 0
  3929. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428f72c0, 640)
  3930. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 2991): mic_close ela@41a85d70
  3931. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  3932. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  3933. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  3934. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  3935. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  3936. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  3937. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3938. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 29
  3939. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254 powered off
  3940. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5987): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  3941. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5987): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  3942. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5987): Local Branch:
  3943. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5987): Remote Branch: quic/master
  3944. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5987): Local Patches: NONE
  3945. I/Adreno200-EGL( 5987): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  3946. W/linker  ( 5987): eglsubAndroid.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  3947. W/linker  ( 5987): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  3948. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): driver closed
  3949. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Deroute pcm stream
  3950. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Disable device
  3951. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): deleteFromTable stream 2
  3952. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  3953. W/linker  ( 5987): libsc-a2xx.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  3954. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3955. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  3956. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  3957. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  3958. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  3959. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  3960. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  3961. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  3962. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  3963. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3964. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  3965. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  3966. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  3967. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): In SPEAKER
  3968. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_rx = 2
  3969. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_tx = 4
  3970. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  3971. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  3972. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): simple device switch
  3973. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 2 0 ALSA dev id:2
  3974. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  3975. D/OpenGLRenderer( 5987): Enabling debug mode 0
  3976. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): closeInputStream AudioStreamInMSM8x60
  3977. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60 destructor
  3978. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  3979. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  3980. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  3981. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Hotword detection finished
  3982. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Stopping hotword detection.
  3983. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Displayed com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity: +749ms
  3984. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 55) res=-1 errno=22
  3985. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 55 failed errno=-22
  3986. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(55) failed with errno -22
  3987. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] SelfUpdateScheduler.checkForSelfUpdate: Skipping DFE self-update. Local Version [80260017] >= Server Version [-1]
  3988. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] UpdateWidgetsReceiver.onReceive: Updated 0 MarketWidgetProvider widgets (com.google.android.finsky.action.TOC_SET)
  3989. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] UpdateWidgetsReceiver.onReceive: Updated 0 RecommendedWidgetProvider widgets (com.google.android.finsky.action.TOC_SET)
  3990. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] UpdateWidgetsReceiver.onReceive: Updated 0 NowPlayingWidgetProvider widgets (com.google.android.finsky.action.TOC_SET)
  3991. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] MainActivity.initializeBilling: Optimistically initializing billing parameters.
  3992. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] BaseWidgetProvider.onReceive: Received ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE, updating 0 widgets.
  3993. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 69) res=-1 errno=22
  3994. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 69 failed errno=-22
  3995. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(69) failed with errno -22
  3996. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] BaseWidgetProvider.onReceive: Received ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE, updating 0 widgets.
  3997. D/dalvikvm( 2804): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1634K, 68% free 3504K/10888K, paused 2ms+5ms, total 47ms
  3998. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  3999. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] BaseWidgetProvider.onReceive: Received ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE, updating 0 widgets.
  4000. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_CONCURRENT freed 737K, 39% free 7027K/11512K, paused 7ms+7ms, total 70ms
  4001. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  4002. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 69) res=-1 errno=22
  4003. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 69 failed errno=-22
  4004. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(69) failed with errno -22
  4005. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1567K, 35% free 7519K/11512K, paused 5ms+5ms, total 74ms
  4006. D/dalvikvm( 5987): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 57ms
  4007. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 81) res=-1 errno=22
  4008. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 81 failed errno=-22
  4009. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(81) failed with errno -22
  4010. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 80) res=-1 errno=22
  4011. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 80 failed errno=-22
  4012. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(80) failed with errno -22
  4013. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 55) res=-1 errno=22
  4014. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 55 failed errno=-22
  4015. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(55) failed with errno -22
  4016. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] MultiWayUpdateController.captureVariesByAccount: Change varies-by-account for com.easyovpn.easyovpn to false
  4017. W/GAV2    ( 2991): Thread[Service Reconnect,5,main]: Service unavailable (code=1), using local store.
  4018. W/ActivityManager( 2505): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.analytics.service.AnalyticsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
  4019. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1123K, 28% free 8385K/11512K, paused 3ms+5ms, total 53ms
  4020. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 99) res=-1 errno=22
  4021. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 99 failed errno=-22
  4022. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(99) failed with errno -22
  4023. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 98) res=-1 errno=22
  4024. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 98 failed errno=-22
  4025. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(98) failed with errno -22
  4026. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 106) res=-1 errno=22
  4027. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 106 failed errno=-22
  4028. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(106) failed with errno -22
  4029. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 85) res=-1 errno=22
  4030. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 85 failed errno=-22
  4031. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(85) failed with errno -22
  4032. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh4.ggpht.com/1y1qfOqjH4AMf5ZdZIyPGUb7nKhTSPQNfIIlMSCiYWIB_QU09k5gEljDIHBVGcM2zHfD=w102-h102
  4033. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 109) res=-1 errno=22
  4034. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 109 failed errno=-22
  4035. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(109) failed with errno -22
  4036. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 103) res=-1 errno=22
  4037. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 103 failed errno=-22
  4038. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(103) failed with errno -22
  4039. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh4.ggpht.com/1y1qfOqjH4AMf5ZdZIyPGUb7nKhTSPQNfIIlMSCiYWIB_QU09k5gEljDIHBVGcM2zHfD=w102-h102
  4040. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=0 brightness=0
  4041. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 103) res=-1 errno=22
  4042. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 103 failed errno=-22
  4043. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(103) failed with errno -22
  4044. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh4.ggpht.com/1y1qfOqjH4AMf5ZdZIyPGUb7nKhTSPQNfIIlMSCiYWIB_QU09k5gEljDIHBVGcM2zHfD=w102-h102
  4045. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=6710886 brightness=102
  4046. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  4047. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_CONCURRENT freed 991K, 19% free 9404K/11512K, paused 13ms+4ms, total 63ms
  4048. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DetailsDataBasedFragment.rebindViews: Page [class=DetailsFragment] loaded in [462 ms] (hasDetailsDataLoaded? false)
  4049. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 55) res=-1 errno=22
  4050. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 55 failed errno=-22
  4051. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(55) failed with errno -22
  4052. I/dalvikvm( 5987): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
  4053. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  4054. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  4055. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 109) res=-1 errno=22
  4056. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 109 failed errno=-22
  4057. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(109) failed with errno -22
  4058. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DetailsDataBasedFragment.rebindViews: Page [class=DetailsFragment] loaded in [1137 ms] (hasDetailsDataLoaded? true)
  4059. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 107) res=-1 errno=22
  4060. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 107 failed errno=-22
  4061. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(107) failed with errno -22
  4062. W/View    ( 5987): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{41fb8e00 VFED..CL ......ID 15,9-525,110 #7f08001c app:id/section_content} during layout: running second layout pass
  4063. W/View    ( 5987): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{41937bc8 VFED..CL ......ID 15,9-525,205 #7f08001c app:id/section_content} during layout: running second layout pass
  4064. W/View    ( 5987): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.ImageView{4184bf88 V.ED.... ......ID 501,205-525,229 #7f08001d app:id/footer_icon} during layout: running second layout pass
  4065. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 55) res=-1 errno=22
  4066. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 55 failed errno=-22
  4067. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(55) failed with errno -22
  4068. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 98) res=-1 errno=22
  4069. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 98 failed errno=-22
  4070. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(98) failed with errno -22
  4071. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 108) res=-1 errno=22
  4072. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 108 failed errno=-22
  4073. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(108) failed with errno -22
  4074. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1483K, 15% free 10060K/11704K, paused 46ms, total 46ms
  4075. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 100) res=-1 errno=22
  4076. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 100 failed errno=-22
  4077. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(100) failed with errno -22
  4078. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://i.ytimg.com/vi/KCssSFCHfLA/hqdefault.jpg
  4079. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 69) res=-1 errno=22
  4080. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 69 failed errno=-22
  4081. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(69) failed with errno -22
  4082. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 80) res=-1 errno=22
  4083. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 80 failed errno=-22
  4084. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(80) failed with errno -22
  4085. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 109) res=-1 errno=22
  4086. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 109 failed errno=-22
  4087. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(109) failed with errno -22
  4088. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 106) res=-1 errno=22
  4089. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 106 failed errno=-22
  4090. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(106) failed with errno -22
  4091. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://i.ytimg.com/vi/KCssSFCHfLA/hqdefault.jpg
  4092. I/ActivityManager( 2505): START u0 {cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.billing.lightpurchase.LightPurchaseFlowActivity (has extras)} from pid 5987
  4093. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  4094. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  4095. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 81) res=-1 errno=22
  4096. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 81 failed errno=-22
  4097. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(81) failed with errno -22
  4098. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 108) res=-1 errno=22
  4099. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 108 failed errno=-22
  4100. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(108) failed with errno -22
  4101. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 109) res=-1 errno=22
  4102. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 109 failed errno=-22
  4103. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(109) failed with errno -22
  4104. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 855K, 11% free 11234K/12564K, paused 74ms, total 74ms
  4105. I/InputReader( 2505): Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000010
  4106. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  4107. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  4108. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Scheme: "sms"
  4109. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  4110. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] SelfUpdateScheduler.checkForSelfUpdate: Skipping DFE self-update. Local Version [80260017] >= Server Version [-1]
  4111. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 100) res=-1 errno=22
  4112. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 100 failed errno=-22
  4113. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(100) failed with errno -22
  4114. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://i.ytimg.com/vi/KCssSFCHfLA/hqdefault.jpg
  4115. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 81) res=-1 errno=22
  4116. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 81 failed errno=-22
  4117. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(81) failed with errno -22
  4118. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4119. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  4120. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  4121. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Scheme: "smsto"
  4122. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  4123. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  4124. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  4125. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Scheme: "mms"
  4126. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Displayed com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.billing.lightpurchase.LightPurchaseFlowActivity: +627ms
  4127. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  4128. I/Launcher( 2720): Deferring update until onResume
  4129. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 109) res=-1 errno=22
  4130. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 109 failed errno=-22
  4131. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(109) failed with errno -22
  4132. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  4133. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  4134. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Scheme: "mmsto"
  4135. I/ActivityManager( 2505): START u0 {cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.AppsPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from pid 5987
  4136. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  4137. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 81) res=-1 errno=22
  4138. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 81 failed errno=-22
  4139. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(81) failed with errno -22
  4140. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4141. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 98) res=-1 errno=22
  4142. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 98 failed errno=-22
  4143. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(98) failed with errno -22
  4144. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  4145. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  4146. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Scheme: "sms"
  4147. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  4148. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  4149. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  4150. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Scheme: "smsto"
  4151. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  4152. I/Launcher( 2720): Deferring update until onResume
  4153. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  4154. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  4155. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  4156. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Scheme: "mms"
  4157. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 95) res=-1 errno=22
  4158. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 95 failed errno=-22
  4159. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(95) failed with errno -22
  4160. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
  4161. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  4162. I/PackageManager( 2505):   Scheme: "mmsto"
  4163. I/PackageManager( 2505): Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelHomeActivity} for user 0 :
  4164. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 80) res=-1 errno=22
  4165. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 80 failed errno=-22
  4166. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(80) failed with errno -22
  4167. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 101) res=-1 errno=22
  4168. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 101 failed errno=-22
  4169. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(101) failed with errno -22
  4170. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 81) res=-1 errno=22
  4171. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 81 failed errno=-22
  4172. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(81) failed with errno -22
  4173. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4174. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 86) res=-1 errno=22
  4175. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 86 failed errno=-22
  4176. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(86) failed with errno -22
  4177. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4178. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1430K, 15% free 14198K/16632K, paused 111ms, total 114ms
  4179. W/Launcher( 2720): setApplicationContext called twice! old=com.google.android.velvet.VelvetApplication@41805158 new=com.google.android.velvet.VelvetApplication@41805158
  4180. I/InternalIcingCorporaPro( 2991): Updating corpora: APPS=com.google.android.talk, CONTACTS=MAYBE
  4181. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.android.gallery3d for broadcast com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor: pid=6134 uid=10039 gids={50039, 3003, 1028, 1015}
  4182. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 80) res=-1 errno=22
  4183. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 80 failed errno=-22
  4184. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(80) failed with errno -22
  4185. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4186. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 80) res=-1 errno=22
  4187. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 80 failed errno=-22
  4188. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(80) failed with errno -22
  4189. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4190. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 86) res=-1 errno=22
  4191. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 86 failed errno=-22
  4192. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(86) failed with errno -22
  4193. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4194. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
  4195. I/InternalIcingCorporaPro( 2991): UpdateCorporaTask done [took 472 ms] updated apps [took 472 ms]
  4196. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Resuming delayed broadcast
  4197. D/PackageBroadcastService( 2855): Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.google.android.talk
  4198. I/PeopleContactsSync( 2855): CP2 sync disabled
  4199. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 80) res=-1 errno=22
  4200. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 80 failed errno=-22
  4201. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(80) failed with errno -22
  4202. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4203. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 86) res=-1 errno=22
  4204. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 86 failed errno=-22
  4205. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(86) failed with errno -22
  4206. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4207. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Displayed com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.AppsPermissionsActivity: +1s212ms
  4208. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:88, MBAT_pd:4099, I_MBAT:-329, pd_temp:0
  4209. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  4210. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=83, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  4211. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4011;curr=0;dis_curr=329;temp=300;id=2;level=83;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  4212. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 86) res=-1 errno=22
  4213. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 86 failed errno=-22
  4214. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(86) failed with errno -22
  4215. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4216. D/Volley  ( 5987): [1] Request.finish: 3734 ms: [ ] https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-9aA1vz7XvLQ/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAgs/_8ct_4Y89oI/w52-h52/photo.jpg 0x250f8b52 LOW 31
  4217. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 86) res=-1 errno=22
  4218. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 86 failed errno=-22
  4219. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(86) failed with errno -22
  4220. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4221. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 108) res=-1 errno=22
  4222. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 108 failed errno=-22
  4223. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(108) failed with errno -22
  4224. D/Volley  ( 5987): [1] Request.finish: 4028 ms: [ ] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/uFp_tsTJboUY7kue5XAsGA=w52-h52 0xdaddf211 LOW 32
  4225. D/Volley  ( 5987): [1] Request.finish: 4040 ms: [ ] https://lh6.ggpht.com/FUe8awCxVMYK2H3kFV_LXkDp2-vtCb06K9KBjQrrI3HDRlu-6NNDoDwkxffAk-lb_Ys=w146-h146 0x5caeaa7b LOW 34
  4226. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] CarrierParamsAction.createCarrierBillingParameters: Carrier billing config is null. Device is not targeted for DCB 2.
  4227. E/Finsky  ( 5987): [235] FileBasedKeyValueStore.delete: Attempt to delete 'paramsRONDkChhF19785e9O7vTyw' failed!
  4228. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] GetBillingCountriesAction.run: Skip getting fresh list of billing countries.
  4229. D/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[ ] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-dEMcv4PSDpc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABI/4G3Kh6901MM/w52-h52/photo.jpg 0xdaddf211 LOW 30> [lifetime=3143], [size=1551], [rc=200], [retryCount=1]
  4230. D/Volley  ( 5987): [1] Request.finish: 4319 ms: [ ] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-dEMcv4PSDpc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABI/4G3Kh6901MM/w52-h52/photo.jpg 0xdaddf211 LOW 30
  4231. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 86) res=-1 errno=22
  4232. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 86 failed errno=-22
  4233. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(86) failed with errno -22
  4234. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4235. D/Volley  ( 5987): [1] Request.finish: 4385 ms: [ ] http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146 0x9e009238 LOW 33
  4236. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
  4237. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Done.
  4238. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Setting timer for 720seconds
  4239. D/dalvikvm( 2991): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2671K, 64% free 3966K/10888K, paused 4ms+3ms, total 36ms
  4240. D/dalvikvm( 2991): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 21ms
  4241. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1751K, 14% free 12368K/14272K, paused 2ms+9ms, total 76ms
  4242. D/dalvikvm( 5987): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 38ms
  4243. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] LightPurchaseFlowActivity.handleAppPermissionResult: Permissions accepted: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en
  4244. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] InstallerImpl.requestInstall: Request install of com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en v=4091006 for single_install
  4245. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] InstallerImpl.kick: Installer kick com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en - starting com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en
  4246. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  4247. W/GLSUser ( 2804): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
  4248. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 55) res=-1 errno=22
  4249. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 55 failed errno=-22
  4250. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(55) failed with errno -22
  4251. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 69) res=-1 errno=22
  4252. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 69 failed errno=-22
  4253. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(69) failed with errno -22
  4254. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 109) res=-1 errno=22
  4255. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 109 failed errno=-22
  4256. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(109) failed with errno -22
  4257. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 100) res=-1 errno=22
  4258. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 100 failed errno=-22
  4259. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(100) failed with errno -22
  4260. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] 5.onFinished: Installation state replication succeeded.
  4261. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadImpl.setState: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en from null to UNQUEUED.
  4262. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.add: Download com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en added to DownloadQueue
  4263. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadImpl.setState: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en from UNQUEUED to QUEUED.
  4264. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 100) res=-1 errno=22
  4265. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 100 failed errno=-22
  4266. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(100) failed with errno -22
  4267. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4268. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 103) res=-1 errno=22
  4269. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 103 failed errno=-22
  4270. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(103) failed with errno -22
  4271. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4272. I/installd(  180): free_cache(1168057) avail 1526288384
  4273. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 91) res=-1 errno=22
  4274. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 91 failed errno=-22
  4275. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(91) failed with errno -22
  4276. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4277. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 95) res=-1 errno=22
  4278. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 95 failed errno=-22
  4279. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(95) failed with errno -22
  4280. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.startDownload: Download com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en starting
  4281. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 103) res=-1 errno=22
  4282. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 103 failed errno=-22
  4283. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(103) failed with errno -22
  4284. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4285. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 111) res=-1 errno=22
  4286. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 111 failed errno=-22
  4287. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(111) failed with errno -22
  4288. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4289. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 95) res=-1 errno=22
  4290. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 95 failed errno=-22
  4291. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(95) failed with errno -22
  4292. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4293. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 91) res=-1 errno=22
  4294. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 91 failed errno=-22
  4295. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(91) failed with errno -22
  4296. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [229] 7.run: Enqueued com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en as content://downloads/my_downloads/122
  4297. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadImpl.setState: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en from QUEUED to DOWNLOADING.
  4298. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.onStart: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en: onStart
  4299. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4300. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.notifyProgress: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en: onProgress 0/-1 Status: 190.
  4301. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.notifyProgress: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en: onProgress 0/-1 Status: 192.
  4302. I/DownloadManager( 5579): Download 122 starting
  4303. W/ActivityThread( 5579): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
  4304. D/dalvikvm( 2569): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3117K, 37% free 10169K/15976K, paused 25ms, total 28ms
  4305. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 102) res=-1 errno=22
  4306. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 102 failed errno=-22
  4307. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(102) failed with errno -22
  4308. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4309. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 95) res=-1 errno=22
  4310. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 95 failed errno=-22
  4311. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(95) failed with errno -22
  4312. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4313. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 100) res=-1 errno=22
  4314. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 100 failed errno=-22
  4315. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(100) failed with errno -22
  4316. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 86) res=-1 errno=22
  4317. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 86 failed errno=-22
  4318. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(86) failed with errno -22
  4319. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4320. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4321. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 95) res=-1 errno=22
  4322. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 95 failed errno=-22
  4323. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(95) failed with errno -22
  4324. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4325. W/DownloadManager( 5579): Aborting request for download 122: Unhandled HTTP response: 403 Access is forbidden.
  4326. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadBroadcastReceiver.onReceive: Intent received at DownloadBroadcastReceiver
  4327. I/DownloadManager( 5579): Download 122 finished with status 403
  4328. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.notifyProgress: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en: onProgress 0/-1 Status: 403.
  4329. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadImpl.setState: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en from DOWNLOADING to ERROR.
  4330. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.onError: com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en: onError 403.
  4331. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DownloadQueueImpl.remove: Download com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en removed from DownloadQueue
  4332. I/installd(  180): free_cache(0) avail 1526288384
  4333. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] InstallerTask.cancelCleanup: Cancel running installation of com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en
  4334. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3234K, 22% free 12338K/15680K, paused 3ms+13ms, total 75ms
  4335. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 85) res=-1 errno=22
  4336. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 85 failed errno=-22
  4337. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(85) failed with errno -22
  4338. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4339. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 106) res=-1 errno=22
  4340. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 106 failed errno=-22
  4341. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(106) failed with errno -22
  4342. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4343. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 86) res=-1 errno=22
  4344. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 86 failed errno=-22
  4345. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(86) failed with errno -22
  4346. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4347. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 109) res=-1 errno=22
  4348. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 109 failed errno=-22
  4349. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(109) failed with errno -22
  4350. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 85) res=-1 errno=22
  4351. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 85 failed errno=-22
  4352. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(85) failed with errno -22
  4353. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4354. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4355. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 86) res=-1 errno=22
  4356. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 86 failed errno=-22
  4357. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(86) failed with errno -22
  4358. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 106) res=-1 errno=22
  4359. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 106 failed errno=-22
  4360. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(106) failed with errno -22
  4361. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4362. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 85) res=-1 errno=22
  4363. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 85 failed errno=-22
  4364. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(85) failed with errno -22
  4365. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4366. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4367. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 109) res=-1 errno=22
  4368. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 109 failed errno=-22
  4369. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(109) failed with errno -22
  4370. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4371. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 106) res=-1 errno=22
  4372. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 106 failed errno=-22
  4373. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(106) failed with errno -22
  4374. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 86) res=-1 errno=22
  4375. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4376. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 86 failed errno=-22
  4377. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 85) res=-1 errno=22
  4378. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 85 failed errno=-22
  4379. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(85) failed with errno -22
  4380. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(86) failed with errno -22
  4381. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4382. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4383. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=0 brightness=0
  4384. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  4385. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  4386. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  4387. D/Tethering( 2505): InitialState.processMessage what=4
  4388. D/Tethering( 2505): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
  4389. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  4390. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=84:a6:c8:71:11:38 reason=4
  4391. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: SME: Trying to authenticate with 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 (SSID='aMm' freq=2462 MHz)
  4392. D/CommandListener( 2225): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  4393. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
  4394. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=1
  4395. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to mobile
  4396. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
  4397. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  4398. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  4399. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  4400. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  4401. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  4402. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  4403. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  4404. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  4405. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: Trying to associate with 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 (SSID='aMm' freq=2462 MHz)
  4406. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4407. D/NetUtils( 2505): android_net_utils_resetConnections in env=0x1a47038 clazz=0x35c00001 iface=wlan0 mask=0x3
  4408. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  4409. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  4410. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): resetConnections(wlan0, 3)
  4411. D/CommandListener( 2225): Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
  4412. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4413. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: Associated with 84:a6:c8:71:11:38
  4414. D/Tethering( 2505): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
  4415. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
  4416. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 completed (auth) [id=17 id_str=]
  4417. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  4418. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  4419. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  4420. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  4421. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  4422. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
  4423. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
  4424. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to mobile
  4425. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
  4426. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=dun
  4427. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): dun: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  4428. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=supl
  4429. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
  4430. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
  4431. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  4432. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  4433. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  4434. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  4435. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): supl: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  4436. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=hipri
  4437. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): hipri: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  4438. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=mms
  4439. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): mms: Received state=DISCONNECTED, old=DISCONNECTED, reason=dataEnabled
  4440. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4441. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  4442. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  4443. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command WLS_BATCHING GET
  4444. E/WifiStateMachine( 2505): Unexpected BatchedScanResults :OK
  4445. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command WLS_BATCHING STOP
  4446. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE
  4447. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  4448. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  4449. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  4450. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  4451. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  4452. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  4453. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): VerifyingLinkState enter
  4454. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): VerifyingLinkState GOOD_LINK_DETECTED: transition to captive portal check
  4455. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): CaptivePortalCheckState enter
  4456. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4457. D/WifiStateMachine( 2505): CaptivePortalCheckState CMD_CAPTIVE_CHECK_COMPLETE
  4458. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  4459. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  4460. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  4461. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  4462. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  4463. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@41f73408
  4464. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: false
  4465. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  4466. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4467. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: true
  4468. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  4469. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  4470. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
  4471. E/ConnectivityService( 2505): Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@41f73408
  4472. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): received broadcast intent with action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4473. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): isConnected: true
  4474. D/WifiStateChangeListener( 5540): use_wifi_sync is: false
  4475. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  4476. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  4477. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  4478. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  4479. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  4480. D/MobileDataStateTracker( 2505): default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
  4481. I/BATT_RUB(  182): pd_M:60, MBAT_pd:4095, I_MBAT:-225, pd_temp:0
  4482. I/BATT_RUB(  182): sff Ruby_calculate_level, forced_discharge_algo:0
  4483. I/BATT_ALG(  182): set_battery_voltage_alarm level=82, alarm_config=25, batt_alarm_config=25
  4484. I/BATT_ALG(  182): vol=4035;curr=0;dis_curr=225;temp=298;id=2;level=82;chg_src=0;chg_en=0;ov_chg=0;isOver_temp=0;timer=60;safety_count=0
  4485. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  4486. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  4487. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  4488. D/BluetoothAdapter( 2956): 1101476424: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4489. W/Settings( 2956): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
  4490. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): NetTransition Wakelock for ConnectedState released by timeout
  4491. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: addresses changed linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  4492. D/ConnectivityService( 2505):    car=removed=[] added=[fe80::2d2:8bff:fe43:9ffd/64,]
  4493. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  4494. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
  4495. D/Nat464Xlat( 2505): requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
  4496. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  4497. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  4498. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  4499. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::activate_pana
  4500. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): Disconnected from active network NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: <unknown ssid>, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  4501. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Going to sleep due to screen timeout...
  4502. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=1 extraInfo=null url=null
  4503. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): NoActiveNetworkState{ when=-1ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: <unknown ssid>, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  4504. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x2, err=Bad file number fd=108)
  4505. W/Adreno200-EGLSUB(  176): <LockImage:1938>: genlock_lock_buffer GENLOCK_READ_LOCK failed
  4506. W/Adreno200-ES20(  176): <qgl2DrvAPI_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES:3878>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
  4507. E/SurfaceFlinger(  176): glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 36054
  4508. E/SurfaceFlinger(  176): got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
  4509. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x0, err=Bad file number fd=108)
  4510. W/Adreno200-EGLSUB(  176): <UnlockImage:1965>: genlock_unlock_buffer failed
  4511. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  4512. W/GLConsumer(  176): [ElectronBeam] bindTextureImage: clearing GL error: 0x502
  4513. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  4514. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true
  4515. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  4516. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true
  4517. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  4518. D/SurfaceFlinger(  176): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0x1dfb450
  4519. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command SETSUSPENDMODE 1
  4520. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): setParameters() screen_state=off
  4521. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41aed590 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@423ec660, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41d71118
  4522. D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 2505): Excessive delay in autosuspend_enable() while turning screen off: 363ms
  4523. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  4524. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): NoActiveNetworkState{ when=-1ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  4525. D/Tethering( 2505): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  4526. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): DelayedCaptiveCheckState{ when=-2ms what=1 obj=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  4527. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  4528. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true
  4529. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  4530. D/GCM     ( 2804): Connected
  4531. I/iu.Environment( 5646): update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? true
  4532. D/GCM     ( 2804): GcmService start Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
  4533. I/GCM     ( 2804): GCM message com.google.android.gsf.gtalkservice
  4534. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2176K, 15% free 14172K/16632K, paused 4ms+9ms, total 124ms
  4535. D/GCM     ( 2804): Message class ino
  4536. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=0
  4537. W/fb4a(:<default>):ClientPeriodicEventReporterManager( 2975): Requested time interval of 1200000 ms should be increased to at least 3600000 ms for DeviceStatusPeriodicReporter
  4538. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): Initial transport state: 0, pbstate=0
  4539. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): hide transport, gen:4
  4540. V/KeyguardHostView( 2569): music state changed: 0
  4541. D/dalvikvm( 2975): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 795K, 21% free 8952K/11300K, paused 111ms, total 112ms
  4542. D/dalvikvm( 2569): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1119K, 29% free 11464K/15976K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 43ms
  4543. D/PhoneStatusBar( 2569): disable: < EXPAND* icons alerts TICKER* system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* clock search >
  4544. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=6710886 brightness=102
  4545. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 2505): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$20@4186aab0)
  4546. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::set_Delay = 1000000000
  4547. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::activate_pana
  4548. I/PowerManagerService( 2505): Waking up from sleep...
  4549. I/wpa_supplicant( 2915): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: Unsupported command SETSUSPENDMODE 0
  4550. D/Sensors ( 2505): sensors_pana_poll_context_t::set_Delay = 1000000000
  4551. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): setParameters() screen_state=on
  4552. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): DelayedCaptiveCheckState{ when=-2ms what=2 arg1=3 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
  4553. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=1 extraInfo=null url=null
  4554. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): Checking
  4555. V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 2505): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
  4556. I/WindowManager( 2505): Lock screen displayed!
  4557. D/SurfaceFlinger(  176): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0x1dfb450
  4558. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): isCaptivePortal: ret=false rspCode=204
  4559. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): Not captive network NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  4560. D/CaptivePortalTracker( 2505): notifyPortalCheckCompleted: captive=false ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false
  4561. W/ContextImpl( 2505): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1162 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker.sendNetworkConditionsBroadcast:507 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker.isCaptivePortal:399 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker.access$2600:60 android.net.CaptivePortalTracker$DelayedCaptiveCheckState.processMessage:283
  4562. D/ConnectivityService( 2505): captivePortalCheckCompleted: ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aMm", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false captive=false
  4563. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  4564. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  4565. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  4566. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  4567. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamOutMSM8x60::setParameters() routing=2
  4568. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set output routing 2
  4569. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  4570. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speakerphone (out_speaker case)
  4571. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): open driver
  4572. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  4573. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  4574. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  4575. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  4576. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 4800
  4577. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 2
  4578. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 2
  4579. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 44100
  4580. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): update TPA2051_SET_MODE to mode 1 success
  4581. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): write(): dec_id = 1 cur_rx = 2
  4582. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4583. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 13
  4584. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): cur_rx for pcm playback = 2
  4585. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  4586. D/PhoneStatusBar( 2569): disable: < expand* icons alerts ticker* system_info back* home* recent* clock search >
  4587. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DetailsDataBasedFragment.rebindViews: Page [class=DetailsFragment] loaded in [80431 ms] (hasDetailsDataLoaded? false)
  4588. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  4589. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  4592. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  4595. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): addToTable stream 1
  4596. D/Finsky  ( 5987): [1] DetailsDataBasedFragment.rebindViews: Page [class=DetailsFragment] loaded in [80711 ms] (hasDetailsDataLoaded? true)
  4597. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@42200818 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41d71118
  4598. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  4599. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  4600. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  4601. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  4602. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  4603. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  4604. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  4605. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  4606. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Bufsize 4800
  4607. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): SampleRate 44.1k
  4608. W/InputEventReceiver( 5987): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
  4609. W/InputMethodManagerService( 2505): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@420a8920 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@41d71118
  4610. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x1, err=Bad file number fd=76)
  4611. E/gralloc (  176): gralloc_lock: genlock_lock_buffer (lockType=0x2) failed
  4612. W/GraphicBufferMapper(  176): lock(...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
  4613. E/libgenlock(  176): perform_lock_unlock_operation: GENLOCK_IOC_LOCK failed (lockType0x1, err=Bad file number fd=76)
  4614. E/gralloc (  176): gralloc_lock: genlock_lock_buffer (lockType=0x2) failed
  4615. W/GraphicBufferMapper(  176): lock(...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
  4616. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 943K, 17% free 14243K/17056K, paused 113ms, total 115ms
  4617. I/ActivityManager( 2505): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL} from pid 2505
  4618. D/dalvikvm( 2505): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 510K, 18% free 14171K/17268K, paused 94ms, total 94ms
  4619. D/dalvikvm( 2720): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2203K, 31% free 9702K/13956K, paused 4ms+6ms, total 54ms
  4620. I/GEL     ( 2720): handleIntent(Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10600000 cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL })
  4621. E/AppsCustomizePagedView( 2720): Widget ComponentInfo{com.sds.android.ttpod/com.sds.android.ttpod.component.appwidget.DesktopPlayer5x1} can not fit on this device (540, 60)
  4622. E/AppsCustomizePagedView( 2720): Widget ComponentInfo{com.sds.android.ttpod/com.sds.android.ttpod.component.appwidget.DesktopPlayer5x2} can not fit on this device (540, 165)
  4623. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  4624. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  4625. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 2991): mic_starting ela@41865dd0
  4626. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  4627. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  4628. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::openInputStream devices 400000 format 1 channels 16 samplerate 16000 in_p=80000040 lin_p=4000000 in_v=80000001 lin_v=100000
  4629. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 16000)
  4630. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  4631. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  4632. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  4633. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  4634. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): confirm config
  4635. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 640
  4636. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 4
  4637. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 1
  4638. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 16000
  4639. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  4640. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::getParameters() voip_flag=
  4641. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  4642. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  4643. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Starting hotword detection.
  4644. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  4645. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  4646. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: effect Playback_Default already loaded
  4647. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4648. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): driver closed
  4649. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::setParameters() camcorder_mode=0;input_source=6;routing=4194304
  4650. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set input routing 400000
  4651. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  4652. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  4653. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (LPA case)
  4654. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42875040, 640)
  4655. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::set(1, 16, 16000)
  4656. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): get config
  4657. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): set config
  4658. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize sampleRate 16000 format 1 channelCount 1
  4659. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getInputBufferSize: sampleRate: 16000 channelCount: 1 bufferSize: 640
  4660. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): confirm config
  4661. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_size: 640
  4662. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): buffer_count: 4
  4663. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): channel_count: 1
  4664. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): sample_rate: 16000
  4665. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): msm8x60_set_audpre_params not present
  4666. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): dec_id = 2,cur_tx= 3
  4667. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  4668. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  4669. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  4672. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  4675. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): addToTable stream 2
  4676. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  4677. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  4678. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (LPA case)
  4679. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  4680. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Record_Default
  4681. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Record_Default
  4682. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Record_Default (3)
  4683. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  4684. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  4685. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 15
  4686. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  4687. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  4688. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  4689. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): In SPEAKER
  4690. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_rx = 2
  4691. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_tx = 4
  4692. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  4693. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  4694. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): case PCM_REC
  4695. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  4696. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  4697. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  4698. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  4701. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  4704. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): The node type is 1
  4705. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): rx_device = 2,temp_ptr->dev_id = 2
  4706. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 2 1 ALSA dev id:2
  4707. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path =  0
  4708. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  4711. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  4714. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: X
  4715. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): update TPA2051_SET_MODE to mode 4 success
  4716. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  4717. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: effect Record_Default already loaded
  4718. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  4719. E/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232):  FirstRead Done bytesRead = 640 count = 0
  4720. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428752c0, 640)
  4721. I/HotwordWorker( 2991): #onHotwordDetectorStarted
  4722. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42875540, 640)
  4723. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428757c0, 640)
  4724. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42875a40, 640)
  4725. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42875cc0, 640)
  4726. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42875f40, 640)
  4727. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428761c0, 640)
  4728. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42876440, 640)
  4729. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428766c0, 640)
  4730. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42876940, 640)
  4731. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42876bc0, 640)
  4732. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42876e40, 640)
  4733. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Deroute pcm stream
  4734. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): deleteFromTable stream 1
  4735. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  4736. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): case PCM_REC
  4737. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  4738. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428770c0, 640)
  4739. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 1 ALSA dev id:4
  4740. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 11, path =  1
  4741. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audtable
  4744. D/ACDB-LOADER( 2232): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
  4747. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: X
  4748. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 1
  4749. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42877340, 640)
  4750. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 rx to 29
  4751. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x428775c0, 640)
  4752. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42877840, 640)
  4753. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42877ac0, 640)
  4754. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42877d40, 640)
  4755. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::read(0x42877fc0, 640)
  4756. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 2569): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41e9b7e8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-540,96 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.LinearLayout{418005a8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-540,95} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  4757. I/HotwordWorker( 2991): #onHotwordDetectorStopped(false)
  4758. I/MicrophoneInputStream( 2991): mic_close ela@41865dd0
  4759. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  4760. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 1
  4761. D/SizeAdaptiveLayout( 2569): com.android.internal.widget.SizeAdaptiveLayout{41e9b7e8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-540,96 #7f07004f app:id/adaptive}child view android.widget.LinearLayout{418005a8 V.E..... ......ID 0,0-540,95} measured out of bounds at 95px clamped to 96px
  4762. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  4763. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  4764. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  4765. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  4766. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4767. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control: set aic3254 tx to 29
  4768. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254 powered off
  4769. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): driver closed
  4770. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Deroute pcm stream
  4771. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Disable device
  4772. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): deleteFromTable stream 2
  4773. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  4774. V/PanelView( 2569): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=960.0 v=1553.8712)
  4775. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): outputDevices = 2
  4776. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do input routing device 400000
  4777. I/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): Routing audio to Speaker (default)
  4778. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  4779. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: loading effect Playback_Default
  4780. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: Playback_Default
  4781. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): set_audio_effect: match with name Playback_Default (1)
  4782. I/HTC Acoustic( 2232): found enabled DSP firmwares and return 0
  4783. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4784. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): getACDB: device = 1, HTC RX ACDB ID = 0, HTC TX ACDB ID = 0
  4785. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 1, mMode 0, mMicMute 1
  4786. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_route_audio_rpc(1, 0, 1)
  4787. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): In SPEAKER
  4788. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_rx = 2
  4789. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): new_tx = 4
  4790. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo() called for default case
  4791. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): updateDeviceInfo: E
  4792. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): simple device switch
  4793. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 2 0 ALSA dev id:2
  4794. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): value of device and enable is 3 0 ALSA dev id:4
  4795. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Hotword detection finished
  4796. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): closeInputStream AudioStreamInMSM8x60
  4797. V/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60 destructor
  4798. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): AudioStreamInMSM8x60::standby()
  4799. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): aic3254_config: device 1 enabled 0
  4800. D/AudioHardwareMSM8660( 2232): do_aic3254_control device: 1 mode: 0 record: 0
  4801. I/HotwordRecognitionRnr( 2991): Stopping hotword detection.
  4802. D/dalvikvm( 2855): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2342K, 71% free 3175K/10888K, paused 7ms+4ms, total 46ms
  4803. D/dalvikvm( 2855): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 21ms
  4804. D/dalvikvm( 2855): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 21ms
  4805. I/ActivityManager( 2505): START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from pid 2569
  4806. V/PanelView( 2569): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=960.0 v=-3000.0)
  4807. D/BluetoothAdapter( 4762): 1098990776: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4808. D/dalvikvm( 5987): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3304K, 23% free 12204K/15680K, paused 77ms+14ms, total 225ms
  4809. D/WifiService( 2505): setWifiEnabled: true pid=4762, uid=1000
  4810. D/BluetoothAdapter( 4762): 1098990776: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
  4811. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +651ms
  4812. D/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[X] http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146 0x9e009238 LOW 46> [lifetime=6649], [size=332], [rc=403], [retryCount=1]
  4813. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4814. D/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[X] http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146 0x9e009238 LOW 45> [lifetime=6660], [size=332], [rc=403], [retryCount=1]
  4815. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4816. D/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[X] http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146 0x5caeaa7b LOW 48> [lifetime=6655], [size=332], [rc=403], [retryCount=1]
  4817. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4818. D/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[X] http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146 0x9e009238 LOW 47> [lifetime=6668], [size=332], [rc=403], [retryCount=1]
  4819. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4820. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 84) res=-1 errno=22
  4821. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 84 failed errno=-22
  4822. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(84) failed with errno -22
  4823. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 82) res=-1 errno=22
  4824. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 82 failed errno=-22
  4825. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(82) failed with errno -22
  4826. D/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[X] http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146 0x9e009238 LOW 45> [lifetime=7046], [size=332], [rc=403], [retryCount=2]
  4827. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 83) res=-1 errno=22
  4828. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 83 failed errno=-22
  4829. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(83) failed with errno -22
  4830. E/Volley  ( 5987): [226] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146
  4831. D/Volley  ( 5987): [1] Request.finish: 7050 ms: [X] http://lh3.ggpht.com/hx9UAWTinSn-R_CQleBveiMFoiW7XKxBl1gU0ev4zZ2v5OGxFZJ_k_370vwDzAJ4vho=w146-h146 0x9e009238 LOW 45
  4832. D/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[X] http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146 0x5caeaa7b LOW 48> [lifetime=7031], [size=332], [rc=403], [retryCount=2]
  4833. E/Volley  ( 5987): [225] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146
  4834. D/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[X] http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146 0x9e009238 LOW 46> [lifetime=7042], [size=332], [rc=403], [retryCount=2]
  4835. D/Volley  ( 5987): [1] Request.finish: 7041 ms: [X] http://lh6.ggpht.com/97cE-rLtmoq40g19t_DkWNgh3n5O3INXChXuQQFMwASH_6LeHtyYmwI0LHf6uXQNkhg=w146-h146 0x5caeaa7b LOW 48
  4836. E/Volley  ( 5987): [224] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146
  4837. D/Volley  ( 5987): [1] Request.finish: 7050 ms: [X] http://lh3.ggpht.com/DDYY8qNhT_mkom4xB9E7i9J6xDnXcL3FVAy9v8qPErN67QHVgMrwU_HiDHyCODoD7ds=w146-h146 0x9e009238 LOW 46
  4838. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Failed write_ctrl(u 85) res=-1 errno=22
  4839. I/qtaguid ( 5987): Untagging socket 85 failed errno=-22
  4840. W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 5987): untagSocket(85) failed with errno -22
  4841. D/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.logSlowRequests: HTTP response for request=<[X] http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146 0x9e009238 LOW 47> [lifetime=7044], [size=332], [rc=403], [retryCount=2]
  4842. E/Volley  ( 5987): [223] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 403 for http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146
  4843. D/Volley  ( 5987): [1] Request.finish: 7050 ms: [X] http://lh3.ggpht.com/UT946gJvCYbPtCHu3Q9cS-W8mZk_zeARAP1AETUTwuB8UsRo-LKqpgaYfk18YZkUqg=w146-h146 0x9e009238 LOW 47
  4844. I/ActivityManager( 2505): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox} from pid 4762
  4845. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for activity com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox: pid=6286 uid=1000 gids={41000, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3003}
  4846. D/Toolbox ( 6286): Selected item=0
  4847. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6286): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:294>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. (CL2644550)
  4848. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6286): Build Date: 07/31/12 Tue
  4849. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6286): Local Branch:
  4850. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6286): Remote Branch: quic/master
  4851. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6286): Local Patches: NONE
  4852. I/Adreno200-EGL( 6286): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB. +  NOTHING
  4853. W/linker  ( 6286): eglsubAndroid.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4854. W/linker  ( 6286): libq3dtools_adreno200.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4855. W/linker  ( 6286): libsc-a2xx.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix.
  4856. D/OpenGLRenderer( 6286): Enabling debug mode 0
  4857. I/ActivityManager( 2505): Displayed com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox: +889ms
  4858. D/Toolbox ( 6286): Selected item=6
  4859. D/dalvikvm( 2991): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2026K, 65% free 3901K/10888K, paused 6ms+3ms, total 38ms
  4860. D/EVToolbox( 6286): Calling dumplogcat:-D -B -o /data/data/com.evervolv.toolbox/files/logcat -m -r -d -k
  4861. D/lights  ( 2505): set_light_buttons_func: on=0 brightness=0
  4862. *** logcat: Timed out after 20.1s (killing pid 6312)
  4863. ------ RADIO LOG (logcat -b radio threadtime -d *:v) ------
  4864. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  4865. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 31, bitErrorRate 255
  4866. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  4867. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  4868. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  4869. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  4870. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..ATT
  4871. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm 51, ecno -1
  4872. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  4873. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, rsrp -1, rsrq -1, snr: -1
  4874. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report completed
  4875. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. conf res 0
  4876. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  4877. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind completed 0
  4878. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_process_event: Exit qcril_process_event() : <Unknown event> ?, err_no 0
  4879. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_main: qcril_event_main(): Waiting...
  4880. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 60
  4881. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  4882. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  4883. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWADDR
  4884. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Family=2 PrefixLen=24 Scope=0x0 Index=23 Flags=[0x80]PERMANENT
  4885. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Prefix IPV4 Address
  4886. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Local IPV4 Address
  4887. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Broadcast IPV4 Address
  4888. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Label name wlan0
  4889. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: LinkMode: 1
  4890. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [20]
  4891. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23
  4892. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4893. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  4894. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4895. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  4896. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4897. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  4898. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 64
  4899. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  4900. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  4901. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWADDR
  4902. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Family=10 PrefixLen=64 Scope=0xfd Index=23 Flags=[0x80]PERMANENT
  4903. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Prefix IPV6 Address fe80:0000:0000:0000:02d2:8bff:fe43:9ffd
  4904. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Address Cache Info - prefered=-1 valid=-1 cstamp=0x8660a tstamp=0x8660a
  4905. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [20]
  4906. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23
  4907. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  4908. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  4909. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  4910. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  4911. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  4912. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  4913. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  4914. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  4915. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4916. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  4917. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4918. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  4919. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  4920. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  4921. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  4922. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  4923. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  4924. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  4925. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  4926. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  4927. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  4928. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  4929. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  4930. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  4931. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  4932. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  4933. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  4934. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  4935. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  4936. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  4937. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  4938. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  4939. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  4940. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  4941. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  4942. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  4943. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  4944. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  4945. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  4946. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  4947. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  4948. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  4949. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  4950. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  4951. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  4952. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  4953. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  4954. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  4955. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  4956. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  4957. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  4958. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  4959. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  4960. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  4961. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  4962. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  4963. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3866]> SCREEN_STATE: false
  4964. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE (61) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 218, data len 4]
  4965. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state entered
  4966. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k entered
  4967. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  4968. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  4969. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  4970. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  4971. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  4972. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x9)]; MSG TX ID: [73]; CTL: [Request]
  4973. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 E4 01 00 49 00 09 00 00 00
  4974. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
  4975. D/DCT     ( 2695): stopNetStatPoll
  4976. D/DCT     ( 2695): overall state is IDLE
  4977. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 316 bytes on conn_id=8
  4978. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [316]
  4979. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x9)]; MSG TX ID: [73]; CTL: [Response]
  4980. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 3B 01 80 E4 01 02 49 00 09 00 2F 01 02 04 00
  4981. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 20 04 00 21 00 00 00 1F 04 00 C7 01
  4982. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 1E 04 00 1C 51 00 00 1D 04 00 A2 A6 4B 00
  4983. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 1C 04 00 62 36 00 00 1B 04 00 57 0F 02 00 1A 18
  4984. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F1 85 01
  4985. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 70 00 5E 0F 00 00
  4986. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 B0 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  4987. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 56 74 08 00
  4988. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5D 45 00 00
  4989. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 6E 2D 08 00 00 00 00 00 11 50 00 00
  4990. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E1 3A 00 00
  4991. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DE 00 00 00
  4992. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 08 00 DB
  4993. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): F5 09 00 00 00 00 00 17 04 00 F4 3C 00 00 16 04
  4994. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 09 04 00 00 15 04 00 50 2F 02 00 14 04 00 7E
  4995. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): E2 4D 00 13 04 00 5D 37 00 00 12 04 00 6B 2C 07
  4996. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 11 38 00 22 05 00 00 91 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
  4997. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 4E 97 04 00 00 00 00 00 2B 54 00 00
  4998. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): CC 43 04 00 3F 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 6B 30 00 00
  4999. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  5000. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=350
  5001. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 350 bytes on fd = 22
  5002. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5003. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 9
  5004. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5005. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_clients=1314,1169,0,0,300878,0,21547,279500,22591,0,12395,0,45,0
  5006. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_try_PC=470123
  5007. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_PC_cnt=14173,5104254
  5008. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_clients=0,0,0,99825,0,0
  5009. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_try_XO=134999
  5010. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_XO_cnt=13922,4957858
  5011. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k complete, result=0, error=0
  5012. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status entered
  5013. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5014. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 51 bytes on fd = 22
  5015. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5016. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
  5017. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [17]
  5018. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x0)]; MSG TX ID: [74]; CTL: [Request]
  5019. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 4A 00 00 00 04 00 01 01 00
  5020. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00
  5021. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  5022. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  5023. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x0)]; MSG TX ID: [74]; CTL: [Response]
  5024. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 4A 00 00 00 07 00 02 04 00
  5025. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  5026. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  5027. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  5028. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5029. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 0
  5030. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5031. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status completed 0, 0
  5032. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications, param 0
  5033. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5034. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 91 bytes on fd = 22
  5035. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 91 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5036. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 57 bytes on conn_id=8
  5037. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [57]
  5038. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [351]; CTL: [Request]
  5039. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 38 00 00 03 01 00 5F 01 02 00 2C 00 10 04 00
  5040. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 02 FF 00 11 01 00 00 12 01 00 00 13 02 00 00
  5041. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 05 14 02 00 00 04 15 02 00 00 01 16 02 00 00 03
  5042. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 17 01 00 00 18 02 00 00 02
  5043. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  5044. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  5045. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [351]; CTL: [Response]
  5046. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 5F 01 02 00 07 00 02 04 00
  5047. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  5048. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  5049. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  5050. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5051. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 2
  5052. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5053. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications requested nas event report 0, 0
  5054. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5055. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 67 bytes on fd = 22
  5056. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 67 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5057. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 33 bytes on conn_id=8
  5058. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [33]
  5059. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_INDICATION_REGISTER(0x3)]; MSG TX ID: [352]; CTL: [Request]
  5060. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 20 00 00 03 01 00 60 01 03 00 14 00 10 01 00
  5061. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 13 01 00 00 14 01 00 00 17 01 00 01 18 01 00
  5062. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00
  5063. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  5064. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  5065. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_INDICATION_REGISTER(0x3)]; MSG TX ID: [352]; CTL: [Response]
  5066. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 60 01 03 00 07 00 02 04 00
  5067. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  5068. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  5069. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  5070. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5071. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 3
  5072. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5073. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications requested nas indication reports 0, 0
  5074. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications completed with 0
  5075. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: Enable Garbage Filter
  5076. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer entered
  5077. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5078. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 51 bytes on fd = 22
  5079. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5080. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
  5081. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [17]
  5082. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x5)]; MSG TX ID: [75]; CTL: [Request]
  5083. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 4B 00 05 00 04 00 01 01 00
  5084. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 02
  5085. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  5086. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  5087. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x5)]; MSG TX ID: [75]; CTL: [Response]
  5088. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 4B 00 05 00 07 00 02 04 00
  5089. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 00 1A 00
  5090. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  5091. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  5092. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5093. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 5
  5094. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5095. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer completed 0, 0
  5096. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: >>>>>> LOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac
  5097. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: LOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac result=0
  5098. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: Switch ON/OFF dormancy indications on all active interfaces
  5099. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: <<<<<< UNLOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac
  5100. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: UNLOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac result=0
  5101. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: EXIT with SUCCESS
  5102. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: .. data dormancy req 1, 0
  5103. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 218
  5104. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE (61) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 218, Success, Len 0 ]
  5105. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state complete with 0
  5106. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3866]< SCREEN_STATE
  5107. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3867]> SCREEN_STATE: true
  5108. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE (61) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 219, data len 4]
  5109. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state entered
  5110. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k entered
  5111. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5112. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  5113. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5114. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  5115. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  5116. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x9)]; MSG TX ID: [76]; CTL: [Request]
  5117. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 E4 01 00 4C 00 09 00 00 00
  5118. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
  5119. D/DCT     ( 2695): stopNetStatPoll
  5120. D/DCT     ( 2695): overall state is IDLE
  5121. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 316 bytes on conn_id=8
  5122. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [316]
  5123. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x9)]; MSG TX ID: [76]; CTL: [Response]
  5124. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 3B 01 80 E4 01 02 4C 00 09 00 2F 01 02 04 00
  5125. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 20 04 00 22 00 00 00 1F 04 00 C7 01
  5126. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 1E 04 00 3D 51 00 00 1D 04 00 92 C6 4B 00
  5127. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 1C 04 00 78 36 00 00 1B 04 00 29 10 02 00 1A 18
  5128. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8B 86 01
  5129. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 70 00 66 0F 00 00
  5130. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 B0 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  5131. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DC 77 08 00
  5132. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 45 00 00
  5133. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 F4 30 08 00 00 00 00 00 11 50 00 00
  5134. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 3B 00 00
  5135. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DE 00 00 00
  5136. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 08 00 0D
  5137. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): FA 09 00 00 00 00 00 17 04 00 F4 3C 00 00 16 04
  5138. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 0A 04 00 00 15 04 00 39 30 02 00 14 04 00 8C
  5139. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 03 4E 00 13 04 00 73 37 00 00 12 04 00 5B 2F 07
  5140. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 11 38 00 25 05 00 00 91 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
  5141. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 24 99 04 00 00 00 00 00 45 54 00 00
  5142. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): A2 45 04 00 3F 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 7C 30 00 00
  5143. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  5144. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=350
  5145. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 350 bytes on fd = 22
  5146. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5147. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 9
  5148. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5149. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_clients=1317,1169,0,0,301348,0,21573,279970,22591,0,12412,0,45,0
  5150. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_try_PC=470875
  5151. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_PC_cnt=14195,5112716
  5152. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_clients=0,0,0,99979,0,0
  5153. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_try_XO=135209
  5154. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_XO_cnt=13944,4966034
  5155. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k complete, result=0, error=0
  5156. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status entered
  5157. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5158. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 51 bytes on fd = 22
  5159. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5160. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
  5161. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [17]
  5162. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x0)]; MSG TX ID: [77]; CTL: [Request]
  5163. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 4D 00 00 00 04 00 01 01 00
  5164. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01
  5165. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  5166. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  5167. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x0)]; MSG TX ID: [77]; CTL: [Response]
  5168. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 4D 00 00 00 07 00 02 04 00
  5169. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  5170. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  5171. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  5172. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5173. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 0
  5174. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5175. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status completed 0, 0
  5176. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind entered
  5177. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations entered
  5178. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..req mask 111
  5179. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF 111
  5180. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered RIL_REQ_RES qmi_request.request__mask = 47
  5181. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF QMI RESPONSE 111
  5182. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5183. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 52 bytes on fd = 22
  5184. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 52 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5185. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 18 bytes on conn_id=8
  5186. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [18]
  5187. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [353]; CTL: [Request]
  5188. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 11 00 00 03 01 00 61 01 20 00 05 00 10 02 00
  5189. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 2F 00
  5190. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 39 bytes on conn_id=8
  5191. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [39]
  5192. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [353]; CTL: [Response]
  5193. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 26 00 80 03 01 02 61 01 20 00 1A 00 02 04 00
  5194. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 CD 04 11 04 00 01 00 33 04
  5195. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 12 04 00 01 00 FF 04
  5196. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=73
  5197. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 73 bytes on fd = 22
  5198. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5199. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 32
  5200. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5201. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF UTIL_RES = SUCCESS 111
  5202. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5203. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  5204. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5205. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  5206. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  5207. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [354]; CTL: [Request]
  5208. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 62 01 4F 00 00 00
  5209. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 24 bytes on conn_id=8
  5210. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [24]
  5211. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [354]; CTL: [Response]
  5212. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 17 00 80 03 01 02 62 01 4F 00 0B 00 02 04 00
  5213. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 12 01 00 33
  5214. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=58
  5215. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 58 bytes on fd = 22
  5216. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5217. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 79
  5218. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5219. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations completed 0, 0
  5220. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. subfetch sig strength info 0
  5221. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report entered
  5222. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  5223. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 31, bitErrorRate 255
  5224. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  5225. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  5226. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  5227. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  5228. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..ATT
  5229. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm 51, ecno -1
  5230. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  5231. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, rsrp -1, rsrq -1, snr: -1
  5232. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report completed
  5233. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. conf res 0
  5234. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  5235. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind completed 0
  5236. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications, param 1
  5237. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5238. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 91 bytes on fd = 22
  5239. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 91 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5240. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 57 bytes on conn_id=8
  5241. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [57]
  5242. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [355]; CTL: [Request]
  5243. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 38 00 00 03 01 00 63 01 02 00 2C 00 10 04 00
  5244. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 02 FF 00 11 01 00 01 12 01 00 01 13 02 00 01
  5245. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 05 14 02 00 01 04 15 02 00 01 01 16 02 00 01 03
  5246. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 17 01 00 01 18 02 00 01 02
  5247. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  5248. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  5249. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [355]; CTL: [Response]
  5250. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 63 01 02 00 07 00 02 04 00
  5251. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  5252. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  5253. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  5254. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5255. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 2
  5256. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5257. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications requested nas event report 0, 0
  5258. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5259. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 71 bytes on fd = 22
  5260. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 71 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5261. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 37 bytes on conn_id=8
  5262. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [37]
  5263. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_INDICATION_REGISTER(0x3)]; MSG TX ID: [356]; CTL: [Request]
  5264. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 24 00 00 03 01 00 64 01 03 00 18 00 10 01 00
  5265. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 01 00 01 14 01 00 01 15 01 00 00 17 01 00
  5266. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 18 01 00 01
  5267. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  5268. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  5269. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_INDICATION_REGISTER(0x3)]; MSG TX ID: [356]; CTL: [Response]
  5270. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 64 01 03 00 07 00 02 04 00
  5271. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  5272. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  5273. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  5274. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5275. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 3
  5276. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5277. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications requested nas indication reports 0, 0
  5278. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_drop_nw_info_cache:  qcril_qmi_nas_drop_nw_info_cache entry
  5279. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_drop_nw_info_cache: qcril_qmi_nas_drop_nw_info_cache complete
  5280. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED (1002) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 0, (null)]
  5281. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- <RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN> ? (21007) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 0, (null)]
  5282. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- <RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN> ? (21004) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 0, (null)]
  5283. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications completed with 0
  5284. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5285. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  5286. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5287. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  5288. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  5289. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SERVING_SYSTEM(0x24)]; MSG TX ID: [357]; CTL: [Request]
  5290. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 65 01 24 00 00 00
  5291. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 76 bytes on conn_id=8
  5292. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [76]
  5293. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SERVING_SYSTEM(0x24)]; MSG TX ID: [357]; CTL: [Response]
  5294. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 4B 00 80 03 01 02 65 01 24 00 3F 00 02 04 00
  5295. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 21 05 00 02 03 00 00 00 20 01 00 00
  5296. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 1D 04 00 DD 82 00 00 1C 02 00 97 27 15 03 00 01
  5297. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 04 01 12 05 00 B0 01 23 00 00 11 02 00 01 02 10
  5298. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 00 01 01 06 00 01 01 01 02 01 04
  5299. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=110
  5300. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 110 bytes on fd = 22
  5301. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5302. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 36
  5303. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5304. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated entered
  5305. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: ..nas_cached_info.voice_rte 2
  5306. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated entered
  5307. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated left 1
  5308. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated completed for 1
  5309. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy entered
  5310. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: .. ss srv reg state 1
  5311. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: .. reje CS cs_rejected 0
  5312. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: .. reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  5313. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: .. reje PS ps_rejected 0
  5314. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: .. reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  5315. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  5316. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  5317. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy completed
  5318. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_serving_system_info: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_serving_system_info res 0
  5319. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: Enable Garbage Filter
  5320. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer entered
  5321. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5322. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 51 bytes on fd = 22
  5323. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5324. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
  5325. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [17]
  5326. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x5)]; MSG TX ID: [78]; CTL: [Request]
  5327. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 4E 00 05 00 04 00 01 01 00
  5328. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 02
  5329. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  5330. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  5331. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x5)]; MSG TX ID: [78]; CTL: [Response]
  5332. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 4E 00 05 00 07 00 02 04 00
  5333. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 00 1A 00
  5334. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  5335. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  5336. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5337. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 5
  5338. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5339. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer completed 0, 0
  5340. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: >>>>>> LOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac
  5341. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: LOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac result=0
  5342. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: Switch ON/OFF dormancy indications on all active interfaces
  5343. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: <<<<<< UNLOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac
  5344. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: UNLOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac result=0
  5345. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: EXIT with SUCCESS
  5346. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: .. data dormancy req 2, 0
  5347. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 219
  5348. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE (61) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 219, Success, Len 0 ]
  5349. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state complete with 0
  5351. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3868]> OPERATOR
  5352. E/RILJ    ( 2695): Exception processing unsol response: 21007Exception:java.lang.RuntimeException: Unrecognized unsol response: 21007
  5353. E/RILJ    ( 2695): Exception processing unsol response: 21004Exception:java.lang.RuntimeException: Unrecognized unsol response: 21004
  5354. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3867]< SCREEN_STATE
  5355. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3869]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  5356. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR (22) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 220, data len 0]
  5357. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator entered
  5358. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator everything cached 1 0
  5359. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5360. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  5361. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5362. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  5363. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  5364. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_OPERATOR_NAME_DATA(0x39)]; MSG TX ID: [358]; CTL: [Request]
  5365. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 66 01 39 00 00 00
  5366. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 33 bytes on conn_id=8
  5367. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [33]
  5368. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_OPERATOR_NAME_DATA(0x39)]; MSG TX ID: [358]; CTL: [Response]
  5369. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 20 00 80 03 01 02 66 01 39 00 14 00 02 04 00
  5370. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 10 0A 00 00 08 49 72 61 6E 63 65 6C
  5371. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 6C
  5372. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=67
  5373. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 67 bytes on fd = 22
  5374. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5375. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 57
  5376. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5377. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator cache subfetch op name data 0, 0, 0
  5378. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_update: qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_update entry
  5379. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_update: qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_update completed
  5380. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5381. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  5382. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5383. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  5384. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  5385. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SERVING_SYSTEM(0x24)]; MSG TX ID: [359]; CTL: [Request]
  5386. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 67 01 24 00 00 00
  5387. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 76 bytes on conn_id=8
  5388. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [76]
  5389. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SERVING_SYSTEM(0x24)]; MSG TX ID: [359]; CTL: [Response]
  5390. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 4B 00 80 03 01 02 67 01 24 00 3F 00 02 04 00
  5391. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 21 05 00 02 03 00 00 00 20 01 00 00
  5392. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 1D 04 00 DD 82 00 00 1C 02 00 97 27 15 03 00 01
  5393. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 04 01 12 05 00 B0 01 23 00 00 11 02 00 01 02 10
  5394. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 00 01 01 06 00 01 01 01 02 01 04
  5395. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=110
  5396. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 110 bytes on fd = 22
  5397. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5398. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 36
  5399. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5400. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator QMI_NAS_GET_SERVING_SYSTEM_REQ_MSG=[0,0]
  5401. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator everything cached 2 1
  5402. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..service_provider_name valid 1
  5403. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..plmn_network_name valid 0
  5404. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..plmn_name valid 0
  5405. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..nitz_information valid 0
  5406. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..operator_plmn_list valid 0
  5407. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..current_plmn valid 1
  5408. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_decode_operator_name: 7-bit coding scheme for NITZ ONS
  5409. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_decode_operator_name: NITZ 7-bit GSM str: Ids6,?6l
  5410. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..service_provider_name qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..service_provider_nam,  disp_cond 0
  5411. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..cur plmn network_description qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..cur plmn network_description qcrilsqmi_nas_request_operator: ..cur plmn network_descriptio
  5412. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..mcc_mnc_ascii 43235
  5413. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: OPL length: 0, PNN length: 0
  5414. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_is_shadow_available: qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_is_shadow_available returns 0
  5415. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ROM table
  5416. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table entered
  5417. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table long __oper_name_get_from_rom_table(43235)+
  5418. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): __oper_name_get_from_rom_table: __oper_name_get_from_rom_table entered
  5419. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  5420. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [1]
  5421. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  5422. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [-1]
  5423. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  5424. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [-1]
  5425. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  5426. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [-1]
  5427. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  5428. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [1]
  5429. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  5430. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [-1]
  5431. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  5432. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [-1]
  5433. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  5434. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete
  5435. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): __oper_name_get_from_rom_table: __oper_name_get_from_rom_table p_oper=[43235, MTN Irancell]
  5436. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): __oper_name_get_from_rom_table: __oper_name_get_from_rom_table complete
  5437. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table long __oper_name_get_from_rom_table(0x4042f0f0)-
  5438. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table long rept=[43235, MTN Irancell]
  5439. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table long pszOperName=[MTN Irancell]
  5440. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table complete
  5441. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator long MTN Irancell
  5442. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator short MTN Irancell
  5443. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator mcc_mnc 43235
  5444. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 220
  5445. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR (22) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 220, Success, Len 12 ]
  5446. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator complete with 0
  5447. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3870]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  5448. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE (21) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 221, data len 0]
  5449. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state entered
  5450. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  5451. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  5452. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  5453. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  5454. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  5455. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  5456. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  5457. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  5458. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  5459. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  5460. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  5461. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  5462. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  5463. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  5464. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  5465. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  5466. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  5467. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  5468. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  5469. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  5470. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  5471. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  5472. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  5473. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  5474. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state:  ... QMI NAS reg_state 1
  5475. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state:  ... cache valid for data_caps 1
  5476. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state:  ... cache valid for data_caps_len 1
  5477. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state:  ... ps attach state 1
  5478. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state cur reg state 1
  5479. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  5480. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  5481. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  5482. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  5483. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  5484. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  5485. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  5486. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  5487. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  5488. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  5489. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  5490. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  5491. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  5492. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  5493. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  5494. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  5495. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  5496. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  5497. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  5498. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  5499. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  5500. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  5501. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  5502. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  5503. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. data caps 1, 1
  5504. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. detailed info val 1
  5505. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. detailed info srv_cap 3
  5506. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. legacy data cap 2
  5507. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. final legacy data cap 2
  5508. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. ehrpd adjustment check 2
  5509. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 0 - 1
  5510. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 1 -
  5511. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 2 -
  5512. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 3 - 2
  5513. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 4 - 0
  5514. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 5 - 20
  5515. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 221
  5516. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE (21) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 221, Success, Len 24 ]
  5517. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state complete with 0
  5518. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3871]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  5519. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_REGISTRATION_STATE (20) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 222, data len 0]
  5520. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state entered
  5521. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  5522. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  5523. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  5524. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  5525. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  5526. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  5527. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  5528. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  5529. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  5530. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  5531. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  5532. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  5533. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  5534. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  5535. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  5536. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  5537. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  5538. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  5539. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  5540. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  5541. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  5542. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  5543. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  5544. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  5545. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state cache subrequest need 0
  5546. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  5547. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  5548. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  5549. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  5550. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  5551. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4d)]; MSG TX ID: [360]; CTL: [Request]
  5552. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 68 01 4D 00 00 00
  5553. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 80 bytes on conn_id=8
  5554. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [80]
  5555. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4d)]; MSG TX ID: [360]; CTL: [Response]
  5556. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 4F 00 80 03 01 02 68 01 4D 00 43 00 02 04 00
  5557. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 12 03 00 02 02 00 13 03 00 00 00 00
  5558. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 17 1E 00 01 03 01 03 01 00 01 00 01 97 27 01 DD
  5559. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 82 00 00 00 00 00 01 34 33 32 35 33 46 01 01 01
  5560. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 1F 08 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 22 01 00 00
  5561. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=114
  5562. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 114 bytes on fd = 22
  5563. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  5564. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 77
  5565. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  5566. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte entered
  5567. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5568. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  5569. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  5570. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5030008
  5571. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  5572. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  5573. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  5574. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  5575. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  5576. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  5577. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5578. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  5579. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  5580. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  5581. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  5582. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  5583. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: .. 1x reg 0
  5584. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: .. gsm reg 1
  5585. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: .. wcdma reg 2
  5586. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: .. lte reg 0
  5587. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: .. hdr reg 0
  5588. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte completed, new vrte 2
  5589. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated entered
  5590. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: ..nas_cached_info.voice_rte 2
  5591. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated entered
  5592. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated left 1
  5593. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated completed for 1
  5594. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info entered
  5595. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5596. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  5597. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  5598. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5030008
  5599. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  5600. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  5601. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  5602. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  5603. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  5604. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  5605. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5606. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  5607. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  5608. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  5609. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  5610. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  5611. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. 1x reg 0
  5612. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. gsm reg 1
  5613. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. wcdma reg 2
  5614. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. lte reg 0
  5615. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. hdr reg 0
  5616. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 1 reje CS cs_rejected 0
  5617. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 1 reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  5618. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  5619. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  5620. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 2 reje CS cs_rejected 0
  5621. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 2 reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  5622. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  5623. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  5624. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 3 reje CS cs_rejected 0
  5625. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 3 reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  5626. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  5627. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  5628. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 4 reje CS cs_rejected 0
  5629. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 4 reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  5630. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  5631. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  5632. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 5 reje CS cs_rejected 0
  5633. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 5 reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  5634. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  5635. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  5636. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5637. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  5638. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  5639. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5030008
  5640. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  5641. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  5642. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  5643. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  5644. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  5645. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  5646. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5647. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  5648. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  5649. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  5650. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  5651. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  5652. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. 1x reg data 0
  5653. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. gsm reg data 1
  5654. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. wcdma reg data  2
  5655. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. lte reg data 0
  5656. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. hdr reg data 0
  5657. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 1 reje PS ps_rejected 0
  5658. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 1 reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  5659. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mcc -
  5660. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mnc -
  5661. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 2 reje PS ps_rejected 0
  5662. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 2 reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  5663. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mcc -
  5664. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mnc -
  5665. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 3 reje PS ps_rejected 0
  5666. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 3 reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  5667. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mcc -
  5668. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mnc -
  5669. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 4 reje PS ps_rejected 0
  5670. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 4 reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  5671. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mcc -
  5672. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mnc -
  5673. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 5 reje PS ps_rejected 0
  5674. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 5 reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  5675. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mcc -
  5676. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mnc -
  5677. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info completed
  5678. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_sys_info: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_sys_info res 0
  5679. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state forming response
  5680. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: pre - cur reg state 1
  5681. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state cur reg state 1
  5682. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  5683. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5684. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  5685. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  5686. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5030008
  5687. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  5688. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  5689. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  5690. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  5691. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  5692. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  5693. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5694. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  5695. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  5696. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  5697. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  5698. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  5699. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  5700. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 1
  5701. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 2
  5702. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  5703. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  5704. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 1
  5705. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  5706. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5707. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  5708. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  5709. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5030008
  5710. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  5711. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  5712. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  5713. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  5714. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  5715. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  5716. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5717. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  5718. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  5719. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  5720. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  5721. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  5722. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  5723. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 1
  5724. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 2
  5725. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  5726. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  5727. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 1
  5728. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  5729. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5730. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  5731. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  5732. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5030008
  5733. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  5734. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  5735. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  5736. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  5737. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  5738. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  5739. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5740. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  5741. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  5742. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  5743. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  5744. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  5745. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  5746. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 1
  5747. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 2
  5748. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  5749. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  5750. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5751. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  5752. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  5753. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5030008
  5754. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  5755. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  5756. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  5757. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  5758. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  5759. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  5760. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  5761. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  5762. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  5763. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  5764. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  5765. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  5766. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  5767. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 1
  5768. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 2
  5769. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  5770. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  5771. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  5772. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 0 - 1
  5773. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 1 - 2797
  5774. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 2 - 000082dd
  5775. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 3 - 1
  5776. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 4 -
  5777. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 5 -
  5778. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 6 -
  5779. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 7 -
  5780. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 8 -
  5781. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 9 -
  5782. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 10 -
  5783. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 11 -
  5784. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 12 -
  5785. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 13 - 0
  5786. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 14 -
  5787. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 222
  5788. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_REGISTRATION_STATE (20) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 222, Success, Len 60 ]
  5789. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state completed with 0
  5790. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE (45) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 223, data len 0]
  5791. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_query_network_selection_mode: qcril_qmi_nas_query_network_selection is_cached=1
  5792. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_query_network_selection_mode: qcril_qmi_nas_query_network_selection 0, 0
  5793. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 223
  5794. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE (45) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 223, Success, Len 4 ]
  5795. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3868]< OPERATOR {MTN Irancell, MTN Irancell, 43235}
  5796. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3869]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 20}
  5797. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3870]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2797, 000082dd, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
  5798. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3871]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  5799. D/PHONE   ( 2695): [ServiceState] setDataRegState=0
  5800. D/PHONE   ( 2695): [ServiceState] setDataRadioTechnology=2
  5801. D/GsmSST  ( 2695): [GsmSST] handlPollStateResultMessage: GsmSST setDataRegState=0 regState=1 dataRadioTechnology=2
  5802. D/PHONE   ( 2695): [ServiceState] setVoiceRegState=0
  5803. E/PHONE   ( 2695): [ServiceState] setState deprecated use setVoiceRegState()
  5804. D/GsmSST  ( 2695): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done:  oldSS=[0 0 home MTN Irancell MTN Irancell 43235  GPRS EDGE CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 0 home MTN Irancell MTN Irancell 43235  GPRS EDGE CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldMaxDataCalls=20 mNewMaxDataCalls=20 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1
  5805. D/PHONE   ( 2695): [ServiceState] setNullState=1
  5806. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  5807. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5808. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5809. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5810. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  5811. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5812. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5813. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5814. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-6ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5815. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 996
  5816. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5817. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5818. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5819. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x1003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST
  5820. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5821. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5822. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5823. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 68
  5824. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5825. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5826. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5827. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x1043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST
  5828. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5829. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5830. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5831. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 60
  5832. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5833. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5834. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_DELADDR
  5835. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Family=2 PrefixLen=24 Scope=0x0 Index=23 Flags=[0x80]PERMANENT
  5836. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Prefix IPV4 Address
  5837. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Local IPV4 Address
  5838. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Broadcast IPV4 Address
  5839. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Label name wlan0
  5840. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [21]
  5841. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23
  5842. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 64
  5843. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5844. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5845. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_DELADDR
  5846. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Family=10 PrefixLen=64 Scope=0xfd Index=23 Flags=[0x80]PERMANENT
  5847. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Prefix IPV6 Address fe80:0000:0000:0000:02d2:8bff:fe43:9ffd
  5848. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Address Cache Info - prefered=-1 valid=-1 cstamp=0x8660a tstamp=0x8660a
  5849. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [21]
  5850. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23
  5851. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5852. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5853. D/DCT     ( 2695): enableApnType: default mState(IDLE)
  5854. D/DCT     ( 2695): setEnabled(0, true) with old state = true and enabledCount = 1
  5855. D/DCT     ( 2695): enableApnType: new apn request for type default return APN_REQUEST_STARTED
  5856. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270349 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5857. D/DCT     ( 2695): onEnableApn: apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} call applyNewState
  5858. D/DCT     ( 2695): applyNewState(default, true(true), true(true))
  5859. D/DCT     ( 2695): cleanUpConnection: E tearDown=true reason=dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true}
  5860. D/DCT     ( 2695): cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=true reason=dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
  5861. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData for type:default due to dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true}
  5862. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
  5863. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:dun] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  5864. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:supl] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  5865. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:hipri] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  5866. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:mms] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  5867. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData: X apnContext not 'ready' retValue=false
  5868. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5869. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5870. D/DCT     ( 2695): enableApnType: default mState(IDLE)
  5871. D/DCT     ( 2695): setEnabled(0, true) with old state = true and enabledCount = 1
  5872. D/DCT     ( 2695): enableApnType: new apn request for type default return APN_REQUEST_STARTED
  5873. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270349 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5874. D/DCT     ( 2695): onEnableApn: apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} call applyNewState
  5875. D/DCT     ( 2695): applyNewState(default, true(true), true(true))
  5876. D/DCT     ( 2695): cleanUpConnection: E tearDown=true reason=dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true}
  5877. D/DCT     ( 2695): cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=true reason=dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
  5878. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData for type:default due to dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true}
  5879. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
  5880. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:dun] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  5881. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:supl] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  5882. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:hipri] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  5883. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:mms] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  5884. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData: X apnContext not 'ready' retValue=false
  5885. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  5886. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5887. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5888. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5889. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x1003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST
  5890. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5891. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5892. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5893. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 996
  5894. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5895. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5896. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5897. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  5898. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5899. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5900. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5901. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 160
  5902. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5903. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 68
  5904. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5905. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5906. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5907. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  5908. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5909. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5910. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5911. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5912. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5913. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  5914. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5915. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5916. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5917. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5918. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5919. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 996
  5920. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5921. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5922. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5923. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  5924. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5925. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5926. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5927. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 60
  5928. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5929. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5930. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWADDR
  5931. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Family=2 PrefixLen=24 Scope=0x0 Index=23 Flags=[0x80]PERMANENT
  5932. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Prefix IPV4 Address
  5933. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Local IPV4 Address
  5934. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Broadcast IPV4 Address
  5935. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Label name wlan0
  5936. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: LinkMode: 1
  5937. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [20]
  5938. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23
  5939. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5940. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5941. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5942. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  5943. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  5944. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  5945. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 64
  5946. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5947. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5948. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWADDR
  5949. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Family=10 PrefixLen=64 Scope=0xfd Index=23 Flags=[0x80]PERMANENT
  5950. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Prefix IPV6 Address fe80:0000:0000:0000:02d2:8bff:fe43:9ffd
  5951. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Address Cache Info - prefered=-1 valid=-1 cstamp=0x884d1 tstamp=0x884d1
  5952. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [20]
  5953. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23
  5954. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  5955. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5956. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5957. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5958. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  5959. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5960. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5961. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5962. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5963. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5964. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5965. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5966. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5967. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5968. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5969. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5970. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5971. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5972. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5973. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5974. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5975. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5976. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5977. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  5978. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5979. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5980. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5981. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  5982. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5983. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5984. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5985. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 996
  5986. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5987. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5988. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5989. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x1003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST
  5990. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  5991. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  5992. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  5993. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  5994. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 68
  5995. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  5996. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  5997. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  5998. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x1003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST
  5999. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  6000. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  6001. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  6002. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 60
  6003. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  6004. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  6005. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_DELADDR
  6006. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Family=2 PrefixLen=24 Scope=0x0 Index=23 Flags=[0x80]PERMANENT
  6007. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Prefix IPV4 Address
  6008. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Local IPV4 Address
  6009. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Broadcast IPV4 Address
  6010. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Label name wlan0
  6011. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [21]
  6012. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23
  6013. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 64
  6014. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  6015. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  6016. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_DELADDR
  6017. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Family=10 PrefixLen=64 Scope=0xfd Index=23 Flags=[0x80]PERMANENT
  6018. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Prefix IPV6 Address fe80:0000:0000:0000:02d2:8bff:fe43:9ffd
  6019. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Address Cache Info - prefered=-1 valid=-1 cstamp=0x884d1 tstamp=0x884d1
  6020. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [21]
  6021. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23
  6022. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  6023. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  6024. D/DCT     ( 2695): enableApnType: default mState(IDLE)
  6025. D/DCT     ( 2695): setEnabled(0, true) with old state = true and enabledCount = 1
  6026. D/DCT     ( 2695): enableApnType: new apn request for type default return APN_REQUEST_STARTED
  6027. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270349 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6028. D/DCT     ( 2695): onEnableApn: apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} call applyNewState
  6029. D/DCT     ( 2695): applyNewState(default, true(true), true(true))
  6030. D/DCT     ( 2695): cleanUpConnection: E tearDown=true reason=dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true}
  6031. D/DCT     ( 2695): cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=true reason=dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
  6032. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData for type:default due to dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true}
  6033. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
  6034. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:dun] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  6035. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:supl] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  6036. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:hipri] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  6037. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 56
  6038. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  6039. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  6040. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  6041. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x1003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST
  6042. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  6043. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  6044. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  6045. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:mms] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  6046. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData: X apnContext not 'ready' retValue=false
  6047. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  6048. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  6049. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 996
  6050. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  6051. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  6052. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  6053. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  6054. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  6055. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  6056. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  6057. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 160
  6058. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  6059. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 68
  6060. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  6061. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  6062. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  6063. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  6064. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  6065. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  6066. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  6067. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  6068. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  6069. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11003]UP BROADCAST MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  6070. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  6071. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  6072. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  6073. D/DCT     ( 2695): enableApnType: default mState(IDLE)
  6074. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 996
  6075. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  6076. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  6077. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWLINK
  6078. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Index=23 Family=0 Type=0x1 Change=[0x0] Flags=[0x11043]UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST LOWER_UP
  6079. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [16]
  6080. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received RTM_NEWLINK
  6081. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23, disable link
  6082. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  6083. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  6084. D/DCT     ( 2695): setEnabled(0, true) with old state = true and enabledCount = 1
  6085. D/DCT     ( 2695): enableApnType: new apn request for type default return APN_REQUEST_STARTED
  6086. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270349 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6087. D/DCT     ( 2695): onEnableApn: apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} call applyNewState
  6088. D/DCT     ( 2695): applyNewState(default, true(true), true(true))
  6089. D/DCT     ( 2695): cleanUpConnection: E tearDown=true reason=dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true}
  6090. D/DCT     ( 2695): cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=true reason=dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
  6091. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData for type:default due to dataEnabled apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=true mDependencyMet=true}
  6092. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
  6093. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:dun] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  6094. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:supl] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  6095. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:hipri] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  6096. D/DCT     ( 2695): [ApnContext:mms] getApnSetting: apnSetting=null
  6097. D/DCT     ( 2695): trySetupData: X apnContext not 'ready' retValue=false
  6098. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-3ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6099. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6100. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6101. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6102. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6103. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 60
  6104. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  6105. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  6106. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWADDR
  6107. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Family=2 PrefixLen=24 Scope=0x0 Index=23 Flags=[0x80]PERMANENT
  6108. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Prefix IPV4 Address
  6109. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Local IPV4 Address
  6110. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Broadcast IPV4 Address
  6111. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Label name wlan0
  6112. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: LinkMode: 1
  6113. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [20]
  6114. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23
  6115. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  6116. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  6117. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  6118. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=false
  6119. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
  6120. D/DCT     ( 2695): NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: mIsWifiConnected=true
  6121. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6122. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6123. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=-1ms what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6124. D/DCT     ( 2695): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=270368 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker }
  6125. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received nl msg, recvmsg returned 64
  6126. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Received command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0
  6127. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Process command: ID=NETMGR_KIF_MSG_CMD, link=0, state=1
  6128. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Processing RTM_NEWADDR
  6129. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Metainfo:  Family=10 PrefixLen=64 Scope=0xfd Index=23 Flags=[0x80]PERMANENT
  6130. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Prefix IPV6 Address fe80:0000:0000:0000:02d2:8bff:fe43:9ffd
  6131. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Attribute: Address Cache Info - prefered=-1 valid=-1 cstamp=0x8a6ea tstamp=0x8a6ea
  6132. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): Rcvd Netlink msg type [20]
  6133. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-NETMGR-LIB(  184): unrecognized ifindex 23
  6134. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3872]> SCREEN_STATE: false
  6135. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE (61) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 224, data len 4]
  6136. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state entered
  6137. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k entered
  6138. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6139. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  6140. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6141. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  6142. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  6143. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x9)]; MSG TX ID: [79]; CTL: [Request]
  6144. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 E4 01 00 4F 00 09 00 00 00
  6145. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
  6146. D/DCT     ( 2695): stopNetStatPoll
  6147. D/DCT     ( 2695): overall state is IDLE
  6148. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 316 bytes on conn_id=8
  6149. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [316]
  6150. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x9)]; MSG TX ID: [79]; CTL: [Response]
  6151. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 3B 01 80 E4 01 02 4F 00 09 00 2F 01 02 04 00
  6152. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 20 04 00 22 00 00 00 1F 04 00 C7 01
  6153. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 1E 04 00 D1 52 00 00 1D 04 00 62 4A 4D 00
  6154. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 1C 04 00 82 37 00 00 1B 04 00 09 1A 02 00 1A 18
  6155. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD 8D 01
  6156. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 70 00 A6 0F 00 00
  6157. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 B0 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  6158. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C 9B 08 00
  6159. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1F 46 00 00
  6160. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 B4 54 08 00 00 00 00 00 11 50 00 00
  6161. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 96 3B 00 00
  6162. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DE 00 00 00
  6163. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 08 00 E8
  6164. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 22 0A 00 00 00 00 00 17 04 00 F4 3C 00 00 16 04
  6165. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 15 04 00 00 15 04 00 67 3C 02 00 14 04 00 37
  6166. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 92 4F 00 13 04 00 82 38 00 00 12 04 00 BE 4F 07
  6167. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 11 38 00 39 05 00 00 91 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
  6168. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 F0 AB 04 00 00 00 00 00 AA 54 00 00
  6169. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 6E 58 04 00 3F 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 9A 30 00 00
  6170. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  6171. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=350
  6172. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 350 bytes on fd = 22
  6173. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6174. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 9
  6175. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6176. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_clients=1337,1169,0,0,306160,0,21674,284782,22591,0,12442,0,45,0
  6177. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_try_PC=479166
  6178. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_PC_cnt=14466,5214775
  6179. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_clients=0,0,0,101837,0,0
  6180. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_try_XO=137737
  6181. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_XO_cnt=14210,5065314
  6182. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k complete, result=0, error=0
  6183. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status entered
  6184. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6185. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 51 bytes on fd = 22
  6186. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6187. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
  6188. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [17]
  6189. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x0)]; MSG TX ID: [80]; CTL: [Request]
  6190. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 50 00 00 00 04 00 01 01 00
  6191. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00
  6192. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  6193. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  6194. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x0)]; MSG TX ID: [80]; CTL: [Response]
  6195. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 50 00 00 00 07 00 02 04 00
  6196. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  6197. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  6198. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  6199. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6200. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 0
  6201. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6202. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status completed 0, 0
  6203. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications, param 0
  6204. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6205. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 91 bytes on fd = 22
  6206. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 91 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6207. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 57 bytes on conn_id=8
  6208. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [57]
  6209. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [361]; CTL: [Request]
  6210. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 38 00 00 03 01 00 69 01 02 00 2C 00 10 04 00
  6211. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 02 FF 00 11 01 00 00 12 01 00 00 13 02 00 00
  6212. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 05 14 02 00 00 04 15 02 00 00 01 16 02 00 00 03
  6213. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 17 01 00 00 18 02 00 00 02
  6214. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  6215. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  6216. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [361]; CTL: [Response]
  6217. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 69 01 02 00 07 00 02 04 00
  6218. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  6219. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  6220. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  6221. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6222. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 2
  6223. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6224. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications requested nas event report 0, 0
  6225. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6226. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 67 bytes on fd = 22
  6227. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 67 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6228. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 33 bytes on conn_id=8
  6229. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [33]
  6230. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_INDICATION_REGISTER(0x3)]; MSG TX ID: [362]; CTL: [Request]
  6231. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 20 00 00 03 01 00 6A 01 03 00 14 00 10 01 00
  6232. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 13 01 00 00 14 01 00 00 17 01 00 01 18 01 00
  6233. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00
  6234. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  6235. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  6236. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_INDICATION_REGISTER(0x3)]; MSG TX ID: [362]; CTL: [Response]
  6237. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 6A 01 03 00 07 00 02 04 00
  6238. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  6239. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  6240. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  6241. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6242. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 3
  6243. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6244. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications requested nas indication reports 0, 0
  6245. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications completed with 0
  6246. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: Enable Garbage Filter
  6247. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer entered
  6248. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6249. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 51 bytes on fd = 22
  6250. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6251. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
  6252. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [17]
  6253. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x5)]; MSG TX ID: [81]; CTL: [Request]
  6254. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 51 00 05 00 04 00 01 01 00
  6255. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 02
  6256. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  6257. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  6258. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x5)]; MSG TX ID: [81]; CTL: [Response]
  6259. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 51 00 05 00 07 00 02 04 00
  6260. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 00 1A 00
  6261. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  6262. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  6263. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6264. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 5
  6265. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6266. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer completed 0, 0
  6267. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: >>>>>> LOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac
  6268. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: LOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac result=0
  6269. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: Switch ON/OFF dormancy indications on all active interfaces
  6270. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: <<<<<< UNLOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac
  6271. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: UNLOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac result=0
  6272. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: EXIT with SUCCESS
  6273. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: .. data dormancy req 1, 0
  6274. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 224
  6275. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE (61) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 224, Success, Len 0 ]
  6276. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state complete with 0
  6277. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3872]< SCREEN_STATE
  6278. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3873]> SCREEN_STATE: true
  6279. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE (61) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 225, data len 4]
  6280. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state entered
  6281. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k entered
  6282. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6283. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  6284. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6285. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  6286. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  6287. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x9)]; MSG TX ID: [82]; CTL: [Request]
  6288. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 E4 01 00 52 00 09 00 00 00
  6289. D/DCT     ( 2695): onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
  6290. D/DCT     ( 2695): stopNetStatPoll
  6291. D/DCT     ( 2695): overall state is IDLE
  6292. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 316 bytes on conn_id=8
  6293. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [316]
  6294. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x9)]; MSG TX ID: [82]; CTL: [Response]
  6295. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 3B 01 80 E4 01 02 52 00 09 00 2F 01 02 04 00
  6296. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 20 04 00 24 00 00 00 1F 04 00 C7 01
  6297. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 1E 04 00 F7 52 00 00 1D 04 00 F2 6D 4D 00
  6298. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 1C 04 00 9B 37 00 00 1B 04 00 FE 1A 02 00 1A 18
  6299. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 8E 01
  6300. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 70 00 AD 0F 00 00
  6301. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 B0 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  6302. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7B 9E 08 00
  6303. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1F 46 00 00
  6304. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 93 57 08 00 00 00 00 00 11 50 00 00
  6305. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DE 3B 00 00
  6306. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DE 00 00 00
  6307. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 08 00 80
  6308. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 26 0A 00 00 00 00 00 17 04 00 F4 3C 00 00 16 04
  6309. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 15 04 00 00 15 04 00 9C 3D 02 00 14 04 00 50
  6310. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): B7 4F 00 13 04 00 9D 38 00 00 12 04 00 AD 52 07
  6311. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 11 38 00 3C 05 00 00 91 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
  6312. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 7E AD 04 00 00 00 00 00 AA 54 00 00
  6313. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): FC 59 04 00 3F 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 A9 30 00 00
  6314. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  6315. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=350
  6316. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 350 bytes on fd = 22
  6317. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6318. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 9
  6319. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6320. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_clients=1340,1169,0,0,306558,0,21674,285180,22591,0,12457,0,45,0
  6321. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_try_PC=479917
  6322. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]Q6_PC_cnt=14493,5224272
  6323. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_clients=0,0,0,102017,0,0
  6324. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_try_XO=137982
  6325. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [PM]ARM9_XO_cnt=14235,5074418
  6326. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k complete, result=0, error=0
  6327. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status entered
  6328. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6329. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 51 bytes on fd = 22
  6330. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6331. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
  6332. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [17]
  6333. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x0)]; MSG TX ID: [83]; CTL: [Request]
  6334. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 53 00 00 00 04 00 01 01 00
  6335. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01
  6336. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  6337. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  6338. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x0)]; MSG TX ID: [83]; CTL: [Response]
  6339. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 53 00 00 00 07 00 02 04 00
  6340. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  6341. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  6342. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  6343. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6344. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 0
  6345. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6346. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status completed 0, 0
  6347. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind entered
  6348. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations entered
  6349. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..req mask 127
  6350. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF 127
  6351. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered RIL_REQ_RES qmi_request.request__mask = 63
  6352. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF QMI RESPONSE 127
  6353. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6354. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 52 bytes on fd = 22
  6355. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 52 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6356. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 18 bytes on conn_id=8
  6357. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [18]
  6358. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [363]; CTL: [Request]
  6359. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 11 00 00 03 01 00 6B 01 20 00 05 00 10 02 00
  6360. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 3F 00
  6361. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 47 bytes on conn_id=8
  6362. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [47]
  6363. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [363]; CTL: [Response]
  6364. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 2E 00 80 03 01 02 6B 01 20 00 22 00 02 04 00
  6365. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 CD 04 11 04 00 01 00 33 04
  6366. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 12 04 00 01 00 FF 04 15 05 00 01 00 FF 00 04
  6367. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=81
  6368. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 81 bytes on fd = 22
  6369. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6370. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 32
  6371. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6372. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF UTIL_RES = SUCCESS 127
  6373. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6374. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  6375. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6376. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  6377. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  6378. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [364]; CTL: [Request]
  6379. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 6C 01 4F 00 00 00
  6380. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 24 bytes on conn_id=8
  6381. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [24]
  6382. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [364]; CTL: [Response]
  6383. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 17 00 80 03 01 02 6C 01 4F 00 0B 00 02 04 00
  6384. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 12 01 00 33
  6385. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=58
  6386. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 58 bytes on fd = 22
  6387. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6388. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 79
  6389. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6390. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations completed 0, 0
  6391. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. subfetch sig strength info 0
  6392. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report entered
  6393. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  6394. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 31, bitErrorRate 255
  6395. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  6396. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  6397. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  6398. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  6399. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..ATT
  6400. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm 51, ecno -1
  6401. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  6402. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, rsrp -1, rsrq -1, snr: -1
  6403. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report completed
  6404. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. conf res 0
  6405. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  6406. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind completed 0
  6407. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications, param 1
  6408. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6409. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 91 bytes on fd = 22
  6410. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 91 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6411. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 57 bytes on conn_id=8
  6412. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [57]
  6413. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [365]; CTL: [Request]
  6414. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 38 00 00 03 01 00 6D 01 02 00 2C 00 10 04 00
  6415. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 02 FF 00 11 01 00 01 12 01 00 01 13 02 00 01
  6416. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 05 14 02 00 01 04 15 02 00 01 01 16 02 00 01 03
  6417. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 17 01 00 01 18 02 00 01 02
  6418. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  6419. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  6420. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [365]; CTL: [Response]
  6421. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 6D 01 02 00 07 00 02 04 00
  6422. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  6423. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  6424. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  6425. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6426. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 2
  6427. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6428. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications requested nas event report 0, 0
  6429. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6430. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 71 bytes on fd = 22
  6431. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 71 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6432. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 37 bytes on conn_id=8
  6433. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [37]
  6434. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_INDICATION_REGISTER(0x3)]; MSG TX ID: [366]; CTL: [Request]
  6435. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 24 00 00 03 01 00 6E 01 03 00 18 00 10 01 00
  6436. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 01 00 01 14 01 00 01 15 01 00 00 17 01 00
  6437. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 18 01 00 01
  6438. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  6439. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  6440. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_INDICATION_REGISTER(0x3)]; MSG TX ID: [366]; CTL: [Response]
  6441. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 6E 01 03 00 07 00 02 04 00
  6442. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00
  6443. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  6444. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  6445. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6446. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 3
  6447. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6448. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications requested nas indication reports 0, 0
  6449. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_drop_nw_info_cache:  qcril_qmi_nas_drop_nw_info_cache entry
  6450. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_drop_nw_info_cache: qcril_qmi_nas_drop_nw_info_cache complete
  6451. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED (1002) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 0, (null)]
  6452. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- <RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN> ? (21007) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 0, (null)]
  6453. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- <RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN> ? (21004) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 0, (null)]
  6454. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications: qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications completed with 0
  6455. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6456. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  6457. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6458. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  6459. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  6460. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SERVING_SYSTEM(0x24)]; MSG TX ID: [367]; CTL: [Request]
  6461. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 6F 01 24 00 00 00
  6463. E/RILJ    ( 2695): Exception processing unsol response: 21007Exception:java.lang.RuntimeException: Unrecognized unsol response: 21007
  6464. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 76 bytes on conn_id=8
  6465. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [76]
  6466. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SERVING_SYSTEM(0x24)]; MSG TX ID: [367]; CTL: [Response]
  6467. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 4B 00 80 03 01 02 6F 01 24 00 3F 00 02 04 00
  6468. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 21 05 00 02 03 00 00 00 20 01 00 00
  6469. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 1D 04 00 DD 82 00 00 1C 02 00 97 27 15 03 00 01
  6470. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 04 01 12 05 00 B0 01 23 00 00 11 02 00 01 02 10
  6471. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 00 01 01 06 00 01 01 01 02 01 04
  6472. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=110
  6473. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 110 bytes on fd = 22
  6474. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6475. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 36
  6476. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6477. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated entered
  6478. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: ..nas_cached_info.voice_rte 2
  6479. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated entered
  6480. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated left 1
  6481. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated completed for 1
  6482. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy entered
  6483. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: .. ss srv reg state 1
  6484. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: .. reje CS cs_rejected 0
  6485. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: .. reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  6486. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: .. reje PS ps_rejected 0
  6487. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: .. reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  6488. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  6489. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  6490. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy: qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_legacy completed
  6491. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_serving_system_info: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_serving_system_info res 0
  6492. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: Enable Garbage Filter
  6493. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer entered
  6494. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6495. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 51 bytes on fd = 22
  6496. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6497. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
  6498. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [17]
  6499. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x5)]; MSG TX ID: [84]; CTL: [Request]
  6500. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 54 00 05 00 04 00 01 01 00
  6501. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 02
  6502. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
  6503. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [20]
  6504. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow message id>(0x5)]; MSG TX ID: [84]; CTL: [Response]
  6505. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 54 00 05 00 07 00 02 04 00
  6506. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 00 1A 00
  6507. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=54
  6508. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 54 bytes on fd = 22
  6509. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6510. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 5
  6511. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6512. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer completed 0, 0
  6513. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: >>>>>> LOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac
  6514. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: LOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac result=0
  6515. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: Switch ON/OFF dormancy indications on all active interfaces
  6516. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: <<<<<< UNLOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac
  6517. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: UNLOCK QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 404328ac result=0
  6518. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: EXIT with SUCCESS
  6519. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: .. data dormancy req 2, 0
  6520. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 225
  6521. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE (61) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 225, Success, Len 0 ]
  6522. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state complete with 0
  6523. E/RILJ    ( 2695): Exception processing unsol response: 21004Exception:java.lang.RuntimeException: Unrecognized unsol response: 21004
  6524. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3873]< SCREEN_STATE
  6525. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3874]> OPERATOR
  6526. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3875]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE
  6527. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR (22) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 226, data len 0]
  6528. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator entered
  6529. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator everything cached 1 0
  6530. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6531. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  6532. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6533. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  6534. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  6535. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_OPERATOR_NAME_DATA(0x39)]; MSG TX ID: [368]; CTL: [Request]
  6536. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 70 01 39 00 00 00
  6537. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 33 bytes on conn_id=8
  6538. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [33]
  6539. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_OPERATOR_NAME_DATA(0x39)]; MSG TX ID: [368]; CTL: [Response]
  6540. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 20 00 80 03 01 02 70 01 39 00 14 00 02 04 00
  6541. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 10 0A 00 00 08 49 72 61 6E 63 65 6C
  6542. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 6C
  6543. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=67
  6544. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 67 bytes on fd = 22
  6545. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6546. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 57
  6547. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6548. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator cache subfetch op name data 0, 0, 0
  6549. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_update: qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_update entry
  6550. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_update: qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_update completed
  6551. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6552. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  6553. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6554. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  6555. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  6556. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SERVING_SYSTEM(0x24)]; MSG TX ID: [369]; CTL: [Request]
  6557. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 71 01 24 00 00 00
  6558. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 76 bytes on conn_id=8
  6559. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [76]
  6560. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SERVING_SYSTEM(0x24)]; MSG TX ID: [369]; CTL: [Response]
  6561. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 4B 00 80 03 01 02 71 01 24 00 3F 00 02 04 00
  6562. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 21 05 00 02 03 00 00 00 20 01 00 00
  6563. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 1D 04 00 DD 82 00 00 1C 02 00 97 27 15 03 00 01
  6564. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 04 01 12 05 00 B0 01 23 00 00 11 02 00 01 02 10
  6565. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 00 01 01 06 00 01 01 01 02 01 04
  6566. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=110
  6567. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 110 bytes on fd = 22
  6568. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6569. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 36
  6570. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6571. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator QMI_NAS_GET_SERVING_SYSTEM_REQ_MSG=[0,0]
  6572. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator everything cached 2 1
  6573. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..service_provider_name valid 1
  6574. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..plmn_network_name valid 0
  6575. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..plmn_name valid 0
  6576. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..nitz_information valid 0
  6577. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..operator_plmn_list valid 0
  6578. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..current_plmn valid 1
  6579. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_decode_operator_name: 7-bit coding scheme for NITZ ONS
  6580. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_decode_operator_name: NITZ 7-bit GSM str: Ids6,?6l
  6581. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..service_provider_name qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..service_provider_nam,  disp_cond 0
  6582. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..cur plmn network_description qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..cur plmn network_description qcrilsqmi_nas_request_operator: ..cur plmn network_descriptio
  6583. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ..mcc_mnc_ascii 43235
  6584. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: OPL length: 0, PNN length: 0
  6585. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_is_shadow_available: qcril_qmi_nas_nitz_persistent_cache_is_shadow_available returns 0
  6586. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: ROM table
  6587. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table entered
  6588. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table long __oper_name_get_from_rom_table(43235)+
  6589. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): __oper_name_get_from_rom_table: __oper_name_get_from_rom_table entered
  6590. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  6591. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [1]
  6592. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  6593. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [-1]
  6594. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  6595. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [-1]
  6596. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  6597. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [-1]
  6598. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  6599. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [1]
  6600. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  6601. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [-1]
  6602. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  6603. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete with [-1]
  6604. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb entered
  6605. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): compare_rom_oper_name_cb: compare_rom_oper_name_cb complete
  6606. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): __oper_name_get_from_rom_table: __oper_name_get_from_rom_table p_oper=[43235, MTN Irancell]
  6607. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): __oper_name_get_from_rom_table: __oper_name_get_from_rom_table complete
  6608. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table long __oper_name_get_from_rom_table(0x4042f0f0)-
  6609. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table long rept=[43235, MTN Irancell]
  6610. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table long pszOperName=[MTN Irancell]
  6611. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): oper_name_get_from_rom_table: oper_name_get_from_rom_table complete
  6612. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator long MTN Irancell
  6613. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator short MTN Irancell
  6614. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator mcc_mnc 43235
  6615. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 226
  6616. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR (22) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 226, Success, Len 12 ]
  6617. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator: qcril_qmi_nas_request_operator complete with 0
  6618. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3874]< OPERATOR {MTN Irancell, MTN Irancell, 43235}
  6619. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3876]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE
  6620. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE (21) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 227, data len 0]
  6621. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state entered
  6622. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  6623. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  6624. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  6625. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  6626. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  6627. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  6628. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  6629. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  6630. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  6631. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  6632. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  6633. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  6634. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  6635. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  6636. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  6637. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  6638. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  6639. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  6640. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  6641. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  6642. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  6643. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  6644. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  6645. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  6646. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state:  ... QMI NAS reg_state 1
  6647. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state:  ... cache valid for data_caps 1
  6648. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state:  ... cache valid for data_caps_len 1
  6649. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state:  ... ps attach state 1
  6650. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state cur reg state 1
  6651. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  6652. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  6653. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  6654. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  6655. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  6656. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  6657. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  6658. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  6659. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  6660. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  6661. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  6662. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  6663. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  6664. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  6665. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  6666. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  6667. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  6668. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  6669. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  6670. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  6671. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  6672. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  6673. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  6674. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  6675. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. data caps 1, 1
  6676. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. detailed info val 1
  6677. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. detailed info srv_cap 3
  6678. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. legacy data cap 2
  6679. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. final legacy data cap 2
  6680. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. ehrpd adjustment check 2
  6681. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 0 - 1
  6682. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 1 -
  6683. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 2 -
  6684. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 3 - 2
  6685. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 4 - 0
  6686. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: .. rg 5 - 20
  6687. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 227
  6688. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE (21) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 227, Success, Len 24 ]
  6689. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_data_registration_state complete with 0
  6690. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3875]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 20}
  6691. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3877]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  6692. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_REGISTRATION_STATE (20) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 228, data len 0]
  6693. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state entered
  6694. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  6695. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  6696. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  6697. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  6698. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  6699. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  6700. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  6701. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  6702. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  6703. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  6704. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  6705. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  6706. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  6707. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  6708. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 0
  6709. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 0
  6710. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  6711. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  6712. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  6713. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 0
  6714. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 0
  6715. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  6716. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  6717. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  6718. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state cache subrequest need 0
  6719. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  6720. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  6721. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  6722. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  6723. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  6724. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4d)]; MSG TX ID: [370]; CTL: [Request]
  6725. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 72 01 4D 00 00 00
  6726. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 80 bytes on conn_id=8
  6727. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [80]
  6728. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4d)]; MSG TX ID: [370]; CTL: [Response]
  6729. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 4F 00 80 03 01 02 72 01 4D 00 43 00 02 04 00
  6730. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 12 03 00 02 02 00 13 03 00 00 00 00
  6731. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 17 1E 00 01 03 01 03 01 00 01 00 01 97 27 01 DD
  6732. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 82 00 00 00 00 00 01 34 33 32 35 33 46 01 01 01
  6733. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 1F 08 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 22 01 00 00
  6734. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=114
  6735. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 114 bytes on fd = 22
  6736. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  6737. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 77
  6738. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  6739. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte entered
  6740. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6741. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  6742. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  6743. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5035264
  6744. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  6745. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  6746. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  6747. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  6748. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  6749. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  6750. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6751. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  6752. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  6753. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  6754. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  6755. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  6756. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: .. 1x reg 0
  6757. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: .. gsm reg 1
  6758. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: .. wcdma reg 2
  6759. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: .. lte reg 0
  6760. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: .. hdr reg 0
  6761. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte: qcril_qmi_nas_update_voice_rte completed, new vrte 2
  6762. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated entered
  6763. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: ..nas_cached_info.voice_rte 2
  6764. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated entered
  6765. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_mgr_voice_technology_updated left 1
  6766. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated: qcril_qmi_voice_technology_updated completed for 1
  6767. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info entered
  6768. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6769. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  6770. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  6771. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5035264
  6772. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  6773. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  6774. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  6775. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  6776. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  6777. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  6778. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6779. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  6780. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  6781. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  6782. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  6783. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  6784. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. 1x reg 0
  6785. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. gsm reg 1
  6786. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. wcdma reg 2
  6787. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. lte reg 0
  6788. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. hdr reg 0
  6789. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 1 reje CS cs_rejected 0
  6790. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 1 reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  6791. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  6792. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  6793. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 2 reje CS cs_rejected 0
  6794. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 2 reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  6795. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  6796. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  6797. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 3 reje CS cs_rejected 0
  6798. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 3 reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  6799. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  6800. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  6801. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 4 reje CS cs_rejected 0
  6802. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 4 reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  6803. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  6804. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  6805. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 5 reje CS cs_rejected 0
  6806. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 5 reje CS cs_reject_cause 0
  6807. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mcc -
  6808. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. reje mnc -
  6809. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6810. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  6811. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  6812. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5035264
  6813. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  6814. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  6815. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  6816. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  6817. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  6818. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  6819. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6820. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  6821. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  6822. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  6823. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  6824. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  6825. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. 1x reg data 0
  6826. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. gsm reg data 1
  6827. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. wcdma reg data  2
  6828. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. lte reg data 0
  6829. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. hdr reg data 0
  6830. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 1 reje PS ps_rejected 0
  6831. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 1 reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  6832. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mcc -
  6833. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mnc -
  6834. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 2 reje PS ps_rejected 0
  6835. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 2 reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  6836. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mcc -
  6837. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mnc -
  6838. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 3 reje PS ps_rejected 0
  6839. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 3 reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  6840. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mcc -
  6841. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mnc -
  6842. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 4 reje PS ps_rejected 0
  6843. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 4 reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  6844. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mcc -
  6845. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mnc -
  6846. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 5 reje PS ps_rejected 0
  6847. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: .. rte 5 reje PS ps_reject_cause 0
  6848. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mcc -
  6849. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_util_log_mccmnc_str: .. data reje mnc -
  6850. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info: qmi_ril_nwr_update_reg_rej_from_sys_info completed
  6851. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_sys_info: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_sys_info res 0
  6852. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state forming response
  6853. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: pre - cur reg state 1
  6854. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state cur reg state 1
  6855. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  6856. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6857. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  6858. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  6859. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5035264
  6860. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  6861. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  6862. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  6863. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  6864. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  6865. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  6866. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6867. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  6868. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  6869. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  6870. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  6871. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  6872. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  6873. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 1
  6874. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 2
  6875. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  6876. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  6877. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 1
  6878. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  6879. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6880. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  6881. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  6882. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5035264
  6883. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  6884. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  6885. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  6886. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  6887. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  6888. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  6889. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6890. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  6891. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  6892. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  6893. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  6894. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  6895. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  6896. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 1
  6897. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 2
  6898. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  6899. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  6900. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 1
  6901. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology entered
  6902. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6903. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  6904. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  6905. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5035264
  6906. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  6907. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  6908. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  6909. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  6910. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  6911. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  6912. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6913. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  6914. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  6915. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  6916. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  6917. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  6918. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg 0
  6919. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg 1
  6920. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg 2
  6921. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg 0
  6922. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg 0
  6923. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6924. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 2
  6925. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 1
  6926. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 5035264
  6927. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_capability_valid, srv_capability 1, 3
  6928. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... srv_domain_valid, srv_domain 1, 3
  6929. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 1
  6930. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... is_sys_forbidden_valid, is_sys_forbidden 1, 0
  6931. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... reg_reject_info_valid, reg_reject_info.dmn, reg_reject_info.cause 0, 0, 0
  6932. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 1
  6933. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status:  qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status entered
  6934. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... nas_srv_status 0
  6935. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 1 2
  6936. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... common_sys_info 0
  6937. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: ... intermediate res 2 2
  6938. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status: qcril_qmi_nas_util_convert_nas_srv_status_to_ril_reg_status complete with 2
  6939. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. 1x reg data 0
  6940. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. gsm reg data 1
  6941. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. wcdma reg data 2
  6942. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. lte reg data 0
  6943. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: .. hdr reg data 0
  6944. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology: qcril_qmi_nas_is_in_service_of_technology completed with 0
  6945. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 0 - 1
  6946. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 1 - 2797
  6947. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 2 - 000082dd
  6948. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 3 - 1
  6949. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 4 -
  6950. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 5 -
  6951. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 6 -
  6952. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 7 -
  6953. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 8 -
  6954. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 9 -
  6955. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 10 -
  6956. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 11 -
  6957. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 12 -
  6958. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 13 - 0
  6959. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: .. rg 14 -
  6960. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 228
  6961. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_REGISTRATION_STATE (20) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 228, Success, Len 60 ]
  6962. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state: qcril_qmi_nas_request_registration_state completed with 0
  6963. D/PHONE   ( 2695): [ServiceState] setDataRegState=0
  6964. D/PHONE   ( 2695): [ServiceState] setDataRadioTechnology=2
  6965. D/GsmSST  ( 2695): [GsmSST] handlPollStateResultMessage: GsmSST setDataRegState=0 regState=1 dataRadioTechnology=2
  6966. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3876]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 2797, 000082dd, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
  6967. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE (45) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 229, data len 0]
  6968. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_query_network_selection_mode: qcril_qmi_nas_query_network_selection is_cached=1
  6969. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_query_network_selection_mode: qcril_qmi_nas_query_network_selection 0, 0
  6970. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList entry : token id 229
  6971. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE (45) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 229, Success, Len 4 ]
  6972. D/PHONE   ( 2695): [ServiceState] setVoiceRegState=0
  6973. E/PHONE   ( 2695): [ServiceState] setState deprecated use setVoiceRegState()
  6974. D/RILJ    ( 2695): [3877]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0}
  6975. D/GsmSST  ( 2695): [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done:  oldSS=[0 0 home MTN Irancell MTN Irancell 43235  GPRS EDGE CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 0 home MTN Irancell MTN Irancell 43235  GPRS EDGE CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldMaxDataCalls=20 mNewMaxDataCalls=20 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1
  6976. D/PHONE   ( 2695): [ServiceState] setNullState=1
  6977. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 18 bytes on conn_id=8
  6978. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [18]
  6979. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [0]; CTL: [Indication]
  6980. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 11 00 80 03 01 04 00 00 02 00 05 00 13 02 00
  6981. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 3E 04
  6982. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=52
  6983. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 52 bytes on fd = 22
  6984. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_service.c RX indication for conn=8, srvc=3
  6985. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Processing indication: Mesage4 ID=  2, Service ID = 3
  6986. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Client 8010300 gets indication callback
  6987. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb: qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb invoked msg 2 hex
  6988. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril: qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril entered
  6989. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril: .. reg reject valid 0
  6990. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril: qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril completed
  6991. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_queue: Event [<Unknown event> ?, 655370] data was NULL!
  6992. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event <Unknown event> ? (0 bytes)
  6993. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb: .. operational state 3
  6994. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb: qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb completed
  6995. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_main: qcril_event_main(): 1 items on queue
  6996. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event <Unknown event> ? (655370)
  6997. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_process_event: RIL <--- <Unknown event> ?(655370), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  6998. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_trigger_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_trigger_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind received
  6999. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind entered
  7000. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations entered
  7001. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..req mask 127
  7002. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF 127
  7003. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered RIL_REQ_RES qmi_request.request__mask = 63
  7004. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF QMI RESPONSE 127
  7005. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  7006. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 52 bytes on fd = 22
  7007. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 52 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  7008. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 18 bytes on conn_id=8
  7009. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [18]
  7010. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [371]; CTL: [Request]
  7011. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 11 00 00 03 01 00 73 01 20 00 05 00 10 02 00
  7012. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 3F 00
  7013. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 47 bytes on conn_id=8
  7014. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [47]
  7015. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [371]; CTL: [Response]
  7016. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 2E 00 80 03 01 02 73 01 20 00 22 00 02 04 00
  7017. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 C2 04 11 04 00 01 00 3E 04
  7018. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 12 04 00 01 00 FF 04 15 05 00 01 00 FF 00 04
  7019. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=81
  7020. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 81 bytes on fd = 22
  7021. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  7022. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 32
  7023. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  7024. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF UTIL_RES = SUCCESS 127
  7025. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  7026. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  7027. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  7028. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  7029. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  7030. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [372]; CTL: [Request]
  7031. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 74 01 4F 00 00 00
  7032. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 24 bytes on conn_id=8
  7033. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [24]
  7034. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [372]; CTL: [Response]
  7035. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 17 00 80 03 01 02 74 01 4F 00 0B 00 02 04 00
  7036. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 12 01 00 3E
  7037. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=58
  7038. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 58 bytes on fd = 22
  7039. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  7040. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 79
  7041. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  7042. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations completed 0, 0
  7043. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. subfetch sig strength info 0
  7044. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report entered
  7045. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  7046. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 26, bitErrorRate 255
  7047. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  7048. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  7049. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  7050. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  7051. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..ATT
  7052. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm 62, ecno -1
  7053. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  7054. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, rsrp -1, rsrq -1, snr: -1
  7055. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report completed
  7056. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. conf res 0
  7057. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  7058. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind completed 0
  7059. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_process_event: Exit qcril_process_event() : <Unknown event> ?, err_no 0
  7060. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_main: qcril_event_main(): Waiting...
  7061. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 18 bytes on conn_id=8
  7062. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [18]
  7063. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [0]; CTL: [Indication]
  7064. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 11 00 80 03 01 04 00 00 02 00 05 00 13 02 00
  7065. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 31 04
  7066. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=52
  7067. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 52 bytes on fd = 22
  7068. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_service.c RX indication for conn=8, srvc=3
  7069. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Processing indication: Mesage4 ID=  2, Service ID = 3
  7070. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Client 8010300 gets indication callback
  7071. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb: qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb invoked msg 2 hex
  7072. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril: qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril entered
  7073. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril: .. reg reject valid 0
  7074. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril: qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril completed
  7075. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_queue: Event [<Unknown event> ?, 655370] data was NULL!
  7076. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event <Unknown event> ? (0 bytes)
  7077. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb: .. operational state 3
  7078. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb: qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb completed
  7079. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_main: qcril_event_main(): 1 items on queue
  7080. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event <Unknown event> ? (655370)
  7081. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_process_event: RIL <--- <Unknown event> ?(655370), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  7082. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_trigger_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_trigger_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind received
  7083. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind entered
  7084. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations entered
  7085. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..req mask 111
  7086. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF 111
  7087. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered RIL_REQ_RES qmi_request.request__mask = 47
  7088. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF QMI RESPONSE 111
  7089. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  7090. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 52 bytes on fd = 22
  7091. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 52 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  7092. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 18 bytes on conn_id=8
  7093. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [18]
  7094. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [373]; CTL: [Request]
  7095. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 11 00 00 03 01 00 75 01 20 00 05 00 10 02 00
  7096. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 2F 00
  7097. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 39 bytes on conn_id=8
  7098. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [39]
  7099. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [373]; CTL: [Response]
  7100. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 26 00 80 03 01 02 75 01 20 00 1A 00 02 04 00
  7101. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 CF 04 11 04 00 01 00 31 04
  7102. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 12 04 00 01 00 FF 04
  7103. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=73
  7104. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 73 bytes on fd = 22
  7105. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  7106. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 32
  7107. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  7108. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF UTIL_RES = SUCCESS 111
  7109. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  7110. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  7111. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  7112. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  7113. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  7114. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [374]; CTL: [Request]
  7115. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 76 01 4F 00 00 00
  7116. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 24 bytes on conn_id=8
  7117. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [24]
  7118. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [374]; CTL: [Response]
  7119. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 17 00 80 03 01 02 76 01 4F 00 0B 00 02 04 00
  7120. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 12 01 00 31
  7121. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=58
  7122. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 58 bytes on fd = 22
  7123. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  7124. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 79
  7125. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  7126. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations completed 0, 0
  7127. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. subfetch sig strength info 0
  7128. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report entered
  7129. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  7130. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 31, bitErrorRate 255
  7131. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  7132. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  7133. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  7134. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  7135. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..ATT
  7136. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm 49, ecno -1
  7137. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  7138. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, rsrp -1, rsrq -1, snr: -1
  7139. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report completed
  7140. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. conf res 0
  7141. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  7142. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind completed 0
  7143. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_process_event: Exit qcril_process_event() : <Unknown event> ?, err_no 0
  7144. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_main: qcril_event_main(): Waiting...
  7145. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 18 bytes on conn_id=8
  7146. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [18]
  7147. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [0]; CTL: [Indication]
  7148. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 11 00 80 03 01 04 00 00 02 00 05 00 13 02 00
  7149. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 38 04
  7150. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=52
  7151. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 52 bytes on fd = 22
  7152. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_service.c RX indication for conn=8, srvc=3
  7153. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Processing indication: Mesage4 ID=  2, Service ID = 3
  7154. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Client 8010300 gets indication callback
  7155. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb: qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb invoked msg 2 hex
  7156. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril: qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril entered
  7157. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril: .. reg reject valid 0
  7158. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril: qcril_qmi_nas_event_report_ind_conv_qmi2ril completed
  7159. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_queue: Event [<Unknown event> ?, 655370] data was NULL!
  7160. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event <Unknown event> ? (0 bytes)
  7161. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb: .. operational state 3
  7162. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb: qcril_qmi_nas_unsolicited_indication_cb completed
  7163. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_main: qcril_event_main(): 1 items on queue
  7164. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event <Unknown event> ? (655370)
  7165. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_process_event: RIL <--- <Unknown event> ?(655370), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
  7166. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_trigger_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_trigger_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind received
  7167. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind entered
  7168. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations entered
  7169. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: ..req mask 111
  7170. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF 111
  7171. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered RIL_REQ_RES qmi_request.request__mask = 47
  7172. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF QMI RESPONSE 111
  7173. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  7174. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 52 bytes on fd = 22
  7175. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 52 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  7176. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 18 bytes on conn_id=8
  7177. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [18]
  7178. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [375]; CTL: [Request]
  7179. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 11 00 00 03 01 00 77 01 20 00 05 00 10 02 00
  7180. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 2F 00
  7181. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 39 bytes on conn_id=8
  7182. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [39]
  7183. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [375]; CTL: [Response]
  7184. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 26 00 80 03 01 02 77 01 20 00 1A 00 02 04 00
  7185. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 C8 04 11 04 00 01 00 38 04
  7186. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 12 04 00 01 00 FF 04
  7187. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=73
  7188. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 73 bytes on fd = 22
  7189. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  7190. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 32
  7191. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  7192. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF UTIL_RES = SUCCESS 111
  7193. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): Setting the api flag to : 1
  7194. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: sending 47 bytes on fd = 22
  7195. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=af
  7196. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
  7197. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [13]
  7198. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [376]; CTL: [Request]
  7199. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 78 01 4F 00 00 00
  7200. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 24 bytes on conn_id=8
  7201. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Length: [24]
  7202. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [376]; CTL: [Response]
  7203. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 01 17 00 80 03 01 02 78 01 4F 00 0B 00 02 04 00
  7204. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): 00 00 00 00 12 01 00 38
  7205. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  185): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = af, len=58
  7206. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175): qmi_client af: Received 58 bytes on fd = 22
  7207. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  API Flag .............. 1
  7208. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC-QMI(  175):  Message ID ............... 79
  7209. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx check 0
  7210. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations completed 0, 0
  7211. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. subfetch sig strength info 0
  7212. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report entered
  7213. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
  7214. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 29, bitErrorRate 255
  7215. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CDMA
  7216. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1
  7217. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EVDO
  7218. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
  7219. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..ATT
  7220. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. dbm 56, ecno -1
  7221. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LTE
  7222. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. signalStrength 99, rsrp -1, rsrq -1, snr: -1
  7223. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report completed
  7224. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: .. conf res 0
  7225. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
  7226. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind completed 0
  7227. I/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_process_event: Exit qcril_process_event() : <Unknown event> ?, err_no 0
  7228. D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RILC(  175): qmi_ril(0/175): qcril_event_main: qcril_event_main(): Waiting...
  7229. *** logcat: Timed out after 20.0s (killing pid 6317)
  7230. ------ KERNEL LOG (dmesg) ------
  7231. 15576] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7232. <7>[ 5613.915344] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7233. <7>[ 5613.916046] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7234. <7>[ 5613.935607] wl12xx: elp work
  7235. <7>[ 5613.936004] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7236. <7>[ 5613.947998] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7237. <7>[ 5613.948303] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7238. <7>[ 5613.995483] wl12xx: elp work
  7239. <7>[ 5613.995605] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7240. <7>[ 5613.997863] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7241. <7>[ 5613.998107] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7242. <7>[ 5614.095458] wl12xx: elp work
  7243. <7>[ 5614.095550] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7244. <7>[ 5614.226196] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7245. <7>[ 5614.226348] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7246. <7>[ 5614.245513] wl12xx: elp work
  7247. <7>[ 5614.245697] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7248. <7>[ 5614.247863] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7249. <7>[ 5614.247985] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7250. <7>[ 5614.315460] wl12xx: elp work
  7251. <7>[ 5614.315521] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7252. <7>[ 5614.316802] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7253. <7>[ 5614.316986] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7254. <7>[ 5614.345458] wl12xx: elp work
  7255. <7>[ 5614.345550] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7256. <7>[ 5614.347808] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7257. <7>[ 5614.348022] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7258. <7>[ 5614.365661] wl12xx: elp work
  7259. <7>[ 5614.365844] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7260. <7>[ 5614.387176] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7261. <7>[ 5614.387329] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7262. <7>[ 5614.425476] wl12xx: elp work
  7263. <7>[ 5614.425720] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7264. <7>[ 5614.551544] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7265. <7>[ 5614.552124] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7266. <7>[ 5614.575469] wl12xx: elp work
  7267. <7>[ 5614.575683] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7268. <7>[ 5614.606964] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7269. <7>[ 5614.607513] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7270. <7>[ 5614.685455] wl12xx: elp work
  7271. <7>[ 5614.685546] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7272. <7>[ 5614.705291] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7273. <7>[ 5614.706298] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7274. <7>[ 5614.735565] wl12xx: elp work
  7275. <7>[ 5614.735778] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7276. <7>[ 5614.924926] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7277. <7>[ 5614.925964] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7278. <7>[ 5614.976135] wl12xx: elp work
  7279. <7>[ 5614.976165] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7280. <7>[ 5615.003936] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7281. <7>[ 5615.004577] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7282. <7>[ 5615.035644] wl12xx: elp work
  7283. <7>[ 5615.036315] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7284. <7>[ 5615.088439] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7285. <7>[ 5615.088989] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7286. <7>[ 5615.105743] wl12xx: elp work
  7287. <7>[ 5615.106140] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7288. <7>[ 5615.773925] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7289. <7>[ 5615.774230] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7290. <7>[ 5615.795471] wl12xx: elp work
  7291. <7>[ 5615.795471] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7292. <7>[ 5615.988555] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7293. <7>[ 5615.988769] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7294. <7>[ 5616.005493] wl12xx: elp work
  7295. <7>[ 5616.005645] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7296. <7>[ 5616.045257] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7297. <7>[ 5616.045501] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7298. <6>[ 5616.055541] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  7299. <6>[ 5616.055938] 05-12 17:21:09
  7300. <4>[ 5616.056945]  17:  1398    gp_timer
  7301. <4>[ 5616.058380]  48:   560    msmgpio
  7302. <4>[ 5616.059906] 107:   253    MDP
  7303. <4>[ 5616.061340] 112:   255    kgsl-3d0
  7304. <4>[ 5616.062713] 113:   466    kgsl-2d0
  7305. <4>[ 5616.064147] 133:  6263    mmc3
  7306. <6>[ 5616.065277] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7307. <4>[ 5616.066680] 136:  1685    mmc0
  7308. <6>[ 5616.067749] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7309. <4>[ 5616.068878] 187:    24    qup_err_intr
  7310. <4>[ 5616.070343] 199:   945    msmdatamover
  7311. <4>[ 5616.072052] 228:    24    qup_err_intr
  7312. <4>[ 5616.073455] 244:   466    kgsl-2d1
  7313. <4>[ 5616.074981] 302:   514    wl12xx
  7314. <7>[ 5616.076538] wl12xx: elp work
  7315. <7>[ 5616.077178] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7316. <4>[ 5616.085601] 344:    22    pm8xxx_usr_irq
  7317. <4>[ 5616.087097] 373:    24    atmel_qt602240
  7318. <4>[ 5616.089019] 505:    20    pm8058_adc_interrupt
  7319. <4>[ 5616.090637] 635:     2    cm3628
  7320. <6>[ 5616.092468] C0: 1838 2346ms
  7321. <6>[ 5616.093200] C1: 95 603ms
  7322. <6>[ 5616.093597] CPU0 usage: 70
  7323. <6>[ 5616.094024] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  7324. <6>[ 5616.094360] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  7325. <4>[ 5616.094787]  851D,   510 kworker/u:5      
  7326. <7>[ 5616.095581] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7327. <7>[ 5616.095794] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7328. <4>[ 5616.095916] cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  7329. <4>[ 5616.096008]   921,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  7330. <4>[ 5616.096099]   887,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  7331. <4>[ 5616.096191]  900D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  7332. <4>[ 5616.096282]   306,   208 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  7333. <4>[ 5616.096374]   359,   261 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  7334. <4>[ 5616.096496] 5049 total events, 502.020 events/sec
  7335. <4>[ 5616.096649] wakelock:  'wl1271_wake'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'rx_wake', time left 95;
  7336. <6>[ 5616.106872] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  7337. <6>[ 5616.107269] 37%           5987            android.vending                 758
  7338. <6>[ 5616.107666] 10%           2505            system_server                   207
  7339. <6>[ 5616.108337] 8%            176             surfaceflinger                  178
  7340. <6>[ 5616.108703] 1%            5579            d.process.media                 26
  7341. <6>[ 5616.109100] 1%            2569            ndroid.systemui                 24
  7342. <7>[ 5616.135498] wl12xx: elp work
  7343. <7>[ 5616.135589] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7344. <7>[ 5616.285491] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7345. <7>[ 5616.287841] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7346. <7>[ 5616.305664] wl12xx: elp work
  7347. <7>[ 5616.306060] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7348. <7>[ 5616.337158] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7349. <7>[ 5616.340911] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7350. <7>[ 5616.477783] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7351. <7>[ 5616.478027] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7352. <7>[ 5616.478363] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7353. <7>[ 5616.495605] wl12xx: elp work
  7354. <7>[ 5616.495819] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7355. <7>[ 5616.682281] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7356. <7>[ 5616.684356] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7357. <7>[ 5616.815490] wl12xx: elp work
  7358. <7>[ 5616.815673] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7359. <7>[ 5616.998107] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7360. <7>[ 5617.001739] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7361. <7>[ 5617.075622] wl12xx: elp work
  7362. <7>[ 5617.076049] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7363. <7>[ 5617.084808] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7364. <7>[ 5617.086944] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7365. <7>[ 5617.125457] wl12xx: elp work
  7366. <7>[ 5617.125579] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7367. <7>[ 5617.316436] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7368. <7>[ 5617.317474] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7369. <6>[ 5617.328918] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  7370. <6>[ 5617.330017] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  7371. <7>[ 5617.355682] wl12xx: elp work
  7372. <7>[ 5617.356109] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7373. <6>[ 5617.437866] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x75, ls_calibrate = 0
  7374. <6>[ 5617.439971] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04C, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  7375. <7>[ 5617.535919] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7376. <7>[ 5617.539855] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7377. <7>[ 5617.565765] wl12xx: elp work
  7378. <7>[ 5617.566192] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7379. <6>[ 5617.587188] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  7380. <7>[ 5618.285614] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7381. <7>[ 5618.286376] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7382. <7>[ 5618.308593] wl12xx: elp work
  7383. <7>[ 5618.309356] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7384. <7>[ 5619.307220] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7385. <7>[ 5619.309539] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7386. <6>[ 5619.310882] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x78, ls_calibrate = 0
  7387. <6>[ 5619.312164] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04D, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  7388. <7>[ 5619.327239] wl12xx: elp work
  7389. <7>[ 5619.327667] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7390. <7>[ 5619.488128] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7391. <7>[ 5619.488555] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7392. <7>[ 5619.489227] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7393. <7>[ 5619.489959] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7394. <7>[ 5619.490356] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7395. <7>[ 5619.507232] wl12xx: elp work
  7396. <7>[ 5619.507995] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7397. <6>[ 5619.937194] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x79, ls_calibrate = 0
  7398. <6>[ 5619.939300] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04E, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  7399. <7>[ 5620.086120] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7400. <7>[ 5620.087158] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7401. <7>[ 5620.107177] wl12xx: elp work
  7402. <7>[ 5620.107574] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7403. <7>[ 5620.836944] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7404. <7>[ 5620.838806] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7405. <7>[ 5620.867034] wl12xx: elp work
  7406. <7>[ 5620.867401] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7407. <7>[ 5621.765014] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7408. <7>[ 5621.768951] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7409. <7>[ 5621.795654] wl12xx: elp work
  7410. <7>[ 5621.796417] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7411. <7>[ 5622.477203] wl12xx: mac80211 ampdu action 1 tid 0
  7412. <7>[ 5622.477630] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7413. <7>[ 5622.486114] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7414. <7>[ 5622.486541] wl12xx: mac80211 ampdu: Rx tid 0 action 1
  7415. <7>[ 5622.487274] wl12xx: acx ba receiver session setting
  7416. <7>[ 5622.487731] wl12xx: cmd configure (47)
  7417. <7>[ 5622.503387] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7418. <7>[ 5622.504150] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7419. <7>[ 5622.504547] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7420. <7>[ 5622.525634] wl12xx: elp work
  7421. <7>[ 5622.526367] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7422. <7>[ 5622.641876] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7423. <7>[ 5622.645477] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7424. <7>[ 5622.665679] wl12xx: elp work
  7425. <7>[ 5622.666107] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7426. <6>[ 5623.060485] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x76, ls_calibrate = 0
  7427. <6>[ 5623.062164] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04C, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  7428. <7>[ 5623.390747] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7429. <7>[ 5623.394470] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7430. <7>[ 5623.427185] wl12xx: elp work
  7431. <7>[ 5623.427612] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7432. <7>[ 5623.679382] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7433. <7>[ 5623.680267] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7434. <7>[ 5623.695678] wl12xx: elp work
  7435. <7>[ 5623.696411] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7436. <7>[ 5624.011535] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7437. <7>[ 5624.015258] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7438. <7>[ 5624.045715] wl12xx: elp work
  7439. <7>[ 5624.046173] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7440. <7>[ 5624.139251] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7441. <7>[ 5624.141784] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7442. <7>[ 5624.165740] wl12xx: elp work
  7443. <7>[ 5624.166168] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7444. <7>[ 5624.357269] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7445. <7>[ 5624.361206] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7446. <7>[ 5624.385925] wl12xx: elp work
  7447. <7>[ 5624.386352] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7448. <7>[ 5625.514007] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7449. <7>[ 5625.514465] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7450. <7>[ 5625.515258] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7451. <7>[ 5625.516235] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7452. <7>[ 5625.516662] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7453. <7>[ 5625.538604] wl12xx: elp work
  7454. <7>[ 5625.539367] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7455. <7>[ 5626.063476] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7456. <7>[ 5626.064208] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7457. <7>[ 5626.085662] wl12xx: elp work
  7458. <7>[ 5626.086090] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7459. <6>[ 5626.115600] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  7460. <6>[ 5626.116058] 05-12 17:21:19
  7461. <4>[ 5626.117156]  17:   244    gp_timer
  7462. <4>[ 5626.118743]  48:    82    msmgpio
  7463. <4>[ 5626.120361] 107:     3    MDP
  7464. <4>[ 5626.121856] 112:     4    kgsl-3d0
  7465. <4>[ 5626.123718] 133:   855    mmc3
  7466. <6>[ 5626.124847] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7467. <4>[ 5626.126129] 136:   115    mmc0
  7468. <6>[ 5626.127258] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7469. <4>[ 5626.128814] 199:    96    msmdatamover
  7470. <4>[ 5626.130401] 228:    48    qup_err_intr
  7471. <4>[ 5626.132049] 302:    78    wl12xx
  7472. <4>[ 5626.134002] 344:     4    pm8xxx_usr_irq
  7473. <4>[ 5626.136352] 635:     4    cm3628
  7474. <6>[ 5626.138366] C0: 294 1320ms
  7475. <6>[ 5626.138763] C1: 315 8096ms
  7476. <6>[ 5626.139465] CPU0 usage: 5
  7477. <6>[ 5626.139892] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  7478. <6>[ 5626.140258] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  7479. <4>[ 5626.140716] 1248 total events, 124.253 events/sec
  7480. <4>[ 5626.141571] wakelock:  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'rx_wake', time left 93;
  7481. <6>[ 5626.155456] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  7482. <6>[ 5626.156219] 1%            5987            android.vending                 24
  7483. <6>[ 5626.156616] 0%            2569            ndroid.systemui                 15
  7484. <6>[ 5626.157043] 0%            2505            system_server                   12
  7485. <6>[ 5626.157745] 0%            176             surfaceflinger                  10
  7486. <6>[ 5626.158172] 0%            4445            kworker/u:1                     5
  7487. <6>[ 5626.496093] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x77, ls_calibrate = 0
  7488. <6>[ 5626.498413] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04D, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  7489. <7>[ 5626.988067] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7490. <7>[ 5626.991821] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7491. <7>[ 5627.025634] wl12xx: elp work
  7492. <7>[ 5627.026062] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7493. <6>[ 5627.118988] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x78, ls_calibrate = 0
  7494. <6>[ 5627.120574] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04D, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  7495. <6>[ 5627.745361] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x79, ls_calibrate = 0
  7496. <6>[ 5627.747833] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04E, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  7497. <7>[ 5627.909606] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7498. <7>[ 5627.913330] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7499. <7>[ 5627.935699] wl12xx: elp work
  7500. <7>[ 5627.936126] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7501. <7>[ 5628.524169] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7502. <7>[ 5628.524719] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7503. <7>[ 5628.527130] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7504. <7>[ 5628.532440] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7505. <7>[ 5628.533172] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7506. <7>[ 5628.558593] wl12xx: elp work
  7507. <7>[ 5628.559020] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7508. <7>[ 5629.445831] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7509. <7>[ 5629.448150] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7510. <7>[ 5629.465789] wl12xx: elp work
  7511. <7>[ 5629.466217] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7512. <7>[ 5631.287231] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7513. <7>[ 5631.289550] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7514. <7>[ 5631.307128] wl12xx: elp work
  7515. <7>[ 5631.307891] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7516. <7>[ 5631.397521] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7517. <7>[ 5631.405609] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7518. <7>[ 5631.435668] wl12xx: elp work
  7519. <7>[ 5631.436096] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7520. <7>[ 5631.544433] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7521. <7>[ 5631.545196] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7522. <7>[ 5631.546112] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7523. <7>[ 5631.546508] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7524. <7>[ 5631.547241] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7525. <7>[ 5631.568603] wl12xx: elp work
  7526. <7>[ 5631.569030] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7527. <7>[ 5631.794769] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7528. <7>[ 5631.798919] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7529. <7>[ 5631.825744] wl12xx: elp work
  7530. <7>[ 5631.826171] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7531. <7>[ 5632.846374] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7532. <7>[ 5632.850097] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7533. <7>[ 5632.875762] wl12xx: elp work
  7534. <7>[ 5632.876525] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7535. <7>[ 5633.596527] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7536. <7>[ 5633.598846] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7537. <7>[ 5633.617218] wl12xx: elp work
  7538. <7>[ 5633.617645] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7539. <7>[ 5634.346252] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7540. <7>[ 5634.349975] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7541. <7>[ 5634.375762] wl12xx: elp work
  7542. <7>[ 5634.376190] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7543. <7>[ 5634.556640] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7544. <7>[ 5634.557403] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7545. <7>[ 5634.558074] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7546. <7>[ 5634.558502] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7547. <7>[ 5634.559234] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7548. <7>[ 5634.577209] wl12xx: elp work
  7549. <7>[ 5634.577636] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7550. <6>[ 5636.160064] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  7551. <6>[ 5636.160491] 05-12 17:21:29
  7552. <4>[ 5636.161315]  17:   165    gp_timer
  7553. <4>[ 5636.162872]  48:    16    msmgpio
  7554. <4>[ 5636.164916] 133:   118    mmc3
  7555. <6>[ 5636.166046] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7556. <4>[ 5636.167480] 199:     3    msmdatamover
  7557. <4>[ 5636.169067] 228:    36    qup_err_intr
  7558. <4>[ 5636.171051] 302:    13    wl12xx
  7559. <4>[ 5636.172668] 344:     3    pm8xxx_usr_irq
  7560. <4>[ 5636.174835] 635:     3    cm3628
  7561. <6>[ 5636.177185] C0: 115 964ms
  7562. <6>[ 5636.177551] C1: 126 8813ms
  7563. <6>[ 5636.177917] CPU0 usage: 2
  7564. <6>[ 5636.178253] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  7565. <6>[ 5636.178924] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  7566. <4>[ 5636.179351] 755 total events, 75.221 events/sec
  7567. <4>[ 5636.179840] wakelock:  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  7568. <6>[ 5636.191589] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  7569. <6>[ 5636.191986] 0%            2569            ndroid.systemui                 11
  7570. <6>[ 5636.192352] 0%            2505            system_server                   6
  7571. <6>[ 5636.193023] 0%            2915            wpa_supplicant                  3
  7572. <6>[ 5636.193389] 0%            176             surfaceflinger                  2
  7573. <6>[ 5636.193786] 0%            1               init                    1
  7574. <7>[ 5637.569000] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7575. <7>[ 5637.569427] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7576. <7>[ 5637.577606] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7577. <7>[ 5637.578369] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7578. <7>[ 5637.578765] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7579. <7>[ 5637.595703] wl12xx: elp work
  7580. <7>[ 5637.596466] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7581. <6>[ 5637.738922] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x76, ls_calibrate = 0
  7582. <6>[ 5637.741302] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04C, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  7583. <6>[ 5638.363464] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x7A, ls_calibrate = 0
  7584. <6>[ 5638.365875] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04F, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  7585. <7>[ 5640.587158] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7586. <7>[ 5640.587615] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7587. <7>[ 5640.596069] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7588. <7>[ 5640.596496] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7589. <7>[ 5640.596893] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7590. <7>[ 5640.615722] wl12xx: elp work
  7591. <7>[ 5640.616210] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7592. <7>[ 5643.606597] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7593. <7>[ 5643.607055] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7594. <7>[ 5643.615539] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7595. <7>[ 5643.615966] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7596. <7>[ 5643.616699] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7597. <7>[ 5643.638610] wl12xx: elp work
  7598. <7>[ 5643.639068] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7599. <6>[ 5646.197265] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  7600. <6>[ 5646.198059] 05-12 17:21:39
  7601. <4>[ 5646.198852]  17:    46    gp_timer
  7602. <4>[ 5646.200408]  48:     5    msmgpio
  7603. <4>[ 5646.202117] 133:    39    mmc3
  7604. <6>[ 5646.203247] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7605. <4>[ 5646.204589] 228:    24    qup_err_intr
  7606. <4>[ 5646.206359] 302:     3    wl12xx
  7607. <4>[ 5646.207977] 344:     2    pm8xxx_usr_irq
  7608. <4>[ 5646.210113] 635:     2    cm3628
  7609. <6>[ 5646.212127] C0: 18 154ms
  7610. <6>[ 5646.212524] C1: 40 9773ms
  7611. <6>[ 5646.213256] CPU0 usage: 0
  7612. <6>[ 5646.213653] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  7613. <6>[ 5646.214050] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  7614. <4>[ 5646.214477] 537 total events, 53.518 events/sec
  7615. <4>[ 5646.215301] wakelock:  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  7616. <6>[ 5646.228698] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  7617. <6>[ 5646.229125] 0%            5503            kworker/0:1                     3
  7618. <6>[ 5646.229827] 0%            1               init                    1
  7619. <6>[ 5646.230255] 0%            0               (null)                  0
  7620. <6>[ 5646.230651] 0%            0               (null)                  0
  7621. <6>[ 5646.231353] 0%            0               (null)                  0
  7622. <7>[ 5646.625152] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7623. <7>[ 5646.625793] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7624. <7>[ 5646.634277] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7625. <7>[ 5646.634704] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7626. <7>[ 5646.635101] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7627. <7>[ 5646.658599] wl12xx: elp work
  7628. <7>[ 5646.659027] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7629. <6>[ 5647.108215] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x21, ls_calibrate = 0
  7630. <6>[ 5647.110504] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x015, Level=2, l_thd = 0x5, h_thd = 0x29
  7631. <7>[ 5649.644287] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7632. <7>[ 5649.644714] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7633. <7>[ 5649.652862] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7634. <7>[ 5649.653594] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7635. <7>[ 5649.654022] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7636. <7>[ 5649.678619] wl12xx: elp work
  7637. <7>[ 5649.679382] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7638. <6>[ 5650.543548] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x2A, ls_calibrate = 0
  7639. <6>[ 5650.545593] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x01B, Level=2, l_thd = 0x5, h_thd = 0x29
  7640. <7>[ 5652.663818] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7641. <7>[ 5652.664581] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7642. <7>[ 5652.672698] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7643. <7>[ 5652.673126] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7644. <7>[ 5652.673889] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7645. <7>[ 5652.698608] wl12xx: elp work
  7646. <7>[ 5652.699066] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7647. <7>[ 5654.639129] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7648. <7>[ 5654.642852] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7649. <7>[ 5654.677154] wl12xx: elp work
  7650. <7>[ 5654.677917] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7651. <7>[ 5655.143707] [DISP] brightness orig=155, transformed=101
  7652. <7>[ 5655.176025] [DISP] brightness orig=154, transformed=99
  7653. <7>[ 5655.190887] [DISP] brightness orig=153, transformed=98
  7654. <7>[ 5655.223297] [DISP] brightness orig=152, transformed=96
  7655. <7>[ 5655.239074] [DISP] brightness orig=151, transformed=95
  7656. <7>[ 5655.254364] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7657. <7>[ 5655.255187] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7658. <7>[ 5655.269866] [DISP] brightness orig=150, transformed=93
  7659. <7>[ 5655.275482] wl12xx: elp work
  7660. <7>[ 5655.275573] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7661. <7>[ 5655.304351] [DISP] brightness orig=149, transformed=92
  7662. <7>[ 5655.320648] [DISP] brightness orig=148, transformed=90
  7663. <7>[ 5655.353179] [DISP] brightness orig=147, transformed=89
  7664. <7>[ 5655.369781] [DISP] brightness orig=146, transformed=87
  7665. <7>[ 5655.402069] [DISP] brightness orig=145, transformed=86
  7666. <7>[ 5655.419006] [DISP] brightness orig=144, transformed=84
  7667. <7>[ 5655.451232] [DISP] brightness orig=143, transformed=83
  7668. <7>[ 5655.467407] [DISP] brightness orig=142, transformed=82
  7669. <7>[ 5655.499511] [DISP] brightness orig=141, transformed=81
  7670. <7>[ 5655.516540] [DISP] brightness orig=140, transformed=81
  7671. <7>[ 5655.548858] [DISP] brightness orig=139, transformed=80
  7672. <7>[ 5655.564453] [DISP] brightness orig=138, transformed=79
  7673. <7>[ 5655.597351] [DISP] brightness orig=137, transformed=79
  7674. <7>[ 5655.629486] [DISP] brightness orig=136, transformed=78
  7675. <7>[ 5655.645782] [DISP] brightness orig=135, transformed=77
  7676. <7>[ 5655.678405] [DISP] brightness orig=134, transformed=77
  7677. <7>[ 5655.681945] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7678. <7>[ 5655.682373] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7679. <7>[ 5655.689300] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7680. <7>[ 5655.689727] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7681. <7>[ 5655.690124] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7682. <7>[ 5655.695892] [DISP] brightness orig=133, transformed=76
  7683. <7>[ 5655.705688] wl12xx: elp work
  7684. <7>[ 5655.706085] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7685. <7>[ 5655.726959] [DISP] brightness orig=132, transformed=75
  7686. <7>[ 5655.743530] [DISP] brightness orig=131, transformed=75
  7687. <7>[ 5655.776336] [DISP] brightness orig=130, transformed=74
  7688. <7>[ 5655.791992] [DISP] brightness orig=129, transformed=73
  7689. <7>[ 5655.824737] [DISP] brightness orig=128, transformed=73
  7690. <7>[ 5655.841308] [DISP] brightness orig=127, transformed=72
  7691. <7>[ 5655.873138] [DISP] brightness orig=126, transformed=71
  7692. <7>[ 5655.889587] [DISP] brightness orig=125, transformed=71
  7693. <7>[ 5655.922393] [DISP] brightness orig=124, transformed=70
  7694. <7>[ 5655.954467] [DISP] brightness orig=123, transformed=69
  7695. <7>[ 5655.972808] [DISP] brightness orig=122, transformed=69
  7696. <7>[ 5655.989654] [DISP] brightness orig=121, transformed=68
  7697. <7>[ 5656.019348] [DISP] brightness orig=120, transformed=67
  7698. <7>[ 5656.054077] [DISP] brightness orig=119, transformed=67
  7699. <7>[ 5656.070159] [DISP] brightness orig=118, transformed=66
  7700. <7>[ 5656.101379] [DISP] brightness orig=117, transformed=65
  7701. <7>[ 5656.118041] [DISP] brightness orig=116, transformed=65
  7702. <7>[ 5656.149902] [DISP] brightness orig=115, transformed=64
  7703. <7>[ 5656.166381] [DISP] brightness orig=114, transformed=64
  7704. <7>[ 5656.199401] [DISP] brightness orig=113, transformed=63
  7705. <7>[ 5656.215667] [DISP] brightness orig=112, transformed=62
  7706. <6>[ 5656.235595] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  7707. <6>[ 5656.236358] 05-12 17:21:49
  7708. <4>[ 5656.237152]  17:   215    gp_timer
  7709. <4>[ 5656.238739]  48:     8    msmgpio
  7710. <4>[ 5656.240386] 114:    46    MIPI_DSI
  7711. <4>[ 5656.242248] 133:    68    mmc3
  7712. <6>[ 5656.243347] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7713. <7>[ 5656.247650] [DISP] brightness orig=111, transformed=62
  7714. <4>[ 5656.248809] 228:    24    qup_err_intr
  7715. <4>[ 5656.250457] 302:     6    wl12xx
  7716. <4>[ 5656.252044] 344:     2    pm8xxx_usr_irq
  7717. <4>[ 5656.254180] 635:     2    cm3628
  7718. <6>[ 5656.256652] C0: 238 1337ms
  7719. <6>[ 5656.257049] C1: 48 8351ms
  7720. <6>[ 5656.257446] CPU0 usage: 3
  7721. <6>[ 5656.257843] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  7722. <6>[ 5656.258544] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  7723. <4>[ 5656.258972] 997 total events, 99.273 events/sec
  7724. <4>[ 5656.259490] wakelock:  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  7725. <7>[ 5656.267669] [DISP] brightness orig=110, transformed=61
  7726. <6>[ 5656.276214] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  7727. <6>[ 5656.276947] 1%            2505            system_server                   24
  7728. <6>[ 5656.277374] 0%            176             surfaceflinger                  7
  7729. <6>[ 5656.277770] 0%            2915            wpa_supplicant                  5
  7730. <6>[ 5656.278503] 0%            2783            irq/302-wl12xx                  3
  7731. <6>[ 5656.278930] 0%            2569            ndroid.systemui                 2
  7732. <7>[ 5656.296203] [DISP] brightness orig=109, transformed=60
  7733. <7>[ 5656.331573] [DISP] brightness orig=108, transformed=60
  7734. <7>[ 5656.345397] [DISP] brightness orig=107, transformed=59
  7735. <7>[ 5656.379302] [DISP] brightness orig=106, transformed=58
  7736. <7>[ 5656.393920] [DISP] brightness orig=105, transformed=58
  7737. <7>[ 5656.428741] [DISP] brightness orig=104, transformed=57
  7738. <7>[ 5656.444061] [DISP] brightness orig=103, transformed=56
  7739. <7>[ 5656.475067] [DISP] brightness orig=102, transformed=56
  7740. <7>[ 5656.486938] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7741. <7>[ 5656.487670] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7742. <7>[ 5656.492950] [DISP] brightness orig=101, transformed=55
  7743. <7>[ 5656.505615] wl12xx: elp work
  7744. <7>[ 5656.506011] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7745. <7>[ 5656.525299] [DISP] brightness orig=100, transformed=54
  7746. <7>[ 5656.540100] [DISP] brightness orig=99, transformed=54
  7747. <7>[ 5656.577362] [DISP] brightness orig=98, transformed=53
  7748. <7>[ 5656.590606] [DISP] brightness orig=97, transformed=52
  7749. <7>[ 5656.621459] [DISP] brightness orig=96, transformed=52
  7750. <7>[ 5656.656219] [DISP] brightness orig=95, transformed=51
  7751. <7>[ 5656.671844] [DISP] brightness orig=94, transformed=50
  7752. <7>[ 5656.702667] [DISP] brightness orig=93, transformed=50
  7753. <7>[ 5656.719238] [DISP] brightness orig=92, transformed=49
  7754. <7>[ 5656.753387] [DISP] brightness orig=91, transformed=48
  7755. <7>[ 5656.768157] [DISP] brightness orig=90, transformed=48
  7756. <7>[ 5656.800506] [DISP] brightness orig=89, transformed=47
  7757. <7>[ 5656.818176] [DISP] brightness orig=88, transformed=46
  7758. <7>[ 5656.848876] [DISP] brightness orig=87, transformed=46
  7759. <7>[ 5656.865997] [DISP] brightness orig=86, transformed=45
  7760. <7>[ 5656.900146] [DISP] brightness orig=85, transformed=45
  7761. <7>[ 5656.914489] [DISP] brightness orig=84, transformed=44
  7762. <7>[ 5656.946502] [DISP] brightness orig=83, transformed=43
  7763. <7>[ 5656.980407] [DISP] brightness orig=82, transformed=43
  7764. <7>[ 5657.097686] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7765. <7>[ 5657.099975] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7766. <7>[ 5657.127136] wl12xx: elp work
  7767. <7>[ 5657.127563] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7768. <7>[ 5658.018981] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7769. <7>[ 5658.021606] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7770. <7>[ 5658.045715] wl12xx: elp work
  7771. <7>[ 5658.046142] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7772. <4>[ 5658.437255] Thermal: failed to read out thermal zone 1
  7773. <7>[ 5658.699584] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7774. <7>[ 5658.700042] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7775. <7>[ 5658.708526] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7776. <7>[ 5658.708953] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7777. <7>[ 5658.709381] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7778. <7>[ 5658.727233] wl12xx: elp work
  7779. <7>[ 5658.727661] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7780. <7>[ 5658.940429] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7781. <7>[ 5658.944366] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7782. <7>[ 5658.977142] wl12xx: elp work
  7783. <7>[ 5658.977569] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7784. <7>[ 5659.862060] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7785. <7>[ 5659.866119] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7786. <7>[ 5659.897186] wl12xx: elp work
  7787. <7>[ 5659.897613] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7788. <7>[ 5660.476531] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7789. <7>[ 5660.480255] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7790. <7>[ 5660.517181] wl12xx: elp work
  7791. <7>[ 5660.517944] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7792. <7>[ 5661.398315] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7793. <7>[ 5661.402038] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7794. <7>[ 5661.437164] wl12xx: elp work
  7795. <7>[ 5661.437591] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7796. <7>[ 5661.719635] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7797. <7>[ 5661.720092] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7798. <7>[ 5661.728546] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7799. <7>[ 5661.728973] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7800. <7>[ 5661.729705] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7801. <7>[ 5661.747192] wl12xx: elp work
  7802. <7>[ 5661.747619] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7803. <7>[ 5662.012725] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7804. <7>[ 5662.016815] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7805. <7>[ 5662.045806] wl12xx: elp work
  7806. <7>[ 5662.046234] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7807. <7>[ 5662.318664] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7808. <7>[ 5662.319488] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7809. <7>[ 5662.335693] wl12xx: elp work
  7810. <7>[ 5662.336456] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7811. <7>[ 5662.935516] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7812. <7>[ 5662.939239] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7813. <7>[ 5662.977233] wl12xx: elp work
  7814. <7>[ 5662.977996] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7815. <7>[ 5663.934448] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7816. <7>[ 5663.938201] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7817. <7>[ 5663.965728] wl12xx: elp work
  7818. <7>[ 5663.966156] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7819. <7>[ 5664.726135] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7820. <7>[ 5664.727325] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7821. <7>[ 5664.737609] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7822. <7>[ 5664.738067] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7823. <7>[ 5664.738800] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7824. <7>[ 5664.755828] wl12xx: elp work
  7825. <7>[ 5664.756256] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7826. <7>[ 5665.354309] [DISP] brightness orig=79, transformed=41
  7827. <7>[ 5665.368804] [DISP] brightness orig=76, transformed=39
  7828. <7>[ 5665.386047] [DISP] brightness orig=73, transformed=37
  7829. <7>[ 5665.400939] [DISP] brightness orig=69, transformed=34
  7830. <7>[ 5665.417663] [DISP] brightness orig=66, transformed=32
  7831. <7>[ 5665.434967] [DISP] brightness orig=63, transformed=30
  7832. <7>[ 5665.449890] [DISP] brightness orig=60, transformed=28
  7833. <7>[ 5665.468383] [DISP] brightness orig=56, transformed=26
  7834. <7>[ 5665.482482] [DISP] brightness orig=53, transformed=24
  7835. <7>[ 5665.500427] [DISP] brightness orig=50, transformed=22
  7836. <7>[ 5665.516906] [DISP] brightness orig=47, transformed=20
  7837. <7>[ 5665.531311] [DISP] brightness orig=43, transformed=17
  7838. <7>[ 5665.549499] [DISP] brightness orig=40, transformed=15
  7839. <7>[ 5665.563720] [DISP] brightness orig=37, transformed=13
  7840. <7>[ 5665.581848] [DISP] brightness orig=34, transformed=11
  7841. <7>[ 5665.597198] [DISP] brightness orig=30, transformed=9
  7842. <7>[ 5665.612518] [DISP] brightness orig=27, transformed=9
  7843. <7>[ 5665.630584] [DISP] brightness orig=24, transformed=9
  7844. <7>[ 5665.645080] [DISP] brightness orig=21, transformed=9
  7845. <7>[ 5665.663208] [DISP] brightness orig=17, transformed=9
  7846. <7>[ 5665.679718] [DISP] brightness orig=14, transformed=9
  7847. <7>[ 5665.694091] [DISP] brightness orig=11, transformed=9
  7848. <7>[ 5665.696655] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7849. <7>[ 5665.697723] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7850. <7>[ 5665.709747] [DISP] brightness orig=10, transformed=9
  7851. <7>[ 5665.715728] wl12xx: elp work
  7852. <7>[ 5665.716461] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7853. <6>[ 5666.275573] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  7854. <6>[ 5666.276000] 05-12 17:21:59
  7855. <4>[ 5666.276794]  17:   277    gp_timer
  7856. <4>[ 5666.278717]  48:    15    msmgpio
  7857. <4>[ 5666.280334] 114:    53    MIPI_DSI
  7858. <4>[ 5666.281860] 133:   140    mmc3
  7859. <6>[ 5666.283294] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  7860. <4>[ 5666.284576] 199:     4    msmdatamover
  7861. <4>[ 5666.286376] 302:    15    wl12xx
  7862. <6>[ 5666.289093] C0: 284 1864ms
  7863. <6>[ 5666.289794] C1: 150 7861ms
  7864. <6>[ 5666.290191] CPU0 usage: 2
  7865. <6>[ 5666.290588] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  7866. <6>[ 5666.290985] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  7867. <4>[ 5666.291748] 1033 total events, 102.970 events/sec
  7868. <4>[ 5666.292266] wakelock:  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'rx_wake', time left 41;
  7869. <6>[ 5666.306243] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  7870. <6>[ 5666.306671] 1%            2505            system_server                   27
  7871. <6>[ 5666.307067] 0%            176             surfaceflinger                  3
  7872. <6>[ 5666.307800] 0%            5492            kworker/u:7                     2
  7873. <6>[ 5666.308197] 0%            1               init                    1
  7874. <6>[ 5666.308593] 0%            0               (null)                  0
  7875. <6>[ 5666.542327] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 5905385000000 (s 5905385000000)
  7876. <7>[ 5667.541625] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7877. <7>[ 5667.542755] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7878. <7>[ 5667.555694] wl12xx: elp work
  7879. <7>[ 5667.556121] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7880. <7>[ 5667.747650] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  7881. <7>[ 5667.748413] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7882. <7>[ 5667.756439] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  7883. <7>[ 5667.756866] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  7884. <7>[ 5667.757629] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  7885. <7>[ 5667.777191] wl12xx: elp work
  7886. <7>[ 5667.777618] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7887. <7>[ 5667.986480] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7888. <7>[ 5667.990112] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7889. <7>[ 5668.015777] wl12xx: elp work
  7890. <7>[ 5668.016510] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7891. <7>[ 5668.699432] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7892. <7>[ 5668.703155] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7893. <7>[ 5668.713958] wlan0: deauthenticated from 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 (Reason: 4)
  7894. <7>[ 5668.719055] wl12xx: mac80211 conf tx 0
  7895. <7>[ 5668.719848] wl12xx: acx ac cfg 3 cw_ming 3 cw_max 7 aifs 2 txop 1504
  7896. <7>[ 5668.720275] wl12xx: cmd configure (3)
  7897. <7>[ 5668.722229] wl12xx: acx tid config
  7898. <7>[ 5668.722961] wl12xx: cmd configure (9)
  7899. <7>[ 5668.724273] wl12xx: mac80211 conf tx 1
  7900. <7>[ 5668.724700] wl12xx: acx ac cfg 2 cw_ming 7 cw_max 15 aifs 2 txop 3008
  7901. <7>[ 5668.725738] wl12xx: cmd configure (3)
  7902. <7>[ 5668.727111] wl12xx: acx tid config
  7903. <7>[ 5668.727844] wl12xx: cmd configure (9)
  7904. <7>[ 5668.729187] wl12xx: mac80211 conf tx 2
  7905. <7>[ 5668.729614] wl12xx: acx ac cfg 0 cw_ming 15 cw_max 1023 aifs 3 txop 0
  7906. <7>[ 5668.730346] wl12xx: cmd configure (3)
  7907. <7>[ 5668.731658] wl12xx: acx tid config
  7908. <7>[ 5668.732055] wl12xx: cmd configure (9)
  7909. <7>[ 5668.733673] wl12xx: mac80211 conf tx 3
  7910. <7>[ 5668.734100] wl12xx: acx ac cfg 1 cw_ming 15 cw_max 1023 aifs 7 txop 0
  7911. <7>[ 5668.734832] wl12xx: cmd configure (3)
  7912. <7>[ 5668.736450] wl12xx: acx tid config
  7913. <7>[ 5668.736907] wl12xx: cmd configure (9)
  7914. <7>[ 5668.738555] wl12xx: mac80211 bss info changed 0x2000
  7915. <7>[ 5668.739044] wl12xx: cmd template_set 15 (role 0)
  7916. <7>[ 5668.740783] wl12xx: acx arp ip filter, enable: 3
  7917. <7>[ 5668.741516] wl12xx: cmd configure (25)
  7918. <7>[ 5668.742889] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm off power 20 in use changed 0x50
  7919. <7>[ 5668.743682] wl12xx: auto ps disabled
  7920. <7>[ 5668.744079] wl12xx: leaving psm
  7921. <7>[ 5668.744476] wl12xx: acx bet enable
  7922. <7>[ 5668.745178] wl12xx: cmd configure (41)
  7923. <7>[ 5668.747100] wl12xx: cmd set ps mode
  7924. <7>[ 5668.748413] wl12xx: mac80211 bss info changed 0x109f
  7925. <7>[ 5668.749114] wl12xx: acx rate policies
  7926. <7>[ 5668.749511] wl12xx: basic_rate: 0x1, full_rate: 0x1
  7927. <7>[ 5668.750427] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  7928. <7>[ 5668.752014] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  7929. <7>[ 5668.753051] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  7930. <7>[ 5668.754089] wl12xx: acx connection monitor parameters: disabled
  7931. <7>[ 5668.754821] wl12xx: cmd configure (18)
  7932. <7>[ 5668.756988] wl12xx: acx keep alive mode: 0
  7933. <7>[ 5668.757690] wl12xx: cmd configure (44)
  7934. <7>[ 5668.758697] wl12xx: open_count=1, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  7935. <7>[ 5668.759094] wl12xx: cmd role stop sta 0
  7936. <7>[ 5668.775878] wl12xx: open_count=1, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  7937. <7>[ 5668.776275] wl12xx: cmd role enable
  7938. <7>[ 5668.777191] wl12xx: open_count=1, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  7939. <7>[ 5668.778381] wl12xx: cmd role start dev 1
  7940. <7>[ 5668.778961] wl12xx: role start: roleid=1, hlid=1, session=3
  7941. <7>[ 5668.780639] wl12xx: cmd roc 11 (1)
  7942. <7>[ 5668.796417] wl12xx: acx slot
  7943. <7>[ 5668.796844] wl12xx: cmd configure (2)
  7944. <7>[ 5668.798431] wl12xx: acx_set_preamble
  7945. <7>[ 5668.798858] wl12xx: cmd configure (30)
  7946. <7>[ 5668.799896] wl12xx: acx_set_ctsprotect
  7947. <7>[ 5668.800598] wl12xx: cmd configure (28)
  7948. <7>[ 5668.801605] wl12xx: acx arp ip filter, enable: 0
  7949. <7>[ 5668.802032] wl12xx: cmd configure (25)
  7950. <7>[ 5668.885772] wl12xx: mac80211 set key
  7951. <7>[ 5668.886871] wlan0: moving STA 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 to state 2
  7952. <7>[ 5668.887603] wl12xx: mac80211 sta 0 state=2
  7953. <7>[ 5668.888031] wlan0: moving STA 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 to state 1
  7954. <7>[ 5668.888427] wl12xx: mac80211 sta 0 state=1
  7955. <7>[ 5668.889129] wlan0: moving STA 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 to state 0
  7956. <7>[ 5668.889556] wl12xx: mac80211 sta 0 state=0
  7957. <7>[ 5669.037445] wl12xx: mac80211 bss info changed 0x4000
  7958. <7>[ 5669.037902] wl12xx: open_count=0, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  7959. <7>[ 5669.038665] wl12xx: cmd croc (1)
  7960. <7>[ 5669.039825] wl12xx: cmd role stop dev
  7961. <7>[ 5669.055938] wl12xx: cmd role disable
  7962. <7>[ 5669.056701] wl12xx: open_count=0, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  7963. <7>[ 5669.057830] wl12xx: acx rate policies
  7964. <7>[ 5669.058258] wl12xx: basic_rate: 0x1, full_rate: 0x1
  7965. <7>[ 5669.058959] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  7966. <7>[ 5669.060119] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  7967. <7>[ 5669.061218] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  7968. <7>[ 5669.062652] wl12xx: acx keep alive config
  7969. <7>[ 5669.063079] wl12xx: cmd configure (45)
  7970. <7>[ 5669.064239] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm off power 20 idle changed 0x100
  7971. <7>[ 5669.115631] wl12xx: mac80211 set key
  7972. <6>[ 5669.117095] Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
  7973. <7>[ 5669.119506] wl12xx: elp work
  7974. <7>[ 5669.119934] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7975. <7>[ 5669.127929] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  7976. <7>[ 5669.128540] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7977. <7>[ 5669.134613] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7978. <7>[ 5669.134735] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  7979. <7>[ 5669.156921] wl12xx: mac80211 configure filter changed 0 total 80000000
  7980. <7>[ 5669.157104] wl12xx: acx group address tbl
  7981. <7>[ 5669.157348] wl12xx: cmd configure (63)
  7982. <7>[ 5669.175598] wl12xx: elp work
  7983. <7>[ 5669.175811] wl12xx: chip to elp
  7984. <7>[ 5669.178070] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  7985. <7>[ 5669.178222] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  7986. <7>[ 5669.192138] wl12xx: mac80211 bss info changed 0x4000
  7987. <7>[ 5669.192291] wl12xx: open_count=1, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  7988. <7>[ 5669.192352] wl12xx: cmd role enable
  7989. <7>[ 5669.192413] wl12xx: open_count=1, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  7990. <7>[ 5669.193267] wl12xx: cmd role start dev 1
  7991. <7>[ 5669.193328] wl12xx: role start: roleid=1, hlid=1, session=3
  7992. <7>[ 5669.194335] wl12xx: cmd roc 11 (1)
  7993. <7>[ 5669.205596] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm off power 20 in use changed 0x100
  7994. <7>[ 5669.205932] wlan0: authenticate with 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 (try 1)
  7995. <7>[ 5669.208221] wlan0: authenticated
  7996. <7>[ 5669.208435] wl12xx: mac80211 bss info changed 0x4000
  7997. <7>[ 5669.208557] wl12xx: open_count=0, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  7998. <7>[ 5669.208648] wl12xx: cmd croc (1)
  7999. <7>[ 5669.209106] wl12xx: cmd role stop dev
  8000. <7>[ 5669.225982] wl12xx: cmd role disable
  8001. <7>[ 5669.226135] wl12xx: open_count=0, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  8002. <7>[ 5669.227539] wl12xx: acx rate policies
  8003. <7>[ 5669.227752] wl12xx: basic_rate: 0x1, full_rate: 0x1
  8004. <7>[ 5669.228088] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  8005. <7>[ 5669.228912] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  8006. <7>[ 5669.229705] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  8007. <7>[ 5669.230621] wl12xx: acx keep alive config
  8008. <7>[ 5669.230834] wl12xx: cmd configure (45)
  8009. <7>[ 5669.231719] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm off power 20 idle changed 0x100
  8010. <7>[ 5669.232727] wl12xx: mac80211 bss info changed 0x4000
  8011. <7>[ 5669.232879] wl12xx: open_count=1, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  8012. <7>[ 5669.233154] wl12xx: cmd role enable
  8013. <7>[ 5669.233306] wl12xx: open_count=1, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  8014. <7>[ 5669.236206] wl12xx: cmd role start dev 1
  8015. <7>[ 5669.236419] wl12xx: role start: roleid=1, hlid=1, session=3
  8016. <7>[ 5669.237792] wl12xx: cmd roc 11 (1)
  8017. <7>[ 5669.255706] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm off power 20 in use changed 0x100
  8018. <7>[ 5669.256164] wlan0: associate with 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 (try 1)
  8019. <7>[ 5669.260070] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 (capab=0x8431 status=0 aid=5)
  8020. <7>[ 5669.260253] wlan0: associated
  8021. <7>[ 5669.260345] wlan0: moving STA 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 to state 1
  8022. <7>[ 5669.260406] wlan0: moving STA 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 to state 2
  8023. <7>[ 5669.260559] wl12xx: mac80211 sta 0 state=1
  8024. <7>[ 5669.260620] wl12xx: mac80211 sta 0 state=2
  8025. <7>[ 5669.260925] wl12xx: mac80211 conf tx 2
  8026. <7>[ 5669.261016] wl12xx: acx ac cfg 0 cw_ming 15 cw_max 1023 aifs 3 txop 0
  8027. <7>[ 5669.261077] wl12xx: cmd configure (3)
  8028. <7>[ 5669.261444] wl12xx: acx tid config
  8029. <7>[ 5669.261505] wl12xx: cmd configure (9)
  8030. <7>[ 5669.262023] wl12xx: mac80211 conf tx 3
  8031. <7>[ 5669.262176] wl12xx: acx ac cfg 1 cw_ming 15 cw_max 1023 aifs 7 txop 0
  8032. <7>[ 5669.262268] wl12xx: cmd configure (3)
  8033. <7>[ 5669.262603] wl12xx: acx tid config
  8034. <7>[ 5669.262664] wl12xx: cmd configure (9)
  8035. <7>[ 5669.262969] wl12xx: mac80211 conf tx 1
  8036. <7>[ 5669.263092] wl12xx: acx ac cfg 2 cw_ming 7 cw_max 15 aifs 2 txop 3008
  8037. <7>[ 5669.263153] wl12xx: cmd configure (3)
  8038. <7>[ 5669.263427] wl12xx: acx tid config
  8039. <7>[ 5669.263549] wl12xx: cmd configure (9)
  8040. <7>[ 5669.263824] wl12xx: mac80211 conf tx 0
  8041. <7>[ 5669.263885] wl12xx: acx ac cfg 3 cw_ming 3 cw_max 7 aifs 2 txop 1504
  8042. <7>[ 5669.264038] wl12xx: cmd configure (3)
  8043. <7>[ 5669.264282] wl12xx: acx tid config
  8044. <7>[ 5669.264404] wl12xx: cmd configure (9)
  8045. <7>[ 5669.264648] wl12xx: mac80211 bss info changed 0x2000
  8046. <7>[ 5669.265014] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm off power 20 in use changed 0x42
  8047. <7>[ 5669.265167] wl12xx: mac80211 bss info changed 0x10fd
  8048. <7>[ 5669.265228] wl12xx: cmd template_set 0 (role 0)
  8049. <7>[ 5669.265930] wl12xx: cmd template_set 5 (role 0)
  8050. <7>[ 5669.266296] wl12xx: acx rate policies
  8051. <7>[ 5669.266448] wl12xx: basic_rate: 0x8, full_rate: 0x1ffed8
  8052. <7>[ 5669.266540] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  8053. <7>[ 5669.266815] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  8054. <7>[ 5669.267150] wl12xx: cmd configure (27)
  8055. <7>[ 5669.267425] wl12xx: cmd template_set 6 (role 0)
  8056. <7>[ 5669.267791] wl12xx: cmd template_set 2 (role 0)
  8057. <7>[ 5669.268218] wl12xx: acx connection monitor parameters: enabled
  8058. <7>[ 5669.268310] wl12xx: cmd configure (18)
  8059. <7>[ 5669.268646] wl12xx: acx slot
  8060. <7>[ 5669.268707] wl12xx: cmd configure (2)
  8061. <7>[ 5669.268981] wl12xx: acx_set_preamble
  8062. <7>[ 5669.269134] wl12xx: cmd configure (30)
  8063. <7>[ 5669.269958] wl12xx: open_count=1, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  8064. <7>[ 5669.270050] wl12xx: cmd role start sta 0
  8065. <7>[ 5669.270202] wl12xx: role start: roleid=0, hlid=2, session=4 basic_rate_set: 0x248, remote_rates: 0x1ffed8
  8066. <7>[ 5669.270629] wl12xx: acx keep alive mode: 1
  8067. <7>[ 5669.270721] wl12xx: cmd configure (44)
  8068. <7>[ 5669.271057] wl12xx: acx aid
  8069. <7>[ 5669.271148] wl12xx: cmd configure (5)
  8070. <7>[ 5669.272186] wl12xx: cmd template_set 7 (role 0)
  8071. <7>[ 5669.272583] wl12xx: acx keep alive config
  8072. <7>[ 5669.272705] wl12xx: cmd configure (45)
  8073. <7>[ 5669.273010] wl12xx: cmd roc 11 (0)
  8074. <7>[ 5669.273345] wl12xx: open_count=1, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  8075. <7>[ 5669.273498] wl12xx: cmd croc (1)
  8076. <7>[ 5669.273803] wl12xx: cmd role stop dev
  8077. <7>[ 5669.285888] wl12xx: cmd role disable
  8078. <7>[ 5669.286163] wl12xx: open_count=1, current_fw=1 (force_mr=0)
  8079. <7>[ 5669.286590] wl12xx: acx ht capabilities setting sta supp: 1 sta cap: 4
  8080. <7>[ 5669.286834] wl12xx: cmd configure (48)
  8081. <7>[ 5669.287261] wl12xx: acx ht information setting
  8082. <7>[ 5669.287414] wl12xx: cmd configure (49)
  8083. <6>[ 5669.288848] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
  8084. <7>[ 5669.289581] wl12xx: mac80211 configure filter changed 0 total 80000000
  8085. <7>[ 5669.290435] wl12xx: acx group address tbl
  8086. <7>[ 5669.290557] wl12xx: cmd configure (63)
  8087. <7>[ 5669.295379] wl12xx: mac80211 set key
  8088. <7>[ 5669.296325] wl12xx: cmd template_set 15 (role 0)
  8089. <7>[ 5669.296905] wl12xx: mac80211 set default key idx 0
  8090. <7>[ 5669.297485] wl12xx: mac80211 set key
  8091. <7>[ 5669.298126] wl12xx: cmd set peer state (hlid=2)
  8092. <7>[ 5669.298461] wl12xx: cmd croc (0)
  8093. <6>[ 5669.315612] wl12xx: Association completed.
  8094. <7>[ 5669.315948] wlan0: moving STA 84:a6:c8:71:11:38 to state 3
  8095. <7>[ 5669.316009] wl12xx: mac80211 sta 0 state=3
  8096. <7>[ 5669.316162] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm on power 20 in use changed 0x10
  8097. <7>[ 5669.316223] wl12xx: auto ps enabled
  8098. <7>[ 5669.316345] wl12xx: entering psm (mode=0,timeout=1500)
  8099. <7>[ 5669.316406] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  8100. <7>[ 5669.316558] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  8101. <7>[ 5669.317077] wl12xx: cmd set ps mode
  8102. <7>[ 5669.317352] wl12xx: acx bet enable
  8103. <7>[ 5669.317474] wl12xx: cmd configure (41)
  8104. <7>[ 5669.335449] wl12xx: elp work
  8105. <7>[ 5669.335510] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8106. <7>[ 5669.351837] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  8107. <7>[ 5669.351928] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8108. <7>[ 5669.352081] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8109. <7>[ 5669.352203] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  8110. <7>[ 5669.352264] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  8111. <7>[ 5669.357879] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm on power 20 in use changed 0x10
  8112. <7>[ 5669.358001] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm off power 20 in use changed 0x10
  8113. <7>[ 5669.358154] wl12xx: auto ps disabled
  8114. <7>[ 5669.358215] wl12xx: leaving psm
  8115. <7>[ 5669.358306] wl12xx: acx bet enable
  8116. <7>[ 5669.358428] wl12xx: cmd configure (41)
  8117. <7>[ 5669.358734] wl12xx: cmd set ps mode
  8118. <7>[ 5669.804504] wl12xx: mac80211 bss info changed 0x1000
  8119. <7>[ 5669.805297] wl12xx: cmd template_set 15 (role 0)
  8120. <7>[ 5669.808380] wl12xx: acx arp ip filter, enable: 3
  8121. <7>[ 5669.808776] wl12xx: cmd configure (25)
  8122. <7>[ 5670.188323] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm off power 20 in use changed 0x10
  8123. <7>[ 5670.188446] wl12xx: mac80211 config ch 11 psm on power 20 in use changed 0x10
  8124. <7>[ 5670.188598] wl12xx: auto ps enabled
  8125. <7>[ 5670.188690] wl12xx: entering psm (mode=0,timeout=1500)
  8126. <7>[ 5670.188842] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  8127. <7>[ 5670.188934] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  8128. <7>[ 5670.189422] wl12xx: cmd set ps mode
  8129. <7>[ 5670.189727] wl12xx: acx bet enable
  8130. <7>[ 5670.189819] wl12xx: cmd configure (41)
  8131. <7>[ 5670.205505] wl12xx: elp work
  8132. <7>[ 5670.205596] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8133. <7>[ 5670.218505] wl12xx: mac80211 configure filter changed 0 total 80000000
  8134. <7>[ 5670.218688] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8135. <7>[ 5670.218872] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8136. <7>[ 5670.218963] wl12xx: acx group address tbl
  8137. <7>[ 5670.219146] wl12xx: cmd configure (63)
  8138. <7>[ 5670.235595] wl12xx: elp work
  8139. <7>[ 5670.235656] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8140. <7>[ 5670.235870] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8141. <7>[ 5670.235992] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8142. <7>[ 5670.255645] wl12xx: elp work
  8143. <7>[ 5670.255767] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8144. <7>[ 5670.295593] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8145. <7>[ 5670.295776] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8146. <7>[ 5670.315521] wl12xx: elp work
  8147. <7>[ 5670.315612] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8148. <7>[ 5670.537597] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8149. <7>[ 5670.541046] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8150. <7>[ 5670.565643] wl12xx: elp work
  8151. <7>[ 5670.566040] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8152. <6>[ 5671.001251] [BATT] htc_batt_get_battery_adc , vref:20017, battid_adc:3693, battid:184
  8153. <4>[ 5671.001983]  at 5670966567653 (2014-05-12 12:52:04.460280299 UTC)
  8154. <6>[ 5671.006042] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 82 at 5670971053737 (2014-05-12 12:52:04.465071559 UTC)
  8155. <6>[ 5671.006866] [BATT] ID=2, level=82, vol=4035, temp=298, batt_current=-225, chg_src=0, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 5670972182888 (2014-05-12 12:52:04.465895534 UTC)
  8156. <6>[ 5671.008850] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 5670973830837 (2014-05-12 12:52:04.467879176 UTC)
  8157. <6>[ 5671.013977] healthd: battery l=82 v=4 t=29.8 h=2 st=4 chg=
  8158. <7>[ 5671.296142] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8159. <7>[ 5671.299957] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8160. <7>[ 5671.315460] wl12xx: elp work
  8161. <7>[ 5671.315582] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8162. <6>[ 5671.360778] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 5910205000000 (s 5910205000000)
  8163. <7>[ 5671.405853] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8164. <7>[ 5671.406127] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8165. <7>[ 5671.425537] wl12xx: elp work
  8166. <7>[ 5671.425750] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8167. <7>[ 5671.456665] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8168. <7>[ 5671.460388] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8169. <7>[ 5671.485656] wl12xx: elp work
  8170. <7>[ 5671.486053] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8171. <7>[ 5671.487304] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8172. <7>[ 5671.487945] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8173. <7>[ 5671.505615] wl12xx: elp work
  8174. <7>[ 5671.506011] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8175. <7>[ 5671.589660] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8176. <7>[ 5671.590240] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8177. <7>[ 5671.605621] wl12xx: elp work
  8178. <7>[ 5671.606353] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8179. <7>[ 5671.967590] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8180. <7>[ 5671.968383] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8181. <7>[ 5672.005767] wl12xx: elp work
  8182. <7>[ 5672.006195] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8183. <6>[ 5672.327453] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_ioctl LIGHTSENSOR_IOCTL_ENABLE, value = 0
  8184. <6>[ 5672.328216] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_disable
  8185. <6>[ 5672.328948] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_release
  8186. <7>[ 5672.338470] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8187. <7>[ 5672.339141] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8188. <7>[ 5672.355010] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  8189. <7>[ 5672.355194] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  8190. <7>[ 5672.355255] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  8191. <7>[ 5672.375457] wl12xx: elp work
  8192. <7>[ 5672.375610] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8193. <7>[ 5672.541137] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8194. <7>[ 5672.541381] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8195. <7>[ 5672.555633] wl12xx: elp work
  8196. <7>[ 5672.555755] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8197. <7>[ 5672.575347] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8198. <7>[ 5672.575653] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  8199. <7>[ 5672.595458] wl12xx: elp work
  8200. <7>[ 5672.595458] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8201. <7>[ 5672.756378] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8202. <7>[ 5672.756683] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8203. <7>[ 5672.775451] wl12xx: elp work
  8204. <7>[ 5672.775482] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8205. <7>[ 5672.782623] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8206. <7>[ 5672.783142] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8207. <7>[ 5672.825805] wl12xx: elp work
  8208. <7>[ 5672.825866] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8209. <7>[ 5672.853363] [DISP] brightness orig=0, transformed=0
  8210. <6>[ 5672.866912] request_suspend_state: sleep (0->3) at 5672831527383 (2014-05-12 12:52:06.325972451 UTC)
  8211. <6>[ 5672.866943] [R] early_suspend start
  8212. <6>[ 5672.866973] [LS][CM3628] cm3628_early_suspend
  8213. <6>[ 5672.866973] [BATT] htc_battery_early_suspend at 5672831588418 (2014-05-12 12:52:06.326033486 UTC)
  8214. <6>[ 5672.867004] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  8215. <4>[ 5672.867004]  at 5672831618936 (2014-05-12 12:52:06.326064004 UTC)
  8216. <6>[ 5672.867034] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 5672831649453 (2014-05-12 12:52:06.326094521 UTC)
  8217. <6>[ 5672.867034] atmel_ts_suspend:[TP]enter
  8218. <6>[ 5672.868255] atmel_ts_suspend:[TP]done
  8219. <6>[ 5672.882598] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  8220. <6>[ 5672.882598] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  8221. <6>[ 5672.882598] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  8222. <7>[ 5673.002746] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8223. <7>[ 5673.002929] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8224. <7>[ 5673.025482] wl12xx: elp work
  8225. <7>[ 5673.025604] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8226. <7>[ 5673.091125] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8227. <7>[ 5673.093505] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8228. <7>[ 5673.115631] wl12xx: elp work
  8229. <7>[ 5673.116027] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8230. <7>[ 5673.228515] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8231. <7>[ 5673.229431] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8232. <7>[ 5673.237152] [DISP] sii9234_early_suspend(isMHL=0, g_bGotUsbBus=0)
  8233. <7>[ 5673.255554] wl12xx: elp work
  8234. <7>[ 5673.255920] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8235. <7>[ 5673.257873] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8236. <7>[ 5673.258666] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8237. <7>[ 5673.275451] wl12xx: elp work
  8238. <7>[ 5673.275543] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8239. <6>[ 5673.376708] [DISP] mipi_dsi_off+
  8240. <6>[ 5673.376861] [DISP] Panel Type = PANEL_ID_PYD_AUO_NT
  8241. <7>[ 5673.465637] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8242. <7>[ 5673.465881] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8243. <6>[ 5673.487548] [DISP] ruby_panel_power(0): init=2
  8244. <4>[ 5673.500335] [DISP] mipi_dsi_disable_irq: IRQ cannot be disabled
  8245. <6>[ 5673.500488] [DISP] mipi_dsi_off-
  8246. <6>[ 5673.500640] [R] early_suspend end
  8247. <7>[ 5673.505554] wl12xx: elp work
  8248. <7>[ 5673.505706] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8249. <7>[ 5673.513366] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8250. <7>[ 5673.513519] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8251. <7>[ 5673.535949] wl12xx: elp work
  8252. <7>[ 5673.536041] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8253. <7>[ 5673.555633] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8254. <7>[ 5673.555816] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8255. <7>[ 5673.575531] wl12xx: elp work
  8256. <7>[ 5673.575653] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8257. <7>[ 5673.671478] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8258. <7>[ 5673.671783] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8259. <7>[ 5673.715484] wl12xx: elp work
  8260. <7>[ 5673.715637] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8261. <7>[ 5673.853027] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8262. <7>[ 5673.853942] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8263. <7>[ 5673.875457] wl12xx: elp work
  8264. <7>[ 5673.875610] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8265. <7>[ 5673.917449] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8266. <7>[ 5673.921051] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8267. <7>[ 5673.945678] wl12xx: elp work
  8268. <7>[ 5673.946441] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8269. <7>[ 5674.129882] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8270. <7>[ 5674.133026] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8271. <7>[ 5674.166809] wl12xx: elp work
  8272. <7>[ 5674.166900] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8273. <7>[ 5674.497528] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8274. <7>[ 5674.498352] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8275. <7>[ 5674.525726] wl12xx: elp work
  8276. <7>[ 5674.526153] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8277. <7>[ 5674.587921] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8278. <7>[ 5674.588958] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8279. <7>[ 5674.616760] wl12xx: elp work
  8280. <7>[ 5674.616973] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8281. <7>[ 5674.675750] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8282. <7>[ 5674.676391] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8283. <7>[ 5674.695648] wl12xx: elp work
  8284. <7>[ 5674.696075] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8285. <7>[ 5674.716156] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8286. <7>[ 5674.718475] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8287. <7>[ 5674.735687] wl12xx: elp work
  8288. <7>[ 5674.736419] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8289. <7>[ 5674.893615] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8290. <7>[ 5674.895812] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  8291. <7>[ 5674.915710] wl12xx: elp work
  8292. <7>[ 5674.916137] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8293. <7>[ 5675.307586] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8294. <7>[ 5675.308837] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8295. <7>[ 5675.325805] wl12xx: elp work
  8296. <7>[ 5675.326232] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8297. <7>[ 5675.584533] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8298. <7>[ 5675.587371] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  8299. <7>[ 5675.605712] wl12xx: elp work
  8300. <7>[ 5675.606140] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8301. <7>[ 5675.627593] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8302. <7>[ 5675.628356] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8303. <7>[ 5675.665679] wl12xx: elp work
  8304. <7>[ 5675.666442] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8305. <6>[ 5676.317291] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  8306. <6>[ 5676.317718] 05-12 17:22:09
  8307. <4>[ 5676.318511]  17:   654    gp_timer
  8308. <4>[ 5676.320098]  48:   141    msmgpio
  8309. <4>[ 5676.321563]  51:     7    rpm_drv
  8310. <4>[ 5676.323211] 107:    38    MDP
  8311. <4>[ 5676.324676] 112:    54    kgsl-3d0
  8312. <4>[ 5676.328582] 113:    28    kgsl-2d0
  8313. <4>[ 5676.330169] 114:     8    MIPI_DSI
  8314. <4>[ 5676.331787] 133:  1933    mmc3
  8315. <6>[ 5676.332946] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  8316. <4>[ 5676.334472] 136:  1266    mmc0
  8317. <6>[ 5676.335662] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  8318. <4>[ 5676.337066] 187:     3    qup_err_intr
  8319. <4>[ 5676.338684] 199:   199    msmdatamover
  8320. <4>[ 5676.340301] 220:   145    mmc4
  8321. <6>[ 5676.341491] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  8322. <4>[ 5676.342651] 228:     1    qup_err_intr
  8323. <4>[ 5676.345153] 244:    28    kgsl-2d1
  8324. <4>[ 5676.346923] 302:   120    wl12xx
  8325. <4>[ 5676.348510] 344:    20    pm8xxx_usr_irq
  8326. <4>[ 5676.350036] 355:     1    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  8327. <4>[ 5676.352203] 505:    20    pm8058_adc_interrupt
  8328. <6>[ 5676.354492] C0: 897 2291ms
  8329. <6>[ 5676.354919] C1: 204 5094ms
  8330. <6>[ 5676.355712] CPU0 usage: 26
  8331. <6>[ 5676.356109] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  8332. <6>[ 5676.356506] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  8333. <4>[ 5676.356964]   436,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  8334. <4>[ 5676.359283]  448D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  8335. <4>[ 5676.361511]  377D,   510 kworker/u:5      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  8336. <4>[ 5676.363403]   372,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  8337. <4>[ 5676.365814] 2251 total events, 223.668 events/sec
  8338. <4>[ 5676.366333] wakelock:  'rx_wake', time left 28;
  8339. <6>[ 5676.379241] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  8340. <6>[ 5676.379669] 10%           2505            system_server                   206
  8341. <6>[ 5676.380401] 1%            2569            ndroid.systemui                 24
  8342. <6>[ 5676.380798] 1%            176             surfaceflinger                  22
  8343. <6>[ 5676.381195] 0%            2975            facebook.katana                 18
  8344. <6>[ 5676.381927] 0%            2804            e.process.gapps                 16
  8345. <6>[ 5676.645690] [R] suspend start
  8346. <4>[ 5676.646118] Freezing user space processes ...
  8347. <6>[ 5676.649291] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  8348. <6>[ 5676.649475] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  8349. <4>[ 5676.676086] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  8350. <7>[ 5676.690002] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8351. <7>[ 5676.690887] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8352. <7>[ 5676.705535] wl12xx: elp work
  8353. <7>[ 5676.705627] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8354. <4>[ 5676.927062] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
  8355. <6>[ 5676.928527] active wake lock rx_wake, time left 76
  8356. <4>[ 5676.929260]
  8357. <3>[ 5676.929626] Freezing of tasks  aborted
  8358. <4>[ 5676.932525]
  8359. <4>[ 5676.932891] Restarting tasks ...
  8360. <6>[ 5676.935028] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  8361. <4>[ 5676.948974] done.
  8362. <6>[ 5676.949401] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2014-05-12 12:52:10.408400408 UTC)
  8363. <6>[ 5676.949768] [R] resume end
  8364. <7>[ 5677.150970] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  8365. <7>[ 5677.440093] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8366. <7>[ 5677.440826] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8367. <7>[ 5677.455596] wl12xx: elp work
  8368. <7>[ 5677.456024] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8369. <7>[ 5677.857910] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8370. <7>[ 5677.859039] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8371. <6>[ 5677.871856] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 5916716000000 (s 5916716000000)
  8372. <7>[ 5677.885772] wl12xx: elp work
  8373. <7>[ 5677.886230] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8374. <7>[ 5678.172515] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8375. <7>[ 5678.172760] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8376. <7>[ 5678.185546] wl12xx: elp work
  8377. <7>[ 5678.185760] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8378. <7>[ 5678.190032] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8379. <7>[ 5678.190216] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8380. <7>[ 5678.205474] wl12xx: elp work
  8381. <7>[ 5678.205566] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8382. <7>[ 5678.206634] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8383. <7>[ 5678.206817] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8384. <7>[ 5678.225494] wl12xx: elp work
  8385. <7>[ 5678.225708] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8386. <7>[ 5678.851837] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8387. <7>[ 5678.852569] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8388. <7>[ 5678.887115] wl12xx: elp work
  8389. <7>[ 5678.887542] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8390. <7>[ 5679.244323] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8391. <7>[ 5679.245056] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8392. <7>[ 5679.265716] wl12xx: elp work
  8393. <7>[ 5679.266113] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8394. <7>[ 5679.317474] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8395. <7>[ 5679.318389] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8396. <7>[ 5679.337066] wl12xx: elp work
  8397. <7>[ 5679.337463] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8398. <7>[ 5679.994689] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8399. <7>[ 5679.998229] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  8400. <7>[ 5680.025756] wl12xx: elp work
  8401. <7>[ 5680.026153] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8402. <7>[ 5680.316955] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present
  8403. <7>[ 5680.518829] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8404. <7>[ 5680.519561] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8405. <7>[ 5680.557098] wl12xx: elp work
  8406. <7>[ 5680.557495] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8407. <7>[ 5680.744354] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8408. <7>[ 5680.748107] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  8409. <7>[ 5680.775726] wl12xx: elp work
  8410. <7>[ 5680.776123] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8411. <7>[ 5681.217529] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8412. <7>[ 5681.218261] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8413. <7>[ 5681.257080] wl12xx: elp work
  8414. <7>[ 5681.257476] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8415. <6>[ 5681.758636] [R] suspend start
  8416. <4>[ 5681.759124] Freezing user space processes ...
  8417. <6>[ 5681.778350] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  8418. <6>[ 5681.779479] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  8419. <7>[ 5681.794128] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8420. <7>[ 5681.794830] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8421. <6>[ 5681.798187] active wake lock rx_wake, time left 100
  8422. <4>[ 5681.798919]
  8423. <3>[ 5681.799316] Freezing of user space  aborted
  8424. <4>[ 5681.803314]
  8425. <4>[ 5681.803741] Restarting tasks ...
  8426. <7>[ 5681.815704] wl12xx: elp work
  8427. <7>[ 5681.816955] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8428. <6>[ 5681.821228] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  8429. <4>[ 5681.823822] done.
  8430. <6>[ 5681.828125] suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2014-05-12 12:52:15.287154074 UTC)
  8431. <6>[ 5681.829071] [R] resume end
  8432. <7>[ 5681.859039] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8433. <7>[ 5681.859527] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8434. <7>[ 5681.875610] wl12xx: elp work
  8435. <7>[ 5681.876342] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8436. <7>[ 5682.032653] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  8437. <7>[ 5682.547088] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8438. <7>[ 5682.551147] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8439. <7>[ 5682.575775] wl12xx: elp work
  8440. <7>[ 5682.576202] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8441. <7>[ 5683.143890] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  8442. <7>[ 5683.154479] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-74, 0 (125) changed to 1
  8443. <6>[ 5683.159393] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  8444. <6>[ 5683.159698] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  8445. <6>[ 5683.162292] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_open
  8446. <6>[ 5683.162445] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_ioctl LIGHTSENSOR_IOCTL_ENABLE, value = 1
  8447. <6>[ 5683.162658] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_enable
  8448. <7>[ 5683.219818] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  8449. <7>[ 5683.220214] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8450. <7>[ 5683.220825] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8451. <7>[ 5683.221069] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  8452. <7>[ 5683.221435] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  8453. <6>[ 5683.221740] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value:resume 1
  8454. <6>[ 5683.228973] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x2, ls_calibrate = 0
  8455. <6>[ 5683.229949] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x008, Level=2, l_thd = 0x5, h_thd = 0x29
  8456. <6>[ 5683.231048] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 5683195663103 (2014-05-12 12:52:16.690108171 UTC)
  8457. <6>[ 5683.231201] [R] late_resume start
  8458. <6>[ 5683.231414] [DISP] mipi_dsi_on+, isr=0x02000203
  8459. <6>[ 5683.231506] mipi_dsi_ahb_en: ahb=fe014008 91c60703
  8460. <6>[ 5683.232696] [DISP] ruby_panel_power(1): init=2
  8461. <7>[ 5683.235473] wl12xx: elp work
  8462. <7>[ 5683.235565] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8463. <7>[ 5683.267547] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8464. <7>[ 5683.268127] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8465. <6>[ 5683.270385] [DISP] Panel Type = PANEL_ID_PYD_AUO_NT
  8466. <7>[ 5683.271057] [DISP] mipi_dsi_enable_irq: IRQ already enabled
  8467. <7>[ 5683.285614] wl12xx: elp work
  8468. <7>[ 5683.286315] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8469. <7>[ 5683.293762] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8470. <7>[ 5683.294342] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8471. <7>[ 5683.325469] wl12xx: elp work
  8472. <7>[ 5683.325592] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8473. <7>[ 5683.339019] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8474. <7>[ 5683.339172] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8475. <7>[ 5683.341217] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  8476. <7>[ 5683.351348] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-74, 0 (125) changed to 0
  8477. <7>[ 5683.355468] wl12xx: elp work
  8478. <7>[ 5683.355529] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8479. <7>[ 5683.389923] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8480. <7>[ 5683.390136] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8481. <6>[ 5683.409851] [DISP] mipi_dsi_on-
  8482. <7>[ 5683.410247] [DISP] sii9234_late_resume()
  8483. <6>[ 5683.411926] atmel_ts_resume:[TP]enter
  8484. <7>[ 5683.415496] wl12xx: elp work
  8485. <7>[ 5683.415649] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8486. <6>[ 5683.426757] atmel_ts_resume:[TP]done
  8487. <6>[ 5683.426849] [BATT] htc_battery_late_resume at 5683391555445 (2014-05-12 12:52:16.885908960 UTC)
  8488. <6>[ 5683.427093] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:2
  8489. <4>[ 5683.427185]  at 5683391799586 (2014-05-12 12:52:16.886153101 UTC)
  8490. <6>[ 5683.427337] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm(lw = 3000, up = 4400) at 5683392043726 (2014-05-12 12:52:16.886397241 UTC)
  8491. <6>[ 5683.427581] [LS][CM3628] cm3628_late_resume
  8492. <6>[ 5683.427673] [R] late_resume end
  8493. <6>[ 5683.475708] [TP]0x01 0x10 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  8494. <6>[ 5683.481018] [TP]0x01 0x00 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  8495. <7>[ 5683.521575] [DISP] mipi_novatek_display_on+
  8496. <7>[ 5683.538787] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8497. <7>[ 5683.539001] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8498. <7>[ 5683.548278] [DISP] brightness orig=72, transformed=36
  8499. <7>[ 5683.555664] wl12xx: elp work
  8500. <7>[ 5683.556335] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8501. <7>[ 5683.559997] [DISP] brightness orig=76, transformed=39
  8502. <7>[ 5683.569000] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8503. <7>[ 5683.569885] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8504. <7>[ 5683.575073] [DISP] brightness orig=77, transformed=39
  8505. <7>[ 5683.585632] wl12xx: elp work
  8506. <7>[ 5683.585998] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8507. <7>[ 5683.800689] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8508. <7>[ 5683.802734] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8509. <7>[ 5683.825714] wl12xx: elp work
  8510. <7>[ 5683.826110] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8511. <6>[ 5684.109344] [TP]S1@256,1700
  8512. <7>[ 5684.346435] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8513. <7>[ 5684.347778] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8514. <7>[ 5684.365509] wl12xx: elp work
  8515. <7>[ 5684.365631] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8516. <7>[ 5684.405548] [DISP] mhl_on_delay_handler(0, 0)
  8517. <6>[ 5684.752929] [TP]E1@822,1030
  8518. <6>[ 5684.754394] [TP]calibration confirm with recal by position
  8519. <6>[ 5684.755096] [TP]unlock change to 2
  8520. <6>[ 5684.768127] [TP]0x01 0x10 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  8521. <6>[ 5684.772094] [TP]0x01 0x00 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  8522. <7>[ 5685.096221] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8523. <7>[ 5685.096435] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8524. <7>[ 5685.115478] wl12xx: elp work
  8525. <7>[ 5685.115692] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8526. <6>[ 5685.906616] [TP]unlock change to 2
  8527. <6>[ 5686.068847] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  8528. <6>[ 5686.080566] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 5686045180946           (2014-05-12 12:52:19.539626014 UTC)
  8529. <6>[ 5686.080780] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  8530. <6>[ 5686.080902] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  8531. <6>[ 5686.081054] set tpa2051 mode to 1
  8532. <6>[ 5686.087402] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  8533. <6>[ 5686.087463] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  8534. <6>[ 5686.087615] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8535. <6>[ 5686.089843] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8536. <6>[ 5686.090972] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  8537. <6>[ 5686.091033] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8538. <6>[ 5686.092712] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8539. <6>[ 5686.093902] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  8540. <6>[ 5686.093994] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  8541. <6>[ 5686.094116] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8542. <6>[ 5686.095672] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8543. <6>[ 5686.096893] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  8544. <6>[ 5686.096954] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  8545. <6>[ 5686.097076] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  8546. <6>[ 5686.097412] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  8547. <6>[ 5686.097473] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  8548. <6>[ 5686.097625] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8549. <6>[ 5686.099822] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8550. <6>[ 5686.100952] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  8551. <6>[ 5686.101013] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8552. <6>[ 5686.102722] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8553. <6>[ 5686.103820] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  8554. <6>[ 5686.135833] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  8555. <6>[ 5686.155609] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  8556. <6>[ 5686.225494] set_amp: 1
  8557. <7>[ 5686.226165] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  8558. <7>[ 5686.226196] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8559. <6>[ 5686.228759] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  8560. <7>[ 5686.232238] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8561. <7>[ 5686.232452] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  8562. <7>[ 5686.232635] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  8563. <6>[ 5686.233978] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  8564. <6>[ 5686.234069] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  8565. <6>[ 5686.234191] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  8566. <7>[ 5686.245483] wl12xx: elp work
  8567. <7>[ 5686.245574] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8568. <6>[ 5686.245788] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  8569. <6>[ 5686.245819] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  8570. <6>[ 5686.245819] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  8571. <6>[ 5686.245819] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  8572. <6>[ 5686.248870] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  8573. <6>[ 5686.248962] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  8574. <6>[ 5686.249084] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  8575. <6>[ 5686.252105] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  8576. <6>[ 5686.395446] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  8577. <6>[ 5686.395446] 05-12 17:22:19
  8578. <4>[ 5686.395477]  17:   686    gp_timer
  8579. <4>[ 5686.395507]  48:   150    msmgpio
  8580. <4>[ 5686.395507]  51:     9    rpm_drv
  8581. <4>[ 5686.395538] 107:    69    MDP
  8582. <4>[ 5686.395568] 112:
  8583. <7>[ 5686.395568] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8584. <4>[ 5686.395568]    138        kgsl-3d0
  8585. <4>[ 5686.395568] 113:     3    kgsl-2d0
  8586. <4>[ 5686.395599] 114:   144    MIPI_DSI
  8587. <4>[ 5686.395629] 122:    42    smd_dev
  8588. <4>[ 5686.395629] 133:   346    mmc3
  8589. <6>[ 5686.395629] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  8590. <4>[ 5686.395660] 136:   218    mmc0
  8591. <6>[ 5686.395660] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  8592. <4>[ 5686.395690] 179:    65    spi_qsd
  8593. <4>[ 5686.395690] 187:   111    qup_err_intr
  8594. <4>[ 5686.395690] 191:    43    qup_err_intr
  8595. <4>[ 5686.395721] 199:    78    msmdatamover
  8596. <4>[ 5686.395751] 220:   221    mmc4
  8597. <6>[ 5686.395751] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  8598. <4>[ 5686.395751] 228:    38    qup_err_intr
  8599. <4>[ 5686.395782] 244:     3    kgsl-2d1
  8600. <4>[ 5686.395812] 302:    40    wl12xx
  8601. <4>[ 5686.395843] 355:     1    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  8602. <4>[ 5686.395874] 373:   107    atmel_qt602240
  8603. <4>[ 5686.395874] 381:     2    gpio_keys
  8604. <6>[ 5686.396148] C0: 926 2207ms
  8605. <6>[ 5686.396148] C1: 194 5643ms
  8606. <6>[ 5686.396148] CPU0 usage: 21
  8607. <6>[ 5686.396148] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  8608. <6>[ 5686.396179] LPASS running (0ms)
  8609. <4>[ 5686.396179]   302,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  8610. <4>[ 5686.396209]  313D,   510 kworker/u:5      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  8611. <4>[ 5686.396270]   396,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  8612. <4>[ 5686.396270]  414D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  8613. <4>[ 5686.396301] 2172 total events, 216.571 events/sec
  8614. <4>[ 5686.396331] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'
  8615. <4>[ 5686.396331] wakelock:  'audio_pcm'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  8616. <6>[ 5686.399139] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  8617. <6>[ 5686.399139] 6%            2569            ndroid.systemui                 130
  8618. <6>[ 5686.399139] 4%            2505            system_server                   81
  8619. <6>[ 5686.399139] 2%            176             surfaceflinger                  59
  8620. <6>[ 5686.399139] 1%            5987            android.vending                 34
  8621. <6>[ 5686.399169] 0%            181             keystore                        11
  8622. <7>[ 5686.404846] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8623. <7>[ 5686.425506] wl12xx: elp work
  8624. <7>[ 5686.425659] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8625. <6>[ 5686.675598] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0xA9, ls_calibrate = 0
  8626. <6>[ 5686.677154] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x06D, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  8627. <6>[ 5686.796386] [TP]unlock change to 2
  8628. <7>[ 5686.817718] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8629. <7>[ 5686.818420] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8630. <7>[ 5686.845947] wl12xx: elp work
  8631. <7>[ 5686.846252] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8632. <7>[ 5686.917968] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8633. <7>[ 5686.918487] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8634. <7>[ 5686.935729] wl12xx: elp work
  8635. <7>[ 5686.936126] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8636. <7>[ 5687.218292] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8637. <7>[ 5687.219299] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8638. <7>[ 5687.265655] wl12xx: elp work
  8639. <7>[ 5687.266082] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8640. <7>[ 5687.268890] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8641. <7>[ 5687.269805] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8642. <7>[ 5687.285705] wl12xx: elp work
  8643. <7>[ 5687.286132] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8644. <6>[ 5687.576873] [TP]unlock change to 2
  8645. <7>[ 5687.649719] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8646. <7>[ 5687.649902] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8647. <7>[ 5687.665588] wl12xx: elp work
  8648. <7>[ 5687.665985] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8649. <6>[ 5687.847747] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 5926692000000 (s 5926692000000)
  8650. <6>[ 5688.091979] [TP]unlock change to 2
  8651. <7>[ 5688.398651] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8652. <7>[ 5688.398834] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8653. <7>[ 5688.415496] wl12xx: elp work
  8654. <7>[ 5688.415557] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8655. <6>[ 5688.990264] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 5688954879434              (2014-05-12 12:52:22.449324502 UTC)
  8656. <6>[ 5688.990295] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[2]
  8657. <6>[ 5689.005767] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  8658. <6>[ 5689.005859] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  8659. <6>[ 5689.006011] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  8660. <6>[ 5689.075653] set_amp: 0
  8661. <6>[ 5689.082183] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  8662. <6>[ 5689.082580] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8663. <6>[ 5689.087371] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8664. <6>[ 5689.088470] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  8665. <6>[ 5689.088562] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8666. <6>[ 5689.090637] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8667. <6>[ 5689.091735] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  8668. <6>[ 5689.091888] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  8669. <6>[ 5689.155700] set_amp: 1
  8670. <6>[ 5689.159606] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  8671. <6>[ 5689.164916] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  8672. <6>[ 5689.165191] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  8673. <6>[ 5689.165344] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8674. <6>[ 5689.167816] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8675. <6>[ 5689.169738] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[2]
  8676. <6>[ 5689.169921] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 5689134536416               (2014-05-12 12:52:22.628981484 UTC)
  8677. <6>[ 5689.178527] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 5689143111856              (2014-05-12 12:52:22.637526407 UTC)
  8678. <6>[ 5689.178710] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[2]
  8679. <6>[ 5689.179016] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  8680. <6>[ 5689.179107] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  8681. <6>[ 5689.179412] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  8682. <6>[ 5689.179656] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  8683. <6>[ 5689.179748] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  8684. <6>[ 5689.179931] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8685. <6>[ 5689.182434] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8686. <6>[ 5689.183624] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  8687. <6>[ 5689.183685] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8688. <6>[ 5689.186248] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8689. <6>[ 5689.187408] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  8690. <6>[ 5689.199279] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  8691. <6>[ 5689.199340] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  8692. <6>[ 5689.199859] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  8693. <6>[ 5689.199890] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  8694. <6>[ 5689.199920] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  8695. <6>[ 5689.204620] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  8696. <6>[ 5689.204620] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  8697. <6>[ 5689.204650] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  8698. <6>[ 5689.204681] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  8699. <6>[ 5689.205932] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  8700. <6>[ 5689.205932] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  8701. <6>[ 5689.205963] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  8702. <6>[ 5689.206115] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) len = 2697 ++
  8703. <6>[ 5689.206146] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 15
  8704. <6>[ 5689.206146] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  8705. <6>[ 5689.206146] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  8706. <7>[ 5689.235992] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  8707. <7>[ 5689.236175] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8708. <7>[ 5689.242736] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8709. <7>[ 5689.242858] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  8710. <7>[ 5689.243041] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  8711. <7>[ 5689.255493] wl12xx: elp work
  8712. <7>[ 5689.255493] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8713. <6>[ 5689.275604] set_amp: 0
  8714. <6>[ 5689.281402] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  8715. <6>[ 5689.281433] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8716. <6>[ 5689.284393] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8717. <6>[ 5689.285552] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8718. <6>[ 5689.292205] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8719. <6>[ 5689.293609] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  8720. <6>[ 5689.293823] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8721. <6>[ 5689.297668] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8722. <6>[ 5689.298767] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  8723. <6>[ 5689.298919] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8724. <6>[ 5689.300842] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8725. <6>[ 5689.302032] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  8726. <6>[ 5689.302124] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8727. <6>[ 5689.304046] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8728. <6>[ 5689.305175] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  8729. <6>[ 5689.305175] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8730. <6>[ 5689.307006] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8731. <6>[ 5689.308013] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  8732. <6>[ 5689.308044] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  8733. <6>[ 5689.375518] set_amp: 1
  8734. <6>[ 5689.379180] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  8735. <6>[ 5689.384185] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) time: 102ms --
  8736. <6>[ 5689.384338] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  8737. <6>[ 5689.384338] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  8738. <6>[ 5689.384338] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  8739. <6>[ 5689.445678] set_amp: 0
  8740. <6>[ 5689.451568] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  8741. <6>[ 5689.451599] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8742. <6>[ 5689.458465] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8743. <6>[ 5689.459564] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  8744. <6>[ 5689.459747] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8745. <6>[ 5689.461486] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8746. <6>[ 5689.462646] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  8747. <6>[ 5689.462738] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  8748. <6>[ 5689.525726] set_amp: 1
  8749. <6>[ 5689.530761] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  8750. <6>[ 5689.536956] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  8751. <6>[ 5689.537658] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  8752. <6>[ 5689.538024] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8753. <6>[ 5689.541625] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8754. <6>[ 5689.543029] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  8755. <6>[ 5689.543426] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8756. <6>[ 5689.547332] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8757. <6>[ 5689.548553] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  8758. <6>[ 5689.548706] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  8759. <6>[ 5689.548889] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  8760. <6>[ 5689.548980] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  8761. <6>[ 5689.549163] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  8762. <6>[ 5689.549255] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  8763. <6>[ 5689.549407] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8764. <6>[ 5689.550964] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8765. <6>[ 5689.559997] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  8766. <6>[ 5689.560119] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  8767. <6>[ 5689.560333] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  8768. <6>[ 5689.560577] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  8769. <6>[ 5689.560699] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  8770. <6>[ 5689.560882] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8771. <6>[ 5689.562805] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8772. <6>[ 5689.564025] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  8773. <6>[ 5689.564117] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8774. <6>[ 5689.567260] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8775. <6>[ 5689.568450] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  8776. <6>[ 5689.580535] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  8777. <6>[ 5689.580932] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  8778. <6>[ 5689.581878] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  8779. <6>[ 5689.582275] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  8780. <6>[ 5689.585754] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  8781. <6>[ 5689.586181] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  8782. <6>[ 5689.586853] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  8783. <6>[ 5689.591583] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  8784. <6>[ 5689.592254] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  8785. <6>[ 5689.592651] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  8786. <6>[ 5689.593658] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  8787. <6>[ 5689.595275] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  8788. <6>[ 5689.596160] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  8789. <6>[ 5689.596527] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  8790. <6>[ 5689.597381] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  8791. <6>[ 5689.598083] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  8792. <6>[ 5689.602355] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  8793. <6>[ 5689.603057] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 1)
  8794. <6>[ 5689.604125] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  8795. <6>[ 5689.604827] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  8796. <6>[ 5689.605773] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  8797. <6>[ 5689.613067] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  8798. <6>[ 5689.613494] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  8799. <6>[ 5689.614196] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  8800. <6>[ 5689.614593] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  8801. <6>[ 5689.616882] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  8802. <6>[ 5689.617584] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  8803. <6>[ 5689.617980] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  8804. <6>[ 5689.620574] set tpa2051 mode to 4
  8805. <6>[ 5689.621276] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  8806. <6>[ 5689.621978] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  8807. <6>[ 5689.622375] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  8808. <7>[ 5689.664489] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8809. <7>[ 5689.665222] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8810. <6>[ 5689.685638] set_amp: 0
  8811. <7>[ 5689.687072] wl12xx: elp work
  8812. <7>[ 5689.687500] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8813. <6>[ 5689.692291] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  8814. <7>[ 5689.692382] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8815. <6>[ 5689.693389] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8816. <7>[ 5689.694946] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8817. <6>[ 5689.701049] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8818. <6>[ 5689.702484] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  8819. <6>[ 5689.703155] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8820. <6>[ 5689.707366] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8821. <6>[ 5689.709075] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  8822. <6>[ 5689.709472] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  8823. <7>[ 5689.757171] wl12xx: elp work
  8824. <7>[ 5689.757598] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8825. <6>[ 5689.775787] set_amp: 1
  8826. <6>[ 5689.781341] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  8827. <6>[ 5689.787048] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  8828. <6>[ 5689.787445] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  8829. <6>[ 5689.788177] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8830. <6>[ 5689.791748] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8831. <6>[ 5689.793487] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  8832. <6>[ 5689.793884] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8833. <6>[ 5689.798034] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8834. <6>[ 5689.800811] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_ioctl: AUDIO_START session id[2]
  8835. <7>[ 5689.930694] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8836. <7>[ 5689.931396] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8837. <7>[ 5689.955749] wl12xx: elp work
  8838. <7>[ 5689.956756] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8839. <6>[ 5690.050048] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  8840. <6>[ 5690.050811] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  8841. <6>[ 5690.055175] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  8842. <6>[ 5690.056274] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  8843. <6>[ 5690.056732] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  8844. <6>[ 5690.057495] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  8845. <6>[ 5690.057922] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  8846. <6>[ 5690.059020] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  8847. <6>[ 5690.059417] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8848. <6>[ 5690.064086] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8849. <6>[ 5690.077850] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  8850. <6>[ 5690.078063] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  8851. <6>[ 5690.078247] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  8852. <6>[ 5690.078460] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  8853. <6>[ 5690.078643] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  8854. <6>[ 5690.078735] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8855. <6>[ 5690.080749] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8856. <6>[ 5690.081878] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  8857. <6>[ 5690.082061] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8858. <6>[ 5690.084106] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8859. <6>[ 5690.085296] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  8860. <6>[ 5690.103973] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  8861. <6>[ 5690.104064] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  8862. <6>[ 5690.104522] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  8863. <6>[ 5690.104675] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  8864. <6>[ 5690.108398] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  8865. <6>[ 5690.109100] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  8866. <6>[ 5690.109497] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  8867. <6>[ 5690.115020] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  8868. <6>[ 5690.116302] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  8869. <6>[ 5690.116363] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  8870. <6>[ 5690.116394] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  8871. <6>[ 5690.117614] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  8872. <6>[ 5690.117675] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  8873. <6>[ 5690.117706] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  8874. <6>[ 5690.117889] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  8875. <7>[ 5690.118225] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8876. <7>[ 5690.120788] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8877. <6>[ 5690.122833] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  8878. <6>[ 5690.123352] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 5690087936075           (2014-05-12 12:52:23.582350625 UTC)
  8879. <6>[ 5690.124328] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  8880. <6>[ 5690.125091] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  8881. <6>[ 5690.125701] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  8882. <7>[ 5690.145629] wl12xx: elp work
  8883. <7>[ 5690.145996] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8884. <7>[ 5690.147430] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8885. <7>[ 5690.148254] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8886. <7>[ 5690.165466] wl12xx: elp work
  8887. <7>[ 5690.165557] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8888. <6>[ 5690.195861] set_amp: 0
  8889. <6>[ 5690.200714] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  8890. <6>[ 5690.200836] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  8891. <6>[ 5690.201049] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  8892. <6>[ 5690.203002] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  8893. <6>[ 5690.203125] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8894. <6>[ 5690.205139] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8895. <6>[ 5690.206268] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  8896. <6>[ 5690.206420] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  8897. <6>[ 5690.275756] set_amp: 1
  8898. <6>[ 5690.280334] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  8899. <6>[ 5690.285980] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  8900. <6>[ 5690.286071] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  8901. <6>[ 5690.286193] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8902. <6>[ 5690.287994] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8903. <6>[ 5690.289123] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  8904. <6>[ 5690.289215] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8905. <6>[ 5690.291137] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8906. <6>[ 5690.292358] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  8907. <6>[ 5690.292510] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 15
  8908. <6>[ 5690.292572] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  8909. <6>[ 5690.292724] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  8910. <7>[ 5690.345123] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8911. <7>[ 5690.345214] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8912. <6>[ 5690.355529] set_amp: 0
  8913. <6>[ 5690.361389] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8914. <7>[ 5690.365447] wl12xx: elp work
  8915. <7>[ 5690.365570] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8916. <6>[ 5690.366027] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8917. <6>[ 5690.367126] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  8918. <6>[ 5690.367187] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8919. <6>[ 5690.370666] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8920. <6>[ 5690.371856] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  8921. <6>[ 5690.372039] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8922. <6>[ 5690.374420] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8923. <6>[ 5690.376220] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  8924. <6>[ 5690.376281] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  8925. <6>[ 5690.445800] set_amp: 1
  8926. <6>[ 5690.450012] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  8927. <6>[ 5690.455047] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 83ms --
  8928. <6>[ 5690.455200] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  8929. <6>[ 5690.455200] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  8930. <6>[ 5690.455230] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  8931. <6>[ 5690.516235] set_amp: 0
  8932. <6>[ 5690.522094] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  8933. <6>[ 5690.522216] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8934. <6>[ 5690.524230] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8935. <6>[ 5690.525360] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  8936. <6>[ 5690.525787] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  8937. <6>[ 5690.595977] set_amp: 1
  8938. <6>[ 5690.599243] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  8939. <6>[ 5690.604949] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  8940. <6>[ 5690.605102] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  8941. <6>[ 5690.605194] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8942. <6>[ 5690.606689] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8943. <6>[ 5690.607910] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  8944. <6>[ 5690.608001] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8945. <6>[ 5690.620880] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  8946. <6>[ 5690.622131] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8947. <6>[ 5690.623260] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 15ms --
  8948. <6>[ 5690.625335] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[2]
  8949. <6>[ 5690.626159] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  8950. <6>[ 5690.633880] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 5690598464639               (2014-05-12 12:52:24.092909707 UTC)
  8951. <6>[ 5690.633911] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  8952. <6>[ 5690.633972] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  8953. <6>[ 5690.633972] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  8954. <6>[ 5690.634002] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  8955. <6>[ 5690.634033] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  8956. <6>[ 5690.634063] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  8957. <6>[ 5690.634063] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  8958. <6>[ 5690.634063] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8959. <6>[ 5690.636322] [TP]unlock change to 2
  8960. <6>[ 5690.639007] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8961. <6>[ 5690.640228] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  8962. <6>[ 5690.640319] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8963. <6>[ 5690.654205] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  8964. <6>[ 5690.655975] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8965. <6>[ 5690.657409] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 18ms --
  8966. <6>[ 5690.668334] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  8967. <6>[ 5690.668395] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 29
  8968. <6>[ 5690.668457] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  8969. <6>[ 5690.668487] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  8970. <7>[ 5690.706970] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  8971. <7>[ 5690.707672] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  8972. <7>[ 5690.709686] [DISP] brightness orig=78, transformed=40
  8973. <7>[ 5690.722045] [DISP] brightness orig=79, transformed=41
  8974. <6>[ 5690.735565] set_amp: 0
  8975. <6>[ 5690.741760] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8976. <6>[ 5690.746673] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8977. <6>[ 5690.747833] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  8978. <6>[ 5690.747924] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  8979. <7>[ 5690.754364] [DISP] brightness orig=80, transformed=41
  8980. <7>[ 5690.772705] [DISP] brightness orig=81, transformed=42
  8981. <7>[ 5690.775817] wl12xx: elp work
  8982. <7>[ 5690.776214] wl12xx: chip to elp
  8983. <7>[ 5690.806701] [DISP] brightness orig=82, transformed=43
  8984. <6>[ 5690.815765] set_amp: 1
  8985. <6>[ 5690.819976] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  8986. <6>[ 5690.825378] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 79ms --
  8987. <6>[ 5690.826660] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  8988. <6>[ 5690.827056] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  8989. <6>[ 5690.827758] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  8990. <7>[ 5690.829864] [DISP] brightness orig=83, transformed=43
  8991. <7>[ 5690.855316] [DISP] brightness orig=84, transformed=44
  8992. <7>[ 5690.871337] [DISP] brightness orig=85, transformed=45
  8993. <6>[ 5690.895690] set_amp: 0
  8994. <6>[ 5690.901947] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  8995. <6>[ 5690.902343] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  8996. <7>[ 5690.905578] [DISP] brightness orig=86, transformed=45
  8997. <6>[ 5690.906036] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  8998. <6>[ 5690.907775] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  8999. <6>[ 5690.908142] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  9000. <7>[ 5690.921813] [DISP] brightness orig=87, transformed=46
  9001. <7>[ 5690.949340] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9002. <7>[ 5690.950195] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9003. <7>[ 5690.955047] [DISP] brightness orig=88, transformed=46
  9004. <7>[ 5690.965576] wl12xx: elp work
  9005. <7>[ 5690.965972] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9006. <7>[ 5690.972351] [DISP] brightness orig=89, transformed=47
  9007. <6>[ 5690.975646] set_amp: 1
  9008. <6>[ 5690.979827] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  9009. <6>[ 5690.985687] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  9010. <6>[ 5690.986389] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  9011. <6>[ 5690.986755] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  9012. <6>[ 5690.989379] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  9013. <6>[ 5690.991516] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  9014. <6>[ 5690.991912] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  9015. <6>[ 5690.992645] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  9016. <7>[ 5691.005371] [DISP] brightness orig=90, transformed=48
  9017. <7>[ 5691.020935] [DISP] brightness orig=91, transformed=48
  9018. <6>[ 5691.055633] set_amp: 0
  9019. <7>[ 5691.056060] [DISP] brightness orig=92, transformed=49
  9020. <6>[ 5691.062469] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  9021. <6>[ 5691.063171] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  9022. <6>[ 5691.063537] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  9023. <6>[ 5691.067199] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  9024. <6>[ 5691.068603] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  9025. <6>[ 5691.069274] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  9026. <7>[ 5691.072296] [DISP] brightness orig=93, transformed=50
  9027. <6>[ 5691.077728] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  9028. <6>[ 5691.078857] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 10ms --
  9029. <6>[ 5691.094268] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  9030. <6>[ 5691.100036] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  9031. <6>[ 5691.100555] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  9032. <6>[ 5691.110260] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  9033. <6>[ 5691.110443] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  9034. <6>[ 5691.110534] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  9035. <7>[ 5691.112213] [DISP] brightness orig=94, transformed=50
  9036. <6>[ 5691.117309] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  9037. <6>[ 5691.118591] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  9038. <6>[ 5691.118865] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  9039. <6>[ 5691.118988] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  9040. <7>[ 5691.120330] [DISP] brightness orig=95, transformed=51
  9041. <6>[ 5691.121246] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  9042. <7>[ 5691.152526] [DISP] brightness orig=96, transformed=52
  9043. <7>[ 5691.168609] [DISP] brightness orig=97, transformed=52
  9044. <6>[ 5691.198364] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9045. <7>[ 5691.201477] [DISP] brightness orig=98, transformed=53
  9046. <7>[ 5691.218597] [DISP] brightness orig=99, transformed=54
  9047. <7>[ 5691.261749] [DISP] brightness orig=100, transformed=54
  9048. <7>[ 5691.268280] [DISP] brightness orig=101, transformed=55
  9049. <7>[ 5691.300354] [DISP] brightness orig=102, transformed=56
  9050. <7>[ 5691.356445] [DISP] brightness orig=104, transformed=57
  9051. <7>[ 5691.368988] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9052. <7>[ 5691.369201] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9053. <7>[ 5691.372741] [DISP] brightness orig=105, transformed=58
  9054. <7>[ 5691.395477] wl12xx: elp work
  9055. <7>[ 5691.395599] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9056. <7>[ 5691.399719] [DISP] brightness orig=106, transformed=58
  9057. <7>[ 5691.432739] [DISP] brightness orig=107, transformed=59
  9058. <7>[ 5691.456665] [DISP] brightness orig=108, transformed=60
  9059. <7>[ 5691.473419] [DISP] brightness orig=109, transformed=60
  9060. <7>[ 5691.496887] [DISP] brightness orig=110, transformed=61
  9061. <7>[ 5691.528076] [DISP] brightness orig=111, transformed=62
  9062. <7>[ 5691.544250] [DISP] brightness orig=112, transformed=62
  9063. <7>[ 5691.576782] [DISP] brightness orig=113, transformed=63
  9064. <7>[ 5691.594146] [DISP] brightness orig=114, transformed=64
  9065. <7>[ 5691.626953] [DISP] brightness orig=115, transformed=64
  9066. <7>[ 5691.660034] [DISP] brightness orig=116, transformed=65
  9067. <7>[ 5691.674774] [DISP] brightness orig=117, transformed=65
  9068. <7>[ 5691.707519] [DISP] brightness orig=118, transformed=66
  9069. <7>[ 5691.724884] [DISP] brightness orig=119, transformed=67
  9070. <7>[ 5691.756866] [DISP] brightness orig=120, transformed=67
  9071. <7>[ 5691.773132] [DISP] brightness orig=121, transformed=68
  9072. <7>[ 5691.779113] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9073. <7>[ 5691.779815] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9074. <7>[ 5691.805664] wl12xx: elp work
  9075. <7>[ 5691.806060] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9076. <7>[ 5691.808044] [DISP] brightness orig=122, transformed=69
  9077. <7>[ 5691.822723] [DISP] brightness orig=123, transformed=69
  9078. <7>[ 5691.839172] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9079. <7>[ 5691.839721] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9080. <7>[ 5691.858276] [DISP] brightness orig=124, transformed=70
  9081. <7>[ 5691.871887] [DISP] brightness orig=125, transformed=71
  9082. <7>[ 5691.875640] wl12xx: elp work
  9083. <7>[ 5691.876037] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9084. <7>[ 5691.884765] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9085. <7>[ 5691.885314] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9086. <7>[ 5691.904907] wl12xx: mac80211 ampdu action 0 tid 0
  9087. <7>[ 5691.905975] wl12xx: mac80211 ampdu: Rx tid 0 action 0
  9088. <7>[ 5691.906250] [DISP] brightness orig=126, transformed=71
  9089. <7>[ 5691.906982] wl12xx: acx ba receiver session setting
  9090. <7>[ 5691.907684] wl12xx: cmd configure (47)
  9091. <7>[ 5691.924499] [DISP] brightness orig=127, transformed=72
  9092. <7>[ 5691.945678] wl12xx: elp work
  9093. <7>[ 5691.946380] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9094. <7>[ 5691.956146] [DISP] brightness orig=128, transformed=73
  9095. <7>[ 5691.974304] [DISP] brightness orig=129, transformed=73
  9096. <7>[ 5691.985839] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9097. <7>[ 5691.986572] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9098. <7>[ 5692.005706] wl12xx: elp work
  9099. <7>[ 5692.006469] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9100. <7>[ 5692.008758] [DISP] brightness orig=130, transformed=74
  9101. <6>[ 5692.010070] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9102. <7>[ 5692.024261] [DISP] brightness orig=131, transformed=75
  9103. <7>[ 5692.057952] [DISP] brightness orig=132, transformed=75
  9104. <7>[ 5692.085021] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9105. <7>[ 5692.085144] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9106. <7>[ 5692.087249] [DISP] brightness orig=133, transformed=76
  9107. <7>[ 5692.105560] [DISP] brightness orig=134, transformed=77
  9108. <7>[ 5692.115509] wl12xx: elp work
  9109. <7>[ 5692.115814] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9110. <7>[ 5692.117126] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9111. <7>[ 5692.117248] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9112. <7>[ 5692.137390] [DISP] brightness orig=135, transformed=77
  9113. <7>[ 5692.155456] wl12xx: elp work
  9114. <7>[ 5692.155548] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9115. <7>[ 5692.182495] [DISP] brightness orig=136, transformed=78
  9116. <7>[ 5692.186279] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9117. <7>[ 5692.186431] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9118. <7>[ 5692.193054] [DISP] brightness orig=137, transformed=79
  9119. <7>[ 5692.205505] wl12xx: elp work
  9120. <7>[ 5692.205627] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9121. <7>[ 5692.211975] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9122. <7>[ 5692.212097] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9123. <7>[ 5692.220855] [DISP] brightness orig=138, transformed=79
  9124. <7>[ 5692.225524] wl12xx: elp work
  9125. <7>[ 5692.225524] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9126. <7>[ 5692.230163] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9127. <7>[ 5692.230285] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9128. <7>[ 5692.243316] [DISP] brightness orig=139, transformed=80
  9129. <7>[ 5692.245452] wl12xx: elp work
  9130. <7>[ 5692.245605] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9131. <7>[ 5692.246093] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9132. <7>[ 5692.246154] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9133. <7>[ 5692.246368] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9134. <7>[ 5692.246429] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9135. <7>[ 5692.246490] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9136. <7>[ 5692.254852] [DISP] brightness orig=140, transformed=81
  9137. <7>[ 5692.271942] [DISP] brightness orig=141, transformed=81
  9138. <7>[ 5692.275512] wl12xx: elp work
  9139. <7>[ 5692.275604] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9140. <7>[ 5692.303314] [DISP] brightness orig=142, transformed=82
  9141. <7>[ 5692.327056] [DISP] brightness orig=143, transformed=83
  9142. <7>[ 5692.363037] [DISP] brightness orig=144, transformed=84
  9143. <7>[ 5692.377349] [DISP] brightness orig=145, transformed=86
  9144. <7>[ 5692.402801] [DISP] brightness orig=146, transformed=87
  9145. <7>[ 5692.415649] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9146. <7>[ 5692.416687] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9147. <7>[ 5692.433776] [DISP] brightness orig=147, transformed=89
  9148. <7>[ 5692.445709] wl12xx: elp work
  9149. <7>[ 5692.446441] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9150. <7>[ 5692.457489] [DISP] brightness orig=148, transformed=90
  9151. <7>[ 5692.482543] [DISP] brightness orig=149, transformed=92
  9152. <7>[ 5692.509002] [DISP] brightness orig=150, transformed=93
  9153. <7>[ 5692.529998] [DISP] brightness orig=151, transformed=95
  9154. <7>[ 5692.547088] [DISP] brightness orig=152, transformed=96
  9155. <6>[ 5692.555206] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  9156. <6>[ 5692.555358] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  9157. <7>[ 5692.555664] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9158. <6>[ 5692.555816] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  9159. <7>[ 5692.555999] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9160. <7>[ 5692.578704] [DISP] brightness orig=153, transformed=98
  9161. <7>[ 5692.585479] wl12xx: elp work
  9162. <7>[ 5692.585723] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9163. <7>[ 5692.597778] [DISP] brightness orig=154, transformed=99
  9164. <7>[ 5692.627899] [DISP] brightness orig=155, transformed=101
  9165. <7>[ 5692.645294] [DISP] brightness orig=156, transformed=102
  9166. <7>[ 5692.678283] [DISP] brightness orig=157, transformed=104
  9167. <7>[ 5692.749328] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9168. <7>[ 5692.749511] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9169. <7>[ 5692.775451] wl12xx: elp work
  9170. <7>[ 5692.775451] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9171. <7>[ 5693.288269] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9172. <7>[ 5693.292114] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9173. <7>[ 5693.315795] wl12xx: elp work
  9174. <7>[ 5693.318084] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9175. <7>[ 5693.335662] wl12xx: elp work
  9176. <7>[ 5693.454284] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9177. <7>[ 5693.454864] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9178. <7>[ 5693.515625] wl12xx: elp work
  9179. <7>[ 5693.515991] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9180. <7>[ 5693.524139] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9181. <7>[ 5693.524688] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9182. <7>[ 5693.545654] wl12xx: elp work
  9183. <7>[ 5693.546081] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9184. <7>[ 5693.750854] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9185. <7>[ 5693.751403] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9186. <7>[ 5693.805480] wl12xx: elp work
  9187. <7>[ 5693.805511] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9188. <7>[ 5693.837982] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9189. <7>[ 5693.838867] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9190. <7>[ 5693.885467] wl12xx: elp work
  9191. <7>[ 5693.885559] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9192. <7>[ 5694.067108] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9193. <7>[ 5694.068237] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9194. <7>[ 5694.095642] wl12xx: elp work
  9195. <7>[ 5694.096038] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9196. <7>[ 5694.109497] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9197. <7>[ 5694.111511] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9198. <7>[ 5694.145599] wl12xx: elp work
  9199. <7>[ 5694.146301] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9200. <6>[ 5694.523803] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9201. <7>[ 5694.552246] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9202. <7>[ 5694.552581] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9203. <7>[ 5694.565582] wl12xx: elp work
  9204. <7>[ 5694.565979] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9205. <7>[ 5695.250762] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9206. <7>[ 5695.251007] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9207. <7>[ 5695.251281] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9208. <7>[ 5695.251403] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9209. <7>[ 5695.251617] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9210. <7>[ 5695.265563] wl12xx: elp work
  9211. <7>[ 5695.265747] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9212. <7>[ 5695.303039] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9213. <7>[ 5695.303222] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9214. <7>[ 5695.315795] wl12xx: elp work
  9215. <7>[ 5695.316467] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9216. <6>[ 5696.415496] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  9217. <6>[ 5696.415618] 05-12 17:22:29
  9218. <4>[ 5696.415832]  17:  1460    gp_timer
  9219. <4>[ 5696.416381]  48:   173    msmgpio
  9220. <4>[ 5696.416809] 107:   213    MDP
  9221. <4>[ 5696.417236] 112:   260    kgsl-3d0
  9222. <4>[ 5696.417633] 113:   150    kgsl-2d0
  9223. <4>[ 5696.418121] 114:   180    MIPI_DSI
  9224. <4>[ 5696.418548] 122:   385    smd_dev
  9225. <4>[ 5696.418945] 133:  1214    mmc3
  9226. <6>[ 5696.419342] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9227. <4>[ 5696.419647] 136:   133    mmc0
  9228. <6>[ 5696.419952] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9229. <4>[ 5696.420288] 179:  1583    spi_qsd
  9230. <4>[ 5696.420806] 187:    61    qup_err_intr
  9231. <4>[ 5696.421234] 191:   201    qup_err_intr
  9232. <4>[ 5696.421630] 199:   139    msmdatamover
  9233. <4>[ 5696.422058] 220:    58    mmc4
  9234. <6>[ 5696.422454] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9235. <4>[ 5696.422760] 228:    12    qup_err_intr
  9236. <4>[ 5696.423187] 244:   150    kgsl-2d1
  9237. <4>[ 5696.423797] 302:   109    wl12xx
  9238. <4>[ 5696.424285] 344:     1    pm8xxx_usr_irq
  9239. <4>[ 5696.424774] 355:     2    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  9240. <4>[ 5696.425262] 373:    61    atmel_qt602240
  9241. <4>[ 5696.429809] 635:     1    cm3628
  9242. <6>[ 5696.430419] C0: 2071 3514ms
  9243. <6>[ 5696.430419] C1: 232 2036ms
  9244. <6>[ 5696.430419] CPU0 usage: 44
  9245. <6>[ 5696.430450] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  9246. <6>[ 5696.430450] LPASS running (0ms)
  9247. <4>[ 5696.430450]   363,   261 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  9248. <4>[ 5696.430511]   348,   208 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  9249. <4>[ 5696.430511]   740,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  9250. <4>[ 5696.430541]  729D,   510 kworker/u:5      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  9251. <4>[ 5696.430572]  741D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  9252. <4>[ 5696.430603]   756,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  9253. <4>[ 5696.430633] 4485 total events, 446.938 events/sec
  9254. <4>[ 5696.430694] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'
  9255. <4>[ 5696.430694] wakelock:  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  9256. <6>[ 5696.434661] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  9257. <6>[ 5696.434661] 9%            176             surfaceflinger                  192
  9258. <6>[ 5696.434692] 8%            2505            system_server                   178
  9259. <6>[ 5696.434692] 5%            2569            ndroid.systemui                 103
  9260. <6>[ 5696.434692] 4%            5987            android.vending                 95
  9261. <6>[ 5696.434722] 3%            2720            equicksearchbox                 70
  9262. <6>[ 5697.099365] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9263. <7>[ 5698.258209] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9264. <7>[ 5698.258636] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9265. <7>[ 5698.264007] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9266. <7>[ 5698.264404] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9267. <7>[ 5698.264801] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9268. <7>[ 5698.288452] wl12xx: elp work
  9269. <7>[ 5698.288848] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9270. <7>[ 5698.880859] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9271. <7>[ 5698.884704] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9272. <7>[ 5698.917114] wl12xx: elp work
  9273. <7>[ 5698.917510] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9274. <6>[ 5699.206176] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9275. <7>[ 5699.255493] wl12xx: mac80211 ampdu action 1 tid 0
  9276. <7>[ 5699.255584] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9277. <7>[ 5699.261810] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9278. <7>[ 5699.262207] wl12xx: mac80211 ampdu: Rx tid 0 action 1
  9279. <7>[ 5699.262573] wl12xx: acx ba receiver session setting
  9280. <7>[ 5699.263336] wl12xx: cmd configure (47)
  9281. <7>[ 5699.295501] wl12xx: elp work
  9282. <7>[ 5699.295593] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9283. <7>[ 5699.656433] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9284. <7>[ 5699.657073] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9285. <6>[ 5699.674591] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9286. <7>[ 5699.675689] wl12xx: elp work
  9287. <7>[ 5699.676086] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9288. <6>[ 5700.236633] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9289. <6>[ 5700.240753] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 5939085000000 (s 5939085000000)
  9290. <7>[ 5700.271881] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9291. <7>[ 5700.272125] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9292. <7>[ 5700.285491] wl12xx: elp work
  9293. <7>[ 5700.285705] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9294. <7>[ 5700.309295] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9295. <7>[ 5700.310180] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9296. <7>[ 5700.335662] wl12xx: elp work
  9297. <7>[ 5700.336059] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9298. <7>[ 5700.406585] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9299. <7>[ 5700.407196] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9300. <7>[ 5700.425659] wl12xx: elp work
  9301. <7>[ 5700.426330] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9302. <7>[ 5700.670867] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9303. <7>[ 5700.671173] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9304. <7>[ 5700.705627] wl12xx: elp work
  9305. <7>[ 5700.705871] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9306. <6>[ 5700.720458] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9307. <7>[ 5701.046356] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9308. <7>[ 5701.050170] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9309. <7>[ 5701.126922] wl12xx: elp work
  9310. <7>[ 5701.127319] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9311. <7>[ 5701.156433] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9312. <7>[ 5701.156616] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9313. <6>[ 5701.172882] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9314. <7>[ 5701.175537] wl12xx: elp work
  9315. <7>[ 5701.175659] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9316. <7>[ 5701.231689] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9317. <7>[ 5701.231842] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9318. <7>[ 5701.245544] wl12xx: elp work
  9319. <7>[ 5701.245971] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9320. <7>[ 5701.272430] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9321. <7>[ 5701.272552] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9322. <7>[ 5701.272735] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9323. <7>[ 5701.272796] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9324. <7>[ 5701.272918] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9325. <7>[ 5701.285461] wl12xx: elp work
  9326. <7>[ 5701.285552] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9327. <7>[ 5701.581665] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9328. <7>[ 5701.582427] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9329. <7>[ 5701.615661] wl12xx: elp work
  9330. <7>[ 5701.616424] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9331. <7>[ 5701.626434] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9332. <7>[ 5701.627105] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9333. <7>[ 5701.667236] wl12xx: elp work
  9334. <7>[ 5701.667999] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9335. <7>[ 5701.946502] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9336. <7>[ 5701.950256] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9337. <7>[ 5701.985473] wl12xx: elp work
  9338. <7>[ 5701.985565] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9339. <7>[ 5701.991516] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9340. <7>[ 5701.992309] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9341. <7>[ 5702.015594] wl12xx: elp work
  9342. <7>[ 5702.015838] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9343. <7>[ 5702.381561] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9344. <7>[ 5702.384155] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9345. <7>[ 5702.405639] wl12xx: elp work
  9346. <7>[ 5702.406066] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9347. <7>[ 5702.735321] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9348. <7>[ 5702.736297] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9349. <7>[ 5702.757110] wl12xx: elp work
  9350. <7>[ 5702.757873] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9351. <7>[ 5703.710876] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9352. <7>[ 5703.714599] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9353. <7>[ 5703.747314] wl12xx: elp work
  9354. <7>[ 5703.747741] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9355. <7>[ 5704.279724] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9356. <7>[ 5704.280181] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9357. <7>[ 5704.288635] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9358. <7>[ 5704.289062] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9359. <7>[ 5704.289794] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9360. <7>[ 5704.307220] wl12xx: elp work
  9361. <7>[ 5704.307647] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9362. <6>[ 5704.826141] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9363. <6>[ 5704.900848] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 150 msec
  9364. <6>[ 5704.900939] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on + val: f0
  9365. <6>[ 5704.901092] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_on -
  9366. <7>[ 5705.022674] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9367. <7>[ 5705.022766] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9368. <7>[ 5705.035461] wl12xx: elp work
  9369. <7>[ 5705.035522] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9370. <6>[ 5705.051208] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_timer_func
  9371. <6>[ 5705.051300] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  9372. <6>[ 5705.051422] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  9373. <7>[ 5705.511596] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9374. <7>[ 5705.511932] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9375. <7>[ 5705.525543] wl12xx: elp work
  9376. <7>[ 5705.525787] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9377. <7>[ 5706.264312] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9378. <7>[ 5706.268157] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9379. <7>[ 5706.285614] wl12xx: elp work
  9380. <7>[ 5706.286010] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9381. <6>[ 5706.437072] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  9382. <6>[ 5706.437469] 05-12 17:22:39
  9383. <4>[ 5706.438201]  17:   635    gp_timer
  9384. <4>[ 5706.439666]  48:    75    msmgpio
  9385. <4>[ 5706.441497] 107:    90    MDP
  9386. <4>[ 5706.442901] 112:    82    kgsl-3d0
  9387. <4>[ 5706.444305] 113:   196    kgsl-2d0
  9388. <4>[ 5706.445922] 133:   380    mmc3
  9389. <6>[ 5706.447296] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9390. <4>[ 5706.448364] 136:    85    mmc0
  9391. <6>[ 5706.449432] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9392. <4>[ 5706.450561] 187:    38    qup_err_intr
  9393. <4>[ 5706.452270] 199:    47    msmdatamover
  9394. <4>[ 5706.453735] 244:   196    kgsl-2d1
  9395. <4>[ 5706.455230] 302:    37    wl12xx
  9396. <4>[ 5706.457244] 373:    38    atmel_qt602240
  9397. <6>[ 5706.460723] C0: 786 2267ms
  9398. <6>[ 5706.461090] C1: 257 5822ms
  9399. <6>[ 5706.461456] CPU0 usage: 19
  9400. <6>[ 5706.462127] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  9401. <6>[ 5706.462493] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  9402. <4>[ 5706.462890]   397,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  9403. <4>[ 5706.464996]  407D,   510 kworker/u:5      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  9404. <4>[ 5706.466888]   366,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  9405. <4>[ 5706.468963]  381D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  9406. <4>[ 5706.471038] 2269 total events, 226.176 events/sec
  9407. <4>[ 5706.471557] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'rx_wake', time left 80;
  9408. <6>[ 5706.484802] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  9409. <6>[ 5706.485198] 4%            176             surfaceflinger                  93
  9410. <6>[ 5706.485900] 4%            6286            vervolv.toolbox                 91
  9411. <6>[ 5706.486267] 2%            6312            logcat                  46
  9412. <6>[ 5706.486663] 1%            2505            system_server                   39
  9413. <6>[ 5706.487365] 1%            2991            earchbox:search                 35
  9414. <7>[ 5707.198547] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9415. <7>[ 5707.199188] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9416. <7>[ 5707.215576] wl12xx: elp work
  9417. <7>[ 5707.215972] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9418. <7>[ 5707.296569] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9419. <7>[ 5707.297271] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9420. <7>[ 5707.297851] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9421. <7>[ 5707.297912] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9422. <7>[ 5707.298095] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9423. <7>[ 5707.325500] wl12xx: elp work
  9424. <7>[ 5707.325592] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9425. <7>[ 5709.017333] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9426. <7>[ 5709.019470] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9427. <7>[ 5709.035675] wl12xx: elp work
  9428. <7>[ 5709.036376] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9429. <7>[ 5709.940460] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9430. <7>[ 5709.940826] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9431. <7>[ 5709.955657] wl12xx: elp work
  9432. <7>[ 5709.956024] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9433. <7>[ 5710.303070] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9434. <7>[ 5710.303466] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9435. <7>[ 5710.310302] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9436. <7>[ 5710.310699] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9437. <7>[ 5710.311370] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9438. <7>[ 5710.325653] wl12xx: elp work
  9439. <7>[ 5710.326049] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9440. <7>[ 5710.860198] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9441. <7>[ 5710.861175] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9442. <7>[ 5710.875610] wl12xx: elp work
  9443. <7>[ 5710.876007] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9444. <7>[ 5711.474700] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9445. <7>[ 5711.475341] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9446. <7>[ 5711.495544] wl12xx: elp work
  9447. <7>[ 5711.496215] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9448. <6>[ 5712.476379] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  9449. <6>[ 5712.477020] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  9450. <7>[ 5712.703613] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9451. <7>[ 5712.704284] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9452. <7>[ 5712.725677] wl12xx: elp work
  9453. <7>[ 5712.726043] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9454. <6>[ 5712.735595] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  9455. <7>[ 5713.316558] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9456. <7>[ 5713.316955] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9457. <7>[ 5713.317718] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9458. <7>[ 5713.318389] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9459. <7>[ 5713.318756] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9460. <7>[ 5713.335632] wl12xx: elp work
  9461. <7>[ 5713.336334] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9462. <7>[ 5713.933746] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9463. <7>[ 5713.933990] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9464. <7>[ 5713.946380] wl12xx: elp work
  9465. <7>[ 5713.946777] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9466. <7>[ 5715.162933] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9467. <7>[ 5715.163635] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9468. <7>[ 5715.187011] wl12xx: elp work
  9469. <7>[ 5715.187438] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9470. <7>[ 5715.777374] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9471. <7>[ 5715.778381] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9472. <7>[ 5715.797027] wl12xx: elp work
  9473. <7>[ 5715.797424] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9474. <7>[ 5716.325683] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9475. <7>[ 5716.326080] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9476. <7>[ 5716.332580] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9477. <7>[ 5716.333251] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9478. <7>[ 5716.333618] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9479. <7>[ 5716.345611] wl12xx: elp work
  9480. <7>[ 5716.346313] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9481. <6>[ 5716.475585] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  9482. <6>[ 5716.476013] 05-12 17:22:49
  9483. <4>[ 5716.476745]  17:   913    gp_timer
  9484. <4>[ 5716.478485]  48:    15    msmgpio
  9485. <4>[ 5716.479980] 107:    77    MDP
  9486. <4>[ 5716.481384] 112:    32    kgsl-3d0
  9487. <4>[ 5716.482788] 113:   150    kgsl-2d0
  9488. <4>[ 5716.493713] 133:   146    mmc3
  9489. <6>[ 5716.494812] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9490. <4>[ 5716.496063] 136:    80    mmc0
  9491. <6>[ 5716.497131] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9492. <4>[ 5716.498596] 199:    17    msmdatamover
  9493. <4>[ 5716.500091] 244:   150    kgsl-2d1
  9494. <4>[ 5716.501617] 302:    15    wl12xx
  9495. <6>[ 5716.504455] C0: 1180 5920ms
  9496. <6>[ 5716.504852] C1: 131 2701ms
  9497. <6>[ 5716.505218] CPU0 usage: 13
  9498. <6>[ 5716.505706] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  9499. <6>[ 5716.506072] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  9500. <4>[ 5716.506744]   685,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  9501. <4>[ 5716.508575]  367D,   510 kworker/u:5      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  9502. <4>[ 5716.510772]   360,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  9503. <4>[ 5716.512969]  706D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  9504. <4>[ 5716.515045] 3013 total events, 300.249 events/sec
  9505. <4>[ 5716.515991] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'
  9506. <4>[ 5716.516052] wakelock:  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'rx_wake', time left 26;
  9507. <6>[ 5716.527130] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  9508. <6>[ 5716.527526] 4%            176             surfaceflinger                  91
  9509. <6>[ 5716.528228] 3%            6286            vervolv.toolbox                 77
  9510. <6>[ 5716.528594] 1%            2505            system_server                   23
  9511. <6>[ 5716.528961] 0%            5503            kworker/0:1                     4
  9512. <6>[ 5716.529632] 0%            2569            ndroid.systemui                 2
  9513. <7>[ 5716.595916] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9514. <7>[ 5716.602416] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9515. <7>[ 5716.625640] wl12xx: elp work
  9516. <7>[ 5716.626007] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9517. <7>[ 5718.273742] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9518. <7>[ 5718.274749] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9519. <7>[ 5718.297058] wl12xx: elp work
  9520. <7>[ 5718.297454] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9521. <4>[ 5718.595611] Thermal: failed to read out thermal zone 1
  9522. <7>[ 5719.343017] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9523. <7>[ 5719.343444] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9524. <7>[ 5719.344421] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9525. <7>[ 5719.344818] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9526. <7>[ 5719.345184] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9527. <7>[ 5719.367736] wl12xx: elp work
  9528. <7>[ 5719.368133] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9529. <7>[ 5720.081817] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9530. <7>[ 5720.085327] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9531. <7>[ 5720.106872] wl12xx: elp work
  9532. <7>[ 5720.107269] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9533. <7>[ 5721.001831] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9534. <7>[ 5721.005676] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9535. <7>[ 5721.025726] wl12xx: elp work
  9536. <7>[ 5721.026123] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9537. <7>[ 5721.615142] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9538. <7>[ 5721.616455] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9539. <7>[ 5721.645660] wl12xx: elp work
  9540. <7>[ 5721.646362] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9541. <7>[ 5722.352844] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9542. <7>[ 5722.353271] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9543. <7>[ 5722.360076] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9544. <7>[ 5722.360443] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9545. <7>[ 5722.360839] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9546. <7>[ 5722.375579] wl12xx: elp work
  9547. <7>[ 5722.375976] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9548. <7>[ 5722.843811] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9549. <7>[ 5722.844573] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9550. <7>[ 5722.867034] wl12xx: elp work
  9551. <7>[ 5722.867431] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9552. <7>[ 5723.318756] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9553. <7>[ 5723.327087] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9554. <7>[ 5723.345672] wl12xx: elp work
  9555. <7>[ 5723.346069] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9556. <7>[ 5724.130249] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9557. <7>[ 5724.133758] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9558. <7>[ 5724.165710] wl12xx: elp work
  9559. <7>[ 5724.166107] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9560. <7>[ 5725.302124] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9561. <7>[ 5725.302795] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9562. <7>[ 5725.315612] wl12xx: elp work
  9563. <7>[ 5725.316284] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9564. <7>[ 5725.368835] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9565. <7>[ 5725.369262] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9566. <7>[ 5725.377471] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9567. <7>[ 5725.377868] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9568. <7>[ 5725.378234] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9569. <7>[ 5725.398437] wl12xx: elp work
  9570. <7>[ 5725.398834] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9571. <6>[ 5726.535614] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  9572. <6>[ 5726.536407] 05-12 17:22:59
  9573. <4>[ 5726.537109]  17:   870    gp_timer
  9574. <4>[ 5726.538574]  48:    13    msmgpio
  9575. <4>[ 5726.540039] 107:    49    MDP
  9576. <6>[ 5726.541778] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 5965386000000 (s 5965386000000)
  9577. <4>[ 5726.542205] 112:    10    kgsl-3d0
  9578. <4>[ 5726.543884] 113:   147    kgsl-2d0
  9579. <4>[ 5726.545288] 133:   124    mmc3
  9580. <6>[ 5726.546325] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9581. <4>[ 5726.547607] 136:    15    mmc0
  9582. <6>[ 5726.548950] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9583. <4>[ 5726.550079] 199:     5    msmdatamover
  9584. <4>[ 5726.551574] 244:   147    kgsl-2d1
  9585. <4>[ 5726.553070] 302:    13    wl12xx
  9586. <6>[ 5726.555877] C0: 1005 4942ms
  9587. <6>[ 5726.556243] C1: 264 3684ms
  9588. <6>[ 5726.556610] CPU0 usage: 13
  9589. <6>[ 5726.556976] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  9590. <6>[ 5726.557647] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  9591. <4>[ 5726.558013]   560,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  9592. <4>[ 5726.560119]  574D,   510 kworker/u:5      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  9593. <4>[ 5726.561920]   530,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  9594. <4>[ 5726.563964]  555D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  9595. <4>[ 5726.566070] 3137 total events, 312.387 events/sec
  9596. <4>[ 5726.566558] idle lock:  'kgsl-3d0'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'
  9597. <4>[ 5726.568603] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  9598. <6>[ 5726.580505] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  9599. <6>[ 5726.581237] 3%            6286            vervolv.toolbox                 80
  9600. <6>[ 5726.581604] 3%            176             surfaceflinger                  66
  9601. <6>[ 5726.582000] 1%            2569            ndroid.systemui                 21
  9602. <6>[ 5726.582641] 0%            6317            logcat                  11
  9603. <6>[ 5726.583038] 0%            2505            system_server                   9
  9604. <7>[ 5726.836425] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9605. <7>[ 5726.837402] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9606. <7>[ 5726.855651] wl12xx: elp work
  9607. <7>[ 5726.856048] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9608. <7>[ 5727.762023] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9609. <7>[ 5727.764465] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9610. <7>[ 5727.785644] wl12xx: elp work
  9611. <7>[ 5727.786041] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9612. <7>[ 5728.386138] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9613. <7>[ 5728.386566] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9614. <7>[ 5728.394500] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9615. <7>[ 5728.395202] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9616. <7>[ 5728.395904] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9617. <7>[ 5728.417510] wl12xx: elp work
  9618. <7>[ 5728.418212] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9619. <7>[ 5728.681274] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9620. <7>[ 5728.683471] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9621. <7>[ 5728.705596] wl12xx: elp work
  9622. <7>[ 5728.705993] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9623. <6>[ 5729.448242] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x6E, ls_calibrate = 0
  9624. <6>[ 5729.450347] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x047, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  9625. <7>[ 5730.524719] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9626. <7>[ 5730.525634] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9627. <7>[ 5730.545684] wl12xx: elp work
  9628. <7>[ 5730.546386] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9629. <7>[ 5731.139099] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9630. <7>[ 5731.141448] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9631. <6>[ 5731.148834] [BATT] htc_batt_get_battery_adc , vref:19898, battid_adc:3678, battid:184
  9632. <4>[ 5731.149291]  at 5731113876016 (2014-05-12 12:53:04.607863320 UTC)
  9633. <6>[ 5731.152069] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 82 at 5731117049844 (2014-05-12 12:53:04.611098183 UTC)
  9634. <6>[ 5731.153198] [BATT] ID=2, level=82, vol=4011, temp=302, batt_current=-301, chg_src=0, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 5731118514687 (2014-05-12 12:53:04.612196816 UTC)
  9635. <6>[ 5731.158355] healthd: battery l=82 v=4 t=30.2 h=2 st=4 chg=
  9636. <7>[ 5731.158477] wl12xx: elp work
  9637. <7>[ 5731.158477] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9638. <6>[ 5731.158782] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 5731123397499 (2014-05-12 12:53:04.617842567 UTC)
  9639. <7>[ 5731.402008] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9640. <7>[ 5731.402435] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9641. <7>[ 5731.410614] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9642. <7>[ 5731.411010] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9643. <7>[ 5731.411407] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9644. <7>[ 5731.425628] wl12xx: elp work
  9645. <7>[ 5731.426025] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9646. <7>[ 5732.059417] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9647. <7>[ 5732.060394] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9648. <7>[ 5732.075622] wl12xx: elp work
  9649. <7>[ 5732.076019] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9650. <7>[ 5733.596954] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9651. <7>[ 5733.597930] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9652. <7>[ 5733.615661] wl12xx: elp work
  9653. <7>[ 5733.616058] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9654. <7>[ 5734.416442] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9655. <7>[ 5734.416870] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9656. <7>[ 5734.423431] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9657. <7>[ 5734.424133] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9658. <7>[ 5734.424499] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9659. <7>[ 5734.447052] wl12xx: elp work
  9660. <7>[ 5734.447753] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9661. <7>[ 5734.518768] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9662. <7>[ 5734.519287] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9663. <7>[ 5734.535614] wl12xx: elp work
  9664. <7>[ 5734.535980] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9665. <7>[ 5735.439392] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9666. <7>[ 5735.440338] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9667. <7>[ 5735.455627] wl12xx: elp work
  9668. <7>[ 5735.456024] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9669. <7>[ 5736.363433] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9670. <7>[ 5736.365875] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9671. <7>[ 5736.385742] wl12xx: elp work
  9672. <7>[ 5736.386138] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9673. <6>[ 5736.595703] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  9674. <6>[ 5736.596130] 05-12 17:23:10
  9675. <4>[ 5736.596862]  17:   844    gp_timer
  9676. <4>[ 5736.598358]  48:    35    msmgpio
  9677. <4>[ 5736.600158] 107:    51    MDP
  9678. <4>[ 5736.601562] 112:    10    kgsl-3d0
  9679. <4>[ 5736.602966] 113:   153    kgsl-2d0
  9680. <4>[ 5736.604400] 133:   119    mmc3
  9681. <6>[ 5736.605773] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9682. <4>[ 5736.615539] 136:    40    mmc0
  9683. <6>[ 5736.616638] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9684. <4>[ 5736.617828] 199:    13    msmdatamover
  9685. <4>[ 5736.619567] 220:    29    mmc4
  9686. <6>[ 5736.620605] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  9687. <4>[ 5736.621673] 228:    12    qup_err_intr
  9688. <6>[ 5736.626556] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x52, ls_calibrate = 0
  9689. <6>[ 5736.629974] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x035, Level=3, l_thd = 0x2a, h_thd = 0x57
  9690. <4>[ 5736.630035] 244:   153    kgsl-2d1
  9691. <4>[ 5736.630218] 302:    13    wl12xx
  9692. <4>[ 5736.630340] 344:    22    pm8xxx_usr_irq
  9693. <4>[ 5736.630401] 355:     1    msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  9694. <4>[ 5736.630767] 505:    20    pm8058_adc_interrupt
  9695. <4>[ 5736.631042] 635:     2    cm3628
  9696. <6>[ 5736.631561] C0: 1019 4494ms
  9697. <6>[ 5736.631591] C1: 232 4090ms
  9698. <6>[ 5736.631622] CPU0 usage: 14
  9699. <6>[ 5736.631652] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  9700. <6>[ 5736.631683] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  9701. <4>[ 5736.631744]   546,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  9702. <4>[ 5736.631866]  565D,   510 kworker/u:5      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  9703. <4>[ 5736.631988]   486,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  9704. <4>[ 5736.632080]  517D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  9705. <4>[ 5736.632171] 3035 total events, 301.539 events/sec
  9706. <4>[ 5736.632324] wakelock:  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'rx_wake', time left 74;  'proximity', time left 299;
  9707. <6>[ 5736.643554] CPU Usage     PID             Name
  9708. <6>[ 5736.643951] 3%            6286            vervolv.toolbox                 80
  9709. <6>[ 5736.644653] 3%            176             surfaceflinger                  69
  9710. <6>[ 5736.645019] 1%            2505            system_server                   32
  9711. <6>[ 5736.645385] 0%            2569            ndroid.systemui                 12
  9712. <6>[ 5736.646087] 0%            2975            facebook.katana                 5
  9713. <7>[ 5736.977996] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9714. <7>[ 5736.981506] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9715. <7>[ 5737.005645] wl12xx: elp work
  9716. <7>[ 5737.006042] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9717. <7>[ 5737.432861] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9718. <7>[ 5737.433563] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9719. <7>[ 5737.440155] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9720. <7>[ 5737.440521] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9721. <7>[ 5737.441223] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9722. <7>[ 5737.455841] wl12xx: elp work
  9723. <7>[ 5737.456237] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9724. <7>[ 5737.474029] [DISP] brightness orig=156, transformed=102
  9725. <7>[ 5737.504852] [DISP] brightness orig=155, transformed=101
  9726. <7>[ 5737.521789] [DISP] brightness orig=154, transformed=99
  9727. <7>[ 5737.553802] [DISP] brightness orig=153, transformed=98
  9728. <7>[ 5737.569976] [DISP] brightness orig=152, transformed=96
  9729. <7>[ 5737.603332] [DISP] brightness orig=151, transformed=95
  9730. <7>[ 5737.620605] [DISP] brightness orig=150, transformed=93
  9731. <7>[ 5737.657958] [DISP] brightness orig=149, transformed=92
  9732. <7>[ 5737.669799] [DISP] brightness orig=148, transformed=90
  9733. <7>[ 5737.701477] [DISP] brightness orig=147, transformed=89
  9734. <7>[ 5737.734924] [DISP] brightness orig=146, transformed=87
  9735. <7>[ 5737.750854] [DISP] brightness orig=145, transformed=86
  9736. <7>[ 5737.783691] [DISP] brightness orig=144, transformed=84
  9737. <7>[ 5737.800231] [DISP] brightness orig=143, transformed=83
  9738. <7>[ 5737.832458] [DISP] brightness orig=142, transformed=82
  9739. <7>[ 5737.858886] [DISP] brightness orig=141, transformed=81
  9740. <7>[ 5737.881896] [DISP] brightness orig=140, transformed=81
  9741. <7>[ 5737.898040] [DISP] brightness orig=139, transformed=80
  9742. <7>[ 5737.931060] [DISP] brightness orig=138, transformed=79
  9743. <7>[ 5737.947357] [DISP] brightness orig=137, transformed=79
  9744. <7>[ 5737.980957] [DISP] brightness orig=136, transformed=78
  9745. <7>[ 5737.997528] [DISP] brightness orig=135, transformed=77
  9746. <7>[ 5738.030181] [DISP] brightness orig=134, transformed=77
  9747. <7>[ 5738.046966] [DISP] brightness orig=133, transformed=76
  9748. <7>[ 5738.079528] [DISP] brightness orig=132, transformed=75
  9749. <7>[ 5738.095947] [DISP] brightness orig=131, transformed=75
  9750. <7>[ 5738.128875] [DISP] brightness orig=130, transformed=74
  9751. <7>[ 5738.145141] [DISP] brightness orig=129, transformed=73
  9752. <7>[ 5738.178161] [DISP] brightness orig=128, transformed=73
  9753. <7>[ 5738.194305] [DISP] brightness orig=127, transformed=72
  9754. <7>[ 5738.204437] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9755. <7>[ 5738.205566] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9756. <7>[ 5738.225616] wl12xx: elp work
  9757. <7>[ 5738.226013] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9758. <7>[ 5738.227508] [DISP] brightness orig=126, transformed=71
  9759. <7>[ 5738.258300] [DISP] brightness orig=125, transformed=71
  9760. <7>[ 5738.276031] [DISP] brightness orig=124, transformed=70
  9761. <7>[ 5738.309143] [DISP] brightness orig=123, transformed=69
  9762. <7>[ 5738.325897] [DISP] brightness orig=122, transformed=69
  9763. <7>[ 5738.357360] [DISP] brightness orig=121, transformed=68
  9764. <7>[ 5738.375000] [DISP] brightness orig=120, transformed=67
  9765. <7>[ 5738.410186] [DISP] brightness orig=119, transformed=67
  9766. <7>[ 5738.422943] [DISP] brightness orig=118, transformed=66
  9767. <7>[ 5738.456237] [DISP] brightness orig=117, transformed=65
  9768. <7>[ 5738.461669] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9769. <7>[ 5738.468231] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9770. <7>[ 5738.485626] wl12xx: elp work
  9771. <7>[ 5738.486022] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9772. <7>[ 5738.692657] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9773. <7>[ 5738.693542] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9774. <7>[ 5738.705596] wl12xx: elp work
  9775. <7>[ 5738.705993] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9776. <7>[ 5739.445281] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9777. <7>[ 5739.446441] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9778. <7>[ 5739.465576] wl12xx: elp work
  9779. <7>[ 5739.465972] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9780. <7>[ 5740.448883] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9781. <7>[ 5740.449310] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9782. <7>[ 5740.457305] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9783. <7>[ 5740.457977] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9784. <7>[ 5740.458374] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9785. <7>[ 5740.478454] wl12xx: elp work
  9786. <7>[ 5740.479156] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9787. <7>[ 5740.663085] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9788. <7>[ 5740.663330] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9789. <7>[ 5740.675567] wl12xx: elp work
  9790. <7>[ 5740.675933] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9791. <7>[ 5741.278747] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9792. <7>[ 5741.282562] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9793. <7>[ 5741.305664] wl12xx: elp work
  9794. <7>[ 5741.306060] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9795. <7>[ 5742.198150] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9796. <7>[ 5742.199127] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9797. <7>[ 5742.215545] wl12xx: elp work
  9798. <7>[ 5742.215942] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9799. <7>[ 5743.123291] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9800. <7>[ 5743.126831] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  9801. <7>[ 5743.157073] wl12xx: elp work
  9802. <7>[ 5743.157775] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9803. <7>[ 5743.465881] wl12xx: mac80211 get current rssi
  9804. <7>[ 5743.466278] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9805. <7>[ 5743.473144] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9806. <7>[ 5743.473571] wl12xx: acx roaming statistics table
  9807. <7>[ 5743.473937] wl12xx: cmd interrogate
  9808. <7>[ 5743.495605] wl12xx: elp work
  9809. <7>[ 5743.496002] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9810. <7>[ 5743.797912] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9811. <7>[ 5743.800048] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9812. <7>[ 5743.815643] wl12xx: elp work
  9813. <7>[ 5743.816040] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9814. <7>[ 5744.548431] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9815. <7>[ 5744.550811] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9816. <7>[ 5744.565551] wl12xx: elp work
  9817. <7>[ 5744.565948] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9820. ------ LAST KMSG (/proc/last_kmsg) ------
  9821. e = 0
  9822. [10601.685119] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  9823. [10601.685272] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  9824. [10601.685394] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  9825. [10601.685485] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  9826. [10601.685638] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  9827. [10601.685791] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  9828. [10601.685913] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  9829. [10601.686004] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  9830. [10601.686157] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  9831. [10601.686279] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  9832. [10601.686370] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  9833. [10601.686950] [CAM] axi_data.bufnum1 = 1
  9834. [10601.687438] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START
  9835. [10601.687438] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  9836. [10601.689300] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5
  9837. [10601.704803] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 3
  9838. [10601.704803] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x400010
  9839. [10601.704833] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x5aad
  9840. [10601.704833] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  9841. [10601.705230] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  9842. [10601.705261] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  9843. [10601.708312] wl12xx: elp work
  9844. [10601.708496] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9845. [10601.710784] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  9846. [10601.710937] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  9847. [10601.711120] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  9848. [10601.711242] [CAM] msm_open_common: open frame0
  9849. [10601.711273] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  9850. [10601.711517] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  9851. [10601.711639] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  9852. [10601.711853] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  9853. [10601.712036] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  9854. [10601.712127] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  9855. [10601.712310] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  9856. [10601.712463] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  9857. [10601.712829] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  9858. [10601.713012] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  9859. [10601.713104] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  9860. [10601.715209] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  9861. [10601.715332] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  9862. [10601.728637] set_amp: 0
  9863. [10601.732788] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9864. [10601.732940] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9865. [10601.734497] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  9866. [10601.734619] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  9867. [10601.734771] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  9868. [10601.737426] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  9869. [10601.738555] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  9870. [10601.738555] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  9871. [10601.743255] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  9872. [10601.744323] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 6ms --
  9873. [10601.748352] wl12xx: elp work
  9874. [10601.748596] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9875. [10601.753570] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  9876. [10601.759063] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  9877. [10601.759521] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  9878. [10601.779052] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  9879. [10601.779144] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  9880. [10601.779266] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  9881. [10601.786895] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  9882. [10601.788482] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  9883. [10601.789001] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  9884. [10601.789154] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  9885. [10601.791595] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  9886. [10601.810607] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9887. [10601.810913] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9888. [10601.838378] wl12xx: elp work
  9889. [10601.838500] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9890. [10601.855102] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9891. [10601.855285] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9892. [10601.889892] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=1
  9893. [10601.904510] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  9894. [10601.909759] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=0
  9895. [10601.919433] wl12xx: elp work
  9896. [10601.919555] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9897. [10602.210906] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9898. [10602.211242] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9899. [10602.211639] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  9900. [10602.211730] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  9901. [10602.211730] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0xB14, ls_calibrate = 0
  9902. [10602.212249] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x733, Level=8, l_thd = 0xb08, h_thd = 0xb8a
  9903. [10602.228332] wl12xx: elp work
  9904. [10602.228454] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9905. [10602.833923] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x81B, ls_calibrate = 0
  9906. [10602.834350] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x544, Level=6, l_thd = 0x616, h_thd = 0xa87
  9907. [10603.501770] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  9908. [10603.502136] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  9909. [10603.518402] wl12xx: elp work
  9910. [10603.518524] wl12xx: chip to elp
  9911. [10603.891052] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 30, -689, 112
  9912. [10604.709014] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x541, ls_calibrate = 0
  9913. [10604.710174] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x36A, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  9914. [10604.809722] [DISP] brightness orig=119, transformed=67
  9915. [10604.830352] [DISP] brightness orig=120, transformed=67
  9916. [10604.859893] [DISP] brightness orig=121, transformed=68
  9917. [10604.878601] [DISP] brightness orig=122, transformed=69
  9918. [10604.910552] [DISP] brightness orig=123, transformed=69
  9919. [10604.930511] [DISP] brightness orig=124, transformed=70
  9920. [10604.948822] [DISP] brightness orig=125, transformed=71
  9921. [10604.978912] [DISP] brightness orig=126, transformed=71
  9922. [10605.005828] [DISP] brightness orig=127, transformed=72
  9923. [10605.024353] [DISP] brightness orig=128, transformed=73
  9924. [10605.056396] [DISP] brightness orig=129, transformed=73
  9925. [10605.071533] [DISP] brightness orig=130, transformed=74
  9926. [10605.113555] [DISP] brightness orig=131, transformed=75
  9927. [10605.129638] [DISP] brightness orig=132, transformed=75
  9928. [10605.160095] [DISP] brightness orig=133, transformed=76
  9929. [10605.179962] [DISP] brightness orig=134, transformed=77
  9930. [10605.213531] [DISP] brightness orig=135, transformed=77
  9931. [10605.234039] [DISP] brightness orig=136, transformed=78
  9932. [10605.251617] [DISP] brightness orig=137, transformed=79
  9933. [10605.279724] [DISP] brightness orig=138, transformed=79
  9934. [10605.302642] [DISP] brightness orig=139, transformed=80
  9935. [10605.337402] [DISP] brightness orig=140, transformed=81
  9936. [10605.352233] [DISP] brightness orig=141, transformed=81
  9937. [10605.389526] [DISP] brightness orig=142, transformed=82
  9938. [10605.403503] [DISP] brightness orig=143, transformed=83
  9939. [10605.424865] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  9940. [10605.425750] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  9941. [10605.428070] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  9942. [10605.429016] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  9943. [10605.430755] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  9944. [10605.445800] [DISP] brightness orig=144, transformed=84
  9945. [10605.456146] [DISP] brightness orig=145, transformed=86
  9946. [10605.493957] [DISP] brightness orig=146, transformed=87
  9947. [10605.508789] [DISP] brightness orig=147, transformed=89
  9948. [10605.522460] [DISP] brightness orig=148, transformed=90
  9949. [10605.557830] [DISP] brightness orig=149, transformed=92
  9950. [10605.571655] [DISP] brightness orig=150, transformed=93
  9951. [10605.602600] [DISP] brightness orig=151, transformed=95
  9952. [10605.633148] [DISP] brightness orig=152, transformed=96
  9953. [10605.656005] [DISP] brightness orig=153, transformed=98
  9954. [10605.677551] [DISP] brightness orig=154, transformed=99
  9955. [10605.706298] [DISP] brightness orig=155, transformed=101
  9956. [10605.714965] [TP]unlock change to 2
  9957. [10605.734619] [DISP] brightness orig=156, transformed=102
  9958. [10605.765075] [DISP] brightness orig=157, transformed=104
  9959. [10605.786590] [DISP] brightness orig=158, transformed=106
  9960. [10605.803192] [DISP] brightness orig=159, transformed=107
  9961. [10605.832244] [DISP] brightness orig=160, transformed=109
  9962. [10605.849121] [DISP] brightness orig=161, transformed=110
  9963. [10605.882598] [DISP] brightness orig=162, transformed=112
  9964. [10605.900848] [DISP] brightness orig=163, transformed=113
  9965. [10605.901397] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 22, -725, 140
  9966. [10605.936523] [DISP] brightness orig=164, transformed=115
  9967. [10605.952331] [DISP] brightness orig=165, transformed=116
  9968. [10605.985351] [DISP] brightness orig=166, transformed=118
  9969. [10606.003692] [DISP] brightness orig=167, transformed=119
  9970. [10606.036590] [DISP] brightness orig=168, transformed=121
  9971. [10606.060119] [DISP] brightness orig=169, transformed=122
  9972. [10606.085296] [DISP] brightness orig=170, transformed=124
  9973. [10606.105773] [DISP] brightness orig=171, transformed=126
  9974. [10606.134521] [DISP] brightness orig=172, transformed=127
  9975. [10606.154541] [DISP] brightness orig=173, transformed=129
  9976. [10606.180389] [DISP] brightness orig=174, transformed=130
  9977. [10606.210479] [DISP] brightness orig=175, transformed=132
  9978. [10606.226013] [DISP] brightness orig=176, transformed=133
  9979. [10606.266265] [DISP] brightness orig=177, transformed=135
  9980. [10606.285247] [DISP] brightness orig=178, transformed=136
  9981. [10606.303253] [DISP] brightness orig=179, transformed=138
  9982. [10606.336303] [DISP] brightness orig=180, transformed=139
  9983. [10606.346893] [DISP] brightness orig=181, transformed=141
  9984. [10606.394775] [DISP] brightness orig=182, transformed=142
  9985. [10606.401062] [DISP] brightness orig=183, transformed=144
  9986. [10606.407348] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  9987. [10606.407409] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  9988. [10606.407592] [CAM] vfe31_stop state 1
  9989. [10606.407653] [CAM] vfe31_stop pending 1
  9990. [10606.407714] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag 1 +
  9991. [10606.407867] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag -
  9992. [10606.407867] [CAM] vfe31_stop -
  9993. [10606.407867] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  9994. [10606.408935] [CAM] msm_release_frame: frame0
  9995. [10606.410064] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  9996. [10606.410125] [CAM] msm_release_frame: draining queue frame
  9997. [10606.410278] [CAM] msm_release_frame, completed
  9998. [10606.417907] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 4, paddr 0x38400000, vaddr 0x45443000
  9999. [10606.420349] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 3, paddr 0x40729000, vaddr 0x4262f000
  10000. [10606.423797] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  10001. [10606.423889] [CAM] msm_open_common: open pic0
  10002. [10606.423919] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  10003. [10606.435302] [DISP] brightness orig=184, transformed=145
  10004. [10606.441986] [CAM]KPI PA: start sensor snapshot config
  10005. [10606.443450] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  10006. [10606.445556] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 35
  10007. [10606.445709] [CAM] msm_frame_axi_cfg, CMD_AXI_CFG_SNAP, type=35
  10008. [10606.445953] [CAM] vfe31_config_axi: regp1->info.cbcr_off = 0x4b000
  10009. [10606.446350] [CAM] vfe31_config_axi: regp2->info.cbcr_off = 0x79ec00
  10010. [10606.454071] [DISP] brightness orig=185, transformed=147
  10011. [10606.455017] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 10606396746960             (2014-05-12 10:25:51.406847552 UTC)
  10012. [10606.455078] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  10013. [10606.455139] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  10014. [10606.455291] set tpa2051 mode to 1
  10015. [10606.488464] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  10016. [10606.488983] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  10017. [10606.489227] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10018. [10606.495117] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10019. [10606.496368] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  10020. [10606.497100] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10021. [10606.502197] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10022. [10606.503692] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  10023. [10606.503814] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  10024. [10606.503997] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10025. [10606.505889] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10026. [10606.507232] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  10027. [10606.507415] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  10028. [10606.507659] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  10029. [10606.508056] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  10030. [10606.508392] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  10031. [10606.508483] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10032. [10606.510925] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10033. [10606.512512] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  10034. [10606.512695] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10035. [10606.514678] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10036. [10606.515899] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  10037. [10606.519165] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_CAPTURE rc = 0
  10038. [10606.520538] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x1, output mode = 0x3
  10039. [10606.539123] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  10040. [10606.564849] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  10041. [10606.565093] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  10042. [10606.565216] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  10043. [10606.565307] [CAM] KPI PA: get raw snapshot, 123 ms
  10044. [10606.566619] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  10045. [10606.611785] [CAM] send SNAPSHOT_DONE
  10046. [10606.612548] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  10047. [10606.614440] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  10048. [10606.614715] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  10049. [10606.629913] set_amp: 1
  10050. [10606.633941] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  10051. [10606.639434] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  10052. [10606.639617] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  10053. [10606.639709] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  10054. [10606.651977] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  10055. [10606.652160] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  10056. [10606.652252] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  10057. [10606.652404] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  10058. [10606.655242] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  10059. [10606.655487] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  10060. [10606.655517] [CAM] msm_release_pic: draining queue pict
  10061. [10606.655548] [CAM] msm_release_pic,q->len = 0
  10062. [10606.655548] [CAM] msm_release_pic, qcmd->member.next= 0xcf2cc9a4
  10063. [10606.656036] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  10064. [10606.656127] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  10065. [10606.659027] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  10066. [10606.692718] [CAM] msm_gemini_open:97]
  10067. [10606.693084] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:16
  10068. [10606.693298] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:17
  10069. [10606.694030] [CAM] msm_gemini_open:102] gemini0 open_count = 1
  10070. [10606.694976] [CAM] msm_gemini_core_reset_ack_irq:213]
  10071. [10606.696441] [CAM] msm_gemini_hw_pingpong_update is_fe=1 buf_free_index=0 paddr=0x38400000 y_len=7990272
  10072. [10606.696533] [CAM] msm_gemini_hw_pingpong_update is_fe=0 buf_free_index=0 paddr=0x4079a000 y_len=7611520
  10073. [10606.696716] [CAM] msm_gemini_hw_pingpong_update is_fe=0 buf_free_index=1 paddr=0x40b3b240 y_len=3805760
  10074. [10606.763092] [CAM] msm_gemini_core_framedone_irq:198]
  10075. [10606.763305] [CAM] msm_gemini_core_fe_pingpong_irq:159]
  10076. [10606.790893] [CAM] msm_gemini_release:113]
  10077. [10606.791473] [CAM] msm_gemini_release:118] gemini0 open_count = 0
  10078. [10606.923858] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40483000, vaddr 0x44087000
  10079. [10606.925750] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x404f4000, vaddr 0x44290000
  10080. [10606.930114] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40565000, vaddr 0x44623000
  10081. [10606.932067] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x405d6000, vaddr 0x44918000
  10082. [10606.933990] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40647000, vaddr 0x44ae5000
  10083. [10606.936614] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x406b8000, vaddr 0x44c47000
  10084. [10606.939453] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40729000, vaddr 0x44dd4000
  10085. [10606.941589] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38400000, vaddr 0x44e9f000
  10086. [10606.942047] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38471000, vaddr 0x426a0000
  10087. [10606.942352] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x384e2000, vaddr 0x440f8000
  10088. [10606.942626] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38553000, vaddr 0x44216000
  10089. [10606.942962] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x385c4000, vaddr 0x44301000
  10090. [10606.943267] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38635000, vaddr 0x4453a000
  10091. [10606.943511] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x386a6000, vaddr 0x445ab000
  10092. [10606.943847] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38717000, vaddr 0x4481d000
  10093. [10606.944183] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 16, paddr 0x38788000, vaddr 0x4488e000
  10094. [10606.944610] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  10095. [10606.944854] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config mode 0
  10096. [10606.944915] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 1, prev_res 1
  10097. [10606.946380] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 37
  10098. [10606.946777] [CAM] In vpe_frame_cfg cfgcmd->cmd_type = 42
  10099. [10606.946899] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10100. [10606.947021] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1,
  10101. [10606.947113] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10102. [10606.947235] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10103. [10606.947357] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10104. [10606.947418] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10105. [10606.947570] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10106. [10606.947692] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10107. [10606.947814] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10108. [10606.947875] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10109. [10606.948028] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10110. [10606.948150] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10111. [10606.948211] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10112. [10606.948333] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10113. [10606.948455] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10114. [10606.948547] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10115. [10606.948669] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10116. [10606.948883] [CAM] axi_data.bufnum1 = 1
  10117. [10606.949035] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START
  10118. [10606.951049] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  10119. [10606.953613] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5
  10120. [10606.989532] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  10121. [10606.989959] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  10122. [10606.990173] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  10123. [10606.996887] [CAM] msm_open_common: open frame0
  10124. [10606.996978] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10125. [10606.997039] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10126. [10606.997039] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10127. [10606.997039] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10128. [10606.997070] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10129. [10606.998016] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10130. [10606.998046] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10131. [10606.998077] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10132. [10606.998077] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10133. [10606.998077] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10134. [10606.998138] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10135. [10606.998168] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10136. [10606.998168] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10137. [10606.998199] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10138. [10606.998199] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10139. [10606.998443] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10140. [10606.998474] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10141. [10606.998474] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10142. [10606.998504] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10143. [10606.998504] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10144. [10607.005767] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  10145. [10607.911071] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 16, -675, -8
  10146. [10609.080078] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x94D, ls_calibrate = 0
  10147. [10609.080627] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x60B, Level=6, l_thd = 0x616, h_thd = 0xa87
  10148. [10609.704986] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0xA9B, ls_calibrate = 0
  10149. [10609.705810] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x6E4, Level=7, l_thd = 0xa88, h_thd = 0xb07
  10150. [10609.921081] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -700, 14, -11
  10151. [10610.266326] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  10152. [10610.266601] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  10153. [10610.272888] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  10154. [10610.273162] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  10155. [10610.273742] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  10156. [10610.339385] set_amp: 0
  10157. [10610.347076] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  10158. [10610.347320] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  10159. [10610.347412] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10160. [10610.350738] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10161. [10610.351837] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  10162. [10610.351959] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10163. [10610.368927] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  10164. [10610.370117] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10165. [10610.371246] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 20ms --
  10166. [10610.381469] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  10167. [10610.387023] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  10168. [10610.387237] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  10169. [10610.387481] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  10170. [10610.396087] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  10171. [10610.396240] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 10610338000623             (2014-05-12 10:25:55.348101215 UTC)
  10172. [10610.396636] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  10173. [10610.397003] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  10174. [10610.397155] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10175. [10610.399810] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10176. [10610.401153] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  10177. [10610.401367] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  10178. [10610.401489] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10179. [10610.403259] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10180. [10610.404510] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  10181. [10610.405273] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10182. [10610.422576] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  10183. [10610.423614] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10184. [10610.424682] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 20ms --
  10185. [10610.532928] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17818671000000 (s 17818671000000)
  10186. [10610.558776] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10187. [10610.558990] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10188. [10610.559082] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10189. [10610.559265] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10190. [10610.559448] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10191. [10610.559661] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10192. [10610.559783] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10193. [10610.559936] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10194. [10610.560089] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10195. [10610.560180] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10196. [10610.593566] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  10197. [10610.593872] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  10198. [10610.818389] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  10199. [10610.818603] 05-12 14:55:55
  10200. [10610.818634]  17:  4309       gp_timer
  10201. [10610.818695]  48:   404       msmgpio
  10202. [10610.818725]  51:    21       rpm_drv
  10203. [10610.818786]  80:  1393       vfe
  10204. [10610.818817] 107:   319       MDP
  10205. [10610.818847] 112:   487       kgsl-3d0
  10206. [10610.818878] 113:   592       kgsl-2d0
  10207. [10610.818908] 114:   185       MIPI_DSI
  10208. [10610.818939] 116:   602       csi
  10209. [10610.818969] 122:   338       smd_dev
  10210. [10610.819000] 133:   501       mmc3
  10211. [10610.819000] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  10212. [10610.819030] 136:  1412       mmc0
  10213. [10610.819061] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  10214. [10610.819122] 179:  1284       spi_qsd
  10215. [10610.819152] 185:   609       qup_err_intr
  10216. [10610.819152] 187:     8       qup_err_intr
  10217. [10610.819183] 191:   147       qup_err_intr
  10218. [10610.819213] 199:   219       msmdatamover
  10219. [10610.819274] 220:    85       mmc4
  10220. [10610.819305] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  10221. [10610.819305] 228:  4366       qup_err_intr
  10222. [10610.819366] 244:   592       kgsl-2d1
  10223. [10610.819427] 302:    50       wl12xx
  10224. [10610.819488] 344:    25       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  10225. [10610.819549] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  10226. [10610.819580] 373:     8       atmel_qt602240
  10227. [10610.819610] 384:   319       akm8975
  10228. [10610.819763] 505:    20       pm8058_adc_interrupt
  10229. [10610.819915] 635:     5       cm3628
  10230. [10610.820159] C0: 2262 1504ms
  10231. [10610.820190] C1: 49 35ms
  10232. [10610.820190] CPU0 usage: 84
  10233. [10610.820220] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  10234. [10610.820220] LPASS running (0ms)
  10235. [10610.820251]   994,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  10236. [10610.820343]  954D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  10237. [10610.820373]  1002,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  10238. [10610.820434]   550,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10239. [10610.820465]   492,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10240. [10610.820526]   564,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10241. [10610.820556]  973D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  10242. [10610.820617]   897,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10243. [10610.820648]   641,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10244. [10610.820709]   894,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  10245. [10610.820770]   589,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  10246. [10610.820831] 9417 total events, 939.508 events/sec
  10247. [10610.820892] idle lock:  's5k3h2yx'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  'msm_camera'
  10248. [10610.820922] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'proximity', time left 188;  'pmic_led', time left 177;
  10249. [10610.826721] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  10250. [10610.826934] 27%              5479            id.GoogleCamera                 546
  10251. [10610.827117] 10%              180             mediaserver                     203
  10252. [10610.827484] 9%               2011            droid.apps.plus                 198
  10253. [10610.827697] 8%               171             ewtzmud                 180
  10254. [10610.827880] 8%               177             surfaceflinger                  174
  10255. [10610.848327] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  10256. [10610.939575] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17819078000000 (s 17819078000000)
  10257. [10611.460815] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  10258. [10611.461547] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  10259. [10611.522735] [TP]unlock change to 2
  10260. [10611.578918] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0xB39, ls_calibrate = 0
  10261. [10611.579620] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x74B, Level=8, l_thd = 0xb08, h_thd = 0xb8a
  10262. [10611.931060] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -700, -19, -42
  10263. [10612.169158] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  10264. [10612.169464] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  10265. [10612.169586] [CAM] vfe31_stop state 1
  10266. [10612.169677] [CAM] vfe31_stop pending 1
  10267. [10612.169891] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag 1 +
  10268. [10612.169982] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag -
  10269. [10612.170074] [CAM] vfe31_stop -
  10270. [10612.170288] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  10271. [10612.170776] [CAM] msm_release_frame: frame0
  10272. [10612.171020] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  10273. [10612.171295] [CAM] msm_release_frame: draining queue frame
  10274. [10612.171417] [CAM] msm_release_frame, completed
  10275. [10612.174224] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 4, paddr 0x387f9000, vaddr 0x45541000
  10276. [10612.174926] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 3, paddr 0x40412000, vaddr 0x426a0000
  10277. [10612.177001] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  10278. [10612.177032] [CAM] msm_open_common: open pic0
  10279. [10612.177062] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  10280. [10612.195251] [CAM]KPI PA: start sensor snapshot config
  10281. [10612.195800] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 35
  10282. [10612.195831] [CAM] msm_frame_axi_cfg, CMD_AXI_CFG_SNAP, type=35
  10283. [10612.195831] [CAM] vfe31_config_axi: regp1->info.cbcr_off = 0x4b000
  10284. [10612.195861] [CAM] vfe31_config_axi: regp2->info.cbcr_off = 0x79ec00
  10285. [10612.212402] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  10286. [10612.224822] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 10612166552868             (2014-05-12 10:25:57.176653460 UTC)
  10287. [10612.225097] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  10288. [10612.225830] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  10289. [10612.258239] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  10290. [10612.258789] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  10291. [10612.259002] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10292. [10612.262969] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10293. [10612.265777] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  10294. [10612.266235] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10295. [10612.273254] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10296. [10612.274719] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  10297. [10612.274871] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  10298. [10612.275146] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10299. [10612.277160] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10300. [10612.278686] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  10301. [10612.279052] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  10302. [10612.279388] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  10303. [10612.279785] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  10304. [10612.280059] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  10305. [10612.280181] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10306. [10612.283081] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10307. [10612.290405] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  10308. [10612.290710] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10309. [10612.292297] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_CAPTURE rc = 0
  10310. [10612.293579] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x1, output mode = 0x3
  10311. [10612.294952] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10312. [10612.296234] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  10313. [10612.321685] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  10314. [10612.322235] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  10315. [10612.322875] [CAM] KPI PA: get raw snapshot, 127 ms
  10316. [10612.330810] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  10317. [10612.352081] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  10318. [10612.368469] [CAM] send SNAPSHOT_DONE
  10319. [10612.369506] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  10320. [10612.370269] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  10321. [10612.383758] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  10322. [10612.402191] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  10323. [10612.402313] [CAM] msm_release_pic: draining queue pict
  10324. [10612.402526] [CAM] msm_release_pic,q->len = 0
  10325. [10612.402648] [CAM] msm_release_pic, qcmd->member.next= 0xcf2cc9a4
  10326. [10612.418975] set_amp: 1
  10327. [10612.423522] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  10328. [10612.429016] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  10329. [10612.429199] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  10330. [10612.429382] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  10331. [10612.440917] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  10332. [10612.442382] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  10333. [10612.442932] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  10334. [10612.443054] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  10335. [10612.446411] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  10336. [10612.446594] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  10337. [10612.446716] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  10338. [10612.449737] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  10339. [10612.465240] [CAM] msm_gemini_open:97]
  10340. [10612.465728] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:16
  10341. [10612.466064] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:17
  10342. [10612.466766] [CAM] msm_gemini_open:102] gemini0 open_count = 1
  10343. [10612.468139] [CAM] msm_gemini_core_reset_ack_irq:213]
  10344. [10612.475219] [CAM] msm_gemini_hw_pingpong_update is_fe=1 buf_free_index=0 paddr=0x387f9000 y_len=7990272
  10345. [10612.475830] [CAM] msm_gemini_hw_pingpong_update is_fe=0 buf_free_index=0 paddr=0x4079a000 y_len=7611520
  10346. [10612.475982] [CAM] msm_gemini_hw_pingpong_update is_fe=0 buf_free_index=1 paddr=0x40b3b240 y_len=3805760
  10347. [10612.554199] [CAM] msm_gemini_core_framedone_irq:198]
  10348. [10612.554473] [CAM] msm_gemini_core_fe_pingpong_irq:159]
  10349. [10612.596160] [CAM] msm_gemini_release:113]
  10350. [10612.596771] [CAM] msm_gemini_release:118] gemini0 open_count = 0
  10351. [10612.697143] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40412000, vaddr 0x44087000
  10352. [10612.699951] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40483000, vaddr 0x4426f000
  10353. [10612.702911] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40565000, vaddr 0x444c9000
  10354. [10612.705413] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x405d6000, vaddr 0x4461e000
  10355. [10612.706970] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40647000, vaddr 0x448d7000
  10356. [10612.708709] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x406b8000, vaddr 0x44a29000
  10357. [10612.713256] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40729000, vaddr 0x44bef000
  10358. [10612.716125] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38400000, vaddr 0x44cf5000
  10359. [10612.716735] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38471000, vaddr 0x426a0000
  10360. [10612.719299] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x384e2000, vaddr 0x440f8000
  10361. [10612.721710] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38553000, vaddr 0x4481d000
  10362. [10612.722076] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x385c4000, vaddr 0x44b5c000
  10363. [10612.722747] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38635000, vaddr 0x44c60000
  10364. [10612.723144] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x386a6000, vaddr 0x44d66000
  10365. [10612.723480] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38717000, vaddr 0x44dd7000
  10366. [10612.723754] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 16, paddr 0x38788000, vaddr 0x44e48000
  10367. [10612.724243] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  10368. [10612.724426] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config mode 0
  10369. [10612.724578] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 1, prev_res 1
  10370. [10612.725982] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 37
  10371. [10612.726348] [CAM] In vpe_frame_cfg cfgcmd->cmd_type = 42
  10372. [10612.726440] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10373. [10612.726501] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1,
  10374. [10612.726654] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10375. [10612.726776] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10376. [10612.726837] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10377. [10612.726989] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10378. [10612.727111] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10379. [10612.727172] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10380. [10612.727325] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10381. [10612.727447] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10382. [10612.727569] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10383. [10612.727630] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10384. [10612.727783] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10385. [10612.727905] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10386. [10612.727966] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10387. [10612.728118] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10388. [10612.728240] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10389. [10612.728485] [CAM] axi_data.bufnum1 = 1
  10390. [10612.728637] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START
  10391. [10612.730957] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  10392. [10612.732849] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5
  10393. [10612.746093] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  10394. [10612.746520] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  10395. [10612.746704] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  10396. [10612.749755] [CAM] msm_open_common: open frame0
  10397. [10612.750885] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  10398. [10612.755920] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10399. [10612.756439] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10400. [10612.756683] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10401. [10612.757110] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10402. [10612.758148] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10403. [10612.762084] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10404. [10612.762939] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10405. [10612.763641] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10406. [10612.764343] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10407. [10612.764739] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10408. [10612.765930] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10409. [10612.766448] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10410. [10612.767150] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10411. [10612.767852] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10412. [10612.768493] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10413. [10612.772949] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10414. [10612.773498] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10415. [10612.773742] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10416. [10612.774169] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10417. [10612.774597] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10418. [10613.941070] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -734, 326, 42
  10419. [10614.077331] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x938, ls_calibrate = 0
  10420. [10614.077911] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x5FD, Level=6, l_thd = 0x616, h_thd = 0xa87
  10421. [10614.103118] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10422. [10614.103363] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10423. [10614.103515] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10424. [10614.103698] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10425. [10614.103790] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10426. [10615.047576] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17823186000000 (s 17823186000000)
  10427. [10615.327514] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0xC48, ls_calibrate = 0
  10428. [10615.328155] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x7FB, Level=9, l_thd = 0xb8b, h_thd = 0xffff
  10429. [10615.605987] [DISP] brightness orig=186, transformed=149
  10430. [10615.636260] [DISP] brightness orig=187, transformed=150
  10431. [10615.648529] [DISP] brightness orig=188, transformed=152
  10432. [10615.687316] [DISP] brightness orig=189, transformed=153
  10433. [10615.697509] [DISP] brightness orig=190, transformed=155
  10434. [10615.730102] [DISP] brightness orig=191, transformed=156
  10435. [10615.750701] [DISP] brightness orig=192, transformed=158
  10436. [10615.779174] [DISP] brightness orig=193, transformed=159
  10437. [10615.797271] [DISP] brightness orig=194, transformed=161
  10438. [10615.828094] [DISP] brightness orig=195, transformed=162
  10439. [10615.847259] [DISP] brightness orig=196, transformed=164
  10440. [10615.877258] [DISP] brightness orig=197, transformed=165
  10441. [10615.919891] [DISP] brightness orig=198, transformed=167
  10442. [10615.926605] [DISP] brightness orig=199, transformed=169
  10443. [10615.947387] [DISP] brightness orig=200, transformed=170
  10444. [10615.951019] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -703, 56, -67
  10445. [10615.983123] [DISP] brightness orig=201, transformed=172
  10446. [10615.997192] [DISP] brightness orig=202, transformed=173
  10447. [10616.034332] [DISP] brightness orig=203, transformed=175
  10448. [10616.049926] [DISP] brightness orig=204, transformed=176
  10449. [10616.056335] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  10450. [10616.056488] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  10451. [10616.061645] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  10452. [10616.061767] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  10453. [10616.061920] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  10454. [10616.080017] [DISP] brightness orig=205, transformed=178
  10455. [10616.097412] [DISP] brightness orig=206, transformed=179
  10456. [10616.128356] set_amp: 0
  10457. [10616.134674] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  10458. [10616.134765] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  10459. [10616.134918] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10460. [10616.136901] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10461. [10616.138092] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  10462. [10616.138183] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10463. [10616.140777] [DISP] brightness orig=207, transformed=181
  10464. [10616.153900] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  10465. [10616.154907] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10466. [10616.156005] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 18ms --
  10467. [10616.164947] [DISP] brightness orig=208, transformed=182
  10468. [10616.167541] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  10469. [10616.173248] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  10470. [10616.173522] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  10471. [10616.173706] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  10472. [10616.182647] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  10473. [10616.182769] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 10616124530165             (2014-05-12 10:26:01.134630757 UTC)
  10474. [10616.183013] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  10475. [10616.183074] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  10476. [10616.183197] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10477. [10616.185058] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10478. [10616.186279] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  10479. [10616.186401] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  10480. [10616.186492] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10481. [10616.186553] [DISP] brightness orig=209, transformed=184
  10482. [10616.188476] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10483. [10616.189758] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  10484. [10616.189849] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10485. [10616.203247] [DISP] brightness orig=210, transformed=185
  10486. [10616.205383] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  10487. [10616.206604] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10488. [10616.207672] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 18ms --
  10489. [10616.233947] [DISP] brightness orig=211, transformed=187
  10490. [10616.252532] [DISP] brightness orig=212, transformed=188
  10491. [10616.304412] [DISP] brightness orig=213, transformed=190
  10492. [10616.304534] [DISP] brightness orig=214, transformed=192
  10493. [10616.335662] [DISP] brightness orig=215, transformed=193
  10494. [10616.366424] [DISP] brightness orig=216, transformed=195
  10495. [10616.374664] [DISP] brightness orig=217, transformed=196
  10496. [10616.412567] [DISP] brightness orig=218, transformed=198
  10497. [10616.432769] [DISP] brightness orig=219, transformed=199
  10498. [10616.446777] [DISP] brightness orig=220, transformed=201
  10499. [10616.460052] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  10500. [10616.460418] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  10501. [10616.474639] [DISP] brightness orig=221, transformed=202
  10502. [10616.507690] [DISP] brightness orig=222, transformed=204
  10503. [10616.526306] [DISP] brightness orig=223, transformed=205
  10504. [10616.567138] [DISP] brightness orig=224, transformed=207
  10505. [10616.577667] [DISP] brightness orig=225, transformed=208
  10506. [10616.605255] [DISP] brightness orig=226, transformed=210
  10507. [10616.634552] [DISP] brightness orig=227, transformed=212
  10508. [10616.647766] [DISP] brightness orig=228, transformed=213
  10509. [10616.685791] [DISP] brightness orig=229, transformed=215
  10510. [10616.698974] [DISP] brightness orig=230, transformed=216
  10511. [10616.718414] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  10512. [10616.736602] [DISP] brightness orig=231, transformed=218
  10513. [10616.753204] [DISP] brightness orig=232, transformed=219
  10514. [10616.783660] [DISP] brightness orig=233, transformed=221
  10515. [10616.802001] [DISP] brightness orig=234, transformed=222
  10516. [10616.834838] [DISP] brightness orig=235, transformed=224
  10517. [10616.861175] [DISP] brightness orig=236, transformed=225
  10518. [10616.891601] [DISP] brightness orig=237, transformed=227
  10519. [10616.895263] [DISP] brightness orig=238, transformed=228
  10520. [10616.914733] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  10521. [10616.915039] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  10522. [10616.938171] [DISP] brightness orig=239, transformed=230
  10523. [10616.953094] [DISP] brightness orig=240, transformed=231
  10524. [10616.987152] [DISP] brightness orig=241, transformed=233
  10525. [10617.001495] [DISP] brightness orig=242, transformed=235
  10526. [10617.028900] [TP]unlock change to 2
  10527. [10617.031768] [DISP] brightness orig=243, transformed=236
  10528. [10617.051666] [DISP] brightness orig=244, transformed=238
  10529. [10617.072235] [DISP] brightness orig=245, transformed=239
  10530. [10617.096221] [DISP] brightness orig=246, transformed=241
  10531. [10617.132934] [DISP] brightness orig=247, transformed=242
  10532. [10617.147399] [DISP] brightness orig=248, transformed=244
  10533. [10617.179718] [DISP] brightness orig=249, transformed=245
  10534. [10617.199493] [DISP] brightness orig=250, transformed=247
  10535. [10617.235992] [DISP] brightness orig=251, transformed=248
  10536. [10617.247955] [DISP] brightness orig=252, transformed=250
  10537. [10617.284393] [DISP] brightness orig=253, transformed=251
  10538. [10617.299499] [DISP] brightness orig=254, transformed=253
  10539. [10617.331024] [DISP] brightness orig=255, transformed=255
  10540. [10617.707244] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  10541. [10617.707427] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  10542. [10617.707611] [CAM] vfe31_stop state 1
  10543. [10617.710662] [CAM] vfe31_stop pending 1
  10544. [10617.710845] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag 1 +
  10545. [10617.711334] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag -
  10546. [10617.711669] [CAM] vfe31_stop -
  10547. [10617.711883] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  10548. [10617.720611] [CAM] msm_release_frame: frame0
  10549. [10617.720642] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  10550. [10617.720642] [CAM] msm_release_frame: draining queue frame
  10551. [10617.720642] [CAM] msm_release_frame, completed
  10552. [10617.729248] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 4, paddr 0x387f9000, vaddr 0x45443000
  10553. [10617.730773] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 3, paddr 0x404f4000, vaddr 0x426a0000
  10554. [10617.736572] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  10555. [10617.736877] [CAM] msm_open_common: open pic0
  10556. [10617.737152] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  10557. [10617.757080] [CAM]KPI PA: start sensor snapshot config
  10558. [10617.762634] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 35
  10559. [10617.762878] [CAM] msm_frame_axi_cfg, CMD_AXI_CFG_SNAP, type=35
  10560. [10617.763275] [CAM] vfe31_config_axi: regp1->info.cbcr_off = 0x4b000
  10561. [10617.763519] [CAM] vfe31_config_axi: regp2->info.cbcr_off = 0x79ec00
  10562. [10617.769256] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  10563. [10617.785247] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 10617726977672             (2014-05-12 10:26:02.737078264 UTC)
  10564. [10617.785491] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  10565. [10617.785644] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  10566. [10617.817291] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  10567. [10617.817718] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  10568. [10617.817749] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10569. [10617.824096] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10570. [10617.825805] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  10571. [10617.826202] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10572. [10617.829895] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10573. [10617.831085] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  10574. [10617.831237] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  10575. [10617.831329] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10576. [10617.832946] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10577. [10617.834228] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  10578. [10617.834320] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  10579. [10617.834503] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  10580. [10617.834899] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  10581. [10617.835021] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  10582. [10617.835296] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10583. [10617.837707] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10584. [10617.839019] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  10585. [10617.839111] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10586. [10617.840881] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10587. [10617.841949] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  10588. [10617.844390] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_CAPTURE rc = 0
  10589. [10617.845672] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x1, output mode = 0x3
  10590. [10617.869079] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  10591. [10617.889251] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  10592. [10617.889556] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  10593. [10617.889770] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  10594. [10617.890197] [CAM] KPI PA: get raw snapshot, 129 ms
  10595. [10617.897888] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  10596. [10617.936187] [CAM] send SNAPSHOT_DONE
  10597. [10617.941009] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  10598. [10617.941253] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  10599. [10617.941345] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  10600. [10617.961029] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -705, -16, -56
  10601. [10617.963806] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  10602. [10617.964019] [CAM] msm_release_pic: draining queue pict
  10603. [10617.964080] [CAM] msm_release_pic,q->len = 0
  10604. [10617.964172] [CAM] msm_release_pic, qcmd->member.next= 0xcf2cc9a4
  10605. [10617.968414] set_amp: 1
  10606. [10617.972015] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  10607. [10617.977386] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  10608. [10617.977478] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  10609. [10617.977600] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  10610. [10617.989562] [CAM] msm_gemini_open:97]
  10611. [10617.990081] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:16
  10612. [10617.990234] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:17
  10613. [10617.990814] [CAM] msm_gemini_open:102] gemini0 open_count = 1
  10614. [10617.991546] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  10615. [10617.991699] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  10616. [10617.991851] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  10617. [10617.992004] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  10618. [10617.992156] [CAM] msm_gemini_core_reset_ack_irq:213]
  10619. [10617.993652] [CAM] msm_gemini_hw_pingpong_update is_fe=1 buf_free_index=0 paddr=0x387f9000 y_len=7990272
  10620. [10617.993652] [CAM] msm_gemini_hw_pingpong_update is_fe=0 buf_free_index=0 paddr=0x4079a000 y_len=7611520
  10621. [10617.993682] [CAM] msm_gemini_hw_pingpong_update is_fe=0 buf_free_index=1 paddr=0x40b3b240 y_len=3805760
  10622. [10617.995178] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  10623. [10617.995178] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  10624. [10617.995178] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  10625. [10617.997833] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  10626. [10618.041809] [CAM] msm_gemini_core_framedone_irq:198]
  10627. [10618.042022] [CAM] msm_gemini_core_fe_pingpong_irq:159]
  10628. [10618.098663] [CAM] msm_gemini_release:113]
  10629. [10618.099578] [CAM] msm_gemini_release:118] gemini0 open_count = 0
  10630. [10618.271301] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40412000, vaddr 0x426ac000
  10631. [10618.273010] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x404f4000, vaddr 0x44109000
  10632. [10618.274658] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40565000, vaddr 0x44249000
  10633. [10618.276245] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x405d6000, vaddr 0x444c9000
  10634. [10618.277740] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40647000, vaddr 0x447ac000
  10635. [10618.279418] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x406b8000, vaddr 0x44999000
  10636. [10618.280975] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40729000, vaddr 0x44ba2000
  10637. [10618.282897] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38400000, vaddr 0x44c46000
  10638. [10618.283294] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38471000, vaddr 0x4453a000
  10639. [10618.283569] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x384e2000, vaddr 0x4481d000
  10640. [10618.283813] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38553000, vaddr 0x44adb000
  10641. [10618.284088] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x385c4000, vaddr 0x44cb7000
  10642. [10618.284362] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38635000, vaddr 0x44d28000
  10643. [10618.284606] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x386a6000, vaddr 0x44d99000
  10644. [10618.284881] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38717000, vaddr 0x44e0a000
  10645. [10618.285156] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 16, paddr 0x38788000, vaddr 0x44e7b000
  10646. [10618.285583] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  10647. [10618.285797] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config mode 0
  10648. [10618.285858] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 1, prev_res 1
  10649. [10618.287231] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 37
  10650. [10618.287628] [CAM] In vpe_frame_cfg cfgcmd->cmd_type = 42
  10651. [10618.287750] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10652. [10618.287902] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1,
  10653. [10618.287963] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10654. [10618.288085] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10655. [10618.288208] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10656. [10618.288269] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10657. [10618.288391] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10658. [10618.288543] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10659. [10618.288604] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10660. [10618.288665] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10661. [10618.288787] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10662. [10618.288909] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10663. [10618.289001] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10664. [10618.289123] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  10665. [10618.289245] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10666. [10618.289306] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10667. [10618.289428] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  10668. [10618.289642] [CAM] axi_data.bufnum1 = 1
  10669. [10618.289794] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START
  10670. [10618.291717] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  10671. [10618.292877] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5
  10672. [10618.313903] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  10673. [10618.314361] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  10674. [10618.314514] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  10675. [10618.319946] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10676. [10618.320404] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10677. [10618.320770] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10678. [10618.322570] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10679. [10618.322753] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10680. [10618.324096] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10681. [10618.324401] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10682. [10618.324584] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10683. [10618.324981] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10684. [10618.325347] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10685. [10618.325683] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10686. [10618.326110] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10687. [10618.326324] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10688. [10618.329498] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10689. [10618.329650] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10690. [10618.330047] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10691. [10618.330139] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10692. [10618.330291] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10693. [10618.330413] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10694. [10618.330474] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10695. [10618.332305] [CAM] msm_open_common: open frame0
  10696. [10618.332366] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  10697. [10619.173583] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17827312000000 (s 17827312000000)
  10698. [10619.397430] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10699. [10619.397583] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10700. [10619.397705] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10701. [10619.397857] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10702. [10619.397918] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10703. [10619.398254] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10704. [10619.398345] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10705. [10619.402862] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10706. [10619.403015] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10707. [10619.403167] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10708. [10619.700012] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x792, ls_calibrate = 0
  10709. [10619.701721] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x4EB, Level=6, l_thd = 0x616, h_thd = 0xa87
  10710. [10619.971069] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -255, -908, 239
  10711. [10620.323669] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x196, ls_calibrate = 0
  10712. [10620.324401] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x107, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  10713. [10620.838348] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  10714. [10620.838439] 05-12 14:56:05
  10715. [10620.838592]  17:  4623       gp_timer
  10716. [10620.838867]  48:   358       msmgpio
  10717. [10620.839202]  51:    20       rpm_drv
  10718. [10620.839508]  80:   950       vfe
  10719. [10620.839843] 107:   280       MDP
  10720. [10620.840179] 112:   437       kgsl-3d0
  10721. [10620.840515] 113:   558       kgsl-2d0
  10722. [10620.840850] 114:   188       MIPI_DSI
  10723. [10620.841339] 116:   422       csi
  10724. [10620.841613] 122:   550       smd_dev
  10725. [10620.841949] 136:  4073       mmc0
  10726. [10620.842254] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  10727. [10620.842468] 179:   235       spi_qsd
  10728. [10620.842803] 185:   286       qup_err_intr
  10729. [10620.843048] 187:    11       qup_err_intr
  10730. [10620.843322] 191:   113       qup_err_intr
  10731. [10620.843719] 199:   206       msmdatamover
  10732. [10620.844055] 228:  4775       qup_err_intr
  10733. [10620.844390] 244:   558       kgsl-2d1
  10734. [10620.844818] 344:     5       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  10735. [10620.845153] 373:    11       atmel_qt602240
  10736. [10620.845489] 384:   343       akm8975
  10737. [10620.846771] 635:     5       cm3628
  10738. [10620.847229] C0: 2087 1267ms
  10739. [10620.847351] C1: 36 25ms
  10740. [10620.847442] CPU0 usage: 87
  10741. [10620.847503] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  10742. [10620.847595] LPASS running (0ms)
  10743. [10620.847747]  1003,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  10744. [10620.848175]   479,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10745. [10620.848663]   983,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  10746. [10620.849121]  895D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  10747. [10620.849487]  1003,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10748. [10620.850219]   553,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10749. [10620.850616]  1002,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  10750. [10620.850952]   656,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  10751. [10620.851440]   545,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10752. [10620.851837]  984D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  10753. [10620.852172]   684,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10754. [10620.852600]   445,   352 AudioOut_2       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10755. [10620.852966] 9792 total events, 976.894 events/sec
  10756. [10620.853057] idle lock:  's5k3h2yx'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  'msm_camera'
  10757. [10620.853515] wakelock:  'audio_pcm'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'proximity', time left 247;  'event4-520', time left 500;
  10758. [10620.856628] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  10759. [10620.856719] 25%              5479            id.GoogleCamera                 506
  10760. [10620.856842] 18%              2011            droid.apps.plus                 376
  10761. [10620.856903] 10%              180             mediaserver                     209
  10762. [10620.856994] 6%               177             surfaceflinger                  126
  10763. [10620.857116] 6%               520             system_server                   121
  10764. [10621.453582] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17829592000000 (s 17829592000000)
  10765. [10621.469299] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  10766. [10621.469390] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  10767. [10621.475646] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  10768. [10621.475830] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  10769. [10621.538330] wl12xx: elp work
  10770. [10621.538421] wl12xx: chip to elp
  10771. [10621.591430] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  10772. [10621.591979] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  10773. [10621.608428] wl12xx: elp work
  10774. [10621.608642] wl12xx: chip to elp
  10775. [10621.610168] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  10776. [10621.610931] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  10777. [10621.619445] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  10778. [10621.619812] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  10779. [10621.620483] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  10780. [10621.662200] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  10781. [10621.662841] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  10782. [10621.688598] set_amp: 0
  10783. [10621.695526] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  10784. [10621.695617] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  10785. [10621.695770] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10786. [10621.697631] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10787. [10621.698333] wl12xx: elp work
  10788. [10621.698516] wl12xx: chip to elp
  10789. [10621.698822] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  10790. [10621.699066] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10791. [10621.714508] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  10792. [10621.716400] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10793. [10621.717620] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 19ms --
  10794. [10621.729736] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  10795. [10621.735473] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  10796. [10621.735839] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  10797. [10621.736114] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  10798. [10621.740142] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  10799. [10621.740875] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  10800. [10621.743988] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  10801. [10621.744903] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 10621686633435             (2014-05-12 10:26:06.696734027 UTC)
  10802. [10621.745758] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  10803. [10621.746398] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  10804. [10621.746643] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10805. [10621.751678] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10806. [10621.753021] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  10807. [10621.753356] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  10808. [10621.753540] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10809. [10621.755737] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10810. [10621.756988] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  10811. [10621.757476] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  10812. [10621.768341] wl12xx: elp work
  10813. [10621.768463] wl12xx: chip to elp
  10814. [10621.780792] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  10815. [10621.782714] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  10816. [10621.783996] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 27ms --
  10817. [10621.817596] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  10818. [10621.818145] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  10819. [10621.838317] wl12xx: elp work
  10820. [10621.838470] wl12xx: chip to elp
  10821. [10621.868591] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  10822. [10621.868774] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  10823. [10621.898315] wl12xx: elp work
  10824. [10621.898437] wl12xx: chip to elp
  10825. [10621.899047] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  10826. [10621.899322] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  10827. [10621.916839] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  10828. [10621.917297] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  10829. [10621.918640] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  10830. [10621.938385] wl12xx: elp work
  10831. [10621.938507] wl12xx: chip to elp
  10832. [10621.981170] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 5, 30, -840
  10833. [10622.168487] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  10834. [10622.225097] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  10835. [10622.225646] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  10836. [10622.226470] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  10837. [10622.226684] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  10838. [10622.249542] wl12xx: elp work
  10839. [10622.249694] wl12xx: chip to elp
  10840. [10622.894195] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10841. [10622.894744] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10842. [10622.894958] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10843. [10622.895355] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10844. [10622.895751] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10845. [10623.518188] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  10846. [10623.519500] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  10847. [10623.538391] wl12xx: elp work
  10848. [10623.538574] wl12xx: chip to elp
  10849. [10623.991058] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 45, -371, -545
  10850. [10624.383117] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x42, ls_calibrate = 0
  10851. [10624.383880] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x02A, Level=3, l_thd = 0x2a, h_thd = 0x57
  10852. [10625.008026] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x8D, ls_calibrate = 0
  10853. [10625.008972] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x05B, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  10854. [10625.944580] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x5A, ls_calibrate = 0
  10855. [10625.945678] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x03A, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  10856. [10626.001098] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 281, -14, -829
  10857. [10626.569274] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x3F, ls_calibrate = 0
  10858. [10626.570465] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x028, Level=3, l_thd = 0x2a, h_thd = 0x57
  10859. [10627.193603] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x64, ls_calibrate = 0
  10860. [10627.198822] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x040, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  10861. [10627.981597] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17836120000000 (s 17836120000000)
  10862. [10627.993377] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10863. [10627.994567] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10864. [10627.994720] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10865. [10627.994903] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10866. [10627.995056] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10867. [10627.995208] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10868. [10627.995391] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10869. [10627.995483] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10870. [10627.995635] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10871. [10627.995788] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10872. [10628.011077] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 202, -357, -576
  10873. [10628.443450] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x3E, ls_calibrate = 0
  10874. [10628.444274] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x028, Level=3, l_thd = 0x2a, h_thd = 0x57
  10875. [10629.691894] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x5F, ls_calibrate = 0
  10876. [10629.696807] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x03D, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  10877. [10630.021270] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 219, 61, -714
  10878. [10630.362670] [DISP] brightness orig=254, transformed=253
  10879. [10630.372436] [DISP] brightness orig=253, transformed=251
  10880. [10630.395751] [DISP] brightness orig=252, transformed=250
  10881. [10630.428161] [DISP] brightness orig=251, transformed=248
  10882. [10630.446777] [DISP] brightness orig=250, transformed=247
  10883. [10630.474639] [DISP] brightness orig=249, transformed=245
  10884. [10630.494537] [DISP] brightness orig=248, transformed=244
  10885. [10630.526580] [DISP] brightness orig=247, transformed=242
  10886. [10630.544860] [DISP] brightness orig=246, transformed=241
  10887. [10630.576416] [DISP] brightness orig=245, transformed=239
  10888. [10630.594238] [DISP] brightness orig=244, transformed=238
  10889. [10630.624053] [DISP] brightness orig=243, transformed=236
  10890. [10630.627899] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x42, ls_calibrate = 0
  10891. [10630.630706] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x02A, Level=3, l_thd = 0x2a, h_thd = 0x57
  10892. [10630.643432] [DISP] brightness orig=242, transformed=235
  10893. [10630.672912] [DISP] brightness orig=241, transformed=233
  10894. [10630.700622] [DISP] brightness orig=240, transformed=231
  10895. [10630.724456] [DISP] brightness orig=239, transformed=230
  10896. [10630.757049] [DISP] brightness orig=238, transformed=228
  10897. [10630.780364] [DISP] brightness orig=237, transformed=227
  10898. [10630.815917] [DISP] brightness orig=236, transformed=225
  10899. [10630.823425] [DISP] brightness orig=235, transformed=224
  10900. [10630.844085] [DISP] brightness orig=234, transformed=222
  10901. [10630.858703] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  10902. [10630.858947] 05-12 14:56:15
  10903. [10630.859283]  17:  4244       gp_timer
  10904. [10630.859924]  48:   401       msmgpio
  10905. [10630.860870]  80:   910       vfe
  10906. [10630.861633] 107:   184       MDP
  10907. [10630.862335] 112:   302       kgsl-3d0
  10908. [10630.863098] 113:   370       kgsl-2d0
  10909. [10630.863861] 114:    39       MIPI_DSI
  10910. [10630.864562] 116:   370       csi
  10911. [10630.865234] 122:    66       smd_dev
  10912. [10630.865966] 133:   543       mmc3
  10913. [10630.866638] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  10914. [10630.867218] 136:  1669       mmc0
  10915. [10630.867736] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  10916. [10630.868377] 179:   105       spi_qsd
  10917. [10630.869232] 185:   280       qup_err_intr
  10918. [10630.869964] 191:    27       qup_err_intr
  10919. [10630.870697] 199:   257       msmdatamover
  10920. [10630.871582] 220:   125       mmc4
  10921. [10630.872070] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  10922. [10630.872650] 228:  4791       qup_err_intr
  10923. [10630.873474] 244:   370       kgsl-2d1
  10924. [10630.875518] 302:    56       wl12xx
  10925. [10630.876342] 344:     8       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  10926. [10630.877166] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  10927. [10630.878143] 384:   335       akm8975
  10928. [10630.879302] 635:     8       cm3628
  10929. [10630.880279] C0: 3732 2758ms
  10930. [10630.880462] C1: 76 31ms
  10931. [10630.880615] [DISP] brightness orig=233, transformed=221
  10932. [10630.881011] CPU0 usage: 72
  10933. [10630.881225] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  10934. [10630.881561] LPASS running (0ms)
  10935. [10630.881774]   992,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  10936. [10630.882751]  960D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  10937. [10630.883850]  1005,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10938. [10630.884185]   989,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  10939. [10630.884216]  1003,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  10940. [10630.884277]   559,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10941. [10630.884307]  970D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  10942. [10630.884338]   496,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10943. [10630.884399]   519,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10944. [10630.884429]   656,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  10945. [10630.884460]   672,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  10946. [10630.884521] 9377 total events, 935.486 events/sec
  10947. [10630.884582] idle lock:  's5k3h2yx'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  'msm_camera'
  10948. [10630.884613] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'proximity', time left 274;
  10949. [10630.889526] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  10950. [10630.889709] 13%              171             ewtzmud                 261
  10951. [10630.890014] 12%              180             mediaserver                     254
  10952. [10630.890167] 9%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 199
  10953. [10630.890350] 7%               177             surfaceflinger                  145
  10954. [10630.890625] 4%               2011            droid.apps.plus                 86
  10955. [10630.908020] [DISP] brightness orig=232, transformed=219
  10956. [10630.925109] [DISP] brightness orig=231, transformed=218
  10957. [10630.963470] [DISP] brightness orig=230, transformed=216
  10958. [10630.974456] [DISP] brightness orig=229, transformed=215
  10959. [10630.996337] [DISP] brightness orig=228, transformed=213
  10960. [10631.026672] [DISP] brightness orig=227, transformed=212
  10961. [10631.047302] [DISP] brightness orig=226, transformed=210
  10962. [10631.080078] [DISP] brightness orig=225, transformed=208
  10963. [10631.104858] [DISP] brightness orig=224, transformed=207
  10964. [10631.137573] [DISP] brightness orig=223, transformed=205
  10965. [10631.146972] [DISP] brightness orig=222, transformed=204
  10966. [10631.182769] [DISP] brightness orig=221, transformed=202
  10967. [10631.203826] [DISP] brightness orig=220, transformed=201
  10968. [10631.217895] [DISP] brightness orig=219, transformed=199
  10969. [10631.249450] [DISP] brightness orig=218, transformed=198
  10970. [10631.266662] [DISP] brightness orig=217, transformed=196
  10971. [10631.304443] [DISP] brightness orig=216, transformed=195
  10972. [10631.336395] [DISP] brightness orig=215, transformed=193
  10973. [10631.356414] [DISP] brightness orig=214, transformed=192
  10974. [10631.370300] [DISP] brightness orig=213, transformed=190
  10975. [10631.402160] [DISP] brightness orig=212, transformed=188
  10976. [10631.418975] [DISP] brightness orig=211, transformed=187
  10977. [10631.458526] [DISP] brightness orig=210, transformed=185
  10978. [10631.513671] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  10979. [10631.514099] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  10980. [10631.514617] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  10981. [10631.516296] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  10982. [10631.516510] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  10983. [10632.031127] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 334, -11, -663
  10984. [10632.190246] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0xDA, ls_calibrate = 0
  10985. [10632.191314] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x08D, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  10986. [10633.722747] [CABLE] vbus_irq_handler: Disable vbus irq --
  10987. [10633.750396] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x3D, ls_calibrate = 0
  10988. [10633.751647] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x027, Level=3, l_thd = 0x2a, h_thd = 0x57
  10989. [10633.818481] [CABLE] check_vbus_in: vbus = 0, vbus_in = 1
  10990. [10633.818725] [USBH] msm_otg_set_vbus_state: 1
  10991. [10633.819213] [CABLE] check_vbus_in: Enable vbus irq ++
  10992. [10633.820037] [USB] OTG runtime resume
  10993. [10633.820129] [USBH] msm_otg_resume
  10994. [10633.820465] [USBH] msm_hsusb_config_vddcx: min_vol:1045000 max_vol:1320000
  10995. [10633.820556] [USBH] USB exited from low power mode
  10996. [10633.820739] [USBH] msm_otg_sm_work: state:b_idle bit:0x00000003
  10997. [10633.820831] [USB] OTG_STATE_B_IDLE state
  10998. [10633.821014] [USBH] b_sess_vld
  10999. [10633.918518] [USBH] msm_chg_detect_work: state:CHG_STATE_UNDEFINED
  11000. [10634.018432] [USBH] msm_chg_detect_work: state:CHG_WAIT_FOR_DCD
  11001. [10634.041168] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 33, 106, -967
  11002. [10634.058776] [USBH] msm_chg_detect_work: state:CHG_DCD_DONE
  11003. [10634.060577] [USBH] msm_chg_detect_work: state:CHG_DETECTED
  11004. [10634.061523] [USBH] chg_type = USB_SDP_CHARGER
  11005. [10634.061706] [USBH] send connect type -1
  11006. [10634.061798] [CABLE] usb_status_notifier_func: cable_type = 1
  11007. [10634.061950] [CABLE] send_cable_connect_notify: cable_type = 1
  11008. [10634.062042] [CABLE] Send to: htc_battery_8x60, type 1
  11009. [10634.062194] [BATT] cable_status_notifier_func 1 at 10634004046766 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.014055805 UTC)
  11010. [10634.062377] [BATT] cable USB at 10634004290906 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.014238910 UTC)
  11011. [10634.062744] [CABLE] Send to: usb_tp_connected, type 1
  11012. [10634.062896] [TP]cable change to 1
  11013. [10634.063201] [BATT] do charger control = 0
  11014. [10634.063232] [USBH] msm_otg_sm_work: state:b_idle bit:0x00000003
  11015. [10634.063262] [USB] OTG_STATE_B_IDLE state
  11016. [10634.063262] [USBH] b_sess_vld
  11017. [10634.063293] [USBH] Avail curr from USB = 500
  11018. [10634.063293] [USBH] gadget on
  11019. [10634.066162]  at 10634007891980 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.015032367 UTC)
  11020. [10634.066314] [BATT][tps65200] Switch charger OFF
  11021. [10634.067932] [BATT][tps65200] interrupt chg_stat is triggered. chg_stat_enabled:0
  11022. [10634.068878] [BATT] ID=2, level=99, vol=4191, temp=302, batt_current=-511, chg_src=1, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10634010913220 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.020678119 UTC)
  11023. [10634.070068] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 10634011950818 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.021929340 UTC)
  11024. [10634.070678] [BATT] power_supply_changed: usb at 10634012561170 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.022539691 UTC)
  11025. [10634.071411] [BATT] do charger control = 1 at 10634013293591 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.023272113 UTC)
  11026. [10634.073455] [BATT][tps65200] regh 0x00=28, regh 0x01=29, regh 0x02=2a, regh 0x03=87
  11027. [10634.075042] [BATT][tps65200] regh 0x04=57, 0x05=1f, regh 0x06=23
  11028. [10634.077087] healthd: battery l=99 v=4 t=30.2 h=2 st=3 chg=u
  11029. [10634.077667] [BATT][tps65200] regh 0x07=4, 0x08=0, regh 0x09=1, regh 0x0A=0
  11030. [10634.079528] healthd: battery l=99 v=4 t=30.2 h=2 st=3 chg=u
  11031. [10634.080657] [BATT][tps65200] regh 0x0B=bf, 0x0C=7f, regh 0x0D=ff, regh 0x0E=32
  11032. [10634.083435] [BATT][tps65200] Switch charger ON (SLOW): regh 0x03=87, regh 0x02=6a
  11033. [10634.083648] [BATT] ID=2, level=99, vol=4191, temp=302, batt_current=-511, chg_src=1, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10634025622692 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.035509661 UTC)
  11034. [10634.084625] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 99 at 10634026568737 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.036486224 UTC)
  11035. [10634.084899] [BATT] ID=2, level=99, vol=4191, temp=302, batt_current=-511, chg_src=1, chg_en=1, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10634026904430 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.036760882 UTC)
  11036. [10634.085235] [BATT] power_supply_changed: usb at 10634027179089 (2014-05-12 10:26:19.037096575 UTC)
  11037. [10634.088134] healthd: battery l=99 v=4 t=30.2 h=2 st=2 chg=u
  11038. [10634.123046] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  11039. [10634.123260] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  11040. [10634.124450] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 4 brightness 0 +
  11041. [10634.124542] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 4 brightness 0 -
  11042. [10634.124725] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 5 brightness 1 +
  11043. [10634.124969] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 5 brightness 1 -
  11044. [10634.125305] [LED]pm8058_led_blink_store: bank 4 blink 0
  11045. [10634.182556] [USBH] Avail curr from USB = 0
  11046. [10634.182830] android_work: did not send uevent (0 0   (null))
  11047. [10634.200103] [TP]Touch Noise suppression: 0x0D 0x10 0x10 0x00
  11048. [10634.233398] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  11049. [10634.244598] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 10634186328259             (2014-05-12 10:26:19.196428851 UTC)
  11050. [10634.244781] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  11051. [10634.245117] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  11052. [10634.252502] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  11053. [10634.252990] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  11054. [10634.253265] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11055. [10634.260955] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11056. [10634.262207] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  11057. [10634.262298] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11058. [10634.264434] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11059. [10634.265716] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  11060. [10634.266052] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  11061. [10634.266235] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11062. [10634.270172] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11063. [10634.271484] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  11064. [10634.271667] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  11065. [10634.271850] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  11066. [10634.272125] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  11067. [10634.272277] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  11068. [10634.272338] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11069. [10634.273284] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
  11070. [10634.275207] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11071. [10634.276336] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  11072. [10634.276428] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11073. [10634.278045] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED
  11074. [10634.279144] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11075. [10634.279541] [BATT][tps65200] Set VDPM back to original V: regh 0x03=85
  11076. [10634.280242] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  11077. [10634.308685] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  11078. [10634.327728] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  11079. [10634.383209] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
  11080. [10634.388641] set_amp: 1
  11081. [10634.392089] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  11082. [10634.396026] android_usb gadget: high speed config #1: android
  11083. [10634.396240] [USBH] Avail curr from USB = 500
  11084. [10634.398162] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  11085. [10634.398468] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  11086. [10634.398559] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  11087. [10634.413146] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  11088. [10634.413269] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  11089. [10634.413421] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  11090. [10634.413513] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  11091. [10634.416839] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  11092. [10634.416961] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  11093. [10634.417144] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  11094. [10634.419891] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  11095. [10634.448394] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONFIGURED
  11096. [10634.540405] mtp_open
  11097. [10636.051208] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 16, -649
  11098. [10636.637603] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17844776000000 (s 17844776000000)
  11099. [10636.655487] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11100. [10636.655731] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11101. [10636.655853] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11102. [10636.656066] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11103. [10636.657318] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11104. [10636.657745] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11105. [10636.658020] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11106. [10636.658172] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11107. [10636.658905] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11108. [10636.659057] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11109. [10637.068389] [USBH] ac_detect_expired: count = 0, connect_type = -1
  11110. [10638.061096] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 8, -644
  11111. [10638.250885] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  11112. [10638.251159] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  11113. [10638.256286] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  11114. [10638.256439] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  11115. [10638.256561] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  11116. [10638.320068] set_amp: 0
  11117. [10638.330535] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  11118. [10638.330841] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  11119. [10638.334411] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11120. [10638.337890] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11121. [10638.339080] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  11122. [10638.339202] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11123. [10638.358856] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  11124. [10638.360626] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11125. [10638.361816] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 23ms --
  11126. [10638.376129] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  11127. [10638.381622] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  11128. [10638.381805] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  11129. [10638.381896] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  11130. [10638.389434] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  11131. [10638.389587] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 10638331317273             (2014-05-12 10:26:23.341417865 UTC)
  11132. [10638.389923] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  11133. [10638.390167] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  11134. [10638.390289] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11135. [10638.398864] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11136. [10638.400085] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  11137. [10638.400299] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  11138. [10638.400421] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11139. [10638.405120] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11140. [10638.406402] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  11141. [10638.406646] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11142. [10638.423431] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  11143. [10638.428802] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11144. [10638.429992] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 23ms --
  11145. [10639.123809] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  11146. [10639.123992] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  11147. [10639.378387] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  11148. [10640.071075] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 8, -646
  11149. [10640.168640] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11150. [10640.168731] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11151. [10640.168853] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11152. [10640.169006] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11153. [10640.169067] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11154. [10640.318817] [DISP] brightness orig=205, transformed=178
  11155. [10640.400421] [DISP] brightness orig=202, transformed=173
  11156. [10640.438262] [DISP] brightness orig=201, transformed=172
  11157. [10640.560729] [DISP] brightness orig=196, transformed=164
  11158. [10640.570159] [DISP] brightness orig=195, transformed=162
  11159. [10640.610626] [DISP] brightness orig=194, transformed=161
  11160. [10640.635986] [DISP] brightness orig=193, transformed=159
  11161. [10640.639892] [DISP] brightness orig=192, transformed=158
  11162. [10640.679779] [DISP] brightness orig=191, transformed=156
  11163. [10640.683074] [DISP] brightness orig=190, transformed=155
  11164. [10640.716461] [DISP] brightness orig=189, transformed=153
  11165. [10640.749481] [DISP] brightness orig=188, transformed=152
  11166. [10640.769012] [DISP] brightness orig=187, transformed=150
  11167. [10640.783782] [DISP] brightness orig=186, transformed=149
  11168. [10640.823486] [DISP] brightness orig=185, transformed=147
  11169. [10640.832305] [DISP] brightness orig=184, transformed=145
  11170. [10640.869842] [DISP] brightness orig=183, transformed=144
  11171. [10640.886016] [DISP] brightness orig=182, transformed=142
  11172. [10640.898498] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  11173. [10640.898956] 05-12 14:56:25
  11174. [10640.899353]  17:  4444       gp_timer
  11175. [10640.900207]  48:   343       msmgpio
  11176. [10640.900970]  80:   803       vfe
  11177. [10640.902160] 107:   165       MDP
  11178. [10640.902893] 112:   270       kgsl-3d0
  11179. [10640.903625] 113:   328       kgsl-2d0
  11180. [10640.904449] 114:    91       MIPI_DSI
  11181. [10640.907196] 116:   324       csi
  11182. [10640.907928] 122:   324       smd_dev
  11183. [10640.911254] 132:   485       msm_otg
  11184. [10640.911834] , msm_hsusb
  11185. [10640.912384] 136:  3228       mmc0
  11186. [10640.912933] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11187. [10640.913513] 179:   170       spi_qsd
  11188. [10640.914459] 185:   112       qup_err_intr
  11189. [10640.916931] 187:     4       qup_err_intr
  11190. [10640.917663] 191:   116       qup_err_intr
  11191. [10640.918487] 199:   303       msmdatamover
  11192. [10640.919403] 220:    32       mmc4
  11193. [10640.919952] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11194. [10640.920593] 228:  4725       qup_err_intr
  11195. [10640.921844] 244:   328       kgsl-2d1
  11196. [10640.923278] 344:     4       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  11197. [10640.928619] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  11198. [10640.929595] 373:     1       atmel_qt602240
  11199. [10640.930541] 384:   338       akm8975
  11200. [10640.931518] 464:     1       vbus_irq
  11201. [10640.932403] 635:     2       cm3628
  11202. [10640.932586] 653:     1       chg_stat
  11203. [10640.932830] C0: 3606 2600ms
  11204. [10640.932830] C1: 36 20ms
  11205. [10640.932830] CPU0 usage: 73
  11206. [10640.932861] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  11207. [10640.932861] LPASS running (0ms)
  11208. [10640.932891]  1007,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11209. [10640.932952]   986,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11210. [10640.932983]  962D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11211. [10640.933044]   480,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11212. [10640.933074]   494,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11213. [10640.933105]  1005,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  11214. [10640.933166]   998,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11215. [10640.933197]   527,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11216. [10640.933227]  954D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11217. [10640.933258]   658,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  11218. [10640.933319]   674,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11219. [10640.933380] 9569 total events, 952.438 events/sec
  11220. [10640.933441] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  11221. [10640.933471] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'pmic_led', time left 19;
  11222. [10640.938659] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  11223. [10640.938842] 10%              180             mediaserver                     218
  11224. [10640.939025] 9%               171             ewtzmud                 200
  11225. [10640.939178] 8%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 166
  11226. [10640.939514] 6%               177             surfaceflinger                  126
  11227. [10640.939666] 3%               5857            app_process                     77
  11228. [10640.939880] [DISP] brightness orig=180, transformed=139
  11229. [10640.966644] [DISP] brightness orig=179, transformed=138
  11230. [10641.011779] [DISP] brightness orig=178, transformed=136
  11231. [10641.025634] [DISP] brightness orig=177, transformed=135
  11232. [10641.040893] [DISP] brightness orig=176, transformed=133
  11233. [10641.070800] [DISP] brightness orig=175, transformed=132
  11234. [10641.090637] [DISP] brightness orig=174, transformed=130
  11235. [10641.132843] [DISP] brightness orig=173, transformed=129
  11236. [10641.462646] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17849601000000 (s 17849601000000)
  11237. [10641.485351] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  11238. [10641.485473] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11239. [10641.491699] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  11240. [10641.491851] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  11241. [10641.558319] wl12xx: elp work
  11242. [10641.558441] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11243. [10641.613800] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11244. [10641.614166] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11245. [10641.628601] wl12xx: elp work
  11246. [10641.629028] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11247. [10641.679809] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11248. [10641.680206] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11249. [10641.718536] wl12xx: elp work
  11250. [10641.718994] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11251. [10641.756256] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11252. [10641.756683] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11253. [10641.781463] wl12xx: elp work
  11254. [10641.781951] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11255. [10641.799011] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11256. [10641.799224] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11257. [10641.818420] wl12xx: elp work
  11258. [10641.818664] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11259. [10641.834075] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11260. [10641.834655] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11261. [10641.861602] wl12xx: elp work
  11262. [10641.862335] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11263. [10641.886169] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11264. [10641.886779] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11265. [10641.920684] wl12xx: elp work
  11266. [10641.921203] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11267. [10641.935272] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11268. [10641.935546] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11269. [10641.935882] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  11270. [10641.948608] wl12xx: elp work
  11271. [10641.949127] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11272. [10642.078308] [USBH] ac_detect_expired: count = 1, connect_type = -1
  11273. [10642.081115] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 2, -646
  11274. [10642.242889] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11275. [10642.243743] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11276. [10642.245697] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  11277. [10642.246063] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  11278. [10642.268341] wl12xx: elp work
  11279. [10642.268615] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11280. [10643.540985] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11281. [10643.541412] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11282. [10643.558380] wl12xx: elp work
  11283. [10643.558502] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11284. [10644.091125] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 11, -638
  11285. [10646.101165] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 28, -641
  11286. [10648.111145] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 315, 5, -649
  11287. [10649.658477] Thermal: failed to read out thermal zone 1
  11288. [10650.122344] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 8, -646
  11289. [10650.942047] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  11290. [10650.942474] 05-12 14:56:35
  11291. [10650.943298]  17:  4260       gp_timer
  11292. [10650.945343]  48:   390       msmgpio
  11293. [10650.947204]  80:   759       vfe
  11294. [10650.949005] 107:   153       MDP
  11295. [10650.950988] 112:   219       kgsl-3d0
  11296. [10650.953155] 113:   306       kgsl-2d0
  11297. [10650.954803] 114:    18       MIPI_DSI
  11298. [10650.956542] 116:   305       csi
  11299. [10650.962921] 132:   690       msm_otg
  11300. [10650.964324] , msm_hsusb
  11301. [10650.965393] 133:   461       mmc3
  11302. [10650.966491] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11303. [10650.968597] 136:   417       mmc0
  11304. [10650.969696] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11305. [10650.974121] 199:   110       msmdatamover
  11306. [10650.976013] 220:    63       mmc4
  11307. [10650.977081] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11308. [10650.979064] 228:  4699       qup_err_intr
  11309. [10650.984008] 244:   306       kgsl-2d1
  11310. [10650.985809] 302:    51       wl12xx
  11311. [10650.987487] 355:     2       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  11312. [10650.989929] 384:   336       akm8975
  11313. [10650.996093] C0: 3878 2945ms
  11314. [10650.996490] CPU0 usage: 70
  11315. [10650.997192] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  11316. [10650.997558] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  11317. [10650.997955]   979,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11318. [10651.006103]  941D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11319. [10651.007995]  1005,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11320. [10651.014495]   999,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11321. [10651.016845]  1006,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  11322. [10651.018981]   437,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11323. [10651.025238]  966D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11324. [10651.027404]   485,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11325. [10651.029724]   560,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11326. [10651.035766]   697,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  11327. [10651.037933]   672,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11328. [10651.043579] 9171 total events, 911.737 events/sec
  11329. [10651.044494] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  11330. [10651.047058] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  11331. [10651.061187] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  11332. [10651.061889] 16%              171             ewtzmud                 331
  11333. [10651.062286] 10%              180             mediaserver                     204
  11334. [10651.062683] 9%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 182
  11335. [10651.063354] 7%               2618            d.process.media                 145
  11336. [10651.063751] 7%               520             system_server                   142
  11337. [10652.098327] [USBH] ac_detect_expired: count = 2, connect_type = -1
  11338. [10652.108276] [USBH] ac_detect_expired: count = 3, connect_type = -1
  11339. [10652.141265] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 2, -646
  11340. [10652.228790] [DISP] brightness orig=172, transformed=127
  11341. [10652.246215] [DISP] brightness orig=171, transformed=126
  11342. [10652.289703] [DISP] brightness orig=170, transformed=124
  11343. [10652.302551] [DISP] brightness orig=169, transformed=122
  11344. [10652.330963] [DISP] brightness orig=168, transformed=121
  11345. [10652.351715] [DISP] brightness orig=167, transformed=119
  11346. [10652.368652] [DISP] brightness orig=166, transformed=118
  11347. [10652.396911] [DISP] brightness orig=165, transformed=116
  11348. [10652.439544] [DISP] brightness orig=164, transformed=115
  11349. [10652.449768] [DISP] brightness orig=163, transformed=113
  11350. [10652.482696] [DISP] brightness orig=162, transformed=112
  11351. [10652.497955] [DISP] brightness orig=161, transformed=110
  11352. [10652.532409] [DISP] brightness orig=160, transformed=109
  11353. [10652.549530] [DISP] brightness orig=159, transformed=107
  11354. [10652.585388] [DISP] brightness orig=158, transformed=106
  11355. [10652.601837] [DISP] brightness orig=157, transformed=104
  11356. [10652.631317] [DISP] brightness orig=156, transformed=102
  11357. [10652.650299] [DISP] brightness orig=155, transformed=101
  11358. [10652.679962] [DISP] brightness orig=154, transformed=99
  11359. [10652.696136] [DISP] brightness orig=153, transformed=98
  11360. [10652.729003] [DISP] brightness orig=152, transformed=96
  11361. [10652.749694] [DISP] brightness orig=151, transformed=95
  11362. [10652.779266] [DISP] brightness orig=150, transformed=93
  11363. [10652.796051] [DISP] brightness orig=149, transformed=92
  11364. [10652.821838] [DISP] brightness orig=148, transformed=90
  11365. [10652.844329] [DISP] brightness orig=147, transformed=89
  11366. [10652.876220] [DISP] brightness orig=146, transformed=87
  11367. [10652.895629] [DISP] brightness orig=145, transformed=86
  11368. [10652.927734] [DISP] brightness orig=144, transformed=84
  11369. [10652.942565] [DISP] brightness orig=143, transformed=83
  11370. [10652.975250] [DISP] brightness orig=142, transformed=82
  11371. [10652.993469] [DISP] brightness orig=141, transformed=81
  11372. [10653.025115] [DISP] brightness orig=140, transformed=81
  11373. [10653.055633] [DISP] brightness orig=139, transformed=80
  11374. [10653.072540] [DISP] brightness orig=138, transformed=79
  11375. [10653.106323] [DISP] brightness orig=137, transformed=79
  11376. [10653.128082] [DISP] brightness orig=136, transformed=78
  11377. [10653.160614] [DISP] brightness orig=135, transformed=77
  11378. [10653.174133] [DISP] brightness orig=134, transformed=77
  11379. [10653.208251] [DISP] brightness orig=133, transformed=76
  11380. [10653.221282] [DISP] brightness orig=132, transformed=75
  11381. [10653.256134] [DISP] brightness orig=131, transformed=75
  11382. [10653.273773] [DISP] brightness orig=130, transformed=74
  11383. [10653.305328] [DISP] brightness orig=129, transformed=73
  11384. [10653.330169] [DISP] brightness orig=128, transformed=73
  11385. [10653.355316] [DISP] brightness orig=127, transformed=72
  11386. [10653.374511] [DISP] brightness orig=126, transformed=71
  11387. [10653.408050] [DISP] brightness orig=125, transformed=71
  11388. [10653.422332] [DISP] brightness orig=124, transformed=70
  11389. [10654.151092] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 8, -649
  11390. [10656.161743] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 14, -641
  11391. [10658.171173] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 2, -649
  11392. [10660.181060] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 298, 14, -649
  11393. [10661.059844] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  11394. [10661.060089] 05-12 14:56:46
  11395. [10661.060668]  17:  3921       gp_timer
  11396. [10661.061950]  48:   336       msmgpio
  11397. [10661.063385]  80:   766       vfe
  11398. [10661.064453] 107:   154       MDP
  11399. [10661.065490] 112:   240       kgsl-3d0
  11400. [10661.066467] 113:   308       kgsl-2d0
  11401. [10661.067718] 114:   100       MIPI_DSI
  11402. [10661.068664] 116:   307       csi
  11403. [10661.069549] 132:   780       msm_otg
  11404. [10661.070220] , msm_hsusb
  11405. [10661.071044] 136:    89       mmc0
  11406. [10661.071685] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11407. [10661.072418] 199:    27       msmdatamover
  11408. [10661.073608] 228:  4716       qup_err_intr
  11409. [10661.074890] 244:   308       kgsl-2d1
  11410. [10661.077270] 384:   336       akm8975
  11411. [10661.079162] C0: 3534 2738ms
  11412. [10661.079589] CPU0 usage: 72
  11413. [10661.079803] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  11414. [10661.080047] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  11415. [10661.080291]   442,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11416. [10661.081573]   977,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11417. [10661.082946]   984,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11418. [10661.084045]  1004,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11419. [10661.085327]  963D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11420. [10661.086639]   497,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11421. [10661.087799]  1002,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  11422. [10661.089294]  940D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11423. [10661.090637]   668,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  11424. [10661.091735]   674,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11425. [10661.093017] 8769 total events, 873.844 events/sec
  11426. [10661.093353] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  11427. [10661.094818] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  11428. [10661.103271] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  11429. [10661.103485] 15%              171             ewtzmud                 305
  11430. [10661.103851] 10%              2618            d.process.media                 210
  11431. [10661.104064] 9%               180             mediaserver                     193
  11432. [10661.104278] 9%               520             system_server                   187
  11433. [10661.104644] 7%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 155
  11434. [10661.391448] [BATT] htc_batt_get_battery_adc , vref:21328, battid_adc:3797, battid:178
  11435. [10661.392181]  at 10661333911266 (2014-05-12 10:26:46.343248919 UTC)
  11436. [10661.393554] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 100 at 10661335498180 (2014-05-12 10:26:46.345385149 UTC)
  11437. [10661.393859] [BATT] ID=2, level=100, vol=4296, temp=306, batt_current=86, chg_src=1, chg_en=1, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10661335803356 (2014-05-12 10:26:46.345720843 UTC)
  11438. [10661.394500] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 10661336383190 (2014-05-12 10:26:46.346361712 UTC)
  11439. [10661.398132] healthd: battery l=100 v=4 t=30.6 h=2 st=5 chg=u
  11440. [10661.443786] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17869580000000 (s 17869580000000)
  11441. [10661.447082] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17869581000000 (s 17869581000000)
  11442. [10661.453460] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17869588000000 (s 17869588000000)
  11443. [10661.460784] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17869587000000 (s 17869587000000)
  11444. [10661.475585] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17869614000000 (s 17869614000000)
  11445. [10661.808258] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  11446. [10661.819458] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 10661761187880             (2014-05-12 10:26:46.771288472 UTC)
  11447. [10661.819732] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  11448. [10661.819854] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  11449. [10661.825958] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  11450. [10661.826019] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  11451. [10661.826171] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11452. [10661.828918] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11453. [10661.830108] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  11454. [10661.830200] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11455. [10661.832000] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11456. [10661.833129] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  11457. [10661.833312] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  11458. [10661.833404] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11459. [10661.834991] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11460. [10661.836273] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  11461. [10661.836395] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  11462. [10661.836608] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  11463. [10661.837005] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  11464. [10661.837097] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  11465. [10661.837280] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11466. [10661.842163] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11467. [10661.843292] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  11468. [10661.843353] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11469. [10661.845092] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11470. [10661.846191] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  11471. [10661.868804] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  11472. [10661.875976] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  11473. [10661.876037] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11474. [10661.882171] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  11475. [10661.882324] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  11476. [10661.889068] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  11477. [10661.894744] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11478. [10661.894989] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11479. [10661.895355] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11480. [10661.896423] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11481. [10661.896575] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11482. [10661.896759] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11483. [10661.896911] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11484. [10661.897003] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11485. [10661.897155] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11486. [10661.897369] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11487. [10661.948333] wl12xx: elp work
  11488. [10661.948516] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11489. [10661.959594] set_amp: 1
  11490. [10661.970184] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  11491. [10661.976013] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  11492. [10661.976226] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  11493. [10661.976593] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  11494. [10661.989715] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  11495. [10661.990936] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  11496. [10661.991363] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  11497. [10661.991790] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  11498. [10661.995086] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  11499. [10661.995513] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  11500. [10661.995758] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  11501. [10661.999145] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  11502. [10662.068786] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11503. [10662.069732] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11504. [10662.118408] wl12xx: elp work
  11505. [10662.118621] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11506. [10662.146362] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11507. [10662.146514] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11508. [10662.168365] wl12xx: elp work
  11509. [10662.168762] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11510. [10662.191162] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 2, -644
  11511. [10662.224243] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11512. [10662.224517] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11513. [10662.248382] wl12xx: elp work
  11514. [10662.248565] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11515. [10662.275421] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11516. [10662.275604] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11517. [10662.308349] wl12xx: elp work
  11518. [10662.308532] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11519. [10662.314636] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11520. [10662.314971] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11521. [10662.325103] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  11522. [10662.348327] wl12xx: elp work
  11523. [10662.348419] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11524. [10662.632965] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11525. [10662.633728] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11526. [10662.634796] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  11527. [10662.635131] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  11528. [10662.659484] wl12xx: elp work
  11529. [10662.659820] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11530. [10663.926239] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11531. [10663.926544] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11532. [10663.938354] wl12xx: elp work
  11533. [10663.938507] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11534. [10664.201202] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 16, -635
  11535. [10665.404663] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11536. [10665.405212] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11537. [10665.405456] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11538. [10665.405883] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11539. [10665.406311] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11540. [10666.211029] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 5, -644
  11541. [10667.359283] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  11542. [10667.359985] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  11543. [10667.367797] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  11544. [10667.368591] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  11545. [10667.369262] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  11546. [10667.438568] set_amp: 0
  11547. [10667.449523] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  11548. [10667.450317] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  11549. [10667.450866] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11550. [10667.458465] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11551. [10667.459564] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  11552. [10667.459747] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11553. [10667.476867] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  11554. [10667.479492] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11555. [10667.480743] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 21ms --
  11556. [10667.492950] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  11557. [10667.500457] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  11558. [10667.502899] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  11559. [10667.503723] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  11560. [10667.512542] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  11561. [10667.513000] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 10667454760877             (2014-05-12 10:26:52.464830952 UTC)
  11562. [10667.513671] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  11563. [10667.513916] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  11564. [10667.514129] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11565. [10667.516510] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11566. [10667.517700] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  11567. [10667.517852] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  11568. [10667.517852] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11569. [10667.519531] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11570. [10667.520690] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  11571. [10667.520843] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  11572. [10667.536254] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  11573. [10667.537506] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  11574. [10667.539733] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 19ms --
  11575. [10668.221221] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 8, -646
  11576. [10670.251159] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 11, -649
  11577. [10670.479644] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17878618000000 (s 17878618000000)
  11578. [10670.501739] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11579. [10670.501861] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11580. [10670.501983] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11581. [10670.502136] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11582. [10670.502227] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11583. [10670.502471] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11584. [10670.502624] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11585. [10670.502685] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11586. [10670.502838] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11587. [10670.502960] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11588. [10671.098480] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  11589. [10671.099151] 05-12 14:56:56
  11590. [10671.099700]  17:  4298       gp_timer
  11591. [10671.100524]  48:   403       msmgpio
  11592. [10671.101440]  80:   762       vfe
  11593. [10671.102478] 107:   154       MDP
  11594. [10671.103332] 112:   216       kgsl-3d0
  11595. [10671.104339] 113:   308       kgsl-2d0
  11596. [10671.105072] 116:   306       csi
  11597. [10671.106201] 122:   436       smd_dev
  11598. [10671.108215] 132:  1430       msm_otg
  11599. [10671.108795] , msm_hsusb
  11600. [10671.109619] 133:   454       mmc3
  11601. [10671.110321] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11602. [10671.111022] 136:  2587       mmc0
  11603. [10671.111572] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11604. [10671.113403] 179:   170       spi_qsd
  11605. [10671.114288] 191:    70       qup_err_intr
  11606. [10671.115020] 199:    61       msmdatamover
  11607. [10671.115966] 220:    28       mmc4
  11608. [10671.116668] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11609. [10671.118682] 228:  4672       qup_err_intr
  11610. [10671.119415] 244:   308       kgsl-2d1
  11611. [10671.120300] 302:    49       wl12xx
  11612. [10671.124328] 344:    20       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  11613. [10671.125305] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  11614. [10671.126647] 384:   334       akm8975
  11615. [10671.129516] 505:    20       pm8058_adc_interrupt
  11616. [10671.131439] C0: 4491 3217ms
  11617. [10671.131652] CPU0 usage: 67
  11618. [10671.131835] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  11619. [10671.132171] LPASS running (0ms)
  11620. [10671.132385]   494,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11621. [10671.133575]  1000,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11622. [10671.134338]   959,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11623. [10671.134399]  940D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11624. [10671.134460]  1002,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  11625. [10671.134521]   987,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11626. [10671.134552]   757,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  11627. [10671.134613]   554,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11628. [10671.134643]   455,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11629. [10671.134674]   666,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11630. [10671.134735]  960D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11631. [10671.134765]   312,   352 AudioOut_2       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11632. [10671.134826] 9461 total events, 942.768 events/sec
  11633. [10671.134887] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  11634. [10671.134918] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  11635. [10671.141540] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  11636. [10671.141540] 19%              171             ewtzmud                 383
  11637. [10671.141571] 11%              180             mediaserver                     230
  11638. [10671.141601] 9%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 184
  11639. [10671.141601] 7%               177             surfaceflinger                  158
  11640. [10671.141632] 1%               520             system_server                   38
  11641. [10672.246551] [DISP] brightness orig=123, transformed=69
  11642. [10672.261047] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 11, -646
  11643. [10672.274353] [DISP] brightness orig=122, transformed=69
  11644. [10672.291778] [DISP] brightness orig=121, transformed=68
  11645. [10672.323364] [DISP] brightness orig=120, transformed=67
  11646. [10672.359069] [DISP] brightness orig=119, transformed=67
  11647. [10672.380249] [DISP] brightness orig=118, transformed=66
  11648. [10672.404327] [DISP] brightness orig=117, transformed=65
  11649. [10672.423522] [DISP] brightness orig=116, transformed=65
  11650. [10672.444335] [DISP] brightness orig=115, transformed=64
  11651. [10672.482269] [DISP] brightness orig=114, transformed=64
  11652. [10672.510742] [DISP] brightness orig=113, transformed=63
  11653. [10672.519683] [DISP] brightness orig=112, transformed=62
  11654. [10672.561431] [DISP] brightness orig=111, transformed=62
  11655. [10672.580139] [DISP] brightness orig=110, transformed=61
  11656. [10672.605957] [DISP] brightness orig=109, transformed=60
  11657. [10672.621734] [DISP] brightness orig=108, transformed=60
  11658. [10674.031494] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11659. [10674.031616] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11660. [10674.031799] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11661. [10674.031982] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11662. [10674.032073] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11663. [10674.271240] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 8, -655
  11664. [10675.048736] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17883187000000 (s 17883187000000)
  11665. [10676.281158] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 5, -652
  11666. [10678.291076] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 11, -652
  11667. [10679.116668] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17887255000000 (s 17887255000000)
  11668. [10679.154510] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11669. [10679.154693] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11670. [10679.154815] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11671. [10679.154968] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11672. [10679.155120] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11673. [10679.155334] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11674. [10679.155456] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11675. [10679.155609] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11676. [10679.155792] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11677. [10679.155853] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11678. [10680.301208] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 14, -646
  11679. [10681.138549] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  11680. [10681.138977] 05-12 14:57:06
  11681. [10681.139770]  17:  4115       gp_timer
  11682. [10681.141326]  48:   334       msmgpio
  11683. [10681.143218]  80:   761       vfe
  11684. [10681.144714] 107:   153       MDP
  11685. [10681.146209] 112:   215       kgsl-3d0
  11686. [10681.151702] 113:   306       kgsl-2d0
  11687. [10681.158111] 114:    38       MIPI_DSI
  11688. [10681.159759] 116:   306       csi
  11689. [10681.163574] 132:  1953       msm_otg
  11690. [10681.164733] , msm_hsusb
  11691. [10681.166534] 136:   152       mmc0
  11692. [10681.167663] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11693. [10681.169097] 199:     8       msmdatamover
  11694. [10681.170684] 228:  4675       qup_err_intr
  11695. [10681.172668] 244:   306       kgsl-2d1
  11696. [10681.180145] 384:   334       akm8975
  11697. [10681.182739] C0: 4582 3384ms
  11698. [10681.183349] CPU0 usage: 66
  11699. [10681.184173] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  11700. [10681.184539] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  11701. [10681.184600]   969,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11702. [10681.184722]  956D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11703. [10681.184814]  1001,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11704. [10681.184936]   994,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11705. [10681.185028]  1005,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  11706. [10681.185119]   491,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11707. [10681.185211]  967D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11708. [10681.185302]   721,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  11709. [10681.185394]   423,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11710. [10681.185485]   557,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11711. [10681.185577]   668,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11712. [10681.185699] 9113 total events, 906.051 events/sec
  11713. [10681.185821] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  11714. [10681.185913] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  11715. [10681.195678] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  11716. [10681.196075] 20%              171             ewtzmud                 418
  11717. [10681.196441] 12%              180             mediaserver                     250
  11718. [10681.196838] 8%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 178
  11719. [10681.197509] 5%               177             surfaceflinger                  109
  11720. [10681.197906] 1%               272             sdcard                  33
  11721. [10681.872711] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17890011000000 (s 17890011000000)
  11722. [10681.913177] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  11723. [10681.913330] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11724. [10681.919403] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  11725. [10681.919525] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  11726. [10681.968414] wl12xx: elp work
  11727. [10681.968658] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11728. [10682.082061] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11729. [10682.083099] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11730. [10682.128509] wl12xx: elp work
  11731. [10682.128936] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11732. [10682.161163] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11733. [10682.161865] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11734. [10682.188385] wl12xx: elp work
  11735. [10682.188598] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11736. [10682.236267] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11737. [10682.236450] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11738. [10682.258331] wl12xx: elp work
  11739. [10682.258514] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11740. [10682.281555] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11741. [10682.282287] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11742. [10682.318450] wl12xx: elp work
  11743. [10682.319976] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11744. [10682.321166] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 8, -649
  11745. [10682.321685] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11746. [10682.322052] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11747. [10682.337341] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  11748. [10682.360107] wl12xx: elp work
  11749. [10682.360198] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11750. [10682.645172] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11751. [10682.645690] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11752. [10682.646484] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  11753. [10682.646667] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  11754. [10682.668579] wl12xx: elp work
  11755. [10682.669067] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11756. [10682.682281] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11757. [10682.686706] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11758. [10682.686828] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11759. [10682.687042] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11760. [10682.687255] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11761. [10683.938201] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11762. [10683.939361] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  11763. [10683.958343] wl12xx: elp work
  11764. [10683.958465] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11765. [10684.331115] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 11, -644
  11766. [10686.341217] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 300, 11, -649
  11767. [10687.745697] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17895884000000 (s 17895884000000)
  11768. [10687.764160] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11769. [10687.764312] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11770. [10687.764465] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11771. [10687.764648] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11772. [10687.764739] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11773. [10687.764953] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11774. [10687.765075] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11775. [10687.765228] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11776. [10687.765502] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11777. [10687.765716] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11778. [10688.351196] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 8, -641
  11779. [10690.361145] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 315, 16, -646
  11780. [10691.198638] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  11781. [10691.199493] 05-12 14:57:16
  11782. [10691.200439]  17:  4036       gp_timer
  11783. [10691.202270]  48:   378       msmgpio
  11784. [10691.204193]  80:   758       vfe
  11785. [10691.207336] 107:   153       MDP
  11786. [10691.213165] 112:   201       kgsl-3d0
  11787. [10691.214691] 113:   306       kgsl-2d0
  11788. [10691.216217] 116:   308       csi
  11789. [10691.218475] 132:   580       msm_otg
  11790. [10691.219604] , msm_hsusb
  11791. [10691.224395] 133:   431       mmc3
  11792. [10691.225555] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11793. [10691.227325] 199:    21       msmdatamover
  11794. [10691.229522] 220:   172       mmc4
  11795. [10691.230621] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11796. [10691.232940] 228:  4681       qup_err_intr
  11797. [10691.238372] 244:   308       kgsl-2d1
  11798. [10691.243255] 302:    43       wl12xx
  11799. [10691.244903] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  11800. [10691.246765] 384:   334       akm8975
  11801. [10691.252990] C0: 4348 3551ms
  11802. [10691.253448] CPU0 usage: 64
  11803. [10691.253845] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  11804. [10691.254577] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  11805. [10691.255004]   980,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11806. [10691.257446]  968D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11807. [10691.263336]   712,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  11808. [10691.265625]  1003,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11809. [10691.267913]  1006,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  11810. [10691.273590]   560,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11811. [10691.275878]   495,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11812. [10691.278228]   986,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11813. [10691.284393]   468,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11814. [10691.286682]  955D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11815. [10691.288818]   668,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11816. [10691.294555] 9170 total events, 910.609 events/sec
  11817. [10691.295043] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  11818. [10691.297424] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  11819. [10691.310882] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  11820. [10691.311279] 14%              171             ewtzmud                 287
  11821. [10691.311950] 13%              180             mediaserver                     263
  11822. [10691.312347] 9%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 190
  11823. [10691.312744] 7%               177             surfaceflinger                  148
  11824. [10691.313446] 1%               170             akmd                    29
  11825. [10691.325103] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11826. [10691.326019] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11827. [10691.326416] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11828. [10691.328826] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11829. [10691.329040] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11830. [10692.381164] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 8, -644
  11831. [10694.391510] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 14, -641
  11832. [10696.401153] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 8, -638
  11833. [10698.411163] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 11, -649
  11834. [10700.421081] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 14, -644
  11835. [10701.318511] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  11836. [10701.318969] 05-12 14:57:26
  11837. [10701.319427]  17:  4105       gp_timer
  11838. [10701.320343]  48:   334       msmgpio
  11839. [10701.321716]  80:   766       vfe
  11840. [10701.322967] 107:   154       MDP
  11841. [10701.324188] 112:   192       kgsl-3d0
  11842. [10701.328399] 113:   308       kgsl-2d0
  11843. [10701.329376] 116:   308       csi
  11844. [10701.334320] 132:     5       msm_otg
  11845. [10701.335113] , msm_hsusb
  11846. [10701.337768] 228:  4696       qup_err_intr
  11847. [10701.339050] 244:   306       kgsl-2d1
  11848. [10701.340606] 384:   334       akm8975
  11849. [10701.342956] C0: 3966 3684ms
  11850. [10701.343231] CPU0 usage: 63
  11851. [10701.343536] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  11852. [10701.346160] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  11853. [10701.346435]   970,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11854. [10701.347747]   988,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11855. [10701.350158]  1002,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11856. [10701.350952]   558,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11857. [10701.351165]  946D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11858. [10701.351226]   516,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11859. [10701.351287]  1004,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  11860. [10701.351318]   846,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  11861. [10701.351379]  964D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11862. [10701.351409]   668,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11863. [10701.351470]   446,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11864. [10701.351531] 9115 total events, 906.240 events/sec
  11865. [10701.351593] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d0'  'kgsl-2d1'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  11866. [10701.351654] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  11867. [10701.357330] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  11868. [10701.357543] 30%              171             ewtzmud                 605
  11869. [10701.357910] 11%              180             mediaserver                     225
  11870. [10701.358123] 8%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 175
  11871. [10701.358306] 6%               177             surfaceflinger                  125
  11872. [10701.358673] 0%               951             rocess.location                 9
  11873. [10702.431213] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 16, -646
  11874. [10702.906707] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17911045000000 (s 17911045000000)
  11875. [10702.924011] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  11876. [10702.924102] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11877. [10702.930175] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  11878. [10702.930328] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  11879. [10702.933563] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11880. [10702.933746] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11881. [10702.933868] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11882. [10702.933990] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11883. [10702.934112] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11884. [10702.934234] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11885. [10702.934417] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11886. [10702.934631] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11887. [10702.934844] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11888. [10702.934967] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11889. [10702.988433] wl12xx: elp work
  11890. [10702.988708] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11891. [10703.073394] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11892. [10703.074005] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11893. [10703.088806] wl12xx: elp work
  11894. [10703.089294] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11895. [10703.143188] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11896. [10703.143768] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11897. [10703.178314] wl12xx: elp work
  11898. [10703.178436] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11899. [10703.190673] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11900. [10703.191253] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11901. [10703.208343] wl12xx: elp work
  11902. [10703.208465] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11903. [10703.219757] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11904. [10703.220336] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11905. [10703.238464] wl12xx: elp work
  11906. [10703.239379] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11907. [10703.297515] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11908. [10703.298217] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11909. [10703.318359] wl12xx: elp work
  11910. [10703.318450] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11911. [10703.348937] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11912. [10703.349945] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11913. [10703.378326] wl12xx: elp work
  11914. [10703.378448] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11915. [10703.381378] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11916. [10703.381652] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11917. [10703.398651] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  11918. [10703.418518] wl12xx: elp work
  11919. [10703.419250] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11920. [10703.706695] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11921. [10703.706939] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11922. [10703.707550] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  11923. [10703.707672] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  11924. [10703.728485] wl12xx: elp work
  11925. [10703.728881] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11926. [10704.441131] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 14, -641
  11927. [10704.999298] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  11928. [10705.000335] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  11929. [10705.020141] wl12xx: elp work
  11930. [10705.020233] wl12xx: chip to elp
  11931. [10706.451446] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 14, -646
  11932. [10706.483520] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  11933. [10706.483947] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  11934. [10706.484161] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  11935. [10706.484527] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  11936. [10706.484924] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  11937. [10708.461212] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 14, -646
  11938. [10709.818756] Thermal: failed to read out thermal zone 1
  11939. [10710.471435] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 300, 14, -649
  11940. [10711.380035] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  11941. [10711.380279] 05-12 14:57:36
  11942. [10711.380920]  17:  4129       gp_timer
  11943. [10711.381866]  48:   378       msmgpio
  11944. [10711.382781]  80:   764       vfe
  11945. [10711.383666] 107:   153       MDP
  11946. [10711.384643] 112:   200       kgsl-3d0
  11947. [10711.385070] 113:   308       kgsl-2d0
  11948. [10711.385101] 116:   306       csi
  11949. [10711.385162] 132:   242       msm_otg
  11950. [10711.385162] , msm_hsusb
  11951. [10711.385192] 133:   421       mmc3
  11952. [10711.385223] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11953. [10711.385284] 199:    21       msmdatamover
  11954. [10711.385345] 220:    88       mmc4
  11955. [10711.385375] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  11956. [10711.385375] 228:  4689       qup_err_intr
  11957. [10711.385437] 244:   308       kgsl-2d1
  11958. [10711.385528] 302:    41       wl12xx
  11959. [10711.385589] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  11960. [10711.385650] 384:   335       akm8975
  11961. [10711.386199] C0: 4218 3504ms
  11962. [10711.386230] CPU0 usage: 64
  11963. [10711.386230] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  11964. [10711.386260] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  11965. [10711.386291]   960,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11966. [10711.386352]  1002,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11967. [10711.386413]   984,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  11968. [10711.386444]  1003,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  11969. [10711.386505]   490,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11970. [10711.386566]   552,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11971. [10711.386596]  956D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11972. [10711.386657]  947D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  11973. [10711.386718]   427,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11974. [10711.386749]   624,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  11975. [10711.386810]   670,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  11976. [10711.386871] 9082 total events, 905.039 events/sec
  11977. [10711.386962] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  11978. [10711.386993] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  11979. [10711.393554] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  11980. [10711.393585] 13%              171             ewtzmud                 268
  11981. [10711.393615] 13%              180             mediaserver                     262
  11982. [10711.393615] 8%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 169
  11983. [10711.393646] 6%               177             surfaceflinger                  133
  11984. [10711.393646] 2%               170             akmd                    56
  11985. [10712.481231] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 11, -646
  11986. [10714.491210] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 8, -646
  11987. [10716.501098] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 16, -644
  11988. [10718.511108] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 315, 14, -646
  11989. [10720.521087] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 16, -641
  11990. [10721.398620] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  11991. [10721.398864] 05-12 14:57:46
  11992. [10721.399322]  17:  4155       gp_timer
  11993. [10721.400390]  48:   333       msmgpio
  11994. [10721.401367]  80:   755       vfe
  11995. [10721.402252] 107:   153       MDP
  11996. [10721.403106] 112:   190       kgsl-3d0
  11997. [10721.404144] 113:   304       kgsl-2d0
  11998. [10721.404998] 116:   304       csi
  11999. [10721.406066] 228:  4673       qup_err_intr
  12000. [10721.406951] 244:   304       kgsl-2d1
  12001. [10721.408203] 384:   333       akm8975
  12002. [10721.410125] C0: 3810 3759ms
  12003. [10721.410369] CPU0 usage: 62
  12004. [10721.410644] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12005. [10721.411102] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12006. [10721.411346]  1000,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12007. [10721.417602]   975,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12008. [10721.419189]  954D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12009. [10721.420623]  1003,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  12010. [10721.421752]   980,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12011. [10721.422943]  964D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12012. [10721.424255]   553,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12013. [10721.425476]   444,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12014. [10721.425872]   739,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  12015. [10721.425933]   666,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12016. [10721.425964]   510,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12017. [10721.426025] 9082 total events, 906.088 events/sec
  12018. [10721.426116] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  12019. [10721.426147] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  12020. [10721.432220] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12021. [10721.432434] 29%              171             ewtzmud                 596
  12022. [10721.432800] 12%              180             mediaserver                     253
  12023. [10721.433013] 7%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 151
  12024. [10721.433227] 6%               177             surfaceflinger                  129
  12025. [10721.433441] 0%               5667            obogenie.daemon                 11
  12026. [10721.449645] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17929588000000 (s 17929588000000)
  12027. [10721.552764] [BATT] htc_batt_get_battery_adc , vref:21313, battid_adc:3797, battid:178
  12028. [10721.553314]  at 10721495044079 (2014-05-12 10:27:46.504564837 UTC)
  12029. [10721.556213] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 100 at 10721498217907 (2014-05-12 10:27:46.508043841 UTC)
  12030. [10721.556579] [BATT] ID=2, level=100, vol=4293, temp=309, batt_current=96, chg_src=1, chg_en=1, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10721498492565 (2014-05-12 10:27:46.508410052 UTC)
  12031. [10721.557098] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 10721498950329 (2014-05-12 10:27:46.508959368 UTC)
  12032. [10721.560821] healthd: battery l=100 v=4 t=30.9 h=2 st=5 chg=u
  12033. [10722.531188] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 11, -641
  12034. [10723.917724] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17932056000000 (s 17932056000000)
  12035. [10723.936737] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  12036. [10723.936920] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12037. [10723.943054] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  12038. [10723.943145] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  12039. [10723.945312] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12040. [10723.945526] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12041. [10723.945648] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12042. [10723.945800] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12043. [10723.945861] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12044. [10723.946014] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12045. [10723.946166] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12046. [10723.946258] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12047. [10723.946380] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12048. [10723.946502] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12049. [10723.988342] wl12xx: elp work
  12050. [10723.990234] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12051. [10723.993865] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12052. [10723.994079] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12053. [10724.008361] wl12xx: elp work
  12054. [10724.008514] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12055. [10724.040618] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12056. [10724.040802] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12057. [10724.058349] wl12xx: elp work
  12058. [10724.058441] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12059. [10724.155242] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12060. [10724.155822] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12061. [10724.218566] wl12xx: elp work
  12062. [10724.219024] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12063. [10724.232452] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12064. [10724.233795] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12065. [10724.259643] wl12xx: elp work
  12066. [10724.259826] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12067. [10724.269134] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12068. [10724.269348] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12069. [10724.288452] wl12xx: elp work
  12070. [10724.289154] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12071. [10724.310363] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12072. [10724.310577] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12073. [10724.338500] wl12xx: elp work
  12074. [10724.338928] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12075. [10724.361572] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12076. [10724.361938] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12077. [10724.411712] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  12078. [10724.429321] wl12xx: elp work
  12079. [10724.429595] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12080. [10724.541961] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 14, -646
  12081. [10724.719390] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12082. [10724.720458] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12083. [10724.723144] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  12084. [10724.723449] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  12085. [10724.738555] wl12xx: elp work
  12086. [10724.738861] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12087. [10726.014526] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12088. [10726.015655] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12089. [10726.030120] wl12xx: elp work
  12090. [10726.030212] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12091. [10726.551269] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 14, -644
  12092. [10727.473175] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12093. [10727.474243] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12094. [10727.475494] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12095. [10727.475677] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12096. [10727.475860] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12097. [10728.561096] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 298, 14, -646
  12098. [10730.571136] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 298, 19, -652
  12099. [10731.438476] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  12100. [10731.438964] 05-12 14:57:56
  12101. [10731.439422]  17:  4110       gp_timer
  12102. [10731.440399]  48:   408       msmgpio
  12103. [10731.441711]  80:   761       vfe
  12104. [10731.442596] 107:   153       MDP
  12105. [10731.443481] 112:   197       kgsl-3d0
  12106. [10731.444335] 113:   308       kgsl-2d0
  12107. [10731.445373] 116:   306       csi
  12108. [10731.446533] 133:   500       mmc3
  12109. [10731.447174] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12110. [10731.449493] 136:   482       mmc0
  12111. [10731.450347] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12112. [10731.451232] 199:    44       msmdatamover
  12113. [10731.452148] 220:    93       mmc4
  12114. [10731.452789] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12115. [10731.453674] 228:  4672       qup_err_intr
  12116. [10731.454742] 244:   308       kgsl-2d1
  12117. [10731.458953] 302:    53       wl12xx
  12118. [10731.459930] 344:    20       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  12119. [10731.461395] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  12120. [10731.462341] 384:   334       akm8975
  12121. [10731.463409] 505:    20       pm8058_adc_interrupt
  12122. [10731.465087] C0: 4117 3642ms
  12123. [10731.465332] CPU0 usage: 63
  12124. [10731.465545] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12125. [10731.465789] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12126. [10731.466583]   966,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12127. [10731.469451]  951D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12128. [10731.470611]   488,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12129. [10731.471923]  1000,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12130. [10731.472900]  1004,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  12131. [10731.473999]   987,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12132. [10731.475128]   554,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12133. [10731.478027]   461,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12134. [10731.479339]  962D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12135. [10731.480560]   820,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  12136. [10731.481842]   666,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12137. [10731.483001] 9131 total events, 909.890 events/sec
  12138. [10731.483276] idle lock:  'kgsl-3d0'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  12139. [10731.484832] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  12140. [10731.493957] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12141. [10731.494201] 27%              171             ewtzmud                 544
  12142. [10731.494598] 11%              180             mediaserver                     221
  12143. [10731.494812] 9%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 195
  12144. [10731.495056] 6%               177             surfaceflinger                  122
  12145. [10731.495452] 0%               951             rocess.location                 16
  12146. [10732.581329] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 11, -644
  12147. [10734.591156] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 8, -652
  12148. [10735.047637] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17943186000000 (s 17943186000000)
  12149. [10736.601074] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 298, 11, -652
  12150. [10736.927917] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  12151. [10736.928131] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  12152. [10738.611236] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 11, -644
  12153. [10740.621246] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 14, -649
  12154. [10741.498352] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  12155. [10741.498474] 05-12 14:58:06
  12156. [10741.498718]  17:  4187       gp_timer
  12157. [10741.499237]  48:   332       msmgpio
  12158. [10741.499633]  80:   759       vfe
  12159. [10741.500000] 107:   154       MDP
  12160. [10741.500457] 112:   185       kgsl-3d0
  12161. [10741.500915] 113:   306       kgsl-2d0
  12162. [10741.501373] 116:   308       csi
  12163. [10741.501770] 136:    88       mmc0
  12164. [10741.502075] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12165. [10741.502441] 199:    13       msmdatamover
  12166. [10741.502807] 228:  4676       qup_err_intr
  12167. [10741.503295] 244:   306       kgsl-2d1
  12168. [10741.503784] 384:   333       akm8975
  12169. [10741.504455] C0: 4093 3693ms
  12170. [10741.504547] CPU0 usage: 63
  12171. [10741.504638] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12172. [10741.504791] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12173. [10741.504882]  1000,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12174. [10741.505310]   954,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12175. [10741.506744]  937D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12176. [10741.507263]   488,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12177. [10741.507751]   984,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12178. [10741.508178]  1002,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  12179. [10741.508789]   555,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12180. [10741.509216]  962D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12181. [10741.509704]   738,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  12182. [10741.510192]   666,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12183. [10741.510620]   470,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12184. [10741.512237] 9092 total events, 907.101 events/sec
  12185. [10741.512359] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  12186. [10741.512908] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  12187. [10741.516723] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12188. [10741.516815] 23%              171             ewtzmud                 471
  12189. [10741.516906] 12%              180             mediaserver                     243
  12190. [10741.517089] 8%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 179
  12191. [10741.517211] 6%               177             surfaceflinger                  122
  12192. [10741.517425] 0%               170             akmd                    16
  12193. [10741.933074] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  12194. [10741.933746] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  12195. [10742.188354] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  12196. [10742.631164] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 14, -641
  12197. [10744.642852] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 11, -652
  12198. [10744.927673] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17953066000000 (s 17953066000000)
  12199. [10744.943817] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  12200. [10744.944000] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12201. [10744.950134] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  12202. [10744.950256] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  12203. [10744.965728] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12204. [10744.965850] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12205. [10744.966003] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12206. [10744.966217] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12207. [10744.966369] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12208. [10744.966583] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12209. [10744.966888] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12210. [10744.966949] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12211. [10744.967071] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12212. [10744.967193] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12213. [10745.008300] wl12xx: elp work
  12214. [10745.008514] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12215. [10745.137756] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12216. [10745.138397] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  12217. [10745.198364] wl12xx: elp work
  12218. [10745.198577] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12219. [10745.215576] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12220. [10745.216186] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12221. [10745.238403] wl12xx: elp work
  12222. [10745.238647] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12223. [10745.263549] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12224. [10745.263854] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12225. [10745.278350] wl12xx: elp work
  12226. [10745.278564] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12227. [10745.293334] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12228. [10745.294036] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12229. [10745.320068] wl12xx: elp work
  12230. [10745.320495] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12231. [10745.351623] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12232. [10745.352233] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12233. [10745.394104] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  12234. [10745.408325] wl12xx: elp work
  12235. [10745.408416] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12236. [10745.700988] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12237. [10745.701995] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12238. [10745.703338] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  12239. [10745.703826] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  12240. [10745.718719] wl12xx: elp work
  12241. [10745.719177] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12242. [10746.651123] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 298, 5, -641
  12243. [10746.995269] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12244. [10746.995941] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12245. [10747.009826] wl12xx: elp work
  12246. [10747.009918] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12247. [10748.495819] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12248. [10748.496765] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12249. [10748.497192] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12250. [10748.497955] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12251. [10748.498962] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12252. [10748.661071] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 5, -646
  12253. [10750.671264] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 14, -646
  12254. [10751.538482] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  12255. [10751.538726] 05-12 14:58:16
  12256. [10751.539184]  17:  4150       gp_timer
  12257. [10751.540161]  48:   393       msmgpio
  12258. [10751.541290]  80:   758       vfe
  12259. [10751.542175] 107:   153       MDP
  12260. [10751.543090] 112:   211       kgsl-3d0
  12261. [10751.544097] 113:   306       kgsl-2d0
  12262. [10751.545288] 116:   305       csi
  12263. [10751.546203] 133:   496       mmc3
  12264. [10751.546875] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12265. [10751.547607] 199:    20       msmdatamover
  12266. [10751.553924] 220:    41       mmc4
  12267. [10751.554595] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12268. [10751.555328] 228:  4688       qup_err_intr
  12269. [10751.556274] 244:   306       kgsl-2d1
  12270. [10751.557647] 302:    57       wl12xx
  12271. [10751.561706] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  12272. [10751.562835] 384:   334       akm8975
  12273. [10751.565063] C0: 4192 3563ms
  12274. [10751.565368] CPU0 usage: 64
  12275. [10751.565643] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12276. [10751.565917] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12277. [10751.566802]   446,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12278. [10751.567962]   494,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12279. [10751.571411]   955,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12280. [10751.572570]  934D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12281. [10751.573516]  1004,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12282. [10751.574676]   998,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12283. [10751.575805]   564,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12284. [10751.576812]  1005,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  12285. [10751.578063]  978D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12286. [10751.581268]   885,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  12287. [10751.582458]   668,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12288. [10751.583740] 9153 total events, 910.004 events/sec
  12289. [10751.584075] idle lock:  'kgsl-3d0'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  12290. [10751.585784] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  12291. [10751.594207] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12292. [10751.594482] 29%              171             ewtzmud                 597
  12293. [10751.594696] 10%              180             mediaserver                     202
  12294. [10751.595092] 9%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 185
  12295. [10751.595336] 5%               177             surfaceflinger                  118
  12296. [10751.595550] 1%               951             rocess.location                 21
  12297. [10752.681121] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 14, -649
  12298. [10754.691131] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 19, -652
  12299. [10756.701080] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 14, -652
  12300. [10758.711242] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 298, 8, -655
  12301. [10760.721130] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 8, -646
  12302. [10761.598876] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  12303. [10761.599365] 05-12 14:58:26
  12304. [10761.600250]  17:  4158       gp_timer
  12305. [10761.601837]  48:   333       msmgpio
  12306. [10761.602294]  80:   767       vfe
  12307. [10761.602386] 107:   153       MDP
  12308. [10761.602447] 112:   200       kgsl-3d0
  12309. [10761.602508] 113:   308       kgsl-2d0
  12310. [10761.602539] 116:   306       csi
  12311. [10761.602783] 228:  4677       qup_err_intr
  12312. [10761.602874] 244:   308       kgsl-2d1
  12313. [10761.603149] 384:   333       akm8975
  12314. [10761.604064] C0: 4042 3681ms
  12315. [10761.604431] CPU0 usage: 63
  12316. [10761.604827] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12317. [10761.605194] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12318. [10761.605865]   465,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12319. [10761.616790]   966,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12320. [10761.619079]  948D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12321. [10761.625091]   490,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12322. [10761.627044]   999,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12323. [10761.633056]   975,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12324. [10761.635223]  1002,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  12325. [10761.637054]   551,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12326. [10761.639648]  955D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12327. [10761.645050]   710,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  12328. [10761.646820]   666,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12329. [10761.649047] 9044 total events, 902.311 events/sec
  12330. [10761.649902] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  12331. [10761.656311] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  12332. [10761.673309] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12333. [10761.673767] 21%              171             ewtzmud                 424
  12334. [10761.674163] 12%              180             mediaserver                     253
  12335. [10761.674896] 9%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 187
  12336. [10761.675292] 7%               177             surfaceflinger                  148
  12337. [10761.675720] 0%               170             akmd                    15
  12338. [10762.751251] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 14, -644
  12339. [10764.761077] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 8, -649
  12340. [10765.939636] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17974078000000 (s 17974078000000)
  12341. [10765.967651] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  12342. [10765.967834] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12343. [10765.973999] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  12344. [10765.974182] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  12345. [10765.978027] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12346. [10765.978149] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12347. [10765.978607] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12348. [10765.978881] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12349. [10765.979156] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12350. [10765.979553] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12351. [10765.979888] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12352. [10765.980041] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12353. [10765.980316] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12354. [10765.980682] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12355. [10766.038452] wl12xx: elp work
  12356. [10766.038635] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12357. [10766.161315] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12358. [10766.161590] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12359. [10766.208374] wl12xx: elp work
  12360. [10766.208618] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12361. [10766.239105] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12362. [10766.239410] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12363. [10766.278533] wl12xx: elp work
  12364. [10766.278747] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12365. [10766.317932] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12366. [10766.318756] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  12367. [10766.338470] wl12xx: elp work
  12368. [10766.338928] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12369. [10766.361541] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12370. [10766.362243] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12371. [10766.409759] wl12xx: elp work
  12372. [10766.410064] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12373. [10766.416931] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12374. [10766.417175] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12375. [10766.418060] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  12376. [10766.438415] wl12xx: elp work
  12377. [10766.438690] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12378. [10766.725830] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12379. [10766.725921] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12380. [10766.726470] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  12381. [10766.726654] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  12382. [10766.749511] wl12xx: elp work
  12383. [10766.749755] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12384. [10766.771118] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 312, 16, -649
  12385. [10768.016693] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12386. [10768.017364] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12387. [10768.038391] wl12xx: elp work
  12388. [10768.038482] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12389. [10768.781158] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 298, 11, -635
  12390. [10769.564086] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12391. [10769.564544] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12392. [10769.564971] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12393. [10769.565368] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12394. [10769.565795] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12395. [10769.978424] Thermal: failed to read out thermal zone 1
  12396. [10770.791076] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 16, -641
  12397. [10771.678771] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  12398. [10771.678833] 05-12 14:58:36
  12399. [10771.678894]  17:  4192       gp_timer
  12400. [10771.679016]  48:   379       msmgpio
  12401. [10771.679138]  80:   762       vfe
  12402. [10771.679229] 107:   154       MDP
  12403. [10771.679290] 112:   196       kgsl-3d0
  12404. [10771.679351] 113:   308       kgsl-2d0
  12405. [10771.679412] 116:   306       csi
  12406. [10771.679504] 133:   437       mmc3
  12407. [10771.679534] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12408. [10771.679718] 199:    18       msmdatamover
  12409. [10771.679901] 220:   103       mmc4
  12410. [10771.679931] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12411. [10771.679992] 228:  4681       qup_err_intr
  12412. [10771.680053] 244:   308       kgsl-2d1
  12413. [10771.680236] 302:    45       wl12xx
  12414. [10771.680389] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  12415. [10771.680511] 384:   334       akm8975
  12416. [10771.681671] C0: 4043 3621ms
  12417. [10771.681732] CPU0 usage: 63
  12418. [10771.681762] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12419. [10771.681793] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12420. [10771.681854]   471,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12421. [10771.681976]   508,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12422. [10771.682067]  1002,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  12423. [10771.682159]   966,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12424. [10771.682281]   990,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12425. [10771.682373]   996,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12426. [10771.682464]   713,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  12427. [10771.682586]   553,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12428. [10771.682678]  951D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12429. [10771.682769]  961D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12430. [10771.682861]   666,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12431. [10771.682983] 9154 total events, 912.232 events/sec
  12432. [10771.683135] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  12433. [10771.683197] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  12434. [10771.694732] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12435. [10771.694793] 22%              171             ewtzmud                 451
  12436. [10771.694824] 12%              180             mediaserver                     241
  12437. [10771.694854] 8%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 175
  12438. [10771.694915] 7%               177             surfaceflinger                  145
  12439. [10771.694946] 0%               951             rocess.location                 18
  12440. [10772.811126] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 5, -644
  12441. [10774.821075] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 300, 16, -646
  12442. [10776.831054] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 11, -649
  12443. [10778.841125] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 8, -644
  12444. [10780.851104] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 298, 11, -646
  12445. [10781.448883] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17989587000000 (s 17989587000000)
  12446. [10781.698364] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  12447. [10781.698486] 05-12 14:58:46
  12448. [10781.698669]  17:  4085       gp_timer
  12449. [10781.699096]  48:   349       msmgpio
  12450. [10781.699462]  80:   758       vfe
  12451. [10781.699829] 107:   152       MDP
  12452. [10781.700195] 112:   204       kgsl-3d0
  12453. [10781.700622] 113:   304       kgsl-2d0
  12454. [10781.701232] 116:   305       csi
  12455. [10781.701782] 228:  4669       qup_err_intr
  12456. [10781.702209] 244:   304       kgsl-2d1
  12457. [10781.702636] 344:    16       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  12458. [10781.703002] 384:   333       akm8975
  12459. [10781.703521] 505:    17       pm8058_adc_interrupt
  12460. [10781.704193] C0: 3930 3668ms
  12461. [10781.704284] CPU0 usage: 63
  12462. [10781.704376] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12463. [10781.704467] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12464. [10781.704650]   549,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12465. [10781.705169]   450,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12466. [10781.706634]   971,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12467. [10781.707183]  958D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12468. [10781.707733]   965,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12469. [10781.708312]  1001,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  12470. [10781.709014]  940D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12471. [10781.709472]   652,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  12472. [10781.710113]   995,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12473. [10781.710662]   494,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (
  12474. [10781.711212] [BATT] htc_batt_get_battery_adc , vref:21373, battid_adc:3797, battid:177
  12475. [10781.711791] hrtimer_wakeup)
  12476. [10781.711791]   666,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12477. [10781.711822] 9019 total events, 900.816 events/sec
  12478. [10781.711883] idle lock:  'kgsl-3d0'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  12479. [10781.711883] wakelock:  'htc_battery_8x60'  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  12480. [10781.713439]  at 10781655169813 (2014-05-12 10:28:46.663042622 UTC)
  12481. [10781.715423] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12482. [10781.715576] 19%              171             ewtzmud                 390
  12483. [10781.715667] 12%              180             mediaserver                     252
  12484. [10781.715759] 9%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 190
  12485. [10781.715881] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 99 at 10781657672255 (2014-05-12 10:28:46.667742329 UTC)
  12486. [10781.715942] [BATT] ID=2, level=99, vol=4305, temp=316, batt_current=134, chg_src=1, chg_en=1, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10781657733290 (2014-05-12 10:28:46.667803364 UTC)
  12487. [10781.716033] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 10781657794325 (2014-05-12 10:28:46.667894917 UTC)
  12488. [10781.716400] 8%               177             surfaceflinger                  169
  12489. [10781.716491] 0%               170             akmd                    17
  12490. [10781.720123] healthd: battery l=99 v=4 t=31.6 h=2 st=5 chg=u
  12491. [10782.861206] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 11, -646
  12492. [10784.871154] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 300, 8, -646
  12493. [10786.882354] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 11, -646
  12494. [10786.962646] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 17995101000000 (s 17995101000000)
  12495. [10786.996643] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  12496. [10786.996856] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12497. [10787.003021] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  12498. [10787.003112] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  12499. [10787.005798] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12500. [10787.005920] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12501. [10787.006103] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12502. [10787.006256] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12503. [10787.006408] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12504. [10787.006530] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12505. [10787.006713] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12506. [10787.006774] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12507. [10787.006958] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12508. [10787.007110] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12509. [10787.048400] wl12xx: elp work
  12510. [10787.048583] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12511. [10787.051055] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12512. [10787.051361] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12513. [10787.079284] wl12xx: elp work
  12514. [10787.079711] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12515. [10787.165618] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12516. [10787.166564] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12517. [10787.211517] wl12xx: elp work
  12518. [10787.211914] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12519. [10787.267242] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12520. [10787.268066] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12521. [10787.288391] wl12xx: elp work
  12522. [10787.288635] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12523. [10787.289886] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12524. [10787.290435] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12525. [10787.308441] wl12xx: elp work
  12526. [10787.309173] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12527. [10787.345001] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12528. [10787.345184] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12529. [10787.368438] wl12xx: elp work
  12530. [10787.368652] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12531. [10787.397552] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12532. [10787.398223] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12533. [10787.446044] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  12534. [10787.468322] wl12xx: elp work
  12535. [10787.468444] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12536. [10787.753967] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12537. [10787.754699] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12538. [10787.756195] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  12539. [10787.756988] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  12540. [10787.778503] wl12xx: elp work
  12541. [10787.778930] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12542. [10788.891204] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 14, -635
  12543. [10789.048522] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12544. [10789.048889] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12545. [10789.069793] wl12xx: elp work
  12546. [10789.070037] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12547. [10789.945709] [DISP] brightness orig=106, transformed=58
  12548. [10789.959564] [DISP] brightness orig=103, transformed=56
  12549. [10789.973083] [DISP] brightness orig=100, transformed=54
  12550. [10789.994506] [DISP] brightness orig=96, transformed=52
  12551. [10790.006713] [DISP] brightness orig=93, transformed=50
  12552. [10790.026153] [DISP] brightness orig=90, transformed=48
  12553. [10790.050842] [DISP] brightness orig=87, transformed=46
  12554. [10790.054962] [DISP] brightness orig=83, transformed=43
  12555. [10790.073669] [DISP] brightness orig=80, transformed=41
  12556. [10790.094360] [DISP] brightness orig=77, transformed=39
  12557. [10790.110076] [DISP] brightness orig=73, transformed=37
  12558. [10790.125122] [DISP] brightness orig=70, transformed=35
  12559. [10790.137908] [DISP] brightness orig=67, transformed=33
  12560. [10790.154968] [DISP] brightness orig=63, transformed=30
  12561. [10790.173767] [DISP] brightness orig=60, transformed=28
  12562. [10790.193725] [DISP] brightness orig=57, transformed=26
  12563. [10790.204711] [DISP] brightness orig=54, transformed=24
  12564. [10790.225433] [DISP] brightness orig=50, transformed=22
  12565. [10790.236785] [DISP] brightness orig=47, transformed=20
  12566. [10790.261138] [DISP] brightness orig=43, transformed=17
  12567. [10790.273498] [DISP] brightness orig=40, transformed=15
  12568. [10790.292327] [DISP] brightness orig=37, transformed=13
  12569. [10790.303527] [DISP] brightness orig=34, transformed=11
  12570. [10790.323211] [DISP] brightness orig=30, transformed=9
  12571. [10790.339172] [DISP] brightness orig=27, transformed=9
  12572. [10790.358764] [DISP] brightness orig=23, transformed=9
  12573. [10790.384124] [DISP] brightness orig=20, transformed=9
  12574. [10790.391204] [DISP] brightness orig=16, transformed=9
  12575. [10790.407592] [DISP] brightness orig=13, transformed=9
  12576. [10790.424224] [DISP] brightness orig=10, transformed=9
  12577. [10790.545349] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12578. [10790.552062] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12579. [10790.552307] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12580. [10790.552490] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12581. [10790.552612] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12582. [10790.901092] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 14, -638
  12583. [10791.738433] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  12584. [10791.738861] 05-12 14:58:56
  12585. [10791.739593]  17:  4055       gp_timer
  12586. [10791.741271]  48:   385       msmgpio
  12587. [10791.744384]  80:   763       vfe
  12588. [10791.745910] 107:   154       MDP
  12589. [10791.747375] 112:   207       kgsl-3d0
  12590. [10791.748962] 113:   308       kgsl-2d0
  12591. [10791.750793] 114:    53       MIPI_DSI
  12592. [10791.752227] 116:   306       csi
  12593. [10791.753845] 133:   421       mmc3
  12594. [10791.754943] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12595. [10791.756561] 136:  1698       mmc0
  12596. [10791.757659] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12597. [10791.764892] 199:    53       msmdatamover
  12598. [10791.769317] 220:   163       mmc4
  12599. [10791.770477] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12600. [10791.771636] 228:  4682       qup_err_intr
  12601. [10791.773254] 244:   308       kgsl-2d1
  12602. [10791.775299] 302:    46       wl12xx
  12603. [10791.777069] 344:     4       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  12604. [10791.778717] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  12605. [10791.780578] 384:   335       akm8975
  12606. [10791.782592] 505:     3       pm8058_adc_interrupt
  12607. [10791.784942] C0: 3889 3475ms
  12608. [10791.785614] CPU0 usage: 65
  12609. [10791.786407] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12610. [10791.786834] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12611. [10791.790863]   505,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12612. [10791.793121]  1006,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12613. [10791.795654]   970,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12614. [10791.798156]   989,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12615. [10791.801452]  953D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12616. [10791.803619]  1007,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  12617. [10791.803771]   670,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12618. [10791.803894]   564,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12619. [10791.804046]   464,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12620. [10791.804260]  957D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12621. [10791.804351]   790,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  12622. [10791.804473] 9162 total events, 909.763 events/sec
  12623. [10791.804626] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  12624. [10791.804718] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  12625. [10791.816040] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12626. [10791.816436] 25%              171             ewtzmud                 509
  12627. [10791.817108] 10%              180             mediaserver                     218
  12628. [10791.817565] 8%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 180
  12629. [10791.817962] 7%               177             surfaceflinger                  147
  12630. [10791.818359] 1%               520             system_server                   21
  12631. [10792.921173] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 306, 16, -641
  12632. [10794.931121] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 309, 11, -655
  12633. [10795.048706] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18003187000000 (s 18003187000000)
  12634. [10796.930084] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_ioctl LIGHTSENSOR_IOCTL_ENABLE, value = 0
  12635. [10796.930633] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_disable
  12636. [10796.932006] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_release
  12637. [10796.941101] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 300, 14, -646
  12638. [10797.517974] [DISP] brightness orig=0, transformed=0
  12639. [10797.528228] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12640. [10797.529510] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12641. [10797.529663] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12642. [10797.529785] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12643. [10797.529998] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12644. [10797.530731] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12645. [10797.530883] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  12646. [10797.530883] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12647. [10797.530914] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12648. [10797.530914] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12649. [10797.530944] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12650. [10797.530975] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  12651. [10797.530975] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12652. [10797.531005] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12653. [10797.531005] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12654. [10797.532653] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  12655. [10797.532653] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  12656. [10797.532653] [CAM] vfe31_stop state 1
  12657. [10797.532684] [CAM] vfe31_stop pending 1
  12658. [10797.532684] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag 1 +
  12659. [10797.532684] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag -
  12660. [10797.532684] [CAM] vfe31_stop -
  12661. [10797.532714] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  12662. [10797.533142] [CAM] msm_release_frame: frame0
  12663. [10797.533172] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  12664. [10797.533172] [CAM] msm_release_frame: draining queue frame
  12665. [10797.533172] [CAM] msm_release_frame, completed
  12666. [10797.534515] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12667. [10797.534545] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  12668. [10797.534545] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12669. [10797.534576] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12670. [10797.534576] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12671. [10797.536010] [CAM] get_pic:MSM_CAM_IOCTL_ABORT_CAPTURE
  12672. [10797.536041] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  12673. [10797.536041] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  12674. [10797.536071] [CAM] vfe31_stop VFE_STATE_IDLE -
  12675. [10797.553314] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  12676. [10797.553405] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  12677. [10797.553466] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  12678. [10797.553588] [CAM] msm_release_config: config0
  12679. [10797.553710] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =1
  12680. [10797.553802] [CAM] msm_release_config: draining queue event
  12681. [10797.553863] [CAM] msm_release_config, completed
  12682. [10797.554168] [CAM] msm_release_control: control0
  12683. [10797.554260] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =0
  12684. [10797.554382] [CAM] __msm_release, vfe_release
  12685. [10797.554443] [CAM] vfe31_release, free_irq
  12686. [10797.554534] [CAM] msm_vpe_release: In
  12687. [10797.555023] [CAM] msm_vpe_release: Out
  12688. [10797.555175] [CAM] __msm_release, s_release
  12689. [10797.555358] request_suspend_state: sleep (0->3) at 10797497119275 (2014-05-12 10:29:02.507219867 UTC)
  12690. [10797.555511] [R] early_suspend start
  12691. [10797.555572] [LS][CM3628] cm3628_early_suspend
  12692. [10797.555694] [BATT] htc_battery_early_suspend at 10797497546521 (2014-05-12 10:29:02.507555561 UTC)
  12693. [10797.555908] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  12694. [10797.555969]  at 10797497729627 (2014-05-12 10:29:02.507769184 UTC)
  12695. [10797.556121] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10797497943250 (2014-05-12 10:29:02.507982807 UTC)
  12696. [10797.556243] atmel_ts_suspend:[TP]enter
  12697. [10797.557586] atmel_ts_suspend:[TP]done
  12698. [10797.568786] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  12699. [10797.568908] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  12700. [10797.569000] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  12701. [10797.715087] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_deinit
  12702. [10797.718841] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_vreg_disable camera vreg off
  12703. [10797.719207] [CAM]Ruby_sensor_vreg_off
  12704. [10797.720886] [CAM]Doing clk switch (Main Cam)
  12705. [10797.721862] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_release completed
  12706. [10797.722259] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_disable
  12707. [10797.726623] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_set_perf_lvl
  12708. [10797.727264] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_EXIT
  12709. [10797.731628] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_sensor_clk_off
  12710. [10797.736938] [CAM] __msm_release, free frame pmem region
  12711. [10797.737304] [CAM] __msm_release, free stats pmem region
  12712. [10797.739410] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue pict
  12713. [10797.739807] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue event
  12714. [10797.740478] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue frame
  12715. [10797.740844] [CAM] __msm_release: completed
  12716. [10797.742614] [CAM] msm_release_control: draining queue control
  12717. [10797.743713] [CAM] msm_release_control, completed
  12718. [10797.752166] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12719. [10797.752349] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  12720. [10797.752441] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12721. [10797.752685] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12722. [10797.752777] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12723. [10797.806549] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12724. [10797.806762] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  12725. [10797.807037] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12726. [10797.807281] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12727. [10797.807434] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12728. [10797.807739] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12729. [10797.808013] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x8
  12730. [10797.808166] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12731. [10797.809539] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12732. [10797.809722] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12733. [10797.815887] [COMP][AKM8975] ECS_IOCTL_APP_SET_MFLAG,(m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), m_f_times 0
  12734. [10797.816101] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  12735. [10797.816314] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x0
  12736. [10797.816406] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  12737. [10797.816558] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  12738. [10797.816711] config_ruby_gyro_diag_gpios 41 pull down
  12739. [10797.829681] [GYRO][PANASONIC] EWTZMU2_Power_Off
  12740. [10797.830505] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  12741. [10797.830932] [COMP][AKM8975] [COMP] Compass disable
  12742. [10797.835662] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  12743. [10797.836090] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  12744. [10797.915069] [DISP] sii9234_early_suspend(isMHL=0, g_bGotUsbBus=0)
  12745. [10798.032379] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  12746. [10798.045776] [DISP] mipi_dsi_off+
  12747. [10798.045898] [DISP] Panel Type = PANEL_ID_PYD_AUO_NT
  12748. [10798.156188] [DISP] ruby_panel_power(0): init=2
  12749. [10798.171295] [DISP] mipi_dsi_disable_irq: IRQ cannot be disabled
  12750. [10798.171813] [DISP] mipi_dsi_off-
  12751. [10798.173034] [R] early_suspend end
  12752. [10801.818603] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  12753. [10801.819030] 05-12 14:59:06
  12754. [10801.819824]  17:  3014       gp_timer
  12755. [10801.821411]  48:   202       msmgpio
  12756. [10801.823242]  51:    18       rpm_drv
  12757. [10801.824920] 107:   110       MDP
  12758. [10801.826416] 112:   146       kgsl-3d0
  12759. [10801.828582] 113:   189       kgsl-2d0
  12760. [10801.830078] 114:     8       MIPI_DSI
  12761. [10801.831634] 136:   520       mmc0
  12762. [10801.832763] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12763. [10801.834320] 185:     1       qup_err_intr
  12764. [10801.835968] 187:     3       qup_err_intr
  12765. [10801.837493] 199:    44       msmdatamover
  12766. [10801.839111] 220:    54       mmc4
  12767. [10801.840576] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12768. [10801.841705] 228:  2816       qup_err_intr
  12769. [10801.843200] 244:   189       kgsl-2d1
  12770. [10801.845520] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  12771. [10801.847106] 384:   200       akm8975
  12772. [10801.849731] C0: 2993 5670ms
  12773. [10801.850128] CPU0 usage: 43
  12774. [10801.850860] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12775. [10801.851257] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12776. [10801.851654]   624,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12777. [10801.853942]  609D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12778. [10801.856201]   601,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  12779. [10801.858123]   645,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  12780. [10801.860443]  636D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  12781. [10801.862640]   477,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  12782. [10801.864868]   579,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12783. [10801.867095]   640,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12784. [10801.869171]   402,  5758 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12785. [10801.871398] 6213 total events, 618.906 events/sec
  12786. [10801.871917] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'
  12787. [10801.885345] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12788. [10801.885772] 9%               171             ewtzmud                 193
  12789. [10801.886505] 7%               180             mediaserver                     152
  12790. [10801.886901] 5%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 114
  12791. [10801.887329] 5%               177             surfaceflinger                  102
  12792. [10801.888061] 2%               520             system_server                   43
  12793. [10802.527679] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18010666000000 (s 18010666000000)
  12794. [10806.982696] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18015121000000 (s 18015121000000)
  12795. [10807.003387] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  12796. [10807.003784] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12797. [10807.010467] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  12798. [10807.011230] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  12799. [10807.079986] wl12xx: elp work
  12800. [10807.080413] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12801. [10807.096862] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12802. [10807.097778] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12803. [10807.118560] wl12xx: elp work
  12804. [10807.118988] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12805. [10807.199890] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12806. [10807.200500] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12807. [10807.238494] wl12xx: elp work
  12808. [10807.240966] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12809. [10807.241638] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12810. [10807.242187] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12811. [10807.258514] wl12xx: elp work
  12812. [10807.258911] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12813. [10807.277587] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12814. [10807.278137] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12815. [10807.298492] wl12xx: elp work
  12816. [10807.298919] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12817. [10807.325103] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12818. [10807.326049] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12819. [10807.338500] wl12xx: elp work
  12820. [10807.338928] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12821. [10807.355377] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12822. [10807.356292] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12823. [10807.378570] wl12xx: elp work
  12824. [10807.378967] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12825. [10807.406768] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12826. [10807.407379] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12827. [10807.456695] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  12828. [10807.478485] wl12xx: elp work
  12829. [10807.478881] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12830. [10807.766326] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12831. [10807.767333] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12832. [10807.769042] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  12833. [10807.769531] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  12834. [10807.788574] wl12xx: elp work
  12835. [10807.789001] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12836. [10809.061065] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  12837. [10809.062072] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  12838. [10809.078460] wl12xx: elp work
  12839. [10809.078887] wl12xx: chip to elp
  12840. [10811.898590] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  12841. [10811.899353] 05-12 14:59:16
  12842. [10811.900146]  17:   650       gp_timer
  12843. [10811.901702]  48:    57       msmgpio
  12844. [10811.903503]  51:     2       rpm_drv
  12845. [10811.905151] 112:     2       kgsl-3d0
  12846. [10811.906677] 133:   516       mmc3
  12847. [10811.907775] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12848. [10811.909332] 136:   160       mmc0
  12849. [10811.910461] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12850. [10811.911712] 199:    63       msmdatamover
  12851. [10811.913269] 220:    23       mmc4
  12852. [10811.914703] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12853. [10811.915985] 302:    56       wl12xx
  12854. [10811.917602] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  12855. [10811.920318] C0: 1041 9204ms
  12856. [10811.921051] CPU0 usage: 7
  12857. [10811.921447] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12858. [10811.921844] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12859. [10811.922271]   611,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12860. [10811.924530] 1461 total events, 145.373 events/sec
  12861. [10811.925384] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'
  12862. [10811.938476] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12863. [10811.938903] 3%               520             system_server                   63
  12864. [10811.939605] 1%               613             ndroid.systemui                 28
  12865. [10811.940002] 0%               709             irq/302-wl12xx                  8
  12866. [10811.940429] 0%               5667            obogenie.daemon                 7
  12867. [10811.941162] 0%               951             rocess.location                 4
  12868. [10821.938507] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  12869. [10821.938964] 05-12 14:59:26
  12870. [10821.940063]  17:    59       gp_timer
  12871. [10821.941802] 136:    25       mmc0
  12872. [10821.942932] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  12873. [10821.944152] 199:     5       msmdatamover
  12874. [10821.947418] C0: 68 9956ms
  12875. [10821.947814] CPU0 usage: 0
  12876. [10821.948211] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  12877. [10821.948822] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  12878. [10821.949554]   615,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  12879. [10821.951507] 976 total events, 97.366 events/sec
  12880. [10821.952362] wakelock:  'battery_daemon'  'msm_otg'  'vbus_present'
  12881. [10821.965545] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  12882. [10821.966308] 0%               5667            obogenie.daemon                 13
  12883. [10821.966705] 0%               520             system_server                   3
  12884. [10821.967132] 0%               5153            kworker/0:0                     2
  12885. [10821.967834] 0%               0               (null)                  0
  12886. [10821.968261] 0%               0               (null)                  0
  12887. [10826.289245] [BATT][tps65200] interrupt chg_stat is triggered. chg_stat_enabled:1
  12888. [10826.290130] [USBH] Avail curr from USB = 2
  12889. [10826.306579] [CABLE] vbus_irq_handler: Disable vbus irq --
  12890. [10826.398529] [CABLE] check_vbus_in: vbus = 1, vbus_in = 0
  12891. [10826.398956] [USBH] msm_otg_set_vbus_state: 0
  12892. [10826.399444] [CABLE] check_vbus_in: Enable vbus irq ++
  12893. [10826.400238] [USBH] msm_otg_sm_work: state:b_peripheral bit:0x00000001
  12894. [10826.400634] [USB] OTG_STATE_B_PERIPHERAL state
  12895. [10826.401397] [USBH] send connect type 0
  12896. [10826.401824] [CABLE] usb_status_notifier_func: cable_type = 0
  12897. [10826.402557] [CABLE] send_cable_connect_notify: cable_type = 0
  12898. [10826.402954] [CABLE] Send to: htc_battery_8x60, type 0
  12899. [10826.403717] [BATT] cable_status_notifier_func 0 at 10826345874156 (2014-05-12 10:29:31.355547502 UTC)
  12900. [10826.404541] [BATT] No cable exists at 10826347003306 (2014-05-12 10:29:31.356371476 UTC)
  12901. [10826.405670] [BATT] cable_status_notifier_func mhl_dongle:0 at 10826348162974 (2014-05-12 10:29:31.357531144 UTC)
  12902. [10826.407165] [USBH] gadget off
  12903. [10826.408843] mtp_release
  12904. [10826.410644] adb_release
  12905. [10826.411865] adb_open
  12906. [10826.414459] [BATT] do charger control = 0
  12907. [10826.414642] [USBH] msm_otg_sm_work: state:b_idle bit:0x00000001
  12908. [10826.414642] [USB] OTG_STATE_B_IDLE state
  12909. [10826.414642] [USBH] !b_sess_vld && id
  12910. [10826.414672] [USBH] Avail curr from USB = 0
  12911. [10826.414672] [USBH] msm_otg_reset
  12912. [10826.414733] [CABLE] Send to: usb_tp_connected, type 0
  12913. [10826.414733] [TP]cable change to 0
  12914. [10826.415679] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED
  12915. [10826.419067]  at 10826360797252 (2014-05-12 10:29:31.366289689 UTC)
  12916. [10826.419769] [BATT][tps65200] Switch charger OFF
  12917. [10826.421234] [BATT] ID=2, level=99, vol=4305, temp=316, batt_current=134, chg_src=0, chg_en=1, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10826363238659 (2014-05-12 10:29:31.373064592 UTC)
  12918. [10826.421722] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 10826363604869 (2014-05-12 10:29:31.373583391 UTC)
  12919. [10826.422088] [BATT] power_supply_changed: usb at 10826363971080 (2014-05-12 10:29:31.373949602 UTC)
  12920. [10826.422515] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 99 at 10826364520397 (2014-05-12 10:29:31.374376848 UTC)
  12921. [10826.422882] [BATT] ID=2, level=99, vol=4305, temp=316, batt_current=134, chg_src=0, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10826364886608 (2014-05-12 10:29:31.374743059 UTC)
  12922. [10826.423370] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 10826365252819 (2014-05-12 10:29:31.375200823 UTC)
  12923. [10826.425567] healthd: battery l=99 v=4 t=31.6 h=2 st=4 chg=
  12924. [10826.437774] healthd: battery l=99 v=4 t=31.6 h=2 st=4 chg=
  12925. [10826.438568] [USBH] phy_reset: success
  12926. [10826.458648] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 5 brightness 0 +
  12927. [10826.458740] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 5 brightness 0 -
  12928. [10826.458984] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 4 brightness 0 +
  12929. [10826.459106] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 4 brightness 0 -
  12930. [10826.459289] [LED]pm8058_led_blink_store: bank 4 blink 0
  12931. [10826.548309] [USBH] ulpi: write 0x06 to 0x36
  12932. [10826.548614] [USBH] ulpi: write 0x0c to 0x31
  12933. [10826.548889] [USBH] ulpi: write 0x31 to 0x32
  12934. [10826.549194] [USBH] ulpi: write 0x01 to 0x0d
  12935. [10826.549468] [USBH] ulpi: write 0x01 to 0x10
  12936. [10826.549774] [USB] OTG runtime suspend
  12937. [10826.549926] [USBH] msm_otg_suspend
  12938. [10826.550537] [USBH] msm_hsusb_config_vddcx: min_vol:500000 max_vol:1320000
  12939. [10826.550659] [USBH] USB in low power mode
  12940. [10827.609161] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18035746000000 (s 18035746000000)
  12941. [10830.140136] Thermal: failed to read out thermal zone 1
  12942. [10831.400115] [R] suspend start
  12943. [10831.400573] Freezing user space processes ...
  12944. [10831.402191] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  12945. [10831.403289] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  12946. [10831.449096] (elapsed 0.04 seconds) done.
  12947. [10831.700012] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  12948. [10831.723785] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:50010 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3550 sec at 10831666308720 (2014-05-12 10:29:36.675615855 UTC)
  12949. [10831.740600] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  12950. [10831.741027] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  12951. [10831.747344] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  12952. [10831.758850] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  12953. [10831.759277] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  12954. [10831.762145] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  12955. [10831.762603] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  12956. [10831.764770] charm_ap suspending...
  12957. [10831.765197] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  12958. [10831.776794] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  12959. [10831.778015] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  12960. [10831.778656] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  12961. [10831.780975] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  12962. [10831.782257] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  12963. [10831.783264] msm_sdcc_setup_vreg: Disabling SD slot power
  12964. [10831.789916] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  12965. [10831.790740] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  12966. [10831.794097] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  12967. [10831.796112] PM: suspend of devices complete after 57.312 msecs
  12968. [10831.803924] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 7.354 msecs
  12969. [10831.804656] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  12970. [10831.812316] CPU1: shutdown
  12971. [10831.812438] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  12972. [10831.816436] [K] msm_pm_enter
  12973. [10831.816436] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  12974. [10831.816436] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  12975. [10831.816436] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  12976. [10831.816436] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  12977. [10831.816436] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  12978. [10831.816436] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  12979. [10831.816436] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  12980. [10831.816436] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  12981. [10831.816436] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 57, 7209849ms, 0x0, 0x0
  12982. [10831.816436] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  12983. [10831.816436] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  12984. [10831.816436] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  12985. [10831.816436] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 192000)
  12986. [10831.816436] msm_watchdog_suspend
  12987. [10831.816436] [K][R] suspend end
  12988. [10831.816436] [K][R] resume start
  12989. [10831.816436] msm_watchdog_resume
  12990. [10831.816436] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 18134804ms
  12991. [10831.816436] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 58, 7295189ms, 0x20, 0x0
  12992. [10831.816436] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  12993. [10831.816436] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  12994. [10831.816436] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  12995. [10831.816436] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 192000
  12996. [10831.816436] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  12997. [10831.816436] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  12998. [10831.816436] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  12999. [10831.816436] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  13000. [10831.816436] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  13001. [10831.816436] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  13002. [10831.816436] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  13003. [10831.816436] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  13004. [10831.816436] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  13005. [10831.816436] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  13006. [10831.816436] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  13007. [10831.816436] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  13008. [10831.817138] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13009. [10831.820404] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  13010. [10831.822570] CPU1 is up
  13011. [10831.829193] PM: early resume of devices complete after 5.493 msecs
  13012. [10831.832641] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  13013. [10831.834228] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13014. [10831.834655] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13015. [10831.835418] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13016. [10831.835845] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13017. [10831.836273] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13018. [10831.837615] [USB] OTG PM resume
  13019. [10831.838958] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  13020. [10831.839385] charm_ap resuming...
  13021. [10831.840759] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13022. [10831.841186] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13023. [10831.841918] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  13024. [10831.842315] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  13025. [10831.843322] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  13026. [10831.849182] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  13027. [10831.850616] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18063186000000 (s 18063186000000)
  13028. [10831.851409] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18125703000000 (s 18125703000000)
  13029. [10831.854187] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  13030. [10831.854614] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13031. [10831.861755] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13032. [10831.862182] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  13033. [10831.862915] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  13034. [10831.864318] PM: resume of devices complete after 31.051 msecs
  13035. [10831.870544] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4026291810, batt_suspend_ms: 4026205469, sr_time_period=86341 ms, total_time_ms:136351 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10831813016355 (2014-05-12 10:31:03.020461073 UTC)
  13036. [10831.871734] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  13037. [10831.872497]  at 10831814175035 (2014-05-12 10:31:03.021680737 UTC)
  13038. [10831.872894] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10831815333715 (2014-05-12 10:31:03.022869908 UTC)
  13039. [10831.874816] Restarting tasks ...
  13040. [10831.878875] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  13041. [10831.888641] wl12xx: elp work
  13042. [10831.889068] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13043. [10831.898803] done.
  13044. [10831.901672] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:31:03.051593442 UTC)
  13045. [10831.902679] [R] resume end
  13046. [10831.946960] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  13047. [10831.974639] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  13048. [10831.979125] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  13049. [10831.979888] 05-12 15:01:03
  13050. [10831.980682]  17:   166       gp_timer
  13051. [10831.982879]  48:     5       msmgpio
  13052. [10831.984436]  51:     4       rpm_drv
  13053. [10831.990203]  52:     2       mpm_drv
  13054. [10831.992004] 132:     1       msm_otg
  13055. [10831.993194] , msm_hsusb
  13056. [10831.994323] 133:    13       mmc3
  13057. [10831.995788] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  13058. [10831.996948] 134:     1       mmc2
  13059. [10831.998077] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  13060. [10831.999786] 136:  1003       mmc0
  13061. [10832.001251] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  13062. [10832.002502] 187:     4       qup_err_intr
  13063. [10832.004028] 191:     5       qup_err_intr
  13064. [10832.005584] 199:    49       msmdatamover
  13065. [10832.007476] 228:    19       qup_err_intr
  13066. [10832.009307] 302:     1       wl12xx
  13067. [10832.011077] 344:     3       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  13068. [10832.013000] 464:     1       vbus_irq
  13069. [10832.014434] 468:     1       pm8xxx_rtc_alarm
  13070. [10832.016235] 653:     1       chg_stat
  13071. [10832.018066] C0: 174 4800ms
  13072. [10832.018615] C1: 24 4534ms
  13073. [10832.019042] Vdd-min: 1, 85340ms
  13074. [10832.019439] CPU0 usage: 6
  13075. [10832.019836] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  13076. [10832.020538] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  13077. [10832.020935]   576,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  13078. [10832.023101] 1421 total events, 141.140 events/sec
  13079. [10832.023620] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d0'  'kgsl-2d1'
  13080. [10832.025054] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'
  13081. [10832.036376] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  13082. [10832.036773] 1%               520             system_server                   29
  13083. [10832.037445] 0%               1729            atterydoctor_en                 16
  13084. [10832.037811] 0%               5667            obogenie.daemon                 11
  13085. [10832.038208] 0%               96              mmcqd/0                 8
  13086. [10832.038879] 0%               613             ndroid.systemui                 7
  13087. [10832.105590] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  13088. [10832.441589] [R] suspend start
  13089. [10832.441864] Freezing user space processes ...
  13090. [10832.442535] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  13091. [10832.442749] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  13092. [10832.458862] (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  13093. [10832.709960] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  13094. [10832.731292] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:137211 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3463 sec at 10832672877089 (2014-05-12 10:31:03.880870529 UTC)
  13095. [10832.737487] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  13096. [10832.737548] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  13097. [10832.738952] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  13098. [10832.741058] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  13099. [10832.741149] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  13100. [10832.742889] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13101. [10832.743041] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13102. [10832.743774] charm_ap suspending...
  13103. [10832.743927] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  13104. [10832.744598] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  13105. [10832.745025] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  13106. [10832.745178] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  13107. [10832.745574] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13108. [10832.746215] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13109. [10832.746765] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13110. [10832.746917] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13111. [10832.749053] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13112. [10832.749633] PM: suspend of devices complete after 13.422 msecs
  13113. [10832.752319] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.410 msecs
  13114. [10832.752441] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13115. [10832.757720] CPU1: shutdown
  13116. [10832.757781] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  13117. [10832.761352] [K] msm_pm_enter
  13118. [10832.761352] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  13119. [10832.761352] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13120. [10832.761352] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13121. [10832.761352] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  13122. [10832.761352] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  13123. [10832.761352] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  13124. [10832.761352] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  13125. [10832.761352] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  13126. [10832.761352] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 58, 7295189ms, 0x0, 0x0
  13127. [10832.761352] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13128. [10832.761352] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13129. [10832.761352] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13130. [10832.761352] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 594000)
  13131. [10832.761352] msm_watchdog_suspend
  13132. [10832.761352] [K][R] suspend end
  13133. [10832.761352] [K][R] resume start
  13134. [10832.761352] msm_watchdog_resume
  13135. [10832.761352] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 18220814ms
  13136. [10832.761352] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 59, 7380227ms, 0x20, 0x0
  13137. [10832.761352] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  13138. [10832.761352] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13139. [10832.761352] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13140. [10832.761352] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 594000
  13141. [10832.761352] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  13142. [10832.761352] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  13143. [10832.761352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  13144. [10832.761352] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  13145. [10832.761352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  13146. [10832.761352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  13147. [10832.761352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  13148. [10832.761352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  13149. [10832.761352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  13150. [10832.761352] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  13151. [10832.761352] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  13152. [10832.761352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  13153. [10832.761810] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13154. [10832.765533] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  13155. [10832.766510] CPU1 is up
  13156. [10832.768585] PM: early resume of devices complete after 1.708 msecs
  13157. [10832.770019] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  13158. [10832.770629] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13159. [10832.770874] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13160. [10832.771026] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13161. [10832.771270] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13162. [10832.771423] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13163. [10832.771759] [USB] OTG PM resume
  13164. [10832.772247] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  13165. [10832.772399] charm_ap resuming...
  13166. [10832.772735] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13167. [10832.772979] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13168. [10832.773132] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  13169. [10832.773376] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  13170. [10832.773864] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  13171. [10832.775634] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  13172. [10832.776397] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18183187000000 (s 18183187000000)
  13173. [10832.777099] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  13174. [10832.777252] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13175. [10832.783660] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13176. [10832.783782] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  13177. [10832.783935] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  13178. [10832.784759] PM: resume of devices complete after 14.521 msecs
  13179. [10832.786621] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4026377800, batt_suspend_ms: 4026292670, sr_time_period=85130 ms, total_time_ms:222341 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10832728276625 (2014-05-12 10:32:29.010677302 UTC)
  13180. [10832.787109] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  13181. [10832.787384]  at 10832728642703 (2014-05-12 10:32:29.011195914 UTC)
  13182. [10832.787506] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10832729039289 (2014-05-12 10:32:29.011592499 UTC)
  13183. [10832.788177] Restarting tasks ...
  13184. [10832.788940] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  13185. [10832.796417] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  13186. [10832.798797] wl12xx: elp work
  13187. [10832.798858] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13188. [10832.801635] done.
  13189. [10832.801788] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:32:29.025865755 UTC)
  13190. [10832.801940] [R] resume end
  13191. [10832.822906] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  13192. [10832.968566] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18212379000000 (s 18212379000000)
  13193. [10833.002777] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  13194. [10833.725219] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  13195. [10834.435119] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  13196. [10834.734558] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  13197. [10834.738922] [R] suspend start
  13198. [10834.739501] Freezing user space processes ...
  13199. [10834.740722] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  13200. [10834.740905] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  13201. [10834.769592] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  13202. [10835.020629] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  13203. [10835.041687] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:224601 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3376 sec at 10834982571218 (2014-05-12 10:32:31.265185383 UTC)
  13204. [10835.047027] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  13205. [10835.047729] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  13206. [10835.053527] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  13207. [10835.063446] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  13208. [10835.063842] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  13209. [10835.065063] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13210. [10835.065765] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13211. [10835.067382] charm_ap suspending...
  13212. [10835.068084] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  13213. [10835.070159] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  13214. [10835.070983] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  13215. [10835.071655] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  13216. [10835.072662] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13217. [10835.073547] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13218. [10835.074737] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13219. [10835.075195] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13220. [10835.077636] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13221. [10835.079589] PM: suspend of devices complete after 34.117 msecs
  13222. [10835.085540] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 5.553 msecs
  13223. [10835.086212] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13224. [10835.092651] CPU1: shutdown
  13225. [10835.092712] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  13226. [10835.097412] [K] msm_pm_enter
  13227. [10835.097412] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  13228. [10835.097412] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13229. [10835.097412] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13230. [10835.097412] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  13231. [10835.097412] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  13232. [10835.097412] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  13233. [10835.097412] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  13234. [10835.097412] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  13235. [10835.097412] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 59, 7380227ms, 0x0, 0x0
  13236. [10835.097412] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13237. [10835.097412] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13238. [10835.097412] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13239. [10835.097412] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 192000)
  13240. [10835.097412] msm_watchdog_suspend
  13241. [10835.097412] [K][R] suspend end
  13242. [10835.097412] [K][R] resume start
  13243. [10835.097412] msm_watchdog_resume
  13244. [10835.097412] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 18314827ms
  13245. [10835.097412] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 60, 7471876ms, 0x20, 0x0
  13246. [10835.097412] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  13247. [10835.097412] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13248. [10835.097412] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13249. [10835.097412] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 192000
  13250. [10835.097412] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  13251. [10835.097412] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  13252. [10835.097412] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  13253. [10835.097412] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  13254. [10835.097412] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  13255. [10835.097412] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  13256. [10835.097412] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  13257. [10835.097412] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  13258. [10835.097412] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  13259. [10835.097412] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  13260. [10835.097412] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  13261. [10835.097412] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  13262. [10835.098114] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13263. [10835.102722] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  13264. [10835.103881] CPU1 is up
  13265. [10835.108428] PM: early resume of devices complete after 3.845 msecs
  13266. [10835.111785] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  13267. [10835.113067] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13268. [10835.113769] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13269. [10835.114166] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13270. [10835.114562] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13271. [10835.115234] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13272. [10835.116119] [USB] OTG PM resume
  13273. [10835.117034] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  13274. [10835.117736] charm_ap resuming...
  13275. [10835.118652] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13276. [10835.119049] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13277. [10835.120025] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  13278. [10835.120391] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  13279. [10835.121582] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  13280. [10835.125762] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  13281. [10835.127319] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18243186000000 (s 18243186000000)
  13282. [10835.128082] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18305751000000 (s 18305751000000)
  13283. [10835.130371] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  13284. [10835.131042] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13285. [10835.137756] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13286. [10835.138122] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  13287. [10835.138824] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  13288. [10835.140350] PM: resume of devices complete after 28.001 msecs
  13289. [10835.145172] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4026471810, batt_suspend_ms: 4026380061, sr_time_period=91749 ms, total_time_ms:316350 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10835086552926 (2014-05-12 10:34:03.018359811 UTC)
  13290. [10835.146575] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  13291. [10835.146972]  at 10835087620160 (2014-05-12 10:34:03.019762461 UTC)
  13292. [10835.147644] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10835088687393 (2014-05-12 10:34:03.020860187 UTC)
  13293. [10835.149017] Restarting tasks ...
  13294. [10835.159454] wl12xx: elp work
  13295. [10835.159667] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13296. [10835.162475] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  13297. [10835.166259] done.
  13298. [10835.166381] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:34:03.039582945 UTC)
  13299. [10835.166534] [R] resume end
  13300. [10835.183044] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  13301. [10835.183166] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13302. [10835.189239] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13303. [10835.189483] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  13304. [10835.229461] wl12xx: elp work
  13305. [10835.229522] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13306. [10835.232849] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  13307. [10835.260498] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  13308. [10835.330810] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13309. [10835.331939] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13310. [10835.356781] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  13311. [10835.359649] wl12xx: elp work
  13312. [10835.360076] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13313. [10835.402893] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13314. [10835.403564] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13315. [10835.461242] wl12xx: elp work
  13316. [10835.461669] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13317. [10835.489166] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13318. [10835.491851] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13319. [10835.509918] wl12xx: elp work
  13320. [10835.510345] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13321. [10835.558563] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13322. [10835.560760] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13323. [10835.579956] wl12xx: elp work
  13324. [10835.580444] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13325. [10835.611480] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13326. [10835.613647] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13327. [10835.650054] wl12xx: elp work
  13328. [10835.663787] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  13329. [10835.676208] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13330. [10835.691314] wl12xx: elp work
  13331. [10835.982147] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13332. [10835.984680] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13333. [10835.991729] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  13334. [10835.992584] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  13335. [10836.010101] wl12xx: elp work
  13336. [10836.010528] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13337. [10837.286987] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13338. [10837.290985] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13339. [10837.310211] wl12xx: elp work
  13340. [10837.310638] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13341. [10837.354614] [R] suspend start
  13342. [10837.355041] Freezing user space processes ...
  13343. [10837.355682] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  13344. [10837.355957] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  13345. [10837.380462] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  13346. [10837.631591] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  13347. [10837.654968] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:318860 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3282 sec at 10837595757408 (2014-05-12 10:34:05.527563709 UTC)
  13348. [10837.668304] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  13349. [10837.668487] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  13350. [10837.670227] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  13351. [10837.672851] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  13352. [10837.673034] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  13353. [10837.673706] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13354. [10837.673858] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13355. [10837.674316] charm_ap suspending...
  13356. [10837.674468] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  13357. [10837.674957] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  13358. [10837.675170] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  13359. [10837.675292] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  13360. [10837.676086] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13361. [10837.676544] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13362. [10837.677093] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13363. [10837.677215] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13364. [10837.679199] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13365. [10837.679718] PM: suspend of devices complete after 12.786 msecs
  13366. [10837.682037] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.227 msecs
  13367. [10837.682220] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13368. [10837.687316] CPU1: shutdown
  13369. [10837.687438] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  13370. [10837.688262] [K] msm_pm_enter
  13371. [10837.688262] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  13372. [10837.688262] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13373. [10837.688262] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13374. [10837.688262] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  13375. [10837.688262] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  13376. [10837.688262] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  13377. [10837.688262] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  13378. [10837.688262] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  13379. [10837.688262] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 60, 7471876ms, 0x0, 0x0
  13380. [10837.688262] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13381. [10837.688262] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13382. [10837.688262] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13383. [10837.688262] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 1134000)
  13384. [10837.688262] msm_watchdog_suspend
  13385. [10837.688262] [K][R] suspend end
  13386. [10837.688262] [K][R] resume start
  13387. [10837.688262] msm_watchdog_resume
  13388. [10837.688262] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 18432840ms
  13389. [10837.688262] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 61, 7587277ms, 0x20, 0x0
  13390. [10837.688262] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  13391. [10837.688262] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13392. [10837.688262] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13393. [10837.688262] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 1134000
  13394. [10837.688262] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  13395. [10837.688262] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  13396. [10837.688262] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  13397. [10837.688262] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  13398. [10837.688262] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  13399. [10837.688262] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  13400. [10837.688262] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  13401. [10837.688262] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  13402. [10837.688262] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  13403. [10837.688262] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  13404. [10837.688262] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  13405. [10837.688262] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  13406. [10837.688476] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13407. [10837.690307] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  13408. [10837.691741] CPU1 is up
  13409. [10837.693359] PM: early resume of devices complete after 1.403 msecs
  13410. [10837.694427] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  13411. [10837.694885] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13412. [10837.694976] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13413. [10837.695159] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13414. [10837.695251] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13415. [10837.695343] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13416. [10837.695678] [USB] OTG PM resume
  13417. [10837.695922] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  13418. [10837.696014] charm_ap resuming...
  13419. [10837.696350] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13420. [10837.696441] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13421. [10837.696594] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  13422. [10837.696685] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  13423. [10837.697113] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  13424. [10837.698486] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  13425. [10837.699188] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18363186000000 (s 18363186000000)
  13426. [10837.699584] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  13427. [10837.699737] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13428. [10837.705963] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13429. [10837.706054] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  13430. [10837.706237] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  13431. [10837.706787] PM: resume of devices complete after 12.206 msecs
  13432. [10837.708343] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4026589800, batt_suspend_ms: 4026474321, sr_time_period=115479 ms, total_time_ms:434339 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10837648551446 (2014-05-12 10:36:01.009612791 UTC)
  13433. [10837.708648] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  13434. [10837.708740]  at 10837648795580 (2014-05-12 10:36:01.009948476 UTC)
  13435. [10837.708923] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10837649039715 (2014-05-12 10:36:01.010223127 UTC)
  13436. [10837.709320] Restarting tasks ...
  13437. [10837.715545] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  13438. [10837.719512] done.
  13439. [10837.719940] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:36:01.021209338 UTC)
  13440. [10837.720703] wl12xx: elp work
  13441. [10837.720794] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13442. [10837.721099] [R] resume end
  13443. [10837.811309] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18424299000000 (s 18424299000000)
  13444. [10837.848876] [R] suspend start
  13445. [10837.848968] Freezing user space processes ...
  13446. [10837.852264] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  13447. [10837.852508] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  13448. [10837.870330] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  13449. [10837.870574] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  13450. [10837.890991] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:434529 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3166 sec at 10837831119741 (2014-05-12 10:36:01.192150695 UTC)
  13451. [10837.895416] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  13452. [10837.895538] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  13453. [10837.897094] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  13454. [10837.899475] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  13455. [10837.899627] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  13456. [10837.900085] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13457. [10837.900207] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13458. [10837.900634] charm_ap suspending...
  13459. [10837.900726] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  13460. [10837.901153] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  13461. [10837.901336] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  13462. [10837.901428] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  13463. [10837.901672] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13464. [10837.901947] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13465. [10837.902374] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13466. [10837.902526] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13467. [10837.902984] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13468. [10837.903289] PM: suspend of devices complete after 9.210 msecs
  13469. [10837.905090] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 1.677 msecs
  13470. [10837.905242] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13471. [10837.908050] CPU1: shutdown
  13472. [10837.908081] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  13473. [10837.908752] [K] msm_pm_enter
  13474. [10837.908752] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  13475. [10837.908752] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13476. [10837.908752] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13477. [10837.908752] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  13478. [10837.908752] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  13479. [10837.908752] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  13480. [10837.908752] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  13481. [10837.908752] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  13482. [10837.908752] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 61, 7587277ms, 0x0, 0x0
  13483. [10837.908752] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13484. [10837.908752] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13485. [10837.908752] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13486. [10837.908752] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 1512000)
  13487. [10837.908752] msm_watchdog_suspend
  13488. [10837.908752] [K][R] suspend end
  13489. [10837.908752] [K][R] resume start
  13490. [10837.908752] msm_watchdog_resume
  13491. [10837.908752] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 18577857ms
  13492. [10837.908752] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 62, 7732060ms, 0x20, 0x0
  13493. [10837.908752] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  13494. [10837.908752] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13495. [10837.908752] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13496. [10837.908752] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 1512000
  13497. [10837.908752] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  13498. [10837.908752] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  13499. [10837.908752] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  13500. [10837.908752] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  13501. [10837.908752] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  13502. [10837.908752] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  13503. [10837.908752] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  13504. [10837.908752] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  13505. [10837.908752] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  13506. [10837.908752] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  13507. [10837.908752] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  13508. [10837.908752] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  13509. [10837.908935] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13510. [10837.910491] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  13511. [10837.911041] CPU1 is up
  13512. [10837.912384] PM: early resume of devices complete after 1.128 msecs
  13513. [10837.913208] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  13514. [10837.913635] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13515. [10837.913696] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13516. [10837.913848] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13517. [10837.913909] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13518. [10837.913970] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13519. [10837.914245] [USB] OTG PM resume
  13520. [10837.914459] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  13521. [10837.914520] charm_ap resuming...
  13522. [10837.914733] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13523. [10837.914855] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13524. [10837.914978] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  13525. [10837.915039] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  13526. [10837.915405] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  13527. [10837.916503] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  13528. [10837.917114] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18483187000000 (s 18483187000000)
  13529. [10837.917266] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18568779000000 (s 18568779000000)
  13530. [10837.917572] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  13531. [10837.917633] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13532. [10837.923889] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13533. [10837.923950] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  13534. [10837.924072] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  13535. [10837.924591] PM: resume of devices complete after 11.193 msecs
  13536. [10837.925781] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4026734800, batt_suspend_ms: 4026589990, sr_time_period=144810 ms, total_time_ms:579339 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10837865919287 (2014-05-12 10:38:26.009119289 UTC)
  13537. [10837.926055] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  13538. [10837.926177]  at 10837866102283 (2014-05-12 10:38:26.009393783 UTC)
  13539. [10837.926239] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10837866285279 (2014-05-12 10:38:26.009576779 UTC)
  13540. [10837.926605] Restarting tasks ...
  13541. [10837.927154] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  13542. [10837.930908] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  13543. [10837.934509] done.
  13544. [10837.934600] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:38:26.017932995 UTC)
  13545. [10837.934722] [R] resume end
  13546. [10837.937286] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  13547. [10837.940185] wl12xx: elp work
  13548. [10837.940277] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13549. [10837.963928] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  13550. [10838.076232] [R] suspend start
  13551. [10838.076477] Freezing user space processes ...
  13552. [10838.076843] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  13553. [10838.077117] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  13554. [10838.100585] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  13555. [10838.100830] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  13556. [10838.121337] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:579539 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3021 sec at 10838061343839 (2014-05-12 10:38:26.204513332 UTC)
  13557. [10838.126647] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  13558. [10838.126861] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  13559. [10838.130187] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  13560. [10838.135620] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  13561. [10838.135833] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  13562. [10838.136718] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13563. [10838.137084] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13564. [10838.138000] charm_ap suspending...
  13565. [10838.138214] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  13566. [10838.139343] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  13567. [10838.139801] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  13568. [10838.140014] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  13569. [10838.140899] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13570. [10838.141326] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13571. [10838.141937] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13572. [10838.142333] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13573. [10838.144378] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13574. [10838.145385] PM: suspend of devices complete after 20.252 msecs
  13575. [10838.149200] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 3.416 msecs
  13576. [10838.149566] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13577. [10838.154266] CPU1: shutdown
  13578. [10838.154327] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  13579. [10838.157623] [K] msm_pm_enter
  13580. [10838.157623] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  13581. [10838.157623] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13582. [10838.157623] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13583. [10838.157623] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  13584. [10838.157623] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  13585. [10838.157623] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  13586. [10838.157623] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  13587. [10838.157623] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  13588. [10838.157623] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 62, 7732060ms, 0x0, 0x0
  13589. [10838.157623] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13590. [10838.157623] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13591. [10838.157623] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13592. [10838.157623] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 384000)
  13593. [10838.157623] msm_watchdog_suspend
  13594. [10838.157623] [K][R] suspend end
  13595. [10838.157623] [K][R] resume start
  13596. [10838.157623] msm_watchdog_resume
  13597. [10838.157623] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 18658869ms
  13598. [10838.157623] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 63, 7812804ms, 0x20, 0x0
  13599. [10838.157623] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  13600. [10838.157623] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13601. [10838.157623] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13602. [10838.157623] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 384000
  13603. [10838.157623] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  13604. [10838.157623] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  13605. [10838.157623] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  13606. [10838.157623] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  13607. [10838.157623] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  13608. [10838.157623] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  13609. [10838.157623] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  13610. [10838.157623] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  13611. [10838.157623] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  13612. [10838.157623] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  13613. [10838.157623] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  13614. [10838.157623] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  13615. [10838.158142] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13616. [10838.161712] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  13617. [10838.162841] CPU1 is up
  13618. [10838.165802] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.379 msecs
  13619. [10838.167480] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  13620. [10838.168395] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13621. [10838.168609] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13622. [10838.168975] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13623. [10838.169189] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13624. [10838.169403] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13625. [10838.170074] [USB] OTG PM resume
  13626. [10838.170867] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  13627. [10838.171112] charm_ap resuming...
  13628. [10838.171630] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13629. [10838.171997] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13630. [10838.172363] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  13631. [10838.172576] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  13632. [10838.173156] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  13633. [10838.175781] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  13634. [10838.176666] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18603187000000 (s 18603187000000)
  13635. [10838.177886] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  13636. [10838.178070] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13637. [10838.184631] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13638. [10838.184844] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  13639. [10838.185211] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  13640. [10838.186157] PM: resume of devices complete after 18.205 msecs
  13641. [10838.188964] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4026815800, batt_suspend_ms: 4026735000, sr_time_period=80800 ms, total_time_ms:660339 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10838129114419 (2014-05-12 10:39:47.012777216 UTC)
  13642. [10838.189727] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  13643. [10838.189941]  at 10838129693815 (2014-05-12 10:39:47.013539579 UTC)
  13644. [10838.190460] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10838130395170 (2014-05-12 10:39:47.014240948 UTC)
  13645. [10838.191223] Restarting tasks ...
  13646. [10838.192291] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  13647. [10838.200347] wl12xx: elp work
  13648. [10838.200469] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13649. [10838.202056] done.
  13650. [10838.202270] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:39:47.026072123 UTC)
  13651. [10838.202575] [R] resume end
  13652. [10838.209808] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  13653. [10838.235900] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  13654. [10838.265136] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18650275000000 (s 18650275000000)
  13655. [10838.280029] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  13656. [10838.280151] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13657. [10838.286376] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13658. [10838.286712] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  13659. [10838.350952] wl12xx: elp work
  13660. [10838.351043] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13661. [10838.395263] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13662. [10838.395385] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13663. [10838.407226] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  13664. [10838.420471] wl12xx: elp work
  13665. [10838.420562] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13666. [10838.473297] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13667. [10838.473937] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13668. [10838.530670] wl12xx: elp work
  13669. [10838.531433] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13670. [10838.551788] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13671. [10838.552032] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13672. [10838.570648] wl12xx: elp work
  13673. [10838.570892] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13674. [10838.580627] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13675. [10838.581024] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13676. [10838.600738] wl12xx: elp work
  13677. [10838.601165] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13678. [10838.629669] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13679. [10838.630706] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13680. [10838.650665] wl12xx: elp work
  13681. [10838.651092] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13682. [10838.682525] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13683. [10838.683166] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13684. [10838.730987] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  13685. [10838.750732] wl12xx: elp work
  13686. [10838.751159] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13687. [10839.041931] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13688. [10839.046203] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13689. [10839.048919] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  13690. [10839.049438] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  13691. [10839.070983] wl12xx: elp work
  13692. [10839.071411] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13693. [10840.344787] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13694. [10840.348754] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13695. [10840.371063] wl12xx: elp work
  13696. [10840.371490] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13697. [10840.424560] [R] suspend start
  13698. [10840.425292] Freezing user space processes ...
  13699. [10840.427276] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  13700. [10840.427490] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  13701. [10840.451110] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  13702. [10840.702117] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  13703. [10840.722961] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:662879 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 2938 sec at 10840662239688 (2014-05-12 10:39:49.546176847 UTC)
  13704. [10840.727539] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  13705. [10840.727935] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  13706. [10840.733612] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  13707. [10840.742889] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  13708. [10840.743255] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  13709. [10840.744720] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13710. [10840.745117] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13711. [10840.746978] charm_ap suspending...
  13712. [10840.747375] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  13713. [10840.749084] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  13714. [10840.750183] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  13715. [10840.750549] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  13716. [10840.752410] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13717. [10840.753601] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13718. [10840.754486] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13719. [10840.754913] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13720. [10840.757568] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13721. [10840.758941] PM: suspend of devices complete after 32.897 msecs
  13722. [10840.765167] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 5.523 msecs
  13723. [10840.765533] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13724. [10840.770538] CPU1: shutdown
  13725. [10840.770568] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  13726. [10840.775512] [K] msm_pm_enter
  13727. [10840.775512] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  13728. [10840.775512] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13729. [10840.775512] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13730. [10840.775512] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  13731. [10840.775512] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  13732. [10840.775512] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  13733. [10840.775512] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  13734. [10840.775512] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  13735. [10840.775512] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 63, 7812804ms, 0x0, 0x0
  13736. [10840.775512] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13737. [10840.775512] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13738. [10840.775512] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13739. [10840.775512] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 192000)
  13740. [10840.775512] msm_watchdog_suspend
  13741. [10840.775512] [K][R] suspend end
  13742. [10840.775512] [K][R] resume start
  13743. [10840.775512] msm_watchdog_resume
  13744. [10840.775512] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 18972909ms
  13745. [10840.775512] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 64, 8124197ms, 0x20, 0x0
  13746. [10840.775512] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  13747. [10840.775512] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13748. [10840.775512] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13749. [10840.775512] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 192000
  13750. [10840.775512] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  13751. [10840.775512] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  13752. [10840.775512] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  13753. [10840.775512] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  13754. [10840.775512] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  13755. [10840.775512] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  13756. [10840.775512] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  13757. [10840.775512] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  13758. [10840.775512] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  13759. [10840.775512] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  13760. [10840.775512] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  13761. [10840.775512] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  13762. [10840.776184] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13763. [10840.780822] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  13764. [10840.782165] CPU1 is up
  13765. [10840.786804] PM: early resume of devices complete after 3.662 msecs
  13766. [10840.789398] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  13767. [10840.790832] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13768. [10840.791442] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13769. [10840.791839] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13770. [10840.792510] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13771. [10840.792907] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13772. [10840.793792] [USB] OTG PM resume
  13773. [10840.794982] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  13774. [10840.795379] charm_ap resuming...
  13775. [10840.796264] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13776. [10840.796966] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13777. [10840.797332] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  13778. [10840.798004] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  13779. [10840.798889] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  13780. [10840.803710] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  13781. [10840.804992] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18663187000000 (s 18663187000000)
  13782. [10840.805755] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18964187000000 (s 18964187000000)
  13783. [10840.807952] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  13784. [10840.808349] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13785. [10840.815032] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13786. [10840.815704] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  13787. [10840.816070] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  13788. [10840.817810] PM: resume of devices complete after 27.587 msecs
  13789. [10840.822448] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4027129810, batt_suspend_ms: 4026818341, sr_time_period=311469 ms, total_time_ms:974348 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10840762609778 (2014-05-12 10:45:01.017974614 UTC)
  13790. [10840.823852] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  13791. [10840.824249]  at 10840763372525 (2014-05-12 10:45:01.019439087 UTC)
  13792. [10840.824645] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10840764135271 (2014-05-12 10:45:01.020201834 UTC)
  13793. [10840.826263] Restarting tasks ...
  13794. [10840.827789] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  13795. [10840.841003] wl12xx: elp work
  13796. [10840.841094] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13797. [10840.841491] done.
  13798. [10840.842071] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:45:01.037619832 UTC)
  13799. [10840.844085] [R] resume end
  13800. [10840.845184] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  13801. [10840.845245] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13802. [10840.849853] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  13803. [10840.851379] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13804. [10840.851562] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  13805. [10840.875183] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  13806. [10840.920989] wl12xx: elp work
  13807. [10840.921142] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13808. [10840.987518] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13809. [10840.988281] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13810. [10841.012725] wl12xx: elp work
  13811. [10841.013183] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13812. [10841.047821] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  13813. [10841.065490] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13814. [10841.066497] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13815. [10841.112854] wl12xx: elp work
  13816. [10841.113281] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13817. [10841.143829] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13818. [10841.144531] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13819. [10841.171356] wl12xx: elp work
  13820. [10841.172119] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13821. [10841.218658] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13822. [10841.219329] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13823. [10841.241455] wl12xx: elp work
  13824. [10841.241882] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13825. [10841.257995] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13826. [10841.258666] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13827. [10841.322692] wl12xx: elp work
  13828. [10841.324707] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  13829. [10841.330657] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13830. [10841.341430] wl12xx: elp work
  13831. [10841.636962] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13832. [10841.640930] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13833. [10841.644165] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  13834. [10841.644714] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  13835. [10841.661590] wl12xx: elp work
  13836. [10841.662353] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13837. [10841.908081] [BATT] htc_batt_get_battery_adc , vref:21075, battid_adc:3738, battid:177
  13838. [10841.908874]  at 10841847555970 (2014-05-12 10:45:02.103195415 UTC)
  13839. [10841.912322] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 99 at 10841851796744 (2014-05-12 10:45:02.107436185 UTC)
  13840. [10841.913543] [BATT] ID=2, level=99, vol=4245, temp=287, batt_current=-141, chg_src=0, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10841853017113 (2014-05-12 10:45:02.108656554 UTC)
  13841. [10841.918151] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 10841857593497 (2014-05-12 10:45:02.113263447 UTC)
  13842. [10841.919067] healthd: battery l=99 v=4 t=28.7 h=2 st=4 chg=
  13843. [10842.041656] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  13844. [10842.042083] 05-12 15:15:02
  13845. [10842.042877]  17:   698       gp_timer
  13846. [10842.044464]  48:   168       msmgpio
  13847. [10842.046051]  52:    12       mpm_drv
  13848. [10842.047729] 133:  1390       mmc3
  13849. [10842.048858] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  13850. [10842.050323] 136:  2059       mmc0
  13851. [10842.051452] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  13852. [10842.052886] 199:   524       msmdatamover
  13853. [10842.054443] 220:   290       mmc4
  13854. [10842.055908] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  13855. [10842.057037] 228:   109       qup_err_intr
  13856. [10842.058685] 302:   133       wl12xx
  13857. [10842.060302] 344:    26       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  13858. [10842.062225] 355:     3       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  13859. [10842.063995] 468:     6       pm8xxx_rtc_alarm
  13860. [10842.065551] 505:    20       pm8058_adc_interrupt
  13861. [10842.068145] C0: 1541 3316ms
  13862. [10842.068572] C1: 277 4512ms
  13863. [10842.068969] Vdd-min: 6, 829008ms
  13864. [10842.069671] CPU0 usage: 21
  13865. [10842.070098] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  13866. [10842.070495] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  13867. [10842.070892]   452,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  13868. [10842.073303]  423D,  4401 kworker/u:3      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  13869. [10842.075531]   480,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  13870. [10842.077453]   320,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  13871. [10842.079681]  335D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  13872. [10842.082122] 2502 total events, 249.103 events/sec
  13873. [10842.082641] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d0'  'kgsl-2d1'
  13874. [10842.084136] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'rx_wake', time left 22;
  13875. [10842.096832] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  13876. [10842.097290] 5%               520             system_server                   117
  13877. [10842.098022] 1%               4401            kworker/u:3                     39
  13878. [10842.098419] 1%               1729            atterydoctor_en                 21
  13879. [10842.098815] 1%               613             ndroid.systemui                 20
  13880. [10842.099548] 0%               96              mmcqd/0                 17
  13881. [10842.939422] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13882. [10842.942047] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  13883. [10842.961730] wl12xx: elp work
  13884. [10842.962158] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13885. [10843.030059] [R] suspend start
  13886. [10843.030456] Freezing user space processes ...
  13887. [10843.030853] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  13888. [10843.031127] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  13889. [10843.051910] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  13890. [10843.052459] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  13891. [10843.073333] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:1170 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3599 sec at 10843012265869 (2014-05-12 10:45:03.268301839 UTC)
  13892. [10843.080474] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  13893. [10843.080688] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  13894. [10843.084167] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  13895. [10843.089691] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  13896. [10843.089904] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  13897. [10843.090637] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13898. [10843.090850] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  13899. [10843.092102] charm_ap suspending...
  13900. [10843.092315] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  13901. [10843.093322] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  13902. [10843.093933] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  13903. [10843.094146] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  13904. [10843.094818] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13905. [10843.095214] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13906. [10843.095489] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13907. [10843.095703] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13908. [10843.097778] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  13909. [10843.098785] PM: suspend of devices complete after 18.492 msecs
  13910. [10843.102783] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 3.600 msecs
  13911. [10843.102996] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13912. [10843.107818] CPU1: shutdown
  13913. [10843.107879] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  13914. [10843.111236] [K] msm_pm_enter
  13915. [10843.111236] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  13916. [10843.111236] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13917. [10843.111236] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  13918. [10843.111236] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  13919. [10843.111236] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  13920. [10843.111236] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  13921. [10843.111236] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  13922. [10843.111236] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  13923. [10843.111236] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 64, 8124197ms, 0x0, 0x0
  13924. [10843.111236] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13925. [10843.111236] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13926. [10843.111236] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13927. [10843.111236] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 384000)
  13928. [10843.111236] msm_watchdog_suspend
  13929. [10843.111236] [K][R] suspend end
  13930. [10843.111236] [K][R] resume start
  13931. [10843.111236] msm_watchdog_resume
  13932. [10843.111236] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 19199659ms
  13933. [10843.111236] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 65, 8348584ms, 0x0, 0x800000
  13934. [10843.111236] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x800000
  13935. [10843.111236] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13936. [10843.111236] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  13937. [10843.111236] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 384000
  13938. [10843.111236] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  13939. [10843.111236] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  13940. [10843.111236] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 381 triggered
  13941. [10843.111236] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by msmgpio-125
  13942. [10843.111236] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  13943. [10843.111236] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  13944. [10843.111236] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  13945. [10843.111236] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  13946. [10843.111236] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  13947. [10843.111236] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 655 triggered
  13948. [10843.111236] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  13949. [10843.111236] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  13950. [10843.111236] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  13951. [10843.111236] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  13952. [10843.111968] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  13953. [10843.115386] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  13954. [10843.116577] CPU1 is up
  13955. [10843.119537] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.380 msecs
  13956. [10843.120544] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  13957. [10843.120941] wakeup wake lock: gpio_input
  13958. [10843.121978] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=655, use_irq=1
  13959. [10843.122955] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13960. [10843.123168] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13961. [10843.123413] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13962. [10843.123779] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13963. [10843.123992] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  13964. [10843.124481] [USB] OTG PM resume
  13965. [10843.125152] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  13966. [10843.125396] charm_ap resuming...
  13967. [10843.125885] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13968. [10843.126312] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  13969. [10843.126525] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  13970. [10843.126892] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  13971. [10843.127502] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  13972. [10843.130065] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  13973. [10843.130981] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19023186000000 (s 19023186000000)
  13974. [10843.131378] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-74, 0 (125) changed to 1
  13975. [10843.131683] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-d3, 5 (207) changed to 1
  13976. [10843.133087] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  13977. [10843.133300] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  13978. [10843.139892] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  13979. [10843.140106] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  13980. [10843.140472] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  13981. [10843.141418] PM: resume of devices complete after 18.945 msecs
  13982. [10843.144226] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4027355810, batt_suspend_ms: 4027132061, sr_time_period=223749 ms, total_time_ms:224919 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10843083117973 (2014-05-12 10:48:47.013728086 UTC)
  13983. [10843.144836] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  13984. [10843.145202]  at 10843083697479 (2014-05-12 10:48:47.014338093 UTC)
  13985. [10843.145416] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10843084276986 (2014-05-12 10:48:47.014917600 UTC)
  13986. [10843.146331] Restarting tasks ...
  13987. [10843.147430] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  13988. [10843.154937] done.
  13989. [10843.156280] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:48:47.025775102 UTC)
  13990. [10843.156738] [R] resume end
  13991. [10843.157196] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  13992. [10843.157501] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  13993. [10843.163726] wl12xx: elp work
  13994. [10843.163787] wl12xx: chip to elp
  13995. [10843.164794] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_open
  13996. [10843.164855] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_ioctl LIGHTSENSOR_IOCTL_ENABLE, value = 1
  13997. [10843.164978] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_enable
  13998. [10843.180145] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  13999. [10843.205841] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  14000. [10843.222015] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value:resume 1
  14001. [10843.224517] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x2F, ls_calibrate = 0
  14002. [10843.226043] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x0F0, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  14003. [10843.230712] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 10843169117496 (2014-05-12 10:48:47.100124114 UTC)
  14004. [10843.231201] [R] late_resume start
  14005. [10843.232208] [DISP] mipi_dsi_on+, isr=0x02000203
  14006. [10843.232666] mipi_dsi_ahb_en: ahb=fe014008 91c6074b
  14007. [10843.234436] [DISP] ruby_panel_power(1): init=2
  14008. [10843.243988] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  14009. [10843.244171] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  14010. [10843.254364] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-74, 0 (125) changed to 0
  14011. [10843.272369] [DISP] Panel Type = PANEL_ID_PYD_AUO_NT
  14012. [10843.272613] [DISP] mipi_dsi_enable_irq: IRQ already enabled
  14013. [10843.361236] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  14014. [10843.408630] [DISP] mipi_dsi_on-
  14015. [10843.408752] [DISP] sii9234_late_resume()
  14016. [10843.409759] atmel_ts_resume:[TP]enter
  14017. [10843.413421] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 18869275000000 (s 18869275000000)
  14018. [10843.421905] atmel_ts_resume:[TP]done
  14019. [10843.421966] [BATT] htc_battery_late_resume at 10843360413441 (2014-05-12 10:48:47.291328544 UTC)
  14020. [10843.422180] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:2
  14021. [10843.422271]  at 10843360596472 (2014-05-12 10:48:47.291542080 UTC)
  14022. [10843.422393] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm(lw = 3000, up = 4400) at 10843360810007 (2014-05-12 10:48:47.291755615 UTC)
  14023. [10843.422607] [LS][CM3628] cm3628_late_resume
  14024. [10843.422668] [R] late_resume end
  14025. [10843.428436] [TP]Touch Noise suppression: 0x0D 0x10 0x08 0x00
  14026. [10843.472869] [TP]0x01 0x10 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  14027. [10843.478149] [TP]0x01 0x00 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  14028. [10843.507781] [DISP] mipi_novatek_display_on+
  14029. [10843.536560] [DISP] brightness orig=71, transformed=35
  14030. [10843.549926] [DISP] brightness orig=74, transformed=37
  14031. [10843.566284] [DISP] brightness orig=77, transformed=39
  14032. [10843.583007] [DISP] brightness orig=81, transformed=42
  14033. [10843.598693] [DISP] brightness orig=84, transformed=44
  14034. [10843.615234] [DISP] brightness orig=87, transformed=46
  14035. [10843.631408] [DISP] brightness orig=90, transformed=48
  14036. [10843.648223] [DISP] brightness orig=94, transformed=50
  14037. [10843.664367] [DISP] brightness orig=97, transformed=52
  14038. [10843.680847] [DISP] brightness orig=100, transformed=54
  14039. [10843.697052] [DISP] brightness orig=103, transformed=56
  14040. [10843.713867] [DISP] brightness orig=107, transformed=59
  14041. [10843.730255] [DISP] brightness orig=110, transformed=61
  14042. [10843.746520] [DISP] brightness orig=113, transformed=63
  14043. [10843.763244] [DISP] brightness orig=117, transformed=65
  14044. [10843.779510] [DISP] brightness orig=120, transformed=67
  14045. [10843.796142] [DISP] brightness orig=123, transformed=69
  14046. [10843.796203] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=655, use_irq=1
  14047. [10843.806427] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-d3, 5 (207) changed to 0
  14048. [10843.814849] [DISP] brightness orig=127, transformed=72
  14049. [10843.828918] [DISP] brightness orig=130, transformed=74
  14050. [10843.846801] [DISP] brightness orig=133, transformed=76
  14051. [10843.863372] [DISP] brightness orig=137, transformed=79
  14052. [10843.879913] [DISP] brightness orig=140, transformed=81
  14053. [10843.896789] [DISP] brightness orig=143, transformed=83
  14054. [10843.914947] [DISP] brightness orig=147, transformed=89
  14055. [10843.930603] [DISP] brightness orig=150, transformed=93
  14056. [10843.945587] [DISP] brightness orig=153, transformed=98
  14057. [10843.962463] [DISP] brightness orig=156, transformed=102
  14058. [10843.979858] [DISP] brightness orig=160, transformed=109
  14059. [10844.402160] [DISP] mhl_on_delay_handler(0, 0)
  14060. [10846.395233] [TP]S1@172,1511
  14061. [10847.349517] [TP]E1@110,1026
  14062. [10847.350494] [TP]calibration confirm with recal by position
  14063. [10847.350524] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14064. [10847.363677] [TP]0x01 0x10 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  14065. [10847.369171] [TP]0x01 0x00 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  14066. [10849.425811] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14067. [10849.675689] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14068. [10850.831085] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14069. [10851.026916] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  14070. [10851.038024] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 10850975906889             (2014-05-12 10:48:54.906913507 UTC)
  14071. [10851.038238] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  14072. [10851.038391] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  14073. [10851.044586] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  14074. [10851.044647] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14075. [10851.044799] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14076. [10851.047149] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14077. [10851.048278] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14078. [10851.048370] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14079. [10851.050292] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14080. [10851.051452] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  14081. [10851.051605] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  14082. [10851.051666] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14083. [10851.054321] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14084. [10851.055511] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  14085. [10851.055847] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  14086. [10851.055969] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  14087. [10851.056243] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  14088. [10851.056365] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14089. [10851.056457] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14090. [10851.058715] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14091. [10851.059783] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14092. [10851.059844] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14093. [10851.061584] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14094. [10851.062683] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  14095. [10851.071868] [COMP] Compass enable
  14096. [10851.072052] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14097. [10851.072296] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x0
  14098. [10851.072357] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14099. [10851.072509] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14100. [10851.072631] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14101. [10851.072723] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14102. [10851.072845] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  14103. [10851.072937] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14104. [10851.073120] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14105. [10851.073181] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14106. [10851.073364] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14107. [10851.073455] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  14108. [10851.073577] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14109. [10851.073699] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14110. [10851.073791] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14111. [10851.077789] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetCloseStatus:
  14112. [10851.080017] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  14113. [10851.080139] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  14114. [10851.081451] [CAM]mt9d015 : htcwc_value = 0
  14115. [10851.090759] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14116. [10851.090881] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  14117. [10851.091003] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14118. [10851.091156] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14119. [10851.091217] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14120. [10851.091400] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14121. [10851.091491] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  14122. [10851.091613] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14123. [10851.091766] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14124. [10851.091888] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14125. [10851.092498] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  14126. [10851.093475] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14127. [10851.093597] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  14128. [10851.093719] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14129. [10851.093841] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14130. [10851.093933] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14131. [10851.094116] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14132. [10851.094207] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  14133. [10851.094360] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14134. [10851.094482] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14135. [10851.094604] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14136. [10851.094696] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14137. [10851.094848] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  14138. [10851.094940] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14139. [10851.095062] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14140. [10851.095214] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14141. [10851.095397] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14142. [10851.095489] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  14143. [10851.095611] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14144. [10851.095764] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14145. [10851.095825] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14146. [10851.114318] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  14147. [10851.165893] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=3
  14148. [10851.166015] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Dont set sample_rate_state=3, when gyro sleep
  14149. [10851.182220] set_amp: 1
  14150. [10851.185668] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  14151. [10851.191040] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  14152. [10851.191223] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  14153. [10851.191284] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  14154. [10851.194427] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  14155. [10851.194519] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14156. [10851.200775] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14157. [10851.200927] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  14158. [10851.202728] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  14159. [10851.202819] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  14160. [10851.202941] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  14161. [10851.203002] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  14162. [10851.205963] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  14163. [10851.206085] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  14164. [10851.206176] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  14165. [10851.208984] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  14166. [10851.227325] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14167. [10851.227508] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  14168. [10851.227569] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14169. [10851.227722] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14170. [10851.227783] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14171. [10851.227966] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14172. [10851.228057] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  14173. [10851.228179] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14174. [10851.228332] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14175. [10851.228393] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14176. [10851.234191] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14177. [10851.234344] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  14178. [10851.234436] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14179. [10851.234558] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14180. [10851.234710] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14181. [10851.234863] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14182. [10851.235015] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  14183. [10851.235107] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14184. [10851.235290] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14185. [10851.235351] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14186. [10851.235504] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14187. [10851.235595] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  14188. [10851.235748] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14189. [10851.235870] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  14190. [10851.235931] config_ruby_gyro_diag_gpios 41 input none pull
  14191. [10851.252197] wl12xx: elp work
  14192. [10851.252197] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14193. [10851.252380] [GYRO][PANASONIC] EWTZMU2_Power_On start
  14194. [10851.253021] [GYRO][PANASONIC] init chipset: ret value=2
  14195. [10851.253021] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=3
  14196. [10851.253143] [GYRO][PANASONIC] EWTZMU2_Power_On end
  14197. [10851.253173] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14198. [10851.253326] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14199. [10851.253356] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  14200. [10851.253387] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14201. [10851.253387] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14202. [10851.253387] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14203. [10851.255096] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14204. [10851.255126] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  14205. [10851.255126] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14206. [10851.255126] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14207. [10851.255157] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14208. [10851.255187] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14209. [10851.255218] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  14210. [10851.255218] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14211. [10851.255218] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14212. [10851.255249] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14213. [10851.283935] [CAM] msm_open_common: open control0
  14214. [10851.283966] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  14215. [10851.283966] [CAM] msm_open_control: rc 0
  14216. [10851.283996] [CAM] msm_release_control: control0
  14217. [10851.283996] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =0
  14218. [10851.283996] [CAM] __msm_release, vfe_release
  14219. [10851.283996] [CAM] __msm_release, free frame pmem region
  14220. [10851.283996] [CAM] __msm_release, free stats pmem region
  14221. [10851.284027] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue pict
  14222. [10851.284027] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue event
  14223. [10851.284027] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue frame
  14224. [10851.284027] [CAM] __msm_release: completed
  14225. [10851.284027] [CAM] msm_release_control: draining queue control
  14226. [10851.284118] [CAM] msm_release_control, completed
  14227. [10851.284179] [CAM] msm_open_common: open control0
  14228. [10851.284179] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  14229. [10851.284179] [CAM] msm_open_control: rc 0
  14230. [10851.289672] [CAM] msm_open_common: open config0
  14231. [10851.290557] [COMP][AKM8975] (m, a, t, mv) = (0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1), set m_f_times 1
  14232. [10851.322570] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:6
  14233. [10851.322692] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clk:0xc06f45d8
  14234. [10851.322967] [CAM]Calling s5k3h2yx_sensor_open_init
  14235. [10851.323333] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init
  14236. [10851.323425] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init  add open retry policy !!!
  14237. [10851.323608] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_vreg_enable camera vreg on
  14238. [10851.323852] [CAM]Ruby_sensor_vreg_on
  14239. [10851.325286] [CAM]Doing clk switch (Main Cam)
  14240. [10851.333465] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  14241. [10851.333496] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  14242. [10851.333496] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  14243. [10851.343658] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init, Expected id=0x382b
  14244. [10851.343811] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init, Read id=0x382b
  14245. [10851.343902] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init done
  14246. [10851.362060] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14247. [10851.362274] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  14248. [10851.364807] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_sensor_open_init done
  14249. [10851.364807] [CAM] __msm_open: vfe_init
  14250. [10851.364990] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:2
  14251. [10851.365020] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:8
  14252. [10851.365051] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:9
  14253. [10851.365051] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:11
  14254. [10851.365081] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:12
  14255. [10851.365081] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:13
  14256. [10851.365112] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:10
  14257. [10851.365112] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:14
  14258. [10851.365112] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:15
  14259. [10851.366180] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 303, 14, -646
  14260. [10851.382720] wl12xx: elp work
  14261. [10851.382751] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14262. [10851.382934] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_INIT rc = 3306359872
  14263. [10851.384674] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  14264. [10851.385009] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:18
  14265. [10851.385040] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:19
  14266. [10851.385101] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  14267. [10851.385131] [CAM]Line:1925 CFG_I2C_IOCTL_R_OTP
  14268. [10851.385131] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: sensor OTP information:
  14269. [10851.385345] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14270. [10851.385406] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14271. [10851.416168] [CAM] Get Fuseid from Page20 to Page16
  14272. [10851.416931] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: VenderID=4,LensID=2,SensorID=00
  14273. [10851.417144] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: ModuleFuseID= 0c50cd
  14274. [10851.417480] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word1:0
  14275. [10851.417541] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word2:0
  14276. [10851.417724] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word3:0x00000004
  14277. [10851.417877] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word4:0x000c50cd
  14278. [10851.421295] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40400000, vaddr 0x400a3000
  14279. [10851.421447] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40401000, vaddr 0x41c0a000
  14280. [10851.421508] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40402000, vaddr 0x41c59000
  14281. [10851.421569] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40403000, vaddr 0x41db5000
  14282. [10851.421630] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40404000, vaddr 0x41f18000
  14283. [10851.421691] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40405000, vaddr 0x420ae000
  14284. [10851.421722] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40406000, vaddr 0x42127000
  14285. [10851.421783] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40407000, vaddr 0x4272d000
  14286. [10851.421813] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40408000, vaddr 0x4284a000
  14287. [10851.421844] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x40409000, vaddr 0x42c04000
  14288. [10851.421905] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x4040a000, vaddr 0x42da5000
  14289. [10851.421936] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x4040b000, vaddr 0x430a7000
  14290. [10851.421966] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040c000, vaddr 0x4346f000
  14291. [10851.421997] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040d000, vaddr 0x435a4000
  14292. [10851.422058] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040e000, vaddr 0x43629000
  14293. [10851.422302] wl12xx: elp work
  14294. [10851.422332] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14295. [10851.422424] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x4040f000, vaddr 0x43663000
  14296. [10851.422485] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x40410000, vaddr 0x43783000
  14297. [10851.422546] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x40411000, vaddr 0x437d2000
  14298. [10851.427032] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue control new max is 1
  14299. [10851.441162] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14300. [10851.441345] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14301. [10851.462188] wl12xx: elp work
  14302. [10851.462341] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14303. [10851.491851] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  14304. [10851.491943] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  14305. [10851.492370] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  14306. [10851.517578] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14307. [10851.517639] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14308. [10851.523651] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40412000, vaddr 0x43cad000
  14309. [10851.528472] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40483000, vaddr 0x43e03000
  14310. [10851.531188] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x404f4000, vaddr 0x43f72000
  14311. [10851.532165] wl12xx: elp work
  14312. [10851.532257] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14313. [10851.534057] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40565000, vaddr 0x441ae000
  14314. [10851.535614] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x405d6000, vaddr 0x443be000
  14315. [10851.537384] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40647000, vaddr 0x445dc000
  14316. [10851.539398] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40729000, vaddr 0x447bc000
  14317. [10851.543579] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38400000, vaddr 0x448f9000
  14318. [10851.544128] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38471000, vaddr 0x43fe3000
  14319. [10851.544647] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x384e2000, vaddr 0x44133000
  14320. [10851.545074] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38553000, vaddr 0x4421f000
  14321. [10851.545562] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x385c4000, vaddr 0x44318000
  14322. [10851.546051] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38635000, vaddr 0x444f9000
  14323. [10851.546417] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x386a6000, vaddr 0x4456a000
  14324. [10851.546905] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38717000, vaddr 0x4464d000
  14325. [10851.547302] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 16, paddr 0x38788000, vaddr 0x446be000
  14326. [10851.548797] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  14327. [10851.549346] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config mode 0
  14328. [10851.549438] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 5, prev_res 1
  14329. [10851.549591] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 1
  14330. [10851.549682] [CAM] msm_camio_enable_csi_log
  14331. [10851.549835] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 1
  14332. [10851.550018] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x200000
  14333. [10851.550201] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x64d7
  14334. [10851.550292] [CAM]after set csi config
  14335. [10851.550445] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting(FULL_SIZE)
  14336. [10851.557006] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 2
  14337. [10851.557037] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x80000a
  14338. [10851.557037] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x64d7
  14339. [10851.557983] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 37
  14340. [10851.558471] [CAM] In vpe_frame_cfg cfgcmd->cmd_type = 42
  14341. [10851.558532] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  14342. [10851.558654] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1,
  14343. [10851.558807] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  14344. [10851.558929] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  14345. [10851.559020] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  14346. [10851.559143] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  14347. [10851.559295] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  14348. [10851.559356] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  14349. [10851.559478] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  14350. [10851.559600] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  14351. [10851.559722] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  14352. [10851.559814] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  14353. [10851.559936] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  14354. [10851.560058] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  14355. [10851.560119] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  14356. [10851.560241] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  14357. [10851.560363] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  14358. [10851.561737] [CAM] axi_data.bufnum1 = 1
  14359. [10851.561950] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START
  14360. [10851.562042] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  14361. [10851.563354] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5
  14362. [10851.568939] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14363. [10851.569000] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14364. [10851.581268] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 3
  14365. [10851.581359] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x400010
  14366. [10851.581512] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x64d7
  14367. [10851.581604] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  14368. [10851.581817] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  14369. [10851.581909] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  14370. [10851.583435] [CAM] msm_open_common: open frame0
  14371. [10851.583709] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  14372. [10851.585296] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14373. [10851.585510] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  14374. [10851.585601] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14375. [10851.585754] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14376. [10851.585906] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14377. [10851.586120] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14378. [10851.586242] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  14379. [10851.587127] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14380. [10851.587738] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14381. [10851.587768] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14382. [10851.588104] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14383. [10851.588134] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  14384. [10851.588134] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14385. [10851.588134] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14386. [10851.588165] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14387. [10851.592163] wl12xx: elp work
  14388. [10851.592254] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14389. [10851.595031] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14390. [10851.595153] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14391. [10851.614288] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  14392. [10851.614440] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  14393. [10851.614532] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  14394. [10851.618438] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  14395. [10851.622772] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  14396. [10851.622863] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  14397. [10851.623077] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  14398. [10851.642150] wl12xx: elp work
  14399. [10851.642242] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14400. [10851.658050] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14401. [10851.695526] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  14402. [10851.695617] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  14403. [10851.695709] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  14404. [10851.699401] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  14405. [10851.699554] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  14406. [10851.699615] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  14407. [10851.766052] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=1
  14408. [10851.785339] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  14409. [10851.785369] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  14410. [10851.785369] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  14411. [10851.785583] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=0
  14412. [10851.924713] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14413. [10851.925140] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14414. [10851.925537] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  14415. [10851.925659] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  14416. [10851.942199] wl12xx: elp work
  14417. [10851.942321] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14418. [10852.102233] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  14419. [10852.102416] 05-12 15:18:55
  14420. [10852.102600]  17:  1187       gp_timer
  14421. [10852.102874]  48:   319       msmgpio
  14422. [10852.103179]  51:    20       rpm_drv
  14423. [10852.103454]  52:     2       mpm_drv
  14424. [10852.103485]  80:   473       vfe
  14425. [10852.103485] 107:   238       MDP
  14426. [10852.103515] 112:   444       kgsl-3d0
  14427. [10852.103515] 113:    67       kgsl-2d0
  14428. [10852.103515] 114:   169       MIPI_DSI
  14429. [10852.103515] 116:   195       csi
  14430. [10852.103546] 122:    98       smd_dev
  14431. [10852.103546] 133:   439       mmc3
  14432. [10852.103546] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  14433. [10852.103576] 136:   140       mmc0
  14434. [10852.103576] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  14435. [10852.103607] 179:    65       spi_qsd
  14436. [10852.103607] 185:   347       qup_err_intr
  14437. [10852.103607] 187:   249       qup_err_intr
  14438. [10852.103637] 191:    43       qup_err_intr
  14439. [10852.103637] 199:    75       msmdatamover
  14440. [10852.103668] 220:   445       mmc4
  14441. [10852.103668] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  14442. [10852.103668] 228:   305       qup_err_intr
  14443. [10852.103698] 244:    67       kgsl-2d1
  14444. [10852.103729] 302:    38       wl12xx
  14445. [10852.103759] 344:     2       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  14446. [10852.103759] 355:     3       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  14447. [10852.103790] 373:   245       atmel_qt602240
  14448. [10852.103790] 381:     3       gpio_keys
  14449. [10852.103820] 384:    29       akm8975
  14450. [10852.103942] 655:     2       gpio_keys
  14451. [10852.104064] C0: 1522 2346ms
  14452. [10852.104064] C1: 118 3693ms
  14453. [10852.104095] Vdd-min: 1, 224387ms
  14454. [10852.104095] CPU0 usage: 39
  14455. [10852.104095] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  14456. [10852.104095] LPASS running (0ms)
  14457. [10852.104125]   572,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  14458. [10852.104125]   619,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  14459. [10852.104156]   613,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  14460. [10852.104156]  579D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  14461. [10852.104187]  616D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  14462. [10852.104217]   308,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  14463. [10852.104217] 4375 total events, 436.987 events/sec
  14464. [10852.104248] idle lock:  's5k3h2yx'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  'msm_camera'
  14465. [10852.104248] wakelock:  'audio_pcm'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'rx_wake', time left 50;
  14466. [10852.106750] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  14467. [10852.106781] 13%              613             ndroid.systemui                 273
  14468. [10852.106781] 6%               177             surfaceflinger                  136
  14469. [10852.106781] 4%               520             system_server                   98
  14470. [10852.106781] 2%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 59
  14471. [10852.106781] 1%               180             mediaserver                     28
  14472. [10852.516662] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14473. [10852.688354] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14474. [10852.706665] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14475. [10852.706756] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  14476. [10852.706909] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14477. [10852.707092] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14478. [10852.707244] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14479. [10852.711029] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14480. [10852.711120] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  14481. [10852.711273] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14482. [10852.711395] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14483. [10852.711547] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14484. [10852.711700] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14485. [10852.711853] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  14486. [10852.711944] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14487. [10852.712066] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14488. [10852.712341] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14489. [10852.715942] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  14490. [10852.716033] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  14491. [10852.716094] [CAM] vfe31_stop state 1
  14492. [10852.716217] [CAM] vfe31_stop pending 1
  14493. [10852.716308] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag 1 +
  14494. [10852.716369] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag -
  14495. [10852.716674] [CAM] vfe31_stop -
  14496. [10852.716766] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  14497. [10852.718170] [CAM] msm_release_frame: frame0
  14498. [10852.718292] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  14499. [10852.718353] [CAM] msm_release_frame: draining queue frame
  14500. [10852.718444] [CAM] msm_release_frame, completed
  14501. [10852.719451] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14502. [10852.719543] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  14503. [10852.719696] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14504. [10852.719818] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14505. [10852.719940] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14506. [10852.721160] [CAM] get_pic:MSM_CAM_IOCTL_ABORT_CAPTURE
  14507. [10852.721343] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  14508. [10852.721405] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  14509. [10852.721466] [CAM] vfe31_stop VFE_STATE_IDLE -
  14510. [10852.733154] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  14511. [10852.733245] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  14512. [10852.733398] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  14513. [10852.733520] [CAM] msm_release_config: config0
  14514. [10852.733673] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =1
  14515. [10852.733764] [CAM] msm_release_config: draining queue event
  14516. [10852.733917] [CAM] msm_release_config, completed
  14517. [10852.734130] [CAM] msm_release_control: control0
  14518. [10852.734191] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =0
  14519. [10852.734466] [CAM] __msm_release, vfe_release
  14520. [10852.734588] [CAM] vfe31_release, free_irq
  14521. [10852.734680] [CAM] msm_vpe_release: In
  14522. [10852.735595] [CAM] msm_vpe_release: Out
  14523. [10852.735748] [CAM] __msm_release, s_release
  14524. [10852.844451] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14525. [10852.868499] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_deinit
  14526. [10852.871643] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_vreg_disable camera vreg off
  14527. [10852.871856] [CAM]Ruby_sensor_vreg_off
  14528. [10852.873779] [CAM]Doing clk switch (Main Cam)
  14529. [10852.873840] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_release completed
  14530. [10852.873962] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_disable
  14531. [10852.874084] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_set_perf_lvl
  14532. [10852.874145] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_EXIT
  14533. [10852.875946] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_sensor_clk_off
  14534. [10852.876556] [CAM] __msm_release, free frame pmem region
  14535. [10852.876708] [CAM] __msm_release, free stats pmem region
  14536. [10852.876983] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue pict
  14537. [10852.877105] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue event
  14538. [10852.877197] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue frame
  14539. [10852.877319] [CAM] __msm_release: completed
  14540. [10852.877380] [CAM] msm_release_control: draining queue control
  14541. [10852.877441] [CAM] msm_release_control, completed
  14542. [10852.878509] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14543. [10852.878631] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  14544. [10852.878753] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14545. [10852.878875] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14546. [10852.878997] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14547. [10853.016174] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14548. [10853.068878] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 10853006790679                (2014-05-12 10:48:56.937797297 UTC)
  14549. [10853.068969] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[2]
  14550. [10853.083374] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  14551. [10853.083557] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 29
  14552. [10853.083862] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  14553. [10853.084014] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  14554. [10853.152374] set_amp: 0
  14555. [10853.158264] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  14556. [10853.158355] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14557. [10853.160217] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14558. [10853.161285] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14559. [10853.165435] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14560. [10853.167053] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14561. [10853.167175] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14562. [10853.169586] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14563. [10853.170745] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14564. [10853.170928] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14565. [10853.173034] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14566. [10853.174163] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  14567. [10853.174255] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  14568. [10853.203582] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14569. [10853.215484] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14570. [10853.215850] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14571. [10853.232269] wl12xx: elp work
  14572. [10853.232391] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14573. [10853.242187] set_amp: 1
  14574. [10853.245635] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  14575. [10853.251068] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 91ms --
  14576. [10853.251434] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  14577. [10853.251525] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  14578. [10853.252044] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  14579. [10853.312225] set_amp: 0
  14580. [10853.318603] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14581. [10853.318756] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14582. [10853.321136] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14583. [10853.322296] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14584. [10853.322357] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14585. [10853.324462] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14586. [10853.326110] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  14587. [10853.326263] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  14588. [10853.359649] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14589. [10853.392181] set_amp: 1
  14590. [10853.395599] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  14591. [10853.401885] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  14592. [10853.401916] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  14593. [10853.401916] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14594. [10853.404022] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14595. [10853.405792] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[2]
  14596. [10853.406372] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 10853344284576                 (2014-05-12 10:48:57.275291194 UTC)
  14597. [10853.409759] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 10853347672027                (2014-05-12 10:48:57.278678645 UTC)
  14598. [10853.409851] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[2]
  14599. [10853.410430] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  14600. [10853.410552] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  14601. [10853.410736] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  14602. [10853.410919] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  14603. [10853.411010] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  14604. [10853.411132] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14605. [10853.412902] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14606. [10853.414093] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  14607. [10853.414184] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14608. [10853.417449] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14609. [10853.418579] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  14610. [10853.430053] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  14611. [10853.430145] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  14612. [10853.430664] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  14613. [10853.430816] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  14614. [10853.430938] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  14615. [10853.435821] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  14616. [10853.435821] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  14617. [10853.435852] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  14618. [10853.435852] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  14619. [10853.436981] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  14620. [10853.436981] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  14621. [10853.436981] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  14622. [10853.437133] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) len = 2697 ++
  14623. [10853.437133] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 15
  14624. [10853.437164] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  14625. [10853.437164] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  14626. [10853.502532] set_amp: 0
  14627. [10853.509246] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  14628. [10853.509338] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14629. [10853.511138] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14630. [10853.512298] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14631. [10853.519256] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14632. [10853.519287] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14633. [10853.522613] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14634. [10853.522766] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14635. [10853.524963] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14636. [10853.526123] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14637. [10853.526184] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14638. [10853.528076] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14639. [10853.529327] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  14640. [10853.529418] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14641. [10853.531707] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14642. [10853.532714] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  14643. [10853.532714] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14644. [10853.534545] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14645. [10853.535552] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  14646. [10853.535583] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  14647. [10853.602416] set_amp: 1
  14648. [10853.605804] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  14649. [10853.612823] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) time: 98ms --
  14650. [10853.613067] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  14651. [10853.613189] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  14652. [10853.613281] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  14653. [10853.682434] set_amp: 0
  14654. [10853.688385] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14655. [10853.688385] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14656. [10853.691772] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14657. [10853.692871] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14658. [10853.692993] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14659. [10853.695373] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14660. [10853.696777] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  14661. [10853.696868] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  14662. [10853.762237] set_amp: 1
  14663. [10853.765808] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  14664. [10853.771057] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  14665. [10853.771240] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  14666. [10853.771331] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14667. [10853.773284] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14668. [10853.774383] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  14669. [10853.774566] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14670. [10853.776489] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 450, -928, 146
  14671. [10853.777587] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14672. [10853.778747] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  14673. [10853.778747] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  14674. [10853.778778] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  14675. [10853.778808] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  14676. [10853.778839] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  14677. [10853.778839] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  14678. [10853.778839] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14679. [10853.781188] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14680. [10853.790252] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  14681. [10853.790252] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  14682. [10853.790283] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  14683. [10853.790344] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  14684. [10853.790374] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  14685. [10853.790374] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14686. [10853.792419] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14687. [10853.793426] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  14688. [10853.793701] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14689. [10853.796020] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14690. [10853.797393] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  14691. [10853.799926] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  14692. [10853.800140] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  14693. [10853.800231] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  14694. [10853.812347] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  14695. [10853.812500] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  14696. [10853.812927] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  14697. [10853.813079] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  14698. [10853.816833] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  14699. [10853.816833] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  14700. [10853.816833] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  14701. [10853.821136] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  14702. [10853.821136] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  14703. [10853.821136] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  14704. [10853.821166] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  14705. [10853.822814] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  14706. [10853.822814] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  14707. [10853.822814] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  14708. [10853.822906] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  14709. [10853.822906] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  14710. [10853.827026] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  14711. [10853.827423] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 1)
  14712. [10853.827758] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  14713. [10853.827911] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  14714. [10853.828094] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  14715. [10853.835021] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  14716. [10853.835144] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  14717. [10853.835327] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  14718. [10853.835449] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  14719. [10853.837158] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  14720. [10853.837341] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  14721. [10853.837432] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  14722. [10853.840789] set tpa2051 mode to 4
  14723. [10853.841644] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  14724. [10853.841674] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  14725. [10853.841674] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  14726. [10853.902191] set_amp: 0
  14727. [10853.907989] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14728. [10853.908081] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14729. [10853.911346] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14730. [10853.912445] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14731. [10853.912597] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14732. [10853.914306] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14733. [10853.915435] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  14734. [10853.915527] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  14735. [10853.982727] set_amp: 1
  14736. [10853.989501] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  14737. [10853.994750] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  14738. [10853.994964] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  14739. [10853.995086] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14740. [10853.997619] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14741. [10853.999816] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  14742. [10854.000061] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14743. [10854.003082] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14744. [10854.005920] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_ioctl: AUDIO_START session id[2]
  14745. [10854.063629] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  14746. [10854.063842] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 15
  14747. [10854.064056] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  14748. [10854.064178] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  14749. [10854.132232] set_amp: 0
  14750. [10854.138092] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  14751. [10854.138183] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14752. [10854.140045] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14753. [10854.141143] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14754. [10854.141632] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14755. [10854.141723] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  14756. [10854.141876] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14757. [10854.142028] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14758. [10854.145294] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14759. [10854.145690] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14760. [10854.146942] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14761. [10854.147033] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14762. [10854.149261] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14763. [10854.150421] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14764. [10854.150512] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14765. [10854.152465] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14766. [10854.153472] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  14767. [10854.153472] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14768. [10854.155426] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14769. [10854.156250] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14770. [10854.156280] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  14771. [10854.156280] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14772. [10854.156280] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14773. [10854.156311] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14774. [10854.156311] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14775. [10854.156341] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x8
  14776. [10854.156372] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14777. [10854.156372] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14778. [10854.156372] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14779. [10854.156494] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  14780. [10854.156494] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14781. [10854.157745] [COMP][AKM8975] ECS_IOCTL_APP_SET_MFLAG,(m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), m_f_times 0
  14782. [10854.157775] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  14783. [10854.157836] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x0
  14784. [10854.157836] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  14785. [10854.157836] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  14786. [10854.157836] config_ruby_gyro_diag_gpios 41 pull down
  14787. [10854.158355] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14788. [10854.159362] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  14789. [10854.159362] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  14790. [10854.172332] [GYRO][PANASONIC] EWTZMU2_Power_Off
  14791. [10854.172485] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  14792. [10854.172637] [COMP][AKM8975] [COMP] Compass disable
  14793. [10854.187103] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14794. [10854.222503] set_amp: 1
  14795. [10854.230651] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  14796. [10854.236694] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 96ms --
  14797. [10854.237731] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  14798. [10854.238189] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  14799. [10854.238891] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  14800. [10854.302429] set_amp: 0
  14801. [10854.309417] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14802. [10854.309448] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14803. [10854.314147] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14804. [10854.315551] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14805. [10854.316223] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14806. [10854.319274] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14807. [10854.320678] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  14808. [10854.321380] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  14809. [10854.359558] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  14810. [10854.359954] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  14811. [10854.375488] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  14812. [10854.382446] set_amp: 1
  14813. [10854.386657] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  14814. [10854.392669] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  14815. [10854.393402] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  14816. [10854.393768] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14817. [10854.396667] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14818. [10854.398956] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[2]
  14819. [10854.399658] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  14820. [10854.403625] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 10854341476958                 (2014-05-12 10:48:58.272483576 UTC)
  14821. [10854.404449] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  14822. [10854.405303] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  14823. [10854.405700] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  14824. [10854.406433] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  14825. [10854.407165] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  14826. [10854.407592] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  14827. [10854.408264] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  14828. [10854.408660] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14829. [10854.411590] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14830. [10854.421997] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  14831. [10854.422973] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  14832. [10854.423370] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  14833. [10854.492370] set_amp: 0
  14834. [10854.498687] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14835. [10854.499053] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14836. [10854.505798] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14837. [10854.507202] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14838. [10854.507873] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14839. [10854.510925] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14840. [10854.514038] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  14841. [10854.514129] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  14842. [10854.582397] set_amp: 1
  14843. [10854.586975] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  14844. [10854.592651] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  14845. [10854.593078] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  14846. [10854.593475] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14847. [10854.596923] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14848. [10854.598815] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  14849. [10854.599548] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  14850. [10854.605621] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  14851. [10854.606048] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 1)
  14852. [10854.607574] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  14853. [10854.608337] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  14854. [10854.608734] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  14855. [10854.621520] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  14856. [10854.621948] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  14857. [10854.622619] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  14858. [10854.623352] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  14859. [10854.627166] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  14860. [10854.627593] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  14861. [10854.628326] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  14862. [10854.656951] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  14863. [10854.657653] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  14864. [10854.658325] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  14865. [10854.722381] set_amp: 0
  14866. [10854.728698] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  14867. [10854.729400] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14868. [10854.735382] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14869. [10854.736633] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  14870. [10854.736724] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14871. [10854.738769] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14872. [10854.739898] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  14873. [10854.740112] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  14874. [10854.780731] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14875. [10854.802734] set_amp: 1
  14876. [10854.808624] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  14877. [10854.813842] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  14878. [10854.813964] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  14879. [10854.818145] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14880. [10854.819976] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14881. [10854.970214] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  14882. [10854.970336] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  14883. [10854.970764] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  14884. [10855.012298] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  14885. [10855.012481] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  14886. [10855.017456] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  14887. [10855.017608] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  14888. [10855.017791] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  14889. [10855.082336] set_amp: 0
  14890. [10855.088165] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  14891. [10855.088287] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  14892. [10855.088378] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14893. [10855.090179] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14894. [10855.091278] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  14895. [10855.091400] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14896. [10855.105438] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  14897. [10855.118896] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  14898. [10855.120452] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14899. [10855.121612] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 30ms --
  14900. [10855.134368] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  14901. [10855.139953] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  14902. [10855.140167] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  14903. [10855.140472] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  14904. [10855.148071] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  14905. [10855.148162] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 10855086075346             (2014-05-12 10:48:59.017081964 UTC)
  14906. [10855.148437] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  14907. [10855.148590] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  14908. [10855.148681] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14909. [10855.150482] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14910. [10855.151672] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  14911. [10855.151794] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  14912. [10855.151885] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14913. [10855.153411] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14914. [10855.154663] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  14915. [10855.154724] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  14916. [10855.169586] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  14917. [10855.181488] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  14918. [10855.183044] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  14919. [10855.184478] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 30ms --
  14920. [10856.130523] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19203186000000 (s 19203186000000)
  14921. [10858.044708] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14922. [10862.122314] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  14923. [10862.122741] 05-12 15:19:05
  14924. [10862.123870]  17:  2313       gp_timer
  14925. [10862.125427]  48:   146       msmgpio
  14926. [10862.126922]  51:    11       rpm_drv
  14927. [10862.128509] 107:   310       MDP
  14928. [10862.130035] 112:   512       kgsl-3d0
  14929. [10862.131530] 113:   567       kgsl-2d0
  14930. [10862.137054] 122:   280       smd_dev
  14931. [10862.138946] 133:    10       mmc3
  14932. [10862.140075] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  14933. [10862.141204] 136:  2083       mmc0
  14934. [10862.142333] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  14935. [10862.143981] 179:  2364       spi_qsd
  14936. [10862.145477] 185:     1       qup_err_intr
  14937. [10862.147003] 187:    74       qup_err_intr
  14938. [10862.148498] 191:   170       qup_err_intr
  14939. [10862.150329] 199:   272       msmdatamover
  14940. [10862.151885] 220:    36       mmc4
  14941. [10862.153015] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  14942. [10862.154235] 228:   976       qup_err_intr
  14943. [10862.155761] 244:   567       kgsl-2d1
  14944. [10862.157379] 302:     1       wl12xx
  14945. [10862.159027] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  14946. [10862.160919] 373:    74       atmel_qt602240
  14947. [10862.162689] 384:    70       akm8975
  14948. [10862.165008] C0: 1855 2298ms
  14949. [10862.165679] C1: 68 1723ms
  14950. [10862.166046] CPU0 usage: 59
  14951. [10862.166412] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  14952. [10862.166778] LPASS running (0ms)
  14953. [10862.167510]   567,  5681 Thread-199       hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  14954. [10862.169311]   814,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  14955. [10862.171386]   771,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  14956. [10862.173553]   403,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  14957. [10862.175354]   430,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  14958. [10862.177490]  736D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  14959. [10862.179626]  797D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  14960. [10862.181610] 5968 total events, 593.255 events/sec
  14961. [10862.182495] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  14962. [10862.193817] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  14963. [10862.194488] 17%              1729            atterydoctor_en                 346
  14964. [10862.194854] 9%               177             surfaceflinger                  185
  14965. [10862.195220] 8%               520             system_server                   179
  14966. [10862.195922] 5%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 115
  14967. [10862.196289] 4%               613             ndroid.systemui                 100
  14968. [10862.382995] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14969. [10863.857543] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19210913000000 (s 19210913000000)
  14970. [10864.583923] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14971. [10866.507385] [K][Port list] Virtual Address of port_list: [  (null)]
  14972. [10866.507476] [K][Port list] Physical Address of port_list: [41E00000]
  14973. [10866.507598] [K][Port list] port_list is NULL.
  14974. [10866.507720] [K][Port list] Virtual Address of port_list: [  (null)]
  14975. [10866.507843] [K][Port list] Physical Address of port_list: [41E00000]
  14976. [10866.507904] [K][Port list] port_list is NULL.
  14977. [10869.344909] [TP]unlock change to 2
  14978. [10871.268615] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19218324000000 (s 19218324000000)
  14979. [10871.293212] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  14980. [10871.293304] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14981. [10871.299652] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14982. [10871.299743] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  14983. [10871.362304] wl12xx: elp work
  14984. [10871.362976] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14985. [10871.439758] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14986. [10871.440399] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14987. [10871.463714] wl12xx: elp work
  14988. [10871.464111] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14989. [10871.473205] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14990. [10871.473815] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14991. [10871.492309] wl12xx: elp work
  14992. [10871.492706] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14993. [10871.513885] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14994. [10871.516723] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14995. [10871.564025] wl12xx: elp work
  14996. [10871.564239] wl12xx: chip to elp
  14997. [10871.592468] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  14998. [10871.595794] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  14999. [10871.612457] wl12xx: elp work
  15000. [10871.612854] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15001. [10871.669525] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15002. [10871.669860] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15003. [10871.692382] wl12xx: elp work
  15004. [10871.693084] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15005. [10871.721832] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15006. [10871.722564] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  15007. [10871.733154] [TP]unlock change to 2
  15008. [10871.742340] wl12xx: elp work
  15009. [10871.742553] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15010. [10871.748840] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15011. [10871.749359] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15012. [10871.768432] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  15013. [10871.782287] wl12xx: elp work
  15014. [10871.782653] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15015. [10872.075714] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15016. [10872.076049] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15017. [10872.076660] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  15018. [10872.076721] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  15019. [10872.092285] wl12xx: elp work
  15020. [10872.092498] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15021. [10872.202331] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  15022. [10872.202728] 05-12 15:19:16
  15023. [10872.203460]  17:  1371       gp_timer
  15024. [10872.205352]  48:    56       msmgpio
  15025. [10872.207092] 107:   290       MDP
  15026. [10872.208618] 112:   211       kgsl-3d0
  15027. [10872.210449] 113:   743       kgsl-2d0
  15028. [10872.211212] 133:   353       mmc3
  15029. [10872.211273] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  15030. [10872.211303] 136:   616       mmc0
  15031. [10872.211364] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  15032. [10872.211547] 187:    24       qup_err_intr
  15033. [10872.211608] 199:   179       msmdatamover
  15034. [10872.211700] 220:   124       mmc4
  15035. [10872.211761] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  15036. [10872.211822] 244:   743       kgsl-2d1
  15037. [10872.212005] 302:    32       wl12xx
  15038. [10872.214263] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  15039. [10872.214355] 373:    24       atmel_qt602240
  15040. [10872.215393] C0: 2073 3156ms
  15041. [10872.215423] C1: 108 1368ms
  15042. [10872.215454] CPU0 usage: 54
  15043. [10872.215484] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  15044. [10872.215515] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  15045. [10872.215576]   319,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  15046. [10872.215698]   783,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  15047. [10872.215789]  747D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  15048. [10872.215911]   822,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  15049. [10872.216003]  808D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  15050. [10872.216094]   383,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  15051. [10872.216217] 4494 total events, 447.837 events/sec
  15052. [10872.216339] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'rx_wake', time left 54;
  15053. [10872.226684] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  15054. [10872.227081] 16%              1729            atterydoctor_en                 330
  15055. [10872.227600] 14%              177             surfaceflinger                  286
  15056. [10872.228332] 4%               6085            system_server                   83
  15057. [10872.228698] 3%               520             system_server                   80
  15058. [10872.229125] 3%               6087            system_server                   78
  15059. [10873.366455] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15060. [10873.367309] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15061. [10873.382324] wl12xx: elp work
  15062. [10873.382873] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15063. [10873.512695] [TP]unlock change to 2
  15064. [10875.042541] [TP]unlock change to 2
  15065. [10878.648742] [TP]unlock change to 2
  15066. [10880.513580] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19227569000000 (s 19227569000000)
  15067. [10881.090179] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  15068. [10881.090301] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  15069. [10881.095367] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  15070. [10881.105407] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-74, 0 (125) changed to 1
  15071. [10881.270050] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  15072. [10881.280670] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-74, 0 (125) changed to 0
  15073. [10881.287109] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_ioctl LIGHTSENSOR_IOCTL_ENABLE, value = 0
  15074. [10881.287872] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_disable
  15075. [10881.288635] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_release
  15076. [10881.818664] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  15077. [10881.819061] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  15078. [10881.841278] [DISP] brightness orig=0, transformed=0
  15079. [10881.846282] request_suspend_state: sleep (0->3) at 10881784164947 (2014-05-12 10:49:25.715171565 UTC)
  15080. [10881.846435] [R] early_suspend start
  15081. [10881.846496] [LS][CM3628] cm3628_early_suspend
  15082. [10881.846618] [BATT] htc_battery_early_suspend at 10881784592194 (2014-05-12 10:49:25.715537776 UTC)
  15083. [10881.846771] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  15084. [10881.846893]  at 10881784805817 (2014-05-12 10:49:25.715659847 UTC)
  15085. [10881.846954] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10881785019440 (2014-05-12 10:49:25.715873470 UTC)
  15086. [10881.847167] atmel_ts_suspend:[TP]enter
  15087. [10881.847930] atmel_ts_suspend:[TP]done
  15088. [10881.863586] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  15089. [10881.863677] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  15090. [10881.863830] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  15091. [10882.082214] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  15092. [10882.194396] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  15093. [10882.206665] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 10882144547026             (2014-05-12 10:49:26.075553644 UTC)
  15094. [10882.206848] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  15095. [10882.206970] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  15096. [10882.207122] set tpa2051 mode to 1
  15097. [10882.208679] [DISP] sii9234_early_suspend(isMHL=0, g_bGotUsbBus=0)
  15098. [10882.212951] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  15099. [10882.213104] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  15100. [10882.213226] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  15101. [10882.215942] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  15102. [10882.217041] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  15103. [10882.217102] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  15104. [10882.219024] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  15105. [10882.220153] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  15106. [10882.220306] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  15107. [10882.220397] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  15108. [10882.222076] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  15109. [10882.222198] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  15110. [10882.222351] 05-12 15:19:26
  15111. [10882.222503]  17:  1247       gp_timer
  15112. [10882.222839]  48:    39       msmgpio
  15113. [10882.223144]  51:     1       rpm_drv
  15114. [10882.223510] 107:   378       MDP
  15115. [10882.223815] 112:   429       kgsl-3d0
  15116. [10882.224121] 113:   761       kgsl-2d0
  15117. [10882.224456] 114:     4       MIPI_DSI
  15118. [10882.224822] 122:    10       smd_dev
  15119. [10882.225128] 133:     7       mmc3
  15120. [10882.225372] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  15121. [10882.225616] 136:   882       mmc0
  15122. [10882.225891] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  15123. [10882.226165] 179:    36       spi_qsd
  15124. [10882.226470] 187:    36       qup_err_intr
  15125. [10882.226806] 199:   177       msmdatamover
  15126. [10882.227203] 228:     1       qup_err_intr
  15127. [10882.227508] 244:   761       kgsl-2d1
  15128. [10882.227874] 302:     1       wl12xx
  15129. [10882.228302] 373:    34       atmel_qt602240
  15130. [10882.228607] 381:     4       gpio_keys
  15131. [10882.229187] C0: 2465 3064ms
  15132. [10882.229278] C1: 85 893ms
  15133. [10882.229431] CPU0 usage: 60
  15134. [10882.229522] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  15135. [10882.229583] LPASS running (0ms)
  15136. [10882.229675]   881,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  15137. [10882.230163]  850D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  15138. [10882.230621]   363,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  15139. [10882.231018]   472,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  15140. [10882.231414]   898,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  15141. [10882.231872]  878D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (
  15142. [10882.233215] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  15143. [10882.233459] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  15144. [10882.233612] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  15145. [10882.233917] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  15146. [10882.234069] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  15147. [10882.234130] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  15148. [10882.236480] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  15149. [10882.237579] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  15150. [10882.237731] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  15151. [10882.238891] delayed_work_timer_fn)
  15152. [10882.239044] 4709 total events, 470.349 events/sec
  15153. [10882.239227] idle lock:  'aic3254_lock'  'snddev_rx_idle'
  15154. [10882.239532] wakelock:  'aic3254_suspend_lock'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'PowerManagerService.Broadcasts'  'main'  'pmic_led', time left 158;
  15155. [10882.242889] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  15156. [10882.243041] 17%              177             surfaceflinger                  348
  15157. [10882.243133] 12%              1729            atterydoctor_en                 253
  15158. [10882.243225] 11%              520             system_server                   222
  15159. [10882.243286] 7%               6137            android.vending                 155
  15160. [10882.243377] 1%               877             e.process.gapps                 28
  15161. [10882.245574] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  15162. [10882.246673] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  15163. [10882.272491] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  15164. [10882.291351] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  15165. [10882.333801] [DISP] mipi_dsi_off+
  15166. [10882.333923] [DISP] Panel Type = PANEL_ID_PYD_AUO_NT
  15167. [10882.353607] set_amp: 1
  15168. [10882.358795] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  15169. [10882.366149] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  15170. [10882.366821] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  15171. [10882.367492] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  15172. [10882.378906] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  15173. [10882.378997] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  15174. [10882.379119] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  15175. [10882.379211] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  15176. [10882.382171] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  15177. [10882.382324] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  15178. [10882.382385] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  15179. [10882.385223] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  15180. [10882.454772] [DISP] ruby_panel_power(0): init=2
  15181. [10882.467132] [DISP] mipi_dsi_disable_irq: IRQ cannot be disabled
  15182. [10882.467285] [DISP] mipi_dsi_off-
  15183. [10882.467498] [R] early_suspend end
  15184. [10882.614379] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19228913000000 (s 19228913000000)
  15185. [10886.186035] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  15186. [10886.186492] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  15187. [10886.194549] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  15188. [10886.195007] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  15189. [10886.195800] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  15190. [10886.262420] set_amp: 0
  15191. [10886.270660] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  15192. [10886.271423] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  15193. [10886.271820] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  15194. [10886.275512] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  15195. [10886.277252] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  15196. [10886.277679] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  15197. [10886.294891] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  15198. [10886.309173] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  15199. [10886.313018] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  15200. [10886.314819] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 37ms --
  15201. [10886.331237] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  15202. [10886.339202] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  15203. [10886.340332] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  15204. [10886.341125] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  15205. [10886.350952] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  15206. [10886.351745] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 10886289627592             (2014-05-12 10:49:30.220634210 UTC)
  15207. [10886.353149] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  15208. [10886.353576] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  15209. [10886.354309] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  15210. [10886.358337] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  15211. [10886.360229] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  15212. [10886.360656] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  15213. [10886.361389] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  15214. [10886.364349] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  15215. [10886.365539] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  15216. [10886.365631] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  15217. [10886.380737] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  15218. [10886.394805] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  15219. [10886.399322] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  15220. [10886.400787] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 35ms --
  15221. [10886.404083] [R] suspend start
  15222. [10886.404571] Freezing user space processes ...
  15223. [10886.410034] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  15224. [10886.427490] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  15225. [10886.452911] (elapsed 0.04 seconds) done.
  15226. [10886.703918] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  15227. [10886.727966] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:268499 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3332 sec at 10886666641740 (2014-05-12 10:49:30.596854901 UTC)
  15228. [10886.744476] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  15229. [10886.745239] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  15230. [10886.751556] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  15231. [10886.762756] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  15232. [10886.763519] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  15233. [10886.766052] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15234. [10886.766815] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15235. [10886.768676] charm_ap suspending...
  15236. [10886.769104] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  15237. [10886.780700] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  15238. [10886.781616] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  15239. [10886.782043] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  15240. [10886.784912] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15241. [10886.785858] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15242. [10886.787292] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15243. [10886.787780] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15244. [10886.791137] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15245. [10886.793395] PM: suspend of devices complete after 50.720 msecs
  15246. [10886.800781] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 7.019 msecs
  15247. [10886.801452] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15248. [10886.817962] CPU1: shutdown
  15249. [10886.818084] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  15250. [10886.821960] [K] msm_pm_enter
  15251. [10886.821960] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  15252. [10886.821960] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15253. [10886.821960] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15254. [10886.821960] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  15255. [10886.821960] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  15256. [10886.821960] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  15257. [10886.821960] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  15258. [10886.821960] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  15259. [10886.821960] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 65, 8348584ms, 0x0, 0x0
  15260. [10886.821960] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15261. [10886.821960] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15262. [10886.821960] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15263. [10886.821960] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 192000)
  15264. [10886.821960] msm_watchdog_suspend
  15265. [10886.821960] [K][R] suspend end
  15266. [10886.821960] [K][R] resume start
  15267. [10886.821960] msm_watchdog_resume
  15268. [10886.821960] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 19252944ms
  15269. [10886.821960] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 66, 8358129ms, 0x20, 0x0
  15270. [10886.821960] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  15271. [10886.821960] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15272. [10886.821960] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15273. [10886.821960] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 192000
  15274. [10886.821960] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  15275. [10886.821960] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  15276. [10886.821960] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  15277. [10886.821960] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  15278. [10886.821960] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  15279. [10886.821960] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  15280. [10886.821960] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  15281. [10886.821960] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  15282. [10886.821960] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  15283. [10886.821960] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  15284. [10886.821960] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  15285. [10886.821960] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  15286. [10886.822875] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15287. [10886.826202] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  15288. [10886.828491] CPU1 is up
  15289. [10886.834777] PM: early resume of devices complete after 5.493 msecs
  15290. [10886.838226] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  15291. [10886.839782] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15292. [10886.840209] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15293. [10886.840637] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15294. [10886.841064] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15295. [10886.841796] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15296. [10886.843261] [USB] OTG PM resume
  15297. [10886.844329] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  15298. [10886.844757] charm_ap resuming...
  15299. [10886.846130] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15300. [10886.846557] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15301. [10886.847290] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  15302. [10886.847717] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  15303. [10886.848999] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  15304. [10886.854339] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  15305. [10886.855804] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19242924000000 (s 19242924000000)
  15306. [10886.858642] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  15307. [10886.859405] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15308. [10886.866210] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  15309. [10886.866943] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  15310. [10886.867370] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  15311. [10886.868804] PM: resume of devices complete after 29.952 msecs
  15312. [10886.875000] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4027409810, batt_suspend_ms: 4027399391, sr_time_period=10419 ms, total_time_ms:278918 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10886813654004 (2014-05-12 10:49:41.019454719 UTC)
  15313. [10886.876525] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  15314. [10886.876953]  at 10886814812684 (2014-05-12 10:49:41.021009789 UTC)
  15315. [10886.877685] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10886815971364 (2014-05-12 10:49:41.022198961 UTC)
  15316. [10886.879608] Restarting tasks ...
  15317. [10886.892486] wl12xx: elp work
  15318. [10886.893402] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15319. [10886.895477] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  15320. [10886.898345] done.
  15321. [10886.899993] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:49:41.044427422 UTC)
  15322. [10886.900909] [R] resume end
  15323. [10886.941040] [R] suspend start
  15324. [10886.941101] Freezing user space processes ...
  15325. [10886.941375] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  15326. [10886.941558] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  15327. [10886.962463] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  15328. [10886.962615] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  15329. [10886.983093] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:279028 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3321 sec at 10886921027708 (2014-05-12 10:49:41.127499214 UTC)
  15330. [10886.987335] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  15331. [10886.987457] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  15332. [10886.988769] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  15333. [10886.990905] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  15334. [10886.990966] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  15335. [10886.991546] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15336. [10886.991668] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15337. [10886.992004] charm_ap suspending...
  15338. [10886.992126] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  15339. [10886.992614] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  15340. [10886.992797] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  15341. [10886.992919] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  15342. [10886.993133] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15343. [10886.993408] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15344. [10886.993927] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15345. [10886.993988] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15346. [10886.994445] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15347. [10886.994750] PM: suspend of devices complete after 8.721 msecs
  15348. [10886.996520] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 1.677 msecs
  15349. [10886.996643] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15350. [10887.001708] CPU1: shutdown
  15351. [10887.001739] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  15352. [10887.002502] [K] msm_pm_enter
  15353. [10887.002502] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  15354. [10887.002502] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15355. [10887.002502] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15356. [10887.002502] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  15357. [10887.002502] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  15358. [10887.002502] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  15359. [10887.002502] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  15360. [10887.002502] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  15361. [10887.002502] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 66, 8358129ms, 0x0, 0x0
  15362. [10887.002502] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15363. [10887.002502] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15364. [10887.002502] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15365. [10887.002502] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 1512000)
  15366. [10887.002502] msm_watchdog_suspend
  15367. [10887.002502] [K][R] suspend end
  15368. [10887.002502] [K][R] resume start
  15369. [10887.002502] msm_watchdog_resume
  15370. [10887.002502] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 19268944ms
  15371. [10887.002502] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 67, 8373927ms, 0x20, 0x0
  15372. [10887.002502] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  15373. [10887.002502] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15374. [10887.002502] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15375. [10887.002502] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 1512000
  15376. [10887.002502] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  15377. [10887.002502] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  15378. [10887.002502] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  15379. [10887.002502] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  15380. [10887.002502] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  15381. [10887.002502] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  15382. [10887.002502] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  15383. [10887.002502] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  15384. [10887.002502] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  15385. [10887.002502] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  15386. [10887.002502] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  15387. [10887.002502] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  15388. [10887.002716] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15389. [10887.004333] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  15390. [10887.005126] CPU1 is up
  15391. [10887.006408] PM: early resume of devices complete after 1.158 msecs
  15392. [10887.007293] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  15393. [10887.007659] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15394. [10887.007812] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15395. [10887.007873] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15396. [10887.007934] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15397. [10887.008087] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15398. [10887.008270] [USB] OTG PM resume
  15399. [10887.008483] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  15400. [10887.008605] charm_ap resuming...
  15401. [10887.008819] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15402. [10887.008880] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15403. [10887.009002] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  15404. [10887.009094] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  15405. [10887.009490] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  15406. [10887.010559] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  15407. [10887.010864] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19259521000000 (s 19259521000000)
  15408. [10887.011505] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  15409. [10887.011596] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15410. [10887.017791] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  15411. [10887.017913] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  15412. [10887.017974] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  15413. [10887.018554] PM: resume of devices complete after 11.131 msecs
  15414. [10887.019714] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4027425800, batt_suspend_ms: 4027409920, sr_time_period=15880 ms, total_time_ms:294908 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10886957684597 (2014-05-12 10:49:57.008966030 UTC)
  15415. [10887.019958] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  15416. [10887.020050]  at 10886957806583 (2014-05-12 10:49:57.009210004 UTC)
  15417. [10887.020172] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10886958020060 (2014-05-12 10:49:57.009423481 UTC)
  15418. [10887.020538] Restarting tasks ...
  15419. [10887.025054] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  15420. [10887.026153] done.
  15421. [10887.026306] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:49:57.015552783 UTC)
  15422. [10887.026367] [R] resume end
  15423. [10887.029541] [R] suspend start
  15424. [10887.029602] Freezing user space processes ...
  15425. [10887.032012] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  15426. [10887.032196] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  15427. [10887.042327] wl12xx: elp work
  15428. [10887.042449] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15429. [10887.052520] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  15430. [10887.052642] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  15431. [10887.073059] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:294968 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3306 sec at 10887010926923 (2014-05-12 10:49:57.062269350 UTC)
  15432. [10887.076171] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  15433. [10887.076232] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  15434. [10887.077392] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  15435. [10887.079406] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  15436. [10887.079467] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  15437. [10887.079833] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15438. [10887.079956] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15439. [10887.080352] charm_ap suspending...
  15440. [10887.080413] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  15441. [10887.080810] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  15442. [10887.080963] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  15443. [10887.081115] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  15444. [10887.081329] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15445. [10887.081573] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15446. [10887.082092] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15447. [10887.082183] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15448. [10887.082763] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15449. [10887.083068] PM: suspend of devices complete after 6.953 msecs
  15450. [10887.084838] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 1.707 msecs
  15451. [10887.084960] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15452. [10887.087829] CPU1: shutdown
  15453. [10887.087860] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  15454. [10887.088562] [K] msm_pm_enter
  15455. [10887.088562] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  15456. [10887.088562] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15457. [10887.088562] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15458. [10887.088562] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  15459. [10887.088562] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  15460. [10887.088562] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  15461. [10887.088562] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  15462. [10887.088562] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  15463. [10887.088562] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 67, 8373927ms, 0x0, 0x0
  15464. [10887.088562] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15465. [10887.088562] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15466. [10887.088562] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15467. [10887.088562] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 1512000)
  15468. [10887.088562] msm_watchdog_suspend
  15469. [10887.088562] [K][R] suspend end
  15470. [10887.088562] [K][R] resume start
  15471. [10887.088562] msm_watchdog_resume
  15472. [10887.088562] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 19297948ms
  15473. [10887.088562] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 68, 8402832ms, 0x20, 0x0
  15474. [10887.088562] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  15475. [10887.088562] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15476. [10887.088562] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15477. [10887.088562] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 1512000
  15478. [10887.088562] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  15479. [10887.088562] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  15480. [10887.088562] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  15481. [10887.088562] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  15482. [10887.088562] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  15483. [10887.088562] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  15484. [10887.088562] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  15485. [10887.088562] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  15486. [10887.088562] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  15487. [10887.088562] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  15488. [10887.088562] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  15489. [10887.088562] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  15490. [10887.088745] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15491. [10887.090270] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  15492. [10887.091003] CPU1 is up
  15493. [10887.092376] PM: early resume of devices complete after 1.250 msecs
  15494. [10887.093322] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  15495. [10887.093719] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15496. [10887.093872] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15497. [10887.093933] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15498. [10887.093994] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15499. [10887.094146] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15500. [10887.094329] [USB] OTG PM resume
  15501. [10887.094543] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  15502. [10887.094665] charm_ap resuming...
  15503. [10887.094879] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15504. [10887.094940] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15505. [10887.095092] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  15506. [10887.095153] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  15507. [10887.095581] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  15508. [10887.096618] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  15509. [10887.097290] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19263187000000 (s 19263187000000)
  15510. [10887.097564] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  15511. [10887.097656] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15512. [10887.103851] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  15513. [10887.103973] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  15514. [10887.104034] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  15515. [10887.104614] PM: resume of devices complete after 11.162 msecs
  15516. [10887.105773] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4027454800, batt_suspend_ms: 4027425860, sr_time_period=28940 ms, total_time_ms:323908 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10887043681156 (2014-05-12 10:50:26.008935827 UTC)
  15517. [10887.106018] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  15518. [10887.106109]  at 10887043833644 (2014-05-12 10:50:26.009179808 UTC)
  15519. [10887.106231] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10887044016631 (2014-05-12 10:50:26.009393292 UTC)
  15520. [10887.106597] Restarting tasks ...
  15521. [10887.109558] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  15522. [10887.110565] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  15523. [10887.110626] done.
  15524. [10887.110717] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:50:26.013876455 UTC)
  15525. [10887.110839] [R] resume end
  15526. [10887.120361] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  15527. [10887.123779] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19289213000000 (s 19289213000000)
  15528. [10887.132446] wl12xx: elp work
  15529. [10887.132568] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15530. [10887.146545] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  15531. [10887.182525] [R] suspend start
  15532. [10887.182617] Freezing user space processes ...
  15533. [10887.185546] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  15534. [10887.185699] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  15535. [10887.202636] (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  15536. [10887.202789] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  15537. [10887.223571] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:324028 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3276 sec at 10887161365481 (2014-05-12 10:50:26.126650658 UTC)
  15538. [10887.226776] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  15539. [10887.226867] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  15540. [10887.228118] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  15541. [10887.230285] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  15542. [10887.230346] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  15543. [10887.230712] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15544. [10887.230865] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15545. [10887.231262] charm_ap suspending...
  15546. [10887.231353] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  15547. [10887.231750] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  15548. [10887.231964] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  15549. [10887.232086] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  15550. [10887.232330] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15551. [10887.232513] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15552. [10887.232696] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15553. [10887.232788] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15554. [10887.234466] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15555. [10887.234985] PM: suspend of devices complete after 8.294 msecs
  15556. [10887.236816] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 1.768 msecs
  15557. [10887.236938] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15558. [10887.241943] CPU1: shutdown
  15559. [10887.241973] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  15560. [10887.243194] [K] msm_pm_enter
  15561. [10887.243194] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  15562. [10887.243194] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15563. [10887.243194] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15564. [10887.243194] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  15565. [10887.243194] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  15566. [10887.243194] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  15567. [10887.243194] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  15568. [10887.243194] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  15569. [10887.243194] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 68, 8402832ms, 0x0, 0x0
  15570. [10887.243194] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15571. [10887.243194] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15572. [10887.243194] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15573. [10887.243194] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 1350000)
  15574. [10887.243194] msm_watchdog_suspend
  15575. [10887.243194] [K][R] suspend end
  15576. [10887.243194] [K][R] resume start
  15577. [10887.243194] msm_watchdog_resume
  15578. [10887.243194] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 19357955ms
  15579. [10887.243194] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 69, 8462673ms, 0x20, 0x0
  15580. [10887.243194] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  15581. [10887.243194] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15582. [10887.243194] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15583. [10887.243194] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 1350000
  15584. [10887.243194] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  15585. [10887.243194] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  15586. [10887.243194] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  15587. [10887.243194] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  15588. [10887.243194] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  15589. [10887.243194] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  15590. [10887.243194] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  15591. [10887.243194] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  15592. [10887.243194] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  15593. [10887.243194] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  15594. [10887.243194] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  15595. [10887.243194] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  15596. [10887.243377] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15597. [10887.245330] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  15598. [10887.246093] CPU1 is up
  15599. [10887.247436] PM: early resume of devices complete after 1.189 msecs
  15600. [10887.248321] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  15601. [10887.248718] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15602. [10887.248870] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15603. [10887.248931] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15604. [10887.249023] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15605. [10887.249145] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15606. [10887.249359] [USB] OTG PM resume
  15607. [10887.249572] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  15608. [10887.249725] charm_ap resuming...
  15609. [10887.249938] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15610. [10887.250000] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15611. [10887.250152] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  15612. [10887.250213] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  15613. [10887.250640] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  15614. [10887.251739] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  15615. [10887.252471] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19323186000000 (s 19323186000000)
  15616. [10887.252624] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19348918000000 (s 19348918000000)
  15617. [10887.253021] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  15618. [10887.253143] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15619. [10887.259368] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15620. [10887.259429] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  15621. [10887.259582] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  15622. [10887.260070] PM: resume of devices complete after 11.619 msecs
  15623. [10887.261383] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4027514800, batt_suspend_ms: 4027454920, sr_time_period=59880 ms, total_time_ms:383908 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10887199120561 (2014-05-12 10:51:26.009393214 UTC)
  15624. [10887.261657] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  15625. [10887.261749]  at 10887199334043 (2014-05-12 10:51:26.009667692 UTC)
  15626. [10887.261871] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10887199517028 (2014-05-12 10:51:26.009881174 UTC)
  15627. [10887.262268] Restarting tasks ...
  15628. [10887.265686] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  15629. [10887.268432] done.
  15630. [10887.268524] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:51:26.016498325 UTC)
  15631. [10887.268707] [R] resume end
  15632. [10887.282775] wl12xx: elp work
  15633. [10887.282928] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15634. [10887.305297] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  15635. [10887.331542] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  15636. [10887.343170] [R] suspend start
  15637. [10887.343383] Freezing user space processes ...
  15638. [10887.349273] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  15639. [10887.349731] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  15640. [10887.362884] (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  15641. [10887.363220] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  15642. [10887.384246] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:384038 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3216 sec at 10887322049951 (2014-05-12 10:51:26.132139631 UTC)
  15643. [10887.391632] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  15644. [10887.391754] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  15645. [10887.393798] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  15646. [10887.396728] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  15647. [10887.396911] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  15648. [10887.398773] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15649. [10887.399078] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15650. [10887.399871] charm_ap suspending...
  15651. [10887.400054] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  15652. [10887.401031] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  15653. [10887.401428] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  15654. [10887.401611] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  15655. [10887.402221] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15656. [10887.402709] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15657. [10887.403289] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15658. [10887.403625] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15659. [10887.405639] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15660. [10887.406524] PM: suspend of devices complete after 16.346 msecs
  15661. [10887.409881] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 3.049 msecs
  15662. [10887.410186] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15663. [10887.415008] CPU1: shutdown
  15664. [10887.415039] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  15665. [10887.417785] [K] msm_pm_enter
  15666. [10887.417785] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  15667. [10887.417785] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15668. [10887.417785] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15669. [10887.417785] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  15670. [10887.417785] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  15671. [10887.417785] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  15672. [10887.417785] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  15673. [10887.417785] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  15674. [10887.417785] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 69, 8462673ms, 0x0, 0x0
  15675. [10887.417785] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15676. [10887.417785] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15677. [10887.417785] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15678. [10887.417785] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 486000)
  15679. [10887.417785] msm_watchdog_suspend
  15680. [10887.417785] [K][R] suspend end
  15681. [10887.417785] [K][R] resume start
  15682. [10887.417785] msm_watchdog_resume
  15683. [10887.417785] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 19538979ms
  15684. [10887.417785] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 70, 8643504ms, 0x20, 0x0
  15685. [10887.417785] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  15686. [10887.417785] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15687. [10887.417785] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15688. [10887.417785] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 486000
  15689. [10887.417785] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  15690. [10887.417785] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  15691. [10887.417785] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  15692. [10887.417785] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  15693. [10887.417785] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  15694. [10887.417785] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  15695. [10887.417785] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  15696. [10887.417785] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  15697. [10887.417785] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  15698. [10887.417785] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  15699. [10887.417785] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  15700. [10887.417785] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  15701. [10887.418243] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15702. [10887.421203] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  15703. [10887.422241] CPU1 is up
  15704. [10887.424957] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.134 msecs
  15705. [10887.426422] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  15706. [10887.427093] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15707. [10887.427276] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15708. [10887.427581] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15709. [10887.427764] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15710. [10887.427917] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15711. [10887.428497] [USB] OTG PM resume
  15712. [10887.428955] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  15713. [10887.429107] charm_ap resuming...
  15714. [10887.429565] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15715. [10887.429870] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15716. [10887.430175] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  15717. [10887.430328] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  15718. [10887.430877] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  15719. [10887.433349] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  15720. [10887.434204] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19383186000000 (s 19383186000000)
  15721. [10887.434539] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19529527000000 (s 19529527000000)
  15722. [10887.435485] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  15723. [10887.435668] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15724. [10887.442169] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15725. [10887.442352] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  15726. [10887.442749] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  15727. [10887.443542] PM: resume of devices complete after 16.833 msecs
  15728. [10887.445922] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4027695800, batt_suspend_ms: 4027514930, sr_time_period=180870 ms, total_time_ms:564908 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10887383806477 (2014-05-12 10:54:27.012197781 UTC)
  15729. [10887.446533] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  15730. [10887.446838]  at 10887384294389 (2014-05-12 10:54:27.012838164 UTC)
  15731. [10887.447021] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10887384751805 (2014-05-12 10:54:27.013326075 UTC)
  15732. [10887.447814] Restarting tasks ...
  15733. [10887.454071] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  15734. [10887.458709] done.
  15735. [10887.458923] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 10:54:27.025188028 UTC)
  15736. [10887.459228] [R] resume end
  15737. [10887.472656] wl12xx: elp work
  15738. [10887.472747] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15739. [10887.473022] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  15740. [10887.477447] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  15741. [10887.503753] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  15742. [10887.506256] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  15743. [10887.506347] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15744. [10887.512359] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15745. [10887.512542] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  15746. [10887.562744] wl12xx: elp work
  15747. [10887.562896] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15748. [10887.594909] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15749. [10887.595306] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15750. [10887.612945] wl12xx: elp work
  15751. [10887.613189] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15752. [10887.699005] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15753. [10887.699279] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15754. [10887.732940] wl12xx: elp work
  15755. [10887.733673] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15756. [10887.740295] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15757. [10887.742431] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15758. [10887.762908] wl12xx: elp work
  15759. [10887.763336] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15760. [10887.778259] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15761. [10887.780731] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15762. [10887.803161] wl12xx: elp work
  15763. [10887.803588] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15764. [10887.857482] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15765. [10887.861419] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15766. [10887.903167] wl12xx: elp work
  15767. [10887.903594] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15768. [10887.908874] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15769. [10887.912475] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15770. [10887.967376] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  15771. [10888.043151] wl12xx: elp work
  15772. [10888.043579] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15773. [10888.320068] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15774. [10888.324340] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  15775. [10888.338348] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  15776. [10888.338867] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  15777. [10888.364776] wl12xx: elp work
  15778. [10888.365203] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15779. [10889.635589] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15780. [10889.639556] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15781. [10889.674957] wl12xx: elp work
  15782. [10889.675048] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15783. [10889.735473] [R] suspend start
  15784. [10889.735870] Freezing user space processes ...
  15785. [10889.736724] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  15786. [10889.738250] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  15787. [10889.763793] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  15788. [10890.014709] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  15789. [10890.036987] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:567498 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 3033 sec at 10889974208196 (2014-05-12 10:54:29.602660195 UTC)
  15790. [10890.047271] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  15791. [10890.047698] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  15792. [10890.054626] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  15793. [10890.065612] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  15794. [10890.066040] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  15795. [10890.067352] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15796. [10890.067749] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15797. [10890.069885] charm_ap suspending...
  15798. [10890.070312] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  15799. [10890.072296] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  15800. [10890.073852] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  15801. [10890.074249] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  15802. [10890.076538] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15803. [10890.077819] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15804. [10890.079223] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15805. [10890.079681] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15806. [10890.083618] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15807. [10890.085266] PM: suspend of devices complete after 39.733 msecs
  15808. [10890.092895] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 6.866 msecs
  15809. [10890.093627] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15810. [10890.103881] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  15811. [10890.104095] CPU1: shutdown
  15812. [10890.107147] [K] msm_pm_enter
  15813. [10890.107147] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  15814. [10890.107147] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15815. [10890.107147] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15816. [10890.107147] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  15817. [10890.107147] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  15818. [10890.107147] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  15819. [10890.107147] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  15820. [10890.107147] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  15821. [10890.107147] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 70, 8643504ms, 0x0, 0x0
  15822. [10890.107147] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15823. [10890.107147] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15824. [10890.107147] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15825. [10890.107147] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 192000)
  15826. [10890.107147] msm_watchdog_suspend
  15827. [10890.107147] [K][R] suspend end
  15828. [10890.107147] [K][R] resume start
  15829. [10890.107147] msm_watchdog_resume
  15830. [10890.107147] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 19873021ms
  15831. [10890.107147] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 71, 8974829ms, 0x20, 0x0
  15832. [10890.107147] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  15833. [10890.107147] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15834. [10890.107147] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  15835. [10890.107147] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 192000
  15836. [10890.107147] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  15837. [10890.107147] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  15838. [10890.107147] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  15839. [10890.107147] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  15840. [10890.107147] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  15841. [10890.107147] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  15842. [10890.107147] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  15843. [10890.107147] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  15844. [10890.107147] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  15845. [10890.107147] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  15846. [10890.107147] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  15847. [10890.107147] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  15848. [10890.107818] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15849. [10890.110778] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  15850. [10890.112274] CPU1 is up
  15851. [10890.118408] PM: early resume of devices complete after 4.791 msecs
  15852. [10890.121490] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  15853. [10890.123870] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15854. [10890.124298] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15855. [10890.124725] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15856. [10890.125457] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15857. [10890.125885] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  15858. [10890.126892] [USB] OTG PM resume
  15859. [10890.128265] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  15860. [10890.128692] charm_ap resuming...
  15861. [10890.129730] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15862. [10890.130462] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  15863. [10890.130889] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  15864. [10890.131591] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  15865. [10890.132598] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  15866. [10890.138092] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  15867. [10890.139556] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19563186000000 (s 19563186000000)
  15868. [10890.140350] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19864187000000 (s 19864187000000)
  15869. [10890.143096] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  15870. [10890.143829] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15871. [10890.150634] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15872. [10890.151367] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  15873. [10890.151763] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  15874. [10890.153778] PM: resume of devices complete after 31.341 msecs
  15875. [10890.159149] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4028029810, batt_suspend_ms: 4027698391, sr_time_period=331419 ms, total_time_ms:898917 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10890097038336 (2014-05-12 11:00:01.020170743 UTC)
  15876. [10890.160644] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  15877. [10890.161407]  at 10890098197709 (2014-05-12 11:00:01.021726744 UTC)
  15878. [10890.161834] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10890099021475 (2014-05-12 11:00:01.022886117 UTC)
  15879. [10890.163970] Restarting tasks ...
  15880. [10890.173797] wl12xx: elp work
  15881. [10890.174377] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15882. [10890.179382] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  15883. [10890.184783] done.
  15884. [10890.186401] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 11:00:01.047436995 UTC)
  15885. [10890.187347] [R] resume end
  15886. [10890.208129] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  15887. [10890.208221] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15888. [10890.214294] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  15889. [10890.214385] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  15890. [10890.283325] wl12xx: elp work
  15891. [10890.283416] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15892. [10890.297088] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15893. [10890.297332] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15894. [10890.303344] Thermal: failed to read out thermal zone 1
  15895. [10890.323547] wl12xx: elp work
  15896. [10890.323944] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15897. [10890.390838] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  15898. [10890.403808] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15899. [10890.407745] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15900. [10890.455200] wl12xx: elp work
  15901. [10890.455627] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15902. [10890.483215] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15903. [10890.487335] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  15904. [10890.525207] wl12xx: elp work
  15905. [10890.525665] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15906. [10890.594543] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15907. [10890.598175] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15908. [10890.648132] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  15909. [10890.683776] wl12xx: elp work
  15910. [10890.684204] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15911. [10890.969635] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15912. [10890.972473] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  15913. [10890.986450] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  15914. [10890.986999] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  15915. [10891.003967] wl12xx: elp work
  15916. [10891.004394] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15917. [10892.264099] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  15918. [10892.264556] 05-12 15:30:03
  15919. [10892.265655]  17:   659       gp_timer
  15920. [10892.267211]  48:    69       msmgpio
  15921. [10892.268737]  51:     9       rpm_drv
  15922. [10892.270263]  52:    12       mpm_drv
  15923. [10892.272186] 107:     2       MDP
  15924. [10892.273712] 112:     2       kgsl-3d0
  15925. [10892.275299] 114:     4       MIPI_DSI
  15926. [10892.277160] 122:   311       smd_dev
  15927. [10892.278686] 133:   729       mmc3
  15928. [10892.279815] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  15929. [10892.281005] 136:   529       mmc0
  15930. [10892.282501] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  15931. [10892.282592] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  15932. [10892.283966]
  15933. [10892.284637] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  15934. [10892.284667] 179:   152       spi_qsd
  15935. [10892.284729] 191:    70       qup_err_intr
  15936. [10892.284820] 199:   153       msmdatamover
  15937. [10892.284912] 220:   296       mmc4
  15938. [10892.284942] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  15939. [10892.285003] 228:    76       qup_err_intr
  15940. [10892.285217] 302:    55       wl12xx
  15941. [10892.285339] 344:     6       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  15942. [10892.285430] 355:     3       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  15943. [10892.285736] 468:     6       pm8xxx_rtc_alarm
  15944. [10892.286651] C0: 649 2256ms
  15945. [10892.286682] C1: 517 6058ms
  15946. [10892.286712] Vdd-min: 6, 626245ms
  15947. [10892.286743] CPU0 usage: 16
  15948. [10892.286773] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  15949. [10892.286804] LPASS running (0ms)
  15950. [10892.286895] 1615 total events, 160.776 events/sec
  15951. [10892.287048] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d0'  'kgsl-2d1'
  15952. [10892.287109] wakelock:  'wl1271_wake'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'
  15953. [10892.298675] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  15954. [10892.299407] 3%               520             system_server                   65
  15955. [10892.299804] 2%               4547            kworker/u:7                     48
  15956. [10892.300231] 1%               613             ndroid.systemui                 25
  15957. [10892.300964] 0%               4401            kworker/u:3                     15
  15958. [10892.301361] 0%               96              mmcqd/0                 9
  15959. [10892.333953] wl12xx: elp work
  15960. [10892.334655] wl12xx: chip to elp
  15961. [10892.387542] [R] suspend start
  15962. [10892.388000] Freezing user space processes ...
  15963. [10892.399841] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  15964. [10892.400878] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  15965. [10892.414123] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  15966. [10892.414306] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  15967. [10892.434783] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:901197 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 2699 sec at 10892371166286 (2014-05-12 11:00:03.295274974 UTC)
  15968. [10892.438720] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  15969. [10892.439422] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  15970. [10892.445373] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  15971. [10892.455230] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  15972. [10892.455932] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  15973. [10892.456787] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15974. [10892.457458] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  15975. [10892.459075] charm_ap suspending...
  15976. [10892.459777] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  15977. [10892.461517] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  15978. [10892.462310] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  15979. [10892.463012] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  15980. [10892.464447] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15981. [10892.465118] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15982. [10892.466278] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15983. [10892.466705] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15984. [10892.467590] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  15985. [10892.469238] PM: suspend of devices complete after 30.730 msecs
  15986. [10892.475372] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 5.737 msecs
  15987. [10892.476074] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  15988. [10892.483673] CPU1: shutdown
  15989. [10892.483734] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  15990. [10892.488739] [K] msm_pm_enter
  15991. [10892.488739] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  15992. [10892.488739] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15993. [10892.488739] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  15994. [10892.488739] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  15995. [10892.488739] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  15996. [10892.488739] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  15997. [10892.488739] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  15998. [10892.488739] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  15999. [10892.488739] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 71, 8974829ms, 0x0, 0x0
  16000. [10892.488739] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16001. [10892.488739] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16002. [10892.488739] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16003. [10892.488739] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 192000)
  16004. [10892.488739] msm_watchdog_suspend
  16005. [10892.488739] [K][R] suspend end
  16006. [10892.488739] [K][R] resume start
  16007. [10892.488739] msm_watchdog_resume
  16008. [10892.488739] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 19905026ms
  16009. [10892.488739] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 72, 9004420ms, 0x20, 0x0
  16010. [10892.488739] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  16011. [10892.488739] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16012. [10892.488739] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16013. [10892.488739] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 192000
  16014. [10892.488739] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  16015. [10892.488739] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  16016. [10892.488739] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  16017. [10892.488739] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  16018. [10892.488739] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  16019. [10892.488739] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  16020. [10892.488739] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  16021. [10892.488739] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  16022. [10892.488739] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  16023. [10892.488739] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  16024. [10892.488739] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  16025. [10892.488739] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  16026. [10892.489410] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  16027. [10892.493743] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  16028. [10892.495178] CPU1 is up
  16029. [10892.499755] PM: early resume of devices complete after 3.814 msecs
  16030. [10892.502777] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  16031. [10892.504425] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16032. [10892.504821] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16033. [10892.505523] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16034. [10892.505920] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16035. [10892.506317] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16036. [10892.507507] [USB] OTG PM resume
  16037. [10892.508453] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  16038. [10892.508850] charm_ap resuming...
  16039. [10892.510070] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  16040. [10892.510467] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  16041. [10892.511138] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  16042. [10892.511505] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  16043. [10892.512695] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  16044. [10892.517181] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  16045. [10892.520263] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  16046. [10892.520629] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16047. [10892.527343] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  16048. [10892.528015] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  16049. [10892.528411] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  16050. [10892.530090] PM: resume of devices complete after 26.747 msecs
  16051. [10892.534881] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4028061810, batt_suspend_ms: 4028032091, sr_time_period=29719 ms, total_time_ms:930916 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10892472064523 (2014-05-12 11:00:33.016618428 UTC)
  16052. [10892.536285] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  16053. [10892.536682]  at 10892472826813 (2014-05-12 11:00:33.018051533 UTC)
  16054. [10892.537353] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10892473894018 (2014-05-12 11:00:33.019149230 UTC)
  16055. [10892.539031] Restarting tasks ...
  16056. [10892.552276] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  16057. [10892.554016] wl12xx: elp work
  16058. [10892.554107] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16059. [10892.555175] done.
  16060. [10892.555603] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 11:00:33.037322166 UTC)
  16061. [10892.556304] [R] resume end
  16062. [10892.608795] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19896277000000 (s 19896277000000)
  16063. [10892.647735] [R] suspend start
  16064. [10892.648193] Freezing user space processes ...
  16065. [10892.661041] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  16066. [10892.661804] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  16067. [10892.674621] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  16068. [10892.675354] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  16069. [10892.697387] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:931076 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 2669 sec at 10892634150759 (2014-05-12 11:00:33.179009390 UTC)
  16070. [10892.711578] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  16071. [10892.711791] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  16072. [10892.714080] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  16073. [10892.717620] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  16074. [10892.717742] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  16075. [10892.718414] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  16076. [10892.719116] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  16077. [10892.720794] charm_ap suspending...
  16078. [10892.721496] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  16079. [10892.723327] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  16080. [10892.724395] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  16081. [10892.725128] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  16082. [10892.726135] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16083. [10892.726837] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16084. [10892.728057] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16085. [10892.728485] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16086. [10892.729400] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16087. [10892.731079] PM: suspend of devices complete after 20.984 msecs
  16088. [10892.737609] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 6.069 msecs
  16089. [10892.738311] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  16090. [10892.743957] CPU1: shutdown
  16091. [10892.744049] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  16092. [10892.748352] [K] msm_pm_enter
  16093. [10892.748352] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  16094. [10892.748352] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  16095. [10892.748352] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  16096. [10892.748352] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  16097. [10892.748352] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  16098. [10892.748352] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  16099. [10892.748352] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  16100. [10892.748352] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  16101. [10892.748352] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 72, 9004420ms, 0x0, 0x0
  16102. [10892.748352] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16103. [10892.748352] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16104. [10892.748352] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16105. [10892.748352] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 192000)
  16106. [10892.748352] msm_watchdog_suspend
  16107. [10892.748352] [K][R] suspend end
  16108. [10892.748352] [K][R] resume start
  16109. [10892.748352] msm_watchdog_resume
  16110. [10892.748352] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 20078047ms
  16111. [10892.748352] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 73, 9177150ms, 0x20, 0x0
  16112. [10892.748352] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  16113. [10892.748352] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16114. [10892.748352] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16115. [10892.748352] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 192000
  16116. [10892.748352] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  16117. [10892.748352] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  16118. [10892.748352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  16119. [10892.748352] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  16120. [10892.748352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  16121. [10892.748352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  16122. [10892.748352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  16123. [10892.748352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  16124. [10892.748352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  16125. [10892.748352] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  16126. [10892.748352] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  16127. [10892.748352] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  16128. [10892.749053] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  16129. [10892.753173] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  16130. [10892.754669] CPU1 is up
  16131. [10892.759490] PM: early resume of devices complete after 4.056 msecs
  16132. [10892.762603] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  16133. [10892.763916] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16134. [10892.764556] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16135. [10892.765258] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16136. [10892.765655] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16137. [10892.766357] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16138. [10892.767272] [USB] OTG PM resume
  16139. [10892.768249] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  16140. [10892.768646] charm_ap resuming...
  16141. [10892.769897] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  16142. [10892.770294] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  16143. [10892.770965] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  16144. [10892.771362] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  16145. [10892.772583] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  16146. [10892.777435] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  16147. [10892.779052] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 19923187000000 (s 19923187000000)
  16148. [10892.781158] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  16149. [10892.781860] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16150. [10892.788635] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  16151. [10892.789001] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  16152. [10892.789703] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  16153. [10892.791137] PM: resume of devices complete after 27.932 msecs
  16154. [10892.796356] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4028234810, batt_suspend_ms: 4028061970, sr_time_period=172840 ms, total_time_ms:1103916 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10892733088717 (2014-05-12 11:03:26.017838817 UTC)
  16155. [10892.797790] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  16156. [10892.798187]  at 10892734155936 (2014-05-12 11:03:26.019332924 UTC)
  16157. [10892.798919] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10892735284139 (2014-05-12 11:03:26.020430634 UTC)
  16158. [10892.800628] Restarting tasks ...
  16159. [10892.802551] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  16160. [10892.805480] wl12xx: elp work
  16161. [10892.805755] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16162. [10892.813720] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  16163. [10892.815704] done.
  16164. [10892.816436] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 11:03:26.037932893 UTC)
  16165. [10892.816833] [R] resume end
  16166. [10892.867095] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20069275000000 (s 20069275000000)
  16167. [10892.902282] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  16168. [10892.927978] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  16169. [10893.327331] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16170. [10893.647399] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16171. [10893.990081] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16172. [10894.316558] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16173. [10894.657592] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16174. [10895.018707] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16175. [10895.439605] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16176. [10895.445648] [R] suspend start
  16177. [10895.445770] Freezing user space processes ...
  16178. [10895.449981] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  16179. [10895.450195] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  16180. [10895.464935] (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  16181. [10895.715911] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  16182. [10895.737121] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:1106856 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 2494 sec at 10895672705041 (2014-05-12 11:03:28.958064829 UTC)
  16183. [10895.742919] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  16184. [10895.743621] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  16185. [10895.749420] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  16186. [10895.759399] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  16187. [10895.759796] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  16188. [10895.761901] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  16189. [10895.762084] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  16190. [10895.762603] charm_ap suspending...
  16191. [10895.762786] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  16192. [10895.763336] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  16193. [10895.763580] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  16194. [10895.763763] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  16195. [10895.764099] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16196. [10895.764587] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16197. [10895.765289] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16198. [10895.765380] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16199. [10895.767395] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16200. [10895.767974] PM: suspend of devices complete after 26.641 msecs
  16201. [10895.770446] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 2.349 msecs
  16202. [10895.770629] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  16203. [10895.775848] CPU1: shutdown
  16204. [10895.775970] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  16205. [10895.777008] [K] msm_pm_enter
  16206. [10895.777008] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  16207. [10895.777008] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  16208. [10895.777008] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  16209. [10895.777008] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  16210. [10895.777008] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  16211. [10895.777008] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  16212. [10895.777008] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  16213. [10895.777008] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  16214. [10895.777008] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 73, 9177150ms, 0x0, 0x0
  16215. [10895.777008] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16216. [10895.777008] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16217. [10895.777008] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16218. [10895.777008] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 972000)
  16219. [10895.777008] msm_watchdog_suspend
  16220. [10895.777008] [K][R] suspend end
  16221. [10895.777008] [K][R] resume start
  16222. [10895.777008] msm_watchdog_resume
  16223. [10895.777008] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 20159056ms
  16224. [10895.777008] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 74, 9255107ms, 0x20, 0x0
  16225. [10895.777008] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  16226. [10895.777008] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16227. [10895.777008] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16228. [10895.777008] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 972000
  16229. [10895.777008] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  16230. [10895.777008] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  16231. [10895.777008] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  16232. [10895.777008] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  16233. [10895.777008] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  16234. [10895.777008] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  16235. [10895.777008] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  16236. [10895.777008] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  16237. [10895.777008] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  16238. [10895.777008] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  16239. [10895.777008] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  16240. [10895.777008] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  16241. [10895.777252] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  16242. [10895.779144] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  16243. [10895.780151] CPU1 is up
  16244. [10895.781951] PM: early resume of devices complete after 1.586 msecs
  16245. [10895.783111] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  16246. [10895.783630] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16247. [10895.783813] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16248. [10895.783905] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16249. [10895.784027] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16250. [10895.784210] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16251. [10895.784484] [USB] OTG PM resume
  16252. [10895.784973] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  16253. [10895.785095] charm_ap resuming...
  16254. [10895.785461] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  16255. [10895.785583] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  16256. [10895.785766] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  16257. [10895.785858] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  16258. [10895.786346] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  16259. [10895.787902] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  16260. [10895.788726] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20103187000000 (s 20103187000000)
  16261. [10895.788848] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20149252000000 (s 20149252000000)
  16262. [10895.789398] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  16263. [10895.789581] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16264. [10895.795837] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  16265. [10895.795959] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  16266. [10895.796142] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  16267. [10895.796752] PM: resume of devices complete after 13.427 msecs
  16268. [10895.798461] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4028315800, batt_suspend_ms: 4028237752, sr_time_period=78048 ms, total_time_ms:1184904 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10895734075077 (2014-05-12 11:04:47.010253773 UTC)
  16269. [10895.798858] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  16270. [10895.798950]  at 10895734349732 (2014-05-12 11:04:47.010619979 UTC)
  16271. [10895.799133] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10895734624386 (2014-05-12 11:04:47.010925151 UTC)
  16272. [10895.799560] Restarting tasks ...
  16273. [10895.804779] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  16274. [10895.807983] done.
  16275. [10895.808105] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 11:04:47.019897231 UTC)
  16276. [10895.808288] [R] resume end
  16277. [10895.814727] wl12xx: elp work
  16278. [10895.814910] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16279. [10895.828704] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  16280. [10895.828826] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16281. [10895.834869] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  16282. [10895.835083] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  16283. [10895.894958] wl12xx: elp work
  16284. [10895.895385] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16285. [10895.955047] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16286. [10895.958679] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16287. [10895.985076] wl12xx: elp work
  16288. [10895.985839] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16289. [10896.012939] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  16290. [10896.026489] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16291. [10896.030426] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16292. [10896.075134] wl12xx: elp work
  16293. [10896.075561] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16294. [10896.138641] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16295. [10896.139282] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16296. [10896.155212] wl12xx: elp work
  16297. [10896.155639] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16298. [10896.206054] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16299. [10896.206756] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16300. [10896.255981] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  16301. [10896.275024] wl12xx: elp work
  16302. [10896.275451] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16303. [10896.297149] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  16304. [10896.324310] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  16305. [10896.567016] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16306. [10896.570983] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16307. [10896.585449] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  16308. [10896.585998] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  16309. [10896.605316] wl12xx: elp work
  16310. [10896.605743] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16311. [10897.881622] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16312. [10897.885589] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  16313. [10897.905517] wl12xx: elp work
  16314. [10897.905944] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16315. [10897.976043] [R] suspend start
  16316. [10897.976898] Freezing user space processes ...
  16317. [10897.977996] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  16318. [10897.978546] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  16319. [10898.005981] (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  16320. [10898.256988] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.02 seconds) done.
  16321. [10898.280517] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:1187384 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 2413 sec at 10898216050951 (2014-05-12 11:04:49.491649831 UTC)
  16322. [10898.296020] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  16323. [10898.296203] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  16324. [10898.299255] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  16325. [10898.304351] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  16326. [10898.304534] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  16327. [10898.305633] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  16328. [10898.305816] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  16329. [10898.306793] charm_ap suspending...
  16330. [10898.306945] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  16331. [10898.307861] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  16332. [10898.308410] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  16333. [10898.308593] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  16334. [10898.310180] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16335. [10898.310882] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16336. [10898.311950] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16337. [10898.312164] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16338. [10898.315063] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16339. [10898.316162] PM: suspend of devices complete after 21.727 msecs
  16340. [10898.320404] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 3.936 msecs
  16341. [10898.320587] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  16342. [10898.327301] CPU1: shutdown
  16343. [10898.327362] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  16344. [10898.329071] [K] msm_pm_enter
  16345. [10898.329071] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  16346. [10898.329071] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  16347. [10898.329071] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  16348. [10898.329071] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  16349. [10898.329071] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  16350. [10898.329071] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  16351. [10898.329071] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  16352. [10898.329071] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  16353. [10898.329071] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 74, 9255107ms, 0x0, 0x0
  16354. [10898.329071] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16355. [10898.329071] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16356. [10898.329071] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16357. [10898.329071] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 594000)
  16358. [10898.329071] msm_watchdog_suspend
  16359. [10898.329071] [K][R] suspend end
  16360. [10898.329071] [K][R] resume start
  16361. [10898.329071] msm_watchdog_resume
  16362. [10898.329071] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 20560106ms
  16363. [10898.329071] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 75, 9653587ms, 0x20, 0x0
  16364. [10898.329071] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x20 0x0
  16365. [10898.329071] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16366. [10898.329071] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16367. [10898.329071] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 594000
  16368. [10898.329071] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  16369. [10898.329071] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 344 triggered
  16370. [10898.329071] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  16371. [10898.329071] pm8058_show_resume_irq: 468 triggered
  16372. [10898.329071] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  16373. [10898.329071] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  16374. [10898.329071] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  16375. [10898.329071] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  16376. [10898.329071] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  16377. [10898.329071] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  16378. [10898.329071] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  16379. [10898.329071] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  16380. [10898.329528] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  16381. [10898.331695] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  16382. [10898.333190] CPU1 is up
  16383. [10898.336639] PM: early resume of devices complete after 2.990 msecs
  16384. [10898.338409] wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
  16385. [10898.339294] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16386. [10898.339599] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16387. [10898.339782] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16388. [10898.340087] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16389. [10898.340270] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16390. [10898.340728] [USB] OTG PM resume
  16391. [10898.341369] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  16392. [10898.341552] charm_ap resuming...
  16393. [10898.342041] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  16394. [10898.342346] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  16395. [10898.342498] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  16396. [10898.342803] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  16397. [10898.343383] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  16398. [10898.346221] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  16399. [10898.347137] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20163186000000 (s 20163186000000)
  16400. [10898.348358] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  16401. [10898.348510] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16402. [10898.355102] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16403. [10898.355346] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  16404. [10898.355529] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  16405. [10898.356475] PM: resume of devices complete after 17.791 msecs
  16406. [10898.359161] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4028716800, batt_suspend_ms: 4028318281, sr_time_period=398519 ms, total_time_ms:1585903 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10898294418358 (2014-05-12 11:11:28.012573140 UTC)
  16407. [10898.359954] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  16408. [10898.360260]  at 10898295028705 (2014-05-12 11:11:28.013336074 UTC)
  16409. [10898.360412] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10898295516982 (2014-05-12 11:11:28.013824351 UTC)
  16410. [10898.361297] Restarting tasks ...
  16411. [10898.368530] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  16412. [10898.372833] done.
  16413. [10898.373443] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 11:11:28.026794251 UTC)
  16414. [10898.374267] [R] resume end
  16415. [10898.376892] wl12xx: elp work
  16416. [10898.376983] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16417. [10898.579406] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  16418. [10898.633300] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20551473000000 (s 20551473000000)
  16419. [10898.671173] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  16420. [10898.671325] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16421. [10898.677673] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  16422. [10898.677886] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  16423. [10898.699798] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  16424. [10898.726623] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  16425. [10898.735748] wl12xx: elp work
  16426. [10898.736175] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16427. [10898.804016] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16428. [10898.804931] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16429. [10898.825714] wl12xx: elp work
  16430. [10898.826141] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16431. [10898.864959] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16432. [10898.865936] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  16433. [10898.905731] wl12xx: elp work
  16434. [10898.906188] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16435. [10898.942749] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16436. [10898.943450] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16437. [10898.965789] wl12xx: elp work
  16438. [10898.966552] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16439. [10899.029357] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16440. [10899.030029] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16441. [10899.045715] wl12xx: elp work
  16442. [10899.046142] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16443. [10899.071838] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16444. [10899.072479] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16445. [10899.105804] wl12xx: elp work
  16446. [10899.106201] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16447. [10899.110534] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16448. [10899.111480] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16449. [10899.121673] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  16450. [10899.145812] wl12xx: elp work
  16451. [10899.146575] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16452. [10899.309936] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16453. [10899.430908] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16454. [10899.431884] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16455. [10899.433593] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  16456. [10899.434082] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  16457. [10899.455963] wl12xx: elp work
  16458. [10899.456359] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16459. [10899.790222] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16460. [10900.189300] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16461. [10900.578033] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16462. [10900.725982] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16463. [10900.726684] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16464. [10900.745880] wl12xx: elp work
  16465. [10900.746002] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16466. [10900.979125] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 0 (s 0)
  16467. [10900.984222] [R] suspend start
  16468. [10900.984649] Freezing user space processes ...
  16469. [10900.988342] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait_event_interruptible ret value -512
  16470. [10900.988525] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: ioctl cmd -2140093951 return value -512
  16471. [10901.016387] (elapsed 0.03 seconds) done.
  16472. [10901.267395] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
  16473. [10901.290527] [BATT] htc_battery_prepare: total_time_ms:1588833 ms, check_time:3600, htc_batt_phone_call=0, alarm will be triggered after 2012 sec at 10901225422431 (2014-05-12 11:11:30.943302562 UTC)
  16474. [10901.303924] wl12xx: mac80211 suspend wow=1
  16475. [10901.304107] wl12xx: flushing remaining works
  16476. [10901.305725] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_suspend
  16477. [10901.308532] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  16478. [10901.308624] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  16479. [10901.310577] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  16480. [10901.311279] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=1
  16481. [10901.312896] charm_ap suspending...
  16482. [10901.313568] [SPI] msm_spi_suspend
  16483. [10901.315307] [USB] OTG PM suspend
  16484. [10901.316467] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  16485. [10901.317169] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  16486. [10901.318786] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16487. [10901.319671] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16488. [10901.320861] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16489. [10901.321289] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16490. [10901.323699] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_suspend leave
  16491. [10901.325439] PM: suspend of devices complete after 22.887 msecs
  16492. [10901.331634] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 5.798 msecs
  16493. [10901.332336] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
  16494. [10901.338897] CPU1: shutdown
  16495. [10901.338958] [K] CPU1: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 0)
  16496. [10901.343536] [K] msm_pm_enter
  16497. [10901.343536] [K] msm_pm_enter: power collapse
  16498. [10901.343536] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource pxo: buffered 1, value 0x0
  16499. [10901.343536] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource L2_cache: buffered 1, value 0x0
  16500. [10901.343536] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_mem: buffered 1, value 0xc0032000
  16501. [10901.343536] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource vdd_dig: buffered 1, value 0xc00321f4
  16502. [10901.343536] msm_rpmrs_show_resources: resource rpm_ctl: buffered 0, value 0x0
  16503. [10901.343536] msm_mpm_irqs_detectable: cannot monitor 0000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000
  16504. [10901.343536] [K] msm_pm_enter: limit cf8983c4: pxo 0, l2_cache 0, vdd_mem 500, vdd_dig 500
  16505. [10901.343536] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 75, 9653587ms, 0x0, 0x0
  16506. [10901.343536] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16507. [10901.343536] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16508. [10901.343536] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16509. [10901.343536] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: change clock rate (old rate = 192000)
  16510. [10901.343536] msm_watchdog_suspend
  16511. [10901.343536] [K][R] suspend end
  16512. [10901.343536] [K][R] resume start
  16513. [10901.343536] msm_watchdog_resume
  16514. [10901.343536] MPM_SLEEP_TICK: 20577958ms
  16515. [10901.343536] msm_rpm_dump_stat: 0, 0ms, 76, 9668398ms, 0x0, 0x800000
  16516. [10901.343536] sleep_info_m.0 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x800000
  16517. [10901.343536] sleep_info_m.1 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16518. [10901.343536] sleep_info_m.2 - 0 (0), 0ms, 0 0 0 500, 0x0 0x0
  16519. [10901.343536] [K] CPU0: msm_pm_power_collapse: restore clock rate to 192000
  16520. [10901.343536] [K] msm_pm_enter: return
  16521. [10901.343536] msm_gpio_show_resume_irq: 381 triggered
  16522. [10901.343536] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by msmgpio-125
  16523. [10901.343536] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-35
  16524. [10901.343536] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-39
  16525. [10901.343536] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-46
  16526. [10901.343536] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-198
  16527. [10901.343536] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-213
  16528. [10901.343536] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by pmic-226
  16529. [10901.343536] gic_show_resume_irq: 48 triggered
  16530. [10901.343536] gic_show_resume_irq: 52 triggered
  16531. [10901.343536] [WAKEUP] Resume caused by gic-52
  16532. [10901.344238] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
  16533. [10901.348815] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
  16534. [10901.349975] CPU1 is up
  16535. [10901.354522] PM: early resume of devices complete after 3.845 msecs
  16536. [10901.356903] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  16537. [10901.357269] wakeup wake lock: gpio_input
  16538. [10901.359588] mmc0: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16539. [10901.359985] mmc1: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16540. [10901.360382] mmc2: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16541. [10901.361083] mmc3: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16542. [10901.361480] mmc4: msmsdcc_pm_resume leave
  16543. [10901.362396] [USB] OTG PM resume
  16544. [10901.363647] [SPI] msm_spi_resume
  16545. [10901.364044] charm_ap resuming...
  16546. [10901.364959] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro sys on on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  16547. [10901.365661] [GYRO][PANASONIC] GyroB sys off on:g_status=0 off_status=0
  16548. [10901.366394] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  16549. [10901.367095] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  16550. [10901.367980] [COMP][AKM8975] akm8975_resume: (m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  16551. [10901.368713] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-74, 0 (125) changed to 1
  16552. [10901.373107] [AUD] spi_aic3254: spi_aic3254_resume
  16553. [10901.376434] wl12xx: mac80211 resume wow=1
  16554. [10901.376831] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  16555. [10901.383850] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  16556. [10901.384246] wl12xx: acx wake up conditions (wake_up_event 2 listen_interval 1)
  16557. [10901.384918] wl12xx: cmd configure (0)
  16558. [10901.386444] PM: resume of devices complete after 27.557 msecs
  16559. [10901.390960] [BATT] htc_battery_complete: resume_ms: 4028733810, batt_suspend_ms: 4028719732, sr_time_period=14078 ms, total_time_ms:1602911 ms, check_time:3599000, htc_batt_phone_call=0 at 10901326127950 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.016783394 UTC)
  16560. [10901.392364] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:0
  16561. [10901.393066]  at 10901327195788 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.018247858 UTC)
  16562. [10901.393463] [BATT] disable voltage alarm at 10901328263626 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.019315697 UTC)
  16563. [10901.395111] Restarting tasks ...
  16564. [10901.397003] [RMT] rmt_storage_ioctl: wait for request ioctl
  16565. [10901.408874] done.
  16566. [10901.409301] suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.035142951 UTC)
  16567. [10901.409973] [R] resume end
  16568. [10901.413543] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  16569. [10901.413787] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  16570. [10901.414886] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_open
  16571. [10901.414978] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_ioctl LIGHTSENSOR_IOCTL_ENABLE, value = 1
  16572. [10901.415161] [LS][CM3628] lightsensor_enable
  16573. [10901.415954] wl12xx: elp work
  16574. [10901.416107] wl12xx: chip to elp
  16575. [10901.419738] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=381, use_irq=1
  16576. [10901.429809] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-74, 0 (125) changed to 0
  16577. [10901.487884] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value:resume 1
  16578. [10901.488403] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0xE, ls_calibrate = 0
  16579. [10901.489196] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x048, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  16580. [10901.493011] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 10901427038809 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.118731597 UTC)
  16581. [10901.493774] [R] late_resume start
  16582. [10901.494293] [DISP] mipi_dsi_on+, isr=0x02000203
  16583. [10901.494750] mipi_dsi_ahb_en: ahb=fe014008 91c6074b
  16584. [10901.496643] [DISP] ruby_panel_power(1): init=2
  16585. [10901.535034] [DISP] Panel Type = PANEL_ID_PYD_AUO_NT
  16586. [10901.535186] [DISP] mipi_dsi_enable_irq: IRQ already enabled
  16587. [10901.605712] [K] binder: 520:6212 transaction failed 29189, size 168-0
  16588. [10901.611114] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  16589. [10901.671417] [DISP] mipi_dsi_on-
  16590. [10901.671630] [DISP] sii9234_late_resume()
  16591. [10901.672149] atmel_ts_resume:[TP]enter
  16592. [10901.687164] atmel_ts_resume:[TP]done
  16593. [10901.687255] [BATT] htc_battery_late_resume at 10901621359506 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.312930260 UTC)
  16594. [10901.687438] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm_mode , mode:2
  16595. [10901.687591] [TP]S1@801,800
  16596. [10901.687957]  at 10901621939113 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.313143800 UTC)
  16597. [10901.688018] [BATT] batt_set_voltage_alarm(lw = 3000, up = 4400) at 10901622122147 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.313723407 UTC)
  16598. [10901.688232] [LS][CM3628] cm3628_late_resume
  16599. [10901.688354] [R] late_resume end
  16600. [10901.697570] [TP]0x01 0x10 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  16601. [10901.703216] [TP]0x01 0x00 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  16602. [10901.708953] [TP]E1@801,800
  16603. [10901.709960] [TP]calibration confirm with recal by position
  16604. [10901.710021] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16605. [10901.716827] [TP]0x01 0x10 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  16606. [10901.722259] [TP]0x01 0x00 0x57 0x2D 0x92
  16607. [10901.749481] [DISP] mipi_novatek_display_on+
  16608. [10901.764617] [DISP] brightness orig=149, transformed=92
  16609. [10901.789947] [DISP] brightness orig=148, transformed=90
  16610. [10901.806030] [DISP] brightness orig=147, transformed=89
  16611. [10901.841003] [DISP] brightness orig=146, transformed=87
  16612. [10901.855712] [DISP] brightness orig=145, transformed=86
  16613. [10901.891235] [DISP] brightness orig=144, transformed=84
  16614. [10901.906433] [DISP] brightness orig=143, transformed=83
  16615. [10901.939392] [DISP] brightness orig=142, transformed=82
  16616. [10901.955841] [DISP] brightness orig=141, transformed=81
  16617. [10901.989349] [DISP] brightness orig=140, transformed=81
  16618. [10902.006591] [DISP] brightness orig=139, transformed=80
  16619. [10902.041015] [DISP] brightness orig=138, transformed=79
  16620. [10902.045074] [BATT] htc_batt_get_battery_adc , vref:20985, battid_adc:3723, battid:177
  16621. [10902.045776]  at 10901979636789 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.670628038 UTC)
  16622. [10902.049041] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 99 at 10901983632445 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.674623700 UTC)
  16623. [10902.050201] [BATT] ID=2, level=99, vol=4227, temp=284, batt_current=-203, chg_src=0, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10901984760988 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.675752243 UTC)
  16624. [10902.055786] healthd: battery l=99 v=4 t=28.4 h=2 st=4 chg=
  16625. [10902.056457] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery
  16626. [10902.056884] [DISP] brightness orig=137, transformed=79
  16627. [10902.057861]  at 10901991715261 (2014-05-12 11:11:45.682035485 UTC)
  16628. [10902.089477] [DISP] brightness orig=136, transformed=78
  16629. [10902.106445] [DISP] brightness orig=135, transformed=77
  16630. [10902.119506] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x89, ls_calibrate = 0
  16631. [10902.120117] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x059, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  16632. [10902.140045] [DISP] brightness orig=134, transformed=77
  16633. [10902.156829] [DISP] brightness orig=133, transformed=76
  16634. [10902.192535] [DISP] brightness orig=132, transformed=75
  16635. [10902.205383] [DISP] brightness orig=131, transformed=75
  16636. [10902.238677] [DISP] brightness orig=130, transformed=74
  16637. [10902.306335] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  16638. [10902.306518] 05-12 15:41:45
  16639. [10902.306671]  17:   681       gp_timer
  16640. [10902.307067]  48:   121       msmgpio
  16641. [10902.307403]  51:     7       rpm_drv
  16642. [10902.307861]  52:    10       mpm_drv
  16643. [10902.308288] 107:     6       MDP
  16644. [10902.308654] 112:    15       kgsl-3d0
  16645. [10902.309020] 114:   167       MIPI_DSI
  16646. [10902.309448] 133:   763       mmc3
  16647. [10902.309722] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  16648. [10902.310089] 136:  3094       mmc0
  16649. [10902.310333] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  16650. [10902.310821] 187:    20       qup_err_intr
  16651. [10902.311340] 199:   645       msmdatamover
  16652. [10902.311676] 220:   364       mmc4
  16653. [10902.311950] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  16654. [10902.312194] 228:   110       qup_err_intr
  16655. [10902.312591] 302:    70       wl12xx
  16656. [10902.312957] 344:    25       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  16657. [10902.313812] 355:     3       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  16658. [10902.313934] 373:    17       atmel_qt602240
  16659. [10902.313964] 381:     2       gpio_keys
  16660. [10902.314025] 468:     4       pm8xxx_rtc_alarm
  16661. [10902.314056] 505:    20       pm8058_adc_interrupt
  16662. [10902.314117] 635:     1       cm3628
  16663. [10902.314270] C0: 2069 4418ms
  16664. [10902.314270] C1: 197 2575ms
  16665. [10902.314300] Vdd-min: 5, 693569ms
  16666. [10902.314300] CPU0 usage: 30
  16667. [10902.314300] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  16668. [10902.314300] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  16669. [10902.314331]   541,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  16670. [10902.314361]   554,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  16671. [10902.314361]  559D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  16672. [10902.314392] 2665 total events, 265.861 events/sec
  16673. [10902.314422] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d0'  'kgsl-2d1'
  16674. [10902.314453] wakelock:  'radio-interface'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'proximity', time left 281;
  16675. [10902.317443] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  16676. [10902.317535] 9%               520             system_server                   193
  16677. [10902.317626] 2%               96              mmcqd/0                 40
  16678. [10902.317779] 1%               4401            kworker/u:3                     33
  16679. [10902.317871] 1%               951             rocess.location                 26
  16680. [10902.317962] 1%               613             ndroid.systemui                 25
  16681. [10902.666503] [DISP] mhl_on_delay_handler(0, 0)
  16682. [10902.920257] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16683. [10904.309783] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16684. [10904.467681] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  16685. [10904.479034] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 10904412587965             (2014-05-12 11:11:48.104311248 UTC)
  16686. [10904.479217] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  16687. [10904.479309] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  16688. [10904.484924] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  16689. [10904.484985] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  16690. [10904.485107] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16691. [10904.487365] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16692. [10904.488494] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  16693. [10904.488555] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16694. [10904.496704] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16695. [10904.497894] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  16696. [10904.497985] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  16697. [10904.498107] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16698. [10904.499633] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16699. [10904.500854] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  16700. [10904.500946] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  16701. [10904.501068] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  16702. [10904.501403] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  16703. [10904.501464] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  16704. [10904.501586] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16705. [10904.503814] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16706. [10904.504943] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  16707. [10904.505004] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16708. [10904.506866] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16709. [10904.507965] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  16710. [10904.536895] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  16711. [10904.555694] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  16712. [10904.616729] set_amp: 1
  16713. [10904.620605] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  16714. [10904.625854] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  16715. [10904.625885] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  16716. [10904.625885] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  16717. [10904.637115] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  16718. [10904.637420] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  16719. [10904.637573] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  16720. [10904.637786] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  16721. [10904.640869] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  16722. [10904.640991] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  16723. [10904.641204] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  16724. [10904.644104] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  16725. [10905.248229] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x57, ls_calibrate = 0
  16726. [10905.249359] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x038, Level=3, l_thd = 0x2a, h_thd = 0x57
  16727. [10905.808593] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16728. [10905.871948] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x9A, ls_calibrate = 0
  16729. [10905.872528] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x064, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  16730. [10906.089599] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16731. [10906.276763] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16732. [10906.448394] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16733. [10906.487060] mmc0: Starting deferred resume
  16734. [10906.513824] mmc0: Deferred resume completed
  16735. [10906.604797] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16736. [10906.760711] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16737. [10906.810058] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x6B, ls_calibrate = 0
  16738. [10906.811431] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x045, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  16739. [10906.932373] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16740. [10907.104125] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16741. [10907.197021] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 10907130537607                (2014-05-12 11:11:50.822260890 UTC)
  16742. [10907.197204] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[2]
  16743. [10907.207244] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  16744. [10907.207305] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 29
  16745. [10907.207519] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  16746. [10907.207580] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  16747. [10907.260284] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16748. [10907.277282] set_amp: 0
  16749. [10907.283721] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  16750. [10907.283905] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16751. [10907.286071] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16752. [10907.287902] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16753. [10907.291961] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16754. [10907.292968] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  16755. [10907.292968] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16756. [10907.295257] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16757. [10907.296325] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  16758. [10907.296447] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16759. [10907.298187] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16760. [10907.299316] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  16761. [10907.299377] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  16762. [10907.367858] set_amp: 1
  16763. [10907.371307] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  16764. [10907.376434] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 91ms --
  16765. [10907.378265] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  16766. [10907.378479] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  16767. [10907.378570] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  16768. [10907.447509] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16769. [10907.457092] set_amp: 0
  16770. [10907.462799] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  16771. [10907.462829] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16772. [10907.465087] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16773. [10907.466247] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  16774. [10907.466339] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16775. [10907.468261] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16776. [10907.469451] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  16777. [10907.469635] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  16778. [10907.536865] set_amp: 1
  16779. [10907.540924] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  16780. [10907.546051] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  16781. [10907.546081] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  16782. [10907.546081] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16783. [10907.548797] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16784. [10907.550598] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[2]
  16785. [10907.550750] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 10907484297338                 (2014-05-12 11:11:51.176020621 UTC)
  16786. [10907.556823] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16787. [10907.559600] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 10907493147435                (2014-05-12 11:11:51.184870718 UTC)
  16788. [10907.559783] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[2]
  16789. [10907.560089] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  16790. [10907.560180] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  16791. [10907.560333] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  16792. [10907.560485] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  16793. [10907.560668] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  16794. [10907.560821] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16795. [10907.562713] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16796. [10907.563812] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  16797. [10907.563964] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16798. [10907.566070] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16799. [10907.567352] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  16800. [10907.579040] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  16801. [10907.579071] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  16802. [10907.579345] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  16803. [10907.579345] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  16804. [10907.579345] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  16805. [10907.583618] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  16806. [10907.583709] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  16807. [10907.583862] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  16808. [10907.583953] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  16809. [10907.585357] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  16810. [10907.585540] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  16811. [10907.585601] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  16812. [10907.585906] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) len = 2697 ++
  16813. [10907.585998] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 15
  16814. [10907.586578] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  16815. [10907.586669] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  16816. [10907.656677] set_amp: 0
  16817. [10907.662719] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  16818. [10907.662933] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16819. [10907.665832] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16820. [10907.667388] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16821. [10907.673797] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16822. [10907.674987] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  16823. [10907.675048] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16824. [10907.677398] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16825. [10907.678405] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  16826. [10907.678405] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16827. [10907.680603] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16828. [10907.681610] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  16829. [10907.681762] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16830. [10907.683593] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16831. [10907.684753] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  16832. [10907.684844] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16833. [10907.687408] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16834. [10907.688507] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  16835. [10907.688659] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  16836. [10907.712921] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16837. [10907.756774] set_amp: 1
  16838. [10907.760345] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  16839. [10907.765411] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) time: 102ms --
  16840. [10907.765716] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  16841. [10907.765808] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  16842. [10907.765991] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  16843. [10907.827850] set_amp: 0
  16844. [10907.833831] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  16845. [10907.833923] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16846. [10907.836975] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16847. [10907.838073] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  16848. [10907.838134] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16849. [10907.839965] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16850. [10907.841064] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  16851. [10907.841217] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  16852. [10907.906738] set_amp: 1
  16853. [10907.911529] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  16854. [10907.916992] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  16855. [10907.917358] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  16856. [10907.917572] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16857. [10907.920104] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16858. [10907.921508] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  16859. [10907.921691] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16860. [10907.925201] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16861. [10907.926757] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  16862. [10907.927856] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  16863. [10907.928070] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  16864. [10907.928161] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  16865. [10907.928375] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  16866. [10907.928466] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  16867. [10907.928619] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16868. [10907.930267] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16869. [10907.939392] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  16870. [10907.939514] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  16871. [10907.939727] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  16872. [10907.940032] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  16873. [10907.940155] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  16874. [10907.940338] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16875. [10907.942321] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16876. [10907.943511] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  16877. [10907.943634] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16878. [10907.945709] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16879. [10907.946929] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  16880. [10907.959411] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  16881. [10907.959655] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  16882. [10907.960266] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  16883. [10907.960510] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  16884. [10907.963867] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  16885. [10907.964080] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  16886. [10907.964294] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  16887. [10907.968719] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  16888. [10907.968841] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  16889. [10907.969085] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  16890. [10907.969360] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  16891. [10907.970733] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  16892. [10907.970947] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  16893. [10907.971069] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  16894. [10907.971374] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  16895. [10907.971496] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  16896. [10907.975830] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  16897. [10907.975860] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 1)
  16898. [10907.976104] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  16899. [10907.976135] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  16900. [10907.976135] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  16901. [10907.983123] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  16902. [10907.983154] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  16903. [10907.983154] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  16904. [10907.983184] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  16905. [10907.984954] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  16906. [10907.984985] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  16907. [10907.984985] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  16908. [10907.987457] set tpa2051 mode to 4
  16909. [10907.988128] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  16910. [10907.988830] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  16911. [10907.989227] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  16912. [10908.057373] set_amp: 0
  16913. [10908.064392] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  16914. [10908.064392] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16915. [10908.068298] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16916. [10908.069305] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  16917. [10908.069305] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16918. [10908.071533] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16919. [10908.072662] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  16920. [10908.072723] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  16921. [10908.136932] set_amp: 1
  16922. [10908.141265] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  16923. [10908.147583] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  16924. [10908.147735] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  16925. [10908.147827] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16926. [10908.150238] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16927. [10908.151397] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  16928. [10908.151550] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16929. [10908.153533] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16930. [10908.156372] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_ioctl: AUDIO_START session id[2]
  16931. [10908.368835] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16932. [10908.440155] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  16933. [10908.440338] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  16934. [10908.444274] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  16935. [10908.444396] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  16936. [10908.444549] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  16937. [10908.444641] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  16938. [10908.444824] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  16939. [10908.444976] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  16940. [10908.445068] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16941. [10908.446716] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16942. [10908.455108] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  16943. [10908.455291] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  16944. [10908.455383] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  16945. [10908.455596] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  16946. [10908.455688] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  16947. [10908.455841] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16948. [10908.463562] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16949. [10908.464843] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  16950. [10908.464996] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16951. [10908.468627] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16952. [10908.469726] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  16953. [10908.482269] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  16954. [10908.482299] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  16955. [10908.482635] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  16956. [10908.482635] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  16957. [10908.485565] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 1
  16958. [10908.485565] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  16959. [10908.485565] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  16960. [10908.490325] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  16961. [10908.490631] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  16962. [10908.490814] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  16963. [10908.491119] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  16964. [10908.492431] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  16965. [10908.492767] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  16966. [10908.492919] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  16967. [10908.493316] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  16968. [10908.498504] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  16969. [10908.498718] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 10908432264822             (2014-05-12 11:11:52.123957587 UTC)
  16970. [10908.499237] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  16971. [10908.499420] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  16972. [10908.499725] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  16973. [10908.566741] set_amp: 0
  16974. [10908.573852] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  16975. [10908.574493] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16976. [10908.578216] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16977. [10908.579620] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  16978. [10908.580322] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  16979. [10908.646911] set_amp: 1
  16980. [10908.652343] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  16981. [10908.657989] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  16982. [10908.658386] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  16983. [10908.659057] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16984. [10908.662353] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16985. [10908.664245] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  16986. [10908.664642] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  16987. [10908.668487] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  16988. [10909.102478] [TP]unlock change to 2
  16989. [10909.473724] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  16990. [10909.473876] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 15
  16991. [10909.474029] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  16992. [10909.474121] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  16993. [10909.481201] [CAM]mt9d015 : htcwc_value = 0
  16994. [10909.492187] [COMP] Compass enable
  16995. [10909.492492] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  16996. [10909.492553] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x0
  16997. [10909.492553] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  16998. [10909.492584] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  16999. [10909.492584] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17000. [10909.492614] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17001. [10909.492645] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  17002. [10909.493682] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17003. [10909.493682] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17004. [10909.493713] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17005. [10909.493774] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17006. [10909.493896] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  17007. [10909.493927] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17008. [10909.494964] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17009. [10909.494964] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17010. [10909.498229] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetCloseStatus:
  17011. [10909.499694] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  17012. [10909.499725] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  17013. [10909.526916] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17014. [10909.526947] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  17015. [10909.526977] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17016. [10909.526977] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17017. [10909.526977] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17018. [10909.527038] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17019. [10909.527069] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  17020. [10909.527069] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17021. [10909.527069] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17022. [10909.527069] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17023. [10909.528045] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=3
  17024. [10909.528076] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Dont set sample_rate_state=3, when gyro sleep
  17025. [10909.531616] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17026. [10909.531768] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  17027. [10909.531890] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17028. [10909.532043] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17029. [10909.532104] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17030. [10909.532287] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17031. [10909.532379] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  17032. [10909.532501] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17033. [10909.532623] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17034. [10909.532775] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17035. [10909.532867] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17036. [10909.533020] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  17037. [10909.533081] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17038. [10909.533203] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17039. [10909.533325] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17040. [10909.533477] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17041. [10909.533630] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  17042. [10909.533752] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17043. [10909.533874] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17044. [10909.533966] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17045. [10909.536651] set_amp: 0
  17046. [10909.542449] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17047. [10909.546447] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17048. [10909.547485] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  17049. [10909.547485] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17050. [10909.551818] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17051. [10909.552886] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  17052. [10909.553039] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17053. [10909.554870] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17054. [10909.556030] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  17055. [10909.556121] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  17056. [10909.616546] set_amp: 1
  17057. [10909.619995] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  17058. [10909.625091] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 82ms --
  17059. [10909.625274] [CAM] msm_open_common: open control0
  17060. [10909.625305] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  17061. [10909.625305] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  17062. [10909.625335] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  17063. [10909.625671] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  17064. [10909.625793] [CAM] msm_open_control: rc 0
  17065. [10909.625915] [CAM] msm_release_control: control0
  17066. [10909.626007] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =0
  17067. [10909.626129] [CAM] __msm_release, vfe_release
  17068. [10909.626220] [CAM] __msm_release, free frame pmem region
  17069. [10909.626281] [CAM] __msm_release, free stats pmem region
  17070. [10909.626403] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue pict
  17071. [10909.629852] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue event
  17072. [10909.630035] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue frame
  17073. [10909.630096] [CAM] __msm_release: completed
  17074. [10909.630523] [CAM] msm_release_control: draining queue control
  17075. [10909.631866] [CAM] msm_release_control, completed
  17076. [10909.632110] [CAM] msm_open_common: open control0
  17077. [10909.632202] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  17078. [10909.632537] [CAM] msm_open_control: rc 0
  17079. [10909.639526] [CAM] msm_open_common: open config0
  17080. [10909.656555] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:6
  17081. [10909.656555] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clk:0xc06f45d8
  17082. [10909.656616] [CAM]Calling s5k3h2yx_sensor_open_init
  17083. [10909.656616] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init
  17084. [10909.656616] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init  add open retry policy !!!
  17085. [10909.656616] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_vreg_enable camera vreg on
  17086. [10909.656616] [CAM]Ruby_sensor_vreg_on
  17087. [10909.657806] [CAM]Doing clk switch (Main Cam)
  17088. [10909.679595] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init, Expected id=0x382b
  17089. [10909.679718] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init, Read id=0x382b
  17090. [10909.679809] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init done
  17091. [10909.686553] set_amp: 0
  17092. [10909.692291] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  17093. [10909.692352] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17094. [10909.695404] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17095. [10909.696533] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  17096. [10909.696685] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  17097. [10909.728149] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -61, -708, -137
  17098. [10909.741271] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_sensor_open_init done
  17099. [10909.741394] [CAM] __msm_open: vfe_init
  17100. [10909.742126] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:2
  17101. [10909.742370] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:8
  17102. [10909.742553] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:9
  17103. [10909.745605] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:11
  17104. [10909.746765] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:12
  17105. [10909.746765] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:13
  17106. [10909.746795] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:10
  17107. [10909.746795] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:14
  17108. [10909.746826] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:15
  17109. [10909.766571] set_amp: 1
  17110. [10909.766906] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_INIT rc = 3333299680
  17111. [10909.770080] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  17112. [10909.775238] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  17113. [10909.775390] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  17114. [10909.775451] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17115. [10909.777343] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17116. [10909.778442] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  17117. [10909.778564] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17118. [10909.787506] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  17119. [10909.788085] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:18
  17120. [10909.788177] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:19
  17121. [10909.788391] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  17122. [10909.789184] [CAM]Line:1925 CFG_I2C_IOCTL_R_OTP
  17123. [10909.789245] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: sensor OTP information:
  17124. [10909.793182] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  17125. [10909.794433] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17126. [10909.795623] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 18ms --
  17127. [10909.797729] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[2]
  17128. [10909.797882] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  17129. [10909.808532] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 10909742079274                 (2014-05-12 11:11:53.433802557 UTC)
  17130. [10909.808624] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 2, dev 4, enable 0
  17131. [10909.808654] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  17132. [10909.808654] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  17133. [10909.808685] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  17134. [10909.808715] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  17135. [10909.808746] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  17136. [10909.808746] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  17137. [10909.808746] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17138. [10909.810211] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17139. [10909.811248] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  17140. [10909.811248] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17141. [10909.825592] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  17142. [10909.826934] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17143. [10909.828002] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 17ms --
  17144. [10909.840118] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  17145. [10909.840270] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 29
  17146. [10909.840362] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  17147. [10909.840637] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  17148. [10909.876464] [CAM] Get Fuseid from Page20 to Page16
  17149. [10909.876922] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: VenderID=4,LensID=2,SensorID=00
  17150. [10909.877014] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: ModuleFuseID= 0c50cd
  17151. [10909.878295] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word1:0
  17152. [10909.878326] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word2:0
  17153. [10909.878326] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word3:0x00000004
  17154. [10909.878326] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word4:0x000c50cd
  17155. [10909.880554] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40400000, vaddr 0x400c5000
  17156. [10909.880645] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40401000, vaddr 0x41c5e000
  17157. [10909.880706] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40402000, vaddr 0x41daa000
  17158. [10909.880737] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40403000, vaddr 0x41dbf000
  17159. [10909.880767] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40404000, vaddr 0x41f70000
  17160. [10909.880798] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40405000, vaddr 0x41fc6000
  17161. [10909.880859] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40406000, vaddr 0x41fcb000
  17162. [10909.880889] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40407000, vaddr 0x420ae000
  17163. [10909.880950] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40408000, vaddr 0x4272d000
  17164. [10909.880981] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x40409000, vaddr 0x42bd4000
  17165. [10909.881011] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x4040a000, vaddr 0x42da5000
  17166. [10909.881042] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x4040b000, vaddr 0x430a7000
  17167. [10909.881103] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040c000, vaddr 0x430d1000
  17168. [10909.884643] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040d000, vaddr 0x4346f000
  17169. [10909.884674] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040e000, vaddr 0x43498000
  17170. [10909.884735] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x4040f000, vaddr 0x435a4000
  17171. [10909.884765] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x40410000, vaddr 0x435cb000
  17172. [10909.884796] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x40411000, vaddr 0x435db000
  17173. [10909.884948] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue control new max is 1
  17174. [10909.906768] set_amp: 0
  17175. [10909.908691] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17176. [10909.908752] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  17177. [10909.908752] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17178. [10909.908752] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17179. [10909.908782] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17180. [10909.908813] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17181. [10909.908843] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  17182. [10909.908843] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17183. [10909.908874] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17184. [10909.908874] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17185. [10909.911254] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17186. [10909.911285] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  17187. [10909.911315] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17188. [10909.911315] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17189. [10909.911315] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17190. [10909.911376] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17191. [10909.911407] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  17192. [10909.911437] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17193. [10909.911437] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17194. [10909.911437] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17195. [10909.911468] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17196. [10909.911468] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17197. [10909.911499] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17198. [10909.911499] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  17199. [10909.911499] config_ruby_gyro_diag_gpios 41 input none pull
  17200. [10909.913543] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17201. [10909.920379] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17202. [10909.920959] [COMP][AKM8975] (m, a, t, mv) = (0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1), set m_f_times 1
  17203. [10909.921386] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  17204. [10909.921417] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  17205. [10909.926727] [GYRO][PANASONIC] EWTZMU2_Power_On start
  17206. [10909.928375] [GYRO][PANASONIC] init chipset: ret value=2
  17207. [10909.928527] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=3
  17208. [10909.929016] [GYRO][PANASONIC] EWTZMU2_Power_On end
  17209. [10909.929138] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17210. [10909.931945] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17211. [10909.932098] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17212. [10909.932220] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17213. [10909.932403] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17214. [10909.932525] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17215. [10909.937316] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17216. [10909.937530] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17217. [10909.937591] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17218. [10909.937744] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17219. [10909.937896] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17220. [10909.938079] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17221. [10909.938201] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17222. [10909.938323] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17223. [10909.938507] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17224. [10909.938598] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17225. [10909.961517] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  17226. [10909.961547] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  17227. [10909.968048] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  17228. [10909.968139] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  17229. [10909.986572] set_amp: 1
  17230. [10909.996978] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  17231. [10910.003112] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 81ms --
  17232. [10910.003356] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  17233. [10910.003417] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  17234. [10910.003570] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  17235. [10910.036529] wl12xx: elp work
  17236. [10910.036651] wl12xx: chip to elp
  17237. [10910.065734] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  17238. [10910.065765] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  17239. [10910.065765] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  17240. [10910.066558] set_amp: 0
  17241. [10910.072235] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  17242. [10910.072235] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17243. [10910.075714] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17244. [10910.076934] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  17245. [10910.077087] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  17246. [10910.081634] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40412000, vaddr 0x43dab000
  17247. [10910.084320] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40483000, vaddr 0x43f93000
  17248. [10910.087524] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x404f4000, vaddr 0x440dd000
  17249. [10910.089782] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40565000, vaddr 0x4420f000
  17250. [10910.091705] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x405d6000, vaddr 0x4443c000
  17251. [10910.093383] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40647000, vaddr 0x446f0000
  17252. [10910.095092] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x406b8000, vaddr 0x44917000
  17253. [10910.097381] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38400000, vaddr 0x449bf000
  17254. [10910.097686] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38471000, vaddr 0x43e1c000
  17255. [10910.097900] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x384e2000, vaddr 0x44280000
  17256. [10910.098083] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38553000, vaddr 0x44370000
  17257. [10910.098266] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x385c4000, vaddr 0x444ad000
  17258. [10910.098449] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38635000, vaddr 0x4451e000
  17259. [10910.098632] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x386a6000, vaddr 0x4460c000
  17260. [10910.098815] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38717000, vaddr 0x4467d000
  17261. [10910.098999] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 16, paddr 0x38788000, vaddr 0x44761000
  17262. [10910.099395] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  17263. [10910.099487] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config mode 0
  17264. [10910.099487] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 5, prev_res 1
  17265. [10910.099487] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 1
  17266. [10910.099487] [CAM] msm_camio_enable_csi_log
  17267. [10910.099517] [CAM]after set csi config
  17268. [10910.099517] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 1
  17269. [10910.099517] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting(FULL_SIZE)
  17270. [10910.099517] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x0
  17271. [10910.099517] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x2a6
  17272. [10910.121520] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 2
  17273. [10910.121673] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x80000a
  17274. [10910.121765] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x2a6
  17275. [10910.124084] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 37
  17276. [10910.124542] [CAM] In vpe_frame_cfg cfgcmd->cmd_type = 42
  17277. [10910.124725] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17278. [10910.124877] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1,
  17279. [10910.124969] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17280. [10910.125122] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17281. [10910.125305] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17282. [10910.125396] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17283. [10910.125549] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17284. [10910.125732] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17285. [10910.125885] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17286. [10910.125976] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17287. [10910.126129] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17288. [10910.126251] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17289. [10910.126342] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17290. [10910.126464] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17291. [10910.126586] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17292. [10910.126678] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17293. [10910.126739] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17294. [10910.127349] [CAM] axi_data.bufnum1 = 1
  17295. [10910.127532] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START
  17296. [10910.127685] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  17297. [10910.128784] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5
  17298. [10910.145690] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 3
  17299. [10910.145721] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x400010
  17300. [10910.145721] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x2a6
  17301. [10910.145721] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  17302. [10910.146179] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  17303. [10910.146179] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  17304. [10910.147399] set_amp: 1
  17305. [10910.149536] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17306. [10910.149597] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17307. [10910.149627] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17308. [10910.149627] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17309. [10910.149627] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17310. [10910.149688] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17311. [10910.149749] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17312. [10910.149749] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17313. [10910.149749] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17314. [10910.149780] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17315. [10910.150024] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17316. [10910.150054] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17317. [10910.150054] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17318. [10910.150085] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17319. [10910.150085] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17320. [10910.150939] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  17321. [10910.156036] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  17322. [10910.156127] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  17323. [10910.156280] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17324. [10910.156951] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  17325. [10910.157165] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  17326. [10910.157928] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17327. [10910.159118] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  17328. [10910.159301] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 1)
  17329. [10910.159484] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  17330. [10910.164733] [CAM] msm_open_common: open frame0
  17331. [10910.164947] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  17332. [10910.176574] wl12xx: elp work
  17333. [10910.176666] wl12xx: chip to elp
  17334. [10910.228454] set_amp: 0
  17335. [10910.233764] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  17336. [10910.233917] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  17337. [10910.234832] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 29
  17338. [10910.235076] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  17339. [10910.235168] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17340. [10910.237762] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17341. [10910.238891] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  17342. [10910.239074] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17343. [10910.242584] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17344. [10910.243743] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 5ms --
  17345. [10910.253845] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  17346. [10910.256561] wl12xx: elp work
  17347. [10910.256713] wl12xx: chip to elp
  17348. [10910.259735] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  17349. [10910.259857] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  17350. [10910.274353] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  17351. [10910.274414] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  17352. [10910.274505] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17353. [10910.281646] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17354. [10910.282867] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  17355. [10910.283081] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  17356. [10910.283142] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17357. [10910.284790] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17358. [10910.319458] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  17359. [10910.319702] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  17360. [10910.327026] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=1
  17361. [10910.337158] wl12xx: elp work
  17362. [10910.337371] wl12xx: chip to elp
  17363. [10910.346618] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=0
  17364. [10910.362670] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  17365. [10910.363098] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  17366. [10910.406555] wl12xx: elp work
  17367. [10910.406677] wl12xx: chip to elp
  17368. [10910.407226] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  17369. [10910.407379] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  17370. [10910.413116] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  17371. [10910.436523] wl12xx: elp work
  17372. [10910.436614] wl12xx: chip to elp
  17373. [10910.719940] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  17374. [10910.720336] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  17375. [10910.720977] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  17376. [10910.721221] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  17377. [10910.736785] wl12xx: elp work
  17378. [10910.736968] wl12xx: chip to elp
  17379. [10912.013427] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  17380. [10912.013824] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  17381. [10912.026550] wl12xx: elp work
  17382. [10912.026550] wl12xx: chip to elp
  17383. [10912.326721] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  17384. [10912.326934] 05-12 15:41:55
  17385. [10912.327148]  17:  2285       gp_timer
  17386. [10912.327575]  48:   291       msmgpio
  17387. [10912.328063]  51:    13       rpm_drv
  17388. [10912.328582]  80:   280       vfe
  17389. [10912.329040] 107:   366       MDP
  17390. [10912.329467] 112:
  17391. [10912.329528] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 11, -694, -120
  17392. [10912.329864]    631   kgsl-3d0
  17393. [10912.330169] 113:   347       kgsl-2d0
  17394. [10912.330596] 116:   116       csi
  17395. [10912.331085] 122:   507       smd_dev
  17396. [10912.331512] 133:   371       mmc3
  17397. [10912.331817] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  17398. [10912.332122] 136:   232       mmc0
  17399. [10912.332427] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  17400. [10912.333190] 179:  2885       spi_qsd
  17401. [10912.333862] 185:   411       qup_err_intr
  17402. [10912.334320] 187:   170       qup_err_intr
  17403. [10912.334838] 191:   253       qup_err_intr
  17404. [10912.335235] 199:    71       msmdatamover
  17405. [10912.335662] 220:   224       mmc4
  17406. [10912.336059] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  17407. [10912.336395] 228:  1093       qup_err_intr
  17408. [10912.336914] 244:   348       kgsl-2d1
  17409. [10912.337371] 302:    33       wl12xx
  17410. [10912.337921] 344:     3       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  17411. [10912.338317] 355:     2       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  17412. [10912.338745] 373:   169       atmel_qt602240
  17413. [10912.339263] 384:    85       akm8975
  17414. [10912.339874] 635:     3       cm3628
  17415. [10912.340454] C0: 2037 2465ms
  17416. [10912.340576] C1: 162 1045ms
  17417. [10912.340759] CPU0 usage: 64
  17418. [10912.340881] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  17419. [10912.340972] LPASS running (0ms)
  17420. [10912.341094]   818,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  17421. [10912.341735]  773D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  17422. [10912.342376]   461,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  17423. [10912.342895]   409,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  17424. [10912.343505]   868,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  17425. [10912.344238]  849D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  17426. [10912.344848] 5796 total events, 578.714 events/sec
  17427. [10912.345123] idle lock:  'kgsl-3d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  'msm_camera'
  17428. [10912.345916] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'event4-520', time left 500;
  17429. [10912.351013] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  17430. [10912.351226] 12%              177             surfaceflinger                  242
  17431. [10912.351318] 11%              5479            id.GoogleCamera                 236
  17432. [10912.351440] 8%               520             system_server                   178
  17433. [10912.351562] 8%               613             ndroid.systemui                 167
  17434. [10912.351654] 3%               180             mediaserver                     75
  17435. [10912.364990] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17436. [10913.567260] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17437. [10913.859161] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17438. [10913.859497] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17439. [10913.859649] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17440. [10913.859924] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17441. [10913.860198] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17442. [10914.001434] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x53, ls_calibrate = 0
  17443. [10914.002197] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x035, Level=3, l_thd = 0x2a, h_thd = 0x57
  17444. [10914.337951] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 22, -720, -174
  17445. [10915.611907] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17446. [10916.347686] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 45, -725, -87
  17447. [10916.375213] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20583187000000 (s 20583187000000)
  17448. [10916.486053] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17449. [10917.266693] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17450. [10917.859832] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17451. [10918.358184] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 19, -725, -98
  17452. [10918.874572] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17453. [10918.899383] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  17454. [10918.899505] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  17455. [10918.899658] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  17456. [10918.946166] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20585758000000 (s 20585758000000)
  17457. [10918.959747] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17458. [10918.959991] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17459. [10918.960083] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17460. [10918.960266] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17461. [10918.960479] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17462. [10918.960815] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17463. [10918.960968] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17464. [10918.961151] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17465. [10918.961334] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17466. [10918.961425] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17467. [10919.574310] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20586386000000 (s 20586386000000)
  17468. [10919.670532] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17469. [10919.693481] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  17470. [10919.693572] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  17471. [10919.693695] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  17472. [10920.185668] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17473. [10920.207366] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  17474. [10920.208190] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  17475. [10920.210174] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  17476. [10920.367858] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 25, -720, -92
  17477. [10920.872497] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17478. [10920.918884] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17479. [10920.919158] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17480. [10920.919281] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17481. [10920.919494] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17482. [10920.919616] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17483. [10920.925445] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  17484. [10920.925537] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  17485. [10920.925628] [CAM] vfe31_stop state 1
  17486. [10920.925811] [CAM] vfe31_stop pending 1
  17487. [10920.925903] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag 1 +
  17488. [10920.925964] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag -
  17489. [10920.926147] [CAM] vfe31_stop -
  17490. [10920.926177] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  17491. [10920.929901] [CAM] msm_release_frame: frame0
  17492. [10920.930053] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  17493. [10920.930114] [CAM] msm_release_frame: draining queue frame
  17494. [10920.930267] [CAM] msm_release_frame, completed
  17495. [10920.937561] [CAM] get_pic:MSM_CAM_IOCTL_ABORT_CAPTURE
  17496. [10920.937713] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  17497. [10920.937866] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  17498. [10920.937927] [CAM] vfe31_stop VFE_STATE_IDLE -
  17499. [10920.941497] CamFrameTh: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00630075, code 0x005
  17500. [10920.941650] pgd = cd4c4000
  17501. [10920.941864] [00630075] *pgd=00000000
  17502. [10920.942047]
  17503. [10920.942138] Pid: 6295, comm:           CamFrameTh
  17504. [10920.942199] CPU: 1    Tainted: G         C   (3.0.101-g1e870b6 #1)
  17505. [10920.942352] PC is at 0x40e0c5c4
  17506. [10920.942443] LR is at 0x40e0c673
  17507. [10920.942504] pc : [<40e0c5c4>]    lr : [<40e0c673>]    psr: 600f0030
  17508. [10920.942504] sp : 44cd3ca8  ip : 40bd9aa4  fp : 40bd7718
  17509. [10920.942687] r10: 40bd3cd2  r9 : 40bd7718  r8 : 40bd206f
  17510. [10920.942810] r7 : 00000005  r6 : 00000000  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 00630075
  17511. [10920.942901] r3 : 00630075  r2 : 00000000  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00630075
  17512. [10920.943023] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  17513. [10920.943084] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 554c406a  DAC: 00000015
  17514. [10920.999420] CamFrameTh: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00630075, code 0x005
  17515. [10920.999877] pgd = cd4c4000
  17516. [10921.000122] [00630075] *pgd=00000000
  17517. [10921.000549]
  17518. [10921.000793] Pid: 6295, comm:           CamFrameTh
  17519. [10921.001220] CPU: 1    Tainted: G         C   (3.0.101-g1e870b6 #1)
  17520. [10921.001495] PC is at 0x40e0c5c4
  17521. [10921.001922] LR is at 0x40e0c673
  17522. [10921.002166] pc : [<40e0c5c4>]    lr : [<40e0c673>]    psr: 600f0030
  17523. [10921.002166] sp : 44cd3ca8  ip : 40bd9aa4  fp : 40bd7718
  17524. [10921.002807] r10: 40bd3cd2  r9 : 40bd7718  r8 : 40bd206f
  17525. [10921.003204] r7 : 00000005  r6 : 00000000  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 00630075
  17526. [10921.003631] r3 : 00630075  r2 : 00000000  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00630075
  17527. [10921.003875] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  17528. [10921.004302] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 554c406a  DAC: 00000015
  17529. [10921.700714] CamFrameTh: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00630075, code 0x005
  17530. [10921.700805] pgd = cd4c4000
  17531. [10921.700866] [00630075] *pgd=00000000
  17532. [10921.701049]
  17533. [10921.701110] Pid: 6295, comm:           CamFrameTh
  17534. [10921.701202] CPU: 1    Tainted: G         C   (3.0.101-g1e870b6 #1)
  17535. [10921.701324] PC is at 0x40e0c5c4
  17536. [10921.701385] LR is at 0x40e0c673
  17537. [10921.701477] pc : [<40e0c5c4>]    lr : [<40e0c673>]    psr: 600f0030
  17538. [10921.701477] sp : 44cd3ca8  ip : 40bd9aa4  fp : 40bd7718
  17539. [10921.701660] r10: 40bd3cd2  r9 : 40bd7718  r8 : 40bd206f
  17540. [10921.701782] r7 : 00000005  r6 : 00000000  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 00630075
  17541. [10921.701843] r3 : 00630075  r2 : 00000000  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00630075
  17542. [10921.701995] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  17543. [10921.702117] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 554c406a  DAC: 00000015
  17544. [10921.711273] [K] binder: release 180:357 transaction 276928 in, still active
  17545. [10921.711303] [CAM] msm_release_control: control0
  17546. [10921.711303] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =1
  17547. [10921.711334] [CAM] msm_release_control: draining queue control
  17548. [10921.711334] [CAM] msm_release_control, completed
  17549. [10921.711578] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb_release: ref count 0!
  17550. [10921.711578] [AUD] q6adm: adm_memory_unmap_regions
  17551. [10921.711944] [K] binder: send failed reply for transaction 276928 to 5479:6278
  17552. [10921.718658] [CAM] msm_release_config: config0
  17553. [10921.718780] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =0
  17554. [10921.718963] [CAM] __msm_release, vfe_release
  17555. [10921.719085] [CAM] vfe31_release, free_irq
  17556. [10921.719299] [CAM] msm_vpe_release: In
  17557. [10921.719787] [CAM] msm_vpe_release: Out
  17558. [10921.720123] [CAM] __msm_release, s_release
  17559. [10921.864074] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_deinit
  17560. [10921.867309] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_vreg_disable camera vreg off
  17561. [10921.867706] [CAM]Ruby_sensor_vreg_off
  17562. [10921.869262] [CAM]Doing clk switch (Main Cam)
  17563. [10921.869323] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_release completed
  17564. [10921.869415] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_disable
  17565. [10921.869567] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_set_perf_lvl
  17566. [10921.869659] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_EXIT
  17567. [10921.872192] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_sensor_clk_off
  17568. [10921.872680] [CAM] __msm_release, free frame pmem region
  17569. [10921.872802] [CAM] __msm_release, free stats pmem region
  17570. [10921.872894] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue pict
  17571. [10921.873016] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue event
  17572. [10921.873077] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue frame
  17573. [10921.873168] [CAM] __msm_release: completed
  17574. [10921.873291] [CAM] msm_release_config: draining queue event
  17575. [10921.873352] [CAM] msm_release_config, completed
  17576. [10922.235198] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_end_voice
  17577. [10922.235321] [AUD] q6voice: auddev_cb_function, evt_id=64,
  17578. [10922.235687] msm_reset_put:Resetting all devices
  17579. [10922.235809] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_clear_all_session:
  17580. [10922.238861] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17581. [10922.239013] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17582. [10922.239074] [AUD] htc-acoustic: support_a1026: 0
  17583. [10922.239166] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17584. [10922.239318] [AUD] htc-acoustic: setting size = 31858
  17585. [10922.244750] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17586. [10922.244934] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17587. [10922.245025] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17588. [10922.245758] tpa2051d3_ioctl: update tpa2051 i2c commands #72 success.
  17589. [10922.245910] [AUD] tpa2051d3: wrong mode id 10
  17590. [10922.246002] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17591. [10922.246093] [AUD] htc-acoustic: support_aic3254: 1
  17592. [10922.246154] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17593. [10922.246276] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17594. [10922.246398] [AUD] htc-acoustic: support_back_mic: 1
  17595. [10922.248535] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17596. [10922.248687] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17597. [10922.248840] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17598. [10922.251281] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: parameters(64, 1024, 42110240)
  17599. [10922.251739] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  17600. [10922.251831] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17601. [10922.254486] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17602. [10922.255584] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 0 len(35)
  17603. [10922.255645] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17604. [10922.259277] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17605. [10922.260375] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: update table(64,1024) successfully
  17606. [10922.260528] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: parameters(64, 1024, 420e0230)
  17607. [10922.260864] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: update table(64,1024) successfully
  17608. [10922.366546] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  17609. [10922.366668] 05-12 15:42:05
  17610. [10922.366821]  17:  3688       gp_timer
  17611. [10922.367065]  48:   387       msmgpio
  17612. [10922.367340]  51:    11       rpm_drv
  17613. [10922.367706] 107:   216       MDP
  17614. [10922.367980] 112:   332       kgsl-3d0
  17615. [10922.368225] 113:   429       kgsl-2d0
  17616. [10922.368499] 122:     2       smd_dev
  17617. [10922.368804] 136:   630       mmc0
  17618. [10922.369018] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  17619. [10922.369201] 179:    46       spi_qsd
  17620. [10922.369476] 185:    25       qup_err_intr
  17621. [10922.369781] 187:    48       qup_err_intr
  17622. [10922.370056] 199:   182       msmdatamover
  17623. [10922.370330] 228:  4699       qup_err_intr
  17624. [10922.370635] 244:   428       kgsl-2d1
  17625. [10922.370941] 344:     1       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  17626. [10922.371215] 373:    48       atmel_qt602240
  17627. [10922.371826] 384:   336       akm8975
  17628. [10922.372222] 635:     1       cm3628
  17629. [10922.372619] C0: 3608 2720ms
  17630. [10922.372680] C1: 51 25ms
  17631. [10922.372802] CPU0 usage: 72
  17632. [10922.372863] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  17633. [10922.372924] LPASS running (0ms)
  17634. [10922.373016]   492,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  17635. [10922.373413]   997,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  17636. [10922.373748]   974,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  17637. [10922.374053]  952D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  17638. [10922.374450]  1003,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  17639. [10922.374877]   995,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  17640. [10922.375183]  975D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  17641. [10922.375823]   430,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  17642. [10922.376220]   713,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  17643. [10922.376556]   674,  6282 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  17644. [10922.376953] 8615 total events, 859.499 events/sec
  17645. [10922.377044] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  17646. [10922.377716] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 53, -739, -120
  17647. [10922.379852] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  17648. [10922.379913] 13%              5479            id.GoogleCamera                 263
  17649. [10922.380004] 8%               177             surfaceflinger                  170
  17650. [10922.380126] 7%               171             ewtzmud                 146
  17651. [10922.380187] 4%               520             system_server                   99
  17652. [10922.380249] 2%               175             debuggerd                       48
  17653. [10922.505249] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: parameters(14, 16384, 41f60224)
  17654. [10922.506134] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: update table(14,16384) successfully
  17655. [10922.506378] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17656. [10922.506622] [AUD] htc-acoustic: support_back_mic: 1
  17657. [10922.506774] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17658. [10922.515808] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  17659. [10922.515991] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 29
  17660. [10922.516082] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17661. [10922.521179] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17662. [10922.521270] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17663. [10922.521545] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17664. [10922.521667] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17665. [10922.521881] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17666. [10922.522094] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17667. [10922.522735] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 7ms --
  17668. [10922.523437] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  17669. [10922.524139] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  17670. [10922.524566] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17671. [10922.528625] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17672. [10922.530487] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  17673. [10922.531188] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  17674. [10922.531585] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17675. [10922.534606] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17676. [10922.536224] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  17677. [10922.538116] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  17678. [10922.558319] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  17679. [10922.560028] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  17680. [10922.561187] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 25ms --
  17681. [10922.561676] set tpa2051 mode to 4
  17682. [10922.717193] [CAM]mt9d015 : htcwc_value = 1
  17683. [10922.808044] [CAM] msm_open_common: open control1
  17684. [10922.808227] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  17685. [10922.808319] [CAM] msm_open_control: rc 0
  17686. [10922.808410] [CAM] msm_release_control: control1
  17687. [10922.808593] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =0
  17688. [10922.808685] [CAM] __msm_release, vfe_release
  17689. [10922.808776] [CAM] __msm_release, free frame pmem region
  17690. [10922.808929] [CAM] __msm_release, free stats pmem region
  17691. [10922.809020] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue pict
  17692. [10922.809173] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue event
  17693. [10922.809265] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue frame
  17694. [10922.809417] [CAM] __msm_release: completed
  17695. [10922.809509] [CAM] msm_release_control: draining queue control
  17696. [10922.809661] [CAM] msm_release_control, completed
  17697. [10922.809814] [CAM] msm_open_common: open control1
  17698. [10922.809906] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  17699. [10922.810058] [CAM] msm_open_control: rc 0
  17700. [10922.810455] [CAM] msm_open_common: open config1
  17701. [10922.826812] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:6
  17702. [10922.827606] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clk:0xc06f45d8
  17703. [10922.828552] [CAM] mt9d015_sensor_open_init
  17704. [10922.832611] [CAM]mt9d015_sensor_open_init  add open retry policy !!!
  17705. [10922.833038] [CAM]mt9d015_vreg_enable camera vreg on
  17706. [10922.833770] [CAM]Ruby_sensor_vreg_on
  17707. [10922.841064] [CAM] mt9d015: mt9d015_sensor_open_init: switch clk
  17708. [10922.841491] [CAM]Doing clk switch (2nd Cam)
  17709. [10922.846313] [CAM]mt9d015_sensor_open_init msm_camio_probe_on()
  17710. [10922.849426] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:6
  17711. [10922.850158] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clk:0xc06f45d8
  17712. [10922.850891] [CAM] mt9d015_probe_init_sensor: 871
  17713. [10922.851898] [CAM] sensor_reset = 0
  17714. [10922.887725] [CAM] mt9d015_probe_init_sensor: ID = 5377
  17715. [10922.888153] [CAM] mt9d015_probe_init_sensor finishes
  17716. [10923.299011] [CAM] init_done
  17717. [10923.299682] [CAM] __msm_open: vfe_init
  17718. [10923.301483] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:2
  17719. [10923.302978] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:8
  17720. [10923.303802] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:9
  17721. [10923.305297] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:11
  17722. [10923.306823] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:12
  17723. [10923.307647] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:13
  17724. [10923.309722] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:10
  17725. [10923.310546] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:14
  17726. [10923.311645] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:15
  17727. [10923.327209] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_INIT rc = 3257978432
  17728. [10923.334777] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  17729. [10923.336853] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:18
  17730. [10923.337341] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:19
  17731. [10923.338592] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  17732. [10923.339477] [CAM]Line:1269 CFG_I2C_IOCTL_R_OTP : read fuse id.
  17733. [10923.340209] [CAM]mt9d015_i2c_read_fuseid: sensor OTP information:
  17734. [10923.340972] [CAM]mt9d015_i2c_read_fuseid: reg_status = 2138
  17735. [10923.343383] [CAM]mt9d015_i2c_read_fuseid: fuseid: e04b551ee063ee52
  17736. [10923.343780] [CAM]mt9d015: fuse->fuse_id_word1:0
  17737. [10923.344512] [CAM]mt9d015: fuse->fuse_id_word2:0
  17738. [10923.344909] [CAM]mt9d015: fuse->fuse_id_word3:0xe04b551e
  17739. [10923.345977] [CAM]mt9d015: fuse->fuse_id_word4:0xe063ee52
  17740. [10923.383087] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40400000, vaddr 0x40002000
  17741. [10923.384033] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40401000, vaddr 0x4013e000
  17742. [10923.384674] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40402000, vaddr 0x41d8e000
  17743. [10923.385833] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40403000, vaddr 0x4235f000
  17744. [10923.386993] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40404000, vaddr 0x426cb000
  17745. [10923.387573] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40405000, vaddr 0x429f5000
  17746. [10923.391326] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x40406000, vaddr 0x42a0c000
  17747. [10923.392242] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x40407000, vaddr 0x42a4d000
  17748. [10923.392822] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x40408000, vaddr 0x42a68000
  17749. [10923.393707] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x40409000, vaddr 0x42df1000
  17750. [10923.394653] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040a000, vaddr 0x42e8d000
  17751. [10923.395233] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040b000, vaddr 0x42ea1000
  17752. [10923.396118] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x4040c000, vaddr 0x42ec2000
  17753. [10923.398742] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x4040d000, vaddr 0x42f55000
  17754. [10923.398864] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x4040e000, vaddr 0x42fb9000
  17755. [10923.399169] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 1
  17756. [10923.399627] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue control new max is 1
  17757. [10923.421417] [CAM]mt9d015_set_fps
  17758. [10923.521392] [CAM]mt9d015_set_fps
  17759. [10923.544769] [CAM]mt9d015_set_fps
  17760. [10923.555023] [CAM]mt9d015_set_fps
  17761. [10923.563751] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x4040f000, vaddr 0x42fba000
  17762. [10923.565734] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x404f4000, vaddr 0x436e4000
  17763. [10923.570281] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40565000, vaddr 0x438d4000
  17764. [10923.575378] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x405d6000, vaddr 0x43b9c000
  17765. [10923.578796] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40647000, vaddr 0x43e77000
  17766. [10923.581451] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x406b8000, vaddr 0x44080000
  17767. [10923.584289] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40729000, vaddr 0x441bf000
  17768. [10923.587585] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38400000, vaddr 0x44242000
  17769. [10923.588165] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38471000, vaddr 0x43612000
  17770. [10923.588775] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x384e2000, vaddr 0x4382f000
  17771. [10923.589324] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38553000, vaddr 0x43945000
  17772. [10923.589782] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x385c4000, vaddr 0x439b6000
  17773. [10923.590301] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38635000, vaddr 0x43aaf000
  17774. [10923.591064] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x386a6000, vaddr 0x43b20000
  17775. [10923.591491] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38717000, vaddr 0x43c0d000
  17776. [10923.592102] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 16, paddr 0x38788000, vaddr 0x43c7e000
  17777. [10923.592956] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  17778. [10923.593353] [CAM]video config
  17779. [10923.646667] [CAM]sensor_settings: UPDATE_PERIODIC
  17780. [10923.756896] [CAM]sensor_settings: preview settings
  17781. [10923.776733] [CAM] msm_camio_enable_csi_log
  17782. [10923.836730] [CAM]mt9d015_sensor_setting(): No mirror/flip
  17783. [10923.838256] [CAM]sensor_settings: streaming ON
  17784. [10923.840240] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 1
  17785. [10923.840942] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x80030a
  17786. [10923.841339] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x0
  17787. [10923.842010] [CAM]msm_io_csi_irq: Clock lane ULPM mode sequence or command error
  17788. [10923.842376] [CAM]msm_io_csi_irq: Data lane ULPM mode sequence or command error
  17789. [10923.877929] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 2
  17790. [10923.878662] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x400010
  17791. [10923.879028] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x0
  17792. [10923.908294] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 3
  17793. [10923.908691] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x800000
  17794. [10923.909393] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x952d
  17795. [10923.911956] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 4
  17796. [10923.912658] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x400000
  17797. [10923.913055] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x952d
  17798. [10923.942352] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 5
  17799. [10923.942779] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x800000
  17800. [10923.943450] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x5fc6
  17801. [10923.946014] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 6
  17802. [10923.946716] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x400000
  17803. [10923.947113] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x5fc6
  17804. [10923.950805] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 37
  17805. [10923.952819] [CAM] In vpe_frame_cfg cfgcmd->cmd_type = 42
  17806. [10923.953521] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17807. [10923.954223] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1,
  17808. [10923.954620] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17809. [10923.955322] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17810. [10923.956024] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17811. [10923.956420] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17812. [10923.957092] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17813. [10923.957794] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17814. [10923.958496] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17815. [10923.958892] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17816. [10923.959594] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17817. [10923.960296] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17818. [10923.960693] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17819. [10923.961364] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  17820. [10923.962066] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17821. [10923.962463] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17822. [10923.963165] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  17823. [10923.965209] [CAM] axi_data.bufnum1 = 1
  17824. [10923.965942] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START
  17825. [10923.966918] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  17826. [10923.968505] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5
  17827. [10923.976379] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 7
  17828. [10923.976776] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x800000
  17829. [10923.977478] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x539
  17830. [10923.980102] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 8
  17831. [10923.980804] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x400000
  17832. [10923.981170] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x539
  17833. [10923.981903] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  17834. [10923.982330] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  17835. [10923.982696] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  17836. [10923.983367] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 2
  17837. [10923.993621] [CAM] msm_open_common: open frame1
  17838. [10923.993804] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  17839. [10924.000762] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17840. [10924.000976] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17841. [10924.001190] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17842. [10924.001434] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17843. [10924.001678] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17844. [10924.001861] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17845. [10924.002136] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17846. [10924.002258] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17847. [10924.002502] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17848. [10924.002716] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17849. [10924.003540] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17850. [10924.004089] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17851. [10924.004821] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17852. [10924.005523] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17853. [10924.005920] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17854. [10924.010498] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 3
  17855. [10924.010681] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 1
  17856. [10924.010986] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 4
  17857. [10924.048248] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 5
  17858. [10924.387725] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 16, -720, -135
  17859. [10925.799468] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  17860. [10925.799774] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  17861. [10926.040710] [DISP] brightness orig=129, transformed=73
  17862. [10926.053924] [DISP] brightness orig=128, transformed=73
  17863. [10926.056640] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  17864. [10926.085296] [DISP] brightness orig=127, transformed=72
  17865. [10926.102416] [DISP] brightness orig=126, transformed=71
  17866. [10926.129272] [DISP] brightness orig=125, transformed=71
  17867. [10926.161926] [DISP] brightness orig=124, transformed=70
  17868. [10926.190673] [DISP] brightness orig=123, transformed=69
  17869. [10926.213684] [DISP] brightness orig=122, transformed=69
  17870. [10926.229125] [DISP] brightness orig=121, transformed=68
  17871. [10926.260253] [DISP] brightness orig=120, transformed=67
  17872. [10926.276092] [DISP] brightness orig=119, transformed=67
  17873. [10926.318572] [DISP] brightness orig=118, transformed=66
  17874. [10926.324584] [DISP] brightness orig=117, transformed=65
  17875. [10926.361511] [DISP] brightness orig=116, transformed=65
  17876. [10926.391754] [DISP] brightness orig=115, transformed=64
  17877. [10926.397735] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 39, -722, 0
  17878. [10926.399078] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  17879. [10926.399444] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  17880. [10926.408447] [DISP] brightness orig=114, transformed=64
  17881. [10926.425262] [DISP] brightness orig=113, transformed=63
  17882. [10926.450286] [TP]unlock change to 2
  17883. [10926.459442] [DISP] brightness orig=112, transformed=62
  17884. [10926.460968] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  17885. [10926.461181] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  17886. [10926.461273] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  17887. [10926.463531] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  17888. [10926.463745] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  17889. [10926.466064] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  17890. [10926.466247] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  17891. [10926.466339] [CAM] vfe31_stop state 1
  17892. [10926.466430] [CAM] vfe31_stop pending 1
  17893. [10926.469299] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag 1 +
  17894. [10926.469390] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag -
  17895. [10926.469512] [CAM] vfe31_stop -
  17896. [10926.469604] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  17897. [10926.471557] [CAM] msm_release_frame: frame1
  17898. [10926.471649] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  17899. [10926.471832] [CAM] msm_release_frame: draining queue frame
  17900. [10926.471832] [CAM] get_pic:MSM_CAM_IOCTL_ABORT_CAPTURE
  17901. [10926.471862] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  17902. [10926.471862] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  17903. [10926.471893] [CAM] vfe31_stop VFE_STATE_IDLE -
  17904. [10926.472381] [CAM] msm_release_frame, completed
  17905. [10926.474792] [DISP] brightness orig=111, transformed=62
  17906. [10926.475585] CamFrameTh: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00630075, code 0x005
  17907. [10926.475677] pgd = c8470000
  17908. [10926.475769] [00630075] *pgd=00000000
  17909. [10926.476043]
  17910. [10926.476135] Pid: 6323, comm:           CamFrameTh
  17911. [10926.476226] CPU: 1    Tainted: G         C   (3.0.101-g1e870b6 #1)
  17912. [10926.476379] PC is at 0x401435c4
  17913. [10926.476470] LR is at 0x40143673
  17914. [10926.476867] pc : [<401435c4>]    lr : [<40143673>]    psr: 600f0030
  17915. [10926.476867] sp : 44563ca8  ip : 40bf6aa4  fp : 40bf4718
  17916. [10926.477050] r10: 40bf0cd2  r9 : 40bf4718  r8 : 40bef06f
  17917. [10926.477172] r7 : 00000006  r6 : 00000000  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 00630075
  17918. [10926.477264] r3 : 00630075  r2 : 00000000  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00630075
  17919. [10926.477386] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  17920. [10926.477508] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 5047006a  DAC: 00000015
  17921. [10926.510559] [DISP] brightness orig=110, transformed=61
  17922. [10926.526062] [DISP] brightness orig=109, transformed=60
  17923. [10926.528533] CamFrameTh: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00630075, code 0x005
  17924. [10926.529266] pgd = c8470000
  17925. [10926.529724] [00630075] *pgd=00000000
  17926. [10926.532073]
  17927. [10926.532470] Pid: 6323, comm:           CamFrameTh
  17928. [10926.533233] CPU: 1    Tainted: G         C   (3.0.101-g1e870b6 #1)
  17929. [10926.533660] PC is at 0x401435c4
  17930. [10926.534362] LR is at 0x40143673
  17931. [10926.535491] pc : [<401435c4>]    lr : [<40143673>]    psr: 600f0030
  17932. [10926.535522] sp : 44563ca8  ip : 40bf6aa4  fp : 40bf4718
  17933. [10926.536865] r10: 40bf0cd2  r9 : 40bf4718  r8 : 40bef06f
  17934. [10926.537292] r7 : 00000006  r6 : 00000000  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 00630075
  17935. [10926.538024] r3 : 00630075  r2 : 00000000  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00630075
  17936. [10926.539459] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  17937. [10926.541015] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 5047006a  DAC: 00000015
  17938. [10926.968780] CamFrameTh: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00630075, code 0x005
  17939. [10926.968841] pgd = c8470000
  17940. [10926.968963] [00630075] *pgd=00000000
  17941. [10926.969085]
  17942. [10926.969177] Pid: 6323, comm:           CamFrameTh
  17943. [10926.969238] CPU: 1    Tainted: G         C   (3.0.101-g1e870b6 #1)
  17944. [10926.969360] PC is at 0x401435c4
  17945. [10926.969421] LR is at 0x40143673
  17946. [10926.969573] pc : [<401435c4>]    lr : [<40143673>]    psr: 600f0030
  17947. [10926.969573] sp : 44563ca8  ip : 40bf6aa4  fp : 40bf4718
  17948. [10926.969757] r10: 40bf0cd2  r9 : 40bf4718  r8 : 40bef06f
  17949. [10926.969848] r7 : 00000006  r6 : 00000000  r5 : 00000000  r4 : 00630075
  17950. [10926.969970] r3 : 00630075  r2 : 00000000  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 00630075
  17951. [10926.970031] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32  ISA Thumb  Segment user
  17952. [10926.970153] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 5047006a  DAC: 00000015
  17953. [10926.975677] [K] binder: release 6305:6310 transaction 277868 in, still active
  17954. [10926.975830] [K] binder: send failed reply for transaction 277868 to 5479:6278
  17955. [10926.977172] [CAM] msm_release_control: control1
  17956. [10926.977233] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =1
  17957. [10926.977294] [CAM] msm_release_control: draining queue control
  17958. [10926.977416] [CAM] msm_release_control, completed
  17959. [10926.977508] [CAM] msm_release_config: config1
  17960. [10926.977630] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =0
  17961. [10926.977691] [CAM] __msm_release, vfe_release
  17962. [10926.977752] [CAM] vfe31_release, free_irq
  17963. [10926.977905] [CAM] msm_vpe_release: In
  17964. [10926.978759] [CAM] msm_vpe_release: Out
  17965. [10926.978912] [CAM] __msm_release, s_release
  17966. [10927.136688] [CAM]mt9d015_sensor_release msm_camio_probe_off()
  17967. [10927.140808] [CAM] mt9d015_vreg_disable camera vreg off
  17968. [10927.141479] [CAM]Ruby_sensor_vreg_off
  17969. [10927.146423] [CAM]Doing clk switch (Main Cam)
  17970. [10927.147125] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_disable
  17971. [10927.148345] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_set_perf_lvl
  17972. [10927.148712] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_EXIT
  17973. [10927.156463] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_sensor_clk_off
  17974. [10927.157196] [CAM] __msm_release, free frame pmem region
  17975. [10927.159576] [CAM] __msm_release, free stats pmem region
  17976. [10927.160034] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue pict
  17977. [10927.160705] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue event
  17978. [10927.161071] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue frame
  17979. [10927.161437] [CAM] __msm_release: completed
  17980. [10927.162109] [CAM] msm_release_config: draining queue event
  17981. [10927.162506] [CAM] msm_release_config, completed
  17982. [10927.476287] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_end_voice
  17983. [10927.476348] [AUD] q6voice: auddev_cb_function, evt_id=64,
  17984. [10927.476837] msm_reset_put:Resetting all devices
  17985. [10927.476928] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_clear_all_session:
  17986. [10927.477722] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17987. [10927.477813] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17988. [10927.477874] [AUD] htc-acoustic: support_a1026: 0
  17989. [10927.477996] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17990. [10927.478118] [AUD] htc-acoustic: setting size = 31858
  17991. [10927.480133] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17992. [10927.480316] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17993. [10927.480377] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17994. [10927.480560] tpa2051d3_ioctl: update tpa2051 i2c commands #72 success.
  17995. [10927.480682] [AUD] tpa2051d3: wrong mode id 10
  17996. [10927.480926] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  17997. [10927.481048] [AUD] htc-acoustic: support_aic3254: 1
  17998. [10927.481567] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  17999. [10927.481658] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  18000. [10927.481811] [AUD] htc-acoustic: support_back_mic: 1
  18001. [10927.481872] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  18002. [10927.481964] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  18003. [10927.482086] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  18004. [10927.483642] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: parameters(64, 1024, 420d9240)
  18005. [10927.483947] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18006. [10927.484008] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18007. [10927.485809] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18008. [10927.486877] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 0 len(35)
  18009. [10927.486938] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18010. [10927.490386] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18011. [10927.491455] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: update table(64,1024) successfully
  18012. [10927.491577] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: parameters(64, 1024, 420a9230)
  18013. [10927.491912] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: update table(64,1024) successfully
  18014. [10927.573242] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20594385000000 (s 20594385000000)
  18015. [10927.601593] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18016. [10927.601745] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18017. [10927.601806] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18018. [10927.601928] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18019. [10927.602081] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18020. [10927.602172] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18021. [10927.602325] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18022. [10927.602447] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18023. [10927.602569] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18024. [10927.602661] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18025. [10927.627471] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: parameters(14, 16384, 41f29224)
  18026. [10927.628295] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_ioctl: update table(14,16384) successfully
  18027. [10927.628509] [AUD] htc-acoustic: open
  18028. [10927.628570] [AUD] htc-acoustic: support_back_mic: 1
  18029. [10927.628692] [AUD] htc-acoustic: release
  18030. [10927.634521] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  18031. [10927.634643] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 29
  18032. [10927.634765] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18033. [10927.638946] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18034. [10927.640045] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 5ms --
  18035. [10927.640716] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18036. [10927.640838] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18037. [10927.640930] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18038. [10927.642639] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18039. [10927.643737] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18040. [10927.643890] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18041. [10927.643951] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18042. [10927.645446] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18043. [10927.646606] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  18044. [10927.646697] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18045. [10927.661163] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  18046. [10927.662750] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18047. [10927.663879] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 17ms --
  18048. [10927.664184] set tpa2051 mode to 4
  18049. [10927.979644] [CAM]mt9d015 : htcwc_value = 0
  18050. [10928.078491] [CAM] msm_open_common: open control0
  18051. [10928.078674] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  18052. [10928.078765] [CAM] msm_open_control: rc 0
  18053. [10928.078887] [CAM] msm_release_control: control0
  18054. [10928.079040] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =0
  18055. [10928.079132] [CAM] __msm_release, vfe_release
  18056. [10928.079223] [CAM] __msm_release, free frame pmem region
  18057. [10928.079376] [CAM] __msm_release, free stats pmem region
  18058. [10928.079467] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue pict
  18059. [10928.079620] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue event
  18060. [10928.079711] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue frame
  18061. [10928.079895] [CAM] __msm_release: completed
  18062. [10928.079986] [CAM] msm_release_control: draining queue control
  18063. [10928.080078] [CAM] msm_release_control, completed
  18064. [10928.080261] [CAM] msm_open_common: open control0
  18065. [10928.080352] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  18066. [10928.080505] [CAM] msm_open_control: rc 0
  18067. [10928.080932] [CAM] msm_open_common: open config0
  18068. [10928.096740] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:6
  18069. [10928.097808] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clk:0xc06f45d8
  18070. [10928.099548] [CAM]Calling s5k3h2yx_sensor_open_init
  18071. [10928.100646] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init
  18072. [10928.101043] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init  add open retry policy !!!
  18073. [10928.101440] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_vreg_enable camera vreg on
  18074. [10928.102172] [CAM]Ruby_sensor_vreg_on
  18075. [10928.103973] [CAM]Doing clk switch (Main Cam)
  18076. [10928.117156] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init, Expected id=0x382b
  18077. [10928.117584] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init, Read id=0x382b
  18078. [10928.118713] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init done
  18079. [10928.170318] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_sensor_open_init done
  18080. [10928.173828] [CAM] __msm_open: vfe_init
  18081. [10928.175262] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:2
  18082. [10928.178466] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:8
  18083. [10928.179290] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:9
  18084. [10928.180816] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:11
  18085. [10928.185485] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:12
  18086. [10928.188201] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:13
  18087. [10928.188385] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:10
  18088. [10928.188568] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:14
  18089. [10928.188812] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:15
  18090. [10928.207031] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_INIT rc = 3306357216
  18091. [10928.211151] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  18092. [10928.213653] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:18
  18093. [10928.214355] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:19
  18094. [10928.214904] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  18095. [10928.215423] [CAM]Line:1925 CFG_I2C_IOCTL_R_OTP
  18096. [10928.215637] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: sensor OTP information:
  18097. [10928.257446] [CAM] Get Fuseid from Page20 to Page16
  18098. [10928.258300] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: VenderID=4,LensID=2,SensorID=00
  18099. [10928.258544] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: ModuleFuseID= 0c50cd
  18100. [10928.258972] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word1:0
  18101. [10928.259216] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word2:0
  18102. [10928.259613] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word3:0x00000004
  18103. [10928.259857] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word4:0x000c50cd
  18104. [10928.270233] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40400000, vaddr 0x4008c000
  18105. [10928.270599] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40401000, vaddr 0x400ea000
  18106. [10928.271484] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40402000, vaddr 0x40146000
  18107. [10928.273925] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40403000, vaddr 0x42368000
  18108. [10928.274475] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40404000, vaddr 0x42482000
  18109. [10928.275207] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40405000, vaddr 0x424aa000
  18110. [10928.275756] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40406000, vaddr 0x424e6000
  18111. [10928.276092] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40407000, vaddr 0x4255d000
  18112. [10928.278137] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40408000, vaddr 0x4258f000
  18113. [10928.278320] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x40409000, vaddr 0x42743000
  18114. [10928.278472] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x4040a000, vaddr 0x428bd000
  18115. [10928.278656] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x4040b000, vaddr 0x42bcc000
  18116. [10928.278839] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040c000, vaddr 0x42beb000
  18117. [10928.278961] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040d000, vaddr 0x42c14000
  18118. [10928.279174] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040e000, vaddr 0x42f15000
  18119. [10928.279357] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x4040f000, vaddr 0x43122000
  18120. [10928.279479] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x40410000, vaddr 0x431c9000
  18121. [10928.279693] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x40411000, vaddr 0x432bc000
  18122. [10928.280059] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue control new max is 1
  18123. [10928.367736] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  18124. [10928.367919] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  18125. [10928.368011] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  18126. [10928.399017] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40412000, vaddr 0x4380f000
  18127. [10928.402404] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40483000, vaddr 0x43964000
  18128. [10928.404541] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x404f4000, vaddr 0x43b56000
  18129. [10928.406280] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40565000, vaddr 0x43d0a000
  18130. [10928.407836] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 39, -725, -78
  18131. [10928.409759] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40647000, vaddr 0x43f41000
  18132. [10928.412231] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x406b8000, vaddr 0x44198000
  18133. [10928.415008] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40729000, vaddr 0x443e4000
  18134. [10928.418304] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38400000, vaddr 0x444c6000
  18135. [10928.418945] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38471000, vaddr 0x434c3000
  18136. [10928.419342] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x384e2000, vaddr 0x439d5000
  18137. [10928.419830] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38553000, vaddr 0x43c8e000
  18138. [10928.420288] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x385c4000, vaddr 0x43d7b000
  18139. [10928.420715] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38635000, vaddr 0x43e70000
  18140. [10928.421203] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x386a6000, vaddr 0x43fb2000
  18141. [10928.421691] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38717000, vaddr 0x440d5000
  18142. [10928.422119] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 16, paddr 0x38788000, vaddr 0x44209000
  18143. [10928.422912] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  18144. [10928.423309] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config mode 0
  18145. [10928.423522] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 5, prev_res 1
  18146. [10928.423645] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 1
  18147. [10928.423828] [CAM] msm_camio_enable_csi_log
  18148. [10928.423950] [CAM]after set csi config
  18149. [10928.424255] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting(FULL_SIZE)
  18150. [10928.431732] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 1
  18151. [10928.431945] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x80000a
  18152. [10928.432312] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0xa3b4
  18153. [10928.436431] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 37
  18154. [10928.439514] [CAM] In vpe_frame_cfg cfgcmd->cmd_type = 42
  18155. [10928.439910] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  18156. [10928.440582] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1,
  18157. [10928.441284] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  18158. [10928.441986] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  18159. [10928.442382] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  18160. [10928.443054] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  18161. [10928.443725] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  18162. [10928.444122] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  18163. [10928.444824] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  18164. [10928.445526] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  18165. [10928.446228] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  18166. [10928.446594] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  18167. [10928.447296] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  18168. [10928.447998] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  18169. [10928.448394] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  18170. [10928.449096] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  18171. [10928.449798] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  18172. [10928.450866] [CAM] axi_data.bufnum1 = 1
  18173. [10928.451599] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START
  18174. [10928.451995] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  18175. [10928.453796] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5
  18176. [10928.455963] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 2
  18177. [10928.456359] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x400010
  18178. [10928.456573] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0xa3b4
  18179. [10928.502868] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 3
  18180. [10928.503265] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x800800
  18181. [10928.503967] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0xecb0
  18182. [10928.504455] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 4
  18183. [10928.505126] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x400800
  18184. [10928.505523] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0xecb0
  18185. [10928.506225] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  18186. [10928.506591] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  18187. [10928.521331] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18188. [10928.521484] [CAM] msm_open_common: open frame0
  18189. [10928.521545] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  18190. [10928.523193] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18191. [10928.523590] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18192. [10928.524627] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18193. [10928.525024] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18194. [10928.525909] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18195. [10928.526458] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18196. [10928.528167] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18197. [10928.528320] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18198. [10928.528411] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18199. [10928.528808] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18200. [10928.529449] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18201. [10928.529541] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18202. [10928.529693] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18203. [10928.529846] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18204. [10929.324737] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x6A, ls_calibrate = 0
  18205. [10929.325378] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x044, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  18206. [10929.959289] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20596771000000 (s 20596771000000)
  18207. [10929.985046] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  18208. [10929.985107] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18209. [10929.991119] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  18210. [10929.991271] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  18211. [10930.028594] wl12xx: elp work
  18212. [10930.028747] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18213. [10930.030761] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18214. [10930.031188] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18215. [10930.056732] wl12xx: elp work
  18216. [10930.057159] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18217. [10930.082183] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18218. [10930.082702] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18219. [10930.106750] wl12xx: elp work
  18220. [10930.107177] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18221. [10930.131744] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18222. [10930.132049] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18223. [10930.146759] wl12xx: elp work
  18224. [10930.147064] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18225. [10930.166595] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18226. [10930.166900] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18227. [10930.186737] wl12xx: elp work
  18228. [10930.187042] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18229. [10930.203826] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18230. [10930.204833] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18231. [10930.236663] wl12xx: elp work
  18232. [10930.237060] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18233. [10930.249908] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18234. [10930.250518] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18235. [10930.266693] wl12xx: elp work
  18236. [10930.267059] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18237. [10930.283538] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18238. [10930.284118] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18239. [10930.306732] wl12xx: elp work
  18240. [10930.307159] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18241. [10930.370727] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18242. [10930.371246] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18243. [10930.387481] wl12xx: elp work
  18244. [10930.387786] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18245. [10930.415832] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18246. [10930.416137] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18247. [10930.417816] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -53, -714, -73
  18248. [10930.447753] wl12xx: elp work
  18249. [10930.448028] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18250. [10930.458709] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18251. [10930.459320] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18252. [10930.460662] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  18253. [10930.476593] wl12xx: elp work
  18254. [10930.476684] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18255. [10930.769073] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18256. [10930.769989] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18257. [10930.771392] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  18258. [10930.771911] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  18259. [10930.796661] wl12xx: elp work
  18260. [10930.797027] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18261. [10931.055114] [TP]unlock change to 2
  18262. [10931.114593] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18263. [10931.114776] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18264. [10931.115051] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18265. [10931.115234] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18266. [10931.115417] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18267. [10931.116577] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18268. [10931.118652] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18269. [10931.118743] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18270. [10931.118896] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18271. [10931.119018] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18272. [10931.119140] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18273. [10931.119323] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  18274. [10931.119506] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18275. [10931.119628] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18276. [10931.119720] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18277. [10931.121490] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  18278. [10931.121582] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  18279. [10931.121643] [CAM] vfe31_stop state 1
  18280. [10931.121765] [CAM] vfe31_stop pending 1
  18281. [10931.121826] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag 1 +
  18282. [10931.121917] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag -
  18283. [10931.122039] [CAM] vfe31_stop -
  18284. [10931.122100] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  18285. [10931.123016] [CAM] msm_release_frame: frame0
  18286. [10931.123138] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  18287. [10931.123199] [CAM] msm_release_frame: draining queue frame
  18288. [10931.123321] [CAM] msm_release_frame, completed
  18289. [10931.124176] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18290. [10931.124359] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  18291. [10931.124420] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18292. [10931.124542] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18293. [10931.124664] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18294. [10931.128540] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18295. [10931.128723] [CAM] get_pic:MSM_CAM_IOCTL_ABORT_CAPTURE
  18296. [10931.128723] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  18297. [10931.128723] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18298. [10931.128753] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18299. [10931.128753] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18300. [10931.135742] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  18301. [10931.135864] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  18302. [10931.135955] [CAM] vfe31_stop VFE_STATE_IDLE -
  18303. [10931.136230] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  18304. [10931.136413] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  18305. [10931.136596] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  18306. [10931.136779] [CAM] msm_release_config: config0
  18307. [10931.136871] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =1
  18308. [10931.137054] [CAM] msm_release_config: draining queue event
  18309. [10931.137145] [CAM] msm_release_config, completed
  18310. [10931.137420] [CAM] msm_release_control: control0
  18311. [10931.137603] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =0
  18312. [10931.137847] [CAM] __msm_release, vfe_release
  18313. [10931.138031] [CAM] vfe31_release, free_irq
  18314. [10931.138122] [CAM] msm_vpe_release: In
  18315. [10931.138580] [CAM] msm_vpe_release: Out
  18316. [10931.138946] [CAM] __msm_release, s_release
  18317. [10931.275512] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_deinit
  18318. [10931.280822] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_vreg_disable camera vreg off
  18319. [10931.282043] [CAM]Ruby_sensor_vreg_off
  18320. [10931.283142] [CAM]Doing clk switch (Main Cam)
  18321. [10931.283294] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_release completed
  18322. [10931.283538] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_disable
  18323. [10931.284118] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_set_perf_lvl
  18324. [10931.284362] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_EXIT
  18325. [10931.286895] [CAM] __msm_release, msm_camio_sensor_clk_off
  18326. [10931.288543] [CAM] __msm_release, free frame pmem region
  18327. [10931.288665] [CAM] __msm_release, free stats pmem region
  18328. [10931.289703] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue pict
  18329. [10931.290130] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue event
  18330. [10931.290405] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue frame
  18331. [10931.290740] [CAM] __msm_release: completed
  18332. [10931.290893] [CAM] msm_release_control: draining queue control
  18333. [10931.292053] [CAM] msm_release_control, completed
  18334. [10931.294860] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18335. [10931.295227] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  18336. [10931.295349] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18337. [10931.295593] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18338. [10931.295837] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18339. [10931.610076] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 10931543592947                (2014-05-12 11:12:15.235316230 UTC)
  18340. [10931.610351] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[1]
  18341. [10931.612152] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  18342. [10931.612335] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 29
  18343. [10931.612457] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18344. [10931.618743] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18345. [10931.619842] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 8ms --
  18346. [10931.620086] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18347. [10931.620147] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18348. [10931.620300] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18349. [10931.622253] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18350. [10931.623474] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18351. [10931.623565] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18352. [10931.623687] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18353. [10931.625366] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18354. [10931.629180] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[1]
  18355. [10931.629302] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 10931562849540                 (2014-05-12 11:12:15.254572823 UTC)
  18356. [10931.641082] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 10931574629324                (2014-05-12 11:12:15.266352607 UTC)
  18357. [10931.641113] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[1]
  18358. [10931.641906] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb_open
  18359. [10931.641998] [AUD] audio_acdb: acdb_mmap: PMEM is not allocated, yet!
  18360. [10931.642120] [AUD] q6adm: adm_memory_map_regions
  18361. [10931.643432] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  18362. [10931.643463] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  18363. [10931.643463] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  18364. [10931.643676] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  18365. [10931.643676] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18366. [10931.643676] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18367. [10931.645446] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18368. [10931.648742] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18369. [10931.648773] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18370. [10931.651367] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18371. [10931.652374] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  18372. [10931.688354] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  18373. [10931.709625] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  18374. [10931.709869] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  18375. [10931.711212] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 1
  18376. [10931.711456] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  18377. [10931.711853] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  18378. [10931.726654] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  18379. [10931.727050] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  18380. [10931.727294] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  18381. [10931.727661] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  18382. [10931.731689] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  18383. [10931.732238] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  18384. [10931.732452] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  18385. [10931.733520] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18386. [10931.733734] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18387. [10931.734130] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18388. [10931.737579] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18389. [10931.741058] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18390. [10931.741271] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18391. [10931.741668] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18392. [10931.744659] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18393. [10931.746032] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18394. [10931.746246] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18395. [10931.748901] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18396. [10931.750183] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  18397. [10931.750396] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  18398. [10931.750518] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  18399. [10931.750732] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  18400. [10931.750854] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  18401. [10931.751037] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18402. [10931.751220] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18403. [10931.752868] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18404. [10931.755065] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  18405. [10931.755584] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18406. [10931.771026] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  18407. [10931.773223] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18408. [10931.774566] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 20ms --
  18409. [10931.783905] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  18410. [10931.790100] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  18411. [10931.790435] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  18412. [10931.790618] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  18413. [10931.790985] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  18414. [10931.791229] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18415. [10931.791351] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18416. [10931.794006] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18417. [10931.795104] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18418. [10931.795288] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18419. [10931.797332] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18420. [10931.798522] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  18421. [10931.827178] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  18422. [10931.844909] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  18423. [10931.845336] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  18424. [10931.846313] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 0
  18425. [10931.846923] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  18426. [10931.853424] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 1
  18427. [10931.853851] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  18428. [10931.854217] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  18429. [10931.864440] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  18430. [10931.864685] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  18431. [10931.865234] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  18432. [10931.865447] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  18433. [10931.869659] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  18434. [10931.870178] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  18435. [10931.870513] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  18436. [10931.872924] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) len = 2697 ++
  18437. [10931.873291] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 15
  18438. [10931.874755] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18439. [10931.881896] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18440. [10931.883636] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18441. [10931.883850] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18442. [10931.887664] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18443. [10931.888763] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18444. [10931.888916] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18445. [10931.890899] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18446. [10931.892089] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) time: 17ms --
  18447. [10931.892303] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18448. [10931.892456] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18449. [10931.892547] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18450. [10931.894409] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18451. [10931.895568] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18452. [10931.895721] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18453. [10931.895812] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18454. [10931.897705] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18455. [10931.898803] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18456. [10931.898956] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18457. [10931.900878] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18458. [10931.908905] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_ioctl: AUDIO_START session id[1]
  18459. [10931.974243] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18460. [10931.974304] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  18461. [10931.974304] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18462. [10931.974304] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18463. [10931.974304] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18464. [10931.974334] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18465. [10931.974365] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x8
  18466. [10931.974365] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18467. [10931.974395] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18468. [10931.974395] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18469. [10931.983062] [COMP][AKM8975] ECS_IOCTL_APP_SET_MFLAG,(m, a, t, mv) = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), m_f_times 0
  18470. [10931.983123] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18471. [10931.983154] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x0
  18472. [10931.983184] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18473. [10931.983184] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18474. [10931.983184] config_ruby_gyro_diag_gpios 41 pull down
  18475. [10931.996582] [GYRO][PANASONIC] EWTZMU2_Power_Off
  18476. [10931.996704] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18477. [10931.996856] [COMP][AKM8975] [COMP] Compass disable
  18478. [10932.065917] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18479. [10932.067230] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  18480. [10932.086517] wl12xx: elp work
  18481. [10932.086639] wl12xx: chip to elp
  18482. [10932.191864] [GSNR] Gsensor disable
  18483. [10932.192565] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x01
  18484. [10932.199005] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetOpenStatus:
  18485. [10932.386688] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  18486. [10932.387084] 05-12 15:42:16
  18487. [10932.387817]  17:  3718       gp_timer
  18488. [10932.389312]  48:   367       msmgpio
  18489. [10932.391235]  51:    44       rpm_drv
  18490. [10932.392761] 107:   130       MDP
  18491. [10932.394226] 112:   183       kgsl-3d0
  18492. [10932.395629] 113:   216       kgsl-2d0
  18493. [10932.397644] 114:    45       MIPI_DSI
  18494. [10932.402160] 122:    83       smd_dev
  18495. [10932.403594] 133:   368       mmc3
  18496. [10932.404693] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  18497. [10932.406066] 136:   710       mmc0
  18498. [10932.407165] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  18499. [10932.408416] 179:  1839       spi_qsd
  18500. [10932.409851] 185:   524       qup_err_intr
  18501. [10932.411773] 187:     6       qup_err_intr
  18502. [10932.413208] 191:    67       qup_err_intr
  18503. [10932.414642] 199:   175       msmdatamover
  18504. [10932.416412] 220:    23       mmc4
  18505. [10932.417480] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  18506. [10932.418731] 228:  4507       qup_err_intr
  18507. [10932.420166] 244:   216       kgsl-2d1
  18508. [10932.422210] 302:    36       wl12xx
  18509. [10932.429229] 344:     1       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  18510. [10932.430694] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  18511. [10932.432464] 373:     6       atmel_qt602240
  18512. [10932.433929] 384:   323       akm8975
  18513. [10932.435821] 635:     1       cm3628
  18514. [10932.438110] C0: 3769 3122ms
  18515. [10932.438507] C1: 71 39ms
  18516. [10932.438873] CPU0 usage: 68
  18517. [10932.439422] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  18518. [10932.439819] LPASS running (0ms)
  18519. [10932.440490]   962,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  18520. [10932.442352]   960,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  18521. [10932.444488]   806,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  18522. [10932.446289]   985,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  18523. [10932.448181]  788D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  18524. [10932.450286]  960D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  18525. [10932.455718]   638,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  18526. [10932.457641]   648,  6282 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  18527. [10932.459777]   325,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  18528. [10932.461883]   306,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  18529. [10932.463684] 8411 total events, 835.026 events/sec
  18530. [10932.464477] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  18531. [10932.476898] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  18532. [10932.477630] 17%              171             ewtzmud                 343
  18533. [10932.477996] 8%               6329            mediaserver                     168
  18534. [10932.478393] 6%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 133
  18535. [10932.479064] 5%               520             system_server                   105
  18536. [10932.479461] 5%               177             surfaceflinger                  100
  18537. [10932.723724] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  18538. [10932.723999] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  18539. [10932.724151] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  18540. [10932.781372] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  18541. [10932.781463] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 15
  18542. [10932.781616] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18543. [10932.785644] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18544. [10932.786804] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18545. [10932.786895] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18546. [10932.789093] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18547. [10932.790191] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18548. [10932.790344] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18549. [10932.792358] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18550. [10932.793518] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 12ms --
  18551. [10932.793731] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18552. [10932.793884] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18553. [10932.793975] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18554. [10932.795806] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18555. [10932.796966] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18556. [10932.797149] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18557. [10932.797210] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18558. [10932.798858] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18559. [10932.800018] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  18560. [10932.800170] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18561. [10932.813964] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  18562. [10932.815185] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18563. [10932.816284] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 16ms --
  18564. [10932.818572] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[1]
  18565. [10932.818634] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  18566. [10932.827239] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 10932760725514                 (2014-05-12 11:12:16.452448797 UTC)
  18567. [10932.828063] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 0
  18568. [10932.828674] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  18569. [10932.829345] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  18570. [10932.830078] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  18571. [10932.830474] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  18572. [10932.831176] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  18573. [10932.831573] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18574. [10932.832366] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18575. [10932.836425] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18576. [10932.838317] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  18577. [10932.838409] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18578. [10932.851593] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  18579. [10932.853027] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18580. [10932.854309] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 16ms --
  18581. [10932.861968] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  18582. [10932.867767] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  18583. [10932.867919] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 29
  18584. [10932.868072] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18585. [10932.872039] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18586. [10932.873168] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 5ms --
  18587. [10932.873413] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18588. [10932.873504] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18589. [10932.873565] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18590. [10932.875335] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18591. [10932.876586] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18592. [10932.876708] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18593. [10932.876800] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18594. [10932.879058] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18595. [10932.880371] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  18596. [10932.880554] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 0)
  18597. [10932.880828] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  18598. [10932.880889] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  18599. [10932.886901] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18600. [10932.887054] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18601. [10932.887115] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18602. [10932.888854] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18603. [10932.890014] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18604. [10932.890106] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18605. [10932.890258] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18606. [10932.891845] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18607. [10933.350616] [DISP] brightness orig=110, transformed=61
  18608. [10933.367156] [DISP] brightness orig=111, transformed=62
  18609. [10933.399322] [DISP] brightness orig=112, transformed=62
  18610. [10933.415802] [DISP] brightness orig=113, transformed=63
  18611. [10933.451354] [DISP] brightness orig=114, transformed=64
  18612. [10933.465515] [DISP] brightness orig=115, transformed=64
  18613. [10933.500305] [DISP] brightness orig=116, transformed=65
  18614. [10933.516845] [DISP] brightness orig=117, transformed=65
  18615. [10933.527160] [TP]unlock change to 2
  18616. [10933.549865] [DISP] brightness orig=118, transformed=66
  18617. [10933.564514] [DISP] brightness orig=119, transformed=67
  18618. [10933.599761] [DISP] brightness orig=120, transformed=67
  18619. [10933.616058] [DISP] brightness orig=121, transformed=68
  18620. [10933.649566] [DISP] brightness orig=122, transformed=69
  18621. [10933.665557] [DISP] brightness orig=123, transformed=69
  18622. [10933.699005] [DISP] brightness orig=124, transformed=70
  18623. [10933.715423] [DISP] brightness orig=125, transformed=71
  18624. [10933.748443] [DISP] brightness orig=126, transformed=71
  18625. [10933.781402] [DISP] brightness orig=127, transformed=72
  18626. [10933.796112] [DISP] brightness orig=128, transformed=73
  18627. [10933.829742] [DISP] brightness orig=129, transformed=73
  18628. [10933.958709] [TP]unlock change to 2
  18629. [10934.170684] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_enable vibrate period: 0 msec
  18630. [10934.171417] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off + val: 0
  18631. [10934.171813] [VIB]pm8xxx_vib_set_off -
  18632. [10934.280181] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 10934213697927                (2014-05-12 11:12:17.905421210 UTC)
  18633. [10934.280303] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[1]
  18634. [10934.280883] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18635. [10934.281066] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18636. [10934.281158] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18637. [10934.291229] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18638. [10934.292572] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18639. [10934.292694] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18640. [10934.292877] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18641. [10934.294525] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18642. [10934.298370] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[1]
  18643. [10934.298492] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 10934232038992                 (2014-05-12 11:12:17.923762275 UTC)
  18644. [10934.307769] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 10934241316336                (2014-05-12 11:12:17.933009102 UTC)
  18645. [10934.307983] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[1]
  18646. [10934.308410] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  18647. [10934.308502] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  18648. [10934.308715] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  18649. [10934.309234] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  18650. [10934.309356] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18651. [10934.309539] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18652. [10934.311462] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18653. [10934.312652] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18654. [10934.312744] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18655. [10934.314758] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18656. [10934.315979] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  18657. [10934.357147] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  18658. [10934.374664] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  18659. [10934.374786] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  18660. [10934.375274] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 1
  18661. [10934.375396] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  18662. [10934.375640] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  18663. [10934.385742] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  18664. [10934.385925] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  18665. [10934.386016] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  18666. [10934.386169] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  18667. [10934.390075] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  18668. [10934.390228] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  18669. [10934.390319] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  18670. [10934.390716] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18671. [10934.390838] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18672. [10934.390838] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18673. [10934.392517] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18674. [10934.393585] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18675. [10934.393615] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18676. [10934.393615] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18677. [10934.395690] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18678. [10934.397064] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18679. [10934.397094] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18680. [10934.399078] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18681. [10934.400238] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  18682. [10934.400268] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  18683. [10934.400299] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  18684. [10934.400329] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  18685. [10934.400329] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  18686. [10934.400360] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18687. [10934.400360] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18688. [10934.401916] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18689. [10934.402923] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  18690. [10934.402923] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18691. [10934.416137] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  18692. [10934.428771] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  18693. [10934.430969] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18694. [10934.432006] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 29ms --
  18695. [10934.440704] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  18696. [10934.446044] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  18697. [10934.446228] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  18698. [10934.446380] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  18699. [10934.446807] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  18700. [10934.446929] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18701. [10934.447082] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18702. [10934.449035] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18703. [10934.450073] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18704. [10934.450134] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18705. [10934.452880] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18706. [10934.453979] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  18707. [10934.477233] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  18708. [10934.494445] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  18709. [10934.494659] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  18710. [10934.495666] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 0
  18711. [10934.496032] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  18712. [10934.502593] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 1
  18713. [10934.502990] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  18714. [10934.503204] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  18715. [10934.513671] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  18716. [10934.513702] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  18717. [10934.513702] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  18718. [10934.513732] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  18719. [10934.517578] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  18720. [10934.517974] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  18721. [10934.518646] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  18722. [10934.519744] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) len = 2697 ++
  18723. [10934.520446] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 15
  18724. [10934.521179] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18725. [10934.529479] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18726. [10934.530578] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18727. [10934.530670] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18728. [10934.532501] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18729. [10934.533691] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18730. [10934.533782] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18731. [10934.535797] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18732. [10934.536895] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) time: 16ms --
  18733. [10934.537231] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18734. [10934.537353] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18735. [10934.537536] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18736. [10934.539398] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18737. [10934.540618] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18738. [10934.540710] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18739. [10934.540863] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18740. [10934.543090] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18741. [10934.544097] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18742. [10934.544189] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18743. [10934.546203] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18744. [10934.553405] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_ioctl: AUDIO_START session id[1]
  18745. [10934.703552] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=655, use_irq=1
  18746. [10934.714141] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-d3, 5 (207) changed to 1
  18747. [10934.773010] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=350, use_irq=1
  18748. [10934.783630] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-d4, 4 (94) changed to 1
  18749. [10936.286712] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=350, use_irq=1
  18750. [10936.297271] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-d4, 4 (94) changed to 0
  18751. [10936.306304] [KEY] gpio_event_input_irq_handler, irq=655, use_irq=1
  18752. [10936.317016] [KEY] gpio_keys_scan_keys: key 1-d3, 5 (207) changed to 0
  18753. [10936.877471] [TP]unlock change to 2
  18754. [10937.799133] [TP]unlock change to 2
  18755. [10938.080047] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x51, ls_calibrate = 0
  18756. [10938.080535] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x034, Level=3, l_thd = 0x2a, h_thd = 0x57
  18757. [10938.159912] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  18758. [10938.159912] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 15
  18759. [10938.159942] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18760. [10938.165313] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18761. [10938.166351] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  18762. [10938.166351] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18763. [10938.171966] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18764. [10938.173126] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  18765. [10938.173187] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18766. [10938.175170] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18767. [10938.176269] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 16ms --
  18768. [10938.176818] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18769. [10938.176971] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18770. [10938.177246] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18771. [10938.178955] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18772. [10938.180206] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18773. [10938.180267] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18774. [10938.180389] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18775. [10938.181915] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18776. [10938.183105] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  18777. [10938.183166] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18778. [10938.193206] [COMP] Compass enable
  18779. [10938.193603] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18780. [10938.193756] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x0
  18781. [10938.194976] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18782. [10938.195281] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18783. [10938.196289] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  18784. [10938.196533] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18785. [10938.196990] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18786. [10938.197174] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  18787. [10938.197326] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18788. [10938.197662] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18789. [10938.198486] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18790. [10938.198577] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18791. [10938.198791] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18792. [10938.198822] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 16ms --
  18793. [10938.199157] [COMP][AKM8975] AKECS_GetCloseStatus:
  18794. [10938.199188] [GSNR] Gsensor enable
  18795. [10938.199188] [GSNR][BMA250] BMA_set_mode: mode = 0x00
  18796. [10938.199523] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  18797. [10938.199584] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18798. [10938.199707] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18799. [10938.199859] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18800. [10938.201202] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[1]
  18801. [10938.201202] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  18802. [10938.201446] [CAM]mt9d015 : htcwc_value = 0
  18803. [10938.209838] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 10938143354909                 (2014-05-12 11:12:21.835078192 UTC)
  18804. [10938.210021] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 4, enable 0
  18805. [10938.210205] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  18806. [10938.210296] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  18807. [10938.210449] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  18808. [10938.210540] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  18809. [10938.210693] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  18810. [10938.210876] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18811. [10938.211029] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18812. [10938.211425] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=3
  18813. [10938.211486] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Dont set sample_rate_state=3, when gyro sleep
  18814. [10938.213134] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18815. [10938.214141] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  18816. [10938.214141] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18817. [10938.227081] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  18818. [10938.228302] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18819. [10938.229370] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 15ms --
  18820. [10938.235809] msm_timpani_codec_power: 0
  18821. [10938.237213] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18822. [10938.237426] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  18823. [10938.237579] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18824. [10938.237731] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18825. [10938.237884] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18826. [10938.238006] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18827. [10938.238189] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  18828. [10938.238250] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18829. [10938.238403] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18830. [10938.238586] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18831. [10938.239440] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18832. [10938.239562] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  18833. [10938.239715] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18834. [10938.239837] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18835. [10938.239929] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18836. [10938.240142] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18837. [10938.240264] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x1
  18838. [10938.240447] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18839. [10938.240570] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18840. [10938.240692] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18841. [10938.240783] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18842. [10938.240936] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  18843. [10938.241027] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18844. [10938.241180] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18845. [10938.241333] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18846. [10938.241485] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  18847. [10938.241546] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18848. [10938.241577] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  18849. [10938.241577] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18850. [10938.241577] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18851. [10938.241607] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18852. [10938.242401] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 29, tx mode 29
  18853. [10938.242462] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18854. [10938.247070] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18855. [10938.248168] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 5ms --
  18856. [10938.248382] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18857. [10938.248474] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18858. [10938.248596] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18859. [10938.253143] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18860. [10938.254425] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18861. [10938.254516] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18862. [10938.254669] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18863. [10938.256256] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18864. [10938.257537] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 0
  18865. [10938.257629] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 0, opened 0)
  18866. [10938.257781] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  18867. [10938.257934] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 0)
  18868. [10938.310363] [CAM] msm_open_common: open control0
  18869. [10938.310455] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  18870. [10938.310516] [CAM] msm_open_control: rc 0
  18871. [10938.310699] [CAM] msm_release_control: control0
  18872. [10938.310821] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =0
  18873. [10938.310943] [CAM] __msm_release, vfe_release
  18874. [10938.311126] [CAM] __msm_release, free frame pmem region
  18875. [10938.311218] [CAM] __msm_release, free stats pmem region
  18876. [10938.311340] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue pict
  18877. [10938.311431] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue event
  18878. [10938.311553] [CAM] __msm_release: draining queue frame
  18879. [10938.311645] [CAM] __msm_release: completed
  18880. [10938.311737] [CAM] msm_release_control: draining queue control
  18881. [10938.311889] [CAM] msm_release_control, completed
  18882. [10938.311981] [CAM] msm_open_common: open control0
  18883. [10938.312133] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  18884. [10938.312194] [CAM] msm_open_control: rc 0
  18885. [10938.314117] [CAM] msm_open_common: open config0
  18886. [10938.339935] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:6
  18887. [10938.340057] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clk:0xc06f45d8
  18888. [10938.340332] [CAM]Calling s5k3h2yx_sensor_open_init
  18889. [10938.340515] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init
  18890. [10938.340576] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init  add open retry policy !!!
  18891. [10938.340728] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_vreg_enable camera vreg on
  18892. [10938.340820] [CAM]Ruby_sensor_vreg_on
  18893. [10938.342498] [CAM]Doing clk switch (Main Cam)
  18894. [10938.349487] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  18895. [10938.349517] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  18896. [10938.349517] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18897. [10938.351287] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18898. [10938.352386] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  18899. [10938.352386] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  18900. [10938.352386] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  18901. [10938.353851] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  18902. [10938.384002] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init, Expected id=0x382b
  18903. [10938.384033] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init, Read id=0x382b
  18904. [10938.384033] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_common_init done
  18905. [10938.411712] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 47, -686, -298
  18906. [10938.415374] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_sensor_open_init done
  18907. [10938.415374] [CAM] __msm_open: vfe_init
  18908. [10938.415740] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:2
  18909. [10938.415802] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:8
  18910. [10938.415832] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:9
  18911. [10938.415832] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:11
  18912. [10938.415863] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:12
  18913. [10938.415863] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:13
  18914. [10938.415863] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:10
  18915. [10938.415893] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:14
  18916. [10938.415893] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:15
  18917. [10938.426696] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_INIT rc = 3333414688
  18918. [10938.429107] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  18919. [10938.429595] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:18
  18920. [10938.429718] [CAM] msm_camio_clk_enable clktype:19
  18921. [10938.430023] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  18922. [10938.430236] [CAM]Line:1925 CFG_I2C_IOCTL_R_OTP
  18923. [10938.430419] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: sensor OTP information:
  18924. [10938.509643] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18925. [10938.509796] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  18926. [10938.509887] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18927. [10938.510040] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18928. [10938.510162] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18929. [10938.510345] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18930. [10938.510437] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  18931. [10938.510589] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18932. [10938.510711] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18933. [10938.510772] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18934. [10938.523712] [CAM] Get Fuseid from Page20 to Page16
  18935. [10938.523925] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: VenderID=4,LensID=2,SensorID=00
  18936. [10938.524108] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_i2c_read_fuseid: ModuleFuseID= 0c50cd
  18937. [10938.524200] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word1:0
  18938. [10938.524353] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word2:0
  18939. [10938.524444] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word3:0x00000004
  18940. [10938.524597] [CAM]s5k3h2yx: fuse->fuse_id_word4:0x000c50cd
  18941. [10938.528533] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40400000, vaddr 0x40046000
  18942. [10938.528778] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40401000, vaddr 0x400e4000
  18943. [10938.528961] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 8, paddr 0x40402000, vaddr 0x42368000
  18944. [10938.530029] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40403000, vaddr 0x42482000
  18945. [10938.530059] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40404000, vaddr 0x42493000
  18946. [10938.530120] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 9, paddr 0x40405000, vaddr 0x42564000
  18947. [10938.530151] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40406000, vaddr 0x4271c000
  18948. [10938.530181] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40407000, vaddr 0x42771000
  18949. [10938.530212] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 7, paddr 0x40408000, vaddr 0x428bd000
  18950. [10938.530242] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x40409000, vaddr 0x428f9000
  18951. [10938.530273] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x4040a000, vaddr 0x429ae000
  18952. [10938.530303] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 12, paddr 0x4040b000, vaddr 0x42b44000
  18953. [10938.530364] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040c000, vaddr 0x42ec2000
  18954. [10938.530395] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040d000, vaddr 0x43165000
  18955. [10938.530426] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 11, paddr 0x4040e000, vaddr 0x4319e000
  18956. [10938.530456] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x4040f000, vaddr 0x43280000
  18957. [10938.530487] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x40410000, vaddr 0x43459000
  18958. [10938.530517] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 10, paddr 0x40411000, vaddr 0x435c1000
  18959. [10938.530700] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue control new max is 1
  18960. [10938.548309] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18961. [10938.548431] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  18962. [10938.548553] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18963. [10938.548675] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18964. [10938.548767] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18965. [10938.548980] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18966. [10938.549102] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x3
  18967. [10938.549224] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=0, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18968. [10938.549346] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power off:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18969. [10938.549468] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18970. [10938.549591] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18971. [10938.549743] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18972. [10938.549804] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=1,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18973. [10938.550354] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=1
  18974. [10938.550506] config_ruby_gyro_diag_gpios 41 input none pull
  18975. [10938.568023] [GYRO][PANASONIC] EWTZMU2_Power_On start
  18976. [10938.572021] [GYRO][PANASONIC] init chipset: ret value=2
  18977. [10938.572082] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=3
  18978. [10938.572723] [GYRO][PANASONIC] EWTZMU2_Power_On end
  18979. [10938.572845] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18980. [10938.573150] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18981. [10938.573272] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18982. [10938.573425] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18983. [10938.573699] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18984. [10938.573852] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18985. [10938.617797] [COMP][AKM8975] (m, a, t, mv) = (0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1), set m_f_times 1
  18986. [10938.629364] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18987. [10938.629516] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18988. [10938.629669] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18989. [10938.629821] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18990. [10938.629943] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18991. [10938.630065] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  18992. [10938.630249] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  18993. [10938.630340] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  18994. [10938.630493] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  18995. [10938.630615] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  18996. [10938.648437] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  18997. [10938.648468] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  18998. [10938.654602] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  18999. [10938.654693] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  19000. [10938.705413] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x6E, ls_calibrate = 0
  19001. [10938.705902] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x047, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  19002. [10938.706665] wl12xx: elp work
  19003. [10938.706817] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19004. [10938.707611] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19005. [10938.707733] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19006. [10938.712127] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  19007. [10938.712280] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  19008. [10938.712341] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  19009. [10938.726684] wl12xx: elp work
  19010. [10938.726776] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19011. [10938.734497] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40412000, vaddr 0x42b45000
  19012. [10938.736083] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40483000, vaddr 0x43c07000
  19013. [10938.737792] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x404f4000, vaddr 0x43e73000
  19014. [10938.745239] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40565000, vaddr 0x43fe8000
  19015. [10938.747833] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x405d6000, vaddr 0x442ae000
  19016. [10938.750183] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40647000, vaddr 0x444d0000
  19017. [10938.751770] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40729000, vaddr 0x446af000
  19018. [10938.754455] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38400000, vaddr 0x4481e000
  19019. [10938.757751] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38471000, vaddr 0x43a7c000
  19020. [10938.758148] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x384e2000, vaddr 0x43c78000
  19021. [10938.758453] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38553000, vaddr 0x43dc0000
  19022. [10938.760314] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x385c4000, vaddr 0x43f72000
  19023. [10938.760803] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38635000, vaddr 0x44059000
  19024. [10938.761138] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x386a6000, vaddr 0x440ca000
  19025. [10938.761383] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19026. [10938.761505] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19027. [10938.761627] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38717000, vaddr 0x441b7000
  19028. [10938.761932] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 16, paddr 0x38788000, vaddr 0x44228000
  19029. [10938.763610] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  19030. [10938.763824] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config mode 0
  19031. [10938.763977] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 5, prev_res 1
  19032. [10938.764038] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 1
  19033. [10938.764160] [CAM] msm_camio_enable_csi_log
  19034. [10938.764251] [CAM]after set csi config
  19035. [10938.764465] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting(FULL_SIZE)
  19036. [10938.770416] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 1
  19037. [10938.770416] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x80000a
  19038. [10938.770416] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0xa2a7
  19039. [10938.776733] wl12xx: elp work
  19040. [10938.776855] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19041. [10938.777343] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 37
  19042. [10938.777893] [CAM] In vpe_frame_cfg cfgcmd->cmd_type = 42
  19043. [10938.777984] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19044. [10938.778167] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1,
  19045. [10938.778259] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19046. [10938.778411] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19047. [10938.778594] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19048. [10938.778747] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19049. [10938.778839] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19050. [10938.779022] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19051. [10938.779205] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19052. [10938.779296] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19053. [10938.779479] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19054. [10938.779663] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19055. [10938.779815] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19056. [10938.779907] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19057. [10938.780090] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19058. [10938.780273] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19059. [10938.780364] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19060. [10938.780517] [CAM] axi_data.bufnum1 = 1
  19061. [10938.780731] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START
  19062. [10938.780914] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  19063. [10938.782318] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5
  19064. [10938.794647] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq debug count  = 2
  19065. [10938.794738] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq  MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0x400010
  19066. [10938.794891] [CAM] msm_io_csi_irq irq2 MIPI_INTERRUPT_STATUS = 0xa2a7
  19067. [10938.795013] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  19068. [10938.795227] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  19069. [10938.795318] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  19070. [10938.796905] [CAM] msm_open_common: open frame0
  19071. [10938.797180] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  19072. [10938.799377] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19073. [10938.799530] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  19074. [10938.799621] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19075. [10938.799743] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19076. [10938.799865] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19077. [10938.799987] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19078. [10938.800170] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  19079. [10938.800292] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19080. [10938.800415] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19081. [10938.800506] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19082. [10938.800933] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19083. [10938.800964] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  19084. [10938.800994] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19085. [10938.800994] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19086. [10938.800994] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19087. [10938.840911] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19088. [10938.841064] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19089. [10938.866607] wl12xx: elp work
  19090. [10938.866699] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19091. [10938.918701] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19092. [10938.918914] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19093. [10938.937530] wl12xx: elp work
  19094. [10938.937652] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19095. [10939.003417] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19096. [10939.003631] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19097. [10939.011413] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=1
  19098. [10939.016571] wl12xx: elp work
  19099. [10939.016693] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19100. [10939.031372] [GYRO][PANASONIC] sample_rate_state=0
  19101. [10939.052642] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19102. [10939.052825] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19103. [10939.106567] wl12xx: elp work
  19104. [10939.106719] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19105. [10939.106994] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19106. [10939.107086] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19107. [10939.107360] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  19108. [10939.126922] wl12xx: elp work
  19109. [10939.127044] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19110. [10939.330780] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x97, ls_calibrate = 0
  19111. [10939.331359] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x062, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  19112. [10939.413726] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19113. [10939.414245] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19114. [10939.415039] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  19115. [10939.415100] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  19116. [10939.436523] wl12xx: elp work
  19117. [10939.436584] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19118. [10940.704742] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19119. [10940.705169] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19120. [10940.726593] wl12xx: elp work
  19121. [10940.726776] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19122. [10940.842498] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19123. [10941.012878] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 11, -357, -649
  19124. [10942.107269] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19125. [10942.124694] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19126. [10942.125061] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  19127. [10942.125213] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19128. [10942.125518] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19129. [10942.125793] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19130. [10942.466766] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  19131. [10942.467346] 05-12 15:42:26
  19132. [10942.467926]  17:  2519       gp_timer
  19133. [10942.469451]  48:   264       msmgpio
  19134. [10942.474212]  51:    11       rpm_drv
  19135. [10942.475341]  80:  1642       vfe
  19136. [10942.476257] 107:   216       MDP
  19137. [10942.477264] 112:   330       kgsl-3d0
  19138. [10942.478118] 113:   273       kgsl-2d0
  19139. [10942.482604] 114:    26       MIPI_DSI
  19140. [10942.483825] 116:   626       csi
  19141. [10942.484802] 122:   420       smd_dev
  19142. [10942.485809] 133:   431       mmc3
  19143. [10942.486572] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  19144. [10942.487579] 136:    94       mmc0
  19145. [10942.488342] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  19146. [10942.489379] 179:  2697       spi_qsd
  19147. [10942.492034] 185:   365       qup_err_intr
  19148. [10942.493164] 187:    86       qup_err_intr
  19149. [10942.493713] 191:   105       qup_err_intr
  19150. [10942.493743] 199:    37       msmdatamover
  19151. [10942.493804] 220:    22       mmc4
  19152. [10942.493835] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  19153. [10942.493835] 228:  1768       qup_err_intr
  19154. [10942.493896] 244:   274       kgsl-2d1
  19155. [10942.493988] 302:    39       wl12xx
  19156. [10942.494049] 344:     5       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  19157. [10942.494079] 350:     2       gpio_keys
  19158. [10942.494110] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  19159. [10942.494140] 373:    86       atmel_qt602240
  19160. [10942.494201] 384:   132       akm8975
  19161. [10942.494476] 635:     3       cm3628
  19162. [10942.494537] 655:     2       gpio_keys
  19163. [10942.494781] C0: 2144 2754ms
  19164. [10942.494781] C1: 326 1818ms
  19165. [10942.494812] CPU0 usage: 54
  19166. [10942.494842] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  19167. [10942.494842] LPASS running (0ms)
  19168. [10942.494873]   759,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  19169. [10942.494934]   408,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19170. [10942.494995]   683,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  19171. [10942.495056]  650D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  19172. [10942.495117]   347,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19173. [10942.495147]  755D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  19174. [10942.495178]   369,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19175. [10942.495239]   350,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  19176. [10942.495300] 5669 total events, 565.992 events/sec
  19177. [10942.495391] idle lock:  'kgsl-3d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  'msm_camera'
  19178. [10942.495422] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  19179. [10942.501556] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  19180. [10942.501770] 14%              5479            id.GoogleCamera                 285
  19181. [10942.502136] 7%               177             surfaceflinger                  155
  19182. [10942.502349] 5%               520             system_server                   109
  19183. [10942.502563] 5%               613             ndroid.systemui                 108
  19184. [10942.502929] 3%               6329            mediaserver                     80
  19185. [10942.558685] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19186. [10942.559173] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  19187. [10942.559783] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19188. [10942.561309] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19189. [10942.561706] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19190. [10942.772277] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20609584000000 (s 20609584000000)
  19191. [10943.022766] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 36, -390, -576
  19192. [10944.021087] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x75, ls_calibrate = 0
  19193. [10944.021667] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04C, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  19194. [10944.698333] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19195. [10945.032684] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 22, -334, -660
  19196. [10945.273315] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x7C, ls_calibrate = 0
  19197. [10945.273956] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x050, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  19198. [10946.368377] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19199. [10946.498199] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19200. [10946.498321] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  19201. [10946.498504] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19202. [10946.498657] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19203. [10946.498718] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19204. [10946.499359] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19205. [10946.499450] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0xb
  19206. [10946.499572] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=1,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19207. [10946.499694] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19208. [10946.499847] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19209. [10946.499969] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19210. [10946.500152] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19211. [10946.500244] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19212. [10946.500366] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19213. [10946.500488] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19214. [10946.501678] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP
  19215. [10946.501770] [CAM] vfe31_stop +
  19216. [10946.501861] [CAM] vfe31_stop state 1
  19217. [10946.502044] [CAM] vfe31_stop pending 1
  19218. [10946.502166] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag 1 +
  19219. [10946.502288] [CAM] vfe31_stop axiBusyFlag -
  19220. [10946.502471] [CAM] vfe31_stop -
  19221. [10946.502563] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  19222. [10946.503784] [CAM] msm_release_frame: frame0
  19223. [10946.503997] [CAM] __msm_release, open count =2
  19224. [10946.504089] [CAM] msm_release_frame: draining queue frame
  19225. [10946.504180] [CAM] msm_release_frame, completed
  19226. [10946.640563] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  19227. [10946.640686] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode is same: 0
  19228. [10946.640899] [FLT]flashlight hasn't been enable or has already reset to 0 due to timeout
  19229. [10946.686828] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x405d6000, vaddr 0x43f06000
  19230. [10946.702178] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x408d3000, vaddr 0x4458c000
  19231. [10946.713928] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40bd0000, vaddr 0x44ec7000
  19232. [10946.724334] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x40ecd000, vaddr 0x455a8000
  19233. [10946.732574] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x411ca000, vaddr 0x45c9d000
  19234. [10946.738159] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x414c7000, vaddr 0x4639b000
  19235. [10946.752838] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 15, paddr 0x417c4000, vaddr 0x46b04000
  19236. [10946.765075] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38400000, vaddr 0x46e01000
  19237. [10946.765563] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x386fd000, vaddr 0x470fe000
  19238. [10946.765899] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x389fa000, vaddr 0x473fb000
  19239. [10946.767395] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38cf7000, vaddr 0x476f8000
  19240. [10946.767913] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x38ff4000, vaddr 0x479f5000
  19241. [10946.768249] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x392f1000, vaddr 0x47cf2000
  19242. [10946.768737] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x395ee000, vaddr 0x47fef000
  19243. [10946.769165] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 14, paddr 0x398eb000, vaddr 0x482ec000
  19244. [10946.769500] [CAM] msm_pmem_table_add: type 16, paddr 0x39be8000, vaddr 0x485e9000
  19245. [10946.770111] [CAM] irq        resetAckIrq
  19246. [10946.770294] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config mode 0
  19247. [10946.770477] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 1, prev_res 3
  19248. [10946.770599] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting s5k3h2yx_video_config curr_res 3
  19249. [10946.770690] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting(QTR_SIZE or VIDEO_SIZE)
  19250. [10946.770965] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting(VIDEO_SIZE)
  19251. [10946.850433] [CAM]s5k3h2yx_setting: (67)
  19252. [10946.861053] [CAM] msm_axi_config, cfgcmd.cmd_type = 37
  19253. [10946.862091] [CAM] In vpe_frame_cfg cfgcmd->cmd_type = 42
  19254. [10946.862274] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19255. [10946.862579] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=16, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1,
  19256. [10946.862884] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19257. [10946.863037] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19258. [10946.863372] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19259. [10946.863677] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19260. [10946.863861] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19261. [10946.864196] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19262. [10946.864532] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19263. [10946.864837] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=14, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19264. [10946.864990] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19265. [10946.865325] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19266. [10946.865631] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19267. [10946.865814] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 0
  19268. [10946.866088] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19269. [10946.866424] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19270. [10946.866729] [CAM] msm_pmem_region_lookup_2:info.type=15, pmem_type = 16,info.active = 1
  19271. [10946.867309] [CAM] axi_data.bufnum1 = 1
  19272. [10946.867797] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START
  19273. [10946.867980] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  19274. [10946.869842] [CAM] VFE opertaion mode = 0x2, output mode = 0x5
  19275. [10946.876556] [CAM] irq camifSofIrq, count 1
  19276. [10946.876831] [CAM] irq startAckIrq
  19277. [10946.877258] [CAM] msm_camio_disable_csi_log
  19278. [10946.881713] [CAM] msm_open_common: open frame0
  19279. [10946.882263] [CAM] msm_open_common: rc 0
  19280. [10947.042694] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 39, -374, -610
  19281. [10947.360534] [DISP] brightness orig=130, transformed=74
  19282. [10947.391448] [DISP] brightness orig=131, transformed=75
  19283. [10947.413696] [DISP] brightness orig=132, transformed=75
  19284. [10947.432128] [DISP] brightness orig=133, transformed=76
  19285. [10947.453552] [DISP] brightness orig=134, transformed=77
  19286. [10947.486358] [DISP] brightness orig=135, transformed=77
  19287. [10947.510375] [DISP] brightness orig=136, transformed=78
  19288. [10947.530181] [DISP] brightness orig=137, transformed=79
  19289. [10947.563995] [DISP] brightness orig=138, transformed=79
  19290. [10947.600494] [DISP] brightness orig=139, transformed=80
  19291. [10947.610412] [DISP] brightness orig=140, transformed=81
  19292. [10947.632995] [DISP] brightness orig=141, transformed=81
  19293. [10947.660217] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20614472000000 (s 20614472000000)
  19294. [10947.694702] [DISP] brightness orig=142, transformed=82
  19295. [10947.704193] [DISP] brightness orig=143, transformed=83
  19296. [10947.710113] [DISP] brightness orig=144, transformed=84
  19297. [10947.734100] [DISP] brightness orig=145, transformed=86
  19298. [10947.735565] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19299. [10947.735748] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19300. [10947.735809] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19301. [10947.736022] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19302. [10947.736114] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19303. [10947.736358] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19304. [10947.737213] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19305. [10947.737426] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19306. [10947.737609] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19307. [10947.737731] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19308. [10947.763000] [DISP] brightness orig=146, transformed=87
  19309. [10947.791931] [DISP] brightness orig=147, transformed=89
  19310. [10947.811157] [DISP] brightness orig=148, transformed=90
  19311. [10947.846282] [DISP] brightness orig=149, transformed=92
  19312. [10947.861572] [DISP] brightness orig=150, transformed=93
  19313. [10947.893920] [DISP] brightness orig=151, transformed=95
  19314. [10947.912475] [DISP] brightness orig=152, transformed=96
  19315. [10947.942108] [DISP] brightness orig=153, transformed=98
  19316. [10947.959503] [DISP] brightness orig=154, transformed=99
  19317. [10947.995727] [DISP] brightness orig=155, transformed=101
  19318. [10948.015136] [DISP] brightness orig=156, transformed=102
  19319. [10948.030059] [DISP] brightness orig=157, transformed=104
  19320. [10948.070495] [DISP] brightness orig=158, transformed=106
  19321. [10948.285339] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20615097000000 (s 20615097000000)
  19322. [10948.616119] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19323. [10949.052795] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 39, -357, -630
  19324. [10949.337615] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x75, ls_calibrate = 0
  19325. [10949.339996] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04C, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  19326. [10949.963409] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x77, ls_calibrate = 0
  19327. [10949.964904] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04D, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  19328. [10950.466705] Thermal: failed to read out thermal zone 1
  19329. [10950.589019] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x77, ls_calibrate = 0
  19330. [10950.591827] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x04D, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  19331. [10951.063262] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 50, -388, -613
  19332. [10951.259185] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19333. [10951.269836] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19334. [10951.270111] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19335. [10951.270355] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19336. [10951.270599] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19337. [10951.612884] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19338. [10951.691589] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 3 flash_sr_type=4
  19339. [10951.695220] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode: 3, 3753
  19340. [10952.506622] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  19341. [10952.506958] 05-12 15:42:36
  19342. [10952.507232]  17:  3984       gp_timer
  19343. [10952.507690]  48:   374       msmgpio
  19344. [10952.508056]  80:   907       vfe
  19345. [10952.508697] 107:   177       MDP
  19346. [10952.509185] 112:   229       kgsl-3d0
  19347. [10952.509674] 113:   353       kgsl-2d0
  19348. [10952.510162] 114:    58       MIPI_DSI
  19349. [10952.510650] 116:   373       csi
  19350. [10952.511077] 136:   183       mmc0
  19351. [10952.511322] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  19352. [10952.511688] 185:   106       qup_err_intr
  19353. [10952.512145] 187:    34       qup_err_intr
  19354. [10952.512664] 199:    45       msmdatamover
  19355. [10952.513183] 228:  4731       qup_err_intr
  19356. [10952.513671] 244:   352       kgsl-2d1
  19357. [10952.514129] 344:     5       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  19358. [10952.514648] 373:    34       atmel_qt602240
  19359. [10952.515258] 384:   334       akm8975
  19360. [10952.516021] 635:     5       cm3628
  19361. [10952.516632] C0: 3655 2838ms
  19362. [10952.516784] C1: 78 41ms
  19363. [10952.516998] CPU0 usage: 71
  19364. [10952.517150] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  19365. [10952.517272] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  19366. [10952.517395]   888,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  19367. [10952.518188]   992,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  19368. [10952.518890]   489,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19369. [10952.519378]   482,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19370. [10952.520111]  1000,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19371. [10952.520812]  1002,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  19372. [10952.521392]   468,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  19373. [10952.521942]  870D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  19374. [10952.522705]  977D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  19375. [10952.523315]   668,  6376 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19376. [10952.535827]   484,  6376 akmd             qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  19377. [10952.536590] 8569 total events, 855.465 events/sec
  19378. [10952.536743] idle lock:  'kgsl-3d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  'msm_camera'
  19379. [10952.537841] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'proximity', time left 105;
  19380. [10952.543151] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  19381. [10952.543304] 20%              5479            id.GoogleCamera                 418
  19382. [10952.543395] 10%              177             surfaceflinger                  208
  19383. [10952.543579] 7%               6329            mediaserver                     146
  19384. [10952.543670] 3%               951             rocess.location                 61
  19385. [10952.543762] 2%               520             system_server                   46
  19386. [10952.705566] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19387. [10952.820587] [CAM] flash_set_led_state: 0 flash_sr_type=4
  19388. [10952.820770] [FLT]aat1271_flashlight: mode: 0, 587
  19389. [10953.073577] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 45, -385, -601
  19390. [10954.859466] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19391. [10955.082977] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 45, -407, -587
  19392. [10956.344238] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20623156000000 (s 20623156000000)
  19393. [10956.383331] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19394. [10956.383636] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19395. [10956.383972] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19396. [10956.384246] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19397. [10956.384521] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19398. [10956.384765] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19399. [10956.385040] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19400. [10956.385162] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19401. [10956.385528] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19402. [10956.385681] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19403. [10957.092712] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 33, -413, -599
  19404. [10958.637207] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20625449000000 (s 20625449000000)
  19405. [10958.661315] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  19406. [10958.661437] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19407. [10958.667938] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  19408. [10958.668090] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  19409. [10958.726623] wl12xx: elp work
  19410. [10958.726867] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19411. [10958.854919] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19412. [10958.855560] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19413. [10958.896789] wl12xx: elp work
  19414. [10958.897094] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19415. [10958.933319] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19416. [10958.934478] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19417. [10958.968261] wl12xx: elp work
  19418. [10958.968383] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19419. [10959.045196] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19420. [10959.046142] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19421. [10959.087646] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  19422. [10959.102722] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 39, -736, -140
  19423. [10959.106628] wl12xx: elp work
  19424. [10959.106750] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19425. [10959.182952] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 8
  19426. [10959.395355] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19427. [10959.396453] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19428. [10959.398681] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  19429. [10959.399169] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  19430. [10959.417114] wl12xx: elp work
  19431. [10959.417694] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19432. [10959.803527] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  19433. [10959.804077] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  19434. [10959.909729] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19435. [10959.910217] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19436. [10959.910369] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19437. [10959.910736] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19438. [10959.911163] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19439. [10959.991333] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19440. [10959.991455] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19441. [10959.991577] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19442. [10959.991699] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19443. [10959.991760] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19444. [10959.991943] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19445. [10959.992034] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19446. [10959.992156] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19447. [10959.992279] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19448. [10959.992431] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19449. [10960.056793] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  19450. [10960.673004] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  19451. [10960.673309] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  19452. [10960.690338] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19453. [10960.691101] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19454. [10960.706634] wl12xx: elp work
  19455. [10960.706909] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19456. [10960.755035] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19457. [10961.112731] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 25, -725, -151
  19458. [10961.373748] [DISP] brightness orig=157, transformed=104
  19459. [10961.394470] [DISP] brightness orig=156, transformed=102
  19460. [10961.414367] [DISP] brightness orig=155, transformed=101
  19461. [10961.452362] [DISP] brightness orig=154, transformed=99
  19462. [10961.464508] [DISP] brightness orig=153, transformed=98
  19463. [10961.496398] [DISP] brightness orig=152, transformed=96
  19464. [10961.515594] [DISP] brightness orig=151, transformed=95
  19465. [10961.558441] [DISP] brightness orig=150, transformed=93
  19466. [10961.568939] [DISP] brightness orig=149, transformed=92
  19467. [10961.597930] [DISP] brightness orig=148, transformed=90
  19468. [10961.614624] [DISP] brightness orig=147, transformed=89
  19469. [10961.647705] [DISP] brightness orig=146, transformed=87
  19470. [10961.679077] [DISP] brightness orig=145, transformed=86
  19471. [10961.698028] [DISP] brightness orig=144, transformed=84
  19472. [10961.736083] [DISP] brightness orig=143, transformed=83
  19473. [10961.747497] [DISP] brightness orig=142, transformed=82
  19474. [10961.766265] [DISP] brightness orig=141, transformed=81
  19475. [10961.795776] [DISP] brightness orig=140, transformed=81
  19476. [10961.819366] [DISP] brightness orig=139, transformed=80
  19477. [10961.871887] [DISP] brightness orig=138, transformed=79
  19478. [10961.890197] [DISP] brightness orig=136, transformed=78
  19479. [10961.931762] [DISP] brightness orig=135, transformed=77
  19480. [10961.936462] [DISP] brightness orig=134, transformed=77
  19481. [10961.982482] [DISP] brightness orig=133, transformed=76
  19482. [10961.994079] [DISP] brightness orig=132, transformed=75
  19483. [10962.128845] healthd: battery l=99 v=4 t=28.4 h=2 st=4 chg=
  19484. [10962.201385] [BATT] htc_batt_get_battery_adc , vref:20687, battid_adc:3604, battid:174
  19485. [10962.201538]  at 10962135084646 (2014-05-12 11:12:45.826624824 UTC)
  19486. [10962.202575] [BATT] ioctl: battery level update: 99 at 10962136335867 (2014-05-12 11:12:45.827845527 UTC)
  19487. [10962.203063] [BATT] ID=2, level=99, vol=4167, temp=299, batt_current=-465, chg_src=0, chg_en=0, full_bat=1730, over_vchg=0, batt_state=1 at 10962136824148 (2014-05-12 11:12:45.828303290 UTC)
  19488. [10962.203460] [BATT] power_supply_changed: battery at 10962137251394 (2014-05-12 11:12:45.828700019 UTC)
  19489. [10962.205566] healthd: battery l=99 v=4 t=29.9 h=2 st=4 chg=
  19490. [10962.546630] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  19491. [10962.546783] 05-12 15:42:46
  19492. [10962.547088]  17:  3951       gp_timer
  19493. [10962.547668]  48:   402       msmgpio
  19494. [10962.548217]  80:  1157       vfe
  19495. [10962.548614] 107:   162       MDP
  19496. [10962.549133] 112:   183       kgsl-3d0
  19497. [10962.549591] 113:   326       kgsl-2d0
  19498. [10962.550201] 114:    50       MIPI_DSI
  19499. [10962.550567] 116:   477       csi
  19500. [10962.550964] 133:   345       mmc3
  19501. [10962.551330] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  19502. [10962.551849] 136:    50       mmc0
  19503. [10962.552215] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  19504. [10962.552642] 185:   110       qup_err_intr
  19505. [10962.553100] 187:    15       qup_err_intr
  19506. [10962.553649] 199:    28       msmdatamover
  19507. [10962.554046] 220:   102       mmc4
  19508. [10962.554443] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  19509. [10962.554962] 228:  4668       qup_err_intr
  19510. [10962.555511] 244:   326       kgsl-2d1
  19511. [10962.556091] 302:    35       wl12xx
  19512. [10962.556976] 344:    20       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  19513. [10962.558074] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  19514. [10962.558654] 373:    15       atmel_qt602240
  19515. [10962.559234] 384:   333       akm8975
  19516. [10962.560058] 505:    20       pm8058_adc_interrupt
  19517. [10962.561035] C0: 3319 2643ms
  19518. [10962.561126] C1: 76 52ms
  19519. [10962.561218] CPU0 usage: 73
  19520. [10962.561401] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  19521. [10962.561492] LPASS sleep (0ms)
  19522. [10962.561614]   995,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19523. [10962.562408]   470,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19524. [10962.563323]  1002,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  19525. [10962.563934]   788,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  19526. [10962.564575]   996,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  19527. [10962.565277]  987D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  19528. [10962.566070]  771D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  19529. [10962.567474]   452,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  19530. [10962.568115]   522,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19531. [10962.568878]   666,  6376 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19532. [10962.569549]   518,  6376 akmd             qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  19533. [10962.570220] 8390 total events, 836.522 events/sec
  19534. [10962.570526] idle lock:  'kgsl-3d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  'msm_camera'
  19535. [10962.571472] wakelock:  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'
  19536. [10962.576416] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  19537. [10962.576568] 20%              5479            id.GoogleCamera                 409
  19538. [10962.576660] 10%              177             surfaceflinger                  202
  19539. [10962.576751] 10%              6329            mediaserver                     201
  19540. [10962.576934] 3%               951             rocess.location                 77
  19541. [10962.576995] 3%               520             system_server                   70
  19542. [10963.079437] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19543. [10963.123870] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 22, -711, -146
  19544. [10963.537719] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19545. [10963.538726] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19546. [10963.539184] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19547. [10963.539978] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19548. [10963.540802] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19549. [10965.132873] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 16, -720, -137
  19550. [10965.326904] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19551. [10965.571990] [VID]
  19552. [10965.572021]  msm_vidc_enc: Inside vid_enc_open()
  19553. [10965.572662]
  19554. [10965.572662]  [VID] res_trk_download_firmware(): Request firmware download
  19555. [10965.614898] [VID] enter ddl_fw_init()
  19556. [10965.615356] [VID] FW Addr / FW Size : e2f0b000/523752
  19557. [10965.811218] [VID] Firmware in SMI is good continue
  19558. [10965.826934] [VID] Unexpected channel ID = 0
  19559. [10965.827178] [VID] Unexpected channel ID = 0
  19560. [10965.827728] [VID] fw_version 2:29:2012
  19561. [10965.830566] [VID]
  19562. [10965.830566]  msm_vidc_enc: Inside vid_enc_release()
  19563. [10965.830780] [VID]
  19564. [10965.830780]  msm_vidc_enc: Inside vid_enc_close_client()
  19565. [10965.830963] [VID]
  19566. [10965.830963]  msm_vidc_enc: Sending VCD_EVT_RESP_STOP to client
  19567. [10967.142761] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 25, -720, -126
  19568. [10969.153442] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 11, -717, -135
  19569. [10970.282989] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 0 +
  19570. [10970.284027] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 fade out brightness 0 -
  19571. [10970.536743] [LED]pwm_lut_delayed_fade_out
  19572. [10970.826873] [VID] vid_enc_close_client:Warning: vcd_stop time outrc = 0
  19573. [10970.853973] [VID]
  19574. [10970.854003]  msm_vidc_enc: Return from vid_enc_release()
  19575. [10970.876892] [VID]
  19576. [10970.876892]  msm_vidc_enc: Inside vid_enc_open()
  19577. [10970.882843] [VID] enter ddl_fw_init()
  19578. [10970.883239] [VID] FW Addr / FW Size : e2f0b000/523752
  19579. [10971.053314] [VID] Firmware in SMI is good continue
  19580. [10971.070343] [VID] Unexpected channel ID = 0
  19581. [10971.070648] [VID] Unexpected channel ID = 0
  19582. [10971.071044] [VID] fw_version 2:29:2012
  19583. [10971.098358] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 10971031843680                (2014-05-12 11:12:54.723566963 UTC)
  19584. [10971.099182] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[1]
  19585. [10971.107727] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  19586. [10971.108459] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  19587. [10971.108886] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19588. [10971.112487] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19589. [10971.114410] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  19590. [10971.114837] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  19591. [10971.116241] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19592. [10971.119903] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19593. [10971.127899] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[1]
  19594. [10971.128082] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 10971061598318                 (2014-05-12 11:12:54.753321601 UTC)
  19595. [10971.132446] [AUD] aac_in: q6asm_aac_in_cb:session id 2: Ignore opcode[0x110e8]
  19596. [10971.132873] [AUD] aac_in: aac_in_open:session id 2: NT mode encoder success
  19597. [10971.133056] [AUD] aac_in: aac_in_open:session id 2: success
  19598. [10971.135070] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  19599. [10971.135223] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  19600. [10971.135498] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19601. [10971.137939] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19602. [10971.139495] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  19603. [10971.139709] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  19604. [10971.140075] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19605. [10971.142120] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19606. [10971.151550] [VID]
  19607. [10971.151550]  vid_enc_ioctl(): Executing VEN_IOCTL_CMD_START
  19608. [10971.156158] [VID] Unexpected channel ID = 531952
  19609. [10971.156921] [VID]
  19610. [10971.156921]  msm_vidc_enc: Sending VCD_EVT_RESP_START to client
  19611. [10971.162689] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 64, -694, -101
  19612. [10971.182525] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_START_RECORDING
  19613. [10971.186004] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_VIDEO rc = 0
  19614. [10971.196655] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  19615. [10971.203277] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 10971136793630             (2014-05-12 11:12:54.828516913 UTC)
  19616. [10971.203582] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  19617. [10971.204162] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  19618. [10971.205566] set tpa2051 mode to 1
  19619. [10971.207916] [AUD] aac_in: q6asm_aac_in_cb:session id 2: Ignore opcode[0x110e8]
  19620. [10971.208953] [AUD] aac_in: q6asm_aac_in_cb:session id 2: Ignore opcode[0x110e8]
  19621. [10971.210021] [AUD] aac_in: q6asm_aac_in_cb:session id 2: Ignore opcode[0x110e8]
  19622. [10971.217681] [AUD][ATS][start_recording][successful] at 10971151197926                (2014-05-12 11:12:54.842921209 UTC)
  19623. [10971.218109] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_open: pcm in open session id[3]
  19624. [10971.218902] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  19625. [10971.219116] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  19626. [10971.219543] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  19627. [10971.220092] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  19628. [10971.220489] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  19629. [10971.220916] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19630. [10971.227325] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19631. [10971.228546] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  19632. [10971.228942] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19633. [10971.232238] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19634. [10971.234039] msm_timpani_codec_power: 1
  19635. [10971.238006] [CAM] start video triggered .
  19636. [10971.267333] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  19637. [10971.289489] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  19638. [10971.290191] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  19639. [10971.292388] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 3, dev 4, enable 1
  19640. [10971.293518] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  19641. [10971.293914] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  19642. [10971.301239] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  19643. [10971.301330] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  19644. [10971.301422] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  19645. [10971.301574] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  19646. [10971.302886] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  19647. [10971.302978] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  19648. [10971.303131] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  19649. [10971.303375] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  19650. [10971.303558] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  19651. [10971.303649] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19652. [10971.304382] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 2
  19653. [10971.307312] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19654. [10971.308502] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  19655. [10971.308593] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19656. [10971.310394] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19657. [10971.312988] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  19658. [10971.313079] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  19659. [10971.313262] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19660. [10971.315246] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19661. [10971.317382] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  19662. [10971.317474] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19663. [10971.319671] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19664. [10971.322204] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  19665. [10971.322387] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  19666. [10971.322479] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19667. [10971.324768] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19668. [10971.325927] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  19669. [10971.326110] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  19670. [10971.326202] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19671. [10971.328918] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19672. [10971.330261] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 len(30)++
  19673. [10971.330413] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19674. [10971.351959] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x24=0x00(0x00)
  19675. [10971.365509] [AUD] spi_aic3254: 3254 power down procedure ,flag 0x26=0x00(0x00)
  19676. [10971.369506] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19677. [10971.371276] [AUD] spi_aic3254: power off AIC3254 41ms --
  19678. [10971.371948] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  19679. [10971.372680] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 0)
  19680. [10971.373077] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  19681. [10971.374053] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_RX mode = 13
  19682. [10971.374816] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  19683. [10971.375213] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19684. [10971.379699] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19685. [10971.380859] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  19686. [10971.380950] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19687. [10971.382812] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19688. [10971.383941] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 0 48000
  19689. [10971.403656] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  19690. [10971.469085] set_amp: 1
  19691. [10971.473571] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  19692. [10971.483337] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  19693. [10971.483795] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  19694. [10971.484497] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  19695. [10971.493286] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  19696. [10971.494018] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  19697. [10971.494415] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  19698. [10971.495147] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  19699. [10971.498443] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  19700. [10971.499176] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  19701. [10971.499603] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  19702. [10971.501312] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  19703. [10971.504821] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  19704. [10971.504974] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  19705. [10971.509033] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  19706. [10971.509216] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 1)
  19707. [10971.509796] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  19708. [10971.510040] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  19709. [10971.510192] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  19710. [10971.515472] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  19711. [10971.517883] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  19712. [10971.518035] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  19713. [10971.518157] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  19714. [10971.519195] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  19715. [10971.519287] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  19716. [10971.519439] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  19717. [10971.520599] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  19718. [10971.520690] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  19719. [10971.520904] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  19720. [10971.521087] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  19721. [10971.521179] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  19722. [10971.521423] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  19723. [10971.522552] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19724. [10971.524658] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19725. [10971.533325] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  19726. [10971.533508] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  19727. [10971.533599] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  19728. [10971.533843] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  19729. [10971.533935] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  19730. [10971.534027] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19731. [10971.536437] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19732. [10971.538909] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  19733. [10971.539093] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19734. [10971.541900] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19735. [10971.543151] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  19736. [10971.558898] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  19737. [10971.559051] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  19738. [10971.559692] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 3, dev 4, enable 0
  19739. [10971.559844] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  19740. [10971.563415] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 3, dev 4, enable 1
  19741. [10971.563537] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  19742. [10971.563751] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  19743. [10971.568725] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  19744. [10971.569061] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  19745. [10971.569274] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  19746. [10971.569610] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  19747. [10971.571075] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  19748. [10971.571411] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  19749. [10971.571746] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  19750. [10971.572113] set tpa2051 mode to 4
  19751. [10971.572479] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) len = 2697 ++
  19752. [10971.573333] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 15
  19753. [10971.573699] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  19754. [10971.573883] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  19755. [10971.639190] set_amp: 0
  19756. [10971.650573] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  19757. [10971.651031] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19758. [10971.654907] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19759. [10971.661285] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19760. [10971.669219] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19761. [10971.670288] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  19762. [10971.670440] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19763. [10971.673370] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19764. [10971.674530] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  19765. [10971.674621] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19766. [10971.679107] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19767. [10971.680236] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  19768. [10971.680389] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19769. [10971.683502] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19770. [10971.684600] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  19771. [10971.684753] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19772. [10971.689331] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19773. [10971.690521] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  19774. [10971.690612] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  19775. [10971.756866] set_amp: 1
  19776. [10971.762481] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  19777. [10971.769012] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(3) time: 117ms --
  19778. [10971.769226] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  19779. [10971.769409] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  19780. [10971.769500] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  19781. [10971.836791] set_amp: 0
  19782. [10971.843109] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  19783. [10971.843841] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19784. [10971.849487] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19785. [10971.850646] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  19786. [10971.850738] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19787. [10971.854705] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19788. [10971.855865] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  19789. [10971.856018] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  19790. [10971.917480] set_amp: 1
  19791. [10971.925903] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  19792. [10971.936004] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  19793. [10971.936431] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  19794. [10971.938751] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19795. [10971.941192] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19796. [10971.942291] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  19797. [10971.942474] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19798. [10971.944427] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19799. [10971.949798] [AUD] pcm_in: pcm_in_ioctl: AUDIO_START session id[3]
  19800. [10972.586578] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  19801. [10972.586853] 05-12 15:42:56
  19802. [10972.587158]  17:  3436       gp_timer
  19803. [10972.587799]  48:   343       msmgpio
  19804. [10972.588378]  51:    24       rpm_drv
  19805. [10972.589294]  80:  1296       vfe
  19806. [10972.590911]  81:    28       vidc
  19807. [10972.591613] 107:    66       MDP
  19808. [10972.592285] 112:    76       kgsl-3d0
  19809. [10972.592956] 113:   132       kgsl-2d0
  19810. [10972.592987] 116:   555       csi
  19811. [10972.593017] 122:   305       smd_dev
  19812. [10972.593048] 136:   534       mmc0
  19813. [10972.593048] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  19814. [10972.593078] 179:  1022       spi_qsd
  19815. [10972.593109] 185:    48       qup_err_intr
  19816. [10972.593139] 187:     9       qup_err_intr
  19817. [10972.593139] 191:   109       qup_err_intr
  19818. [10972.593170] 199:    60       msmdatamover
  19819. [10972.593200] 220:    29       mmc4
  19820. [10972.593200] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  19821. [10972.593231] 228:  4617       qup_err_intr
  19822. [10972.593261] 244:   132       kgsl-2d1
  19823. [10972.593383] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  19824. [10972.593414] 373:     9       atmel_qt602240
  19825. [10972.593444] 384:   332       akm8975
  19826. [10972.593933] C0: 3318 3060ms
  19827. [10972.593963] C1: 200 207ms
  19828. [10972.593963] CPU0 usage: 67
  19829. [10972.593963] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  19830. [10972.593994] LPASS running (0ms)
  19831. [10972.593994]  1003,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  19832. [10972.594055]   949,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  19833. [10972.594085]   952,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19834. [10972.594116]   527,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  19835. [10972.594146]  515D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  19836. [10972.594207]   522,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  19837. [10972.594238]  942D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  19838. [10972.594268]   664,  6376 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  19839. [10972.594299]   401,  6376 akmd             qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  19840. [10972.594329] 7100 total events, 708.859 events/sec
  19841. [10972.594390] idle lock:  'kgsl-3d0'  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  19842. [10972.594390] wakelock:  'audio_pcm'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'event4-520', time left 500;
  19843. [10972.599151] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  19844. [10972.599334] 17%              6329            mediaserver                     351
  19845. [10972.599487] 8%               5479            id.GoogleCamera                 180
  19846. [10972.599761] 7%               171             ewtzmud                 141
  19847. [10972.599914] 3%               177             surfaceflinger                  76
  19848. [10972.600067] 1%               170             akmd                    40
  19849. [10973.173400] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: -140, -705, -78
  19850. [10975.182739] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 30, -722, -112
  19851. [10975.278747] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  19852. [10975.278839] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  19853. [10975.282562] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  19854. [10975.282806] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  19855. [10975.282989] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  19856. [10975.283203] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  19857. [10975.283325] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  19858. [10975.283477] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  19859. [10975.283569] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19860. [10975.285400] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19861. [10975.295928] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 1
  19862. [10975.296081] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 1, opened 0)
  19863. [10975.296264] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: device freq =48000
  19864. [10975.296447] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 15
  19865. [10975.298278] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  19866. [10975.298400] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19867. [10975.301666] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19868. [10975.302795] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  19869. [10975.303070] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19870. [10975.305175] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19871. [10975.308197] [AUD] q6afe: afe_open: 1 48000
  19872. [10975.340423] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 1
  19873. [10975.340545] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 1
  19874. [10975.341094] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 3, dev 4, enable 0
  19875. [10975.341278] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  19876. [10975.344787] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 3, dev 4, enable 1
  19877. [10975.344970] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_enc, topology = 0x10be3
  19878. [10975.345092] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  19879. [10975.350891] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  19880. [10975.351043] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 1
  19881. [10975.351470] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 1
  19882. [10975.371917] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427af000, size = 468
  19883. [10975.373535] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 1
  19884. [10975.373657] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 1
  19885. [10975.373870] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: No calibration data to send!
  19886. [10975.374084] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release session id[1]
  19887. [10975.379394] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_release] release
  19888. [10975.379516] [AUD][ATS][stop_music][successful] at 10975313063161             (2014-05-12 11:12:59.004786444 UTC)
  19889. [10975.379913] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  19890. [10975.380126] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  19891. [10975.380249] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  19892. [10975.446746] set_amp: 0
  19893. [10975.462341] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  19894. [10975.462524] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19895. [10975.465698] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19896. [10975.466857] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  19897. [10975.466949] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  19898. [10975.538543] set_amp: 1
  19899. [10975.543273] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  19900. [10975.548675] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  19901. [10975.548950] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  19902. [10975.549041] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19903. [10975.552734] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19904. [10975.553894] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  19905. [10975.554107] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  19906. [10975.556274] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  19907. [10975.598937] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x57, ls_calibrate = 0
  19908. [10975.600494] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x038, Level=3, l_thd = 0x2a, h_thd = 0x57
  19909. [10975.634124] [DISP] brightness orig=131, transformed=75
  19910. [10975.671295] [DISP] brightness orig=130, transformed=74
  19911. [10975.695831] [DISP] brightness orig=129, transformed=73
  19912. [10975.708374] [DISP] brightness orig=128, transformed=73
  19913. [10975.737640] [DISP] brightness orig=127, transformed=72
  19914. [10975.760559] [DISP] brightness orig=126, transformed=71
  19915. [10975.804565] [DISP] brightness orig=124, transformed=70
  19916. [10975.833282] [DISP] brightness orig=123, transformed=69
  19917. [10975.874420] [DISP] brightness orig=122, transformed=69
  19918. [10975.883880] [DISP] brightness orig=121, transformed=68
  19919. [10975.901763] [DISP] brightness orig=120, transformed=67
  19920. [10975.934844] [DISP] brightness orig=119, transformed=67
  19921. [10975.954742] [DISP] brightness orig=118, transformed=66
  19922. [10976.010650] [DISP] brightness orig=116, transformed=65
  19923. [10976.044555] [DISP] brightness orig=115, transformed=64
  19924. [10976.054290] [DISP] brightness orig=114, transformed=64
  19925. [10976.223999] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x5D, ls_calibrate = 0
  19926. [10976.224945] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x03C, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  19927. [10976.374298] call alarm, type 3, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20643186000000 (s 20643186000000)
  19928. [10977.162261] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x7D, ls_calibrate = 0
  19929. [10977.165161] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x051, Level=5, l_thd = 0x77, h_thd = 0x615
  19930. [10977.193572] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 92, -720, -104
  19931. [10979.202880] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 61, -717, -5
  19932. [10979.654327] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20646466000000 (s 20646466000000)
  19933. [10979.700012] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  19934. [10979.700103] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19935. [10979.706268] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19936. [10979.706573] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  19937. [10979.706939] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19938. [10979.707122] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19939. [10979.707214] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19940. [10979.707397] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19941. [10979.707550] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19942. [10979.707733] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  19943. [10979.707946] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  19944. [10979.708129] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  19945. [10979.708312] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  19946. [10979.708404] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  19947. [10979.756805] wl12xx: elp work
  19948. [10979.756927] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19949. [10979.816223] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19950. [10979.816802] wl12xx: wakeup time: 10 ms
  19951. [10979.836578] wl12xx: elp work
  19952. [10979.836730] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19953. [10979.837554] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19954. [10979.837951] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19955. [10979.858398] wl12xx: elp work
  19956. [10979.858551] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19957. [10979.904907] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19958. [10979.905151] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19959. [10979.936737] wl12xx: elp work
  19960. [10979.937316] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19961. [10979.972167] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19962. [10979.972686] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19963. [10979.986846] wl12xx: elp work
  19964. [10979.987182] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19965. [10980.085449] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19966. [10980.085662] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19967. [10980.107849] wl12xx: elp work
  19968. [10980.109100] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19969. [10980.110565] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19970. [10980.110839] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19971. [10980.126556] wl12xx: cmd template_set 9 (role 0)
  19972. [10980.146545] wl12xx: elp work
  19973. [10980.146820] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19974. [10980.288238] [LS][CM3628] get_ls_adc_value: raw adc = 0x5B, ls_calibrate = 0
  19975. [10980.288848] [LS][CM3628] report_lsensor_input_event: ADC=0x03B, Level=4, l_thd = 0x58, h_thd = 0x76
  19976. [10980.433013] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  19977. [10980.433502] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  19978. [10980.433929] wl12xx: mac80211 hw scan
  19979. [10980.434051] wl12xx: cmd template_set 10 (role 0)
  19980. [10980.446563] wl12xx: elp work
  19981. [10980.446685] wl12xx: chip to elp
  19982. [10980.765441] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 +
  19983. [10980.765777] [LED]pm8058_drvx_led_brightness_set: bank 3 brightness 102 -
  19984. [10980.815979] [TP]unlock change to 2
  19985. [10980.891204] [VID]
  19986. [10980.891204]  vid_enc_ioctl(): Calling vid_enc_flush with mode = 1
  19987. [10980.891357] [VID]
  19988. [10980.891357]  vid_enc_ioctl(): Calling vid_enc_flush with mode = 2
  19989. [10980.908538] [VID]
  19990. [10980.908569]  msm_vidc_enc: Sending VCD_EVT_RESP_FLUSH_INPUT_DONE to client
  19991. [10980.908843] [VID]
  19992. [10980.908843]  msm_vidc_enc: Sending VCD_EVT_RESP_FLUSH_OUTPUT_DONE to client
  19993. [10980.909332]  vid_enc_free_recon_buffers() address  4aa4b000
  19994. [10980.909729] [VID] ddl_set_enc_property:Fails_as_not_in_open_state
  19995. [10980.910247] [VID] ddl_set_prop:FAILED
  19996. [10980.910614] Failed: ddl_set_property
  19997. [10980.911315]  vid_enc_free_recon_buffers() address  4ad75000
  19998. [10980.911834] [VID] ddl_set_enc_property:Fails_as_not_in_open_state
  19999. [10980.912200] [VID] ddl_set_prop:FAILED
  20000. [10980.912750] Failed: ddl_set_property
  20001. [10980.913421] [VID]
  20002. [10980.913421]  vid_enc_ioctl(): Executing VEN_IOCTL_CMD_STOP
  20003. [10980.914611] [VID]
  20004. [10980.914611]  msm_vidc_enc: Sending VCD_EVT_RESP_STOP to client
  20005. [10980.918579]  vid_enc_free_recon_buffers() address    (null)
  20006. [10980.919158]  vid_enc_free_recon_buffers() address    (null)
  20007. [10980.919555] [VID]
  20008. [10980.919555]  vid_enc_ioctl(): Executing VEN_IOCTL_CMD_STOP
  20009. [10980.920257] [VID]
  20010. [10980.920288]  msm_vidc_enc: Sending VCD_EVT_RESP_STOP to client
  20011. [10980.922637] [CAM] vfe31_proc_general: V31_STOP_RECORDING
  20012. [10980.926879] [CAM] msm_camio_set_perf_lvl: S_PREVIEW rc = 0
  20013. [10980.947937] [CAM] stop video triggered .
  20014. [10980.953765] [AUD] pcm_out: [pcm_out.c:pcm_out_open] open
  20015. [10980.962707] [AUD][ATS][play_music][successful] at 10980896254080             (2014-05-12 11:13:04.587977363 UTC)
  20016. [10980.962829] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_GET_CONFIG
  20017. [10980.962951] [AUD] pcm_out: AUDIO_SET_CONFIG
  20018. [10980.963104] set tpa2051 mode to 1
  20019. [10980.996124] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  20020. [10980.996276] [AUD] aac_in: q6asm_aac_in_cb:session id 2: Ignore opcode[0x110e8]
  20021. [10980.996429] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  20022. [10980.998229] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  20023. [10981.003753] [AUD] aac_in: q6asm_aac_in_cb:session id 2: Ignore opcode[0x110e8]
  20024. [10981.005004] [AUD] aac_in: q6asm_aac_in_cb:session id 2: Ignore opcode[0x110e8]
  20025. [10981.005035] [AUD] q6asm: Read Buf[0] not returned
  20026. [10981.005035] [AUD] q6asm: Read Buf[1] not returned
  20027. [10981.005035] [AUD] q6asm: Read Buf[2] not returned
  20028. [10981.005065] [AUD] q6asm: Read Buf[3] not returned
  20029. [10981.005065] [AUD] q6asm: Read Buf[4] not returned
  20030. [10981.005065] [AUD] q6asm: Read Buf[5] not returned
  20031. [10981.005065] [AUD] q6asm: Read Buf[6] not returned
  20032. [10981.005065] [AUD] q6asm: Read Buf[7] not returned
  20033. [10981.066558] set_amp: 0
  20034. [10981.072296] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  20035. [10981.072418] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20036. [10981.076995] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20037. [10981.078125] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  20038. [10981.078186] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20039. [10981.081726] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20040. [10981.082824] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  20041. [10981.082946] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  20042. [10981.146545] set_amp: 1
  20043. [10981.149841] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  20044. [10981.155670] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  20045. [10981.155731] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  20046. [10981.155853] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20047. [10981.157592] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20048. [10981.158721] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  20049. [10981.158813] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20050. [10981.160797] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20051. [10981.161956] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) len = 1458 ++
  20052. [10981.162078] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: rx mode 13, tx mode 15
  20053. [10981.162200] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  20054. [10981.162261] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  20055. [10981.162445] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  20056. [10981.162506] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 1)
  20057. [10981.162902] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  20058. [10981.163055] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  20059. [10981.163116] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  20060. [10981.170013] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  20061. [10981.170104] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  20062. [10981.170257] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  20063. [10981.170318] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  20064. [10981.171966] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  20065. [10981.172058] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  20066. [10981.172180] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  20067. [10981.174224] [AUD] pcm_out: pcm_out_ioctl: AUDIO_START
  20068. [10981.184844] [DISP] brightness orig=115, transformed=64
  20069. [10981.212707] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 33, -714, -210
  20070. [10981.227142] set_amp: 0
  20071. [10981.233032] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 29 len(10)
  20072. [10981.233154] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20073. [10981.234954] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20074. [10981.236083] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20075. [10981.240081] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20076. [10981.241607] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  20077. [10981.241729] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20078. [10981.243927] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20079. [10981.245056] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  20080. [10981.245117] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20081. [10981.246887] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20082. [10981.247955] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink wakeup len(11)
  20083. [10981.248138] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20084. [10981.249847] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20085. [10981.250976] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 15 len(13)
  20086. [10981.251037] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20087. [10981.253051] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20088. [10981.254119] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  20089. [10981.254272] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  20090. [10981.257904] [DISP] brightness orig=117, transformed=65
  20091. [10981.271850] [DISP] brightness orig=118, transformed=66
  20092. [10981.300201] [DISP] brightness orig=119, transformed=67
  20093. [10981.316680] set_amp: 1
  20094. [10981.320800] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  20095. [10981.340087] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: configure miniDSP index(1) time: 92ms --
  20096. [10981.340332] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  20097. [10981.340393] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  20098. [10981.340515] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  20099. [10981.344757] [DISP] brightness orig=121, transformed=68
  20100. [10981.358642] [DISP] brightness orig=122, transformed=69
  20101. [10981.406555] set_amp: 0
  20102. [10981.407043] [DISP] brightness orig=123, transformed=69
  20103. [10981.413055] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  20104. [10981.413208] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20105. [10981.415985] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20106. [10981.417053] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  20107. [10981.417205] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20108. [10981.418853] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20109. [10981.419982] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  20110. [10981.420043] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  20111. [10981.428619] [DISP] brightness orig=124, transformed=70
  20112. [10981.445526] [DISP] brightness orig=125, transformed=71
  20113. [10981.465393] [DISP] brightness orig=126, transformed=71
  20114. [10981.486663] set_amp: 1
  20115. [10981.493133] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  20116. [10981.498748] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  20117. [10981.498962] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  20118. [10981.499328] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20119. [10981.504394] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20120. [10981.507019] [AUD] pcm_in: [pcm_in.c:pcm_in_release] release session id[3]
  20121. [10981.507080] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=1 index 1
  20122. [10981.508270] [DISP] brightness orig=128, transformed=73
  20123. [10981.511138] [AUD][ATS][stop_recording][successful] at 10981444685476                 (2014-05-12 11:13:05.136408759 UTC)
  20124. [10981.511322] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 3, dev 4, enable 0
  20125. [10981.511505] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_mono_tx set 0
  20126. [10981.511566] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_mono_tx, id 4, enable 0, opened 1)
  20127. [10981.511749] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_imic_pamp_on 0
  20128. [10981.511901] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_bmic_pamp_on 0
  20129. [10981.511962] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_mode: AIC3254_CONFIG_TX mode = 29
  20130. [10981.512115] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  20131. [10981.512207] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20132. [10981.515563] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20133. [10981.524230] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  20134. [10981.524353] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  20135. [10981.524444] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  20136. [10981.548583] [DISP] brightness orig=129, transformed=73
  20137. [10981.565063] [DISP] brightness orig=130, transformed=74
  20138. [10981.584503] [DISP] brightness orig=131, transformed=75
  20139. [10981.586608] set_amp: 0
  20140. [10981.594299] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  20141. [10981.594696] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20142. [10981.597900] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20143. [10981.599029] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  20144. [10981.599121] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20145. [10981.602233] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20146. [10981.603302] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  20147. [10981.603454] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  20148. [10981.617370] [DISP] brightness orig=132, transformed=75
  20149. [10981.666748] set_amp: 1
  20150. [10981.674346] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  20151. [10981.681518] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  20152. [10981.681671] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  20153. [10981.681762] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20154. [10981.683319] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20155. [10981.684509] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 0
  20156. [10981.684631] [AUD] q6adm: adm_close port_id=0 index 0
  20157. [10981.689819] [msm8x60.c:msm_device_put] device speaker_stereo_rx set 1
  20158. [10981.690399] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_en_device (dev speaker_stereo_rx, id 2, enable 1, opened 1)
  20159. [10981.690673] [AUD] snd_soc_msm8x60: [ALSA] msm_route_stream: session 1, dev 2, enable 1
  20160. [10981.690765] [AUD] audio_dev_ctl: msm_snddev_set_dec, topology = 0x10be3
  20161. [10981.690887] [AUD] q6adm: Topology = 10be3
  20162. [10981.703002] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal
  20163. [10981.703338] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audproc cal, acdb_path 0
  20164. [10981.703521] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audproc_cal, path = 0
  20165. [10981.703857] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427ae000, size = 316
  20166. [10981.706939] [AUD] q6adm: send_adm_cal: Sending audvol cal, acdb_path 0
  20167. [10981.707305] [AUD] audio_acdb: get_audvol_cal, path = 0
  20168. [10981.707489] [AUD] q6adm: send_cal: Sending SET_PARAMS payload = 0x427b2000, size = 180
  20169. [10981.711883] set tpa2051 mode to 4
  20170. [10981.723968] wl12xx: waking up chip from elp
  20171. [10981.724365] wl12xx: wakeup time: 0 ms
  20172. [10981.736541] wl12xx: elp work
  20173. [10981.736633] wl12xx: chip to elp
  20174. [10981.749420] [VID]
  20175. [10981.749420]  msm_vidc_enc: Inside vid_enc_release()
  20176. [10981.749572] [VID]
  20177. [10981.749572]  msm_vidc_enc: Inside vid_enc_close_client()
  20178. [10981.769195] [VID]
  20179. [10981.769195]  msm_vidc_enc: Return from vid_enc_release()
  20180. [10981.770141] [AUD] audio_utils: audio_in_release: session id 2
  20181. [10981.774291] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable rx
  20182. [10981.774444] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 0
  20183. [10981.774505] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 0
  20184. [10981.836730] set_amp: 0
  20185. [10981.846008] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink wakeup len(19)
  20186. [10981.846405] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20187. [10981.851104] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20188. [10981.852508] [AUD] spi_aic3254: downlink RX 13 len(10)
  20189. [10981.853179] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20190. [10981.855987] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20191. [10981.857849] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_rx_amp_enable: curr_rx_mode 0x1, en 1
  20192. [10981.858245] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_snddev_poweramp_on 1
  20193. [10981.928161] set_amp: 1
  20194. [10981.943084] set_amp: ON reg1=82, reg2=0
  20195. [10981.948852] [AUD] spi_aic3254: aic3254_set_config: enable tx
  20196. [10981.949523] [AUD] spi_aic3254: uplink TX 29 len(7)
  20197. [10981.949920] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 1
  20198. [10981.952636] [AUD] board_ruby_audio: ruby_spibus_enable 0
  20199. [10982.312927] [VID] msm_vidc_dec: Inside vid_dec_open()
  20200. [10982.427581] [VID] enter ddl_fw_init()
  20201. [10982.427764] [VID] FW Addr / FW Size : e2f0b000/523752
  20202. [10982.606536] [PM] hTC PM Statistic
  20203. [10982.606750] 05-12 15:43:06
  20204. [10982.606903]  17:  4469       gp_timer
  20205. [10982.607177]  48:   375       msmgpio
  20206. [10982.607513]  51:    20       rpm_drv
  20207. [10982.607788]  80:  1318       vfe
  20208. [10982.608032]  81:   470       vidc
  20209. [10982.608306] 107:   175       MDP
  20210. [10982.608642] 112:   203       kgsl-3d0
  20211. [10982.608886] 113:   349       kgsl-2d0
  20212. [10982.609161] 114:    59       MIPI_DSI
  20213. [10982.609405] 116:   551       csi
  20214. [10982.609741] 122:  2722       smd_dev
  20215. [10982.610839] 133:   348       mmc3
  20216. [10982.611022] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  20217. [10982.611663] 136:  3242       mmc0
  20218. [10982.611907] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  20219. [10982.612152] 179:   828       spi_qsd
  20220. [10982.612396] 185:   344       qup_err_intr
  20221. [10982.612762] 187:     3       qup_err_intr
  20222. [10982.613281] 191:    99       qup_err_intr
  20223. [10982.613555] 199:   216       msmdatamover
  20224. [10982.613800] 220:    33       mmc4
  20225. [10982.614074] , msm-sdcc (pio)
  20226. [10982.614868] 228:  4731       qup_err_intr
  20227. [10982.615142] 244:   349       kgsl-2d1
  20228. [10982.615417] 302:    31       wl12xx
  20229. [10982.615753] 344:     4       pm8xxx_usr_irq
  20230. [10982.616027] 355:     1       msm-sdccsdiowakeup
  20231. [10982.616394] 373:     3       atmel_qt602240
  20232. [10982.616790] 384:   338       akm8975
  20233. [10982.617187] 635:     4       cm3628
  20234. [10982.617614] C0: 3265 1809ms
  20235. [10982.617706] C1: 140 97ms
  20236. [10982.617828] CPU0 usage: 80
  20237. [10982.617889] MPSS sleep (0ms)
  20238. [10982.617950] LPASS avtive (0ms)
  20239. [10982.618041]   909,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  20240. [10982.618438]  887D,  4547 kworker/u:7      cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  20241. [10982.618835]  1002,     0 swapper          hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)
  20242. [10982.619171]  1001,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  20243. [10982.619567]   676,  6376 akmd             hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  20244. [10982.620056]  1002,   171 ewtzmud          hrtimer_start (it_real_fn)
  20245. [10982.620819]   526,   171 ewtzmud          qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  20246. [10982.621215]   431,  6376 akmd             qup_i2c_xfer (qup_i2c_pwr_timer)
  20247. [10982.621582]   483,   253 hwcVsyncThread   hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  20248. [10982.621917]   484,   213 DispSync         hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  20249. [10982.622314]  986D,    27 kworker/0:1      do_dbs_timer (delayed_work_timer_fn)
  20250. [10982.622680]   395,  6419 AudioIn_E        hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)
  20251. [10982.623016] 9347 total events, 932.532 events/sec
  20252. [10982.623168] idle lock:  'kgsl-2d1'  'kgsl-2d0'  's5k3h2yx'  'msm_camera'
  20253. [10982.623565] wakelock:  'audio_pcm'  'PowerManagerService.WakeLocks'  'main'  'PowerManagerService.Display'  'proximity', time left 67;
  20254. [10982.626525] CPU Usage        PID             Name
  20255. [10982.626647] 20%              5479            id.GoogleCamera                 403
  20256. [10982.626739] 15%              6329            mediaserver                     310
  20257. [10982.626800] 8%               107             kmemleak                        170
  20258. [10982.626922] 8%               177             surfaceflinger                  166
  20259. [10982.626922] 2%               520             system_server                   58
  20260. [10982.845794] [VID] Firmware in SMI is good continue
  20261. [10982.876617] [VID] Unexpected channel ID = 0
  20262. [10982.876770] [VID] Unexpected channel ID = 0
  20263. [10982.876953] [VID] fw_version 2:29:2012
  20264. [10983.214385] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Open device node:ewtzmu2hal times.
  20265. [10983.214599] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on: controldata_active_sensor=0x9
  20266. [10983.214752] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro AP on:off_status_hal=0,g_status=0, o_status=0, m_status=0,rv_status=1, la_status=0, gv_status=0,
  20267. [10983.214904] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Gyro power on:g_status=0off_status_hal=0
  20268. [10983.215057] [GYRO][PANASONIC] Release ewtzmu2hal, remainder is  times.
  20269. [10983.222686] [GYRO][PANASONIC] a_status : gsensor data: 53, -705, -174
  20270. [10983.392639] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 9
  20271. [10983.392913] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 10
  20272. [10983.560333] [VID] msm_vidc_dec: Inside vid_dec_open()
  20273. [10983.563781] [VID] msm_vidc_dec: Inside vid_dec_release()
  20274. [10983.563934] [VID] msm_vidc_dec: Inside vid_dec_close_client()
  20275. [10983.564117] [VID] msm_vidc_dec: Sending VDEC_MSG_RESP_STOP_DONE to client
  20276. [10983.564453] [VID] msm_vidc_dec: Return from vid_dec_release()
  20277. [10983.592620] [VID] msm_vidc_dec: Inside vid_dec_open()
  20278. [10983.617919]
  20279. [10983.617919]  [VID] err: Buffer pool is full
  20280. [10983.618591] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000018
  20281. [10983.618774] pgd = cc320000
  20282. [10983.619537] [00000018] *pgd=4ea46831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000
  20283. [10983.619903] [K] Internal error: Oops: 17 [#1] PREEMPT SMP
  20284. [10983.619995] Modules linked in: wl12xx_sdio wl12xx mac80211 cfg80211 compat btwilink fm_drv(C) tty_hci
  20285. [10983.620849] CPU: 0    Tainted: G         C   (3.0.101-g1e870b6 #1)
  20286. [10983.620941] PC is at vcd_find_buffer_pool_entry+0x1c/0x60
  20287. [10983.621063] LR is at vcd_free_one_buffer_internal+0x58/0x13c
  20288. [10983.621154] pc : [<c0232698>]    lr : [<c0232734>]    psr: 600f0013
  20289. [10983.621154] sp : cd651de8  ip : 00000000  fp : ce7e78d0
  20290. [10983.621337] r10: 423628c8  r9 : cd650000  r8 : c004db44
  20291. [10983.621490] r7 : d41e4000  r6 : cf2f3400  r5 : c0722780  r4 : 000000a0
  20292. [10983.621582] r3 : 00000001  r2 : 00000000  r1 : d41e4000  r0 : cf2f346c
  20293. [10983.621734] Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  ISA ARM  Segment user
  20294. [10983.621887] Control: 10c57c7d  Table: 5432006a  DAC: 00000015
  20295. [10983.621948]
  20296. [10983.621948] PC: 0xc0232618:
  20297. [10983.622222] 2618  e59f0058 eb0ab24f e5943014 e5843018 e5942018 e3a00000 e594301c e5842030
  20298. [10983.622985] 2638  e5843034 e5882000 e59d3018 e594201c e5832000 e5953024 e2833001 e5853024
  20299. [10983.623840] 2658  e5953020 e2833001 e5853020 e8bd81f0 c06072a0 c06072d3 c0607008 c0bac334
  20300. [10983.624755] 2678  c06072fc e92d4010 e3a03000 e590c004 e3a040a0 e5902000 e0222394 e2833001
  20301. [10983.625488] 2698  e5922018 e1520001 13a02000 03a02001 e153000c 8a000006 e3520000 0afffff4
  20302. [10983.626342] 26b8  e5901000 e2433001 e3a000a0 e0201390 e8bd8010 e3520000 1afffff8 e1a00002
  20303. [10983.627105] 26d8  e8bd8010 e3510001 e92d40f8 e1a06000 e1a07002 02804034 03a03004 0a00003d
  20304. [10983.627960] 26f8  e3510002 0280406c 03a03008 0a000039 ea000034 e5963204 e3530000 1a000003
  20305. [10983.628692]
  20306. [10983.628692] LR: 0xc02326b4:
  20307. [10983.628875] 26b4  0afffff4 e5901000 e2433001 e3a000a0 e0201390 e8bd8010 e3520000 1afffff8
  20308. [10983.629638] 26d4  e1a00002 e8bd8010 e3510001 e92d40f8 e1a06000 e1a07002 02804034 03a03004
  20309. [10983.630523] 26f4  0a00003d e3510002 0280406c 03a03008 0a000039 ea000034 e5963204 e3530000
  20310. [10983.631286] 2714  1a000003 e59f00e0 eb0ab20f e3a00122 e8bd80f8 e1a00004 e1a01007 ebffffd1
  20311. [10983.632110] 2734  e2505000 1a000003 e1a01007 e59f00bc eb0ab205 ea000026 e5953028 e3530000
  20312. [10983.632873] 2754  0a000003 e59f00a8 eb0ab1ff e3a0010e e8bd80f8 e59f309c e5933000 e3530000
  20313. [10983.633666] 2774  0a000003 e59f0090 e5951018 e5952024 eb0ab1f5 e5953024 e3530000 0a000006
  20314. [10983.634552] 2794  e5950014 e1a02006 e595101c ebfffd97 e5943024 e2433001 e5843024 e1a00005
  20315. [10983.635345]
  20316. [10983.635345] SP: 0xcd651d68:
  20317. [10983.635528] 1d68  3a5e4000 001e17dc 002fe000 80000001 cf2f346c 002fe000 00000002 00000002
  20318. [10983.636383] 1d88  cd650000 ffffffff cd651dd4 cf2f3400 d41e4000 c004d46c cf2f346c d41e4000
  20319. [10983.637268] 1da8  00000000 00000001 000000a0 c0722780 cf2f3400 d41e4000 c004db44 cd650000
  20320. [10983.638153] 1dc8  423628c8 ce7e78d0 00000000 cd651de8 c0232734 c0232698 600f0013 ffffffff
  20321. [10983.639068] 1de8  cf2f346c c0232734 00000000 cf2f3400 c0722780 d41e4000 00000002 c022c520
  20322. [10983.639770] 1e08  cd651e4c 00000002 c69cae60 cfbd1de4 00000077 c024729c c10f42a0 c10f4280
  20323. [10983.640625] 1e28  00000000 00000001 00000001 c0116dc4 c10f4280 00000000 c10f4280 00000000
  20324. [10983.641326] 1e48  c51543c8 d41e4000 423628d0 00000000 c51543c8 00000001 c5154420 c073bfa0
  20325. [10983.642028]
  20326. [10983.642028] FP: 0xce7e7850:
  20327. [10983.642150] 7850  00000000 00000000 ce7e7860 20000000 00000000 00000000 00200000 00000000
  20328. [10983.642852] 7870  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20329. [10983.643493] 7890  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20330. [10983.644134] 78b0  00000000 00000000 00000000 ce7e78bc ce7e78bc ce7e78c4 ce7e78c4 00000000
  20331. [10983.644836] 78d0  000021b0 000003e8 000003ed c04f5100 ce67f200 00060006 00000000 00000000
  20332. [10983.645538] 78f0  00000007 00000001 00000000 00000000 ce7e7900 ce7e7900 00000000 00000000
  20333. [10983.646179] 7910  00000000 00000000 ce7e7918 ce7e7918 ce7e7920 ce7e7920 ce7e7748 ce7e7b08
  20334. [10983.646881] 7930  cdf288fc cdf288fc 0000144e 00000001 00000001 0f200000 0000000c 00000000
  20335. [10983.647521]
  20336. [10983.647521] R0: 0xcf2f33ec:
  20337. [10983.647644] 33ec  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 75017591 c050da24 00000001
  20338. [10983.648345] 340c  00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20339. [10983.649017] 342c  00000000 00000000 c2272000 00000002 00000001 00000002 00000020 00200000
  20340. [10983.649658] 344c  00000800 00000001 00000002 00000000 00000000 cf2f3460 cf2f3460 00000000
  20341. [10983.650360] 346c  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20342. [10983.651000] 348c  00000000 00000000 00000000 cf2f3498 cf2f3498 00000000 c0248a54 cfbd1de4
  20343. [10983.651702] 34ac  00000000 00000001 cd4e3000 c07226e4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20344. [10983.652343] 34cc  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20345. [10983.653045]
  20346. [10983.653045] R1: 0xd41e3f80:
  20347. [10983.653167] 3f80  f5dfffbf fdebdfff fffffffb fffb77ff 5ffefffe fdfffeff fffffdbf fffffedf
  20348. [10983.653869] 3fa0  f3fff7bf ffffdffb ffefffff f7fffffb dffffeff ffffffff f7ffdfff f5ff7fff
  20349. [10983.654510] 3fc0  ffebf1fe ffffffbe ffffffdf dffbffff 5fffebff deb7dfff ffebffff fffefffa
  20350. [10983.655212] 3fe0  f7efffff fff8ffff 5fffffff fffff7ff fcffffaf fdffffff d7fdffef ffbfffff
  20351. [10983.655853] 4000  fdfeffef f7fffdbb ffbbf7be fffaffff fffffffe ffffffff 7dfe77ff fffafffe
  20352. [10983.656524] 4020  7ffff7bb ffbfffee ffe7ffff fffef7ff dfebffff ffffffef ffff7fff ffffffff
  20353. [10983.657226] 4040  ffffffff fdf7fdfb fffffdef ffaffffb ffe7f7ff dffedfbf ffdffdfb ff7bf7ff
  20354. [10983.657867] 4060  ffeff7ff 7fff7fff fffcffef ffbadffb ffffdf7f fdefffff ffffffbf f5fdffff
  20355. [10983.658569]
  20356. [10983.658569] R5: 0xc0722700:
  20357. [10983.658752] 2700  c0722700 c0722700 c060c74e c0246474 c00208bc c0246470 c024646c c0246468
  20358. [10983.659393] 2720  c022c1a4 c022b68c c022b8b8 c022b874 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000000
  20359. [10983.660095] 2740  00000002 d1a00000 cfb97ba0 000003e8 cf2f3400 00000000 00000000 cc92a000
  20360. [10983.660797] 2760  00000081 00000000 00000003 00000001 0003bc40 00000000 0003bc40 00000000
  20361. [10983.661437] 2780  00000000 00260026 00000000 c072278c c072278c c87fc960 00000000 00000001
  20362. [10983.662139] 27a0  00000000 00000001 c060c4a8 00000000 c060c4b6 00000000 c060c4c4 00000000
  20363. [10983.662811] 27c0  c060c4d6 00000000 c060c4e8 00000000 c0653707 00000124 c00e931c 00000000
  20364. [10983.663513] 27e0  00000000 00000000 00000000 c060d09a c063631f c0653707 00000124 c00e931c
  20365. [10983.664154]
  20366. [10983.664154] R6: 0xcf2f3380:
  20367. [10983.664337] 3380  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20368. [10983.664978] 33a0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20369. [10983.665679] 33c0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20370. [10983.666381] 33e0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20371. [10983.667083] 3400  75017591 c050da24 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001
  20372. [10983.667724] 3420  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 c2272000 00000002 00000001
  20373. [10983.668395] 3440  00000002 00000020 00200000 00000800 00000001 00000002 00000000 00000000
  20374. [10983.669097] 3460  cf2f3460 cf2f3460 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20375. [10983.669738]
  20376. [10983.669738] R7: 0xd41e3f80:
  20377. [10983.669860] 3f80  f5dfffbf fdebdfff fffffffb fffb77ff 5ffefffe fdfffeff fffffdbf fffffedf
  20378. [10983.670562] 3fa0  f3fff7bf ffffdffb ffefffff f7fffffb dffffeff ffffffff f7ffdfff f5ff7fff
  20379. [10983.671203] 3fc0  ffebf1fe ffffffbe ffffffdf dffbffff 5fffebff deb7dfff ffebffff fffefffa
  20380. [10983.671875] 3fe0  f7efffff fff8ffff 5fffffff fffff7ff fcffffaf fdffffff d7fdffef ffbfffff
  20381. [10983.672576] 4000  fdfeffef f7fffdbb ffbbf7be fffaffff fffffffe ffffffff 7dfe77ff fffafffe
  20382. [10983.673217] 4020  7ffff7bb ffbfffee ffe7ffff fffef7ff dfebffff ffffffef ffff7fff ffffffff
  20383. [10983.673858] 4040  ffffffff fdf7fdfb fffffdef ffaffffb ffe7f7ff dffedfbf ffdffdfb ff7bf7ff
  20384. [10983.674560] 4060  ffeff7ff 7fff7fff fffcffef ffbadffb ffffdf7f fdefffff ffffffbf f5fdffff
  20385. [10983.675231]
  20386. [10983.675231] R8: 0xc004dac4:
  20387. [10983.675384] dac4  e31a0c01 1a000008 e3570f5e e24fef46 3798f107 e28d1008 e3a08000 e357080f
  20388. [10983.676055] dae4  e2270000 2a000e15 ea02789b e1a02007 e28d1008 e3a00000 eb000746 e28fe014
  20389. [10983.676696] db04  e1a07000 e28d1008 e3570f5e 3891000f 3798f107 eaffffef e5ad0008 e1a02007
  20390. [10983.677368] db24  e1a0100d e3a00001 eb00073a eaffffba e320f000 e320f000 e320f000 c06db9fc
  20391. [10983.678039] db44  c00e0390 c00d6244 c004e14c c013d5d4 c013d63c c013cabc c013b680 c00ebd60
  20392. [10983.678741] db64  c013cae4 c014a0d8 c0149e9c c004e15c c013c498 c00ebd60 c0149d64 c013c73c
  20393. [10983.679382] db84  c00fc86c c00ebd60 c00ebd60 c013cfa4 c00dd740 c0157d94 c00ebd60 c00fc8dc
  20394. [10983.680084] dba4  c00fcc48 c00ebd60 c00dbe80 c00ebd60 c00ebd60 c00e1418 c00ebd60 c00ebd60
  20395. [10983.680786]
  20396. [10983.680786] R9: 0xcd64ff80:
  20397. [10983.680908] ff80  00010074 0000209d bf0bbda8 000001e0 00010074 000020ad bf0b3a3c 000000a8
  20398. [10983.681610] ffa0  00010074 000020c2 bf0a8da4 00000188 00010074 000020da bf0acb58 00000098
  20399. [10983.682312] ffc0  00010074 000020f5 bf0b2c50 000000c4 00010074 00002111 bf0ae124 000000b4
  20400. [10983.682952] ffe0  00010074 00002121 bf0ae6b0 00000008 00010074 00002142 bf0b4810 000000a8
  20401. [10983.683624] 0000  00000000 00000002 00000000 c87fc960 c070eae0 00000000 00000015 c16b3aa0
  20402. [10983.684326] 0020  c87fc960 cd6ed900 cd6d8b60 c0046aa0 00000000 c0b6d507 cd651c1c cd651bd8
  20403. [10983.685028] 0040  c04e538c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 01010000 00000000
  20404. [10983.685668] 0060  42362dd0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  20405. [10983.686370] Process Binder_1 (pid: 6335, stack limit = 0xcd6502f8)
  20406. [10983.686492] Stack: (0xcd651de8 to 0xcd652000)
  20407. [10983.686584] 1de0:                   cf2f346c c0232734 00000000 cf2f3400 c0722780 d41e4000
  20408. [10983.686706] 1e00: 00000002 c022c520 cd651e4c 00000002 c69cae60 cfbd1de4 00000077 c024729c
  20409. [10983.686798] 1e20: c10f42a0 c10f4280 00000000 00000001 00000001 c0116dc4 c10f4280 00000000
  20410. [10983.686920] 1e40: c10f4280 00000000 c51543c8 d41e4000 423628d0 00000000 c51543c8 00000001
  20411. [10983.687042] 1e60: c5154420 c073bfa0 c5117000 c0118404 00000001 c10f4280 00000000 c011a9f4
  20412. [10983.687164] 1e80: 4b26efff 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 4b4c5000 002fe000 00000084
  20413. [10983.687255] 1ea0: 00000000 002fe000 00000000 00000001 00000001 c0116dc4 c10f42e0 00000000
  20414. [10983.687377] 1ec0: c10f42e0 00000000 c51543c8 c0292474 c53198c8 00000000 c53198cc c01fda30
  20415. [10983.687500] 1ee0: c53198c8 60000013 00000000 c53198c0 00000000 c53198c8 c697ec80 00000003
  20416. [10983.687652] 1f00: 423628c8 c69cae60 4008760f 00000077 c004db44 c014b1e0 cdf28880 c014bcb8
  20417. [10983.687713] 1f20: 00000000 c0baea54 00000000 00000000 cdd6fb28 ce746610 cdd6fb74 c014f48c
  20418. [10983.687835] 1f40: 00000002 c697ec80 ce746610 00000008 cdd6fb28 c013ed70 00000020 00000000
  20419. [10983.687957] 1f60: c697ec80 423628c8 c69cae60 4008760f 00000077 c004db44 cd650000 00000000
  20420. [10983.688049] 1f80: 425a3f08 c014bd3c 00000077 00000001 423628c8 01cc71c0 423628e4 00000001
  20421. [10983.688171] 1fa0: 00000036 c004d9c0 01cc71c0 423628e4 00000077 4008760f 423628c8 423628c0
  20422. [10983.688293] 1fc0: 01cc71c0 423628e4 00000001 00000036 00000014 00000004 01cc71c8 425a3f08
  20423. [10983.688415] 1fe0: 01bdcc74 423628b0 401c0093 401b3698 200f0010 00000077 00000000 00000000
  20424. [10983.688507] [<c0232698>] (vcd_find_buffer_pool_entry+0x1c/0x60) from [<c0232734>] (vcd_free_one_buffer_internal+0x58/0x13c)
  20425. [10983.688629] [<c0232734>] (vcd_free_one_buffer_internal+0x58/0x13c) from [<c022c520>] (vcd_free_buffer+0x80/0xbc)
  20426. [10983.688781] [<c022c520>] (vcd_free_buffer+0x80/0xbc) from [<c024729c>] (vid_dec_ioctl+0x9fc/0x1e40)
  20427. [10983.688903] [<c024729c>] (vid_dec_ioctl+0x9fc/0x1e40) from [<c014b1e0>] (vfs_ioctl+0x20/0x3c)
  20428. [10983.689056] [<c014b1e0>] (vfs_ioctl+0x20/0x3c) from [<c014bcb8>] (do_vfs_ioctl+0x4c4/0x518)
  20429. [10983.689178] [<c014bcb8>] (do_vfs_ioctl+0x4c4/0x518) from [<c014bd3c>] (sys_ioctl+0x30/0x58)
  20430. [10983.689270] [<c014bd3c>] (sys_ioctl+0x30/0x58) from [<c004d9c0>] (ret_fast_syscall+0x0/0x30)
  20431. [10983.689392] Code: e3a040a0 e5902000 e0222394 e2833001 (e5922018)
  20432. [10983.766876] ---[ end trace 4fb0d4c4248f078f ]---
  20433. [10983.766998] [K] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception
  20434. [10983.767211] [<c0053030>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xe0) from [<c04dee34>] (panic+0x6c/0x198)
  20435. [10983.767303] [<c04dee34>] (panic+0x6c/0x198) from [<c0051034>] (die+0x190/0x1cc)
  20436. [10983.767456] [<c0051034>] (die+0x190/0x1cc) from [<c04de63c>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.2+0x54/0x74)
  20437. [10983.767639] [<c04de63c>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.2+0x54/0x74) from [<c00540d8>] (do_page_fault+0x1d0/0x1e4)
  20438. [10983.767761] [<c00540d8>] (do_page_fault+0x1d0/0x1e4) from [<c0048230>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x98)
  20439. [10983.767852] [<c0048230>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x98) from [<c004d46c>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60)
  20440. [10983.767974] Exception stack(0xcd651da0 to 0xcd651de8)
  20441. [10983.768096] 1da0: cf2f346c d41e4000 00000000 00000001 000000a0 c0722780 cf2f3400 d41e4000
  20442. [10983.768188] 1dc0: c004db44 cd650000 423628c8 ce7e78d0 00000000 cd651de8 c0232734 c0232698
  20443. [10983.768341] 1de0: 600f0013 ffffffff
  20444. [10983.768402] [<c004d46c>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60) from [<c0232698>] (vcd_find_buffer_pool_entry+0x1c/0x60)
  20445. [10983.768554] [<c0232698>] (vcd_find_buffer_pool_entry+0x1c/0x60) from [<c0232734>] (vcd_free_one_buffer_internal+0x58/0x13c)
  20446. [10983.768676] [<c0232734>] (vcd_free_one_buffer_internal+0x58/0x13c) from [<c022c520>] (vcd_free_buffer+0x80/0xbc)
  20447. [10983.768829] [<c022c520>] (vcd_free_buffer+0x80/0xbc) from [<c024729c>] (vid_dec_ioctl+0x9fc/0x1e40)
  20448. [10983.768951] [<c024729c>] (vid_dec_ioctl+0x9fc/0x1e40) from [<c014b1e0>] (vfs_ioctl+0x20/0x3c)
  20449. [10983.769073] [<c014b1e0>] (vfs_ioctl+0x20/0x3c) from [<c014bcb8>] (do_vfs_ioctl+0x4c4/0x518)
  20450. [10983.769165] [<c014bcb8>] (do_vfs_ioctl+0x4c4/0x518) from [<c014bd3c>] (sys_ioctl+0x30/0x58)
  20451. [10983.769287] [<c014bd3c>] (sys_ioctl+0x30/0x58) from [<c004d9c0>] (ret_fast_syscall+0x0/0x30)
  20452. [10983.769439] CPU1: stopping
  20453. [10983.769500] [<c0053030>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xe0) from [<c005220c>] (handle_IPI+0xd4/0x140)
  20454. [10983.769653] [<c005220c>] (handle_IPI+0xd4/0x140) from [<c004d708>] (__irq_usr+0x48/0xe0)
  20455. [10983.870056] subsystem-fatal-8x60: Q6 NMI was sent.
  20456. [10983.875152] pm8058_stay_on: set stay-on: rc = 0
  20457. [10983.948638] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 11
  20458. [10983.975402] [K] Rebooting in 5 seconds..
  20459. [10983.982086] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 12
  20460. [10984.015533] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 13
  20461. [10984.048980] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 14
  20462. [10984.082427] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 15
  20463. [10984.115875] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 16
  20464. [10984.149322] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 17
  20465. [10984.182769] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 18
  20466. [10984.216217] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 19
  20467. [10984.249664] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 20
  20468. [10984.283111] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 21
  20469. [10984.316558] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 22
  20470. [10984.350006] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 23
  20471. [10984.383453] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 24
  20472. [10984.416900] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 25
  20473. [10984.450347] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 26
  20474. [10984.483551] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20475. [10984.483703] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20476. [10984.483764] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20477. [10984.483886] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 27
  20478. [10984.517028] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20479. [10984.517150] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20480. [10984.517211] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20481. [10984.517272] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 28
  20482. [10984.550476] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20483. [10984.550537] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20484. [10984.550659] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20485. [10984.550750] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 29
  20486. [10984.583923] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20487. [10984.583984] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20488. [10984.584106] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20489. [10984.584228] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 30
  20490. [10984.617370] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20491. [10984.617492] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20492. [10984.617553] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20493. [10984.617675] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 31
  20494. [10984.650817] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20495. [10984.650939] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20496. [10984.651000] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20497. [10984.651153] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 32
  20498. [10984.684265] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20499. [10984.684326] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20500. [10984.684448] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20501. [10984.684539] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 33
  20502. [10984.717712] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20503. [10984.717773] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20504. [10984.717895] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20505. [10984.718048] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 34
  20506. [10984.751159] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20507. [10984.751220] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20508. [10984.751342] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20509. [10984.751495] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 35
  20510. [10984.784606] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20511. [10984.784729] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20512. [10984.784790] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20513. [10984.784942] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 36
  20514. [10984.818054] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20515. [10984.818115] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20516. [10984.818237] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20517. [10984.818328] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 37
  20518. [10984.851501] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20519. [10984.851562] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20520. [10984.851684] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20521. [10984.851837] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 38
  20522. [10984.884948] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20523. [10984.885009] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20524. [10984.885131] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20525. [10984.885284] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 39
  20526. [10984.918395] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20527. [10984.918518] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20528. [10984.918609] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20529. [10984.918731] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 40
  20530. [10984.951843] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20531. [10984.951965] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20532. [10984.952117] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20533. [10984.952178] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 41
  20534. [10984.985290] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20535. [10984.985382] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20536. [10984.985504] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20537. [10984.985565] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 42
  20538. [10985.018737] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20539. [10985.018829] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20540. [10985.018951] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20541. [10985.019073] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 43
  20542. [10985.052185] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20543. [10985.052307] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20544. [10985.052398] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20545. [10985.052520] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 44
  20546. [10985.085662] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20547. [10985.085784] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20548. [10985.085845] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20549. [10985.085968] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 45
  20550. [10985.119110] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20551. [10985.119171] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20552. [10985.119293] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20553. [10985.119384] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 46
  20554. [10985.152557] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20555. [10985.152618] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20556. [10985.152740] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20557. [10985.152862] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 47
  20558. [10985.186004] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20559. [10985.186126] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20560. [10985.186187] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20561. [10985.186309] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 48
  20562. [10985.219451] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20563. [10985.219573] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20564. [10985.219635] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20565. [10985.219757] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 49
  20566. [10985.252899] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20567. [10985.252960] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20568. [10985.253082] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20569. [10985.253173] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 50
  20570. [10985.286346] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20571. [10985.286407] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20572. [10985.286529] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20573. [10985.286682] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 51
  20574. [10985.319793] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20575. [10985.319854] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20576. [10985.319976] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20577. [10985.320129] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 52
  20578. [10985.353240] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20579. [10985.353363] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20580. [10985.353424] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20581. [10985.353576] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 53
  20582. [10985.386688] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20583. [10985.386749] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20584. [10985.386871] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20585. [10985.386962] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 54
  20586. [10985.420135] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20587. [10985.420196] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20588. [10985.420318] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20589. [10985.420471] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 55
  20590. [10985.453582] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20591. [10985.453643] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20592. [10985.453796] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20593. [10985.453918] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 56
  20594. [10985.487030] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20595. [10985.487152] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20596. [10985.487243] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20597. [10985.487365] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 57
  20598. [10985.520477] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20599. [10985.520599] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20600. [10985.520751] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20601. [10985.520812] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 58
  20602. [10985.553924] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20603. [10985.554016] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20604. [10985.554138] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20605. [10985.554199] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 59
  20606. [10985.587371] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20607. [10985.587463] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20608. [10985.587585] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20609. [10985.587707] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 60
  20610. [10985.620819] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20611. [10985.620971] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20612. [10985.621032] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20613. [10985.621154] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 61
  20614. [10985.654296] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20615. [10985.654418] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20616. [10985.654479] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20617. [10985.654602] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 62
  20618. [10985.687744] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20619. [10985.687805] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20620. [10985.687927] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20621. [10985.688018] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 63
  20622. [10985.721191] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20623. [10985.721252] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20624. [10985.721374] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20625. [10985.721496] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 64
  20626. [10985.754638] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20627. [10985.754699] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20628. [10985.754821] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20629. [10985.754943] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 65
  20630. [10985.788085] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20631. [10985.788208] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20632. [10985.788269] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20633. [10985.788421] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 66
  20634. [10985.821533] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20635. [10985.821594] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20636. [10985.821716] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20637. [10985.821807] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 67
  20638. [10985.854980] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20639. [10985.855041] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20640. [10985.855163] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20641. [10985.855316] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 68
  20642. [10985.888427] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20643. [10985.888488] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20644. [10985.888610] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20645. [10985.888763] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 69
  20646. [10985.921875] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20647. [10985.921997] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20648. [10985.922058] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20649. [10985.922210] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 70
  20650. [10985.955322] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20651. [10985.955383] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20652. [10985.955505] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20653. [10985.955596] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 71
  20654. [10985.988769] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20655. [10985.988830] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20656. [10985.988952] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20657. [10985.989105] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 72
  20658. [10986.022216] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20659. [10986.022277] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20660. [10986.022430] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20661. [10986.022552] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 73
  20662. [10986.055664] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20663. [10986.055786] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20664. [10986.055877] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20665. [10986.055999] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 74
  20666. [10986.089111] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20667. [10986.089233] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20668. [10986.089385] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20669. [10986.089447] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 75
  20670. [10986.122558] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20671. [10986.122650] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20672. [10986.122772] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20673. [10986.122833] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 76
  20674. [10986.156005] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20675. [10986.156097] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20676. [10986.156219] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20677. [10986.156341] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 77
  20678. [10986.189453] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20679. [10986.189605] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20680. [10986.189666] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20681. [10986.189788] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 78
  20682. [10986.222930] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20683. [10986.223052] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20684. [10986.223114] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20685. [10986.223236] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 79
  20686. [10986.256378] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20687. [10986.256439] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20688. [10986.256561] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20689. [10986.256652] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 80
  20690. [10986.289825] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20691. [10986.289886] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20692. [10986.290008] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20693. [10986.290130] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 81
  20694. [10986.323272] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20695. [10986.323333] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20696. [10986.323455] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20697. [10986.323577] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 82
  20698. [10986.356719] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20699. [10986.356842] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20700. [10986.356903] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20701. [10986.357025] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 83
  20702. [10986.390167] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20703. [10986.390228] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20704. [10986.390350] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20705. [10986.390441] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 84
  20706. [10986.423614] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20707. [10986.423675] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20708. [10986.423797] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20709. [10986.423950] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 85
  20710. [10986.457061] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20711. [10986.457122] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20712. [10986.457244] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20713. [10986.457397] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 86
  20714. [10986.490509] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20715. [10986.490631] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20716. [10986.490692] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20717. [10986.490844] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 87
  20718. [10986.523956] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20719. [10986.524078] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20720. [10986.524230] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20721. [10986.524291] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 88
  20722. [10986.557403] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20723. [10986.557464] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20724. [10986.557586] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20725. [10986.557678] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 89
  20726. [10986.590850] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20727. [10986.590911] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20728. [10986.591064] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20729. [10986.591186] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 90
  20730. [10986.624298] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20731. [10986.624420] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20732. [10986.624511] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20733. [10986.624633] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 91
  20734. [10986.657745] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20735. [10986.657867] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20736. [10986.657958] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20737. [10986.658020] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 92
  20738. [10986.691192] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20739. [10986.691284] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20740. [10986.691406] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20741. [10986.691467] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 93
  20742. [10986.724639] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20743. [10986.724731] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20744. [10986.724853] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20745. [10986.724975] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 94
  20746. [10986.758087] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20747. [10986.758239] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20748. [10986.758300] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20749. [10986.758422] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 95
  20750. [10986.791564] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20751. [10986.791687] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20752. [10986.791748] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20753. [10986.791870] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 96
  20754. [10986.825012] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20755. [10986.825073] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20756. [10986.825195] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20757. [10986.825256] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 97
  20758. [10986.858459] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20759. [10986.858520] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20760. [10986.858642] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20761. [10986.858764] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 98
  20762. [10986.891906] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20763. [10986.891967] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20764. [10986.892089] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20765. [10986.892211] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 99
  20766. [10986.925354] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20767. [10986.925476] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20768. [10986.925537] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20769. [10986.925689] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 100
  20770. [10986.958801] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20771. [10986.958862] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20772. [10986.958984] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20773. [10986.959075] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue event new max is 101
  20774. [10986.992248] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20775. [10986.992309] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20776. [10986.992431] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20777. [10986.992584] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 1, e_q = 101
  20778. [10987.025695] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20779. [10987.025817] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20780. [10987.025878] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20781. [10987.026031] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 2, e_q = 101
  20782. [10987.026153] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 3
  20783. [10987.059143] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20784. [10987.059265] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20785. [10987.059326] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20786. [10987.059478] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 3, e_q = 101
  20787. [10987.059600] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 4
  20788. [10987.092590] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20789. [10987.092651] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20790. [10987.092773] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20791. [10987.092926] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 4, e_q = 101
  20792. [10987.092987] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 5
  20793. [10987.126037] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20794. [10987.126098] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20795. [10987.126220] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20796. [10987.126373] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 5, e_q = 101
  20797. [10987.126434] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 6
  20798. [10987.159484] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20799. [10987.159545] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20800. [10987.159667] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20801. [10987.159820] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 6, e_q = 101
  20802. [10987.159881] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 7
  20803. [10987.192932] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20804. [10987.192993] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20805. [10987.193145] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20806. [10987.193267] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 7, e_q = 101
  20807. [10987.193328] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 8
  20808. [10987.226379] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20809. [10987.226470] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20810. [10987.226593] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20811. [10987.226654] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 8, e_q = 101
  20812. [10987.226806] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 9
  20813. [10987.259826] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20814. [10987.259918] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20815. [10987.260040] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20816. [10987.260101] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 9, e_q = 101
  20817. [10987.260223] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 10
  20818. [10987.293273] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20819. [10987.293426] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20820. [10987.293548] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20821. [10987.293609] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 10, e_q = 101
  20822. [10987.293731] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 11
  20823. [10987.326721] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20824. [10987.326873] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20825. [10987.326934] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20826. [10987.327056] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 11, e_q = 101
  20827. [10987.327178] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 12
  20828. [10987.360198] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20829. [10987.360321] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20830. [10987.360382] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20831. [10987.360504] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 12, e_q = 101
  20832. [10987.360626] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 13
  20833. [10987.393646] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20834. [10987.393768] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20835. [10987.393829] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20836. [10987.393951] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 13, e_q = 101
  20837. [10987.394073] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 14
  20838. [10987.427093] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20839. [10987.427215] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20840. [10987.427276] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20841. [10987.427398] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 14, e_q = 101
  20842. [10987.427551] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 15
  20843. [10987.460540] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20844. [10987.460601] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20845. [10987.460723] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20846. [10987.460845] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 15, e_q = 101
  20847. [10987.460998] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 16
  20848. [10987.493988] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20849. [10987.494049] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20850. [10987.494171] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20851. [10987.494323] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 16, e_q = 101
  20852. [10987.494384] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 17
  20853. [10987.527435] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20854. [10987.527496] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20855. [10987.527618] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20856. [10987.527770] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 17, e_q = 101
  20857. [10987.527832] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 18
  20858. [10987.560882] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20859. [10987.560943] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20860. [10987.561065] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20861. [10987.561218] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 18, e_q = 101
  20862. [10987.561279] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 19
  20863. [10987.594329] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20864. [10987.594390] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20865. [10987.594512] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20866. [10987.594665] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 19, e_q = 101
  20867. [10987.594726] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 20
  20868. [10987.627777] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20869. [10987.627838] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20870. [10987.627960] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20871. [10987.628051] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 20, e_q = 101
  20872. [10987.628173] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 21
  20873. [10987.661224] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20874. [10987.661285] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20875. [10987.661407] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20876. [10987.661499] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 21, e_q = 101
  20877. [10987.661621] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 22
  20878. [10987.694671] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20879. [10987.694732] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20880. [10987.694854] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20881. [10987.694946] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 22, e_q = 101
  20882. [10987.695068] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 23
  20883. [10987.728118] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20884. [10987.728240] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20885. [10987.728393] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20886. [10987.728454] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 23, e_q = 101
  20887. [10987.728576] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 24
  20888. [10987.761566] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20889. [10987.761688] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20890. [10987.761779] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20891. [10987.761901] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 24, e_q = 101
  20892. [10987.762023] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 25
  20893. [10987.795013] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20894. [10987.795135] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20895. [10987.795227] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20896. [10987.795349] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 25, e_q = 101
  20897. [10987.795471] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 26
  20898. [10987.828460] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20899. [10987.828582] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20900. [10987.828674] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20901. [10987.828796] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 26, e_q = 101
  20902. [10987.828918] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 27
  20903. [10987.861907] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20904. [10987.862030] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20905. [10987.862121] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20906. [10987.862243] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 27, e_q = 101
  20907. [10987.862365] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 28
  20908. [10987.895355] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20909. [10987.895446] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20910. [10987.895568] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20911. [10987.895690] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 28, e_q = 101
  20912. [10987.895812] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 29
  20913. [10987.928833] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20914. [10987.928894] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20915. [10987.929016] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20916. [10987.929138] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 29, e_q = 101
  20917. [10987.929229] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 30
  20918. [10987.962280] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20919. [10987.962341] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20920. [10987.962463] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20921. [10987.962585] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 30, e_q = 101
  20922. [10987.962677] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 31
  20923. [10987.995727] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20924. [10987.995788] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20925. [10987.995910] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20926. [10987.996032] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 31, e_q = 101
  20927. [10987.996124] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 32
  20928. [10988.029174] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20929. [10988.029235] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20930. [10988.029357] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20931. [10988.029479] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 32, e_q = 101
  20932. [10988.029571] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 33
  20933. [10988.062622] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20934. [10988.062683] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20935. [10988.062805] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20936. [10988.062896] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 33, e_q = 101
  20937. [10988.063018] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 34
  20938. [10988.096069] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20939. [10988.096130] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20940. [10988.096252] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20941. [10988.096343] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 34, e_q = 101
  20942. [10988.096466] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 35
  20943. [10988.129516] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20944. [10988.129577] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20945. [10988.129699] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20946. [10988.129791] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 35, e_q = 101
  20947. [10988.129913] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 36
  20948. [10988.162963] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20949. [10988.163085] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20950. [10988.163208] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20951. [10988.163299] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 36, e_q = 101
  20952. [10988.163421] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 37
  20953. [10988.196411] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20954. [10988.196533] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20955. [10988.196624] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20956. [10988.196746] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 37, e_q = 101
  20957. [10988.196868] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 38
  20958. [10988.229858] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20959. [10988.229980] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20960. [10988.230041] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20961. [10988.230194] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 38, e_q = 101
  20962. [10988.230316] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 39
  20963. [10988.263305] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20964. [10988.263427] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20965. [10988.263488] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20966. [10988.263641] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 39, e_q = 101
  20967. [10988.263763] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 40
  20968. [10988.296752] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20969. [10988.296875] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20970. [10988.296966] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20971. [10988.297088] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 40, e_q = 101
  20972. [10988.297210] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 41
  20973. [10988.330200] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20974. [10988.330291] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20975. [10988.330413] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20976. [10988.330535] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 41, e_q = 101
  20977. [10988.330657] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 42
  20978. [10988.363647] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20979. [10988.363739] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20980. [10988.363861] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20981. [10988.363983] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 42, e_q = 101
  20982. [10988.364044] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 43
  20983. [10988.397094] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20984. [10988.397186] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20985. [10988.397308] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20986. [10988.397430] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 43, e_q = 101
  20987. [10988.397491] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 44
  20988. [10988.430541] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20989. [10988.430633] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20990. [10988.430755] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20991. [10988.430877] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 44, e_q = 101
  20992. [10988.430938] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 45
  20993. [10988.463989] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  20994. [10988.464080] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  20995. [10988.464202] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  20996. [10988.464324] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 45, e_q = 101
  20997. [10988.464416] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 46
  20998. [10988.493164] call alarm, type 2, func alarm_triggered+0x0/0x9c, 20655305000000 (s 20655305000000)
  20999. [10988.497467] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21000. [10988.497589] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21001. [10988.497711] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21002. [10988.497772] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 46, e_q = 101
  21003. [10988.497894] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 47
  21004. [10988.530914] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21005. [10988.531036] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21006. [10988.531097] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21007. [10988.531219] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 47, e_q = 101
  21008. [10988.531341] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 48
  21009. [10988.564361] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21010. [10988.564483] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21011. [10988.564544] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21012. [10988.564666] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 48, e_q = 101
  21013. [10988.564819] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 49
  21014. [10988.597808] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21015. [10988.597930] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21016. [10988.597991] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21017. [10988.598114] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 49, e_q = 101
  21018. [10988.598266] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 50
  21019. [10988.631256] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21020. [10988.631378] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21021. [10988.631439] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21022. [10988.631561] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 50, e_q = 101
  21023. [10988.631713] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 51
  21024. [10988.664703] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21025. [10988.664764] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21026. [10988.664886] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21027. [10988.665039] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 51, e_q = 101
  21028. [10988.665161] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 52
  21029. [10988.698150] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21030. [10988.698211] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21031. [10988.698333] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21032. [10988.698486] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 52, e_q = 101
  21033. [10988.698547] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 53
  21034. [10988.731597] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21035. [10988.731658] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21036. [10988.731781] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21037. [10988.731933] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 53, e_q = 101
  21038. [10988.731994] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 54
  21039. [10988.765045] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21040. [10988.765106] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21041. [10988.765228] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21042. [10988.765380] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 54, e_q = 101
  21043. [10988.765441] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 55
  21044. [10988.798492] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21045. [10988.798553] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21046. [10988.798675] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21047. [10988.798828] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 55, e_q = 101
  21048. [10988.798889] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 56
  21049. [10988.831939] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21050. [10988.832000] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21051. [10988.832122] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21052. [10988.832214] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 56, e_q = 101
  21053. [10988.832336] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 57
  21054. [10988.865386] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21055. [10988.865447] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21056. [10988.865600] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21057. [10988.865661] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 57, e_q = 101
  21058. [10988.865783] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 58
  21059. [10988.898834] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21060. [10988.898895] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21061. [10988.899047] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21062. [10988.899108] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 58, e_q = 101
  21063. [10988.899230] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 59
  21064. [10988.932281] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21065. [10988.932403] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21066. [10988.932556] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21067. [10988.932617] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 59, e_q = 101
  21068. [10988.932739] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 60
  21069. [10988.965728] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21070. [10988.965850] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21071. [10988.965942] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21072. [10988.966064] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 60, e_q = 101
  21073. [10988.966186] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 61
  21074. [10988.999176] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21075. [10988.999328] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21076. [10988.999389] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21077. [10988.999511] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 61, e_q = 101
  21078. [10988.999633] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 62
  21079. [10989.032623] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21080. [10989.032775] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21081. [10989.032836] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21082. [10989.032958] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 62, e_q = 101
  21083. [10989.033081] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 63
  21084. [10989.036163] [K] Going down for restart now
  21085. [10989.036224] [K] arch_reset: mode 104
  21086. [10989.036346] [K] arch_reset: no command restart.
  21087. [10989.036437] [K] from arch_reset
  21088. [10989.036529] [K] back arch_reset
  21089. [10989.066101] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21090. [10989.066162] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21091. [10989.066284] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21092. [10989.066436] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 63, e_q = 101
  21093. [10989.066497] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 64
  21094. [10989.099548] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21095. [10989.099609] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21096. [10989.099731] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21097. [10989.099822] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 64, e_q = 101
  21098. [10989.099945] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 65
  21099. [10989.132995] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21100. [10989.133056] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21101. [10989.133178] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21102. [10989.133270] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 65, e_q = 101
  21103. [10989.133392] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 66
  21104. [10989.137512] subsystem-fatal-8x60: Q6 NMI was sent.
  21105. [10989.137573] [K] arch_reset: wait for modem flushing caches.
  21106. [10989.166442] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21107. [10989.166564] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21108. [10989.166687] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21109. [10989.166778] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 66, e_q = 101
  21110. [10989.166900] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 67
  21111. [10989.199890] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21112. [10989.200012] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21113. [10989.200073] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21114. [10989.200225] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 67, e_q = 101
  21115. [10989.200347] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 68
  21116. [10989.233337] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21117. [10989.233459] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21118. [10989.233520] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21119. [10989.233673] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 68, e_q = 101
  21120. [10989.233795] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 69
  21121. [10989.266784] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21122. [10989.266906] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21123. [10989.266967] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21124. [10989.267120] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 69, e_q = 101
  21125. [10989.267242] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 70
  21126. [10989.300231] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21127. [10989.300354] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21128. [10989.300415] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21129. [10989.300567] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 70, e_q = 101
  21130. [10989.300689] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 71
  21131. [10989.333679] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21132. [10989.333740] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21133. [10989.333862] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21134. [10989.334014] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 71, e_q = 101
  21135. [10989.334136] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 72
  21136. [10989.367126] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21137. [10989.367187] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21138. [10989.367309] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21139. [10989.367462] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 72, e_q = 101
  21140. [10989.367523] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 73
  21141. [10989.400573] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21142. [10989.400634] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21143. [10989.400756] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21144. [10989.400909] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 73, e_q = 101
  21145. [10989.400970] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 74
  21146. [10989.434020] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21147. [10989.434082] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21148. [10989.434234] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21149. [10989.434356] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 74, e_q = 101
  21150. [10989.434417] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 75
  21151. [10989.467468] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21152. [10989.467559] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21153. [10989.467681] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21154. [10989.467803] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 75, e_q = 101
  21155. [10989.467864] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 76
  21156. [10989.500915] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21157. [10989.501007] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21158. [10989.501129] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21159. [10989.501190] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 76, e_q = 101
  21160. [10989.501312] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 77
  21161. [10989.534362] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21162. [10989.534454] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21163. [10989.534576] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21164. [10989.534667] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 77, e_q = 101
  21165. [10989.534790] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 78
  21166. [10989.567810] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21167. [10989.567901] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21168. [10989.568023] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21169. [10989.568084] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 78, e_q = 101
  21170. [10989.568237] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 79
  21171. [10989.601257] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21172. [10989.601409] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21173. [10989.601470] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21174. [10989.601531] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 79, e_q = 101
  21175. [10989.601654] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 80
  21176. [10989.634735] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21177. [10989.634857] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21178. [10989.634918] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21179. [10989.635040] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 80, e_q = 101
  21180. [10989.635162] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 81
  21181. [10989.668182] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21182. [10989.668304] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21183. [10989.668365] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21184. [10989.668487] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 81, e_q = 101
  21185. [10989.668609] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 82
  21186. [10989.701629] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21187. [10989.701751] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21188. [10989.701812] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21189. [10989.701934] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 82, e_q = 101
  21190. [10989.702056] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 83
  21191. [10989.735076] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21192. [10989.735198] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21193. [10989.735260] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21194. [10989.735382] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 83, e_q = 101
  21195. [10989.735534] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 84
  21196. [10989.768524] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21197. [10989.768585] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21198. [10989.768707] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21199. [10989.768829] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 84, e_q = 101
  21200. [10989.768920] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 85
  21201. [10989.801971] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21202. [10989.802032] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21203. [10989.802154] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21204. [10989.802307] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 85, e_q = 101
  21205. [10989.802368] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 86
  21206. [10989.835418] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21207. [10989.835479] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21208. [10989.835601] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21209. [10989.835754] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 86, e_q = 101
  21210. [10989.835815] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 87
  21211. [10989.868865] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21212. [10989.868927] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21213. [10989.869049] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21214. [10989.869201] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 87, e_q = 101
  21215. [10989.869262] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 88
  21216. [10989.902313] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21217. [10989.902374] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21218. [10989.902496] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21219. [10989.902587] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 88, e_q = 101
  21220. [10989.902709] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 89
  21221. [10989.935760] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21222. [10989.935821] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21223. [10989.935943] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21224. [10989.936035] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 89, e_q = 101
  21225. [10989.936157] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 90
  21226. [10989.969207] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21227. [10989.969268] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21228. [10989.969390] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21229. [10989.969482] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 90, e_q = 101
  21230. [10989.969604] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 91
  21231. [10990.002655] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21232. [10990.002777] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21233. [10990.002929] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21234. [10990.002990] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 91, e_q = 101
  21235. [10990.003112] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 92
  21236. [10990.036102] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21237. [10990.036224] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21238. [10990.036315] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21239. [10990.036437] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 92, e_q = 101
  21240. [10990.036560] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 93
  21241. [10990.069549] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21242. [10990.069671] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21243. [10990.069763] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21244. [10990.069885] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 93, e_q = 101
  21245. [10990.070007] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 94
  21246. [10990.102996] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21247. [10990.103118] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21248. [10990.103210] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21249. [10990.103332] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 94, e_q = 101
  21250. [10990.103454] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 95
  21251. [10990.136444] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21252. [10990.136596] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21253. [10990.136657] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21254. [10990.136779] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 95, e_q = 101
  21255. [10990.136901] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 96
  21256. [10990.169891] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21257. [10990.169982] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21258. [10990.170104] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21259. [10990.170227] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 96, e_q = 101
  21260. [10990.170349] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 97
  21261. [10990.203369] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21262. [10990.203430] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21263. [10990.203552] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21264. [10990.203674] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 97, e_q = 101
  21265. [10990.203765] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 98
  21266. [10990.236816] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21267. [10990.236877] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21268. [10990.236999] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21269. [10990.237121] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 98, e_q = 101
  21270. [10990.237213] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 99
  21271. [10990.270263] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21272. [10990.270324] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21273. [10990.270446] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21274. [10990.270568] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 99, e_q = 101
  21275. [10990.270660] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 100
  21276. [10990.303710] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21277. [10990.303771] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21278. [10990.303894] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21279. [10990.304046] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 100, e_q = 101
  21280. [10990.304107] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 101
  21281. [10990.337158] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21282. [10990.337219] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21283. [10990.337341] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21284. [10990.337432] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 101, e_q = 101
  21285. [10990.337493] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 102
  21286. [10990.370605] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21287. [10990.370666] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21288. [10990.370788] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21289. [10990.370880] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 102, e_q = 101
  21290. [10990.371002] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 103
  21291. [10990.404052] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21292. [10990.404113] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21293. [10990.404235] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21294. [10990.404327] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 103, e_q = 101
  21295. [10990.404449] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 104
  21296. [10990.437500] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21297. [10990.437561] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21298. [10990.437683] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21299. [10990.437774] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 104, e_q = 101
  21300. [10990.437896] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 105
  21301. [10990.470947] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21302. [10990.471069] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21303. [10990.471191] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21304. [10990.471282] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 105, e_q = 101
  21305. [10990.471405] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 106
  21306. [10990.504394] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21307. [10990.504516] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21308. [10990.504577] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21309. [10990.504730] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 106, e_q = 101
  21310. [10990.504852] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 107
  21311. [10990.537841] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21312. [10990.537963] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21313. [10990.538024] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21314. [10990.538177] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 107, e_q = 101
  21315. [10990.538299] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 108
  21316. [10990.571289] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21317. [10990.571411] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21318. [10990.571472] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21319. [10990.571624] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 108, e_q = 101
  21320. [10990.571746] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 109
  21321. [10990.604736] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21322. [10990.604858] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21323. [10990.604949] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21324. [10990.605072] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 109, e_q = 101
  21325. [10990.605194] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 110
  21326. [10990.638183] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21327. [10990.638305] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21328. [10990.638397] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21329. [10990.638519] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 110, e_q = 101
  21330. [10990.638641] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 111
  21331. [10990.671630] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21332. [10990.671722] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21333. [10990.671783] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21334. [10990.671905] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 111, e_q = 101
  21335. [10990.672027] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 112
  21336. [10990.705078] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21337. [10990.705169] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21338. [10990.705291] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21339. [10990.705413] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 112, e_q = 101
  21340. [10990.705535] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 113
  21341. [10990.738525] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21342. [10990.738616] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21343. [10990.738739] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21344. [10990.738861] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 113, e_q = 101
  21345. [10990.738922] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 114
  21346. [10990.772003] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21347. [10990.772064] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21348. [10990.772186] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21349. [10990.772308] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 114, e_q = 101
  21350. [10990.772399] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 115
  21351. [10990.805450] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21352. [10990.805511] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21353. [10990.805633] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21354. [10990.805755] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 115, e_q = 101
  21355. [10990.805847] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 116
  21356. [10990.838897] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21357. [10990.838958] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21358. [10990.839080] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21359. [10990.839202] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 116, e_q = 101
  21360. [10990.839294] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 117
  21361. [10990.872344] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21362. [10990.872406] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21363. [10990.872528] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21364. [10990.872619] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 117, e_q = 101
  21365. [10990.872680] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 118
  21366. [10990.905792] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21367. [10990.905853] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21368. [10990.905975] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21369. [10990.906066] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 118, e_q = 101
  21370. [10990.906188] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 119
  21371. [10990.939239] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21372. [10990.939300] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21373. [10990.939422] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21374. [10990.939514] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 119, e_q = 101
  21375. [10990.939636] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 120
  21376. [10990.972686] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21377. [10990.972747] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21378. [10990.972869] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21379. [10990.972961] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 120, e_q = 101
  21380. [10990.973083] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 121
  21381. [10991.006134] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21382. [10991.006256] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21383. [10991.006378] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21384. [10991.006469] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 121, e_q = 101
  21385. [10991.006591] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 122
  21386. [10991.039581] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21387. [10991.039703] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21388. [10991.039764] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21389. [10991.039916] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 122, e_q = 101
  21390. [10991.040039] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 123
  21391. [10991.073028] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21392. [10991.073150] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21393. [10991.073211] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21394. [10991.073364] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 123, e_q = 101
  21395. [10991.073486] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 124
  21396. [10991.106475] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21397. [10991.106597] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21398. [10991.106658] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21399. [10991.106811] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 124, e_q = 101
  21400. [10991.106933] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 125
  21401. [10991.139923] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21402. [10991.140045] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21403. [10991.140136] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21404. [10991.140258] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 125, e_q = 101
  21405. [10991.140380] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 126
  21406. [10991.173370] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21407. [10991.173492] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21408. [10991.173583] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21409. [10991.173706] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 126, e_q = 101
  21410. [10991.173828] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 127
  21411. [10991.206817] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21412. [10991.206909] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21413. [10991.206970] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21414. [10991.207092] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 127, e_q = 101
  21415. [10991.207214] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 128
  21416. [10991.240264] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21417. [10991.240356] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21418. [10991.240478] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21419. [10991.240600] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 128, e_q = 101
  21420. [10991.240722] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 129
  21421. [10991.273712] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21422. [10991.273803] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21423. [10991.273925] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21424. [10991.274047] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 129, e_q = 101
  21425. [10991.274108] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 130
  21426. [10991.307159] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21427. [10991.307250] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21428. [10991.307373] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21429. [10991.307495] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 130, e_q = 101
  21430. [10991.307556] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 131
  21431. [10991.340637] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21432. [10991.340698] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21433. [10991.340820] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21434. [10991.340942] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 131, e_q = 101
  21435. [10991.341033] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 132
  21436. [10991.374084] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21437. [10991.374145] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21438. [10991.374267] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21439. [10991.374389] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 132, e_q = 101
  21440. [10991.374481] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 133
  21441. [10991.407531] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21442. [10991.407592] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21443. [10991.407714] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21444. [10991.407806] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 133, e_q = 101
  21445. [10991.407867] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 134
  21446. [10991.440979] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21447. [10991.441040] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21448. [10991.441162] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21449. [10991.441253] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 134, e_q = 101
  21450. [10991.441375] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 135
  21451. [10991.474426] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21452. [10991.474487] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21453. [10991.474609] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21454. [10991.474700] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 135, e_q = 101
  21455. [10991.474822] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 136
  21456. [10991.507873] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21457. [10991.507934] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21458. [10991.508056] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21459. [10991.508148] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 136, e_q = 101
  21460. [10991.508270] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 137
  21461. [10991.541320] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21462. [10991.541442] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21463. [10991.541564] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21464. [10991.541656] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 137, e_q = 101
  21465. [10991.541778] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 138
  21466. [10991.574768] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21467. [10991.574890] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21468. [10991.574951] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21469. [10991.575103] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 138, e_q = 101
  21470. [10991.575225] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 139
  21471. [10991.608215] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21472. [10991.608337] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21473. [10991.608398] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21474. [10991.608551] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 139, e_q = 101
  21475. [10991.608673] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 140
  21476. [10991.641662] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21477. [10991.641784] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21478. [10991.641845] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21479. [10991.641998] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 140, e_q = 101
  21480. [10991.642120] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 141
  21481. [10991.675109] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21482. [10991.675231] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21483. [10991.675292] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21484. [10991.675445] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 141, e_q = 101
  21485. [10991.675567] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 142
  21486. [10991.708557] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21487. [10991.708679] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21488. [10991.708770] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21489. [10991.708892] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 142, e_q = 101
  21490. [10991.709014] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 143
  21491. [10991.742004] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21492. [10991.742095] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21493. [10991.742156] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21494. [10991.742279] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 143, e_q = 101
  21495. [10991.742401] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 144
  21496. [10991.775451] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21497. [10991.775543] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21498. [10991.775665] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21499. [10991.775787] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 144, e_q = 101
  21500. [10991.775909] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 145
  21501. [10991.808898] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21502. [10991.808990] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21503. [10991.809112] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21504. [10991.809234] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 145, e_q = 101
  21505. [10991.809295] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 146
  21506. [10991.842346] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21507. [10991.842437] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21508. [10991.842559] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21509. [10991.842681] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 146, e_q = 101
  21510. [10991.842773] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 147
  21511. [10991.875793] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21512. [10991.875885] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21513. [10991.876007] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21514. [10991.876129] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 147, e_q = 101
  21515. [10991.876190] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 148
  21516. [10991.909271] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21517. [10991.909332] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21518. [10991.909454] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21519. [10991.909576] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 148, e_q = 101
  21520. [10991.909667] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 149
  21521. [10991.942718] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21522. [10991.942779] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21523. [10991.942901] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21524. [10991.942993] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 149, e_q = 101
  21525. [10991.943054] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 150
  21526. [10991.976165] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21527. [10991.976226] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21528. [10991.976348] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21529. [10991.976440] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 150, e_q = 101
  21530. [10991.976562] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 151
  21531. [10992.009613] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21532. [10992.009674] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21533. [10992.009796] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21534. [10992.009887] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 151, e_q = 101
  21535. [10992.010009] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 152
  21536. [10992.043060] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21537. [10992.043121] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21538. [10992.043243] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21539. [10992.043334] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 152, e_q = 101
  21540. [10992.043457] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 153
  21541. [10992.076507] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21542. [10992.076629] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21543. [10992.076751] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21544. [10992.076843] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 153, e_q = 101
  21545. [10992.076965] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 154
  21546. [10992.109954] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21547. [10992.110076] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21548. [10992.110137] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21549. [10992.110290] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 154, e_q = 101
  21550. [10992.110412] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 155
  21551. [10992.143402] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21552. [10992.143524] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21553. [10992.143585] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21554. [10992.143737] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 155, e_q = 101
  21555. [10992.143859] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 156
  21556. [10992.176849] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21557. [10992.176971] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21558. [10992.177032] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21559. [10992.177185] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 156, e_q = 101
  21560. [10992.177307] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 157
  21561. [10992.210296] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21562. [10992.210418] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21563. [10992.210479] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21564. [10992.210632] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 157, e_q = 101
  21565. [10992.210754] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 158
  21566. [10992.243743] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21567. [10992.243865] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21568. [10992.243927] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21569. [10992.244079] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 158, e_q = 101
  21570. [10992.244201] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 159
  21571. [10992.277191] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21572. [10992.277252] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21573. [10992.277343] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21574. [10992.277465] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 159, e_q = 101
  21575. [10992.277587] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 160
  21576. [10992.310638] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21577. [10992.310729] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21578. [10992.310852] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21579. [10992.310974] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 160, e_q = 101
  21580. [10992.311096] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 161
  21581. [10992.344085] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21582. [10992.344177] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21583. [10992.344299] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21584. [10992.344421] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 161, e_q = 101
  21585. [10992.344482] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 162
  21586. [10992.377532] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21587. [10992.377624] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21588. [10992.377746] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21589. [10992.377868] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 162, e_q = 101
  21590. [10992.377929] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 163
  21591. [10992.410980] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21592. [10992.411071] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21593. [10992.411193] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21594. [10992.411315] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 163, e_q = 101
  21595. [10992.411376] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 164
  21596. [10992.444427] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21597. [10992.444519] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21598. [10992.444641] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21599. [10992.444763] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 164, e_q = 101
  21600. [10992.444854] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 165
  21601. [10992.477905] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21602. [10992.477966] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21603. [10992.478088] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21604. [10992.478149] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 165, e_q = 101
  21605. [10992.478240] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 166
  21606. [10992.511352] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21607. [10992.511413] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21608. [10992.511535] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21609. [10992.511596] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 166, e_q = 101
  21610. [10992.511749] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 167
  21611. [10992.544799] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21612. [10992.544860] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21613. [10992.544982] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21614. [10992.545074] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 167, e_q = 101
  21615. [10992.545196] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 168
  21616. [10992.578247] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21617. [10992.578308] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21618. [10992.578430] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21619. [10992.578521] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 168, e_q = 101
  21620. [10992.578643] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 169
  21621. [10992.611694] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21622. [10992.611816] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21623. [10992.611938] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21624. [10992.611999] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 169, e_q = 101
  21625. [10992.612152] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 170
  21626. [10992.645141] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21627. [10992.645263] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21628. [10992.645324] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21629. [10992.645477] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 170, e_q = 101
  21630. [10992.645599] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 171
  21631. [10992.678588] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21632. [10992.678710] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21633. [10992.678771] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21634. [10992.678924] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 171, e_q = 101
  21635. [10992.679046] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 172
  21636. [10992.712036] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21637. [10992.712158] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21638. [10992.712219] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21639. [10992.712371] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 172, e_q = 101
  21640. [10992.712493] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 173
  21641. [10992.745483] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21642. [10992.745605] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21643. [10992.745666] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21644. [10992.745819] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 173, e_q = 101
  21645. [10992.745941] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 174
  21646. [10992.778930] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21647. [10992.779052] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21648. [10992.779113] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21649. [10992.779266] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 174, e_q = 101
  21650. [10992.779388] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 175
  21651. [10992.812377] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21652. [10992.812438] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21653. [10992.812530] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21654. [10992.812652] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 175, e_q = 101
  21655. [10992.812774] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 176
  21656. [10992.845825] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21657. [10992.845886] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21658. [10992.846008] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21659. [10992.846160] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 176, e_q = 101
  21660. [10992.846282] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 177
  21661. [10992.879272] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21662. [10992.879333] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21663. [10992.879486] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21664. [10992.879608] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 177, e_q = 101
  21665. [10992.879669] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 178
  21666. [10992.912719] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21667. [10992.912811] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21668. [10992.912933] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21669. [10992.913055] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 178, e_q = 101
  21670. [10992.913116] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 179
  21671. [10992.946166] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21672. [10992.946258] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21673. [10992.946380] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21674. [10992.946502] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 179, e_q = 101
  21675. [10992.946594] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 180
  21676. [10992.979614] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21677. [10992.979705] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21678. [10992.979827] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21679. [10992.979949] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 180, e_q = 101
  21680. [10992.980010] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 181
  21681. [10993.013061] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21682. [10993.013153] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21683. [10993.013275] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21684. [10993.013336] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 181, e_q = 101
  21685. [10993.013427] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 182
  21686. [10993.046539] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21687. [10993.046600] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21688. [10993.046722] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21689. [10993.046813] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 182, e_q = 101
  21690. [10993.046936] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 183
  21691. [10993.079986] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21692. [10993.080047] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21693. [10993.080169] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21694. [10993.080261] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 183, e_q = 101
  21695. [10993.080383] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 184
  21696. [10993.113433] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21697. [10993.113494] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21698. [10993.113616] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21699. [10993.113708] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 184, e_q = 101
  21700. [10993.113830] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 185
  21701. [10993.146881] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21702. [10993.147003] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21703. [10993.147125] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21704. [10993.147186] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 185, e_q = 101
  21705. [10993.147338] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 186
  21706. [10993.180328] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21707. [10993.180450] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21708. [10993.180511] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21709. [10993.180633] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 186, e_q = 101
  21710. [10993.180755] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 187
  21711. [10993.213775] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21712. [10993.213897] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21713. [10993.213958] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21714. [10993.214111] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 187, e_q = 101
  21715. [10993.214233] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 188
  21716. [10993.247222] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21717. [10993.247344] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21718. [10993.247406] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21719. [10993.247558] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 188, e_q = 101
  21720. [10993.247680] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 189
  21721. [10993.280670] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21722. [10993.280792] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21723. [10993.280853] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21724. [10993.281005] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 189, e_q = 101
  21725. [10993.281127] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 190
  21726. [10993.314117] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21727. [10993.314239] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21728. [10993.314300] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21729. [10993.314453] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 190, e_q = 101
  21730. [10993.314575] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 191
  21731. [10993.347564] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21732. [10993.347625] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21733. [10993.347717] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21734. [10993.347839] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 191, e_q = 101
  21735. [10993.347961] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 192
  21736. [10993.381011] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21737. [10993.381072] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21738. [10993.381195] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21739. [10993.381347] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 192, e_q = 101
  21740. [10993.381469] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 193
  21741. [10993.414459] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21742. [10993.414520] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21743. [10993.414642] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21744. [10993.414794] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 193, e_q = 101
  21745. [10993.414855] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 194
  21746. [10993.447906] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21747. [10993.447967] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21748. [10993.448120] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21749. [10993.448242] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 194, e_q = 101
  21750. [10993.448303] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 195
  21751. [10993.481353] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21752. [10993.481445] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21753. [10993.481567] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21754. [10993.481689] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 195, e_q = 101
  21755. [10993.481750] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 196
  21756. [10993.514801] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21757. [10993.514892] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21758. [10993.515014] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21759. [10993.515136] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 196, e_q = 101
  21760. [10993.515197] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 197
  21761. [10993.548248] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21762. [10993.548339] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21763. [10993.548461] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21764. [10993.548522] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 197, e_q = 101
  21765. [10993.548614] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 198
  21766. [10993.581695] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21767. [10993.581787] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21768. [10993.581909] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21769. [10993.581970] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 198, e_q = 101
  21770. [10993.582092] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 199
  21771. [10993.615142] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21772. [10993.615234] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21773. [10993.615356] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21774. [10993.615417] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 199, e_q = 101
  21775. [10993.615570] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 200
  21776. [10993.648620] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21777. [10993.648681] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21778. [10993.648803] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21779. [10993.648895] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 200, e_q = 101
  21780. [10993.649017] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 201
  21781. [10993.682067] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21782. [10993.682189] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21783. [10993.682312] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21784. [10993.682373] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 201, e_q = 101
  21785. [10993.682495] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 202
  21786. [10993.715515] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21787. [10993.715637] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21788. [10993.715698] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21789. [10993.715820] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 202, e_q = 101
  21790. [10993.715972] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 203
  21791. [10993.748962] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21792. [10993.749084] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21793. [10993.749145] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21794. [10993.749298] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 203, e_q = 101
  21795. [10993.749420] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 204
  21796. [10993.782409] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21797. [10993.782531] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21798. [10993.782592] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21799. [10993.782745] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 204, e_q = 101
  21800. [10993.782867] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 205
  21801. [10993.815856] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21802. [10993.815979] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21803. [10993.816040] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21804. [10993.816192] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 205, e_q = 101
  21805. [10993.816314] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 206
  21806. [10993.849304] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21807. [10993.849426] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21808. [10993.849487] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21809. [10993.849639] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 206, e_q = 101
  21810. [10993.849761] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 207
  21811. [10993.882751] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21812. [10993.882812] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21813. [10993.882873] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21814. [10993.883026] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 207, e_q = 101
  21815. [10993.883148] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 208
  21816. [10993.916198] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21817. [10993.916259] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21818. [10993.916381] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21819. [10993.916534] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 208, e_q = 101
  21820. [10993.916656] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 209
  21821. [10993.949645] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21822. [10993.949707] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21823. [10993.949829] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21824. [10993.949981] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 209, e_q = 101
  21825. [10993.950042] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 210
  21826. [10993.983093] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21827. [10993.983154] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21828. [10993.983276] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21829. [10993.983428] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 210, e_q = 101
  21830. [10993.983489] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 211
  21831. [10994.016540] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21832. [10994.016601] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21833. [10994.016754] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21834. [10994.016876] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 211, e_q = 101
  21835. [10994.016937] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 212
  21836. [10994.049987] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21837. [10994.050048] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21838. [10994.050201] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21839. [10994.050323] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 212, e_q = 101
  21840. [10994.050384] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 213
  21841. [10994.083435] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21842. [10994.083526] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21843. [10994.083648] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21844. [10994.083709] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 213, e_q = 101
  21845. [10994.083801] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 214
  21846. [10994.116882] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21847. [10994.116973] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21848. [10994.117095] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21849. [10994.117156] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 214, e_q = 101
  21850. [10994.117279] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 215
  21851. [10994.150329] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21852. [10994.150421] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21853. [10994.150543] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21854. [10994.150604] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 215, e_q = 101
  21855. [10994.150756] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 216
  21856. [10994.183776] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21857. [10994.183868] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21858. [10994.183990] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21859. [10994.184051] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 216, e_q = 101
  21860. [10994.184204] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 217
  21861. [10994.217254] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21862. [10994.217376] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21863. [10994.217498] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21864. [10994.217559] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 217, e_q = 101
  21865. [10994.217681] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 218
  21866. [10994.250701] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21867. [10994.250823] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21868. [10994.250885] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21869. [10994.251007] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 218, e_q = 101
  21870. [10994.251129] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 219
  21871. [10994.284149] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21872. [10994.284271] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21873. [10994.284332] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21874. [10994.284454] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 219, e_q = 101
  21875. [10994.284606] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 220
  21876. [10994.317596] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21877. [10994.317718] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21878. [10994.317779] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21879. [10994.317901] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 220, e_q = 101
  21880. [10994.318054] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 221
  21881. [10994.351043] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21882. [10994.351165] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21883. [10994.351226] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21884. [10994.351379] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 221, e_q = 101
  21885. [10994.351501] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 222
  21886. [10994.384490] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21887. [10994.384613] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21888. [10994.384674] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21889. [10994.384826] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 222, e_q = 101
  21890. [10994.384948] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 223
  21891. [10994.417938] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21892. [10994.417999] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21893. [10994.418060] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21894. [10994.418212] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 223, e_q = 101
  21895. [10994.418334] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 224
  21896. [10994.451385] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21897. [10994.451446] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21898. [10994.451568] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21899. [10994.451721] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 224, e_q = 101
  21900. [10994.451843] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 225
  21901. [10994.484832] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21902. [10994.484893] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21903. [10994.485015] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21904. [10994.485168] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 225, e_q = 101
  21905. [10994.485229] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 226
  21906. [10994.518280] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21907. [10994.518341] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21908. [10994.518463] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21909. [10994.518615] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 226, e_q = 101
  21910. [10994.518676] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 227
  21911. [10994.551727] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21912. [10994.551788] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21913. [10994.551910] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21914. [10994.552062] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 227, e_q = 101
  21915. [10994.552124] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 228
  21916. [10994.585174] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21917. [10994.585235] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21918. [10994.585388] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21919. [10994.585510] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 228, e_q = 101
  21920. [10994.585571] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 229
  21921. [10994.618621] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21922. [10994.618713] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21923. [10994.618835] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21924. [10994.618896] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 229, e_q = 101
  21925. [10994.618988] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 230
  21926. [10994.652069] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21927. [10994.652160] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21928. [10994.652282] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21929. [10994.652343] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 230, e_q = 101
  21930. [10994.652465] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 231
  21931. [10994.685516] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21932. [10994.685607] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21933. [10994.685729] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21934. [10994.685791] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 231, e_q = 101
  21935. [10994.685913] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 232
  21936. [10994.718963] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21937. [10994.719055] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21938. [10994.719177] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21939. [10994.719238] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 232, e_q = 101
  21940. [10994.719390] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 233
  21941. [10994.752410] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21942. [10994.752563] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21943. [10994.752685] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21944. [10994.752746] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 233, e_q = 101
  21945. [10994.752868] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 234
  21946. [10994.785888] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21947. [10994.786010] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21948. [10994.786071] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21949. [10994.786193] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 234, e_q = 101
  21950. [10994.786315] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 235
  21951. [10994.819335] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21952. [10994.819458] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21953. [10994.819519] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21954. [10994.819641] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 235, e_q = 101
  21955. [10994.819763] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 236
  21956. [10994.852783] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21957. [10994.852905] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21958. [10994.852966] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21959. [10994.853088] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 236, e_q = 101
  21960. [10994.853210] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 237
  21961. [10994.886230] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21962. [10994.886352] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21963. [10994.886413] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21964. [10994.886566] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 237, e_q = 101
  21965. [10994.886688] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 238
  21966. [10994.919677] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21967. [10994.919799] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21968. [10994.919860] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21969. [10994.920013] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 238, e_q = 101
  21970. [10994.920135] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 239
  21971. [10994.953125] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21972. [10994.953186] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21973. [10994.953247] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21974. [10994.953399] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 239, e_q = 101
  21975. [10994.953521] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 240
  21976. [10994.986572] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21977. [10994.986633] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21978. [10994.986755] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21979. [10994.986907] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 240, e_q = 101
  21980. [10994.987030] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 241
  21981. [10995.020019] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21982. [10995.020080] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21983. [10995.020202] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21984. [10995.020355] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 241, e_q = 101
  21985. [10995.020416] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 242
  21986. [10995.053466] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21987. [10995.053527] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21988. [10995.053649] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21989. [10995.053802] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 242, e_q = 101
  21990. [10995.053863] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 243
  21991. [10995.086914] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21992. [10995.086975] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21993. [10995.087097] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21994. [10995.087249] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 243, e_q = 101
  21995. [10995.087310] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 244
  21996. [10995.120361] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  21997. [10995.120422] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  21998. [10995.120544] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  21999. [10995.120697] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 244, e_q = 101
  22000. [10995.120758] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 245
  22001. [10995.153808] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22002. [10995.153869] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22003. [10995.154022] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22004. [10995.154083] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 245, e_q = 101
  22005. [10995.154144] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 246
  22006. [10995.187255] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22007. [10995.187347] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22008. [10995.187469] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22009. [10995.187530] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 246, e_q = 101
  22010. [10995.187652] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 247
  22011. [10995.220703] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22012. [10995.220794] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22013. [10995.220916] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22014. [10995.220977] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 247, e_q = 101
  22015. [10995.221099] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 248
  22016. [10995.254150] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22017. [10995.254241] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22018. [10995.254364] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22019. [10995.254425] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 248, e_q = 101
  22020. [10995.254547] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 249
  22021. [10995.287597] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22022. [10995.287719] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22023. [10995.287872] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22024. [10995.287933] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 249, e_q = 101
  22025. [10995.288055] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 250
  22026. [10995.321044] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22027. [10995.321197] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22028. [10995.321258] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22029. [10995.321380] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 250, e_q = 101
  22030. [10995.321502] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 251
  22031. [10995.354522] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22032. [10995.354644] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22033. [10995.354705] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22034. [10995.354827] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 251, e_q = 101
  22035. [10995.354949] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 252
  22036. [10995.387969] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22037. [10995.388092] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22038. [10995.388153] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22039. [10995.388275] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 252, e_q = 101
  22040. [10995.388397] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 253
  22041. [10995.421417] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22042. [10995.421539] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22043. [10995.421600] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22044. [10995.421722] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 253, e_q = 101
  22045. [10995.421844] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 254
  22046. [10995.454864] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22047. [10995.454986] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22048. [10995.455047] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22049. [10995.455169] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 254, e_q = 101
  22050. [10995.455322] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 255
  22051. [10995.488311] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22052. [10995.488372] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22053. [10995.488433] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22054. [10995.488586] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 255, e_q = 101
  22055. [10995.488708] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 256
  22056. [10995.521759] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22057. [10995.521820] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22058. [10995.521942] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22059. [10995.522094] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 256, e_q = 101
  22060. [10995.522216] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 257
  22061. [10995.555206] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22062. [10995.555267] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22063. [10995.555389] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22064. [10995.555541] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 257, e_q = 101
  22065. [10995.555603] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 258
  22066. [10995.588653] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22067. [10995.588714] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22068. [10995.588836] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22069. [10995.588989] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 258, e_q = 101
  22070. [10995.589050] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 259
  22071. [10995.622100] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22072. [10995.622161] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22073. [10995.622283] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22074. [10995.622436] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 259, e_q = 101
  22075. [10995.622497] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 260
  22076. [10995.655548] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22077. [10995.655609] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22078. [10995.655731] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22079. [10995.655883] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 260, e_q = 101
  22080. [10995.655944] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 261
  22081. [10995.688995] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22082. [10995.689056] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22083. [10995.689178] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22084. [10995.689270] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 261, e_q = 101
  22085. [10995.689331] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 262
  22086. [10995.722442] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22087. [10995.722503] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22088. [10995.722656] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22089. [10995.722717] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 262, e_q = 101
  22090. [10995.722839] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 263
  22091. [10995.755889] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22092. [10995.755950] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22093. [10995.756103] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22094. [10995.756164] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 263, e_q = 101
  22095. [10995.756286] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 264
  22096. [10995.789337] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22097. [10995.789428] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22098. [10995.789550] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22099. [10995.789611] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 264, e_q = 101
  22100. [10995.789794] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 265
  22101. [10995.822784] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22102. [10995.822906] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22103. [10995.823059] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22104. [10995.823120] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 265, e_q = 101
  22105. [10995.823242] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 266
  22106. [10995.856231] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22107. [10995.856353] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22108. [10995.856445] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22109. [10995.856597] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 266, e_q = 101
  22110. [10995.856719] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 267
  22111. [10995.889678] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22112. [10995.889831] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22113. [10995.889892] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22114. [10995.890014] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 267, e_q = 101
  22115. [10995.890136] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 268
  22116. [10995.923156] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22117. [10995.923278] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22118. [10995.923339] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22119. [10995.923461] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 268, e_q = 101
  22120. [10995.923583] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 269
  22121. [10995.956604] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22122. [10995.956726] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22123. [10995.956787] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22124. [10995.956909] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 269, e_q = 101
  22125. [10995.957061] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 270
  22126. [10995.990051] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22127. [10995.990173] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22128. [10995.990234] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22129. [10995.990356] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 270, e_q = 101
  22130. [10995.990509] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 271
  22131. [10996.023498] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22132. [10996.023559] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22133. [10996.023620] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22134. [10996.023773] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 271, e_q = 101
  22135. [10996.023895] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 272
  22136. [10996.056945] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22137. [10996.057006] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22138. [10996.057128] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22139. [10996.057250] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 272, e_q = 101
  22140. [10996.057403] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 273
  22141. [10996.090393] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22142. [10996.090454] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22143. [10996.090576] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22144. [10996.090698] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 273, e_q = 101
  22145. [10996.090789] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 274
  22146. [10996.123840] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22147. [10996.123901] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22148. [10996.124023] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22149. [10996.124176] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 274, e_q = 101
  22150. [10996.124237] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 275
  22151. [10996.157287] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22152. [10996.157348] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22153. [10996.157470] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22154. [10996.157623] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 275, e_q = 101
  22155. [10996.157684] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 276
  22156. [10996.190734] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22157. [10996.190795] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22158. [10996.190917] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22159. [10996.191070] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 276, e_q = 101
  22160. [10996.191131] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 277
  22161. [10996.224182] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22162. [10996.224243] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22163. [10996.224365] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22164. [10996.224456] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 277, e_q = 101
  22165. [10996.224517] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 278
  22166. [10996.257629] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22167. [10996.257690] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22168. [10996.257812] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22169. [10996.257904] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 278, e_q = 101
  22170. [10996.258026] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 279
  22171. [10996.291076] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22172. [10996.291137] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22173. [10996.291290] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22174. [10996.291351] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 279, e_q = 101
  22175. [10996.291473] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 280
  22176. [10996.324523] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22177. [10996.324584] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22178. [10996.324737] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22179. [10996.324798] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 280, e_q = 101
  22180. [10996.324920] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 281
  22181. [10996.357971] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22182. [10996.358093] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22183. [10996.358245] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22184. [10996.358306] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 281, e_q = 101
  22185. [10996.358428] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 282
  22186. [10996.391418] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22187. [10996.391540] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22188. [10996.391632] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22189. [10996.391754] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 282, e_q = 101
  22190. [10996.391876] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 283
  22191. [10996.424865] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22192. [10996.424987] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22193. [10996.425079] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22194. [10996.425201] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 283, e_q = 101
  22195. [10996.425323] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 284
  22196. [10996.458312] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22197. [10996.458465] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22198. [10996.458526] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22199. [10996.458648] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 284, e_q = 101
  22200. [10996.458770] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 285
  22201. [10996.491760] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22202. [10996.491912] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22203. [10996.491973] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22204. [10996.492095] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 285, e_q = 101
  22205. [10996.492218] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 286
  22206. [10996.525238] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22207. [10996.525360] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22208. [10996.525421] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22209. [10996.525543] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 286, e_q = 101
  22210. [10996.525665] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 287
  22211. [10996.558685] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22212. [10996.558746] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22213. [10996.558807] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22214. [10996.558959] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 287, e_q = 101
  22215. [10996.559082] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 288
  22216. [10996.592132] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22217. [10996.592193] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22218. [10996.592315] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22219. [10996.592437] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 288, e_q = 101
  22220. [10996.592590] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 289
  22221. [10996.625579] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22222. [10996.625640] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22223. [10996.625762] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22224. [10996.625885] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 289, e_q = 101
  22225. [10996.625976] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 290
  22226. [10996.659027] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22227. [10996.659088] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22228. [10996.659210] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22229. [10996.659332] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 290, e_q = 101
  22230. [10996.659423] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 291
  22231. [10996.692474] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22232. [10996.692535] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22233. [10996.692657] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22234. [10996.692810] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 291, e_q = 101
  22235. [10996.692871] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 292
  22236. [10996.725921] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22237. [10996.725982] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22238. [10996.726104] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22239. [10996.726257] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 292, e_q = 101
  22240. [10996.726318] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 293
  22241. [10996.759368] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22242. [10996.759429] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22243. [10996.759552] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22244. [10996.759643] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 293, e_q = 101
  22245. [10996.759704] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 294
  22246. [10996.792816] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22247. [10996.792877] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22248. [10996.792999] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22249. [10996.793090] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 294, e_q = 101
  22250. [10996.793212] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 295
  22251. [10996.826263] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22252. [10996.826324] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22253. [10996.826446] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22254. [10996.826538] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 295, e_q = 101
  22255. [10996.826660] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 296
  22256. [10996.859710] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22257. [10996.859771] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22258. [10996.859924] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22259. [10996.859985] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 296, e_q = 101
  22260. [10996.860107] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 297
  22261. [10996.893157] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22262. [10996.893280] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22263. [10996.893432] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22264. [10996.893493] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 297, e_q = 101
  22265. [10996.893615] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 298
  22266. [10996.926605] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22267. [10996.926727] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22268. [10996.926818] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22269. [10996.926940] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 298, e_q = 101
  22270. [10996.927062] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 299
  22271. [10996.960052] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22272. [10996.960174] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22273. [10996.960266] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22274. [10996.960388] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 299, e_q = 101
  22275. [10996.960510] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 300
  22276. [10996.993499] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22277. [10996.993621] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22278. [10996.993713] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22279. [10996.993835] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 300, e_q = 101
  22280. [10996.993957] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 301
  22281. [10997.026947] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22282. [10997.027069] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22283. [10997.027160] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22284. [10997.027282] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 301, e_q = 101
  22285. [10997.027404] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 302
  22286. [10997.060394] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22287. [10997.060546] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22288. [10997.060607] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22289. [10997.060729] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 302, e_q = 101
  22290. [10997.060852] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 303
  22291. [10997.093872] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22292. [10997.093933] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22293. [10997.093994] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22294. [10997.094146] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 303, e_q = 101
  22295. [10997.094268] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 304
  22296. [10997.127319] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22297. [10997.127380] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22298. [10997.127502] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22299. [10997.127624] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 304, e_q = 101
  22300. [10997.127777] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 305
  22301. [10997.160766] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22302. [10997.160827] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22303. [10997.160949] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22304. [10997.161071] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 305, e_q = 101
  22305. [10997.161163] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 306
  22306. [10997.194213] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22307. [10997.194274] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22308. [10997.194396] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22309. [10997.194519] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 306, e_q = 101
  22310. [10997.194610] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 307
  22311. [10997.227661] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22312. [10997.227722] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22313. [10997.227844] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22314. [10997.227996] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 307, e_q = 101
  22315. [10997.228057] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 308
  22316. [10997.261108] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22317. [10997.261169] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22318. [10997.261291] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22319. [10997.261444] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 308, e_q = 101
  22320. [10997.261505] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 309
  22321. [10997.294555] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22322. [10997.294616] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22323. [10997.294738] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22324. [10997.294830] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 309, e_q = 101
  22325. [10997.294891] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 310
  22326. [10997.328002] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22327. [10997.328063] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22328. [10997.328186] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22329. [10997.328277] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 310, e_q = 101
  22330. [10997.328399] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 311
  22331. [10997.361450] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22332. [10997.361511] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22333. [10997.361633] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22334. [10997.361724] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 311, e_q = 101
  22335. [10997.361846] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 312
  22336. [10997.394897] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22337. [10997.394958] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22338. [10997.395080] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22339. [10997.395172] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 312, e_q = 101
  22340. [10997.395294] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 313
  22341. [10997.428344] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22342. [10997.428466] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22343. [10997.428619] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22344. [10997.428680] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 313, e_q = 101
  22345. [10997.428802] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 314
  22346. [10997.461791] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22347. [10997.461914] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22348. [10997.462005] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22349. [10997.462127] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 314, e_q = 101
  22350. [10997.462249] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 315
  22351. [10997.495239] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22352. [10997.495361] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22353. [10997.495452] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22354. [10997.495574] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 315, e_q = 101
  22355. [10997.495697] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 316
  22356. [10997.528686] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22357. [10997.528808] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22358. [10997.528900] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22359. [10997.529022] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 316, e_q = 101
  22360. [10997.529144] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 317
  22361. [10997.562133] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22362. [10997.562255] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22363. [10997.562347] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22364. [10997.562469] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 317, e_q = 101
  22365. [10997.562591] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 318
  22366. [10997.595581] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22367. [10997.595703] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22368. [10997.595794] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22369. [10997.595916] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 318, e_q = 101
  22370. [10997.596038] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 319
  22371. [10997.629028] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22372. [10997.629119] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22373. [10997.629180] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22374. [10997.629302] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 319, e_q = 101
  22375. [10997.629455] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 320
  22376. [10997.662506] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22377. [10997.662567] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22378. [10997.662689] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22379. [10997.662811] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 320, e_q = 101
  22380. [10997.662933] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 321
  22381. [10997.695953] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22382. [10997.696014] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22383. [10997.696136] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22384. [10997.696258] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 321, e_q = 101
  22385. [10997.696350] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 322
  22386. [10997.729400] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22387. [10997.729461] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22388. [10997.729583] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22389. [10997.729705] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 322, e_q = 101
  22390. [10997.729797] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 323
  22391. [10997.762847] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22392. [10997.762908] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22393. [10997.763031] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22394. [10997.763153] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 323, e_q = 101
  22395. [10997.763244] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 324
  22396. [10997.796295] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22397. [10997.796356] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22398. [10997.796478] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22399. [10997.796630] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 324, e_q = 101
  22400. [10997.796691] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 325
  22401. [10997.829742] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22402. [10997.829803] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22403. [10997.829925] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22404. [10997.830017] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 325, e_q = 101
  22405. [10997.830078] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 326
  22406. [10997.863189] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22407. [10997.863250] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22408. [10997.863372] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22409. [10997.863464] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 326, e_q = 101
  22410. [10997.863586] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 327
  22411. [10997.896636] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22412. [10997.896697] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22413. [10997.896820] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22414. [10997.896911] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 327, e_q = 101
  22415. [10997.897033] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 328
  22416. [10997.930084] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22417. [10997.930145] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22418. [10997.930267] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22419. [10997.930358] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 328, e_q = 101
  22420. [10997.930480] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 329
  22421. [10997.963531] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22422. [10997.963653] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22423. [10997.963775] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22424. [10997.963867] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 329, e_q = 101
  22425. [10997.963989] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 330
  22426. [10997.996978] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22427. [10997.997100] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22428. [10997.997161] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22429. [10997.997314] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 330, e_q = 101
  22430. [10997.997436] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 331
  22431. [10998.030426] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22432. [10998.030548] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22433. [10998.030609] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22434. [10998.030761] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 331, e_q = 101
  22435. [10998.030883] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 332
  22436. [10998.063873] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22437. [10998.063995] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22438. [10998.064086] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22439. [10998.064208] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 332, e_q = 101
  22440. [10998.064331] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 333
  22441. [10998.097320] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22442. [10998.097442] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22443. [10998.097534] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22444. [10998.097656] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 333, e_q = 101
  22445. [10998.097778] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 334
  22446. [10998.130767] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22447. [10998.130889] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22448. [10998.130981] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22449. [10998.131103] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 334, e_q = 101
  22450. [10998.131225] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 335
  22451. [10998.164215] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22452. [10998.164306] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22453. [10998.164367] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22454. [10998.164489] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 335, e_q = 101
  22455. [10998.164642] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 336
  22456. [10998.197662] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22457. [10998.197753] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22458. [10998.197875] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22459. [10998.197998] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 336, e_q = 101
  22460. [10998.198120] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 337
  22461. [10998.231140] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22462. [10998.231201] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22463. [10998.231323] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22464. [10998.231445] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 337, e_q = 101
  22465. [10998.231506] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 338
  22466. [10998.264587] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22467. [10998.264648] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22468. [10998.264770] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22469. [10998.264892] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 338, e_q = 101
  22470. [10998.264984] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 339
  22471. [10998.298034] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22472. [10998.298095] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22473. [10998.298217] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22474. [10998.298339] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 339, e_q = 101
  22475. [10998.298431] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 340
  22476. [10998.331481] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22477. [10998.331542] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22478. [10998.331665] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22479. [10998.331787] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 340, e_q = 101
  22480. [10998.331878] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 341
  22481. [10998.364929] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22482. [10998.364990] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22483. [10998.365112] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22484. [10998.365203] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 341, e_q = 101
  22485. [10998.365264] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 342
  22486. [10998.398376] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22487. [10998.398437] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22488. [10998.398559] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22489. [10998.398651] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 342, e_q = 101
  22490. [10998.398773] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 343
  22491. [10998.431823] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22492. [10998.431884] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22493. [10998.432006] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22494. [10998.432098] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 343, e_q = 101
  22495. [10998.432220] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 344
  22496. [10998.465270] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22497. [10998.465332] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22498. [10998.465454] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22499. [10998.465545] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 344, e_q = 101
  22500. [10998.465667] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 345
  22501. [10998.498718] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22502. [10998.498840] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22503. [10998.498962] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22504. [10998.499053] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 345, e_q = 101
  22505. [10998.499176] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 346
  22506. [10998.532165] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22507. [10998.532287] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22508. [10998.532348] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22509. [10998.532501] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 346, e_q = 101
  22510. [10998.532623] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 347
  22511. [10998.565612] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22512. [10998.565734] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22513. [10998.565795] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22514. [10998.565948] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 347, e_q = 101
  22515. [10998.566070] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 348
  22516. [10998.599060] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22517. [10998.599182] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22518. [10998.599243] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22519. [10998.599395] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 348, e_q = 101
  22520. [10998.599517] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 349
  22521. [10998.632507] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22522. [10998.632629] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22523. [10998.632720] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22524. [10998.632843] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 349, e_q = 101
  22525. [10998.632965] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 350
  22526. [10998.665954] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22527. [10998.666076] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22528. [10998.666168] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22529. [10998.666290] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 350, e_q = 101
  22530. [10998.666412] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 351
  22531. [10998.699401] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22532. [10998.699493] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22533. [10998.699554] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22534. [10998.699676] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 351, e_q = 101
  22535. [10998.699798] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 352
  22536. [10998.732849] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22537. [10998.732940] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22538. [10998.733062] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22539. [10998.733184] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 352, e_q = 101
  22540. [10998.733306] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 353
  22541. [10998.766296] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22542. [10998.766387] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22543. [10998.766510] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22544. [10998.766632] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 353, e_q = 101
  22545. [10998.766723] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 354
  22546. [10998.799743] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22547. [10998.799835] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22548. [10998.799957] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22549. [10998.800079] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 354, e_q = 101
  22550. [10998.800140] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 355
  22551. [10998.833221] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22552. [10998.833282] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22553. [10998.833404] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22554. [10998.833526] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 355, e_q = 101
  22555. [10998.833618] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 356
  22556. [10998.866668] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22557. [10998.866729] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22558. [10998.866851] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22559. [10998.866973] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 356, e_q = 101
  22560. [10998.867065] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 357
  22561. [10998.900115] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22562. [10998.900177] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22563. [10998.900299] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22564. [10998.900390] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 357, e_q = 101
  22565. [10998.900451] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 358
  22566. [10998.933563] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22567. [10998.933624] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22568. [10998.933746] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22569. [10998.933837] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 358, e_q = 101
  22570. [10998.933959] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 359
  22571. [10998.967010] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22572. [10998.967071] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22573. [10998.967193] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22574. [10998.967285] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 359, e_q = 101
  22575. [10998.967407] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 360
  22576. [10999.000457] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22577. [10999.000518] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22578. [10999.000640] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22579. [10999.000732] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 360, e_q = 101
  22580. [10999.000854] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 361
  22581. [10999.033905] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22582. [10999.034027] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22583. [10999.034149] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22584. [10999.034240] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 361, e_q = 101
  22585. [10999.034362] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 362
  22586. [10999.067352] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22587. [10999.067474] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22588. [10999.067535] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22589. [10999.067687] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 362, e_q = 101
  22590. [10999.067810] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 363
  22591. [10999.100799] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22592. [10999.100921] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22593. [10999.100982] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22594. [10999.101135] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 363, e_q = 101
  22595. [10999.101257] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 364
  22596. [10999.134246] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22597. [10999.134368] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22598. [10999.134429] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22599. [10999.134582] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 364, e_q = 101
  22600. [10999.134704] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 365
  22601. [10999.167694] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22602. [10999.167816] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22603. [10999.167877] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22604. [10999.168029] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 365, e_q = 101
  22605. [10999.168151] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 366
  22606. [10999.201141] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22607. [10999.201263] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22608. [10999.201354] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22609. [10999.201477] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 366, e_q = 101
  22610. [10999.201599] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 367
  22611. [10999.234588] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22612. [10999.234680] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22613. [10999.234741] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22614. [10999.234863] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 367, e_q = 101
  22615. [10999.234985] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 368
  22616. [10999.268035] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22617. [10999.268127] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22618. [10999.268249] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22619. [10999.268371] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 368, e_q = 101
  22620. [10999.268493] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 369
  22621. [10999.273559] [K] arch_reset: modem flushes cache timeout.
  22622. [10999.273651]
  22623. [10999.273773] [K] Restarting Linux version 3.0.101-g1e870b6 (jeepers007@evervolv.codefi.re) (gcc version 4.7 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jan 4 08:09:58 PST 2014
  22624. [10999.273773]
  22625. [10999.301483] [CAM] path_irq_0 - no free buffer!
  22626. [10999.301513] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: op mode = 2, capture_cnt = 0
  22627. [10999.301513] [CAM] vfe31_process_output_path_irq_0_zsl: output0.free_buf.available = 0
  22628. [10999.301727] [CAM] msm_vfe_sync, Error Event Queue limit exceeded f_q = 369, e_q = 101
  22629. [10999.301757] [CAM] msm_enqueue: queue frame new max is 370
  22630. [10999.324035] [K] restart: Console was locked!
  22632. No errors detected
  22633. [SQA][ARM]15:43:35 FATAL: IST0 (err_gpio.c:00119) Error detected on remote system via GPIO %d
  22634. [SQA][QDSP6] no error occur
  22636. Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.evervolv.toolbox.action.DUMPLOGCAT_FINISHED (has extras) }
  22637. Broadcast completed: result=0

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