------ SYSTEM LOG (logcat -d *:v) ------
--------- beginning of crash
F/libc ( 156): Fatal signal 13 (SIGPIPE), code 0 in tid 156 (installd)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): Process: com.google.android.gms, PID: 25971
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): java.lang.SecurityException: attempting to read gservices without permission: Neither user 10015 nor current process has com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES.
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at android.app.ContextImpl.enforce(ContextImpl.java:1903)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at android.app.ContextImpl.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(ContextImpl.java:1932)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at android.content.ContextWrapper.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(ContextWrapper.java:593)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.google.android.gsf.f.c(SourceFile:107)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.google.android.gsf.f.a(SourceFile:121)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.google.android.gsf.f.a(SourceFile:182)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.google.android.gms.common.a.l.a(SourceFile:286)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.google.android.gms.common.a.g.a(SourceFile:217)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.google.android.gms.common.a.d.b(SourceFile:177)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.google.android.gms.analytics.service.d.handleMessage(SourceFile:277)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): Error reporting crash
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): android.os.DeadObjectException
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:496)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at android.app.ActivityManagerProxy.handleApplicationCrash(ActivityManagerNative.java:4111)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException(RuntimeInit.java:89)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at com.google.android.gms.common.app.e.uncaughtException(SourceFile:54)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGroup.java:693)
E/AndroidRuntime(25971): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGroup.java:690)
F/libc ( 9244): Fatal signal 13 (SIGPIPE), code 0 in tid 9244 (installd)
--------- beginning of system
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.estrongs.android.pop for broadcast com.estrongs.android.pop/.app.StartServiceReceiver: pid=25147 uid=10109 gids={50109, 9997, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=25169 uid=10002 gids={50002, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.WifiWidgetProvider: pid=25195 uid=1000 gids={41000, 9997, 1028, 3003, 1015, 3002, 3001} abi=armeabi-v7a
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppProvider: pid=25217 uid=10018 gids={50018, 9997, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Failed to find a new network - expiring NetTransition Wakelock
D/ConnectivityService(31206): registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "NeufBox", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false]} network{null} lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::21d:feff:fedc:592c/64,] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]} Score{20} validated{false} created{false} explicitlySelected{false} }
D/ConnectivityService(31206): NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 57
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.apps.plus (pid 24615) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.music:main (pid 24495) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.talk (pid 24415) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.talk for broadcast com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.hangouts.service.NetworkStateReceiver: pid=25251 uid=10064 gids={50064, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ResourcesManager(25251): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.media.effects.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.calendar (pid 24386) has died
D/ConnectivityService(31206): NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Adding iface wlan0 to network 102
E/ConnectivityService(31206): Unexpected mtu value: 0, wlan0
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Adding Route [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0] to network 102
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Adding Route [ -> wlan0] to network 102
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Adding Route [ -> wlan0] to network 102
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Setting Dns servers for network 102 to [/]
D/Nat464Xlat(31206): requiresClat: netType=1, connected=true, hasIPv4Address=true
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType PRECHECK for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): accepting network in place of null
D/CSLegacyTypeTracker(31206): Sending connected broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] isDefaultNetwork=true
D/ConnectivityService(31206): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "NeufBox", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false]} network{102} lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::21d:feff:fedc:592c/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]} Score{17} validated{false} created{true} explicitlySelected{false} }
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Validated NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 60
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ConnectivityService(31206): sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.music:main for broadcast com.google.android.music/.homewidgets.IFLWidgetProvider: pid=25332 uid=10066 gids={50066, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ResourcesManager(25332): Asset path '/system/framework/com.android.media.remotedisplay.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
W/ResourcesManager(25332): Asset path '/system/framework/com.android.location.provider.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.canal.android.canal:DownloadService (pid 16795) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.canal.android.canal/.download.DownloadToGoService in 1000ms
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.gms.wearable (pid 24799) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.android.deskclock (pid 24981) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process ccc71.bmw.icons.xda.circleB.white (pid 25020) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process android.process.acore (pid 25169) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process ccc71.bmw.icons.fma (pid 25037) has died
I/libprocessgroup(31206): Killing pid 25202 in uid 10109 as part of process group 25147
I/libprocessgroup(31206): Killing pid 25202 in uid 10109 as part of process group 25147
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.estrongs.android.pop (pid 25147) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.partnersetup (pid 25217) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.evervolv.widgets (pid 25195) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.talk (pid 25251) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=25378 uid=10001 gids={50001, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ResourcesManager(25378): Asset path '/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc android.process.media for broadcast com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver: pid=25396 uid=10004 gids={50004, 9997, 2001, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3007, 1023, 1024} abi=armeabi-v7a
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.canal.android.canal:DownloadService for service com.canal.android.canal/.download.DownloadToGoService: pid=25415 uid=10099 gids={50099, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.talk for broadcast com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.hangouts.service.NetworkStateReceiver: pid=25439 uid=10064 gids={50064, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ResourcesManager(25439): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.media.effects.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps for broadcast com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.userfeedback.android.api.FeedbackConnectivityReceiver: pid=25469 uid=10065 gids={50065, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=25490 uid=10002 gids={50002, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.apps.plus for broadcast com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.ConnectivityReceiver: pid=25514 uid=10068 gids={50068, 9997, 3003, 3002, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ResourcesManager(25514): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.music:main (pid 25332) has died
W/ActivityThread(25469): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.box.android for broadcast com.box.android/.receiver.BoxNetworkInfoReceiver: pid=25556 uid=10113 gids={50113, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.apps.maps (pid 25469) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.talk (pid 25439) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.box.android/.services.AutoContentUploadService } U=0: not found
W/ActivityManager(31206): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.box.android/.services.AutoContentUploadService } U=0: not found
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.apps.magazines for broadcast com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.appwidget.NewsWidgetProvider: pid=25589 uid=10083 gids={50083, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process android.process.media (pid 25396) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.apps.plus (pid 25514) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.calendar for broadcast com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=25665 uid=10026 gids={50026, 9997, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.android.providers.calendar (pid 25378) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.calendar for broadcast com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=25694 uid=10062 gids={50062, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=25702 uid=10001 gids={50001, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ResourcesManager(25702): Asset path '/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.talk for broadcast com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.hangouts.service.NetworkStateReceiver: pid=25738 uid=10064 gids={50064, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ResourcesManager(25738): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.media.effects.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.box.android (pid 25556) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process android.process.acore (pid 25490) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=25785 uid=10002 gids={50002, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=com.android.systemui.recents.SHOW_RECENTS flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10011 on display 0
E/libprocessgroup(31206): failed to kill 1 processes for processgroup 25589
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.apps.magazines (pid 25589) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Killing 21865:com.android.chrome/u0a123 (adj 9): remove task
I/WindowState(31206): WIN DEATH: Window{3a9558f4 u0 SurfaceView}
I/WindowState(31206): WIN DEATH: Window{26d8edfa u0 com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.ChromeTabbedActivity}
E/libprocessgroup(31206): failed to kill 1 processes for processgroup 21865
I/ActivityManager(31206): Killing 24094:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process5/u0a123i24 (adj 9): remove task
W/libprocessgroup(31206): failed to open /acct/uid_10123/pid_24094/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory
W/ActivityManager(31206): Exception when unbinding service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService5
W/ActivityManager(31206): android.os.DeadObjectException
W/ActivityManager(31206): at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
W/ActivityManager(31206): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:496)
W/ActivityManager(31206): at android.app.ApplicationThreadProxy.scheduleUnbindService(ApplicationThreadNative.java:917)
W/ActivityManager(31206): at com.android.server.am.ActiveServices.removeConnectionLocked(ActiveServices.java:1772)
W/ActivityManager(31206): at com.android.server.am.ActiveServices.killServicesLocked(ActiveServices.java:2156)
W/ActivityManager(31206): at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.cleanUpApplicationRecordLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:14602)
W/ActivityManager(31206): at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.handleAppDiedLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:4761)
W/ActivityManager(31206): at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.appDiedLocked(ActivityManagerService.java:4924)
W/ActivityManager(31206): at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied(ActivityManagerService.java:1175)
W/ActivityManager(31206): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(Binder.java:551)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from uid 10011 on display 0
W/libprocessgroup(31206): failed to open /acct/uid_10123/pid_24094/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory
D/TaskPersister(31206): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=12_task.xml
D/TaskPersister(31206): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=12_task_thumbnail.png
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.SplashscreenActivity (has extras)} from uid 10043 on display 0
W/BroadcastQueue(31206): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } from com.android.launcher3 (pid=20261, uid=10043) requires com.google.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to receiver com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.icingsync.ApplicationLaunchReceiver
W/BroadcastQueue(31206): Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.icingsync.ApplicationLaunchReceiver requires com.android.launcher3.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to sender com.android.launcher3 (uid 10043)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.eurosport for activity com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.SplashscreenActivity: pid=25922 uid=10093 gids={50093, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {cmp=com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.MainActivity} from uid 10093 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {cmp=com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.VideoDetailsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10093 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/InputMethodManagerService(31206): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@1436aabd attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@3077bc13
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/UsageStatsService(31206): User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.VideoListActivity} from uid 10093 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.talk (pid 25738) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.android.providers.calendar (pid 25702) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.calendar (pid 25694) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.android.calendar (pid 25665) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process android.process.acore (pid 25785) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (pid 25125) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Low on memory:
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 5907 kB: mediaserver (30973) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 4507 kB: surfaceflinger (142) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 3472 kB: logd (137) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 2350 kB: zygote (30971) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 1711 kB: sdcard (128) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 1696 kB: wpa_supplicant (25146) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 1206 kB: netd (30972) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 1016 kB: drmserver (153) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 809 kB: vold (141) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 709 kB: /init (1) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 671 kB: debuggerd (152) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 665 kB: keystore (157) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 464 kB: ueventd (103) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 408 kB: adbd (160) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 395 kB: sdcard (1889) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 371 kB: dhcpcd (25242) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 344 kB: healthd (138) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 324 kB: lmkd (139) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 277 kB: servicemanager (140) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 235 kB: installd (26890) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 199 kB: auditd (149) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 189 kB: ts_srv (143) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 76 kB: su (159) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): sys P 61788 kB: system (31206) fixed
I/ActivityManager(31206): pers P 40302 kB: com.android.systemui (31369) fixed
I/ActivityManager(31206): pers P 8556 kB: com.android.phone (31672) fixed
I/ActivityManager(31206): pers P 4054 kB: com.android.server.telecom (31649) fixed
I/ActivityManager(31206): fore T 143478 kB: com.eurosport (25922) top-activity
I/ActivityManager(31206): vis IF 18599 kB: com.google.process.gapps (31866) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.google.android.gms/.gcm.http.GoogleHttpService<=Proc{32026:com.google.process.location/u0a15}
I/ActivityManager(31206): vis IF 15720 kB: com.google.process.location (32026) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService<=Proc{31206:system/1000}
I/ActivityManager(31206): vis IF 7005 kB: org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser (31497) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser/.NotificationHijackingService<=Proc{31206:system/1000}
I/ActivityManager(31206): vis IF 3988 kB: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:interactor (31519) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.voiceinteraction.GsaVoiceInteractionService<=Proc{31206:system/1000}
I/ActivityManager(31206): vis IF 3416 kB: com.android.smspush (32500) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.android.smspush/.WapPushManager<=Proc{31672:com.android.phone/1001}
I/ActivityManager(31206): prcp IB 14523 kB: com.android.inputmethod.latin (31540) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME<=Proc{31206:system/1000}
I/ActivityManager(31206): prcp IF 7739 kB: com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (31751) fg-service
I/ActivityManager(31206): prcp IF 5880 kB: com.rootuninstaller.taskbarw8 (830) fg-service
I/ActivityManager(31206): svc S 19149 kB: com.google.android.gms (24543) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.google.android.gms/.cast.media.CastMediaRouteProviderService<=Proc{24838:deezer.android.app/u0a104}
I/ActivityManager(31206): svc S 14360 kB: com.android.email (25077) provider
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.android.email/.provider.EmailProvider<=Proc{25049:com.android.exchange/u0a37}
I/ActivityManager(31206): svc S 12317 kB: deezer.android.app (24838) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): svc S 9085 kB: com.android.exchange (25049) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): home HO 17242 kB: com.android.launcher3 (20261) home
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 19925 kB: com.google.android.youtube (24896) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.google.android.youtube/.app.remote.YouTubeTvRouteProviderService<=Proc{24838:deezer.android.app/u0a104}
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 10201 kB: com.canal.android.canal:DownloadService (25415) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 7448 kB: mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser (24653) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 7430 kB: ccc71.bmw.pro (24314) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 6201 kB: org.malwarebytes.antimalware (24511) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 4600 kB: com.snapwood.smugfolio (24677) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): 491007 kB: TOTAL
I/ActivityManager(31206): MemInfo: 34044 kB slab, 3184 kB shmem, 7564 kB buffers, 214016 kB cached, 149808 kB free
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc ccc71.bmw.icons.xda.circleB.white for broadcast ccc71.bmw.icons.xda.circleB.white/.bmw_notification: pid=26632 uid=10102 gids={50102, 9997} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc ccc71.bmw.icons.fma for broadcast ccc71.bmw.icons.fma/.bmw_notification: pid=26651 uid=10101 gids={50101, 9997} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {cmp=com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.VideoDetailsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10093 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process ccc71.bmw.icons.xda.circleB.white (pid 26632) has died
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process ccc71.bmw.icons.fma (pid 26651) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
--------- beginning of main
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f4ba000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f449000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f3d8000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f367000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f2f6000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f285000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f214000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): ALL output buffers are freed/released
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): OMX_CommandPortDisable complete for port [1]
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): set_frame_rate: frm_int(40000) fps(25.000000)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (1884285832), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (18), nBufferAlignment (1884285768), bEnabled (0), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
I/OMXCodec(30973): [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc] video dimensions are 512 x 288
I/OMXCodec(30973): [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc] Crop rect is 512 x 288 @ (0, 0)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command: Recieved a Command from Client
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command_proxy(): cmd = 3, Current State 3, Expected State 1
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandPortEnable issued with param1: 1
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Enable output Port command recieved
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command_proxy(): Disabled-->Enabled Pending
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command: Command Processed
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (1884285716), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (0), nBufferAlignment (0), bEnabled (1), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): get_parameter: CACHED buffers from IOMMU heap
I/OMXCodec(30973): [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc] OMX-buffers: min=4 actual=8 undeq=1+1
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (1884285716), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (0), nBufferAlignment (0), bEnabled (1), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
I/OMXCodec(30973): [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc] OMX-buffers: min=4 actual=8 undeq=4+1
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (2), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (1884285360), nBufferAlignment (1976106159), bEnabled (1), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Use_op_buf:Allocating output headers
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Use o/p buffer case - Header List allocation
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): GET_MV_BUFFER_SIZE returned: Size: 49152 and alignment: 8192
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): ion_alloc: device_fd = 17, len = 393216, align = 8192, flags = 0x1, heap_mask = 0x2000100, handle = 0x9e5d4dc0, fd = 25
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Set Output Buffer Idx: 0, addr: 0x70365000, pmem_fd = 28, buffer_len = 229376, offset = 0
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Allocate done for all i/p buffers
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (2), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (1884285360), nBufferAlignment (1976106159), bEnabled (1), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Set Output Buffer Idx: 1, addr: 0x702f4000, pmem_fd = 33, buffer_len = 229376, offset = 0
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Allocate done for all i/p buffers
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (2), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (1884285360), nBufferAlignment (1976106159), bEnabled (1), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Set Output Buffer Idx: 2, addr: 0x70283000, pmem_fd = 35, buffer_len = 229376, offset = 0
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Allocate done for all i/p buffers
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (2), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (1884285360), nBufferAlignment (1976106159), bEnabled (1), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Set Output Buffer Idx: 3, addr: 0x6f8b3000, pmem_fd = 37, buffer_len = 229376, offset = 0
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Allocate done for all i/p buffers
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (2), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (1884285360), nBufferAlignment (1976106159), bEnabled (1), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Set Output Buffer Idx: 4, addr: 0x6f842000, pmem_fd = 39, buffer_len = 229376, offset = 0
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Allocate done for all i/p buffers
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (2), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (1884285360), nBufferAlignment (1976106159), bEnabled (1), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Set Output Buffer Idx: 5, addr: 0x6f7d1000, pmem_fd = 41, buffer_len = 229376, offset = 0
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Allocate done for all i/p buffers
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (2), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (1884285360), nBufferAlignment (1976106159), bEnabled (1), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Set Output Buffer Idx: 6, addr: 0x6f760000, pmem_fd = 43, buffer_len = 229376, offset = 0
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Allocate done for all i/p buffers
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): No color conversion required
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: nPortIndex (1), nFrameWidth (512), nFrameHeight (288), nStride (512), nSliceHeight (288), nBitrate (2), xFramerate (0x19), nBufferSize (229376), nBufferCountMin (4), nBufferCountActual (8), bBuffersContiguous (1884285360), nBufferAlignment (1976106159), bEnabled (1), bPopulated (0), eCompressionFormat (0x0), eColorFormat (0x7fa30c03)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Set Output Buffer Idx: 7, addr: 0x6f6ef000, pmem_fd = 45, buffer_len = 229376, offset = 0
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Allocate done for all i/p buffers
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Allocate done for all o/p buffers
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): OMX_CommandPortEnable complete for port [1]
E/ (30973):
E/ (30973): not in avi mode
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Sync frame received
I/AudioPlayer(30973): start of Playback, useOffload 0
I/art (25922): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12623(807KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(223KB) LOS objects, 2% free, 46MB/48MB, paused 2.563ms total 151.580ms
I/SoftAAC2(30973): limiting to stereo output
I/SoftAAC2(30973): Reconfiguring decoder: 0->44100 Hz, 0->2 channels
I/OMXCodec(30973): [OMX.google.aac.decoder] allocating 4 buffers of size 32768 on output port
I/OMXCodec(30973): [OMX.google.aac.decoder] allocated buffer 0x752586a0 on output port
I/OMXCodec(30973): [OMX.google.aac.decoder] allocated buffer 0x75258650 on output port
I/OMXCodec(30973): [OMX.google.aac.decoder] allocated buffer 0x752585b0 on output port
I/OMXCodec(30973): [OMX.google.aac.decoder] allocated buffer 0x7591a100 on output port
E/AudioTrack(30973): AudioTrack::set : Exit
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): out_set_parameters: CALLED: 'routing=2'
W/MediaPlayer(25922): info/warning (3, 0)
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): start_output_stream: CALLED
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): start_output_stream: calling select_devices
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,1
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 1,1,0
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1N Switch' 1,63,0
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'LINEOUT1P Switch' 1,1,0
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2N Switch' 1,45,0
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'LINEOUT2P Switch' 1,1,0
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'Output Volume' 59,59,0
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): enable speaker
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): state hp=n skr=y mic=y
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): reset:86400000
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): start(0)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=368,45 rxSuccessRate=858,04 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-52
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/NuCachedSource2(30973): ERROR_END_OF_STREAM
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31497): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1757(89KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 1998KB/3MB, paused 579us total 39.520ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art ( 830): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 57(2160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 610us total 24.993ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31751): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2009(113KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(83KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 549us total 46.447ms
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=13,15 rxSuccessRate=27,21 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-58
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/art (32026): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 948(38KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 5MB/9MB, paused 946us total 127.624ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=7,04 rxSuccessRate=9,55 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-59
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/art (31866): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13370(787KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 5MB/8MB, paused 1.251ms total 122.558ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31540): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 54(2096B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 3MB/4MB, paused 457us total 48.461ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 23343(836KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(3MB) LOS objects, 8% free, 42MB/46MB, paused 1.373ms total 120.727ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1,11 rxSuccessRate=0,65 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-58
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24653): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 581(45KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 335us total 81.604ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24677): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 124(17KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 2MB/2MB, paused 335us total 27.282ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24838): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 950(53KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 3MB/5MB, paused 488us total 44.067ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24896): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8513(477KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(55KB) LOS objects, 24% free, 6MB/8MB, paused 1.403ms total 90.454ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/CursorWrapperInner(25049): Cursor finalized without prior close()
I/art (25049): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2738(145KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(171KB) LOS objects, 25% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 762us total 42.022ms
W/CursorWrapperInner(25049): Cursor finalized without prior close()
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25077): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1959(99KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(227KB) LOS objects, 24% free, 3MB/4MB, paused 1.556ms total 57.495ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,41 rxSuccessRate=0,39 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-59
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24314): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 101(4KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 427us total 30.426ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=3,71 rxSuccessRate=2,20 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-58
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24511): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3908(169KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 457us total 20.233ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24543): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1340(100KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 4MB/6MB, paused 640us total 87.188ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (20261): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 5MB/7MB, paused 366us total 38.269ms
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=2,54 rxSuccessRate=1,52 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-58
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/SmartApplication(25415): Application low memory
I/art (25415): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 123(17KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 305us total 41.656ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Rxd i/p EOS, Notify Driver that EOS has been reached
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Output EOS has been reached
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/AudioPlayer(30973): Pause Playback at 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/InputEventReceiver(31206): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
W/InputEventReceiver(31206): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): do_out_standby: CALLED
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): do_out_standby: calling select_devices
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'PCM Playback Sink' 0,0,0
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): mixer_set: 'speaker_stereo_rx' 0,0,0
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): disable speaker/headphones
V/audio_hw_primary(30973): state hp=n skr=y mic=y
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(25922): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.eurosport time:24920101
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.VideoListActivity} from uid 10093 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{27d133d3 u0 com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.VideoDetailsActivity t13 f}
I/PullToRefreshAttacher(25922): Given null options so using default options.
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/videos_home/0, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/videos_home/0-match=302)-raw query=SELECT * FROM videos WHERE (videos.video_type =0 )
I/ApiUtils(25922): /json/video.json?c=-1,,,,,,,,&l=3&m=50&o=editorial&p=mob
I/ActivityManager(31206): Displayed com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.VideoListActivity: +201ms
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): Clamp target GC heap from 49MB to 48MB
I/art (25922): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1132(60KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(1837KB) LOS objects, 5% free, 45MB/48MB, paused 2.746ms total 101.226ms
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{bdb8117 u0 com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.VideoListActivity t13} time:24920648
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=2,22 rxSuccessRate=2,14 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-59
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
I/art (25922): WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 234.527ms for cause Alloc
I/AudioPlayer(30973): reset: mPlaying=0 mReachedEOS=1 useOffload=0
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command: Recieved a Command from Client
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command_proxy(): cmd = 0, Current State 3, Expected State 2
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandStateSet issued
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Current State 3, Expected State 2
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Command Recieved in OMX_StateExecuting
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command_proxy(): Executing --> Idle
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command: Command Processed
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Driver flush i/p Port complete
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Initiate Input Flush
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): OMX flush i/p Port complete PenBuf(0)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Driver flush o/p Port complete
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Initiate Output Flush
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): OMX flush o/p Port complete PenBuf(0)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command: Recieved a Command from Client
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command_proxy(): cmd = 0, Current State 2, Expected State 1
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandStateSet issued
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Current State 2, Expected State 1
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Loaded-Pending
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): send_command: Command Processed
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): ALL input buffers are freed/released
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f6ef000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f760000, 229376)
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.android.email (pid 25077) has died
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f7d1000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f842000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x6f8b3000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x70283000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x702f4000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): free_output: munmap(0x70365000, 229376)
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): ALL output buffers are freed/released
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): OMX_CommandStateSet complete, m_state = 1
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Playback Ended - PASSED
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): ALL output buffers are freed/released
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Error in ioctl read next msg
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): In OMX Vdec Destructor(), Vdec instances = 1
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): omx_vdec: Async thread stop
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): omx_vdec: message thread stop
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Waiting on OMX Msg Thread exit
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Waiting on OMX Async Thread exit
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Calling close() on Video Driver
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Calling close() on vdec ion devicefd = 17
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Successfully destroyed vdec ionlock
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(30973): Exit OMX vdec Destructor
E/ (30973):
E/ (30973): Destroy C2D instance
E/ (30973):
E/ (30973): Destroy C2D instance
I/Timeline(25922): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@187be447 time:24920910
D/EurosportUniverselContract(25922): CONTENT_URI=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/videos
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): delete uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/videos, builder=SelectionBuilder[table=videos, selection=, selectionArgs=[]])
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): Alloc partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12326(639KB) AllocSpace objects, 26(10MB) LOS objects, 9% free, 36MB/40MB, paused 1.495ms total 336.791ms
I/art (25922): WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 304.748ms for cause Alloc
I/art (25922): WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 300.628ms for cause Background
I/art (25922): WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 184.997ms for cause Alloc
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/ApiUtils(25922): /json/video.json?c=,,,,,,,,&l=3&m=50&o=editorial&p=mob
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/videos_home/0, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/videos_home/0-match=302)-raw query=SELECT * FROM videos WHERE (videos.video_type =0 )
I/art (25922): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2981(189KB) AllocSpace objects, 19(3MB) LOS objects, 9% free, 38MB/42MB, paused 2.258ms total 134.063ms
D/EurosportUniverselContract(25922): CONTENT_URI=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/videos
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): delete uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/videos, builder=SelectionBuilder[table=videos, selection=, selectionArgs=[]])
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/videos_home/0, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/videos_home/0-match=302)-raw query=SELECT * FROM videos WHERE (videos.video_type =0 )
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=54,11 rxSuccessRate=53,07 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-56
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 11714(515KB) AllocSpace objects, 14(539KB) LOS objects, 2% free, 41MB/42MB, paused 8.056ms total 39.245ms
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31206): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 23797(1143KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(32KB) LOS objects, 18% free, 17MB/21MB, paused 2.075ms total 149.353ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31369): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 4097(196KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(778KB) LOS objects, 36% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 915us total 65.002ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31519): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 793us total 23.590ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 93.078ms for cause Alloc
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,83 rxSuccessRate=0,77 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-59
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31649): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 610us total 34.637ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 84.228ms for cause Alloc
I/art (31672): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 115(5KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 3MB/5MB, paused 671us total 24.871ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (32500): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 1875KB/3MB, paused 579us total 20.629ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(25922): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.eurosport time:24964385
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.MainActivity} from uid 10093 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{bdb8117 u0 com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.VideoListActivity t13 f}
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/0, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/0-match=202)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =0 )
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/1, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/1-match=202)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =1 )
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/StoryListFragment(25922): Screen density=sw920dp
W/StoryListFragment(25922): Screen density=sw920dp
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/menus_items_drawer, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
I/art (25922): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1555(98KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(288KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 45MB/46MB, paused 8.392ms total 47.241ms
I/art (25922): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3125(225KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(2MB) LOS objects, 8% free, 43MB/47MB, paused 2.319ms total 151.153ms
I/art (25922): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 79(15KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 4% free, 43MB/45MB, paused 30.364ms total 45.227ms
W/View (25922): requestLayout() improperly called by com.kreactive.feedget.customfont.CustomFontTextView{1ed6266 V.ED.... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #1020014 android:id/text1} during layout: running second layout pass
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): reset:86400000
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): start(0)
I/ApiUtils(25922): /json/storyhome.json?c=,,,,,,,,&l=3&m=50&o=DateTimeDescending&p=mob
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/View (25922): requestLayout() improperly called by com.kreactive.feedget.customfont.CustomFontTextView{205560f9 V.ED.... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #1020014 android:id/text1} during layout: running second layout pass
W/View (25922): requestLayout() improperly called by com.kreactive.feedget.customfont.CustomFontTextView{1ed6266 V.ED.... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #1020014 android:id/text1} during layout: running second layout pass
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{26e0c784 u0 com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.MainActivity t13} time:24965227
I/art (25922): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 14493(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 7(448KB) LOS objects, 8% free, 43MB/47MB, paused 2.685ms total 125.061ms
I/Timeline(25922): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@326732d7 time:24965316
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): delete uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home_delete/1/50, builder=SelectionBuilder[table=stories, selection=(stories.story_type =? ) AND ( _id NOT IN (SELECT _id FROM stories WHERE stories.story_type=1 ORDER BY stories.timestamp DESC, stories.display_order ASC LIMIT 0, ?)), selectionArgs=[1, 50]])
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/1, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/1-match=202)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =1 )
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/Timeline(25922): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.eurosport time:24971959
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {cmp=com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.StoryDetailsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10093 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0-match=205)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =0 ) AND (stories.blog_type IN (1,2,5))
W/art (25922): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring
W/AwContents(25922): onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0/4635949, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0/4635949-match=201)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =0 ) AND (stories.id =4635949 )
I/ActivityManager(31206): Displayed com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.StoryDetailsActivity: +365ms
W/art (25922): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring
W/AwContents(25922): onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0/4636004, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0/4636004-match=201)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =0 ) AND (stories.id =4636004 )
W/art (25922): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring
W/AwContents(25922): onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0/4636111, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0/4636111-match=201)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =0 ) AND (stories.id =4636111 )
W/art (25922): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring
W/AwContents(25922): onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0/4636466, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0/4636466-match=201)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =0 ) AND (stories.id =4636466 )
W/art (25922): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring
W/AwContents(25922): onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0/4636200, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories/0/4636200-match=201)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =0 ) AND (stories.id =4636200 )
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): reset:86400000
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): start(0)
W/ObjectCache(25922): readFromFile()-file is null or does not exist, file=/data/data/com.eurosport/cache/CACHE_COMMENT_NB_ident:4636111_16.cache
I/Timeline(25922): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@2ee372fe time:24972647
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3325941b u0 com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.StoryDetailsActivity t13} time:24972721
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/style.css': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/html_css/style.css
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434236-30681600-640-360.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/video_play.png': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/style.css': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/html_css/style.css
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/02/19/1419578-30388312-640-360.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/video_play.png': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/style.css': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/html_css/style.css
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434225-30681380-640-360.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/video_play.png': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/style.css': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/html_css/style.css
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434324-30683360-640-360.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/video_play.png': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/style.css': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/html_css/style.css
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434356-30684000-640-360.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/video_play.png': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434225-30681380-640-360.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/video_play.png': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-CondensedItalic.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-CondensedItalic.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensedItalic.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensedItalic.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434236-30681600-640-360.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/video_play.png': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-CondensedItalic.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-CondensedItalic.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensedItalic.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensedItalic.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434324-30683360-640-360.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/video_play.png': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-CondensedItalic.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-CondensedItalic.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensedItalic.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensedItalic.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf
W/ObjectCache(25922): readFromFile()-file is null or does not exist, file=/data/data/com.eurosport/cache/CACHE_COMMENT_LIST_ident:4636111_16.cache
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434356-30684000-640-360.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/video_play.png': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-CondensedItalic.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-CondensedItalic.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensedItalic.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensedItalic.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/02/19/1419578-30388312-640-360.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/html_css/video_play.png': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-CondensedItalic.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-CondensedItalic.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensedItalic.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensedItalic.ttf
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
W/chromium(25922): [WARNING:web_contents_impl.cc(2573)] https://twitter.com ran insecure content from file:///android_asset/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 24144(1856KB) AllocSpace objects, 14(262KB) LOS objects, 4% free, 45MB/47MB, paused 5.279ms total 143.829ms
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1233338959
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1233338959
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1373112076
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1373112076
W/ObjectCache(25922): readFromFile()-file is null or does not exist, file=/data/data/com.eurosport/cache/CACHE_COMMENT_NB_ident:4636200_16.cache
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ObjectCache(25922): readFromFile()-file is null or does not exist, file=/data/data/com.eurosport/cache/CACHE_COMMENT_LIST_ident:4636200_16.cache
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/a6890a56b28e0d55ac3309bd112a59dd.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/a6890a56b28e0d55ac3309bd112a59dd.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): MOVED_TO: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/a6890a56b28e0d55ac3309bd112a59dd.0
W/ObjectCache(25922): readFromFile()-file is null or does not exist, file=/data/data/com.eurosport/cache/CACHE_COMMENT_NB_ident:4636466_16.cache
I/art (25922): Clamp target GC heap from 48MB to 48MB
I/art (25922): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 32066(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 36(1225KB) LOS objects, 6% free, 44MB/48MB, paused 1.831ms total 126.831ms
I/art (25922): WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 51.147ms for cause Alloc
I/art (25922): WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 47.576ms for cause Alloc
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "<p><p>Il y a des soires qui vous classent un club. Qui permettent d'entrer encore un peu plus dans la cour des grands. D'envoyer des messages toute l'Europe. Celle de mardi est de cette trempe pour le PSG. En liminant Chelsea Stamford Bridge (1-1, 2-2 a.p.), les Parisiens ont frapp un grand coup sur la scne europenne, o on les attend depuis l'arrive de QSI. Plus que le rsultat, c'est la manire, l?tat d?esprit dmontr et la physionomie de la rencontre qui marquent.</p></p><p><p>Signe qui ne trompe pas, les hommages se sont multiplis. Et non des moindres. Sur Twitter, les messages pour saluer la performance du champion de France ont ainsi fleuri. Bixente Lizarazu, le champion du monde 1998, a donn le ton en soulignant la force de caractre dmontre par les coquipiers de Thiago Silva : </p></p><p><p><blockquote class=twitter-tweet align=center lang=fr><a href="https://twitter.com/BixeLizarazu/status/575782762042515459">Voir le tweet</a></blockquote></p></p><p><p>Son ancien coquipier en Bleu, Youri Djorkaeff, n'a pas t reste. L'ancien attaquant du PSG a aussi tenu fliciter les joueurs mais aussi les supporters parisiens, qui ont remport le match des tribunes Stamford Bridge.</p></p><p><p><blockquote class=twitter-tweet align=center lang=fr><a href="https://twitter.com/youridjorkaeff/status/575786059277070336">Voir le tweet</a></blockquote></p></p><p><p>Autre hommage, peut-tre un peu moins attendu mme s'il ne rate jamais une occasion de s'exprimer sur Twitter, Jean-Michel Aulas est revenu sur cette qualification. Le prsident de l?OL parle d'hrosme, n'oublie pas l'indice UEFA et met en exergue le succs de Laurent Blanc, qui a domin Jos Mourinho dans cette double confrontation. </p></p><p><p><blockquote class=twitter-tweet align=center lang=fr><a href="https://twitter.com/JM_Aulas/status/575784946058575872">Voir le tweet</a></blockquote></p></p><p><p>Mais l o on se rend compte de la porte de cette qualification, c'est quand on se penche sur les ractions l'tranger. Le tweet de Wayne Rooney a fait du bruit. Pour l'attaquant de Manchester United, c'est tout simplement l'une des meilleures performances ralises 10 contre 11.</p></p><p><p><blockquote class=twitter-tweet align=center lang=fr><a href="https://twitter.com/WayneRooney/status/575782567288442881">voir le tweet</a></blockquote></p></p><p><p>Beaucoup ont d'ailleurs insist sur cette infriorit numrique. Jouer aussi longtemps 10 contre 11 et russir quand mme bousculer les Blues sur leur pelouse a bluff. Des Nerlandais Patrick Kluivert et Ruud Gullit en passant par Gary Lineker, l'ancien international anglais, il y a eu du beau monde pour applaudir la prestation parisienne.</p></p><p><p><blockquote class=twitter-tweet align=center lang=fr><a href="https://twitter.com/PatrickKluivert/status/575792533126651904">Voir le tweet</a></blockquote></p></p><p><p><blockquote class=twitter-tweet align=center lang=fr><a href="https://twitter.com/GaryLineker/status/575782241109958656">Voir le tweet</a></blockquote></p></p><p><p><blockquote class=twitter-tweet align=center lang=fr><a href="https://twitter.com/GullitR/status/575782589593575424">Voir le tweet</a></blockquote></p></p><p><p>Juninho, l'ancien Lyonnais, va galement dans ce sens. </p></p><p><p><blockquote class=twitter-tweet align=center lang=fr><a href="https://twitter.com/Juninhope08/status/575784438803599360">Voir le tweet</a></blockquote></p></p><p><p>Si le collectif du PSG a fait l'admiration de tous, des observateurs de renom ont aussi voulu mettre en avant la prestation de certains Parisiens. Lucas, le milieu dfensif de Liverpool, fait, par exemple, l'loge de ses compatriotes parisiens. Et notamment du jeu arien de David Luiz et Thiago Silva, buteurs de la tte.</p></p><p><p><blockquote class=twitter-tweet align=center lang=fr><a href="https://twitter.com/LucasLeiva87/status/575780708175716352">Voir le tweet</a></blockquote></p></p><p><p>L'ancien d
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: twttr is not defined", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ObjectCache(25922): readFromFile()-file is null or does not exist, file=/data/data/com.eurosport/cache/CACHE_COMMENT_LIST_ident:4636466_16.cache
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/e9b50eb78a534d347c92b3dd12bd5c26.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/e9b50eb78a534d347c92b3dd12bd5c26.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): MOVED_TO: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/e9b50eb78a534d347c92b3dd12bd5c26.0
W/ObjectCache(25922): readFromFile()-file is null or does not exist, file=/data/data/com.eurosport/cache/CACHE_COMMENT_NB_ident:4636004_16.cache
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "<p><p>Le PSG est en quarts de finale de la Ligue des champions. Et alors? "So what", comme on dit Stamford Bridge. La belle affaire. En quarts, oui. Comme en 2013. Comme en 2014. La moindre des choses pour un club surarm conomiquement et dont l'ambition n'est pas de s'installer dans le G8 mais dans le G1, tout seul, l-haut, sur le toit de l'Europe.</p></p><p><p>Oui, le Paris Saint-Germain n'est qu'en quarts, qu'il n'a encore jamais franchis sous son nouvel actionnaire. Pour l'instant, il n'a donc pas avanc d'un pouce en matire de rsultats dans sa folle ambition europenne. C'est vrai. Mais c'est une analyse aussi absurde que froide. Ne pas voir plus loin que a, c'est faire mine de ne pas comprendre que le plus important dans la soire londonienne, ce n'tait pas la finalit, mais le chemin.</p></p><p><p>L'avenir dira si le PSG rejoindra l'Olympique de Marseille au palmars de la C1 dans deux mois, ou plus tard, ou jamais. Ce qui est certain, en revanche, c'est que ce match Chelsea fera date. Car, contrairement cette ide trop bien ancre, on ne retient pas que le vainqueur final d'une comptition. Le palmars, oui, ne retient que a. Mais "on", qui n'est pas toujours aussi con qu'il en a l'air (puisque "on" est un con, dit-on?) sait ne pas oublier, lui. "On", c'est la mmoire sensorielle. Parce que le sport a cette facult unique de susciter des motions, ceux qui les vivent les portent en eux. La France n'a pas gagn la Coupe du monde 1982 mais ceux qui ont vcu Sville l'emporteront dans la tombe.</p></p><div style="text-align:center"><img src="http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434318-30683231-2560-1440.jpg" style="max-width:95%;" /></div><p><p><h2>Chelsea-PSG, c'est PSG-Real version QSI</h2></p></p><p><p>Le PSG a offert mercredi soir des kilos d'motions. Plus, en une soire, qu'en trois ans et demi depuis l'arrive de son puissant actionnaire. En Coupe d'Europe, il n'avait atteint cette force qu'une seule fois. Le 18 mars 1993, lors de sa victoire face au Real Madrid, 4-1, avec la fameuse tte d'Antoine Kombouar. Tellement plus qu'un match. De ceux dont on fait des documentaires 20 ans aprs. Ce n'tait qu'un quart de finale de Coupe UEFA et le PSG n'tait pas all au bout, sorti ds le tour suivant par la Juventus.</p></p><p><p>C'tait pourtant immanquablement ce match-l qui venait le premier la bouche, l'esprit et au c?ur, quand il s?agissait d?voquer l?histoire europenne du club parisien. Pas le PSG-Rapid de Vienne, synonyme pourtant de conscration europenne, trois ans plus tard. Cette victoire en Coupe des coupes en 1996, c'tait l'histoire du PSG. PSG-Real, c'tait autre chose, une faon d'impliquer au-del de son cercle. 22 ans aprs, dans un contexte diffrent, Paris a remis a. En se mettant minable, en forant son destin, il a cess d'tre sa propre vitrine pour nous embarquer avec lui dans son histoire. Jusqu' mercredi soir. Chelsea-PSG, c'est PSG-Real version QSI.</p></p><div style="text-align:center"><img src="http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434332-30683511-2560-1440.jpg" style="max-width:95%;" /></div><p><p><h2>Des vertus qui n'ont pas de prix mais beaucoup de valeur</h2></p></p><p><p>En France, pour fdrer de la sorte, le PSG doit en faire deux fois plus qu'un Saint-Etienne ou un OM avant lui. Pour deux raisons. L'une structurelle, l'autre conjoncturelle. D'abord, le PSG est le club de la capitale, celui qu'on aime dtester?. C'est comme a, a dpasse le foot. Facteur aggravant, Paris version QSI est presque devenu le club d'un pays tranger. C'est le nouveau riche absolu, gav de fric. La vie facile. L'ide d'un projet bti non sur la dure, la cohrence et la patience, mais juste coups de ptrodollars tombs du ciel.</p></p><p><p>Des vertus qui n'ont pas de prix mais beaucoup de valeur. La diffrence, c'est que si un club peut devenir spontanment un des plus puissants de la plante, une quipe, elle, se construit dans le temps, t
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434318-30683231-2560-1440.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434332-30683511-2560-1440.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The page at 'https://twitter.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://i.m.eurosport.fr/2015/03/12/1434325-30683371-2560-1440.jpg': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
I/chromium(25922): ", source: https://twitter.com/ (0)
I/chromium(25922): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: twttr is not defined", source: https://twitter.com/ (1)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ObjectCache(25922): readFromFile()-file is null or does not exist, file=/data/data/com.eurosport/cache/CACHE_COMMENT_LIST_ident:4636004_16.cache
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/3481b1e9f8b59605341963044e347e37.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/3481b1e9f8b59605341963044e347e37.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): MOVED_TO: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/3481b1e9f8b59605341963044e347e37.0
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/4fd72b988e03a87f08542628e825e0b3.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/4fd72b988e03a87f08542628e825e0b3.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): MOVED_TO: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/4fd72b988e03a87f08542628e825e0b3.0
W/ObjectCache(25922): readFromFile()-file is null or does not exist, file=/data/data/com.eurosport/cache/CACHE_COMMENT_NB_ident:4635949_16.cache
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ObjectCache(25922): readFromFile()-file is null or does not exist, file=/data/data/com.eurosport/cache/CACHE_COMMENT_LIST_ident:4635949_16.cache
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=333,69 rxSuccessRate=429,27 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-58
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/23c60c0dcfa6ca507005257b7e83a0d9.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/23c60c0dcfa6ca507005257b7e83a0d9.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): MOVED_TO: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/23c60c0dcfa6ca507005257b7e83a0d9.0
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/8adb201a057b661270a02774514aa406.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/8adb201a057b661270a02774514aa406.0.tmp
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): MOVED_TO: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/8adb201a057b661270a02774514aa406.0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=174,85 rxSuccessRate=218,63 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-57
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31497): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 128(5KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 1993KB/3MB, paused 579us total 48.645ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art ( 830): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 701us total 39.062ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31751): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 319(11KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 610us total 39.733ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=2,01 rxSuccessRate=2,18 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-60
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (32026): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 677(28KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 5MB/9MB, paused 1.678ms total 69.946ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31866): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13536(793KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 5MB/8MB, paused 1.525ms total 64.697ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31540): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 78(3056B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 3MB/4MB, paused 518us total 44.982ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc ccc71.bmw.icons.xda.circleB.white for broadcast ccc71.bmw.icons.xda.circleB.white/.bmw_notification: pid=27416 uid=10102 gids={50102, 9997} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc ccc71.bmw.icons.fma for broadcast ccc71.bmw.icons.fma/.bmw_notification: pid=27437 uid=10101 gids={50101, 9997} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/battery_widget_monitor(27437): Notify: / Battery Monitor Widget Pro
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,40 rxSuccessRate=0,20 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-61
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12576(1397KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(6MB) LOS objects, 9% free, 37MB/41MB, paused 1.770ms total 98.754ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24314): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 99(4KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 396us total 42.144ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24511): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5158(239KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 366us total 66.497ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=5,51 rxSuccessRate=5,63 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-60
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24896): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(128B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 6MB/8MB, paused 1.129ms total 41.687ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/art (24838): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13(352B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 3MB/5MB, paused 1.190ms total 56.274ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/SmartApplication(25415): Application low memory
I/art (25415): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(128B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 427us total 26.306ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1,31 rxSuccessRate=0,68 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-59
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/battery_widget_monitor(27437): Notify: / Battery Monitor Widget Pro
I/EventLogService(24543): Aggregate from 1426190102491 (log), 1426190102491 (data)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24653): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(128B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 335us total 43.304ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/art (24677): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(128B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 2MB/2MB, paused 366us total 45.745ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25049): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 11(352B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 518us total 32.104ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=3,29 rxSuccessRate=1,78 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-60
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24543): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3140(277KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(64KB) LOS objects, 24% free, 4MB/6MB, paused 1.068ms total 111.175ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ResourceType(31369): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
W/PackageManager(31369): Failure retrieving resources for com.eurosport: Resource ID #0x0
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=com.android.systemui.recents.SHOW_RECENTS flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10011 on display 0
I/art (31206): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 57625(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 3(48KB) LOS objects, 9% free, 18MB/20MB, paused 8.178ms total 117.279ms
W/ResourceType(31369): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
W/PackageManager(31369): Failure retrieving resources for com.eurosport: Resource ID #0x0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/IInputConnectionWrapper(25922): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
D/KeepAlive(25922): stop
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): processKeepAlive(true) timeSinceLastTransmission=123548 currentTimeout=86400000
I/Timeline(31369): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@2e0821ef time:25096222
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{33963c20 u0 com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity t3} time:25096330
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): start(3000)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(25922): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@2ee372fe time:25097646
W/InputMethodManagerService(31206): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@92545b6 (uid=10011 pid=31369)
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3325941b u0 com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.StoryDetailsActivity t13} time:25097969
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (20261): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8(384B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 5MB/7MB, paused 396us total 53.009ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(25922): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.eurosport time:25105258
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.MainActivity} from uid 10093 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{3325941b u0 com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.StoryDetailsActivity t13 f}
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/0, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/0-match=202)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =0 )
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/1, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/1-match=202)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =1 )
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/menus_items_drawer, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
W/StoryListFragment(25922): Screen density=sw920dp
W/StoryListFragment(25922): Screen density=sw920dp
W/View (25922): requestLayout() improperly called by com.kreactive.feedget.customfont.CustomFontTextView{c721e76 V.ED.... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #1020014 android:id/text1} during layout: running second layout pass
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ApiUtils(25922): /json/storyhome.json?c=,,,,,,,,&l=3&m=50&o=DateTimeDescending&p=mob
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): reset:86400000
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): start(0)
W/View (25922): requestLayout() improperly called by com.kreactive.feedget.customfont.CustomFontTextView{3d363d49 V.ED.... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #1020014 android:id/text1} during layout: running second layout pass
W/View (25922): requestLayout() improperly called by com.kreactive.feedget.customfont.CustomFontTextView{c721e76 V.ED.... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #1020014 android:id/text1} during layout: running second layout pass
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{26e0c784 u0 com.eurosport/.universel.ui.tablet.MainActivity t13} time:25105874
I/Timeline(25922): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@326732d7 time:25105946
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 32738(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 19(720KB) LOS objects, 4% free, 39MB/41MB, paused 2.502ms total 111.175ms
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=3,53 rxSuccessRate=2,39 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-60
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): delete uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home_delete/1/50, builder=SelectionBuilder[table=stories, selection=(stories.story_type =? ) AND ( _id NOT IN (SELECT _id FROM stories WHERE stories.story_type=1 ORDER BY stories.timestamp DESC, stories.display_order ASC LIMIT 0, ?)), selectionArgs=[1, 50]])
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/1, selection=null, selectionArgs=null)
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/stories_home/1-match=202)-raw query=SELECT * FROM stories WHERE (stories.story_type =1 )
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 56
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler(31369): CM callback handler got msg 524290
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 60
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler(31369): CM callback handler got msg 524290
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1,86 rxSuccessRate=1,75 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1725992034
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1963431967
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-913177893
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1725992034
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1963431967
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-913177893
I/art (25922): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3854(177KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(432KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 40MB/41MB, paused 10.650ms total 39.245ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1143437419
I/art (25922): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7667(745KB) AllocSpace objects, 16(3MB) LOS objects, 9% free, 37MB/41MB, paused 3.692ms total 100.616ms
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1866917409
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1143437419
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1866917409
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/PullToRefreshAttacher(25922): Given null options so using default options.
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/match_home, selection=null, selectionArgs=[1426114800000, 1426201200000, 1426114800000, 1426201200000])
I/PullToRefreshAttacher(25922): Given null options so using default options.
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/menu_items, selection=menu_elements.parent_id=? AND menu_elements.has_result=1 , selectionArgs=[-2])
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/menu_items-match=100)-raw query=SELECT * FROM menu_elements LEFT JOIN (SELECT parent_id,COUNT(*) AS menu_element_child_count FROM menu_elements GROUP BY parent_id) AS menu_elements_child_count ON menu_elements.id=menu_elements_child_count.parent_id
E/SQLiteLog(25922): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_6CA65420(match_event_weight_event_id)
I/ApiUtils(25922): /json/FindAllMatchLiveCET.json?c=-1,-1&l=3&p=
E/SQLiteLog(25922): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_6DF8B180(parent_id)
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): reset:86400000
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): start(0)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process ccc71.bmw.icons.xda.circleB.white (pid 27416) has died
W/MatchAdapterWrapper(25922): eventId=40058-statusId=1
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/515157848
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/964366250
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-292759678
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/515157848
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/964366250
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-292759678
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-322530436
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-322530436
I/art (25922): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 25916(1269KB) AllocSpace objects, 27(943KB) LOS objects, 4% free, 37MB/39MB, paused 12.725ms total 115.722ms
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1281514752
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1281514752
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1811123582
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1811123582
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-436234308
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-436234308
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-469481064
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-469481064
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/979954682
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/979954682
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1253809122
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1253809122
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-508103420
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-508103420
I/art (25922): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 23463(1191KB) AllocSpace objects, 46(1338KB) LOS objects, 9% free, 38MB/42MB, paused 3.021ms total 263.183ms
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/978107640
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1840676254
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1342467138
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/978107640
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1840676254
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1342467138
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process ccc71.bmw.icons.fma (pid 27437) has died
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/867285120
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1002119186
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/867285120
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1002119186
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 62016(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 41(1120KB) LOS objects, 4% free, 38MB/40MB, paused 10.742ms total 70.678ms
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=5,75 rxSuccessRate=4,90 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-69
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): delete uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/matches, builder=SelectionBuilder[table=matches, selection=, selectionArgs=[]])
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): delete uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/matches_result_score, builder=SelectionBuilder[table=matches_result_score, selection=, selectionArgs=[]])
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): delete uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/matches_result_set, builder=SelectionBuilder[table=matches_result_set, selection=, selectionArgs=[]])
D/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): delete uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/matches_result_rank, builder=SelectionBuilder[table=matches_result_rank, selection=, selectionArgs=[]])
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/EurosportUniverselProvider(25922): query(uri=content://com.eurosport.universel.authority/match_home, selection=null, selectionArgs=[1426114800000, 1426201200000, 1426114800000, 1426201200000])
I/ActivityManager(31206): Low on memory:
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 6079 kB: mediaserver (30973) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 4533 kB: surfaceflinger (142) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 3488 kB: logd (137) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 2519 kB: zygote (30971) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 1711 kB: sdcard (128) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 1667 kB: wpa_supplicant (25146) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 1182 kB: netd (30972) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 1016 kB: drmserver (153) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 809 kB: vold (141) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 709 kB: /init (1) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 671 kB: debuggerd (152) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 664 kB: keystore (157) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 464 kB: ueventd (103) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 408 kB: adbd (160) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 395 kB: sdcard (1889) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 369 kB: dhcpcd (25242) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 344 kB: healthd (138) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 324 kB: lmkd (139) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 278 kB: servicemanager (140) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 235 kB: installd (26890) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 199 kB: auditd (149) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 189 kB: ts_srv (143) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): ntv N 76 kB: su (159) native
I/ActivityManager(31206): sys P 61983 kB: system (31206) fixed
I/ActivityManager(31206): pers P 39970 kB: com.android.systemui (31369) fixed
I/ActivityManager(31206): pers P 8532 kB: com.android.phone (31672) fixed
I/ActivityManager(31206): pers P 4065 kB: com.android.server.telecom (31649) fixed
I/ActivityManager(31206): fore T 143914 kB: com.eurosport (25922) top-activity
I/ActivityManager(31206): vis IF 18276 kB: com.google.process.gapps (31866) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.google.android.gms/.gcm.http.GoogleHttpService<=Proc{32026:com.google.process.location/u0a15}
I/ActivityManager(31206): vis IF 14971 kB: com.google.process.location (32026) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.fused.FusedLocationService<=Proc{31206:system/1000}
I/ActivityManager(31206): vis IF 7488 kB: org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser (31497) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): org.cyanogenmod.theme.chooser/.NotificationHijackingService<=Proc{31206:system/1000}
I/ActivityManager(31206): vis IF 4006 kB: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:interactor (31519) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.voiceinteraction.GsaVoiceInteractionService<=Proc{31206:system/1000}
I/ActivityManager(31206): vis IF 3433 kB: com.android.smspush (32500) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.android.smspush/.WapPushManager<=Proc{31672:com.android.phone/1001}
I/ActivityManager(31206): prcp IB 14348 kB: com.android.inputmethod.latin (31540) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME<=Proc{31206:system/1000}
I/ActivityManager(31206): prcp IF 7743 kB: com.rootuninstaller.batrsaver (31751) fg-service
I/ActivityManager(31206): prcp IF 5625 kB: com.rootuninstaller.taskbarw8 (830) fg-service
I/ActivityManager(31206): svc S 15287 kB: com.google.android.gms (24543) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.google.android.gms/.cast.media.CastMediaRouteProviderService<=Proc{24838:deezer.android.app/u0a104}
I/ActivityManager(31206): svc S 10446 kB: deezer.android.app (24838) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): svc S 7853 kB: com.android.exchange (25049) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): svc S 6727 kB: ccc71.bmw.pro (24314) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): home HO 16776 kB: com.android.launcher3 (20261) home
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 17137 kB: com.google.android.youtube (24896) service
I/ActivityManager(31206): com.google.android.youtube/.app.remote.YouTubeTvRouteProviderService<=Proc{24838:deezer.android.app/u0a104}
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 6658 kB: com.canal.android.canal:DownloadService (25415) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 6283 kB: org.malwarebytes.antimalware (24511) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 5802 kB: mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser (24653) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): svcb S 4294 kB: com.snapwood.smugfolio (24677) started-services
I/ActivityManager(31206): 459946 kB: TOTAL
I/ActivityManager(31206): MemInfo: 33976 kB slab, 3304 kB shmem, 4016 kB buffers, 142184 kB cached, 227808 kB free
W/View (25922): requestLayout() improperly called by com.kreactive.feedget.customfont.CustomFontTextView{3cec4067 V.ED.... ......ID 8,4-1000,29 #1020014 android:id/text1} during layout: running second layout pass
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1380697046
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1380697046
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/2101169634
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/2101169634
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31206): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 27384(1472KB) AllocSpace objects, 14(1904KB) LOS objects, 18% free, 17MB/21MB, paused 2.105ms total 144.409ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1330824570
I/art (25922): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 34621(1537KB) AllocSpace objects, 31(2MB) LOS objects, 9% free, 36MB/40MB, paused 3.417ms total 111.694ms
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/1330824570
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1207001796
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1207001796
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1264260098
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1264260098
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-855495880
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-855495880
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1269801224
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1269801224
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31369): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10740(546KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(89KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 7MB/11MB, paused 1.647ms total 54.779ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-950857604
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-950857604
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1181143208
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1181143208
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31519): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 610us total 44.342ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=23,96 rxSuccessRate=25,98 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-68
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1736069320
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1795174664
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1795174664
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1736069320
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31649): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 610us total 51.208ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31672): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 580(25KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 3MB/5MB, paused 885us total 56.549ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (32500): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 1875KB/3MB, paused 579us total 41.198ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,48 rxSuccessRate=0,41 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-68
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1789633538
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1271648266
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1704669606
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1271648266
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1704669606
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1789633538
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/art (31497): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1489(90KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 1999KB/3MB, paused 488us total 17.608ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 19348(1104KB) AllocSpace objects, 55(1463KB) LOS objects, 9% free, 37MB/41MB, paused 1.708ms total 137.298ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1481772170
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1481772170
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1243942636
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1243942636
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1450372456
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1450372456
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CREATED: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1267954182
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/uil-images/-1267954182
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art ( 830): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(192B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 549us total 43.701ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/MatchAdapterWrapper(25922): eventId=40058-statusId=15
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31751): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1761(103KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(83KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 549us total 32.897ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/MatchAdapterWrapper(25922): eventId=40032-statusId=15
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=2,85 rxSuccessRate=2,35 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (32026): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 502(20KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 5MB/9MB, paused 885us total 73.974ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31866): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13708(799KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 5MB/8MB, paused 854us total 55.694ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31540): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 60(2144B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 3MB/4MB, paused 915us total 55.297ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,90 rxSuccessRate=0,71 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-70
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (25922): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 19459(810KB) AllocSpace objects, 32(864KB) LOS objects, 9% free, 38MB/42MB, paused 1.739ms total 117.706ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): reset:86400000
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): start(0)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24511): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7048(334KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 335us total 34.027ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ResourceType(31369): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
W/PackageManager(31369): Failure retrieving resources for com.eurosport: Resource ID #0x0
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=com.android.systemui.recents.SHOW_RECENTS flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10011 on display 0
W/ResourceType(31369): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
W/PackageManager(31369): Failure retrieving resources for com.eurosport: Resource ID #0x0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/KeepAlive(25922): stop
D/KeepAlive(25922): cancel()
D/KeepAlive(25922): processKeepAlive(true) timeSinceLastTransmission=2658 currentTimeout=86400000
I/Timeline(31369): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@2e0821ef time:25241668
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{33963c20 u0 com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity t3} time:25241763
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher} from uid 10011 on display 0
I/ActivityManager(31206): Killing 25922:com.eurosport/u0a93 (adj 16): remove task
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESNewCache/journal
W/MediaFocusControl(31206): AudioFocus audio focus client died
I/MediaFocusControl(31206): AudioFocus removeFocusStackEntry(): removing entry for android.os.BinderProxy@219d716
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): Failure to signal gain of audio focus due to:
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): android.os.DeadObjectException
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:496)
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): at android.media.IAudioFocusDispatcher$Stub$Proxy.dispatchAudioFocusChange(IAudioFocusDispatcher.java:85)
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): at android.media.FocusRequester.handleFocusGain(FocusRequester.java:223)
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): at android.media.MediaFocusControl.notifyTopOfAudioFocusStack(MediaFocusControl.java:459)
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): at android.media.MediaFocusControl.removeFocusStackEntryForClient(MediaFocusControl.java:553)
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): at android.media.MediaFocusControl.access$2100(MediaFocusControl.java:64)
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): at android.media.MediaFocusControl$AudioFocusDeathHandler.binderDied(MediaFocusControl.java:607)
E/MediaFocusControl(31206): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(Binder.java:551)
W/MediaFocusControl(31206): AudioFocus audio focus client died
I/MediaFocusControl(31206): AudioFocus removeFocusStackEntry(): removing entry for android.os.BinderProxy@358d7897
E/libprocessgroup(31206): failed to kill 1 processes for processgroup 25922
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Adreno200-EGL(20261): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
I/Adreno200-EGL(20261): Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
I/Adreno200-EGL(20261): Local Branch:
I/Adreno200-EGL(20261): Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
I/Adreno200-EGL(20261): Local Patches: NONE
I/Adreno200-EGL(20261): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. + NOTHING
I/OpenGLRenderer(20261): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESDailyCache/journal
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESNewTeamIconsCache/journal
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.eurosport/cache/ESConfigSportsCache/journal
W/ActivityManager(31206): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.eurosport/.universel.services.EurosportService in 1000ms
I/Timeline(20261): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@11e4bcd9 time:25243072
W/art (31206): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied() from ActivityManagerService.java:1174 waiters=0 for 375ms
D/TaskPersister(31206): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=13_task.xml
D/TaskPersister(31206): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=13_task_thumbnail.png
W/art (31206): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied() from ActivityManagerService.java:1174 waiters=1 for 299ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{1d0f6fdd u0 com.android.launcher3/.Launcher t1} time:25243267
W/OpenGLRenderer(20261): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(20261): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.android.settings time:25244873
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings bnds=[362,402][512,501] (has extras)} from uid 10043 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/BroadcastQueue(31206): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } from com.android.launcher3 (pid=20261, uid=10043) requires com.google.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to receiver com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.icingsync.ApplicationLaunchReceiver
W/BroadcastQueue(31206): Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.icingsync.ApplicationLaunchReceiver requires com.android.launcher3.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to sender com.android.launcher3 (uid 10043)
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.settings for activity com.android.settings/.Settings: pid=28085 uid=1000 gids={41000, 9997, 1028, 3003, 1015, 3002, 3001} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/IndexDatabaseHelper(28085): Using schema version: 115
I/IndexDatabaseHelper(28085): Index is fine
D/Index (28085): Locale 'fr_FR' is already indexed
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/OpenGLRenderer(28085): Render dirty regions requested: true
D/Atlas (28085): Validating map...
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/DashboardSummary(28085): rebuildUI took: 186 ms
W/RenderThread(28108): type=1400 audit(0.0:346): avc: denied { read write } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3916 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
W/RenderThread(28108): type=1400 audit(0.0:347): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3916 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
W/RenderThread(28108): type=1400 audit(0.0:348): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3916 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): Local Branch:
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): Local Patches: NONE
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. + NOTHING
I/OpenGLRenderer(28085): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
D/OpenGLRenderer(28085): Enabling debug mode 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=8,01 rxSuccessRate=3,51 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-68
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/ActivityManager(31206): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +1s594ms
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3c48a84 u0 com.android.settings/.Settings t14} time:25246737
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@72dcc45 time:25246844
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.evervolv.updater time:25250006
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.updater/.Updater} from uid 1000 on display 0
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.evervolv.updater for activity com.evervolv.updater/.Updater: pid=28124 uid=10034 gids={50034, 9997, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ToolbarWidgetWrapper(28124): Progress display unsupported
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/OpenGLRenderer(28124): Render dirty regions requested: true
D/Atlas (28124): Validating map...
W/Resources(28124): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x15180 a=-1}
W/Resources(28124): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x24ea00 a=-1}
W/Resources(28124): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xfffffffe a=-1}
W/RenderThread(28155): type=1400 audit(0.0:349): avc: denied { open } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3916 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
I/Adreno200-EGL(28124): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
I/Adreno200-EGL(28124): Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
I/Adreno200-EGL(28124): Local Branch:
I/Adreno200-EGL(28124): Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
I/Adreno200-EGL(28124): Local Patches: NONE
I/Adreno200-EGL(28124): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. + NOTHING
I/OpenGLRenderer(28124): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
D/OpenGLRenderer(28124): Enabling debug mode 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Displayed com.evervolv.updater/.Updater: +1s595ms
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3610404e u0 com.evervolv.updater/.Updater t14} time:25251636
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/Timeline(28124): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@3264c524 time:25252335
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService for service com.evervolv.updater/.services.UpdateManifestService: pid=28177 uid=10034 gids={50034, 9997, 1028, 1015, 3003, 2001} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/EVUpdates(28177): Found new update ev_tenderloin-5.0.2-nightly-2015.03.11.zip
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24896): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 252(22KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 24% free, 6MB/8MB, paused 1.220ms total 54.534ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=3,03 rxSuccessRate=1,68 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24838): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 18(600B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 3MB/5MB, paused 457us total 26.489ms
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 56
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler(31369): CM callback handler got msg 524290
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): Local Branch:
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): Local Patches: NONE
I/Adreno200-EGL(28085): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. + NOTHING
I/OpenGLRenderer(28085): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
D/DashboardSummary(28085): rebuildUI took: 200 ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@72dcc45 time:25277192
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3c48a84 u0 com.android.settings/.Settings t14} time:25277507
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.android.settings time:25279012
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
D/SubSettings(28085): Launching fragment com.android.settings.bluetooth.BluetoothSettings
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 20
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@3fe092d3:true
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 30
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 30
D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager(28085): Adding local MAP profile
D/BluetoothMap(28085): Create BluetoothMap proxy object
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 30
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 30
D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager(28085): LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
I/art (28085): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2462(145KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 5% free, 4MB/4MB, paused 10.772ms total 46.173ms
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 60
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler(31369): CM callback handler got msg 524290
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/LocalBluetoothManager(28085): setting foreground activity to non-null context
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/Index (28085): Deleting data for locale 'fr_FR' took 31 millis
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/Index (28085): Indexing locale 'fr_FR' took 49 millis
I/ActivityManager(31206): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +597ms
D/OpenGLRenderer(28085): endAllStagingAnimators on 0x6b345080 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7080dba0
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@7439e65 time:25279660
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{1d6127f8 u0 com.android.settings/.SubSettings t14} time:25280003
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): enable(): mBluetooth =null mBinding = false
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 1
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_ENABLE: mBluetooth = null
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.bluetooth for service com.android.bluetooth/.btservice.AdapterService: pid=28290 uid=1002 gids={41002, 9997, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1015, 3005, 1016, 3008} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ResourcesManager(28290): Asset path '/system/framework/javax.btobex.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/AdapterServiceConfig(28290): Adding HeadsetService
D/AdapterServiceConfig(28290): Adding A2dpService
D/AdapterServiceConfig(28290): Adding HidService
D/AdapterServiceConfig(28290): Adding HealthService
D/AdapterServiceConfig(28290): Adding PanService
D/AdapterServiceConfig(28290): Adding GattService
D/AdapterServiceConfig(28290): Adding BluetoothMapService
D/AdapterServiceConfig(28290): Adding HidDevService
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 20
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@a773721:true
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): make
I/bluedroid(28290): init
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Entering OffState
I/bte_conf(28290): bte_load_conf attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
I/bte_conf(28290): bte_load_ble_conf attempt to load ble stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf
E/bt_osi_config(28290): config_new unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory
I/bte_conf(28290): bte_load_ble_conf file >/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf< not found
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface socket
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface map_client
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task_entry task_id=1 [BTIF] starting
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): BluetoothServiceConnection: com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Address is:00:22:69:7F:E6:7C
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Name is: HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth Adapter name changed to HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 40
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 1
I/bluedroid(28290): config_hci_snoop_log
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Calling onBluetoothServiceUp callbacks
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 8 receivers.
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Stored Bluetooth name: HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=OFF, MESSAGE = USER_TURN_ON
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Setting state to 11
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 10-> 11
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 60
D/BluetoothBondStateMachine(28290): make
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 10, newState=11
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 10 -> 11
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkA2dpState: isA2dpSinkEnabled = false
E/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkA2dpState: returning
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkHidState: isHidDev = false
E/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkHidState: returning
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkHfpState: isHfpClientEnabled = false
E/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkHfpState: returning
I/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): skipping com.android.bluetooth.hid.HidDevService (disabled)
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Entering PendingCommandState State: isTurningOn()=true, isTurningOff()=false
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: Bluetooth Adapter state: 11
I/BluetoothBondStateMachine(28290): StableState(): Entering Off State
D/BluetoothHeadset(31206): Proxy object connected
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): Proxy object connected
D/HeadsetService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): Proxy object connected
I/BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni(28290): classInitNative: succeeds
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Version 1.5
D/BluetoothHeadset(31672): Proxy object connected
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): make
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): max_hf_connections = 1
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: Binding service
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface handsfree
D/CallNotifier(31672): - Got BluetoothHeadset: android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset@3c756cd6
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/BluetoothA2dp(31206): Proxy object connected
D/A2dpService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(28290): classInitNative: succeeds
V/Avrcp (28290): make
V/Avrcp (28290): Avrcp
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface avrcp
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Enter Disconnected: -2, size: 0
V/Avrcp (28290): start
V/Avrcp (28290): registerMediaPlayers
V/Avrcp (28290): MediaPlayerInfo: mPlayerId = 1
V/Avrcp (28290): mMajorPlayerType = 1 mPlayerSubType = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mPlayState = 2 mCharsetId = 106
V/Avrcp (28290): mPlayerPackageName = com.android.music mDisplayableNameLength = 5
V/Avrcp (28290): mItemLength = 33 mEntryLength = 34
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask =
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[0] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[1] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[2] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[3] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[4] = 12
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[5] = 55
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[6] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[7] = 141
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[8] = 2
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[9] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[10] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[11] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[12] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[13] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[14] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[15] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName=
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[0] = 77
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[1] = 117
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[2] = 115
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[3] = 105
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[4] = 99
V/Avrcp (28290): MediaPlayerInfo: mPlayerId = 2
V/Avrcp (28290): mMajorPlayerType = 1 mPlayerSubType = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mPlayState = 2 mCharsetId = 106
V/Avrcp (28290): mPlayerPackageName = com.google.android.music mDisplayableNameLength = 6
V/Avrcp (28290): mItemLength = 34 mEntryLength = 35
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask =
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[0] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[1] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[2] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[3] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[4] = 12
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[5] = 55
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[6] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[7] = 5
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[8] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[9] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[10] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[11] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[12] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[13] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[14] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[15] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName=
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[0] = 77
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[1] = 117
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[2] = 115
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[3] = 105
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[4] = 99
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[5] = 50
W/art (28290): Suspending all threads took: 8.758ms
I/art (28290): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3614(242KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 10% free, 2MB/2MB, paused 13.519ms total 55.053ms
V/AudioService(31206): updateRemoteControllerOnExistingMediaPlayers: size of Player list: 0
E/AudioService(31206): No RCC entry present to update
E/RemoteController(28290): Cannot set synchronization mode on an unregistered RemoteController
I/BluetoothA2dpServiceJni(28290): classInitNative: succeeds
D/A2dpStateMachine(28290): make
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface a2dp
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task_entry task_id=2 [A2DP-MEDIA] starting
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_av_state_idle_handler event:BTIF_SM_ENTER_EVT flags 0
D/A2dpService(28290): setA2dpService(): set to: null
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/A2dpStateMachine(28290): Enter Disconnected: -2
I/BluetoothHidServiceJni(28290): classInitNative: succeeds
D/BluetoothInputDevice(28085): Proxy object connected
D/HidService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface hidhost
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/HidProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
I/BluetoothHealthServiceJni(28290): classInitNative: succeeds
D/HealthService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface health
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
I/BluetoothPanServiceJni(28290): classInitNative(L105): succeeds
D/BluetoothPan(28085): BluetoothPAN Proxy object connected
D/PanService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
D/BluetoothPanServiceJni(28290): initializeNative(L110): pan
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface pan
D/PanProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): classInitNative called
I/BtGatt.JNI(28290): classInitNative(L863): classInitNative: Success!
D/BtGatt.DebugUtils(28290): handleDebugAction() action=null
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): start()
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface gatt
D/BtGatt.AdvertiseManager(28290): advertise manager created
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): inside BluetoothMapObexConnection
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): supportedMessageTypes 14
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): masId 0
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): inside BluetoothMapObexConnection
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): supportedMessageTypes 1
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): masId 1
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Inside initBinder
D/BluetoothMap(28085): Proxy object connected
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): start()
D/MapProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
D/BluetoothMap(28085): getConnectedDevices()
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Registering observer
D/BluetoothMap(28085): Bluetooth is Not enabled
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
I/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: queryPhoneState
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: handleMessage(7) w/ param 0
I/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: updateHeadsetWithCallState numActive 0, numHeld 0, callState 6, ringing number [da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709], ringing type 128
W/BluetoothHeadset(31649): Proxy not attached to service
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): java.lang.Throwable
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.phoneStateChanged(BluetoothHeadset.java:826)
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at com.android.server.telecom.BluetoothPhoneService.updateHeadsetWithCallState(BluetoothPhoneService.java:789)
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at com.android.server.telecom.BluetoothPhoneService.access$800(BluetoothPhoneService.java:51)
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at com.android.server.telecom.BluetoothPhoneService$2.handleMessage(BluetoothPhoneService.java:311)
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
D/HeadsetPhoneState(28290): sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=0 mSignal=0 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=3
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Disconnected process message: 11, size: 0
D/HeadsetPhoneState(28290): sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=0 mSignal=0 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=3
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Disconnected process message: 11, size: 0
V/BluetoothMapService(28290): Handler(): got msg=1
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = STARTED, isTurningOn=true, isTurningOff=false
I/bluedroid(28290): enable
E/BTEventHandler(28290): A4WP is not supported
I/bt_hci_bdroid(28290): init
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task_entry task_id=0 [BTU] starting
I/bt-btu (28290): btu_task pending for preload complete event
W/BluetoothAdapte(28310): type=1400 audit(0.0:350): avc: denied { write } for name="state" dev="sysfs" ino=5101 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file
I/bt_vendor(28290): init
I/bt_vnd_conf(28290): Attempt to load conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_vendor.conf
D/bt_userial(28290): userial_init
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_GET_LPM_IDLE_TIMEOUT
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL ON
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Resetting...
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.evervolv.widgets for broadcast com.evervolv.widgets/.BluetoothWidgetProvider: pid=28335 uid=1000 gids={41000, 9997, 1028, 3003, 1015, 3002, 3001} abi=armeabi-v7a
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps for broadcast com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.apps.gmm.iamhere.ble.StartBleServiceReceiver: pid=28351 uid=10065 gids={50065, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityThread(28351): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
W/bt_hc_worker(28333): type=1400 audit(0.0:351): avc: denied { read write } for name="ttyHS0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3708 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
W/bt_hc_worker(28333): type=1400 audit(0.0:352): avc: denied { open } for name="ttyHS0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3708 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
W/bt_hc_worker(28333): type=1400 audit(0.0:353): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/ttyHS0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3708 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
D/StrictMode(28351): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=1234 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=31 violation=2
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1137)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.access(BlockGuardOs.java:67)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.io.File.doAccess(File.java:283)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.io.File.exists(File.java:363)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ContextImpl.createFilesDirLocked(ContextImpl.java:999)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ContextImpl.getFilesDir(ContextImpl.java:1022)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.content.ContextWrapper.getFilesDir(ContextWrapper.java:201)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.libraries.stitch.incompat.missinglibs.a.a(PG:31)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.libraries.stitch.incompat.b.a(PG:116)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.<init>(PG:502)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.b(PG:126)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.onCreate(PG:85)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1011)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4538)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:147)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1342)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/StrictMode(28351): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=1233 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=31 violation=2
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1137)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.access(BlockGuardOs.java:67)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.io.File.doAccess(File.java:283)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.io.File.exists(File.java:363)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.libraries.stitch.incompat.b.a(PG:116)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.<init>(PG:502)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.b(PG:126)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.onCreate(PG:85)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1011)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4538)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:147)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1342)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/StrictMode(28351): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=1169 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=31 violation=2
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1137)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:182)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.IoUtils.canOpenReadOnly(IoUtils.java:165)
D/StrictMode(28351): at dalvik.system.DexPathList.findLibrary(DexPathList.java:383)
D/StrictMode(28351): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findLibrary(BaseDexClassLoader.java:77)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(Runtime.java:360)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:989)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.libraries.social.jni.crashreporter.NativeCrashHandler.a(PG:189)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.libraries.social.jni.crashreporter.NativeCrashHandler.a(PG:87)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.<init>(PG:518)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.b(PG:126)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.onCreate(PG:85)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1011)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4538)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:147)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1342)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/StrictMode(28351): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=1130 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=31 violation=2
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1137)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.awaitLoadedLocked(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:202)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.getBoolean(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:259)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.preference.PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(PreferenceManager.java:481)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.c.a.a(PG:946)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.a(PG:1049)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.<init>(PG:534)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.b(PG:126)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.onCreate(PG:85)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1011)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4538)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:147)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1342)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/StrictMode(28351): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=1104 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=31 violation=2
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1137)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.awaitLoadedLocked(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:202)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.getInt(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:238)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.c.a.a(PG:1043)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.c.a.a(PG:952)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.a(PG:1049)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.<init>(PG:534)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.b(PG:126)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.onCreate(PG:85)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1011)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4538)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:147)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1342)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/StrictMode(28351): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=1066 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=31 violation=2
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1137)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:182)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.IoUtils.canOpenReadOnly(IoUtils.java:165)
D/StrictMode(28351): at dalvik.system.DexPathList.findLibrary(DexPathList.java:383)
D/StrictMode(28351): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findLibrary(BaseDexClassLoader.java:77)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(Runtime.java:360)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:989)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.map.util.jni.NativeHelper.initialize(PG:42)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.map.m.f.<clinit>(PG:83)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.a(PG:1048)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.<init>(PG:534)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.b(PG:126)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.onCreate(PG:85)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1011)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4538)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:147)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1342)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/StrictMode(28351): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=515 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=287 violation=2
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1137)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.applyBlockGuardPolicy(SQLiteConnection.java:1043)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForCursorWindow(SQLiteConnection.java:844)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForCursorWindow(SQLiteSession.java:836)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQuery.fillWindow(SQLiteQuery.java:62)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor.fillWindow(SQLiteCursor.java:144)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor.getCount(SQLiteCursor.java:133)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.database.CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor.getBulkCursorDescriptor(CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor.java:145)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:122)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:446)
D/StrictMode(28351): # via Binder call with stack:
D/StrictMode(28351): android.os.StrictMode$LogStackTrace
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode.readAndHandleBinderCallViolations(StrictMode.java:1717)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Parcel.readExceptionCode(Parcel.java:1521)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:134)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.query(ContentProviderNative.java:420)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:478)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:422)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.c.c.a(PG:87)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.c.c.a(PG:107)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.net.q.a(PG:324)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.net.q.a(PG:174)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.map.m.o.a(PG:138)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.b.a.bz.a(PG:125)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.map.m.f.a(PG:327)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.a(PG:1048)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.<init>(PG:534)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.b(PG:126)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.onCreate(PG:85)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1011)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4538)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:147)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1342)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/StrictMode(28351): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=306 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=31 violation=2
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1137)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.access(BlockGuardOs.java:67)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.io.File.doAccess(File.java:283)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.io.File.exists(File.java:363)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ContextImpl.createFilesDirLocked(ContextImpl.java:999)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ContextImpl.getFilesDir(ContextImpl.java:1022)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ContextImpl.openFileInput(ContextImpl.java:964)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.content.ContextWrapper.openFileInput(ContextWrapper.java:175)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.d.h.a(PG:149)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.net.a.b.a(PG:597)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.map.m.f.a(PG:327)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.a(PG:1048)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.<init>(PG:534)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.b(PG:126)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.onCreate(PG:85)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1011)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4538)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:147)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1342)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/StrictMode(28351): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=298 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=31 violation=2
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1137)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:182)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:442)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:76)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ContextImpl.openFileInput(ContextImpl.java:965)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.content.ContextWrapper.openFileInput(ContextWrapper.java:175)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.d.h.a(PG:149)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.net.a.b.a(PG:597)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.map.m.f.a(PG:327)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.a(PG:1048)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.<init>(PG:534)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.b(PG:126)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.onCreate(PG:85)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1011)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4538)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:147)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1342)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/StrictMode(28351): StrictMode policy violation; ~duration=297 ms: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=31 violation=2
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1137)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.fstat(BlockGuardOs.java:132)
D/StrictMode(28351): at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:445)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:76)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ContextImpl.openFileInput(ContextImpl.java:965)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.content.ContextWrapper.openFileInput(ContextWrapper.java:175)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.d.h.a(PG:149)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.shared.net.a.b.a(PG:597)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.map.m.f.a(PG:327)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.a(PG:1048)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.d.<init>(PG:534)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.b(PG:126)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.google.android.apps.gmm.base.app.GoogleMapsApplication.onCreate(PG:85)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1011)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4538)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:147)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1342)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
D/StrictMode(28351): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5241)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
D/StrictMode(28351): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:898)
D/StrictMode(28351): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:693)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Opening /dev/ttyHS0 @ 115200,N,noflow
I/bt_hwcfg(28290): Opened serial port /dev/ttyHS0
W/com.google.a.a.a.b.a(28351): Application name is not set. Call Builder#setApplicationName.
W/art (28351): Suspending all threads took: 5.279ms
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 20
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@557ce7e:true
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/AuthorizationBluetoothService(31866): Received Bluetooth event: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x14000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$BluetoothStateChangeReceiver (has extras) }.
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.spotify.music for broadcast com.spotify.music/com.spotify.mobile.android.service.BluetoothServiceManager: pid=28396 uid=10108 gids={50108, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001} abi=armeabi-v7a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): 0x12e9 (Unified 23c)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Chip version: Unknown
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Max key size: 128 bit
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): SCO mapping: PCM
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): read:CSR_PSKEY_BDADDR: 00-02-5B-00-A5-A5
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Overriding BDADDR to 00-22-69-7F-E6-7C
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): read:CSR_PSKEY_BDADDR: 00-22-69-7F-E6-7C
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x000e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x0011
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0154
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x0013
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x000b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x001d
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x2410
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x0031
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 30)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x2200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0050
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x2600
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0050
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0xf000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x2800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x0050
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x2d00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0050
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0xf400
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x2500
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x0040
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x2a00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x0040
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0xf800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x2200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0x0020
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x2700
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x0020
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0xfc00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0x2600
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x0010
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0x2c00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x0010
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x2c00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0x3a00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [58] = 0x0400
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x00f6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01b0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01b3
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 2)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x08a0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0016
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01b6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0060
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01b9
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0008
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01ba
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 2)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x1002
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0177
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01be
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x3afc
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01bf
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x08a8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01c7
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 4)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x03e8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x000a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0064
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01ca
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0031
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01f6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0019
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01f7
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 2)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01f8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 2)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01f9
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0003
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01fe
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x6590
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x0203
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 32)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0002
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0036
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x0004
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0082
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x0006
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0043
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x0008
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x004b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x000a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x002c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x0010
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x000f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x0014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x0029
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0020
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0026
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0x0024
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x000d
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x0028
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x000a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0x0034
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x0003
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0x0046
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x000c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0x0064
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x000a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0x0074
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0x000a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0x0082
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [58] = 0x0004
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [60] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [62] = 0x0000
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x024d
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x025d
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x0394
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xffec
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x03aa
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 12)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xffd8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0003
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0xffeb
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0xffec
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0005
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0xfff6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0005
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x0028
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0xfffe
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x03ab
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 12)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xffd8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0003
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0xffeb
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0xffec
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0005
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0xfff6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0005
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x0028
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0xfffe
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x03d4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0007
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x21e1
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 16)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xffd8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0002
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0xffeb
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0xffec
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0xffff
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0xfff6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0032
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x003c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x0050
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x0002
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0064
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0003
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x2215
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 18)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xfe0b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0217
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x031b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x2d00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0xff84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0bf0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x0016
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0e84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x08f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0617
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x0100
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x0f84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x04f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x0100
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0xdc14
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0627
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0xfe0f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0xc35e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x2216
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 28)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xfe0b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x021b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x0317
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0484
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x16f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x049b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x14f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0116
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0184
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x11f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x021a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x0016
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x0784
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x0df0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0212
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0xe015
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0xfec4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x0800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x0e84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x07f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0xe015
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x0100
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0xffc4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x1300
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0x00b4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x0226
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0xfe0f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0xbae4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x2227
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 63)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x299c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0013
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x279c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0427
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x0f00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x3314
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x289c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0527
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0314
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x249c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x0627
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x2000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x6914
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x219c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0587
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0224
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0x0527
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x0514
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x1b9c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x0487
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0x0224
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x0417
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0x0677
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x0200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0x9084
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x0828
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0x0517
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0x0677
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0x0287
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [58] = 0x0424
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [60] = 0x0227
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [62] = 0x0013
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [64] = 0x0323
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [66] = 0x0013
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [68] = 0x0a33
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [70] = 0x0183
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [72] = 0xde2c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [74] = 0x0313
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [76] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [78] = 0xc521
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [80] = 0xf60f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [82] = 0x0023
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [84] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [86] = 0xc521
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [88] = 0x0114
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [90] = 0x0ba0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [92] = 0xfc0b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [94] = 0x0325
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [96] = 0x0014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [98] = 0x0f13
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [100] = 0x0127
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [102] = 0x0023
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [104] = 0x0b0e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [106] = 0xc700
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [108] = 0x5f18
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [110] = 0x009e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [112] = 0x0137
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [114] = 0x0013
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [116] = 0xff30
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [118] = 0xf7f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [120] = 0x0f97
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [122] = 0xfc0f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [124] = 0xc70e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x2228
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 62)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x1613
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x1030
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x2080
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x362c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x0010
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x1a23
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0xe415
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0234
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x1a0e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0xc600
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0xf518
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x009e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x1513
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0xe230
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0xe900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x3715
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0x1e34
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x0027
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0xe035
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x0118
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0x012b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x019c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0xe200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x2719
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x7000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0x009e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0xf814
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0x1583
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [58] = 0x022c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [60] = 0x0814
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [62] = 0x169b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [64] = 0x02e8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [66] = 0x0074
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [68] = 0xe900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [70] = 0x3635
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [72] = 0x7f84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [74] = 0x0328
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [76] = 0x0100
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [78] = 0x8014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [80] = 0x3f84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [82] = 0x0220
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [84] = 0x4014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [86] = 0xe900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [88] = 0x3625
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [90] = 0x1693
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [92] = 0xe111
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [94] = 0x07a4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [96] = 0xe800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [98] = 0x8031
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [100] = 0x1523
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [102] = 0xe415
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [104] = 0x0234
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [106] = 0x1a0e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [108] = 0xc700
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [110] = 0xc518
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [112] = 0x009e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [114] = 0x1517
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [116] = 0xe500
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [118] = 0xe725
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [120] = 0xe30f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [122] = 0x6a40
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x2229
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 29)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xf60b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0127
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x8000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0xff14
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x0227
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x0327
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0727
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x5000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0714
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x7b25
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0xcf15
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0xc000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0fc4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0xe400
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x76b5
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0xcf25
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0xe900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x3415
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0x8925
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0xe200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0x2519
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0x7000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0x00e2
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0xdb92
E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI(28396): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
E/MediaPlayer-JNI(28396): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI(28396): QCMediaPlayer could not be located....
E/MediaPlayer-JNI(28396): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x222a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 58)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xf10b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0100
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x6d10
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x3514
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x2a9c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0xe800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x8021
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0a23
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0xe230
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x249c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x0b27
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x0a13
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x219c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0a13
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0b87
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0x0620
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x0230
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x0a23
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x0200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0x5780
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0xf72c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0xe800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x8051
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0xe900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x3721
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0xe415
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0x0010
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0x0c23
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [58] = 0x220e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [60] = 0xc900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [62] = 0x8618
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [64] = 0x009e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [66] = 0xfd14
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [68] = 0xf825
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [70] = 0x019c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [72] = 0xe200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [74] = 0x2919
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [76] = 0xe500
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [78] = 0xdb11
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [80] = 0x1000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [82] = 0x00c0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [84] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [86] = 0x7000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [88] = 0x00f6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [90] = 0xf10f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [92] = 0xe015
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [94] = 0xf60b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [96] = 0x0218
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [98] = 0x0a2b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [100] = 0x0818
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [102] = 0x0b2b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [104] = 0xe200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [106] = 0x2719
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [108] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [110] = 0x7000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [112] = 0x01e2
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [114] = 0x9c36
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x222b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 26)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xe419
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0xe415
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x0a34
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0xfa25
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x0116
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0012
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x04e8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0xf881
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x06fc
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0ce0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0xf899
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x03ec
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x0c87
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x082c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0c27
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x8915
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0xf000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x00c4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x0cb7
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x8925
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0xf821
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x0238
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0xfa89
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0xedfc
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0xf10f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x338f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Rebooting device.... Should restart in UART BCSP @ 38400,N,noflow
D/HockeyApp(28396): Current handler class = com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$UncaughtHandler
D/HockeyApp(28396): Looking for exceptions in: /data/data/com.spotify.music/files
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/HockeyApp(28396): Current handler class = com.spotify.music.internal.a.d
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/bt_hwcfg(28290): Opened serial port /dev/ttyHS0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Done
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_FW_CFG
I/bt-btu (28290): btu_task received preload complete event
D/bt_userial(28290): Entering userial_read_thread()
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0001
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x001f
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0003
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x1487
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HCI
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_L2CAP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_RFCOMM
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVDT
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVRC
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_A2D
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BNEP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTM
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HID_HOST
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_GAP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_PAN
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SDP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_GATT
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SMP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HID_DEV
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTAPP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTIF
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_LATENCY_AUDIO
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=8,08 rxSuccessRate=6,40 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/bt-hci (28290): No command in queue matching opcode 0
E/bt-btm (28290): BTM_SecRegister:p_cb_info->p_le_callback == 0x6bc51001
E/bt-btm (28290): BTM_SecRegister: btm_cb.api.p_le_callback = 0x6bc51001
E/bt-btif (28290): Calling BTA_HhEnable
E/bt-btif (28290): btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x2140040
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Address is:00:22:69:7F:E6:7C
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth Adapter name changed to HP Touchpad
D/bt-btif (28290): AG evt (hdl 0x0001): State 0, Event 0x0500
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0017
D/bt-btif (28290): AVRC_Open AVRC_Open role: 1, control:3 status:0, handle:0
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0011
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0013
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Name is: HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Stored Bluetooth name: HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Scan Mode:21
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Discoverable Timeout:120
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_SCO_CFG
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_LPM_SET_MODE
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x000f
D/bte_conf(28290): Device ID record 1 : primary
D/bte_conf(28290): vendorId = 001d
D/bte_conf(28290): vendorIdSource = 0001
D/bte_conf(28290): product = 1200
D/bte_conf(28290): version = 1436
D/bte_conf(28290): clientExecutableURL =
D/bte_conf(28290): serviceDescription =
D/bte_conf(28290): documentationURL =
D/bte_conf(28290): bte_load_did_conf no section named DID2.
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = ENABLE_READY, isTurningOn=true, isTurningOff=false
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): ScanMode = 21
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): State = 11
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Setting state to 12
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 11-> 12
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 60
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 11, newState=12
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(true) to 9 receivers.
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_ENABLE_EVT
E/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: Invalid index -1
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_REGISTER_EVT
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_av_state_idle_handler event:BTA_AV_ENABLE_EVT flags 0
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_av_state_idle_handler event:BTA_AV_REGISTER_EVT flags 0
D/BluetoothPanServiceJni(28290): control_state_callback(L61): state:0, local_role:3, ifname:bt-pan
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Discoverable Timeout:120
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Entering On State
W/bt-hci (28290): No command in queue matching opcode 8194
D/BluetoothPan(28085): onBluetoothStateChange on: true
D/BluetoothPbap(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothInputDevice(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothA2dp(31206): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothMap(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothHeadset(31206): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothHeadset(31672): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 11 -> 12
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: Bluetooth Adapter state: 12
I/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: handleMessage: request is null
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): onReceive
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): onReceive, action android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): STATE_ON
V/BluetoothMapService(28290): Handler(): got msg=1
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
W/BluetoothAdapter(28290): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): inside SocketAcceptThread
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Scan Mode:21
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Removing from the list, masid 0
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Accepting socket connection...
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.email for content provider com.android.email/.provider.EmailProvider: pid=28424 uid=10036 gids={50036, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager(28085): Adding local A2DP SRC profile
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 30
D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager(28085): Adding local HEADSET profile
I/art (30971): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 706(30KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 1819KB/2MB, paused 244us total 30.792ms
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 30
E/bt-btif (28290): bte_scan_filt_param_cfg_evt, 1
E/bt-btif (28290): bte_scan_filt_param_cfg_evt, 1
W/bt-btif (28290): bta_dm_check_av:0
I/art (30971): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 1819KB/2MB, paused 244us total 33.905ms
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Discoverable Timeout:120
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Scan Mode:23
I/art (30971): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 1819KB/2MB, paused 213us total 15.777ms
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Discoverable Timeout:120
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Scan Mode:21
W/ContextImpl(28085): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1696 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.beginStartingService:134 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.onReceive:115
D/BluetoothA2dp(28085): Proxy object connected
D/A2dpProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
D/BluetoothHeadset(28085): Proxy object connected
D/HeadsetProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
V/BluetoothDiscoveryReceiver(28085): Received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED
D/DockEventReceiver(28085): finishStartingService: stopping service
D/Index (28085): Deleting data for locale 'fr_FR' took 9 millis
D/Index (28085): Indexing locale 'fr_FR' took 39 millis
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ActivityThread(28424): Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
D/ActivityThread(28424): Loading provider com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/art (28424): Long monitor contention event with owner method=android.system.StructStat libcore.io.Posix.stat(java.lang.String) from Posix.java:4294967294 waiters=2 for 152ms
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
W/BluetoothAdapter(28290): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): inside SocketAcceptThread
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Removing from the list, masid 1
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Accepting socket connection...
D/A2dpService(28290): getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@3863e7c1
D/A2dpSinkService(28290): getA2dpSinkService(): service is NULL
D/BluetoothPbap(28085): Proxy object connected
D/PbapServerProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
W/BluetoothAdapter(28290): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
E/BTEventHandler(28290): A4WP is not supported
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): Starting L2cap listener....
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
W/BluetoothAdapter(28290): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
W/BluetoothAdapter(28290): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
I/Email (28424): Registering for notifications for account 1
D/AuthorizationBluetoothService(31866): Received Bluetooth event: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x14000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$BluetoothStateChangeReceiver (has extras) }.
D/c (31866): Getting all permits...
D/a (31866): Opening database...
I/BtOppRfcommListener(28290): Accept thread started.
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): Started L2Cap listener....
I/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): Accept thread started
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): Accepting connection...
D/a (31866): Opening database auth.proximity.permit_store...
D/a (31866): Closing database...
D/EmailBroadcastReceiver(28424): Received com.android.mail.action.update_notification
I/Email (28424): Observing account changes for notifications
D/EmailBroadcastReceiver(28424): Received com.android.mail.action.update_notification
D/EmailBroadcastReceiver(28424): Received com.android.mail.action.update_notification
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31206): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 17679(883KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(721KB) LOS objects, 18% free, 17MB/21MB, paused 3.326ms total 175.811ms
I/NotifUtils(28424): sendSetNewEmailIndicator account: -1421867422, folder: 69786106
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/NotifUtils(28424): sendSetNewEmailIndicator account: -1421867422, folder: 336426373
I/NotifUtils(28424): sendSetNewEmailIndicator account: -1421867422, folder: 780016248
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/NotifUtils(28424): Validating Notification, mapSize: 1 getAttention: true ignoreUnobtrusive: false
I/NotifUtils(28424): Showing notification with unreadCount of 66 and unseenCount of 2
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=28474 uid=10002 gids={50002, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ContactLocale(28474): AddressBook Labels [fr-FR]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, #, ]
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (31206): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6304(271KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 18% free, 17MB/21MB, paused 2.288ms total 144.897ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/NotifUtils(28424): Account: -1421867422 vibrate: false
I/NotifUtils(28424): New email in -1421867422 vibrateWhen: false, playing notification: content://media/internal/audio/media/81
I/NotifUtils(28424): Validating Notification, mapSize: 1 getAttention: true ignoreUnobtrusive: false
I/NotifUtils(28424): validateNotifications - cancelling account -1421867422 / folder -1651324935
I/NotifUtils(28424): Validating Notification, mapSize: 1 getAttention: true ignoreUnobtrusive: false
I/NotifUtils(28424): validateNotifications - cancelling account -1421867422 / folder -363966625
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/SmartApplication(25415): Application low memory
I/art (25415): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 3.814ms total 41.046ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24653): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 305us total 51.452ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/bt-btif (28290): bte_scan_filt_param_cfg_evt, 1
V/BluetoothDiscoveryReceiver(28085): Received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): disable(): mBluetooth = android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@363f293e mBinding = false
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 2
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Sending off request.
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=ON, MESSAGE = USER_TURN_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Setting state to 13
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 12-> 13
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): onBluetoothDisable()
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Entering PendingCommandState State: isTurningOn()=false, isTurningOff()=true
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 60
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 12, newState=13
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 12 -> 13
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: Bluetooth Adapter state: 13
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Scan Mode:21
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): onReceive
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): onReceive, action android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): STATE_TURNING_OFF removeTimeoutMsg:false
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = BEGIN_DISABLE, isTurningOn=false, isTurningOff=true
V/BluetoothMapService(28290): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
E/bt-btif (28290): cmd socket is not created
V/BluetoothMapService(28290): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
D/btif_config_util(28290): btif_config_save_file(L188): in file name:/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.new
W/bt-btif (28290): invalid l2c slot id: 1
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x000f
W/bt-btif (28290): bta_dm_disable BTA_DISABLE_DELAY set to 200 ms
E/BtOppRfcommListener(28290): Error accept connection java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
E/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): Error accept connection java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/bt-btif (28290): AG evt (hdl 0x0001): State 0, Event 0x0501
D/bt-btif (28290): AV Sevent(0x41)=0x120a(API_CLOSE) state=0(INIT)
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0017
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0017
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0011
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0013
E/bt-btif (28290): bta_gattc_deregister Deregister Failedm unknown client cif
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_DISABLE_EVT
E/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: Invalid index 66
W/ContextImpl(28085): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1696 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.beginStartingService:134 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.onReceive:115
I/BtOppRfcommListener(28290): stopping Accept Thread
I/BtOppRfcommListener(28290): BluetoothSocket listen thread finished
I/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): stopping Accept Thread
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): close L2CAP mBtServerSocket
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): waiting for thread to terminate
I/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): BluetoothL2CAPSocket listen thread finished
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): done waiting for thread to terminate
E/BTEventHandler(28290): A4WP is not supported
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/AuthorizationBluetoothService(31866): Received Bluetooth event: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x14000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$BluetoothStateChangeReceiver (has extras) }.
D/DockEventReceiver(28085): finishStartingService: stopping service
D/BluetoothPbap(28085): Proxy object disconnected
D/PbapServerProfile(28085): Bluetooth service disconnected
W/bt-btif (28290): ag scb idx 1 not allocated
E/bt-btif (28290): BTA AG is already disabled, ignoring ...
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0017
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0017
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0017
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
E/bt-btif (28290): bta_gattc_deregister Deregister Failedm unknown client cif
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_LPM_SET_MODE
D/bt_userial(28290): RX termination
W/bt_userial(28290): select_read return size <=0:-1, exiting userial_read_thread
D/bt_userial(28290): Leaving userial_read_thread()
D/bt_userial(28290): userial_close_reader Joined userial reader thread: 0
D/bt_vendor(28290): UNSUPPORED OP=9
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_CLOSE
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL OFF
D/bt_vendor(28290): cleanup
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task task_id=0 [BTU] terminating
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_exit_task 0 done
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_shutdown(): task [BTU] terminated
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = DISABLED, isTurningOn=false, isTurningOff=true
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): mProfilesStarted : true supportedProfileServices.length : 8
D/HeadsetService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Exit Disconnected: -1
D/BluetoothHeadset(31206): Proxy object disconnected
D/AudioService(31206): onServiceDisconnected: Bluetooth profile: 1
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothHeadset(31672): Proxy object disconnected
D/A2dpService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
V/Avrcp (28290): doQuit
D/A2dpStateMachine(28290): Exit Disconnected: -1
D/BluetoothHeadset(28085): Proxy object disconnected
D/HeadsetProfile(28085): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Stopping profile services that were post enabled
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/BluetoothA2dp(31206): Proxy object disconnected
D/AudioService(31206): onServiceDisconnected: Bluetooth profile: 2
D/HidService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/BluetoothA2dp(28085): Proxy object disconnected
D/A2dpProfile(28085): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/BluetoothInputDevice(28085): Proxy object disconnected
D/HidProfile(28085): Bluetooth service disconnected
W/BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth Handsfree Interface...
W/BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth Handsfree callback object
D/HealthService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/PanService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/BluetoothPan(28085): BluetoothPAN Proxy object disconnected
D/PanProfile(28085): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/BtGatt.DebugUtils(28290): handleDebugAction() action=null
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): stop()
D/BtGatt.AdvertiseManager(28290): advertise clients cleared
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): stop()
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Unregistering Email account observer
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@281d11bf
D/BluetoothMap(28085): Proxy object disconnected
D/MapProfile(28085): Bluetooth service disconnected
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task task_id=2 [A2DP-MEDIA] terminating
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_exit_task 2 done
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_shutdown(): task [A2DP-MEDIA] terminated
V/Avrcp (28290): cleanup
W/BluetoothHidServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth HID Interface...
W/BluetoothHidServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth GID callback object
W/BluetoothHealthServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth Health Interface...
W/BluetoothHealthServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth Health object
W/BluetoothPanServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth PAN Interface...
W/BluetoothPanServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth PAN callback object
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = STOPPED, isTurningOn=false, isTurningOff=true
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Setting state to 10
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 13-> 10
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 60
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 13, newState=10
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(false) to 11 receivers.
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Entering OffState
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): cleanup()
W/bt-btif (28290): GATTC Module not enabled/already disabled
W/bt-btif (28290): GATTS Module not enabled/already disabled
D/BtGatt.AdvertiseManager(28290): advertise clients cleared
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): cleanup()
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/BluetoothPan(28085): onBluetoothStateChange on: false
D/BluetoothPbap(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothInputDevice(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothA2dp(31206): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothMap(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(31206): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothA2dp(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(31672): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Calling onBluetoothServiceDown callbacks
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 9 receivers.
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Calling onQBluetoothServiceDown callbacks
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Broadcasting onQBluetoothServiceDown() to 0 receivers.
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): unbindAndFinish(): android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@363f293e mBinding = false
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Sending unbind request.
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 13 -> 10
D/BluetoothAdapter(31369): 25627290: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(31369): 25627290: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(31369): 25627290: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: Bluetooth Adapter state: 10
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
I/Coffee - BluetoothConnectionTracker(32026): Bluetooth adapter off, revoking trust
W/ContextImpl(28085): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1696 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.beginStartingService:134 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.onReceive:115
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task task_id=1 [BTIF] terminating
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_exit_task 1 done
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_shutdown(): task [BTIF] terminated
I/BluetoothServiceJni(28290): cleanupNative: return from cleanup
E/BTEventHandler(28290): A4WP is not supported
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/AuthorizationBluetoothService(31866): Received Bluetooth event: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x14000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$BluetoothStateChangeReceiver (has extras) }.
D/Index (28085): Deleting data for locale 'fr_FR' took 4 millis
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/Index (28085): Indexing locale 'fr_FR' took 2 millis
D/DockEventReceiver(28085): finishStartingService: stopping service
D/BluetoothAdapter(31751): 679669900: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): enable(): mBluetooth =null mBinding = false
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 1
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_ENABLE: mBluetooth = null
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): make
I/bluedroid(28290): init
I/bte_conf(28290): bte_load_conf attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
I/bte_conf(28290): bte_load_ble_conf attempt to load ble stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf
E/bt_osi_config(28290): config_new unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory
I/bte_conf(28290): bte_load_ble_conf file >/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf< not found
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface socket
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface map_client
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Entering OffState
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task_entry task_id=1 [BTIF] starting
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Address is:00:22:69:7F:E6:7C
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth Adapter name changed to HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Stored Bluetooth name: HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): BluetoothServiceConnection: com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 40
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 1
I/bluedroid(28290): config_hci_snoop_log
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Calling onBluetoothServiceUp callbacks
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 9 receivers.
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Name is: HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=OFF, MESSAGE = USER_TURN_ON
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Setting state to 11
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 10-> 11
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 60
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 10, newState=11
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 10 -> 11
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: Bluetooth Adapter state: 11
D/BluetoothBondStateMachine(28290): make
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkA2dpState: isA2dpSinkEnabled = false
E/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkA2dpState: returning
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkHidState: isHidDev = false
E/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkHidState: returning
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkHfpState: isHfpClientEnabled = false
E/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): checkHfpState: returning
I/BluetoothBondStateMachine(28290): StableState(): Entering Off State
D/HeadsetService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): make
I/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): skipping com.android.bluetooth.hid.HidDevService (disabled)
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Entering PendingCommandState State: isTurningOn()=true, isTurningOff()=false
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): max_hf_connections = 1
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface handsfree
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/A2dpService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
V/Avrcp (28290): make
V/Avrcp (28290): Avrcp
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface avrcp
V/Avrcp (28290): start
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Enter Disconnected: -2, size: 0
V/Avrcp (28290): registerMediaPlayers
V/Avrcp (28290): MediaPlayerInfo: mPlayerId = 1
V/Avrcp (28290): mMajorPlayerType = 1 mPlayerSubType = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mPlayState = 2 mCharsetId = 106
V/Avrcp (28290): mPlayerPackageName = com.android.music mDisplayableNameLength = 5
V/Avrcp (28290): mItemLength = 33 mEntryLength = 34
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask =
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[0] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[1] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[2] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[3] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[4] = 12
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[5] = 55
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[6] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[7] = 141
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[8] = 2
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[9] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[10] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[11] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[12] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[13] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[14] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[15] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName=
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[0] = 77
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[1] = 117
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[2] = 115
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[3] = 105
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[4] = 99
V/Avrcp (28290): MediaPlayerInfo: mPlayerId = 2
V/Avrcp (28290): mMajorPlayerType = 1 mPlayerSubType = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mPlayState = 2 mCharsetId = 106
V/Avrcp (28290): mPlayerPackageName = com.google.android.music mDisplayableNameLength = 6
V/Avrcp (28290): mItemLength = 34 mEntryLength = 35
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask =
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[0] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[1] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[2] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[3] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[4] = 12
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[5] = 55
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[6] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[7] = 5
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[8] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[9] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[10] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[11] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[12] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[13] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[14] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mFeatureMask[15] = 0
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName=
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[0] = 77
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[1] = 117
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[2] = 115
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[3] = 105
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[4] = 99
V/Avrcp (28290): mDisplayableName[5] = 50
V/AudioService(31206): updateRemoteControllerOnExistingMediaPlayers: size of Player list: 0
E/AudioService(31206): No RCC entry present to update
E/RemoteController(28290): Cannot set synchronization mode on an unregistered RemoteController
D/A2dpStateMachine(28290): make
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface a2dp
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task_entry task_id=2 [A2DP-MEDIA] starting
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_av_state_idle_handler event:BTIF_SM_ENTER_EVT flags 0
D/A2dpService(28290): setA2dpService(): set to: null
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/HidService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface hidhost
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/HealthService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
D/A2dpStateMachine(28290): Enter Disconnected: -2
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface health
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/PanService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
D/BluetoothPanServiceJni(28290): initializeNative(L110): pan
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface pan
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/BtGatt.DebugUtils(28290): handleDebugAction() action=null
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): start()
I/bluedroid(28290): get_profile_interface gatt
D/BtGatt.AdvertiseManager(28290): advertise manager created
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): inside BluetoothMapObexConnection
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): supportedMessageTypes 14
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): masId 0
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): inside BluetoothMapObexConnection
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): supportedMessageTypes 1
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): masId 1
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Inside initBinder
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Received start request. Starting profile...
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): start()
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Registering observer
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
I/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: queryPhoneState
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: handleMessage(7) w/ param 0
D/HeadsetPhoneState(28290): sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=0 mSignal=0 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=0
V/BluetoothMapService(28290): Handler(): got msg=1
E/BTEventHandler(28290): A4WP is not supported
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = STARTED, isTurningOn=true, isTurningOff=false
I/bluedroid(28290): enable
I/bt_hci_bdroid(28290): init
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task_entry task_id=0 [BTU] starting
I/bt-btu (28290): btu_task pending for preload complete event
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Disconnected process message: 11, size: 0
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
D/HeadsetPhoneState(28290): sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=0 mSignal=0 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=3
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Disconnected process message: 11, size: 0
I/bt_vendor(28290): init
I/bt_vnd_conf(28290): Attempt to load conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_vendor.conf
D/bt_userial(28290): userial_init
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_GET_LPM_IDLE_TIMEOUT
D/AuthorizationBluetoothService(31866): Received Bluetooth event: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x14000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$BluetoothStateChangeReceiver (has extras) }.
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL ON
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Resetting...
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Opening /dev/ttyHS0 @ 115200,N,noflow
I/bt_hwcfg(28290): Opened serial port /dev/ttyHS0
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1,86 rxSuccessRate=0,85 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): 0x12e9 (Unified 23c)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Chip version: Unknown
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Max key size: 128 bit
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): SCO mapping: PCM
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): read:CSR_PSKEY_BDADDR: 00-02-5B-00-A5-A5
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Overriding BDADDR to 00-22-69-7F-E6-7C
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): read:CSR_PSKEY_BDADDR: 00-22-69-7F-E6-7C
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x000e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x0011
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0154
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x0013
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x000b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x001d
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x2410
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x0031
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 30)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x2200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0050
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x2600
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0050
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0xf000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x2800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x0050
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x2d00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0050
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0xf400
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x2500
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x0040
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x2a00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x0040
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0xf800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x2200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0x0020
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x2700
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x0020
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0xfc00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0x2600
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x0010
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0x2c00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x0010
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x2c00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0x3a00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [58] = 0x0400
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x00f6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01b0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01b3
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 2)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x08a0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0016
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01b6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0060
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01b9
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0008
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01ba
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 2)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x1002
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0177
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01be
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x3afc
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01bf
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x08a8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01c7
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 4)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x03e8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x000a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0064
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01ca
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0031
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01f6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0019
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01f7
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 2)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01f8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 2)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01f9
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0003
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x01fe
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x6590
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x0203
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 32)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0002
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0036
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x0004
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0082
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x0006
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0043
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x0008
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x004b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x000a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x002c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x0010
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x000f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x0014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x0029
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0020
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0026
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0x0024
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x000d
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x0028
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x000a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0x0034
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x0003
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0x0046
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x000c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0x0064
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x000a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0x0074
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0x000a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0x0082
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [58] = 0x0004
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [60] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [62] = 0x0000
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x024d
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x025d
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x0394
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xffec
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x03aa
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 12)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xffd8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0003
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0xffeb
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0xffec
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0005
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0xfff6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0005
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x0028
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0xfffe
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x03ab
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 12)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xffd8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0003
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0xffeb
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0xffec
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0005
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0xfff6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0005
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x0028
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0xfffe
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x03d4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 1)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x0007
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x21e1
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 16)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xffd8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0002
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0xffeb
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0xffec
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0xffff
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0xfff6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0032
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x003c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x0001
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x0050
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x0002
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0064
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0003
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x2215
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 18)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xfe0b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0217
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x031b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x2d00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0xff84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0bf0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x0016
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0e84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x08f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0617
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x0100
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x0f84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x04f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x0100
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0xdc14
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0627
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0xfe0f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0xc35e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x2216
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 28)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xfe0b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x021b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x0317
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0484
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x16f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x049b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x14f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0116
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0184
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x11f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x021a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x0016
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x0784
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x0df0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0212
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0xe015
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0xfec4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x0800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x0e84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x07f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0xe015
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x0100
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0xffc4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x1300
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0x00b4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x0226
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0xfe0f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0xbae4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x2227
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 63)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x299c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0013
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x279c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0427
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x0f00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x3314
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x289c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0527
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0314
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x249c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x0627
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x2000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x6914
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x219c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0587
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0224
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0x0527
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x0514
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x1b9c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x0487
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0x0224
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x0417
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0x0677
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x0200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0x9084
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x0828
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0x0517
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0x0677
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0x0287
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [58] = 0x0424
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [60] = 0x0227
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [62] = 0x0013
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [64] = 0x0323
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [66] = 0x0013
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [68] = 0x0a33
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [70] = 0x0183
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [72] = 0xde2c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [74] = 0x0313
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [76] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [78] = 0xc521
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [80] = 0xf60f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [82] = 0x0023
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [84] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [86] = 0xc521
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [88] = 0x0114
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [90] = 0x0ba0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [92] = 0xfc0b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [94] = 0x0325
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [96] = 0x0014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [98] = 0x0f13
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [100] = 0x0127
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [102] = 0x0023
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [104] = 0x0b0e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [106] = 0xc700
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [108] = 0x5f18
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [110] = 0x009e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [112] = 0x0137
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [114] = 0x0013
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [116] = 0xff30
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [118] = 0xf7f0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [120] = 0x0f97
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [122] = 0xfc0f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [124] = 0xc70e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x2228
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 62)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0x1613
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x1030
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x2080
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x362c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x0010
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x1a23
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0xe415
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0234
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x1a0e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0xc600
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0xf518
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x009e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x1513
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0xe230
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0xe900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x3715
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0x1e34
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x0027
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0xe035
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x0118
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0x012b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x019c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0xe200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x2719
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x7000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0x009e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0xf814
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0x1583
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [58] = 0x022c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [60] = 0x0814
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [62] = 0x169b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [64] = 0x02e8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [66] = 0x0074
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [68] = 0xe900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [70] = 0x3635
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [72] = 0x7f84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [74] = 0x0328
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [76] = 0x0100
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [78] = 0x8014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [80] = 0x3f84
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [82] = 0x0220
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [84] = 0x4014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [86] = 0xe900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [88] = 0x3625
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [90] = 0x1693
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [92] = 0xe111
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [94] = 0x07a4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [96] = 0xe800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [98] = 0x8031
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [100] = 0x1523
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [102] = 0xe415
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [104] = 0x0234
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [106] = 0x1a0e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [108] = 0xc700
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [110] = 0xc518
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [112] = 0x009e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [114] = 0x1517
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [116] = 0xe500
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [118] = 0xe725
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [120] = 0xe30f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [122] = 0x6a40
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x2229
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 29)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xf60b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0127
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x8000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0xff14
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x0227
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0014
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x0327
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x0727
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x5000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0714
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x7b25
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0xcf15
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0xc000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0fc4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0xe400
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x76b5
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0xcf25
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0xe900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x3415
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0x8925
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0xe200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0x2519
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0x7000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0x00e2
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0xdb92
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x222a
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 58)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xf10b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0x0100
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x6d10
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0x0200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x3514
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x2a9c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0xe800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0x8021
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x0a23
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0xe230
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0x249c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x0b27
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x0a13
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x219c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0a13
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x0b87
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0x0620
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x0230
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x0a23
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x0200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0x5780
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0xf72c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0xe800
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0x8051
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0xe900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x3721
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [52] = 0xe415
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [54] = 0x0010
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [56] = 0x0c23
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [58] = 0x220e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [60] = 0xc900
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [62] = 0x8618
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [64] = 0x009e
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [66] = 0xfd14
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [68] = 0xf825
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [70] = 0x019c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [72] = 0xe200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [74] = 0x2919
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [76] = 0xe500
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [78] = 0xdb11
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [80] = 0x1000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [82] = 0x00c0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [84] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [86] = 0x7000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [88] = 0x00f6
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [90] = 0xf10f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [92] = 0xe015
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [94] = 0xf60b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [96] = 0x0218
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [98] = 0x0a2b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [100] = 0x0818
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [102] = 0x0b2b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [104] = 0xe200
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [106] = 0x2719
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [108] = 0xff00
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [110] = 0x7000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [112] = 0x01e2
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [114] = 0x9c36
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): PFKEY = 0x222b
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Values: (count = 26)
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [0] = 0xe419
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [2] = 0xe415
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [4] = 0x0a34
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [6] = 0xfa25
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [8] = 0x0116
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [10] = 0x0012
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [12] = 0x04e8
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [14] = 0xf881
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [16] = 0x06fc
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [18] = 0x0ce0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [20] = 0xf899
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [22] = 0x03ec
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [24] = 0x0c87
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [26] = 0x082c
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [28] = 0x0c27
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [30] = 0x8915
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [32] = 0xf000
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [34] = 0x00c4
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [36] = 0x0cb7
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [38] = 0x8925
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [40] = 0xf821
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [42] = 0x0238
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [44] = 0xfa89
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [46] = 0xedfc
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [48] = 0xf10f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): [50] = 0x338f
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Rebooting device.... Should restart in UART BCSP @ 38400,N,noflow
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/bt_hwcfg(28290): Opened serial port /dev/ttyHS0
D/bt_hwcfg(28290): Done
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_FW_CFG
I/bt-btu (28290): btu_task received preload complete event
D/bt_userial(28290): Entering userial_read_thread()
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0001
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x001f
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0003
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x1487
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HCI
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_L2CAP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_RFCOMM
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVDT
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVRC
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_A2D
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BNEP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTM
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HID_HOST
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_GAP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_PAN
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SDP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_GATT
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SMP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HID_DEV
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTAPP
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTIF
I/ (28290): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_LATENCY_AUDIO
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/bt-hci (28290): No command in queue matching opcode 0
E/bt-btm (28290): BTM_SecRegister:p_cb_info->p_le_callback == 0x6bc51001
E/bt-btm (28290): BTM_SecRegister: btm_cb.api.p_le_callback = 0x6bc51001
E/bt-btif (28290): Calling BTA_HhEnable
E/bt-btif (28290): btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x2140040
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Address is:00:22:69:7F:E6:7C
D/bt-btif (28290): AG evt (hdl 0x0001): State 0, Event 0x0500
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0017
D/bt-btif (28290): AVRC_Open AVRC_Open role: 1, control:3 status:0, handle:0
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0011
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x0013
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth Adapter name changed to HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Stored Bluetooth name: HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Name is: HP Touchpad
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Scan Mode:21
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Discoverable Timeout:120
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_SCO_CFG
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_LPM_SET_MODE
D/bte_conf(28290): Device ID record 1 : primary
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x000f
D/bte_conf(28290): vendorId = 001d
D/bte_conf(28290): vendorIdSource = 0001
D/bte_conf(28290): product = 1200
D/bte_conf(28290): version = 1436
D/bte_conf(28290): clientExecutableURL =
D/bte_conf(28290): serviceDescription =
D/bte_conf(28290): documentationURL =
D/bte_conf(28290): bte_load_did_conf no section named DID2.
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = ENABLE_READY, isTurningOn=true, isTurningOff=false
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): ScanMode = 21
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): State = 11
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Setting state to 12
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 11-> 12
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 60
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 11, newState=12
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(true) to 11 receivers.
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_ENABLE_EVT
E/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: Invalid index -1
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_REGISTER_EVT
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_av_state_idle_handler event:BTA_AV_ENABLE_EVT flags 0
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_av_state_idle_handler event:BTA_AV_REGISTER_EVT flags 0
D/BluetoothPanServiceJni(28290): control_state_callback(L61): state:0, local_role:3, ifname:bt-pan
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Discoverable Timeout:120
D/BluetoothPan(28085): onBluetoothStateChange on: true
D/BluetoothPan(28085): onBluetoothStateChange call bindService
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Entering On State
W/bt-hci (28290): No command in queue matching opcode 8194
D/BluetoothPbap(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): Proxy object connected
D/BluetoothInputDevice(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothA2dp(31206): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/BluetoothA2dp(31206): Proxy object connected
D/BluetoothPan(28085): BluetoothPAN Proxy object connected
D/PanProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
D/BluetoothInputDevice(28085): Proxy object connected
D/HidProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): Proxy object connected
D/BluetoothMap(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothMap(28085): Proxy object connected
D/MapProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
D/BluetoothMap(28085): getConnectedDevices()
D/BluetoothHeadset(31206): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothHeadset(31206): Proxy object connected
D/BluetoothA2dp(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothA2dp(28085): Proxy object connected
D/BluetoothHeadset(31672): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/A2dpProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
D/BluetoothHeadset(31672): Proxy object connected
D/CallNotifier(31672): - Got BluetoothHeadset: android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset@3c756cd6
D/BluetoothHeadset(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 11 -> 12
D/BluetoothHeadset(28085): Proxy object connected
D/HeadsetProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): onReceive
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): onReceive, action android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): STATE_ON
V/BluetoothMapService(28290): Handler(): got msg=1
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: Bluetooth Adapter state: 12
I/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: handleMessage: request is null
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
W/BluetoothAdapter(28290): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): inside SocketAcceptThread
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Scan Mode:21
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Removing from the list, masid 0
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Accepting socket connection...
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
W/BluetoothAdapter(28290): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): inside SocketAcceptThread
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Removing from the list, masid 1
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Accepting socket connection...
E/bt-btif (28290): bte_scan_filt_param_cfg_evt, 1
E/bt-btif (28290): bte_scan_filt_param_cfg_evt, 1
W/bt-btif (28290): bta_dm_check_av:0
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Discoverable Timeout:120
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Scan Mode:21
W/ContextImpl(28085): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1696 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.beginStartingService:134 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.onReceive:115
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
W/BluetoothAdapter(28290): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
V/BluetoothDiscoveryReceiver(28085): Received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED
E/BTEventHandler(28290): A4WP is not supported
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): Starting L2cap listener....
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
D/Index (28085): Deleting data for locale 'fr_FR' took 16 millis
W/BluetoothAdapter(28290): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
W/BluetoothAdapter(28290): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
E/bt-btif (28290): poll socket type should not changed! type was:3, type now:1
I/BtOppRfcommListener(28290): Accept thread started.
E/bt-btif (28290): poll socket type should not changed! type was:1, type now:3
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): Started L2Cap listener....
I/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): Accept thread started
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): Accepting connection...
D/DockEventReceiver(28085): finishStartingService: stopping service
D/AuthorizationBluetoothService(31866): Received Bluetooth event: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x14000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$BluetoothStateChangeReceiver (has extras) }.
D/c (31866): Getting all permits...
D/a (31866): Opening database...
D/BluetoothPbap(28085): Proxy object connected
D/PbapServerProfile(28085): Bluetooth service connected
D/a (31866): Opening database auth.proximity.permit_store...
D/a (31866): Closing database...
D/Index (28085): Indexing locale 'fr_FR' took 33 millis
I/art (31206): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 18324(840KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(32KB) LOS objects, 18% free, 17MB/21MB, paused 2.655ms total 190.032ms
D/A2dpService(28290): getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@3652cc50
D/A2dpSinkService(28290): getA2dpSinkService(): service is NULL
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search for broadcast com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.sidekick.main.calendar.CalendarIntentService$CalendarReceiver: pid=28750 uid=10021 gids={50021, 9997, 3003, 3001, 1028, 3002, 1015, 1005} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/art (28750): Suspending all threads took: 5.554ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppProvider: pid=28773 uid=10018 gids={50018, 9997, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/art (28750): Long monitor contention event with owner method=com.google.android.search.core.n com.google.android.velvet.q.aed() from VelvetServices.java:389 waiters=0 for 671ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/WifiService(31206): New client listening to asynchronous messages
W/GAV2 (28750): Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=28807 uid=10001 gids={50001, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/InputMethodInfo(31206): Duplicated subtype definition found: , voice
W/ResourcesManager(28807): Asset path '/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
I/CalendarProvider2(28807): Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@18bdcf19(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@2440fbde)
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/CalendarProvider2(28807): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar }
W/ContentResolver(28807): Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.calendar for broadcast com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=28836 uid=10026 gids={50026, 9997, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ExtensionsFactory(28836): No custom extensions.
D/AlertReceiver(28836): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver }
D/AlertService(28836): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.calendar for broadcast com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=28865 uid=10062 gids={50062, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/SQLiteLog(28865): (283) recovered 51 frames from WAL file /data/data/com.google.android.calendar/databases/timelydata.db-wal
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/AnalyticsLogBase(28865): PlayLogger.onLoggerConnected
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/GAV2 (28750): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/GlobalDismissManager(28836): no sender configured
D/AlertService(28836): Beginning updateAlertNotification
D/AlertService(28836): No fired or scheduled alerts
D/AlertService(28836): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
D/AlarmScheduler(28836): Query result count for events starting within 1 week: 1
D/AlarmScheduler(28836): Scheduling alarm for EVENT_REMINDER_APP broadcast for event 188 at 1426278558459 (ven., mars 13, 2015 09:29pm)
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/bt-btif (28290): bte_scan_filt_param_cfg_evt, 1
V/BluetoothDiscoveryReceiver(28085): Received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED
I/GAV2 (28865): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc ccc71.bmw.icons.xda.circleB.white for broadcast ccc71.bmw.icons.xda.circleB.white/.bmw_notification: pid=28966 uid=10102 gids={50102, 9997} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc ccc71.bmw.icons.fma for broadcast ccc71.bmw.icons.fma/.bmw_notification: pid=28983 uid=10101 gids={50101, 9997} abi=armeabi-v7a
I/battery_widget_monitor(28983): Notify: / Battery Monitor Widget Pro
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=2,03 rxSuccessRate=1,01 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24677): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 2MB/2MB, paused 305us total 42.572ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): disable(): mBluetooth = android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@330007c5 mBinding = false
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 2
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Sending off request.
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=ON, MESSAGE = USER_TURN_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Setting state to 13
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 12-> 13
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): onBluetoothDisable()
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Entering PendingCommandState State: isTurningOn()=false, isTurningOff()=true
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Scan Mode:21
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = BEGIN_DISABLE, isTurningOn=false, isTurningOff=true
V/BluetoothMapService(28290): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
E/bt-btif (28290): cmd socket is not created
V/BluetoothMapService(28290): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
D/btif_config_util(28290): btif_config_save_file(L188): in file name:/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.new
E/BtOppRfcommListener(28290): Error accept connection java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 60
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 12, newState=13
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 12 -> 13
W/bt-btif (28290): invalid l2c slot id: 2
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x000f
W/bt-btif (28290): bta_dm_disable BTA_DISABLE_DELAY set to 200 ms
D/bt-btif (28290): AG evt (hdl 0x0001): State 0, Event 0x0501
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_DISAB(INIT)
D/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_DISAB(INIT)
E/bt-btif (28290): btif_hf_upstreams_evt: Invalid index -1
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0017
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0017
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0011
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0013
E/bt-btif (28290): bta_gattc_deregister Deregister Failedm unknown client cif
E/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): Error accept connection java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): onReceive
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): onReceive, action android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: Bluetooth Adapter state: 13
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): STATE_TURNING_OFF removeTimeoutMsg:false
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
I/BtOppRfcommListener(28290): stopping Accept Thread
I/BtOppRfcommListener(28290): BluetoothSocket listen thread finished
I/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): stopping Accept Thread
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): close L2CAP mBtServerSocket
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): waiting for thread to terminate
I/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): BluetoothL2CAPSocket listen thread finished
V/BtOppL2CapListener(28290): done waiting for thread to terminate
W/ContextImpl(28085): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1696 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.beginStartingService:134 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.onReceive:115
E/BTEventHandler(28290): A4WP is not supported
D/AuthorizationBluetoothService(31866): Received Bluetooth event: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x14000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$BluetoothStateChangeReceiver (has extras) }.
D/DockEventReceiver(28085): finishStartingService: stopping service
D/BluetoothPbap(28085): Proxy object disconnected
D/PbapServerProfile(28085): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_LPM_SET_MODE
D/bt_userial(28290): RX termination
W/bt_userial(28290): select_read return size <=0:-1, exiting userial_read_thread
D/bt_userial(28290): Leaving userial_read_thread()
W/bt-btif (28290): ag scb idx 1 not allocated
E/bt-btif (28290): BTA AG is already disabled, ignoring ...
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0017
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0017
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0019
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x0017
W/bt-l2cap(28290): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
E/bt-btif (28290): bta_gattc_deregister Deregister Failedm unknown client cif
D/bt_userial(28290): userial_close_reader Joined userial reader thread: 0
D/bt_vendor(28290): UNSUPPORED OP=9
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_CLOSE
D/bt_vendor(28290): BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL OFF
D/bt_vendor(28290): cleanup
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task task_id=0 [BTU] terminating
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_exit_task 0 done
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_shutdown(): task [BTU] terminated
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = DISABLED, isTurningOn=false, isTurningOff=true
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): mProfilesStarted : true supportedProfileServices.length : 8
D/HeadsetService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/HeadsetStateMachine(28290): Exit Disconnected: -1
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothHeadset(31672): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothHeadset(31206): Proxy object disconnected
D/AudioService(31206): onServiceDisconnected: Bluetooth profile: 1
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Stopping profile services that were post enabled
D/A2dpService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
V/Avrcp (28290): doQuit
D/A2dpStateMachine(28290): Exit Disconnected: -1
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/BluetoothA2dp(31206): Proxy object disconnected
D/AudioService(31206): onServiceDisconnected: Bluetooth profile: 2
D/HidService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/BluetoothHeadset(28085): Proxy object disconnected
D/HeadsetProfile(28085): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/BluetoothA2dp(28085): Proxy object disconnected
D/A2dpProfile(28085): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/BluetoothInputDevice(28085): Proxy object disconnected
D/HidProfile(28085): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/HealthService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/PanService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
W/BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth Handsfree Interface...
W/BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth Handsfree callback object
D/BtGatt.DebugUtils(28290): handleDebugAction() action=null
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): stop()
D/BtGatt.AdvertiseManager(28290): advertise clients cleared
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Received stop request...Stopping profile...
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): stop()
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): Unregistering Email account observer
D/BluetoothAdapterService(28290): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@29941c87
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task task_id=2 [A2DP-MEDIA] terminating
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_exit_task 2 done
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_shutdown(): task [A2DP-MEDIA] terminated
V/Avrcp (28290): cleanup
W/BluetoothHidServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth HID Interface...
W/BluetoothHidServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth GID callback object
W/BluetoothHealthServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth Health Interface...
W/BluetoothHealthServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth Health object
W/BluetoothPanServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth PAN Interface...
W/BluetoothPanServiceJni(28290): Cleaning up Bluetooth PAN callback object
D/BtGatt.GattService(28290): cleanup()
W/bt-btif (28290): GATTC Module not enabled/already disabled
W/bt-btif (28290): GATTS Module not enabled/already disabled
D/BtGatt.AdvertiseManager(28290): advertise clients cleared
D/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = STOPPED, isTurningOn=false, isTurningOff=true
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(28290): Setting state to 10
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 13-> 10
I/BluetoothAdapterState(28290): Entering OffState
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Message: 60
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 13, newState=10
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(false) to 11 receivers.
D/BluetoothPan(28085): onBluetoothStateChange on: false
D/BluetoothPbap(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothInputDevice(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): cleanup()
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/BluetoothMapService(28290): MAP Service closeService in
D/BluetoothA2dp(31206): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(31649): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothMap(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(31206): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothA2dp(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(31672): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(28085): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Calling onBluetoothServiceDown callbacks
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 9 receivers.
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Calling onQBluetoothServiceDown callbacks
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Broadcasting onQBluetoothServiceDown() to 0 receivers.
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): unbindAndFinish(): android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@330007c5 mBinding = false
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Sending unbind request.
D/BluetoothManagerService(31206): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 13 -> 10
D/Telecom (31649): BluetoothPhoneService: Bluetooth Adapter state: 10
D/BluetoothAdapter(31369): 25627290: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(31369): 25627290: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(31369): 25627290: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
I/Coffee - BluetoothConnectionTracker(32026): Bluetooth adapter off, revoking trust
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
E/BluetoothAdapterService(697572487)(28290): Repeated wake lock release; aborting release: bluedroid_timer
E/GKI_LINUX(28290): alarm_service_reschedule unable to release wake lock with no timers: 1
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): gki_task task_id=1 [BTIF] terminating
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_exit_task 1 done
I/GKI_LINUX(28290): GKI_shutdown(): task [BTIF] terminated
I/BluetoothServiceJni(28290): cleanupNative: return from cleanup
D/Index (28085): Deleting data for locale 'fr_FR' took 6 millis
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/Index (28085): Indexing locale 'fr_FR' took 3 millis
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/art (31206): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 22195(1074KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 18% free, 17MB/21MB, paused 8.697ms total 241.058ms
D/BluetoothAdapter(31751): 679669900: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
W/ContextImpl(28085): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1696 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:515 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.beginStartingService:134 com.android.settings.bluetooth.DockEventReceiver.onReceive:115
E/BTEventHandler(28290): A4WP is not supported
D/DockEventReceiver(28085): finishStartingService: stopping service
D/AuthorizationBluetoothService(31866): Received Bluetooth event: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x14000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.auth.be.proximity.authorization.bt.AuthorizationBluetoothService$BluetoothStateChangeReceiver (has extras) }.
D/BluetoothAdapter(31751): 679669900: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/BluetoothAdapterService(672993727)(28290): cleanup() - Service already starting to cleanup, ignoring request...
I/art (25049): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3(96B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 335us total 20.812ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1,04 rxSuccessRate=0,52 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-68
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24314): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 688(47KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 366us total 64.300ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (24543): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2642(214KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 24% free, 4MB/6MB, paused 518us total 105.865ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (20261): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 43(1984B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 5MB/7MB, paused 335us total 26.855ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.deskclock for broadcast com.android.deskclock/com.android.alarmclock.DigitalAppWidgetProvider: pid=29016 uid=10030 gids={50030, 9997, 1028} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,20 rxSuccessRate=0,16 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-69
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/LocalBluetoothManager(28085): setting foreground activity to null
D/BluetoothAdapter(28085): 792131973: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/DashboardSummary(28085): rebuildUI took: 148 ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/OpenGLRenderer(28085): endAllStagingAnimators on 0x6b3f3c80 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7080de10
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@72dcc45 time:25384676
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 56
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler(31369): CM callback handler got msg 524290
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3c48a84 u0 com.android.settings/.Settings t14} time:25384895
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 60
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler(31369): CM callback handler got msg 524290
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1,07 rxSuccessRate=0,57 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/GCM (31866): Message class com.google.e.a.a.h
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,38 rxSuccessRate=0,32 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-68
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,44 rxSuccessRate=0,54 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-68
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.android.settings time:25448398
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/SubSettings(28085): Launching fragment com.android.settings.deviceinfo.Memory
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.defcontainer for service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService: pid=29097 uid=10003 gids={50003, 9997, 1028, 1015, 1023, 2001, 1035} abi=armeabi-v7a
I/ActivityManager(31206): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +528ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Ringtones) returned 118784
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Pictures) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/DCIM) returned 397312
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Podcasts) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Notifications) returned 65536
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Music) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Movies) returned 8192
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@5ff8fd2 time:25449204
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{16674796 u0 com.android.settings/.SubSettings t14} time:25449348
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Android) returned 728514560
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Download) returned 227295232
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Alarms) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/rc) returned 3076096
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/.boxinstall) returned 20480
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/downloads) returned 3452928
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/backups) returned 20480
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/pnr_report) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/TunnyBrowser) returned 101715968
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/EVUpdates) returned 1118507008
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/rdtmp) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/TWRP) returned 2828771328
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/.atcache) returned 73728
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0) returned 5013012480
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0) returned 5013012480
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/.estrongs) returned 602112
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0) returned 5013012480
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW_DOWNLOADS cmp=com.android.providers.downloads.ui/.DownloadList (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc android.process.media for activity com.android.providers.downloads.ui/.DownloadList: pid=29167 uid=10004 gids={50004, 9997, 2001, 3003, 1028, 1015, 3007, 1023, 1024} abi=armeabi-v7a
I/art (30971): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 704(30KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 1819KB/2MB, paused 366us total 24.597ms
I/art (31206): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 57025(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 3(45KB) LOS objects, 9% free, 19MB/21MB, paused 9.552ms total 103.057ms
I/art (30971): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7(240B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 1819KB/2MB, paused 244us total 15.838ms
I/art (30971): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 1819KB/2MB, paused 305us total 19.378ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/SQLiteLog(29167): (283) recovered 38 frames from WAL file /data/data/com.android.providers.media/databases/external.db-wal
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.provider.action.MANAGE_ROOT dat=content://com.android.providers.downloads.documents/root/downloads cmp=com.android.documentsui/.DocumentsActivity} from uid 10004 on display 0
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.documentsui for activity com.android.documentsui/.DocumentsActivity: pid=29187 uid=10032 gids={50032, 9997} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.android.externalstorage for content provider com.android.externalstorage/.ExternalStorageProvider: pid=29206 uid=10005 gids={50005, 9997, 1028, 1015, 1023} abi=armeabi-v7a
D/OpenGLRenderer(29187): Render dirty regions requested: true
D/Atlas (29187): Validating map...
W/surfaceflinger( 142): type=1400 audit(0.0:354): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3916 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
I/Adreno200-EGL(29187): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
I/Adreno200-EGL(29187): Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
I/Adreno200-EGL(29187): Local Branch:
I/Adreno200-EGL(29187): Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
I/Adreno200-EGL(29187): Local Patches: NONE
I/Adreno200-EGL(29187): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. + NOTHING
I/OpenGLRenderer(29187): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
D/OpenGLRenderer(29187): Enabling debug mode 0
D/ExternalStorage(29206): After updating volumes, found 2 active roots
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.box.android for content provider com.box.android/.providers.BoxDocumentsProvider: pid=29227 uid=10113 gids={50113, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
D/Documents(29187): Current stack:
D/Documents(29187): * Root{authority=com.android.providers.downloads.documents, rootId=downloads, title=Tlchargements}
D/Documents(29187): +-- Document{docId=downloads, name=null}
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Displayed com.android.documentsui/.DocumentsActivity: +1s33ms (total +1s560ms)
I/Timeline(29187): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@3bb0f90 time:25455279
I/ActivityManager(31206): Killing 28177:com.evervolv.updater:ManifestService/u0a34 (adj 15): empty #17
D/Documents(29187): userMode=2, userSortOrder=0 --> mode=2, sortOrder=2
W/libprocessgroup(31206): failed to open /acct/uid_10034/pid_28177/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3bbacbef u0 com.android.documentsui/.DocumentsActivity t14} time:25455436
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/BugSenseHandler(29227): Registering default exceptions handler
W/art (29227): Suspending all threads took: 27.191ms
I/BugSenseHandler(29227): Flushing...
I/BugSenseHandler(29227): Registering default exceptions handler
I/art (29227): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 7110(403KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(80KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 3MB/3MB, paused 36.987ms total 166.900ms
I/art (29227): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1977(132KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 3MB/5MB, paused 5.981ms total 74.768ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/RecursiveFileObserver(24511): CLOSE_WRITE: /mnt/sdcard/.boxinstall/install
W/ActivityManager(31206): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.box.android/.services.AutoContentUploadService } U=0: not found
W/ActivityManager(31206): Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.box.android/.services.AutoContentUploadService } U=0: not found
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/art (29227): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10529(783KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(119KB) LOS objects, 15% free, 4MB/5MB, paused 5.279ms total 74.005ms
I/art (29227): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13457(608KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 11% free, 4MB/5MB, paused 5.737ms total 52.764ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art (29227): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3095(178KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(32KB) LOS objects, 7% free, 4MB/5MB, paused 6.256ms total 36.590ms
D/GCM (24543): COMPAT: Multi user ser=0 current=0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/LevelDB (29227): getBoxObject2 with key = jobitem://jobCollectionList/0 and value = {"type":"jobCollectionList","id":"0","type":"jobCollectionList","mChildTypedIdStrings":[],"mIsCancelled":false,"mIsPaused":false,"paused":false,"successfullyCompleted":true}
I/GCM (31866): GCM config loaded
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=7,09 rxSuccessRate=4,07 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-69
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.google.android.apps.docs for content provider com.google.android.apps.docs/.storagebackend.StorageBackendContentProvider: pid=29286 uid=10106 gids={50106, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.evervolv.updater (pid 28124) has died
E/lowmemorykiller( 139): Error writing /proc/28424/oom_score_adj; errno=22
E/lowmemorykiller( 139): Error writing /proc/28424/oom_score_adj; errno=22
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.android.email (pid 28424) has died
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Ringtones) returned 118784
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Pictures) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/DCIM) returned 397312
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Podcasts) returned 8192
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@5ff8fd2 time:25459199
I/ActivityManager(31206): Killing 28474:android.process.acore/u0a2 (adj 15): empty #17
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Notifications) returned 65536
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Music) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Movies) returned 8192
W/libprocessgroup(31206): failed to open /acct/uid_10002/pid_28474/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Android) returned 728514560
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Download) returned 227295232
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/Alarms) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/rc) returned 3076096
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/.boxinstall) returned 20480
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/downloads) returned 3452928
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/backups) returned 20480
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/pnr_report) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0) returned 5013012480
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0) returned 5013012480
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/TunnyBrowser) returned 101715968
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/EVUpdates) returned 1118507008
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/rdtmp) returned 8192
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/TWRP) returned 2828771328
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/.atcache) returned 73728
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0/.estrongs) returned 602112
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0) returned 5013012480
D/StorageMeasurement(28085): getDirectorySize(/storage/emulated/0) returned 5013012480
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/art (29286): Suspending all threads took: 33.111ms
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/DashboardSummary(28085): rebuildUI took: 414 ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@72dcc45 time:25461320
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3c48a84 u0 com.android.settings/.Settings t14} time:25461556
W/SyncWapiModule(29286): isPlayServicesEnabled=
W/SyncWapiModule(29286): isPlayServicesEnabled=
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/GAV2 (29286): Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
W/art (29286): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeFinalizeStatement(long, long) from SQLiteConnection.java:4294967294 waiters=0 for 225ms
W/GAV4 (24543): Thread[Thread-1827,5,main]: Using destination https://ssl.google-analytics.com
D/Documents(29187): Update found 9 roots in 7864ms
D/Documents(29187): Update found 9 roots in 7146ms
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/GAV2 (29286): Thread[main,5,main]: dispatch call queued. Need to call GAServiceManager.getInstance().initialize().
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ProcessCpuTracker(31206): Skipping unknown process pid 29339
W/ProcessCpuTracker(31206): Skipping unknown process pid 29340
W/ProcessCpuTracker(31206): Skipping unknown process pid 29342
W/ProcessCpuTracker(31206): Skipping unknown process pid 29343
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=3,14 rxSuccessRate=2,13 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-70
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/Timeline(28085): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.evervolv.toolbox time:25466308
I/ActivityManager(31206): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox} from uid 1000 on display 0
I/ActivityManager(31206): Start proc com.evervolv.toolbox for activity com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox: pid=29391 uid=1000 gids={41000, 9997, 1028, 3003, 1015, 3002, 3001} abi=armeabi-v7a
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/OpenGLRenderer(28085): endAllStagingAnimators on 0x6a319e00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x6a3aef60
D/Toolbox (29391): Selected item=0
D/OpenGLRenderer(29391): Render dirty regions requested: true
D/Atlas (29391): Validating map...
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Adreno200-EGL(29391): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3896081)
I/Adreno200-EGL(29391): Build Date: 06/25/13 Tue
I/Adreno200-EGL(29391): Local Branch:
I/Adreno200-EGL(29391): Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.5
I/Adreno200-EGL(29391): Local Patches: NONE
I/Adreno200-EGL(29391): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. + NOTHING
I/OpenGLRenderer(29391): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
D/OpenGLRenderer(29391): Enabling debug mode 0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Displayed com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox: +1s79ms
I/Timeline(31206): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{17536a54 u0 com.evervolv.toolbox/.Toolbox t14} time:25467481
I/Timeline(29391): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@36b8f5ee time:25467506
W/PackageManager(31206): Empty queue
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 56
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler(31369): CM callback handler got msg 524290
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/Toolbox (29391): Selected item=0
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/RenderThread(31935): type=1400 audit(0.0:355): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3916 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/ActivityManager(31206): Killing 28773:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a18 (adj 15): empty #17
W/libprocessgroup(31206): failed to open /acct/uid_10018/pid_28773/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 60
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler(31369): CM callback handler got msg 524290
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1,17 rxSuccessRate=0,66 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-69
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,20 rxSuccessRate=0,16 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=3,05 rxSuccessRate=1,54 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=2,34 rxSuccessRate=2,32 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-69
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,44 rxSuccessRate=0,28 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityThread(24543): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=5,61 rxSuccessRate=4,07 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,39 rxSuccessRate=0,33 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/RenderThread(31935): type=1400 audit(0.0:356): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3916 scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
I/battery_widget_monitor(28983): Notify: / Battery Monitor Widget Pro
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/Toolbox (29391): Selected item=2
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1,26 rxSuccessRate=0,63 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-68
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,56 rxSuccessRate=0,41 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/surfaceflinger( 142): type=1400 audit(0.0:357): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3916 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
D/Toolbox (29391): Selected item=3
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0,38 rxSuccessRate=0,19 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-68
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 56
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler(31369): CM callback handler got msg 524290
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/Toolbox (29391): Selected item=4
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/Choreographer(29391): Skipped 32 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
D/ConnectivityService(31206): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 60
D/ConnectivityService(31206): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityService(31206): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService(31206): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler(31369): CM callback handler got msg 524290
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/ProcessStatsService(31206): Prepared write state in 14ms
I/ProcessStatsService(31206): Prepared write state in 9ms
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=2,04 rxSuccessRate=1,03 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-69
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1,26 rxSuccessRate=0,76 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-68
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/Toolbox (29391): Selected item=5
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1,51 rxSuccessRate=0,88 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-70
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=3,02 rxSuccessRate=1,51 targetRoamBSSID=any RSSI=-67
E/WifiStateMachine(31206): WifiStateMachine starting scan for "NeufBox"WPA_PSK with 2412
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
I/wpa_supplicant(25146): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
E/wpa_supplicant(25146): recvfrom(ctrl_iface): Try again
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/EVToolbox(29391): Calling dumplogcat:-D -B -o /data/data/com.evervolv.toolbox/files/logcat -m
W/RenderThread(29409): type=1400 audit(0.0:358): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3916 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
W/RenderThread(29409): type=1400 audit(0.0:359): avc: denied { read write } for path="/dev/kgsl-3d0" dev="tmpfs" ino=3916 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file
D/WifiService(31206): Client connection lost with reason: 4
I/ActivityManager(31206): Process com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (pid 28750) has died
V/RenderScript(29391): 0x7097b200 Launching thread(s), CPUs 2
W/ActivityManager(31206): getTasks: caller 10118 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
[logcat: 0.0s elapsed]
Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.evervolv.toolbox.action.DUMPLOGCAT_FINISHED (has extras) }
Broadcast completed: result=0